Handout 1 Motion of charged particles in EM fields We consider plasmas in which no collisions take place. The basic equation of motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field is then m~a = m 0.1 d~v ~ + ~v × B ~ =q E dt Energy considerations d 1 2 d ~ · ~v mv = W = q E dt 2 dt Therefore: (1) solution: vx (t) = A cos(ωg t + φ) vy (t) = −A sin(ωg t + φ) (2) (7) (8) where 2 vx2 + vy2 = A2 = v⊥ . (9) No spatial change in the magnetic field results in a change of the total kinetic To get the actual movement of the particle, integrate the solution: energy. Z v⊥ sin(ωg t + φ) x(t) = v (τ )dτ = x + x 0 Electric fields perpendicular to the diωg rection of motion do not change the (10) Z total kinetic energy. v⊥ y(t) = vy (τ )dτ = y0 + cos(ωg t + φ) ωg Only electric fields aligned with the di(11) rection of motion can change the total Here, x0 and y0 are constants of integration and φ is the initial phase. The particle moves in a circle, perpendicular to the background 0.2 Motion in steady magnetic magnetic field. It "gyrates". The radius of ~ =0 field, E the gyromotion, the gyroradius, is v⊥ mv⊥ ~ = 0 and B ~ = B0~ez . Then from Assume E rg = = (12) ωg qB0 (1) kinetic energy. where ωg is the gyrofrequency: dvx q = vy B0 dt m dvy q = − vx B0 dt m dvz =0 vz const. dt (3) (4) (5) Differentiate (3) and substitute (4): d2 vx qB0 dvy qB0 = =− 2 dt m dt m 2 vx (6) This describes a simple harmonic oscillator Figure 1: Sketch of the gyromotion of a posiwith a frequency of ωg = qB0 /m with the tively charged particle. FYS3610 Lasse Clausen, lasse.clausen@fys.uio.no UiO Handout 2 Because of the dependence on q, the direction of the gyromotion of positively charged particles (ions) is opposite that of negatively charged particles (electrons). When considering the gyromotion of electrons and ions, for the same perpendicular energy, the gyrofrequency of electrons is much higher (me mi ) while the gyroradius is much larger. (5) shows that vz , i.e., the velocity along the field is constant. Therefore, for vz 6= 0, the particle trajectory is helical around the magnetic field line, and the center of the gyromotion is called the "guiding center". 0.4 Total kinetic energy: W = W⊥ + Wk 0.3 (14) ~ = 0, dW/dt = dW⊥ /dt + dWk /dt = 0. For E Define magnetic moment as µ = W⊥ /B, then dW⊥ dµ dB =B +µ . (15) dt dt dt Also dWk dB = −µ , (16) dt dt such that dW⊥ dWk dµ + =B =0 (17) dt dt dt and hence dµ/dt = 0, meaning that the magnetic moment µ is conserved as the particle moves through spatially varying magnetic fields. 0.5 Figure 2: Sketch of the gyromotion for vk 6= 0. Magnetic moment Magnetic mirror Consider the following situation where the magnetic field converges: Pitch angle The pitch angle α is defined by the ratio of v⊥ and vk : α = arctan v⊥ vk (13) Figure 4: Converging magnetic field. Because 2 W⊥ mv⊥ µ= = = const. (18) B 2B as B increases v⊥ must also increase. However, the total kinetic energy must not change, such that vk must decrease. That increases the pitch angle (see (13)), meaning that the movement along the field line slows down. Once the field-aligned move~ = −µ∇B Figure 3: Pitch angle for the case for vk < v⊥ . ment stops, there is still a force F FYS3610 Lasse Clausen, lasse.clausen@fys.uio.no UiO Handout 3 on the gyrating particle, pushing it back out equatorial plane and the Earth’s surface. For of the region of higher B. a field lines that crosses the equatorial plane 2 2 2 Define total speed v as v = vk + v⊥ , then at a distance of 4 Earth radii (Re ) s v⊥ = v sin α and µ = mv 2 sin2 α/2B. Then Beq because µ0 = µ1 : α = arcsin ' 5.5◦ (21) Bsf sin2 α0 B0 = (19) If α is smaller the particle will hit the Earth’s 2 sin α1 B1 surface before it has a chance to mirror, Therefore, all particles with α < 5.5◦ are 0.6 Trapped particles in a lost; this defines the loss cone (for that pardipole field ticular field line at 4 Re . Earth’s magnetic field is essentially a dipole ~ ×B ~ drift field where B(r) ∝ 1/r3 . As particles move 0.8 E along field lines toward the magnetic poles, ~ ~ they experience stronger magnetic fields and Now assume E 6= 0 and B = B0~ez . Then are eventually mirrored. As they gyrate they from (1) are said to "bounce" between hemispheres; q dvx = (Ex + vy B0 ) (22) they are trapped in the terrestrial magnetic dt m field. dvy q = (Ey − vx B0 ) (23) dt m dvz q = Ez (24) dt m (24) describes simple accelerated motion ~ (change in total kinetic energy!). along B ~ = Ey~ey : For simplicity, assume E Figure 5: Terrestrial dipolar field lines. dvx q = vy B0 dt m q dvy = (Ey − vx B0 ) dt m (25) (26) Differentiate and substitute: 0.7 Loss cone d2 v x qB0 2 Ey = − vx − 2 dt m B0 2 2 d vy qB0 =− vy , 2 dt m At the mirror point, where Wk = 0, the pitch angle becomes αm = 90◦ . Hence from (19) we see that (27) (28) B sin2 α = 1 Bm (20) where the additional Ey /B0 term indicates a drift velocity in the +x direction. A more general consideration gives which is true anywhere along the trajectory (field line). For a terrestrial dipole field line, ~ ×B ~ E ~vE = . (29) the maximum ratio of B/Bm is between the B2 FYS3610 Lasse Clausen, lasse.clausen@fys.uio.no UiO Handout 4 ~vE is superposed on the gyromotion and in- Formally dependent of charge; i.e., electrons and pro2 ~ mv⊥ B × ∇B ~ v = , (30) tons drift in the same direction no net G 2 qB03 current. the drift velocity is charge dependent, i.e., the gradient drift causes a current. The gradient drift velocity depends on the perpendicular kinetic energy. The second magnetic drift is the curvature drift. It is due to centrifugal forces experienced by a particle as it gyrates along a curved field line: ~ ×B ~ drift motion for a positively Figure 6: E charged particle. 0.9 Magnetic drifts Two magnetic drifts exists, the gradient drift and the curvature drift. For the first, assume ~ = 0 and B ~ is spatially inhomogeneous, E ~ the i.e., ∇B 6= 0. In the region of large B gyroradius is smaller than in the region of Figure 7: Illustration of the curvature drift. ~ From this results a drift: smaller B. The drift velocity is given by ~c × B ~ mvk2 2R ~vR = , (31) 2 qRc2 B02 Again, the curvature drift is charge dependent, i.e., positively and negatively charged particles drift in opposite directions, creating a current. The velocity of the curvature drift depends on the parallel kinetic energy 0.10 General force drifts ~ in (29) with E ~ = F~ /q one obReplacing E tains: ~ 1 F~ B ~v = × (32) Figure 7: Illustration of the gradient drift for ωg m B positively and negatively charged particles. FYS3610 Lasse Clausen, lasse.clausen@fys.uio.no UiO