Selective Coordination of Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) White Paper – September 2008 In 2005 changes in the National Electric Code (NFPA 70-2005) placed significantly more burden on the design of electrical systems for various types of facilities. One of the most significant is to now require the coordination of overcurrent protective devices in emergency power systems, legally required standby power systems, and critical operating power systems. These requirements include systems for applications including hospitals, pollution abatement systems, and certain financial operations. In 2008, the changes implemented in the 2005 National Electric Code were reaffirmed. Coordination (Selective) is defined by the “Localization of an overcurrent condition to restrict outages to the circuit or equipment affected, accomplished by the choice of overcurrent protective devices and their ratings or settings” [1]. The concept of coordinating overcurrent protective devices is to isolate faulted equipment without bringing the complete power system down. Overcurrent protective device coordination is required for all emergency, legally required, and critical operating applications within the power system except when this concept could create other hazards, e.g. disconnecting fire pumps. The requirement for coordination of the overcurrent protective devices can be complex and difficult to implement as there are different components, technologies, manufacturers, and standards involved. To determine coordination, the engineer needs to evaluate the time current curves of the overcurrent protective device. Circuit breakers and fuses perform the same basic function which is to isolate fault currents and prevent fire and shock hazards from damaging equipment and hurting people. How these devices isolate fault currents varies significantly. Additionally, each component has other functional characteristics that can be beneficial in specific applications, e.g. fault current reduction, switching, interchangeability, size, etc. FUSES Fuses are the oldest and simplest overcurrent protective device, while there is significant science and engineering deployed to bring these products to market. The total clearing time of a fuse is composed of the melting time plus the arcing time [2]. Fuses have an inverse time current characteristic. As current increases through the fuse, the total time to clear the fault current decreases (Figure 1). While there are various types of fuse, e.g. fast acting, slow blow, electronic, the overall time current characteristic curves are relatively similar. As shown in the schematic and the time current characteristic curve of (Figure 2), fuse FL2 (blue) is coordinated with FL1 (red). Fuse FL2 opens with less current than FL1. When these two fuses are utilized in a power system, fuse FL2 will open before fuse FL1 removing the load, isolating the component connected to FL2 and leaving the bus operational. SURGE RATED FUSES Fuses designed to withstand the transient environment associated with surge protective devices were developed as early as 1990. Surge rated fuses are very similar to standard fuses except that the time current characteristic curve is designed specifically to withstand transient currents associated with lightning test environments (e.g. 8/20 µs current waveform). These components ensure that high amplitudes of current pass through the fuse without clearing, resulting in high 2 transient current capabilities and high I t values. As with all fuses, a surge rated fuse is current limiting once the clearing time has been exceeded. CIRCUIT BREAKERS Circuit breakers are complex overcurrent protective devices. Circuit breakers have various detection and tripping characteristics utilizing thermal, magnetic, thermal-magnetic, hydraulic detection mechanisms. With the addition of electronic components, the time current characteristics of a circuit breaker can be altered to meet the majority of applications associated with overcurrent protection. While circuit breakers have the capability to meet the majority of the overcurrent protection needs of an installation, their complexity requires significant analysis to provide proper selective coordination of two or more circuit breakers. Understanding how to coordinate a circuit breaker requires the understanding of various 100K 10K CURRENT IN AMPERES 1K 100 10 1000 1000 FU 1 100 100 FU 2 10 10 UTILITY BUS 1 1 FU 1 FU 2 0.01 FIGURE 3 100K 0.01 10 10K 0.10 1K 0.10 TIME IN SECONDS Surge rated fuses are utilized differently than conventional fuses. The standard function of the surge rated fuse is to allow surge components (e.g. MOVs, SADs) to attenuate transient currents, but clear under transient currents that exceed a designed magnitude. Surge rated fuses also provide short circuit current protection. When surge rated fuses are utilized to 2 provide complete protection of an SPD, the resulting I t can be very high, making surge rated fuses difficult to coordinate with upstream overcurrent protective devices. Surge rated fuses utilized to protect individual 2 surge components have lower I t values resulting in easier coordination with upstream overcurrent protective devices. FIGURE 2 100 Surge rated fuses operate and are specified differently than conventional fuses. Operationally, surge rated fuses are intended to clear primarily when a transient current exceeds its rating, resulting in large amplitudes of clearing current during fault conditions. Instead of showing the manufacturer providing current data and a time current characteristic curve (Figure 2), surge rated fuse data consists of maximum 8/20 µs current rating, 2 2 melting I t (A*s), clearing I t (A*s), and the peak current the fuse can withstand without opening at 100,000 amperes [3]. FIGURE 1 100K CURRENT IN AMPERES 10K 10 1000 FIGURE 4 1K component attributes (i.e. long-time pickup, long-time delay, short-time pickup, short-time delay, instantaneous pickup) associated with the time current characteristic curve (Figure 4) [4]. 100 FIGURE 4 1000 10K 1K 100 10 100K Long-Time Pickup CURRENT IN AMPERES 1000 When circuit breakers are placed in an ac power system (Figure 5), the selective coordination becomes more difficult. 1000 Long-Time Pickup Long-Time Delay100 100 100 Long-Time Delay100 10 10 Short-Time Pickup 10 10 Short-Time Pickup1 1 1 1 Short-Time Delay 0.10 TIME IN SECONDS TIME IN SECONDS To be in compliance for selective coordination, the coordination of circuit breakers CB1, CB5 (CB5A), and CB11 must be selected such that if a fault occurs after CB11, CB11 is the first circuit breaker to open. Selective coordination can occur when the time current characteristic curves of CB11 is lower than CB5 (CB5A), which is lower than CB1 (Figure 6). 0.10 Short-Time Delay Instantaneous Pickup SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE (SPD) OVERCURRENT PROTECTION All devices connected to the electrical power system are Instantaneous Pickup required to have overcurrent protective devices. This requirement can be clearly stated, or can be inferred by requiring devices to have a short circuit current rating, a withstand current rating, an interrupt current rating, or is required by product safety standards (e.g. UL, NEMA, IEC). Surge protective devices (SPDs) are no different. “SPDs shall be marked with a short circuit current rating and shall not be installed at a point on the system where the available fault current is in excess of the rating…” [1]. 0.10 0.10 100 1K 10K Current Scale X 10^0 Reference Voltage: 480 100K 0.01 0.01 100K 0.01 10 1K 100 10 10K 0.01 SPDs can be complex devices incorporating disconnecting switches, surge components, overcurrent protective devices, microprocessor indication systems, and advanced system communication circuitry. These added features can make overcurrent protection more similar to UPS, VFDs, and HVAC systems. There are methods for SPD manufacturers to construct a time current characteristic curve that engineers can use to apply an SPD and meet the selective coordination requirements. SPDs are tested at short circuit currents of 100 A, 500 A, 1,000 A and at the declared short circuit current [5]. FIGURE 5 Emergency Source Normal Source ATS/TD SERVICE DISCONNECT CB8 CB1 Unlike fuses and circuit breakers, SPDs do not have time current characteristic curves. Most SPDs utilize commercially available fuses or circuit breakers internally to interrupt fault current. A small minority of SPDs utilize custom fuses to provide overcurrent protection. However, unlike overcurrent protective devices, SPDs only have a short circuit current rating. To ensure proper coordination, the overcurrent protective devices inside the SPD need to be coordinated with upstream overcurrent protective devices. Therefore, applying an SPD can be difficult as there is insufficient information available, or is there? So how do engineers apply SPDs and meet the requirements of selective coordination? Non-essential Loads CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 CB6 CB7 ATS CB9 CB5A Example (CB1, CB5A, CB11) CB10 CB11 CB12 CB13 CB14 CB15 COPS Loads (Essential) Using this data, plus additional test data the SPD manufacturer can develop a time current characteristic curve (Figure 7) [6]. FIGURE 6 Example 1 – SPDs with Surge Rated Fuses The best method to show how to coordinate an SPD in an AC power system is to use the power system identified in Figure 5, the circuit breaker time current characteristic curve of Figure 6, and the surge fuse for a 20 kA VSP fuse of Figure 3. Also, the assumption that circuit breakers CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CB5A, CB6 and CB7 will have the same time current characteristic curve. Similarly, circuit breakers CB10, CB11, CB12, CB13, CB14, CB15 and CB16 have the same time current characteristic curve. For this example, the SPD will be placed on the panel of CB1 and CB5A. CB1 CB5 CB11 Unfortunately, the time current characteristic curve for the surge rated fuse does not provide sufficient information to perform a coordination study, but a short circuit current study can be accomplished. Looking at the manufacturer’s data for the 20 kA VSP fuse, the clearing time is 2 14,400 A s. For a time of 0.1 seconds, the corresponding current is 379.5 A. Using a 20 kA VSP surge rated fuse opens at a current of 379.5 A at a time of 0.1 seconds. CB1 opens at a time of 0.2 seconds at any current greater than 100 A. CB2 opens at a time of 0.1 seconds at any current greater than 50 A. Based on the time current characteristic curves, the SPD with the 20 kA VSP surge rated fuse can only be applied at the CB1 panel. Connecting the SPD at the CB5A panel will cause the entire load on that circuit to be disconnected in the event of a fault on the SPD circuit (Figure 8). If the SPD is applied to the CB1 panel in a direct connect configuration and the SPD, repair or replacement of the SPD could be difficult as all loads in CB1 panel would be required to be de-energized. The critical loads powered from the CB5A panel through transfer switch ATS and the non-essential loads from the transfer switch ATS/TD could be energized utilizing the emergency power generator. The other loads connected to the CB1 panel would remain de-energized. This condition may require that the SPD remain offline for an extended period of time until repair or replacement of the damaged SPD can occur. Connecting the SPD is to the CB1 panel through CB2 is the best approach for an SPD in this example. When the SPD is connected to CB1 panel through CB2, a fault within the SPD will cause CB2 to trip, taking only the SPD offline (Figure 9). This allows for all loads to function properly without exercising the emergency power source. Additionally, maintenance can be performed on the SPD without utilizing the emergency power source. FIGURE 7 Example 2 – Individually Fused SPDs This example will be similar to the previous example except that instead of surge rated fuses, the SPD fuselinks will have the time current characteristic curve as shown in Figure 7. Also, the assumption that circuit breakers CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CB5A, CB6 and CB7 will have the same time current characteristic curve. Similarly, circuit breakers CB10, CB11, CB12, CB13, CB14, CB15 and CB16 have the same time current characteristic curve. For this example, the SPD will be placed on the panel of CB1 and CB5A. The SPD opens at a current of 1 A at a time of 10 milliseconds. CB1 opens at a time of 0.2 seconds at any current greater than 100 A. CB2 opens at a time of 0.1 seconds at any current greater than 50 A. CB10 opens at a current of 25 A at a time of 0.01 seconds. CB2 opens slower than the SPD at all current levels. CB1 opens slower than the SPD at all current levels. This data shows that the SPD can be placed in either location as the SPD will open at a lower current than CB10, and faster than CB2, thus resulting in a coordinated system. As with Example 1, an SPD located internal to distribution equipment CB1 or CB5A will result in difficulty in repairing the SPD. The best method of application is to have the SPD externally mounted to the distribution equipment, even when a coordination study shows that it will not take the circuit panel off line. FIGURE 8 Main Circuit (CB5A) Breaker Trips Fuses MAY Not Open Short circuit from Failed MOVs CONCLUSION Selective coordination is a requirement for specific applications as a result of the 2005 National Electric Code, and is a best engineering practice for all other applications to ensure systems remain functional. This requirement for the coordination of overcurrent protective devices can make designing the AC power system and the application of various equipment (e.g. SPDs) difficult. To ensure equipment is properly applied, engineers need to ensure that the equipment does not cause the upstream overcurrent protective devices to activate, thus removing power from the complete panel. SPDs utilize different overcurrent protective methods (e.g. standard commercial fuses, surge rated fuses, circuit breakers, fuselinks). When performing the coordination analysis, data on all overcurrent protective devices are required. As the two examples show, some overcurrent protective devices will limit the application where the SPD can be applied. FIGURE 9 Before approving an SPD for a particular location, the following items should be considered: Short circuit from Failed MOVs • Obtain time current characteristic curves of all overcurrent protective devices • Analyze the time current characteristic curves for the application of the SPD • Ensure that the overcurrent protective device of the SPD does not interfere with the overcurrent protective coordination of Circuit Breaker (CB2) Fuses MAY Trips Before the Main the entire AC power system Not Open Circuit Breaker (CB1) • Ensure that the overcurrent protective device of the SPD does not interfere with the transient current capability of the SPD • Connect the TVSS thru a dedicated breaker, Panel Load Stays ON don’t directly connect to the bus REFERENCES 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Electric Code, NFPA 70-2008, Quincy, MA USA 2. Copper Industries. Selective Coordination. St. Louis, MO USA 3. Ferraz Shawmut, VSP MOV Protector, Retrieved 2008 June 06, Available [online] 4. Fuhr, R.E. Meeting the NEC Selective Coordination Requirements. Retrieved 2006 June 01, Available [online] 5. Underwriters Laboratories. Standard for Safety, Surge Protective Devices. UL 1449 third edition, Northbrook, IL USA 6. Harrison, J.H. How and Why Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) Fail. IEEE. Retrieved 2008 June 06, Available [online] 100 Emerson Parkway Binghamton, NY 13905 P (607) 721 8840 P (800) 288 6169 F (607) 722 8713 E WP-30015 08-015 Rev. 2 1/13