أألسبوع الحادي والثاني عشر Star delta transformation : الفئة المستھدفة .طلبة المرحلة أألولى قسم التكييف والتبريد A – The justification for the unit and objective : It is important for students in first stage to study star delta transformation . B – Central ideas : 1. star delta transformation . C – The objectives of the unit : After your study this unit , it is expected to be able to : 1- Know how to transfer from star to delta and versa vies ١ Star delta transformation : In solving complicated networks , it is necessary to transform from star to delta or from delta to star as shown below . A Ra Rb Rc B C star connection delta connection 1. Convert from star to delta : R ab R a x Rb = R a + R b + ------------RC R ac Ra x Rc = R a + R c + -------------Rb R bc Rb x Rc = R b + R c + --------------Ra ٢ 2. Convert from delta to star : Ra R ab x R ac = ------------------------R ab + R ac + R bc Rb R ab x R bc = -----------------------R ab + R ac + R bc Rc R ac x R bc = -----------------------R ab + R ac + R bc ٣ Example : For the circuit shown in fig. 1 , find the total resistance 4 ohm 4 ohm 8 ohm 3 ohn 12 ohm 2 ohm 10 v Fig. 1 Convert star to delta 4x8 R 1 = 4 + 8 + --------- = 28 Ω 2 2x8 R 2 = 2 + 8 + --------- = 14 Ω 4 2x4 R 3 = 2 + 4 + --------- = 7 Ω 8 ٤ 4 Ω // 28 Ω , 14 Ω // 12 Ω , 4 x 28 ------------ = 3.5 Ω 14 x 12 ------------ = 6.5 Ω 14 + 12 3.5 + 6.5 = 10 Ω ٥ 7 Ω // 10 Ω 7 x 10 -------- = 4 Ω 7 + 10 Rt=3+4=7Ω ٦