इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 8437-2 (1993): Guide on effects of current passing through human body, Part 2: Special aspects [ETD 20: Electrical Installation] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 8437 ( Part IEC Pub 479-2 2 ) : 1993 ( 1987 ) ( Reaffirmed 2002 ) Indian Standard GUIDEON EFFECTSOFCURRBNTPASSING THROUGHTHEHUMANBODY PART 2 ( UDC SPECIAL First Revision ) 621-3.014-4 : 616-001~21 : 614.825 0 BUREAU MANAK ASPECTS OF BHAVAN, BIS 1993 INDIAN 9 BAHADUK STANDARDS SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 July 1993 PriceGroup 8 CONTENTS CHAPTEK 4: EFFECTS OF ALTERNATING CURRENT WITH FREQUENCIES ABOVE 100 Hz Clause 1. General ... ... .. . ... 2. Scope ._. _.. ... ... 3. Definitions ... ... ... ... 4. Effects of alternating 1 000 Hz current in the ._. frequency range ... above 100 Hz up to and including .__ .. . 5. $eo;; current in the ... frequency range ... above 1000 Hz up to and Including ... .. . 6. Effects c&alternating of alternating current in the frequency CHAPTER range above 5: EFFECTS OF SPECIAL OF CURRENT 10 000 Hz 2 . 2 WAVEFORMS 1. General ... ._. ... ... 5 2. Scope ... ... ... . .. 5 3. Definitions ... -_ ... ... 5 4. Effects of alternating current with d.c. components .-. 5. Effects of alternating current with phase ... ... 7 6. Effects of alternating current with multicycle _.. ... 8 CHAPTER control control 6: EFFECTS OF UNIDlRECTIONAL SINGLE CURRENTS OF SHORT DURATION 5 IMPULSE 1. General . .. ... .-. --. 12 2. Scope ... ... ... .. . 12 3. Definitions .. . ... ... ... 12 4. Effects ._ .I. 13 ... ... 20 of unidirectional BIBLIOGRAPHY NATIONAL impulse ... currents of short ... duration FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Part 2) which is identical with IEC Pub 479-2 (1987) issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Electrical Installations Sectional Committee (E 1‘ 20) and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council. This guide provides the basis for fixing requirements for prelection again51 electric shock. This standard was originally brought out in 1977 based on the then studies conducted world over. Since then, consider-able experience has been gained the world over on effects of current of In view of the universality of this study conducted various types and under different conditions. ( Continued on third cover ) IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) Indian Standard GUIDEONBPFBCTSOFCURRENTPASSING THROUGHTHEHUMANBODY PART 2 SPECIAL ASPECTS ( First Revision ) CHAPTER 4 : EFFECTS OF ALTERNATING CURRENT WITH FREQIJENCIES ABOVE 100 Hz 1. General Electric energy in the form of alternating current of higher frequencies than 50/60 Hz is increasingly used in modern electrical equipment, for example aircraft (400 Hz), power tool? and electric welding (mostly up to 450 Hz), electrotherapy (using mostly 4 000 Hz to 5 000 Hz> switching mode power supplies (20 kHz to 1 MHz). Little experimental data is available for this chapter, so that the information given herein should be considered as provisional only but may be used for the evaluation of risks in the ranges of frequencies concerned (ice bibliography, page 20). Attention is also drawn to the fact, that the impedance of human skin decreases approximately inversely proportional to the frequency for touch voltages in the order of some tens of volts, so that the skin impedance at 500 Hz is only about one tenth of the skin impedance at 50 Hz and may be neglected in many cases. This hold even more true for higher frequencies. The impedance of the human body at such frequencies is therefore reduced to its internal impedance Zr (see Chapter I). 2. Scope This chapter describes the effects of sinusoidal alternating current ranges: - above 100 Hz up to and includjng 1 000 Hz (see Clause 4); 3. - above 1 000 Hz up to and including 10 000 Hz (see Clause 5); - above 10 000 Hz (see Clause 6). within the frequency Definitions Fn addition to the definitions given in Part 1, the following definition applies: 3.1 Frequerlcy factor Fr Ratio of the threshold currenr for the relevant physiological current at SO/60 Hz. threshold N~IIP.4. The frequency Effects of alternating i.ictor tliR<r\ <or-perception, let-go and ventricular effects at the frequency fibrillation. current in the frequency range above 100 Hz up to and including 4.1 Thwshdd of perception F’r the threbhold 4.2 Thi~i~~‘i10l1i Fdr of the of pcrccp!ion cjf let-go the frequency factor is given in Figure 9, page 3. kl-go thrcsh~~li! the frequency factor 1 f to is given in Figure IO, page 3. 1 000 H7 IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) 4.3 Threshold of ventricular fibrillation For shock-durations longer than the cardiac cycle, the frequency of fibrillation for longitudinal current paths through the trunk Figure 11. page 4. For shock-durations 5. Effects of 10 000 Hz shorter alternating current than the cardiac in the cycle no expzrimentai frequency factor for the threshold of the body is given in data range above 1 000 Hz factor is given in Figure is available. up to aud including 5.1 Threshold of perception For the threshold of perception the frequency 12, page 4. 5.2 Threshold of let-go For the threshold of let-go the frequency factor is given in Figure 13, page 4. 5.3 Threshold of ventricular jibrillation Under consideration. 6. Effects of alternating 6.1 Threshold o.f perception current in the frequency range above 10 000 Hz For frequencies between to 100 mA (r.m.s. values). . 6.2 For frequencies above 100 kHz the tingling sensation lower frequencies changes into a sensation of warmth some hundred milliamperes. from 10 mA characteristic for the perception for current intensities in the order at of 100 kHz there of let-go. is neither experimental data nor reported incidents is neither experimental fibrillation. data nor reported incidents Threshold of ventricular Jibrillation For frequencies above concerning the threshold 6.4 rises approximately Threshold of let-go For frequencies above concerning the threshold 6.3 10 kHz and 100 kHz the threshold 100 kHz there of ventricular Other effects Burns may occur at frequencies amperes depending on the duration above 100 kHz and current of the current flow. 2 magnitudes in the order ol . IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) 2.0 t 5 c 3 18 300 200 Frequency f _ 500 .’ FIG. 9.- Variation of the threshold 100 FIG. 10. - Variation of the threshold of perception within the frequency 200 300 Frequency f _ of let-go within 3 range 50160 Hz to 1 000 Hz. 500 the frequency range 50/60 Hz to 1 000 Hz. BS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 PEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) 50160 100 300 1000 Hz FY!quency f - FIG. 11. - Variation of the threshold of ventricular fibrillation 60 Hz to 1000 Hz, shock-durations longer than one current paths through the trunk of the body. Note. -- For shock-durations shorter than one heart period, within the frequency range 50/ heart period and longitudinal other curves arc under c@;:jiderstion 150 100 t 50 Lcp 5 ;j ,m ; 10 ?! ZT LL 5 1 ; FIG. 12. - 2 3 5 Frequency f W 10 kHt Variation of the threshold of perception ~lthin the frequency range 1 000 Hz to 10 000 Hz. FIG. 13. - Variation of the threAold within the frequency range to 10 000 Hz. of’ let-go 1 000 Hz IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) CHAPTER 1. 5: EFFECTS OF SPECIAL WAVEFORMS OF CURRENT General The increasing interest in special waveforms of current derived from alternating current and direct current is evidenced by the rising number of applications of electronic controls causing such types of current particularly in the case of an insulation fault. This holds true also for equipment using alternating currents with phase control and multicycle control. As is to be expected the effects of such currents on the human caused by direct and by alternating current; therefore equivalent regard to ventricular fibrillation can be established. 2. body are between current magnitudes those with Scope This chapter describes alternating sinusoidal current with d.c. components, -_ alternating sinusoidal current with phase -- sinusoidal current with multicycle - alternating the effects of current passing through the human body for: control, control. Xolc. - Other I\ :~\cI‘orms are under consideration. The information up to 100 Hz. 3. given is deemed applicable for alternating current frequencies from 15 Hr Definitions In addition this chapter. to the definiiions given in Part I, the following ones apply for the purpose of 3. I Phase control The process or varying the instant 3.2 Phase control angle (current delay The time expressed in angular is delayed by phase control. 3.3 the cycle at which current conduction the starting instant of current begins. angle) measure by which conducticli: Multicycle con trot The process to the number 3.4 within Multicycle of varying the ratio of the number of cycles which of cycles in which no current conduction occurs. controlfactor Effects of alternating 4.1 Waveforms and freguemies current conduction p The ratio between the number of conducting cycles and ihe conducting cycles in the case of multicycle control (see Figure 4. include sum of conducting 17, page 10). and non- current with d.c. components Figure 14, page 9, shows typical waveforms which are dealt and pure a.~. are represented as well as combined waveforms The following current magnitudes have to be distinguished: 5 with in this clause. Pure d.c. of various ratios a.~. to d.c. IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 JEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) I rms = r.m.s. value of the current Z, of the resultant waveform. = peak value of the current of the resultant waveform, I [ID = peak-to-peak value of the current of the resultant waveform, I er = r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal current presenting fibrillation as the waveform concerned. Note. - The current ventricular lev is used instead of the current In in the same risk as regards ventricular Figure 5 of ChapLcr 1 to estimate thy risk of fibrillation. 4.2 Threshold of perception The threshold of perception depends on several parameters such as the area of the body in contact with an electrode (contact area), the conditions of contact (dry, wet, pressure, temperature) and also on physiological characteristics of the individual. Values for the threshold 4.3. of perception are under consideration. Threshold of let-go The threshold of let-go depends on several parameters, such as the contact area, the shape and size of the electrodes and also on the physiological characteristics of the individual. Values for the threshold of let-go are under consideration. 4.4 Threshold of ventricular fibrillation 4.4.1 Waveforms consisting of speciJic ratios of alternating to direct The fibrillation hazard may be taken as being approximately alternating current Zev having the following characteristics: the same as with an equivalent a) For shock durations longer than approximately 1.5 times the period of the cardiac cycle, Z,, is the r.m.s. value of a current having the same peak-to-peak value I,,, as the current of the waveform concerned: b) For shock durations shorter than approximately 0.75 times the period of the cardiac cycle, Zev is the r.m.s. value of a current having the same peak value I,, as the current of the waveform concerned: Note. - c) This correlation is the less applicable the smaller the ratio a.c. to d.c. becomes. For pure d.c. shocks of duration less than 0.1 s the threshold is equal lo Ihe corresponding ~.m.s. calue of the alternating current (see Figure 5 and Figure 8 in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 respectively). In the duration range from 0.75 to 1.5 times the period of the cardiac amplitude parameter changes from peak value to peak-to-peak value. Note. -The 4.4.2 current details of the nature of the transition that take3 place are subject tcr t‘urthcr cycle the studies Examples of rectified alternating current Figure 15, page 9, shows the waveforms for half wave and full wave rectification. these waveforms the peak value of the current is identical with its peak-to-peak value. 6 For IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) The equivalent a) alternating For durations Hence I rm8 by: longer than current I,, is determined: 1.5 times the period for half wave rectification I ev is related I,, and for full wave rectification b) For duration Hence I rms by: shorter to the r.m.s. cycle by. value of the rectified current I rm6 = __ JT- by: than 0.75 times for half wave rectification the period leV is related I(,, and for full wave rectification of the cardiac = d\/z of the cardiac to the r.m.s. cycle: value of the rectified current I,ms by: 1,” = &Is 5. Effects of alternating 5.1 Waveforms Figure 5.2 Threshold current with phase control and frequencies 16, page 10, show5 the wavefc)rms of perception As described parameters. and threshold in the prcccdin for symmetrical and asymmetrical control. qf’ let-go g Sub-clauses 4.2 and 4.3, these thresholds depend on different The effect of the current in producing sensation or inhibiting let-go is about equal to a pure a.c. with the same peak value Z,,. For phase control angles above 120’ the peak values increase as a consequence of the decreasing duration of the current flow. 5.3 Threshold of ventricularfibrilirrtio1l The thresholds 5.3.1 Symmetrical differ for symmetrical and asymmetrical waveforms. cotitrol The fibrillation hazard m~ty be taken as being approximately alternating current I,, having the following characteristics: (I) the same as with equivalent for shock-durations longer than approximately 1.5 times the period of the cardiac I,, has the same r.m.s. value ns the current of the relevant waveform concerned; 7 cycle, 1s 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) b) Note. - For phase control angles above 1’0” ;. rise of the Note. - 7‘11~details of the nature of the transitloll 5.3.2 thresho!d in the duration range from 0.75 to 1.5 times the amplitude parameter changes from peak to r.m.s. value. c) of fibrillation period to CXPCC~~~~. cardiac further cycle, the studic\. Asymmetrical control for shock-durations Under consideration. b) for shock-durations shorter than approximately 0.75 times the period of the cardiac cycle, lev is the r.m.s. value of a current having the same peak value as the current of the relevant waveform concerned. 2. - For phase control Currents caused by 6. Effects of alternating 6.1 Wavejbrms c nd frequencies Figure longer 17, page than approximately the same as with an cquivatent 0) Notes I. - 1.5 times the perio,.! of the angles above 1?Oo :I rise of the thl-csho!d of fibrillation :~symnletrical control current with multicycle IO, shows the waveforms (see IEV 55l-Oj-19)* cardiac cycie: is to be expected. may ;~iho have d.c. componc:?!?. control for a degree ofpower ccntrol of p = 0.67. Threshold of perception and threshold of let-go As described in the preceding different parameters. The threshold 6.3 is to bc of the lhat takes plac L .!re s:lbjzct The fibrillation hazard may be taken as being approximately alternating current l,, havtng the following characteristics: 6.2 the period of the cardiac value as the current of the for shock-durations shorter than approximately 0.75 times cycle, I,, is the r.m s. value of a current having the same peak relevant waveform concerned; of perception Sub-clauses 4.2, 4 3, 5.2 and and threshold of let-go 5.3, these thresholds are under depend on consideration. Threshold of ventricularfibrillatiotl Depending on the duration of shock and on the degree of power control nltcrnating currents with multicycle control are equally or less dangerous than a.c. of the same shock duration and current magnitude. Figure 18, page 11, shows the threshold various degrees of power control. 6.3.1 ventricular fibrillation measured on pigs for For shock-durations longer than approximately 1.5 times the period of the cardiac cycle, the threshold depends on the degree of power control p. For p neat unity it has the snmc r.m.s. value as a sinusoidal alternating current of the same duration. For p near 0.1 the 1.111,s. value of the current during current conduction f , rms is the same as the threshold for alternating current of a duration below 0.75 times the period of the cardiac c!-s]c. Note. - 6.3.2 of For intermediate values of p, the fibrillation threshold of Part 1 to the high level indicated for shock-durations rises from lhc ‘OM.level ~IIOMii in below 0.1 s. For shock-durations shorter than approximately 0.75 times the r.m.s. value of the current during current conduction sinusoidal alternating current of the same duration. I-C~LI~C j the period of the cardiac cycle I 1 rms is the same as that for :L -___ *IEC Publication SO (551): InternatIonal El~ctr~)techical 8 VocahLllary (IEV), Chap~cr 551: JJO\\~, t.lcc,rc ,:!_,> IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1981 j * I t 0 ‘PP ‘P I 1 ‘PP ‘P I FIG. 14. -- Waveforms of currents. a) half wave rectification h) full wave rectification FIG. 15. - Waveforms of rectified 9 alternating currents. 1s 8437 ( Pact 2 ) : 1993 JEC Pob 479-2 ( 1987 ) u) symmetrical control a - 150” 0160~ b) asymmetrical control u - 60° FIG. 16. - Waveforms IS = conducting 17. - I ,rm8 = Note. - Waveforms JTI, currents with phase control. tx + tp = working time tp = non-conducting FIG. of alternating period p = degree of power time of alternating currents = r. m. s. value of current with multicycle control. during current conduction Ji ~JDSis not IO be confused with the r. m. s. value working period I? rms - 11 TDIRd\/. 10 control of current dnring IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1967 ) 0.1 1 0.1 *FIG. 18. - Threshold of ventricular fibrillation (average values) for alternating current multicycle control for various degrees of power control (results of experimentc young pigs). Note. - Body current IS rms is the r. m. s. value 11 of the current during current with with co~..!:~sclon li rms_ IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) CHAPTER 1. 6: EFFECTS OF UNIDIRECTIONAL SINGLE CURRENT OF SHORT DURATION 1MPULSE General Unidirectional single impulse currents of short duration in the form of rectangular and sinusoidal impulses or capacitor discharges may be a source of danger in the caEe of an insulation fault of an electric appliance containing electronic components or when touching iive parts of such equipment. It is therefore important to eptablish the danger limits for these types of currents. For a shock-duration of 10 ms the effects described in this chapter correspond to those given in Chapters 2 to 5 so that IEC Publication479covers the whole range of shock-duration5 from 0.1 ms to 10 s for nearly all current waveforms which are of technical interest. The content of this chapter is based on the assumption derived from scientific research that the principal factor for the initiation of ventricular fibrillation for the various forms of unidirectional impulse currents is the If or the Ist value as for shocks of up to 10 mi; duration (see Bibliography, page 20). 2. Scope This chapter describes the effects of current passing through the human body in the form of single unidirectional rectangular impulses, sinusoidal impulses and impulses resulting fro171 capacitor Note. - dtscharges. The effects of sequences of impulses The values specified are deemed and including 10 ms. For impulse Chapter 2 apply. 3. to be applicable durations longer for impulse durations from 0.1 ms up to than 10 ms the values given in Figure 5 of Definitions In addition to the definitions purpose of this chapter: 3.1 arc under consideration. Specific jibrillathg given in Chapters 2 to 5, the following ones apply for the energy Fe (Ws/O or ‘42s) The minimum 1st value of a unidirectional impulse of short duration which under given conditions (current-path, heart-phase) causes ventricular fibrillation with a certain probability. NOIP. - FP is determined by the folm of the impulse as the integral II ,. Fe multiplied 3.2 by the body resistance gives the energy dissipated in the human body during the impulse. SpeciJic f’ibr’illaiing charge F,(C or As) The minimum It value of a unidirectional impulse of short duration which under given conditions (current-path, heart-phase) causes ventricular fibrillation with a certain probability. N~JI~. - Fq is determined by the form of the impulse as the integral J idl. 0 12 IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) 3.3 Time constant The time required for the amplitude to i 3.4 of an exponentially decaying field quantity 0.3679 times an initial amplitude (IEV 801-Ol-44).* = Shock-duration of a capacitor discharge (t,) The time interval from the beginning of the discharge to the time when current has fallen to 5% of its peak value. is given by T the shock-duration Note. - When the time constant of the capacitordischarge discharge is eqrlal to 3T. During the shock-duration cnergp of the impulse is dissipated. 3.5 of the capacitor discharge the discharge of the capacitor practically all the Threshold of percep t ion The minimum value for the charge of electricity which under given conditions sensation to the person through whom it is flowing. 3.6 to decrease causes any Threshold of pain The maximum value of charge (It) or specific energy (1st) that can be applied as an impulse to a person holding a large electrode in the hand without causing pain. 3.1 Pain An unpleasant experience submitted to it. Note. - 4. such that it is not readily accepted Examples are an electric shock above the threshold of a bee or burn of a cigarette. a second time by the subject of pain described in Sub-clause 4.3, the sting Effects of unidirectional impulse currents of short duration 4.1 Waveforms Figure 19, page 17, shows the forms impulses and for capacitor discharges. distinguished: [DC magnitude = of currents for rectangular impulses, sinusoidal The following current magnitudes have to be of the current of the rectangular impulse, ZAGrms= r.m.s. value of the current of the sinusoidal impulse, ZAC(P) ZCrms = peak value of the current of the sinusoidal impulse, = r.m.s. Z0 (11) = peak value of the capacitor value of the current of the capacitor of 3 T, discharge. xole. - If UCis the voltage of the capacitor and RI the initial body resistance, discharge for 11 duration at the beginning It(p) is determined of the discharge by: through the human body UC IC(P) = -tijfy 4.2 Determination of specijc jibrillating energy FC The specific fibrillating Fe for the different forms of impulses dealt with in this chal?tcr, is determined: a) For rectangular b) For sinusoidal *JEC: Publication Electroacoustics. impulses by F, = ZDcPti impulses by Fe = 2-~A&) 50 (801): International tl Eicclrotechnical 13 = Z\C’rmsfi Vocabulary (IEV), Ch;tp(cr 801: Acoustic\ :tr, i IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) c) For a capacitor discharge T by with a time-constant F, - &,, -; = I&&l Figure 20, page 17, compares the current magnitudes for rectangular impulses, sinusoidal impulses and a capacitor discharge with the time constant T having the same specific fibrillating energy F, and the same shock-duration tl. In this case the following relationships exist: I Note. - The relationship IUCP~ ZUC = -7 IS derived 46 as follows: cc Fe = r,‘(P) e --21 Tdt= I,,2,p) f 0 1,. rms 4.3 Tffreshold of perception = IIW = l,.(P) & and threshold of pain .for crrl.‘acito~discharge The thresholds depend on the form of the electrodes, on the charge of the impulse and on its peak current value. Figure 21, page 18, shows the threshold of perception and the threshold of pain as a function of the charge and the charging voltage of the capacitor for a person holding large electrodes with dry hands. The threshold of pain in terms of specific energy is in the order current paths through the extremities and large contact areas. 4.4 of 50 to IOO~lO-‘I A% fol Threshold of ventricular fibrillation The threshold of ventricular fibrillation depends on the form, duration and magnitude the current of the impulse, the heart phase in which the impulse starts, the current path the human body and on the physiological characteristics of the person. Experiments - on animals of in show: that for impulses of short duration impulse falls within the vulnerable -. that the specific fibrillating charge initiation of ventricular fibrillation than IO ms. ventricular fibrillation in general period of the cardiac cycle; F, or the specific for unidirectional results only if the fibnllating energy F(> determines the impulses for shock-durations shorter Thresholds for ventricular fibrillation are shown in Figure 22, page 19. For 50% probability of fibrillation, F, 1s of the order of 0.005 As and FC rises from about 0.01 A+, at an impulse duration ti = 4 ms to 0.02 A% for ti = 1 ms. In order to explain the practical application of the relationships described in two examples are given. The first example deals with a capacitor discharge constant of T = 1 ms and a shock-duration t,=3 T = 3 ms and is within the part. In the second example, the time constant is T = 10 ms, i.e. ti = 30 ms that the limits for ventricular fibrillation are those given in Figure 5 of Chapter 14 this chapter, with a time scope of tbia which mean> 2. IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) Example 1 Effects of capacitor Capacitor C = Current-path: discharge on the human 1 pF, charging hand-foot, Specific fibrillating Effects of shocks: 10 V, 100 V, 1 000 V and IO 000 V. body resistance 1 ms, i.e. shock-duration T - Time constant initial voltages body: energy Fe = Pcrmstl z assumed to be R, = 1 000 a.* ti = 3 T = 3 ms. % . I ,-- Charging _____ voltage ~~__. UC (VI Discharge current Peak value Iclp) (A) I -~--- -__- Discharge 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 000 10000 1 / -- ‘O ____~_.~ current Icrms = -$z$ Specific charge Fq (As) ~-__ Discharge -I energy WC (Ws) Specific fibrillating energy Fe (RI= I OOOa) (A%) Physiological effects 0.048. 10-s slight 4.8. 10-G 1 disagreeable I / I I / I 0.48 pinfu 10” 1 1 i I I *The value of RI of 1 000 fi has been arbitrarily chosen for the purpose the value of Ri for 5% percentile rank of Clause 6 of Chapter 1. of this example. Not 4s IO-3 VL’II~L icrslar fibrillation Iikcly to bc confused with I 1s 8437(Part 2):1993 JEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) Example 2 Effects of capacitor Capacitor C = 20 rP, Current-path: Time hand-trunk T = constant Effects discharge charging on the human voltage of body, initial body: 10 V, 100 V, 1 000 V and 10 000 V. body resistance IO ms, i.e. shock-duration assumed to be RI = 5OOQ.* tl = 3 T = 30 ms.** of shocks: Charging vo!tagc UC: (V) r Discharge current Yenk ~v~luc Ir ;;,) (A) 10 100 I 000 0.02 0.2 2 0.008 0.08 -_ Discharge current r.111.s. value (A) It’(s) 1, ,mr =-= \/ Spccilic ch,irg: Discharp (1 0.2 F,, (As)** energy WI I 10-S 2 PhysioIogic.ti enc‘rgy 10-J ‘0 -- Specilic fibrillatin< Fe (A’s)** 20. 0.1 I . 10-z (Ws) 1o-3 slight - painful tor: I 000 I---- - - elfccts 200 dangerou\, but ventricular fibrillation unlikely dangerous, and ventricular fibrillation likely - *Il~c \L~I~~cof RI of 5OOQ has been arbitrarily chosen for the purpose of this example. Not to bc confuhcd with the V~ILIC of Ri for the 5% percentile rank of Clause 6 of Chapter 1. :*A\ IIIC shock dulntion ti is longer than 10 ms, fibrillation thresho!ds are to be taken from Figure 5 in Chapter 2. IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) FIG. 19. - of current discharges. Forms for rectangular I-b- FIG. 20. - Rectangular specific impulse, fibrillating t,=3T impulses, sinusoidal impulses and for capacitor ---i sinusoidal impulse and capacitor and the same shock-duration. energy 17 discharge hn\,inp the smn1: IS ‘8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC<Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) .. 1 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.1 Chargmg mltage FIG. 21. - Threshold of perception large contact areas). Zone A: Threshold Note. - 1ooov 100 10 1 and threshold of perception. UC e of pain for capacitor Curve B: Typical threshold The diagonal axes are scaled for capacitance the co-ordinates for charging voltage and impulse can be read on the appropriate axes. 18 discharges (dry hands, of pain. (C) and energy (WI. From the interssction 01 capacitance the charge and the energy of the IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 PEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) 02 01 100 10 ooo 1000 @oh FIG. 22. - Threshold of venticular curwlr IO ,m, mA -a- fibrillation. The curves indicate the probability left hand to feet. For other current of fibrillation risks for current flowing in the path paths, see Clause 5 and Table 111 cf Chapter 2. no fibrillation, below C,: above C1 up to C,: low risk of fibrillation above C, up to C,: average above C,: ( up to 5% risk of fibrillation high risk of fibrillation probability), (up to 50% probability), (more than 19 500/ probability). IS 8437 ( Part 2 ) : 1993 IEC Pub 479-2 ( 1987 ) BIBLIOGRAPHY* CHAPTER 4 on perception currents. Electrical 1. Dalziel, C.F. and T.H. Mansfield: Effect of frequency Engineering. 69: 794-800 (Sept. !950), AIEE Transactions, 69: pp. 1162-l 168 (1950). 2. Dalziel, CF., E. Odgen and C.E. Abott: Effect of frequency on /et-go currents. AIEE Tran5actions (Electrical Engineering), 62: pp. 745-750 (Dec. 1943). 3. Geddes, L.A., LE. Baker. P. Cabler and Brittain: Response to passage of sinusoidal currcrr/ through the hod-v. Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentaticjn, Vol. 5 (1971), No. 1. pp. 13-18. 4. Weirich, J., St. Hohnloser and H, Antoni: Factors determining the susceptibility> of the isolated guinea pig heart to ventricular jibrillation induced by sinusoidal alternating curreat at freqz1rncie.c fim2 1 to I 000 Hz. Basic Res. Cardiol. Vol. 78. No. 6 (1983), pp. 604-616. CHAPTER 5 G.G.: Fibrillating Parameters of direct and alternaring (20 Hz) currents separtrtel~~ and in combination. Conference Paper IEEE, No. C 72-247-O (1972). 1. Knickerbocker. 2. Jacobsen. J., S. Buntenkotter und H.J. Reinhard: Experimentelle Untersuchungen un Schw.einen zur Frage der Mortalitat durch sinusformige, phasenangeschnittene sowie gleichgerichtete elektrischeStrome. Biomedizinische Technik. 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( Continuedfiom second corer ) nnder lEC/TC 64 tn which the lndian National Committee actively participated, the Technical Committee under ETD responsible for this standard has decided to revise IS : 8437 in line with the latest IEC Pub on the subject. The test of IEC Pub 479-2 has been publication as Indian Standard, to serve standard together with Part 2 corresponding CROSS considered and approved by ET 20 as suitable for as a revision of IS : 8437. It has been agreed that this to IEC 479-2 would together replace IS : 8437 : 1977. REFERENCES In this Indian respective place Standard, the the following: following International International Stundard IEC 50(55 l)( 1982) : International technical Vocabulary (IEV), 551 : Power Electronics --_ _..~~_ are referred to read in then Corresponding Indian Standard (Identical) ElectroChapter IEC 50(801)( 1984) : International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV), Chapter 801 : Acoustics and Electroacoustics -- Standards ..~__ _.___ IS : 1885 (Part 27) : 1992 Electrotechnical Vocabulary : Part 27 Power electronics (under print) IS : I885 (Part 3/Set 2) : 1966 Electrotechnical Vocabulary : Part 3 Acoustics, Section 2 Acoustical and electroacoustical systems ___- Standard Mark The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which ic devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to that standard a.s a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, I986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS. n Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’. 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