ATSC RF, Modulation, and Transmission WAYNE BRETL, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE, WILLIAM R. MEINTEL, GARY SGRIGNOLI, XIANBIN WANG, MEMBER, IEEE, S. MERRILL WEISS, AND KHALIL SALEHIAN Invited Paper The developmental aspects and technical characteristics of the ATSC RF transmission standard (“8-VSB”) are presented. An exposition is given of the planning and allocation methods that were developed, which are generally applicable to the introduction of a simulcast DTV service independent of the type of modulation used. Additional modulation enhancements (E-VSB) are explained. Techniques for implementation of distributed networks of on-channel transmitters are introduced along with references to some specific applications of these techniques. Keywords—Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), digital television broadcasting, distributed transmission networks, spectrum planning. I. INTRODUCTION On 13 February 1987, a petition was filed with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requesting that the FCC initiate an inquiry to explore the impact of advanced technologies on existing television broadcasting and the FCC’s spectrum allocation policies relating to television. In response to that petition the FCC, on July 16, 1987, adopted a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) covering a broad range of issues relating to over-the-air television service [1]. At the time of the NOI and in the three years to follow, numerous ideas to improve broadcast television were put forward. The proposals ranged from modest to major improvements and from fully backward compatible systems to completely incompatible new designs. Some proposed the use of new spectrum while others focused on using the spectrum already allocated for broadcast use. Manuscript received June 28, 2005; revised September 19, 2005. W. Bretl is with the Zenith Electronics Corp., Lincolnshire, IL 60069 USA (e-mail: W. R. Meintel is at P.O. Box 907, Warrenton, VA 20188 USA. G. Sgrignoli is at 1139 Juniper Lane, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 USA. X. Wang and K. Salehian are with the Communications Research Centre, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S2, Canada. S. M. Weiss is with the Merrill Weiss Group LLC, Metuchen, NJ 08840–1242 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2005.861018 In 1990 the FCC made the decision that the implementation of an advanced television system (ATV) in the United States would be accomplished within the existing television bands and that ATV channels would have the same 6-MHz bandwidth as the existing analog National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) channels. Unlike the introduction of color television in the 1950s, it was decided that it was not practical to design an ATV system that allows for transmission of analog and ATV on the same channel. In view of this decision, it became necessary to find an additional channel for each existing NTSC station so they would be able to begin transmission of ATV while continuing to provide NTSC service during a transition period. This paper details the development of planning tools for implementation of a digital DTV system that is simulcast with existing analog transmissions. It then presents the features and characteristics of the ATSC 8-level vestigal sideband (8-VSB) transmission standard, and the most recent developments regarding that standard, including enhanced compatible modulation methods (E-VSB) and the use and implementation of single-channel multiple transmitter networks. II. CHANNEL ALLOTMENT PLANNING The goal of the allotment planning was to providing a second channel for each of the approximately 1700 full service television stations within the United States. However, at the time this work was being carried out, there were still several competing ATV system proposals, and each system had a different set of allotment planning factors that had to be accommodated by the computer modeling. The first efforts to determine the feasibility of developing a plan to implement ATV were carried out by Robert Eckert at the FCC. Soon thereafter a group of broadcast organizations undertook the funding of a project, coordinated by the Association for Maximum Service Television (MSTV), to develop computer modeling to assess the availability of spectrum for ATV. The initial work of this project was an expansion of the FCC efforts whereby channel assignments were made on the 0018-9219/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 basis of desired separation distance between stations. Improvements to the FCC’s Assignment Model were made to allow the study of various separation criteria as well as the consideration of adjacent and UHF taboo1 channels, plus special criteria for colocated stations. Although this method created plans and allowed the determination of the number of existing analog stations that could be accommodated with a second ATV channel, it did not provide any information concerning expected coverage and interference. Because a nationwide plan for the implementation of ATV would have such a profound effect on the broadcast industry well into the next century, it was imperative that its design employ the best possible methods. In view of that requirement, efforts were undertaken to improve on the Assignment Model software to address the issues of coverage and interference. 1) Model Development: To determine the spectrum requirements for implementation of the ATV system, two computer models were developed and integrated. The Assignment Model generated spectrum-efficient channel assignment plans based on minimum separation distances; while the Coverage and Interference Model (CIM) evaluated the performance of plans generated by the Assignment Model. The evaluation provided the expected coverage and service lost due to interference based on a set of user supplied system parameters. In addition, the CIM also had the capability to perform channel substitutions when its analysis indicates that such a change would yield an improved plan. 2) Assignment Model: The Assignment Model used minimum separation distances to determine the number of existing stations that could be accommodated with an additional ATV channel under different cochannel, adjacent channel, and taboo channel distance separation criteria. Specifically, the model used a heuristic approach to determine the “best” ATV accommodation statistics for a given set of input conditions. This was accomplished by first ordering the existing analog stations for a given area according to the apparent difficulty of finding a channel for them and then using a mathematical optimization method to find the largest number of stations that can be accommodated within that area. The output of the model was an assignment table that paired existing NTSC stations with specific ATV channel assignments. Two basic modules are used within the Assignment Model. The first module, the constraint generator, determines for each existing NTSC station all possible ATV channels that could be assigned to that station based on the user supplied separation criteria. The second module, the optimizer/evaluator, used a number of mathematical algorithms to iteratively search for the lowest number of ATV channels that could be assigned to accommodate the entire set of NTSC stations. Two different techniques were used to investigate the ATV assignment problem. The first technique employed an al1The channel relationships commonly referred to as the UHF taboo channels include the channels 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, and 15 with respect to the desired channel. Although they are usually discussed separately, the first adjacent channels are also technically referenced in the FCC’s Rules as part of this group. 6 + + BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION gorithm developed by Frank Box [2]. This technique is a heuristic assignment approach that operates on the principle that stations should be assigned channels in descending order of assignment difficulty. Through an iterative process, stations that repeatedly fail to be assigned channels, rise toward the top of the list of requirements for channels and are accommodated first. The successive reordering of stations by order of difficulty tends to improve accommodation statistics of a resulting solution or plan. The second technique, developed by Robert Eckert at the FCC, uses a general algorithm, known as simulated annealing [3]. This method attempts to solve the assignment problem by starting with a random solution and repeatedly proposing small changes to the solution, then replacing the solution each time an improved accommodation is obtained. Both of these techniques were used to investigate the assignment question, and Eckert indicated that the simulated annealing approach yielded somewhat better results. A. Coverage and Interference Model Initially, software was developed that provided coverage and interference area determinations for a single station with an option to graphically display the results. Computations were made using the FCC R-66022 propagation curves and user-specified station data. From this basic concept, a highly sophisticated computer model evolved. The enhanced model provided the capability to analyze nationwide ATV assignment plans, with flexibility to vary station and system parameters, select from any of three propagation models, and furnish statistics on population density within coverage and interference areas for individual stations and for the entire country. The model also was improved to employ actual station data from the FCC’s Television Engineering and Directional Antenna databases as well as the ability to use three-arc-second terrain data as needed for propagation modeling. In addition to the many computational features provided, the software also incorporated capabilities for optimization of ATV assignment plans. 1) Coverage and Interference Computation Procedure (Initial Model Options): The extent of the noise-limited service contour of a station is determined using the FCC propagation curves. The F(50,50) curves are used when computing NTSC service, and at the user’s option either F(50,50) or F(50,90) curves can be used for ATV computations. (The F(50,90) curves are preferable for digital ATV planning because of the all-or-nothing nature of digital reception compared to analog’s “graceful degradation.”) The desired value of the noise limited contour (specified 2The FCC R-6602 propagation curves are contained in the FCC Rules Section 73.699. They are a family of curves that provide estimates of field strength exceeded for either 50% of the time or 10% of the time at 50% of the potential receiver locations. The curves are based on a receive antenna height of 9 m and provide estimates for various average heights above average terrain (height above the average terrain (HAAT) between 3.2 and 16.1 km from the transmit location) for the transmit antenna. They are commonly referred to as the F(50,50) or F(50,10) curves. The F(50,90) curves used to predict field strengths for 50% of the potential receiver locations 90% of the time can be derived by the following formula: F(50,90) F(50,50) [F(50,10) F(50,50)]. = 0 0 45 in decibels above 1.0 V/m, dB ) is a user-specified value with different values permitted for each system (NTSC or ATV) and TV band.3 If the user selects the FCC curves as the propagation model, then it is assumed that field strength values will equal or exceed the noise limited value everywhere within the computed contour. However, if either of the optional propagation models (Longley–Rice [4] or TIREM [5]) is selected, then a further analysis is made to predict within the contour where noise-limited service will exist. This is required since predicted signal level using these alternative propagation models takes into consideration the terrain features along the entire path between the transmitter and the point being evaluated, whereas use of the FCC propagation curves assumes an average height above the surrounding terrain in all directions (see note 5). Included in the computations are transmit power and antenna height above the surrounding terrain, and at the user’s option, the specific horizontal4 antenna patterns associated with each station. Power and height are either that found in the FCC data base or set to a fixed value for each band and system. When analyzing ATV assignments contained in an assignment plan, the user can optionally set the power and height or have the station power computed so that the ATV noise limited service contour will match that of its paired NTSC station, using the paired station’s parameters. Interference calculations are made using the same station parameters and propagation model criteria used to determine noise-limited service. If the FCC curves are selected as the propagation model then the F(50/10) curves are used to compute interfering signal levels. If either the Longley–Rice or the TIREM model is selected then the user is requested to specify the desired location and time probabilities, and in the case of the Longley–Rice model, the level of confidence. The interference computations also include a standard receive antenna pattern that is assumed to have its main lobe pointed in the direction of the desired station. When determining the existence of interference, the user also can specify the channel relationships to be considered. Relationships that can be included are cochannel, upper and/or lower adjacent channels and the UHF taboo channels. Different channel relationship considerations can be specified for NTSC-to-NTSC, NTSC-to-ATV, ATV-to-NTSC, and ATV-to-ATV interference computations. Likewise, the user can specify the acceptable ratio of desired-to-undesired (D/U) field strength levels for each channel relationship that is to be considered when predicting the existence of interference. In order to evaluate the impact of interference from individual stations as well as overall interference, and to assess the amount of new interference caused to NTSC stations by the introduction of ATV service, a service matrix concept is employed. This concept divides the area within 3In the United States three bands are allocated for television broadcasting: low VHF (54–72 MHz and 76–88 MHz), high VHF (174–216 MHz), and UHF (470–806 MHz). 4Since no antenna vertical plane data is contained in the FCC’s database, a set of typical standard vertical antenna patterns was developed for each type station and band. 46 the service contour of a station into a matrix of cells. A determination is then made of the cells within the service area where interference is present. The total area within the contour receiving interference is then determined by adding up the area of the cells where interference is found to exist. By overlaying the matrices that define the areas of interference caused by individual stations it is possible to determine the overall area of interference. Likewise, by determining the difference between a matrix of the interference caused by other NTSC stations and a matrix of ATV-only interference to an NTSC station it is possible to determine the amount of new interference that would be caused by the introduction of ATV stations. Similarly, it is possible to show the extent of interference that will be received by an ATV station when NTSC stations are no longer operating. The same matrix concept is used to determine noise limited service when either the Longley–Rice or TIREM propagation model is selected. The area of the cells where the computed signal level is below the noise limited threshold is subtracted from the total area within the noise limited contour to determine noise limited service area. 2) Determination of Population Densities: To be able to ascertain the population within service and interference areas, a database of the 1990 U.S. census at the block level was established. This database contains the population and reference coordinates of each census block in the United States. After the service contour of a station is established, the population within each matrix cell within the contour is computed by determining the total of the population of the census blocks that fall within the cell. Once this population matrix has been established, it is then used in the same manner as the area matrix to compute the population statistics. 3) Optimization Software: In addition to providing the capability to determine coverage and interference statistics for an ATV assignment plan, the model also has two different options that attempt to optimize channel assignments by matching ATV interference areas with interference areas of the paired NTSC station. The first option attempts to determine the “best” assignment scheme for stations located at a common site. A common site can be defined as a single location or locations that are within a specified distance of each other. The second option attempts to improve the plan by substituting other channels when such channels are determined to provide improved interference matching. The first option analyzes all channels assigned at a colocated site for each of the stations at the site and creates a matrix of the mismatch between the existing NTSC interference area and ATV interference area. The reason to analyze each channel for each station is that this option assumes that the ATV assignment service contours are to duplicate those of the paired NTSC stations; therefore, the coverage and interference of each ATV station will depend on that of the paired NTSC facility. After all the stations and channels have been examined, the matrix is then analyzed. The NTSC station with the poorest overall interference area match (including all channels) is assigned the ATV channel that has the best match. That station and channel are then removed from the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 matrix and the process is repeated until all NTSC stations have been assigned an ATV channel. This system attempts to insure that matching is evenly distributed among the stations at the common site. The second optimization option analyzes other available channels in an attempt to find an ATV channel that either does not receive any interference or whose interference area better matches that of its paired NTSC station. When an ATV assignment plan is created based on specified separation distances, many of the locations may still have other channels that could have been assigned. This option first analyzes the planned ATV channel assignment to determine the amount of interference it receives from other ATV stations and existing NTSC stations. If no interference is received, then no further analysis of the ATV assignment is made. However, if interference is found, then the area where the interference occurs is compared to the interference area of the paired NTSC station. If the interference areas match exactly (no interference is caused to the ATV station outside the area where the paired NTSC station received interference), no further analysis is performed; otherwise, each of the other available channels is analyzed searching for either a channel that receives no interference or one where the interference area better matches that of the paired NTSC station. If an improvement is found, that channel is substituted for the channel originally assigned. The lists of additional channels available at other sites not yet analyzed are then checked to determine if this assignment would conflict with them. If a conflict is found, the list for the other sites is modified to eliminate the conflict. Conflicts are determined on the basis of the spacing requirements used to create the assignment plan. It should be noted that, before the available channels are analyzed by the model, the channels are ranked by distance to the nearest cochannel NTSC station or ATV assignment and those with the greatest distance separation are analyzed first. 4) Modifications to the Initial Model Options: In addition to the originally planned model options discussed above, it became necessary to create several others to study the effect of certain planning concepts not originally anticipated. Ultimately it was decided that the methodology based on the Longley–Rice propagation model was the best approach. This decision was based on the capability to take into consideration the specific terrain characteristics of each path, which was expected to provide a much more realistic prediction of service and interference than a methodology that only considered the terrain near the transmitter (FCC propagation curve model). A comparison of the results produced by the Longley–Rice model to that of a specific version of the TIREM model indicated that the overall differences were not significant. However, due to the fact that at the time there were numerous versions of the TIREM model, and only one documented and widely accepted version of the Longley–Rice model, the Longley–Rice model was adopted. Although the CIM model, as discussed above, was originally developed by the broadcast industry, it was eventually adopted by the FCC with some minor variation in the BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION methodology used to define the cells used for the coverage and interference matrices. The industry model used wedge shaped cells centered on evenly spaced radials whereas the FCC model used essentially square cells. The FCC used this concept to initially allow the use of the same matrix grid for several stations within a market. However, the FCC later abandoned that concept in favor of using a specific matrix for each station based on the station’s location. The only other deviation was the evaluation point within each cell. In the FCC model, the evaluation point was determined by the centroid of the population within the cell rather than the center of the cell as used by the industry model. Once developed, the CIM was used both to analyze the efficiencies of various channel allotment plans and to refine the plans, and played a major part in the final allotment plan adopted by the FCC [6], [7]. In addition, the CIM was used to compare the competing system proposals as well as to assist the Grand Alliance later in their efforts to achieve consensus on a single method for the transmission of ATV. (The digital HDTV Grand Alliance was a consortium of all remaning system proponents formed toward the end of the selection process.) After adoption of the final transition allotment plan the FCC adopted the CIM methodology to process the applications for the newly allotted channels. The CIM has become known as the FCC OET-69 methodology, which is detailed in FCC OET Bulletin 69 [8]. This bulletin provides the final set of planning factors that are to be used to analyze coverage and interference in the United States. This methodology was necessitated because the FCC has permitted individual stations to deviate from the parameters in the transition allotment plan, including changing channels and increasing power, provided that any new predicted interference is less than a specific percentage referred to as de minimus interference. B. Longley–Rice Propagation Model The official name of the Longley–Rice model is the ITS Irregular Terrain Model. The model computes path loss adjustment to free space signal propagation and is a generalpurpose model covering 20 MHz to 20 GHz. The model was developed in the 1960s and is semiempirical, using theoretical treatment of reflection, refraction, diffraction, and scatter with the theory adjusted to fit measured data. It is not intended to predict short-term variations, as it is based on yearly medians. The data used to develop the model came from VHF land mobile service measurement in Colorado and northern Ohio and from the VHF and UHF television measurements from the Television Allocations Study Organization (TASO) and also includes some climatic data from CCIR. C. Final FCC Transition Planning Criteria The final ATV allotment plan adopted by the FCC provided a companion channel for each authorized full-service television within the United States. The facility authorized 47 for the companion channel provided an ATV noise-limited contour5 that replicated the Grade B contour6 of the station’s paired analog channel. However, if the ATV facility required to replicate the analog contour was below the minimum power level (1.0 kW for low VHF, 3.2 kW for high VHF, and 50.0 kW for UHF) the power was set to the minimum value. Likewise if the power on a UHF channel exceeded 1000 kW, the power was set to that level. It is also noted that a dipole factor adjustment7 was applied to the normal Grade B or ATV noise limited contour values when determining the replication that involved a UHF channel. The other parameters used in developing the final allotment plan can be found in the FCC OET Bulletin 69 discussed above. Fig. 1. VSB and NTSC spectral comparison in 6 MHz. D. Spectrum Issues Then and Now As noted previously, the initial goal was to provide each existing full service television station with a second channel for ATV transition operation. However, no consideration was given to either protecting the more than 7000 existing low power television stations, booster stations, and translators (collectively referred to as LPTV) or providing them with a transition companion channel. In addition, midway through the process it was decided by the FCC, acting on legislation passed by the U.S. Congress, that the number of television channels at the end of the transition would be reduced from 67 to 49.8 Since the posttransition television band would include only channels 2–51 instead of 2–69, the final planning process attempted to avoid the use of channels above 51. This constraint made it even more important to use the techniques of the CIM to develop an efficient plan that avoided unnecessary interference to the greatest extent possible. In the end it was not possible to totally avoid use of the channels above 51. At the time of this writing (August 2005), the FCC was in the process of developing a final posttransition DTV9 allotment plan and is making extensive use of the CIM to create that plan. Once again, the need for the best planning methodology has taken on new importance in that it has been determined that low VHF channels (2–6) may not be suitable for DTV operation in many areas due to excessive manmade noise. Furthermore, since the frequencies above channel 51 will be used for nonbroadcast purposes, broadcasters are likely to try to avoid use of channel 51 due to potential interference issues that could arise both from and to those other services. In the end, it is expected that use of some 5ATV (DTV) noise limited contours are 28 dB for low VHF, 36 dB for high VHF, and 41 dB for UHF, and are computed using the FCC F(50,90) propagation curves. 6Analog Grade B contours are 47 dB for low VHF, 56 dB for high VHF, and 64 dB for UHF, and are computed using the FCC F(50,50) propagation curves. 7The dipole factor adjusted value is computed by the following formula: 64–20 log[615/(channel midfrequency in megahertz)] for analog and 41–20 log[615/(channel midfrequency in megahertz)] for ATV (DTV). 8The number of available television channels is reduced by one because channel 37 (608–614 MHz) is reserved exclusively for the radio astronomy service. 9During the course of this process, ATV has become DTV. Initially all the proposed ATV systems were analog, but since the eventual system is digital, it was appropriate to refer to the new system as DTV. 48 low VHF channels as well as channel 51 will be required to provide a channel to every station in the congested areas. The FCC has also adopted regulations that permit LPTV stations an opportunity to convert to digital (flash cut) or to obtain a companion digital channel and adopted use of the CIM methodology to process those requests. III. THE ATSC VSB TRANSMISSION SYSTEM An in-depth description of the digital VSB transmission system has been published in ATSC documents [9], [10]. The ATSC-standardized version was adopted in the United States by a series of FCC “Report and Order” documents and published in the FCC Rules [11]–[14]. The following is a brief overview of the digital VSB transmission system and its performance. A. ATSC VSB Transmission Description The VSB and NTSC spectra in a 6-MHz channel are compared in Fig. 1. The analog NTSC vestigial-sideband spectrum has the familiar three carriers (visual, chroma, and aural) that carry most of the energy in the channel. Its power is described in terms of the peak envelope power of the large, constant-amplitude horizontal and vertical sync pulses. Compared to digital modulation, the analog television signal is not efficient in terms of either bandwidth or power. In contrast, the digital VSB spectrum is flat throughout most of the channel due to the noise-like attributes of randomized data. Its power is described as the average power in the channel bandwidth. Its peaks can only be described in terms of a statistical cumulative distribution function [15], with the RF envelope peaks remaining 99.9% of the time within 6.3 dB of the total in-band average power. Two steep transition regions (each 620 kHz wide) exist at each end of the band. The half-power frequencies of the VSB signal are 5.381 MHz apart, and represent both the Nyquist bandwidth (smallest ideal bandwidth that can sustain the desired ATSC symbol rate) and the equivalent noise bandwidth. Therefore, the 6-MHz channel uses only 11.5% excess RF channel bandwidth, making it a very efficient system in terms of bandwidth. A low-level constant RF pilot carrier (which adds only 0.3 dB to the total average power) is added to the noise-like data signal at the lower band edge. (The small PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 Fig. 2. Data segment and segment sync definition. Fig. 3. Frame sync definition. in-phase pilot is created by adding a dc component equal to 1.25 constellation units to the eight equi-probable levels prior to modulation.) These attributes make the digital VSB signal very efficient in terms of both power and bandwidth. The baseband data-segment format for terrestrial broadcasts is illustrated in Fig. 2 for the trellis-coded 8-VSB signal. Note that there are eight discrete equi-probable data levels except for the four-symbol binary data segment syncs that delineate each 832-symbol data segment. Therefore, each of the 828 data payload symbols carries 3 b of information at a 10.762-MHz symbol rate. However, only two of these bits are payload data; the third bit is a parity bit resulting from trellis-coded modulation. The syncs are not trellis-coded. These segment syncs take that occurs at the the place of the MPEG sync byte beginning of every fixed-length 188-byte MPEG packet. Thus, the swap of MPEG-sync for segment sync causes no loss of data throughput, since the MPEG-sync is reinserted at the VSB demodulator’s output. In the 8-VSB system, each data segment carries one 188-B MPEG packet plus 20 B of Reed–Solomon (RS) error correction parity for a total of 208 B/segment. BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION Fig. 3 depicts a DTV binary data frame sync, which is one segment long (832 symbols) and repeats every 313 segments. The data efficiency is reduced by only 0.32% (1/313) due to the insertion of data frame syncs. The data frame allows data frame synchronization in the receiver. The same binary frame sync (particularly the 511-symbol and three 63-symbol PN sequences) can also be used as a known reference-training signal for the receiver equalizer, which allows initializing the equalizer as well as stable operation regardless of data eye closure. The frame sync can also act as a means of determining received RF signal conditions (such as S/N ratio). The middle 63 PN sequence alternates from one frame to the next, providing two unique frame syncs. The VSB transmission system was developed including five modes (2, 4, 8, 8-trellis, and 16), all of which appear in ITU-T Recommendations J.83 and J.84 [16], [17] These modes provide a tradeoff between data rate and robustness of reception by means of different numbers of constellation levels and/or the use of trellis coding. The 24-symbol VSB mode section in the binary frame sync reliably informs receivers which of the modes is being transmitted. The Grand Alliance and the Advisory Committee on Ad49 Fig. 4. 8-VSB transmitter block diagram. Fig. 5. 8-VSB receiver block diagram. vanced Television Service (ACATS) selected trellis-coded 8-VSB (19.39-Mb/s payload) for terrestrial broadcast and nontrellis-coded 16-VSB (38.78-Mb/s payload) for cable transmission. Note that the symbol rate is 10.762 MHz for all of the various VSB modes, with a varying number of bits/symbol determining the data rate for each mode to trade off against reception performance. The trellis-coded 8-VSB-transmitter block diagram is shown in Fig. 4. The transmitter, which includes the channel encoder and exciter, receives the incoming data packets (188 B/packet of interspersed video, audio, and ancillary data), and thoroughly randomizes the data so that the transmitted signal has a flat, noise-like spectrum. Random data is important for all the receiver recovery loops to work optimally, and minimizes interference into analog NTSC. The Reed–Solomon encoding, known for its good burst noise correction capability and data overhead efficiency, adds the 20 parity bytes to the end of each MPEG data packet before data bytes are convolutionally interleaved (spread out) over 52 data segments, to a depth of 1/6 of a data frame (4 ms). Segment and frame syncs are not interleaved. Data byte interleaving helps protect against the effects of burst noise/interference that occurs during transmission. In the trellis-coded 8-VSB terrestrial system, the trellis encoder adds additional redundancy to the signal in the form of more (than four) data levels, creating the multilevel (eight-level) data symbols for transmission. The added redundancy allows further error correction in the receiver through the cascaded forward error correction made up of Reed–Solomon block coding and convolutionally coded trellis-coded modulation (2/3 rate, four-state Ungerboeck code). In 16-VSB cable applications, there is no trellis encoding, and a mapper creates the multilevel (16-level) data symbols instead of a trellis-coder. 50 The segment and frame syncs are then multiplexed with the multilevel data symbols before the dc offset is added for creation of the low-level, in-phase pilot. The VSB modulator provides a (root-raised cosine) filtered IF signal (typically centered on 44 MHz in the United States), with most of one sideband removed. Finally, the RF upconverter accurately translates the IF signal to the desired RF channel with as little phase noise as possible before amplification by a highpower amplifier (HPA) and emission mask filtering that significantly reduces any adjacent channel energy splatter due to third-order and fifth-order nonlinear intermodulation. The required adjacent channel emission mask details can be found in FCC documents [18] and other documents [19]–[21]. An optional feedback signal from the emission mask filter output can be fed back through a processor to precorrect the transmitter for any linear distortion caused by the mask filter (e.g., nonflat amplitude or group delay response) or any nonlinear distortion caused by the HPA, such as amplitude clipping or incidental carrier phase modulation. The VSB receiver block diagram is illustrated in Fig. 5. The DTV signal, using the existing 6-MHz RF channel allocations, is converted by the VSB receiver’s tuner to the IF frequency (typically 44 MHz) prior to channel decoding. After appropriate IF filtering (root-raised cosine) and automatic gain control (AGC), the pilot signal can be used to synchronously detect the VSB signal while simultaneously removing FM sidebands and low-frequency phase noise inherent in low-cost consumer tuners. The clock synchronizer recovers the 10.762-MHz symbol clock from the received signal as well as synchronizes the various following loops (interleaver, trellis and Reed–Solomon decoders, and randomizer) so that further VSB processing can be accomplished. The equalizer is the workhorse of the DTV receiver removing any linear distortion due to PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 Table 1 VSB Transmission System Performance Parameters Fig. 6. Probability of error versus C/N for 8-VSB and 16-VSB systems. multipath propagation or imperfect filtering. Any remaining high-frequency tuner phase noise is removed by the phase tracker. The remaining data processing circuits perform the concatenated forward error correction (short four-state trellis decoding with minimal error propagation followed by Reed–Solomon decoder that can correct up to ten a byte errors/MPEG packet). A convolutional deinterleaver reassembles the interleaved (dispersed) data bytes while dispersing (spreading out) contiguous burst errors to maximize Reed–Solomon error correction. Finally, the derandomizer recreates the original data bytes for the transport multiplexer to deliver to the video and audio decoders. The 16-VSB-cable mode is very similar to the terrestrial mode except there is no trellis-coded modulation, and the data rate is doubled (using the same symbol rate) by sending four data bits per symbol rather than two data bits per symbol. Further details can be found in [22]. B. ATSC VSB System Performance and Compliance VSB performance has been extensively evaluated in simulation and measured in the laboratory [22], [23]. Table 1 conBRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION tains the primary system performance parameters and their values. Note the similarities (common parameters) and differences among the various VSB modes as lower data rates achieve more robust DTV reception. Fig. 6 is an illustration of the probability of error versus signal-to-noise ratio for both the 8-VSB terrestrial and 16-VSB cable modes. Both curves exhibit a very steep rise in error rate around their respective 15- and 28-dB SNR threshold of visible errors (TOV) or threshold of audible errors (TOA). The TOV and TOA values are identically defined as 2.5 MPEG packet errors per second, which is the experimentally determined point where the prototype receiver would just begin to show visible decoding errors due to transmission errors. As the SNR value at the input to the ATSC receiver decreases from high to low, the DTV receiver will change from an error-free, perfect picture (and sound) to an all-error, frozen picture (and muted sound) in less than 1 dB. This is the well-known “digital cliff effect” that all digital systems exhibit. Finally, ATSC and others provide recommendations for both transmitter [20], [21], [24] and receiver [25], [26] per51 Fig. 7. E-VSB preprocessor and multiplexer. formance parameters as guidelines for both manufacturers and broadcasters. The recommendations are reasonable to achieve and allow the objectives of good DTV reception over varied conditions such as urban, suburban, and rural, whether using either indoor or outdoor antennas, and with minimal antenna adjustment. IV. ENHANCED VSB (E-VSB) SYSTEM E-VSB [9], [27] is fundamentally a method of adding further error protection coding to part of the 8-VSB signal. It is required to simultaneously provide a performance increase for the E-VSB coded portion, while not degrading the “normal” or “main” portion used by legacy ATSC receivers. Secondarily, but importantly, E-VSB applications require additions to the ATSC transport and PSIP standards to support functions such as synchronization of separate but related source material in the main and enhanced streams. The basic technical advantage of the E-VSB stream is an improvement of at least 6 dB in SNR and interference thresholds. This is obtained in exchange for heavier forward error correction coding, and therefore at the expense of payload data rate for the enhanced part of the transmission. Naturally, designating a portion of the transmitted symbols as enhanced reduces the bandwidth of the main stream, just as in the case of multicasting, where each program uses only part of the 19.39-Mb/s ATSC stream. Applications envisioned for E-VSB include streams unrelated to the main stream, related streams, and synchronized related streams such as fallback audio and/or video. Unrelated streams are envisioned for use in carrying secondary channels or data that can be used by portable or PC-based devices with nonoptimum antennas, for example, a “subchannel” carrying stock market information, news, and weather. Fallback audio is defined as a duplicate of the main audio that can be switched to in the receiver when the main signal is momentarily lost. The aim is to make this switch as seamless and unnoticeable as possible. This is the most demanding application envisioned, involving all primary and secondary aspects of E-VSB: the physical layer, synchronization of time stamps for the main and fallback, and enhanced PSIP that an52 nounces the availability of fallback to the enhanced-capable receiver. A. E-VSB Coding Details Because the reaction of legacy receivers to deliberate coding errors cannot be predicted, the E-VSB coding is arranged to be effectively cascaded with the normal 8-VSB coding. As a result, legacy receivers detect a correctly coded signal (although they do not recognize the payload contents). The coding is done in two stages. First, an RS code is applied to the enhanced data, before it is encapsulated in normally formed MPEG packets and processed by 8-VSB coding. These packets are transmitted with an MPEG null-packet header, and therefore are ignored by legacy receivers. The “preprocessing” to this point is shown in Fig. 7. (N/E in figures refers to normal/enhanced data or processing-state flags.) Second, an enhanced convolutional code is applied, effectively preceding the 8-VSB convolutional code. This results in a signal that is indistinguishable in all physical characteristics from a normal 8-VSB signal. It has eight equally probable symbol levels and the same spectral characteristics and power as standard 8-VSB. Fig. 8 shows a block diagram of a complete E-VSB channel encoder. The blocks in the upper row are the same as a standard 8-VSB encoder. The blocks in the lower row are those added for E-VSB coding, including the preprocessing shown in detail in Fig. 7 There are several details to the processing that are required to maintain compatibility. In particular, since the enhanced convolutional code changes the sequence of transmitted symbols from what it would be for 8-VSB, it invalidates the 8-VSB RS coding. The E-VSB transmitter therefore recalculates the RS code to satisfy legacy receivers. Also, since the 8-VSB convolutional coder is 12-phase, operating as 12 separate interleaved coders, the E-VSB coder is also 12-phase, and operates in synchronism with the 8-VSB coder. Fig. 9 shows the concatenation of coders. The inputs marked N/E are normal/enhanced flags that control the coding on a symbol-by-symbol basis. When the flags at set to “N,” normal or “main” data is bypassed around the enhanced coding. When the flags are set to “E,” the equivalent enhanced coder is as shown in Fig. 10. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 Fig. 8. Complete E-VSB channel encoder. Fig. 9. Concatenated enhanced and standard encoders. Note that the enhanced portion of the coder contains a “precoder bypass,” which operates upon the enhanced data. This effectively removes the interference filter precoding of the standard coder for enhanced data. This precoder is in the standard encoder to allow use of an optional comb filter in the legacy 8-VSB receivers to reduce analog cochannel interference. However, it doubles the number of trellis states that must be decoded when it is used. The precoder bypass prevents this expansion in the enhanced trellis decoder. However, because the precoder bypass circuit has two possible states depending on the history of normal data, the enhanced BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION trellis decoder in new enhanced receivers must determine the precoder bypass state for each received enhanced symbol. An added requirement to maintain compatibility with legacy 8-VSB receivers occurs due to the time multiplexing of the main and enhanced data. The multiplexing introduces shifts in the time of emission of the main data packets as compared to a pure 8-VSB system. This requires compensation of the MPEG program clock references (PCRs) in the emitted signal, and also some care to maintain adherence to the MPEG buffer models in the main channel elementary streams. 53 Fig. 10. Equivalent encoder for enhanced data. B. E-VSB Features E-VSB provides two coding rates designated as “1/2-rate” and “1/4-rate,” referring to a choice of two convolutional codes. (The payload is additionally reduced by the ratio 164/188 due to the added RS coding.) This additional coding provides an SNR threshold advantage of 6 or 9 dB, respectively, as compared to normal 8-VSB. The arrangement supports applications similar to those of hierarchical transmission, but because the different types of data are actually time multiplexed, they do not interact, and the performance of legacy receivers on the main data is not affected by the presence of enhanced data. C. E-VSB Signaling Because the enhanced data is identical to 8-VSB data in all physical respects, a means is required for the enhanced receiver to identify it readily. It would be conceivable to identify enhanced data by attempting to decode all the data and accepting successfully decoded data only. This would result in an unacceptably long decode/decision process and would preclude using the data to enhance receiver performance in other areas such as the channel equalizer. Therefore, the amount and placement of the enhanced data in a VSB data field is signaled by “map” data transmitted in the field sync segment (Fig. 11). Twelve bits are carried as a 64-bit Kerdock code, which alternates polarity from field to field, both as protection from fixed ghost patterns and so that it can be distinguished easily from a legacy 8-VSB broadcast, which will contain a fixed data pattern. Nine map bits indicate the proportion of main, 1/2-rate, and 1/4-rate data. Two bits in each data field indicate a 16-field countdown until the next map change. One bit indicates a choice of two patterns for packing the enhanced data in a data field. A particular map number indicates the number of data segments in a data field devoted to 1/2-rate data, the number devoted to 1/4-rate data, and the enhanced segment positions in the field. However, the enhanced data of both rates passes through a single “enhanced” byte interleaver and is cut into 164-B chunks, then has the enhanced RS code appended, then is placed among the main packets, and finally undergoes the 8-VSB interleaving. Therefore, there is no place in the 54 Fig. 11. Data field with E-VSB map data. system where the data is neatly confined to a packet interval except at the transmitter transport stream input and receiver transport stream output. The main and enhanced symbols are thoroughly interleaved on the channel, and the detailed pattern of interleaving must be reconstructed in the receiver in order to recover the enhanced data. V. MULTIPLE TRANSMITTER NETWORKS The conventional approach to covering a large television service area involves the placement of a single high-power transmitter at a central location. Under certain conditions, however, the conventional method may face economical and technical challenges that require careful considerations and engineering solutions. With the single-transmitter configuration, signal levels are not uniform throughout the service area. The radiated power of the transmitter is usually calculated so as to provide sufficient signal strength at the edges of the coverage area. In locations closer to the transmitter, the signal is stronger and may be considerably more than required for a satisfactory reception. The high cost of extending the coverage area of a transmitter by increasing its radiated power is another potential problem with the single transmitter approach. Serving the last kilometer of coverage is far more expensive than the first kilometer. For example, for a UHF digital TV signal at about PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 80 km from a transmitter whose antenna is 300 m above average terrain, approximately a 3 dB (or 100%) increase in transmitted power would be required to increase coverage by 5 km. Thus, increasing coverage with raw transmitter power can be expensive to accomplish [28]. Another issue is interference into neighboring service areas. Based on calculations for the location and time availability of F(50, 10) for interference and F(50, 90) for coverage using FCC curves, it can be shown that cochannel interference from a digital UHF transmitter will extend on the order of three times the distance over which it can provide coverage. So, extending by 1 km the coverage area of a single transmitter by increasing its output power would add 3 km more to its cochannel interference zone. In situations such as those detailed above, one possible solution is to construct a multiple transmitter network and distribute the signal across the coverage area by using a number of lower power transmitters instead of a single central transmitter. Among the potential benefits of this approach are [28]: • more uniform and higher average signal levels throughout the service area; • more reliable outdoor and indoor reception as a result of higher average signal levels; • less overall effective radiated power (ERP) and/or antenna height requirements, resulting in less interference; • stronger signals at the edges of the service area without increasing interference to neighboring stations. A multiple transmitter approach of sorts is used for analog TV systems in the form of translators. Such systems are mostly used to fill coverage gaps, or to extend the coverage area. They are not usually intended to work with the main transmitter to uniformly distribute the signal across the service area. Instead, there is typically a master/slave relationship between the higher power central transmitter and the lower power translators. A primary limitation is the number of RF channels that must be used for an analog network. Usually, for transmitters, channels are required. A. Distributed Transmission Networks (DTxN) Distributed transmission can be regarded as a way of covering a service area with a network of two or more transmitters, all synchronized and emitting exactly the same program, and operating according to technical guidelines and standards specifically developed for this type of system [9], [28]. The number of channels used can be far less than the number of the transmitters that constitute the network. Application of DTxN is not limited to filling coverage gaps or extending the coverage area, which is usually the case in analog TV translators. It can also be used for creating a more uniform distribution of the transmitted signal in the main parts of the service area, as well as enhancing the signal in other parts by illuminating the area from different directions. 1) Single-Frequency DTx Networks: If all the transmitters constituting a DTx network are synchronized and use the same channel for transmission, they form a single-frequency network (SFN). SFN is one of the interesting possibilities BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION provided by DTV transmission systems. It is not feasible with analog TV due to the creation of harmful ghosts. SFNs for single-carrier signals such as 8-VSB have become possible because of the use of adaptive equalizers in receivers. When signals from a number of synchronized SFN transmitters arrive at a receiver, the adaptive equalizer can treat those signals as echoes of one another and extract the data they carry. This assumes, of course, that the relative amplitude and delay of the signals fall within the capabilities of the adaptive equalizer. This is a serious implementation issue because it must take into account the capabilities of already-deployed receivers. 2) Multiple-Frequency DTx Networks: A multiple-frequency DTx network uses more than one channel for its synchronized transmitters. Such a network may be composed of a group of smaller embedded SFNs, or a hybrid of SFNs and individual transmitters operating on channels other than those of the SFNs. B. Limitations of DTx Networks As a tradeoff for their benefits, DTx networks may have to deal with certain operational restrictions under specific conditions. Such limiting conditions could exist if a single-frequency DTx network and a single transmitter operating on the adjacent channel coexist in the same market area. Under these conditions, implementation of the SFN should be based on a very careful and subtle design to minimize interference to the single transmitter. Within-market DTV adjacent channel operation was allowed in DTV planning under the condition of colocating the corresponding transmitters, or at most separating them by a distance not more than a specific value (5 km in the United States). In an SFN environment, only one of the network transmitters can be colocated with the adjacent channel transmitter, and for other SFN transmitters, limiting the output power—or taking other appropriate measures—may be necessary to avoid unacceptable interference to the adjacent channel transmitter [28]. In the presence of an NTSC adjacent channel, the limitation on operation of an SFN is more serious and may make the implementation of the network very challenging in the transition period from NTSC to DTV because of the much higher protection ratios demanded by NTSC (as compared to DTV). ATSC Recommended Practice A/111 [28] provides many guidelines for designing a DTx network and managing interference under various conditions, including the presence of DTV or NTSC adjacent channel signals. The limitations of multiple-frequency DTx networks arise mainly from any embedded SFNs, which can be designed according to the same principles as any SFN. C. Configurations of DTx Networks ATSC A/111 [28] proposes three methods or structures (or any of their combinations) for implementing a DTx network. These structures, however, have their pros and cons, and any of them can be considered more suitable depending on the 55 specific situation and the conditions under which they are used. 1) Distributed-Transmitter Network: In this method, a central studio sends a baseband signal or video/audio data stream to the DTxN transmitters via studio-transmitter-links (STL), which can be fiber optic, microwave, satellite, etc. Frequency and time synchronization of different transmitters constituting the network is based on ATSC A/110, “Synchronization Standard for Distributed Transmission” [29]. A distributed transmitter network is a single-frequency DTx network. 2) Distributed-Translator Network: In this method, the transmitters constituting the network are coherent translators, all operating on the same channel, and translating the frequency of an over-the-air signal received from a main DTV transmitter to a second RF channel. This eliminates the need for an STL and makes frequency and time synchronization of different network transmitters quite simple. In this method, however, two channels are used, one for the coherent translator output, and one for the main transmitter feeding them. One may consider this as a sort of frequency diversity in the overlapping coverage area of the main transmitter and the translators. A distributed translator network is a multiple-frequency DTx network. 3) Digital On-Channel Repeater (DOCR): Like the method described in Section V-C2, the transmitters constituting this network pick up their inputs from a main transmitter, eliminating the need for an STL, but transmit on the same channel as they receive. With this approach, two limiting factors exist in the operation of the network. First, depending on the relative locations of the repeaters and the main transmitter, long “preechoes” may be created by the main transmitter in the overlapping coverage areas. Second, depending on the amount of feedback from the DOCR transmitting antenna to its receiving antenna, there will be a power limitation on the repeater output. A network consisting of DOCRs and a main transmitter is a single-frequency DTx network. D. Applications of DTx Networks There are a number of potential applications for DTx networks; some are detailed below, grouped by complexity and size. In its simplest form, a single-frequency DTx network can be formed by simply adding a second transmitter—which may be an on-channel repeater—to a main transmitter for filling a gap or extending coverage to include a town that is beyond the reach of the main transmitter [30]. With this simple application, no additional channel is used by the network. In a more complex case, an SFN may be used to improve service and enhance reception in areas that are already within the coverage of the main transmitter. For example, in downtown canyons with shadow areas caused by high-rise buildings, it may be desirable to construct a network of distributed transmitters or DOCRs, or a distributed translator network operating on a second channel, to provide a more reliable portable or indoor reception environment [31], 56 [32]. Different transmitters in such a supplementary DTx network can illuminate a common target area from different directions, giving receivers a better chance of successful reception. A DTx network can also be used to replace an operational or a planned single (central) high-power transmitter with an SFN comprised of lower power transmitters operating on the same channel, and possibly some DOCRs. Under these conditions, the operation of the SFN should be within the protected contour, limited by the specifications of the original transmitter to be replaced by the network. A DTx network also may be a hybrid of different configurations operating on more that one channel [33]. Such a hybrid network may contain many transmitters with different output powers and covering a very large service area. E. DTx Design Considerations The use of DTx networks leads to a range of potential complications that must be addressed in the design process. Key among the issues to consider is the interference environment, which comprises two types of interference: external and “network internal” interference. 1) External and Internal Interference in a DTx Network: For a transmitter in a DTx network, external interference may be generated by sources such as cochannel NTSC and cochannel DTV stations that do not belong to the network, adjacent channel NTSC and DTV stations, and other sources that are usually involved in creating interference to conventional single (central) transmitters. A single-frequency DTx environment may also include network internal interference, which does not exist in the case of the single transmitter configuration. As there is more than one DTx transmitter emitting the same signal on the same channel in the service area of a single-frequency DTx network, a receiver in the overlapping coverage area may receive signals from different SFN transmitters. The receiver considers the strongest signal as the main signal and the others as echoes. There should be a distinction between these signals and natural echoes, which are reflections from stationary and moving objects, and are also present in a single (central) transmitter environment. In order to be distinguishable from natural echoes, they may be referred to as “SFN signals.” There is usually no control over natural echoes but the DTx network designer has control over the amplitude and time delay of the SFN signals. In parts of the service area of an SFN that can receive signal from multiple transmitters, the amplitude and/or delay spread of the SFN signals may fall beyond the capability of the receiver equalizer range, and create network internal interference. Minimizing the creation of such areas, or preventing them from falling over populated areas, is an important design criterion for a single-frequency DTx network. It is important to note that under many circumstances, creation of multiple SFN signals in specific areas may be a desired and deliberately planned, and can be quite helpful if the network is operating on the basis of proper design criteria. For example, to enable more reliable portable or indoor reception in a downtown canyon, multiple SFN signals PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 (under the right conditions) from different directions may be a matter of choice [32]. A correctly designed network will minimize the possibility that the multiple transmitter signals will result in harmful interference. 2) Managing Interference in DTx Networks: Various design methods can be applied to managing both external and network-internal interference in a DTx network. For example, selecting a specific network configuration that fits well with the topography of the service area and benefits from terrain shielding may minimize one or both types of interference. Antenna directivity may be applied to both cases, and delay adjustment of the transmitters may also be applied to mitigate network-internal interference. All such techniques should be considered when designing a DTx network [9]. It should be noted, however, that mutual external interference problems in a DTx network can be similar to those of the single (central) transmitter architecture, and resolved by the same techniques. As far as network internal interference is concerned, the most important issues to consider are [9]: • proper selections of the radiated powers; • separation distance between the SFN transmitters; • time adjustment by applying appropriate relative delays. Incorrect choices for these parameters can make the relative amplitude and delay of the SFN signals in some parts of the overlapping coverage areas fall beyond the receiver’s adaptive equalizer capabilities, and can cause reception failure in those areas. 3) Receiver Constraints: Another important issue affecting the design of a DTx network is receiver performance with respect to echo handling capabilities. Better receivers, capable of handling stronger pre- and postechoes, over a wider range of delays, make DTx network design more flexible and simpler. On the other hand, receivers with weaker capabilities put more restrictions on the design and implementation of DTx networks. As the technology of adaptive equalizers improves over time, this consideration will become less stringent, allowing more flexible SFN designs while maintaining a particular level of reliability. F. Implementation of Distributed Transmission Networks A generalized DTx network may include different combinations of distributed transmitters, distributed translators, and DOCRs. Each of these structures can be implemented by using a number of methods that differ in their degree of complexity, mostly related to the achieving synchronization between different network transmitters. For example, the synchronized translators used in a DTx network can operate on the basis of RF-RF, or RF-IF-RF conversion, or the signal can be brought down to base-band and decoded, error corrected, and then reencoded and upconverted to RF. Selection of each of these approaches is determined by the existing conditions. For example, if the input signals received by the translators are strong and stable, RF-RF operation may be adequate. Under these conditions, two translators could be frequency synchronized by phase-locking their local oscillators using global positioning BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION system (GPS) signals. Time adjustment can be achieved by applying appropriate delays to the signals when passed through the translators [32]. This RF-RF approach is the simplest and most cost-effective method of implementing parts of a DTx network consisting of distributed translators or DOCRs. Synchronization of RF-IF-RF translators or DOCRs, however, should be based on more sophisticated methods [33]. In other circumstances, such as when translator signals are brought down to base-band or when a number of STLs are used to bring the base-band signal to the transmitters, achieving frequency and time synchronization becomes more complex. Under these conditions, the synchronization process should be based on the methods specified in A/110 [29]. 1) Transmitter Identification: As of August 2005, there were more than 1500 DTV transmitters in operation in the United States and Canada. As the number of DTV transmitters grows, there is an increasing need to identify the origin of each DTV signal received at different locations. ATSC A/110 [29] includes specifications for a spread spectrum sequence, embedded as a RF watermark, for transmitter identification (TxID) purposes. Transmitter identification techniques (or transmitter fingerprinting) are used to detect, diagnose, and classify the operating status of radio transmitters. Transmitter identification also enables broadcast authorities and operators to identify the source(s) of interference, if any. More importantly, TxID can be used to tune various transmitters in an SFN to minimize the effects of multipath interference caused by the destructive interference of several different transmissions and/or by the reflection of transmissions. To allow identification of individual transmitters in a network, provision is made to assign specific, identifiable codes to particular transmitters [29]. The transmitter identification codes are combined and used to generate a symbol sequence that is modulated synchronously with the host 8-VSB symbols in such a way that ordinary receivers cannot detect their presence but special monitoring and measuring instruments can [34], [35]. The ATSC RF watermark additionally can be used for robust data transmission and positioning applications [36]–[39]. 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Caron, “Design procedures and field test results of a distributed-translator network, and a case study for an application of distributed-transmission,” presented at the National Association of Broadcasters Conf. (NAB2005), Washington, DC. [33] Y. T. Lee, S. I. Park, H. M. Eum, H. N. Kim, S. W. Kim, and S. I. Lee, “A novel on-channel repeater for single frequency network in ATSC system,” in Proc. Nat. Association Broadcasters Conf. 2004, pp. 128–133. [34] A. Mattsson, M. Weiss, M. Simon, D. Hershberger, Y. Wu, and X. Wang, “Transmitter identification techniques for distributed transmission networks,” presented at the IEEE Broadcast Technology Soc. 53rd Annu. Symp., Washington, DC, 2003. [35] X. Wang, Y. Wu, and B. Caron, “Transmitter identification using embedded pseudo random sequences,” IEEE Trans. Broadcast, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 244–252, Sep. 2004. [36] X. Wang, Y. Wu, and B. Caron, “Transmitter identification in distributed transmission network and its potential application,” presented at the Nat. Association Broadcasters Conf. (NAB2005), Washington, DC. [37] X. Wang, Y. Wu, B. Caron, and J.-Y. Chouinard, “A new position location system using ATSC TxID signals,” presented at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Stockholm, Sweden, 2005. [38] X. Wang, Y. Wu, and J. Y. Chouinard, “Robust data transmission using the transmitter identification sequences in ATSC DTV signals,” IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 41–47, Feb. 2005. [39] M. Rabinowitz and J. J. Spilker, Jr., “A new positioning system using television synchronization signals,” IEEE Trans. Broadcast, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 51–61, Mar. 2005. Wayne Bretl (Senior Member, IEEE) received the BSEE from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1966. He joined Zenith Electronics in 1975. He is a Principal Engineer in the R&D Department, Zenith Electronics, Lincolnshire, IL. He holds over 15 patents in television technology and related areas. Mr. Bretl is a member of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, the Audio Engineering Society, and the Society for Information Display, and represents Zenith in ATSC and a number of professional and industry associations. William R. Meintel received the B.S.E.E. degree from the West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery, in 1969. He has 35 years’ experience in the communications field. He was a Field Engineer for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Buffalo, NY, and later was Senior Field Engineer in the Chicago, IL, field office before joining the FCC’s Media Bureau Policy and Rules Division. During his tenure in the Media Bureau, he was extensively involved in a number of complex domestic and international spectrum planning matters and was a member of the U.S. delegation to a number of international conferences. Since entering private practice, he has been heavily involved in technical consulting and spectrum planning for the broadcast industry. During that period he coauthored a report for the NAB on spectrum requirements for digital audio broadcasting (DAB), created a plan for independent television broadcasting for Romania, and has been extensively involved in spectrum planning for digital television (DTV) in both the United States and internationally. His involvement in DTV planning has included a wide variety of activities including computer modeling, engineering consulting, and field measurements programs used to validate the proposed systems. More recently he has been providing considerable engineering support for various clients PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 94, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 in a number of system design and implementation projects. He has also authored a number of papers and articles and made numerous presentations on subjects related to spectrum planning. Gary Sgrignoli received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, in 1975 and 1977, respectively. He joined Zenith Electronics Corporation in January 1977, where he worked as an engineer in the Research and Development department for 27 years. In March 2004, he set up Sgrignoli Consulting, a DTV-transmission consulting firm, and in April 2005 he merged his practice with those of W. Meintel (Techware, Inc.) and D. Wallace (Wallace and Associates) to create Meintel, Sgrignoli, and Wallace (MSW), Waldorf, MD. Further information can be found at He has worked in the R&D design area on television “ghost” canceling, cable TV scrambling, and cable TV two-way data systems before turning to digital television transmission systems. Since 1991, Gary has been extensively involved in the VSB transmission system design, its prototype implementation, the ATTC lab tests in Alexandria, VA, and both ACATS field tests in Charlotte, NC. He was also involved with the DTV Station Project in Washington, DC, helping to develop DTV RF test plans. He has also been involved with numerous television broadcast stations around the country, training them for DTV field testing and data analysis, and participated in numerous DTV over-the-air demonstrations with the Grand Alliance and the ATSC, both in the United States and abroad. In addition to publishing technical papers and giving presentations at various conferences, he has held numerous digital VSB transmission system seminars around the country. He holds 35 U.S. patents. Xianbin Wang (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from National University of Singapore, Singapore, in 2000. He was with Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore (formerly known as Centre for Wireless Communications), as a Senior R&D Engineer in 2000. From December 2000 to July 2002, he was a System Designer at STMicroelectronics, Inc., Ottawa, ON, Canada. Since July 2002, he has been with Communications Research Centre Canada, Ottawa, where he is currently a Senior Research Scientist. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor of Laval University, QC, Canada. His current research interests include digital signal processing, broad-band wireless system, and communication theory. BRETL et al.: ATSC RF, MODULATION, AND TRANSMISSION S. Merrill Weiss is a graduate of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He is a consultant in electronic media technology, technology management, and management. He conducted the experiments that led to the very first digital television standard (CCIR Recommendation 601) in 1981. He was a major contributor to the work of the FCC Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service, doing the bulk of the work on implementation. He currently participates in the Advanced Television Systems Committee’s (ATSC’s) efforts. In the original ATSC standard for 8-VSB, there was no method available for synchronizing transmitters as needed for single-frequency networks; he invented a synchronization method that is now embodied in the recently adopted ATSC standard on transmitter synchronization. He has one issued patent and one pending. Mr. Weiss has been recognized by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers by elevation to the rank of Fellow and was the 1995 recipient of its David Sarnoff Gold Medal and the 2005 recipient of its Progress Medal. He was also nominated for a technical Emmy Award for his conception of serial digital interfaces for television systems. He has been certified by the Society of Broadcast Engineers at the level of Professional Broadcast Engineer. He is a member of the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society. Khalil Salehian received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Pahlavi University, Tehran, Iran, in 1971 and 1974, respectively, and completed graduate studies in computer science at Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 1999. He spent about 20 years working with National Iranian Radio and Television (NIRT) in the fields of radio and TV network expansion, frequency planning, and coordintaion and compatibility with other services. Since 2000, he has been with the Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC), Ottawa, ON. He is currently working with the Television Systems and Transmission group of CRC. His previous fields of interest included radio and TV network expansion, frequency planning, and coordination and compatibility with other services. His current fields of interest include computer simulations and coverage predictions of DTV systems, distributed transmission, and single-frequency networks for DTV broadcasting services. His work on distributed transmission systems earned him the 2003 IEEE Scott Helt memorial award. 59