Second-Order Systems Unit 3: Time Response, Part 2: Second-Order Responses Engineering 5821: Control Systems I Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland January 28, 2010 ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Second-Order Systems Second-order systems (systems described by second-order DE’s) have transfer functions of the following form: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Second-Order Systems Second-order systems (systems described by second-order DE’s) have transfer functions of the following form: G (s) = ENGI 5821 b s 2 + as + b Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Second-Order Systems Second-order systems (systems described by second-order DE’s) have transfer functions of the following form: G (s) = b s 2 + as + b (This TF may also be multiplied by a constant K , which affects the exact constants of the time-domain signal, but not its form). ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Second-Order Systems Second-order systems (systems described by second-order DE’s) have transfer functions of the following form: G (s) = b s 2 + as + b (This TF may also be multiplied by a constant K , which affects the exact constants of the time-domain signal, but not its form). Depending upon the factors of the denominator we get four categories of responses. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Second-Order Systems Second-order systems (systems described by second-order DE’s) have transfer functions of the following form: G (s) = b s 2 + as + b (This TF may also be multiplied by a constant K , which affects the exact constants of the time-domain signal, but not its form). Depending upon the factors of the denominator we get four categories of responses. If the input is the unit step, a pole at the origin will be added which yields a constant term in the time-domain. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Category Overdamped Poles Two real: −σ1 , −σ2 c(t) K1 e −σ1 t + K2 e −σ2 t Category Overdamped Underdamped Poles Two real: −σ1 , −σ2 Two complex: −σd ± jωd c(t) K1 e −σ1 t + K2 e −σ2 t Ae −σd t cos(ωd t − φ) Category Overdamped Underdamped Undamped Poles Two real: −σ1 , −σ2 Two complex: −σd ± jωd Two imaginary: ±jωn c(t) K1 e −σ1 t + K2 e −σ2 t Ae −σd t cos(ωd t − φ) A cos(ωn t − φ) Category Overdamped Underdamped Undamped Critically damped Poles Two real: −σ1 , −σ2 Two complex: −σd ± jωd Two imaginary: ±jωn Repeated real: −σd c(t) K1 e −σ1 t + K2 e −σ2 t Ae −σd t cos(ωd t − φ) A cos(ωn t − φ) K1 e −σd t + K2 te −σd t We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ Natural Frequency, ωn : This is the frequency of oscillation without damping. We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ Natural Frequency, ωn : This is the frequency of oscillation without damping. For example, the natural frequency of an RLC circuit with the resistor shorted, or of a mechanical system without dampers. We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ Natural Frequency, ωn : This is the frequency of oscillation without damping. For example, the natural frequency of an RLC circuit with the resistor shorted, or of a mechanical system without dampers. An undamped system is described by its natural frequency. We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ Natural Frequency, ωn : This is the frequency of oscillation without damping. For example, the natural frequency of an RLC circuit with the resistor shorted, or of a mechanical system without dampers. An undamped system is described by its natural frequency. Damping Ratio, ζ: This measures the amount of damping. We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ Natural Frequency, ωn : This is the frequency of oscillation without damping. For example, the natural frequency of an RLC circuit with the resistor shorted, or of a mechanical system without dampers. An undamped system is described by its natural frequency. Damping Ratio, ζ: This measures the amount of damping. For underdamped systems ζ lies in the range [0, 1]: We can characterize the response of second-order systems using two parameters: ωn and ζ Natural Frequency, ωn : This is the frequency of oscillation without damping. For example, the natural frequency of an RLC circuit with the resistor shorted, or of a mechanical system without dampers. An undamped system is described by its natural frequency. Damping Ratio, ζ: This measures the amount of damping. For underdamped systems ζ lies in the range [0, 1]: Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency |σd | ωn ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency |σd | ωn The exponential decay frequency σd is the real-axis component of the poles of a critically damped or underdamped system. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency |σd | ωn The exponential decay frequency σd is the real-axis component of the poles of a critically damped or underdamped system. We now describe the general second-order system in terms of ωn and ζ. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency |σd | ωn The exponential decay frequency σd is the real-axis component of the poles of a critically damped or underdamped system. We now describe the general second-order system in terms of ωn and ζ. b G (s) = 2 s + as + b ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency |σd | ωn The exponential decay frequency σd is the real-axis component of the poles of a critically damped or underdamped system. We now describe the general second-order system in terms of ωn and ζ. b G (s) = 2 s + as + b In other words we want to get the relationships from ωn and ζ to a and b. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Damping ratio ζ is defined as follows: ζ = = Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency |σd | ωn The exponential decay frequency σd is the real-axis component of the poles of a critically damped or underdamped system. We now describe the general second-order system in terms of ωn and ζ. b G (s) = 2 s + as + b In other words we want to get the relationships from ωn and ζ to a and b. Why? Because ωn and ζ are more meaningful and useful for design. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. Thus, the poles would be on the imaginary axis and the TF would have the form, ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. Thus, the poles would be on the imaginary axis and the TF would have the form, G (s) = ENGI 5821 s2 b +b Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. Thus, the poles would be on the imaginary axis and the TF would have the form, G (s) = s2 b +b √ The poles are at s = ±j b. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. Thus, the poles would be on the imaginary axis and the TF would have the form, G (s) = s2 b +b √ The poles are at s = ±j b. The natural frequency is governed by the position of the poles on the imaginary axis. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. Thus, the poles would be on the imaginary axis and the TF would have the form, G (s) = s2 b +b √ The poles are at s = ±j b. The natural frequency is governed by the position of the poles on the imaginary axis. Therefore, √ ωn = b. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems If there were no damping, we would have a pure sinusoidal response. Thus, the poles would be on the imaginary axis and the TF would have the form, G (s) = s2 b +b √ The poles are at s = ±j b. The natural frequency is governed by the position of the poles on the imaginary axis. Therefore, √ ωn = b. b = ωn2 ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= Exponential decay frequency Natural frequency ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= |σd | Exponential decay frequency = ωn Natural frequency ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= |σd | a/2 Exponential decay frequency = = ωn ωn Natural frequency ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= |σd | a/2 Exponential decay frequency = = ωn ωn Natural frequency Thus, a = 2ζωn . ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= |σd | a/2 Exponential decay frequency = = ωn ωn Natural frequency Thus, a = 2ζωn . We can now describe the second-order system as follows: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= |σd | a/2 Exponential decay frequency = = ωn ωn Natural frequency Thus, a = 2ζωn . We can now describe the second-order system as follows: ωn2 G (s) = 2 s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider an underdamped system with poles −σd ± jωd . The exponential decay frequency is σd . For a general second-order system the denominator is s 2 + as + b and the roots have real part σd = −a/2. We apply the definition for ζ: ζ= |σd | a/2 Exponential decay frequency = = ωn ωn Natural frequency Thus, a = 2ζωn . We can now describe the second-order system as follows: ωn2 G (s) = 2 s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 p Poles: s1,2 = −ζωn ± ωn ζ 2 − 1 ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems ENGI 5821 Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ωn = √ b, ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ωn = √ b, ζ = a/2 ωn ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ωn = √ b, ζ = a/2 ωn = a √ 2 b ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ωn = √ b, ζ = (a) ζ = 1.155 a/2 ωn = a √ 2 b =⇒ Overdamped ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ωn = √ b, ζ = (a) ζ = 1.155 (b) ζ = 1 a/2 ωn = a √ 2 b =⇒ Overdamped =⇒ Critically damped ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems e.g. Describe the category of the following systems: ωn = √ b, ζ = (a) ζ = 1.155 (b) ζ = 1 a/2 ωn = a √ 2 b =⇒ Overdamped =⇒ Critically damped (c) ζ = 0.894 =⇒ Underdamped ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: C (s) = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: C (s) = = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) K1 K2 s + K3 s + s s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: C (s) = = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) K1 K2 s + K3 s + s s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) We solve for K1 , K2 , K3 then take the ILT: Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: C (s) = = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) K1 K2 s + K3 s + s s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) We solve for K1 , K2 , K3 then take the ILT: " # p p ζ sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p 1 − ζ2 Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: C (s) = = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) K1 K2 s + K3 s + s s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) We solve for K1 , K2 , K3 then take the ILT: " # p p ζ sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p 1 − ζ2 p 1 = 1− p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Underdamped systems are very common and we will focus in particular on designing compensators for underdamped systems later in the course. Consider the step response for a general second-order system: C (s) = = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) K1 K2 s + K3 s + s s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) We solve for K1 , K2 , K3 then take the ILT: " # p p ζ sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p 1 − ζ2 p 1 = 1− p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 p where φ = tan−1 ζ/ 1 − ζ 2 . Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Peak time, Tp : The time required to reach the first (maximum) peak. Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Peak time, Tp : The time required to reach the first (maximum) peak. Percent overshoot, %OS: The amount that the response exceeds the final value at Tp . Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Peak time, Tp : The time required to reach the first (maximum) peak. Percent overshoot, %OS: The amount that the response exceeds the final value at Tp . Settling time, Ts : The time required for the oscillations to die down and stay within 2% of the final value. Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Peak time, Tp : The time required to reach the first (maximum) peak. Percent overshoot, %OS: The amount that the response exceeds the final value at Tp . Settling time, Ts : The time required for the oscillations to die down and stay within 2% of the final value. Rise time, Tr : The time to go from 10% to 90% of the final value. Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Peak time, Tp : The time required to reach the first (maximum) peak. Percent overshoot, %OS: The amount that the response exceeds the final value at Tp . Settling time, Ts : The time required for the oscillations to die down and stay within 2% of the final value. Rise time, Tr : The time to go from 10% to 90% of the final value. Although the two parameters ωn and ζ completely characterize the form of the underdamped response, we usually specify the response with the following derived parameters: Peak time, Tp : The time required to reach the first (maximum) peak. Percent overshoot, %OS: The amount that the response exceeds the final value at Tp . Settling time, Ts : The time required for the oscillations to die down and stay within 2% of the final value. Rise time, Tr : The time to go from 10% to 90% of the final value. Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. We do this differentiation in the FD: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. We do this differentiation in the FD: C (s) = ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. We do this differentiation in the FD: ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) d ωn2 c(t) → sC (s) = 2 dt s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 C (s) = ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. We do this differentiation in the FD: ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) d ωn2 c(t) → sC (s) = 2 dt s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 C (s) = We now find the ILT to obtain ċ(t) and proceed to find the times at which ċ(t) = 0. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. We do this differentiation in the FD: ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) d ωn2 c(t) → sC (s) = 2 dt s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 C (s) = We now find the ILT to obtain ċ(t) and proceed to find the times at which ċ(t) = 0. COVERED ON BOARD ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Consider determining Tp , the time required to reach the first peak. At the peak, the derivative is zero. Thus, we can solve for the value of t for which ċ(t) = 0. We do this differentiation in the FD: ωn2 s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 ) d ωn2 c(t) → sC (s) = 2 dt s + 2ζωn s + ωn2 C (s) = We now find the ILT to obtain ċ(t) and proceed to find the times at which ċ(t) = 0. COVERED ON BOARD Tp = π p ωn 1 − ζ 2 ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 cmax = c(Tp ) ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 √ 2 cmax = c(Tp ) = 1 + e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ ) ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 √ 2 cmax = c(Tp ) = 1 + e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ ) We obtain, ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 √ 2 cmax = c(Tp ) = 1 + e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ ) We obtain, √ %OS = e (−ζπ/ ENGI 5821 1−ζ 2 ) × 100 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 √ 2 cmax = c(Tp ) = 1 + e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ ) We obtain, √ %OS = e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ 2 ) × 100 This relationship is invertible, ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Percent overshoot is defined as follows, cmax − cfinal %OS = × 100 cfinal If the input is a unit step, cfinal = 1. " # p p ζ c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) + p sin(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t) 1 − ζ2 √ 2 cmax = c(Tp ) = 1 + e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ ) We obtain, √ %OS = e (−ζπ/ 1−ζ 2 ) × 100 This relationship is invertible, − ln(%OS/100) ζ=q π 2 + ln2 (%OS/100) ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems ENGI 5821 Characteristics of Underdamped Systems Unit 3: Time Response The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), 1 p e −ζωn t 2 1−ζ The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), 1 p e −ζωn t 2 1−ζ Solve for the time at which the envelope decays to 0.02 The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), 1 p e −ζωn t 2 1−ζ Solve for the time at which the envelope decays to 0.02 1 p e −ζωn t = 0.02 2 1−ζ The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), 1 p e −ζωn t 2 1−ζ Solve for the time at which the envelope decays to 0.02 1 p e −ζωn t = 0.02 2 1−ζ p − ln(0.02 1 − ζ 2 ) Ts = ζωn The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), 1 p e −ζωn t 2 1−ζ Solve for the time at which the envelope decays to 0.02 1 p e −ζωn t = 0.02 2 1−ζ p − ln(0.02 1 − ζ 2 ) 4 Ts = ≈ ζωn ζωn The settling time Ts is the time required for c(t) to reach and stay within 2% of the final value. p 1 c(t) = 1 − p e −ζωn t cos(ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ) 1 − ζ2 Consider just the exponential envelope of c(t), 1 p e −ζωn t 2 1−ζ Solve for the time at which the envelope decays to 0.02 1 p e −ζωn t = 0.02 2 1−ζ p − ln(0.02 1 − ζ 2 ) 4 Ts = ≈ ζωn ζωn Note that this is a conservative estimate since the sinusoid might actually reach and stay within 2% earlier. Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems There is no analytical form for Tr (time to go from 10% to 90% of final value). ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems There is no analytical form for Tr (time to go from 10% to 90% of final value). This value can be calculated numerically and has been formed into a table: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Second-Order Systems Characteristics of Underdamped Systems There is no analytical form for Tr (time to go from 10% to 90% of final value). This value can be calculated numerically and has been formed into a table: ENGI 5821 Unit 3: Time Response Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: σd = ζωn is the real part of the pole and is called the exponential decay frequency. Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: σd = ζωn is the real part of the pole and is called the exponential decay frequency. p ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 is the imaginary part and is called the damped frequency of oscillation. Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: σd = ζωn is the real part of the pole and is called the exponential decay frequency. p ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 is the imaginary part and is called the damped frequency of oscillation. Notice the following: Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: σd = ζωn is the real part of the pole and is called the exponential decay frequency. p ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 is the imaginary part and is called the damped frequency of oscillation. Notice the following: ωn is the distance to the origin Relationship to Pole Plot The following is the pole plot for a general second-order system: σd = ζωn is the real part of the pole and is called the exponential decay frequency. p ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 is the imaginary part and is called the damped frequency of oscillation. Notice the following: ωn is the distance to the origin cos θ = ζ Relationship to Pole Plot Relationship to Pole Plot We can relate Tp , Ts , and %OS to the locations of the poles. Relationship to Pole Plot We can relate Tp , Ts , and %OS to the locations of the poles. Tp = π p ωn 1 − ζ 2 Relationship to Pole Plot We can relate Tp , Ts , and %OS to the locations of the poles. Tp = π π p = ωd ωn 1 − ζ 2 Relationship to Pole Plot We can relate Tp , Ts , and %OS to the locations of the poles. Tp = π π p = ωd ωn 1 − ζ 2 Ts = 4 ζωn Relationship to Pole Plot We can relate Tp , Ts , and %OS to the locations of the poles. Tp = π π p = ωd ωn 1 − ζ 2 Ts = 4 4 = ζωn σd Relationship to Pole Plot We can relate Tp , Ts , and %OS to the locations of the poles. Tp = π π p = ωd ωn 1 − ζ 2 Ts = 4 4 = ζωn σd %OS = f (ζ) Tp = π/ωd Ts = 4/σd Tp = π/ωd Ts = 4/σd Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, G (s) = s2 1/J + DJ s + K J Relating to the standard form of a second-order systems we have, Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, G (s) = s2 1/J + DJ s + K J Relating to the standard form of a second-order systems we have, r K ωn = J Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, G (s) = s2 1/J + DJ s + K J Relating to the standard form of a second-order systems we have, r K D ωn = 2ζωn = J J Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, G (s) = s2 1/J + DJ s + K J Relating to the standard form of a second-order systems we have, r K D ωn = 2ζωn = J J The specification of 20% overshoot allows us to calculate ζ = 0.456. Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, G (s) = s2 1/J + DJ s + K J Relating to the standard form of a second-order systems we have, r K D ωn = 2ζωn = J J The specification of 20% overshoot allows us to calculate ζ = 0.456. The specification of Ts = 2 allows us to calculate ζωn = 2. Design Example Given the system below, find J and D to yield 20% overshoot and a settling time of 2 seconds for a step input torque T (t). The transfer function must first be determined, G (s) = s2 1/J + DJ s + K J Relating to the standard form of a second-order systems we have, r K D ωn = 2ζωn = J J The specification of 20% overshoot allows us to calculate ζ = 0.456. The specification of Ts = 2 allows us to calculate ζωn = 2. From these values we can easily calculate D = 1.04 and J = 0.26.