APPENDIX F - Virginia Western Community College

Traditional Class:
(Student responses to questions 1-11 would be used to compute the evaluation score.)
1. The instructor clearly explained what would be covered in the class over the semester.
2. Assignments, class activities, and examinations were related to the course material.
3. The instructor explained how to be successful in this class.
4. The requirements of the course were clearly explained (i.e., the due dates for assignments
and/or tests, penalties for late assignments, or make-up policies).
5. The course was well organized and clearly presented.
6. The instructor’s contact information and availability were clearly stated.
7. The instructor responded to student communication as outlined in the syllabus.
8. The instructor graded and provided feedback on my course work.
9. My attendance in class helped me learn the course material.
10. The instructor displayed interest and enthusiasm in class.
11. The instructor began and ended class on time.
(Student responses to questions 12-17 would not be used to compute the evaluation score.)
12. This course was challenging.
13. I attended class regularly.
14. I came to class prepared (i.e., completed required assignments and readings).
15. On average, I have spent ____ hours per week doing work outside of class for this course.
a. 0
b. 1-2 hours
c. 2-4 hours
d. 4-6 hours
e. More than 6
16. Was there anything you specifically liked about this class?
17. Was there anything you specifically disliked about this class?
VCCS Faculty Evaluation Model Plan: August 2013
Student Survey of Instruction
Hybrid Class:
(Student responses to questions 1-11 would be used to compute the evaluation score.)
1. The instructor clearly explained what would be covered in the class over the semester.
2. Assignments, class activities, and examinations were related to the course material.
3. The instructor explained how to be successful in this class.
4. The requirements of the course were clearly explained (i.e., the due dates for assignments
and/or tests, penalties for late assignments, or make-up policies).
5. The course was well organized and clearly presented.
6. The instructor’s contact information and availability were clearly stated.
7. The instructor responded to student communication as outlined in the syllabus.
8. The instructor graded and provided feedback on my course work.
9. The online instructional materials (for example: Web sites, videos, and/or documents) were
accessible and easy to use.
10. The online instructional materials (for example: Web sites, videos, and/or documents)
helped me learn the course material.
11. The campus class meetings helped me learn the course material.
(Student responses to questions 12-17 would not be used to compute the evaluation score.)
12. This course was challenging.
13. I attended class regularly.
14. I came to class prepared (i.e., completed required assignments and readings).
15. On average, I have spent ____ hours per week doing work outside of class for this course.
a. 0
b. 1-2 hours
c. 2-4 hours
d. 4-6 hours
e. More than 6
16. Was there anything you specifically liked about this class?
17. Was there anything you specifically disliked about this class?
VCCS Faculty Evaluation Model Plan: August 2013
Student Survey of Instruction
(Student responses to questions 1-11 would be used to compute the evaluation score.)
1. The instructor clearly explained what would be covered in the class over the semester.
2. Assignments, class activities, and examinations were related to the course material.
3. The instructor explained how to be successful in this class.
4. The requirements of the course were clearly explained (i.e., the due dates for assignments
and/or tests, penalties for late assignments, or make-up policies).
5. The course was well organized and clearly presented.
6. The instructor’s contact information and availability were clearly stated.
7. The instructor responded to student communication as outlined in the syllabus.
8. The instructor graded and provided feedback on my course work.
9. The course orientation materials helped me begin the course.
10. The online instructional materials (for example: Web sites, videos, and/or documents) were
accessible and easy to use.
11. The online instructional materials (for example: Web sites, videos, and/or documents)
helped me learn the content.
(Student responses to questions 12-15 would not be used to compute the evaluation score.)
12. This course was challenging.
13. On average, I have spent ____ hours per week doing work for this course.
a. 0
b. 1-2 hours
c. 2-4 hours
d. 4-6 hours
e. More than 6
14. Was there anything you specifically liked about this class?
15. Was there anything you specifically disliked about this class?
(Student responses to questions 1-5 would not be used to compute the evaluation score.)
1. The instructor presented and demonstrated laboratory techniques.
2. The instructor discussed any potential safety hazards that might be encountered during the
3. The instructor explained and/or demonstrated uses of the laboratory equipment.
4. The instructor explained how the reading material related to the laboratory theory and
5. What recommendations would you make to enhance your laboratory experience? You may
also include positive comments about the instructor.
*Lab questions are intended for the science labs only.
VCCS Faculty Evaluation Model Plan: August 2013
Student Survey of Instruction