CLOSING THE FEEDBACK LOOP by Lloyd Switching feedback power systems and load the closed supplies in order regulation and loop can be dynamic 82(5): Pulse width He(5): Output Fortunately, only once use of Bode a in the gain plots provide a loop The the switching frequency, pulse width modulator the filter, choice is to He(s), of circuit define compensation closed load loop regulation are the the and The characteristic and circuit Nyquist powerful by task in the that for good be stabilized crossover occurs permitting stability method (see of 81(5), can gain characteristic, predetermined gain-bandwidth 1, elements: networks the error and application the and feedback amplifier result dynamic displaying B). characteristics circuit, 82(5), closing will the criterion. of Appendix fc, the gain-frequency and power switching networks, Figure switching systems Unity parameters topology. in major diagram control of simple shown these power block frequency gain negative for line filter version the and loop vs. As of compensation techniques. simplified calculating and closed-loop analytical closed-loop objectives comparator Control these simple use design terms modulator power 1. in and amplifier Figure Jr response. described Error ( 5 ) : Dixon, almost always to achieve Reference 81 using H. and in response, the of and the loop related optimum line and stability. 2-1 UNITRODE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAD. LEXINGTON, MA 02173. TEL (617) 861-6540 .TWX (710) 326-6509 .TELEX 95-1064 CLOSED LOOP DESIGN PROCEDURE (1] Define loop the Goal: Make characteristic bandwidth that for good a Bode will dynamic plot of achieve the the response, line desired best and closed- possible load gain- regulation and stability. (2) Define method. the Make pulse width (3) Design phase the THE Stabilit~ the to feedback systemJ. The 'phase at is at the At the overshoot is amount is slightly will ringing. A very to practice. The conditionall~ gain That when the easy the gain(dB) is and the G1(s) objective. it then phase the 180 the lag (in negative may is phase less exceed 180 degrees will unity If the 'gain (0 the (small exhibit 45 at The than degrees. of lag degrees. 180 but dB) phase phase condsiderable degrees provides for 60 good be 40 the 6AIN becomes (~J what runs as load. 20 into with The oscillate underdamped of phase degrees BO if exactly system 180 magnitude the stable. gain margin if shift which than gain than the is the stable overshoot. will signal bounds, step changes in will a but is less than below than system decreases unstable. It is stability of exceed not stable, if is be stable, phase this is is lag little lag 2, phase criterion phase but Cut loop system the less 0 Short closed by phase be at frequencies gain is greater severe the Figure less which 180 degrees fc where the have control filter. the result still fc, the stability the system the the Subtract frequencies, will by with Nyquist's large large He(s), The the the only and happens upon characteristic (1). fc, other system response loop and degree system where is to 180 factor the dB, attain once, normal the fc permits from freq~ency, frequency good only margin' margin), gain switch, Referring d8J frequency, the lag to and crossover margin' Decide the Network: necessary (0 addition degrees power above crossover 180 and Gain: G2(s), GOAL unity at Outgut of (2) Criterion: crosses to plot Com~ensation in characteristic lag Bode modulator plotted DEFINE Control a o or ringing. -20 Frequency Stabilization by frequency gain Unity at gain substantially filter to achieve using a pole off Method: to a roll very cross loop low PHASE loop -w the low "" + frequency. over below pole good dominant o must the frequency occur -100 output to avoid Figure 2-2 UNITRODE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAD. LEXINGTON, MA 02173. TEL (617) 661-6540 .TWX (710) 32&-6509 .TELEX 95-1064 the additonal cut stabilization Closed phase Looc network to by lag lower frequencies low goal -20 as fc Crossover to sampling [2) The cycle, is drive high the In in the plane zeros to well before Because the to C, shows it fc. is 1/2 fs/2). fs/[2~D) system error not than frequency, with duty response amplifier ripple a crossover amplifier gain voltage a to further frequency because of fc = right-half- gain-bandwidth. how to Control closed the The width upon loop run mode at fixed the Bode of and only of part the usually of the to of designed the total loop is loop, output This task each PWM-switching the The design started. control of PWM it gain --the in error facilitated by topology previously circuit defined into gain and plots. operation has a of design PWM methods This which a is the the He(sJ. to are switching the frequency, basis for and networks. considers is the translate PWM the system on C modulator the performance compensation discussion the filter, loop remainder eq.uations for method: the of Appendix of output elements gain the is of fundamental network. in frequency the are plot design These of the pulse great effect plus output compensation given characteristic, characteristics closing a Bode parameters vs. of make transfer These to and or filter to know physical function linearly necessitating error supply. process equations that a at above greater output attained G2(sJ, control combination. the of gain off well theory the frequency and power the amplifier of falls until switching always vs. circuit necessary phase that high frequency saturation, gain, phase circuit, switching switching the all response. amplified Appendix not output and switching order in but insufficient gain the is and extremes. Gain fs/[27rD) into given or control PWM, = the fc instability. is when fc exceeds At fc = fs/[27rD), fc at and THE CONTROL TO OUTPUT GAIN combined and 180 fc. attempted, DEFINE At the dynamic frequencies. resulting lag any is cause amplifier examples is The [3) to error reduction fs/4 fast. The Sampling at unstable 0.5.[1) high of dynamic [1) [which and to operating phase signal short stabilization characteristic 2. information enough out regulation. Freauenc~: system becomes D, greater than be degree frequency maximally may DC 90 the degrees loop this regulation circuit Figure good of ringing at closed in small transmit 45 made the good possible the within be designing gain oscillations, avoid with Maximum loop result response. load approach provides provides in and to shown d8/decade High goal high for pole The dynamic line must frequency at The not analysis single poor optimize must A practical net introduces. is providing Phase Stability it Objective: is response lag method POWER SWITCH v s 0-! Vc Q-J rnmm ~~~:1... all comparator Figure 3 2-3 UNITRODE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAD. LEXINGTON, MA 02173. TEL. (617) 861-6540 .TWX (710) 32&-6509. TELEX 95-1064 as shown fixed in Figure frequency 3. A linear output provides rectangular power switching transistors. conduction is between Vc Direct Dut~ most most is constant and Control: IC's. response to audio regulation, gain to phase filter input poor Poor open to the relationship to a v v,t- ~r1 Figure provides changes desired 4. In no characteristic Control make .- loop [2) filter help in with dealing its with sudden must propagate through output correction, 180 these resulting Control: duty cycle Functions control one key sawtooth ramp is but input in tage direct [see exception not ~1 --the constant amplitude, proportion Figure 5). to The I v-, the ef- ,1 I ~ / / /. -L ~ v..T7:ji- fect of this dramatic. the input input VinD, Current Mode IC, voltage to a the Figure a voltage compared control voltage longer the current a the second, a voltage programs controls ramp. inner reference, the the duty inductor cycle current the before, but the 6). control The from via the inductor the loop. as case, generator, (Figure to derived the control circuit back control is this ramp resistor fed in the In a switching is amplifier embodied comparing sampling ramp error to by power required, is a third capability. from current 5. gain is UC184O method, cycle sawtooth from formin~ of control duty artificially through out loop The feedforward newest derived inductor comparator, no prob- voltage frequency not rT line the the directly voltage and with This fixed is waveform Thus loop and controls provided current IC ;1 :J m ... without Open Control: also voltage is constant constant good, control UC1846 ramp is inversely with the volt-second direct duty cycle control in [1) are corrected. Much less closed to achieve good dynamic response. generation but very directly Vc remains is of if change. regulation is varies varies Thus control lems above mostly modification Vs voltage, duty cycle voltage. product, any simple Because with two in v 02 ,~ with varies vol the degree response. Feedforward like direct above switch loop higher regulators, pole dynamic Voltaae exactly changes. Poor mode shift. poles the power the Slow specifications. two a Provides changes. requiring continuous drive the as anticipate voltage achieve resonant [1) to susceptibility. line which of 4), exactly are: sudden v ramp Figure operates input oldest, sawtooth [see feedforward of to comparator implemented The Disadvantages affects compared The pulses cycle according The method, amplitude, voltage duty is Vs. frequency The controlled used circuit above. no C~cle control the Vc, voltage, Vs. commonly in voltage, ramp fixed thereby and control sawtooth control output now inner the loop directly. 2-4 UNITROOE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAO .LEXINGTON, MA 02173. TEL. (617) 861-6540. TWX (710) 326-6509. TELEX 95-1064 ~ The results of this method Vcc are ~ profound. All of the problems of the di rect duty cycl e control method (1) and (2) above are corrected mode with control. In having the characteristic voltage neous open input changes, control tor filter pole is reduces order filter to response the order simpl single capacitor) Current mode switching required Appendix upon the the \1- used from ~ with , U U L greater magnetizing acts to rather mode compensation, cycles transformer load current 6. continuous slope duty is I , Figure at amount I' , Latch n n n output-J LJ LJ L circuits stability but pole benefit A. Power reflected sation, \I-." permits networks. control for Clock easy first circuits 1 J: loop. not filter, which compensation er ~ J1..: second is a a Letch this inner to filter R mode pole which comoareto, induc- because two PWM ~.~ to the compensate (the to current inside ~ feedforward with instanta- pole, This k current eliminates t Error amplIfier addition loop ~ Reference - than current provide some variable and power and it 50%. is Ref. superimposed slope compen- indeterminate. DESIGN THE COMPENSATION NETWORK The control overall sought to closed in the general, (1) excess phase shift poles has frequency. Put poles ESR zeros output gain. teristic (3) and low If regulation pair (4) an In prevent it frequency from gain of power switching use of has is the voltage off added a as desired. to obtain step gain. certain (1), so the near the occur in the low in to the In frequencies gain up flatten the that cross- frequencies control gain to charac- desired add a DC pole-zero amount of juggling will handle most These circuits with inevitable. Two are example the will too the output degrees) network zeros circuits given that in problems essentially input invariably flat that A. Appendix method C. to with appear the to that of avoid the circuits on Try combination characteristic capacitor, results levels Appendix in tapalagy/cantral no that (45 falling is boost to from characteristic network. near control zeros zeros Circuits: to network the margin these low frequency to complex situations, applied abnormal in adequate requirements which behavior involves: compensation Otherwise ComDensation subtracted defines the compensation in the compensation and right-half-plane solutions sation characteristic roughly with its occur because at trial the gain objective amplifier the procedure Put zeros in the where over (2) where output loop error compenare use the allows circuit A-1 poor large signal like A-2 because of input capacitor, Ci. 2-5 UNITRODE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAD. LEXINGTON, MA 02173. TEL. (617) 861-6540 .TWX (710) 326-6509 .TELEX 95-1064 Determine Closed DC regulation but this is gain of the Loop of Reaulation: the often It system using awkward and often changes system is possible classical of to questionable as calculate closed loop value, a function the analysis, because of input the and load variables. It is simpler the and large equation examples) of maintain the line less output circuit. (3) provide the percentage The result Vc of the (2) for range frequency the the One alternative gain because is mode when the ramp such correspondingly use required be to expressed as a gain-bandwidth scheme, an IC with there is are a better some amplifier, frequency. control pole slope as in method that are filter is is now error Control to highest available requires less eliminated with characteristic is the or duty loop input gone with error also to and The control by the full voltage is increased reduces set slope voltage. requirement This be control ramp smaller gain-bandwidth is the clamp a can greater reducing cycle voltage. input UC1846, with gain-bandwidth the comparator by controlled output of the UC1840 achieved amplifier output requirement at the reducing range and the compensation voltage amplifier problems two gain-bandwidth range, a be even Divide E/A can of course not control. independently, output the crossover use the error the to extremes of will (2) the which compensation regulation and current of DC (Eq. 1a in required under conditions. as the voltage. (1) the to line feedforward, output on Use swing must the system gain If desired than: down of swing, output regulation Vc, level Vc or output control DC (1) combination voltage, desired low nominal other back Also, the Gain-bandwidth: enough alternatives or at is is: method control desired the desired Insufficient not by the really The extreme ramp amplitude the swing calculate it DC voltage over Vc to that conditons. sawtooth control extreme direct problem the topology/control calculate the to and load than the have more signal reduced. sensing the gain-bandwidth amplifier. EXAMPLES OF CLOSING THE LOOP Examples are operated in worked modes, and voltage feedforward In examples the current actual to be primary ratio, if basis in three an 10:1 is used, for to voltages, not feedback for range of the of currents The duty current cycle of consistency level visible. voltage topologies control, control. voltage the basic inductor direct elements transformed are input most continuous mode assumed All C for as methods: current given, side well control and of Appendix as comparison. assumed the using range direct out discontinuous 12 power a 12 and volt 2:1 and and to circuit volt are output, and transformer output load permit turns is used as sensing. 2-6 UNITRODE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAD. LEXINGTON. MA 02173. TEL. (617) 861-6540 .TWX (710) 326-6509 .TELEX 95-1064 MISCELLANEOUS POINTS EMI Filter its resonance near Resonance: the Phase pulse the laq: This DOWer and ~ to the sure is or not severe additional phase crossover frequency loop instability. of Ji.!lg the the lag with of 1 phase the control of pulse width time, td, value modulation cause and of ideally Ji.!lg converter comparator will a the termination. ..§1l.!:! jJ1 switch use wherein pulse however, power chips width, instantaneous modulator delay delays a signal phase lag frequency, a the may phase at switching frequency of 9 margin therefore example, microsecond lag = 360 td f reduces and For consistent PWM relationship: gain additional make filter, moment practice, in This time used, frequency pulse to method delays to of the +m = 360 td/T storage is output majority at .!..9..9. jJ1 proportional kHz, the according ~.(2Jln time according filter resonant determining voltage ~hase switchinq storage directly vast of sampled" in EMI its of terminated control "naturally results The method is feedback input and result. comparator output an damped frequency will Modulator f, well resonant interaction simple When is in a the degrees, at the contribute crossover to frequency greater power reducing unity control of than 50kHz, switch will cause phase margin 25 a an by that amount. REFERENCES [1) J. R. Crossover 04.16, (2) March R. Converter Wood, Frequency D. "Taking in Account Closed Loop of Output Design," Resistance POWERCON 10, and pp. D4.1- 1983. Middlebrook, Feedback "Predicting Loops," Modulator POWERCON 8, pp. Phase H4.1-H4.6, Lag April in PWM 1981. 2-7 UNITRODE CORPORATION. 5 FORBES ROAD. LEXINGTON, MA 02173. TEL. (617) 861-6540. TWX (710) 32&-6509 .TELEX 95-1064 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. TI warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Customers are responsible for their applications using TI components. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any third party’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, license, warranty or endorsement thereof. Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations and notices. Representation or reproduction of this information with alteration voids all warranties provided for an associated TI product or service, is an unfair and deceptive business practice, and TI is not responsible nor liable for any such use. 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