इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 9570 (1980): Classification of flammable gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents [ETD 22: Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmosphere] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS : 9570 - 1980 Reaffirmed 1996 ) ( (Reaffirmed 2001 ) Indian Standard CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WITH AIR ACCORDING TO THEIR MAXIMUM EXPERIMENTAL SAFE GAPS AND MINIMUM IGNITING CURRENTS ( First Reprint DECEMBER LJDC 621.31-213.34 0 Copyright BUREAU MANAK Gr 4 OF BHAVAN, INDIAN 1997 ) : 614.87 1980 STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG December 1980 IS : 9570 - 1980 hdian Standard CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WITH AIR ACCORDING TO THEIR MAXIMUM EXPERIMENTAL SAFE GAPS AND MINIMUM IGNITING CURRENTS Electrical Xpparatus for Explosive Atmospheres ETDC 22 Choirman Central DR G. S. B.IDAYI Members SI~RIMAHESH CHANDRA Dr G. N. Badami) S1IRI.J. H. BIIOJWANI SHRI S. B. c. ibAR1VAL Building Sectional Representing Research Institute, Committee, Roorkee (Alternute to Bharat Heavy Elcctricals Ltd, Hyderabad ($ltendP) SIiRI s. C. GOELLA (Al&,&) SHRI S. K. BIS~VAS(GUPTA) SIIRI9. K. SEN (.~kentate) SHRI B. .\. C:IETTY Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad Electronics Commission, New Delhi SHRI S. G. DESHYUKII Bharat Bijlee Ltd, Bombay SHRI P. N.~ASZ~TKAR (Alternate) DIRECTOR (COMMERCIAL) Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Energy (Department of Power) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (Alternate) SHKI S. N. GHOSH The Association of Mining, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, UK, Indian Sub-branch, Calcutta Siemens India Ltd, Bombay SHRI S. N. GHOSH SHRI D. P. GUPTA Directorate General of Technical Development, New Delhi SFIRIP. K. CIIAKRABORTY Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (Refineries Division), New Delhi SHRI S. KANUNGO (Alternate) Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd, New Delhi SHRI PI. K. HALDER SHRI K. B. GUGLANI (Alternate) Directorate of Standardization, Ministry of Defence DR HARIHAR SINGH (DGI) SHRI S.KRISHNAMURTIIY Food Corporation of India, New Delhi (Continued on page 2) Q Copyright 1980 BUREAU This publication OF INDIAN STANDARDS is protected under the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957) and in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the nublisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of cooyrkht under the said Act. reproduction Is : 9570 - 1980 (Continwdfrom jmge 1) Representing Members SHRI T. R. A. KR[SHNAN SHRI I. M. KHUSHU(Alternate) SHRI P. V. S. KR~~HNAN SHRI SURE~HKUMAR (Alternate) SHRI T. S. KUMAR SHRI S. K. RAY (Alternate) SHRI H. N. GUPTA Tariff Advisory Committee, Bombay The Fertilizer (Planning Ltd, Sindri & Development) Central Mining Research Station (CSIR), India Dhanbad Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes. Bombay SHRI G. VAWYANATHAN(Alternates Chief Controllerate of Explosives, Nagpur SHRI I. N. MURT~ SHR~CHARANJITLAL (Alternate) Loss Prevention Association of India Ltd, Bombay SHRI T. NITYANANDAS. Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd, Bombay DR M. S. PADBWRI SHRI Y. D. DO~AJ (Alternate) Directorate of Standardization, Department of SHRI M. A. J. PARTHASARATHY Defence Production, Ministry of Defence (Engineer-in-Chief) mu T. R. GULATI (Alternate) Kiloskar Electric Co Ltd, Bangalore S~nr S. G. RAMACHANDRA Sssm T. V. VIDYARATHNARAJ (Alternate) Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Bombay SHRI B. RAMACHANDRAN SW I. C. JOSEPH(Alternate) Macneill & Magor Ltd, Calcutta SHRI K. K. RAY SHRIs. cHANDIu (Alternate) NGEF Ltd. Bangalore SHRI.A. N. SIWATHSA SHRI S. L. SRJDELU~AMURTHY (Alternate) Coal India Ltd, Ranchi SHRI M. B. TAWADEY SHIU A. S. R. MURTHY (Alternate) Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi SHRI G. N. THADANI ’ Ssnu S. I<AsTNuRIRANCAN (Altcmate) Explosives Safety Group, Directorate of Armaments, DR K. S. UPPAL Ministry of Defence (R&D) SHRI R. SRINIVASAN (Alternate) Director General, IS1 (Ex-ofiio Member) SW S. P. SACHDEV, Director (Elec tech) Secretary SHY R. K. MONGA Deputy Director (Elec tech), IS1 2 IS : 9570 - 1980 Indian Standard CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WITH AIR ACCORDING TO THEIR MAXIMUM EXPERIMENTAL SAFE GAPS AND MINIMUM IGNITING CURRENTS 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 30 July 1980, after the draft finalized by the Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. 0.2 Electrical apparatus may have to be used in areas or enclosed spaces where, depending on local and operational conditions, gases, vapours OF dusts forming an explosive mixture with air, are likely to occur in sufficient Th e precautions to be taken against quantity to constitute a hazard. explosion are prescribed by the appropriate authority responsible for safety. The authority may specify constructional requirements for the apparatus and make regulations for its installation and operation. 0.3 Flammable gases and vapours may cause a fire or explosion when the following three basic conditions are satisfied: a) Presence of sufficient quantity of a flammable gas or vapour, b) Mixing of flammable gas or vapour with air or oxygen in the proportions required to produce an explosive or ignitable mixture, and c) Occurrence of ignition. However, a 0.4 An electric spark or arc may ignite the explosive mixture. limiting value of minimum ignition energy (MIE) is required before the ignition can take place. t Since no apparatus has so far been specified for the determination of MIE, it cannot be accepted at present as a means of determining the grouping of explosive mixtures of gases and vapours in air.’ On the other hand, it has been possible to correlate the maximum safe gaps (in the case of flameproof apparatus) and minimum igniting currents (in the case of intrinsically safe circuits), and to group the flammable gases and vapours on the basis of maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) and minimum igniting current (MIC). 0.4.1 Small variations in test apparatus for determining MIC may result Therefore, MIC is specified in appreciable variation in the value of MIC. 3 IS : 9570 - 1980 as its ratio against the MIC of laboratory referred to as MIC ratio in this standard. grade methane, and it has been 0.5 For the purpose of flameproof enclosures and intrinsic safety, flammable gases and vapours have been classified into groups and subgroups on the basis of their LMESG and MIC ratio. 0.6 While classifying the gases and vapours, into groups and sub-groups, care has been taken that the resulting classification does not deviate more than is necessary from the currently accepted practices for flameproof enclosures (see IS: 2148-1968*) and intrinsic safety (see IS: 5780-1980$). 0.7 An attempt for determining can be allocated has been made to avoid, as far as possible, the necessity values of both MESG and MIC before a gas or vapour to a group or sub-group. 0.8 Besides the danger of explosion caused by an electric spark or arc, there is also a danger of ignition by hot surfaces exposed to a flammable atmosphere. According to their ignition temperatures, gases and vapours A classification of the preferred limiting fall into fairly well-defined groups. temperatures of the surface of electrical apparatus has been laid down in IS: 8239-1976:. 0.9 In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from IEC Pub 79-12 (1978) ‘Electrical apparatus for explosive gas mixture, Part 12 - Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours in air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents’, issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard classifies the flammable gases and vapours into various groups and sub-groups on the basis of their maximum experimental safe gaps (MESG) and minimum igniting currents (MIC). 2. CLASSIFICATION OF GASES AND 2.1 For the purpose of flameproof enclosures vapours have been classified according to the tus required for use in the particular gas or The general principles used to establish in the tables are given in 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3 2.2 Classification According VAPOURS and intrinsic safety, gases and groups or subgroups of apparavapour atmosphere. the lists of gases and vapours and 4. to the Maximum Experimental Safe Gaps (MESG) *Specification for flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus (first revision). -&wxification for intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and circuits. ~Classitkation of maximum surface temperatures of electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres. 4 IS : 9570 - 1980 2.2.1 For flameproof enclosures, gases and vapours are classified according The standard method to their maximum experimental safe gaps (MESG). for determining MESG shall be the vessel described in Appendix C of IS : 1248-1968* but where determinations have been undertaken only in an 8-litre spherical vessel with ignition close to the flange gap; these can be accepted provisionally. The groups of apparatus are: Group I : for mining applications (methane) ; Group II: for applications in other industries. 2.2.2 Group II apparatus is subdivided and, for the purpose of classification of gases and vapours, the MESG limits are : Group Group Group NOTE2.3 IIA : MESG above or equal to O-9 mm; IIB : MESG greater than O-5 and less than 0.9 mm; IIC : MESG less’than or equal to O-5 mm. MESG is determined According Classification at, or corrected to the to, 20°C. Mipimum Igniting Currents WC) 2.3.1 For intrinsic safety, gases and vapours are classified according to the ratio of their minimum igniting currents with that of laboratory methane. The standard method of determining MIC ratio shall be with the apparatus described in IS : 9166-1979?, but where determinations have been under:aken in other apparatus these can be accepted provisionally. The groups of the apparatus are: Group I : for mining applications, (methane); Group II: applications in other industries. 2.3.2 Group II apparatus is subdivided as follows and, for the purpose of classification of gases and vapours, the MIC ratios are: Group IIA : MIC ratio above 0.8; Group IIB : MIC ratio between 0.45 and 0.8; Group IIC : MIC ratio below 0.45. 2.4 Classification According to MESG and MIC 2.4.1 For most gases and vapours it is sufficient to make only one determination of either MESG or MIC to classifjr the gas or vapow. 2.4.2 One determination is adequate when: Group IIA : the MESG exceeds O-9 mm; Group *Specification tSpecification IIB or the MIC ratio exceeds : Lz’ Ml%SG is between 0.55 and Q9 mm or the MIG ratio is between O-5 and 0.8; for flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus. for spark test apparatus for intrinsically safe circuits. 5 IS : 9570 - 1980 Group IIC : the MESG than 2.4.3 Determination is less than O-5 mm or the MIC ratio. less O-45. of both the MESG and MIC ratio is required when : a) The MIC ratio determination only has been made, and the ratio is between O-8 and 0.9; when an MESG determination will be required to classify the gas or vapour. b) The MIC ratio determination only has been made? and the ratio is between 0.45 ‘and 0.5; when an MESG determination will be required to classify the gas or vapour. c) The MESG only had been found, and is between 0.5 and 0.55 mm, when an MI? ratio determination will be required to classify the gag or vapour. 3. CLA!%IFICATION CHEMICAL ACCORDING STRUCTUBE TO THE SIMILARITY OF 3.1 When a gas or vapour is a member of the homologous series of compounds the classification of the gas or vapour can provisionally be infertid from the results of determinations of the other members of the series w’ith lower molecular masses. Care should be taken when such inferences are used in allocating the compound to a group. 4. CLASSIFICATION OF MIXTUBES OF GASES 4.1 Mixtures of gases should generally be allocated a special deteymination of MESG or MICratio. 5. TABLES to a group only after OF GASES AND VAPOURS 5.1 The classification in this standard provides guidance on the group of electrical apparatus to be used in a particular gas/air mixture to avoid It should be noted the danger of an explosion from an electrical source. that some materials listed, for example ethyl nitrate, are relatively unstable and may be prone to spontaneous decomposition. 5.2 The list of gases and vapours in Tables to be comprehensive. 5.3 All isomeric 5.4 The forms of the cornpoundS significance of the letter a = b = classified according classified according c = both MESG d = classified according classification). against 1,2 and 3 may not be considered listed are included. each gas is as follows: to MESG determination. to MIC ratio. and MIC ratio have been determined. to similarity 6 of chemical structure (provisional IS : 9570 - 1980 TABLE 1 CLASSIFTCATION OF FLAMMAB LE GASES OR ~VAPOURS FOR WHICH GROUP IIA APPARATUS IS REQUIRED (Clause 5) GASORVAPOUR CHEMICAL FORMULA METHOD OF CLASSIFICATION (2) (3) (1) i) Hydrocarbons Alkanes Methane* Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Hexane Heptane Octane Nonane Decane Cyclobutane Cyclopentane a Cyclohexane C Cycloheptane d Methylcyclobutane d Methylcyclopentane d Methylcyclohexane d Ethylcyclobutane d Ethylcyclopentane d Ethylcyclohexane Decahydronaphthalene d GH,~H(WI~HI (dekalin) yH,(CH,),CH CH(CH,),CH, I Alkenes Propene (propylene) *Methane C,H, = CH, I d I a (CH,) refers to a gas with negligible impurities. (Continued) 7 IS : 9570 - 1980 TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WHICH GROUP IIA APPARATUS IS REQUIRED - Conk? GASORVAPOUR CHEMICALFORMULA (2) (1) Aromatic Hydrocarbons Styrene Isopropcnylbenzene (methylstyrene) Benzoids Benzene Toluene Xylene Ethylebenzene Trimethylbenzene Naphthalene Cumene Cymene C,H,CH = CH, C,H,C(CH,) = CH, FOR METHOD OF CLASSIFICATION (3) b a $&H, $ACJ* (1 5 0 6 2HA(CHs)s 10 * CsHsCH(CH,), (CHACHC,H,CH, Mixed Hydrocarbons Methane (industrial)* a (calculated) Turpentine Petroleum naphtha Coal tar naphtha Petroleum (including motor spirit) Solvent or cleaning petroleum Heating oil Kcrokne Diesel oil Motor benzole 2 : : : a ii) Compounds Contaiahg Oxygen Oxides (Including Ethers) Carbon monoxidet Dipropyl ether Alcohols and Phenols Methanol Ethanol Propanol Butanol Pentanol co (GHI,),O C a CH,OH C,H,OH C,H,OH C,H,OH C,HnOH *‘Methane’ (CH,) refers to the gas with negligible impurities. ‘Methane (industrial)’ includes methane mixtures containing up to 15 percent by volume of hydrogen. t‘Carbon monoxide’ may include a moisture content sufficient to saturate a carbon monoxide-air mixture at normal ambient temperature. (Continued) 8 Is: TABLE 1 9570-1980 CLA!ZIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WHICH GROUP ILA APPARATUS IS REQUIRFD - Contd GAS ORVAPOUR CHEMICALFORMULA (1) FOR METHODOF CLASSIFICATION (3) Hexanol geg$ 2 d N&an01 Cyclohexanol : Methylcyclohexanols CH,yH(CHs),yH Phenol CL-es01 4hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one (diacetone alcohol) CsHsOH CHsC,H40H (CH,),C(OH) Aldehydes Acetaldehyde Metaldehyde OH d d d CHsCO CHs d CHsCHO (CH,CHO)n Ketones Acetone Butanone (ethyl methyl ketone) Pentan-2-one (propyl methyl ketone) Hexan-Z-one (butyl methyl ketone) Amy1 methyl ketone Pentane-2, 4dione (acetylacetone) Cyclohexanone ESlerS Methyl formate Ethyl formate Methyl acetate Ethyl acetate Propyl acetate Butyl acetate Amy1 acetate Methyl methacrylate Ethyl methacrylate Vinyl acetate Ethyl acetoacetate CH,COOH Contaiaiag Compounds without Oxygen Chloromethane Chloroethane CH, H COO CH, H COO CzHs CH,COO CH, CHXOO C,H< CH;COO C;H; CH,COO CIH, CH,COOC,HII , CHB = C(CH),COOCH, CHp = C(CH),COOC,H, CHsCOOCH = CH, CH,COCH&OOC,H, Acids Acetic acid iii) Compounds (C&)&O CzH,CO CH, C,H,CO CH, 2gBw& g3) 5 11 CHsCOCH, $0 CH&Hs)&O Halogens CH,Cl CaH5Cl 9 b Is : 9570 - 1980 TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WHICH GROUP IIA APPARATUS IS REQUIRED - Cbntd CHEMICAL GASORVAPOUR :LA METHOD OF CLASSIFICATION (3) (2) (1) Bromoethane Chloropropane Chlorobutane Bromobutane Dichloroethane Dichloropropane Chlorobenzene Benzyl chloride Dichlorobenzene Ally1 chloride Dichloroethylene Chloroethylene d, d, d,-Trifluorotoluene (benzotrifluoride) Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) FORM FOR d a CnH,Br C,H,CI C&H&l C,H,,Br C,H&l, C,H&l, C,H,Cl C,H,CH,Cl WWl, CH, = CHCH,Cl CHCl = CH Cl CH, = Cl3 Cl z ti ii! t a C C,H,CF, CH,Cl, CompOunn!s with Oxygen Acetyl chloride Chloroethanol CH,COCl CH,CL CH,OH iv) Compounds Containing Sulphur Ethanethiol (ethyl mercaptan) Propane-1-thiol (propyl-mercaptan) C,H,SH C,H,SH C a (calculated) a Thiophene CH=CH=CHS Tetrahydrothiophene CHZ(CH,),CH,S a NH, a a v) Compounds Containing Nitrogen Ammonia Acetonitrile Ethyl nitrite Nitromethane Nitroethane Amines Methylamine Dimethylamine Trimethylamine Diethylamine Trietbylamine Propylamine Butylamine Cyclohexylamine I I I CH,CN CH&H?ONO CH,NO, W-&NO, : d CH,NH, C,H,NH, C,H,NHz CH,(CH,),CH NH, (Cuntimud) 10 IS : 9570 - 1980 TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE GASES OR VAPOURS WHICH GROUP IIA APPARATUS IS REQUIRED - Cord GASOR VAPOUR CHEMICAL FORMULA FOR METHOD OP CLASSIPICL~TION (3) 2-Aminoethanol (ethanolamine) (mono-ethanolamine) Z-Diethylaminoethanol Diaminoethane Aniline NN-dimethylaniline Amphetamine Toluidine Pyridine NH,CH,CH,OH (C,H,),NCH,CH,OH NH,CH,CH,NH, GH,NH, GH,N(CH,), C.H,CH.CHcNH.JCH. Is : 9570 - 1980 TABLE 2 CLMWFICATION OF GASES OR VAPOURS GROUP W APPARATUS IS REQUIRED FOR WHICH (cnuse 5) GAS OR i) Iiydroearbons Propyne Ethylene Cyclopropane V-OUR CHEMICALFORMULA (2) (1) CH,C (3) = CH b : 1, 3-Butadiene ii) Compounds Containing Nitrogen Acrylonitrile Isopropyl nitrate Hydrogen cyanide iii) Compounds Containing *ygm Dimethyl ether Ethyl methyl ether Diethyl ether Dibutyl ether Oxione (ethylene oxide) 1, 2-Epoxypropane CH, = CH CH = CH, CH, = CHCN (CH,),CHONO, HCN b a (CH,),O C d c C C :HaCH80 - C 1, 3-Dioxolane 1, 4-Dioxane ~H,CH,OCH,CHI~ 1, 3, 5-Trioxane CH,OCH,OCH,O d I acid, C C CH,OC,H, (GH,),O (GH,),O CHaYHCHsP ~H,cH,ocH~~ Butyl glycolate. (hydroxyacetic butyl ester) Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol R~ETHODOF ~L.AWFICAl'lON a b I HOCH,COOC,H, CH,CH,CHIOCH CH,OH a d Methyl acrylate Ethyl acrylate Furan CH, = CHCOOCH, CH, = CHCOOC,HS yH=CHCH=CHy a a a Crotonaldehyde Acrylaldehyde (acrolein) CH&H = CHCHO CH, = CHCHO Tetrahydrofuran ~Hs(CH,), a a (calculated) a iv) Mttpres Coke oven gas v) Compmads Containing W0ge11s Tetrafluoroethylene I-Chloro-2, 3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) CHzy d (2, a a OCHxCiHCHaC1 1 12 IS : 9570 - 1980 TABLE 3 CLASSIFICATION OF FLAMMABLE WHICH GROUP IIC APPARATUS GASORVAPOUR CHEMICAL FORMULA GASES OR VAPOURS IS REQUIRED FOR METHODOF CLASSIFICATION (1’) Hydrogen Acetylene Carbqn disulphide Ethyl nitrate (2) HZ C*H, CS, C,H,ONO, 13 (3) c c c BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 323 0131,323 3375,323 9402 Fax : 91 11 3234062, 91 11 3239399, 91 11 3239382 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offices) Central Laboratory : Telephone Plot No. 20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad 201010 8-77 00 32 Regional Offices: Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 *Eastern : l/14 CIT Scheme VII M, V.I.P. 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