2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti Integrated resistors A resistor is a strip of resistive layer. L R = 2Rcont + R W Type of layer € n+ diff p+ diff n-well p-well pinched n-well pinched p-well poly 1 poly 2 Sheet resistance Accuracy Ω/ % ppm/°C ppm/V 30-50 50-150 2K-4K 3K-6K 6K-10K 9K-13K 20-40 15-40 20-40 20-40 15-30 15-30 25-40 25-40 25-40 25-40 200-1K 200-1K 5K 5K 10K 10K 500-1500 500-1500 50-300 50-300 10K 10K 20K 20K 20-200 20-200 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti Temperature Voltage coefficient coefficient 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 1 Types of resistances a) diffused resistance b) diffused resistance into well c) n-well (or p-well) resistance d) pinched n-well (or p-well) resistance Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 2 e) first polysilicon resistance f) first polysilicon resistance with a well shielding g) second polysilicon resistance h) second polysilicon resistance with a well shielding Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 3 In order to have large value resistors: use of long strips (large L/W) use of layers with high sheet resistance (bad performances) Layout: rectangular "serpentine". L L ρ R= R = W W xj Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 4 If the parameters are statistically independent, the standard deviation of the resistance is: 2 2 2 2 2 ΔR ΔL ΔW Δρ Δx j = + + + R L W ρ xj ΔL ΔW << L >> W L W €Δρ is larger for polysilicon resistors than for diffused resistors (polysilicon is composed of a conglomerate of independently ρ oriented grain of crystalline silicon) € Accuracy: Absolute accuracy is poor because of the large parameter drift. Ratio (or matching) accuracy is better because it depends on the local variation of parameters. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 5 Factors affecting accuracy Δρ ρ Δx j xj Polysilicon grain Implant dose size Side diffusivity € Crystal defects € Deposition rate € Doping dose Stress Temperature Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti ΔL ; L ΔW W Etching Boundary Side diffusivity 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 6 Stress: Plastic packages cause a large pressure on the die (≈ 800 atm). It determines a variation of the resistivity. For <100> material the variation is anisotropic, so the minimum is with a 45° orientation. Temperature: Temperature gradient on the chip may produce thermal induced mismatch. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 7 Etching: Wet etching: isotropic (undercut effect) HF for SiO2 ; H3PO4 for Al ∆x for polysilicon may be 0.75-1 µm with standard deviation 0.1 µm. Reactive ion etching (R.I.E.)(plasma etching associated to "bombardment"): anisotropic. ∆x for polysilicon is 0.4 µm with standard deviation 0.03 µm Boundary: The etching depends on the boundary conditions use of dummy strips Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 8 Side diffusion effect: Contribution of endings Interdigitized structure Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 9 Resistor guidelines For matching: Use of equal structures Not too narrow (W ≈ 10µm) Interdigitize Thermal effect compensation 45° orientation (if stressed) For good TC: Use of n+ or p+ layers Use of poly layers For absolute value: Use of diffused layers Suitable endings Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 10 Types of integrated capacitors Electrodes: metal; polysilicon; diffusion Insulator: silicon oxide; polysilicon oxide; CVD oxide ε0εr C= WL tox ΔC 2 ΔL 2 ΔW 2 Δε 2 Δt 2 = + + r + ox C L W εr tox € Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 11 Factors affecting accuracy Δε r εr Δt ox tox Oxide damage Grow rate Impurities Poly grain size Bias condition € € Bias history (for CVD) Stress Temperature € ΔL ; L ΔW W Etching Alignment Absolute accuracy: Better than resistors. The capacitance value does not depend on doping and diffusion. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 12 The layout of a capacitor depends on the layers used to realize the two plates. To achieve good matching: Use of unity capacitors connected in parallel. Use W = L fairly large. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 13 Common centroid structures Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 14 Matching accuracy is better than matched resistors, because: Δεr Δρ << εr ρ ΔW ΔW (capacitors are < W cap W res square) Δtox Δx j < tox xj € Undercut effect: W' = W - 2 ∆x L' = L - 2 ∆x Effective area: A' = W'L' = WL - 2(L + W) ∆x = A - P ∆x The undercut effect gives the same proportional reduction if the perimeter-area ratio is kept constant. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 15 MOS capacitors features Type Temperature Voltage coefficient coefficient tox Accuracy nm % ppm/°C ppm/V 7-14 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 20-50 20-50 50-100 50-100 50-100 60-300 40-200 40-200 60-300 40-200 poly-diff 6-20 poly1-poly2 8-25 metal-poly 500-700 metal-diff 1200-1400 metal1-metal2 800-1200 Parasitic capacitances: Cp,b Cp,t diffusion poly-poly or poly-metal 0.1 C 0.01 C 0.01 C 0.001 C Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 16 Analog switches The MOS transistor is a good switch if it is used to switch charge (if used to switch current gives an offset between input and output). In the ON-state, after a transient Vout = Vin, hence VDS = 0. The MOS is in the linear region; its ON-resistance is: 1 1 Ron = = gds W µCox VGS −VTh L The value of the ON-resistance depends on the overdrive voltage, Vov = VGS - VTh and on the aspect ratio, through the transconductance parameter µCox. € Modern technologies (3.3 or 2;4 V), minimum area switch (W/L) = 1 with 1V as overdrive displays: Ron,n ≈ 8.6 kΩ Ron,p ≈ 26.3 kΩ. ( Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti ) 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 17 Example Let us assume that the switch is driven by a 2 MHz clock, stays on for 250 ns, and the load capacitor is 2 pF (rather large for integrated application). The resulting RC time constant is 17.2 ns for the n-type and 52.6 ns and p-type transistor, equivalent to 14.5 and 4.75 time constants. Assuming an exponential response (neglecting any operation in the saturation region) the output voltage reaches 0.9999995 and 0.991 of the final voltage respectively. The former result is good enough for any analog applications, the latter one corresponds to an error of 1% witch is not acceptable for high precision. Conclusion: A minimum area n-channel switch is capable of driving 2 pF, running at a few MHz clock. A minimum area p-channel switch is capable of driving 2 pF with a clock control not exceeding 1 MHz. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 18 The complementary switch transistor is the parallel of an nchannel and p-channel transistor. Its ON-conductance is: Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 19 Clock feedthrough In the ON-state (VG – Vin) > VTh The charge stored on the channel Qch = W L Cox (VG – Vin – VTh) at the time toff the charge Qch disappears. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 20 The charge Qch injected partially on the source and partially on the drain. We can assume that a fraction a of the charge from the channel affects the output node and is integrated on the store capacitor. Similarly, we analyze the charge injected from overlap capacitance. When the channel is still existent, the low impedance node pulls part of the charge: we assume that a fraction β, remains in the storing capacitor. After toff, we have no interacting injections on the two sides. The total charge that remains in the storing capacitor is: WxovCoxC1 Qinj = α WLeff Cox VDD −Vin −VTh + β VDD −Vin −VTh WxovCox + C1 [ € ( )] ( WxovCoxC1 Vin + VTh + WxovCox + C1 ) ( ) The charge, divided by the stored capacitor, gives the voltage error produced by clock feedthrough. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 21 Clock feedthrough cancellation Dummy switch Two complementary switch delayed driving Complementary switches Compensation scheme Fully differential structure Dummy switch: (WL)1 = 2(WL)2 W1 = 2 W2 M2 must close after the opening of M1 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 22 Two switches: If a switch with nonminimum area must be used Complementary switches: Effective only if Vin = constant (virtual ground) Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 23 Compensation scheme: Fully differential structure: The injected charge is equivalent to a common mode signal (rejected by the CMRR). Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 2. Resistors, Capacitors, Switches 24