AL_HADDAD _CV complete _english

Kamal Al-Haddad, P. Eng., M.Sc.A., Ph.D., Fellow IEEE
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers
Canada Research chair of Electric Energy Conversion and Power Electronics
Director, ÉTS-Bombardier Transport Industrial Research Laboratory
Vice president publications, IEEE-IES
University of Québec
École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS)
Montréal, October 20 th, 2008
Table of Contents
Bio-Data Summary.................................................................................................................. 5
Main Research Contributions .................................................................................................. 6
2.1 New Theoretical Concepts............................................................................................ 6
2.2 Major Contributions at International Level .................................................................. 6
2.3 In the Field of Simulation of Power Electronic Systems.............................................. 7
2.3 In the Field of Electric Traction.................................................................................... 7
2.4 In the Field of Power Quality........................................................................................ 8
Impact of Research Contributions........................................................................................... 9
3.2 List of Journal and Conference Papers ......................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Refereed Journal Papers (since 1995)............................................................... 9
3.3 Co-founder of Research Group GRÉPCI.................................................................... 36
3.4 Founder of "Laboratoire ÉTS-Bombardier Transport Amérique du Nord"............... 37
Industrial Research Collaboration and Technology Transfer................................................ 38
4.1 Collaboration with the "Institut de recherche Hydro-Québec (IRÉQ)"...................... 38
4.2 Collaboration with Nortel Northern Telecom and ASTEC ........................................ 38
4.3 Collaboration with "Bombardier Transport North America" ..................................... 39
4.4 Collaboration with "GENAM Inc." ............................................................................ 39
4.5 Other Industrial Collaborations................................................................................... 40
4.7 Optimisation of Industry-University Partnership........................................................ 41
Leadership at International Level.......................................................................................... 41
5.1 Recognition from peers............................................................................................... 41
6- Leadership ................................................................................................................................ 42
6.1 Scholarly and professional activities ............................................................................... 42
6.2 Member of Research Review Committee........................................................................ 42
6.3 Session Chairs at international Conferences............................................................... 43
6.5 International scope of "Laboratoire Bombardier" ........................................................... 44
6.6 International Recognition and Impact of " Power System Blockset" now named ``
Sim Power System`` ................................................................................................... 44
6.7 International R-D Co-operation............................................................................................. 44
7 Honors and awards.................................................................................................................... 45
7.1 Invited Lectures .......................................................................................................... 46
Supervision of Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows ............................................. 46
Development and Management of New Graduate Programmes ........................................... 47
Bio-Data Summary
Dr. Kamal Al-Haddad started his career as a Researcher and Professor at "Département
d’ingénierie" of the "Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)". He participated actively
during three years from June 1987 till June 1990, in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate
(Master's Program in Power Electronics) courses at UQTR. With a rewarding academic and
research experience obtained from UQTR, he joined in June 1990 the "Département de génie
électrique" at the "École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS)". At ETS, he formed his own research
group with the assistance of his earlier graduate students registered at UQTR and later with
students registered at "Ecole polytechnique de Montréal". In 1992, founded the "GRÉPCI"
(Groupe de Recherche en Électronique de Puissance et Commande Industrielle: "Research Group
on Power Electronics and Industrial Controls") with four of his colleagues at ETS. Today, the
GRÉPCI has about forty research personnel, including professors, researchers and graduate
In 1993, Professor Al-Haddad was named the first Director of the Graduate Program called
Master's Program in Technologies of Systems: "program de maîtrise en technologie des
systèmes". He was appointed in 1997 to the position of the "First" Director of Ph.D. Program in
Engineering: "Directeur du programme de doctorat en génie”. During the last twenty years, Dr.
Al-Haddad has participated actively in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses and
notably in conducting research in the field of Electrical Energy Conversion through Static Power
Converters using Power Semiconductor Devices. His research work is concerned with several
aspects on the problems caused by the use of electrical energy: specifically those on the
conversion and efficient use of electric energy suited to specific industrial loads. He has
succeeded in establishing and maintaining firm links with Québec and Canadian industries.
In 2002, he was awarded the Tier 1 Canada Research chair in electric energy conversion and
power electronics. Since then, he worked on the development of new technology to enhance the
power quality in ordre to make a better use of sustainable energy by pushing forward new
technologies to save energy.
During the last six years, several new control techniques have been introduced to power
converters in order to reduce their harmful impact on the nearby network and equipements, one
spinoff company is developing new efficient street lights.
Moreover, during the same period, professor Al-Haddad has 45 journal papers and 159
conference papers published in highly reputed transactions and international conferences. He has
one patent with exclusive licence to Pratt and whitney Canada, two technologies transferred to
Canadian industry, guided seven completed PhD students, 11 Master’s students, 42
undergraduate trainees and 5 post docorate fellows. Currently, there are nine PhD, three Masters,
four trainees, one post docoral fellow and one professional who are supported and working in our
Canada Research Chair laboratory.
It is to be noted that Dr. Al-Haddad during the past six years has obtained, as the Principal
Researcher or Co-researcher, research grants totalling 7 927 550 $: a sum of 1 320 000 $
coming from industries and a sum of 6 607 550 $ coming from different Government
Research Granting Agencies. His annual average research grant during the last seven years
has been 1 132 507 $, of which a sum of 188 571 $ from industries and a sum of 943 936 $
from Québec and Canadian Government Research Granting Agencies.
Main Research Contributions
New Theoretical Concepts
Since the beginning of his career as Professor, Dr. Al-Haddad has been interested in the field of
Energy Conversion Technologies using static power converters. His interests are both at the
theoretical level, the conceptual aspects of power conversion, novel methodologies of modelling
and simulation on digital computers and at the practical level, the technological aspects
concerning the development and implementation of new topologies of static power converters
adapted to different industrial applications.
During the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, his R&D work was focussed on the integration
of the principle of soft switching of power semiconductor switches in static power converters for
specific applications. The concept of soft switching results in low switching losses thereby
improving the efficiency of power conversion of static power converters. He worked on the
different problems relating to the high frequency operation of power converters in order to
develop compact and light equipment. In this aspect of his research, the work that he did in his
group was complementary to the research work done on the same theme by several research
groups in the world. In Europe and in France, in particular, at the "Institut Nationale
Polytechnique de Toulouse", the research group led by Professor Henry Foch, worked on the
principle of Zero-Voltage Switching. In USA, the research group headed by Professor Deepak
Divan, and that led by Professor Fred Lee worked on the same topic. Dr. Al-Haddad’s work was
especially concerned with the research and development of new topologies for medium and high
power DC-DC converters and DC-AC inverters, using medium frequency converters. The work
of Professor Lee was in low power high frequency DC-DC converters and that of Professor
Divan was in the development of very high power DC-AC inverters. Dr. Al-Haddad has
proposed several new control laws adapted to series resonant and series-parallel resonant
converters. He has developed several dedicated simulation programmes adapted to these types of
converter designs. He has published about sixty journal and conference papers on this subject
(please see list of references section). fifteen graduate students have worked on various topics
relating to this novel technology at Master's and Doctoral levels under his guidance and
Major Contributions at International Level
Dr. Al-Haddad is one of the pioneers in the field of soft switching techniques and in the
development of power electronic converters using resonant techniques (to ensure lossless
switching of power semiconductor switches). Based on his work on series and parallel converter
topologies and their specific control laws, there have been a number of industrial contracts in
Europe and in Canada: Lectra Systems in Bordeau, France, Dynatron in Montréal, Department of
Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada, Nortel Networks, and Armstrong Inc, Montreal.
The converters developed from these industrial collaborations are used in several applications: in
photovoltaic energy conversion systems operating as independent power sources; in power
supplies for industrial lasers; in power supplies for discharge lamps in lighting; in power supplies
for induction heating in paper industry and in power supplies used in the manufacture of
industrial flooring materials. For the telecommunications industry (Nortel Networks), he has
developed power supplies used in electronic switching applications; for battery charging used in
emergency power supplies. Currently, he works in collaboration with Nortel Networks and
ASTEC Advanced Power Systems, a division of Emerson, on a new generation of power
supplies for information highway applications.
Dr. Al-Haddad has conducted collaborative research with the research group at the "Université
Fédérale de Santa-Catharina", Brazil, headed by Professor Ivo Barbi. As a result of this he has
exchanged several converter designs utilising the principle of soft switching and worked on the
integration of soft switching technique in single phase rectifier circuits with high power density
and unity power factor. Two patents have been applied for by ASTEC, his industrial
collaborator, based on his collaborative project on rectifiers. Another patent has been obtained by
his graduate students on the elimination of recovery time of diodes in boost topology; they are
currently employed by ASTEC. A high-tech industrial product is also currently commercially
available worldwide from ASTEC.
In the Field of Simulation of Power Electronic Systems
Dr. Al-Haddad has worked on the development of suitable models for power semiconductors in
Simulink/Matlab environment. These models are based on state-space representation of the
electrical characteristics of these semiconductors. The novelty of this representation is due to the
fact that it takes into consideration the essential parameters and intrinsic characteristics of the
components. That is to say, this representation takes into account only those parameters that
affect the dynamic state of the device (turn-off time, switching time, switching delay, dv/dt,
reverse-recovery time of semiconductors). The static characteristics of the devices take into the
conditions of turn-on and blocking. He has then elaborated models in block form for
semiconductor devices as well as many commonly used power conversion circuit topologies.
From the base model for a diode, he has established generalised models for various power
semiconductor devices, such as Thyristor, MOSFET, GTO, and IGBT.
Dr. Al-Haddad has integrated a variable-step algorithm for the solution with a view to obtaining
accurate results. The available algorithms in Matlab environment ensure convergence of
solution, thereby ensuring the efficiency of modelling used. This software called Power System
Blockset was developed in collaboration with industry (Mathworks, Teqsim) and universities
(University Laval, ETS). This software is used in conjunction with Matlab-Simulink in many
universities in the world and is considered as one of the user-friendly ones for power electronic
system simulation. He and his research team have published a number of papers (please see the
list of references) on the theoretical aspects of modelling power semiconductor devices and on
the application of converters for the improvement of power quality in utility mains applications.
In the Field of Electric Traction
Dr. Al-Haddad works in the field of traction since five years on a new generation of static power
converters for electric traction systems. Although this work has a high degree of strategic and
industrial importance, the main objective of this research is the application of the concept of
integrated intelligent system for the development. In Bombardier Research laboratory, he
developed the most advanced trac#tion system for Jacksonville monorail train. 250 kwatts by
traction unit equipped with the most advanced control technique which permit the system
operation in reversible, harmonic elimination, voltage stabilisation under disturbances and shoe
bounce compensation. It is the most advanced system installed by the multinational manufacturer
Bombardier transport North America.
For this project, he works in close collaboration with manufacturers of power semiconductor
devices and designer of high-speed integrated circuits. His design team works on the design,
simulation and integration of developed modules, taking into consideration the interference and
fibre optic communication between different components of the system. The developed
technology could eventually be used in various other applications such as aviation controls etc.
In the Field of Power Quality
Dr. Al-Haddad also works, since a few years, on the issue of power quality in electric power
distribution systems, and particularly on the interference problems due to current harmonics
injected into the ac mains. He has obtained several strategic research grants from provincial
(FCAR, Québec) and from federal (CRSNG) agencies in collaboration with Prof. Dessaint and
Prof. Rajagopalan. He has worked on the modelling and simulation of non-linear loads and on
the mitigation techniques. In collaboration with Professor Ambrish Chandra (who was earlier a
post-doctoral fellow before obtaining his current position as Professor), he conducted research on
active filters. More than fifteen journal papers have been published (please see list of
publications) on this topic. Six graduate students have chosen this topic for their research theses
for their Master's and Doctoral work; three post-doctoral researchers (Dr. Bhim Singh, Dr. A.
Pramoud and Dr. B.N. Singh) have also been associated with this work.
Dr. Al-Haddad has elaborated new control laws and developed new control techniques for active
filters that are used in electric distribution systems feeding 3-wire and 4-wire three-phase loads.
These active filters are used in static compensators, filters and applications of Unified Power
Flow Controllers (UPFC). We have developed, implemented and validated the theoretical results
of the new control laws using DSP controllers. Flexible development systems were built around
DSP-based controllers permitting validation of several types of control algorithms such as
sliding-mode control, non-linear control, flexible controllers that allow self-adjusting parameters
dynamics. His research works on this topic are complementary to those conducted by two wellknown Japanese professors: Professor Hiroshima and Professor Akagi. The well-known Japanese
Company Mitsubishi has used Professor Akagi’s pioneering work. There are several other
researchers in the world, who work on this topic, notably Professor Malessani from the
University of Rome, Italy; Professor Geza Joos at Concordia University, Montreal. His papers
have been often cited by these researchers in their publications in the Transactions published by
the IEEE Power Engineering Society and other international conference and journal publications.
One of his paper [28] is quoted more than 37 times by the researchers in the field.
Impact of Research Contributions
3.1 Patents
Patent (2008): Kamal Al-Haddad, “Multi Phase Converter Failure Remedial Strategy” ref: PCI1016, Patent No. US 7,352,544 B2. April 1, 2008.
Patent(2007): Said Amarir, Kamal Al-Haddad, “New techniques to compensate over voltages
across motor fed by PWM inverters”, Disclosure, ETS mai 2007.
Patent(2008) : Youssef Ounejjar, Kamal Al-Haddad, “New multilevel converter topology to
reduce switching losses and enhance power quality” Disclosure, ETS April 2008.
3.2 List of Journal and Conference Papers
3.2.1 Refereed Journal Papers (since 1995)
(More than 90 journal papers have been coauthored by Dr. Al-Haddad)
Handy Fortin Blanchette, K. Al-Haddad, “ An Efficient Approach to Design Discrete
Packaging of Bidirectional Resonant Power Switch for Matrix converter Application “;
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 23, Issue 4, July 2008, pp. 2195 2200.
Bel Haj Youssef, N., Al-Haddad, K. et Youssef Kanaan, H. 2006. “Implementation of A
New Linear Control Technique Based on Experimentally Validated Small Signal Model
of Three Phase Three Level Vienna Type Boost Rectifier”, IEEE transactions on
Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, Issue 4, April 2008, pp. 1666-1676.
Bel Haj Youssef, N., K. Al-Haddad; “and Youssef Kanaan, H. 2006. “DSP-Based
Implementation of a Nonlinearity Compensating Multi-loops Control Technique for a
Three Phase/Switch/Level Vienna Converter”, IEEE transactions on Industrial
Electronics, Vol. 55, No3, March 2008. pp. 1225-1234.
Singh, B.; S. Gairola, A. Chandra, K. Al-Haddad; “Multipulse AC–DC Converters for
Improving Power Quality: A Review”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume
23, Issue 1, Jan. 2008 Page(s):260 – 281.
Said Amarir and K. Al-Haddad, “A Modeling Technique to Analyze the Impact of
Inverter Supply Voltage and Cable Length on Industrial Motor-Drives”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 23, Issue 1, Jan. 2008 Page(s):260 – 281..
M. Hamouda, F. Fnaiech, and K. AL-Haddad, “Modeling and adaptive control of TwoStage Matrix Converters”, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, N°1,
January 2008, pp: 83-92.
Bel Haj Youssef, N., Al-Haddad, K. and Youssef Kanaan, H. . 2007. “Large Signal
Modeling and Steady-State Analysis of a 1.5 kW Three-Phase/Switch/Level (Vienna)
Rectifier With Experimental Validation”, IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Vol. 55, No3, March 2008. pp.1213-1224.
N. Bel Hadj-Youssef; K. Al-Haddad; H.Y. Kanaan; F. Fnaiech; “Small-signal
perturbation technique used for DSP-based identification of a three-phase three-level
boost-type Vienna rectifier”; Electric Power Applications, IET, Volume 1, Issue 2,
March 2007 Page(s):199 – 208
F. Charfi, B. François, K. Al-Haddad, F. Sellami, “Enhanced micro Modeling
Technique for Semiconductor Devices to Study Fault Mode in Power Converters”,
International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol.2, No. 3, pp. 327-336, May-June
H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad (2007), « Réduction du TDH d’un redresseur triphasé
par réglage du courant injecté », accepté pour publication dans la Revue Internationale
de Génie Électrique – Hermès. August 2008, vol.11, No.3-4.
Brij N. Singh, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Parviz Rastgoufard, and K. Al-Haddad,
“An Improved Control Algorithm for Active Filters,” IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery,
vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1009-1020, April 2007.
L. Yacoubi, K. Al-Haddad, L.-A. Dessaint, F. Fnaiech (2006), « Linear and Nonlinear
Control Techniques for a 3-Phase, 3-Level NPC Boost Rectifier », IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics (2006); Vol.53, No.6, December 2006, pp. 1908 - 1918;
S. Rahamni, K. Al-Haddad and H. Y. Kanaan, « A Comparative Study of Shunt Hybrid
and Shunt Active Power Filters for Single-Phase Applications: Simulation and
Experimental Validation », Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
Transactions of IMACS, special issue on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines,
Converters and Systems, Elsevier, vol.71, No.4-6, June 2006, pp. 345-359.
S. Rahamni, K. Al-Haddad, H. Y. Kanaan and B. Singh, « Implementation and
Simulation of Modified PWM with Two Current Control Techniques Applied To SinglePhase Shunt Hybrid Power Filter », IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, Vol.
153, No. 03, May 2006, pp. 317-326.
S. Rahamni, K. Al-Haddad, H. Y. Kanaan And F. Fnaiech (2006), « Modified PWM
with a new indirect current control technique applied to a single phase shunt active power
», Canadian Journal of Electrical and Engineering, Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 135-144.
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H. Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, « A study on the effects of the neutral
inductor on the modeling and performance of a four-wire three-phase/switch/level fixedfrequency rectifier », Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Transactions
of IMACS, special issue on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters
and Systems, Elsevier, vol.71, No.4-6, June 2006, pp. 487-498.
Pandey, B. Singh, B. N. Singh, A. Chandra, K. Al-Haddad and D.P. Kothari (2006), « A
Review of Multilevel Power Converters », Journal of Institution of Engineers (India),
Vol. 86, pp. 220-231;
S. Georges, H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Modeling, simulation and
control design of a PWM three-phase four-wire shunt active power filter for a 60kW
industrial load”, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Praise Worthy
Prize (PWP), vol.1, No.3, August 2006, pp. 443-451.
Kanaan, H.; K. Al-Haddad, and Fnaiech, F., « Modelling and control of threephase/switch/level
fixed-frequency PWM rectifier: state-space averaged model »,
Electric Power Applications, IEE
Proceedings- Volume 152, Issue 3, 6 May 2005
Page(s):551 – 557
Kanaan, H. and K. Al-Haddad, (2005), « Comparative evaluation of control laws based
on pulse-width modulation and on hysteresis: Application on a current-injection-based
three-phase rectifier », Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Can. J.
Elect. Comput. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 215-233;
Yacoubi L., K. Al-Haddad, Dessaint L-A. and Fnaiech, F., « A DSP-Based
Implementation of a Nonlinear Model Reference Adaptive Control for a Three-Phase
Three-Level NPC Boost Rectifier Prototype », IEEE- Transactions on Power Electronics,
Volume 20, Issue 5, Sept. 2005, Pages: 1084-1092
Yacoubi, L.; K. Al-Haddad; Fnaiech, F. and Dessaint, L.-A., « A DSP-based
implementation of a new nonlinear control for a three-phase neutral point clamped boost
rectifier prototype », Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. Volume 52, Issue 1,
Feb. 2005 Page(s):197 - 205
Singh B., Verma V., Chandra A. and K. Al-Haddad , « Hybrid filters for power quality
improvement », IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Vol. 152, No.
3, pp. 365-378, May 2005.
Sumit Ghatak Choudhuri, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and K. Al-Haddad, « A
Comparative Study of Power Quality Improvements in Six-Pulse AC-DC Converter fed
Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive », Journal of IEEMA, Vol. XXV, No. 5, May
2005, pp.54-57
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Singh B. N., Rastgoufard P., Singh B., Chandra A., and K. Al-Haddad, « Design and
digital implementation of an active filter with power balance theory », IEE ProceedingsElectric Power Applications, Vol. 152, No. 5, pp 1149-1160;
S. G. Choudhuri, B. Singh, A. Chandra and K. Al-Haddad (2005), « A Comparative
Study of Power Quality Improvements in Six-Pulse AC-DC Converter fed Vector
Controlled Induction Motor Drive », Journal of IEEMA, Vol. XXV, No. 5, pp.54-57
H. Kanaan, H. F. Blanchette, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï, L. Duguay and F. Fnaiech,
“Linear control design of a current-injection-based three-phase unity-power-factor
rectifier”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.Vol.51, NO.2, April 2004, pp429438.
B.N. Singh, P. Rastgoufard, B. Singh, A. Chandra, and K. Al-Haddad, “Design,
simulation and implementation of three-pole/four-pole topologies for active filters,” IEE
Proceedings-Electric Power Applications, vol. 151, no. 4, pp. 467 - 476, July 2004.
Brij N. Singh Brij N., Rastgoufard P. , Singh B., Chandra A., and K. Al-Haddad,
“Design, Simulation, and Implementation of Three-Pole/Four-Pole Topologies of Active
Filters”, Journal of IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications, Volume 151, Issue
4, 7 July 2004 Page(s):467 - 476
Singh, B.; Singh, B.N.; Chandra, A.; K. Al-Haddad,; Pandey, A.; Kothari, D.P.; « A
Review of Three-Phase Improved Power Quality AC–DC Converters», Industrial
Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 51 , Issue: 3 , June 2004, pp.641 – 660.
Singh, B., Singh Brij N., Chandra A., K. Al-Haddad, “Digital Implementation of Sliding
Mode Control Technique on SSC for Load Balancing and Reactive Power
Compensation”, accepted for publication in Journal of The Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers, India, May 2003.
N. Mendalek, K. Al-Haddad, “Modeling and non-linear control of shunt active power
filter in the synchronous reference frame” International journal of power and energy
systems, vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 15-23, 2003.
H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï et L. Duguay, « Impédance d’entrée et
audiosusceptibilité d’un redresseur élévateur monophasé non polluant », Revue
Internationale de Génie Electrique, Hermès, vol.6, No.1-2, 2003, pp. 187-223.
N. Mendalek, K. Al-Haddad, F. Farhat, L. A. Dessaint, “Nonlinear control technique to
enhance dynamic performance of a shunt active power filter “, IEE Proc.-Electr. Power
Appl. Vol. 150 No.4, July 2003. pp. 373-379.
H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad and G. Roy, “Analysis of the Electromechanical Vibrations in
Induction Motor Drives Due to the Imperfections of the Mechanical Transmission
- 12 -
System”, selected to be part of a special issue of the Transactions of IMACS on
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 63, 2003, pp. 421-433.
Loubna Yacoubi, Farhat Fnaiech, K. Al-Haddad, and Louis-A. Dessaint “ A New
nonlinear control of Three-Phase NPC Boost Rectifier Operating Under Severe
Disturbances “ Transactions of IMACS Mathematics and Computer in Simulation, Vol.
63, 2003, pp. 307-320.
Singh, B., Singh Brij N., Chandra A., K. Al-Haddad, Pandey A., Kothari D.P., “A
review of single phase improved power quality AC-DC converters,” IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Electronics, vol 50. No. 5, Octobre 2003, pp 962-981.
Singh, Bhim, Singh, B. N., Chandra, A. and K. Al-Haddad, “Digital Implementation of
Sliding Mode Control Technique on SSC for Load Balancing and Reactive Power
Compensation”, IETE Journal of Research, Volume 49, No. 5, September-October 2003,
pp 313-322.
De Kelper, L.A. Dessaint, K. Al-Haddad, “ a comprehensive approach to fixed step
simulation of switched circuits”, IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics, vol. 17, no. 2, march
2002, pp. 216-224.
Singh Brij N, Singh, B., Chandra A., and Al-Haddad K., "A new control strategy of a
three-phase solid state compensator for voltage regulation, power factor correction and
load balancing", The Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 83, pp.55-64, June
Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "DSP Based Implementation of
Fuzzy Control Algorithms of Active Shunt Filter", European Transactions on Electrical
Power Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2000, pp369-375.
Chandra, A., Singh, B., Singh, B.N., and Al-Haddad, K., "An Improve Control
Algorithm of Shunt Active Filter for Voltage Regulation, harmonic Elimination, Power
factor Correction and balancing of Nonlinear Loads", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
USA, Vol. 15, NO. 3, May 2000, pp 495-507.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "A DPS Based Indirect Current
Controlled STATCOM-Part I : Evaluation of Current Control Techniques", IEE
Proceedings-Electric Power Applications, UK, Vol. 147, No. 2, March 2000, pp 107-112.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A. and Al-Haddad, K., "DPS Based Indirect Current Controlled
STATCOM-Part II : Multi-functional capabilities", IEE Proceedings-Electric Power
Applications, UK, Vol. 147, No. 2, March 2000, pp. 113-118.
Singh, B., Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "DSP Based Implementation of
an Improved Control Algorithm of a Three-Phase Active Filter for Compensation of
- 13 -
Unbalanced Nonlinear Loads", European Transactions on Electrical Power Engineering
,Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2000, pp. 29-35.
Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Digital Implementation of an
Advanced Static Compensator for Voltage Profile Improvement, Power Factor Correction
and Balancing of Unbalanced Reactive Loads", Journal of Electric Power Systems
Research (USA), Vol 54, 2000, pp 101-111.
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "A review of active filters for power quality
Improvement", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics (USA), Vol 46, No. 5, pp 960-971,
Oct, 1999.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., and Singh, B., "Performance of Sliding Mode
and Fuzzy controllers for Static Synchronous Series Compensator", The Journal of IEE
Pt.C, Generation, Transmission and Distribution (U.K), Volume 146, Number 2, March
1999, pp 200-206.
Dessaint L. A., K. Al-Haddad, « A power system simulation tool based on simulink »,
IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics, vol. 46, No. 6, decembre 1999, pp.1252-1254.
Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Computer-aided modeling & Simulation of
active power filters", Journal of Electric Machines & Power Systems (USA, Vol 27, No.
11, November, 1999, pp. 1227-1241.
Kanaan, H., Al-Haddad, K. Chaffaï, R. Duguay, L., « Réduction du THD d’un
Redresseur triphasé par réglage du courant injecté », Revue Internationale du Génie
Électrique (RIGÉ). Paper accepted to be published during 2001. Letter of acceptance
received on August 28th, 2001.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Digital Implementation of Fuzzy Control
Algorithm for Shunt Active Filter », ETEP, Vol.10 No.6, November/December 2000,
Chandra, A., Singh, B., *Singh, B.N., Al-Haddad, K., « An Improve Control Algorithm
of Shunt Active Filter for Voltage Regulation, Harmonic Elimination, Power Factor
Correction and Balancing of Non-linear Loads », IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
USA, Vol.15, No.3, May 2000, p.495-507.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « A DSP Based Indirect Current Controlled
STATCOM-Part I : Evaluation of Current Control Techniques », IEE ProceedingsElectric Power Applications, UK, Vol.147, No.2, March 2000, p.107-112.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « DSP Based Indirect Current Controlled
STATCOM-Part II : Multi-functional Capabilities », IEE Proceedings-Electric Power
Applications, UK, Vol.147, No.2, March 2000, p.113-118.
- 14 -
Singh, B., *Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « DSP Based Implementation of
an Improved Control Algorithm of a Three-Phase Active Filter for Compensation of
Unbalanced Non-linear Loads », The Journal of European Transactions on Electrical
Power Engineering, Germany, Vol.10, No.1, Jan./Feb. 2000, p.29-35.
Singh, B.N., *Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Digital Implementation of an
Advanced Static Compensator for Voltage Profile Improvement, Power Factor
Correction and Balancing of Unbalanced Reactive Loads », Journal of Electric Power
Systems and Research, USA, Vol.54, 2000, p.101-111.
Dessaint, L.-A., Al-Haddad, K., « A Power System Simulation Tool Based on
Simulink », IEEE Trans. on Ind. Elect., Vol.46, No.6, December 1999, p.1252-1254.
Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., Singh, B., « Performance of Sliding Mode and
Fuzzy Controllers for Static Synchronous Series Compensator », The Journal of IEE
Pt.C, Generation, Transmission and Distribution , UK, Vol.146, No.2, March 1999,
Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Computer-Aided Modelling and Simulation of
Active Power Filters », Journal of Electric Machines & Power Systems, USA, Vol.27,
No.11, November 1999, p.1227-1241.
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « Active Power Filter for Harmonic and
Reactive Power Compensation in Three Phase, Four-Wire Systems Supplying Non-linear
Loads », European Trans. on Electrical Power, Germany, Vol.8, No.2, March/April 1998,
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « A Review of Active Filters for Power Quality
Improvement », IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.46, Oct. 1999, p.960-971.
Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., Anuradha and Kothari, D.P., « Reactive Power
Compensation and Load Balancing in Electrical Power Distribution Systems », Trans. on
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elservier Science, UK, 1998. Vol.20, No.6, p.375381.
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « A New Control Approach to Three Phase
Active Filter for Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation », IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, Vol.13, No.1, Feb. 1998, p.133-138.
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Anuradha, Kothari, D.P., « A Three-Phase
Compensator for Load Balancing and Reactive Power Compensation in Three-Phase
System », Journal of Elect. Machines & Power Systems, USA, Vol.26, No.1, 1998, p.2737.
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « Harmonic Elimination, Reactive Power
Compensation and Load Balancing in Three-Phase, Four-Wire Electric Distribution
Systems Supplying Non-Linear Loads », Journal of Electric Power System Research,
USA, Vol.44, 1998, p.93-100.
- 15 -
Daniel, F., *Chaffaï, R., Al-Haddad, K., « Three-Phase Rectifier with Low Harmonic
Distorsion to Feed Capacitive Loads », IEEE-Transactions on Industry Applications,
Vol.33, No.5, Sept./Oct. 1997, p.1185-1193.
Tou, M., Al-Haddad, K., Rajagopalan, V., « Analysis and Design of Single Controlled
Switch Three Phase Rectifier with Unity Power Factor and Sinusoidal Input Current »,
IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, Vol.12, No.4, July 1997.
Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « An Active Power Filter with Sliding Mode
Control », IEE Proc. Gen. Trans. and Dist., UK, Vol.144, No.6, Nov. 1997, p.564-568.
Ghanem, M., Al-Haddad, K., Roy, G., « A New Single Phase Buck Boost Converter with
Unity Power Factor », IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.43, No.2, April 1996.
Cyr, J.M., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., Rajagopalan, V., « Étude comparative de
différentes topologies de convertisseurs à résonance », Canadian Journal of Electrical
and Computer Eng., Vol.20, n° 4, 1995, p.193-201.
Tou, M., *Chaffaï, R., Al-Haddad, K., Rajagopalan, V., « Analysis and Design
Consideration of a Unity Power Factor Quasi Resonant Rectifier », Journal of
Mathematics and Computer Simulation, 38 (1995), p.399-413.
Chandra, A., Dessaint, L.-A., Saad, M., Al-Haddad, K., « An Adaptive Pole-Shifting
Algorithm and its Implementation for Reference Tracking of a DC Drive using a DSP
Chip », Revue canadienne de génie électrique et informatique, Vol.20, No.1, 1995, p.3948.
b. paper accepted for publication in journal
S. Amarir, K. Al-Haddad “A new design tool to protect industrial long cable PWM ASD
systems against high frequency over-voltage problems”, Canadian journal of Electrical
andcomputer Engineering, to be published in Fall 2008.
B. Kedjar an K. Al-Haddad, “ DSP-Based Implementation of an LQR with Integral
Action for a Three-Phase Three-Wire Shunt Active Power Filter“; IEEE Ttransactions on
Industrrial Electronics, Paper reference TIE-00902-2007.R1, to be published in 2008.
Salem Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and Hadi Kanaan, “A Comparative Study of Two PWM
Techniques for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters Employing Direct Current
Control Strategy”, 'IET Electric Power Applications, EPA-2007-0253.R1, IET , to be
published in winter 2008.
c. Paper published in refereed conferences
Handy Blanchette and Kamal Al-Haddad, “A new Approach to Solve EMI Related
Problems When Designing Reliable High Power Converters using Precomputed
- 16 -
electromagnetic models”. Power Electronic Specialists Conference, June
2008 (PESC'08.)
Bhim Singh, P Jayaprakash, D P Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad,
“Indirect Control of Capacitor Supported DVR for Power Quality Improvement in
Distribution System,” Proceedings of 2008 PES General Meeting, 20 - 24 July, 2008,
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Amina N. Hamimi, François Ruelland, Kamal Al-Haddad, “ Resonance effect of
insulated negative current rail in a subway network”; Proc. ELECTRIMACS’08, Quebec,
Canada, June 8-11, 2008.
H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Comparative study of a conventional and a
modified Sheppard-Taylor-based topologies for single-phase power factor correction”,
Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’08), Cambridge,
United Kingdom, June 30-July 2, 2008.
Kedjar, B.; Al-Haddad, K.; “LQ Control of a Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Power
Filter Based on Three-Level NPC Inverter” IEEE 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering, May 4-7 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
S. Amarir and K. Al-Haddad, ‘‘A design tool to protect industrial long cable PWM ASD
systems against over-voltage problems,’’ IEEE 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering, May 4-7 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
S. Amarir and K. Al-Haddad, ‘‘A new mathematical tool to investigate cable
characteristics influence upon inverter output pulse voltage transients and their associated
Differential mode currents for PWM drives,’’ 9th international conference on modeling
and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems, ELECTRIMACS 2008,
June 8-11 Québec, Canada.
Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Voltage
and Frequency Controller for an Autonomous Micro Hydro Generating System,”
Proceedings of 2008 PES General Meeting, 20 - 24 July, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA USA
H. Y. Kanaan, N. Mendalek, S. Georges, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Multi-Loops
Control Design for a Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Power Filter Based on the
Linear Decoupling Method”, 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference
(MELECON’08), Ajaccio, France, May 5-7, 2008.
S. Amarir, K. Al-Haddad, ‘‘Mathematical Analysis and Experimental Validation of
Transient Over-voltage higher than 2 per unit along Industrial ASDM Long Cables,’’ the
39th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC08), Rhodes, Greece June 1519, 2008, paper number: PE-8834
H. Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad and A. Hayek, “Average Modeling and Carrier-Based
Control Strategies Applied to a Three-Phase 4-Leg Active Power Filter”, 9th international
conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems,
ELECTRIMACS 2008, June 8-11 Québec, Canada.
S. Amarir and K. Al-Haddad, ‘‘Over-voltages computation algorithm for motors fed from
Long Cable PWM Drives,’’ Submitted for possible publication in The 14th IEEE
Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON’2008), Palais des Congrès «
François Lanzi » - Ajaccio (France), May 5-7, 2008
H. Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad and A. Hayek, “Study, Modeling and Control of a SinglePhase Power Factor Corrector Based on the Sheppard-Taylor Topology”, s9th
- 17 -
international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and
systems, ELECTRIMACS 2008, June 8-11 Québec, Canada.
[90] H. Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad and A. Hayek, “Modeling Techniques Applied to SwitchMode Power Converters: Application to the Boost-Type Single-Phase Full-Bridge
Rectifier”, Proc. Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI’08), Krakow, Poland,
May 25-27, 2008.
[91] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “Small-Signal Averaged Model and Carrier-Based
Linear Control of a SEPIC PFC”, Proc. INTELEC’08, San Diego, CA, USA, September
14-18, 2008.
[92] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Multi-Loops Control Design for a New
Sheppard-Taylor Based Power Factor Corrector with Model-Nonlinearity
Compensation”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
(ICIT’08), Chengdu, China, April 21-24, 2008.
[93] F. Ruelland et K. Al-Haddad “ REDUCING SUBWAY’S ENERGY “, IEEE Electrical
Power Conference, Montréal, 2007, PP. 121-127
[94] Saïd Amarir, Kamal Al-Haddad, “ Design tool governing over-voltages in motors fed
from long cable PWM drives”, ICREPQ International Conference on renewable Energies
and Power Quality ICREPQ`08, Santander (Spain) 12-14, March, 2008.
[95] Bel Haj Youssef, N., Al-Haddad, K. and Youssef Kanaan, H. 2008. “Experimental
Comparative Study of Quasi-Linear, Nonlinear and Model Reference Adaptive Control
Techniques Applied to a Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier”, 9th international conference on
modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems, ELECTRIMACS
2008, June 8-11 Québec, Canada.
[96] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Small-Signal Averaged Model and CarrierBased Linear Control of a New Sheppard-Taylor-Based PFC”, Proc. 3rd IEEE
Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA’08), Singapore, June 3-5,
[97] Bel Haj Youssef, N., Al-Haddad, K. and Youssef Kanaan, H. 2008. “Sensorless
Nonlinear Control of a Three-Phase/ Switch/ level Vienna Rectifier Based on a
Numerical Reconstruction of DC and AC voltages”, the 14th IEEE-Mediterranean
Electrotechnical Conference, 5-7 May 2008, Palais des Congrès François Lanzi, Ajaccio
[98] Youssef, N.B.H.; Al-Haddad, K.; “ Experimental Implementation of a New Quasi-Linear
Control Technique on a 1.5 kW Three-Phase Boost-Type Vienna Rectifier”,; Industrial
Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 4-7 June 2007
Page(s):497 – 502.
[99] Bel Haj Youssef, N. and Al-Haddad, K. 2007. “A DSP-Based Implementation of a
Nonlinear model reference adaptive control for a 1.5 kW three-phase three-level boostType Vienna rectifier”. In the 15th of April to the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEEIndustrial Electronics Society Conference 2007 IECON’07, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8
November 2007.
[100] Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Improved
Power Quality Based Controller for a 3-Phase 4-Wire Isolated Wind Energy System,” in
Proc. of IEEE Canada Conf. Electrical Power Conference 2007 on Renewable and
Alternative Energy Resources(EPC-2007), October 25-26, 2007, Montréal, Québec,
- 18 -
[101] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek, K. Al-Haddad and S. Rahmani, “Carrier-Based Linear
Decoupling Control of a Three-Phase Four-Leg Shunt Active Power Filter”, in Proc. 33rd
Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON’07), Taipei, Taiwan,
November 5-8, 2007.
[102] Rahmani, S.; Hamadi, Ab.; Al-Haddad, K.; “A New Three Phase Hybrid Passive Filter to
Dampen Resonances and Compensate Harmonics and Reactive Power for Any Type of
Load under Distorted Source Conditions”; Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
2007. PESC 2007. IEEE, 17-21 June 2007 Page(s):2594 – 2599.
[103] W. C. Santana, K. Al-Haddad, S. Rahmani, F. Fnaiech, and L. E. B. da Silva, “An Active
Resonance Damper for Distribution Systems Using an ARIMAX Parameter Estimator,”
IEEE Electrical Power Conference – EPC07, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2007.
[104] Singh, B.; Kasal, G.; Chandra, A.; Kamal-Al-Haddad “ Battery Based Voltage and
Frequency Controller for Parallel Operated Isolated Asynchronous Generators “;
Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 4-7 June
2007 Page(s):883 – 888.
[105] Hamouda, M.; Fnaiech, F.; Kamal Al-Haddad; “ A DSP based real-time simulation of
Dual-Bridge Matrix Converters”; Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE
International Symposium on, 4-7 June 2007 Page(s):594 – 599.
[106] Singh, B.; Gairola, S.; Chandra, A.; Kamal Al-Haddad; “Zigzag Connected
Autotransformer Based Controlled AC-DC Converter for Pulse Multiplication”,
Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 4-7 June
2007 Page(s):889 – 894.
[107] Youssef, Nesrine Bel Haj; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “ Application of the New Quasi-Linear
Control Theory to the AC Current Shaping and DC Voltage Regulation of a Three-Phase
boost-type AC/DC Vienna Converter Under Very Severe Operating Conditions”;
EUROCON, 2007. The International Conference on “Computer as a Tool”, 9-12 Sept.
2007 Page(s):1336 – 1343.
[108] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “A New Single-Phase Power Factor
Corrector Based on the SEPIC and Sheppard-Taylor Topologies”, in Proc. 29th
International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC’07), Rome, Italy,
September 30 – October 4, 2007.
[109] Sedraoui, Khaled; Fnaiech, Farhat; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “ Application of the
Instantaneous Power With the symmetrical components theory to Control Unbalanced
and Non-Sinusoidal Three Phase Power System”; Power Engineering Society General
Meeting, 2007. IEEE, 24-28 June 2007 Page(s):1 – 6.
[110] Kanaan, Hadi Y.; Hayek, Alfred; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “ Small-Signal Average Modeling,
Simulation and Carrier-Based Linear Control of a Three-Phase Four-Leg Shunt Active
Power Filter”; Electric Machines & Drives Conference, 2007. IEMDC '07. IEEE
International, Volume 1, 3-5 May 2007 Page(s):601 – 607.
[111] Hamadi, Ab.; Rahmani, S.; Al-Haddad, K.; “A Novel Hybrid Series Active Filter for
Power Quality Compensation “; Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC
2007. IEEE, 17-21 June 2007 Page(s):1099 - 1104.
[112] Kedjar, Bachir; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “LQR with Integral Action to Enhance Dynamic
Performance of Three-Phase Three-Wire Shunt Active Filter”; Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC 2007. IEEE, 17-21 June 2007 Page(s):1138 – 1144.
- 19 -
[113] Kanaan, Hadi Y.; Hayek, Alfred; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “Comparative Study of Two
Average-Model-Based PWM Control Schemes for a Sheppard-Taylor PFC”,
17-21 June 2007 Page(s):2893 – 2898.
[114] H. Y. Kanaan, S. Abourida, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Switching-functions-based
state-space modeling and simulation of a two-stage high power DC-DC converter”, in
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization
(ICMSAO’07), Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 24-27, 2007.
[115] Kanaan, H.Y.; Hayek, A.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Averaged-Model-Based Nonlinear Control of
a PWM Three-Phase Four-Leg Shunt Active Power Filter”;Electrical and Computer
Engineering, 2007. CCECE 2007. Canadian Conference on, 22-26 April 2007
Page(s):1002 – 1005.
[116] Kanaan, H.Y.; Hayek, A.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Averaged Model Based Control of a
Sheppard-Taylor PFC with Nonlinearity Compensation”; Electrical and Computer
Engineering, 2007. CCECE 2007. Canadian Conference on, 22-26 April 2007
Page(s):1006 – 1009
[117] Kanaan, H.Y.; Hayek, A.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Small-Signal Averaged Model and CarrierBased Linear Control of a Sheppard-Taylor PFC”; Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE
2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 4-7 June 2007 Page(s):527 – 532.
[118] Singh, Bhim; Gairola, Sanjay; Chandra, Ambrish; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “Power Quality
Improvements in Isolated Twelve-Pulse AC-DC Converters Using Delta/Double-Polygon
Transformer”, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC 2007. IEEE, 17-21
June 2007 Page(s):2848 – 2853.
[119] F. Ruelland and K. Al-Haddad « Two methods for the optimization of subway tunnel
profiles” IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 67-73.
[120] Amarir Said; Al-Haddad, Kamal; “A New High Frequency Modeling Technique of
Travelling Waves in Long Cable PWM DrivesIEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006
- 32nd Annual Conference on, Nov. 2006 Page(s):1119 – 1124.
[121] P.J. Lagacé, M.H. Vuong, K. Al-Haddad, “A Time Model for Transient Simulation of
Synchronous Machines using Phase Coordinates”, IEEE Power Engineering Society 2006
General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006, Paper No. 06GM0380.
[122] H. Y. Kanaan, S. Georges, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Frequency-Domain SmallSignal Modeling of a Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Power Filter”, in Proc. Joint
50th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS’07) and
5th IEEE International Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS’07),
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 5-8, 2007, pp. 542-545.
[123] Youssef Ounejjar, Kamal Al-Haddad, « New line currents and neutral point balancing
technique of three-level three-phase NPC converter », IEEE-ISIE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1436-1441.
[124] Rajaa Labaki, Bachir Kedjar and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Single-Phase Active Front End
Converter with series compensation », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 769-774.
[125] S. Amarir and Kamal Al-Haddad, « A new modeling technique for over voltage detection
in three phase Adjustable speed drives » in Proc. 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE
- 20 -
Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’06), Paris, France, November 07-10, 2006. pp.
[126] N. Bel Haj Youssef, Kamal Al-Haddad and H. Y. Kanaan, « Real Time Linear Control
implementation Based on Experimentally Validated Small Signal Model of a ThreePhase Three-Level Boost-Type Vienna Rectifier », in Proc. 32nd Annual Conference of
the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’06), Paris, France, November 07-10,
2006. pp. 33-42
[127] H. Y. Kanaan and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Design, control and simulation of a highefficiency low-cost DC-DC converter for high current applications », in Proc. 28th
International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC’06), Providence,
Rhode Island, USA, September 10-14, 2006.
[128] N. Bel Haj Youssef, Kamal Al-Haddad and H. Y. Kanaan, « DSP Based Experimental
Validation Technique Applied to the Development of a New Vienna Rectifier Small
Signal Model », in Proc. 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics
Society (IECON’06), Paris, France, November 07-10, 2006. pp. 394-399.
[129] Abdelaziz Zouidi, Farhat Fnaiech and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Voltage source Inverter
Based three-phase shunt active Power Filter: Topology, Modeling and Control Strategies
», IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006,
Montreal, Canada, pp. 785-790.
[130] F. Charfi, F.Sellami and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Fault Diagnostic in Power System Using
Wavelet Transforms and Neural Networks », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1143-1148.
[131] Salem Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad and Hadi Y. Kanaan « Average Modeling and Hybrid
Control of a Three-Phase Series Hybrid Power Filter », IEEE-ISIE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 919-924.
[132] Bhim Singh, G. Bhuvaneswari, Vipin Garg, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad, «
A Tapped Delta Autotransformer Based 24-Pulse AC-DC Converter for Variable
Frequency Induction Motor Drives », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2046-2051.
[133] Abdelaziz Zouidi, Farhat Fnaiech and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Neural Network controlled
three-phase three-wire shunt active Power Filter », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium
on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 5-10.
[134] Salem Rahmani and Kamal Al-Haddad, « A Single Phase Multilevel Hybrid Power Filter
for Electrified Railway Applications », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 925-930.
[135] Salem Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad and Farhat Fnaiech, « A Three-Phase Shunt Active
Power Filter for Damping of Harmonic Propagation in Power Distribution Systems »,
IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal,
Canada, pp. 1760-1764.
- 21 -
[136] H. Y. Kanaan, S. Rahamni and Kamal Al-Haddad, « New Modeling, Simulation and
Control of a PWM Single-Phase Shunt Hybrid Power Filter », IEEE-ISIE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 960-963.
[137] H. Y. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad, G. Sauriole and R. Chaffaï, « Practical Design of a
SEPIC Power Factor Corrector with DC-Voltage Regulation », IEEE-ISIE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 964-969.
[138] François Ruelland and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Simulation and optimization of subway
tunnel profiles », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 913 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2659-2664.
[139] Handy Blanchette and Kamal Al-Haddad, «Leakage inductance calculation for high
power density converters application. Industrial Electronics Society, 2007. IECON 2007.
33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE 5-8 Nov. 2007 Page(s):1402 – 1407
[140] Ab. Hamadi, S. Rahmani, W. C. Santana, and K. Al-Haddad, “A Novel Shunt Hybrid
Power Filter for the Mitigation of Power System Harmonics,” IEEE Electrical Power
Conference – EPC07, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2007
[141] Handy Blanchette and Kamal Al-Haddad. «The impact of power converter technologies
on stand alone wind turbine applications». IEEE- EPC07 Electric power conference,
Montreal, canada, October 2007.
[142] Robert Thibault, Kamal Al-Haddad and Louis. A. Dessaint, « Three Phase Grid
Connected Converter With An Efficient Power Flow Control Algorithm: Experimental
Validation », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13
2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1305-1310.
[143] Lucian Mandache and Kamal Al-Haddad, « High Precision Modeling of Nonlinear Lossy
Magnetic Devices », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July
9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2671-2676.
[144] Nesrine Bel Haj Youssef, Kamal Al-Haddad and Hadi Kanaan, « A New Methodology
For Vienna Rectifier Rating And Controller Tuning Based on Control Saturation
Analysis: Experimental Validation », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1328-1333.
[145] M. Mrabet, F. Fnaiech and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Convergence Analysis of a General
Nonlinear Predictive Adaptive Controllers », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 405-410.
[146] Lucian Mandache and Kamal Al-Haddad, « High Precision Modeling of Saturable
Transformers used as Voltage Regulators », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2695-2699.
[147] Bachir Kedjar and Kamal Al-Haddad, « LQR with Integral Action for Phase Current
Control of Constant Switching Frequency Vienna Rectifier », IEEE-ISIE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1461-1466.
[148] Ab. Hamadi, Kamal Al-Haddad and R. Rahmani, « Series active filter to mitigate power
quality for medium size industrial loads (multi Pulses Transformer and modern AC drive)
- 22 -
», IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006,
Montreal, Canada, pp. 1510-1515.
[149] K. Sedraoui, Kamal Al-Haddad and G. Olivier, « Flicker Compensation in Arc Furnace
Power systems Using the UPFC », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1864-1868.
[150] Saïd Amarir and Kamal Al-Haddad, « A New Reflected Wave Modeling Technique for
PWM ASD-Motors », IEEE-ISIE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2510-2515.
[151] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and K. Al-Haddad, “Nonlinear Control Design for a PWM
Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Power Filter Based on the State-Space Averaged
Model”, in Proc. 12th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power
(ICHQP’06), Cascais, Portugal, October 01-05, 2006.
[152] Bhim Singh, Jitendra Solanki, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, « A Solid State
Compensator with Energy Storage for Isolated Diesel Generator Set », IEEE-ISIE
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 9-13 2006, Montreal, Canada,
pp. 1774-1778.
[153] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek, S. Georges and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Averaged Modelling,
Simulation and Linear Control Design of a PWM Fixed Frequency Three-Phase FourWire Shunt Active Power Filter for a Typical Industrial Load », in Proc. 3rd IEE
International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD’06),
Dublin, Ireland, April 04-06, 2006.
[154] H. Y. Kanaan, S. Georges, A. Hayek and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Modelling and
comparative evaluation of control techniques applied to a PWM three-phase four-wire
shunt active power filter », in Proc. 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ICIEA’06), Singapore, May 24-26, 2006.
[155] H. Y. Kanaan, A. Hayek and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Modeling and Control of a SinglePhase Sheppard-Taylor Based Power Factor Corrector », submitted to Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT’06), Mumbai, India, December
15-17, 2006.
[156] H. Y. Kanaan and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Modeling and simulation of DC-DC power
converters in continuous and discontinuous modes using the switching functions
approach », in Proc. First International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied
Optimization (ICMSAO’05), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February 1-3, 2005.
[157] F. Musavi, Kamal Al-Haddad and H. Kannan, « A Large Signal Averaged Modelling and
Control of Paralleled DC/DC Converters with Automatic Load Sharing », in Proc. IEEE
APEC’05, Austin, Texas, March 6-10, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1353-1358.
[158] H. Y. Kanaan and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Switching-Functions-Based Modeling of a ThreePhase Three-Switch Three-Level Rectifier in Continuous and Discontinuous Modes for
Real-Time Simulations », in Proc. 27th International Telecommunications Energy
Conference (INTELEC’05), Berlin, Germany, September 18-22, 2005.
- 23 -
[159] H. Y. Kanaan, R. Boulos, C. Asmar and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Design, modeling and
simulation of an AC-DC-AC transmission system with low AC-current distortion and
DC-voltage regulation », in Proc. 27th International Telecommunications Energy
Conference (INTELEC’05), Berlin, Germany, September 18-22, 2005.
[160] M. Hamouda, F. Fnaiech, and K. AL-Haddad, “Space vector modulation scheme for Dual-Bridge
Matrix Converters using safe-commutation strategy”, in proc. IEEE IECON’05, November, 6-10,
[161] H. Y. Kanaan and Kamal Al-Haddad, « A Comparative Analysis of Nonlinear Current
Control Schemes Applied to a SEPIC Power Factor Corrector », in Proc. 31st Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’05), Raleigh, North
Carolina, USA, November 6-10, 2005, pp. 1104-1109.
[162] S. Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad and H. Y. Kanaan, « Observer Based Reference Current
Generation for a Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter », in Proc. 31st Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’05), Raleigh, North
Carolina, USA, November 6-10, 2005, pp. 1323-1328.
[163] H. Y. Kanaan and Kamal Al-Haddad, « Modeling and Simulation of DC-DC Power
Converters in CCM and DCM Using the Switching Functions Approach: Application to
the Buck and Cùk Converters », in Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Power
Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS’05), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 28 –
December 1, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 468-473.
[164] Rahmani, S.; Al-Haddad, K.; Kanaan (2005), H.Y.;” Experimental design and simulation
of a modified PWM with an indirect current control technique applied to a single-phase
shunt active power filter”; ISIE 2005. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium
on, Volume 2, 20-23 June 2005 Page(s):519 - 524 vol. 2
[165] Robert Thibault, Kamal Al-Haddad, Louis. A. Dessaint(2005); “A New Control
Algorithm For Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Converters Connected to The Grid “,
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE2005, May 1-5
Saskatoon, Canada, pp. 1321-1324.
[166] Lucian Mandache, Kamal Al-Haddad (2005); “New High Precision Harmonic Analysis
Method for Power Quality Assessement “, Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering CCECE2005, May 1-5 Saskatoon, Canada, pp. 2051-2054.
[167] Handy Blanchette, Kamal Al-Haddad (2005);”A New Discrete Packaging configuration
of Bidirectional Power Switch with Less Magnetic Interference”, Canadian Conference
on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE2005, May 1-5 Saskatoon, Canada, pp.
[168] Pascal Fleury, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Universal Input voltage, unity power factor, high
efficiency flyback rectifier with regenerative snubber”, Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE2005, May 1-5 Saskatoon, Canada, pp. 581584.
[169] H. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad, F. Fnaiech “ A Study on the Effects of the Neutral
Inductor on the Modeling and Performance of a Four-Wire Three-Phase/Switch/Level
- 24 -
Fixed-Frequency Rectifier“, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Modeling
and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS2005,
Hamamet, Tunisia, April 17-20 2005. pp. 1-7.
[170] M. Labben-Ben Braiek, F. Fnaiech, Kamal Al-Haddad,”A Fuzzy Logic Controller
Method for Compensating Reactive Power Energy in a Three Phase Active Power
Filtering“, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of
Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS2005, Hamamet, Tunisia,
April 17-20 2005. pp. 1-6.
[171] S. Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad, H. Kannan “A Comparative Study of Shunt Hybrid and
Shunt Active Power Filters for Single-Phase Applications: Simulation and Experimental
Validation“, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of
Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS2005, Hamamet, Tunisia,
April 17-20 2005. vol. 1, pp. 1-6
[172] N. Bel Haj Youssef, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Adaptive Nonlinear Control of a Single-Phase
AC/DC Dual Boost“, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Modeling and
Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS2005,
Hamamet, Tunisia, April 17-20 2005. vol.1, pp. 1-6.
[173] K. Chatterjee, A. Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “PLL-Less One-Cycle Controlled
Modified Load Compensator for Wide Range of Loads”, the 36th IEEE Power
Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC´05, June 12-16, 2005 at Mar Hotel - Recife,
Brazil. vol. 1, pp. 1-6.
[174] S Rahmani, K Al-Haddad, H.Y. Kanaan,” A Comparative Study of Two PWM
Techniques for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters Employing Direct Current
Control Strategy”, the 36th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC´05,
June 12-16, 2005 at Mar Hotel - Recife, Brazil. vo.1, pp.1-6
[175] S. Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad, H.Y. Kanaan, “ Implementation and Simulation of a
Modified PWM with Two Current Control Techniques Applied To A Single-Phase Shunt
Hybrid Power Filter”, the 36th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
PESC´05, June 12-16, 2005 at Mar Hotel - Recife, Brazil., vol.1, pp. 1-6.
[176] H. Kanaan, Kamal Al-Haddad, “A Novel Averaged-Model-Based Control of a SEPIC
Power Factor Corrector Using the Input/Output Feedback Linearization Technique”, the
36th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC´05, June 12-16, 2005 at Mar
Hotel - Recife, Brazil. Vol. 1., pp. 1-6.
[177] M. Hamouda, K. Al-Haddad, and F. Fnaiech, “PWM control algorithm including semi
natural two steps commutation strategy applied on a direct three-phase matrix converter”,
in proc. IEEE ISIE’04, May,4-7, pp 1069- 1074.
[178] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; “ Comparative evaluation of average-model-based control
schemes applied to a three-phase series active power filter for voltage harmonic
cancellation”; Industrial Electronics, 2004 IEEE International Symposium on, Volume 2,
4-7 May 2004 Page(s):783 - 789 vol. 2
- 25 -
[179] Fallaha, C.J.; Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; “ Implementation of a dSPACE-based
digital controller for a single-phase UPF two-stage boost rectifier”; Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th Annual, Volume 4, 2004
Page(s):3134 - 3138 Vol.4
[180] Kanaan, H.Y.; Marquis, A.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Small-signal modeling and linear control of
a dual boost power factor correction circuit”; Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th AnnualVolume 4, 2004 Page(s):3127 - 3133 Vol.4 .
[181] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; “A linear decoupling multiple-loops control scheme
applied to a three-phase series active power filter for voltage harmonic cancellation
reactive power compensation”; Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2004. 11th
International Conference on, 12-15 Sept. 2004 Page(s):299 – 304
[182] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Review of closed-loop duty-cycle-based control
algorithms applied to a three-phase current injection unity-power-factor rectifier”`;
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th Annual,
Volume 2, 20-25 June 2004 Page(s):1594 - 1600 Vol.2
[183] Hamadi, A.; Al-Haddad, K.; Rahmani, S.; Kanaan, H.; “Comparison of fuzzy logic and
proportional integral controller of voltage source active filter compensating current
harmonics and power factor”`; Industrial Technology, 2004. IEEE ICIT '04. 2004 IEEE
International Conference on, Volume 2, 8-10 Dec. 2004 Page(s):645 - 650 Vol. 2
[184] Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad, 2004 “Power
Conditioner for Variable Frequency Drives in Offshore Oil-Fields,” in Proc. IEEE-IAS
2004 Petroleum and Chemical Industry India Conference, New Delhi, November 9-10,
2004, pp. 118-126.
[185] Jitendra Solanki, Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad,
2004 “Neural Network Controlled Power Conditioner with Battery Energy Storage
Feature for Isolated Offshore Power System,” in Proc. IEEE-IAS 2004 Petroleum and
Chemical Industry India Conference, New Delhi, November 9-10, 2004, pp. 127-133.
[186] Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad, 2004 “Power
Quality Improvement through Active Power Filter Employing Selective Compensation
using SRF Theory,” in Proc. of Second IEEE-India International Conference on Power
Electronics 2004, Mumbai, India, December 20-21, 2004, CD Copy.
[187] S. Amarir, K. Al-Haddad, ‘‘A new approach to analyze the overvoltages due to the cable
lengths and EMI on adjustable speed drive motors,’’ in proc. IEEE 35th PESC Record IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, v 5, PESC04, 2004, pp. 39643970
[188] Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, A. Chandra and K. Al-Haddad, 2004, “Novel front end series
power conditioner for variable frequency induction motor drive” in Proc. 2004 Electrical
Rotating Machine Conf., New Delhi, February 4-5, 2004, pp. VI.25-32.
[189] Hamouda, M.; Fnaiech, F.; Al-Haddad, K.; Kanaan, H.Y.; “Matrix converter control: a
sliding mode approach”; Industrial Electronics Society, 2004. IECON 2004. 30th Annual
Conference of IEEE, Volume 3, 2-6 Nov. 2004 Page(s):2295 - 2300 Vol. 3
- 26 -
[190] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; Fnaiech, F.; “Switching-function-based modeling and
control of a SEPIC power factor correction circuit operating in continuous and
discontinuous current modes”; Industrial Technology, 2004. IEEE ICIT '04. 2004 IEEE
International Conference on, Volume 1, 8-10 Dec. 2004 Page(s):431 - 437 Vol. 1
[191] Musavi, F.; Al-Haddad, K.; Kanaan, H.Y.; “A novel large signal modelling and dynamic
analysis of paralleled DC/DC converters with automatic load sharing control”, Industrial
Technology, 2004. IEEE ICIT '04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on, Volume 1,
8-10 Dec. 2004 Page(s):536 - 541 Vol. 1
[192] Kanaan, H.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Small-signal averaged model and simple control of a highpower-factor three-phase/switch/level fixed-frequency PWM rectifier for high-power
telecommunications”; Telecommunications Energy Conference, 2004. INTELEC 2004.
26th Annual International, 19-23 Sept. 2004 Page(s):449 – 456
[193] Bel Haj Youssef, N. and Al-Haddad, K. 2004. “A new general algorithm of current
reference generation for 3-phase 3-wire systems”. In IEEE-International Conference on
Industrial Technology 2004, ICIT’04, Hammamet, Tunisia, 8-10 Décembre 2004, Vol. 2,
pp. 657 – 662.
[194] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; Fnaiech, F.; “ Comparative analysis of multiple-loops
linear and non-linear control schemes applied to a three-phase three-switch three-level
rectifier”; Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting.
Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE, Volume 1, 3-7 Oct. 2004 Page(s):
[195] Fallaha, C.J.; Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; Lavoie, M.; “ Design of a digital linear
controller for a single-phase UPF two-stage boost rectifier using the dSPACE tool of
Matlab/Simulink”, Control, Communications and Signal Processing, 2004. First
International Symposium on, 2004 Page(s):11 – 14
[196] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; “A new nonlinearity-compensation-based multiple-loops
control scheme applied to a three-phase series active power filter for voltage harmonic
cancellation”; Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2004. (PEMD 2004). Second
International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 498), Volume 2, 31 March-2 April 2004
Page(s):615 - 620 Vol.2
[197] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Performance analysis of a three-phase current injection
rectifier with an average-model-based feedback linearizing controller operating under
severe conditions”, Industrial Technology, 2003 IEEE International Conference on,
Volume 1, 10-12 Dec. 2003 Page(s):613 - 618 Vol.1
[198] Kanaan, H.Y.; Assi, A.A.; Sleiman, J.B.; Aoun, M.; Asmar, C.; Al-Haddad, K.; “Design
of a new multiple-loops linear controller for a three-phase series active voltage harmonic
compensator”; Industrial Technology, 2003 IEEE International Conference on, Volume
1, 10-12 Dec. 2003 Page(s):575 - 580 Vol.1
[199] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A new average modeling and control design applied to
a nine-switch matrix converter with input power factor correction”, in Proc. EPE’03,
Toulouse, France, Sept. 2-4, 2003.
- 27 -
[200] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; Assi, A.A.; Sleiman, J.B.; Aoun, M.; Asmar, C;
“Averaged modeling and control of a three-phase series active power filter for voltage
harmonic compensation”; Industrial Electronics Society, 2003. IECON '03. The 29th
Annual Conference of the IEEE, Volume 1, 2-6 Nov. 2003 Page(s):255 - 260 vol.1
[201] S. Amarir; K. AL-Haddad; V. Rajagopalan ‘‘A new model to analyze the impact of
inverter supply and cable lengths on adjustable speed drive motors,’’ in proc. of
European Power electronics and Drives, 2003, CD copy.
[202] Kanaan, H.Y.; Al-Haddad, K.; Fnaiech, F.; “DC load unbalance and mains disturbances
effects on a three-phase three-switch three-level boost rectifier”; Industrial Electronics,
2003. ISIE '03. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on, Volume 2, 9-11 June 2003
Page(s):1043 - 1048 vol. 2
[203] Bel Haj Youssef, N., Al-Haddad, K. and Fnaiech, F. 2003. “Small signal modeling and
control design of a three-phase AC/DC Vienna converter”. In the 29th Annual
Conference of the IEEE, Industrial Electronics Society, 2003, IECON’03, Virginia, USA,
2-6 Novembre 2003, Vol. 1, pp. 656 – 661.
[204] Charfi, F.; Francois, B.; Al-Haddad, K.; Sellami, F.; Two novel modeling methodologies
for IGBT transistor, IECON 02 [Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE 2002 28th Annual
Conference of the] ,Volume: 1 , 5-8 Nov. 2002 , Pages:550 - 554 vol.1
[205] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter
Adopting A New Indirect Current Control Technique For Reduced Switch”, IEEE
Industry Applications Society 38 Annual Meeting, IAS, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA,
October 12 to 16, 2003.
[206] S. Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad and F. FNAIECH, “Bipolar Reference for PWM Control
of a Single-Phase Shunt Hybrid Power Filter” , IEEE-ISIE 2003, 9 to 12 June 2003 Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil.
[207] S. Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad and F. FNAIECH, “A New Control Technique Based on
the Instantaneous Active Current Applied to Shunt Hybrid Power Filters”, IEEE-PESC
2003, 15 to 19 June Accopulco, Mexico.
[208] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “Average modeling, simulation and control of a threephase to three-phase matrix converter with input power factor correction”, accepted at
EPE 2003 Conference, Toulouse, France, Sept. 2-4, 2003.
[209] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “Small-signal averaged model and linear control of a
three-phase/switch/level fixed-frequency PWM rectifier”, submitted to CCECE 2003
Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 4-7, 2003.
[210] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A study on the effects of the DC load unbalance and
mains voltage disturbance on the parametric representation of the threephase/switch/level PWM boost rectifier”, accepted at ISIE 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
June 9-12, 2003.
- 28 -
[211] H. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A comparative evaluation of averaged model based linear
and non-linear control laws applied to a single-phase two-stage boost rectifier”, RTST
2002 Conference, Beirut & Byblos, Lebanon, March 4-6, 2002.
[212] H. Kanaan, H. F. Blanchette, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï, L. Duguay and F. Fnaiech, “A
new multiple-loops linear control of a current-injection-based three-phase unity-powerfactor rectifier”, APEC 2002 Conference, Dallas, TX, March 10-14, 2002.
[213] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A comparison between three modeling approaches for
computer implementation of high-fixed-switching-frequency power converters operating
in a continuous mode”, CCECE 2002 Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May
12-15, 2002.
[214] H. Y. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad and G. Roy, “Analysis of the electromechanical vibrations
in induction motor drives due the imperfections of the mechanical transmission system”,
ELECTRIMACS 2002 Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 18-21, 2002.
[215] H. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A new nonlinear single-loop bipolar control law applied
to an active-current-injection three-phase rectifier”, ELECTRIMACS 2002 Conference,
Montreal, QC, Canada, August 18-21, 2002.
[216] H. Y. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A new control scheme for a current-injection threephase high power factor rectifier based on the linear decoupling principle”, INTELEC
2002 Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept.29-Oct.03, 2002.
[217] H. Kanaan and K. Al-Haddad, “A new multiple loops control scheme for a three
phase/switch/level rectifier based on the input/output feedback linearization technique”,
IECON 2002 Conference, Sevilla, Spain, Nov. 5-8, 2002.
[218] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A New PWM Control Technique Applied to
Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter”, Electrimacs 2002, Montreal
[219] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A Series Combination of Series Active and
Series Passive Filters Adopting Hybrid Control”, IEEE-SMC02, Hammamet, Tunisia 6-9
October 2002.
[220] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A Series Hybrid Power Filter To
Compensate Harmonic Currents and Voltages”, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
Seville, Spain November 5 to 8 2002.
[221] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A New PWM Control Technique Applied to
Three Phase Shunt Hybrid Power Filter”, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Seville,
Spain November 5 to 8 2002.
[222] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A New Indirect Current Control Algorithm
Based on the Instantaneous Active Current for Reduced Switch Active Filters”,10
European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE, 2 to 4 September
2003, Toulouse, France.
- 29 -
[223] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A New Control Technique Based on the
Instantaneous Active Current Applied to Shunt Hybrid Power Filters”, IEEE PESC 2003
[224] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad et F. Fnaiech, “Modélisation et simulation d’un filtre actif
monophasé shunt avec une commande MLI à deux comparaisons”, SETIT, 17 – 21 Mars
2003, Mahdia, Tunisie.
[225] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A New Indirect Current Control Technique
Applied To Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Implemented With Pulse Width
Modulation Based on Two Comparisons”, IEEE-CCECE Montreal Canada, May 4 to 7
[226] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A Single-Phase Shunt Hybrid Power Filter
Adopting A New Indirect Current Control Technique With Pulse Width Modulation
Based on Two Comparisons”, IEEE-ISIE, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, June 9 to 12 2003.
[227] S. Rahmani, K. Al-Haddad and F. Fnaiech, “A Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter
Adopting A New Indirect Current Control Technique For Reduced Switch”, IEEE
Industry Applications Society 38 Annual Meeting, IAS, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA,
October 12 to 16 2003.
[228] L. Yacoubi, K. Al-Haddad, F. Fnaiech, and L. A. Dessaint, “Adaptive Nonlinear Control
law applied to a Three-Phase NPC Rectifier Operating under Severe Conditions” Power
Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2002. CD copy
[229] Loubna Yacoubi, Farhat Fnaiech, Kamal Al-Haddad, and Louis. A. Dessaint " A New
nonlinear control of Three-Phase NPC Boost Rectifier Operating Under Severe
Disturbances " ELECTRIMACS 2002, CD copy.
[230] Yacoubi, L., Fnaiech, F., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., « Input State Feedback
Linearization Control of a Three-Phase Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped AC/DC
Rectifier », IEEE-IAS Industry Application Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, September
30-Octobre 4, 2001.
[231] L. Yacoubi, K. Al Haddad and L.-A. Dessaint, “A comparative study of two three-phase
boost rectifiers using DC voltage balancing algorithm based on the use of Power System
Blockset Simulation tool”, Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Harmonics
and Quality of Power, Vol: 1, 2000, pp 278 –283.
[232] L. Yacoubi, F. Fnaiech, L.A. Dessaint and K. Al-Haddad, “Adaptive nonlinear control of
a three-phase three-level neutral point clamped rectifier” Record of the IEEE Thirty-Sixth
IAS Annual Meeting Conference on Industry Applications, Vol: 1, 2001, pp 619 –625
[233] Nassar Mendalek, Kamal Al-Haddad, Farhat Fnaiech and Louis A. Dessaint, Sliding
Mode Control of 3-Phase Shunt Active Filter in the d-q Frame, IEEE Power Electronics
Specialist Conference (PESC), Queensland, Australia, 23 - 27 June 2002.
[234] Nassar Mendalek, Farhat Fnaiech, Kamal Al-Haddad, and Louis-A. Dessaint, A NonLinear Optimal Predictive Control of a Shunt Active Power Filter, IEEE Industry
Applications Society (IAS), Pittsburg, PA, USA, 13 – 18 October 2002. N.
- 30 -
[235] Mendalek, K. Al-Haddad, S. Casoria, L.-A. Dessaint, A Hybrid Power Filter with
Improved Control Algorithm Based on LMS Estimation, International Conference on
Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems
(ELECTRIMACS), Montréal, 2002.
[236] Nassar Mendalek, Farhat Fnaiech, Kamal Al-Haddad, and Louis-A. Dessaint, A NonLinear Optimal Predictive Control of a Shunt Active Power Filter, IEEE Industry
Applications Society (IAS), Pittsburg, PA, USA, 13 – 18 October 2002.
[237] N. Mendalek, K. Al-Haddad, S. Casoria, L.-A. Dessaint, A Hybrid Power Filter with
Improved Control Algorithm Based on LMS Estimation, International Conference on
Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems
(ELECTRIMACS), Montréal, 2002.
[238] H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï, L. Duguay and F. Fnaiech, “A comparative study
of hysteresis and PWM control techniques applied to an injection-current-based threephase rectifier”, CCECE 2001 Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 14-16, 2001.
[239] H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï, L. Duguay and F. Fnaiech, “A small-signal model
of a three-phase current-injection-based rectifier”, PESC 2001 Conference, Vancouver,
BC, June 17-22, 2001.
[240] H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï, L. Duguay and F. Fnaiech, “Input/output feedback
linearization technique applied to a CITPR”, PESC 2001 Conference, Vancouver, BC,
June 17-22, 2001.
[241] H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï and L. Duguay, “A new low-frequency state model
of a three-phase three-switch three-level fixed-frequency PWM rectifier”, INTELEC 2001
Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, Oct. 14-18, 2001.
[242] H. Kanaan, K. Al-Haddad, R. Chaffaï and L. Duguay, “Averaged modeling and linear
control of a new buck-type single-phase single-switch PWM rectifier”, IETA 2001
Conference, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 19-21, 2001.
[243] Yacoubi, L., Fnaiech, F., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., « Input State Feedback
Linearization Control of a Three-Phase Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped AC/DC
Rectifier », IEEE-IAS Industry Application Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, September
30-Octobre 4, 2001.
[244] Yacoubi, L., Fnaiech, F., Dessaint, L.-A., Al-Haddad, K., « Adaptive Input/Output
Feedback Linearization Control of a Three-Phase Clamped AD/DC Rectifier », IEEEIAS Industry Application Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, September 30-Octobre 4,
[245] Sedraoui, K., Al-Haddad, K., Olivier, G., « A New Control Technique Applied on a
UPFC », IEEE Power Engineering Society, Vancouver, Canada, 15-19 juillet 2001, (CD
[246] Kanaan, H., Al Haddad, K., Chaffaï, R., Duguay, L., Fnaiech, F., « A Small-Signal Model
of a Three-Phase Current-Injection–Based Rectifier », IEEE-PESC Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2001, Vol.2, p.688-694.
- 31 -
[247] Mandalek, N., Al-Haddad, K., Fnaiech, F., Dessaint, L.-A., « Non-Linear Control
StrategyApplied to a Shunt Active Power Filter », IEEE-PESC Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2001, Vol.4, p.1877-1882.
[248] Xu, J., Al-Haddad, K., Sicard, P., Rajagopalan, V., « A Novel Combined Approach to
Voltage Sag Ride-Through and Current Waveform Improvement for Adjustable Speed
Drives», IEEE-PESC Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada,
June 17-21, 2001, Vol.3, p.1315-1320
[249] Kanaan, H., Al Haddad, K., Chaffaï, R., Duguay, L., Fnaiech, F., « Input/Output
Feedback Linearization Technique Applied to CITPR », IEEE-PESC Power Electronics
Specialists Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2001, Vol.3, p.1321-1326.
[250] Kanaan, H., Al Haddad, K., Chaffaï, R., Duguay, L., « A Small-Signal Model of a ThreePhase Current-Injection–Based Rectifier », IEEE-PESC Power Electronics Specialists
Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-22, 2001, Vol.2, p.688-694.
[251] Kanaan, H., Al Haddad, K., Chaffaï, R., Duguay, L., Fnaiech, F., « Comparative Study of
Hysteresis and PWM Control Techniques Applied to an Injection-Current-Based ThreePhase Rectifier », IEEE-CCECE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 2001,(CD Copy).
[252] Mandalek, N, Al Haddad, K., Fnaiech, F., Dessaint, L.-A., « Sliding Mode Control
Strategy Applied to a Shunt Active Power Filter », IEEE-CCECE Canadian Conference
on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 2001, (CD
[253] Yacoubi, L., Fnaiech, F., Dessaint, L.-A., Al-Haddad, K. L.-A., « Adaptive Input/Output
Feedback Linearization Control of a Three-Phase Clamped AD/DC Rectifier », IEEECCECE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada,
May 13-16, 2001, (CD Copy).
[254] Mendalek, N.; Al-Haddad, K.; Fnaiech, F.; Dessaint, L.A, Sliding mode control of 3phase 3wire shunt active filter in the dq frame, Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Toronto, 2001, 765 –769.
[255] Mandalek, N, Al-Haddad, K., Fnaiech, F., Dessaint, L.-A., « Input State Feedback
Control of a Shunt Active Power Filter », IEEE -CCECE Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 2001, pp. 771-777.
[256] Charfi, F., Al-Haddad, K., Sellami, F., « Étude des régimes dégradés dans les systèmes
électroniques de puissance embarqués dans un véhicule électrique. », IEEE-CCECE
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May
13-16, 2001, (CD Copy).
[257] Kanaan, H., Al-Haddad, K., Chaffaï, R., Duguay, L., « Modeling and Analysis of a
Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Current Injection Rectifier using One Loop Control
Strategy », IEEE, International Conference on Circuit and Systems, 14-19 December
- 32 -
[258] Kanaan, H., Fortin, H., Al-Haddad, K., Chaffaï, R., Duguay, L., « Modeling and Analysis
of a Three-Phase Unity Power Factor Current Injection Rectifier using One Loop
Control Strategy », IEEE, INTELEC, International Conference on Telecommunications
Energy, Phoenix, Arizona, July 2000, Vol.1, p.28.1-28.9.
[259] Mendalek, N., Al-Haddad, K., « Modeling and Non Linear Control of Shunt Active
Power Filter in the Synchronous Reference Frame », IEEE-ICHQP, International
Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, Orlando, Florida, September 2000,
Vol.1, p.30-36.
[260] Yacoubi, L., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., « Performance Analysis in Term of Line
Current Harmonic Injection and DC Bus Output Voltage Regulation of Two Three Phase
Boost Rectifiers Operating under Unbalanced Load », IEEE-ICHQP, International
Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, Orlando, Florida, September 2000,
Vol.1, p.278-284.
[261] Sedraoui, K.., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « A New Control Technique for a UPFC
using Asymmetrical Components », Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2000, Vol.1, p.275-284.
[262] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « DSP Based Control Method of Active Filter:
Elimination of Switching Ripples », IEEE-APEC 2000, New Orleans, USA, Vol.1, Feb.
6-10, 2000, p.427-433
[263] Agrawal, P., Chandra A., Srinivasan, Al-Haddad, K., « Active Power Filter to
Compensate only Customer Generated Harmonics: A Simulation Study », Accepted for
presentation in National Power Systems Conference 2000, Bangalore, India, Dec. 18-22,
[264] Mendalek N., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.A., Rajagopalan, V., « Modeling and
Simulation of a Switching Power Supply using the Power System Blockset », Third
International Conference on Industrial Electronics, June 1999, p.17.1-17.4.
[265] Al-Haddad, K., Mendalek, N., Casoria, S., Dessaint, L.A., « Identification and Validation
of Power Quality Conditioners using the Power System Blockset », Electrimacs, Sept.
1999, Vol.313, p.195-201.
[266] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « A New Control Scheme of Hybrid
Series Active Filter », IEEE-PESC'99, Charleston, USA, 1999, Vol.1, p.249-254. [119]
Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Digital Implementation of a New
Type ofHybrid Filter With Simplified Control Strategy », IEEE-APEC 99, USA, March
14-18, 1999, Vol.1, p.642-648.
[267] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « DSP Based Control Method of Active Filter:
Elimination of Switching Ripples », IEEE-APEC 2000, New Orleans, USA, Vol. 1, Feb.
6-10, 2000, p.427-433.
[268] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K , « DSP Based Implementation of Sliding Mode
Control of an Active Filter for Voltage Regulation and Compensation of Harmonics,
Power Filter and Unbalanced Load », IEEE-IECON, San Jose, USA, Nov.29 to Dec.3,
- 33 -
[269] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K , « DSP Based Implementation of Sliding Mode
Control of an Active Filter for Voltage Regulation and Compensation of Harmonics,
Power Filter and Unbalanced Load », IEEE-IECON, San Jose, USA, Nov.29 to Dec.3,
[270] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Performance Comparison of Two Current
Control Techniques Applied to an Active Filter », 8th International Conf. on Harmonics
and Quality of Power, Greece, Oct. 14-16, 1998, Vol.1, p.133-138.
[271] Singh, B.N., *Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « A New Control Scheme of Hybrid
Series Active Filter », IEEE-PESC'99, Charleston, USA, 1999, Vol.1, p.249-254.
[272] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Digital Implementation of a New
Type of Hybrid Filter With Simplified Control Strategy », IEEE-APEC 99, Dallas, Texas,
USA, March 14-18, 1999, Vol.1, p.642-648.
[273] Al-Haddad, K., Parimelaragan, V., « Power Electronics Curriculum to Meet the Design
and Industry Expectations », NSF National Science Foundation Meeting, Orlando,
Florida, 1998, Vol.1, p.31-45.
[274] Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., *Tou, M., Champagne, R., « Investigations on Power
Quality Issues in Industrial Distribution Systems using the Power System Blockset
Simulation Softwarer », 8th International Conf. on Harmonics and Quality of Power,
Athens, Greece, October 14-16, 1998, Vol.1, p.114-121.
[275] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Performance Comparison of Two Current
Control Techniques Applied to an Active Filter », 8th International Conf. on Harmonics
and Quality of Power, Athens, Greece, October 14-16, 1998, Vol.1, p.133-138.
[276] Singh, B., *Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Real Time DSP Based
Implentation of a New Control Method of Active Power Filter », Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Waterloo, Canada, May 24-28, 1998, p.794-797.
[277] Singh, B., *Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Fuzzy Control Algorithm for
Universal Active Filter », Power Quality Conference, Hyderabad, India, June 18-20, 1998
[278] Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « A Universal Active Power Filter for Single
Phase Reactive Power & Harmonic Compensation », Power Quality Conference,
Hyderabad, India, June 18-20, 1998.
[279] Singh, B.N, *Singh, B., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Performance
Analysis of a Low Cost Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive : A philosophy for
Sensor Reduction », proceedings of IEEE-IEMDC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, May
18-21, 1997, p.TB3-1.1 to TB3-1.3.
[280] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Parimelaragan, R., « Design and Implementation
of a New Control Algorithm for a Three-Phase Active Filters », APEC, Atlanta, USA,
Feb. 1997.
[281] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « A Novel Three-Phase Compensator for
Harmonic Elimination, Reactive Power Compensation & Load Balancing in Electric
- 34 -
Distribution Systems », 9th National Power Systems Conf., Kanpur, India, Dec. 1996,
Vol.2, p.629-633.
[282] Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « A Three-Phase Active Power Filter for
Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation », Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engg., Calgary, May 26-29, 1996, Vol.2, p.838-841.
[283] Mendalek, N., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Singh, B., « Correction active de facteur de
puissance dans un réseau triphasé impédant », Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engg., Calgary, Mai 26-29, 1996, Vol.2, p.842-846.
[284] Singh, B.N., *Singh, B., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Optimised
Performance of Solar Powered Variable Speed Induction Motor Drive », Proceedings of
IEEE-PEDES, New Delhi, India, January 1996, Vol.1, p.58-66.
[285] Sharma, V.K., *Singh, B., Murthy, S.S., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Performance
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Based Speed Controller for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive »,
Proceedings of IEEE-PEDES, New Delhi, India, January 1996, Vol.1, p.373-380.
[286] Singh, B., *Singh, B.N., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Unity Power Factor
Converter-Inverter Fed Vector Controlled Cage Motor Drive without Mechanical Speed
Sensor », Proceedings of IEEE-ICON, Orlando, USA, November 1995, Vol.1, p.609-614.
[287] Singh, B., PuttaSwamy, C.L., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Performance
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive »,
Proceedings of IEEE-ICON, Orlando, USA, November 6-10, 1995, Vol.1, p.399-405.
[288] Sedraoui,K., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Olivier, G., « Simulation d'un système de
contrôle unifier de l'écoulement de puissance dans les réseaux CA avec SIMULINK »,
Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engg., Montréal, Septembre 5-8, 1995,
Vol.1, p.453-456.
[289] Sedraoui, K., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Millet, C., « A Strategy to Reduce the
Vibrations Generated by the Harmonics of Armature Reaction in Hydro Generators »,
Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engg., Montréal, September 5-8, 1995,
Vol.1, p.272-276.
[290] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., « An Improved Single Phase Active Power Filter
with Optimum DC Capacitor », Conf. Records IEEE-IECON, Taiwan, August 5-9, 1995.
[291] Ghanem, M.C., Al-Haddad, K., Roy, G., « Soft Commutated Unity Power Factor Boost
Assisted Parallel Resonant Converter », IEEE-IECON'95, 1995, Vol.1, p.65-270.
[292] Singh, B., *Singh, B.N., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Unity Power Factor
Converter Inverter Fed Vector Controlled Cage Motor », IEEE-IECON'95, Vol.2, p.609614.
[293] Singh, B., PuttaSwamy, C.L., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., « Performance
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controlled Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive », IEEEIECON'95, 1995, Vol.1, p.399-405.
- 35 -
[294] Daniel, F., *Chaffaï, R., Al-Haddad, K., « Redresseur à diodes triphasé à faible taux de
distorsion harmonique alimentant une charge capacitive », Congrès canadien en génie
électrique et informatique, septembre 1995, Vol.2, p.983-987.
[295] Sedraoui, K., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Millet, C., « A Strategy to Reduce the
Vibrations Generated by the Harmonics of Armature Reaction in Hydro Generators »,
Congrès canadien en génie électrique et informatique, septembre 1995, Vol. 1, p.272276.
[296] Ghanem, M.C., *Morry, S.E., Al-Haddad, K., Roy, G., « Étude d'un convertisseur
courant alternatif-courant continu à résonance parallèle modifié à facteur de puissance
unitaire et à haut rendement », Congrès canadien en génie électrique et informatique,
septembre 1995, Vol.2, p.975-981.
[297] Ghanem, M.C., Al-Haddad, K., Roy,G., « Étude comparative de convertisseurs CA/CC à
facteur de puissance unitaire », Congrès canadien en génie électrique et informatique,
septembre 1995, Vol.2, p.858-892.
[298] Ammari, A., *Chaffaï, R., Al-Haddad, K., El-Asmar, C., « Convertisseur à résonance
réversible deux quadrants application : alimentation CC/CA », Congrès canadien en
génie électrique et informatique, septembre 1995, Vol.2, p.1107-1112.
[299] Sedraoui, K., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Olivier, G., « Simulation d'un système de
contrôle unifié de l'écoulement de puissance dans les réseaux CA avec Simulink »,
Congrès canadien en génie électrique et informatique, septembre 1995, Vol.1, p.453-459.
[300] Rabai, T., *Saad, M., Dessaint, L.-A., Al-Haddad, K., « Commande optimale robuste
d'un système robotique », Congrès canadien en génie électrique et informatique,
septembre 1995, Vol.1, p.326-330.
[301] Ghanem M.C., Al-Haddad, K., Roy, G., « Convertisseur à résonance à facteur de
puissance unitaire », 2e Conférence internationale sur l'automatisation industrielle, 7-9
juin 1995, Vol.2, p.765-769.
[302] Tou, M., Al-Haddad, K., Olivier, G., Rajagopalan, V., « A New Three-Phase Unity
Power Factor Boost Rectifier with Capacitive Type Input », 4th PELS Workshop on
Computers in Power Electronics, Trois-Rivières, Canada, 1994, p.256-265.
[303] Tou, M., Al-Haddad, K., Olivier, G., Rajagopalan, V., « Analysis and Design of Single
Controlled Switch Three Phase Rectifier with Unity Power Factor and Sinusoidal Input
Current », Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 1995, Vol.2, p.856-862.
Co-founder of Research Group GRÉPCI
In collaboration with his colleagues Louis-A.Dessaint, Maarouf Saad and Michel Lavoie, DR.
Al-Haddad formed a research group called GRÉPCI in 1992 ("Groupe de recherche en
électronique de puissance et commande industrielle"). Today, the research group GRÉPCI
consists of thirty professors, researchers, and graduate students. GRÉPCI remains since its
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creation the largest research group in power electronics and industrial control in Québec
and in Canada.
Founder of "Laboratoire ÉTS-Bombardier Transport Amérique du Nord"
This project of major importance is realised in collaboration with the multinational company
called " Bombardier Transport Inc: Division Amérique du Nord". This research collaboration is
the culmination of many of our research contributions in power electronics and in particular, his
work on the design and development of high efficiency static power converters, including the
modelling and mitigation of electromagnetic interference due to harmonic currents injected into
electric power distribution systems.
The multinational company Bombardier chose Dr. Al-Haddad and his research group to work on
an industrial project on the modernisation and implementation of a new generation of power
source for an integrated monorail type electric traction passenger train system.
It is important to mention here that there are not many university research professors like
Prof. Al-Haddad in Canada who have earned an excellent reputation and confidence from
an internationally well-known and technologically innovative company such as
Bombardier, to have a unique research laboratory created for him/her. This research
laboratory is called "Laboratoire ÉTS-Bombardier Transport en électronique de puissance
et entraînements électriques" and was created in 1999 and is headed by Prof. Al-Haddad.
Since its creation, this Laboratory has received a total of 4 million dollars in research
grants and contracts.
Since the creation of the research laboratory "ÉTS-Bombardier transport", several professors,
research associates and graduates of the Engineering school ÉTS are associated with this group.
It is worth mentioning the participation of the following research personnel, in particular:
Professors L.-A. Dessaint, Lee Van Ngan, and Christian Gargour and twenty five graduate and
undergraduate students working as research asscoiates, two technicians, and three engineers. In
addition to the researchers from ÉTS, five researchers from Bombardier, Division St-Bruno et
three researchers from FAGA, A German division of Bombardier Transport. Currently, fifteen
(15) persons work in this research laboratory.
The projects carried out in this research laboratory will have a considerable commercial impact.
These works are of confidential nature and they deal particularly with the aspects of power
supply, and electric train control. A number of students and researchers from ÉTS work in
collaboration with the researchers of Bombardier from Canada and Germany, for the
achievements of the main objects of this industrial research project. Dr. Al-Haddad also works
on the planning and reinforcing aspects of this current collaboration of the research laboratory
with Bombardier in order to preserve this privileged collaboration even after the current project
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Industrial Research Collaboration and Technology Transfer
Realising the importance of industrial collaboration, Dr. Al-Haddad has worked with diligence to
establish close and solid contacts with industrial partners. Several links have been established
with industrial partners that have resulted in transfer of technology from his research group to
Industry. Projects worth about two million dollars have been sucessfully completed with Québec
and Canadian industries of all sizes. The money obtained through these contracts and grants have
been fully invested at ÉTS to pay, on the one hand, the technical personnel, such as students,
post-doctoral fellows and technicians who work on these projects and on the other, to purchase
required materials and equipment to update the research infrastructure.
Collaboration with the "Institut de recherche Hydro-Québec (IRÉQ)"
In collaboration with the "Institut de recherche en électricité du Québec (IRÉQ), Varennes", Dr.
Al-Haddad has developed a software called "Power System Blockset" that permits user-friendly
simulation of the components of power system network, electrical machines and particularly,
power electronic system elements. At ÉTS, he obtained a mandate to design two libraries of
component models. The first one, a library of electric machines, was conceived and designed by
the group headed by Prof. L.-A. Dessaint. The second library consisting of power electronic
system components such as power semiconductor devices, converters etc. was built by the team
headed by Dr. Al-Haddad. This software operates in the well-known Matlab/Simulink
environment and is known as Power System Blockset and is commercialised by the well-known
Mathworks Inc., which markets also the well-known software Matlab/Simulink and about thirty
toolboxes all over the world. The cost of the first phase of this project was about one million
dollars. Power System Blockset is nowadays used in many universities in the world.
Collaboration with Nortel Northern Telecom and ASTEC
With the multinational company Northern Telecom (currently called Nortel Networks), Dr. AlHaddad has several collaborative projects since 1993. He has participated actively in the
development of industrial products that are being commercialised by Nortel since the past five
years. His team’s work on the development of state of the art power supplies for
telecommunications system applications, information highway as well as several ground and
mobile equipment are used by this industry. He has proposed topologies that are both novel and
innovative operating at very high efficiency. The success of his collaborative research with
Nortel can be measured by the fact that a large number of our graduating students who worked
on these various collaborative research projects have been employed by NORTEL. In addition, a
number of his team’s designs have become industrially viable products and are marketed in
quantities of tens of thousands throughout the world. To cite a few examples: one of his old
students, Mr. Jean-Marc Cyr, has developed a converter unit of 250 Watts in 1994. Another
student, Mr. Rachid Chaffaï, has developed another unit of 500 Watts in 1996 and a third one
Mr. Éric Dubé, a unit of 1 500 Watts in 1998. Mr.Hugo Fortin-Blanchette, a current student, has
been working since 1998 on the development of a converter unit of 25 000 Watts. Mr. Ammari is
currently working on the problems relating to electromagnetic interference between the power
converter units and the surrounding environment. All these engineers who constitute currently
the Department of R-D in Nortel (currently ASTEC) are graduates from ETS and have worked
with Dr. Al-Haddad on their research projects, supported by Nortel. In October 1999, the
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company ASTEC, in recognition of our successful collaboration with our research group at ÉTS,
has given us a donation valued at $42 500 $ of power electronic components. In addition, some
of the researchers of ASTEC participate as examiners of graduate thesis. In some special cases,
these researchers have also given advanced level courses in power electronics to the graduating
class students. Dr. Al-Haddad has enjoyed really special and ideal collaborative relations with
the researchers and engineers at ASTEC. He is ccurrently in the process of starting a new project
on the design and development of a high efficiency rectifier delivering an output of 500 Amperes
for the telecommunications industry.
Collaboration with "Bombardier Transport North America"
Since two years, Dr. Al-Haddad has been working with " Bombardier Transport", on the
development of a new generation of power supplies for electric traction system. For this project,
a modern propulsion system of power capacity 220 kW peak is envisaged. This unit is to be
mounted in a train for a client in Jacksonville, Florida during 2001. This project of international
stature has an international team of researchers from Europe and North America.
The first phase of this project started in January 1999: an industrial contract for the amount of
$600 000 for 8-month duration has been obtained from Bombardier. More than ten graduate
students and researchers from the "Laboratoire ÉTS-Bombardier" work on this project.
Moreover, there are two teams of R-D personnel from Bombardier that are involved in this
project. The team from Bombardier, Saint-Bruno, Canada, consisting of five specialists work full
time in our research laboratory at ÉTS. A German team, FAGA, an associate of Bombardier,
consisting of three experts, also works at ÉTS, associated with the research personnel in our
"Laboratoire ÉTS-Bombardier". The second phase of this project started in November 1999. Dr.
Al-Haddad has signed another contract valued at $350 000 to cover the operating costs of this
project until June 2000. The third and final phase started in July 2000. A contract valued at 350
000 $ has been granted to the "Laboratoire ÉTS-Bombardier" at ETS for the completion of this
With the award of this third phase of the project, Dr. Al-Haddad has received a total sum of
$1 700 000, creating, thus, one of the largest industrial research contracts ever signed in the
Canadian University (Engineering Department) -Industry history.
It has to be specially mentioned that this is a project of international significance where German
and Canadian researchers collaborate with the students and researchers from ÉTS to achieve
what would become one of the most modern traction systems in the world.
Collaboration with "GENAM Inc."
Dr. Al-Haddad’s collaboration with this "Genam Inc." started in 1997 to analyse, design and
develop a high performance power supply using series-parallel resonance concept. The switching
of the power semiconductors used in this converter topology was based on zero voltage and zero
current. The novelty of this approach was that although it operated at high frequency, it created
very few problems of electromagnetic interference with electric power distribution system.
Further, the efficiency of conversion was higher than 96 % and the power supply operated at
unity power factor on the entire operating range. This power supply that uses a high frequency
- 39 -
technology is capable of adapting to varying load conditions. It also possesses excellent dynamic
characteristics for power supply variations.
The application of this power supply projected by the customer " Armstrong Inc" is for the
temperature regulation of steel cylinders without material contact in industrial drying
applications. These cylinders are used to extract humidity from materials such as PVC industrial
carpets, paper etc. As a result of this potential for industrial application, DR. Al-Haddad had
obtained an industrial research grant from National Research Council, Canada through its IRAP
programme for the realisation of the first phase of this project. This power supply was
completely designed and built by two students of the "Laboratoire de recherche en électronique
de puissance" at ÉTS: Mr.Éric Dubé, a graduate student and Mr. Carl Larouche, an
undergraduate student. The technology transfer was done by the employment of Mr. Carl
Larouche by the company Genam. Another important fact is that the Director of this project at
Genam, Mr. Claude Cyr, is also one of our former students of ÉTS and has done his graduate
research project under Dr. Al-Haddad’s supervision. Dr. Al-Haddad has also helped this
company during the marketing of this power supply, when they supplied several tens of these
units, in the various manufacturing North American divisions of the multinational company
Armstrong inc.
Other Industrial Collaborations
Dr. Al-Haddad has other industrial collaborative projects on various applications and thre list is
given under:
CVDS inc.: (Project on power factor correction of high-density rectifiers). This is on the
design of a system that allows power factor correction of three phase rectifiers.
Filtre Expert inc.: (Project on the detection and cancellation of stray currents in milk farms).
This is concerned with the protection of animals and more particularly about the
improvement of the quality of milk produced at the milk farms. This unit is commercialised
since four years by this company.
Dynatron: (Project on battery charging systems). This is about a design of a 10 kW unit that
allows charging of batteries that are used in rolling stock (railway train) industry in their
signalling systems.
Primax: (Project on controlled rectifier of 300 kW capacity for emergency power supplies).
In this project, Dr. Al-Haddad has contributed to the development of an intelligent DSPbased control that permits the remote control and surveillance of power rectifiers from the
command centres of Hydro-Québec network.
Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada (Le ministère de l’Énergie, Mines
et Ressources du Canada) (Hybrid supply system using solar energy as an additional
source). This is about the design of a high efficiency power electronic converter of 5 kW
capacity that is used for the conversion of solar energy into electricity for use on industrial
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and residential loads. This project was completed in collaboration with the research
laboratory (LDRE, Varennes) of this Government department.
Optimisation of Industry-University Partnership
The successful approach adopted by Dr. Al-Haddad in the realisation of various industrial
contracts is based on the principle of sharing responsibilities. In fact, for each collaborative
project, at least one technician in-charge was assigned by the industry to work with a researcher
or a group of researchers working on the same project in our research laboratory. Weekly
meetings are planned and monthly progress reports on the project are submitted for comments.
Theoretical and simulation studies are done at ÉTS and the results are discussed, explained and
well documented for further reference. After the development of the first laboratory prototype in
our research laboratory at ÉTS, the researcher is transferred with the laboratory prototype to the
industrial research laboratory. A second prototype is built meeting electrical, mechanical,
thermal and other customer's specifications. This prototype is subjected to all the required tests
and is certified by standard organisations such as CSA, UL before being commercialised. As a
student from ÉTS has participated in the development of this product or equipment, he/she has
an excellent first knowledge of the various stages of this product. Invariably, the collaborative
company employs the student who has worked on the project which later becomes responsible
for further improvement of this product.
This is how the "know-how" of the concept and later the "technology" is transferred from the
university to the industry. This approach has been successfully used in the past and has the
guarantee for success of future industrial collaborative projects that will be undertaken by the
proposed Research Chair. This approach satisfies not only one of the main objectives of
industrial collaboration, namely, technology transfer, but also ensures a solid link with industry
for future collaborative projects.
As an example, mention should be made of the collaboration with Nortel's division of "Power
Supply" (this division has been sold about a year ago to ASTEC Advanced Power System). After
completing successfully three important major projects, six of Dr. Al-Haddad’s graduate students
have been employed as engineers (J.-M. Cyr, R. Chaffaï, É. Dubé, M. Ammari, F. Daniel and
H. Fortin-Blanchette), who completed their Master's degrees. These six research engineers
constitute the R-D Department of ASTEC.
Leadership at International Level
Recognition from peers
The results of the research work carried out by Dr. Al-Haddad and his team have been well
received and published in reputed international journals such as: IEEE. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, Transactions on Power Electronics, Transactions on Industry Application,
European Transactions on Power Electronics, IEE Electric Power Applications, Canadian
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering - CJECE . A paper published in 1995 on the
design of a high efficiency converter for the conversion of solar energy to electric energy, in the
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CJECE journal obtained the best paper award. The National Science Foundation (NSF)
Conference on Power Electronics in 1998 judged awarded our conference paper as the best
The major reason for Dr. Al-Haddad’s nomination as research Chair is its recognition of
"multidimensional" achievements in scientific journal publications, major industrial
collaborations and research collaborations with several research institutes and universities
abroad. These various contacts have proved to be extremely useful in attracting excellent
students from abroad as well research personnel.
6- Leadership
6.1 Scholarly and professional activities
Vice president Publication of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics since 2008
Associate editor IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2006)
General chairman of IEEE ISIE2006 International symposium on Industrial Electronics
Technical program chairman of IEEE-ICIT2004, International conference on Industrial
Guest editor of the special issue on Mathematics and computers in Simulation, Transactions
of IMACS, Elseivier-Mathmatics, 2006
Technical program chairman of Electrimacs 2005
Guest editor of the special issue on Mathematics and computers in Simulation, Transactions
of IMACS, ElseivierMathmatics, 2003
Technical program chairman of international conference Electrimacs 2002,
Associate editor Canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering 2002-2005Invited
speaker at the JTEA Conference, in February 2002.
Invited speaker, IEEE-ICIT2004 conference
Invited lectures at various universities of the world: "l’Université de Bénin"; "l’Université des
sciences et techniques de Masuku au Gabon"; "l’Université St-Joseph" in Lebanon; "l’École
Mohamadia d’ingénieur" in Morocco; "l’École en science et technique de Tunis (ESSTT)", in
Tunisia; "l’École nationale d’ingénieur de Tunis", Tunisia; National University of Moldavia;
6.2 Member of Research Review Committee
Reviewer of papers for the IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, on Power Electronics, on
Industrial Electronics, and Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Reviewer of papers for IEEE and other international conferences: PESC, IECON,
Member IES- PETC Power electronics technical committee.
Member of Canadian Council of Standards (Solar energy committee)
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Member of liaison committee for nuclear plant training at the Gentilly nuclear plant. A
committee formed by Hydro Quebec, Hydro Ontario and New Brunsweek Hydro.
Technology consultant to NRC-IRAP program
External reviewer for NSERC and FQRNT (Govt. of Québec) of research grant
proposals submitted by Canadian researchers
President and member of of NSERC committee of industrial chair evaluation committee
Consultant: Government of Québec- Ministry of Transports; ministère des Transports;
private sector industries: Nortel Northern Telecom, Genam inc. Primax technology inc,
Ellumen inc, Digico inc., CVDS inc., ASTEC Bombardier, division Amérique du Nord,
Primax technologie, and Ellumen inc.
6.3 Session Chairs at international Conferences.
International steering committee and Session Chair of international conferences:
CCGEI'94, PELS'94, SESCI'93 (solar energy), ISA'93, JTEA97-99 et CIAI95-97-99.
ICIT2004, ISA 2007, IECON2004-2007, ISIE2005, ISIE2006, ISIE29007, EUROCON2007,
IECON 2006, IECON 2007, MELICON 2007.
Member of Executive of Canadian Solar Energy Society (CSES/CESCI), 1995-1998.
Editor-in-chief of the Review of Solar Energy Society of Canada (SOL), 1995-1998.
Member of the Technical Review Committee of the international conferences: ISA’1995,
ISA’1998, Electrimacs 2002, JTEA’1999 and IEEE-CICS’1998.
6.4 Participation at International Expert Committees
Since 1996, Dr. Al-Haddad is involved in the "dossier" of the suburban electric train
"Montréal−Deux-Montagnes". This electrified traction line is supplied from a single-phase
source of 25 kV and is in operation from 1995. In 1995, Bell Canada and Hydro-Québec detected
problems due to electromagnetic interference and due to injected harmonic currents from the
operation of the train, Dr. Al-Haddad participates in this "dossier" as an external expert,
appointed by the Ministry of Transports, Government of Québec. After several theoretical
studies and measurements in the field, Dr. Al-Haddad has submitted in collaboration with a
world-renowned expert, Mr. Yves Machefert Tassin, several technical expertise reports.
Following our recommendations, the Government of Québec convened a meeting of 15
international experts originating from Europe and the Americas. The chair of this committee was
Mr.André Bazergui, Director, École Polytechnique de Montréal. As an external expert to the
Government of Québec, Dr. Al-Haddad presented the problematic, results of analysis and
suggested possible solutions in association with Mr. Tassin of France. After three days of closeddoor discussions, this committee adopted the necessary recommendations to resolve the problem.
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6.5 International scope of "Laboratoire Bombardier"
The "Laboratoire de recherche ÉTS-Bombardier Transport" conducts research at international
level. Dr. Al-Haddad works on the conceptual design of a new generation of power converters
for electric traction system. This is a joint collaborative work conducted by researchers from
Germany, USA and Canada with a view to design a product that meets international
specifications. To meet this need, three researchers from FAGA, Germany work in our
Laboratory for a long duration at regular intervals to conduct the required tests on the software
that we develop for the system. Besides, Dr. Al-Haddad’s team received the visits of three
American experts from Jacksonville, Florida, to discuss the technical and integration aspects of
this project to the system. The multinational company Bombardier will use the products
developed under this project.
International Recognition and Impact of " Power System Blockset" now named `` Sim
Power System``
The software developed, in collaboration with industry, by Dr. Al-Haddad and his team, Power
System Blockset, is currently used worldwide. This tool has become integral part of the
popular Simulink/Matlab software marketed by The Mathworks Inc., USA. Power System
Blockset is an essential tool to conceptually develop, simulate and design power electronic
systems and their controls and is considered to be a very user-friendly tool.
The success of this tool is due to its reliability in obtaining accurate results and in particular, its
efficient calculation of solution with the help of a user-friendly interface. Further enhancement of
this software is in progress. Future new versions of this software will be available with the
progress in technology.
International R-D Co-operation
During the past seven years, Dr. Al-Haddad has gone on several foreign assignments as an expert
supported by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and also for other Canadian
Consulting agencies such as CECI, Cégep St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and AUCC that work on the
development of international university development programs.
Dr. Al-Haddad has gone on several technical missions to Gabon, Côte-d’Ivoire, Bénin, Romania,
Moldavia, Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon, Romania with a view to helping these developing
nations develop their own programs of higher studies and advanced research.
Notably for the Government of Gabon, he worked on the development of an Electromechanical
Engineering program at the "Université de Masuku", and since 2004, He works on the
development of graduate program leading to the degree "DEA", in collaboration with the
"Université de Nancy II", France.
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With the "Université St-Joseph" in Lebanon, his Laboratory has established a collaborative
research agreement that facilitates the visits of graduate students and researchers for a fourmonth stay at ÉTS in the facilities managed by Canada Research chair and the GRÉPCI.
With Tunisia, He has formulated a collaborative research agreement that permits the visits of
graduate students and researchers in the field of power electronics and control to ÉTS. Several
Tunisian researchers have already benefited from this agreement and have visited to work in his
research group GRÉPCI. He is a team leader for an international project that involves professor
Fnaiech from ESST, Tunisia, and professor Edouardo from university of St-Étienne, in France.
It is a collaborative research funded project financed by the AUF Agence universitaire
With Professor Lucian Mandache from the University of Craiova, Romania, he is collaborating
in the area of electromagnetic modeling and simulation. They developed new methods to
simulate saturated reactance and special filters for power electronic converter and power quality
analysis tools. Several papers have been published and two visits six months each have been
successfully completed by Dr. Mandache to Montreal. This collaboration will be extended to the
supervision of graduate students in the field of power electronics.
Finally, to cite a few examples, Dr. Al-Haddad’s group received the following scientists at ETS
during the last three years:
- Dr. Thierry Meynard from the "Laboratoire de recherche en électrotechnique d’électronique et
d’informatique de Toulouse", France. Professor F. Sellami from the "École nationale supérieure
de Sfax (ÉNIS), Tunisia. - Dr. F. Fnaiech from the "École supérieure de science de Tunis".
Tunisia. Professor El-Asmar from the Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University. Professor
Lee Young Dung from Beijing University, China. Professor B. Singh from IIT, Delhi, India. Dr.
A. Fagundes from the University of Santa-Catharina, Brazil. Dr. Zheng Xu from the National
University of China. Dr. B.N. Singh Tulaine University, Louisiane USA. DR. Hadi Kanaan,
University of St-Joseph, Lebanon. Dr. Loubna Yacoubi, ETS, Montreal. Dr. Bachir Kedjar,
University of Batna, Algeria. Prof. Van Wyk, from south Africa university, Dr. Issak from
Central Florida University.
7 Honors and awards
Fellow of the Canadian academey of Engineers (2008)
IEEE Fellow (2007), Distinction awarded to 0.1 % of the 350 000 members world-wide
IEEE-IES president recognition for being General Chair of IEEE-ISIE2006,
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Montreal July 9-13, (2006). More
than 600 attendees, a record breaking in the history of the conference.
IEEE-IES president recognition for being Technical program Chairman of IEEEICIT2004, International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Hamamet, December 3-6
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Center of entrepreneurship ETS award 2007
Tier 1 Canada Research chair in Energy conversion(2002)
Received the " Best researcher ``from École de technologie supérieure (2001).
Member "Cercle of excellence of the université du Québec" (2001). This nomination is
awarded to outstanding researchers of the Université du Québec in all their constituents.
Received the "Prix de mérite scientifique" Ross Medal Award awarded by the Scientific
Committee of the IEEE Canada in September 1995 for the best paper published during 1994.
Senior Member IEEE (1994), Distinction awarded to 8 % of the 350 000 members worldwide
Invited Lectures
Tutorial Title: The latest technology on power quality improvement and technology, the
IEEE-ICIT2004 International conference on Industrial Electronics, Tunisia, December 2004
Invited speaker for the National Science Foundation (NSF) workshop on Power
Electronics: Title of the lecture « Power Electronics Curriculum to Meet the Technology
Trends and American Industrial Needs », NSF Workshop, March 1996, pp.123-129, Best
Paper citation.
Invited speaker at the JTEA Conference, in February 1999.
Invited lectures at various universities of the world: "l’Université de Bénin"; "l’Université
des sciences et techniques de Masuku au Gabon"; "l’Université St-Joseph" in Lebanon;
"l’École Mohamadia d’ingénieur" in Morocco; "l’École en science et technique de Tunis
(ESSTT)", in Tunisia; "l’École nationale d’ingénieur de Tunis", Tunisia; University of Ankara
in Turkey; "l’université de Boisicio" in Romania; National University of Moldavia; University
of Central Florida in USA; INPT, Toulouse, France; and in different Candian universities.
Supervision of Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows
a) Master's Theses (Supervision)
(A total of 43 students have been supervised since 1987)
b) Master's Theses (Co-supervision)
(A total of 15 students have been co supervised by me since 1987)
c) Doctoral Theses
(A total of twenty one students have been supervised or co-supervised since 1989)
d) Post-doctoral Fellows
(Eleven post-doctoral fellows have undertaken their research under my supervision since
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Development and Management of New Graduate Programmes
Dr. Al-Haddad participated actively for the development of graduate programmes at ETS. In
1992, he started the first Master's programme in " Maîtrise en technologie des systèmes". In
1993, he became the first Director of this graduate programme for duration of four years.
Currently about 240 students are registered in this programme. He initiated and participated
actively in the elaboration of a Doctoral programme in Engineering at ETS. In 1997, ÉTS started
our own Ph.D. and he was named the first Director of this Doctoral programme of studies.
Currently about eighty students are registered in this programme.
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