Latvian Environmental Investment Fund The Climate Change Financial Instrument (CCFI) Government budget program of Republic of Latvia Aija Zučika / Anete Raslava / Zane Ramane Project managers Latvian Environmental Investment Fund Main Facts About LEIF LEIF was established by the Ministry of Environment in 1997 and has more than 15 years of experience in implementation of environmentally friendly projects • LEIF’s share capital more than EUR 6.3M • LEIF is reliable partner with high reputation: – 3 credit lines from Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (EUR 3.5M (1998), EUR 3M (2005), EUR 5M (2010)) Directions of the LEIF activities • Financial service • combining local and foreign financial resources, to issue loans in order to support municipalities and commercial organizations in implementing environmentally favorable projects. • Development cooperation projects • to promote and transfer the Fund's amassed experience on environmental project preparations. • sharing post monitoring and implementation results with other countries. • Supervision on implementing the Climate change financial instrument (CCFI) co-financed projects • to promote the most effective and transparent use of resources provided by CCFI. • Awareness raising • • to identify and promote environmentally favorable projects including their preparation for financing. To increase the level of awareness about the opportunities and benefits of implementing environment projects. Supervision of Implementation of Climate Change Financial Instrument (CCFI) Cofinanced Projects Aim of CCFI is to prevent global climate change, adaptation to the effects of climate change and contribute the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (for example, implementing activities to improve the energy performance of buildings in both public and private sectors, the development and implementation of technologies that use renewable energy resources, as well as the implementation of the integrated solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions). The financing of the Tenders is formed by the Proceeds from the Assigned Amount Units Purchase Agreements which are made within the international emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol. The Fund provides supervision of implementation and post-implementation monitoring of projects co-financed by CCFI – National Implementing Agency (CCFI co-financing – 200 million EUR). CCFI tenders No. Title of the Tender KPFI-1 Increase of Energy Efficiency in Municipal Buildings KPFI-2 Development of Technologies Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions KPFI-3 Increase of Energy Performance in Higher Education Establishment Buildings KPFI-4 Technology Conversion from Fossil to Renewable Energy Sources KPFI-5 Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in State and Municipal Vocational Education Establishment Buildings KPFI-6 Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Manufacturing Buildings KPFI-7 Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Municipal Buildings KPFI-8 Raising of Public Awareness Regarding the Importance and Possibilities of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Allocated CCFI Financing1 31 400 442.91 1 640 491.13 6 759 719.72 3 693 605.17 13 182 901.92 8 654 906.55 19 113 450.92 752 697.28 CCFI tenders No. Title of the Tender KPFI-9 Use of Renewable Energy Resources in Transport Sector KPFI-10 Low Energy Consumption Buildings KPFI-11 Use of Renewable Energy Resources in Household Sector KPFI-12 Use of Renewable Energy Resources for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission KPFI-13 Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Lighting Infrastructure of Public Territories of Municipalities KPFI-14 Development of Technologies Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Implementation of Pilot Projects KPFI-15 Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction KPFI-16 Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the transport sector – support for introduction of electrical vehicles and their charging infrastructure Totals: Allocated CCFI Financing1 0.00 4 822 261.50 8 571 196.19 14 899 451.87 6 601 026.02 2 423 707.01 77 971 517.63 3 672 626.47 204 160 002.31 4. Technology Conversion from Fossil to Renewable Energy Sources Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 55 – 75% One project could receive 498 005,13 EUR as maximum. Could apply: • Educational institutions of the Latvia Republic municipalities • SME and scientific institutions Selected: 51 projects Implemented: 24 projects (3 693 605,2 EUR) Solar technologies: 8 projects Produced energy: 16 266,828 MWh Saved CO2: 4 187,736 t Project "Purchase, installation, replacement of heat production equipment to ensure energy production from renewables at Heidemanis aesthetics and dance school "SADANCIS"" 5. Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in State and Municipal Vocational Education Establishment Buildings Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 85 % One project could receive 1 422 871.81 EUR as maximum. Could apply: State or municipal professional educational institutions Selected : 29 projects Implemented: 23 projects (13 182 901,92 EUR) Solar technologies: 2 projects Saved heat energy: 13 182 901,92 MWh Saved CO2: 2 328,58 t 6. Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Manufacturing Buildings Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 45% - 55% One project could receive 711 435.91 EUR as maximum. Could apply: Enterprise registered in Latvian Republic Selected : 48 projects Implemented: 38 projects (8 654 905,55 EUR?) Solar technologies: 1 projects Saved heat energy: 1 42 044,591 MWh Saved CO2: 11 278,942 t 7. Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Municipal Buildings Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 85% One project could receive 1 067 153.86 EUR as maximum. Could apply: The project applicant were Latvian municipalieites Selected: 46 projects Implemented: 38 projects (19 066 632,48 EUR) Solar technologies: 2 projects Saved heat energy: 15 932,769 MWh Saved CO2: 4 242,709 t 10. Low Energy Consumption Buildings Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 55% - 80% One project could receive 1 067 153.86 EUR as maximum. Could apply: • Direct or indirect administration institutions; • Latvian Republic cities or municipalities councils; • Latvian Republic registered SME; • Private persons Selected : 28 projects Implemented: 14 projects (4 645 143,77 EUR) 11. Use of Renewable Energy Resources in Household Sector (2 rounds) Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 50% One project could receive 9 960.10 EUR as maximum Could apply: • Residential house owner - natural person; • Organization/body created by residential buildings apartment owners and which don't do economical activities but act in the name of the interests of residential house owners - natural persons. Selected: 2 266 projects Implemented: 1760 projects (8 570 019,92 EUR) Solar technologies: 635 (Solar collectors) + 95 (solar photovoltaic) Saved CO2: 15 375,843 t Project: "Solar collector instillation for hot water production in the private house "Rītavoti", Sigulda municipality The Beneficiary: Anatolijs Kitins un Ināra Kitina Project „Solar collector installation” The Beneficiary: Iveta Grīniņa 12. Use of Renewable Energy Resources for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emission Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 35% - 75% One project could receive 2 134 307.72 EUR as maximum. Could apply: • Cities or county municipal council of Latvia Republic; • Direct or indirect administration institutions; • Registered companies of Latvia Republic. Selected: 65 projects Implemented: 42 projects (14 873 413,95 EUR) Solar technologies: 17 projects Saved heat energy: 24 500,598 MWh Saved CO2: 7 195,79 t Project: Solar collector systems installation JSC "ROGA-AGRO" The final beneficiary: AS "ROGA-AGRO" Branch: food products (bakery) Project: Rūjienas municipality educational institution buildings' fossil heat production technologies replacement to renewable energy using". The beneficiary: Rūjienas municipality 15. Complex Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (5 calls) Support for: Solar collectors, solar photovoltaic panels installation Financial aid intensity: 55 – 85% One project was able to receive 853 723.09 EUR as maximum. Could apply: • business, including medical institution, which does not provide governmentfunded health care services; • educational institution, including state established military vocational schools or educational institutions founder; • medical institution that provides government-funded health care services; • cultural institution, which finances cultural activities and which carries cultural value creation, dissemination or preservation. Selected : 412 projects Implemented: 254 (finished) + 116 (on-going) (43 848 824,89 EUR) Project “Complex solutions for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for the boarding school of "Naukšēni" Social Correction Educational Institution and for the building of boarding school intended for students under special supervision, Social correction education establishment "Naukšēni" Project“ Energy efficiency improvement in Ogre general preschool educational institution "Saulīte", Ogre preschool "Saulīte" Project: Solar system installation in farm "Rūķīšu tējas" The beneficiary: Dobeles district Krimūnu Parish, farm "Rūķīša Tēja " Branch: food products (tea production) The main technologies • • • Solar collectors Solar photovoltaic panels In two last calls of tender No.15. – solar heat pumps (system which combine solar collector and heat pumps) In combination with other technologies: • Boilers which use fuels from renewable energy sources • Heat pumps (different types) • Windmills (only in households) Reasons of project rejections Households Other tenders • It was not able to implement the project on time. • Not enough financial resources for project realization • Equipment cost increases. • NET law implementation • The costs of project were more than planed because of the procurement • Not able to realize the project on time. • Long pay back time for the investments The main problems after project realization • The plant was not properly tuned. • Low-quality materials installation effected equipment operation. • It is necessary to install additional equipment to ensure the efficient operation of the equipment. • Entrepreneurs qualification Stages of project implementation Contract Implementation Monitoring - t CO2 25 From project idea to its implementation – together with Environmental Investment Fund! Gertrudes str. 12-2, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvia Phone: + 371 67845111 Fax: + 371 67845222 E-mail: http:\\