Feature Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker Timing-Test Evaluations Part I W ith today’s computer technology capabilities, the use of statistical tools to evaluate test data is just a mouse click away. This paper presents a new way to evaluate circuit breaker timing test results. It provides methods for comparing test measurements, validating test data, and determining acceptability of breaker performance. NETA has developed specifications for testing the operation of mediumvoltage air, oil, vacuum, and SF6 circuit breakers. These specifications state that time-travel analysis should be performed and that measured values should be compared to the manufacturer’s published data and to previous test data. Introduction Time-travel analysis measures the rate of displacement of the contact assembly. Such testing has historically been performed on medium- and high-voltage circuit breakers and switches to assess whether the contact operator mechanism is performing correctly. Incorrect operation can result in catastrophic breaker failure due to incorrect arc interruption or incorrect contact closure. Unfortunately, time-travel measurements do not require measurement of contact wipe and gap dimensions as a routine maintenance procedure. If incorrect wipe and gap dimensions go undetected and cause contact erosion, such deterioration will continue to be a problem, even if the contacts (or vacuum bottles) are replaced. The timing test methods described in this paper are based on measurements that can be routinely performed without removing the circuit breakers from the switchgear. The timing analysis is based on a simple statistical model that provides a determination of measurement accuracy and an evaluation of timing test results. In this paper: 1. Circuit breaker timing test data and manufacturer’s wipe and gap settings are used as acceptance criteria for new breakers. (Trending the annual timing test results will also aid in future evaluations of in‑service circuit breakers.) 2. Problems that can be created by inadequate measurement resolution are identified. Remeasurement of the timing data with improved resolution is used to identify wipe and gap adjustment limitations in Part II of this article. by William Hays Emerson Process Management Electrical Reliability Services Test Procedure Description The procedure developed was initially used to test new General Electric PowerVac VB1 circuit breakers with ML-18H contact mechanism. Additional tests performed on General Electric and Powell circuit breakers that have been in service for several years will be evaluated in Part II. To perform these tests, timetravel analyzer equipment was connected according to timing set-up instructions and the following breakers were evaluated: (GE mains 80, 81 and four feeder breakers FDR A1, A2, B1, and B2). Timing test data from these GE circuit breakers are used as the standard against which additional breaker timing measurement results will be compared. Next, slow close procedures were used to verify closing sequence of the new GE breakers in accordance with GE Operating & Maintenance instructions. The phase-B timing test results shown in Figure 1 is a plot of the difference in close (D CLOSE) and open (D OPEN) timing between the outside poles and the center (phase-B) pole contacts for these six GE circuit breakers manufactured in the same lot. 3. A newly developed quality factor is explained and demonstrated. This quality factor incorporates statistical methods to evaluate measurement accuracy. www.netaworld.org Spring 2008 NETA WORLD Phase B Timing Test Results 2.000 D CLOSE D OPEN 1.000 The circuit breaker measurements identified as a FAIL condition are shown in the Figure 2 bar graph where the phase-B contact opening sequence does not meet the manufacturer’s requirements to open first for three of the six circuit breakers. 0.000 Open Timing -1.000 81 MAIN 80 MAIN FDR A1 FDR A2 FDR B1 FDR B2 D CLOSE 0.500 0.750 0.625 0.750 1.000 0.750 D OPEN -0.625 -0.750 -0.750 -0.750 -0.625 -0.500 Table 1 m-sec Figure 1 The center pole contact operating sequence is shown in Figure 1. The timing data verifies the manufacturer’s contact wipe and gap adjustments results in a phase-B operating sequence to be the last to close and the first to open. All circuit breakers in this test group show the same contact operating sequence. Phase-B is the first to open, and phase-B is the last pole to close. The positive contact closing times identify the additional time between the outer poles closing and the center pole closing. The negative contact opening times verify the center pole is the first to close. This is the basic test data indicating acceptable contact operating sequence. The GE instruction manual states: “A properly adjusted breaker will have more gap and wipe on the center pole than on the outside poles.” With the breaker in the open position, the gap between B‑phase moving and stationary contacts is larger than the gaps between the A‑phase or C‑phase contacts. This larger gap dimension for the center pole results in the longer closing delay timing while a wipe adjustment that results in increased wipe spring compression provides mechanical force for the center pole to be the first to open. The General Electric GEK-86123G Instructions Manual provides the specification of the time delay from the initiation of the electrical trip/close to the opening/closing of the circuit breakers contacts in Section 12 – Timing. Maximum pole spread is specified to be two milliseconds for either open or close operation. The maximum pole spread shown for the initial test group is 1.000 millisecond for close and the time from initiation of opening to contact opening for phase-B is 0.750 millisecond. The minimum times for initial phase-B contact opening/closing to the phase-A or phase-C open/close operation is 0.500 millisecond. Test Data Evaluation Method The purpose of evaluating the timing test data is two-fold: (1) to validate the accuracy of the data measurements and (2) to provide guideline values to determine if the spread in the data measurements indicate that contact gap and wipe mechanical adjustments are required to meet the operating sequence and the maximum pole spread requirements. NETA WORLD Spring 2008 AVE 112.5 STD DEV +/- 36.194 160.000 140.000 GE 52-I 120.000 GE 52-G2 100.000 POW CB-101 POW CB-103 80.000 POW CB-105 60.000 POW CB-107 40.000 20.000 0.000 A B C Phase Figure 2 PHASE B OPEN 1st FAIL 3 3 3 QF number of phase A & C OPEN times outside of the phB std deviation ph B OPEN times that are less than ph A or C OPEN times phB OPEN times that are more than phA and C OPEN times Stastical measurement value & boundary limits 0 Table 2 The number of phase-B contact opening timing tests that fail to meet the requirement to open first is shown in Figure 2 and Table 2. Three out of six circuit breakers in this bar graph (i.e. GE-52-G2, POW CB‑105, POW CB-107) do not meet the first to open contact phase timing condition. Table 2 shows that three of the six measurements fail to meet the requirement for phase-B to open first. This is identified as a fail condition. The measurement quality factor (QF) is zero for this group of circuit breakers. The quality factor and the manufacturer’s established limit conditions are used to determine the acceptability of the circuit breaker timing tests. The QF value is based on three statistical parameters. The measurement accuracy (spread of values) along with the mean and average of the measurement values is used for this QF rating. www.netaworld.org Conclusions A statistical evaluation of timing data to determine the acceptability of data measurement accuracy for evaluating wipe and gap adjustments has been presented. This evaluation method is to be used to evaluate circuit breakers with different wipe and gap adjustments in Part II. A quality factor calculation is demonstrated to be effective in establishing a measurement dependent value that can be used for evaluating measurement of circuit breaker timing data. The verification of circuit breaker wipe and gap adjustments provides timing measurement data that can be used to document NETA testing requirements for medium voltage circuit breakers, www.netaworld.org Additional evaluation of timing data is presented in Part II. Establishing a database for judging the acceptability of wipe and gap adjustments is required to verify the usefulness of this measurement evaluation method. The inherent problem of using a small number of sample measurements to establish testing values is recognized as having limited acceptability without additional test data. Further correlation of measurements and settings factors with mechanical inspection and circuit breaker timing tests is required to validate this measurement evaluation method. Bill Hays received his BS in Engineering from California State University in Los Angeles in 1971. He has provided inspection and testing of power distribution equipment since 1989 with Emerson’s Electrical Reliability Services group. Mr. Hays is a senior member of IEEE and is a NETA Level 3 test technician. He is a field evaluation engineer for Emerson’s Electrical Reliability Services in San Diego, California. Prior to joining Emerson, Mr. Hays provided testing and failure analysis services for the semiconductor industry. Spring 2008 NETA WORLD