Recent 2D/3D Core-Collapse Supernovae Simulations Results Obtained with the CHIMERA Code Stephen W. Bruenn Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Core Collapse Supernovae 101 2 1 neutrinos 3 6 4 7 Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 5 shock Core Collapse Supernovae 101 neutrinos light ejecta Neutron star or black hole Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Core Collapse Supernova Energetics Photons ~ 1049 ergs Ejecta Kinetic energy ~ 1050 - 1052 ergs Neutrinos ~ 3x1053 ergs Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 The Spherically Symmetric Cul de Sac Matter Flow Neutrino flow Shock _e + n p + ee + p n + e+ _e + n p + ee + p n + e+ Gain Radius Protoneutron Star Cooling Heating -Spheres Core Collapse Supernova Asymmetries γ Polarization Core collapse SN are polarized at ~1% level Degree of polarization increases with decreasing envelope mass Degree of polarization generally increases after optical maximum Outward mixing of Ni in SN1987 A & Cas A Axisymmetric ejecta of SN1987A Early Emission of x-rays and gamma-rays from SN1987A Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 The Core Collapse Supernova Mechanism: A Computational Challenge Inherently multi-dimensional Variety of complex physical processes that need to be accurately modeled Extremely nonlinear with many feedbacks Explosions are marginal Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Core-Collapse Supernova Mechanisms Magnetic Field Mechanism Burrows, Dessart, Livne, Ott, & Murphy, ApJ, 644, 416, 2007 (2D RMHD) Shibata Liu, Shapiro, & Stephens, Phys. Rev. D 74, 104026 (2D MHD, High res) Dessart, Burrows, Livne, & Ott, ApJ, 669, 585, 2007 (2D RMHD) Sawai, Kotake, & Yamada, ApJ, 672, 465, 2008 (2D MHD, offset dipole) Mikami, Sato, Matsumoto, & Hanawa, ApJ, 683, 357, 2008 (3D MHD, rotated dipole) Acoustic Mechansim Burrows, Livne, Dessart, Ott, & Murphy, ApJ, 640, 878, 2007; ApJ, 655, 416, 2007 Neutrino Transport Mechanism Buras, Janka, Rampp, & Kifonidis, A&A, 447, 1049, 2006; A&A 457, 281, 2006 (2D ray-by-ray plus) Bruenn, Dirk, Mezzacappa, Hayes, Blondin, Hix, Messer, SciDAC 2006 (2D ray-by-ray plus) Ott, Burrows, Dessart, & Livne, Ap. J. 685, 1069, 2008 (MGFLD, SN, isoenergetic) Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Magnetic Field Mechanism Taps free energy ofdifferential rotation Trot = 4 κ I 0.3 M 1.4M R 10 km 2 Prot 2 ms −2 B 1 B = 1051 ergs Predicted rotational rates of newly formed neutron stars 3 - 15 ms (Heger, Woosley & Spruit, 2005) Extrapolated periods of newly formed pulsars Crab: 21 ms PSR J0537-6910 10 ms PSR B0540-69 39 ms PSR B1509-58 20 ms Problem: Need rapid rotation (not observed or predicted) Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Acoustic Mechanism Anisotropic accretion onto inner core over time excites core g-modes Core eigenmodes (mainly L = 1) grow to large amplitudes and radiate sound Sound pulses steepen into shocks and deposit energy and momentum in the shocked mantle powering an explosion Problem: Occurs late (many hundreds of milliseconds to seconds post bounce), and only one group has seen it Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Neutrino Transport Mechanism Matter Flow Neutrino flow Shock _e + n p + ee + p n + e+ _e + n p + ee + p n + e+ Gain Radius Protoneutron Star Cooling Heating -Spheres Onset of Neutrino Driven Convection shock matter gain radius convection -sphere neutrinos Cooling Heating Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Onset of Neutrino Driven Convection (12 MO Progenitor) 40 ms 60 ms 80 ms 100 ms Ratio of Advective to Convective Growth Timescales W-H 12 Solar Mass Progenitor t (advective)/t (convective) 4 40 ms postbunce 60 ms postbounce 80 ms postbounce 100 ms postbounce 120 ms postbounce 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 Polar Angle Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 0 120 ms The Standing Accretion Shock Inatability (SASI) shock matter gain radius -sphere convection SASI neutrinos Cooling Heating Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 ics n atio Equ State of Neutrino Transport Gr a Sol vity ver s ion Hy act dro Re dyn ar am cle Nu CHIMERA Code 1D, 2D, and 3D Multi-D Hydro with Radial Ray Transport Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 CHIMERA Collaboration Stephen W. Bruenn Florida Atlantic U. Code Architect, Neutrino Transport Anthony Mezzacappa Oak Ridge National Lab Project Leader & Science Advisor John M. Blondin North Carolina State 2D & 3D Hydro W. Raph Hix Oak Ridge National Lab Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Network O. E. Bronson Messer Oak Ridge National Lab Systems Advisor, Data Management Pedro Marronette Florida Atlantic U. Gravity, Elliptic Solvers, GR Waves Konstantin Yakunin Florida Atlantic U. Gravity, Elliptic Solvers, GR Waves Charlotte Dirk Florida Atlantic U. Visualization Ross Toedte Oak Ridge National Lab Visualization Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Progenitor Series A suite of progenitor masses (12,15, 20, and 25 MO. ) ( Woosley and Heger, 2007 PhR) (ongoing) Progenitors of given mass evolved with different equations of state (planned) Progenitors of given mass evolved by different groups (planned) Progenitors of given mass with different rotational profiles (planned) Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Progenitor Structure 1x1011 Progenitor vs enclosed mass 1x1010 1x109 Woosley-Heger 12 Woosley-Heger 15 Woosley-Heger 20 Woosley-Heger 25 1x108 1x107 1x106 1x105 1x104 1x103 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Enclosed Mass [MO. ] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 3.5 4 4.5 20 MO 2D Simulation 256x256 Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 15 MO 2D Simulation 512x256 Supernova Connections Neutron Stars Nucleosynthesis Supernovae Black Holes Neutrino Signatures Gravitational Waves Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Explosion Energy vs Initial MS Mass Explosion Energy versus Progenitor Mass Explosion Energy [B] Wossley-Heger 12, 15, 20, 25 Solar Mass Nonrotating Progenitors; 256 x 256 Spatial Resolution 0.8 W-H 12 solar mass progenitor W-H 15 solar mass progenitor W-H 20 solar mass progenitor W-H 25 solar mass progenitor 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time from bounce [s] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 1 1.2 Sources of the Explosion Energy Explosion Energy as a Function of Post-Bounce Time W-H 20 Solar Mass Progenitor 0.7 Explosion energy pdV work on ejected mass Energy advection into ejected mass Nuclear recombination of ejected mass Neutrino energy deposition in ejected mass Explosion Energy [B] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time from bounce [s] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 0.8 1 Progenitor Fe Core, Neutron Star, and 56Ni Masses Progenitor1 Fe Core1 N Star1 N Star2 56Ni1 12 MO 1.31 1.46 1.31 0.028 15 MO 1.42 1.57 1.42 < 0.01 20 MO 1.59 1.84 1.61 < 0.01 25 MO 1.71 1.87 1.63 0.077 1 Rest mass 2 Gravitational mass Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Why Are We Getting Explosions? Dimensional Effects: Convection driven by neutrino heating SASI (Standing Accretion Shock Instability) Improved neutrino rates Energy deposition by nuclear reactions Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Dimensional and Neutrino Rate Effects Shock Radii vs Time from Bounce W-H 15 Solar Mass Progenitor; Effect of Dimensionality and Neutrino Rates Shock Radius [km] 8000 2D, complete nu-rates, mean radius 2D, complete nu-rates, mas radius 2D, complete nu-rates, min radius 2D, reduced nu-rates, mean radius 2D, reduced nu-rates, max radius 2D, reduced nu-rates, min radius 1D, complete nu-rates 1D, reduced nu_rates 6000 4000 2000 0 0 0.5 1 Time from Bounce [s] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 1.5 Role of the SASI 1E+26 1E+25 1E+24 1E+23 1E+22 1E+21 1E+20 1E+19 1E+18 1E+17 1E+16 1E+15 1E+14 1E+13 1E+12 1E+11 1E+10 1E+9 1E+8 15 M . Woosley-Heger O Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Time from bounce [s] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 0.35 0.4 0.45 Neutrinospheres Neutrinospheres Heating Cooling Protoneutron Star e’s _ e’s -sphere _e e-sphere _ μ’s, _μ’s, ’s, ’s, μ & -sphere Lagrangian Tracer Particles for Nucleosynthesis 4000 - 8000 Lagrangian tracer particles in each model (Lee & Hix) Records thermodynamic state and spectral neutrino history along its trajectory Each tracer particle can be post-processed by a full nuclear network Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Core-Collapse Supernova Nucleosynthesis Infall Intermediate mass elements Shock Shock ejection -process Iron-Peak elements Neutrinos Radius Wind p-process Heating Cooling Time Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 r-process 15 MO Lagrangian and Shock Trajectories O Ne, Mg Si He O Ni n, p Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 -p Process Inclusion of neutrino interactions during nucleosynthesis opens up a new chain of nuclear reactions Fröhlich, Martínez-Pinedo, Liebendörfer, Thielemann, Bravo, Hix, Langake, Zinner, PRL, 96, 142502, 2006 Pruet, Hoffman, Woosley, Janka, Buras, ApJ, 644, 1028, 2006 Neutrino absorption on proton rich material creates residual neutron abundance [ ν̄e + p → n + e+ ] Neutron captures on proton-rich seeds bypasses the 64Ge bottleneck IPMU - Focus Week on Messengers of Supernova Explosions, November 17-21 Neutrinos and Nucleosynthesis Despite the perceived importance of neutrinos to the core collapse mechanism, models of the nucleosynthesis have largely ignored this important effect. Nucleosynthesis from parameterized neutrino-powered supernova models show several notable improvements. Elemental abundances of Sc, Cu & Zn closer to those observed in metalpoor stars. Fröhlich, … (2006) Over production of neutron-rich iron and nickel (A~62) reduced. Potential source of light p-process nuclei (76Se, 80Kr,84Sr,92,94Mo,96,98Ru) by the p-process. Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 CHIMERA Nucleosynthesis With successful, selfconsistent supernova models, we can make better predictions of the nuclear composition and begin to use nucleosynthesis to constrain our models. Lee (PhD 2008) Our preliminary postprocessing results also show proton-rich ejecta and p-process (dotted lines), but more weakly than previous results. However, strength of the p-process depends on the expansion rate, which is extrapolated in these preliminary calculations. Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Dimensional Effects on Neutrino Luminosities 70 15 M . Woosley-Heger O 60 50 _ e e _ x x 40 30 20 10 1D 2D 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time from Bounce [s] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 0.6 0.7 Dimensional Effects on Neutrino rms Energies 25 15 M . Woosley-Heger O 20 _ e e _x x 15 10 5 1D 2D 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time from Bounce [s] Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 0.6 0.7 Gravitational Wave Emission Acoustic Magnetic Source Amplitude at 10 kpc Core bounce dominated by nuclear pressure Bounce Small peak GW’s |hmax | < 5 × 10−22 ΩFe core < 1 − 1.5 rad s−1 Core bounce dominated by nuclear pressure Bounce 1 − 2 rad s−1 < ΩFe core < 6 − 13 rad s−1 Sizable peak GW’s 5 × 10−22 < |hmax | < 2 × 10−20 Slow core bounce dominated by centrifugal forces Bounce −1 Longer duration 3.5 × 10−21 < |hmax | < 7.5 × 10−21 6 − 13 rad s < ΩFe core Rot instability at ΩFe core < (Ωsec , Ωdyn ) 1 × 10−21 < |hmax | < 5 × 10−21 Prompt Convection 1 × 10−22 < |hmax | < 6 × 10−22 PNS Convection 1 × 10−23 < |hmax | < 5 × 10−23 Neutrino Driven Convection 1 × 10−23 < |hmax | < 1 × 10−22 Protoneutron Star g-Mode Pulsations 1 × 10−21 < |hmax | < 5 × 10−20 ΩFe core ∼ 5 × 10−2 rad s−1 Heger, Woosley, Spruit Progenitor (ApJ, 626, 350, 2005) Ott, C. D. arXiv:0809.0695v2; Dimmelmeier, J. A. et al. Phys. Rev. D., 78, 064056; Ott, C. D. Muller, E. et al. ApJ, 603, 221, 2004; Ott, C. D. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 201102; Marek, A. ,; Fryer C. L. ApJ 609, 288, 2004; Fryer, C. L. ApJ Lett. 601, L175, 2004. Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Gravitaional Waves from the CHIMERA Models Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Gravitaional Waves from the CHIMERA Models Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 3D 15 MO. Model Simulation 304 nonuniformly spaced radial zones out to 2000 km 78 evenly spaced angular zones from 0 to 180 degrees 156 evenly spaced azimuthal zones from 0 to 360 degrees 4 neutrino flavors, 20 energy zones from 4 to 400 MEV for each flavor Requires 11,552 processors Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 3D 15 MO. Model Simulation Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 3D 15 MO. Model Simulation Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Status of the Neutrino Transport Model Arizona-Israeli Group Munich Group Oak-Ridge-FAUNCState Group No explosions Explosions at late times for some models Explosions at earlier times for 12 - 25 MO Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 2D MGFLD Transport No energy exchanging neutrino interactions Newtonian Hydro Ray-by-ray plus VEF Transport Approximate GR hydro etc. .... Ray-by-ray plus MGFLD Transport Approximate GR hydro etc. .... Conclusions 2D simulations with spectral neutrino transport exhibit explosions for each of the Woosley-Heger 12, 15, 20, & 25 solar mass models. 3D simulation in progress. However, comparisons of the 2D simulations with other groups have yet to show a convergence of results. But what about neutrino-neutrino flavor changing interactions???? Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 Work in Progress Investigate the observables of the exploding models---nucleosynthesis, neutrino and gravitational wave signatures, neutron star masses and kick velocities Use a singularity-free grid Incorporate magnetic fields Incorporate flavor changing reactions Deploy Genasis Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09 The End Santa Fe WorkShop, July 10, 09