SPACE VECTOR MODULATION FOR ASYMMETRICAL CASCADED MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS Fernanda de Morais Carnielutti, Humberto Pinheiro and Cassiano Rech Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM Grupo de Eletrônica de Potência e Controle - GEPOC Santa Maria, RS, Brazil 97105-900 Abstract - This paper describes a new Space Vector modulation (SVM) strategy for asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converters. A seven-level asymmetrical multilevel cascaded converter is considered. The modulation is carried out in a new coordinate system and is divided into two steps. First, the nearest switching-state vector to the reference vector is chosen for the high-voltagelow-frequency cells, and the synthesized voltage vector is subtracted from the reference, resulting in the reference for the low-voltage-high-frequency cells. Afterwards, the three-nearest low-voltage switching-state vectors are selected, and, for each sector of the SV diagram, a switching sequence is defined, aiming, for instance, to minimize the number of commutations. Simulation results are given to validate the proposed method, which is compared to the phase-shift and phase disposition carrier-based approaches, showing its superior performance. Keywords – Asymmetrical Cascaded Multilevel Converter, Space Vector Modulation I. INTRODUCTION Different multilevel converter topologies have been increasingly employed in medium-voltage applications [1], [2]. When compared to two-level converters, multilevel converters achieve reduced levels of harmonic content, as well as reduced voltage stress on the power semiconductor switches. The cascaded multilevel converters, comprised of multiple seriesconnected single-phase H-bridges (power cells) are widely used due to their modularity and reliability. The power cells can have the same (symmetrical) or different (asymmetrical) DC bus voltages Vdc [2]. The first ones are usually modulated by means of a carrier-based modulation approach, such as phase-shift (commonly employed in industry applications) [2], and phase-disposition [3]. The last ones are often modulated via a hybrid approach [4], [5], in which the high- and lowvoltage cells switch respectively with low and high frequency (PWM). These carrier-based modulation approaches are well established in literature [1, 2, 6]. In recent years, though, Space Vector Modulation (SVM) strategies are being considered for multilevel converters, including the symmetrical cascaded, for which different SVM approaches have been reported [7–11]. However, for asymmetrical multilevel converters the reality is rather different, as few works have been published addressing SVM strategies [12]. This can be attributed to the fact 978-1-4577-1646-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE that these converters are comprised of power cells that operate from different DC bus voltage levels and switching frequencies which, added to the increased number of voltage levels, contribute to the complexity of the modulation. As a result, for the SVM to remain attractive for implementation with asymmetrical multilevel cascaded converters, the algorithm must not significantly increase the computational burden as the number of levels increases. On the other hand, an advantage of the SVM is that different switching sequences can be implemented, resulting in reduced output line-to-line voltage THD levels when compared to other modulation approaches. This paper proposes a new fast and simple SVM strategy for the modulation of asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converters. An example is given for a seven-level asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converter, as shown in Figure 1, in which the cells A1 , B1 and C1 have DC bus voltage values of 1pu and A2 , B2 and C2 of 2pu [4]. To obtain only switching-state vectors with integer entries, the modulation is carried out in a new coordinate system and is divided into two steps. First, the nearest switching-state vector to the reference is chosen for the high-voltage-low-frequency cells. The voltage synthesized by these cells is then subtracted from the reference, resulting in the reference for the low-voltage-high-frequency cells. The three-nearest switching-state vectors are selected, similarly to [7] and [8] and, for each sector of the SV diagram, a switching sequence is defined off-line, so as to minimize the number of commutations. In addition, the proposed SVM strategy can be easily extended to converters with more cells per phase. This paper is organized as follows: Section II gives an overview of some of the existing SVM approaches for cascaded multilevel converters. Section III described the proposed method. Section IV shows simulation results, and, finally, the conclusions are elaborated in Section V. II. DESCRIPTION OF PREVIOUS SVM APPROACHES The major problem of SVM for multilevel converters is the higher number of switching-state vectors for converters with more cells per phase (n-level converters). Consequently, the implementation of SVM algorithms usually becomes more complex as the number of levels increases. As a result, in many papers [7–9, 11, 13] the converter switching-state vectors are represented in different coordinate systems, having only integer entries. This reduces the computational burden of SVM algorithm implementation, allowing it to be an attractive option for the modulation of n-level multilevel converters. 238 converter. The modulation is carried out in a modified α0 β 0 coordinate system, in which the converter switching state vectors are also normalized. The SV diagram is divided in rectangular sectors with two associated switching-state vectors, vu and vl , as shown in Figure 2. The reference voltage vector vref (α0 ,β 0 ) is truncated, resulting in two indexes that are used to address a table containing vu and vl , as well as the coefficients c1 and c2 of the equation that defines the line dividing the rectangular section. The indexes na and nb are given by: g Cell A1 3Φ Input Transformer B1 C1 Bypass A2 B2 C2 a b na = sign(vα0 )(ceil(|vα0 |)) nb = sign(vβ 0 )(ceil(|vβ 0 |)) c (11) (12) Motor Fig. 1. Asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converter with one 1pu and one 2pu cells per phase (seven-level). A fast SVM approach that uses such a coordinate transformation was firstly presented in [7] for general multilevel converters. The reference voltages are expressed as the desired output line-to-line voltages, vab , vbc and vca , and are represented in the <2 hexagonal coordinate system, in which the angle between the basis vectors is 60◦ . The switching-state vectors are normalized in relation to the DC bus voltage, resulting in only integer entries. The four-nearest switchingstate vectors can then be obtained trough truncations of the reference voltage vector, vref (g,h) : vul = [ceil(vref (g) ) vlu = [floor(vref (g) ) vll = [floor(vref (g) ) vuu = [ceil(vref (g) ) floor(vref (h) )]T y1 = c1a` + c2 v ref vl Fig. 2. Zoom in the SV diagram of an 11-level symmetrical cascaded multilevel converter [9]. T (2) T (3) T (4) Following the same premise of coordinate transformation, [11, 13], proposed another SVM approach for symmetrical cascaded multilevel converters. The switching-state vectors are represented in the hexagonal coordinate system of [7]. The reference is also truncated to obtain the threenearest switching-state vectors and their corresponding duty cycles. The converter switching-state vectors are divided in two groups. The sum of the entries of the first group is even, and of the second, odd. According to [11], it is possible to calculate mean vectors for the switching-state redundancies. The odd vectors always have an implementable mean vector, but this is not true for the even ones. As a result, it is proposed the concept of large and small switching vectors. To minimize the THD of the output line-to-line voltages, the three-nearest switching-state vectors are chosen following an alternation between the small and large vectors, called Large-Small Alternation (LSA). As could be seen, all the methods described above are designed for symmetrical cascaded multilevel converters. On the other hand, there is just a few methods described in the literature for asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converters. In [12], the design and control of asymmetrical multilevel cascaded converters with non-integer or dynamically changing DC bus voltages is addressed. The voltage reference vector is decomposed into the fractions synthesized by the high-voltage and low-voltage cells. The resulting SV diagram is composed of a main hexagon, relative to the high-voltage cells, and smaller ones surrounding each high-voltage vector. The problem is floor(vref (h) )] ceil(vref (h) )] The vectors vul and vlu are always two of the threenearest vectors. The third is chosen by analyzing the signal of vref (g) − vref (h) − (vul(g) + vul(h) ). If it is positive, vuu is selected; otherwise, vll . If the third vector is vuu , the duty cycles can be computed as (5) (6) (7) and, if it is vll , as dul = vref (g) − vll(g) dlu = vref (h) − vll(h) dll = 1 − dul − dlu vh (1) ceil(vref (h) )] dul = −(vref (h) − vuu(h) ) dlu = −(vref (g) − vuu(g) ) dll = 1 − dul − dlu If vβ 0 > c1 vα0 +c2 , the nearest switching-state vector to the reference is vh , otherwise is vl . As only one switching-state vector is chosen in a switching period, the converter switches at low-frequency, as long as the reference vector does not change significantly within one switching period. (8) (9) (10) In [8] this algorithm was slightly modified, suppressing the coordinate transformation. The line-to-line reference voltages are normalized in relation to the DC bus voltage, assuming values equal to the ones obtained by the coordinate transformation. However, the core of the algorithm remains equal to [7]. Other SVM using a coordinate transformation was described in [9] for an 11-level symmetrical cascaded multilevel 239 then reduced to the modulation of the low-voltage cells within each smaller hexagon. If the voltage ratio changes, the size of the smaller hexagons change as well. As a result, the DC bus voltage of the low-voltage cells is monitored, and the size of the smaller hexagons is redefined. However, in [12] it is not described how the switching-state vectors are chosen, nor how the vector redundance issue is addressed. 0.8 é1/3 3 / 3 0 ù ë û In addition, the converter phase voltages can be expressed in αβo coordinates as: √ 1 0 1/√2 vα vag vα √ vbg = T−1 vβ = −1/2 vβ . αβo √3/2 1/√2 vcg vo vo −1/2 − 3/2 1/ 2 (14) As a result, vab , vbc and vo are written in αβo as: √ 3/2 − √3/2 0 vα vab vbc = 0 vβ (15) 3 0 √ vo vo 0 0 3 2/2 or q = 60° 0 [2/3 0 0] T 0.8 0.4 0.25 é0 0 ë 0.5 vo 2 / 3ùû va T Fig. 3. Converter output line-to-line voltage basis in αβø coordinate system. The vector [vab vbc vo ]T , which has been derived as the representation of [vα vβ vo ]T with respect to the basis {b1 ,b2 ,b3 }, can also be considered as a vector in the vector space (<3 ,<) with respect to the orthonormal basis. The first representation can be viewed as two coordinate systems within one linear vector space, and the second, as two linear vector spaces both spanned by orthonormal basis. In this last case, the matrix in (15) defines the linear transformation that maps the αβo into the vab vbc vo linear space. The projection of the switching-state vectors into the vab × vbc plane is shown in Figure 4. The switching-state vectors of the high-voltage-lowfrequency and low-voltage-high-frequency cells are represented respectively by the larger and smaller dots. Each highvoltage-low-frequency switching-state vector is surrounded by an hexagon comprised of the switching-state vectors of the low-voltage-high-frequency cells, acting like a threelevel converter centered in its respective high-voltage-lowfrequency switching-state vector. In Figure 4, it can be seen that there is a superposition of adjacent subhexagons. vbc 4 -4 2/3 √1/3 0 vα vab vβ = 0 3/3 √ 0 vbc . vo vo 0 0 2/3 T 0.4 III. PROPOSED SV MODULATION APPROACH FOR ASYMMETRICAL CASCADED MULTILEVEL CONVERTERS This paper proposes a new SV modulation approach for asymmetrical multilevel cascaded converters, considering some achievements of the methods described in the previous section. To exemplify the proposed method, let us consider the converter of Figure 1. Usually, three-phase three-wire converters are modulated in αβ coordinates. If the switching-state vector redundancies are to be addressed, the αβo coordinates can be used, in which the degree of freedom o is included. It will be demonstrated here that the representation of a given vector in αβo coordinates with respect to the basis vectors √ √ [2/3 0 0]T , [1/3 3/3 0]T and [0 0 2/3]T is a vector whose first two entries are the converter output line-to-line voltages, while the third one is proportional to the converter commonmode voltage vo . Considering that the converter line-to-line voltages are comprised of equally spaced voltage levels, then the normalized representation of the converter switching-state vectors in these new coordinates assumes only integer values. Let us begin by defining the relationship among the output line-to-line voltages vab , vbc , the converter phase commonmode voltage vo and the converter phase voltages vag , vbg and vcg as: vag vab 1 −1 0 vbc = 0 1 −1 vbg . (13) vcg 1 1 1 vo vb 0 4 vab (16) The columns √ of the matrix above are the √ basis b1 = [2/3 0 0] , b2 = [1/3 3/3 0]T and b3 = [0 0 2/3]T of the new coordinate system. It must be stressed here that b1 and b2 are not orthogonal, but have an angle of 60◦ , as illustrated in Figure 3. This is in agreement with the the hexagonal coordinate system presented in [7] and [8]. -4 T Fig. 4. SV diagram for an asymmetrical 7-level cascaded converter represented in the output line-to-line voltages coordinates. 240 A. Modulation of high-voltage-low-frequency cells During each timer interruption, the reference voltage is normalized in relation to the phase voltage (3pu). As a result, (1)-(4) can be used to define the four-nearest switching-state vectors. Then, it is calculated the spatial distance (length) between each one of the four-nearest switching-state vectors and the reference vector in the vab vbc plane. The redundancies are not yet considered. The switching-state vector whose associated length has the lowest value is chosen as the nearest. As the basis for this coordinate system are not orthogonal, the length must be calculated as: d = vref (vab ,vbc ) − v(vab ,vbc ) p dist = dT Md (17) (18) output voltage vector. Other criteria could be employed, such as to ensure the power balance among the cells or to balance the capacitor voltages of the DC links. The updated d vector is now the difference between the previous voltage vector vhigh synthesized by the converter and each one of the redundant switching-state vectors. The new matrix M is now written as: 4 2 0 b1 · b1 b1 · b2 b1 · b3 1 M = b2 · b1 b2 · b2 b2 · b3 = 2 4 0 . (24) 9 0 0 2 b3 · b1 b3 · b2 b3 · b3 To illustrate the modulation of the high-voltage-lowfrequency cells, Figure 5 shows the synthesized phase voltages vag(high) , vbg(high) and vcg(high) , for a modulation index ma of 0.9. 2 Voltage (pu) In this paper, the modulation is divided in two steps, described in the next subsections. First, the nearest high-voltagelow-frequency switching-state vector to the reference is chosen. Then, the reference vector for the low-voltage-highfrequency cells is calculated as the subtraction of the synthesized high-voltage-low-frequency voltage and the reference vectors. The low-voltage-high-frequency cells are then modulated using the fast SVM described in [7]. 0 -2 2 0 vag ( high ) vbg ( high ) -2 2 0 vcg ( high ) 0.035 -2 M= b1 · b1 b2 · b1 b1 · b2 b2 · b2 = 1 9 4 2 2 4 (19) where dist is the length and the elements of M are the dot products of the basis vectors b1 and b2 . In the SV diagram of Figure 4, some vectors have redundant states when transformed back to abc coordinates if the common-mode voltage vo is not considered. The inclusion of vo allows each abc vector to have an unique representation in the output line-to-line voltages coordinate system. If the nearest switching-state vector [vab vbc ]T has one or more redundancies in abc coordinates, vo is used to select one particular redundant vector. We have that: vag = vab + vbg vbg = vbc + vcg vag + vbg + vcg = vo . (20) (21) (22) Substituting (20)-(21) in (22): vab + 2vbc + 3vcg = vo . (23) The phase voltage vcg can assume the values -2, 0, 2, and, as a result, the maximum number of redundancies that a switching-state vector can have is equal to three. Substituting -2, 0, 2 in (23), three possible values of vo are chosen. By applying (15) to the αβo switching-state vectors, it can be seen that the redundant vectors have vo that differ by a ratio of six. For example, the vectors [-2 -2 -2]T , [0 0 0]T and [2 2 2]T in abc have equivalents in vab vbc vo equal to [0 0 -6]T , [0 0 0]T and [0 0 6]T . If some of the switching-state vectors in abc coordinates do not correspond to switching-state vectors that the converter is able to synthesize, it is discarded. The criterium for the selection is to guarantee the least number of commutations in relation to the previously synthesized Time(ms) Fig. 5. Voltages vag(high) , vbg(high) and vcg(high) sintetize by the high-voltage-low-frequency cells, ma = 1 B. Modulation of low-voltage-high-frequency cells As shown in Figure 4, each high-voltage switching-state vector is surrounded by an adjacent subhexagon, analogous to a three-level symmetrical converter centered in its respec∗ tive high-voltage switching-state vector. The reference vref for the low-voltage-high-frequency cells is obtained by subtracting the vector vhigh comprised of the voltages vag(high) , vbg(high) and vcg(high) synthesized by the high-voltage-lowfrequency cells from the original reference voltage vref , as ∗ will lie inside one of shown in Figure 6. As a result, vref the subhexagons of Figure 4. But, irrespectively of the po∗ sition of vref , and consequently of vref , the modulation of the low-voltage-high-frequency cells can always be treated as the modulation of a three-level converter with output phase voltages that can assume the values 1, 0 or -1, as the DC bus voltage of these cells is equal to 1pu. Without losing the generality, let us consider the subhexagon centered in [0 0 0]T . It can be divided in 24 sectors, as shown in Figure 7. Each sector is comprised of three lowvoltage switching-state vectors and their associated redundancies, organized off-line in a switching sequence that ensures the least number of commutations inside the switching period Ts . The sectors, their respective switching sequences and the equations that define the values of comparison with the triangular carrier are stored in a table, similarly to [9] and [10]. During each timer interruption, the coordinates vab and ∗ vbc of vref are truncated to obtain the four nearest converter switching-state vectors through (1)-(4), and shown in Figure 7. 241 IV. SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed SVM was implemented for the asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converter of Figure 1, with Vdc1 = 100V and Vdc2 = 200V. Figures 10 and 9 show the simulated phase and output line-to-line voltages for a modulation index ma = 1. The carrier frequency for the low-voltage highfrequency cells is fc = 3kHz. v ref v*ref v high 300 After, the three nearest switching-state vectors are chosen and their duty cycles are calculated by (5)-(10), as in [7] and [8]. -300 300 Voltage (V) Fig. 6. Zoom of the SV diagram showing the reference, the synthesized by the high-voltage-low-frequency cells and the reference for the low-voltage-high-frequency cells voltage vectors. vag 0 vbg 0 -300 300 vcg 0 vbc -300 2 2 3 9 7 8 6 -2 vuu vul5 * 11 v ref 10 vlu12 0 vll 13 15 14 Fig. 9. Phase voltages vag , vbg and vcg , ma = 1 and fc = 3kHz 2 19 17 18 16 22 20 24 -600 600 -2 Fig. 7. Subhexagon of the low-voltage-high-frequency cells, the ∗ and the four nearest switching-state vectors. reference vref The vab and vbc coordinates of vector vuu , through (11)(12), are used to address the position on the table relative to ∗ the square in which vref is located. The lower and the upper sectors are selected if the third nearest vector is vll or vuu , respectively. The duty cycles calculated are then used to update the equations of the comparators for that specific sector, resulting in the voltages vag(low) , vbg(low) and vcg(low) illustrated in Figure 8. Voltage (pu) vag (low) 1 0 -1 1 0 vbg (low) -1 1 0 vcg (low) -1 Time(ms) vab 0 23 21 600 vab 0.035 Fig. 8. Voltages vag(low) , vbg(low) and vcg(low) synthesized by the low-voltage-high-frequency cells, ma = 1 and fc = 3kHz Voltage (V) 1 0.035 Time(ms) 4 0 vbc -600 600 vca 0 -600 0.035 Time(ms) Fig. 10. Output line-to-line voltages vab , vbc and vca , ma = 1 and fc = 3kHz The proposed SVM was compared to the hybrid modulation approach of [4], in which the low-voltage-high-frequency cells are modulated with phase-shift (PS) and phase disposition (PD) carrier-based approaches. Figures 11 and 12 show, respectively, the total harmonic distortion (THD) and the distortion factor (DF1) [14] for the output line-to-line voltages. It can be seen that the proposed method has a good performance concerning the THD and DF1 indexes. Comparing the SV approach to the PD, it can be noticed that the two have very similar values of THD, in accordance to [3]. For the majority of ma values, the SV modulation also gives the best DF1s, meaning that the low-order harmonics are smaller in amplitude than in the carrier-based approaches. The results for the SVM can be optimized even further, by the correct choice of different switching sequences, specially regarding the higher ma values. 242 50 45 40 THD PS THD(%) 35 30 THDSV 25 20 15 THD PD 10 5 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 ma 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 11. THD for the space vector (SV), phase-shift (PS) and phase disposition (PD) modulation approaches. 0.5 DF1PS 0.4 DF 1(%) DF1PD 0.3 0.2 DF1SV 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 ma 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 12. DF1 for the space vector (SV), phase-shift (PS) and phase disposition (PD) modulation approaches. V. CONCLUSION This paper proposed a new SVM method for asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converters, considering some achievements of SVM approaches previously described in literature. The simulation results demonstrated its good performance, specially regarding the THD and DF1 indexes. This is a fast algorithm, as the truncation of the reference voltage vector and the off-line definition of the switching sequences for the high-voltage-low-frequency cells reduces the computational burden. In addition, the algorithm can be easily extended to converters with more low-voltage-high-frequency cells without substantially increasing its complexity. However, the adequate switching sequences must be determined off-line and loaded into the DSP memory, and the definition of these sequences may increase the complexity of the space vector approach, when compared to carrier-based ones. VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thanks the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, CAPES and CNPq. REFERENCES [1] P.W. Hammond. Enhancing the reliability of modular medium-voltage drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 49(5):948 – 954, October 2002. [2] M. Malinowski, K. Gopakumar, J. Rodriguez, and M.A. Pérez andrez. A survey on cascaded multilevel inverters. 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