Peteraf (1993)

The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View
Margaret A. Peteraf
Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3. (Mar., 1993), pp. 179-191.
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Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 14, 179-1 91 (1993)
J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evsnston,
Illinois, U.S.A.
This paper elucidates the underlying economics of the resource-based view of competitive
advantage and integrates existing perspectives into a parsimonious model of resources and
firm performance. The essence of this model is that four conditions underlie sustained
competitive advantage, all of which must be met. These include superior resources
(heterogeneity within an industry), ex post limits to competition, imperfect resource mobility,
and ex ante limits to competition. In the concluding section, applications of the model for
both single business strategy and corporate strategy are discussed.
In recent years, a model of how firms compete,
which is unique to the field of strategic management, has begun to emerge. Known as the
'Resource-Based View', it is regarded by some
as having momentous potential as a paradigm
for our field. Others wonder whether this
emergent model provides much additional insight
over traditional understandings. Admittedly,
resource-based work is consistent with and rooted
squarely in the policy research tradition. The
notion that firms are fundamentally heterogeneous, in terms of their resources and internal
capabilities, has long been at the heart of
the field of strategic management. The classic
approach to strategy formulation, for example,
begins with an appraisal of organizational competencies and resources (Andrews, 1971). Those
which are distinctive or superior relative to those
of rivals, may become the basis for competitive
advantage if they are matched appropriately to
Key words: Resources, rents, competitive advantage,
single-business strategy, corporate strategy
01993 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
environmental opportunities (Andrews, 1971;
Thompson and Strickland, 1990).
Those ideas may be thought of as the basic
principles upon which resource-based research
continues to build. While the model is still in
the developmental stage, it has deepened our
understanding regarding such topics as how
resources are applied and combined, what makes
competitive advantage sustainable, the nature of
rents, and the origins of heter0geneity.l The
work of Penrose (1959) is considered a very
influential force. Other notable contributions
include Lippman and Rumelt (1982), Teece
(1980, 1982), Nelson and Winter (1982), Rumelt
(1984, 1987), Wernerfelt (1984), Barney (1986,
1991), Dierickx and Cool (1989), Castanias and
Helfat (1991), Conner (1991), and Mahoney and
Pandian (1992). This research stream is an
impressive one. And while many agree that there
is a need for greater rigor and richness of detail,
the work that has been done provides a strong
foundation and an inspiration for work to come.
In reviewing this work, one encounters numerI This is not meant to suggest that the contributions of
resource-based work have been limited to these topics.
Received 27 April 1992
Final revision received 9 November 1992
M. A. Peteraf
ous strands of research on a series of closely
related topics. While each paper offers a distinct
contribution, there is also considerable overlap
of ideas. To the uninitiated this may be confusing.
In part, this is because subtle variations in
terminology across papers have made communication more difficult. But in addition, the
underlying model seems somewhat disjoint, as if
the ideas of these disparate authors have not
fully coalesced into an integrated whole. While
there is general agreement as to the basic insights
of the model, there are small disagreements over
minor points.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a
general model of resources and firm performance
which at once integrates the various strands of
research and provides a common ground from
which further work can proceed. My aim is to
build consensus for a parsimonious model, clarify
basic issues, suggest possible implications, and,
in so doing, facilitate the continuing dialogue
among scholars.
In the first section, a resource-based model
of the theoretical conditions which underlie
competitive advantage is presented. There are
four such conditions, all of which must be met.
The first of these is resource heterogeneity, from
which come Ricardian or monopoly rents. Ex
post limits to competition are necessary to sustain
the rents. Imperfect resource mobility ensures
that the rents are bound to the firm and shared
by it. Ex ante limits to competition prevent costs
from offsetting the rents. Each of these conditions
is described in turn.
The model is intended to aid our theoretical
understanding of superior firm performance as
well as to inform management practice.
In the final section, some applications and
implications of the model are described. In
particular, the application of resource-based
work to single-business strategy, as well as to
multibusiness corporate strategy, in all of its
forms, is discussed.
A basic assumption of resource-based work
is that the
underlying production are heterogeneous across
firms (Barney, 1991).2 One might describe
productive factors in use as having intrinsically
differential levels of 'efficiency.' Some are
superior to others. Firms endowed with such
resources are able to produce more economically
and/or better satisfy customer wants.
Heterogeneity implies that firms of varying
capabilities are able to compete in the marketplace and, at least, breakeven. Firms with
marginal resources can only expect to b r e a k e ~ e n . ~
Firms with superior resources will earn rents.4
Ricardian rents
Heterogeneity in an industry may reflect the
presence of superior productive factors which
are in limited supply. They may be fixed factors
which cannot be expanded. More often, they are
quasi-fixed, in the sense that their supply cannot
be expanded rapidly. They are scarce in the
sense that they are insufficient to satisfy demand
for their services. Thus, inferior resources are
brought into production as well.
This is the familiar Ricardian a r g ~ m e n t .It~
may be understood most clearly by assuming
that firms with superior resources have lower
average costs than other firms6 (See Figure 1.)
These low cost firms have somewhat inelastic
supply curves, in that they cannot expand output
rapidly, regardless of how high the price may
be. High prices, however, do induce other less
efficient firms to enter the industry. Such firms
will enter and produce so long as price exceeds
their marginal cost (MC). In equilibrium, industry
demand and supply are in balance, high-cost
firms breakeven (P = AC), and low-cost firms
earn supranormal profits in the form of rents to
their scarce resources (P > AC).
Note that this model is consistent with competitive behavior in the product market. Firms are
price takers and produce at the point where
See Nelson (1991) and Williams (1992) for discussions on
why firms are different.
In equilibrium, industry demand and supply conditions
determine the minimum efficiency level required to breakeven.
Earnings in excess of breakeven are called rents, rather
than profits, if their existence does not induce new
' ~ e Rk icardo (1817) and Rumelt (1987).
Note, however, that superior resources do not necessarily
lead to a low cost oosition. This is simolv the most tractable
Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage
High Cost Firm
Low Cost Firm
Figure 1. Scarcity rents with heterogeneous factors Key: P" = Equilibrium Price, O = Rents to Efficient Producer Industry
Inefficient Firm
Efficient Firms
Figure 2. Imitation (expansion) of low cost firms causes rents to disipate and high-cost firms to exit
Key: P** = New Equilibrium Price
price equals marginal cost. The high returns of
efficient firms cannot be attributed to an artificial
restriction of output or to market power. Neither
do they depend upon uniqueness or even rarity
in the absolute sense. It is theoretically possible
for rents to be earned by a number of equally
efficient producers, so long as an efficiency
differential remains between them and other
producers. What is key is that the superior
resources remain limited in supply. Thus, efficient
firms can sustain this type of competitive advantage only if their resources cannot be expanded
freely or imitated by other firms.
Consider what happens if this is not so. (See
Figure 2.) Increased production by additional
efficient producers will shift the supply curve
out. This will drive down the equilibrium price,
forcing marginal firms to leave the market.
Remaining firms will produce at the point where
price equals both marginal cost and average cost.
As a result, rents will be dissipated and only
normal returns will be earned by efficient (now
homogeneous) producers.
The Ricardian model is often thought of with
respect to resources which are strictly fixed in
supply. But it may be applied as well to quasifixed resources, which are of much greater
importance. These are resources which, while
limited in the short run, may be renewed and
expanded incrementally within the firm that
utilizes them.7 Utilization of such resources may
in fact augment them.
Prahalad and Hamel (1990) describe how core
competencies, particularly those which involve
collective learning and are knowledge-based, are
'See Nelson and Winter (1982) and Wernerfelt (1989).
M . A . Peteraf
enhanced as they are applied. Such resources
may provide both the basis and the direction for
the growth of the firm itself. For example, there
may be a natural trajectory embedded in a firm's
knowledge base.8 Current capabilities may both
impel and constrain future learning and investgrowth and renewal
ment a ~ t i v i t y Incremental
of such limited resources, however, is not
inconsistent with a Ricardian view of rent and
competitive advantage.
Monopoly rents
The condition of heterogeneity is equally consistent with models of market power and monopoly
rents as it is with the Ricardian story. What
distinguishes monopoly profits from Ricardian
rents is that monopoly profits result from a
deliberate restriction of output rather than an
inherent scarcity of resource supply.
In monopoly models, heterogeneity may result
from spatial competition or product differentiation.1° It may reflect uniqueness and localized
monopoly. It may be due to the presence of
intra-industry mobility barriers which differentiate groups of firms from one another (Caves
and Porter, 1977.) It may entail size advantages
and irreversible commitments or other first mover
advantages.ll There are numerous such models.
What they all have in common is the supposition
that firms in favorable positions face downward
sloping demand curves. These firms then maximize profits by consciously restricting their output
relative to competitive levels. These are models
of market power. Unlike Ricardian models, many
are 'strategic' in that firms take into account the
behavior and relative position of their rivals.
Apparently homogeneous firms may also earn
monopoly rents. Cournot behavior exhibited by
identical rivals, for example, may yield prices in
excess of marginal costs. So may collusive
behavior, tacit or otherwise. But these kinds of
behaviors are facilitated by fewness of numbers
and therefore depend on barriers to entry.
Asymmetries must exist between incumbent
This is a notion attributable to organizational economics.
See Teece (1990).
See Dosi, Teece, and Winter's (1990) discussion of core
capabilities, path dependencies and learning.
l o See Schmalensee (1978).
l i See Ghemawat (1986) and Lieberman and Montgomery
(1988). Consider also models of dominant firm behavior.
firms and potential entrants. In this case, the
heterogeneity occurs across these two groups of
Ex post limits to competition
Regardless of the nature of the rents, sustained
competitive advantage requires that the condition
of heterogeneity be preserved. If the heterogeneity is a short-lived phenomenon, the rents will
likewise be fleeting. Since strategists are primarily
concerned with rents over a longer term, the
condition of heterogeneity must be relatively
durable to add value. This will be the case only
if there are in place ex post limits to competition
as well. By this I mean that subsequent to a
firm's gaining a superior position and earning
rents, there must be forces which limit competition for those rents. Competition may dissipate
rents by increasing the supply of scarce resources.
Alternatively, it might undermine a monopolist's
(or oligopolists') attempts to restrict output.
Figure 2 illustrates how ex post competition
makes the industry supply curve more elastic
and erodes Ricardian rents. Ex post competition
erodes monopoly rents as well, by increasing
output or by making individual demand curves
more elastic.
Resource-based work has focused on two
critical factors which limit ex post competition:
imperfect imitability and imperfect substitutability.12 Substitutes reduce rents by making the
demand curves of monopolists or oligopolists
more elastic. This is one of Porter's (1980) classic
'five forces.' Much greater attention, however,
has been given to the condition of imperfect
imitability .
Rumelt (1984) coined the term 'isolating
mechanisms' to refer to phenomena which protect
individual firms from imitation and preserve their
rent streams. These include property rights to
scarce resources and various quasi-rights in the
form of lags, information asymmetries, and
frictions which impede imitative competition
(Rumelt, 1987). Of particular interest is the
notion of causal ambiguity (Lippman and Rumelt,
1982). This refers to uncertainty regarding the
causes of efficiency differences among firms.
Causal ambiguity prevents would-be-imitators
See Barney (1991) and Dierickx and Cool (1989).
Cornersto~tesof Competitive Advantage
tacit dimension and are socially complex. They
are born of organizational skill and corporate
learning. Their development is 'path dependent'
in the sense that it is contingent upon preceding
levels of learning, investment, asset stocks, and
development activity.15 For such assets, history
matters. Would-be-imitators are thwarted by
the difficulty of discovering and repeating the
developmental process and by the considerable
lag involved. Importantly, assets of this nature
are also immobile and thus bound to the firm.
Factor immobility, or imperfect mobility is
another key requirement for sustainable advantage.
from knowing exactly what to imitate or how to
go about it. Coupled with nonrecoverable costs,
such uncertainty may limit imitative activity, thus
preserving the condition of heterogeneity.
Other isolating mechanisms include producer
learning, buyer switching costs, reputation, buyer
search costs, channel crowding, and economies
of scale when specialized assets are required
(Rumelt , 1987).l3
Rumelt (1984) describes isolating mechanisms
as an analog of Caves and Porter's (1977) mobility
barriers, which are themselves an extension of
Bain's (1956) concept of entry barriers.l%obility
barriers, however, serve to isolate groups of
similar firms in a heterogeneous industry, while
entry barriers isolate industry participants from
potential entrants.
Yao (1988) has distilled a set of factors more
basic than the list of entry barriers suggested by
Porter (1980) and Bain (1956). He contends that
failures of the competitive market are due more
fundamentally to production economies and
sunk costs, transaction costs, and imperfect
Ghemawat (1986) suggests a different categorization, with more of a firm than a market
orientation. He argues that inimitable positions
derive from size advantages, preferred access to
either resources or customers, and/or restrictions
on competitors' options.
Dierickx and Cool (1989) offer a unique
perspective on the topic of limits to imitation.
They focus on factors which prevent the imitation
of valuable but nontradeable asset stocks. They
maintain that how imitable an asset is depends
upon the nature of the process by which it
was accumulated. They identify the following
characteristics as serving to impede imitation:
time compression diseconomies, asset mass
efficiencies, interconnectedness of asset stocks,
asset erosion, and causal ambiguity.
Dierickx and Cool's (1989) paper is a particularly important piece of work because it focuses
precisely on those kinds of resources and capabilities which are of central concern to resourcebased theory: nontradeable assets which develop
and accumulate within the firm. Such assets tend
to defy imitation because they have a strong
Resources are perfectly immobile if they cannot
be traded. Dierickx and Cool (1989) discuss
several examples of this sort. Resources for
which property rights are not well defined or
with 'bookkeeping feasibility' problems fall into
this category (Dierickx and Cool, 1989; Meade,
1952; Bator, 1958). So do resources which are
idiosyncratic to the extent that they have no
other use outside the firm. (See Williamson,
Other kinds of resources may be described as
imperfectly mobile. These are resources which
are tradeable but more valuable within the firm
that currently employs them than they would be
in other employ. Resources are imperfectly
mobile when they are somewhat specialized to
firm-specific needs. l6
Montgomery and Wernerfelt (1988) use the
concept of switching costs to discuss how firmspecific investments may cement the trading
relationship between a firm and the owners of
factors employed by the firm. These investments
by the resource owners may be regarded as a
sunk cost (nonrecoverable cost) which may inhibit
the factor's exit from a firm. These costs give
the firm a greater claim on the resource in
Cospecialized assets may be another case in
point (Teece, 1986). These are assets which
must be used in conjunction with one another
or which have higher economic value when
l3 These topics and other related ones have received much
attention in modern industrial organization literature as well.
l4 For further discussion, see Mahoney and Pandian (1992).
Barney (1991) and Dosi, Teece, and Winter (1990).
lWilliamson (1985) discusses such assets and their implications for efficient firm boundaries extensively.
Imperfect mobility
M . A. Peteraf
employed together. To the extent that they have
no other equivalent uses (they are transaction
specific) and to the extent that at least one of
the assets is firm-specific, their mobility is
Other resources may be imperfectly mobile
simply because the transactions costs associated
with their transfer are exceedingly high
(Williamson, 1975; Rumelt, 1987.)
Because immobile or imperfectly mobile
resources are nontradeable or less valuable to
other users, they cannot be bid away readily
from their employer. They remain bound to the
firm and available for use over the long run. Thus,
they can be a source of sustained advantage.17
Furthermore, the opportunity cost of their use
is significantly less than their value to the present
employer. This is an important point and one
which will be developed further in the next
section. It implies that any Ricardian or monopoly
rents generated by the asset will not be offset
entirely by accounting for the asset's opportunity
I use opportunity cost, here, in a sense slightly
different from the conventional use of the term.
Conventionally, it refers to the value of a
resource in its next best use. Here, I mean it to
refer to the value of the resource to its
second-highest valuing potential-user. (See Klein,
Crawford, and Alchian, 1978.) The use to which
the potential user may wish to put it may be
exactly the same.
This difference between the value of a resource
to a firm and its opportunity cost is also a form
of rent. Pareto rents, also called quasi-rents, are
the excess of an asset's value over its salvage
value or its value in its next best use. Following
Klein et al. (1978), I use the term 'appropriable
quasi-rents' or 'A-Q rents' to refer to the excess
of an asset's value over its value to the secondhighest valuing potential user or bidder for the
resouce. Klein et al. (1978) demonstrate that it
is entirely possible for a resource to generate AQ rents in the absence of either Ricardian or
monopoly rents. Resources need not be rare or
inimitable for them to be differentially valuable
to possible users. Thus the presence of A-Q
On the other hand, such assets may make a firm less
responsive and flexible in the face of environmental or
technological changes which upset a previously held advantage. Specialization is a two-edged sword.
rents is not a sufficient indicator of competitive
advantage. There must be monopoly or Ricardian
rents generated as well.
A-Q rents are appropriable in the sense that
they need not be paid out to the resource for
the user to retain its services (Klein et al., 1978).
Were the user to appropriate the whole of the
A-Q rents, the resource could earn no more
elsewhere. l8
It may be more accurate, however, to recognize
that the rents will be shared between the factor
owners and the firm employing them. First, one
might as easily view the firm as tied to the use
of specialized factors, since it cannot substitute
generic factors at equal cost. This implies that
the situation might be characterized best as a
bilateral monopoly, in which the distribution of
rents is indeterminate. Secondly, it should be
recognized that the rents are in fact jointly
produced and are as much due to the firm as to
the factor. A specialized factor cannot be so
productive apart from the firm. Therefore, its
super-productivity is attributable as much to the
context and other elements of the firm as to the
factor itself. The firm and the factor are, in
essence, a team. Caves (1980) states that rents
are not entirely passed on to factors which are
not traded on the open market. In a similar
vein, Rumelt (1987) has argued that 'the rent
on (specialized) factor(s) is not logically or
operationally separable from the profits of the
firm' (p. 143).
These two facts-that
imperfectly mobile
resources will remain available to the firm and
that the rents will be shared by the firm-are
the key features of imperfect factor mobility (see
Wernerfelt, 1989). They, in turn, make imperfect
factor mobility a necessary condition for sustainable competitive advantage. In addition,
imperfect factor mobility is a particularly
important component of the model because such
resources are less likely to be imitable than other
kinds.19 Furthermore, the opportunity cost of
such assets, as defined above, does not offset
the rents. But even together with heterogeneity
lRNote that, in a multiperiod model, human resources would
be reluctant to invest in firm-specific attributes if they
expected the firm to appropriate the rents generated.
l9 Dierickx and Cool (1989) contend that nontradeability is
required to ensure that an asset remains fixed in supply.
Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage
and ex post limits to competition, imperfect
factor mobility is not yet sufficient for sustained
competitive advantage.
Ex ante limits to competition
One last condition must be met for a firm to
have competitive advantage. There must be ex
ante limits to competition as well. By this I
mean that, prior to any firm's establishing a
superior resource position, there must be
limited competition for that position. This may
be best explained by illustration. Suppose it is
perceived, a priori, by equally endowed firms
that by occupying certain choice locations they
can gain an inimitable resource position over
their rivals. What will ensue is fierce competition for those locations to the point that the
anticipated returns are, in essence, competed
away. A superior location could only be a
source of above normal returns if some firm
had the foresight or good fortune to acquire it
in the absence of competition. This is the point
brought out by Barney (1986) in arguing that
the economic performance of firms depends
not only on the returns from their strategies
but also on the cost of implementing those
strategies. Without imperfections in strategic
factor markets, where the resources necessary
to implement strategies are acquired, firms can
only hope for normal returns. Rumelt (1987)
makes a similar point in noting that unless
there is a difference between the ex post value
of a venture and the ex ante cost of acquiring
the necessary resources, the entrepreneurial
rents are zero. Profits come from ex ante
While only tradeable resources can be
acquired in strategic factor markets, the argument can be extended to immobile and imperfectly mobile resources as well, as both Dierickx
and Cool (1989) and Barney (1989) have noted.
Ex ante competition to develop imperfectly
mobile resources, such as the good will of
clients, can also dissipate expected returns.
While it is less likely that the full value of such
resources will be anticipated or that firms
will be equally efficient in accumulating such
resources, it is important to recognize that
imperfect resource mobility is not sufficient
unto itself. There must be limits to ex ante
competition as well.
The cornerstones of competitive advantage
In sum, four conditions must be met for a
firm to enjoy sustained above-normal returns.
Resource heterogeneity creates Ricardian or
monopoly rents. Ex post limits to competition
prevent the rents from being competed away.
Imperfect factor mobility ensures that valuable
factors remain with the firm and that the rents
are shared. Ex ante limits to competition keep
costs from offsetting the rents. The model is
summarized in Figure 3.
This model is intended to highlight the importance of each of these conditions, as distinct
from one another, and to explicate the particular
role that each plays in creating and sustaining
rents. It is not meant to imply, however, that
these four conditions are entirely independent of
one another. They are, in fact, related conditions.
Heterogeneity is the most basic condition. It
is the sine-qua-non of competitive advantage and
has long been a fundamental concept of strategic
management. For these reasons it deserves special
emphasis. The model tells us that heterogeneity
is necessary for sustainable advantage, but not
sufficient. For rents to be sustained, we required
ex post limits to competition as well. One can
imagine heterogeneity without ex post limits to
competition. Firms may have short-lived and
unsustainable readily-imitated differences. It
takes a greater stretch of the imagination to
conceive of ex post limits to competition without
heterogeneity. (Perhaps a regulator enforcing a
pricing cartel among numerous homogeneous
trucking firms.) For the most part, ex post limits
to competition imply heterogeneity, although
heterogeneity does not imply ex post limits to
Heterogeneity underlies the condition of imperfect mobility as well. Again heterogeneous
resources need not be imperfectly mobile. But
it is hard to imagine any imperfectly mobile
resources which are not also heterogeneous in
nature. Resources which are immobile because
of their idiosyncratic or firm-specific nature are
certainly heterogeneous. Resources which are
immobile due to ill-defined property rights
or the lack of a market might possibly be
homogeneous (pollution rights, for example?)
Once again, however, imperfect mobility, for the
most part, implies heterogeneity as well.
Finally, it is important to recognize that the
M. A. Peteraf
Ex Post
Limits to
(Monopoly or Ricardian)
Rents Sustained
within the firm
Ex Ante
Limits to
Figure 3. The cornerstones of competitive advantage
productivity of superior resources depends upon
the nature of their employment and the skill with
which a strategy based on resource superiority is
A major contribution of the resource-based
model is that it explains long-lived differences in
firm profitability that cannot be attributed to
differences in industry conditions. Indeed, there
is considerable evidence to show that such
differences are not well explained by industry
participation (Schmalensee, 1985; Mueller, 1986;
Wernerfelt and Montgomery, 1988; Hansen and
Wernerfelt, 1989; Rumelt, 1991). There is less
agreement on the relative magnitude of firm
effects, but several studies have indicated that
these effects are substantial (Mueller, 1986;
Hansen and Wernerfelt, 1989; Rumelt, 1991).
The resource-based model is a theoretical complement to this work.
On the practical side, the model may prove
useful to managers seeking to understand, preserve, or extend their competitive advantage.
While the model itself is freely available to all,
its strategic implications depend on a firm's
specific resource endowment. Barney (1986)
argues that a firm may gain expectational
advantages by analyzing information about the
assets it already controls. So long as its assets
are imperfectly mobile; inimitable, and nonsubstitutable, other firms will not be able to mimic its
strategy. Thus, application of the model will not
Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage
increase competition for available rents. It will
only ensure that each firm optimizes the use of
its own specialized resources.
Because of its focus on imperfectly mobile
resources, for which the transactions cost of
market exchange are high, resource-based theory
has important implications for corporate strategy
and issues regarding the scope of the firm as
well as single business strategy. Some applications
in each of these areas are discussed in turn.
Single business strategy
At the single business level, the model may help
managers differentiate between resources which
might support a competitive advantage from
other less valuable resources (Barney, 1991). For
example, a brilliant, Nobel prize winning scientist
may be a unique resource, but unless he has
firm-specific ties, his perfect mobility makes him
an unlikely source of sustainable advantage.
Managers should ask themselves if his productivity has to do, in part, with the specific
team of researchers of which he is a part. Does
it depend on his relationship with talented
managers who are exceptionally adept at managing creativity? Does it depend on the spirit of
the workers or the unique culture of the firm?
A resource-based perspective may also help a
firm in deciding whether to license a new
technology or whether to develop it internally.
If the technology is imperfectly mobile in the
sense that its potential value cannot be well
communicated to others because of the risk of
revealing proprietary information, it might best
be developed internally. Alternatively, its marketability might depend upon cospecialized assets
such as long established relationships with vendors
who are reluctant to switch to other suppliers.
If the cospecialized assets are held by the
firm and are themselves immobile, internal
development may still make sense. If the innovation is perfectly mobile, the innovators could
do no better than to license the technology.
Decision-making would also be enhanced by
considering how imitable the innovation is. If
the innovation is no more than a clever and
complex assembly of relatively available technologies, then no wall of patents could keep
opponents out. Recognizing this vulnerability, a
manager might want to think more carefully
about the length of the expected entry lag and
whether or not there may be some advantage
possible due to firm-specific learning or asset
mass efficiencies. He might consider trying to
use his head start to build other cospecialized
resources that are less available (say a reputation
for service on the new technology). This might
be possible if the secondary resource is time path
dependent or if his expectational advantage
inhibits competition from developing the secondary resource.
The general point is that by analyzing his
resource position, a manager would have a
clearer understanding of whether his situation
meets necessary conditions for a sustainable
advantage. Fewer strategic mistakes would be
made. But in addition, it might help him to
utilize his expectational advantage in looking
Amit and Schoemaker (1993) draw upon
resource-based theory in developing a behavioral
view of strategic assets and offer some prescriptive
advice on how to target, develop and deploy
them. Wernerfelt (1989) proposes some guidelines
to help managers identify their critical resources
and decide how to apply them.
In some cases causal ambiguity may make it
impossible for a firm to evaluate its resources or
even to identify them. (See Lippman and Rumelt,
1982). While such resources may be the basis
for competitive advantage, the causal ambiguity
involved leaves little room for strategy. Firms
owning the resources have no informational
advantage over other firms and little ability to
leverage these resources further since there is
uncertainty regarding their dimensions and/or
their value.
Other resources can more easily be identified
as value-creating resources, but their reproduction
may be highly uncertain. Resources which are
strongly time-path dependent or which are socially
complex fit this category. (See Barney, 1991.)
While these resources may be difJicult to reproduce or extend, the firm owning the assets is
likely to have a strong advantage in extending
them over other firms. In part, this advantage
is informational, based on complex and tacit
understandings, not easily accessible to outsiders.
But also it's because the production of a socially
complex resource is likely to require firm specific
cospecialized assets which cannot be duplicated
in other settings. The resource-based view would
help managers to understand that such resources
M . A. Peteraf
can be an important basis for competitive
advantage. And, by highlighting the value of
these resources, it might help managers see that,
despite the difficulty, they should consider
leveraging these resources further.
Corporate strategy
The resource-based model is fundamentally concerned with the internal accumulation of assets,
with asset specificity, and, less directly, with
transactions costs. Thus it lends itself naturally
to the consideration of questions regarding
boundaries of the firm. A number of researchers
have utilized a resource-based view to analyze
issues regarding the scope of the firm.
Barney (1988), for example, has addressed the
issue of whether bidding firms may realize
abnormal returns from strategically related acquisitions. His resource-based framework provides
the answer that it depends upon how rare
and inimitable is the resulting combination of
Montgomery and Hariharan (1991), have
shown that firms with broad resource bases tend
to pursue diversification. (See Penrose, 1959, as
well). In doing so, firms tend to enter markets
where the resource requirements match their
resource capabilities.
More generally, the prevailing theory of
diversification can be characterized as resourcebased. (See, for example, Teece, 1982; Wernerfelt, 1984; Williamson, 1985; Wernerfelt and
Montogmery, 1986; Montgomery and Wernerfelt,
1988). This theory characterizes the kinds of
resources which support diversification as quasifixed, yet inherently fungible: that is, they can
support a variety of products. Other resources
may possess a property of public goods, in that
their use in one application does not diminish
their availability for other uses. A brand name,
for example, may be used without being 'used
up' in the process. The crux of the theory is that
diversification is the result of excess capacity in
resources which have multiple uses and for which
there is market failure.20 Without market failure,
due to high transactions costs or imperfect
mobility, the firm could simply sell the services
of their redundant resources. In that case, single
For some empirical evidence on this point, see Chatterjee
and Wernerfelt (1991).
business firms could operate more efficiently
than a diversified firm, even if there are
economies of scope (Teece, 1980, 1982).
One issue, which has been inadequately
addressed, is the paradox of how 'excess capacity'
in resources may lead to 'scarcity rents' for
resource holders. Certainly, these notions are
incompatible if the resource has but a single use,
since inferior resources would be driven from
the marketz1 (see Figure 2). Recall, however,
that the price of a resource is determined by the
condition of supply and demand in the factor
market. Factor demand, in turn, is derived from
the demands of all products which it can be
used to produce. If, at the equilibrium price,
heterogeneous factors are employed across the
markets, then superior factors will earn rents,
regardless of whether their availability surpasses
the needs of a single-product market. They are
still scarce relative to total demand for their
usage. In this way, excess capacity of a resource
in a single-product market is compatible with its
ability to command scarcity rents. Similarly,
resources with public good characteristics may
earn rents, despite their availability for multiple
employment. Since, after some point, there are
limits to the expansion of these resources, perhaps
because of a fixed supply of cospecialized assets
within the firm, such resources may still be scarce
relative to total demand for their services.
Eastman Kodak is an example of a firm that
has diversified on the basis of excess capacity in
its core capability in photographic technology.
Its ability to expand in certain markets was
limited by its high market share and antitrust
considerations. In the mid-70s, its market share
for film was estimated at 90 percent; it was
estimated at 85 percent for cameras.22 In order to
more fully utilize its prodigious R&D capabilities
Kodak had to seek opportunities outside its
original markets. This was possible because the
potential for photographic technology applications was quite broad, encompassing movie
films and equipment, medical and industrial Xray films and equipment, audiovisual products,
microfilm, etc. In 1975, Kodak had a market
21 In this country, antitrust constraints typically limit market
share. For this reason, inferior resources may well remain
in the market despite excess capacity in single-use superior
22 See 'Polaroid-Kodak,' HBS case # 376-266.
Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage
share of just 38 percent of the total U.S market
for amateur photographic products. In this sense,
its resources were 'scarce' relative to total demand
for their use over all applications, despite excess
capacity relative to particular markets.
A second issue which needs further attention
is the question of why firms do not expand more
fully in initial markets before they enter additional
ones. It may be that the competitive model is
inadequate to characterize product markets. Or
it may be that, in general, both resources and
market conditions may be better represented in
a dynamic model, changing incrementally over
time (Montgomery and Hariharan, 1991).
Montgomery and Wernerfelt (1989), employ a
framework which characterizes resources by their
'specificity' or range of application. Diversification is viewed as a result of matching a firm's
resources to the set of market opportunities.
These two conditions together determine both
the range of strategic options and the profitability
of a firm. For example, the high specificity of
expertise in glass technology would constrain a
firm from diversifying far afield on the basis of
this resource. And, since specialized resources
also tend to be relatively scarce, the model would
predict higher rents for narrow diversifiers.
In contrast, firms with generalizable resources
may face a much wider opportunity set. So, for
example, a firm with expertise in cost cutting,
embodied in a team of managers and firmspecific routines, might diversify quite widely.
Lower rents would be expected, however, since
these skills might be in greater supply. This does
not imply that there is no scarcity value to such
resources, but simply that they are relatively less
scarce than more specialized resources. What
is important is that heterogeneous managerial
resources are heterogeneous and superior managers are less than perfectly mobile.
Although the authors do not say so, the model
also implies an optimal extent of diversification.
Since the returns in each added market diminish
due to resource efficiency loss, diversification
will cease when rents in the final added market
are zero. See Figure 4.
Dosi, Teece, and Winter (1990) address the
issue of the degree of relatedness among a firm's
they term 'coherence' in its
business activities. The authors draw on concepts
from organizational economics to explain the
connection between a firm's core competencies
Figure 4. The determination of the extent of diversi- fication Key: D* = Extent of Diversification, -=
Accumulated Rents and the degree of coherence among its parts.
According to this theory, variations in the speed
of learning, the breadth of the path dependencies,
the degree of asset specialization and the nature
of the selection environment explain the nature
and extent of the scope of the firm. This work,
although it is preliminary, appears to make a
very fruitful start. In addition, it highlights the
rich use that may be made of evolutionary
economics, in particular, toward explaining
phenomena of central interest to researchers
taking a resource-based view of strategy.
As these examples demonstrate, resourcebased theory, clearly, has power and implications
for many important questions regarding corporate
scope. It is a unifying theory which allows us to
view both related and unrelated diversification
through a common lens. It addresses diversification extent as well as type. It goes further than
competing theories in simultaneously explaining
the differences in profitability which are observed
across firms, while also offering an explanation
about why all firms do not and cannot pursue
strategies which in the aggregate offer the highest
returns. Instead, firms are seen as adopting
strategies which their resources can support.
Just as all resources supporting single business
strategies do not have equal profit generating
potential, neither do the resources supporting
various diversification strategies. For an individual firm, whether it is a single-line business or
widely diversified, the critical task is to use its
available resources to the greatest end they can
In sum, this emerging theory may prove to be
a paradigm capable of elucidating and integrating
M . A. Peteraf
research in all areas of strategy. Despite the
need for further work, it has already shown itself
to be a robust and integrative tool. It has strong
implications for single-business strategy, for
corporate strategy, for theorists and practitioners
alike. Importantly, it is the only theory of
corporate scope which is capable of explaining
the range of diversification, in all its richness,
from related constrained to the conglomerate
form. This is the crucial mark of a robust theory
of diversification (Teece, 1982). It is an area ripe
for research, which has already demonstrated its
fruitfulness and deserves the concentrated efforts
of this community of scholars.
I would like to thank Connie Helfat, Yair
Aharoni, Kurt Christensen, Joe Mahoney and
Ruth Raubitschek, for helpful comments. Raffi
Amit, Jay Barney, Anne Huff, Bruce Kogut,
Cynthia Montgomery, and Birger Wernerfelt
gave me constructive criticism on an earlier
version of this paper. I am grateful to David
Besanko and Jeff Williams for their encouragement and support. Thanks are due as well to the
SMJ editors and reviewers. Remaining errors are
my own.
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The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View
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Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3. (Mar., 1993), pp. 179-191.
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First-Mover Advantages
Marvin B. Lieberman; David B. Montgomery
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Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage
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Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage
Ingemar Dierickx; Karel Cool
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The Link between Resources and Type of Diversification: Theory and Evidence
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Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent
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Strategic Factor Markets: Expectations, Luck, and Business Strategy
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Asset Stocks and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Comment
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The Anatomy of Market Failure
Francis M. Bator
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 72, No. 3. (Aug., 1958), pp. 351-379.
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Industrial Organization, Corporate Strategy and Structure
Richard E. Caves
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 18, No. 1. (Mar., 1980), pp. 64-92.
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From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to
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The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 91, No. 2. (May, 1977), pp. 241-262.
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The Link between Resources and Type of Diversification: Theory and Evidence
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Determinants of Firm Performance: The Relative Importance of Economic and
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Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process
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Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 21, No. 2. (Oct., 1978), pp. 297-326.
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First-Mover Advantages
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Uncertain Imitability: An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition
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Why Do Firms Differ, and How Does it Matter?
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How Much Does Industry Matter?
Richard P. Rumelt
Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3. (Mar., 1991), pp. 167-185.
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Do Markets Differ Much?
Richard Schmalensee
The American Economic Review, Vol. 75, No. 3. (Jun., 1985), pp. 341-351.
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A Resource-Based View of the Firm
Birger Wernerfelt
Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2. (Apr. - Jun., 1984), pp. 171-180.
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What Is an Attractive Industry?
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Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations
Oliver E. Williamson
Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 22, No. 2. (Oct., 1979), pp. 233-261.
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Beyond the Reach of the Invisible Hand: Impediments to Economic Activity, Market Failures,
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