King Saud University College of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department Study of Using Induction Generator in Wind Energy Applications Prepared By Mohanad A. Al-Nuaim 420001131 Supervised By Dr. Ali M. Al-Tamaly December 2005 1 List of Symbols Rr Rotor resistance Rs Stator resistance Rl Load resistance Xr Rotor reactance Xs Stator reactance Xm Magnetizing reactance F Per unit frequency Fb Base frequency in Hz Zb Base impedance in ohms V speed C Capacitance of the terminal capacitor Cmax Maximum capacitance of the terminal capacitor Fmin Minimum frequency fa Actual or (generated) frequency, P*Na/120. Na Actual or (generated) rational speed, 120 /P. fr Rated frequency of induction generator , P*Nr/120. Nr Rated speed of induction generator, 120 fr/P. Nsa Synchronous speed corresponding to actual frequency. Nsr Synchronous speed corresponding to rated frequency. 2 ABSTRACT The electrical power generated by using the power in the wind to drive a wind turbine to produce mechanical power. This mechanical power can be converted into electrical power by using electrical induction generators. Output voltage of the generators changes with any change in the load, capacitor or rotor speed of the machine. In this project, computer program have been used to obtain the performance of the generator under different conditions. Matlab has utilized to get the maximum capacitance required for selfexcited induction generator, minimum frequency under variable load resistance, load reactance and speed. 3 Chapter 1 Wind Energy Systems ١٫١ Introduction Renewable energy sources presently provide significant amount of energy in many countries. Renewable energy sources currently supply about 10 % of the world energy demand [1]. These energy sources will become increasingly important in the future. There are many types of renewable energy in a good situation among the energy types like Wind Energy Systems (WES), biomass energy systems and Photovoltaic Energy Systems (PVES). But much more experience is needed to predict the future economics and markets for the emerging technologies. The renewable energy is environmental friendly compared to current level of CO2 emission associated with electricity generation. Renewable energy sources by year 2020 could reduce the emission of CO2. Such a contribution from renewable energy systems would also reduce substantially the low level of other pollutants that cause acid rain, smog and other local environmental hazards. The renewable energy has many other benefits such as: Create significant new employment opportunities in energy infrastructure, manufacturing, installation and etc, Contribute to the securing of long term, cost-effective environmentally sustainable energy supplies and offer low operating costs. The major types of renewable energy sources can be summarized as follows: • Wind Energy. • Solar Energy. • Hydro Energy. • Tidal Energy. • Biomass Energy 4 1.2 History of Wind Energy System Windmills have been existence for at least three thousand years, mainly for grinding grain or pumping water [2]. By the mid-ages, windmills were in wide spread use around the Mediterranean Sea. These windmills were used for corn grinding. At the end of 18th century, about 10,000 Wind Turban Generators (WTG) were in use in Netherlands only with the similar number in use in Britain [3]. Denmark was the first country to use the wind for generating electricity from a wind station [4]. From 1980 till now there is a competition between Europe and North America in the generation of electricity from wind. Fig. 1.1 shows the global wind energy market. Fig. 1.1 The global wind energy market [5]. 1.3 Wind Power Wind energy is a form of solar energy produced by heating of the earth’s surface. As a power source, wind power is less predictable than solar power, but it is also typically available for more hours in a given day. Wind resources are influence by the type of the land surface and the elevation of the land surface. Generally, if the land is in high elevation then it is good for wind 5 energy conversion and visa versa. Since the wind speed is extremely important for the amount of energy a wind turbine can convert it to electricity. The power in the wind can be defined as follows, Pw = Where 1 ρAV 3 2 (1.1) ρ : Air density, kg/m3. A : Cross sectional area of wind parcel, m2. V : The wind speed, m/sec. From (1.1), it is clear that the wind power is affected by the wind speed. The wind speed increases with the height most rapidly near the ground, increasing less rapidly with greater height. The wind speed at which electric power production starts called the cut-in wind speed. The turbine will develop enough mechanical power to rotate itself at slightly lower speeds, but this wind speed will actually supply all the generator and transmission losses so that useful electric power cannot be produced. At rated wind speed the power input to the wind turbine will reach the limit for continuous operation (rated power). When the wind speed exceeds this level the excess power in the wind must be discarded by varying the pitch angle of the blades to prevent the turbine overloading. The power is maintained at its rated value until a maximum wind speed is reached the cut-off wind speed (Vcut-off) then the turbine will shut down. The actual WTG output power with the wind speed is shown in Fig. 1.2. 6 Fig. 1.2 Actual WTG output power with the wind speed [6]. 1.4 Types of Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) There two main types of (WTGs), which are: ١٫٤٫١ Horizontal Axis WTGs (HA-WTGs): This is the most famous type of WTGs. There are many configurations for this type, which are shown in Fig. 1.3. The main advantages of HA-WTGs are a self-starting, large variety of the rated output power (Suitable for small WTGs as well as very large WTGs) and it has a comparatively low cost. The main disadvantages of this type are, it must be reoriented as the wind changes its direction. The second disadvantage is the generator and gearbox and control system are all located in the top of the WTG tower, which make the maintenance, is a problem. 7 Fig. 1.3 The HA-WTG configurations [7]. ١٫٤٫٢ Vertical Axis WTGs (VA-WTGs): VA-WTGs type are lower in number than the HA-WTGs due to some problems in design.The main advantages of VA-WTGs, are no additional cost is required to change the VA-WTGs direction when the wind direction changes and the gearbox and generator and control system are in the ground level, then their maintenance is very simple. Fig1.4 Shows the VA-WTGs configurations. A complete comparison between HA-WTGs and VA-WTGs is shown in table (1.1). Fig. 1.4 The VA-WTGs Configurations [7]. 8 Table (1.1) Comparison between HA-WTGs and VA-WTGs [7]. 1.5 Turbine Shaft Power and Torque at Variable Speeds Most wind turbines operate at fixed rotational speeds except when starting and stopping. This simplifies system operation when using synchronous generators paralleled with the utility grid. It also helps to prevent the turbine from being operated at a speed which will excite a mechanical resonance that might destroy the turbine. However, fixed speed operation means that the maximum coefficient of performance C pm is available only at one particular wind speed. A lower coefficient of performance is observed for all other wind speeds, which reduces the energy output below that which might be expected from variable speed operation. That is, if the turbine speed could be adjusted in relation to the wind speed, a higher average coefficient of performance and a higher average power output could be realized. Variable pitch operation at a fixed speed also helps improve the average coefficient of performance, but this is not feasible for turbines such as the Darrieus. Variable pitch operation also increases complexity and cost, hence may not be the most economical solution for all applications. It is therefore interesting to explore variable speed turbine operation. We shall now examine the variation of shaft power and torque with turbine angular velocity, We shall proceed by examining the variation of Pm as a function of ω m , with the wind speed u as a parameter. The shaft power Pm for this turbine as a function of shaft rotational speed n is shown in Fig. 1.4. Pm is seen to rise to a maximum for each wind speed for a particular value of rotational speed. Higher wind speeds have more power in the 9 wind, and the change in tip speed ratio with increasing wind speed causes the maximum to shift to a higher rotational speed [8]. Fig.1.4 Shaft power output in variable-speed operation [8]. 1.6 Methods of Generating Synchronous Power from WTGs The interfacing of wind energy system with utility grid requires high frequency and voltage stability to avoid WES get out of synchronization. There are number of ways to get synchronous power output from WTG. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and each should be considered in the design stage of a new WES. Some methods can be eliminated for economic reasons, but there may be several that would be competitive for a given application [4]. Nine methods of generating synchronous power are shown in Table (1.2) through Table (1.4). Table (1.2) shows Constant Speed Constant Frequency (CSCF) systems. Systems 1, 2 and 3 differ only in pitch control and gearbox details. A variable-pitch turbine is able to operate at a 10 good coefficient of performance over a range of wind speeds when turbine angular velocity is fixed. The main problem is that variable pitch turbine is more expensive than fixed pitch turbine. Table (1.3) shows Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) systems with series connected circuit. In system 4 the turbine drives DC generator which drives DC motor at synchronous speed. The disadvantage of system 4 over system 3 is the requirement of two additional electrical machines, which increases the cost and weight of equipment on the tower. System 5 is very similar to system 4 except that an AC generator and three-phase rectifier are used to produce direct current. The AC generator-rectifier combination may be less expensive than the DC generator it replaces and may also be more reliable. This is very important for all equipment located on top of the tower because maintenance can be very difficult over there. System 6 converts the wind turbine output into DC power by an AC generator and solid-state rectifier. The direct current is then converted to electric utility alternating current by an inverter. Modern solid state inverters which become available in mid of 1970 s allowed this system to be one of the first to supply synchronous power from the WES to the electric utility. In system-7 the output of AC generator will be synchronized directly in one stage to constant frequency constant voltage output using a cycloconverter. 11 Table (1.2) constant speed, constant frequency systems [4]. 12 Table (1.3) Variable speed, constant frequency WTG with series connected circuit [4]. Table (1.4) shows a VSCF systems by using slip ring induction generator. A constant stator frequency can be maintained over wide speed range by supplying the rotor circuit with slip frequency voltage. The system can work in sub-synchronous speed or super-synchronous speed. In case of sub-synchronous speed, the slip power will subtract from the rotor circuit. In case of super-synchronous speed, the power is supplied to the rotor. The converter can be a rectifier / inverter as shown in system-8. 13 In system-9 the slip power frequency can be achieved directly in one stage by using cycloconverter. Table (1.4) VSCF systems with slip ring induction generator [4]. Using slip power recovery techniques in system-8 and system-9 extends the range of rotational speed to upper or lower the synchronous speed. Moreover the ratings of components in the rotor circuit will be partial rated which will reduce the cost of the power conditioner system [9]. 1.7 Project Objectives • Discussing different types of renewable energy. • Utilizing the wind energy to generate electricity. • Finding the required capacitance to build up the voltage across terminal of induction generator. • Calculating minimum value of capacitor to produce reactive power. • Making interconnection between wind turbine generator and utility grid. 14 1.8 Project Organizing In Chapter One, we discuss different types of renewable energy specially wind energy. In Chapter Two, we talk about induction generator and obtaining the equivalent circuit of it to use this generator to transform the mechanical energy (wind energy) to electrical energy. In Chapter Three, we use the nodal method to find the maximum capacitance required for self-excited induction generator. 15 Chapter 2 Induction Generator 2.1 Introduction The induction generator is the most common generator in wind energy system applications due to its simplicity and ruggedness, more than 50 years life time, same machine can be used as motor or generator without modification, high power per unit mass of materials and flexibility in speed range of operation. The main drawbacks in induction generator are its lower efficiency and the need for reactive power to build up the terminal voltage. However, the efficiency can be improved by modern design and solid-state converters can be used to supply reactive power required. There are two types of induction generator: 1- Normal type (non isolated), where excitation required are provided by an external A.C source. 2- Isolated type (self excited) in which excitation is provided by a terminal capacitor. In the first type, the frequency and voltage are equal to that of system. However, in the second type, the frequency and induced voltage change with speed, excitation capacitor, load impedance and its associated power factor. The frequency of the induced voltage is always less than the synchronous frequency (corresponding to input shaft speed) [10]. The generators used in wind energy applications should be simple to use with low maintenance, and have low initial cost. Induction generator satisfies most of these requirements. Also, the WTGs employ permanent magnet, synchronous and variable reluctance generator systems. 16 2.2 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Machine 2.2.1 Transformer Model of an Induction Machine The per-phase equivalent circuit, representing the operation of induction machine is shown in Fig. (2.1) Fig.2.1 The induction machine with rotor and stator connected by an ideal transformer. Like any transformer, there is a certain resistance and self-inductance in the primary (stator) windings, which must be represented in the equivalent circuit of the machine. The stator resistance will be called R1 and the stator leakage reactance will be called X1. These two components appear right at the input to the machine model. Like any transformer with an iron core, the flux in the machine is related to the integral of the applied voltage E1. The magnetomotiveforce-versus-flux curve (magnetization curve) for this machine is compared to a similar curve for a power transformer. 2.2.2 Rotor Circuit Model In an induction machine when the voltage is applied to the stator windings. A voltage is induced in the rotor windings of the machine. In general, the greater the relative motions between the rotor and the stator magnetic fields, the greater the resulting rotor voltage. The largest relative 17 motion occurs when the rotor is stationary, called the locked-rotor or blocked rotor condition, so the largest voltage is induced in the rotor at the condition .The smallest voltage (OV) occurs when the rotor moves at the same speed as the rotor magnetic field, resulting in no relative motion. The voltage induced in the rotor at any speed between these extremes is directly proportional to the slip of the rotor. Therefore, if the induced rotor voltage at locked-rotor conditions is called Ero, the induced voltage at any slip will be given by the equation Er = sEro (2-1) This voltage is induced in a rotor containing both resistance and reactance .The rotor resistance Rr is a constant, independent of slip, while the rotor reactance is affected in a more complicated way by slip. The reactance of an induction motor rotor depends on the inductance of the rotor and the frequency of the voltage and current in the rotor. With a rotor inductance of Lr, the rotor reactance is given by Xr =wr Lr =2πfroLr (2-2) from Equation (2-2) Xr = 2πsfe Lr = s(2πfe)Lr = sXro (2-3) Where Xro is the blocked-rotor reactance. The resulting rotor equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. (2.2). The rotor current flow can be found as: Ir = Er Rr + jX r (2-4) or 18 Ir = Ir = sE ro Rr + jsX ro E ro Rr + jX ro s (2-5) Fig.2.2 The rotor circuit model of an induction machine. The equivalent rotor impedance from this point of view is: Z r ,eq = Rr + jX ro s (2-6) And the rotor equivalent circuit using this convention is shown in Fig.(2.3). Fig.2.3 The rotor circuit model with slip effects concentrated in resistance Rr. 19 2.2.3 Final Equivalent Circuit It is necessary to refer the rotor part of the model over to the stator side. The rotor circuit model that will be referred to the stator side is the model shown in Fig (2.4), which has all the speed variation effects concentrated in the impedance term. Fig.2.4 The per-phase equivalent circuit of induction machine. Referring the voltage, currents, and impedances on the secondary side of the device to the primary side by means of the turns ratio of the transformer: Vp = Vs' = aVs IP = Is '= Is a and Z s '= a 2 Z s (2-7) (2-8) (2-9) Exactly the same sort of transformation can be done for the induction motor’s rotor circuit .If the effective turns ratio of an induction motor is aeff , then the transformer rotor voltage becomes E1 = Er' = aeffEro (2-10) The rotor current becomes I2 = Ir a eff (2-11) And the rotor impedance becomes 20 Rr (2-12) + jX ro ) s If we know make the following definitions: 2 Z 2 = a eff ( R2 = aeff2 Rr (2-13) X2 = aeff2 Xro (2-14) Then the final per-phase equivalent circuit of the inducting motor is as shown above in Fig (2.4) 2.3 Operation of Induction Generator The induction motor can also run as a generator. This simply happens when you, instead of forcing the rotor to turn at a rotational speed lower than the synchronous speed, exceed this synchronous speed by applying an outside energy source, the greater the difference between the rotating magnetic field of the stator and the speed of the rotor, the greater the torque produced by the rotor. When it is a working as a generator, the rotating field however acts as a brake in slowing the rotor. The stator experiences a variable magnetic field from the rotor that 'drags' its rotating magnetic field and thereby induces an electrical current in the stator. The faster the rotor turns in relation to the rotating magnetic field of the stator, the greater the induction in the stator and the greater the production of power. An induction generator cannot produce reactive power. In fact it consumes reactive power, and an external source of reactive power must be connected to it at all times to maintain its stator magnetic field. This external source of reactive power must also control the terminal voltage of the generator. With no field current, an induction generator cannot control its own output voltage [10]. 2.4 Analysis of Induction generator For a wind energy conversion system that uses induction generator, a dc link converter is essential for power conversion. The induction generator produces current at variable frequency. This current is rectified onto the dc link using a converter with six active switches. To convert the 21 dc to a fixed frequency of the utility, a second converter with six switches is needed. This results in many switches needed for wind energy conversion system. Hence a new method that uses a six-switch current regulated pulse width modulated inverter and a zero sequence filter is proposed to eliminate some of the switches used and still retaining the original functionality of the system [11]. An approach employing a boost converter to control the DC link is shown in Fig 2.5 Fig 2.5 Interfacing of SCIG to electric utility via diode bridge rectifier and LCI [11]. The study of induction generator steady state analysis and performance characteristics is important due to the speed fluctuations of unregulated wind turbines, the terminal voltage may increase to dangerously high levels to cause capacitor failure at wind farms. Over-voltages are the major cause of excitation capacitor failure. Using a satiable transformer connected to the terminals of the induction generator will improve voltage regulation and also protection against over-voltages [12]. 2.5 Dynamic Performance of Wind Turbine-Induction Generator The problem of using wind as an input source of power generation is that wind varies from time to time due to wind gusts, and is further disturbed by the effect of supporting tower shadow. However with the advances in power electronics, the use of static VAR compensator to regulate voltage produced from wind generator system became an alternative solution to overcome the problem of input variation. To achieved stability of the system, a state and output PI controller is proposed to control the static VAR controller and the mechanical input power to the generator. From software simulation results, the proposed controller shows good damping 22 performance for the wind generation system under severe wind gust and large electrical system disturbances [13]. 23 Chapter 3 Maximum Capacitance Required for Self-Excited Induction Generator 3.1 Introduction Induction generator has a widely acceptance in using with wind energy conversion systems for many reasons. Induction generator is very simple, very rugged, reliable, cheap, lightweight, long lifetime, produces high power per unite mass of materials and requires very little maintenance. All above advantages are very important especially in wind energy conversion systems where the generator is in the top of the tower where the weight, maintenance and life time are very important aspects. Induction generator can be used with stand alone as well as grid connected wind energy conversion systems. Also, induction generator works with constant speed constant frequency systems as well as variable speed constant frequency systems. The main drawback of induction generator in wind energy conversion systems applications is its need for leading reactive power to build up the terminal voltage and to generate electric power. Using terminal capacitor across generator terminals can generate this leading reactive power. The capacitance value of the terminal capacitor is not constant but it is varying with many system parameters like shaft speed, load power and its power factor. If the proper value of capacitance is selected, the generator will operate in self-excited mode. The capacitance of the excitation capacitor can be changed by many techniques like switching capacitor bank [14], thyristor controlled reactor [15] and thyristor controlled DC voltage regulator [16]. In last decade many researches uses PWM technique to provide the desired excitation by controlling the modulation index and the delay angle of the control waveform [17]. 24 3.2 Calculating Maximum Capacitance The obtained circuit in chapter two as shown below in Fig.3.1 can be used in steady state operation. But, in case of varying operating frequency of the generator, this circuit can be modified to be as the circuit shown in Fig.3.2 [18]. The elements of this circuit are corresponding on the rated frequency. In this circuit, the machine core losses have been ignored. In fact, for maximum capacitance required, the machine must operate at threshold of saturation. Therefore, ignoring such losses will result in no serious errors in estimating Cmax [19]. RL -jXc jXr jXs Rs Vt Is Rr s jXm jXL Fig. 3.1 The equivalent circuit of one phase of induction generator. YL YC Rs a Vt/a RL a Yin JXc a2 Xr Xs Is Xm Rr a-b JXL Fig. 3.2 Modified equivalent circuit of induction generator. 25 3.3 Nodal Analysis Method The proposed technique uses nodal analysis instead of loop analysis to obtain just one formula for the maximum capacitance required for induction generator operation at different load and speed conditions. In this technique, we used the real part of Yt =0 to determine the frequency due to the resultant equation does not contains XC and substituting this frequency in imaginary part to calculate Cmax in a simple form as shown in (3-7). Applying the nodal analysis at the terminal voltage Vt of the circuit shown in Fig.3.2 we get the following equation:s= N sa − N a N sa (3-1) Divide equation (3-1) by Nsr then: a −b a (3-2) Vt Yt = 0 a (3-3) s= Where all these admittances are shown in Fig.3.2 Then, Real of Yt = 0 (3-4) And Imaginary of Yt = 0 (3-5) After some algebraic operations we can get the following:١. From real part we get the following equation:- C 4 a 4 + C 3 a 3 + C 2 a 2 + C1 a + C 0 = 0 (3-6) The Coefficients Cn, n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are shown in Appendix I. The coefficients of this equation do not contain XC. The frequency can be obtained directly by solving (3-6) to get the operating frequency. There are four roots; the positive real roots only have the physical meaning. If there is no any positive real root, then there is no self-excitation. 26 ٢. From the imaginary part we can drive a simple formula for the maximum value of terminal capacitor as shown in (3-7). C max = M4 1 X La ( ) + 2 2π M 3 M 1 + M 2 2 (3-7) The coefficients M1, M2, M3 and M4 of (3-7) are shown in the appendix. This new formula can be used on line to calculate the maximum capacitor required for induction generator to build up. This new formula does not require any numerical analysis iteration. 3.4 Maximum Value of Terminal Capacitor To validate the above formula (3-7), we can use the same data used in reference [20] : Xm =3.23 pu, Rs =0.071 pu, Rr =0.0881 pu, Xs = Xr =0.1813 pu, Zb=43.3 N=1800 rev/min, fb =60Hz, RL=1 pu, XL=2 pu, b = 1 pu. By using matlab program, we wrote a program as shown in the appendix contains nodal analysis equations (3-6) and (3-7). And finally we get Cmax values as curves varying with different speed. 27 Chapter 4 RESULTS 350 RL=0.5 , XL=0 maximum capacitance (uF) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.1 Relation between speed and maximum capacitance 90 RL=0.5 , XL=0 80 minimum frequency (Hz) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.2 Relation between speed and minimum frequency. 28 350 RL=0.5 , XL=0.5 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.3 Relation between speed and maximum capacitance. 90 RL=0.5 , XL=0.5 80 70 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 Fig.4.4 Relation between speed and minimum frequency. 29 3500 350 RL=0.5 , XL=1 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.5 Relation between speed and maximum capacitance 90 RL=0.5 , XL=1 80 70 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.6 Relation between speed and minimum frequency 30 350 RL=0.5 , XL=2 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.7 Relation between speed and maximum capacitance 90 RL=0.5 , XL=2 80 70 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.8 Relation between speed and minimum frequency 31 350 RL=0.5 , XL=inf 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.9 Relation between speed and maximum capacitance 90 RL=0.5 , XL=inf 80 70 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.10 Relation between speed and minimum frequency 32 350 XL=0 XL=0.5 XL=1 XL=2 XL=inf 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.11 Relation between speed and max. capacitance at fixed RL=0.5 120 XL=0 XL=0.5 XL=1 XL=2 XL=inf 100 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 80 60 40 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.12 Relation between speed and min. frequency at fixed RL=0.5 33 350 XL=0 XL=0.5 XL=1 XL=2 XL=inf 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.13 Relation between speed and max. capacitance at fixed RL=1 120 XL=0 XL=0.5 XL=1 XL=2 XL=inf 100 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 80 60 40 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.14 Relation between speed and min. frequency at fixed RL=1 34 350 XL=0 XL=0.5 XL=1 XL=2 XL=inf 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.15 Relation between speed and max. capacitance at fixed RL=2 120 XL=0 XL=0.5 XL=1 XL=2 XL=inf 100 minimum frequency (Hz) maximum capacitance (uF) 300 80 60 40 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 speed (rpm) 2500 3000 3500 Fig.4.16 Relation between speed and min. frequency at fixed RL=2 35 500 speed=900rpm speed=1800rpm speed=2700rpm speed=3600rpm 400 350 300 250 200 150 0 0.5 1 1.5 Load Resistance 2 2.5 Fig.4.17 Relation between load resistance and max. capacitance at XL=0.5 400 speed=900rpm speed=1800rpm speed=2700rpm speed=3600rpm 350 Maximum Capacitance (uF) Maximum Capacitance (uF) 450 300 250 200 150 0 0.5 1 1.5 Load Resistance 2 2.5 Fig.4.18 Relation between load resistance and max. capacitance at XL=1 36 250 150 100 speed=900rpm speed=1800rpm speed=2700rpm speed=3600rpm 50 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 XL Fig.4.19 Relation between load reactance and max. capacitance at RL=0.5 210 200 190 Maximum Capacitance (uF) Maximum Capacitance (uF) 200 180 170 160 speed=900rpm speed=1800rpm speed=2700rpm speed=3600rpm 150 140 130 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 XL Fig4.20 Relation between load reactance and max. capacitance at RL=1 37 Chapter 4 Experimental Part 4.1 The equivalent circuit parameters test The equivalent circuit parameters of the squirrel cage induction machine are calculated from terminal measurements of DC, no-load and locked-rotor test as described in the following subsections. This test was applied to substitute the parameters used in the MATLAB program of the 1st part of the graduate project by the others found in this test due to discover the variance between the theoretical and practical results. 4.1.1 D.C Test: D.C Voltage is applied across two phases of the machine and several readings of the current and voltage are taken. The stator resistance (RS) is then calculated by taking the slope of the line relating the voltage across the current through the motor winding. 4.1.2 No-Load Test: Fig 4.1 The no-load test equivalent circuit 38 By using a synchronous motor as a driver of the test motor with speed of 1800 r.p.m. A variable sinusoidal voltage source at 60 Hz, is connected to the stator. Fig.(4.1) shows test requirements. In this test, the slip is zero, which means that the branch corresponding to the rotor in the equivalent circuit can be considered as open. This test is used to calculate the magnetizing reactance due to applied voltage by following several steps: The motor has been running at no-load using rated line to line voltage VNL . Then by measuring the no-load current INL and calculating the total 3-phase active power PNL. The primary phase voltage can be obtained from the following equation: VT = V LL 3 V/ Phase (4-1) Then the no-load impedance can be obtained as following: ZNL = VT IS (4-2) The no-load resistance is: RNL = PNL 3I S2 (4-3) The no-load reactance is: XNL = 2 2 Z NL − R NL (4-4) In the equivalent circuit it’s assumed that: XS + Xm = XNL (4-5) Then from the no-load test, the value of XS + Xm has been calculated. 39 4.1.3 Locked-rotor test: In this test, the rotor and the stator is connected to a low voltage and the equivalent circuit of this test is shown in fig.(4.2), from which we can find the referred parameters i.e. (Rr and Xr) following the next steps and equations: Fig.4.2 The locked-rotor test equivalent circuit Under rated line voltage, when the rotor of an induction motor is locked, the stator current IS is almost six times its rated value. Furthermore, the slip s is equal to one. This means that Rr / s is equal to Rr . Because IS is greater then the exciting current Io, we can neglect the magnetizing branch. This leaves the equivalent circuit shown in Fig.(4.2) without the magnetizing branch. By applying 3-phase voltage to the stator and gradually increase it from zero until the stator current is about its rated value. Then the readings of VLL |BL, IS|BL has been taken and the total 3-phase power PBL. From the locked-rotor test, the locked-rotor resistance is: RBL = PBL 3I S2 | BL (4-6) 40 The locked-rotor impedance at frequency of locked-rotor test is: ZBL|fBL = VT | BL I S | BL (4-7) The locked-rotor reactance at frequency of locked-rotor test is: XBL|fBL = 2 2 ( Z BL | fBL − R BL ) (4-8) Its value at rated frequency is: XBL = XBL|fBL* XBL ≅ XS + Xr f rated f BL (4-9) (4-10) Assuming, XS = Xr (at rated frequency) Then XS and Xr can be obtained From no-load test its known that XS + Xm = XNL and XS is known then the magnetizing reactance is: Xm = XNL - XS (4-11) 41 The locked-rotor resistance is the sum of RS and an equivalent resistance, say R, which is the resistance of Rr + jXr in parallel with Xm as shown in Fig.(2.4); therefore, R= X m2 * Rr Rr2 + ( X r + X m ) 2 (4-12) If Xr + Xm 〉〉 Rr , as is usually the case, Rr = ( X r+ X m 2 ) *R Xm (4-13) Now R= RBL – RS. so the value of R can be used to determine Rr from equation (4-13) and all different parameters has been obtained due to the three previous tests above. 42 4.2 Min. and Max.Capacitance Required for Self-Excited Induction Generator Test In chapter 3, the nodal approach was applied on the induction generator to obtain the min. and max. capacitance required for the build-up voltage using a software program for calculating the required values. In practical, the test has been done in the lab to find the higher and lower value of the capacitor that the build-up voltage appears and make a comparison between the theoretical and practical results. In fact, the only problem finding the maximum value of the capacitor in the lab, is that the induction motor reaches its rated current value without a voltage collapse happens, so to deal with this problem, the capacitance value at the rated current has been choose as the maximum capacitance required for self-excited induction generator, and that’s for preventing any damage may happen to the machine. To find the required capacitance values, the following steps have been done: a-First, the circuit shown in Fig.(4.3) has been connected and the necessary steps to operate the induction machine has been applied. b-Without switching ON the load switch, the speed has been set at 800 rpm, and then the capacitor bank switch is switched ON. c-The value of capacitance has been increased until the build-up voltage appears in the induction machine, then in gradually steps the value of capacitance has been decreased until the build-up voltage disappear, and this value has been recorded as the minimum capacitance required for the self-excited induction generator at 800 r.p.m. 43 Fig. 4.3 The circuit used for testing in the lab d-The speed has been increased in steps of 100 rpm and the step (c) has been repeated at each speed value with recording the capacitance value at each speed, and this will be the no load test. e-The load has been set at 1 p.u and the steps from (b) to (d) has been repeated with switching ON the load switch. f-The load values has been changed from 1 p.u to 1.5 p.u and 2 p.u and the previous steps has been repeated and finally, the results has been plot for each load used in this test. 44 And to find the maximum capacitance value, the following steps has been taken: a-With the circuit shown above, the same necessary steps has been applied to operate this machine. b-without switching ON the load switch, the speed has been set at 800 r.p.m and the capacitor bank switch has been ON. c-The value of capacitance has been increased until the build-up voltage happens, then in gradually steps the value of the capacitance is increased until the rated current of the induction machine has been reached, and this value will be record as the maximum value of capacitance at 800 r.p.m. d-The speed has been increased in steps of 100 r.p.m until the rated speed of the machine, and the step (c) has been repeated for each speed value, and with recording each value of capacitance at each speed, this will be the no-load test. e-The load has been at 1 p.u. and the steps from (b) to (d) has been repeated, with switching ON the load switch. f-The load values has been changed from 1 p.u. to 1.5 p.u. and 2 p.u. and the previous steps has been repeated and finally, the results has been plot for each load used in this test. 45 Chapter 5 Conclusion The main advantages of renewable are available, clean, low cost and continuous energy. The reasons for choosing induction generator in wind energy system are that its very reliable tends to be comparatively inexpensive, light weight, and low maintenance. The generator also has some mechanical properties which are useful for wind turbines. So, the induction generator is the most common generator in wind energy system applications due to its simplicity and ruggedness. The used formula to calculate the maximum capacitance required for self-excited induction generator is simple and it doesn’t need numerical iteration. For this reason, this formula helps to determine the maximum capacitance required for self-excited induction generator on line. The formula gives typical results as the results obtained from iterative technique without any iteration or divergence problem. 46 Appendix 1 % This program is to calculate the maximum capacitance and the minimum % frequency % it will plot the relation between the speed and the maximum capacitance % required & the relation between the speed and the frequency % here we assume that the load resistance is constant and load inductance % is variable % and for the same program we let the load inductance fixed and change the % load resistance rr=0.0881; zb=43.3; rs=0.071; xs=0.1813; xr=0.1813; xm=3.23; rl=0.5; fb=60; xl=0; fmax=0; vv(1)=0; for x=2:100; vv(x)=vv(x-1)+0.02; v=vv(x); l1=xs*(xr+xm)+xr*xm; l2=xr+xm; l3=xm+xs; c4=xl^2*rr*(l2*l3-l1)+xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2; c3=xl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*v*(xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2); c2=rl^2*(rs*l2^2-rr*l1+rr*l2*l3)+xl^2*rs*(rr^2+l2^2*v^2)+2*rl*rr*rs*(l2*l3l1)+rl*(l1^2*v^2+rr^2*l3+rs^2*l2^2); c1=rl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*rl*rs*l2^2*v*(rl+rs)+2*rl*rs*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3); c0=(rl+rs)*rl*rs*(rr^2+v^2*l2^2); p=[c4 c3 c2 c1 c0]; r=roots(p); cmin=1000000000000; cmax=0; for i=1:4; f=r(i); if angle(f)==0; m1=rs*rr-f*(f-v)*l1; m2=rr*f*l3+rs*(f-v)*l2; m3=rl^2+xl^2*f^2; m4=rr*m2-l2*f*(f-v)*m1; yc=xl*f^2/m3+m4*f/(m1^2+m2^2); 47 xc=zb/yc; c=1/(2*3.14*f*fb*xc)*10^6; if c<cmin; cmin=c; fmax=f; end if c> cmax; cmax=c; fmin=f; end end end fmx(x)=fmax; fmn(x)=fmax; cmn(x)=cmin; cmx(x)=cmax; xc=1/(2*3.14*60*cmin*zb); vt(x)=fmax; freq1=fmn*60; cmx1=cmx end rr=0.0881; zb=43.3; rs=0.071; xs=0.1813; xr=0.1813; xm=3.23; rl=0.5; fb=60; xl=0.5; fmax=0; vv(1)=0; for x=2:100; vv(x)=vv(x-1)+0.02; v=vv(x); l1=xs*(xr+xm)+xr*xm; l2=xr+xm; l3=xm+xs; 48 c4=xl^2*rr*(l2*l3-l1)+xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2; c3=xl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*v*(xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2); c2=rl^2*(rs*l2^2-rr*l1+rr*l2*l3)+xl^2*rs*(rr^2+l2^2*v^2)+2*rl*rr*rs*(l2*l3l1)+rl*(l1^2*v^2+rr^2*l3+rs^2*l2^2); c1=rl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*rl*rs*l2^2*v*(rl+rs)+2*rl*rs*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3); c0=(rl+rs)*rl*rs*(rr^2+v^2*l2^2); p=[c4 c3 c2 c1 c0]; r=roots(p); cmin=1000000000000; cmax=0; for i=1:4; f=r(i); if angle(f)==0; m1=rs*rr-f*(f-v)*l1; m2=rr*f*l3+rs*(f-v)*l2; m3=rl^2+xl^2*f^2; m4=rr*m2-l2*f*(f-v)*m1; yc=xl*f^2/m3+m4*f/(m1^2+m2^2); xc=zb/yc; c=1/(2*3.14*f*fb*xc)*10^6; if c<cmin; cmin=c; fmax=f; end if c> cmax; cmax=c; fmin=f; end end end fmx(x)=fmax; fmn(x)=fmax; cmn(x)=cmin; cmx(x)=cmax; xc=1/(2*3.14*60*cmin*zb); vt(x)=fmax; freq2=fmn*60; cmx2=cmx end 49 rr=0.0881; zb=43.3; rs=0.071; xs=0.1813; xr=0.1813; xm=3.23; rl=0.5; fb=60; xl=1; fmax=0; vv(1)=0; for x=2:100; vv(x)=vv(x-1)+0.02; v=vv(x); l1=xs*(xr+xm)+xr*xm; l2=xr+xm; l3=xm+xs; c4=xl^2*rr*(l2*l3-l1)+xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2; c3=xl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*v*(xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2); c2=rl^2*(rs*l2^2-rr*l1+rr*l2*l3)+xl^2*rs*(rr^2+l2^2*v^2)+2*rl*rr*rs*(l2*l3l1)+rl*(l1^2*v^2+rr^2*l3+rs^2*l2^2); c1=rl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*rl*rs*l2^2*v*(rl+rs)+2*rl*rs*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3); c0=(rl+rs)*rl*rs*(rr^2+v^2*l2^2); p=[c4 c3 c2 c1 c0]; r=roots(p); cmin=1000000000000; cmax=0; for i=1:4; f=r(i); if angle(f)==0; m1=rs*rr-f*(f-v)*l1; m2=rr*f*l3+rs*(f-v)*l2; m3=rl^2+xl^2*f^2; m4=rr*m2-l2*f*(f-v)*m1; yc=xl*f^2/m3+m4*f/(m1^2+m2^2); xc=zb/yc; c=1/(2*3.14*f*fb*xc)*10^6; if c<cmin; cmin=c; fmax=f; end if c> cmax; cmax=c; fmin=f; end end end 50 fmx(x)=fmax; fmn(x)=fmax; cmn(x)=cmin; cmx(x)=cmax; xc=1/(2*3.14*60*cmin*zb); vt(x)=fmax; freq3=fmn*60; cmx3=cmx end rr=0.0881; zb=43.3; rs=0.071; xs=0.1813; xr=0.1813; xm=3.23; rl=0.5; fb=60; xl=2; fmax=0; vv(1)=0; for x=2:100; vv(x)=vv(x-1)+0.02; v=vv(x); l1=xs*(xr+xm)+xr*xm; l2=xr+xm; l3=xm+xs; c4=xl^2*rr*(l2*l3-l1)+xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2; c3=xl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*v*(xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2); c2=rl^2*(rs*l2^2-rr*l1+rr*l2*l3)+xl^2*rs*(rr^2+l2^2*v^2)+2*rl*rr*rs*(l2*l3l1)+rl*(l1^2*v^2+rr^2*l3+rs^2*l2^2); c1=rl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*rl*rs*l2^2*v*(rl+rs)+2*rl*rs*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3); c0=(rl+rs)*rl*rs*(rr^2+v^2*l2^2); p=[c4 c3 c2 c1 c0]; r=roots(p); cmin=1000000000000; cmax=0; for i=1:4; f=r(i); if angle(f)==0; m1=rs*rr-f*(f-v)*l1; 51 m2=rr*f*l3+rs*(f-v)*l2; m3=rl^2+xl^2*f^2; m4=rr*m2-l2*f*(f-v)*m1; yc=xl*f^2/m3+m4*f/(m1^2+m2^2); xc=zb/yc; c=1/(2*3.14*f*fb*xc)*10^6; if c<cmin; cmin=c; fmax=f; end if c> cmax; cmax=c; fmin=f; end end end fmx(x)=fmax; fmn(x)=fmax; cmn(x)=cmin; cmx(x)=cmax; xc=1/(2*3.14*60*cmin*zb); vt(x)=fmax; freq4=fmn*60; cmx4=cmx end rr=0.0881; zb=43.3; rs=0.071; xs=0.1813; xr=0.1813; xm=3.23; rl=0.5; fb=60; xl=100000000; fmax=0; 52 vv(1)=0; for x=2:100; vv(x)=vv(x-1)+0.02; v=vv(x); l1=xs*(xr+xm)+xr*xm; l2=xr+xm; l3=xm+xs; c4=xl^2*rr*(l2*l3-l1)+xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2; c3=xl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*v*(xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2); c2=rl^2*(rs*l2^2-rr*l1+rr*l2*l3)+xl^2*rs*(rr^2+l2^2*v^2)+2*rl*rr*rs*(l2*l3l1)+rl*(l1^2*v^2+rr^2*l3+rs^2*l2^2); c1=rl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*rl*rs*l2^2*v*(rl+rs)+2*rl*rs*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3); c0=(rl+rs)*rl*rs*(rr^2+v^2*l2^2); p=[c4 c3 c2 c1 c0]; r=roots(p); cmin=1000000000000; cmax=0; for i=1:4; f=r(i); if angle(f)==0; m1=rs*rr-f*(f-v)*l1; m2=rr*f*l3+rs*(f-v)*l2; m3=rl^2+xl^2*f^2; m4=rr*m2-l2*f*(f-v)*m1; yc=xl*f^2/m3+m4*f/(m1^2+m2^2); xc=zb/yc; c=1/(2*3.14*f*fb*xc)*10^6; if c<cmin; cmin=c; fmax=f; end if c> cmax; cmax=c; fmin=f; end end end fmx(x)=fmax; fmn(x)=fmax; cmn(x)=cmin; cmx(x)=cmax; xc=1/(2*3.14*60*cmin*zb); vt(x)=fmax; freq5=fmn*60; cmx5=cmx end y=0:36:3599; 53 plot(y,cmx1,y,cmx2,y,cmx3,y,cmx4,y,cmx5) ylabel('maximum capacitance (uF)') xlabel('speed (rpm)') axis([0 3600 0 350]) legend('XL=0','XL=0.5','XL=1','XL=2','XL=inf') figure plot(y,freq1,y,freq2,y,freq3,y,freq4,y,freq5) ylabel('minimum frequency (Hz)') xlabel('speed (rpm)') axis([0 3600 0 120]) legend('XL=0','XL=0.5','XL=1','XL=2','XL=inf') 54 Appendix 2 %This program is to calculate the maximum capacitance and the minimum % frequency % it will plot the relation between load resistance and max. capacitance at % fixed speed % the same program also can plot the relation between load reactance and % max. capacitance at fixed speed rr=0.0881; zb=43.3; rs=0.071; xs=0.1813; xr=0.1813; xm=3.23; xl=0.5; fb=60; fmax=0; v=0; for t=1:4; vv(t)=v+0.5; v=vv(t); rl=0; for x=1:20; rrl(x)=rl+0.1; rl=rrl(x); l1=xs*(xr+xm)+xr*xm; l2=xr+xm; l3=xm+xs; c4=xl^2*rr*(l2*l3-l1)+xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2; c3=xl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*v*(xl^2*rs*l2^2+rl*l1^2); 55 c2=rl^2*(rs*l2^2-rr*l1+rr*l2*l3)+xl^2*rs*(rr^2+l2^2*v^2)+2*rl*rr*rs*(l2*l3l1)+rl*(l1^2*v^2+rr^2*l3+rs^2*l2^2); c1=rl^2*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3)-2*rl*rs*l2^2*v*(rl+rs)+2*rl*rs*rr*v*(l1-l2*l3); c0=(rl+rs)*rl*rs*(rr^2+v^2*l2^2); p=[c4 c3 c2 c1 c0]; r=roots(p); cmin=1000000000000; cmax=0; for i=1:4; f=r(i); if angle(f)==0; m1=rs*rr-f*(f-v)*l1; m2=rr*f*l3+rs*(f-v)*l2; m3=rl^2+xl^2*f^2; m4=rr*m2-l2*f*(f-v)*m1; yc=xl*f^2/m3+m4*f/(m1^2+m2^2); xc=zb/yc; c=1/(2*3.14*f*fb*xc)*10^6; if c<cmin; cmin=c; fmax=f; end if c> cmax; cmax=c; fmin=f; end end end resis(x)=rl cap(x)=cmax; end 56 if t==1; cap1=cap; end if t==2; cap2=cap; end if t==3; cap3=cap end if t==4; cap4=cap; end end plot(resis,cap1,'k-*',resis,cap2,'g-o',resis,cap3,'r-',resis,cap4,'b--'); %axis([0.4 2 20 90]); xlabel('Load Resistance'); ylabel('Maximum Capacitance (uF)'); legend('speed=900rpm','speed=1800rpm','speed=2700rpm','speed=3600rpm'); 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