Delay On Make Delay On Break

Delay On Make
also called On Delay, Delay on Operate, Delay on Energization
Application of power to the timer input voltage terminals starts the time delay
cycle. At the end of the preset delay, the output transfers until it is reset by
interrupting the input voltage.
Delay On Make
Delay On Break
also called Off Delay, Delay on Release, Delay on De-Energization
Power is continuously applied to the input terminals of the timer.
Upon closure of a Normally Open (N.O.) external initiate switch, the load
transfers immediately and remains transferred as long as the external
initiate switch is closed. Commencement of the time delay is deferred by
maintaining closure of the external initiate switch. Opening the initiate
switch starts the time delay. At the end of the delay period, the load deenergizes and the timer is ready for another cycle. Delay time may be reset
to beginning, prior to the end of the delay period, by momentarily
reclosing (pulsing) the initiate switch.
Delay On Break
Repeat Cycle
also called Recycle Timer, Recycling Timer, Flasher
Repeat Cycle Off/On Delay
Repeat Cycle Off/On Delay Application of power to the input voltage
terminals starts the “Off” delay cycle. At the end of the “Off” delay period, the
load is energized and the “On” delay starts. At the end of the “On” cycle, the
load is de-energized, the timer returns to the “Off” cycle and the cycling is
repeated as long as input voltage is applied. Removal of input voltage will
reset the timer to its pre-power condition.
Repeat Cycle On/Off Delay (Similar to “Repeat Cycle Off/On Delay” except
that the “On” cycle is initiated first when power is applied.) Application of
power to the input voltage terminals starts the “On” delay cycle. At the end of
the “On” delay period, the load is de-energized and the “Off” delay starts. At
the end of the “Off” cycle the load is energized, the timer returns to the “On”
cycle and the cycling is repeated as long as input voltage is applied. Removal
of input voltage will reset the timer to its pre-power condition.
Repeat Cycle On/Off Delay
Repeat Cycle
Alternating Recycle Application of power to the input voltage terminals
starts the “Off” delay cycle. At the end of the “Off” cycle, load 1 is
energized; this is the “On” cycle. At the end of the “On” cycle, load 1 deenergizes and another “Off” cycle starts. At the end of this “Off” cycle, load
2 is energized for an “On” cycle. This alternating output action continues
until power is removed.
Alternating Recycle
Single Shot
also called One Shot
The term “Single Shot” signifies a single pulse output of some duration.
Single Shot on Make
Single Shot on Make Power must be applied to the input voltage terminals
continuously. Upon closure of a Normally Open (N.O.) external initiate switch,
the load is instantaneously energized and the time delay cycle starts.
Maintained closure or actuation of the external initiate switch during
the delay cycle will not affect the time delay period. When the delay
period expires, the timer will reset to its original position and is ready for
another cycle.
Single Shot on Break Power must be applied to the input voltage terminals
continuously. Upon closing and opening an external initiate switch, the load
is instantaneously energized and the time delay cycle starts. When the delay
period expires, the timer will reset to its original position and is ready for
another cycle.
Single Shot on Break
Interval On
also called Interval, Interval Delay
When power is applied to the input voltage terminals, the load is energized
immediately and the time delay cycle starts. At the end of the delay period,
the timer transfers back to its pre-power position. Removal and re-application
of input voltage resets the timer.
Interval On
Delayed Interval Application of power to the input terminals starts the “Off”
time. When this time is complete, the load energizes for the “On” time. At the
end of the “On” time, the load de-energizes and remains in this state until the
input power is removed and reapplied to start a new timing cycle. Both time
periods can be individually adjusted.
Delayed Interval
True Off
also called True Off Delay
Application of the supply voltage energizes the output relay. The timing
period begins upon removal of the supply voltage. At the conclusion of the
timing period, the output relay is de-energized. Reapplication of input
voltage before the delay expires resets the time period.
True Off
Instantaneous Contact option Application of supply voltage for a
minimum of 100 milliseconds initiates time out. Instantaneous contact and
timed contacts transfer. Upon removal of supply voltage, instantaneous
contact drops out, and timed contacts remain closed for duration of selected
time (off-delay) then drop out. Reapplication of power starts the cycle.
True Off / IC
Anti-short-cycle timer prevents premature cycling of compressors in
refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps, thereby reducing nuisance
tripping of fuse or circuit breaker.
When power is applied (i.e. thermostat closes), the load energizes. Removal
of power begins the “lockout” and the time delay begins (i.e. locking out the
compressor). The load is energized after the time delay expires.
S1 option provides a 1-second delay before the load is energized.
Delay On Make option delays the initial load output for up to 5 minutes.
Airotronics standard series offer specifications and variables which suit
innumerable products, processes and industries. We also offer a
complete custom design program, including:
■ Engineering Assistance with Product Application
■ Quick Turnaround on Design, Prototype and Production
■ Agency Approval
For applications to meet your specific needs, please call 315-655-8476 (or
fax 315-655-3862) for engineering assistance.
2747 Route 20 East, Cazenovia, NY 13035
315-655-8476 ■