NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Program version 5.1

NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Program
version 5.1
Table of Contents
NETPROG Capabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -6New Features in NETPROG 5.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -6Installing and Configuring NETPROG for your System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -8Registration of NETPROG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -10Starting NETPROG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -11The NETPROG Main Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -12Creating and editing data files for NETPROG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -14Embedding commands in data file.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -16Data Format Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -22User-defined Geometry Annotations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -24Examples of valid data files.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -26The Data Grid Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -26Activating the Data Grid Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -27Data Grid Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -27Entering Data into the Data Grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -28Using the Data Grid Editor Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -28Entering Data Grid Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -29Using the Button Bar and Drop-down Lists.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -29The Annotation Grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -32Annotation Grid Editor Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -33NETPROG files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -34Using the mouse with NETPROG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -35-
Working with data stored in other applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -36Microsoft Office Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -36Excel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -37Menu Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -38File Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initializing for a new stereonet plot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Opening a data file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saving a data file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printing the stereonet diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The “About NETPROG” menu item. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The “Exit” menu item in the File menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Edit Menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Copying the diagram to the windows clipboard in enhanced metafile format.. . .
Copy the diagram to the clipboard in bitmap format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Indicating the current selection mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Editing the drawing title.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Run Menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -41Processing data in the data grid editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -42Settings Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the radius value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting the counting method for contouring/shading the diagram. . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the projection type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the stereographic grid density. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the units type for the plot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the font.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Determining the data format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the plot type for the stereonet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the contour base and interval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Controlling the diagram text height and line weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Controlling diagram colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the cursor status format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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View Menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Redrawing the diagram window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifying a numerical zoom factor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zooming to the window extents.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the grid and snap values.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Panning the current drawing window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Displaying the annotation grid editor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Displaying the data grid editor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -52Displaying the statistical results window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -52Displaying the Statistical Fit Histogram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -52Draw Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annotating the stereonet with text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Interactively constructing a great circle geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Interactively drawing a great circle arc geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Interactively constructing a small circle geometry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drawing the general arc of a small circle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting the current draw color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selecting the current drawing symbol name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Solve Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solution for the line of intersection of two structural planes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solve for plane common to two linear elements that are not coaxial. . . . . . . . . .
Solve for angle between two linear elements that are not coaxial. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Project by angle in plane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Project by rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rotation of the data Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Statistics Menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -66Calculating and displaying least-squares geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -66Configuration Menu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -68Setting custom page margins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -68Saving configuration values.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -69Help Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -70Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -70About. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -70NETPROG Background Topics.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Definition of directional angles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents of the NETPROG.INI file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using S/C mylonite data to plot shear zone slip vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plotting a Stereographic Grid for Manual Plotting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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SELECTED REFERENCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -76-
List of Figures
Figure 1: Cylindrical fold data in NETPROG.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -8Figure 2: NETPROG main application window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -12Figure 3: Data grid editor window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -14Figure 4: Example of the Data grid editor window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -27Figure 5: Annotation grid editor window... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -32Figure 6: Access query definition for generating a NETPROG clipboard file.. . . . . . . . Page -37Figure 7: Query results table with 1st three columns selected.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -37Figure 8: Example of clipboard data pasted into the NETPROG data grid editor... . . . . Page -38Figure 9: Example of the Open File dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -38Figure 10: Example of the File Save dialog... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -38Figure 11: Example of the Print dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -39Figure 12: The “About” dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -40Figure 13: Object selection mode dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -41Figure 14: Example of font selection dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -45Figure 15: Example of data format dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -46Figure 16: “Plot Type Settings” dialog box.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -46Figure 17: Contour levels dialog box... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -47Figure 18: Example of text size & line weight dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -48Figure 19: Diagram color control dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -49Figure 20: Example of cursor format control dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -50Figure 21: Example of drawing a great circle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -55Figure 22: Example of drawing a great circle arc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -56Figure 23: Example of drawing a small circle.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -57Figure 24: Example of drawing a small circle arc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -58Figure 25: Example of marker symbol dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -59Figure 26: Example of draw color dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -60Figure 27: The current draw symbol dialog window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -60Figure 28: The solve for intersecting planes dialog.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -61Figure 29: Dialog window for the “solve for common plane” menu item... . . . . . . . . . . Page -62Figure 30: Dialog for the “solve for angle between lines” menu item... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -63Figure 31: Dialog for the “Project by angle in plane” menu item.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -64Figure 32: The “Project by rotation” dialog window... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -64Figure 33: The “Rotate Date” dialog window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -65Figure 34: Statistical fit dialog window... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -66Figure 35: Page configuration dialog window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -69Figure 36: The “Save Configuration” dialog window.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -69Figure 37: Stereographic grid example.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page -75-
NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
NETPROG Capabilities
The NETPROG program is designed to plot geologic structure data on a stereographic
projection graph or "stereonet". The program can process this type of data in a variety of formats,
and it can analyze the data with a variety of statistical methods. This program plots the data as
either marker symbols or by contouring the percent concentration density. Percent concentration
may be enhanced by color shading. A rotation facility allows the user to rotate data around a
plunging axis. The rotation can be around an axis attitude in a dextral or sinistral sense. Data can
also be plotted as great circle arcs for producing beta diagrams. The program allows up to 256
user-defined elements to be plotted which include text, symbols, great circles, small circles, arcs
of small or great circles. A stereographic "solve" menu is provided so that the intersection of
planes, the plane common to two lines, etc. may be interactively solved and plotted on the
diagram. The NETPROG program contains an integrated data grid editor that simplifies data
entry. If errors in data format or command syntax are encountered when the data grid is
processed, the problem row number is highlighted in red and scrolled to by the application. This
makes finding and correcting syntax errors in the data file easy and efficient. NETPROG is
limited only by operating system memory space for the data set size. The author has used data
sets in the 2000-4000 range while still retaining responsiveness on Pentium class systems.
NETPROG can run on any windows system that has Windows 9.x/NT/XP/Vista/7.x installed.
New Features in NETPROG 5.1
Several significant new features have been added to the latest version of NETPROG (5.1). In
previous versions of NETPROG the data grid contained data, data commands, and annotation
commands. In the current version the user-defined annotations are maintained in a separate grid
editor apart from the data grid editor. Also, in previous versions of NETPROG there was no
attempt to keep the user-defined annotations defined in memory synchronized with the
annotations in the data grid. In the current version, whenever a annotation is created it is
simultaneously added to the annotation grid so that when the user saves the data and annotation
grids to a disk file everything in memory is accounted for and saved to disk. Likewise, when
annotation elements are selected and deleted from memory they are also simultaneously deleted
from the annotation grid. Editing an existing annotation elements immediately updates the entry
in the annotation grid window.
The annotation grid also adds another important feature: the ability to inspect all annotations
together in tabular form in a separate child window. Previous versions of NETPROG mixed data
and annotations in a single child grid window making it difficult to find specific annotations in
the grid in complex files. In situations where many annotations exist on a diagram the user may
have difficulty selecting a specific element- especially if one element is directly on top of another
elements. The annotation grid enables the user to scroll through all annotation elements and
allow the user to select and edit/delete the element on a row-by-row basis. This adds much
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
flexibility to the annotation creation/editing component of the NETPROG application.
Other significant improvements include the addition to the “Solve” menu of the following:
Project by angle: creates a marker annotation based on the attitude of a plane, the
attitude of a lineation that falls on the plane, and a specified angle. The angle specified
creates a new linear marker in the plane at the angular distance from the lineation.
Project by rotation: creates a new marker based on the attitude of a rotation axis, the
attitude of a linear start point, and a rotation angle. The new marker is generated by
rotating the start lineation around the axis by the rotation angle amount.
As with previous versions of NETPROG “clicking” the left mouse button places a small black
cross “blip” mark at the click location for reference. This location is saved by the program and
may be used in a subsequent “Draw” menu operation. For example, if the pointing device is
moved to a location within the primitive circle of the main diagram window, and a left-click is
made at the attitude of 35, 150 plunge and azimuth, a subsequent “Draw” > “Marker” will by
default use the 35, 150 attitude for the position of the marker. NETPROG remembers the last
three left-clicks so that draw commands that use two or three attitudes will have these as defaults.
The new version of NETPROG adds a object snap mode so that the left-click of the mouse will
“snap” to the position of a previously drawn object. Object snap can be turned on with the “Edit”
> “Selection Mode” dialog window. When this mode is on the left-click will plot a black “blip”
at the left-click position, but if the click is within the object threshold distance a red large “blip”
cross will appear on the nearest object. The position of the object snap cross will be used by a
subsequent draw command. In this way the user can exactly “snap” to objects already plotted to
precisely construct new annotation objects.
Many of the edit commands that affect only data or annotations have been moved from the main
NETPROG menu to the “Edit” menu of the data/annotation grid editors. This has greatly
simplified the main diagram window “Edit” menu. Also, additional edit commands have been
added to the data/annotation grid menu so that there are “Cut”, “Copy”, and “Paste” commands
that work on a cell-basis, and another set that work on a row-basis.
Another improvement to NETPROG is the ability to use a variety of attitude formats for planar
and linear in interactive dialogs. Previous versions of NETPROG used only quadrant formats; the
present version allows the user to pick a format from a drop-down list in the dialog. When the
attitude format is changed by the user, any attitudes that are already entered into edit boxes will
automatically be converted to the equivalent attitude in the new format. This will preserve the
previous mouse clicks or selected object attitudes that preceded the window dialog. This applies
window dialogs in the “Draw” and “Solve” menus.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Installing and Configuring NETPROG for
your System
Setting up NETPROG for your computer is as easy as
de-compressing the files from the NET.EXE self-extracting
archive to a subdirectory on your hard disk. There is no
“install” program to execute to install NETPROG on your
computer. For this discussion I will assume that the user has
created a folder named “C:\stereonet\”, and that the
“NET.EXE” file has been downloaded to this folder. You
can download the self-extracting “NET.EXE” file from the
below web site:
After clicking on the download “NET.EXE” link on this
Figure 1: Cylindrical fold data in
web page, use the option in your web browser to save
“NET.EXE” to the “C:\stereonet\” folder. After this step,
use Windows Explorer to browse to the “C:\stereonet\”
folder, and then double-click the “NET.EXE” file to execute the self-extracting program. You
can find the Windows Explorer application under the “Start” > “Programs” > “Accessories”
button menu. Proceed to extract all files in “NET.EXE” to the “C:\stereonet\” folder.
There is one additional step that needs to be taken after un-zipping the program files: adding a
program icon on the desktop. This step is not absolutely necessary, however, it makes starting the
NETPROG application much more convenient. Proceed to browse to “C:\stereonet\” folder with
Windows Explorer, and highlight the “NETPROG.EXE” file. Right-click on the highlighted file
name, and then select the “Copy” option. Now move the mouse cursor so that it is positioned
over the desktop screen area, and then right-click and select “paste shortcut”. This should place
the NETPROG icon on the desktop. Now you can start NETPROG by double-clicking on the
desktop icon. Do so at this time to make sure NETPROG is executing properly. If you do not see
the opening NETPROG window repeat the above steps to make sure that a step was not skipped.
At this time select the “window maximize” button in the upper right corner of the NETPROG
main window. Choose from the NETPROG menu “view” > “zoom factor” to change the scaling
factor that controls the size of the diagram on your video screen. The program will always draw
the diagram on the center of the main window (close to, but not exactly the physical center of the
screen), therefore, you may wish to adjust the default scaling factor to control how the diagram is
sized on your specific video hardware. This setting and others are saved when you exit to the
NETPROG.INI file and will be automatically used when you start the program again in the
current directory. The file NETPROG.INI is always stored in the “\Stereonet\” directory by
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
default, so it is recommended that this folder be used for containing the NETPROG files. If you
find that NETPROG is using unwanted default values you may freely delete the NETPROG.INI
file to force the program to use the defaults that are hard-coded in the application.
If you have a printer installed on your computer now select from the menu “Settings” > “Plot
Type” and then check the “Plot Stereographic Grid” option. Then select the “OK” button. The
full stereographic grid will appear on the main window. Select “File” > “Print” from the main
menu, and then click on the “properties” button of the printer driver. Within the printer driver
select “portrait” mode if it is not already set. Select the “OK” button on the main print window
and the diagram should now print. NETPROG is now setup and ready for data analysis.
The NETPROG help system requires several setup steps to become activated. When activated,
whenever a “Help” button is clicked in NETPROG the help file is loaded from within
NETPROG. The help file is an Adobe PDF document (“Netprog_Help.pdf”) that is maintained
on the author’s web site, but is also included in the “NET.EXE” self-extracting archive. The web
site document is constantly updated for latest program changes/additions so it is recommended
that this default help target is maintained. For users without internet access the target should be
changed to a destination on the local hard disk. Before setting the help file browser application
location and help file target in the NETPROG.INI file, the user should install the free
downloadable Adobe Reader application. The simplest way to find the download site for Adobe
Reader is simply do an internet search on your favorite search engine for “Adobe Reader”.
Alternatively, navigating to “” will also lead to a download link to the reader.
During installation of Adobe Reader, if the option to configure the reader as an add-on to your
web browser is presented, answer with an affirmative (“OK” or “Yes”). For the rest of the
discussion I will assume that Internet Explorer is the web browser, and that Adobe Reader is
installed as an add-on to the browser.
The default “NETPROG.INI” file copied to the default NETPROG folder (usually
“C:\Stereonet\”) folder contains the following two lines by default:
BROWSERPATH=C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
These “BROWSERPATH” is the path to the PDF browser application used to view the
NETPROG PDF help file. Since Internet Explorer has been assumed to be configured to use the
Abobe Reader, the “BROWSERPATH” setting points to the location of the Internet Explorer
application. To verify the path for your computer inspect the “Program Files” folder with
Windows Explorer. Look for a “Internet Explorer” folder, and in the folder look for an
executable file in the folder with the Internet Explorer icon (on my computer this is
“iexplore.exe”). Use this full path for the browser application setting to the right of the
“BROWSERPATH=” statement. By default the “BROWSERTARGET=” setting will point to
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
the author’s version of the NETPROG PDF help file. If the user wishes to indicate an alternative
help file this is where the path should be modified.
If the user does not have an Internet connection the NETPROG.INI file should be modified to
point to a local version of NETPROG PDF help file. In addition, since the target is no longer a
web address, the browser application may be set directly to the Adobe Reader application. As an
example, the below NETPROG.INI lines would allow this change:
BROWSERPATH=C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
In the above example the “Netprog_Help.pdf” file had been extracted and copied to the
“C:\stereonet\” folder from the “NET.EXE” archive file.
After making changes to the “NETPROG.INI” file make sure the modified file is copied to the
“C:\Stereonet\” folder (or wherever the NETPROG files will be stored) so that the changes are
recognized by NETPROG. If the user has trouble configuring NETPROG to load the help file
from within the NETPROG application, a simple work-around is to independently start the
Adobe Reader, load the “Netprog_Help.pdf” file, and then start NETPROG. When you need to
refer to the help file simply minimize NETPROG and select the appropriate bookmark in the
help file.
Registration of NETPROG
You may freely use NETPROG 5.1 for 60 days upon receiving a copy of the NET.EXE
archive file. After this period, if you continue to use the program, you must register the program.
If you are using the program for academic purposes the program is free. To register send me via
mail a xerox copy of your student or faculty ID. You should also send me your e-mail address if
you have one. I will also accept scanned images of your ID via internet e-mail in BMP or TIFF
format. On the other hand, if you use this program in any way to make a profit, I request a
registration fee of $99 check or money order made to the author. Registration of this program
will allow you to receive updates as I add more features to the program. You will find all the
information that you need to contact me in the about menu item.
The author of this program has invested a great deal of time testing the various components of
this program for accuracy, however, as with all software, I am sure that there are
"bugs","glitches", etc., lurking in this version somewhere. The author makes no gurantee that this
program will do what you want it to do for whatever reason, "bugs" or otherwise. In addition, the
author cannot gurantee that this program will execute on your PC hardware because the author
will never be able to test the program on every possible hardware configuration. If you find a
problem with the software you are welcome to report it to me, however, keep in mind that the
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
author is NOT a professional programmer, and that he will attempt to address such problems as
time permits from his other duties. If you do report a program error, please explain as to the
circumstances of the problem, and indicate the program version number from the about box. I
welcome suggestions from users about features to add to future versions, but again, asking for
these new features will not guarantee that the author will implement them.
Starting NETPROG
You can start the NETPROG program using several different methods:
Desktop Icon
Start Menu
File Explorer
My Computer
The most convenient way to start NETPROG is to add a program icon to the windows desktop.
To do this see the discussion in the “Installing and Configuring NETPROG” section above.
To setup NETPROG from the “Start” menu establish a program icon on the desktop (see above)
and “drag-and-drop” the icon onto the “Start” button in the lower left portion of the windows
Running NETPROG from the Windows Explorer application is also straightforward. Open a
directory window on the home directory of NETPROG, wherever that may be on your system
(usually c:\stereonet\”, and then double-click on the file "netprog.exe" will start the application.
The same method will work with the “My Computer” applet in Windows.
When NETPROG is active, select the File > Open menu sequence to open a file selection dialog.
You will see a list of files ending with the file extension "TXT" (these were extracted from
NET.EXE). Select one of these files and click "OK". The data file will load into the data grid
editor that automatically pops up over the graphics window (Figure 1). To plot the data, click on
the button bar icon labeled with forward and backward arrows in the data editor or main window.
Minimize the data grid editor to see all of the stereonet diagram. You can also plot data in the
grid editor by selecting the Run > Process data menu sequence from the NETPROG main menu.
You may wish to load all of the example data files to experience the capabilities of the
application. Note that the first 20 or so lines may contain various commands. The lines following
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these commands contain data.
The NETPROG Main Window
The main application window of the NETPROG application appears after the initial “splash”
screen when the application is started. NETPROG conforms to traditional Windows OS
applications in that it has:
Upper title bar (1)
Upper main menu (2)
Lower status bar (3)
Right scroll bar (4)
Left button bar (5)
Data/Commands Child Window (6)
Annotations Child Window (7)
Stereographic Diagram (8)
The upper title bar (circle 1 in
Figure 2) in the main application
window contains the application
name “NETPROG” followed by the
currently active data file in square
brackets ([]). If the file name has not
been specified the name ‘*.txt’
appears in the square brackets.
Whenever the NETPROG
application is being used the user
should periodically save the current
data file to a disk drive location.
The location where the file is being
saved is always indicated by the
Figure 2: NETPROG main application window.
name in the square brackets.
The main menu bar is directly below the application title bar and is indicated by circle 2 in
Figure 2. The menu bar contains all of the functional application options that are made available
to the user through windows dialogs. For example, to save the current file the user would leftclick on “File”, and then on “Save Data File” to write the contents of the chile data and
annotation windows to a disk file. If a letter in a menu option contains an underlined letter (e.g.
the letter “F” in the “File” menu), the keyboard shortcut <Alt>+<underlined letter> may be used
(i.e. <Alt>+F) to access the menu.
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The lower status bar contains information about the current operating conditions of the
application. From left to right these are:
1. Pointing device location in (X,Y) coordinates using the center of the stereonet diagram
as (0,0).
2. Pointing device location in attitude coordinates. The coordinates can be set to several
different formats (plunge & bearing, plunge & azimuth, strike & dip, directional angles).
If the pointing device is outside the primitive the bearing or azimuth is reported but the
plunge angle is set to 0.
3. Anchor position set by most recent left-click on the main window diagram. The format
of the reported anchor position matches the pointing device attitude format in (2)
preceded by a “A>”. If the object snap is on the position reported will be the “snapped to”
position, and the anchor position is followed by “(os=on)”. If the object snap is off the
anchor position is followed by “(os=off)”. If the left-click anchor is set outside the
primitive of the stereonet the position is reported in (X,Y) media coordinates.
4. Radius in current units (inches or centimeters). The radius value is preceded by “R=”.
5. Current projection, either “Equal Area” or “Equal Angle”.
6. Current drawing color for annotation objects. The background color surrounding the
text “Draw Color” is the current color.
7. Number of annotation elements currently selected. Use the “View” > “Annotation
Grid” to view the annotation grid and see the specific selected items. The selected items
are displayed on the main diagram in a “gray” color. A right-click on the annotation
element in the main diagram will toggle the selection on and off.
The right-most scroll bar in Figure 2 is the main diagram scroll control. This control works like
any other windows scroll control.
The left button bar frames the left side of the application window. These buttons consist of menu
commands that are used often, for example, the “File” > “Save” menu item. To determine what
function that a button provides, hold the mouse pointer stationary over the button to see a “hint”
regarding what the button will do.
The “Data/Commands” child window (number 6 circle in Figure 2) is activated through the
“View” > “Data Grid” menu item. Alternatively the data grid window is automatically opened
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
with the “File” > “Open Data File” option. Figure 2 and Figure 3 contain examples of the data
grid child window. Details of the operation of the data grid window are described in the below
The “Annotations” child window (number 7 circle in Figure 2) is activated through the “View” >
“Annotations” menu item. This window contains user-defined annotation commands generated
through the “Draw” or “Solve” menu. Figure 2 and Figure 4 contain examples of the annotation
grid child window.
The main application window contains the stereographic diagram (circle number 8 in Figure 2)
centered on a “virtual” sheet of output media. The edge of the dark gray outer rectangle is the
size of the default media as indicated by the current printer device. If there is no installed printer
the media size is set to 8.5 x 11 inches in portrait mode. The interior “white” rectangle indicates
the area in which the printer driver can effectively plot. If portions of the diagram stray outside
the white plotting area the drawing elements will be truncated. The menu option “Configure” >
“Custom Page” option can be used to set up a custom media page size and print margins.
Creating and editing data files for NETPROG
NETPROG processes ASCII text
files created by the native
NETPROG data grid editor, by
other text editor applications, or by
other applications such as database
and spreadsheet programs that
output data in a text file. The
windows NOTEPAD program in
the accessories group is one
example but many exist. Most word
processing programs have an
option to store documents in ASCII
(TXT extension) format that will
work with NETPROG. In addition,
most spreadsheet and database
applications can save data in ASCII Figure 3: Data grid editor window.
or TXT format also, with the added
benefit that often the data can be screened by query or sorting to give you control over selecting
subsets of the data. More information is presented elsewhere in this document regarding the
format of NETPROG data files, remember that whatever application you intend to use to create
and edit data files, make sure that it can save the data in ASCII or TXT format. However the data
file is created, it must be loaded into the NETPROG data grid editor for processing. The
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maximum size of the data set loaded into the data grid editor is limited only by the operating
system memory resources, therefore, data set size should not be a significant problem. As the
number of data increase you may note delays in data grid editing operations such as inserting or
deleting a row in the data grid, especially on older (slower) workstations. The data grid editor
will always check the data and command syntax as the data grid is processed. If an error is
determined, the row number of the data grid will be highlighted in red. The grid editor will
autoscroll so that the offending row is visible to the user.
If you choose to use the data grid editor to create files from scratch, please note the following:
1. Use the menu choice “View” > “Data Grid” to activate the grid editor window. If a data file is
already loaded into NETPROG you can clear the data grid with “File” > “New”.
2. Use the cursor keys to navigate from cell-to-cell and row-to-row. When a cell is highlighted
you can type data into the cell. When the down-arrow key is pressed on the bottom row of the
grid a new row is automatically added to the grid.
3. To edit a highlighted cell that already contains data, select the <F2> key. Press <enter> or a
cursor key when cell editing is complete. The keyboard combos <shift>+<del> will delete a row
and copy its contents to the clipboard, whereas the <shift>+<ins> combo will insert the clipboard
contents at the cursor position.
4. If you have copied multiple rows of data to the clipboard from another Windows application
(Excel, Access, etc.) you can paste that data to the data grid editor with the “Edit” > “Paste”
menu combination in the data grid editor window. A detailed example of this is discussed in a
later section.
5. The data grid editor window contains a “Button Bar” of useful tools activated by clicking in
the button. To investigate the button bar capabilities position the mouse pointer over a button and
keep it stationary. A “hint bubble” will display that indicates the action of the button. The buttons
duplicate actions that are initiated by the menu or keystrokes. For example, one of the buttons
saves the contents of the data grid to a disk file (same as “File” > “Save” from menu).
6. Any data grid may contain any number of “commands” that help control the operation and
appearance of NETPROG data processing and diagram production. Once NETPROG settings
have been optimized for the current data set, the current settings (radius value, projection type,
etc.) may be inserted into the data grid by clicking on the “Insert Settings” button in the button
bar. This will ensure that when the file is loaded again all of the settings will be set to current
values. These commands are inserted at the top of the data grid and there are many of them so
don’t be surprised if the data that you have typed in gets “pushed down” in the data grid out of
sight. Scroll down past the data grid commands to find your data. The insertion of data grid
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
settings should be done only when you are reasonable satisfied with the layout of the stereogram
diagram. If you wish to change the diagram layout first use “Edit” > “Delete Settings” to delete
the commands in the data grid, and then use “Edit” > “Insert Settings” to re-insert the current
layout in memory. The “Delete Settings” command will never delete any data lines.
7. The data grid editor window also contains 2 selectable drop down lists in the upper right
portion of the window (see Figure 3). The left drop-down edit list displays a NETPROG data
grid command (ex. PlotType) that is used to control the layout of the final stereonet graphical
diagram. The right drop-down list contains all of the legal arguments for that command. For
example, if the left list indicates “PlotType”, the options in the right list will be “Points”,
“Contours”, “Combo”, and “Rose”. Clicking on the down-arrow in the drop-down list control
will allow you to select any of the recognized commands and matching legal arguments. Clicking
on the “Ins Cmnd” button next to the 2 drop-down lists will insert the current command and
argument into the 1st column of the data grid. A detailed description of the effect of these data
grid commands follows in the next section.
Embedding commands in data file
There are several commands that can be embedded in the NETPROG data file that can be used to
control the operation of NETPROG. Below are the relevant commands. Note that in the below
discussion that items to the right of the equal sign (=) and enclosed by brackets ([ ]) are not literal
commands but instead describe the type of argument for the command to the left of the equal
sign. Unless otherwise stated in this document, the case of commands does not matter since all
are converted to upper case by the program anyway. In the below discussion, text to the right of
the ";" should be considered a comment to clarify the command, and is not intended to be entered
into the file. Any Blank lines encountered in the data grid are ignored by the program. The
commands described below can be logically divided into two groups: header commands that
effect the entire stereonet diagram, and data commands that effect data that occurs after (below)
them in the data grid. Although any of the commands may be inserted into the data grid at any
row, it is best to insert the header type commands at the top (beginning) of the grid, and insert the
data commands before the data rows that will be affected by the command. For example, it
makes sense to insert the "PlotType" command at the top of the file because the choice of
whether points or contours are plotted does not depend on any specific data row. On the other
hand, you may decide to switch color in the middle of the data set so that bedding from the east
limb of a fold plot as red, while the other limb plots as blue. In that case at least one of the
“Color=” commands would appear in the data section.
To summarize, the organization of the data file would follow this form:
line 1: header command 1
line 2: header command 2
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
line ?: data element 1
line ?: data element 2
line ?: .
line ?: .
line ?: .
The format for a data grid command is as follows:
[keyword] = [argument]
Below are the currently defined command keywords:
PlotType, DataType, Title, Geometry, Radius, Projection, Symbol, Color, Units,
Stat, StatsFit, EigenVect, CountNodes, CountModel, PlotNodeMode, Shading, Radius,
ContLevel, ShadeValue, PlotRadUnits, NumDataLgnd, Stereogrid, PlotAzTextLabels,
PlotAzTics, StereoGrid, PrintMargins, User, Begin, End
Each of the above data grid commands are discussed below regarding their effects on data
processing and/or stereonet appearance.
Plot Type Command: “PlotType”
PlotType = Points
Points, Contours, Combo, Rose
PlotType = Points ;plots point marker for data
“Points” will cause all data to be plotted with the current symbol. The pole to planar data will be
plotted rather than a great circle. “Contours” causes the stereonet to be plotted using the current
contouring options. “Combo” will combine “Points” with “Contours”. A “Rose” diagram will
generate a directional histogram based on the azimuth values of data.
Data Type Command: “DataType”
DataType =QuadPlanes
QuadPlanes, QuadLines, DipAzimuths, AzLines, SCplanes, AzPlanes,
RtHandRule, DirAngDegs, DirAngRads, RakeAngles, QuadPaleo, AzPaleo
DataType = QuadPlanes
N 45 E 30 E
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
DataType = DipAzimuth ;dip angle 1st, then azimuth of true dip
35 221
DataType = AzPlanes ; strike azimuth followed by dip angle and quadrant
314 50 W
DataType = Scplanes ;foreset 1st, top/bottomset 2nd both in quadrant planar
N 25 E 40 E N 45 E 52 E
DataType = QuadLines
S 50 W 34
DataType = AzLines ;linear data in azimuth & plunge format
210 10
DataType = RtHandRule ;Planar data in right-hand rule format
220 55
DataType = DirAngDeg ; alpha, beta, gamma directional angles degrees
0 90 90
DataType = DirAngDeg ; alpha, beta, gamma directional angles radians
0.0 1.5707 1.5707
DataType = RakeAngle ;rake angle, direction (N,S), then plane in quad. format
30 N N 40 E 35 E
DataType = QuadPaleo ; Same format as “QuadPlanes” however the true dip
; vector point is plotted rather than the pole
N 45 E 30 E
DataType = AzPaleo ; same format as “AzPlanes” however the true dip vector
; is plotted rather than the pole
314 50 W
Title Command: “Title”
Title = [title of data set]
Title = Northern Alabama Piedmont S1
Geometry Override Command: “Geometry”
Geometry = GreatCircle
GreatCircle, Point
Geometry = GreatCircle ;data plotted as great circles
Radius Command: “Radius”
Radius = {size of radius of stereonet in inches or centimeters}
Radius = 3.5 ;sets radius equal to 3.5 current units
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Projection Settings: “Projection”
Projection = EqualArea
EqualArea, EqualAngle
Projection = EqualAngle ;sets projection to equal angle type (Wulff)
Symbol type: “Symbol”
Symbol = [name of symbol]
Square, Triangle, Diamond, Circle, Cross, Square_F ,Triangle_F, Star_F,
Square_H, Triangle_H, Circle_F, Cross_F, Error_Bar, Diamond_F, Sinistral,
Dextral, Neutral, ThinCross
Symbol = Circle-F ; symbol is a filled circle
Color Override Command: “Color”
Color = [color name] or [hexadecimal RGBformat: $00RRGGBB]
Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, LtGray, DarkGray, LtBlue,
LtGreen, LtCyan, LtRed, LtMagenta, Yellow, White, $00RRGGBB
Color = LtBlue ; data below command are plotted in light blue color
Color = $00RRGGBB (hexadecimal format where RR=red component,
GG=green, BB=blue)
Color = $0000FF00
all subsequent data is drawn in maximum intensity green (255 decimal)
Color = $00080808
all subsequent data is drawn in a medium-intensity gray (RGB components are
Units Settings: “Units”
Units = Inches
Inches, Centimeters
Units = Centimeters ;units of measurement are set to centimeters
Stat Override Command: “Stat”
Stat = On
On, Off
Stat = OFF ; data below are not considered in statistics calculations until the
Stat=Off command is encountered.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Statistical Fit Command: “StatsFit”
StatsFit = Cylindrical
None, Cylindrical, Conical
StatsFit = Vector ; statistical least-squares vector is calculated
StatsFit = Cylindrical ; least-squares cylindrical geometry (great circle) calculated
StatsFit = Conical ; least-squares conical geometry (small circle) calculated
Eigen Vector Command: “EigenVect”
EigenVect = ON,OFF
On, Off
EigenVect = ON ; eigen vector values and points are plotted on diagram
Counting Nodes Commands: “CountNodes”
CountNodes = On
On, Off
CountNodes = ON ;count nodes plot on diagram
Counting Mode Command: “PlotNodeMode”
PlotNodeMode = PlotNodePercent
PlotNodePercent, PlotNodeRaw
PlotNodeMode = PlotRaw ;plots number of data plotting around the counting
node as a raw number
NOTE: If "N" is the total number of data, and "X" the number of data falling within the critical
angle region around the counting node, the percent value plotted would be X/N*100, whereas
with the raw mode it would be X.
Node Counting Model Command: “CountModel”
CountModel = Gaussian
Summation, Gaussian, Kamb
CountModel = Gaussian; count nodes accumulate values using gaussian
smoothing function
NOTE: Gaussian is the default and generally yields the best contour results.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Shading Command: “Shading”
Shading = On
On, Off
Shading = ON ;shading of percent concentration is turned on
Contour level value Command: “ContLevel?”
ContLevel? = [numeric value]
A numeric floating point value for the contour level
ContLevel5 = 7.76 ; sets contour level 5 equal to 7.76%
The "?" above ranges from 1 to 9 for the nine contour levels
Shade level color value Command: “ShadeValue?”
ShadeValue? = [hexadecimal value]
a hexadecimal value in the format $00RRGGBB
ShadeValue5 = $00DD2299 ;sets shade level 5 color to $00DD2299
The hexadecimal color value is decoded as $00RRGGBB where RR,GG, and BB
are the red, green, and blue intensity chanels respectively, and may range
Plot/Print Radius & Units Values Command: “PlotRadUnits”
PlotRadUnits = On
On, Off
PlotRadUnits = ON ;units & radius values plotted in lower left corner
Plot/Print Number of Data Legend Command: “NumDataLgnd”
NumDataLgnd = On
On, Off
NumDataLgnd = On ;causes number of data to be plotted at center bottom
Turn on plotting/printing of stereographic grid Command: “StereoGrid”
StereoGrid = On
On, Off
StereoGrid = On ; stereographic grid plots as a background on diagram
Plot/Print azimuth text labels Command: “PlotAzTextLabels”
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
PlotAzTextLabels = On
On, Off
PlotAzTextLabels = On ; turns on plotting of azimuth mark labels on primitive
Plot/Print azimuth tic marks Command: “PlotAzTics”
PlotAzTics = On
On, Off
PlotAzTics = On; turns on the plotting of 10 degree azimuth tic marks on
Printer Margins Command: “PrintMargins”
PrintMargins = On
On, Off
PrintMargins = OFF
;printer margins are not plotted on video screen
User defined Command: “User”
User = user defined command
{see descriptions below}
User = GreatCircle S 29 W 34 Green 0.05 ; draws a great circle about S29W,34
Data Format Details
There are specific data formats for each of the defined DataType arguments. The data that follow
the below keyword in the data file must match the indicated format until another DataType
command is encountered. Below are the data format descriptions:
Quadrant Planar: QuadPlanes
Format: N [quadrant strike angle] [quadrant E-W strike direction] [dip angle] [dip angle
Quadrant Linear: QuadLines
Format: [quadrant N-S direction] [qudrant strike angle] [quad. E-W dir [plunge angle]
Dip and Dip Azimuth: DipAzimuths
Format: [dip angle] [dip azimuth]
S/C Slip Vector: SCplanes
Format: [quadrant planar attitude for S surface] [quadrant planar attitude for C surface]
Azimuth Linear: AzLines
Format: [azimuth angle] [plunge angle]
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Azimuth Planar: AzPlanes
Format: [azimuth angle] [dip angle] [dip angle E-W direction]
Right-hand Rule: RtHandRule
Format: [azimuth angle] [dip angle]
NOTE: the angle must be specified so that the dip incline is on the right-hand side of the azimuth
when observed in the azimuth direction. The azimuth therefore may fall in any quadrant
including the southeast (90-180) or southwest (180-270).
Directional Angles Degrees: DirAngDegs
Format: [alpha directional angle] [beta directional angle] [gamma directional angle]
Directional Angles Radians: DirAngRads
Format:[alpha radian directional angle] [beta radian directional angle] [gamma radian directional
Rake Angle: RakeAngles
Format: [rake angle] [N-S direction] [planar quadrant strike & dip as described above]
Paleocurrent Quadrant: QuadPaleo
Format: N [quadrant strike angle] [quadrant E-W strike direction] [dip angle] [dip angle
NOTE: this is the same format as “QuadPlanes” however the true dip vector will be plotted as a
point rather than the pole. This is useful when analyzing crossbedding data.
Paleocurrent Azimuth: AzPaleo
Format: [azimuth angle] [dip angle] [dip angle E-W direction]
NOTE: this is the same format as “AzPlanes” however the true dip vector will be plotted as a
point rather than the pole. This is useful when analyzing crossbedding data.
In the above format descriptions all angles are in degrees unless otherwise noted. For items
specified as [quadrant N-S direction] the letter "N" or "S" should be used. For [quadrant E-W dir
use a "E" or "W". Note that there must be at least one blank space or tab character between any
format item. Viewing the example data files in this help document will clarify the usage of the
above data formats and header commands.
Symbol Override Argument
Symbol = Square, Triangle, Diamond, Circle, Cross, Square-F, Triangle-F, Star-F,
Square-H, Triangle-H, Circle-F, Cross-F, Error-Bar, Diamond-F, Sinistral, Dextral, Neutral
Symbol = Cross; data below plotted with an open cross symbol
Symbol = Circle-F; data plotted with filled circle
User-defined elements can be embedded in the data section to annotate the stereonet plot. These
elements are always ignored by the program during statistical analysis no matter where they
appear in the data section. In addition, rotation does not affect the plotted position of user-defined
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elements. Therefore, these elements should generally be the last items inserted in to the data
section when experimenting with rotations. The user has the option to embed any user-defined
elements into the data grid before exiting the program via the "insert user elements" menu or
button. These user commands are always appended at the end (bottom) of the data grid. The next
time that the file is loaded, the user commands will be scanned by the program to create the same
User-defined Geometry Annotations
There is only one keyword for a user-defined geometry element- “user”. In the below format
descriptions, the parameters in the braces are arguments for the “user” command that specify the
geometry type for the annotation. The format for this command is:
user = [Text, TextXY, Point, PointXY, GreatCircle, SmallCircle, Arc, ArcVect]
Annotation Geometry Types
user = text [quad. linear attitude] [size proportion] [color] [horz. align.] [vert.
align.] [text string]
user = text N 45 E 20 0.050 Magenta center baseline Fold Hinge
above command plots a magenta text string "Fold Hinge" centered and base-lined
at N30E, 23 with a text height equal to 0.05 that of the radius.
user = textXY [x coord] [y coord] [size proportion] [color] [horz. align.] [vert.
align.] [text string]
user = textXY -2.5 4.0 0.075 Black left top S1 Foliation
above command plots the string "S1 Foliation" in black left-justified and
top-justified on the coordinate -2.5,4.0 with a character height = 0.075 * Radius.
user = point [quad. linear attitude] [symbol name] [symbol proportion] [color]
[horz. align.] [label position] [label]
user = point S 45 W 25 Circle-F 0.05 Red left above Lineation
above command would plot a filled red circle at bearing S45W, plunge 25, sized
at 0.05 times the radius of the net with a label of “Lineation” left-justified above
the point.
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user = pointXY [x coord] [y coord] [symbol name] [label prop] [color] [horz.
align.] [label position] [label]
user = pointXY -2.5 4.2 Circle-F 0.075 Yellow center below S1 Foliation Symbol
above command plots a yellow filled circle at location = -2.5,4.2, at size =
0.075*Radius, with the label "S1 Foliation Symbol" centered below the marker
symbol position.
user = GreatCircle [quad. linear attitude] [color] [linewidth]
user = GreatCircle S 60 E 70 blue 0.05
above command would draw a blue great circle with pole at S60E bearing and 70
plunge with line width 0.05 units.
user = SmallCircle [quad. linear attitude] [apical angle] [color] [linewidth]
user = SmallCircle N 20 W 20 70 magenta 0.05
above command would plot a magenta small circle trace with axis of N20W
bearing and 70 plunge with line width of 0.05 units.
user = Arc [axis quad. linear attitude] [start quad. linear attitude] [angle] [steps]
[color] [linewidth]
user = Arc N 63 E 38 S 62 E 46 75.0 75 cyan 0.05
plots cyan arc with axis at N63E,38; start point of S62E,46; and a circular arc of
75 degrees with 75 increment steps using a line width of 0.05 units and cyan
user = ArcVect [axis directional components (3 values)] [start dir. components]
[angle degrees] [steps] [color] [linewidth]
user = ArcVect 0.7021 0.3577 0.6157 0.6133 -0.3261 0.7193 221.0 221 CYAN
above command plots a 221 degree geometric arc with cone axis at first set of
directional components and starting at the second set of directional components
using a cyan color using a line width of 0.05 units.
For Arc or ArcVect commands the geometry is determined by the angle between the axis and the
start point. If the start point is 90 degrees from the axis, the arc will be a great circle, otherwise it
will be a small circle with apical angle equal to that angle. Note that any of the color values for
user-defined commands may be either a color name string (black to white), or a hexadecimal
RGB value ($00RRGGBB).
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Examples of valid data files
Note that items right of a ";" are ignored by the application. The data, identification, and notes
are separated by a <tab> character as indicated below. Older versions of NETPROG used
;Data and Data commands appear in the Data Grid window
PlotType = Points <tab><tab>
DataType = QuadLines<tab><tab>
Title = Linear Data Cluster<tab><tab>
color = Yellow<tab><tab> ;color indicated as a name
symbol = Circle-F<tab><tab>
S 40 W 39<tab>RA01<tab> qt. min. lineation ;data, ID, note delimited by <tab>
S 36 W 47<tab> RA-02<tab> hbl. mineral lineation
S 29 W 50<tab> RA-03<tab> bi. mineral lineation
; blank lines are ignored
S 44 W 29<tab> RA-04<tab> intersection lineation S0/S1
S 36 W 33<tab>RA04A<tab>q.lin.; data does not need to be aligned in columns
S 34 W 41<tab> RA-05<tab>
S 28 W 43<tab> RA-06<tab>
S 17 W 50<tab><tab>; I.D. and notes are optional
S 25 W 25<tab> RA-10<tab> q. mineral lineation
;user-defined elements appear in the annotation grid window
user = TextXY -2.5 4.2 0.05 Brown center baseline L1 Lineation<tab><tab>
user = GreatCircle S 29 W 34 Green 0.05<tab><tab>
user = SmallCircle S 29 W 34 20 Blue 0.05<tab><tab>
user = Point S 30 E 45 Square-F 0.05 Red center above User-Vector<tab><tab>
user = Arc n 63 e 38 s 62 e 46 n 12 e 35 cyan 0.05<tab><tab>
user = Arc n 63 e 38 n 35 w 8 s 4 e 22 magenta 0.05<tab><tab>
DataType = DirAngDeg ; change to a different data format<tab><tab>
stat=off ;below data not included in statistics<tab><tab>
color = $000000FF ; color indicated in hexadecimal $00RRGGBB<tab><tab>
symbol = Cross-F<tab><tab>
Geometry = GreatCircle<tab><tab> ; plot below data as great circle geometry
92.06 109.78 19.89<tab><tab> ;3 directional angles
82.14 106.86 18.70<tab><tab>
97.96 111.73 23.28<tab><tab>
The Data Grid Editor
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Unlike previous versions of
NETPROG, the current version
contains an internal data grid editor
that functions much like current
spreadsheet applications: the
window into which data elements
are entered is divided into rows and
columns of "cells". In each cell a
specific data item is entered.
Although it is certainly possible to
create a data file with an external
text editor, I believe that you will
find that the advantages offered by
the data grid editor make it worth
Figure 4: Example of the Data grid editor window.
Activating the Data Grid
By default NETPROG does not display the data grid editor, therefore, when you start NETPROG
the editor will be hidden from view. To "see" the grid, select the menu sequence "View > Data
Grid" from the main NETPROG menu (Figure 4). You can move the grid window about by
dragging the title bar. You may also re-size the grid editor window by "grabbing" and dragging
the corners, however, the size of the grid in the window remains constant. You can collapse the
window into an icon with the minimize button in the upper right portion of the window.
Data Grid Layout
The data grid editor has a relatively standard layout for windows applications (see Figure 4).
Data is entered into the “white” cells in the central portion of the window. The current cell is
highlighted by a dark background, usually dark blue or green. At the top of the grid window, just
below the title bar is the menu bar. From the menu bar you can choose commands that
accomplish a specific task, such as saving the contents of the grid editor to a file. Below the
menu bar is a "button" bar consisting of a variety of buttons painted with icons. The buttons
replicate commands that are selected often from the menu. The button bar commands accomplish
the same tasks as their menu equivalents, but are more convenient to select. Therefore, the button
bar commands are the most commonly used commands. In addition to the button icons, several
list boxes occur on the button bar. These allow the user to select commonly needed data grid
commands without having to type the full command, therefore, avoiding typing errors. Below the
the data grid is a button that provides a link to the NETPROG help file. You should note that the
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three column widths are re-sizable by dragging the dividers between columns. As the data grid
grows in width or length scroll bars will automatically appear below and to the right of the grid.
Entering Data into the Data Grid
The current cell in the grid editor is highlighted by reversing the background color. As you move
the cursor different cells are highlighted. If a highlighted cell is blank and you wish to type data
into the cell just start typing and end your entry by pressing the <enter> key. If you move the
cursor past the last row, a new row will be automatically added to the grid. Note that data
orientations or commands are entered into the 1st column, data identification codes are entered
into the 2nd column, and comments about the observation are entered into the 3rd column. If you
highlight a cell that already contains data, and you begin typing, the contents of the cell are
erased when you type the first character. If you need to edit the data already in the cell, highlight
the cell and press <F2>.
Using the Data Grid Editor Menu
The following menu options are part of the data grid editor menu system that is separate from the
main window menu. The following menu options are discussed in the order they appear in the
menu system:
Insert row: this menu selection inserts a blank row at the current cursor position.
Delete row: this menu selection deletes the entire row at the current cursor position.
Cut cell: deletes the current cell contents and copies it to system clipboard. This is useful
for moving cell contents around within the data grid.
Copy cell: copies the current cell contents to the system clipboard. This is useful when
copying cell contents from within the data grid.
Paste cell: pastes the clipboard contents into the current cell. This is useful when copying
cell contents from within the data grid.
Cut rows: cuts the currently selected cells/rows to the system clipboard. The user should
select the rows by holding down the <shift> key and moving the cursor with the arrow
keys, or dragging the mouse to highlight a block of cells. This command is usually used
to re-order rows within the data grid.
Copy rows: copies the currently selected cells/rows to the system clipboard. The user
should select the rows by holding down the <shift> key and moving the cursor with the
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arrow keys, or dragging the mouse to highlight a block of cells. This command is usually
used to re-order rows within the data grid.
Paste rows: pastes the clipboard contents beginning at the current cursor position in the
data grid. This is generally used to paste the results of a database/spreadsheet query to the
data grid. It is up to the user to have previously copied to the clipboard a three-column by
n-rows block of cells that have attitude, ID, and comment data respectively arranged in
Insert settings: inserts the current graphical diagram settings (data type, plot type, radius
value, projection, etc.) from memory into the top of the data grid. This preserves the
current settings when the data grid information and data is saved to a disk file. The user
should be sure that diagram settings are complete before choosing this command.
Delete settings: deletes all settings commands (radius value, title, data type, plot type,
etc.) from the current data grid.
Entering Data Grid Commands
There are a variety of commands that you may need to enter into the first column to control, for
example, the type of data format of plot type. You may enter these commands the same way as
data: cursor to the cell and begin typing. However, using the drop-down lists discussed below is
generally much easier than typing commands from scratch.
Using the Button Bar and Drop-down Lists
The buttons on the button bar allow one-click access to commonly used menu commands. The
commands do not operate differently than the menu equivalents, however, they are more
accessible via the buttons. The button bar includes (see buttons in Figure 4):
Plot data in grid (double arrow icon)
Read file into data grid (yellow file folder icon)
Save data grid to file (disk icon)
Insert a blank row at the current position in the grid (double line over the "+" symbol)
Delete a row at the current position in the grid (double line over the "-" symbol)
Copy current cell to the system clipboard (two text pages icon)
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Paste clipboard contents into cell at current position (Clipboard and text page icon)
Cut selected cell to the system clipboard (Scissors icon)
Insert a data color command using the system color dialog menu (Color bar icon)
The drop-down list boxes that appear in the data grid window allow error-free insertion of
common data grid commands. The left box lists the commands, whereas the right box lists the
matching arguments to the command. For example, if the command list is set to "PlotType", the
arguments list box will contain "Points","Contours","Combo", and "Rose" as the possible
matching arguments. If you selected the "Combo" argument, and then click on the "Ins Cmnd"
button, the full command ("PlotType=Combo") is inserted at the current cell position. Of course,
you could just type in the command and argument, however, using the insert command button
eliminates typographical errors that may be hard to find in a complex data file.
The button labeled "Ins Settings" will automatically insert all of the possible command settings
into the top of the data grid. You should first delete all commands before using this button
because the old commands, being after the new ones, will override the new commands. The best
way to use this feature is to first type in the data with only a few commands entered to set the plot
type and data format. Then use the menus to set the diagrams appearance as desired, and then
insert those settings with the "Ins Settings" button. If you save to disk, the next time the file is
loaded into the grid and plotted, it will appear exactly as it did when the commands were inserted
into the grid. You should note that the data grid "Edit" menu contains an option that will delete
all commands in the data file if necessary. This will save you from having to delete them
one-by-one if you need to re-insert all of the command settings.
The user should note that a data command remains in effect until overridden by the same
command later (i.e. higher row number) in the data grid. It is very easy to accidentally insert
more than one data command in the data grid. This situation can lead to confusing results in the
diagram. If inconsistent results are being obtained the best course of action is to scan the data
grid for multiple commands of the same type. An alternative solution is to use the “Delete
settings” to strip out all data commands, then check the menu settings to make sure the current
settings are correctly defined, and then choose “Insert settings” to re-insert the data grid
The fact that NETPROG scans the data grid for re-definitions of the data commands allows the
user to mix data types. For example, suppose that the user wishes to plot bedding and stretchpebble lineations from a study area. From field relations it is suspected that the bedding is folded
by a megascopic cylindrical fold, and that pebble lineations are coaxial with the hinge of the fold.
Therefore, it would be logical to plot the bedding and lineations on the same diagram to test
whether or not the lineations are statistically coaxial to the megascopic hinge. The following data
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grid would accomplish this task:
PlotType = points
Datatype = Azplanes
312 33 E
322 38 E
319 55 W
Stat = off
DataType = Azlines
150 23
147 25
155 29
Note the re-definition of the “DataType” between the bedding and pebble lineation data. Also,
the bedding data is bracketed by the “Stat=on” and “Stat=off” commands so that only the
bedding data is considered for the least-squares cylindrical fold hinge statistical fit.
Selecting the “Color” item from the command drop-down list will allow the user to choose from
a list of named colors. The named colors are listed below:
Selection of one of the above colors makes that selection the default data color. If the command
keyword “Color” is selected from the command drop-down list box (see Figure 4) in the Data
grid child window, the default color will appear as the color command argument. Inserting the
“Color” command will place the color command and argument at the current row in the Data grid
window. All data encountered below the command will be this color. In this way different
subsets of data can have different colors on the same stereonet diagram.
If the current settings are inserted into the data grid, the “color=” command will be inserted
(along with all other commands) at the top of the file and will affect all data encountered below
the color command until another color command is encountered during processing.
The system color button (see “color” button in Figure 4) allows the user to select a color from
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among any possible color values supported by the windows environment. The color value setting,
if inserted into the data grid, will be in the form of a hexadecimal value ($00RRGGBB).
The Annotation Grid
The annotation grid editor is new in this version of NETPROG (5.1) and represents a significant
improvement over previous versions in terms of managing user-defined annotations. Figure 5
contains a screen image of the annotation grid with several example annotations entered into the
grid. Each user-defined annotation geometry is automatically inserted as a row in the annotation
grid when the user generates an annotation. The information used to draw the geometry is
contained in the 1st column, a keyword indicating the geometry type is inserted in the 2nd column,
and the 3rd column remains blank unless the geometric element is selected by the user, in which
case the word “selected” appears in the 3rd column to identify selected items. To activate the
annotation grid editor select “View” > “Annotations Grid” from the main window menu. Use the
up/down cursor arrows or mouse pointer to move from row-to-row within the annotation grid
Menu commands to generate
user-defined annotations that
are inserted into the
annotation grid include all of
the “Draw” menu selections
(Text, Great Circle, Small
Circle, Great Circle Arc,
Small Circle Arc, Marker),
and all of the “Solve” menu
selections except the “Angle
between lines” and “Rotate
Data”. The “Angle between
lines” option simply
calculates an angle (less than
180) in degrees between
two selected lines, whereas
the “Rotate data” option
Figure 5: Annotation grid editor window.
rotates the entire data grid
set around a selected linear axis.
When annotation elements are in the annotation grid rows you cannot edit them manually within
the cell, however, when the annotation grid has the focus you can double click on a highlighted
row to activate the annotation modification window. This window allows the user to modify all
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parameters associated with an annotation including its orientation on the stereonet. The user
should note that you can edit an annotation element from the main NETPROG window by
selecting the element with a right-click, and then double-left-clicking on the element in the main
window (see discussion of “mouse” behavior below). The <F2> key will also automatically open
the current row in a modify annotation window. If two annotation elements are directly on top of
each other on the main window diagram the most recently drawn element will always be selected
with the double-left-click method in the main window. The user will need to use the annotation
grid to correctly select the annotation in this situation.
Annotation Grid Editor Menu
The annotation grid window contains its own menu system for menu commands that are
appropriate for that window. Below is a list of those menu selections and how they may be used:
Select: this menu selection will cause the current row in the annotation editor to be
highlighted. You will see the word “<selected>” appear in the right column when the
annotation element is selected. Choosing this menu item when the row is already selected
will toggle it to the non-selected status.
Select All: this menu selection causes all current annotations to be selected.
Move Selected: selecting this option with annotations elements selected allows the user
to shift the position of all selected elements with the mouse. The mouse pointer will
change to a “hand” pointer during the move operation. Holding down the left button will
define an anchor point. While holding down the left button, shifting the mouse pointer
will draw a “rubber-band” line indicating the “shift vector” of the move operation.
Releasing the left-button will shift all selected elements with a direction and magnitude
equal to the rubber-band vector. If a snap grid is selected, the move will be affected by the
snap increment.
Delete Selected: this menu option will delete all selected elements from the annotation
Clear Selected: this menu option will de-select any currently selected annotation
elements. A verification dialog will confirm that selections should be cleared.
The annotation grid editor window contains a series of buttons on the button bar that accomplish
often-used tasks in the annotation menu system. From left-to-right there are 3 active buttons:
Process Data button: (green opposite-facing arrows) will process the data in the data
grid and annotation grid editor windows and plots the result on the stereonet diagram
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main window. Clicking on this button is functionally equivalent to the “File” > “Process
Data” menu selection from the annotation grid window.
Open File button: (yellow folder type icon) clicking on this button will abandon all data
in the current data/annotation grid editors and load the disk file indicated by the user.
Save File button: (disk type icon) selection of this button will save the contents of the
data and annotation grid to a disk file. The data grid information is written first, followed
by the annotation grid information in the disk file. The text file will have a “.TXT”
When the file save option is selected in NETPROG the information contained in the data grid
editor is written to a text file followed by the information in the annotation editor. While it is
certainly possible to open a NETPROG data file into a text editor an manually add data or
annotations, this is not recommended because no error-checking can be done on the information
as it is added to the file.
The user should note that information in the data and annotation grid windows may visually
produce similar graphical results, however, the application treats the information in each
respective grids very differently. For example, the attitude of bedding may be added to the data
grid and plotted as great circles. The same planar attitudes could also be entered into the
annotation grid to produce exactly the same great circles. However, if for example 100 bedding
readings were entered and the user wished to contour the data to help define a fold pattern, this
would be easily accomplished if the data were in the data grid, but impossible if in the annotation
grid. In other words, no information in the annotation grid can be analyzed statistically (i.e.
contoured, least-squares cylindrical fit, etc.).
Below is a list of the various files that come with the “NET.EXE” archive file, and a brief
description of each:
NETPROG.exe: the NETPROG executable file for plotting and analyzing structure data
Netprog_help.pdf: the help file for NETPROG (Adobe PDF format)
vector.txt: example data file that contains a tight mineral lineation cluster
cylinder.txt: example data file that contains bedding affected by cylindrical fold
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conical.txt: example data file that contains bedding data affected by conical fold
The below is a list and description of files that may be produced by NETPROG under certain
NETPROG.ini: initialization file for NETPROG created automatically in the windows
Using the mouse with NETPROG
The NETPROG program uses the windows pointing device in the following manner:
Pointing device motion dynamically updates the cursor position status (origin is the
center of the net). The X and Y coordinates are reported in either inches or centimeters in the
cursor status panel (lower left). The position of the cursor is also updated as an attitude
depending on the setting for the cursor format. To the right of this panel is the current anchor
position, in the default cursor format. The anchor is always the most recent "left click" position
of the mouse.
Clicking the right mouse button will toggle the selection of the nearest user-defined
geometric element, if any are defined. If the nearest element is not selected, it is "highlighted" in
a gray color. If the nearest element is already highlighted it will be toggled "off" - i.e. it goes back
to its unselected color. If the selection mode is switched from "user" to "data" mode, the nearest
data point is selected and a window with information specific to that data point will pop up. Note
that user geometry elements such as great circles and arcs are selected on the basis of the nearest
pole (great circle) or cone axis (small circle) position.
Clicking and holding down the left mouse button after the “move selected” menu item in
the annotation grid window is selected will cause a "rubber-band" line to be dynamically plotted
on the screen as the mouse position is changed. The cursor will also change from the arrow to a
“pointing hand” when pan mode is on. You should think of this rubber-band line as a vector of
displacement. If you release the left mouse button, the currently selected items will be shifted in
the direction indicated by the length and direction of the rubber-band line. After the pan
operation is complete, the mouse cursor goes back to the normal arrow pointer shape.
The left-click anchor is a position on the stereonet that is remembered by the program. If
you then access one of the draw menu items, this "locked-in" position or anchor will be the
default position for the new user-defined annotation geometry. You will always be able to type in
specific attitudes in the dialog windows if so desired. Clicking the left mouse button also prints a
"blip" mark that is a small cross on the screen. This is for reference only- the next time a redraw
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is done these will vanish. If the object snap mode is turned on through the “Edit” > “Selection
Mode” a left-click that is close to an existing object will cause a “snap” to that object. The snap
position is indicated by a red cross. This position is used as the anchor. This is useful for
precisely drawing new objects relative to existing annotation objects.
A double-click of the left mouse button when an object is selected (default is gray color)
will allow the editing of user-defined annotation objects such as text or symbols. If the selection
mode is for data objects, a window describing the properties of the selected object will display,
however, you cannot directly edit data objects (do this in the data grid window). If multiple
objects are selected, the closest object to the double-click position will be chosen. If the child
annotation grid window is active, a double-click of the left mouse button will edit the currently
highlighted row.
When the annotation grid window is displayed highlighting and double-clicking on a
annotation row will allow editing of that object.
Working with data stored in other applications
NETPROG can work with data stored in other applications if the application can save data to the
Windows system clipboard, meaning that the data, identification, and notes entities are selected
with the pointing device and/or clipboard, and then the "Edit > Copy" menu option is selected.
The Windows system clipboard is simply a memory area maintained by the operating system
where the data is stored as text with each item on a single line separated by a <tab> character.
The application being used must be able to arrange the data/command, identification, and notes
into respective 1st, 2nd, and 3rd columns. This is generally very easy to accomplish with
spreadsheets or database applications. Below are import steps using several example
Microsoft Office Access
STEP 1: A query is designed so that the structure data, station label, and station notes appear in
the answer table in three separate columns. See the Access documentation for information
regarding designing and executing queries. An example Access database containing data and predefined queries will be used in this example. Figure 6 displays the query example.
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STEP 2: Figure 7 contains a query
table generated by the Figure 6
Access query. The 1st three columns
of data in the query table are
"highlighted" by left-clicking and
dragging the mouse over the column
STEP 3: Select the menu sequence
"Edit > Copy". This copies selected
data to the system clipboard. You
can now copy this data to any other
Figure 6: Access query definition for generating a
application that contains a menu
NETPROG clipboard file.
sequence "Edit > Paste".
STEP 4: Start the NETPROG program and activate the data grid window with "View > Data
Grid". Place the cursor in the first column titled "Data/Command". Select the menu sequence
"Edit > Paste". You will now see the data copied from the system clipboard appear in the
NETPROG data grid editor window as displayed in Figure 8. Note that the table headers are also
pasted into the data grid- the 1st column would need to be deleted or turned into a comment with
a leading “;” before processing with NETPROG.
STEP 1: Type data into the first
three columns of the spreadsheet,
Data/commands in the 1st, Station
I.D. in the 2nd, and Station notes in
the third. With the pointing device
or keyboard mark all of the data.
STEP 2: Highlight the three data
columns and then select "Edit >
Copy" to copy the data to the system Figure 7: Query results table with 1st three columns
clipboard. The data is now ready to selected.
paste into NETPROG, or any other
windows application for that matter.
STEP 3: Start the NETPROG program and activate the data grid window "View > Data Grid".
Place the cursor in the first column titled "Data/Command". Select the menu sequence "Edit >
Paste". You will now see the data copied from Excel appear in the NETPROG data grid editor
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Menu Commands
Menu commands are accessed by
left-clicking on the main menu bar.
These commands can also be
activated via keystrokes with the
<Alt>+ underlined letter combo as
is typical in Windows applications.
For example the <Alt>+”f”
keystroke combo from the main
application window will activate the
“File” menu. Press <Esc> to back
out of the menu selection from the
Figure 8: Example of clipboard data pasted into the
NETPROG data grid editor.
File Menu
The file menu contains commands that either open an existing file or save the current contents of
application memory to a disk file. You can also exit the program through this menu.
Initializing for a new stereonet plot
Selecting the “New” menu item
from the file menu will prepare the
program for plotting a new stereonet
diagram. Any user-defined elements
are cleared when this item is
selected. Use this selection when
you have completed plotting a
stereonet, and now wish to clear
memory for a new data set and
Opening a data file
Figure 9: Example of the Open File dialog.
Selecting the “Open” data file item
from the file menu enables the user
to indicate a disk file name that
Figure 10: Example of the File Save dialog.
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NETPROG will load into the data grid editor. The user will see a standard Windows file open
dialog list box (Figure 9) that allows the selection of a file name. You will also be free to
traverse the subdirectory tree of your hard disk or network, so feel free to organize data into
subdirectories by project. The data file must conform to several data file rules so that NETPROG
can recognize the data. You may use any text editor that leaves the file in ASCII form for
creating data files, however, NETPROG has its own very capable data grid editor. Please see the
data file format for data and commands that can be entered in the data file.
Saving a data file
Selecting the save file item from the file menu (Figure 10) will save the current diagram to a
disk file in text format. The default name of the saved data file is the same name as the original
opened file. If you wish, the file save dialog will allow you to save the current diagram under a
different name. Because the data file editor native to NETPROG consists of three columns, the
data file saved will contain three items per data line separated by commas. For more information
regarding the data file format refer to data file formatting.
Printing the stereonet diagram
Selecting the print option from the file menu activates the print dialog (Figure 11) that prints the
current diagram to the default windows
printer. If you have several output devices
connected to your system you must use the
windows control panel to make the
intended output device the default windows
printer. See your windows documentation
for more information on the control panel
applet. NETPROG is designed to print
diagrams in a "portrait" orientation. Your
output will look best if the printer driver is
set to portrait mode (long dimension of
media parallel to y axis).
The “About NETPROG” menu item
Figure 11: Example of the Print dialog.
Selecting the about item from the file menu will present the user with information about the
NETPROG program which includes (Figure 12):
program version number
author's e-mail address
copyright notice
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The “Exit” menu item in the File menu
Selecting the exit item from the file menu will
terminate the NETPROG program. This is the
normal way that you should stop the NETPROG
program. If NETPROG has detected changes to the
file in the data grid editor, you will be prompted to
indicate whether or not you wish to save the grid
contents to file.
Edit Menu
Figure 12: The “About” dialog
The “Edit” menu contains commands for
manipulating the main graphical diagram in memory for copying to the system clipboard. The
image may be used in other applications at a later time. The title may also be edited, and the
selection mode and object snap mode may be accessed through this menu.
Copying the diagram to the windows clipboard in enhanced metafile format
Selecting the edit > to clipboard(EMF) menu item will copy the current window contents to the
windows clipboard. This allows the diagram to be inserted into other applications with a paste
command from their edit menu. For more information see your windows documentation
concerning the clipboard and the clipboard viewer. The diagram is exported to the clipboard in
an enhanced metafile format, therefore, other applications can freely re-size the diagram without
any loss of resolution or "pixelation" effect if they can retain this graphic format. If your
application inserts the diagram as a bit map resolution will be lost by pixelation. All "paint"
programs will have this problem, however, the author has had excellent results with the
vector-based application Micrografx Designer. Many word processing applications such as
WordPerfect work well with the EMF format.
Copy the diagram to the clipboard in bitmap format
Selecting the Edit > to clipboard(BMP) menu item will copy the current diagram to the windows
system clipboard in a bit-map format (BMP). The advantage of this format is that it is well
supported by many application programs. The disadvantage of this format is that the resolution
and color depth of resulting image is dependent on the resolution and color depth of the video
hardware upon which it was created. This may produce less than satisfactory results when printed
on high-resolution output devices, or when the image is scaled up or down significantly.
Indicating the current selection mode
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Selecting the “Edit > Selection mode” menu item will
set the current selection mode, either for “annotation
elements” or for “data elements”. If annotation
elements are set as the current mode, right-clicking on
an annotation geometry will highlight that element
with the current highlight color. Any highlighted
objects can then be erased via the Annotation window
“Edit > Delete” selected command.
Choosing the “Select data points” selection mode
means that a right-click will pop up a window
containing information specific to that data point, such
as sample number or notes entered about the sample.
Figure 13: Object selection mode dialog.
You can only pick data elements one at a time. The
right-click must be within the object snap threshold for the data object to be selected. After the
selection grid window is displayed, the data element will be highlighted and can be used as an
selection anchor for a subsequent “Solve” menu command.
Whether the selection mode is set to annotation or data objects, if the “Snap to objects” check
box is unchecked, left-clicks by the mouse will set the anchor position at the cursor location. In
that case the position is marked by a small black cross on the main diagram window. If the check
box is “checked”, then left-clicks of the mouse will mark anchor position with a larger red cross.
If the left-click is within the threshold distance of a annotation/data element the red cross will
“snap” to the position of the element. In this case there will be a separation between the small
black and large red crosses. The red cross marks the position of the anchor point for subsequent
“Draw” menu commands. In this way the user can precisely annotated the diagram with “Draw”
menu elements using pre-existing data/annotation elements. For example, if you need to
construct a great circle arc through 2 data points, set the selection mode to “data points” in
Figure 13, use left-clicks of the mouse to snap to the data points, and then use the “Draw” >
“Great Circle Arc” menu command.
Editing the drawing title
Clicking on the Edit > Title menu item will allow the editing of the drawing title to occur
interactively in an edit dialog box. This is most useful for last-minute changes before printing a
hard copy. Also you may find this option useful if you are plotting a stereonet grid and you want
no title. Backspacing over the title characters will effectively erase the title. The title changes are
automatically inserted into the data grid editor.
Run Menu
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The “Run” menu contains only the “Process data” menu option discussed below. Use this option
after adding new data to the data grid window to evaluate the changes to the stereonet diagram.
You should also use this after opening an existing data file. The button on the button bar with the
forward/backward arrows icon replicates this function.
Processing data in the data grid editor
The Process data menu option activates processing of data in the data grid. NETPROG scans the
data grid for data, commands, user-defined geometry, etc. to assemble the stereonet diagram.
Data must be either typed into the data grid editor, or loaded from a disk file into the editor
before a diagram can be plotted. The size of the data set in the editor is limited only by the
operating system virtual memory so very large data sets can be processed.
Errors in syntax encountered by the program as the data grid is scanned will immediately
terminate processing of the grid. The row in the data grid that contains the error will
automatically scroll into view with the cursor set in the cell where the error occurred. If the data
grid editor window had been minimized or closed before processing commenced, it will activate
to the foreground so that the error cell is visible. Refer to embedding commands in data file for
information regarding data and command syntax.
Settings Menu
The “Settings” menu contains menu items that control the appearance of the final stereographic
diagram, or the way in which data is processed. Use this menu when these types of parameters
need modification.
Setting the radius value
Selecting the radius item from the settings menu allows you to interactively type in the size of the
stereonet radius. The dialog box that is activated will inform you as to the current units, inches or
centimeters. The radius value is used to scale virtually every object of the stereonet plot. When
experimenting with this value you should turn on the page preview feature so that you can be
sure that the plot will fit within the output device print area.
Selecting the counting method for contouring/shading the diagram
Selecting the .(counting method) item from the settings menu allows the user to choose from
among three different types of counting methods to use for calculating contours:
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Raw counts per 1% surface area of stereonet
Gaussian accumulation
Kamb method
The raw counts method divides the lower hemisphere into 1% surface areas with a counting node
centered on the subareas. If a data vector falls on the 1% area the node is incremented. With this
method the counts are usually reported as a percentage of the total number of data, however, you
can contour the raw counts as well. You can set this in the diagram plot type menu item under the
settings menu. This type of counting method produces angular contour patterns with low
numbers of observations, therefore, it is not recommended until the number of data exceed 100.
The Gaussian accumulation has a marked smoothing effect on the contour patterns because it
modifies the raw counts so that the distribution conforms to a "bell-shaped" (Gaussian) curve.
The disadvantage is that contours that intersect the primitive may not have a matching contour at
the diametrically opposed point on the primitive. Despite this fact, the Gaussian accumulation is
the default because it produces the smoothest contours, and therefore is usually best at depicting
the concentration trend of data to the human eye. The mathematics of the Gaussian accumulation
d = cos(theta)
Theta is the angle between the count node vector and a data vector, and "c" is the calculated
count value. This equation decreases the weighting of a data vector as the angle theta increases to
a maximum of 90 degrees. Although every data point influences each count node to some extent,
the weighting decreases rapidly with angular distance from the count node. This is fundamentally
different from the raw count mode where the count node is incremented only if a data vector falls
within some critical angle of the count node vector (i.e. a 1% area).
The Kamb method is designed to produce smooth contours with small data sets. The method
does this by adjusting the number of counting nodes so that there is no large "jump" in
accumulated count values between adjacent nodes. This works well if the data are contoured by a
human hand, however, this does not work so well in a computer application because a relatively
dense grid is needed to smooth the contours without resorting to artificial smoothing algorithms
such as spline curves between contour line segments. Therefore, unless the data set is large the
Kamb method suffers from irregular and angular contour lines. If you must compare your data set
to stereonets contoured by the Kamb method, you may need to use this method so it therefore
provided. The author continues to investigate the Kamb method and may add smoothing
algorithms in the future to produce more pleasing results.
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Setting the projection type
Selecting the projection menu item from the settings menu will activate a dialog box that will
allow you to select either an equal-area or equal-angle projection for the stereonet diagram. The
equal-area and equal-angle projections correspond to Schmidt and Wulff nets respectively.
Equal-area projections are used for large data sets (>50 observations) in structural geology to
remove effect of the apparent higher density of random points near the center of the projection.
The equal-angle projection is used to preserve the true angular relationship between elements
plotted on the net. For example, a conical surface will project as a perfect circle if it intersects the
lower hemisphere of a equal-angle projection.
Setting the stereographic grid density
Selection of the Stereographic grid option under the Settings menu will activate a dialog that
enables you to choose the density of the stereographic grid. The settings will be either a coarse
grid where 10 degree spacings are plotted for small and great circles. If the fine setting is chosen,
the grid will have 2 degree spacings over most of the stereonet. In either case, the 10 degree
small and great circles are plotted in a heavier line weight. The color of the stereographic grid
defaults to a light gray and will plot with the diagram if it is active. The color of the grid may be
set with the diagram colors menu selection under the Settings menu. Whether or not the grid is
plotted is controlled via the diagram plot type menu option under the Settings menu.
Setting the units type for the plot
Selecting the units menu item from the settings main menu item will allow you to interactively
select the units for sizing objects in the stereonet diagram, either inches or centimeters. When
changing between units you should adjust the radius value to produce a reasonable diagram size.
The radius value edit box will automatically convert from one unit system to another to keep the
diagram the same size when switching between inches and centimeters. You may also type any
value desired into the edit box before selecting the "OK" button in the dialog.
If you add "radius=" and/or "units=" commands to data files you should be aware that
uncoordinated usage of these commands can produce undesirable results. Remember that
NETPROG scans the data grid from top to bottom when processing data. If a radius or units
command is encountered, the setting is changed accordingly. A units command inserted at the top
of the file will have no effect if there is another below it in the data file.
Setting the font
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Selecting the select font menu item
from the settings menu allows the
font typeface for the plot to be
selected from all of the windows
system fonts (Figure 14). It is
recommended that a scalable font be
selected, such as TrueType fonts, so
that hard copy output will match the
video screen view. The size (height)
of text objects on the diagram can
be controlled by editing the
“NETPROG.INI”, or by selecting
the Settings > Text size and line
weight menu option. By selecting
the text size and line weight option
Figure 14: Example of font selection dialog.
you can set the line width of the
diagram elements, and the height of
the text labels used in various portions of the diagram. The point size and color setting in the
Figure 14 dialog has no effect in NETPROG. The color and size of data and annotation text is
controlled by commands inserted in data or annotation grid windows.
Determining the data format
Selection of the data format menu option will present a dialog where one of several data formats
may be selected with a series of radio-type buttons (Figure 15):
Planar quadrant
(Ex. N 30 E 55 E)
Linear quadrant
(Ex. S 34 W 15)
Planar azimuth
(Ex. 315 33 W)
Linear azimuth
(Ex. 135 22)
Directional angles in degrees
(Ex. 92.06 109.78 19.89)
Directional angles in radians
(Ex. 1.607 1.916 0.347)
Rake angle plus planar quadrant
(Ex. 30 N N 40 E 35 E)
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Selecting one of the above sets the current
data format for the data in the data grid
until it is overridden by a "DataType="
command in the data stream. Care must be
taken to match the data format typed in the
grid to the selection in this dialog. The
"Insert settings" button in the data grid
editor will insert this setting (along with
others) into the data grid. For more detailed
information on data grid file commands see
the description of embedded data file
Setting the plot type for the stereonet
This menu item allows the user to select
Figure 15: Example of data format dialog.
one of the following display formats for the
stereonet diagram:
Combo (points and
With the points format, data
elements are plotted either as point
markers or great circles as set by
data section commands in the data
file. This format is best for small
data sets. The contours display
format is best for large data sets and
Figure 16: “Plot Type Settings” dialog box.
contours the data concentration
based on a percentage of the total data per 1% surface area of the lower hemisphere. The user can
control the contour intervals from the contour levels menu item. The combo combined format
plots data as individual markers and as contoured concentration density. The rose format plots a
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
standard "rose" type diagram where data azimuth direction concentration is plotted as a type of
"pie" chart. In addition to the fundamental plot types above, the final diagram may be
"fine-tuned" via a series of check boxes that switch the following parameters on or off (Figure
Stereographic grid on/off
Counting nodes on/off
Plot lower labels on/off
Plot azimuth tic mark labels on/off
Plot azimuth tic marks on/off
Plot counting nodes as percent on/off (off=raw counts)
Plot number of data legend on/off
Plot percent concentration color shading on/off
Plot user geometry handles on/off
You may control both the contour intervals and shading colors through the contour levels menu
item. The shading intervals will
match the contour intervals in
number and value range.
Setting the contour base and
Selecting the contour settings menu
item (Figure 17) from the settings
main menu item allows the user to
set the start (base) and interval
contour values. The initial values
are always 1% for both the start
value, and the contour interval.
You can change these values to any
value by tabbing between edit cells
Figure 17: Contour levels dialog box.
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and typing in appropriate numerical values. Alternatively, you may select the Equal intervals
button to select equal intervals based on the range between the minimum and maximum percent
concentration node. The program is set to calculate 9 intervals in this mode. You can also set the
contour levels by selecting a starting contour level, and then a contour interval. This is most often
used when comparing data sets composed of very different total sample quantities, or when less
than the maximum of 9 possible contour levels is desired.
The shading color values may be automatically set by the gray-scale or color buttons. You can
also select shade colors individually by double clicking on a the row cell that you wish to change.
Shade colors may also be set with hexadecimal typed numbers in the form $00RRGGBB where
the R,G, and B characters are hexadecimal digits specifying the red, green and blue channel
intensity. For example, maximum green would equal $0000FF00. Because of the way in which
shading is generated, the shading colors will generally but not exactly delineate areas between
adjacent contour lines. To turn color shading on or off, see the "Plot type" topic.
Controlling the diagram text
height and line weight
The selection of the Settings > Text
size and line weight menu item will
activate a tabbed dialog where the
user may set the values of the
following in the current units. Note
that most of these value are defined
as a proportion of the current radius
length. For example, if the data size
proportion = 0.05, and the radius =
3.5, the size of data points on a hard
copy print will be 0.05*3.5 = 0.175
current units. Position offsets below
are also proportions of the radius,
and they refer to the position of the
center of the baseline of that text.
Unless otherwise noted, this is true
of all of the below items:
Tab Group 1
Data size proportion of the Figure 18: Example of text size & line weight dialog.
radius length.
Title height proportion.
Title position offset proportion.
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Contour legend height proportion.
Contour legend text offset.
Number of data legend text height proportion
Number of data legend text position offset proportion.
Counting node text height proportion.
User element text label height proportion
Tab Group 2
Cross hair size proportion.
Azimuth tic size proportion.
Cardinal direction text height proportion.
Light line work default thickness.
Heavy line work default thickness.
Medium line work default thickness.
Contour line width proportion.
User-defined line width.
Statistical least-squares geometry line width.
Tab Group 3
Eigen vector geometry symbol line width proportion.
Eigen vector text label height proportion.
Eigen vector geometry line width proportion.
Data geometry line width proportion.
Rose diagram increment in degrees.
Azimuth tic marks width proportion.
Controlling diagram colors
The Diagram colors menu selection under the
Settings menu (Figure 19) allows the user to
change the color of the diagram in several ways.
The items that are controlled via this menu are:
Stereographic grid color
Eigen vector symbol color
Statistical least-squares geometry color
Selected item color
Figure 19: Diagram color control dialog.
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Rose diagram interior fill color
Contour line color
Azimuth tic mark color
Double-clicking on a row, or selecting <F2> on any row activates the operating system color
dialog for selection of a color.
Setting the cursor status format
Selecting the Cursor Format menu item allows the user
to set the attitude format of the current position and
anchor reported by NETPROG in the lower status bar
(Figure 2). The format may be selected from the
below list:
plunge, quadrant bearing (ex. 30,N45W)
strike and dip (ex. N45E, 60SE)
plunge, azimuth bearing (ex. 30,315)
alpha, beta, and gamma angles in degrees
Figure 20: Example of cursor format
All of the formats above except the strike and dip
control dialog.
option report the position of the cursor on the diagram,
whereas the strike and dip format reports the attitude of the plane whose pole is located at the
cursor position. The cursor position is automatically updated when the pointing device is moved.
A left-click of the mouse will set an anchor point that is also updated in the status line. The
anchor position can be used to calculate geometries such as the plane common to two points, or
as the rotation axis of the data set.
View Menu
The view menu is used to control the way that the main graphical window is displayed. Within
the main window the diagram can be zoomed in or out, or scrolled in any direction for example.
Redrawing the diagram window
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In some cases it may be necessary to refresh the graphics window by forcing the program to
redraw all elements of the plot. Select the redraw option from the view main menu item.
Specifying a numerical zoom factor
The zoom factor menu item of the view menu will allow the user to specify a specific numerical
zoom factor. Numbers greater than 1.0 will expand the image beyond the initial diagram size,
while numbers less than 1.0 will shrink the diagram. The magnification/reduction operates
symmetrically about the center of the diagram. You should use this command when you need to
see more detail on a complex diagram. Use zoom extents to return to the default size.
Zooming to the window extents
This menu item will "zoom" the contents of the diagram to fit within the program screen window
such that all of the diagram will be visible. NETPROG saves the zoom factor to the
NETPROG.INI file every time the program is exited, therefore, you may want to zoom extents
before exiting the program.
Setting the grid and snap values
The draw grid menu item under the view menu item allows the user to specify a visual grid
reference to be plotted on the video screen, and optionally set a "snap" mode for user-generated
elements so that, for example, text annotation may be precisely aligned at specific horizontal
and/or vertical intervals. The grid marks are composed of "cross" markers. The user may control
both the spacing between the marker centers, and the size of the markers in this dialog. Turning
on the snap mode is very useful for aligning text in a legend, for example. When the snap mode
is set, "blip" marks will appear at the actual location clicked on by the left mouse button, but the
coordinates fed to drawing routines will be rounded to the nearest grid mark increment.
Panning the current drawing window
The pan drawing menu item of the view menu will allow the user to shift or "pan" the current
diagram within the program window. It is usually necessary to combine a pan with a zoom factor
command to blow up the view dimensions of a particular portion of the stereonet diagram. You
should first pan the diagram so that the portion that you wish to view in greater detail is near the
center of the window, and then use an appropriate zoom factor to blow up the diagram. If desired
portions of the diagram are outside the current view window, pan again to bring them into view.
When this menu item is selected, the mouse cursor reacts by taking on the shape of a cross. Click
the left mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse pointer in the direction that you
wish to drag the diagram. A "rubber-band" line displays dynamically to indicate the shift vector.
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After a pan operation is complete, the mouse cursor goes back to the default arrow shape.
Remember that you must first select pan mode from this menu, and then move the mouse with
the left button held down to produce the pan vector (i.e. the "rubber-band" line).
Displaying the annotation grid editor
Selecting the “Annotations grid” option will display the annotations grid window. If any usedefined annotations have been created they will be displayed as a row in the window. See Figure
5 for an example of the layout of the annotation grid.
Displaying the data grid editor
Selecting this menu item will "popup" the data grid editor, a spreadsheet-like editor consisting of
three editable columns and essentially unlimited rows:
Sample I.D.
Data such as bedding or foliation attitudes are typed into the Data/command column, while
sample I.D. and notes are optionally entered into the 2nd and 3rd columns. Optional commands
to specify data type, title, radius value, etc. may also be entered into column 1. For more
information, refer to the topic embedding commands in a data file.
Navigation between cells in the data grid is accomplished with either the mouse or with cursor
keys. When a cell is highlighted, typing <F2> or double-clicking the left mouse button will allow
editing of the cells. To add data simply add a new row at the current cursor position by selecting
the insert row menu or button item. See Figure 4 for an example of the data grid.
Displaying the statistical results window
Selecting statistical results from the view main menu activates the display of the current
statistical results window. This window is movable, and can be re-sized with the pointing device.
Among other items, the window contains relevant statistical data such as the standard deviation,
chi square, attitude of fit geometry, and number of data used for statistics. The values are
calculated for the most recent statistical fit geometry.
Displaying the Statistical Fit Histogram
Activating this menu option allows the user to turn on/off viewing of the statistical fit histogram.
This provides a graphical representation of how well the data fit the chosen least-squares
statistical geometry (vector, cylindrical, or conical). The primary value of this histogram is that it
allows the user to evaluate how closely the data are normally distributed about the least-squares
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
geometry. A normal distribution would form a “bell-shaped” curve if a line where drawn through
the midpoints of the tops of the bars in the histogram. A perfect “Bell” curve (i.e. Gaussian) is
drawn on the histogram for reference (see Figure 1). The Chi-square statistic reported in the
statistical results window provides a numerical measure of how closely the data approach a
“Normal” distribution: a value less than the critical value (in parentheses) is considered a normal
distribution. If the data are normally distributed, standard parametric statistical analyses may be
made. For example, if a standard deviation of 5 degrees where obtained on a Cylindrical leastsquares fit then parametric statistics would predict that 95% of the data set would fall within a
“belt” that is 2 standard deviations (5 x 2 = 10 degrees) on either side of the Cylindrical girdle
Draw Menu
The “Draw” menu contains options for creating user-defined annotations that are plotted on the
stereonet diagram. Each item on this menu will create a annotation element that is automatically
inserted into the annotation grid. Before selecting the below “Draw” menu options the user
should prepare by anchoring the placement of the annotation element with a left-click. A “blip”
cross will then appear at the position of the anchor point. This is true whether the point is inside
or outside the primitive circle. If a snap grid is in effect the placement of the anchor will be
affected. Use the below table as a guide:
Draw Geometry
The anchor point sets the start point for text.
If the anchor is inside the primitive, the
plunge & bearing is used, XY coordinates
Great Circle
The anchor point should be inside the
primitive, and sets the pole to the great
circle. The default attitude used in the dialog
is the strike & dip of the great circle.
Small Circle
The first anchor point (next to last left-click)
is a point on the small circle surface. The 2nd
anchor (last left-click) is the axis of the
small circle. The apical angle of the small
circle is set by the angle between the 2
Great Circle Arc
The first anchor is the start point of the arc,
the 2nd anchor is the end of the arc. The
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
selection of the anchor points should be so
that the direction from anchor 1 to 2 is
counterclockwise as viewed in the downplunge direction of the pole to the arc.
Small Circle Arc
The 3 anchor points should set the axis,
start, and end of the small circle arc
respectively. The apical angle is set by the
angle between the axis and start point. The
length of the arc is set by the angular
distance between the start and end points.
The arc will not pass through the end point
unless it is precisely defined to fall on the
arc. The start and end points should be
selected so that the rotation of the start to
end about the axis is counter-clockwise as
viewed down-plunge of the axis.
General Arc
The 2 anchor points should be the axis and
start point. The dialog allows the user to
enter the angular distance of the arc (1 to
360 degrees). The small circle are will be
drawn in a counter-clockwise direction
starting at the start point and according to
the angle entered in the dialog. If the arc
needs to be drawn in a clockwise direction
use a negative angle.
The center of the marker symbol is set by the
anchor point. The dialog allows the user to
enter and place a label about the marker
symbol. If the anchor is inside the primitive
an attitude is used, if outside the XY
coordinates are used.
Annotating the stereonet with text
Selecting the text item from the draw main menu item allows the user to specify a text label
(max. 32 characters) to annotate the diagram. The default position of the text will be the last
anchor “blip” left-click of the pointing device. This position is indicated in X & Y units from the
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center of the stereonet diagram whether you select a point inside or outside the primitive. If the
anchor point is inside the primitive, the position of the anchor is also reported in quadrant linear
format. A check box allows you to choose which criteria to use for plotting text- X & Y
coordinates or a quadrant linear attitude. Uncheck the "use XY coordinates" check box if you
wish to use attitudes rather than XY coordinates. In either case you do not have to use the
coordinates of the anchor point. You may instead type a pair of X & Y coordinates or quadrant
linear attitude into the respective edit boxes.
Several text formatting options are available. Text labels can be placed inside or outside the
primitive. The label height as a
proportion of the radius length can
be specified in this dialog box also.
The text label is drawn in the
current drawing color indicated in
the status line of the main window.
The sets of radio buttons in this
dialog allow you to control the
horizontal and vertical justification
of the text label. When using this
feature to annotate the diagram, you
may find that it is helpful to activate
a drawing grid and snap mode.
Make sure that you turn on the page
preview margins so that you do not
place text outside the printing area
of the output device.
Interactively constructing a great
circle geometry
Selecting the great circle item from
the draw main menu item allows the
user to interactively define a great
circle geometry for annotating the
stereonet diagram. The dialog box
activated by this menu item requests
the quadrant planar attitude of the Figure 21: Example of drawing a great circle.
great circle. The default attitude is set by the last pole position anchor set with the left pointing
device button. Note that a click of the left mouse button will position a small cross on the
diagram termed a "blip" mark. This will be the pole to the attitude listed in the edit box when this
dialog is activated. When you draw the great circle by selecting the "OK" button, the great circle
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arc is plotted along with a small cross at the pole to the great circle. Later, if you want to select
the great circle you must click on the pole cross. The pole “blip” markers do not plot on the hard
If you select a point outside the primitive a vertical great circle will be plotted perpendicular to
the azimuth of the pointer if the default value is used. You can type any valid quadrant planar
format in the pole attitude edit box. The key combination <Shift>+<Insert> will insert the system
clipboard contents into the edit box. This might be done, for example, after you had solved for
the intersection of two planes).
Interactively drawing a great circle arc geometry
Selecting the great circle arc item from the
draw main menu item allows the user to
interactively construct the arc of a great
circle (Figure 22). The process works like
1. Select a start point by clicking the left
mouse button at a point inside the
primitive. Note that a "blip" anchor mark in
the form of a small cross will mark the
position of the selected point. The blip
marks are not permanent, and will
disappear when the redraw menu item is
2. select the end point of the arc using the
left mouse button.
3. Select the great circle arc menu item
from the draw menu.
4. Verify the attitude position of the start
and end points and adjust if necessary.
Figure 22: Example of drawing a great circle arc.
5. Select the OK button. The arc will then
plot on the diagram.
Note that any two points inside the stereonet define a unique plane. In addition, the angle
between the two lines can be calculated from the relationship:
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theta = ArcCosine(StartX*EndX+StartY*EndY+StartZ*EndZ)
where [StartX,StartY,StartZ] are the
directional components of the start point,
and [EndX,EndY,EndZ] are the directional
components of the end point of the arc.
When selecting two anchor points for the
great circle arc, be aware that the points
should be selected in a counterclockwise
sense if one desires that the arc not intersect
the primitive. There are always two
possible great circle arcs that can be plotted
through a pair of points on the net.
Generally, the arc that is desired is the arc
which does not intersect the primitive. If
the two reference points are defined in a
clockwise sense around the center of the
stereonet, the arc thus defined must
intersect the primitive.
Interactively constructing a small circle
Selecting the small circle menu item from
the draw main menu allows the user to plot
a small circle geometry (Figure 23) with
Figure 23: Example of drawing a small circle.
the current drawing color. The drawing
procedure should proceed as follows:
1. Use the left mouse button to indicate an starting anchor position inside the primitive through
which the small circle will pass. A small "blip" mark will appear at this position.
2. Use the left mouse button again to indicate the position of the axis of the small circle. The
apical angle of the small circle will be the angular arc between the position selected in step 1 and
this step.
After selecting these points use the draw > small circle menu option to start the small circle
dialog box. If the axis and apical angle do not match the values desired you can simply overtype
them at this point. The apical angle should be in the range 0-90 degrees. Select the “OK” button
to draw the small circle. The procedure will draw the full 360 degrees of the small circle,
therefore, if the small circle encounters the primitive circle the continuation of the small circle
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will skip to the diametrically opposed position on the primitive. This is a result of the lower
hemispheric projection that NETPROG utilizes.
Drawing the general arc of a small circle
Activating the general small-circle arc item
under the draw menu brings up a dialog that
requests the quadrant linear attitude of a
small circle axis, start, and end point. The
apical angle of the small circle is set by the
angle between the axis and start point. An
arc is drawn counterclockwise beginning at
the start point position and continuing until
the plane containing the axis and the
endpoint of the arc also contains the end
point selected with the mouse. Therefore,
the end of the arc does not generally pass
through the end point selected with the
mouse. Consistent with behavior of all of
the draw routines, the initial quadrant linear
attitudes of the three points are set by the
last three left mouse button clicks. Pick the
axis first, then the start point, and then the
endpoint with the left mouse button
(Figure 24), then activate this menu item.
You may freely edit the quadrant linear
attitudes in the dialog to more precisely
control the arc generation.
Figure 24: Example of drawing a small circle arc.
Interactively constructing a
symbol marker
Selecting the marker menu item from the draw main menu item will allow you to interactively
plot a symbol marker at the most recently selected pointing device position marked with a left
button click. Regardless of whether the selected position is inside or outside of the primitive, the
position is indicated in X & Y values of the current units. Alternatively, you may uncheck the
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"use X & Y coordinates" check box
and use the linear quadrant position
for markers inside the primitive.
On the right side of the dialog box a
combo box list will contain the
name of the current symbol (Figure
25). The names are:
TRIANGLE-F symbols ending with -F are filled
SINISTRAL useful for indicating "S" folds for example
Figure 25: Example of marker symbol dialog.
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Select the name of the desired
symbol (default is a filled circle)
from the combo box. The size of the
marker is controlled by the "marker
size proportion" setting, which is
the size of the marker symbol
expressed as a proportion of the
radius in the current units. For
example, if the radius was set to 3.5
inches, and the proportion value of
0.01 were entered, the size of the
marker would be 3.5 inches x 0.01
= 0.035 inches.
You can enter an optional label (32 Figure 26: Example of draw color dialog.
characters max.) that will be plotted
with the marker symbol. Justification of the optional label is handled in the horizontal and
vertical justification radio button groups. The height of the text will be 1.5 times the size of the
marker symbol unless changed in the NETPROG.INI "UserOptTxtSzProp" setting.
Selecting the current draw color
The current draw color is the color with
which objects in the draw main menu item
are constructed. The current draw color is
indicated in the status line along the bottom
of the application window.
You can select colors via the system color
dialog (Figure 26) from by clicking on one
of the color boxes on the left half of the
dialog, or within the continuous color field
in the right half of the dialog window.
Figure 27: The current draw symbol dialog
Make sure that you adjust the right-most
intensity slider for the full range of color.
Selecting the current drawing symbol name
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The current draw symbol name is the default symbol used by the draw marker menu item. The
dialog (Figure 27) will present a drop-down combo list box where the user may select from all of
the possible draw symbol marker names. The default size of the marker may be set here also as a
proportion of the radius.
Solve Menu
Selecting items under this menu allows the user to calculate attitude geometry based on
previously drawn annotation geometry. Most of the “Solve” menu items generate new
annotations that are automatically inserted in the annotation grid.
Solution for the line of intersection of two structural planes
NETPROG can solve for the line of
intersection of two structural planes
from the “Solve > Intersecting
Planes” menu item (Figure 28).
This procedure can be used, for
example, to determine the fold
hinge formed from the intersection
of two planar limbs. The dialog box
activated by selection of this menu
item will present the user with three
edit boxes, the left two containing
the last two objects or data selected
with a right mouse button click. The
two object attitudes are presented in
quadrant planar formats. The third
edit box will be blank until the
solve button is selected. The edit
box will contain the quadrant linear
attitude of the intersection when the
solve button is pressed. You may
Figure 28: The solve for intersecting planes dialog.
overtype the two selected object
attitudes if you prefer to solve for alternative intersecting planes. Note that you should right click
on the pole to the great circle objects to select them. You will probably want to select the strike
and dip format for the cursor status line when selecting the poles. You must have exactly two
user-defined or data objects selected (default is a gray color), otherwise you will receive an error
message. To toggle the selection mode between user-defined and data objects, see the Edit >
Selection mode menu item.
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A typical scenario would be to select two planar fold limbs, and then select the Solve button to
fill the solution edit box with the quadrant linear attitude of the intersection. By clicking in the
solution edit box, and marking the answer with the <shift>+<arrow> keys, and then keying in
<shift>+<delete> key combo, you can copy the answer to the windows clipboard. If you then
switch to the data grid editor you can use its Edit > Paste menu item to insert in your data file.
Alternatively, if the plot data check box is "checked" (the default), a black, filled circle is inserted
as a user-defined element to mark the position of the intersection. If you later insert user elements
into the data grid, this will save the marker with your data. If you want the solution to be treated
as data, use the windows clipboard to paste the solution as data into the data grid.
If the two selected objects are co-planar, this dialog will trap the error and allow you to re-enter
the attitudes, or cancel to select a different pair.
Solve for plane common to two linear elements that are not coaxial
The “Solve > Common plane”
menu item (Figure 29) is designed
to solve for the structural plane that
contains two non-coaxial lines. To
use this menu item you must first
select two objects within the
primitive. The linear attitude of
these two objects will appear in the
dialog along with a blank edit box
for the common plane solution. If
two objects are not selected, an
error message is generated. You
Figure 29: Dialog window for the “solve for common
may type in any valid linear
plane” menu item.
quadrant attitudes in the left two
edit windows if you already know the two linear attitudes, but the format must be linear quadrant.
Selecting the solve button will then cause the answer to appear in the right edit box. A typical
application of this menu would proceed as below:
Draw a marker symbol at the attitude of the first linear element.
Draw a second marker symbol at the attitude of the second linear element.
Select the previous two objects with right mouse clicks.
Choose the "Solve > Common Plane" menu, solve for the common plane, and
check the "plot data" check box.
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The plotted great circle will pass exactly through the two marker symbols. This procedure can be
used, for example, to display the solution to an apparent dip problem.
As with any dialog edit box, if you use the <shift>+<arrow> key combination to mark the answer
text, and then type <shift>+<delete>, the answer will be copied to the windows system clipboard.
If you switch to, or activate the data file editor, you can then use Edit > Paste menu to paste the
answer into a data file as you construct the data file. You may want to keep NETPROG running
while you enter data into a data file for just such occasions when you need to solve for the
common plane from your field notebook data. Remember that it is not possible to calculate a
common plane from two linear attitudes if they are coaxial. If you attempt to do so, the program
will trap the error and post an error message to the screen. You can then try a different
combination or cancel. The linear quadrant format must be used in the left two edit boxes, the
answer is always indicated in a planar quadrant format. For more information on quadrant data
formats see data formats.
Note that the check box "plot data" indicates whether or not a user-defined great circle will be
created when you solve for the common plane. If the great circle is created, and you later insert
user elements into the data grid, the great circle will then be saved with the file.
Solve for angle between two linear elements that are not coaxial
The “Solve” > “Angle between
lines” menu item (Figure 30)
allows for the calculation of the
angle between two linear elements
on the stereonet. The angle must
first be defined by "right-clicking"
on two non-parallel attitudes on the
diagram, and then selecting this
menu item. A typical application of
this menu item would be to use the
“Draw” > “Symbol marker” menu
item to insert two markers on the
diagram. Selecting the previous two
objects with a right-click of the
Figure 30: Dialog for the “solve for angle between lines”
mouse, and then choosing this menu menu item.
would solve for the angle between
the two markers. If the selection mode is set to "Data", you can calculate the angle between two
data objects.
The two linear attitudes that are selected by right-clicking with the pointing device will be the
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two default linear quadrant attitudes
in the dialog box. You may instead
type a different pair of linear
attitudes as long as they are valid
linear quadrant attitude. When the
two attitudes are entered into the
dialog, click on the "solve" button
to solve for the angle between lines.
Note that the angle is the magnitude
of the angular arc of a great circle
that contains both linear attitudes.
To calculate rake angles you should
Figure 31: Dialog for the “Project by angle in plane” menu
click consecutively on the strike
line position of the plane (on the
primitive), and then on the linear
element that falls on the great circle. Unlike the other Solve menu items, this dialog does not
create an element on the stereogram. If you want to copy the solution to the system clipboard,
highlight the answer in the solution box and type <shift>+<delete>. You can past this value into
the Draw > Text dialog later to annotate the stereogram with the results of the calculation.
Project by angle in plane
This procedure will calculate the
position of a linear geometry based
on a specified planar attitude, a
linear attitude in the plane, and a
specified angle (Figure 31). The
new position is generated by
rotating the line in the plane by the
angular amount. The rotation axis is
the pole to the plane. The sense of
the rotation is counterclockwise as
viewed down-plunge the rotation
axis for positive angles. The
generated marker is automatically
inserted into the annotation grid.
Figure 32: The “Project by rotation” dialog window.
Project by rotation
The project by rotation dialog (Figure 32) uses a previously drawn rotation axis and linear
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marker to generate a third linear marker by rotating the existing linear marker around the rotation
axis by a specified angular amount and sense. Positive angles represent counterclockwise
rotations. The rotation axis and linear starting point should be drawn and pre-selected before
starting this dialog. The marker that results from the rotation is automatically inserted into the
annotation grid.
Rotation of the data Set
Begin the rotation process by selecting
either a user-defined or data object with the
right mouse button to serve as the rotation
axis. Use the "Edit > Selection mode" menu
item to control whether user-defined or
data objects are selected. If more than one
object is selected you will receive an error
message. You can overtype the attitude in
the rotation axis edit box as long as it is a
valid linear quadrant attitude.
Selecting the rotation menu item from the
solve menu will activate a dialog box that
will request the following values:
attitude of the rotation axis
value of the rotation in degrees
Figure 33: The “Rotate Date” dialog window.
All of the above values are entered as degrees. The rotation angle value may be positive or
negative indicating anticlockwise and clockwise rotations respectively. The sense of the rotation
can be visualized with the below steps:
imagine your viewpoint as the center of the stereonet sphere
look "down" the plunge of the rotation axis
positive rotation values rotate data anticlockwise (sinistral)
negative rotation values rotate data clockwise (dextral)
The edit box value for rotation axis will default to the last object selected with the right pointing
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device button, therefore, if you want to visually select the rotation axis position be sure to
right-click onto the object before activating this dialog. You can type in any valid linear quadrant
attitude in the edit box to manually specify the rotation axis attitude. The default rotation angle
will be positive 45 degrees.
If you check the "save results to file" check box, you will be prompted for a file name to save the
results of the rotation as a NETPROG data file. You can later load this file as you would any
other file to create stereographic plots. The dialog that is activated when this box is checked will
enable you to select the type of plot and the format of the data. You should edit the file in the
data grid editor before plotting to insert the title and other commands.
You can use the "save results to file" in the rotation dialog to convert data from one format to
another. Simply specify a "0" degrees rotation value and check the save to file option. The dialog
activated by the check box will allow you to change the data format for the rotation results file.
You could use this capability, for example, to change planar data in quadrant format to azimuth
format. You should use caution with this capability, however, because all data will be converted
to a single format. This could cause confusion if multiple data types (i.e. planar and linear) are
mixed together in a single file.
Statistics Menu
The single item under this menu allows the
user to select a least-squares statistical fit to
the data. By default all of the data in the data
grid is incorporated in the statistical
evaluation. If only a subset of the data should
be analyzed, the user should make sure that
the subset is bracketed by a pair of “Stat=on”
and “Stat=off” commands.
Calculating and displaying least-squares
NETPROG can calculate three fundamental
types of least-squares geometry to
Figure 34: Statistical fit dialog window.
statistically analyze a data distribution plotted
on the stereonet. The types are:
No fit
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Least-squares vector
Least-squares cylindrical (great circle)
Least-squares conical (small circle)
In each of the last three cases, the program attempts to fit in a least-squares manner a pre-defined
geometry to the data distribution and calculate a variety of measures that give you feedback as to
how significant the fit is. The most appropriate geometry depends on the data set and the type of
problem that you are trying to solve. For example, if you need the average attitude of mineral
lineations you would probably use a vector geometry. On the other hand, if you had a data set of
poles to bedding and you know from field evidence that bedding is folded, a cylindrical geometry
would probably be more appropriate. The “Plot Eigen vectors” check box will turn on the
plotting of Eigen vector markers and calculations.
Below are some references on the subject that may be of some help:
Davis, John C., 1986, Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology: John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 646p.
Ramsay, John G., 1967, Folding and Fracturing of Rocks: McGraw-Hill, New York,
Woodcock, N.H., 1977, Specification of fabric shapes using an eigenvalue method: GSA
Bull., v. 88, p. 1231-1236.
Regardless of the chosen geometry, NETPROG will calculate the attitude and plot it on the
stereonet diagram. The least-squares vector, cylindrical, and conical geometry will plot as a
point, great circle, and small circle respectively on the diagram. In the upper right corner of the
digram calculation results are plotted:
Number of data used for statistics
The attitude of the axis of the geometry
The standard deviation of the fit
The chi-square value of the fit
The R-square value of the fit (if cylindrical or conical)
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The apical angle of the conical surface (if conical was selected)
Note that the number of data used for statistics can be controlled in the data file with a "STAT="
command. For conical and cylindrical fold geometries the attitude of the fit refers to a cone axis
and hinge respectively. The standard deviation is calculated by comparing the angle relative to
the fit axis of each data vector versus the fit surface for the plane that contains the data vector and
the fit axis. The angle between the fit axis and the surface is the "average" or "mean" angle, while
the difference between this constant and the data vector-fit axis angle is the deviation from the
mean. Using this logic, an angular sample standard deviation (degrees) is calculated. The
chi-square value is calculated using similar logic but instead compares the deviations to those of
a Gaussian distribution. Higher values of chi-square indicate larger deviations from a normal
distribution. The critical value for rejection is printed in parentheses to the right of the chi-square
value, if the calculated value exceeds the critical value you should not assume that your data set
is normally distributed. This is important, because a statement such as "96% of all data will fall
within two standard deviations of a least-square vector confidence cone" will only be true if the
data is normally distributed as in a gaussian curve. Note that a rejection is based on the degrees
of freedom of the least-squares calculation. The way in which a vector is calculated versus
conical or cylindrical geometry is fundamentally different and therefore yields a different critical
rejection value. When interpreting the chi-square value also keep in mind that rejection does not
necessarily mean that your data contains many outliers- a data set tightly grouped around the fit
axis will produce a very narrow and tall histogram curve that will also produce a high chi-square
value that may be rejected. The R-square value of a cylindrical or conical fit is similar in
meaning to the same value for linear regression. This value indicates the percentage of the data
set variability that is explained by the least-square geometry. A perfect fit would produce a
R-square value of 1.0 while random data would theoretically produce a 0.0 R-square value. In
practice neither value is ever attained except with "ideal" test data sets. Generally R-square
values of 0.99 to 0.60 are statistically significant while those below this value are not except
when very large data sets are involved. A very low value of R-square may mean that you should
consider another type of least-squares geometry.
Configuration Menu
The menu selections under this menu item control the configuration of NETPROG including the
settings of custom media sizes and margins.
Setting custom page margins
Selecting the custom page menu item of the configure main menu (Figure 35) will allow you to
change the following parameters:
printer margins (four edit boxes for all four margins).
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page media size height
and width
Enter the custom page size and
margin values as inches. You may
need to configure the printer driver
to use custom page sizes in
addition to NETPROG. By
default, NETPROG uses the media
size and page margins reported by
the default printer driver currently
installed. If no driver is installed,
8.5 x 11 inch media with 0.5
margins is assumed.
Figure 35: Page configuration dialog window.
You should set the default values of your printer driver via the “control panel” > “printers” applet
within Windows. NETPROG reads these values from the operating system, therefore, the values
set within the operating system will always be the default for NETPROG. You can change these
values through the File > Print dialog properties button, but you will have to do this every time
the print dialog is activated if one
of the default settings is
inappropriate for NETPROG. A
common example of this problem
is that some older windows
programs permanently set the
operating system default page
orientation to landscape. For most
printers NETPROG works best in
portrait mode. This problem is
solved by using the control panel
printer applet to set the default
back to portrait mode.
Saving configuration values
Figure 36: The “Save Configuration” dialog window.
Selecting the save configuration
menu item from the configuration main menu item allows the user to save the current settings to
the “NETPROG.INI” file that is usually stored in the “C:\Windows\” folder. When NETPROG is
later started, if the program finds this file in the windows system directory, it will read the
configuration values from this file.
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Help Menu
This menu gives the user access to the NETPROG help file (“Netprog_Help.pdf”) in adobe PDF
format. This file is contained in the “NET.EXE” download archive. The user must correctly
indicate the PDF browser application location and the help file location in the “NETPROG.INI”
file before the help file will correctly load from within NETPROG. See the discussion regarding
the help file in the NETPROG setup section at the beginning of this document.
Selecting this option will load the help file into the PDF browser, which is usually the Internet
Explorer web browser using the Adobe PDF reader add-on. The help file is usually loaded from
the author’s web site so that the latest additions to that file are immediately available, however,
the NETPROG.INI file can re-direct to a custom help file if desired. The Adobe PDF reader can
be downloaded freely from the Adobe web site. The Author’s version of the PDF help file
maintained on the web site contains convenient bookmarks that allow the user to “jump” to the
appropriate section in the help file.
Selecting this menu option provides the user with the NETPROG version number and other
information helpful with solving configuration issues.
NETPROG Background Topics
The below topics are helpful in understanding how NETPROG operates when analyzing data, or
accomplishing specific tasks.
Definition of directional angles
Directional angles (alpha, beta, gamma) are a means of specifying the attitude of a line. If the
stereonet contains three mutually perpendicular reference axes, the angles alpha, beta, and
gamma are the angles that a data vector makes with the respective axes. For NETPROG, the
reference axes are:
positive x axis = due east with zero plunge.
positive y axis = due north with zero plunge.
positive z axis = 90 degree plunge .
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The relationship of directional angles to other common attitude formats is straightforward.
Azimuth and plunge is used as an example below:
cos(alpha) = sin(azimuth) x sin(90-plunge)
cos(beta) = cos(azimuth) x sin(90-plunge)
cos(gamma) = cos(90-plunge)
If planar data are to be analyzed, the pole to the plane is converted to azimuth and plunge, and
then to directional angles. NETPROG can read data in the directional angles format, with alpha,
beta, and gamma in degrees or radians. A valid combination of alpha, beta, and gamma for a
single data vector must agree (within rounding error) with the below equation:
1 = cos(alpha)cos(alpha)+cos(beta)cos(beta)+cos(gamma)cos(gamma)
When the cosine of the directional angle is taken, the result is referred to as the directional
cosines or directional components. One should imagine each directional cosine as the projected
component of a data vector onto each axis. Inspection of the above equations will verify that a
data vector parallel to the x axis will produce directional components alpha=1, beta=0, and
gamma=0 respectively. A vector plunging 90 degrees produces components alpha=0,beta=0, and
gamma=1. If the data vector were oriented at azimuth=270 and plunge=0, the directional
components would be alpha=-1, beta=0, and gamma=0.
To calculate least-square geometries and eigen vectors, NETPROG must ultimately convert data
orientations into directional components. Since some of the results of calculations are reported in
directional angles, you should be familiar with the concept. Some geological attitude data, for
example universal stage measurements, may actually be recorded and entered into NETPROG as
directional angle data.
Directional angles are easily plotted on the stereonet manually if required. First label the positive
X, Y, and Z axes on the stereonet overlay for reference (0,N90E; 0,N00E; and 90 plunge
respectively). Rotate the +X axis to the north position on the stereonet. Find the small circle at
alpha degrees from the +X axis and trace it. Rotate the +Y axis to the north position. Plot the
small circle at beta degrees from the +Y axis. The two small circles will intersect at the position
of the vector defined by alpha, beta, and gamma. Check your plotting by measuring the angle
from the solution to the center of the stereonet. This should equal the gamma angle, which is
always 0-90 because of the lower hemisphere projection.
Contents of the NETPROG.INI file
Below are the contents of a NETPROG.INI file that is used to initialize many aspects of the
NETPROG program. You can modify the variables in the "Settings" section of the INI file from
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
the menus within NETPROG. When you exit NETPROG, the new settings are automatically
saved to the "netprog.ini" file so that the next time NETPROG is started the new values will be
active. You may edit the INI file with a text editor if you want to manually set the values. Note
that the size and position of most items is scaled as a proportion of the radius value. The
comments below contained in braces do not actually appear in the INI file:
ZOOMFACTOR=0.75 {default zoom factor- use this to control the
size of the diagram on the screen}
RADIUS=3.750 {default radius size in current units}
PROJECTION=EQUALAREA {default projection}
GRID=FINE {default stereographic grid}
UNITS=INCHES {default units}
FONT=Times New Roman {default font typeface}
DATAPTSZPROP=0.030 {default size of data markers as a proportion
of the radius}
TITLEHTPROP=0.120 {default height of the title}
TITLEOFFSETPROP=1.250 {default distance offset of title from
center of diagram}
CONTLEGENDHTPROP=0.050 {default contour legend height}
CONTLEGENDOFFSETPROP=1.125 {default contour legend offset
distance from center of diagram}
NUMLEGENDHTPROP=0.050 {default number plotted legend height}
NUMLEGENDOFFSETPROP=1.075 {default number plotted legend offset
NODESTRHTPROP=0.040 {default node value height}
USEROPTTXTSZPROP=1.500 {default user element text label height}
CROSSHAIRPROP=0.100 {default diagram crosshair size}
TICPROPORTION=0.025 {default tic mark size}
THINLNWIDTH=0.005 {thin line width in inches}
THICKLNWIDTH=0.025 {thick line width in inches}
MEDIUMLNWIDTH=0.015 {medium line width in inches}
CONTLNWIDTH=0.015 {contour line width in inches}
USERGEOLINEWIDTH=0.010 {user elements line width in inches}
STATSLINEWIDTH=0.015 {statistical elements line width in inches}
EVSIZEPROP=0.015 {eigen vector symbol size}
EVTEXTPROP=0.035 {eigen vector text height}
EVLINEWIDTH=0.005 {eigen vector line width in inches}
DATALINEWIDTH=0.015 {data geometry line width in inches}
ROSEINC=10 {rose diagram increment in degrees}
CONTOURCOLOR=$00000000 {contour line color in hex. format}
AZTICMARKSWIDTH=0.015 {azimuth tic marks line width in inches}
AZTICMARKSCOLOR=$FFFFFFFF {azimuth tic marks color in hex.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
FILE1=vector.txt {1st most-recently edited file}
FILE2=cylinder.txt {2nd most-recently edited file}
FILE3=conical.txt {3rd most-recently edited file}
FILE4=nap-s1.txt {4th most-recently edited file}
FILE5=nap-l1.txt {5th most-recently edited file}
BROWSERPATH=C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe {Help
file browser path}
Netprog_Help.pdf {Help file browser target}
The “BROWSERPATH” and “BROWSERTARGET’ settings contain the location of a browser
application (usually Internet Explorer or Adobe Reader) for the NETPROG PDF file
(“Netprog_Help.pdf”), and the file location path for the help file respectively.
Using S/C mylonite data to plot shear zone slip vectors
Ductile shear zones commonly contain S/C mylonite surfaces that are measured as planar
attitudes. The nature of these two fabric surfaces is such that the slip direction within the shear
zone can be determined from the orientation of S (foliation) and C (shear) surface pairs. The slip
direction is within the C surface, and is perpendicular to the line of intersection of S and C.
NETPROG has a data format for this type of data so that the C and S surface attitudes may be
entered in the data column as a pair of quadrant planar attitudes, and from these the linear slip
vector is calculated and plotted on the stereonet. In this manner many observations may be
statistically analyzed for trends in the slip direction in a ductile shear zone.
Plotting a Stereographic Grid for Manual Plotting
Invariably the users of NETPROG will need to generate a stereographic grid for manually
plotting data in the field. This may be easily accomplished with NETPROG:
1. Start NETPROG with an empty data grid.
2. Set the desired radius and projection type from the “Settings > Radius” and “Settings >
Projection” menu.
3. From the “Settings” > “Plot Type” menu dialog window check the box next to “Plot
stereographic grid”. This should cause the full 2-degree grid to be drawn in the main window.
Un-check the “Plot number of data legend” box.
4. From the “Edit” > “Edit Title” window type in the desired title of the diagram. It is a good
practice to use “Equal Area” or “Schmidt Net” as the title for an Equal Area projection, and
“Equal Angle” or “Wulff Net” for an Equal Angle projection.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
5. Use the “File” > “Print” menu to print the stereographic grid diagram. Use the “options”
button to access the printer driver to set portrait mode. Then select the “OK” button to print the
The printed stereographic grid should appear similar to the Figure 37 example.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Figure 37: Stereographic grid example.
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NETPROG: Stereographic Analysis Application
Beasly, A.J., 1981, A computer program for printing geometrically accurate structural fabric
diagrams: Computers and Geosciences, volume 7, pages 215-227.
Davis, George H., 1996, Structural geology of rocks and regions: John Wiley and Sons, New
York, New York, second edition, pages 691-720.
Press, W. H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., and Vetterling, W. T., 1992, Numerical recipes in
Pascal: The art of scientific programming: Cambridge University Press, New York, New York,
first edition, pages 375-421.
Ramsay, John G., 1967, Folding and fracturing of rocks: McGraw-Hill, New York, New York,
555 pages.
Warner, Jeffery, 1969, FORTRAN IV program for the construction of pi diagrams with
UNIVAC 1108 computer: Computer Contributions 33, Kansas State Geological Survey, 38
Watson, G.S., 1970, Orientation statistics in the earth sciences: Bulletin of the Geological
Institute, University of Uppsala, volume 2, pages 73-89.
Woodcock, N.H., 1977, Specification of fabric shapes using an eigenvalue method: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, volume 88, pages 1231-1236.
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