ANOTHER G & G ELECTRIC AND PLUMBING DISTRIBUTORS, INC. INFORMATION SHEET 23 COPYRIGHT 1989 HOW TO DETERMINE ADEQUATE LIGHT LEVELS This cha rt was developed as o ur recom mendat i o n f o r a d e q u a t e l i g h t i n g l e v e l s u n d e r t h r e e hypothetical decorative situations: dark, medium and light colored walls and ceilings. It is based on the average lumen output of 60, 75 and 100 watt inside frosted incandescent light bulbs since these sizes are most commonly used in fixtures for general lighting. When smaller wattage bulbs are used, the w attage requirem ents should be considered somewhat higher than those shown in the chart and, likewise, if larger bulbs are used, the need can be considered somewhat lower. This is to compensate for the fa ct that lo w er w a tta g e b ulb s p ro d uce few er lumens per watt than those of higher wattage. We are aware t ha t in d iv id u a l l ig h t le v el p re fe re n ce s v a r y co n siderably. However, once the fixtures are installed, it is much easier and less costly to reduce lighting levels than to increase them. N o te tha t when fluorescent l i g h t i n g i s used in place of incan descent, the amounts shown in the chart can be reduced by one-half since fluorescents produce well over twice as m any lumens per wa tt tha n incandescent bulbs. We have included equivalent lumen output per square foot to aid in light level calculations using sources other than standard incandescent. TO USE THE CHART 1. 2. 3. Find the square footage of your room by multiplying its length by its width. M ultiply this tota l by the wa tts per square fo ot figure shown in the chart that corresponds with t h e t y p e o f room you are figuring and its decorative scheme. The answer you get is the desirable amount of inca nd escent lig ht yo u need . This to ta l ca n b e rounded up or down so as to be applicable using standard wattage bulbs. LIGHT COLORED DECOR MEDIUM COLORED DECOR DARK COLORED DECOR *Kitchen Ba throom Den Study Wo rkshop 4 Watts (56 L umens) per sq. ft. 5 Watts (70 L umens) per sq. ft. 6 Watts (84 L umens) per sq. ft. *Bedroom *L iving Roo m Den *F amily Roo m Utility 3 Watts (42 L umens) per sq. ft. 4 Watts (56 L umens) per sq. ft. 5 Watts (70 L umens) per sq. ft. TYPE OF ROOM *D ining Roo m 2- 1/2 Wa tts 2 Watts *Enterta inm ent Area (28 L umens) (35 L umens) Stora ge Roo m per sq. ft. per sq. ft. Ha llw ays * Indicates a room where use of a dimmer switch is suggested. 3 Watts (42 L umens) per sq. ft. These “How-To-Do-It” sheets have been reviewed in June 2007 by a professional Engineer. If you find a problem, please notify G & G Electric & Plumbing at 1900 NE 78th Street, Ste. 101, Vancouver, Washington 98665