…use full stops and question marks

…use full stops and question marks
We use a full stop to show the end of a sentence. If the sentence is also a
question, we need to use a question mark instead of a full stop. Both full
stops and question marks allow the reader to pause.
If you are not sure where the full stop should go, then take a look at the
worksheet ‘How to practise writing correct sentences’. Once you have
written something that can stand on its own and make sense, no matter how
short it is, stop!
A sentence can be:
A statement
Gemma is bringing me the documents.
A question
Who is bringing the documents?
Notice that each sentence begins with a capital letter.
Try this!
Correct the passage below by putting in full stops, question marks and
capital letters.
Do you make mistakes when you are writing if you proofread your work you
will be able to correct some of these errors it is important that full stops
are put in the right place so that the reader can understand what you have
written you need to check whether what you have written is a statement or
a question choose the right punctuation mark to end each sentence
Try this!
Write one sentence that is a statement and one that is a question.