540 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 Comprehensive Study of Single-Phase AC-DC Power Factor Corrected Converters With High-Frequency Isolation Bhim Singh, Fellow, IEEE, Sanjeev Singh, Member, IEEE, Ambrish Chandra, Senior Member, IEEE, and Kamal Al-Haddad, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Solid-state switch mode AC-DC converters having high-frequency transformer isolation are developed in buck, boost, and buck-boost configurations with improved power quality in terms of reduced total harmonic distortion (THD) of input current, power-factor correction (PFC) at AC mains and precisely regulated and isolated DC output voltage feeding to loads from few Watts to several kW. This paper presents a comprehensive study on state of art of power factor corrected single-phase AC-DC converters configurations, control strategies, selection of components and design considerations, performance evaluation, power quality considerations, selection criteria and potential applications, latest trends, and future developments. Simulation results as well as comparative performance are presented and discussed for most of the proposed topologies. Index Terms—AC-DC converters, harmonic reduction, high-frequency (HF) transformer isolation, improved power quality converters, power-factor correction. I. INTRODUCTION OLID state AC-DC converters with high-frequency (HF) transformer isolation is extensively used in switched mode power supplies (SMPS), uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), welding units, battery charging, induction heaters, electronic ballasts, power supplies for telecommunication systems, measurement and testing equipments, small rating adjustable speed drives (ASDs) in biomedical equipments, small rating refrigeration, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), etc. Conventionally, these AC-DC converters are developed in two stages. In the first stage, AC voltage is converted into an uncontrolled DC voltage using diode rectifiers, which is cascaded with the second stage of isolated DC-DC converters using HF transformer for isolation. These two-stage AC-DC converters have S Manuscript received July 20, 2011; accepted August 05, 2011. Date of publication September 06, 2011; date of current version November 09, 2011. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs-permissions@ieee.org. Paper no. TII-11-327. B. Singh is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 110016, India (e-mail: bhimsinghr@gmail.com). S. Singh is with the Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab-148106, India (e-mail: sschauhan.sdl@gmail.com). A. Chandra and K. Al-Haddad are with the Département de génie électrique, ÉTS, 1100, Montréal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada (e-mail: chandra@ele.etsmtl.ca; kamal@ele.etsmtl.ca). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2011.2166798 the problems of power quality in terms of injected harmonic currents at AC mains, caused voltage distortion, degraded powerfactor, high crest factor, and large size of DC capacitor filter at first stage. However, in view of their increasing applications, these AC-DC converters are being developed in single-stage to improve power quality, reduced number of components and high efficiency. Moreover, due to strict requirements of improved power quality at input AC mains several standards [1], [2] have been developed and are enforced on the consumers. However, power quality at AC mains can be improved using filters in existing installations but it increases cost, size, weight, and losses in the system. These problems can be avoided using newly developed single-stage improved power quality AC-DC converters with HF transformer isolation. They are also known as input current shapers, high power-factor single-stage converters, powerfactor correction (PFC) converters, universal input single-stage PFC isolated converters, etc. Moreover, this new breed of singlestage converters is being reported in new books [3]–[9], seminars, and many recent publications [10]–[19]. Therefore, it is considered relevant to present a comprehensive state of art on the improved power quality AC-DC converters with HF transformer isolation for the benefits of practice, application, and design engineers using them in wide varying applications ranging from few Watts to several kWs. This paper deals with an exhaustive review of IPQCs with HF transformer isolation. More than 150 publications are classified into nine major categories. The first category [1]–[19] is a general on power quality standards, texts, tutorials and comparative topology publications. Second to ninth categories publications include single-phase buck, boost and buck-boost AC-DC converters. The buck type converters are further classified to forward, push-pull, half-bridge and full-bridge configurations. The boost type converters are also classified in forward, push-pull, half-bridge, and full-bridge converter topologies. The buck-boost type converters are subclassified into flyback, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta converters. Total numbers of circuit topologies of these converters are divided into 12 categories. The designs of various IPQCs with HF transformer isolation and their validation through simulation are also presented in the paper to demonstrate the performance of various converters and strengthen the review of IPQCs. The paper is presented in ten sections including introduction and conclusion. The other sections include a state of art on these converters, their configurations, control strategies, components selection and design, performance evaluation, comparative features, 1551-3203/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE SINGH et al.: COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF SINGLE-PHASE AC-DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTED CONVERTERS WITH HF ISOLATION 541 potential applications, selection considerations for specific applications, latest trends, and future development. II. STATE-OF-THE-ART AC-DC converters employing HF transformer isolation are developed in wide power ratings from fraction of Watt to several kW to feed DC power in computer power supplies, UPS, battery chargers, induction heating, welding units, electronic ballasts, medical equipments, small rating ASDs in fans, compressors, and telecommunication applications. This family of power supplies is developed to improve power quality in terms of low value of THD and crest factor of input current, high power-factor, low EMI and RFI at AC mains and regulated, reduced ripple and stabilized DC output voltage under varying loads. These converters are explored in last decade in variety of control strategies [5], [6], magnetic [3], [4], [7], circuit integration [6], [7], ASIC developments [7], configurations [10], [12], [14]–[17], current conduction modes [13], electronic ballast and DC regulator applications [14], circuit and components count optimization [18], use of DSP and microcontrollers [19], enhanced reliability and high efficiency in buck, boost and buck-boost topologies with HF transformer isolation for voltage matching, multiple outputs, reduction in size, losses, weight, etc. A number of circuit configurations have been developed to meet specific requirements of large number of applications along with a high level of power quality at input AC mains and output DC loads. This section consists of sequence of development and status of these types of AC-DC converters technology integrating HF isolation. Because of excessive use of AC-DC converters in a number of applications, the power quality has become important to maintain clean power supply to the consumers. Depending upon the voltage levels, the AC mains voltage is converted into DC power to feed variety of loads through these single-phase isolated AC-DC converters, classified into three major categories, namely, single-phase buck, boost, and buck-boost configurations with improved power quality at input AC mains and output DC load. These AC-DC converters are developed using HF transformer isolation with single or multiple outputs in buck and boost categories, namely, forward, push-pull, half-bridge and full-bridge and in buck-boost configurations of flyback, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta types of converters. They are available in varying power from mW to several kW for the use in small instruments to telecommunication power supplies. Furthermore, the advancement in integrated magnetics technology employing several inductors and HF transformer into one core provides a compact, small size, low-cost and reduced component count, modular and efficient AC-DC converters for use in computers and other similar sectors. One of the important reasons for such tremendous development of these isolated AC-DC converters is the availability of HF (in the range of hundreds of kHz) solid-state switching device, namely, MOSETs [5] which have a high level of performance because of their high switching capability with almost negligible losses. However, in few applications specially designed BJT (bipolar junction transistor) and IGBTs (insulated Fig. 1. Classification of improved power quality single-phase AC-DC converters with HF transformer isolation. gate bipolar transistor) are used with reasonable switching frequency (in the range of tens kHz). Moreover, many manufacturers are developing dedicated power modules for the use in specific converters to reduce their losses, size, weight, and cost. Another set of important components required in these converters technology is sensing devices used in feedback current and voltage loops. Because of heavy cost constraints, a low-cost current and voltage sensors are preferred in these converters. A major reason for such development of these converters is fast growth in microelectronic devices. Due to high volume requirements, many manufacturers such as Unitrode, Analog Devices, Siemens, Fairchild, National Semiconductor, etc., have developed many dedicated ICs [6], [7], consequently, cost effective and compact closed-loop control circuitry of these converters with adequate speed and accuracy are obtained. There are a number of ASICs [7] available for dedicated applications. Moreover, due to the importance of enhancing the power quality, several standards [1], [2] are imposed on the users and manufacturers of these converters. A variety of instruments are available to measure the performance of AC input in terms of powerfactor (PF), crest factor (CF), total harmonic distortion (THD), harmonic spectrum, displacement factor, VA, VAR, W, energy consumed, at AC mains and voltage ripple, sag, surge, swell, notch, etc. These measuring instruments are known as power analyzers, power scopes, power monitors, spectrum analyzers, etc. III. CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONS HF transformer isolated single-phase IPQCs are classified on the basis of voltage levels at the input and output as buck, boost, and buck-boost topologies. Moreover, AC-DC buck and boost converters are categorized into forward, push-pull, halfbridge, and full-bridge configurations with HF transformer isolation. Similarly, buck-boost types of converters are also subclassified into flyback, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta converters mostly with single active device (MOSFET) to achieve HF transformer isolation. These converters are cascaded with basic diode bridge at input side used to convert single-phase AC voltage into DC feeding various kinds of loads resulting in total 12 basic circuit topologies. However, there are further several modifications in each converter to enhance their performance. Fig. 1 shows the classification of these HF transformer isolated single-phase IPQCs. 542 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 Fig. 2. Buck forward AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. Fig. 3. Buck push-pull AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. Fig. 4. Half-bridge buck AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. The improved power quality AC-DC converters fed from single-phase AC mains is classified into three major categories, namely, buck, boost, and buck-boost topologies. All these three types of converters are further classified into four types of configurations. Some of these converters are also known as (single-phase, single-stage converter and/or single-stage, single-switch converter). A. Buck AC-DC Converters The single-phase buck converters are subclassified into four types, namely, forward, push-pull, half-bridge, and full-bridge AC-DC converters. Normally, these are used in different power ratings starting from a forward converter in low power to fullbridge converter in high-power applications. Figs. 2–5 show the basic circuits of these four types of converters. 1) Buck Forward AC-DC Converter [20]–[35]: Fig. 2 shows the basic circuit configuration of this type of AC-DC converter. Fig. 5. Buck full-bridge AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. It employs a diode bridge rectifier to convert AC voltage into an uncontrolled DC output, which supplies a forward converter. It converts uncontrolled DC into controlled HF AC voltage to be fed to HF transformer used to isolate and match the required output voltage of the converter needed for a specific application. The HF AC is rectified using half-wave rectifier that provides better efficiency due to voltage drop of only one diode. During turnoff time, a third winding is used to return stored energy back to DC source, resulting in flux resetting in the HF transformer core. Normally, output DC voltage is controlled using its feedback into the controller [20], which adjusts the duty cycle of the device to any change in the system such as sudden change of the load or input AC voltage amplitude and/or frequency. Moreover, there are many variations of forward converter operation such as using two devices [24] or multiple outputs, continuous current mode (CCM) [27] and discontinuous current mode (DCM) [29] of operation, etc. The applications of these converters in battery charger from few watts to kW range [20], [29] have been reported in the literature. 2) Buck Push-Pull AC-DC Converter [36]–[49]: Fig. 3 shows a basic circuit of a buck push-pull AC-DC converter, which has push-pull configurations of both sides of HF center-taped transformer. A small value capacitor ( ) is used at intermediate DC bus to provide a developed voltage source type to the input of buck push-pull inverter [4], [5]. The turns ratio in the HF transformer employed for isolation is decided by the required voltage at DC output and available range of input voltage. An input HF - filter is used to eliminate EMI, RFI noise and switching frequency interference. There are also several circuit configurations [6], [7] of this type of converter with variations to further enhancing the power quality at input AC mains and output DC loads [46]. 3) Buck Half-Bridge AC-DC Converter [50]–[63]: A single-phase buck half-bridge AC-DC converter topology with the output push-pull rectifier is shown in Fig. 4. The half-bridge converts raw DC to HF AC to feed HF transformer used for isolation and voltage matching [4], [5] to the requirement of the DC load or HF fed AC load such as electronic ballasts and ) used in lighting sector. A set of two capacitors ( provides another AC terminal for this type of HF inverter which restricts its rating for low power applications. A number of techniques such as resonant soft switching circuits, ZVS/ZCS, etc., are used to improve the performance of these converters [6], [7]. Various combinations of passive filters with CCM and SINGH et al.: COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF SINGLE-PHASE AC-DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTED CONVERTERS WITH HF ISOLATION Fig. 6. Boost forward AC-DC converter with current multiplier control. 543 Fig. 8. Boost half-bridge AC-DC converter with current multiplier control. Fig. 9. Boost full-bridge AC-DC converter with current multiplier control. Fig. 7. Boost push-pull AC-DC converter with current multiplier control. DCM operation [58] have also been reported for power factor improvement. 4) Buck Full-Bridge AC-DC Converter [73]–[91]: Fig. 5 shows a typical circuit of a buck full-bridge converter. At the output of the diode rectifier, a small size - filter provides a DC voltage source to feed the HF bridge inverter to operate it as a buck converter [4], [5]. This configuration can have output bridge converter in high-power ratings. However, push-pull rectifier in output stage results in high efficiency due to reduced losses in only one diode conducting at any time. The bridge inverter can be controlled either unipolar or bipolar mode depending upon ease in control. However, the size of filter and transformer is lower for unipolar switching of bridge inverter [5]. This topology has been reported for UPS applications with soft switching [67] and ZVS/ZCS [69], etc. B. Boost AC-DC Converters These single-phase boost AC-DC converters shown in Figs. 6–9 are classified into four basic types of configurations, namely, forward, push-pull, half-bridge, and full-bridge HF transformer isolated AC-DC converters. If these topologies are fed from a DC current source and accordingly controlled in required manner then they operate as boost AC-DC converters [5]. It is a combination of a boost cell at input of these converters which may be an inductor of appropriate value to result in their behavior as boost converters, while still maintaining single-stage conversion with input current shaping feature for high-power quality at AC mains. 1) Boost Forward AC-DC Converter [20]–[35]: Fig. 6 shows a typical circuit of boost forward AC-DC converter, in which a boost cell and conventional forward DC-DC converter is combined without much additional components [21]. The boost cell is sharing three components (MOSFET, series diode, and capacitor ) with forward converter and the boost cell needs only an inductor ( ) with series diode resulting in reduction in component count, size, cost, and losses. Moreover, it needs small value of inductor ( ) and offers high level of power quality at input AC mains and DC output. Many variations of this converter such as with CCM/DCM [27], [29], [31], zero voltage switching (ZVS)/ zero current switching (ZCS) [32] and zero current transition [33] are available to improve its performance or to reduce the cost, size, and weight. 2) Boost Push-Pull AC-DC Converter [36]–[49]: Fig. 7 shows a basic circuit of boost push-pull AC-DC converter in which only a small value inductor ( ) is added in a conventional push-pull converter to function it as a boost converter [38]. The HF output of the transformer can be rectified to DC either using push-pull or bridge converter or may be used directly in some typical applications [4], [5]. It offers better utilization of HF transformer and thus is used in high-power ratings. This converter topology is also available with several variations such as flyback current fed [43], with ZVS/ZCS [48], active clamp and voltage doubler [49], etc. 544 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 3) Boost Half-Bridge AC-DC Converter [50]–[63]: Fig. 8 shows a basic topology of a single-phase boost half-bridge AC-DC converter, which has also used only an additional inductor ( ) of low value to provide a current source for boosting voltage level of conventional half-bridge DC-AC HF converter. In some applications of very low output DC voltage, it uses self-driven synchronous rectifier at output stage to enhance the efficiency of this converter [51]. Normally, this converter is operated in discontinuous current mode through input inductor for reducing harmonics of AC mains current and achieving high power factor. There are several circuit variations such as with symmetrical [53] and asymmetrical transformer [56], diagonal switches [59], and voltage doubler with ZVS/ZCS [54], [60] for PFC. Recently reported applications are in telecom power supplies [53], emergency lights [55], battery chargers [57], UPS [61], and PMBLDCM drives [62], [63]. 4) Boost Full-Bridge AC-DC Converter [64]–[79]: Fig. 9 shows one of circuits of single-phase boost full-bridge AC-DC converter. It almost does not need any additional component except placing an inductor in the input of MOSFET -bridge to operate it as a boost converter with modified control. For the boost operation, both devices of a leg (upper and lower switches) are made simultaneously, which provides a brief short circuit of input inductor ( ) to store energy and later to provide boosting feature required for power factor correction for its operation as a PFC boost converter. Here, both legs of MOSFETs are operated sequentially in this mode and provides boost PFC converter operation along with HF inversion required by isolating transformer. The output stage may use any rectifier configuration but diode-bridge is preferred for better utilization of HF transformer. Several circuit variations have been reported for this topology such as boost converter fed full-bridge [70], ZVS/ZCS with series/parallel resonant circuit [71] and with two series connected transformers [75]. This converter is normally used in high-power rating such as UPS [67], telecom power supplies [73], and PMBLDCM drives [76]. Fig. 10. Flyback AC-DC converter with current multiplier control. Fig. 11. Cuk AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. C. Buck-Boost AC-DC Converters These single-phase buck-boost AC-DC converters are further classified as flyback, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta HF transformer isolated AC-DC converters. They have some similarity as all of them use only single switching device (MOSFET) and offer buck-boost feature between input and output. They can be operated in discontinuous and continuous current modes. They also offer high-level of power quality with reduced number of sensors and can be implemented with integrated magnetics to provide reduced size, cost, and weight. The concept of input current shaping in single-stage conversion along with power factor correction and multiple regulated outputs is extensively employed in these converters to meet exact requirements of the number of applications. Figs. 10–13 show the basic circuits of these four types of single-phase buck-boost AC-DC converters. 1) Buck-Boost Flyback AC-DC Converters [80]–[101]: Fig. 10 shows a basic circuit of buck-boost flyback AC-DC converter, which employs a simple flyback DC-DC converter having HF transformer isolation for voltage matching, electrical safety, cost reduction, simple control with reduced sensors, etc. An input filter is quite important to improve the power Fig. 12. SEPIC AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. Fig. 13. Zeta AC-DC converter with voltage follower control. quality at AC mains. There are several circuit configurations of flyback converter and may have several DC outputs. These variations are on the basis of active clamp and charge control SINGH et al.: COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF SINGLE-PHASE AC-DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTED CONVERTERS WITH HF ISOLATION [81], quasi-resonant ZCS, resonant charge pump circuit [84], CCM/DCM operation [90], [101], and synchronous rectification [95]. Normally, DCM operation is used for improved power quality with simple control. This type of converter is very popular for low-power applications due to simple control and less component count. However, application in drives [93] has also been reported in the low-power range. 2) Buck-Boost Cuk AC-DC Converter [102]–[117]: Fig. 11 shows the basic circuit of a single-phase buck-boost Cuk AC-DC converter, which provides high level of power quality at AC mains and DC output. It has several features such as low-noise level, integrated magnetics having transformer and both inductors ( and ) on the same core, energy transfer through capacitors, etc. [102], [107]. Input current shaping is inherent in this converter in discontinuous current mode at constant frequency [108] and duty cycle decided by DC output voltage controller, thus, it is known as an ideal current shaper. The integrated magnetics in this converter offers very low switching current ripple, wide range of input and output voltage, small size, natural protection against inrush current, and high overall conversion efficiency [113]–[116]. 3) Buck-Boost SEPIC AC-DC Converter [118]–[140]: Fig. 12 shows a circuit configuration of single-phase Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) for AC-DC conversion with high level of power quality at input AC mains and DC outputs. This converter inherently incorporates input PFC stage with reduced components count and small size, resulting in high efficiency, high reliability, and high-power factor. It may have multiple outputs required in some applications with isolation and proper voltage regulation [118]. Its operation in CCM and DCM with proper design offers fast dynamic response, small size, and improved power quality of low value of input current CF, THD and high-power factor [128], [138]. 4) Buck-Boost Zeta AC-DC Converter [141]–[156]: Fig. 13 shows a circuit diagram of a Zeta converter for AC-DC conversion with improved power quality. This converter is the latest addition to this family of single-stage input current shapers. It also uses single switching device and inherently provides an inrush current, overload, and short circuit protections [142]. It has been reported for high-power applications such as telecom power supplies [151] and PMSM drives [152]. It can operate in CCM as well as DCM [153], [154], [156] with improved power quality at input AC mains. These converters are also called resistance emulators as they behave as a resistive load to input AC mains. IV. CONTROL APPROACHES Closed-loop control of output DC voltage of these isolated AC-DC converters is the essential requirement while maintaining high level of power quality at input AC mains is required in steady state as well as during transient operation. A large number of control schemes are reported of these AC-DC converters to meet these requirements along with fast dynamic response in different circuit configurations. However, the design of these converters is modified to simplify their control. Control schemes consist of two loops an inner fast current loop and an outer slow voltage loop. Current mode and voltage mode PWM are used. The latest is one of the modest and 545 simplest control scheme is PWM fixed frequency control. The closed-loop control of output DC voltage to desired value is achieved using proportional integral (PI) or proportional, integral and derivative (PID) or proportional derivative (PD) or sliding mode controllers. The output of this voltage controller is compared with saw tooth carrier wave to generate PWM signal for the gating of switching device (usually MOSFET) with proper isolation and amplification. This scheme can easily be used in the single switching device-based converters (forward, flyback, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta) when they are operated in discontinuous current mode of operation [13], [108], which inherently provides an input current shaping (ICS) and power-factor correction (PFC) in single-stage conversion. Usually, low-cost sensors such as opto-couplers operated in linear range, potential dividers, etc., are used for sensing DC voltage and small shunt, or extra small winding on an inductor or extra terminal on switching device (MOSFET and IGBT) or low-cost CT (current transducers) are used to sense current (if required). Because of heavy cost constraints, this type of controller is implemented into single integrated circuit (IC) to provide compact, reliable, and cost effective control of these converters. The control of these converters having more than one switching device is implemented using either low cost microcontrollers or dedicated DSPs or ASICs (specific application integrated circuits) depending upon the power rating, customer requirements, cost considerations, and the number of converter devices to be controlled. Sometimes inner current loops are also incorporated along with output voltage loop to provide fast dynamic response and inherent protection of the switching devices. In these converters, in addition to classical PI, PD, PID and SMC controllers, some new and advanced closed-loop controllers such as adaptive fuzzy logic, neural network-based controllers are also used to provide fast response, while maintaining the stability of the converter system over wide operating range. Moreover, because of heavy application potential of these converters, many manufacturers have developed dedicated ICs, namely, Unitrode (UC series of ICs such as UC-3854), Motorola (MC series such as MC-34261), Analog Devices (ADMC-401), Siemens (TDA-16888), Texas (TMS320F24X), Microchip (dsPIC 30F), Fairchild (ML 4425), etc., for the control of these converters. V. COMPONENTS SELECTIONS AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The selection of components for these isolated AC-DC converters is very important to obtain a high-level of power quality at input AC mains and DC outputs. These HF isolated AC-DC converters consist of input diode bridge with EMI filter, HF DC-AC converter to feed HF transformer with input cell such as boost cell, output AC-DC converters with filters, resonating circuits for soft switching, snubbers and other protective devices, sensors used for feedback and closed-loop controllers. The converters in different stages normally use diodes and switching device, which is normally MOSFETs. In some cases, a specially designed HF bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used as switching device in low cost and medium to high-power rating converters. In the 546 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 case of low voltage output DC power supplies, low voltage drop synchronous rectifiers are employed at the last stage to reduce voltage drop across the diodes and therefore to achieve high efficiency of the system. Because of heavy volume requirement, many manufacturers are offering diode-bridge along with switching devices, protection and sometimes gating circuits in the form of power module and intelligent power module (IPMs) of complete converters. These specially designed IPMs provide compactness, cost reduction, reduced noise, high efficiency, small size, and lightweight of these AC-DC converters. The HF transformer used for isolation and voltage matching is an essential and main component of these AC-DC converters. The use of high switching frequency reduces the size, cost, weight, losses of this transformer, which substantially affects the performance, and cost of these converters. The evolution of new and improved magnetic materials for core, better conducting material with special wire configuration such as Litz wire and high grade insulating materials, has revolutionized the packaging of such HF types of converters. The concept of integration of magnetics such as several required inductors in the same core of the HF transformers has resulted in reduction in cost, size, and weight. Some of the important components are the energy storage elements such as capacitors, inductors and other devices required in filters, boost cells, resonating circuits, snubbers and other protective devices. There are requirements of different types of capacitors such as HF and DC capacitors to be used in filters resonating circuits snubbers, etc. Similarly, different types of inductors are required such as HF, power frequency, and DC excitation even for single converter, which are made in different forms of cores such as ferrite, amorphous, air core, etc. Moreover, their values, size, and cost play an important role in the operation of these converters to offer high level of performance. Another major design consideration is the layout of these components to reduce noise level, proper operation, and compact size. Special manufacturing techniques are used to optimize packaging and integration of all these components of a converter. Since these converters are used in a wide variety of applications, they may be one part of the total system; therefore they are to be integrated in limited space of the equipment. It may be a power supply of a computer, which has many DC outputs, and its control is to be supervised by the computer itself. Similarly, it may be an input AC-DC converter for variable frequency AC motor drives to be used in small rating fans, pumps, compressors, refrigerators, etc. It may be part of UPS, telecommutation power supplies or battery chargers, to be integrated with remaining system to offer compact, high-power density, lightweight, efficient and reduced cost of complete system. VI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Single-phase improved power quality HF transformer isolated AC–DC converters are designed for operation in continuous current mode (CCM) and discontinuous current mode (DCM) with current multiplier and voltage follower approaches, respectively. The modeling and simulation of these TABLE I DESIGN EQUATIONS OF ISOLATED PFC TOPOLOGIES IN CCM AND DCM topologies have been carried out in MATLAB-SIMULINK environment. The design equations and performance parameters of these AC–DC converters in terms of power quality indices are given in Tables I–III. The minimum value of inductance for operating these AC-DC converters in DCM is given by equations in Table I. The simulations are carried out for a 48 V SINGH et al.: COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF SINGLE-PHASE AC-DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTED CONVERTERS WITH HF ISOLATION 547 TABLE II POWER QUALITY PARAMETERS OF ISOLATED PFC TOPOLOGIES IN CCM (AT 48 V DC 100 W LOAD) TABLE III POWER QUALITY PARAMETERS OF ISOLATED PFC TOPOLOGIES IN DCM (AT 48 V DC 100 W LOAD) DC power supply having 100 W load with single-phase input supply voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz having 3% source impedance. The design values of the components obtained from the design equations given in Table I are optimized iteratively to have desired power quality. These component values have been given in Tables II and III along with other control parameters. The power quality indices such as total harmonic distortion of AC mains current (THDi), distortion factor (DF), displacement power factor (DPF), power factor (PF), crest factor (CF), and ) are compared at full-load and output voltage ripple ( given in Tables II and III. The input current waveform for these converters along with their harmonic spectrum, and THD are shown in Figs. 14–19 for comparison. It can be seen that the input current in these converters meets IEC-61000-3-2 standard requirements. These converter topologies are evaluated for the load perturbation (i.e., load application and load removal) from 20% to 100% load and vice versa. The results obtained are summarized in Tables IV and V. Moreover, the transient responses of a few topologies are shown in Figs. 20 and 21. It is observed that most of the topologies show overshoot and undershoot of DC link voltage ( ) within the designed value (5% of ) with fast tracking of the reference DC link voltage. 548 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 Fig. 14. Current waveforms and its THD for buck AC-DC converter topologies in CCM. (a) Forward buck topology (Fig. 2).( b) Push-pull buck topology (Fig. 3). (c) Half-bridge buck topology (Fig. 4). (d) Bridge buck topology (Fig. 5). Fig. 16. Current waveforms and its THD for buck-boost AC-DC converter topologies in CCM. (a) Flyback topology (Fig. 10). (b) Cuk topology (Fig. 11). (c) SEPIC topology (Fig. 12). (d) Zeta topology (Fig. 13). Fig. 15. Current waveforms and its THD for boost AC-DC converter topologies in CCM. (a) Forward boost topology (Fig. 6). (b) Push-pull boost topology (Fig. 7). (c) Half-bridge boost topology (Fig. 8). (d) Bridge boost topology (Fig. 9). Fig. 17. Current waveforms and its THD for buck AC-DC converter topologies in DCM. (a) Forward buck topology (Fig. 2). (b) Push-pull buck topology (Fig. 3). (c) Half-bridge buck topology (Fig. 4). (d) Bridge buck topology (Fig. 5). VII. COMPARISON OF PFC CONVERTER TOPOLOGIES device rating, power density and cost of the circuit, which shall be helpful in the selection of an appropriate PFC converter topology for a particular application. The voltage and current ratings are given in per unit (PU) with rated input voltage The performance comparison of the isolated AC/DC PFC converters is presented in Tables III–V, on the basis of some additional parameters such as voltage ripple, transient response, SINGH et al.: COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF SINGLE-PHASE AC-DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTED CONVERTERS WITH HF ISOLATION Fig. 18. Current waveforms and its THD for boost AC-DC converter topologies in DCM. (a) Forward boost topology (Fig. 6). (b) Push-pull boost topology (Fig. 7). (c) Half-bridge boost topology (Fig. 8). (d) Bridge boost topology (Fig. 9). 549 The single switch topologies can be preferred in sequence of flyback, Zeta, Ćuk, and SEPIC converter. Because Zeta and flyback converter topologies provide additional protection against over current and inrush current as compared to Ćuk and SEPIC converter topologies. Moreover, the flyback converter topology requires only a capacitor as an output filter and the Ćuk converter topology requires smaller core, and has lower core and copper losses. The selection criteria for various converter topologies are enumerated in the next section. In hardware implementation, the power factor of 0.99 is achievable in many cases [20], [29], [93], [113], [115], [152], however, the line regulation and load regulation depends on the turns ratio of HF transformer and gains of PFC controller. Moreover, the current multiplier control in CCM operation is more stable during step change in the load as compared to the voltage follower control in DCM operation. The control and protection circuit layouts play major role in EMI and noise suppression, where as processor speed, sampling frequency of the sensed variables have bearing on the rise time, and response time of the controller. The turn on time of the PFC switch depends on the delay in the isolation circuit between the processor and power circuit. Inductors for HF circuits usually have gapped core or multiple toroidal cores connected in parallel to avoid the saturation during transient conditions. The push-pull and half-bridge (two-switch) converters have equal switching losses as compared to single switch converters, e.g., flyback, Cuk SEPIC, and Zeta converters because only one switch operates at a time, however, they can be used for highpower applications with cost of additional switch and associated circuitry. in half-bridge Moreover, the switch voltage stress is converter as compared to in push-pull converter. The full-bridge converter has same switch voltage stress and the transformer size as half-bridge converter for double power processing capability. VIII. SELECTION CRITERIA AND POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS Fig. 19. Current waveforms and its THD for buck-boost AC-DC converter topologies in DCM. (a) Flyback topology (Fig. 10). (b) Cuk topology (Fig. 11). (c) SEPIC topology (Fig. 12). (d) Zeta topology (Fig. 13). (220 V) and rated load current (2.1 A) as base values. It is observed that the cost increases with increase of passive and active components and their power rating. Selection of right converter for specific application is an important task for the users. The following are the few criteria to be considered in the selection of appropriate topology of the converter for a particular application. — Rating (W, kW, etc.). — Level of input power quality (PF, CF, THD, etc.). — Level of power quality at DC output (voltage ripple, regulation, sag, swell, etc.). — Type of load (linear, nonlinear, constant, variable). — Type of output voltage (constant, variable, etc.). — Number of outputs (single, multiple). — Cost. — Size. — Weight. — Efficiency. — Noise level (EMI, RFI, etc.). — Reliability. — Nature of output (buck, boost, buck-boost). — Environmental factors (ambient temperature, types of cooling, altitude, pollution level, humidity, etc.). 550 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 TABLE IV COMPARISON OF PFC TOPOLOGIES WITH CURRENT MULTIPLIER CONTROL IN CCM (V = 48 V, I = 2 08 A) TABLE V COMPARISON OF PFC TOPOLOGIES WITH VOLTAGE FOLLOWER CONTROL IN DCM (V = 48 V, I = 2 08 A) In addition to these criteria, there are a number of other factors such as magnetic materials, switching frequency, type of solidstate device, etc., to be considered in selection of most suitable converter for a particular application. These HF transformer isolated improved quality AC-DC converters are finding widespread applications due to their numerous advantages of high efficiency, small size, low cost, and compactness apart from a high level of power quality at input AC mains and DC outputs. Some of major applications are power supplies in information technology equipments such as : : personal computers, laptop computers, work stations, printers, scanners, fax machines, cordless phones, mobile phones, copiers, power supplies in telecommunication systems, battery chargers, UPS, etc. These converters are also used in measuring and testing instruments, medical equipments, induction heaters, lighting industries with electronic ballasts for various kinds of bulbs, welding units, microwave heating, dielectric heating, small ovens, small rating adjustable speed drives (ASDs) in refrigeration, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), small boiler feed pumps, fans, compressors, domestic appli- SINGH et al.: COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF SINGLE-PHASE AC-DC POWER FACTOR CORRECTED CONVERTERS WITH HF ISOLATION 551 IX. LATEST TRENDS AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Fig. 20. Transient and steady-state response of push-pull boost AC-DC converter topology. (a) Push-pull boost PFC converter under CCM operation. (b) Push-pull boost PFC converter under DCM operation. Fig. 21. Transient and steady-state response of SEPIC AC-DC converter topology. (a) Under CCM operation of PFC converter. (b) Under DCM operation of PFC converter. ances such as washing machines, etc. Moreover, because of highly efficient AC-DC conversion with new configurations and control approaches, these converters are considered as potential power processors in newer applications that are developed day by day in the near future. The HF transformer isolated AC-DC converters have been developed to a reasonably matured level and are extensively used in fraction of Watt to several kWs rating in power supplies, ASDs, etc. Apart from it, there are newer developments in these converters for improving their performance in terms of high level of power quality, high efficiency, and compact size. One of the new trends is soft switching technology to reduce the switching losses, which permits these converters to operate at further high switching frequency to improve dynamic response and to reduce the size of transformers and filter components by operating at higher frequency. The magnetic integration is used to integrate magnetic components in one single core and therefore to help in using higher flux density material. Another important trend is the sensor reduction, which has revolutionized these converters to reduce cost, component count and enhanced reliability. Some of these converters are having simple control and new control concepts, which further reduce the requirements of sensors and inherently provide power factor correction without any sensor on AC mains. Development of dedicated specific application integrated circuits (ASICs) for the control of these converters has reduced the size, cost and is increasing their applications in the new fields. Advancement in solid-state devices towards low conduction losses and switching losses, improved gating requirements is providing a real boost to the applications of these AC-DC converters especially in low voltage DC power supplies and HF equipments. The module development through circuit components integration is resulting in cost and size reduction and improvement in their efficiency. Development of improved magnetic materials with reduced losses is considered a real hope to allow the use of HF resulting in further reduction in size of transformers required for isolation. Indirect sensing, improved gate drive and protective features integration in intelligent power module (IPM) are expected to have a new direction in the development of these AC-DC converters. Development of dedicated processors and new ASICs are also a big hope in the near future to reduce the size, cost and intelligent control, compactness, high reliability, and high efficiency of these AC-DC converters. Soft switching technology is also expected to improve thermal design; to reduce size and enhancing the efficiency of the HF isolated AC-DC converters. The evolution of new circuit configurations in this technology is considered to further widespread use of them in other additional future applications. The chip size integration of some of these converters especially in small power rating is expected to revolutionize these HF isolated AC-DC converters. The control schemes for these converters are implemented using digital signal processors (DSPs) or low-cost advanced microcontrollers known as digital signal controllers (DSCs). Typical examples of such controllers are TI-2812 (Texas Instruments) and dsPIC 30F6010 (Microchip). The dsPIC 30F6010 is a specifically designed DSC for the power electronics applications with a 10 bit analog to digital converter (ADC), Hall-effect sensor/encoder sense terminals, eight channels for PWM and high current sink/source, input/output (I/O: 25 mA/25 mA) ports. The selection of these digital controllers depend upon the 552 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 type of application, total cost of the system, number of PWM channels required, desired number of input and output ports, accuracy level, and operating frequency. For PFC operation, the switch selected is mostly MOSFET due to HF operation typically above 40 kHz. However, care must be taken for the isolation of the control circuit and power circuits. These converters for PFC applications have resulted in very high efficiency for their operation in various applications as reported in the literature [1]–[156]. Typical efficiency range reported in the literature is 75%–80% for forward buck converters [23], 75%–90% for forward boost converters [31]. Push-pull buck converter operates in the efficiency range of 85%–90%, whereas push-pull boost is reported to have more than 95% efficiency [49]. Half-bridge buck and boost converters result in 80%–90% efficiency [61], however, full-bridge buck converter offers 85%–95% efficiency [77] and full-bridge boost converter results in 75%–95% [78], [79]. The buck-boost converters usually operate in efficiency range of 90%–95%, however, typical efficiency reported for flyback converter is around 91.3% [95], 95.2% for Cuk converter [109], 91.5% for SEPIC converter [137], and 85%–94% for zeta converter [151]. There may be further improvements in the efficiency of these converters owing to the further research. X. CONCLUSION A comprehensive review of the improved power quality HF transformer isolated AC-DC converters has been made to present a detailed exposure on their various topologies and its design to the application engineers, manufacturers, users and researchers. A detailed classification of these AC-DC converters into 12 categories with number of circuits and concepts has been carried out to provide easy selection of proper topology for a specific application. These AC-DC converters provide a high level of power quality at AC mains and well regulated, ripple free isolated DC outputs. Moreover, these converters have been found to operate very satisfactorily with very wide AC mains voltage and frequency variations resulting in a concept of universal input. The new developments in device technology, integrated magnetics and microelectronics are expected to provide a tremendous boost for these AC-DC converters in exploring number of additional applications. It is hoped that this exhaustive design and simulation of these HF transformer isolated AC-DC converters is expected to be a timely reference to manufacturers, designers, researchers, and application engineers working in the area of power supplies. REFERENCES [1] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonics Control in Electric Power Systems, IEEE Standard 519, 1992. [2] Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 3: Limits- Section 2: Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions (equipment input current 16 A per phase), IEC1000-3-2 Document, 1st ed., 1995. [3] A. I. Pressman, Switching Power Supply Design, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998. [4] K. Billings, Switchmode Power Supply Handbook, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. [5] N. Mohan, T. Udeland, and W. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, 2002. [6] J. C. Bennett, Practical Computer Analysis of Switched Mode Power Supplies. New York: CRC Press, 2006. < [7] M. Brown, N. 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(electrical) degree from the University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India, in 1977, and the M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 1979 and 1983, respectively. In 1983, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Roorkee, as a Lecturer, and in 1988 became a Reader. In December 1990, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, as an Assistant Professor, where he became an Associate Professor in 1994 and Professor in 1997. Since September 2007, he has been ABB Chair Professor at IIT Delhi. He has guided 35 Ph.D. dissertations, 120 M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(R) theses, and 60 BE/B.Tech. Projects. His fields of interest include power electronics, electrical machines, electric drives, renewable energy generation, power quality, Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems. Dr. Singh is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (FNAE), The National Academy of Science, India (FNASc), the Institution of Engineers (India) (FIE), and the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (FIETE), a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), System Society of India (SSI), and the National Institution of Quality and Reliability (NIQR). He has received the Khosla Research Prize of the University of Roorkee in 1991. He is a recipient of the J. C. Bose and Bimal K Bose awards from The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) for his contribution in the field of power electronics. He is also a recipient of the Maharashtra State National Award of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) in recognition of his outstanding research work in the area of power quality. He has received the PES Delhi Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2006. He has been the General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES’2006) held in New Delhi. Sanjeev Singh (S’09–M’11) was born in Deoria, India, in 1972. He received the B.E. (electrical) degree from Awadhesh Pratap Singh University (APSU), Rewa, India, in 1993, the M.Tech degree from Devi Ahilya University (DAVV), Indore, India, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, in 2011. He joined the North India Technical Consultancy Organization, Chandigarh, as a Project Officer, in 1997, and in 2000, he joined the Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur, Punjab, as Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. His area of interest includes power electronics, electrical machines and drives, energy efficiency and power quality. Dr. Singh is a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education (LMISTE), the System Society of India (LMSSI), and the Institution of Engineers (India) (LMIE). 556 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, VOL. 7, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2011 Ambrish Chandra (SM’99) received B.E. degree from the University of Roorkee (presently IIT), Roorkee, India, the M.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, in 1977, 1980, and 1987, respectively. He worked as a Lecturer and later as a Reader at the University of Roorkee. Since 1994, he has been working as a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure, Universié du Québec, Montréal, Canada. His main research interests are power quality, active filters, static reactive power compensation, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), and control and integration of renewable energy resources. Dr. Chandra is a Professional Engineer in Quebec, Canada. Kamal Al-Haddad (S’82–M’88–SM’92–F’07) was born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1954. He received the B.Sc.A. and M.Sc.A. degrees from the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institut National Polythechnique, Toulouse, France, in 1988. From June 1987 to June 1990, he was a Professor with the Department of Engineering, Université du Québec à Trois Rivières. Since June 1990, he has been a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS), Montreal, QC, where he has been the holder of the Canada Research Chair in Electric Energy Conversion and Power Electronics since 2002. He has supervised more than 70 Ph.D. and M.Sc.A. students working in the field of power electronics. He was the Director of graduate study programs at the ETS from 1992 to 2003. He is a Consultant and has established a very solid link with many Canadian industries working in the field of power electronics, electric transportation, aeronautics, and telecommunications. He is the Chief of ETS-Bombardier Transportation North America division, a joint industrial research laboratory on electric traction system and power electronics. He is the coauthor of the Power System Blockset Software of Matlab. He has coauthored more than 300 transactions and conference papers. His fields of interest are in high efficient static power converters, harmonics and reactive power control using hybrid filters, switch mode and resonant converters including the modeling, control, and development of prototypes for various industrial applications in electric traction, power supply for drives, telecommunication, etc. Prof. Al-Haddad received the Outstanding Researcher Award from ETS in 2000. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Life Member of the Circle of Excellence of the University of Quebec. He is active in the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, where he is Vice President for Technical Activities, an AdCom Member and serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS.