designfeature By Brian Rush, Texas Instruments TODAY’S MOST ADVANCED LOW-VOLTAGE MICROPROCESSORS, DSPs, AND PLDs USE TWO POWER SUPPLIES OF DIFFERENT VOLTAGES TO SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE POWER REQUIREMENTS. PROPER SEQUENCING CAN MEAN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DUAL SUPPLIES AND DUELING SUPPLIES, WITH SYSTEM RELIABILITY HANGING IN THE BALANCE. Power-supply sequencing for low-voltage processors he use of a dual-voltage architecture often requires coordinated management of both supplies to avoid potential problems with device and system reliability. Designers must consider the relative voltage and timing of core- and I/O-voltage supplies during power-up and -down operations to comply with manufacturers’ requirements. Intelligent, dual-output-supply control ICs are useful for sequencing power supply rails in low-voltage systems. T WHY SEQUENCING MATTERS ates with a single powered rail. It is unlikely for a single or even several poorly controlled power-up and -down cycles to harm the processor. But in a system that is power-cycled many times a day, day after day, the dual-voltage device’s operation may ultimately suffer from a compromised long-term reliability. By contrast, improper supply sequencing can cause immediate and catastrophic damage to the bi-directional I/O ports. With most ICs fabricated in CMOS technology, the potential for latch-up exists when a processor’s I/O port and the I/O port of a supporting peripheral, such as memory, an FPGA, or a data converter, do not share the same supply. Latch-up occurs when current forced through the substrate of a CMOS device triggers a self-sustained conduction path in back-to-back parasitic bipolar Sequencing refers not only to the order in which voltage rails power-up and -down but also to their timing and voltage-differential relationships. Designing a system without proper sequencing risks two kinds of potential danger. The first type represents a threat to the long-term reliability of the dualvoltage device. The second can cause either immediate or latent faults and possibly damage I/O Figure 1 ports in the processor or supporting system devices, such as memory, logic, or data-converter 3 ICs. I/O SUPPLY (3.3V) The threat to long-term reliability of the dualvoltage device comes from the possibility of breakVOLTAGE (V) 2 CORE SUPPLY (1.5V) down in the ESD protection and well-isolation VOK structures that internally separate the two power1 supply rails. If one rail is active while the other is inDV active, damage may occur if the condition persists Dt for extended periods. It is important to realize “ex5 10 15 20 25 tended periods” mean months for most devices, a TIME (mSEC) time scale that does not apply to ordinary design considerations for these systems. However, device Sequential power-up imposes a fixed delay between supply manufacturers count the cumulative lifetime expo- ramps or ramps the second supply after the first reaches sure to conditions under which a processor oper- regulation. September 1, 2000 | edn 115 designfeature Supply sequencing transistors (as in an SCR). Curmethod the power-subsystem rent continues to flow designer should use; they simply Figure 2 until the device fails or specify restrictions on time or until the supply powers down. voltage differences during pow3 I/O SUPPLY (3.3V) The trigger current may occur er-up. Some processors allow if a supply powers one device, out-of-tolerance voltage condiDV VOLTAGE (V) 2 enabling it to source or sink tions to persist for just 50 msec, current into or out of the secand their data sheets recommend Dt ond device before the second diodes between the core and the 1 CORE SUPPLY (1.5V) device fully powers up. A sysI/O rails to prevent the out-oftem can also trigger a latch-up tolerance conditions in the abif it drives an input pin above or sence of coordinated power-up 5 10 15 20 25 below the power-supply rails of the core and I/O rails. Data TIME (mSEC) after both devices have powered sheets for other processors do up. A latch-up condition may Ratiometric power-up start and complete their ramps and reach not define the restrictions as well. cause damage that is immedi- regulation together. Although they may not specify a ately noticeable, or it may affect specific order for powering the reliability over a long voltage rails, system designers Figure 3 period of time. To hanshould consider bus-contention I/O SUPPLY (3.3V) dle latch-up problems, you issues. Good design practice may must power any logic periphercall for powering up both rails at 3 al connected to the processorthe same time or powering up I/O bus from the same supply one rail before the other to preVOLTAGE (V) 2 rail that powers the processor’s vent unknown output states on DV=0 CORE SUPPLY (1.5V) I/O section. the I/O bus. At least two device Bus contention occurs when manufacturers, Intel and TI, cau1 the processor and another detion against leaving only one Dt=0 vice simultaneously attempt to supply powered for long periods. control a bidirectional bus durAlthough vendors do not often 5 10 15 20 25 ing power-up, which can affect specify a maximum period, a TIME (mSEC) I/O reliability. Designers should useful rule of thumb is to comcheck the specifics for bus con- Simultaneous power-up forces the two supplies to track to within plete powering up or down both tention for individual devices. some small DV departing only when the core supply reaches regurails within 1 sec. This time peTo eliminate the risk of these lation. riod is chosen for convenience; it dangers to the processor and is significantly longer than the system ICs, good design practice pro- ration and amount that one supply ex- time needed to accomplish the task but vides careful power-up and -down se- ceeds the other. With the second method, much shorter than the time that would the ratiometric method, the two rails be- damage the device from having only one quencing. gin to power up and reach regulation at rail active, even if the damage is cumuAPPROACHES TO POWER-UP SEQUENCING the same time (Figure 2). This method lative. To avoid potential threats to the requires a higher slew rate for the rail processor and system ICs, designers fol- with the higher final voltage and results PRACTICAL SEQUENCING low three general methods for power-up in the maximum voltage differential Although the restrictions on simultasequencing. Taken together, these design when the supplies reach regulation. neous power-up are greater than on othapproaches are referred to as power-up However, some processors may not tol- er power-up methods, all of the methods sequencing methods, a term that should erate the instantaneous voltage differ- require coordinated control of the two not be confused with sequential power- ences that occur while the supplies are power supplies. Until recently, designs up. slewing. The third approach eliminates have accomplished this coordination Sequential power-up, as its name im- instantaneous voltage differences. A through the use of diodes connecting the plies, energizes the two rails one after the common way of implementing the third two power-supply outputs. With this other (Figure 1). Typically, the second method is simultaneous power-up, in technique, if one rail rises ahead of the rail begins to ramp up once the first rail which the voltage rails rise together and other, it pulls the second rail along reaches regulation. Alternatively, the sec- at the same rate, with the higher or I/O with it. ond rail may begin its ramp after a set de- voltage rail continuing after the lower or As long as the voltage rails are close tolay from the start of the first rail. Both core voltage rail has reached its final val- gether (for example, 3.3 and 2.5V), methods must comply with manufac- ue (Figure 3). diodes can control the separate voltage turers’ restrictions on the minimum or In general, microprocessor manufac- ramps. However, core voltages of 1.8 and the maximum lag time or with the du- turers do not specify which sequencing 1.5V are frequently used today, with 116 edn | September 1, 2000 designfeature Supply sequencing even lower voltages coming uations in which the loading soon, whereas the I/O on either rail changes during Figure 4 voltage is likely to stay power-down and is different at 3.3V for some time. With from one power-down event DSP VOUT1 large voltage differentials beto another. A technique for LOW-DROPOUT VIN1 I/O REGULATOR 1 tween core and I/O, the diode making the power-down rates 3.3V EN1 ENA technique is less effective beoccur more reliably involves SENSE 1 SEQUENCE RESET cause diode ratings are too indischarging the power-supply LOGIC SEQ SENSE 2 accurate to produce a preoutputs with a known load EN2 dictable voltage drop from one each time. The TPS563xx, VIN2 LOW-DROPOUT CORE REGULATOR 2 1.5V rail to another. Thus, it beTPS701xx, TPS703xx, and VOUT2 comes necessary to use a differTPS707xx low-dropout reguent technique for power-up selator families integrate circuitDual low-dropout regulators include sequencing logic to coordinate quencing. ry that provides an internal A straightforward design for the two supplies during transitions. discharge path on each output. sequential power-up would use The circuitry activates autoa comparator, voltage dematically when the input suptector, or SVS (supplyply falls below an undervoltFigure 5 voltage supervisor) to age-lockout threshold or upon monitor the first supply in the the receipt of a logic-shutsequence and delay the powerdown signal. up of the second. If the supply GOOD POWER-SUPPLY DESIGN input equals the I/O supply, the voltage-monitor circuit could As the use of dual-voltage control a MOSFET switch or a microprocessors, DSPs, and low-dropout regulator operatPLDs increases, the gap being in dropout mode. If the intween core- and I/O-voltage put supply is greater than the levels is widening. Soon, cores I/O supply, a regulator is rewill be running at 1V or less, quired. Dual low-dropout regwhereas I/O voltages are likeulators with built-in monitorly to remain at 3.3V for some ing circuitry can supply both Simultaneous power-up: TPS56300 controls both core and I/O suptime. In this dual-voltage enthe I/O and the core (Figure 4). plies. vironment, good power-supThe SEQ pin selects the order ply-design techniques, such as of the output power-up. When both out- ratiometric power-up. A dual-controller proper sequencing, will be more imporputs reach regulation, the RESET func- IC also allows the circuit designer to use tant than ever. Sequencing helps ensure tion delays processor execution for 120 capacitors of different sizes to predictably the long-term reliability of the processor msec. The TPS701xx, TPS703xx, and retard one of the output ramps. and at the same time helps protect sysTPS707xx low-dropout regulator famiAlthough you can use most power tem-I/O cells. The processor in question lies, which can supply 150 mA to 2A to supplies with soft-start inputs for ratio- may require strict timing and voltage difthe core or I/O rails, integrate these func- metric power-up, simultaneous power- ferentials; nevertheless, it is desirable to tions. up requires a device with dual-level out- design the power-supply rails to rise and A simple implementation of ratiomet- puts that track to keep the timing fall predictably. Today’s intelligent, dualric power-up sequencing consists of con- matched within user-selected limits. As output supplies help simplify designing necting the soft-start inputs of two an example, the TPS56300, with a low- power for the low-voltage processors switching-controller circuits to the same- dropout regulator for I/O and a switch- that are fundamental to many types of sized capacitor. To make the rise times ing regulator for the core, integrates a systems.k nearly identical, you may be able to con- single capacitor for both outputs and regnect both soft-start inputs to one capac- ulates them using the same reference Author’s bio graphy Brian Rush is a systems itor. This situation is especially true if a voltage to provide tight matching engineer at Texas Instrusingle chip integrates both controller cir- (Figure 5). ments in Dallas, where he cuits. In this case, the characteristics of The system designer should also acdevelops power-managethe soft-start inputs closely match, mak- count for power-down sequencing. The ment products for DSPs. ing it more likely that the outputs ramp node capacitance and resistive load deHe holds a BSEE from up within a tight timing window. A dual- termine the voltage profile of each rail the University of Texas output switching controller, such as the during power-down. But in typical digiTPS5102, with its PWM outputs, allows tal systems, power-down can occur as a (Arlington, TX). You can reach him at the use of a single external capacitor for result of several scenarios, including sit- 118 edn | September 1, 2000