2152 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 A Combination of Shunt Hybrid Power Filter and Thyristor-Controlled Reactor for Power Quality Salem Rahmani, Abdelhamid Hamadi, Student Member, IEEE, Kamal Al-Haddad, Fellow, IEEE, and Louis A. Dessaint, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—This paper proposes a combined system of a thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) and a shunt hybrid power filter (SHPF) for harmonic and reactive power compensation. The SHPF is the combination of a small-rating active power filter (APF) and a fifth-harmonic-tuned LC passive filter. The tuned passive filter and the TCR form a shunt passive filter (SPF) to compensate reactive power. The small-rating APF is used to improve the filtering characteristics of SPF and to suppress the possibility of resonance between the SPF and line inductances. A proportional–integral controller was used, and a triggering alpha was extracted using a lookup table to control the TCR. A nonlinear control of APF was developed for current tracking and voltage regulation. The latter is based on a decoupled control strategy, which considers that the controlled system may be divided into an inner fast loop and an outer slow one. Thus, an exact linearization control was applied to the inner loop, and a nonlinear feedback control law was used for the outer voltage loop. Integral compensators were added in both current and voltage loops in order to eliminate the steady-state errors due to system parameter uncertainty. The simulation and experimental results are found to be quite satisfactory to mitigate harmonic distortions and reactive power compensation. Index Terms—Harmonic suppression, hybrid power filter, modeling, nonlinear control, reactive power compensation, shunt hybrid power filter and thyristor-controlled reactor (SHPF-TCR compensator), thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR). I. I NTRODUCTION N ONLINEAR loads cause significant harmonic currents with poor input power factor (PF), which create serious problems at the power supply system. Traditionally, passive Manuscript received May 4, 2012; revised September 7, 2012, December 30, 2012, and March 21, 2013; accepted May 11, 2013. Date of publication July 10, 2013; date of current version October 18, 2013. This work was supported in part by the Canada Research Chair in Energy Conversion and Power Electronics at the École de Technologie Supérieure, by the Fonds de Recherche du QuebecNature et Technologie (FRQNT), and by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. A. Hamadi and K. Al-Haddad are with the Canada Research Chair in Electric Energy Conversion and Power Electronics, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada (e-mail: abdelhamidhamadi@yahoo.fr; kama. al-haddadl@ele.etsmtl.ca). S. Rahmani is with the Canada Research Chair in Electric Energy Conversion and Power Electronics, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada, and also with the Electrical Engineering Department, High Institute of Medical Technologies of Tunis, University of Tunis El-Manar, Tunisia (e-mail: rsalem02@yahoo.fr). L. A. Dessaint is with the Electrical Engineering Department, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, QC H3C 1K3, Canada (e-mail: dessaint@ ele.etsmtl.ca). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2013.2272271 filters have been used to eliminate current harmonics of the supply network. However, these devices suffer from resonance. Recently, thyristor-switched filters (TSFs), which contain several groups of passive filters, have been used to compensate reactive power [1]. The compensation amount of TSFs can be adjusted with the variation of load power [2]. However, the parallel and the series resonance could occur between TSF and grid impedance. Active filters were developed to mitigate problems of passive filters [3]–[5]. They are more effective in harmonic compensation and have good performance [6]–[8]. However, the costs of active filters are relatively high for largescale system and require high power converter ratings [9], [10]. Hybrid filters effectively soften the problems of the passive filter and an active filter solution and provide cost-effective harmonic compensation, particularly for high-power nonlinear loads [11]–[14]. Many control techniques such as instantaneous reactive power theory, synchronous rotating reference frame, sliding-mode controllers, neural network techniques, nonlinear control [15], feedforward control [16], Lyapunovfunction-based control [17], etc., have been used to improve the performance of the active and hybrid filters. Several filter topologies for compensating harmonics and reactive power have been reported in the literature [18]–[21]. In [18], a multiconverter conditioner topology formed by an active conditioner operating in parallel with a hybrid conditioner has been proposed. The hybrid conditioner consists of one or more passive filters in series with a low-rated active power filter (APF). The conditioner compensates harmonic distortion, imbalance, and reactive power in three-phase four-wire systems. This topology constitutes an effective solution at high-power levels, which is cost-effective because of the kilovoltampere rating reduction of the inverters. A hybrid configuration based on the combination of a three-phase three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter and a series connection of a three-level H-bridge inverter with a novel control scheme to control the floating voltage source of the H-bridge stage has been presented in [19]. In this topology, the NPC inverter is used to supply the total active power while the H-bridges operate as series active filters for the harmonic compensation of the NPC output voltage. The rating of the series active filter is reduced because the latter provides only the reactive power for the operation of the floating capacitor. In [20], a combination of a thyristorcontrolled reactor (TCR) and a resonant impedance-type hybrid APF for harmonic cancellation, load balancing, and reactive power compensation has been proposed. The control strategy 0278-0046 © 2013 IEEE Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir RAHMANI et al.: COMBINATION OF SHUNT HYBRID POWER FILTER AND TCR FOR POWER QUALITY of the system is based on the voltage vector transformation for compensating the negative-sequence current caused by the unbalance load without using phase-locked loops. A predictive current controller based on the Smith predictor is proposed to compensate the generalized current delay. A combined system of a static var compensator (SVC) and a small-rated APF for harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation has been reported in [21]. The SVC consists of a Y-connected passive power filter and a delta-connected TCR. The APF is used to eliminate harmonic currents and to avoid resonance between the passive power filters and the grid impedance. In this paper, a new combination of a shunt hybrid power filter (SHPF) and a TCR (SHPF-TCR compensator) is proposed to suppress current harmonics and compensate the reactive power generated from the load. The hybrid filter consists of a series connection of a small-rated active filter and a fifth-tuned LC passive filter. In the proposed topology, the major part of the compensation is supported by the passive filter and the TCR while the APF is meant to improve the filtering characteristics and damps the resonance, which can occur between the passive filter, the TCR, and the source impedance. The shunt APF when used alone suffers from the high kilovoltampere rating of the inverter, which requires a lot of energy stored at high dc-link voltage. On the other hand, as published by some authors [15], the standard hybrid power filter is unable to compensate the reactive power because of the behavior of the passive filter. Hence, the proposed combination of SHPF and TCR compensates for unwanted reactive power and harmonic currents. In addition, it reduces significantly the voltampere rating of the APF part. The control method of the combined compensator is presented. A control technique is proposed to improve the dynamic response and decrease the steady-state error of the TCR. It consists of a PI controller and a lookup table to extract the required firing angle to compensate a reactive power consumed by the load. A nonlinear control of SHPF is developed for current tracking and voltage regulation purposes. It is based on a decoupled control strategy, which considers that the controlled system may be divided into an inner fast loop and an outer slow one. The currents injected by the SHPF are controlled in the synchronous orthogonal dq frame using a decoupled feedback linearization control method. The dc bus voltage is regulated using an output feedback linearization control. The SHPF can maintain the low level of dc bus voltage at a stable value below 50 V. The proposed nonlinear control scheme has been simulated and validated experimentally to compute the performance of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator with harmonic and reactive power compensation and analysis through the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the source and the load current. The proposed methodology is tested for a wide range of loads as discussed further. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed topology is suitable for harmonic suppression and reactive compensation. of a three-phase full-bridge voltage-source pusle width modulation (PWM) inverter with an input boost inductor (Lpf , Rpf ) and a dc bus capacitor (Cdc ). The APF sustains very low fundamental voltages and currents of the power grid, and thus, its rated capacity is greatly reduced. Because of these merits, the presented combined topology is very appropriate in compensating reactive power and eliminating harmonic currents in power system. The tuned passive filter in parallel with TCR forms a shunt passive filter (SPF). This latter is mainly for fifthharmonic compensation and PF correction. The small-rating APF is used to filter harmonics generated by the load and the TCR by enhancing the compensation characteristics of the SPF aside from eliminating the risk of resonance between the grid and the SPF. The TCR goal is to obtain a regulation of reactive power. The set of the load is a combination of a threephase diode rectifier and a three-phase star-connected resistive inductive linear load. III. M ODELING AND C ONTROL S TRATEGY A. Modeling of SHPF The system equations are first elaborated in 123 reference frame. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, one can write dic1 + RPF ic1 + vCPF1 + v1M + vMN dt dic2 + RPF ic2 + vCPF2 + v2M + vMN vs2 = LPF dt dic3 + RPF ic3 + vCPF3 + v3M + vMN vs3 = LPF dt dic1 d2 vCPF1 − CPF LT vCPF1 = LT dt dt2 dic2 d2 vCPF2 − CPF LT vCPF2 = LT dt dt2 dic3 d2 vCPF3 − CPF LT vCPF3 = LT dt dt2 1 dvdc = idc . (1) dt Cdc vs1 = LPF The switching function ck of the kth leg of the converter (for k = 1, 2, 3) is defined as 1, if Sk is On and Sk is Off (2) ck = 0, if Sk is Off and Sk is On. A switching state function dnk is defined as 3 1 cm . dnk = ck − 3 m=1 Fig. 1 shows the topology of the proposed combined SHPF and TCR. The SHPF consists of a small-rating APF connected in series with a fifth-tuned LC passive filter. The APF consists (3) n Moreover, the absence of the zero sequence in the ac currents and voltages and in the [dnk ] functions leads to the following transformed model in the three-phase coordinates [15]: dic1 dt dic2 LPF dt dic3 LPF dt vdc dvdc + Cdc dt Rdc LPF II. S YSTEM C ONFIGURATION OF SHPF-TCR C OMPENSATOR 2153 = − RPF ic1 − dn1 vdc − vCPF1 + vs1 = − RPF ic2 − dn2 vdc − vCPF2 + vs2 = − RPF ic3 − dn3 vdc − vCPF3 + vs3 = dn1 ic1 + dn2 ic2 + dn3 ic3 . (4) 2154 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 Fig. 1. Basic circuit of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator. The system of (4) is transformed into the synchronous orthogonal frame using the following general transformation matrix: 2 cos θ cos(θ − 2π/3) cos(θ − 4π/3) 123 Cdq = 3 − sin θ − sin(θ − 2π/3) − sin(θ − 4π/3) (5) dq = where θ = ωt and the following equalities hold: C123 123 −1 123 T (Cdq ) = (Cdq ) . Then, by applying dq transformation, the state space model of the system in the synchronous reference frame is given in the Appendix by (26). This model is nonlinear because of the existence of multiplication terms between the state variables {id , iq , Vdc } and the switching state function {dnd , dnq }. However, the model is time invariant during a given switching state. Furthermore, the principle of operation of the SHPF requires that the three state variables have to be controlled independently. The interaction between the inner current loop and the outer dc bus voltage loop can be avoided by adequately separating their respective dynamics. B. Harmonic Current Control A fast inner current loop, and a slow outer dc voltage loop, is adopted. The first two equations in the model can be written as shown in the Appendix by (27). Note that the first and the RAHMANI et al.: COMBINATION OF SHUNT HYBRID POWER FILTER AND TCR FOR POWER QUALITY 2155 Fig. 3. Compensated voltage regulated model. Fig. 2. Inner control loop of the current id . second time derivative TCR capacitor voltages have no significant negative impact on the performance of the proposed control technique because their coefficients are too low. Consequently, they can practically be ignored. Define the equivalent inputs by (28) as given in the Appendix. Thus, with this transformation, the decoupled dynamics of the current tracking is obtained. The currents id and iq can be controlled independently. Furthermore, by using proportional integral compensation, a fast dynamic response and zero steady-state errors can be achieved. The expressions of the tracking controllers are did ud = LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT dt 2 C L ω )i + RPF (1 − PF T d = kp ĩd + ki ĩd dt diq uq = LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT dt − CPF LT ω 2 )iq + RPF (1 = kp ĩq + ki ĩq dt where ĩd = i∗d − id and ĩq = i∗q − iq are current errors and i∗d and i∗q denote the reference signals of id and iq , respectively. The transfer function of the proportional–integral controllers is given as ki1 s ki2 . s C. DC Bus Voltage Regulation In order to maintain the dc bus voltage level at a desired value, acting on iq can compensate the losses through the hybrid power filter components. The output of the controller is added to the q-component current reference iq as shown in Fig. 4. The third equation in the model (6) is rewritten vdc dvdc + = dnq iq . dt Rdc The three-phase filter currents are given by ⎡ ⎤ ⎤ ⎡ −sin θ ic1 2 2π ⎣ ic2 ⎦ = iq ⎣ − sin θ − 3 ⎦ . 3 ic3 − sin θ − 2π 3 (7) i2 where A = LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT and B = RPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ). The closed-loop transfer functions of the current loops have the following form: s + ω2ζni Id (s) = 2ζω ni 2 2 Id∗ (s) s + 2ζωni s + ωni (9) where ωni is the outer loop natural angular frequency and ζ is the damping factor. For the optimal value of the damping factor (10) (11) The fundamental filter rms current Ic is iq Ic = √ . 3 The inner control loop of the current id is shown in Fig. 2. The closed-loop transfer functions of the current loops are ki1 s + kp1 Id (s) kp1 = Id∗ (s) A s2 + B+kp1 s + k i1 A ki2 s + kp2 Iq (s) kp2 = (8) Iq∗ (s) A s2 + B+kp2 s + k A The control law is given in the Appendix by (29) and (30). Note that the inputs qnd and qnq consist of a nonlinearity cancellation part and a linear decoupling compensation part. Cdc (6) Ud (s) Gi1 (s) = = kp1 + ĩd (s) Uq (s) Gi2 (s) = = kp2 + ĩq (s) √ ζ = 2/2, the theoretical overshoot is 20.79%. The following design relations can be derived: kp1 = kp2 = 2ζωni LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT − RPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) 2 ki1 = ki2 = (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT )ωni . (12) The q-axis active filter voltage vMq is expressed as vMq = qnq vdc = −ZPF1 i∗q1 (13) where ZPF1 is the impedance of the passive filter at 60 Hz and i∗q1 is a dc component. An equivalent input udc is defined as udc = qnq iq . The control effort of the dc voltage loop is deduced vdc udc . i∗q1 = −ZPF1 iq (14) (15) The dc component will force the SHPF-TCR compensator to generate or to draw a current at the fundamental frequency. ∗ To regulate the dc voltage vdc , the error ṽdc = vdc − vdc is passed through a PI-type controller given by (16) udc = k1 ṽdc + k2 ṽdc dt. Fig. 3 illustrates the outer control loop of the dc bus voltage. 2156 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 Fig. 4. Control scheme of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator. The response of the dc bus voltage loop is a second-order transfer function and has the following form: s + ω2ζnv Vdc (s) = 2ζω . nv ∗ (s) 2 Vdc s2 + 2ζωnv s + ωnv (17) The closed-loop transfer function of dc bus voltage regulation is given as follows: √ Vdc (s) ∗ (s) = Vdc 3ZPF1 kp Ic s+ V dc Cdc √ 3Z kp Ic s2 + V PF1 s dc Cdc Fig. 5. √ 3ZPF1 ki Ic V dc Cdc √ PF1 ki Ic + 3Z V dc Cdc TCR equivalent circuit. (18) where V dc is the average value of the dc voltage which is equal to 50 V. The proportional k1 and integral k2√ gains are then obtained as follows: √ k1 = 2ζωnv (V dc Cdc / 3ZPF1 Ic ), and k2 = 2 (V dc Cdc / 3ZPF1 Ic ). By designing the dc bus voltage ωnv loop much slower than the current one, there would not be any interaction between the two loops. The proposed nonlinear controller of the proposed SHPFTCR compensator is shown in Fig. 4. IV. M ODELING OF TCR Fig. 5 shows the TCR equivalent circuit. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, the following equations in 123 reference frame are obtained: diLT1 dic1 + LPF + RPF ic1 + dn1 vdc dt dt diLPF2 dic2 + LPF + RPF ic2 + dn2 vdc = LT dt dt diLPF3 dic3 + LPF + RPF ic3 + dn3 vdc . = LT dt dt vs1 = LT vs2 vs3 (19) RAHMANI et al.: COMBINATION OF SHUNT HYBRID POWER FILTER AND TCR FOR POWER QUALITY 2157 TABLE I A PPARENT P OWER R ATINGS OF APF PART Fig. 6. Susceptance versus firing angle. Applying Park’s transformation, one obtains LT (α) LT (α) did diLTd = LT (α)ωiLTq + LPF ωiq − LPF dt dt − RPF id − dnd vdc + vd diq diLTq = − LT (α)ωiLTd − LPF ωid − LPF dt dt − RPF iq − dnq vdc + vq . (20) The reactive part is chosen to control the reactive current so that vq = 0 and Lf (α)ωiLTd = 0 diq diLTq = B(α)ω −LPF ωid − LPF − RPF iq − dnq vdc dt dt (21) where B(α) = 1/LF (α)ω is the susceptance. An equivalent input uqT is defined as uqT = diLTq . dt According to this expression, one deduces uqT . B(α) = diq ω −LPF ωid −LPF dt − RPF iq − dnq vdc (22) (23) The susceptance is given by 2π − 2α + sin(2α) π A. Case of Harmonic-Generated Load The filter rms current is only 2.443 A for the required APF, the load rms current is 8.231 A, the line rms voltage across the load is 120 V, and the dc bus voltage Vdc is selected to be 50 V. B. Case of Reactive Power and Harmonic Type of Loads On the other hand, the equivalent inductance is given by π . (24) LPF (α) = LPF 2π − 2α + sin(2α) B(α) = B which can occur between the passive filter, the TCR, and the source impedance. The objective of the APF is to generate currents that are equal but opposite to the harmonic and reactive currents, thereby achieving sinusoidal supply currents in phase with supply voltages. On the other hand, the shunt APF when used alone suffers from the high kilovoltampere rating of the inverter, which requires high dc-link voltage. Hence, the proposed combination of SHPF and TCR reduces significantly the voltampere rating of the APF part. (25) where B = 1/LPF ω0 . Fig. 6 illustrates the susceptance versus firing angle. A PI controller is used to force the reactive current of the SHPF-TCR compensator to follow exactly the reactive current consumed by the load. The filter rms current is 2.49 A for the required APF, the load rms current is 9.7 A, the line rms voltage across the load is 120 V, and the dc bus voltage Vdc is 50 V. Table I shows the apparent power ratings of the APF part for the harmonic-generated load and reactive power and harmonic type of loads. It is shown that the rating of the APF part used in the shunt hybrid filter is reduced from 26% to 5% for the harmonicgenerated load and from 15% to 4.37% for the reactive power and harmonic type of loads. Thus, the rating reduction of the APF is the main contributor to the total cost reduction of the system. VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS V. R ATING OF APF PART In this proposed topology, the major part of the compensation is supported by the passive filter and the TCR while the APF improves the filtering characteristics and damps the resonance, The system parameters are given in Table II. Simulations were performed numerically using the “Power System Blockset” simulator operating under Matlab/Simulink environment, in order to verify the operation of the proposed SHPF-TCR 2158 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 TABLE II S PECIFICATION PARAMETERS Fig. 8. Harmonic spectrum of source current in phase 1. (a) Before compensation. (b) After compensation. Fig. 7. Steady-state response of the SHPF-TCR compensator with harmonicgenerated load. compensator using the nonlinear control scheme shown in Figs. 1 and 5. The controller’s performance has been evaluated by achieving a number of tests on the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator: 1) steady-state response of the SHPF-TCR compensator to load-generating harmonics; 2) dynamic response of the SHPFTCR compensator to harmonic-produced load variations; and 3) response of the SHPF-TCR compensator to the harmonic and reactive power type of load variation. Fig. 9. Dynamic response of SHPF-TCR compensator under varying distorted harmonic type of load conditions. A. Harmonic Compensation of SHPF-TCR Compensator Fig. 7 shows the steady-state waveform of the SHPFTCR compensator for harmonic elimination with a three-phase harmonic-produced load. The supply voltage (vs1 ), the supply current (is1 ), the load current (iL1 ), the SHPF-TCR current (ic1 ) in phase 1, and the dc bus voltage (vdc ) are depicted in this figure. Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the harmonic spectrum of the supply current before and after compensation. The THD of the supply current is brought down from 26% to 1.31%. It is found that the SHPF-TCR compensator offers a very good level of performance such that the supply current is close to sinusoidal and locked in phase with the supply voltage. B. Response of SHPF-TCR Compensator to Harmonic-Produced Load Variation Fig. 9 shows the SHPF-TCR compensator response to harmonic-produced load perturbation for phase 1. The load currents were subjected to a 100% step increase at 0.567 s and a step decrease at 0.667 s by the same amount. It is found that there is a smooth changeover from one load condition to another load condition. The dc bus voltage returns to the reference voltage value. The SHPF-TCR compensator is able to reduce harmonics in the supply currents, and it improves the supply PF to unity. RAHMANI et al.: COMBINATION OF SHUNT HYBRID POWER FILTER AND TCR FOR POWER QUALITY 2159 Fig. 12. Steady-state response of the SHPF-TCR compensator with harmonicproduced load. Fig. 10. Dynamic response of SHPF-TCR compensator under the harmonic and reactive power type of loads. can effectively compensate the load-generated harmonics and reactive power exchanged by both loads. VII. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS Fig. 11. Harmonic spectrum of source current in phase 1. (a) Before compensation. (b) After compensation. C. Response of SHPF-TCR Compensator to Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation In order to observe the SHPF-TCR compensator behavior under both harmonic and reactive power type of load variation, the load-generating reactive power current was subjected from zero to a full load step increase and the other way around. The corresponding phase-1 dynamic responses of the SHPF-TCR compensator for reactive power compensation and harmonic elimination are shown in Fig. 10. It is observed from Fig. 11 that the supply current before compensation was quite distorted and has a THD of 16%; however, its THD is reduced to 1% after compensation. The compensated source current shown in this figure suggests that the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator The following tests are performed on a 3.5-kVA laboratory prototype of the SHPF-TCR compensator used to compensate harmonics and reactive power of loads. The nonlinear control system was implemented on a dSPACE DS 1104 controller board, supported by a Matlab/Simulink Real-Time Workshop environment. The component values given in Table I were used for both simulation and experimentation. The set of loads consists of a diode rectifier and a star-connected combination of resistive and inductive loads. The experimental setup used to test the dynamic performance of the SHPF-TCR compensator has the following combined harmonic and reactive power type of loads. 1) A three-phase diode rectifier followed by inductor LL1 = 10 mH in series with a resistor RL1 = 40 Ω is used as the harmonic-produced load. 2) A three-phase star-connected resistive inductive load with inductor LL2 = 20 mH and resistor RL2 = 27 Ω is used experimentally to cause current to lag voltage and to make up a mixed load together with the three-phase harmonicgenerated load. To verify the proposed nonlinear control algorithm performance, four different operating conditions are considered: 1) steady-state performance of the SHPF-TCR compensator with a harmonic-produced load; 2) dynamic performance of the SHPF-TCR compensator with harmonic-generated load; 3) steady-state performance of the SHPF-TCR compensator with the harmonic and reactive power type of loads; and 4) dynamic performance of the system with the harmonic and reactive power type of loads. A. Steady-State Response of System With Harmonic-Generated Load Fig. 12 shows the steady-state experimental results of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator for harmonic compensation 2160 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 Fig. 13. Harmonic spectrums of the source current and voltage in phase 1. (a) Source current before compensation. (b) Source current after compensation. (c) Source voltage. with a load for phase 1. In this figure, the supply voltage (vs1 ), supply current (is1 ), load current (iL1 ), and SHPF-TCR current (ic1 ) are depicted. It can be seen that the source current has become sinusoidal and in phase with the source voltage. The harmonic spectrum of the supply current before and after compensation and the supply voltage after compensation for phase 1 have been given in Figs. 13(a), (b), and 14(c), respectively. The THD of the supply current is brought down from 26% before compensation to 3% after compensation. The THD of the supply voltage after compensation is 2.5%. The harmonic spectrums are recorded on a FLUKE 43B power quality analyzer. Fig. 14. Dynamic response of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator under varying harmonic-produced load conditions. (a) Step increase of the load current. (b) Step decrease of the load current. B. Transient Response of SHPF-TCR Compensator to Harmonic-Produced Load Variation To test the dynamic performance of the proposed nonlinear control, a step increase of 100% and a decrease of 100% in the harmonic-produced load were made. Fig. 14(a) and (b) shows the transient responses of the SHPF-TCR compensator adopting the nonlinear control. At the transition period, the dc bus voltage falls or rises below its steady-state value when the SHPF-TCR compensator supplies or absorbs extra active power to or from the load, respectively. The SHPF-TCR compensator maintains compensation during the transient instants. Thus, the harmonic components of the load current are fully compensated by the system so that the line current is almost a sinusoidal waveform with unity PF. Fig. 15. Steady-state response of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator with harmonic and reactive power type of loads. C. Steady-State Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation A combination of a three-phase diode-bridge ac–dc converter with an R−L load connected at the dc side and a three-phase RAHMANI et al.: COMBINATION OF SHUNT HYBRID POWER FILTER AND TCR FOR POWER QUALITY 2161 Fig. 17. TCR providing reactive power compensation in steady-state mode. Fig. 16. Harmonic spectrums of the source current and voltage in phase 1. (a) Source current before compensation. (b) Source current after compensation. (c) Source voltage. star-connected resistive–inductive load is chosen to study the transient operation of the SHPF-TCR system for harmonic and reactive power compensation. The PF of the reactive load is 0.96. Fig. 15 shows the steady-state performance of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator employing the proposed nonlinear control method for the simultaneous compensation of harmonics and reactive power for phase 1. The supply voltage (vs1 ), the supply current (is1 ), the load current (iL1 ) and the SHPF-TCR compensator current (ic1 ) are shown in this figure. The frequency analyses of supply voltage and supply current before and after compensation are shown in Fig. 16(a)–(c). The THD of the supply current is brought down from 15% before compensation to 2.6% after compensation. The THD of the supply voltage after compensation is 2.5%. The steady-state performance of the TCR providing reactive power compensation is shown in Fig. 17. The waveforms shown in this figure are the phase-1 source current (is1 ), load current (iL1 ), hybrid filter current (ic1 ), and TCR current (iLt1 ). From the experimental results, one can observe that the harmonic currents and reactive power could be effectively compensated with the SHPF-TCR compensator. The source current is close to sinusoidal and kept in phase with the source voltage. Moreover, harmonics generated naturally by the TCR have two possible paths, the parallel capacitor connected with the TCR or the active filter. Since the active filter controller is set to compensate only load harmonics, the latter act as high impedance to TCR current harmonics, obliging these harmonics to flow through the Fig. 18. Dynamic response of the proposed SHPF-TCR compensator under varying reactive power type of load conditions. capacitor. Therefore, one cannot see these harmonics flowing through the source or the load. D. Reactive Power and Harmonic Type of Load Perturbation Response of SHPF-TCR Compensator Fig. 18 shows the transient waveforms of the SHPF-TCR compensator during the sudden variation of the reactive power and harmonic type of loads. It is found that, for a change of load current, the supply current always maintains its sinusoidal shape while being in phase with the supply voltage. These results confirm the fast dynamic performance and the ability of the proposed configuration adopting the nonlinear control strategy to compensate suitably the harmonics and reactive power for a rapid change in the load current. The THDs of the load current before and after the transient occurred are 26% and 15%, respectively. The PF of the reactive load is 0.96. The TCR is used to realize variable inductance for compensating the reactive power. This latter suffers from resonance which possibly occurs between its inductance, source/load impedance, and PF correction capacitors used in industrial applications. Passive filters suffer from resonance problems and tuning problems due to component tolerances. The problem 2162 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 with the active filters arises, particularly in high-power loads, when the current needed and voltage rating of the active filters are high. Combining the advantages of the passive filter and active filter, hybrid active filter topologies can reduce the voltampere rating of the APF. In the proposed SHPF-TCR combination, the major part of the compensation is supported by the passive filter while the APF improves the filtering characteristics and damps the resonance. Indeed, the combined system can greatly reduce problems of using only TCR or shunt active filters and is suitable for harmonic and reactive power compensation for large voltampere-rated loads in power systems because the required voltampere rating of the APF used in the hybrid power filter is considerably smaller than a conventional shunt APF. Also, the obtained results illustrate how the compensation characteristics of the TCR used to compensate reactive power in a large industrial power distribution system can be improved by connecting a hybrid power filter, which eliminates current harmonics. In addition, the proposed topology lends itself to retrofit applications with the existing TCR and passive filter. 1 did dvCPFq = −RPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )id + ω LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT iq − 2ωCPF LT 2 dt (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω ) + LT ) dt 2 d vCPFd − (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )dnd vdc + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vd + CPF LT dt2 diq 1 dvCPFd = −RPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )iq − ω LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT id + 2ωCPF LT 2 dt (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω ) + LT ) dt d2 vCPFq − (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )dnq vdc + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vq + CPF LT dt2 dvdc dnd dnq vdc = id + iq − dt Cdc Cdc Rdc Cdc (26) RPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) did + id dt (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT ) dvCPFq d2 vCPFd 1 2 ω L + C i = (1 − C L ω ) + L − 2ωC L L PF PF T T q PF T PF T (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT ) dt dt2 − (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )dnd vdc + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vd diq RPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + iq dt (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT ) dvCPFd d2 vCPFq 1 2 − ω L + C i = (1 − C L ω ) + L + 2ωC L L PF PF T T d PF T PF T (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT ) dt dt2 − (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )dnq vdc + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vq (27) 1 ω LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT iq − (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )dnd vdc + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vd 2 (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω ) + LT ) 1 −ω LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT id − (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )dnq vdc + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vq uq = (LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT ) ud = dnd = dnq 1 ω LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT iq + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vd − LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT ud 2 (1 − CPF LT ω )vdc (28) (29) 1 −ω LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT id + (1 − CPF LT ω 2 )vq − LPF (1 − CPF LT ω 2 ) + LT uq = 2 (1 − CPF LT ω )vdc (30) RAHMANI et al.: COMBINATION OF SHUNT HYBRID POWER FILTER AND TCR FOR POWER QUALITY VIII. C ONCLUSION In this paper, a SHPF-TCR compensator of a TCR and a SHPF has been proposed to achieve harmonic elimination and reactive power compensation. A proposed nonlinear control scheme of a SHPF-TCR compensator has been established, simulated, and implemented by using the DS1104 digital realtime controller board of dSPACE. The shunt active filter and SPF have a complementary function to improve the performance of filtering and to reduce the power rating requirements of an active filter. It has been found that the SHPF-TCR compensator can effectively eliminate current harmonic and reactive power compensation during steady and transient operating conditions for a variety of loads. It has been shown that the system has a fast dynamic response, has good performance in both steady-state and transient operations, and is able to reduce the THD of supply currents well below the limit of 5% of the IEEE-519 standard. 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Al-Haddad, “Digital control of hybrid power filter adopting nonlinear control approach,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., to be published. Salem Rahmani was born in Tunisia. He received the B.Sc.A. and M.Sc.A. (electrical) degrees and the Specialized Scientific Studies Certificate (CESS) from the High School of Sciences and Technologies of Tunis (ESSTT), Tunis, Tunisia, in 1992, 1995, and 2001, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), Tunis, in 2004. In September 2002, he was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, High Institute of Medical Technologies of Tunis (ISTMT), Tunis. Since the elaboration of his Ph.D. degree, he has been a Member of the Research Group in Power Electronics and Industrial Control (GREPCI), École de Technologie Supérieure, University of Québec, Montreal, QC, Canada. His fields of research interest include power quality, active filters, and resonant converters, including power converter topology, modeling, and control aspects. Abdelhamid Hamadi (S’06) was born in Bejaia, Algeria, in 1958. He received the B.Eng. degree from the University of Polytechnics of Alger, Algiers, Algeria, in 1987 and the M.S. of Technology degree in electrical engineering from École de Technologie Supérieure, University of Québec, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 2004, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include the application of power electronics in distribution systems, power quality analysis, active power filters, hybrid power filters, series hybrid filters, and passive filters. 2164 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 61, NO. 5, MAY 2014 Kamal Al-Haddad (S’82–M’88–SM’92–F’07) received the B.Sc.A. and M.Sc.A. degrees from the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières, TroisRivières, QC, Canada, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institut National Polythechnique, Toulouse, France, in 1988. From June 1987 to June 1990, he was a Professor with the Engineering Department, Université du Québec à Trois Rivières. Since June 1990, he has been a Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC, Canada, where he has been the holder of the Canada Research Chair in Electric Energy Conversion and Power Electronics since 2002. He has supervised more than 80 Ph.D. and M.Sc.A. students working in the field of power electronics for various industrial applications. He has coauthored more than 400 transactions and conference papers. Dr. Al-Haddad is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Vice President for Technical Activities, and Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRIAL I NFORMATICS. Louis A. Dessaint (M’88–SM’91–F’13) received the B.Ing., M.Sc.A., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, in 1978, 1980, and 1985, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, École de Technologie Supérieure, Université du Québec, Montréal, QC, Canada. He holds the Hydro-Quebec/TransEnergie Chair on Simulation and Control of Power Systems. He is an author of The MathWorks “SimPowerSystems” Blockset. Dr. Dessaint is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a member of the Centre d’Excellence de l’Université du Québec. He is also an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C ONTROL S YSTEMS T ECHNOLOGY.