Voltmeters, Ammeters, Ohm 2 Meters n Analog meters n n n n Use some sort of electromechanical mechan cause a small arm to move. Provides a continuously varying readout with discrete jumps. Tracks changes in meter readings. Digital meters n n n 2006/9/15 The meter reading is converted into decimal Different people viewing the same meter wil the same reading. Not to assume that the presence of many di digits means very high accuracy. Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 3 DC voltmeters 2006/9/15 Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 4 AC voltmeter n n n n Average responding meter Peak-reading meter True-RMS meter Coupling n AC coupled n n n Include a coupling capacitor on the input of voltm Block DC voltage DC coupled 2 2 VRMS = VDC + VAC 2006/9/15 Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 5 RF probe n Radio frequency probe is often used to e DC voltmeter to make high frequency AC measurements. 2006/9/15 Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 6 Ammeters 2006/9/15 Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 7 Ammeter used as voltmeter I= n n n 2006/9/15 V R Rs is usually chosen to be fairly large Rs is limited by the sensitivity of the ammete The larger the Rs, the littler the current Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 8 Voltmeter used as Ammeter I = I M RP n n 2006/9/15 Make Rp as small as possible The smaller the Rp, the littler the voltage Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 9 Ohmmeters n Voltmeter-Ammeter method n Current-Source method 2006/9/15 Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 10 Ohmmeters n 4-wire Ohms measurement n n Current source will maintain a constant curre No current flowing through two leads Voltage error Hig 2006/9/15 Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T 11 Other multimeter function n Continuity indictor n n Diode test n n n n Display voltage drop across diode Frequency counter n n Tracing out wires in a circuit Measures frequency of AC signal Min., Max., average readout Capacitance measurement Temperature measurement n 2006/9/15 Requires external temperature sensor probe Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Yunlin Univ. of Science and T Click below to find more Mipaper at www.lcis.com.tw Mipaper at www.lcis.com.tw