College of Science, Engineering and Technology

College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Undergraduate Certificate (1 - 2 years)
National Certificate in Datametrics
- 02402
2 years
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
NSC Degree with Mathematics & English 4 OR
Matric Exemption with Mathematics & English
‘E’ HG/’D’ SG
National Diploma
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
National Diploma (Engineering
(Civil) - NDECI
3 years
Civil engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Chemical) - NDENG
3 years
Chemical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Electrical) in Clinical Engineering NDEENCEN
3 years
Electrical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Electrical) in Computer Systems NDEENCOS
3 years
Electrical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Electrical) in Electronics and
Electronic Communication NDEENEEC
3 years
Electrical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Electrical) in Mechatronics NDEENMEC
3 years
Electrical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Electrical) in Power Engineering NDEENPEN
3 years
Electrical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Electrical) in Process
Instrumentation - NDEENPIN
3 years
Electrical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Industrial) - NDEID
3 years
Industrial engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Information
Technology) - NDINL
3 years
Business analyst; Business applications developer;
Computer programmer; Database developer;
Database designer; Software developer; Software
analyst; Software designer; Software tester;
Systems analyst; Technical applications developer;
Web developer
NSC with four 20 credit subjects 3 and C.A.T 4.
OR Senior Certificate with Computer Studies.
National Diploma (Engineering
(Mechanical) - NDEMC
3 years
Mechanical engineering technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
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College of Science, Engineering and Technology
National Diploma
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
National Diploma (Mining
Engineering) - NDMIN
3 years
Mining supervisor; Mining engineering technician;
Technical and engineering services supervisor;
Treatment plant supervisor
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Mine Surveying)
3 years
Mine surveyor
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Pulp and Paper
Technology) - NDPPT
3 years
Pulp and paper technologist
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
National Diploma (Surface Mining)
3 years
Mining technician
NSC Diploma with English, Mathematics and
Physical Science 4 OR Senior Certificate with
English, Mathematics and Physical Science. OR
N3 with English, Science and Mathematics.
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
Your choice of major subject(s) will determine the
career opportunities linked to your BSc degree.
Opportunities exist in fields such as education,
industry, technology, government, business and
NSC Degree with Mathematics & English 4 OR
Matric Exemption with Mathematics & English
‘E’ HG/’D’ SG
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
General First B Degree
Bachelor of Science (General) 02089-GEN
3 years
BTech Degree
BTech (Engineering (Chemical) BTENC
1 year
Civil engineering technologist; Environmental
engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Chemical Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Chemical
(Environmental)) - BTECE
1 year
Chemical engineering technologist; Chemical
environmental engineering technologist; Water
treatment technologist; Solid waste treatment
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Chemical Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Civil) in
Construction Management - BTECVCOM
1 year
Civil engineering technologist: construction
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in Civil
BTech (Engineering (Civil) in
Environmental Engineering - BTECVENV
1 year
Civil engineering technologist: environmental
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in Civil
BTech (Engineering (Civil) in
Structural - BTECV-STR
1 year
Civil engineering technologist: structural
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in Civil
BTech (Engineering (Civil) in Urban
Engineering - BTECV-URB
1 year
Civil engineering technologist: urban engineering
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in Civil
BTech (Engineering (Electrical) in
Clinical Engineering - BTELN-CEN
1 year
Electrical engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Electrical Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Electrical) in
Computer Systems - BTELN-COS
1 year
Electrical engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Electrical Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Electrical) in
Power Engineering - BTELN-PEN
1 year
Electrical engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Electrical Engineering.
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College of Science, Engineering and Technology
BTech Degree
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
BTech (Engineering (Electrical) in
Process Instrumentation - BTELNPIN
1 year
Electrical engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Electrical Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Electrical) in
Telecommunication - BTELN-TEL
1 year
Electrical engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Electrical Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Industrial) BTENI
1 year
Industrial engineering technologist
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Industrial Engineering.
BTech (Engineering (Mechanical) BTMEE
1 year
Mechanical engineering technologist; Mechanical
engineering practitioner;
3 year National Diploma or equivalent in
Mechanical Engineering.
Honours Degree
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
Honours Bachelor of Commerce in
Statistics - 04103
1 year
Business Analyst; Data Analyst; Lecturer;
Management consultant; Manager; Market
research manager; Project Manager; Quantitative
research manager; Risk Analyst; Statistical analyst
Bachelor’s degree 60% in applicable major
Honours Bachelor of Commerce in
Business Informatics - 05282
1 year
Business intelligence analyst; Business analyst;
Database designer ; Database developer ; IT
consultant; IT manager; Knowledge manager; ;
Lecturer; Project manager (IT); Systems analyst
A BCom degree with Informatics III and an
overall pass of at least 60 percent.
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Applied Mathematics - 0457X
1 year
Analyst; Lecturer; Mathematician; Research
B Sc degree 60% in applicable major subject
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Astronomy - 04561
1 year
Astronomer; Lecturer; Research scientist
BSc degree with a major in astronomy, physics
or applied mathematics.
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Chemistry - 04472
1 year
Laboratory manager; Lecturer; Management
consultant; Quality manager; Research scientist;
Research and development manager; Scientific
writer; Technical information specialist
B Sc degree 60% in applicable major subject
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science - 04545
1 year
Business analyst; Business intelligence analyst;
Consultant; Data mining consultant; Database
manager; Decision analyst; Decision support
systems developer; Information manager; Lecturer
B Sc degree 60% in applicable major subject
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Information Systems - 04693
1 year
Business analyst; Business development specialist;
Business intelligence analyst; Data analyst; Decision
analyst; IT manager; Knowledge manager;
Lecturer; Manager; Project manager; Researcher
Bachelor’s degree 60% in applicable major
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Mathematics - 04588
1 year
Lecturer; Mathematician; Research scientist
B Sc degree major in Mathematics.
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Physics - 04502
1 year
Applied physicist; Lecturer; Management
consultant; Physicist; Scientific researcher;
Technical consultant
Bachelor’s degree 60% in Physical Science as
major subject.
Honours Bachelor of Science in
Statistics - 04596
1 year
Business Analyst; Data Analyst; Lecturer;
Management consultant; Manager; Market
research manager; Project Manager; Quantitative
research manager; Risk Analyst; Statistical analyst
Bachelor’s degree 60% in applicable major
Honours Bachelor of Science in Data
Mining - 05622
1 year
Applied Statistician; Analytics specialist; Marketing
Analyst; Predictive Analyst; Research Analyst;
Research Scientist; Senior Research Scientist;
Statistician; Senior Quantitative Analyst
BSc degree 60% in applicable major subject
Honours Bachelor of Science
in Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education - 97985
1 year
Curriculum specialist; Educational consultant;
An average of at least 60% for a full
complement of third-year Physics modules.
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College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Masters Degree
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
Master of Commerce in Statistics 06114
1 year
Lecturer; Management consultant; Market
research manager; Quantitative research manager;
Appropriate Honours BCom degree.
Master of Science in Applied
Mathematics - 97896
1 year
Analyst; Lecturer; Mathematician; Research
Appropriate Honours degree
Master of Science in Astronomy 9790X
1 year
Astronomer; Lecturer; Scientific researcher
Appropriate Honours degree
Master of Science in Chemistry 06491
1 year
Lecturer; Management consultant; Research
and development manager; Research scientist;
Technical sales manager; Technical information
Appropriate Honours degree.
Master of Science in Computer
Science - 06556
1 year
Business intelligence specialist; Consultant; Data
mining consultant; Decision analyst; Decision
support systems developer; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Honours degree.
Master of Science in Information
Systems - 06955
1 year
Business development specialist; Business
intelligence specialist; IT manager; Knowledge
manager; Lecturer; Project manager; Researcher
Appropriate Honours degree.
Master of Science in Mathematics 97918
1 year
Analyst; Lecturer; Mathematician; Research
Appropriate Honours degree
Master of Science in Physics - 97926
1 year
Applied physicist; Lecturer; Management
consultant; Physicist; Scientific researcher;
Technical consultant
Appropriate Honours degree.
Master of Science in Statistics 97934
1 year
Lecturer; Management consultant; Market
research manager; Quantitative research manager;
Statistical consultant
Appropriate Honours degree
Master of Science in Mathematics,
Science and Technology Education
in Mathematics Education - 09288MAE
1 year
Appropriate Honours degree
Master of Science in Mathematics,
Science and Technology Education in
Science Education - 09288-SCE
1 year
Appropriate Honours degree
Master of Science in Mathematics,
Science and Technology Education in
Technology Education - 09288-TEE
1 year
Appropriate Honours degree
MTech Degree
MTech (Engineering (Chemical) MTENC
1 year
MTech (Engineering (Electrical) MTEEN
1 year
MTech (Information Technology) MTINT
1 year
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate B Tech degree or equivalent.
Appropriate B Tech degree or equivalent.
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
B Tech Information Technology and a research
methodology paper on 4th year level.
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
Doctoral Degree
Doctor of Commerce in Statistics 08117
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied
Mathematics - 08567
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy
- 08559
2 years
Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Your choice @ Unisa – College of Science, Engineering and Technology 73
College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Doctoral Degree
Career opportunities
Admission requirements
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
- 08478
2 years
Lecturer; Scientific researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Computing
- 08532
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Information
Systems - 09849
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
- 08575
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Astronomy
Education - 09873-AST
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Chemistry
Education - 09873-CHE
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Computing
Education - 09873-COM
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Life
Sciences Education - 09873-LIF
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in
Mathematics Education - 09873MAT
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Physics
Education - 09873-PHY
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Science
Education - 09873-SCI
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Statistics
Education - 09873-STA
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education in Technology
Education - 09873-TEC
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 08494
2 years
Applied physicist; Lecturer; Management
consultant; Physicist; Scientific researcher;
Technical consultant
Appropriate Masters degree.
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics 08583
2 years
Consultant; Lecturer; Researcher
Appropriate Masters degree.
The course code for Access Programmes is 00051
The course code for Non-Degree Purpose (NDP) Studies is 00019
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