L~ARMONIC CURRENTS GENERATED BY PERSONAL COMPUTERS, THEIR EFFECTS ON THE POWER SYSTEM AND METHODS OF HARMONIC REDUCTION; A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology Ohio University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy by Hrair ~jntablianl June, 1994 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter One: Int~oduction . Chapter Two: Review of Recent Literature . 1 8 Chapter Three: The Nature of Harmonic Currents and their Effects on the Distribution System Neutral Current 3.1 Time-domain Analysis 3.2 Changing the Values of Circuit Parameters C 12 and L 16 3.3 Harmonic Current Measurement 20 3.4 Time and Frequency Domain Measurements of Input Currents of PC's 3.4.1 Monitor and Computer Currents Measured Separately . 26 3.4.2 Personal Computer Input Current Measurement Results 3.5 31 The Magnitudes of the Harmonic Currents and the Neutral Current 23 Chapter Four: Effects of Personal Computer Harmonics on the Distribution Transformer 4.1 Harmonic Current Effects on Transformer Losses 4.2 4.3 42 Harmonic Analysis of the Transformer Circuit 46 Three-phase Transformer Connections 54 ii Page Chapter Five: Harmonic Reduction 5.1 Neutral Current Reduction 58 5.2 Common.l y Used Methods of Harmonic Elimination 5.3 59 A New Single-phase AC to DC Harmonic Reduction Converter Based on the Voltage-doubler Circuit 5.3.1 Description and Analysis of the Proposed Circuit 5.3.2 65 Laboratory Verification of the Propas e d C.i r cui t 72 Chapter Six: Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Research 78 Appendix 1 The HP 3561A™ Spectrum Analyzer 84 Appendix 2 PSpice Programs_ 94 References Abstract . . . . . . . . . . .. 102 iii LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Symbol Description a Transformer turns ratio ac Alternating current C Capacitance DPF Displacement power factor fl Transformer delta connection EMI Electromagnetic interference dc Direct current f Frequency fh Normalized harmonic current h Harmonic number if I Current i1 Transformer primary current i2 Transformer secondary current ic Capacitor current im Transformer magnetization current i2 Resistor current II Fundamental current I Harmonic current h In Neutral current Ip Phase current Is Supply current L Inductance pu Per unit iv PEe Transformer eddy current loss PF Power factor P LL Transformer total load loss POS L Transformer Stray loss Q Bipolar transistor rms Root mean square R Resistance t} First conduction period of switch t2 Secon~ THD Total harmonic distortion V, V conduction period of switch Voltage VC Capacitor voltage VH Higher limit of voltage v: Input voltage VL Lower limit of voltage Vo Output Voltage ~ Radian frequency y Transformer wye connection Z Impedance v LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Page Magnitudes of harmonic currents of various PC's in rnA ••.••••••••••••••.••••••••••....•......... 40 4.1 Harmonic composition of non-linear load........ 44 4.2 Non-linear load current in pu 45 4.3 Example parameters of equation 4.2 ~.. 45 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Phase and neutral currents of a balanced sinusoidal three-phase load 5 1.2 Phase and neutral currents of a balancednon-sinusoidal three-phase load 3.1 Equivalent circuit of bridge rectifier......... 6 12 3.2 Theoretical voltage and current waveforms for C=0.5 mF, 1=1 mH and R= 100 0................... 13 3.3 Theoretical voltage waveform for C=l mF, 1=1 mH and R=100 0...................... ... . . . . . . 16 3.4 Theoretical current waveform for C=0.5 mF, 1=1 mH and R=100 0.............................. 17 3.5 Theoretical current waveform for C=l mF, 1=1 mH and R=100 0.............................. 17 3.6 Theoretical current waveform for C=0.5 mF, 1=2 mH and R=100 0.............................. 19 3.7 Theoretical voltage waveform for C=0.5 mF, 1=2 mH and R=100 0.............................. 20 3.8 Theoretical current waveform for C=0.5 mF, 1=10 mH and R=100 0............................. 21 3.9 Theoretical voltage waveform for C=0.5 mF, a............................. 21 3.10 A square wave................................... 22 3.11 Magnitude spectrum of a square wave 23 L=10 mH and R=100 vii Figure Page 3 .12 Measurement Equipment . 25 3.13 Measured monitor & computer waveforms of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 27 ™ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3.14 Measured monitor & computer current magnitude spectra of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 ™ . 27 . 28 3.15 Measured monitor & computer current phase spectra of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 ™ 3.16 Measured current waveform of Compaq Prolinea 4/50™ (monitor + computer) . 29 . 29 . 30 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 3.17 Measured current magnitude spectrum of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 ™ (moni tor + compu ter) 3.18 Measured monitor current waveform of IBM PS2/30™ 3.19 Measured computer current waveform of IBM PS2/30 ™ 3.20 Measured monitor & computer current phase spectra of IBM PS2 / 3 0 ™ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3.21 Measured current waveform of Mac IIsi 31 ™ ..•.•••. 32 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 3.22 Measured current magnitude spectrum of Mac I I si ™ 3.23 Measured current phase spectra of two Mac IIsi TMI s 33 3.24 Measured current magnitude spectrum of two Mac IIsi TMI s and that of one Mac IIsi ™ •••••••••• 33 viii Figure Page 3.25 Measured current waveforms of various PC's 34 3.26 Measured current waveforms of various PC's 35 3.27 Measured current magnitude spectrum of IBM XT TM measured current magnitude spectrum of Mac IIsi 3.28 Measured current phase spectrum of IBM XT TM measured current phase spectrum of Mac IIsi 3.29 Measured magnitude spectrum of IBM XT Mac IIsi™ run simultaneously r and 'I'M and 36 TM and ................... 3.30 Measured magnitude spectrum of IBM XT r 37 vs. measured magnitude spectrum of IBM PS2/30 3.31 Measured current phase spectrum of IBM XT measured current phase spectrum of 36 37 TH TM vs. IBM PS2/ 3 a TM 38 ..................... 38 3.32 Measured magnitude spectrum of IBM XT ™ and IBM XT™ run simultaneously 4.1 Transformer PSpice model with nonlinear rectifier load.................................. 47 4.2 Transformer current waveforms with ,non-sinusoidal load obtained by PSpice 48 4.3 Transformer magnitude current spectra with non-sinusoidal load obtained by PSpice 49 4.4 Measured current waveforms of transformer with 1 PC load 50 4.5 Measured current magnitude spectra of transformer with 1 PC load.................................. 50 ix Figure Page 4.6 Phases of i z and i m obtained by PSpice 4.7 Measured phases of i z and i m . 51 ••••••••••••••••••• 52 4.8 Transformer current waveforms with increased nonsinusoidal load obtained by PSpice . 53 . 53 4.9 Measured current waveforms of transformer with 3 PC load 4.10 Y-Y connected transformer . 54 4.11 a-Y connected transformer . 55 4.12 Current magnitude spectra of Y-Y transformer 56 4.13 Current magnitude spectra of 57 AY transformer 5.1 Transformer with tertiary windings to reduce the neutral current . 59 5.2 A parallel-connected series resonant LC filter in the bridge rectifier circuit 5.3 A . 60 . 61 series-connected parallel resonant LC filter in the bridge rectifier circuit 63 5.4 Bridge rectifier circuit with' boost converter 5.5 Input current waveform of the boost converter obtained by PSpice . 64 . 65 . 66 5.6 Input current magnitude spectrum of the boost converter obtained by Pspice 5.7 Schematic of the proposed harmonic reduction circui t Figure Page 5.8 Schematic of uncompensated bridge-rectifier circui t 67 5.9 Input current waveform of uncompensated bridgerectifier circuit simulated by Pspice 67 5.10 Input current waveform of the proposed circuit obtained by Pspice 68 5.11 Magnitude spectrum of input current of bridgerectifier obtained by PSpice 70 5.12 Magnitude spectrum of the current of the proposed harmonic reduction circuit obtained by Pspice 70 5.13 Theoretical current waveform of the proposed harmonic reduction circuit...................... 71 5.14 Laboratory circuit 73 5.15 Control circuit voltages....................... 74 5.16 Laboratory waveform of input current without harmonic reduction 75 5.17 Measured magnitude spectrum of input current waveform without harmonic elimination 75 5.18 Laboratory waveform of input current with harmonic reduction: switch conduction period =1.35 ms 76 5.19 Measured magnitude spectrum of input current waveform with harmonic elimination: switch conduction period =1.35 IDS •••••••••••••••••••••• 76 xi Figure Page 5.20 Laboratory waveform of lnput current with harmonic reduction: switch conduction period =0.87 ms 77 5.21 Measured magnitude spectrum of input current waveform with harmonic elimination: switch conduction period =0.87 ms 77 1 Chapter One Introduction In recent years there has been a growing concern for power system distortion due to the increasing numbers and power ratings of non-linear power electronic devices. Power system distortion is generally expressed in terms of harmonic components. Harmonic currents and/or voltage$ are present on an electrical system at some mul tiple of the frequency (normally 60 Hz). Typical values are fundamental the third harmonic component (180 Hz), the fifth harmonic component (300 Hz), the seventh harmonic component (420 Hz), and so on. In converting ac power to dc power a converter chops the ac current waveform by allowing it to flow only during a portion of a cycle. The ac current waveform represents a· distorted sinusoidal waveform that can be separated into its components using Fourier analysis. One of the problems caused by harmonic currents is waveform distortion. voltage Other problems due to harmonic currents are interference with communication signals, excessive losses and heating in motors and transformers, excessive distribution neutral current, errors in power measurements, malfunction of protecti ve relays, and resonance condi tions a t a bus tha t contains a harmonic source and where power factor correction capacitors are connected. In addition, a harmonic load can 2 draw power from the supply at a very low sinusoidal voltage systems the power factor. power factor at For which equipment operates is given by equation 1.1 where PF is the power factor, DPF is the displacement power factor, II and Is are the fundamental and the rms supply currents respectively. I PF=_l.DPF Is (Eq 1.1) The DPF is defined as the cosine of the phase angle between the fundamental components of the supply vol tage and supply current. A the large harmonic distortion in the supply current results in a small ratio II/Is and hence a low PF, even though the DPF might be close to unity. Power converters (rectifiers and invertors) are major sources of harmonic currents. These converters can be grouped according to their harmonic following categories [1]: current behavior into the (i) large power converters such as high vol tage dc transmission convertors; (i i) medi urn size convertors such as those used in the manufacturing industry for motor control; (iii) single-phase rectifiers in has been focused on low power converters such as the television sets. Much attention large power converters as sources of harmonics due to the high magnitudes of the currents involved .. Nevertheless, harmonics generated by low power converters become significant when large numbers of converters are used simultaneously. 3 The major problems associated with the harmonic currents generated by personal computers are excessive neutral currents and additional transformer losses in the form of eddy current losses. Chapter two gives a brief overview of the recent Li terature on this subj ect. Chapter three identifies the harmonics in input currents of personal computers and explores the following: 1. The harmonic currents that are present and their magnitudes relative to the fundamental frequency component. 2. The harmonic currents if the monitor current is measured separately from the computer. 3. Differences in the harmonic currents among various types of personal computers. 4. The magni tude magnitude of the of the third harmonic current and the resulting neutral current. 5. Any cancellations in harmonic currents if various computers are active simultaneously. The power supplies employed in most personal computers are of the switching mode type. In a switching mode power supply, the 60 Hz ac voltage is converted into de through a singlephase diode bridge rectifier and the output voltage of the rectifier is stepped down using a dc to dc converter. The main advantage of the switching mode power supply over the traditional linear power supply is its high energy efficiency since the switching elements used (BJTs, MOSFETS) are either completely off or completely on. 4 The third harmonic current (and other triplen harmonics ) present in the input current of a personal computer is of utmost concern to the power engineer. Third harmonic currents in each phase of a 3-phase system add in phase in the neutral wire. Balanced non-sinusoidal three-phase loads can result in significant neutral currents as illustrated in figures 1.1 and 1.2. The main problem associated wi th excessi ve neutral currents is the overheating of the neutral wire. This can be hazardous in an office building that has computers and other nonlinear loads and where the neutral conductor is designed to handle only low levels of neutral currents arising mainly from small phase imbalances. In chapter four the impact of harmonic currents of personal computers on distribution transformer losses is explored. Also, the influence of the three-phase transformer connection on the distribution system neutral current is examined. distribution transformer that suppli-es power to The office buildings is subj ect to the harmonic currents of pe r soria I computers resul t and other electronic loads. Harmonic currents in the overheating of transformer windings due- to excessive eddy current losses. Chapter five briefly outlines methods of neutral current and harmonic current reduction. It then introduces a new single-phase harmonic reduction circuit based on line- 5 0.5 -= ~ 0 -0.5 -1 e 2 0 IS ,... 12 10 18 18 Tlrn_ (rna) 0.5 aa I 0 -0.5 &:5 0 2 0 2 II 10 12 '4 1S 'S II 10 12 14 18 1S u I 0 -0.5 .. -1 "rn_ (rna) 0.5 I ~ 0 -o.~ .... -1 0 2 e e 10 12 14 18 18 Figure 1.1: Phase and neutral currents of a balanced sinusoidal three-phase load 6 1.5 0.5 -= I 0 -0.5 -1 ~ -1.&5 0 2. • • 10 12 1.5 - 0.5 o - -0.&5 - -1.8 o • It • • Tl,..,.,. 10 12 115 '8 C,..,.,.) 1.8 , ~ 0.11 ~ ~ I O~ - 0 . 5 --1 -1.a 0 :& 10 12 , ... 1. 18 1.a a.a - i 0 -0.0 - ~ - I- - -, -1.15 a • 10 '2 , .... 115 ,. Figure 1 .2: Phase and neutral currents of a balanced nonsinusoidal three-phase load 7 frequency operation using the voltage-doubler circuit with an addi tional swi tch. Theoretical and simulation resul ts depicting the input current waveform of the new circuit and its harmonic currents are presented. Finally, the proposed circuit is tested in a laboratory setting and experimental results are discussed. In chapter six conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made for further research. This dissertation offers three main original contributions to understanding the harmonic currents due to computers and their effects on the power system. contribution is the identification of personal The first personal computer harmonic currents and their roles in generating distribution system neutral con t r i bu t Lon analysis of three). the effects The second personal computer harmonics on the distribution transformer (chapter current the (chapter of four). is currents The third contribution is a new circuit for harmonic reduction (chapter five). based on the voltage-doubler circuit 8 Chapter Two Review of Recent Literature Prior to the development of power electronic convertors harmonics were associated with electric machines and transformers. With the development and increased usage of rectifiers in power supplies and motor drives, harmonicrelated problems have increased in power systems. The television set has been a source of harmonic currents. capacitor. It is supplied by a rectifier and a smoothing Since modern television sets use full-wave rectification the supply current is rich in odd-order harmonic currents [2]. The harmonic currents from different television sets reinforce one another. At peak viewing periods such as the Superbowl the harmonics reach 'peak values and they can have catastrophic consequences on the neutral conductor and the distribution transformer. Another source of harmonics is the battery charger for use with electric vehicles. Most battery chargers use controlled or uncontrolled rectifiers with center-tapped transformers. The battery charger produces large amounts of "odd-order harmonics [3]. In common wi th television receivers and other consumer electronic goods the battery charger produces high zero sequence triplen harmonic currents (third, ninth, etc.) which overloads the neutral 9 conductor [3]. Moreover, the phase angles of the harmonic currents do not vary enough to cause a significant cancellation when a group of chargers are in operation. Excessive harmonic currents and hence neutral currents exist in fluorescent lighting circuits [4]. The harmonic currents are accounted for by saturation of ballasts and non-linear lamp arc characteristics. In a three-phase system the third harmonic currents are in phase and thus are added linearly in the neutral conductor. Measurements on two building installations has shown that neutral currents amounted to 75 and 157 percent of the phase currents [4]. To determine the extent of the neutral current problem, a survey of three-phase computer power system loads was taken by Liebert Customer Service engineers in 1988 [5]. The survey included the measurements of the rms phase and neutral currents at 146 computer sites. The neutral current is a result of the phase current imbalance and the triplen harmonic currents. The neutral current due to phase imbalance IN (phase-imbalance) is given by [5]: (Eq.2.1) where lA' l B and Ie are the magnitudes of the rms phase currents. The neutral current due to triplen harmonic 10 currents IN (triplen-currents) can be approximated by equation 2.2 [5]: .; 2 2 (Eq. 2.2) I N ( trpilen-currents) = I N - IN (phase-imbalance) where IN is the neutral current. For example, if I A=189 A, I B=193 A, I c=209 A and I N=110 A, IN(phase-imbalance) and IN(triplen-currents) ,= = 18.33 A 108.6 A Among the 146 sites surveyed 22.6% of the sites had neutral current in excess of 100% of the phase current. is to It be noted that this survey did not include building and office wiring systems which also supply power to personal computers. It is well known that switch-mode power supplies can be designed to provide harmonic-free performance and a great number of papers have been published dealing with this subject in the past ten years. However, in most applications the economic incentives have not been sufficient enough to incorporate the harmonic elimination circuitry in the design [6]. The traditional passive method of harmonic-reduction of ac to de converters involves passive series or/and shunt LC filters to reduce the 11 amplitude of one or more of the current harmonics. Of the active harmonic elimination methods the boost converter method is considered the most favorable [6]. The weights and sizes of the components used in the passive method make it undesirable [1]. A major disadvantage of the active method, besides its high cost, is the complexity of the control circuits [7]. 12 Chapter Three The Nature of Harmonic Currents and their Effects on the Distribution System Neutral Current 3.1: TIME-DOMAIN ANALYSIS The equivalent circuit of a bridge rectifier which represents the input section of a typical power supply shown in figure 3.1 [8]. voltage and is Land C smooth out the output dc R1 is the load resistance. L '--L~~-~ + ======C> C -'-- i(t) ~ ir(t) -~ Vs ic(t) ~ Vc(t)~ -: RI Figure 3.1: Equivalent circuit of bridge rectifier Two modes of operation exist for this circuit. During mode #1, the diode is forward biased and the capaci tor charges through the supply. During mode #2, the diode is reverse biased and the capaci tor discharges through the load. The current and voltage waveforms are illustrated in figure 3.2. 13 To find the supply current i(t) v ; (t), the circui t of figure 3.1 and the output voltage is transient and steady state conditions. Kirchoff's examined under hoth During mode #1, using laws yields, d:Zv c ( t) +_1 dvc ( t) +_1 V (t) =_1 V (t) -d---t-:ZRC dt LC c LC S (Eq. 3.1) (Eq. 3.2) 140 <' ~ a "'D ::J 120 100 80 =c B' :::s 60 40 Current 20 0 0 2 3 5 6 7 a 9 10 TIme{msec) Figure 3.2: Theoretical voltage and current waveforms for C=O.5 mF, 1=1 mH and R1=100 a 14 In equation 3.2 the second-order differential equation is solved for vc(t)and from equation 3.1 the response i(t) is obtained. The complete response is the sum of the natural response and the forced response. 3.3) (Eq. where, (Eq. 3.4) and 1 a=- 2RC (Eq. 3.5) b=~-1c-~ (Eq. 3.6) 2 The constants K1 and K2 are determined by applying initial conditions to-the complete response. By analyzing the circuit of figure 3.1 in steady-state the forced response of vc(t) is obtained as: 15 (Eq. 3.7) ·(Eq. 3.8) (Eq. 3.9) where _ vm4g-vs - R - - - - - - - { (R-(i)2RCL) 2+ ((i)L) 2 <p=-arctan . ((i)L) (R-(i)2 RCL) During mode #2, the capacitor discharges with a time constant R x C and The following initial conditions find the constants K1 , K2 and K3 : During mode #1/ Vc{O) = Vc at end of mode #2 <"1(0) = 0 During mode #2, Vc{O) = Vc at end of mode #1 are applied in order to 16 3.2: CHANGING THE VALUES OF CIRCUIT PARAMETERS C AND L In order to reduce the output ripple voltage of a full- wave rectifier the capacitance of the output filter capacitor should be increased. Figure 3.3 shows the output voltage when the capacitance is doubled to 1 mF. A comparison of figures 3.2 and 3.3 reveals the reduction in the ripple voltage. In addition, increasing the capacitance makes the input current flatter thus increasing the power factor. Figures 3.4 and 3.5 display the input currents of the rectifier for two different values of C. 120 100 ~ 80 ~ 60 ~ ~ G :::J "c ~ D'I C ::IE ~o ~ - 20 - ~ 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ttme (msec) Figure 3.3: Theoretical voltage waveform for C=l mF, 1=1 mH and R=lOO 0 17 8 7 6 5 '" .::s ., .a ·c "0 4 0' =i 3 2 ........--....Io-o-------' O'------'-----"-----'-""""---.-.......------~-- o 2 3 5 6 7 B 9 10 Tlme(msec) Figure 3.4: Theoretical current waveform for C=0.5 mF, L=l mH and R=100 a 7 6 5 g &) <4- ""CI ::J ~ c: D\ D 3 :::Ii 2 O~--"'----""-----~~-~--~-..a..-.~--~--....&.---~---.I 10 2 B 9 o 3 7 5 6 i1rne (rnaec) Figure 3.5: Theoretical current waveform for C=l mF, L=l mH and R=lOO C 18 The ripple voltage can be expressed by the following approximate formula [9]: I V=I fC (Eq. 3.11) where Vr I = peak-to-peak ripple voltage dc load current f = ripple frequency C capacitance Vr can be expressed in terms of the output voltage Vd c by substituting for I = Vd c / R . v V =--E.£. I feR (Eq. 3.12) For most applications the ripple voltage is considered small enough when it is less than 10% of the output voltage. Therefore, VI 1 -=--=0.1 Vdc res and 19 c= 1 1 o .1fR O.lx120xlOO =833uF The value of C cannot be increased indefinitely because a large capacitor acts as a constant dc source. In the analysis above the upper limit for C was 2 mF. The inductance of the output filter has a similar impact on the output voltage and the input current of the bridge rectifier. Figure 3.6 shows the input current and figure 3.7 shows the output voltage when L was increased to 2 mH. 7 6 5 g I) 4 -c ::1 ~ c:: C\ D :5 ::i 2 O~_-----_~ o 2 __ __a....Io..-_-"'----_---I._---'----' ~_----'-_~ 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (msec) Figure 3.6: Theoretical current waveform for C=O.5 mF, L=2 mH and R=100 a 20 120 100 ~ -§ ;t:::: c: 80 80 I:J' D ::li 40 20 0 0 2 .:5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TIme (maec) Figure 3.7: Theoretical voltage waveform for C=O.5 mF, L=2 mH and R=lOO 0 In addition to decreasing the ripple voltage, increasing L increases the pulse-width of the input current and hence decreases its harmonic content. Figures 3.8 and 3.9 display the input current and the output voltage respectively for L = 10 mH. The value of L is constrained by its physical size and its cost. 3.3: HARMONIC CURRENT MEASUREMENT A regularly shaped waveform (such as a square wave) can be decomposed into its components by using Fourier analysis. The equation of the harmonic components of a square wave having an amplitude of 1 and a period T (Figure 3.10) is 21 ... 3.5 3 ~ -8 :::I ~ "2.5 2 C at :i 1.5 0.5 QL.--_ _'--_----"'---_.-.:;;...,j"---_----&_ _----"_ _----"_ _- . L_ _- - L ._ _- - L ._ _- - - ' o 2 5 3 6 7 8 9 10 Time (ms8c) Figure 3.8: Theoretical Current Waveform for C=0.5 mF, L=10 mH and R=100 a 120 100 ~ -8 ::::t ~ C 0' 80 60 C ::IE 40 20 0 0 2 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 Time(msec) Figure 3.9: Theoretical Voltage Waveform for C=0.5 mF, L=lO mH and R=100 0 22 Vet) 1 +------t------+----t---------t -1 ---=.:>------e:::c=__ Period T Figure 3.10: A square wave given by [10]: Y(t) =.! [sin(wt) +~sin(3wt)) +~sin5 (wt) +~sin(7wt) + ... ] n 3 5 7 (Eq. 3.13) where w= 2ll / T. Equation 3.13 represents the Fourier series of the square wave of figure 3.10. The frequency composition of a signal as expressed by Fourier series is called the frequency spectrum of the signal. The frequency spectrum of a signal contains both magnitude and phase 23 I Y(t) I 1.27 1 .42 0.5 .25 .18 I 11 3 f1 I I 511 7 f1 .14 I 911 f Figure 3.11: Magnitude spectrum of a square wave information. Figure 3.11 shows the magnitude spectrum of the square wave of figure 3.10 . f 1 is called the fundamental frequency and is equal to the reciprocal of the period T of the square wave. The calculations of the frequency spectra of irregularly shaped waveforms (such as the input current waveform of a rectifier) become extremely complex and thus are rarely made. Instead, either a spectrum analyzer or a digital data processing system is used. The advantages of a signal analyzer over a digital oscilloscope are its Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) capability 24 and other signal processing capabilities. The Fast Fourier transform is a mathematical algorithm for transforming data from the time domain into the frequency domain. First the time domain data are sampled into discrete data and then the samples in the time domain are transformed into samples in the frequency domain by the FFT algorithm. Because of sampling some information in the input time domain data are lost. However, by spacing the samples close together, an excellent approximation of the input signal is obtained. Figure 3.12 shows the equipment (and their setup) used to measure input current harmonics of personal computer loads. A 0.015 a shunt is placed in series with the voltage source to provide a voltage that is proportional to the current. The voltage across the shunt is fed to the signal analyzer (HP 3561A~) that is interfaced with a controller (HP 200™ series personal computer). The controller collects the data displayed by the signal analyzer and stores it on disk. The data collected by the HP 200™ series personal computer was loaded into MATLAB™ and time waveforms and frequency spectra of the input currents of personal computer loads were plotted. Appendix 1 gives a detailed description of the HP 3561A™ signal analyzer and shows the BASIC program listings that were run by the HP 200™ series personal computer for time domain and frequency domain data acquisitions. 25 p r------ 120 V( ) I Shunt supply [_--:---0. 015,---O~hm_ _ ---1 personal computer load N HP 3561A signal analyzer HP-IB bus HP 200 Series personal computer Figure 3.12: Measurement equipment 26 3.4: TIME AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN MEASUREMENTS OF INPUT CURRENTS OF PC'S There are several considerations for the measurement of the harmonic currents of a personal computer. Among them is the role that the monitor plays in shaping the current waveform of the personal computer. In addition, it is important to know what differences are there in the harmonic currents of personal computers of various makes and models. Of particular importance are the phase relationships of the harmonic spectra drawn by individual personal computers. 3.4.1: MONITOR AND COMPUTER CURRENTS MEASURED SEPARATELY In order to determine the contribution of the monitor to the harmonic content of the input current of a personal computer, the monitor cur~ent and the computer current were measured separately. Figure 3.13 shows the current waveforms of the monitor and the computer of a Compaq Prolinea 4/50™ personal computer. The current waveforms of the monitor and of the computer are similar as indicated by figure 3.13. Figures 3.14 and 3.15 show the magnitude spectra and the phase spectra of the monitor and of the computer currents of a Compaq Prolinea 4/50™ respectively. PC There isn't much difference in the phase angles of the harmonic currents of the monitor and of the computer to indicate harmonic cancellations. 27 400 300 200 ~ -....... v 100 "! 0 ~ -100 I -200 -300 -400 0 2 8 8 10 12 14 18 18 20 TIme (m.ec) Figure 3.13: Measured monitor & computer current waveforms of Compaq Prolinea 4/50( Monitor .... computer) 90 80 70 l' ~ 4D "0 ... =' -c 00 ~ 60 50 40 30 20 10 200 400 800 1000 1200 1400 1 600 1800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.14: Measured monitor & computer current magnitude spectra of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 ( monitor .... computer) 28 200 150 100 d; ~ .......... .!! 50 ··. .. " ': 0 ,, '' ,\ :: ,,-, ' 0" .i -50 '( -100 ~ -150 -200 , 0 100 200 300' 400 .500 600 700 800 900 1000 F,...quency (Hz) Figure 3.15: Measured monitor & computer current phase spectra of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 ( monitor .... computer) Figures 3.16 and 3.17 show the current waveform and the magnitude spectrum of the Compaq Prolinea 4/50~personal computer respectively when the monitor and the computer are supplied simultaneously. These figures confirm the additive nature of the harmonic currents of the monitor and of the computer. In order to be able to generalize these results, the measurements were repeated on several other personal computers. Figure 3.18 and 3.19 display the current waveforms of·the monitor and of the computer of a IBM PS2/30~ personal computer respectively. Figure 3.20 shows the phase spectra of these currents. the Compaq Prolinea 4/50~ As was the case with personal computer the harmonic 29 800 BOO 400 ~ 200 ~ u ~c: 0 a -200 D' ::Ii -400 -600 -BOO 2 0 6 8 12 10 14 16 20 18 Ttme (maec) Figure 3.16: Measured current waveform of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 (monitor + computer) 160 140 120 i'"""' II "C :2 c: 100 80 0- D ::IE 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1 600 1BOO 2000 Frequency (HZ) Figure 3.17: Measured current magnitude spectrum of Compaq Prolinea 4/50 (monitor + computer) 30 currents of the monitor and of the computer are approximately in phase with one another. Therefore, it is safe to consider the monitor an integral part of a personal computer during harmonic measurements of its input current. 150 100 1 50 ""-'" • i=- 0 -so -100 -150 0 2 8 10 12 1.... 16 18 20 TIme em.ec) Figure 3.18: Measured monitor current waveform of IBM PS2/30 300 r------r-----r-----r-----r----~-____,.--___r_--......._--__r_-____, 200 ! ~8' =- 100 o -100 -200 __ -300 -----~--......i---""'-- o 2 8 '__--..a.----.&..----A.----4.------I 10 12 16 18 20 nm. (m••c) Figure 3.19: Measured computer current waveform of IBM PS2/30 31 200 150 100 i ~ ~ 50 0 ~ ~ -50 -100 -150 -200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.20: Monitor and computer current phase spectra of IBM PS/30 3.4.2: PERSONAL COMPUTER INPUT CURRENT MEASUREMENT RESULTS The Input current waveform of a Mac IIsi™ personal computer is shown in figure 3.21. Figure 3.22 shows the magnitude spectrum of the waveform of figure 3.21 obtained from the spectrum analyzer. It is evident that large harmonic components are present in the input current. The magnitudes of the odd-numbered harmonics up to the eleventh harmonic (660 hz) are significant. The dominance of the odd-numbered harmonic currents is expected since the current waveform possesses half-wave symmetry. In waveforms with half-wave symmetry only the odd-numbered harmonic components are present. The current phase spectra of two Mac IIsi™'s are shown in figure 3.23. The harmonic currents of two Mac IIsiTH's are completely in phase and therefore their magnitudes linearly add to one another as illustrated in figure 3.24. 32 400 300 200 100 '< $ (l) .a ·c 0 :::E -100 "0 0' 0 -200 -300 -400 4 2 0 B 6 12 10 14 16 18 20 Time (msec) Figure 3.21: Measured current waveform of Mac IIsi™ 120 i- - 80 - - 60 - - 100 i I) '"C .a -2 D" c ::IE - 40 20 o f\ o - n 0- f\. 200 "400 ,,) \A\.I\_A. 600 1\ BOO J\ 1000 1'\ 1'\ 1 200 '" 1 400 .- 1 600 ,...... .-. 1 800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.22: Measured current magnitude spectrum of Mac IIsi™ 33 200 150 100 50 0- e It 0 ~ C -c -50 -100 -150 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.23: Measured current phase spectra of two Mac IIsi™'s 250 200 1 150 Two I cv "'U ~ ·c 0'1 0 ::t One 100 50 OI:ll.A-~-"""'...&...1IIooI----r::a...&......a....ICI""""""'-"""""'-"':..a..--.JI""-'..&..Il--""'~~~~ a 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 1 400 -""" 1 600 ---.I 1 800 2000 Frequency (HZ) Figure 3.24: Measured current magnitude spectrum of two Mac IIsi™'s and that of one Mac IIsi™ 34 Figure 3.23 also reveals that the phase angles of successive harmonic currents have opposite signs. This is characteristic of the input currents of all types of personal computers that were examined. Figures 3.25 and 3.26 show measured current waveforms of various types of PC's. The IBM PS/70™ draws the highest input current with a peak value of 1 A. Recent models of PC's (IBM PS/70™, Mac absorb more power than former models (IBM IIsi~) Plus™). PS/30~, Mac This shows a trend towards larger PC's in the future and hence more harmonic problems can be expected due to PC's. 800 IBM XT Mac 11s1 600 400 <' 200 ~ IIJ -0 .a ·c 0' 0 ~ 0 -200 Mac Plus -400 -600 -800 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time (msec) Figure 3.25: Measured current waveforms of various PC's 35 1500 IBM PS2/70 1000 . . . . ~ IBM XT 500 1 G 0 "'0 .a 'c 0\ C :::E -500 -1000 -1500 0 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time (msec) Figure 3.26: Measured current waveforms of various PC's When a group of different types of PC's are connected it is possible that harmonic current cancellations occur. Figure 3.28 compares the phases of the currents of a Mac IIsi m and a IBM XT m • The third, the fifth and the seventh harmonic currents are in phase and phase shifts occur among higher harmonic currents. When a Mac I I s i ™ and a IBM XT™ are active simultaneously, the third, the fifth and the seventh harmonic components accumulate while in higher order harmonic components partial cancellations occur. This can be verified by comparing the spectra of figures 3.27 and 3.29. Similar conclusions can be reached when an IBM XT™ and IBM PS/230™ are run simultaneously as illustrated by figures 3.30, 3.31 and 3.32 . 36 180 r---~---r-----,--~---r-----r--~--.,.------r-----. ¢:==J 160 IBM XT 140 120 <' ,g 100 Mac 1181 ll) ""C ~ 'c 0'1 80 0 ~ 60 40 20 0 200 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 . 1800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.27: Measured current magnitude spectrum of IBM XT m and measured current magnitude spectrum of Mac IIsi~ 200 IBM XT ~ 150 ----J v- Mac 11s1 100 -e 50 ~ ~ I) 0 "i;I c: -c -50 -100 -150 -200 0 200 400 600 BOO 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.28: Measured current phase spectrum of IBM XT™ and measured current phase spectrum of Mac IIsi™ 37 300 250 200 1 I) "0 Z 150 ·c C\ 0 ~ 100 n 50 o a ~ 200 J\ 400 1\ f\ 600 f\ 1\ 800 I\. 1000 1\ 1200 ,"", 1400 .,.. 1600 -. ~ 1800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.29: Measured current magnitude spectrum of IBM XT™ and Mac IIsi™ run simultaneously Figure 3.30: Measured current magnitude spectrum of IBM XT™ and measured current magnitude spectrum of IBM PS/30™ 38 200 I<=IBM PS2/30 150 IBM XT ~ 100 ~ I ~ ,., ~ ,....." eIi' 50 0~ 0 ~ ~ v ~ ~ , ~ " """ ,/ f"" u V I -50 ~ v ~ -100 v ~ 200 - ~ :;I o - I-"" V' ~ ~ -150 ~ L; ~ -400 600 BOO 1000 1200 1400 1 600 1 BOO 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.31: Measured current phase spectrum of IBM XT™ and measured current phase spectrum of IBM PS/30™ 450 I II) 400 ~ - 350 ~ - 300 ~ - 250 ~ - -g :t: c: C" :i 200 '"" n 150 ~ 100 ~ - 50 I- - 0 0 200 400 600 BOO 1 000 1 200 1 -400 1 600 1 800 2000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 3.32: Measured current magnitude spectrum of IBM XT m and IBM PS/30 m run simultaneously 39 It should be noted that during these measurements no programs were executed on the personal computers. The differences in the measurements were insignificant when programs were executed. 3.5: THE MAGNITUDES OF THE HARMONIC CURRENTS OF PERSONAL COMPUTERS AND THE NEUTRAL CURRENT Table 3.1 lists input current harmonics of various types of personal computers. currents In parentheses are the harmonic as a percent of the fundamental component of the current (60 Hz component). The third harmonic current 1 3 ranges from 74% up to 87% of the fundamental current II. constitutes from 41 to 67% of II. Is The range of 1 7 is between 16% to 44% of II and the range of 1 9 is from 3% to 21% of II. Harmonic currents higher than the ninth are below 10% of II . The third harmonic current ranges from 74% to 86% of the fundamental current. High neutral currents are expected due to the high magnitudes of the third harmonic currents (and the magnitudes of higher order triplen harmonic currents) because they are in phase with each other (zero sequence) in all three phases of the power system. The third harmonic current is dominant in the neutral conductor because its magnitude is much larger than the unbalanced portion of the fundamental current and any other harmonic current. 40 Mac IIsi I I 1 3 Is I 7 I 9 III I I 13 1S IBM XT IBM PS/30 Mac Plus IBM PS/70 106.82 165.93 199.02 83.35 541.88 (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) 89.31 122.45 152.63 72.30 458.83 (83.6%). (73.8%) (76.7%) (86.7%) (84.7%) 65.18 68.03 94.76 55.80 333.54 (61.0%) (41.0%) (47 • 6%) (66.9%) (61.5%) 40.51 26.71 39.16 36.53 192.04 (37 .9%) (16.1%) (19.7%) (43.8%) (35.4%) 21.25 5.64 10.39 17.78 (19.9%) (3.4%) (5.2%) (21.3%) 71.18 (13.1%) 8.70 3.98 3.53 3.31 17.75 (8.1%) (2 .4%) (1.8%) (4.0%) (3 .3%) 2.95 8.46 1.49 4.95 (2 .8%) (5 .1%) (0. 7%) (5 • 9%) 3.46 8.29 2.30 7.51 (3.2%) (5 • 0%) (1.1%) (9.0%) 49.02 (9.0%) 48.01 (8.8%) Table 3.1: Magnitudes of harmonic currents of various PC'S in rnA The IBM XT™ has the lowest per~ent third harmonic current (74%). Since the computer is connected line-to-neutral in a 3-phase system, the neutral current is approximately equal to three times the vector sum of the third and ninth harmonic currents flowing in each phase. In = 3 (1 3 2 + 1 92 ) 1/2 = 3 (122.458 2 + 5.642 2 ) 1/ 2 367.764 rnA 41 The phase current is given by: I P= (I 12 + I 3 2 + I 5 2 +I 7 2 + I 92 + I 11 2 + I 13 2 + I 15 2) r, = In / 1/2 219.226 rnA Ip = 1.677 The Mac Plus rn offers the worst case third harmonic current (87%). In a similar manner In and I p are obtained. In 3 (72.303 2 + 17.789 2 ) r, 130.507 rnA In / I p = 1.712 1/ 2 223.377 rnA With a large number of personal computer loads, the neutral current is expected to be 1.7 times the phase current. It will certainly overload the neutral conductor that is designed to handle lower currents than the phase currents. 42 Chapter Four Effects of Personal Computer the Distribution Ha~onic Currents on Transfo~er 4.1: HARMONIC CURRENT EFFECTS ON TRANSFORMER LOSSES The harmonic currents generated by personal computer loads introduce extra losses in the transformers feeding the loads. The additional losses are the results of increased eddy currents. The extra transformer losses due to harmonics require that the transformer be derated so that the total losses do not exceed the ratings. According to A standard c57.110-1986 (A Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer capability When Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load Currents) the total load loss of a transformer can be divided between winding losses losses. and stray Stray losses are the eddy current losses due to stray electromagnetic flux in the windings , core and other structural parts of the transformer. The total load loss can be expressed as [11] Pu = I 2 R + where PEe P~ + POOL (Eq. 4.1) is the loss due to stray electromagnetic flux in the windings and P OSL is the stray loss in components other than the windings. Before going into further details of the discussion of transformer losses, should be explained. eddy current losses 43 Generally, eddy currents are defined as circulating currents in the magnetic core of a transformer [12]. A time-changing flux induces voltage within a core in the same manner as it would in a wire wrapped around that core since the core (made of iron) is a fairly good conductor. The induced voltages cause eddy currents to flow within the core that result in heating losses in the iron core or eddy current losses. equation 4.1. These losses are represented by P OS L in Eddy current losses are minimized by building the core from thin, insulated sheets of iron ("laminations") and thus restricting the flow of eddy currents. When an ac current flows through the windings of a transformer each conductor becomes surrounded by an electromagnetic field. Each conductor linked by the time- changing flux experiences an internal induced voltage that causes eddy currents to flow in that conductor. The eddy currents produce additional heating losses in the windings that are referred to as stray losses. The eddy current losses within the transformer windings are represented by PEe in equation 4.1. Harmonic currents cause excessive eddy current losses in the transformer windings since these losses are proportional to the square of the currents and the square of the frequencies. Although the loss in the core (POSL ) is increased as a resul t of nonsinusoidal 44 currents, it is considered less critical than the winding The maximum per unit load current that ensures that the losses do not exceed the rated 60 Hz operating conditions of a transformer is given by equation 4.2 [11]. I max 1 + PEC-R(PU) = (Eq. Where, PE~R 4.2) (pu) is the per unit value of eddy current loss under rated 60 Hz conditions, h is the harmonic number and f h is the harmonic component of current divided by the 60 Hz component of current. The input current waveform of a group of 30 IBM XT m personal computers is considered as a load with the following harmonic composition. 1 5.551 A 3 4.626 A 5 3.138 A 7 1.629 A 9 0.610 A Table 4.1: Harmonic composition of non-linear load 45 The rms current is given by: I r ms = ( 1 12 + I 32 + 1 5 2 + 1 7 2 + 1 92 ) 1/ 2 = 8.067 A The harmonic currents are converted to pu of the rrns current and the following values are obtained: r, h (pu) 1 0.6939 3 0.5782 5 0.3922 7 0.2036 9 0.0763 Table 4.2: Non-linear load current in pu If the maximum eddy current loss of the transformer is 15% of the 12 R loss, then PEC- R = 0.15 pu. f hl f h 2 and f h 2 h 2 are calculated and tabulated as follows: h 1 0.6939 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 3 0.5782 9 0.8334 0.6945 6.251 5 0.3922 25 0.5652 0.3194 7.9863 7 0.2036 49 0.2934 0.0861 4.2181 9 0.0763 81 0.1100 0.0121 0.9801 2.1121 .E 20.435 ~ Table 4.3: Example parameters of equation 4.2 46 The maximum current from equation 4.2 is: I max (pu) = 1 +0.15 =0'.6849 1+20.4350 15 2.1121 · I max = O. 6 8 4 9 x 8 A = 5. 4 7 9 A Thus, the transformer capability is 68 % of its rated load current capability. 4.2 HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT In order to observe the current waveforms of a transformer a PSpice model of a transformer is implemented as shown in figure 4.1. The nonlinear magnetic transformer model of Pspice is used. The B-H characteristics of an iron-core transformer model in Pspice are analyzed using the Jiles-Atherton model [13]. An iron-cor.e transformer can be represented by the following PSpice statements: Ll 2 0 500 L2 3 0 500 K12 Ll L2 0.9999 CMOD .MODEL CMOD CORE (AREA=20 PATB=40 GAP=O.l MS=1.6E+5 + ALPHA=le-3 A=1000 C=0.5 K=1500) where Ll and L2 specify the number of turns of the primary and secondary windings of the transformer respectively. K12 47 • D2 7 l.1 tmlt \i.C4I t.., • 10 D4 a Figure 4.1: Transformer PSpice model with nonlinear rectifier load is the mutual coupling of the transformer windings and CORE is the model name for a nonlinear magnetic inductor. model parameter~ are defined as follows [13]: AREA: Mean magnetic crosi section area in cm2 PATH: Mean magnetic path length in cm GAP: Effective air-gap length in cm MS: Magnetic saturation in Aim ALPHA: Mean field parameter A: Shape parameter c: Domain wall-flexing constant K: Domain wall-pinning constant The 48 Program 1 of appendix 2 shows a copy of the Pspice program that was used. the primary(i 1 ) , Figure 4.2 shows the waveforms of the secondary (i z ) and the magnetization (i m) currents of the transformer under a nonsinusoidal rectifier load (input section of a switch-mode power supply). The magnetization current i m is equal to the difference i 1 - i2- Figure 4.3 shows the magnitude spectra of these waveforms_ 20 15 10 s 5 G) "C :::3 ~ 0 C 0- 0 :E -5 -10 -15 -20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (msec) Figure 4.2: Transformer current waveforms with nonsinusoidal load obtained by PSpice 40 49 15 12 s -II:::J ~ 10 1m 0- 0 :2 5 ...... .wo O"------............-----~~--...--.L.I~-...I.-- o 100 150 200 250 300 350 ~-.....L------' 450 500 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.3: Transformer magnitude current spectra with nonsinusoidal load obtained by PSpice In order to confirm the PSpice results of figures 4.2 and 4.3, measurements were taken on a lab transformer supplying power to a IBM XT~. The transformer is rated at 600 VA and has several isolated windings rated at voltages and 120 V. 6, 60, 110 The primary winding of the transformer was a 120 V winding and so was the secondary winding. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 display the results of these measurements. 50 200 100 ! t) a '0 :2 c:: C' 0 :5 -100 -200 -300 a 5 10 15 25 20 30 35 40 Time (msec) Figure 4.4: Measured current waveforms of transformer with 1 PC load 180 :J 140 120 ~ 1m' 100 J 80 :i eo c: at Ll 12 40 . 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 ~oo ....50 F.... qu.ncy (Hz) Figure 4.5: Measured current magnitude spectra of transformer with 1 PC load 500 51 In both the simulated and the experimental spectra (figures 4.3 and 4.5) i contains lower harmonics than i 2 • 1 The relationship between these currents is the following. ( Eq. 4. 3 ) Where, a is the turns ratio of the transformer windings. There are cancellations in the harmonic currents of i 2 and i m • Figures 4.6 and 4.7 show the phase angles of i 2 and i m for the simulated and the experimental results respectively. For harmonic currents higher than the fundamental current the phase shifts between i 2 and i m are greater than 100 degrees. 200 ·,· ..,,,, ·,· , ,· · · ·, ,,· ,, ,12 150 r-' 100 ~ t .-, ,, , ,, ,, . 60 . 0 -50 -100 -150 0 ~.J¢==::J 1m ·· . ·. , ,, , , ,"'_,, 60 ,, 100 160 200 2&0 300 350 400 460 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.6: Phases of i 2 and 1m obtained by PSpice eoc 52 200 ::¢==:JImr: .. .. 150 100 """:- . ! • I • I , I I • I I I • • I I , I I I I2 SO .i i, I I I I .. .. 0 e- .i -50 I I ' '-"'" . -100 I I I -1~ -200 I 0 I L.-J 00 100 1 eo 200 260 .300 3GO 400 460 f!»OO Frequeney (Hz) Figure 4.7: Measured phases of 12 and i m The magnitude of i m is comparable to the magnitude of i 2 because the transformer is lightly loaded. It is expected that as the load increases the magnitude of 12 increases yet the magnitude of i m does not change significantly and this fact is verified by figures 4.8 and 4.9. The amount of loading and the value of the turns ratio determine the extent of harmonic cancellations between i 2 and i m • The magnetization current which contains odd order (3rd, 5th, 7th etc.) harmonic currents is considered a source of harmonic currents to the distribution system. applied voltage to a transformer goes When the above the rated voltage the level of transformer saturation increases and the magnetization current i m increases dramatically. 53 20 15 10 5 ~ &) ~ .a 0 "2 CJl 0 :s -5 -10 -15 TIme (msec) Figure 4.8: Transformer current waveforms with increased nonsinusoidal load obtained by PSpice 8OO------......---,...------r----.----~-~-----, 600 400 ! 200 -400 -600 -800...----------"""--------'----"""----'-----" o 5 10 15 25 30 35 40 20 TIme (msec) Figure 4.9: Measured current waveforms of transformer with 3 PC load 54 Under a fairly sinusoidal load a transformer should not be overexcited to keep down the levels of the harmonic currents due to saturation. However, when the load is highly nonsinusoidal operating the transformer above its rated voltage will partially reduce the harmonic components of the primary current and thus have beneficial effects. 4.3: THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS The primary and the secondary windings of a three-phase transformer can be connected in either a Y or a 4. This gives a total of four possible connections for a three-phase transformer: Y-Y, Y-4, 4-Y, and 4-4. Figures 4.10 and 4.11 show the connections of a Y-Y and a 4-Y transformer respectively. a b c ~ -, ~ I I~ ", a1 b1 n c1 Figure 4.101 Y-Y connected transformer 55 C-~J n b Figure 4.11: ~-y connected transformer A three-phase transformer model of PSpice is obtained by connecting three single-phase transformers whose supply voltages are 120 electrical degrees apart. Program 2 of appendix 3 shows the PSpice program that was used to simulate a Y-Y connected transformer feeding a nonlinear rectifier load. Figure 4.12 shows the current magnitude spectra of the secondary current i 2 and the neutral current in of a Y-Y connected transformer. The neutral current is obtained by adding the secondary phase currents vectorially. As expected, a large neutral current exists that consists of triplen harmonic currents. Figure 4.13 shows the primary line {i 1 } and phase (i p ) current magnitude spectra of a a-Y 56 transformer. Unlike the phase current, the line current does not contain third harmonic components. circulating phase currents in the additional heating ~ winding inside the transformer. However, the cause Therefore, the neutral current can be avoided by connecting one or both windings of the transformer in delta. . 10 - -........----......---.op----.--...,...-----,.--....---~--....------. 8~ !'·I~I2 I ·· · I I Y==::J I I $ 6~ In "B• ~ ·c If 2 4~ .:" .. I, 2~ ~ ~ ~I 50 100 150 .' Ito I \ \. ~ 200 250 JOO 350 400 450 500 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.12: Current magnitude spectra of Y-Y transformer 57 t· ··,· <;:=::J II ··· · ··· I 20 s 15 • "! ..., -c aD ~ Ip 10 O.....-----..-........- o 50 100 ................." "---.......150 200 250 ...... - - - - . l L . . . o - -.......~-""-----' 300 3SO ~ 450 500 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4.13: Current magnitude spectra of on delta side ~-y transformer 58 Chapter Five Harmonic Reduction 5.1: NEUTRAL CURRENT REDUCTION High neutral currents in a power system can overload the neutral conductor. One way to minimize the neutral current is to keep the load as balanced as possible. Thus, the neutral current due to the load imbalance is kept at a minimum. However the neutral current due to the triplen harmonic currents still exists. To reduce the neutral current in a 3-phase system, a transformer with tertiary windings [5] can be employed in such a way that the tertiary and the secondary currents are antiphase as shown in the circuit arrangement of figure 5.1. The dots on the transformer windings describe the polarities of the voltages and currents on the secondary side with respect to the voltages and currents on the primary side. So, if the primary current of the transformer flows into the dotted end of the primary winding, the secondary current will flow out of the dotted end of the secondary winding. Therefore, with the dot configuration shown in figure 5.1 the phase currents of the secondary windings flow into the common point of the Y-connection and the tertiary currents flow out of the common point. Thus, the neutral currents i and i n2 are 180 degrees out of phase and hence cancel each other out provided that the secondary and the tertiary windings of the transformer are loaded equally. In most n1 59 applications adding tertiary windings is not feasible since the arrangement of figure 5.1 is relatively expensive. ~p al Inl ~- I a ,- -~ (-(" ,\ c---: ,~~ ~) j .v-~~ b 9~ /J ) bl \..::J l~ p cl I '<, '",=:, a2 '~ ~/ ."./ .\ I I §! -:= In2 1 L b2 -----,._-,"-- c2 Figure 5.1: Transformer with tertiary windings to reduce the neutral current 5.2: COMMONLY USED METHODS OF HARMONIC ELIMINATION There are several methods of reducing the harmonic currents in a single-phase ac to dc converter. Conventional passive filters can be used to eliminate the harmonics selectively[Key]. Figure 5.2 shows a parallel-connected 60 series resonant LC filter where Ls is the series inductance of the supply. The impedance of the filter branch as a function of frequency is given by equation 5.2: Z(w) =jw£l+ . 1 ]Wei (Eq. 5.1) (Eq. 5.2) which can be expressed as: Z(w) = w2~lCl-l Jwei The impedance approaches zero when ~ = l/J (Ll C1). So, if it is required to filter the third harmonic current the frequency is tuned to ~ =3 x 2x60. The filter branch acts as a short circuit and prevents the third harmonic load 01 D2 + Ls Vout c RI D4 Filter Figure 5.2: A parallel-connected series resonant LC filter in the bridge rectifier circuit 61 current from flowing in the supply. Several filter branches can be used each tuned to a different frequency to filter out the undesired harmonic currents. The filter can also be connected in series with the supply as shown in figure 5.3 [6]. The series-connected parallel resonant LC filter is tuned to present an infinite impedance to the harmonic current component to be filtered. is needed to decrease oscillations. The added resistance R1 The admittance of the filter branch is given by equation 5.3 : (Eq. 5.3) Filter " "\.. C1 II D1 D2 L1 c RI D4 Figure 5.3: A series-connected parallel resonant LC filter in the bridge rectifier circuit 62 which can be expressed as: (Eq. 5.4) The impedance of the branch circuit is equal to the reciprocal of the admittance and is given by: (Eq. 5.5) When the frequency equals the resonant frequency ~ = l/J (Ll Cl), the impedance equals the resistance R1 • Without the resistor the impedance approaches infinity at the resonant frequency. The voltage ratings of the passive filter components must be equal to the voltage of the supply. In addition, their current ratings should be equal to the highest supply current. This rating requirements make the sizes, the weights, and the costs of the components high. Therefore, passive filters are undesirable. There are several active methods of harmonic elimination. The active circuit shapes the distorted input current waveform to approximate a sinusoidal waveform. The three 63 active circuits of harmonic elimination are the buck, boost, and the buck-boost converters. Among the active methods the boost method is most promising[6] . The harmonic components of the supply current can be eliminated by inserting a boost stage in the input section of the power supply as shown in figure 5.4. The boost converter converts a low dc voltage to a high dc voltage. When the switch is on the diode is reverse biased and the inductor L 1 gets charged., When the switch is off both the inductor and the supply charge the capacitor through the 01 C1 II Boost Converter Figure 5.4: Bridge rectifier circuit with boost converter 64 diode D5. The switch is operated at much higher frequencies than the supply frequency. Figure 5.5 shows the input current waveform of the boost circuit simulated by PSpice at a frequency of 2 KHz (program 4 of appendix 2 shows the PSpice program that was used). The input current .waveform contains the switching frequency ripple. frequency magnitude spectrum The input current is shown in figure 5.6. The harmonics are reduced significantly when using the boost converter. Active circuits are operated at switching frequencies of 20 KHz to 100 KHz [6]. When operated at these high frequencies the input current waveform will resemble a sinusoidal waveform closely and the harmonic 8.CA . . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 4.CA OA -4.OA -8.QA 5ms 10 ms 15 ms 20ms Time Figure 5.5: Input current waveform of the boost converter obtained by PSpice 65 6.OA . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 4.OA aOA 2.OA 1.OA A A 0A~----~~-,.u----..u..---...:I----........._---~---~-~----I_'_r_~---uJ OH O.8KH 1.2KH 1.6KH 2.OKH Frequenc,y Figure 5.6: Input current magnitude spectrum of the boost converter obtained by PSpice currents will almost disappear. The boost converter is significantly smaller than the passive filters and has a better performance. However, its control circuit is complex and it has a high EMI (electromagnetic interference) switching frequency component that must be filtered. 5.3: A NEW SINGLE-PHASE AC TO DC HARMONIC REDUCTION CONVERTER BASED ON THE VOLTAGE-DOUBLER CIRCUIT 5.3.1: DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED' CIRCUIT A new harmonic reduction circuit is proposed that is based on the voltage-doubler circuit as shown in figure 5.7. The new circuit has an additional switch that is operated on 66 D1 ... L1 C1 Q.5rnF Vout RI swttotl OJ C2 D4 200 ohrne D.5rnF Figure 5.7: Schematic of the proposed harmonic reduction circuit line frequency (60 Hz). When the switch is open the circuit acts as a full-wave bridge rectifier. During each half-cycle a pair of diodes conduct until the dc output voltage rises above the supply voltage. When the switch is closed the circuit acts as a voltage-doubler rectifier each capacitor getting charg~d to approximately the peak of the ac voltage. To better understand the operation of the new circuit the circuit of the uncompensated bridge rectifier is considered first as shown in figure 5.8. A PSpice analysis of the circuit of figure 5.8 was performed (PSpice program 5 in appendix 2 shows the program code). Figure 5.9 shows the PSpice results of the input current waveform of the bridge 67 Dt D2 + Lt Vout C Va 1 mF AI 1210 2JDO ohm. D4 Figure 5.8: Schematic of uncompensated bridge-rectifier circuit ~QA +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------~---+ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + 1.QA -+-I I I I I I I I I I I I O.QA I -+-----I I I I I I I I I I -1.QA + t I I : I I I I I I I -2.OA I +-- ------+----.- ---+- ----- --+--------+----- ---+------- -+-- - - - ---+--- -- - --+----+ QJns 4ms ems 12ms te ms Tme Figure 5.9: Input current waveform of uncompensated bridge-rectifier circuit simulated by PSpice 68 rectifier circuit. The current pulsewidth of figure 5.9 can be increased by stepping up the supply voltage before the current starts to flow and after the current becomes zero. This is achieved by operating the circuit of figure 5.7 as a voltage-doubler (switch is closed) outside the normal current conduction times. The switch is opened during the normal current conduction time and the circuit operates as an ordinary bridge rectifier. Figures 5.10 shows the simulated results of the input current waveform when the new scheme is used(PSpice program 6 in appendix 2) . Switch closed +I - - - - - - - -+ 2.OA II I " - -- -- . -+~- - - - - -+ - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - -+---- -- - -+- - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - -+- - - + . I . . , • . <"- :'~ I I I 1.OA +. I I O.OA I l . . . . . . . . . I II I I : I I I .+ I :: : ! . : : I. t2 t1· ./ . switch open : I I : l ·1.~ r. -2.OA +------ --+--------+-- -- ---+--- -- ---+--------+--- ---- -+- --- - - --+-- - -- - --+-- - + 4me 8ma l2ms lema I : Figure 5.10: Input current waveform of the proposed circuit obtained by Pspice 69 The durations of the conduction periods (t 1 and t 2 in figure 5.10) of the switch can be determined either by performing a PSpice simulation (program 5) or a theoretical analysis of the bridge rectifier circuit (section 3.1) and reading the zero crossings of the input current. Figures 5.11 and 5.12 show the input current magnitude spectra of the bridge rectifier circuit and the new voltage-doubler circuit obtained by Pspice. It is obvious from these figures that the harmonic content of the input current decreases significantly with the new circuit. A measure of the current distortion is the total harmonic distortion (THD) and is defined as [8] ~~ L.J I THD%=100 2 h (Eq. 5.6) h=2 II The current shown in figure 5.11 has a THD of the current of figure 5.12 has a THD of 69.5% while 39.4%. Moreover, the third harmonic component of the current is reduced from .615 A to .21 A , a reduction of The analysis of section 3.1 65.8%. can be extended to the proposed voltage-doubler circuit by choosing the appropriate capacitance and initial conditions. First, the circuit is analyzed as a voltage-doubler with C=0.5 mF. Near the end of the first conduction period the analysis is switched to 70 '.OA + - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.;.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+-- - - - - - - - - - - - --+I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O.SA I I + + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + I O.8A I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + + : : : O.2A -+- 4- ~~ I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , O.CA O.OKH O.2KH O.4KH O.6KH O.6KH 1.0KH o Frequency Figure 5.11: Magnitude spectrum of input current of bridge-rectifier obtained from PSpice 1.M +, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+-I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O.SA I + + I I I I I I , I 0.6A -+-I I I , , I I I I 0.4A t I I I I I I I I 0.2A +, , I I I I I I o.QA I o.OKH O.2KH o.4KH O.6KH 0.8KH 1.OKH D Frequency Figure 5.12: Magnitude spectrum of the current of the proposed harmonic reduction circuit obtained from PSpice 71 the bridge-rectifier by dividing the capacitance by two (two capacitors in series) and using double the output voltage as an initial condition. When the current reaches zero the analysis is switched back to the voltage-doubler circuit. The input current waveform of the new harmonic reduction circuit is shown in figure 5.13. It resembles the simulation results of figure 5.10 closely. L== 10 mH. C==0.5 mF, R==200 ohms 1.6 1.4 1.2 ...-.. ~ ... '-'" c: e O.B ~ :::I u 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 5 6 7 B 9 Time (msec) :Figure 5.13: Theoretical current waveform of the proposed harmonic reduction circuit 72 5.3.2: LABORATORY VERIFICATION OF THE PROPOSED CIRCUIT A prototype circuit as shown in figure 5.14 is developed to verify the operation of the proposed circuit. The control circuit uses a window comparator that gives an output high when the input voltage falls between preset lower and upper limi ts VL and VH • The signals of Vi n l VL , VH and Va are shown in figure 5.15. The npn transistor Q2 in the power circuit is used as a switch during the positive half-cycle and is controlled by Vo. A pnp transistor (not shown in figure 5.14) is connected back-to-back to Q2 and performs the switching function during the negative halfcycle. In the power circuit the ac supply voltage was set at 30 V instead of 120 V in order not to exceed the ratings of the components that were available. The shape of the input current should not be affected by this because the magnitudes of the harmonics would be off by a constant factor. In addition, to keep the control circuit simple the control voltage v o had half-wave symmetry i.e. the conduction periods of the switch were chosen to be equal. The harmonic components of the input current would be lower in magnitude if this simplification was not made. Time waveforms were measured in the laboratory using an HP Signal Analyzer (HP 3561A). Figure 5.16 shows the time waveform of the input current for the bridge-rectifier circuit and figure 5.17 shows its magnitude spectrum. As can 73 1111 LM741C IN5212 11 • SK312A a _ CONTROL CIRCUIT D4 u .. + C1 CUInF .... It- 1BJ SK3929 • CI JIll Unf 01, 02, 03, 04, IN5212 POWER CIRCUIT Figure 5.14: Laboratory circuit 74 be seen in figure 5.17 the harmonic content of the input current is quite high. Figures 5.18 and 5.19 show the corresponding waveforms of the proposed harmonic reduction circuit. In figure 5.19, there is a significant reduction in the harmonic components of the input current in particular the third harmonic current. The THDs of figures 5.17 and 5.19 are 70.1% and 30.7% respectively. conduction time of the switch is lowered from t 1 If the = 1.35 IDS to t 1 = 0.87 ms the results of figures 5.20 and 5.21 are obtained. The spectrum of figure 5.21 has a higher harmonic content than the spectrum of figure 5.19 . Figure 5.15: Control circuit voltages 75 600 400 .~ ......, 200 Q) 0 "C :;] ~ c C' c :1: -200 -400 -600 a 2 4 10 B 6 12 14 16 Time ems) Figure 5.16: Laboratory waveform of input current without harmonic reduction 180 160 140 ~ ~ ......., tJ 120 100 ""C ::::J +J -2 at c ::I: 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5.17: Measured magnitude spectrum of input current waveform without harmonic elimination 76 600 400 W 200 ~ CD "0 ::J a :t= c 0' D ::E -200 -400 -600 0 2 4- 10 B 6 12 14 16 TIme (ms) Figure 5.18: Laboratory waveform of input current with harmonic reduction: switch conduction period = 1.35 IDS 300,...-----r------,..----yo----,----r----r------"T----r----,-----, 250 ,...... -c E '-" 200 G) "U :J ......, 150 ·c 0\ 0 ~ 100 50 ........ O~..J.-~- o 100 ----&-..a...--.......-.t~ 200 300 ...........~--~_..._---'-...._--..l..._........_...._..._ _.-_....... 400 500 600 700 800 900 _ 1000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5.19: Measured magnitude spectrum of input current waveform with harmonic elimination: switch conduction period = 1.35 ms 77 400 ~ 200 '-' Q) 0 "'C :::s ~ c 0' 0 ~ -200 -400 -600 4 2 0 10 8 6 12 14 16 Time (ms) Figure 5.20: Laboratory waveform of input current with harmonic reduction: switch conduction period = 0.87 ms 300 ,..------.,.-----r-----,----..,..-------,r-------,-----r----.---oor----, 250 ,....... 200 -c E '-' G) -0 ::3 ..., 150 ·c 0\ C ~ 100 50 OClo..-...L-I..-.L_---oL.....L.L..--L.I_...&..L.a..----t...Jo.-~I....-..L....I..lI..._L-J..-__LU_~~_Ir.._-L....:a...I._.~---I.~--'-........, o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5.21: Measured magnitude spectrum of input current waveform with harmonic elimination: switch conduction period = 0.87 ms 78 Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Research The switch-mode power supply used in personal computers draws a nonlinear current that is rich in harmonic currents. A high density of switch-mode power supply loads results in tDe overloading of the neutral conductor and the overheating of the distribution transformer. Due to the highly nonsinusoidal nature of the input current waveform (figure 3.21) of a personal computer high amplitudes of harmonic currents are generated (figure 3.22). currents are of odd-order the input current waveform. These harmonic because of the half-wave symmetry of The magnitudes of the harmonic currents up to the eleventh harmonic current are significant. Although personal computers have similar input current waveforms (figure 3.25 & 3.26), these waveforms are not exactly identical. The slight differences in the current waveforms are due to the . . differences in the values of the output filter parameters (L and C) of the power supplies. The input currents of personal computers are accounted for by the input current of the monitor and the input current of the computer. The input currents of the monitor and the computer have $imilar waveforms (figure 3.13). In addition there isn't enough diversity in the phase angles (figure 3.15) of the harmonic currents of the monitor and the computer to indicate harmonic current cancellations. Therefore, the monitor 79 contributes evenly to the harmonic currents of the personal computer and should be considered an integral part of the personal computer. The phase angles of the harmonic currents of the input currents of different personal computers (figure .3.28) do not vary enough to cause significant harmonic current cancellations. The third, the fifth and the seventh order harmonics in different types of personal computers strongly reinforce one another. There are some cancellations in the higher-order harmonics but these are insignificant because of the very low magnitudes of the high-order harmonic currents. Therefore, the magnitudes of the harmonic currents in a computer center or an office building increase proportionately with the number of personal computers. The range of the third harmonic current is from 74% to 87% of the fundamental current in eight types of personal computers (table 3.1). Due to the additive nature of the third harmonic currents, large neutral currents are generated in a three-phase distribution system feeding the personal computer loads. Where personal computers make up the majority of the loads, the neutral current will be as high as 1.7 times the phase currents even if the phase currents are balanced. In an office building or a computer center where personal computers exist in large numbers, the third harmonic current can possibly overheat the neutral wire and can cause fires. An immediate method of dealing with high neutral currents involves 80 monitoring the neutral current. To prevent potential hazards overcurrrent relays can be installed on the neutral conductor. Another method is to size the neutral conductor to twice the size of the phase current or to run a second conductor in parallel to share the neutral current. The harmonic currents generated by personal computers create additional losses in the distribution transformer. The increased losses are eddy current losses that are proportional to the squares of the frequencies of the harmonic currents. losses increase the oper~ting These temperature of the transformer and require derating the transformer to a fraction of its capacity. The design of a transformer can be changed to make it capable of handling nonlinear loads. A more practical approach would be to derate the transformer. IEEE std. c57.110-1986 describes methods for calculating the capacity of a transformer for a given harmonic load [11]. Running the transformer in excess of its capability limits its service length and may result in its failure. Circuit breakers that respond to the rms currents may not be able to pro~ect the transformer and other protective devices such as temperature sensors should be used. Although transformers in general are considered sources of harmonic distortion, they can act as filters to nonlinear loads. The phase angles of the magnetization current harmonics oppose the phase angles of the load current harmonics and hence lead to harmonic cancellations (figure 4.6). During light loads a 81 , transformer supplying a nonsinusoidal load will have a primary current that is lower in harmonic content than the load current. Out of the four possible three-phase transformer connections, the 4-Y connection prevents the harmonic currents from propagating into the primary side of the transformer and ,hence limits the effects of the harmonic currents on the distribution system. Among the harmonic elimination methods the passive method is less advantageous than the active methods. The passive method requires relatively large inductors and capacitors to reduce the low-frequency harmonic currents. Active methods of harmonic reduction use circuits that are smaller and lighter. Chapter five describes a new harmonic reduction ac-to-dc' converter based on a line-frequency voltage-doubler circuit with a switch. Simulation and experimental waveforms of the supply current are presented. The current harmonics are reduced substantially by carefully closing and opening a switch during half a cycle, thus increasing the pulsewidth of the current. The total harmonic distortion THD of the input current is reduced significantly and so is the magnitude of the third harmonic current. The advantages of this ac-to-dc harmonic reduction converter over the high-frequency boost converter are its low cost, high reliability and simplicity of control. The disadvantage is its inability to eliminate the harmonics completely. The proposed method of harmonic reduction can be applied to loads of a wide power range. In situations where the load is highly variable a controller can be added that detects the zero crossings of the 82 current and can set the firing angles of the switch for maximum harmonic reduction. The harmonic current measurements and analysis in this work can be extended to include other switch-mode power supply loads. Among these loads are laser printers, photocopiers and fax machines. The phase relationships of the harmonic currents of these loads with the harmonic currents of personal computers can be made. In addition, the nature of harmonic currents of fluorescent lamps can be determined and compared with the harmonic currents of switch-mode power supply loads in order to obtain an overall picture of the harmonic current problem in an office building. It is recommended that a statistical method for calculating the harmonic current magnitudes of a group of personal computers be explored. The harmonic currents of a group of personal computers in a lab or an office can be monitored. Using a spectrum analyzer the harmonic current levels can be measured at certain intervals over several days. (e~g. 15 minutes) at the same time of the day The measurements can also include the phase angles of the harmonic currents. After the data is collected statistical models can be formed to predict the harmonic current levels and to gather other useful statistical information. Oversizing the neutral conductor to overcome the neutral current problem due to triplen harmonic currents is only a partial solution. Adding a tertiary transformer winding to eliminate the neutral current is not practical and is extremely 83 expensive. New methods of neutral current elimination should be explored that take cost and practicality into consideration. One such alternative could be harmonic current injection. IEEE standard c57.110-1986 [11] uses approximate methods to determine the eddy current losses of a transformer due to harmonic currents. A more sophisticated computer analysis is required for the precise determination of the eddy current losses. Furthermore, measurements should be taken on a transformer that is subjected to harmonic currents to validate the analysis. Further research is required to find the most appropriate means of overcoming the problems caused by personal computer harmonics. It is well known that switch-mode power supplies can be designed to provide harmonic-free performance. However, manufacturers of power supplies and personal computers have been hesitant to include harmonic-reduction circuits in their designs mainly because of economics. Standards should be developed to divide the burden of cleaning power system harmonic current pollution between manufacturers and utilities. 84 APPENDIXl: THE HP 3561A™ SPECTRUM ANALYZER GENERAL FEATURES OF THE HP 3561Arn The HP model 3561A™ is a signal analyzer covering the frequency range 0 to 100 KHz. Its capabilities include time, magnitude and phase displays. The display formats include the display of single traces and the simultaneous display of two traces in a top-bottom format. Both linear and logarithmic scaling of the display is available. All the measurement functions of the HP 3561A™ are programmable via the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus {HP-IB™). The HP-IB™ links the HP 3561A™ to desktop computers, minicomputers and other HP-IB™ controlled instruments to form automated measurement systems. Each HP-IB™ device has an address; the address of the 3561A~ signal analyzer is 711. HP Data and instructions are transferred between devices on the HP-IB™. These instructions or commands may be sent to the HP 3561A™ by a controller(e.g. HP 200™ series personal computer) through the use of BASIC instructions. For example the BASIC command OUTPUT 711i"SP10KHZi" sets the frequency span of the signal analyzer to 10 KHz. This is the equivalent of manually pressing a front panel key on the HP 3561A™. 85 ACCESSING DATA FROM THE HP3561Arn The HP 3561Arn uses binary data transfers to speed up the transfer time. When transferred in binary format, data is attached to a header containing information about the HP 3561A~ configuration. There are two types of traces in the HP3561A~: time traces that are 399 words (798 bytes) in length and magnitude or phase traces that are 401 words (802 bytes) in length. These traces occupy 1028 bytes of memory with the following formats: Time domain traces: Byte: 1 -2 Data: 2 number bytes 3 - 6 7 - 804 2 length 789 data bytes: 2 bytes unused bytes 805 - 806 807 - 1028 2 unused bytes 222 header bytes Frequency domain traces: Byte: 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 806 807 - 1028 Data: 2 number , bytes 2.1ength bytes 802 data bytes 222 .ne ade r bytes The ·DSTB (dump selected trace binary) command transmits trace data in binary format over the HP-IB™. The following program illustrates how a data header is accessed for a time domain trace using the DSTB command. 86 10 20 ASSIGN ASSIGN 30 40 REAL 50 60 70 OUTPUT TRANSFER CONTROL ENTER @Anz to 711 @Tag to BUFFER [1028]iFORMAT OFF Start t @Anzi"DSTB" @Anz to @Tag; END , WAIT @Taq,5i806+147 @Taq;Start_t Line 10 creates an I/O path to Hp 3561A~ Line 20 creates an I/O path to the buffer that will receive the trace data. Line 30 declares "Start t" as a real variable. Line 40 instructs the HP 3561A™ to prepare to transfer the time domain trace in binary format. Line 50 causes the trace data and the header data to be loaded into the buffer. transfer be At this point the data is complete, but the data is not usable; it must read into a variable. Line 60 reads the buffer at location "806+147" where "806" indicates the beginning of the header and "175" the offset byte. Line 70 reads the data beginning at byte 981 (806+175) into the variable "Start ttl Program 1 is the BASIC program used to transfer time domain traces from the HP 3561A~ into files on disk. It reads the trace data and places it in an array "Time data". The array "Time data" is saved in a file named "TIME1" and a graphical display of the trace is obtained on the HP 200™ series computer for verification purposes. 87 Program 1: Reads a time trace 10 20 30 40 50 This program reads data from the time trace of HP 3561 A and associated header to obtain calibrated time data. The data is placed in the Time data(400) array, and is scaled and formatted. The array Time data is saved into a file named "TIME1". - 52 60 70 80 90 92 OPTION BASE 1 !Select a default lower array bound of 1 ASSIGN @Anz To 711 ! Create an I/O path to HP 3561 A ASSIGN @Tag To BUFFER [1028]iFORMAT OFF ! Create an I/O path to a 1028 byte ! buffer; transfer data in binary format 94 96 ! ! Declare variables, arrays ! 98 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 162 164 166 170 180 190 200 202 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 INTEGER Trace type,Raw data(400) REAL start_t,Stop_t,Cenetr_t,Time-per_div REAL Volts full REAL X,T~ dat~(400) ! OUTPUT @Anzi"DSTB" ! Dump trace and header data TRANSFER @Anz To @TAgiEND,WAIT ! Initiate the transfer ! to the buffer; wait until ! all the data has been ! transferred LOCAL @Anz ! ! Read the data and the header; the header is offset by ! 806 bytes , CONTROL @Tag,Si4 ! Position to buffer byte 4 ENTER @TagiRaw data(*) ! and read the data ! - CONTROL @Taq,5i806+14S!Position to buffer header offset ENTER @TaqiTrace type ! by 145 bytes to read trace type IF Trace type<2 THEN ! if not time trace send error BEEP _. ! message and quit PRINT "not time data" GOTO 820 END IF ! CONTROL @Tag,5i806+147 !Position to buffer offset byte ENTER @TaqiStart t ! 147 and read start time ! - CONTROL @Tag,5i806+155 ENTER @taqiStop t Position to buffer offset byte ! 1.55 and read stop time CONTROL @taq,5i806+163 Position to buffer offset byte ! - 88 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 582 584 590 591 592 594 595 596 597 598 600 610 620 630 631 632 634 633 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 702 710 720 722 730 740 , ENTER @tagiCenter t - ! 163 and read center time CONTROL @taq,5i806+171 !Position to buffer offset byte ENTER @tagiTimeyer_div ! 171 and read time/dive ! CONTROL @taq,5i806+179 ENTER @taqiVolts full !Position to buffer offset byte ! 179 and read volts full scale ! ! ! Scale data to -128 to +127 range , Factor=Volts full/32768 FOR 1=1 TO 399 CONTROL @Taq,5i2*I+5 ENTER @Tag iRaw data (I) IF Raw data(I»128 THEN Raw data(I)=Raw data(I)-256 NEXT I! - - MAT Time data=Raw data*(Factor) ! Copy the scaled raw ! data array into time data ! array , ! Convert into rnA ! Factor1=(1000/0.015) ! 0.015 is the shunt resistance FOR 1=1 TO 400 Time data(I)=Time data(I)*Factorl NEXT-I ! - Find the array maximum Find the array minimum Maxi=MAX(Time data(*» ~ni=MIN(Time-data(*» IF ~ni=Maxi THEN STOP ! CREATE ASCII "TlME1", 50 !Create an ASCII file of length ASSIGN @Path To "TIMEl" ! 50i Create an I/O path to ! filei OUTPUT @PathiTime data(*) ! Transfer array to file ! ! Plot the - data ! GCLEAR Clear the graphics display GINIT Setup the graphics display GRAPHICS ON VIEWPORT 60,120,40,80 I Define area of screen for I display ! WINDOW 0,400,Mini,Maxi I Define values for ends of ! the axis FRAME ! Draw a frame around the graphics PRINT "max+value",Maxi ! print a summary of the data 89 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 PRINT "min-value",Mini PRINT "start time",Start t PRINT "stop time" ,Stop tMOVE 1,Time data(l) !-Move the pen to the first point FOR "I=! TO 400 DRAW I,Time data (I) Plot the data NEXT I STOP END Program 2 was used to transfer magnitude frequency domain traces into files on disk. In program 2 the raw data is transferred into the array "Mag_data". The data is scaled using a conversion factor of 0.005 dB and then it is converted to unitless from decibels. saved into a file named "MAG!". Finally, the data is Program 3 transfers phase frequency domain traces into files. The raw data is moved to array "Phase data" and is scaled by a factor of 0.1 degrees. 90 Program 2: Reads a magnitude trace 1 2 5 This program reads data from the frequency magnitude trace of HP 3561 A and associated header to obtain calibrated magnitude data. The data is placed in the Mag data(402) array, and is scaled and formatted. The-array, Nmag data(402} is saved into a file named 6 "MAGI" • 3 4 10 20 30 40 42 44 50 52 54 60 70 71 80 90 100 110 120 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 150 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 180 190 - OPTION BASE 1 !Select a default lower array bound ASSIGN @Anz TO 711 ASSIGN @Tag TO BUFFER [1028];FORMAT OFF ! Create an I/O path to a 1028 byte ! buffer; transfer data in binary ! ! Declare variables, arrays ! INTEGER Raw data(402) REAL Mag data (402) ,Nmag data(402) REAL Center_f,Fre~span- ! ! ! OUTPUT @Anzi"DSTB" !Dump trace and header data CONTROL @Taq,3i1 TRANSFER @Anz TO @TagiCOUNT 1028,WAIT! Initiate the ! transfer to the buffer; wait until ! all the data has been transferred ! LOCAL @Anz ! ! Read the data and the header; the header is offset by ! 806 bytes ! CONTROL @Taq,5i5 ! Position to buffer byte 5 ENTER @TagiRaw data(*) ! and read the data ! - CONTROL @Tag,5i806+147 !Position to buffer offset byte ENTER @TagiCenter f !147 and read center frequency ! CONTROL @Tag,5i806+155 !Position to buffer offset byte ENTER @TagiFre~span ! 155 and read frequency span ! !scale data by multiplying by a factor of 0.005 dB !copy the scaled raw data array into mag. data array ! MAT ! Mag_data=Raw_data*(.OOS) 91 200 202 210 220 230 240 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 270 280 290 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 310 320 330 340 342 350 352 360 370 380 381 382 390 400 410 420 421 422 423 430 440 ! convert decibel data to unitless data ! default display unit is dB ! FOR 1=1 TO 401 Nmaq data(I)=10.0 A(Mag data(I)/20.0) NEXT-I ! ! convert into rnA ! Factor=(1000/0.015) ! 0.015 is the shunt resistance FOR I=l TO 401 Nmag data(I)=Nmaq data(I)*Factor NEXT-I ! Maxi=MAX(Nmag data(*» ! Find the array maximum Mini=MIN(Nmaq-data(*» ! Find the array minimum ! CREATE ASCII "MAG1",50 !Create an ASCII file of ASSIGN @Path To "MAG1" !length 50; Create an r/o path OUTPUT @PathiNmag data(*)! to file; Transfer array to - ! file ! ! Plot the data ! GCLEAR ! Clear the graphics display GINIT ! Setup the graphics display GRAPHICS ON VIEWPORT 60,120,40,80! Define area of screen for ! display WINDOW 0,400,~ni,Maxi ! Define values for ends of ! the axis FRAME ! Draw a frame around the graphics PRINT "max value=",Maxi ! print a summary of the data PRINT "min value=",Mini PRINT "center freq.=",Center f PRINT "freq. span=" ,FreCLspan MOVE 1,Nmag data (1) ! Move the pen to the first point FOR I=l TO 401 DRAW I,Nmag data (I) ! Plot the data NEXT I PRINT PRINT PRINT STOP END 92 Program 3: Reads a phase trace 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40 42 44 50 52 54 60 70 71 80 90 100 110 120 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 150 160 161 162 163 165 166 167 168 169 1"'.0 172 174 175 176 178 This program reads data from the frequency phase trace of HP 3561 A and associated header to obtain calibrated phase data. The data is placed in the Phase data(402) array, and is scaled and formatted. The array Phase data(402) is saved into a file named "PHASE1". OPTION BASE 1 !Select a default lower array bound ASSIGN @Anz TO 711 ASSIGN @Taq TO BUFFER [1028]iFORMAT OFF ! Create an I/O path to a 1028 byte ! buffer; transfer data in binary ! ! Declare variables, arrays ! INTEGER Raw data (402) , Phase offset REAL Phase data(402)· - REAL Center_f,Fre~span ! ! ! OUTPUT @Anzi"DSTB" !Dump trace and header data CONTROL @Taq,3i1 TRANSFER @Anz TO @TagiCOUNT 1028,WAIT! Initiate the ! transfer to the bufferi wait until ! all the data has been transferred ! LOCAL @Anz ! ! Read the data and the header; the header is offset by ! 806 bytes ! CONTROL @Taq,5i5 ! Position to buffer byte 5 ENTER @TaqiRaw data(*) ! and read the data ! CONTROL @Taq,5i807 ! Position to buffer byte 807 ENTER @TaqiPhase offset ! and read phase offset !. CONTROL @Taq,5i806+147 !Position to buffer offset byte ENTER @TaqiCenter f !147 and read center frequency ! CONTROL @Taq,5i806+155 !Position to buffer offset byte ENTER @Tag iFre~span ! 155 and read frequency scan ! ! scale data by multiplying by a factor of 0.1 degrees ! add phase offset and copy raw data array into phase ! data array ! 93 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 191 200 280 290 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 310 320 330 340 342 350 352 360 362 364 370 3 80 381 382 390 400 410 420 421 422 423 430 440 MAT MAT Phase data=Raw data*(.l) Phase data=Phase_data+(Phase_offset) ! ! Check for undefined values ! FOR 1=1 TO 401 IF Phase data(I)<-3000 Phase data(I)=O END IF NEXT I THEN ! ! Maxi=MAX(Phase data(*» ~ni=MIN(Phase-data(*» ! Find the array maximum Find the array minimum - CREATE ASCII "PHASE1",50 Create an ASCII file of ASSIGN @Path To "PHASE1" !length 50; Create an I/O path OUTPUT @Path;Phase data(*) ! to file; Transfer array to - ! file ! ! Plot the ! data GCLEAR ! Clear the graphics.display GINIT ! Setup the graphics display GRAPHICS ON VIEWPORT 60,120,40,80! Define area of screen for ! display WINDOW 0/400,Mini,Maxi ! Define values for ends of ! the axis FRAME ! Draw a frame around the graphics PRINT "Phase offset=",Phase_offset ! print a sununary of ! the data PRINT "max value=" , Maxi PRINT "min value=" , ~ni PRINT "center freq.=",Center f PRINT "freq. span=" , FreCl...span MOVE 1,Phase data(l) ! Move the pen to the first point FOR 1=1 TO 40"1 DRAW I,Phase data (I) ! Plot the data NEXT I PRINT PRINT PRINT STOP END 94 APPENDIX 2: PSPICE PROGRAMS PROGRAMS FOR TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PSpice program 1 * This program performs a transient analysis of a single phase * transformer with a nonlinear rectifier load. * .OPTIONS RE1T01=0.1 ITL5=0 ITL4=500 * Input AC Voltage of 250 V peak VIN 0 1 SIN ( 0 250 60Hz) * Series resistor of 10 ohms Rl 1 2 10 * Transformer inductor 11 of 500 turns Ll 2 0 500 * Transformer inductor L2 of 500 turns L2 3 0 500 * Transformer inductor. coupling coefficient of .9999 K12 L1 L2 0.9999 CMOD * Model parameters for nonlinear magnetic transformer * AREA Mean magnetic cross section in cm2 * PATH Mean magnetic path length in em * GAP Effective air-gap length in em * MS Magnetic saturation in Aim * ALPHA = Mean field parameter * A Shape parameter * C = Domain wall=flexing constant * K = Domain wall-pinning constant .MODEL CMOD CORE (AREA=20 PATH=40 GAP=O.l MS=1.6E+5 ALPHA=le-3 + A=lOOO C=0.5 K=1500) * * * * Full-Wave bridge rectifier load diodes d2 5 0 diode d4 5 3 diode dl 3 6 diode d3 0 6 diode .model diode d * output inductor of ImH L3 6 7 1rnH * output capacitor Cd of 1 mF cd 7 5 ImF * load Resistor of 10 ohms Rl 7 5 10 * transient analysis from 0 to Is in steps of 1ms .TRAN 1ms Is Os 1ms . PROBE .END 95 PSpice program 2 * This program performs a transient analysis of a three phase * y - Y connected transformer with nonlinear rectifier loads. * .OPTIONS RELTOL=O.1 ITL5=0 ITL4=500 Transformer phase A * * * VINI * Rl 1 Input Voltage of 200 V 1 0 SIN ( 0 200 60Hz 0 0 0 ) Series resistor of 10 ohms 2 10 * Transformer Inductors of 500 turns Ll 2 0 500 L2 3 10 500 * Link Resistor between 11 and L2 Rlink 10 0 lE+6 * Inductor Coupling Kl = 0.9999 Kl Ll L2 0.9999 CMOD *Model for CMOD .MODEL CMOD CORE (AREA=20 PATH=40 GAP=O.1 MS=I.6E+5 ALPHA=le-3 + A=1000 C=0.5 K=1500) * Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier load * diodes d2 5 10 diode d4 5 3 diode dl 3 6 diode d3 10 6 diode .model diode d * output inductor of ImH L3 6 7 ImH * output capacitor Cd of 1 mF cdl 7 5 ImF * load resistor of 10 ohms Rll 7 5 10 * * * * Transformer phase B Input Voltage of 200 V at phase angle -120 degrees VIN2 11 0 SIN ( 0 200 60Hz 0 0 -120) * Series resistor of 10 ohms Rl1 11 12 10 * Transformer Inductors of 500 turns L11 12 0 500 L12 13 10 500 * Inductor Coupling K2 = 0.9999 K2 Ll1 L12 0.9999 CMOD * . Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier load * diodes d12 15 10 diode 96 d14 15 13 diode d11 13 16 diode d13 10 16 diode output inductor of ImH * L13 16 17 ImH . * output capacitor Cd of 1 mF cd2 17 15 ImF load Resistor of 10 ohms * R12 17 15 10 * * * * VIN3 * Transformer phase C Input Voltage of 200 V at phase angle 120 degrees 21 0 SIN ( 0 200 60Hz 0 0 120) Series resistor of 10 ohms R21 21 22 10 Transformer Inductors of 500 turns * L21 22 0 500 L22 23 10 500 Inductor Coupling K3 = 0.9999 * K3 L21 L22 0.9999 CMOD * * Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier load diodes * d22 25 10 diode d24 25 23 diode d21 23 26 diode d23 10 26 diode output inductor of ImH * L23 26 27 1mH capacitor Cd of 1 rnF * cd3 27 25 ImF load Resistor of 10 ohms * R13 27 25 10 Transient Analys.is from 1 illS to 500 * .TRAN 1ms 500ms Os 1ms . PROBE .END IDS 97 PSpice program 3 * This program performs a transient analysis of a three phase * a - Y connected transformer with nonlinear rectifier loads. * .OPTIONS RELTOL=O.l ITL5=0 ITL4=500 * * Transformer phase A * Input Voltage of 200 V VINI 1 10 SIN ( 0 200 60Hz 0 0 0 ) * Series resistor of 5 ohms Rl 1 2 5 * Link Resistor between Ll and L2 Rlink 10 0 lE+6 * Transformer Inductors of 500 turns Ll 2 50 500 12 3 0 500 Rsl 50 22 5 Inductor Coupling Kl = 0.9999 * Kl Ll 12 0.9999 CMOD *Model for CMOD .MODE1 CMOD CORE (AREA=20 PATH=40 GAP=O.1 MS=1.6E+5 ALPHA=le-3 + A=1000 C~0.5 K=1500) * Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier load * diodes d2 5 0 diode d4 5 3 diode dl 3 6 diode d3 0 6 diode .model diode d output inductor of ImH * L3 6 7 lrnH * capacitor Cd of 1 mF cd1 7 5 ImF load Resistor of 10 ohms * R11 7 5 10 * * Transformer phase B * Input Voltage of 200 V at phase angle of -120 degrees VIN2 11 10 SIN ( 0 200 60Hz 0 0 -120) *Series resistor Rl1 11 12 5 * Transformer Inductors Lll 12 52 500 L12 13 0 500 Rs2 52 2 5 * Inductor Coupling K2 111 L12 0.9999 CMOD * Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier LOAD * diodes 98 d12 d14 dll d13 15 0 diode 15 13 diode 13 16 diode o 16 diode output inductor * L13 16 17 1mH capacitor Cd of 1 rnF * cd2 17 15 1mF load Resistor * R12 17 15 10 * * * Transformer Phase c Input voltage of 200 V at 120 degrees VIN3 21 10 SIN ( 0 200 60Hz 0 0 120) * Series resistor R21 21 22 5 * Transformer Inductors L21 22 51 500 L22 23 0 500 Rs3 51 12 5 * Inductor Coupling K3 L21 L22 0.9999 CMOD * Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier load * diodes d22 25 0 diode d24 25 23 diode d21 23 26 diode d23 0 26 diode * output inductor L23 26 27 1mH * capacitor Cd of 1 mF cd3 27 25 1mF * load Resistor R13 27 25 10 * Transient analysis from 1 ms to 500 ms .TRAN 1rns 500ms Os 1ms . PROBE .END 99 PROGRAMS FOR HARMONIC ELIMINATION CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PSpice program 4 * This program performs a transient analysis of a bridge * rectifier with a boost stage (figure 5.3). The switch of the * boost converter is operated at a frequency of 2 KHz * .options RELTOL=O.Ol 1TL5=0 1TL4=50 * diodes d2 a 2 diode d4 a 1 diode * Supply Voltage of 120v at 60Hz vi 1 2 sin (0 120 60HZ) * diodes dl 1 3 diode d3 2 3 diode .model diode d * voltage controlled switch 81·4 0 8 0 SMOD .MODEL SMOD VSWITCH (RON=lE-12 ROFF=lE+12 VON=5 VOFF=O) VC 8 a PULSE (0 5 Oms 0 0 200us O.5ms) * output inductor Ll 3 4 15mH * diode d5 4 5 diode * capacitor Cd of 0.5 mF cd 5 0 0.5mF * load Resistor Rl 5 a 200 * transient analysis from 100 illS to 120 illS .tran O.lms 120ms lOOms 0.5ms .probe .four 60HZ i(vi) .end 100 PSpice program 5 * This program performs a transient analysis of a basic bridge * rectifier circuit * (figure 5.10). .options RELTOL=O.Ol ITL5=O diodes d2 2 0 diode d4 2 1 diode * Supply Voltage of 120v at 60Hz vi 10 0 sin (0 120 60HZ) * Supply Series Inductor 11 10 1 10mH * diodes d1 1 3 diode d3 0 3 diode .model diode d * capacitors Cd of 1 mF cl 3 6 0.5mF c2 6 2 0.5mF * load Resistor rl 3 2 200 * transient analysis from 200 ms to 300ms .tran O.05ms 300ms 200ms O.lms .four 60hz i(vi) .probe .end * 101 PSpice program 6 * This program performs a transient analysis of the proposed * harmonic reduction circuit of figure 5.9. * .options RELTOL=O.Ol ITL5=O * diodes d2 2 0 diode d4 2 1 diode * Supply Voltage of 120v at 60Hz vi 10 0 sin (0 120 60HZ) * Supply Series Inductor 11 10 1 lOmH * diodes dl 1 3 diode d3 0 3 diode .model diode d * Switch conduction times t1=2.1 s , t2=2.0 s Sl 0 6 8 0 SMOD .MODEL SMOD VSWITCH (RON=lE-6 ROFF=lE+6 VON=5 VOFF=O) VC 8 9 PULSE (0 5 Oms 0 0 2.1ms 8.333ms) Vel 9 0 PULSE (0 5 6.2ms 0 0 2.0ms 8.333ms) * capacitors Cl and C2 of 0.5 mF c1 3 6 O.5mF c2 6 2 0.5mF * load Resistor rl 3 2 200 * transient analysis from 200ms to 300ms .tran O.OSms 300ms 200ms O.lms .four 60hz i(vi) .probe .end 102 References [1] Arrillaga J., Bradley D.A., Bodger P.S., Power System Harmonics, ,John Wiley & Sons, 1985. 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[13] Rashid M.H., Spice For Circuits And Electronics Using PSpice, Prentice-Hall Inc. , 1990. 104 [14] IEEE Guide for Harmonic Control and Reactive Compensation of Static Power Converters, IEEE standard 519, 1981. [15] J. Subjak, J. Mcquikin, Measurements, "Harmonics - Causes, Effects, and Analysis : An update," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. 26, No.5, PP 1034 - 1042, Nov./Dec. 1990. [16] J. Winn, D. Crow, "Harmonic Measurements Using a Digital Storage Oscilloscope," IEEE Trans . Ind. Appl., Vol. 25. No.4, PP 783 - 788, July/Aug. 1989. [17] l1.A. Geisler, "Predicting Power Factor and Other Input Parameters for Switching Power Supplies," Proceedings of the 1990 Applied Power Electronics Conference, March 90, Dallas, Texas. [18] P.N. Enjeti, R. Martinez, "A High Performance Single Phase AC to DC Rectifier with Input Power Factor Correction," Proceedings of the 1993 Applied Power Electronics Conference, March 93, San Diego, California. 105 [19] Aintablian H.O., Hill H.W., Jr., "Harmonic Currents of Personal System Computers Neutral Applications and t hei r Current," Society Effects on Proceedings Annual Meeting, , H. W. , the of Distribution the Industrial 93, Oct. Toronto, Ontario. [20] Aintablian H. o. Hill Jr. , "The Effects of Harmonic Currents of Personal Computers on the Distribution Transformer, " Proceeding,s of the North American Power Symposium, Oct. 92, Reno, Nevada. [21] Aintablian H.O., Hill H.W., Jr., "Harmonic Currents of Personal Computers and System Neutral Current." Conference of Power Vancouver, Be. their Effects Proceedings Systems and on of the the Distribution International Engineering, Aug. 92, Abstract Aintablian, Hrair, Ohannes Ph.D. June 1994 Electrical and Computer Engineering Harmonic Currents Generated by Personal Computers, their Effects on the Power System and Methods of Harmonic Reduction (105 pp.) Director of Dissertation: H.W.Hill Jr. The switching mode power supplies used in personal computers are major sources of harmonic currents. Measured and calculated waveforms and harmonic levels of input currents of various types of personal computers are presented. Harmonic currents of a group of personal computers reinforce each other. Neutral currents resulting from the addition of triplen harmonics are analyzed and recommendations are made to safeguard against potential problems. The impact of personal computer harmonic currents on distribution transformer losses are explored. Harmonic currents result in the overheating of transformer due to excessive eddy current losses. In addition, the influence of three-phase transformer connection on the distribution system neutral current is examined. In the past ten years several methods of power factor improvement through harmonic elimination have been developed that use high frequency