Pakistan Science Club

Activity: Science Club
By Ch Qamar Raza
THERE IS an ever-growing need in Pakistan for development on every level, from the most
basic to the most high. This need can only be met if the country produces enough technical
manpower, which is then given resources to fight the challenges ahead. Out of this need an
organization named Pakistan Science Club emerged which aims to promote a scientific culture
through out the nation, to encourage innovation and scientific research and to provide a platform
for the common man in terms of awareness, support and opportunities.
Science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning knowledge. Mostly it is classified into two
main groups. Natural sciences are which study natural phenomena, and social sciences, which
study human behavior and societies. The information or knowledge gained by these two groups
are based on observation, experience or experimentation and is capable of being tested for its
validity by other researchers working under the same conditions.
Technology is the usage and/or knowledge of the tools, methods or techniques of organization,
technologies significantly affect humans as well as other animals ability to control and adapt to
their natural environments. Human use of the technology began with the conversion of natural
resources into simple tools.
Man, powered by his imagination and curious character, has wondered the mechanisms of
nature since from the beginning of time. This pursuit for the truth, the very ways in which his
surrounding works, has led to many a scientific discoveries and innovations. Since the art of
making fire and creating handcrafted tools, our civilization has come a long way. Science and
Technology are making advances at an incredible rate since the 20th century. From telephones
to the Internet, calculators to computers, cars to rockets and satellites, we are submerged in a
sea of discoveries and inventions made possible by science. Fields like Medicine and
communications have made inroads into our cultures and thus our lifestyles.
The current situation in the Pakistan is that
fewer and fewer of its citizens are being trained in technical/scientific backgrounds like scientists
and doctors while scientific education in rest of the world like Europe, North America and Asia
are on the rise. The amount of science being taught at the educational level across the country
is dangerously dropping. Science in this country is clearly taking a back seat to the other
occupations such as business, sports, and other disciplines.
To root out these problems and to work on a progressive level, PSC has embarked on a mission
to make people aware of the importance of science and technology, its benefits and the nations
urgent need for her technical manpower. PSC aims to target children till grade 12 and is also
working to establish a research wing above the grade 12 level plus an awareness campaign
year round. Also, weekly discussion groups will be held and lectures and papers will also be
offered at different places after which discussion will be open for several hours. PSC aims to
provide a scientific and working environment for the local public (students/hobbyists/researchers
etc.) where they will be able to collaborate among them selves and other institutions via PSC
exchanging innovative ideas and creative mindsets as PSC also looks forward for collaboration
with other institutes/organizations.
The members will be informed of the latest research around the globe frequently and
discussions will be held on every topic, analyzing and taking into account the pros and cons of
each. Furthermore, the problems Pakistan is facing will also be discussed at a higher degree
and innovative ideas and solutions will be encouraged and suggested to the government for
approval and implementation.
Pakistan Science Club was born as an idea in 2007 and became a reality on 8th of August 2008
by the continual efforts of Mr. Abdulrauf who stands as the President and Founder of PSC, with
Ch Qamar Raza as Vice President, Mr. Abdulqadeer as the General Secretary and Syed
Mehfooz as the Chief Coordinator, with the rest of the staff under general hierarchy of the club.
The past projects of PSC include a humanoid robot, biogas plant, wind turbine, travel wind
mobile charger, hovercraft, solar cooker, bio sand filter (water purifier) and a recycled plastic
bottle solar water heater. The current research is being done in relation to renewable energy,
mostly on wind and solar/thermal and recycling.
Pakistan Science Club welcomes everyone to come join hands and be a part of this scientific
endeavor which will InshaAllah create a door of opportunities for the common man to take his
journey of S&T to new heights and will also provide information of scholarships/grants and other
opportunities regarding education and the job market being offered worldwide and will have
contact with both, the government and the industry to yield beneficial products for the welfare of
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