Project #80 Generation Interconnection System Impact Study Report 11/13/08 Electric Transmission Planning Table of Contents Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 3 Network Resource Interconnection Service – Results ................................................................ 3 Energy Resource Interconnection Service – Results ................................................................... 4 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Network Resource ....................................................................................................................... 6 Network Resource Interconnection Service ................................................................................ 6 Energy Resource Interconnection Service................................................................................... 7 Generator and Interconnection Data........................................................................................... 8 Study Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 9 Senior Queue Generator Assumptions ........................................................................................ 9 Steady State Power Flow Analysis ............................................................................................. 10 Method....................................................................................................................................... 10 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Mitigation .................................................................................................................................. 10 Transient Stability Analysis ....................................................................................................... 11 Method....................................................................................................................................... 11 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Mitigation .................................................................................................................................. 12 PV & QV Analysis....................................................................................................................... 13 PV Analysis............................................................................................................................... 13 Method................................................................................................................................... 13 Results ................................................................................................................................... 13 Mitigation .............................................................................................................................. 14 QV Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 14 Method................................................................................................................................... 14 Results ................................................................................................................................... 15 Mitigation .............................................................................................................................. 15 Fault Duty Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 16 Method....................................................................................................................................... 16 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Mitigation .................................................................................................................................. 16 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................. 17 N-0 Mitigation ........................................................................................................................... 17 N-1 Mitigation ........................................................................................................................... 17 Next Steps.................................................................................................................................. 17 Executive Summary NorthWestern Energy (“NWE”) has completed the System Impact Study (“SIS”) for Project #80 (“Generation Project”) near Springdale, MT. NWE studied your project as both a Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”) and an Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”). The SIS is an in-depth analysis that examines the response of the transmission system to a variety of system operating conditions. NWE is responsible for maintaining acceptable system reliability, and must be certain that system reliability is maintained with the addition of the Generation Project. NWE uses tolerance levels outlined by FERC, NERC, and/or WECC. The SIS uses the following types of analyses: • • • • • Steady-State Power Flow Post Transient Steady-State Power Flow Transient Stability Fault Duty Reactive Margin The results of the SIS confirm that the addition of 80 MW interconnected to the NWE 161 kV transmission system at Lower Duck Creek Substation is only feasible with system improvements. The findings included in this study do not assure the Interconnection Customer that the planned Generation Project will be allowed to operate at full capacity under all operating conditions. NWE cannot guarantee that future analysis will not identify additional problems. Network Resource Interconnection Service – Results NRIS allows the Interconnection Customer to be designated as a Network Resource, up to the Large Generating Facility’s full output, on the same basis as existing Network Resources interconnected to the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. NRIS does not in and of itself convey reservation of transmission service. Any network customer under the Tariff can utilize its network service under the Tariff to obtain delivery of electricity from the Generation Project in the same manner as it accesses Network Resources. The NRIS Feasibility Study identified thermal overload problems on the Big Timber 161/50 kV transformer, and the 50 kV line between Big Timber and Melville. A non-binding cost estimate to interconnect your project is summarized in Table I. Table I. Non-Binding, Cost Estimate Substation Relay Communications Metering EMS Reconductor 50 kV line Segment Upgrade Big Timber transformer Total *TBD $30,000 $50,000 $12,500 $5,000 $436,500 $800,000 $1,334,000 *The Lower Duck Creek Substation is owned by Park Electric Cooperative, and they will be responsible for providing the substation interconnection costs Energy Resource Interconnection Service – Results ERIS allows the Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility’s output using the existing firm or non-firm capacity of the Transmission System on an “as available” basis. ERIS does not in and of itself convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or Point of Delivery. The ERIS study is designed to answer two questions: I. What is the maximum allowed output to interconnect without additional network upgrades? Answer: 45 MW is the maximum output without additional network upgrades. The cost of the equipment to interconnect the Generation Project to NWE’s system is summarized in Table II Table II Non-Binding, Cost Estimate Substation Relay Communications Metering EMS Total *TBD $30,000 $50,000 $12,500 $5,000 $97,500 *The Lower Duck Creek Substation is owned by Park Electric Cooperative, and they will be responsible for providing the substation interconnection costs II. What are the necessary upgrades to allow for full output of the Generation Project? Answer: The necessary upgrades to interconnect the full output of the Generation Project are the same as the NRIS study improvements. A non-binding cost estimate to operate the Generation Project at full capacity is summarized in Table III. Table III. Non-Binding, Cost Estimate Substation Relay Communications Metering EMS Reconductor 50 kV line Segment Upgrade Big Timber transformer Total *TBD $30,000 $50,000 $12,500 $5,000 $436,500 $800,000 $1,334,000 *The Lower Duck Creek Substation is owned by Park Electric Cooperative, and they will be responsible for providing the substation interconnection costs Definitions Network Resource Network Resource shall mean any designated generating resource owned, purchased, or leased by a network customer under the network integration transmission service tariff. Network Resources do not include any resource, or any portion thereof, that is committed for sale to third parties or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the network customer's network load on a noninterruptible basis. Network Resource Interconnection Service NRIS shall mean an Interconnection Service that allows the Interconnection Customer to integrate its Large Generating Facility with the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System (1) in a manner comparable to that in which the Transmission Provider integrates its generating facilities to serve native load customers; or (2) in an RTO or ISO with market based congestion management, in the same manner as all other Network Resources. Network Resource Interconnection Service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. NRIS allows the Generation Project to be designated by any network customer under the Tariff on NWE's Transmission System as a Network Resource, up to the Generation Project's full output, on the same basis as existing Network Resources interconnected to NWE's transmission system, and to be studied as a Network Resource on the assumption that such a designation will occur. Although NRIS does not convey a reservation of Transmission Service, any network customer under the Tariff can utilize its network service under the Tariff to obtain delivery of energy from the Generation Project in the same manner as it accesses Network Resources. A facility receiving NRIS may also be used to provide ancillary services after technical studies and/or periodic analyses are performed with respect to the Generation Project's ability to provide any applicable ancillary services, provided that such studies and analyses have been or would be required in connection with the provision of such ancillary services by any existing Network Resource. However, if the Generation Project’s facility has not been designated as a Network Resource by any load, it cannot be required to provide ancillary services except to the extent such requirements extend to all generating facilities that are similarly situated. The provision of network integration transmission service or firm point-to-point transmission service may require additional studies and the construction of additional upgrades. Because such studies and upgrades would be associated with a request for delivery service under the Tariff, cost responsibility for the studies and upgrades would be in accordance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (“FERC”) policy for pricing transmission delivery services. NRIS does not necessarily provide the Generation Project with the capability to physically deliver the output of its facility to any particular load on NWE's transmission system without incurring congestion costs. In the event of transmission constraints on NWE's transmission system, the Generation Project’s facility shall be subject to the applicable congestion management procedures in NWE's transmission system in the same manner as Network Resources. NWE will follow regional and sub regional congestion management procedures as they are developed. Once the Generation Project satisfies the requirements for obtaining NRIS, any future transmission service request for delivery from the Generation Project’s facility within NWE's transmission system of any amount of capacity and/or energy, up to the amount initially studied, will not require that any additional studies be performed or that any further upgrades associated with the Generation Project’s facility be undertaken, regardless of whether or not the Generation Project’s facility is ever designated by a network customer as a Network Resource and regardless of changes in ownership of the facility. However, the reduction or elimination of congestion or redispatch costs may require additional studies and the construction of additional upgrades. This philosophy is described in the FERC Order Nos. 2003, 2003-A, 2003-B and 2003-C, which govern interconnection of large generators to the transmission grid. The pro forma Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (“LGIP”) and Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (“LGIA”) required in those orders describe the philosophy that NWE used in performing the study work for the Generation Project. To the extent the Generation Project enters into an arrangement for long-term transmission service for deliveries from the facility outside of NWE's transmission system, such request may require additional studies and upgrades in order for NWE to grant the request. NorthWestern Energy is not required to provide certain ancillary services to transmission customers serving load outside of NorthWestern’s control area. Energy Resource Interconnection Service Energy Resource Interconnection Service shall mean an interconnection service that allows the interconnection customer to connect its generating facility to the transmission provider's transmission system to be eligible to deliver the facility's electric output using the existing firm or nonfirm capacity of the transmission provider's transmission system on an “as available” basis. Energy Resource Interconnection Service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. Under Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”), the Generation Project will be able to inject power from the facility into and deliver power across NWE’s transmission system on an “as available” basis up to the amount of MW identified in the applicable stability and steady state studies to the extent the upgrades initially required to qualify for ERIS have been constructed. No transmission delivery service from the Generation Project is assured, but the Generation Project may obtain point-to-point transmission service, network integration transmission service, or be used for secondary network transmission service, pursuant to NWE’s Tariff, up to the maximum output identified in the stability and steady state studies. In those instances, in order for the Generation Project to obtain the right to deliver or inject energy beyond the facility point of interconnection or to improve its ability to do so, transmission delivery service must be obtained pursuant to the provisions of NWE's Tariff. The Generation Project's ability to inject its output beyond the point of interconnection, therefore, will depend on the existing capacity of NWE's transmission system at such time as a Transmission Service Request (“TSR”) is made that would accommodate such delivery. The provision of firm point-to-point transmission service or network integration transmission service may require the construction of additional network upgrades. Generator and Interconnection Data The proposed generator and interconnection data used in the studies was based on the information received from the Interconnection Customer. From the initial application, NWE identified the following project information. • • • • • • • Project Name – Project #80 Size (Rated) -- 80 MW total Location – North River Road, Springdale, Sweet Grass County, MT Special Resources/Technology – 48 Vestas V82-1.65 MW Wind Turbine Generators Proposed Commercial Operation Date – September 18, 2009 Facilities – Connection to the Park Electric Cooperative Lower Duck Creek 161 kV substation. Assumptions – o MW Output = 80 MW o Scheduled Voltage (pu) = 1.02 at the Point of Interconnection o The generator is assumed to have operational characteristics either through internal or external capabilities to operate throughout a power factor range of .95 leading to .95 lagging at the Point of Interconnection. During the study process, NWE found that if this requirement was not met, system reliability could be compromised. Study Parameters In analyzing the Generation Project, NWE utilized “PSS/E” software to conduct the System Impact Study with the proposed Generation Project. These studies “connected” the Generation Project to NWE’s Transmission System in a computer model to simulate the interaction of the Generation Project with other resources and loads. Two WECC base cases adjusted to include the NWE Transmission System detail representing 2010 light autumn and 2012 heavy summer loads were used for this study. Senior Queue Generator Assumptions In addition to existing generators, senior queue resources were also included in this study. (See Table IV). Senior queued generation and existing generation dispatch were varied as needed to emulate stress on the system for various scenarios. Table IV Project Number Size (MW) 31 396 32 268 33 52.5 38 81.9 39 22 44 104 46 10 47 20 49 23 53 277 54 100 57 85 58 10 60 20 61 2 62 11.5 63-69 30 (total) 73 100 74 280 75 75.6 76 75.6 77 213 80 80 Point of Interconnection Wilsall-Shorey Road 230 kV Line Great Falls 230 kV Switchyard Martinsdale Substation Martinsdale Substation Billings Steam Plant Switchyard South Cut Bank - Conrad Auto 115 kV line Loweth - Two Dot 100 kV line 69 kV line at Chester Rainbow Switchyard Great Falls 230 kV Switchyard Wilsall-Shorey Road 230 kV Line Bradley Creek Substation Bradley Creek - Three Forks S. 100 kV line Bradley Creek - Three Forks S. 100 kV line Phillipsburg - Anaconda 25 kV line 69 kV line between Fairfield and Bole 69 kV line near Sumatra (6 requests, 5 MW each) Cut Bank 115 kV Substation ASMI 161 kV Substation 161 kV line appx 5 mi. N of Bradley Creek sub. 100 kV line appx 5 mi. N of Bradley Creek sub. Mill Creek 230 kV Substation Lower Duck Creek Substation (Generation Project) Steady State Power Flow Analysis The steady-state power flow analysis examines steady state, system normal, operating conditions with no lines out of service (i.e., N-0 Conditions) and with various lines out of service (i.e., N-1 and N-2 conditions). A power flow simulation is completed before and after the addition of the Generation Project to identify any unacceptable thermal overloads and voltage excursions the project may cause. Method NWE simulated an extensive set of 500 kV and non-500 kV N-1 and N-2 outages. Power flow contingencies were simulated for both operating conditions (2010 light autumn and 2012 heavy summer). The local area contingencies were the primary focus, but major transmission line outages around the NWE system were also studied. Results • N-0: The addition of the Generation Project to NWE’s Transmission System under N-0 conditions (all lines in service) causes no adverse effects. • N-1: The addition of the Generation Project to NWE’s Transmission System under N-1 conditions (one line out of service) causes overloads on the Big Timber 161/50 kV transformer and the Big Timber to Melville 50 kV line. See Table V Table V: Thermal Overloads % % Overload Overload Before After Base Outage Element Monitored Element Project Project case 2010 HS Lower Duck Creek – Clyde Park 161 kV Clyde Park – L. Duck Cr. 161 kV 76 102 2012 HS Lower Duck Creek – Clyde Park 161 kV Big Timber 161/50 kV Transformer 102 117 Mitigation In order for the Generation Project to interconnect and operate at full capacity, the following mitigation is required: • • Upgrade the 161/50 kV transformer at Big Timber from a 25 MVA rating to a 50 MVA rating. Reconductor the 50 kV line segment between Big Timber and Melville Transient Stability Analysis When a line fault occurs, the protective relaying must respond by opening circuit breakers to remove the affected transmission line from service. This can result in a system disturbance. The credible “worst case” fault events must be simulated to determine if the transmission system will recover to acceptable steady state operating conditions. Events that were studied include singlephase and three-phase faults causing either single or multiple line outages or generator failures. The dynamic simulations performed for this project include an assortment of events that are intended to provide a robust test of the impact of the Generation Project. The results from the Transient Stability Analysis are designed to reveal: • • • Whether or not regional electric transmission systems remain stable with each event; Whether or not WECC criteria are met for each outage condition; and Identify where problems are located on the Transmission System. Method NWE simulated an extensive set of 500 kV and non-500 kV faults. The term “fault” refers to a short-circuit between either a single-phase conductor to ground or all three phases. Results The simulated events are summarized in Table VI. Table VI. Transient Stability Analysis – Simulated Events Fault type Voltage Location Line Segment Opened 3-phase bus fault 1-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 1-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 1-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 1-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 3-phase bus fault 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 500 kV 230 kV 161 kV Broadview Bus Broadview Bus Broadview Bus Broadview Bus Broadview Bus Broadview Bus Colstrip Bus Colstrip Bus Garrison Bus Garrison Bus Garrison Bus Taft Bus Taft Bus Garrison 230 Bus Lower Duck Creek Broadview - Colstrip (single circuit) Broadview - Colstrip (single circuit) Broadview - Garrison (single circuit) Broadview - Garrison (single circuit) Broadview - Garrison (double circuit) Broadview - Colstrip (double circuit) Broadview - Colstrip (single circuit) Broadview - Colstrip (single circuit) Garrison - Taft (single circuit) Garrison - Taft (single circuit) Garrison - Taft (double circuit) Taft - Bell Taft - Dworshak Garrison – Anaconda 230 kV line L. Duck Creek – Big Timber Fault type Voltage Location Line Segment Opened 3-phase bus fault 161 kV Lower Duck Creek L. Duck Creek – Clyde Park no-fault 500 kV n/a Broadview - Colstrip (single circuit) no-fault 500 kV n/a Broadview - Garrison (single circuit) A table of results is summarized in Table VII. Table VII. Transient Stability Results Event L. Duck Creek – Big Timber 161 kV L. Duck Creek – Clyde Park 161 kV Broadview - Colstrip 500 kV (Single Circuit) Broadview - Garrison 500 kV (Double Circuit) Colstrip - Broadview 500 kV (Single Circuit) Garrison - Anaconda 230 kV Garrison - Taft 500 kV (Double Circuit) Garrison - Taft 500 kV (Single Circuit) No Fault, open Broadview - Colstrip 500 kV No Fault, open Broadview - Garrison 500 kV Single Phase Broadview - Colstrip 500 kV Single Phase Broadview - Garrison 500 kV Single Phase Colstrip - Broadview 500 kV Single Phase Garrison Taft 500 kV Taft - Bell 500 kV Taft - Dworshak 500 kV WECC Criteria Low Voltage B 0.83 B 0.83 B 0.90 B .0.84 B 0.93 B 0.91 B 0.85 B 0.93 B 0.93 B 0.93 B 0.93 B 0.93 B 0.93 B 0.93 B 0.87 B 0.91 Mitigation No mitigation is required to meet transient stability requirements. Low Voltage Bus PRJ80_GN 0.6 PRJ80_GN 0.6 CORETTE 18.0 MONTANA1 13.8 GRAYS_413.8 PRJ31_GN 0.6 GAR1EAST500 GRAYS_413.8 GRAYS_413.8 GRAYS_413.8 GRAYS_413.8 GRAYS_413.8 GRAYS_413.8 GRAYS_413.8 CELILO4230 CELILO4230 PV & QV Analysis The SIS examined the reactive margin at critical buses on NWE’s Transmission System. In addition, the PV and QV reactive margin identifies potential voltage collapse issues under maximum operating conditions. This analysis includes the addition of the Generation Project. PV Analysis Voltage security margins were evaluated using PV analysis. For this type of study, the security margin (distance to the voltage collapse) is defined by the amount of additional power transfer that can occur before voltage collapse is reached on a predefined bus. Voltage collapse occurs at the “knee point” of the PV curve where the voltage drops rapidly with an increase in the transfer power flow. Operation at or near the stability limit is impractical and a satisfactory operation condition must be ensured to prevent voltage collapse. Method The Generation Project was modeled with all co-existing generation projects and their mitigation requirements. Additional power transfer was simulated on the Montana-Northwest Path (Path 8) by moving power 5% beyond the initial values into the transmission system. The increased power output from the Generation Project was offset by reducing generation at Colstrip. The results show that the available reactive power compensation is sufficient to meet the steady-state requirements for all scenarios and contingencies analyzed. Results The Generation Project is modeled with all co-existing generation projects and their required mitigation. Results indicate the addition of the Generation Project does not affect the power transfer capability. The PV curve can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1. PV Curve for Wilsall 230 KV bus Figure 1 shows that there is no “knee point” where the voltage drops drastically. This suggests that the addition of the Generation Project causes no adverse effects. Mitigation No mitigation is required to meet PV requirements. QV Analysis QV analysis is used to determine the reactive power injection required at predefined bus in order to correct the bus voltage to the required value. The curve is obtained through a series of AC load flow calculations. The voltage at a predefined bus can be calculated for a series of power flows as the reactive load is increased in steps. The point where the power flow becomes nonconvergent is the point where voltage collapse occurs. Method QV curves were obtained for the Generation Project using the QV analysis tools in PSS/E. These curves were obtained before and after the addition of the Generation Project, and include all N-1 contingencies. The result is a series of QV curves for each bus, which are used to determine the reactive power margin. The Generation Project is modeled with all senior queue projects and their mitigation requirements. Results The amount of reactive power required to hold the Wilsall 230 kV bus at 0.90 p.u for an N-1 contingency is negative, which shows that NWE’s system has sufficient reactive margin to meet the requirements with the addition of the Generation Project. (See Figure 2) Figure 2. QV Curve for Generation Project Mitigation No mitigation is required to meet QV requirements. Fault Duty Analysis When a fault occurs on a power line, protective relaying equipment detects the fault current flowing and signals the associated circuit breakers to open. When the circuit breakers open, they must be capable of interrupting the fault current. If the magnitude of the fault current exceeds the interrupt rating of the circuit breakers, the fault may not be cleared, and damage to system equipment and voltage collapse may result. Method To perform a fault duty analysis, busses at or near the point of interconnection of this project are faulted in a PSS/E model to determine the magnitude of fault current anticipated with the Generation Project in service. The results of this analysis determine whether standard circuit breaker fault duty ratings would be exceeded with the addition of the Generation Project. Results The breakers in the area have sufficient interrupting capability. A breaker interrupt rating of 25,000 amps was assumed. The highest fault current observed was 8,102 amps at the Lower Duck Creek 161 kV bus. Mitigation No mitigation is required to meet fault duty requirements. Conclusions The results of this analysis confirm that the addition of 80 MW of generation interconnected to the NWE 161 kV transmission system at Lower Duck Creek substation is only feasible with system improvements. N-0 Mitigation No mitigation is required to meet N-0 requirements N-1 Mitigation • • Reconductor the 50 kV line segment between Big Timber and Melville (1.94 miles) Upgrade the 161/50 kV transformer at Big Timber Next Steps NWE will be scheduling a meeting to discuss the findings of the SIS with the Interconnection Customer. If, after the meeting, the Interconnection Customer wishes to continue with the project, the Generation Project must designate either ERIS or NRIS. A Facility Study specific to the project will then be carried out to determine the final details of the interconnection. This study does not constitute a request for transmission service. The study examined the physics of the electrical system and does not imply that you will receive any transmission required to deliver the generation output to load. You must follow the procedures described in the transmission tariff available on ( to request and/or receive transmission service.