Chemistry 4916/4917 Laboratory Assistant Fall 2014 Instructor: Phone: Email: Lab: ! ! Mr. John Kruger 214 Rogers Hall Office Hours 8:30-9:30 W,F and 1:00-2:00 M-F or by appointment 867-2917 (probably the best way to reach me) Dependent on section assigned Textbooks: 1. Modular Laboratory Program in Chemistry, ed. H. A. Neidig 1211, 1212 or 1151. ! Prerequisites: Completion of lab student will be working in with a C or higher and instructors approval ! Corequisites: None Course Description: Student supervises, teaches, grades and manages a chemistry lab section. ! Course Objectives: Students will be able to manage a laboratory section and explain topics being covered to other students ! Methods of Instruction: Reading, discussion and hands on lab work ! Grading: ! Supervision and management of the lab 70% Prelab discussion 15% Grading 15% Grading Policies: 1. Supervision and lab management – This portion of the grade will be based on timeliness, completeness of administration (all labs checkedin, prelabs returned, notebooks signed, etc.), understanding of the labs being conducted, ability to assist students in completing their labs, and enforcement of the laboratories safety policies. 2. Prelab discussion – This portion of the grade will be based on my observation of the TA’s conduct of at least one prelab discussion. I will be looking for complete and concise explanation of the following: a. Theory behind the experiment being conducted b. Experimentall procedure being used (focus on changes from what is in the lab packet) c. Safety issues of concern in conducting this lab and measures being taken to mitigate these risks. ! 3. Grading – TAs will be required to grade at least one set of lab reports. Grade will be assigned based on reports being completely graded and submitted to me in a timely fashion. ! General Expectations: - absence/attendance policy IAW University Policy - class withdrawal policy IAW University Policy - classroom participation policy Works as part of lab group ! Lab Schedule ! IAW lab being supervised (1211L and 1212L attached) Academic Integrity Policy: - Honor Code: “On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth, or tolerate those who do.” Suspected violations of the Academic Integrity policy should be referred by students to the instructor. If the instructor concludes that a violation of the Academic Integrity policy has occurred, the instructor will either (1) penalize the student and file an incident report with the Academic Integrity Council or (2) refer the matter directly to the Academic Integrity Council. If an incident report is filed by the instructor, the instructor will review the completed report with the student and will request that the student sign the report as an indication that the student is aware of the contents of the report - Electronic methods of detecting plagiarism may be used. ! Course Evaluation: Class evaluations at NGCSU are now conducted on-line through Banner. Evaluation of the class is considered a component of the course and students will not be permitted to access their course grade until the evaluation has been completed. The evaluations will be accessible beginning one week prior to Final Exam week. ! Academic Integrity: You have all agreed to abide by the universities academic integrity policies. All work you submit must be your own. Any one found cheating on any assignment or exam will receive an F for the course and be referred to the academic integrity committee for possible further punishment. Note plagiarism technology will be used in this course. ! Note: North Georgia College & State University is committed to equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. If you believe that you have a disability requiring an accommodation, reasonable prior notice needs
to be given to the instructor and the Office of Student Disability Resources. In this case, contact Thomas McCoy, Director of Student Disabilities Services, in the Stewart Student Success Center, Room 313 (706 867 2782).