STATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ( STS ) Mod e l N omina l C urre nt S TS 5 0 STS 1 0 0 STS 1 2 0 STS 1 5 0 STS 2 0 0 STS 3 0 0 STS 4 0 0 STS 5 0 0 STS 8 0 0 50 100 120 150 200 300 400 500 800 Input 3 8 0 / 4 0 0 / 4 1 5 Va c 3 P ha s e with N e utra l 22 0 / 23 0 / 240 Vac single P ha s e with N e utra l Special voltage can be customized N ormina l Volta ge ± 20% ( S e le c ta b le ) I np ut Volta ge Tole ra nc e N ormina l F re q ue nc y 5 0 /6 0 H z I np ut F re q ue nc y Tole ra nc e ± 2. 5Hz Operating Features B re a k e r B e fore Ma k e ( N o S ourc e O ve rla p p ing) O p e ra tion Top ology Automa tic /Ma nua l Ava ila b le Tra ns fe r Mod e s < 4 ms e c ( S 1 /S 2 S ync hronis e d ) 1 0 ms e c ( S 1 /S 2 not S ync hronis e d ) Tra ns fe r Time for S ourc e F a ilure E nvironme nta l E ffic ie nc y a t F ull L oa d ( % ) > 99 N ois e L e ve l a t 1 M F rom F ront( F rom 0 to F ull L oa d ) - ( d B A) 52 S tora ge Te mp e ra ture R a nge 55 - 1 0 ° C to + 5 0 ° C Amb ie nt Te mp e ra ture 0 ° C to + 4 0 ° C R e la tive H umid ity 9 0 % N on- C ond e ns ing Ma x. I ns ta lla tion H e ight 1 0 0 0 M a t R a te d P owe r ( - 1 % P owe r for E ve ry 1 0 0 M a b ove 1 0 0 0 M) - Ma x 4 0 0 0 M S ta nd a rd C omp a tib ility E N 6 2 3 1 0 - 1 ( S a fty) , E N 6 2 3 1 0 - 2 ( E le c troma gne tic C omp a tib ility) Dime ns ion( H *W*D) ( mm) We ight( k gs ), based~standard 380/400/415V C olour 1 6 0 0 *5 5 0 *8 0 0 180 190 200 1 6 0 0 *1 1 0 0 *8 0 0 230 250 320 340 360 420 C ool G re y. Customized color is availavle I nd e x of P rote c tion IP 20 Product speci cations are subject to change without further notice Special spec can be customized Innovative Energies Ltd, 1 Heremai Street, Henderson, Auckland 0612, New Zealand Phone Number: +64 9 835 0700, Email:, URL: Innovative Energies Ltd, 1 Heremai Street, Henderson, Auckland 0612, New Zealand Phone Number: +64 9 835 0700, Email:, URL: STATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ( STS ) Our STS is an industrial electrical device that uses superfast static switches (SCRs) Operation Description: to transfer instantaneously between two power sources (like AC utility, backup generators As shown in the topology drawing below, for both (A) and (B) input AC sources our STS system is or other emergency power sources). One power source will be the default source while the mainly composed of INPUT/BYPASS breakers, input filters and protection fuses, static switch and other will be standby. In case of a problem with the default power source, the STS, with control modules, and the OUTPUT breaker to the load. high reliability and fast-acting capacity, will switch to standby power source and vice versa so that your load will not experience any power interruptions. BYPASS A Furthermore, the STS also can be specially customized for 3 phase, single phase, and various voltage input from AC power sources. Front View Features: A INPUT A B INPUT B OUTPUT OUTPUT LOAD BYPASS B 1.High efficiency >99% 2.Accept harsh environment 3.Custom design up to 800A 4.Fast repair: plug & play power module 5.Protect against incorrect breaker turn on Under normal operating conditions, the INPUT (A) breaker, INPUT (B) breaker and OUTPUT breaker 50~220A 300A~800A should be closed (turned ON), and the BYPASS (A) breaker and BYPASS (B) breaker should be 6.Fast transfer(typical): 1.5ms(S1/S2 synchronized) opened (turned OFF). When both AC power sources are operating normally within the preset voltage 7.Drastically increase in output availability 8.Easy start-up : use switch button Side View and frequency range, the static switch for the default power source would supply power to the load. 9.Input phase difference acceptable 10.Single/three phase selectable 11.Voltage range +/-5,10,15,20% selectable. 12.Frequency range +/-0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5 Hz selectable In case the default AC powers has problems such as power failure or is out of the preset voltage/frequency range, the STS can detect the problem in a fraction of a millisecond. If this happens at the default AC source while the standby source is normal, the default static switch will switch off and 13.Sensitivity lo/med/hi selectable 14.Break before make transfer sequence the standby static switch will switch on simultaneously to supply the load from the standby source. 15.Manual/automatic transfer selectable 16.Manual/automatic return selectable Therefore, the load will not be interrupted. Once the default source recovers, the load will transfer back 17.Manual bypass use breakers (with inter-lock) to the default AC source after 3~4 seconds without interruption. Innovative Energies Ltd, 1 Heremai Street, Henderson, Auckland 0612, New Zealand Phone Number: +64 9 835 0700, Email:, URL: Innovative Energies Ltd, 1 Heremai Street, Henderson, Auckland 0612, New Zealand Phone Number: +64 9 835 0700, Email:, URL: