Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 12.1 12.1.1 AEROPLANE GENERAL Introduction The Dash 8-Q400 is a high wing aeroplane manufactured by Bombardier Aerospace with shared interests from several partners (Figure 12.1-1). It is powered by two 5071 shaft horsepower PW 150A turboprop engines. Each engine drives a six bladed propeller. The Dash 8 is a two pilot transport category aeroplane approved for instrument flight and in SAS versions approved for operation to a maximum altitude of 25,000 feet. In SAS versions the aeroplane seats from 58 to 72 passengers and two cabin crew members in addition to the pilot, copilot, and flight observer. In SAS version It has a maximum take-off mass of: • • • 27987 kg (Basic Gross Mass) 28998 kg (Intermediate Gross Mass) 29257 kg (High Gross Mass) The aeroplane has an Active Noise and Vibration Suppression (ANVS) system. 12.1.2 General The fuselage (Figure 12.1-1) is constructed in three main parts: • • • Forward Center Aft The forward section includes the flight deck, which has the majority of controls, instruments, and indications. Circuit breaker panels are located on the flight deck aft bulkhead, and behind the pilot's and copilot's seats. There is a forward baggage compartment on the right forward part of the fuselage, and an aft baggage compartment forward of the aft pressure bulkhead. Both baggage doors open outwards and can only be opened from the outside. The passenger compartment doors and one type II/III exit can be opened from either the inside or outside. Page 1 84F0601 C Sections Al ti Figure 12.1-1 Fuselage C t l Page 2 FLIGHT FORWARD PRESSURE BULKHEAD NOSE FLIGHT COMP. FORWARD SECTION FORWARD PASSENGER DOOR CABIN CENTRE SECTION AFT AFT PASSENGER BAGGAGE DOOR DOOR BAGG. COMP. AFT PRESSURE BULKHEAD AFT SECTION Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General d I di ti M ltil D t il i Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 12.1.3 Controls and Indications - General Page 3 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 9 12 10 11 13 14 9 8 15 8 6 7 6 5 5 16 4 17 3 18 2 1 1 22 21 20 LEGEND 1. Flow Control Levers. 2. Pilot's Map Table (Closed). 3. Steering Hand Control. 4. Pilot's Side Panel. 5. Life Vest Stowage. 6. Sun Visor. 7. Eye Level Indicator. 8. Utility Light. 9. Dome Light. 10. Emergency Escape Rope Storage. 11. Emergency Exit. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Figure 12.1-2 Flight Deck and Equipment Layout Page 4 19 22 Overhead Console. Standby Compass. Caution & Warning Panel. Landing Gear Alternate Release Door. Glareshield. Copilot's Side Panel. Copilot's Map Table (Open). Instrument Panel. Landing Gear Alternate Extend Door. Centre Console. Smoke Goggles. Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 5 6 4 4 3 3 2 ISCM 2 7 1 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 LEGEND 1. Variable Frequency AC Circuit Breaker Panel. 2. Headset Jacks. 3. Circuit Panel Light. 4. Oxygen Mask. 5. Mirror. 6. Viewer. 7. Avionics Circuit Breaker Panel. 8. Left DC Circuit Breaker Panel. 9. Fire Axe. 10. Fire Extinguisher. 11. Flashlights. 12. Observer's Seat. 13. Weight and Balance Manual. 14. Landing Gear Emergency Extension Handpump Handle. 15. Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE). 16. Right DC Circuit Breaker Panel. Figure 12.1-3 Aft Flight Deck and Equipment Layout Page 5 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 3 5 14 6 8 7 2 1 - 17 16 15 4 13 + 12 11 10 LEGEND 1. Ice protection panel. 2. DC Control panel. 3. Audible evacuation panel. 4. Flight data recorder. 5. Fire protection panel. 6. Panel lighting panel. 7. AC Control panel. 8. Air conditioning panel. 9. Emer. lights (Caution/Advisory) panel. 10. Exterior lights panel (Right). 11. Cabin altitude panel. 12. Engine start panel. 13. APU Panel. 14. PFD Altimeter units panel. 15. Altitude/differential placard. 16. Exterior lights panel (Left). 17. Cabin altitude indicator. Figure 12.1-4 Overhead Console Page 6 9 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General NOTE A Pilot's equipment shown. Copilot's equipment similar. 1 2 5 3 4 LEGEND 1. Transmit/Interphone PTT Switch. 2. Elevator Trim Switch. 3. Tactile Control Steering Pushbutton. 4. Autopilot Disengage Pushbutton. 5. ATC Ident Pushbutton. Figure 12.1-5 Handwheel Page 7 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General Figure 12.1-6 Left Glareshield Panel Page 8 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General LEFT GLARE SHIELD CALLOUTS 1. AEROPLANE IDENTIFIER 2. ENGINE FIRE PRESS TO RESET SWITCHLIGHT 3. ROLL OUTBD & ROLL INBD SPOILERS LIGHT 4. ELEVATOR TRIM PUSH OFF SWITCHLIGHT 5. STICK PUSHER OFF SWITCHLIGHT 6. CLOCK 7. PULL UP GPWS TEST LIGHT & BELOW G/S LIGHT 8. A/P DISENGAGE LIGHT 9. TERRAIN INHIBIT SWITCH 10. CAUTION PRESS TO RESET SWITCHLIGHT 11. WARNING PRESS TO RESET SWITCHLIGHT 12. FLIGHT/TAXI SWITCH 13. PROPELLER GROUND RANGE LIGHTS Page 9 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 2 3 6 5 4 7 2 3 POWERED FLIGHT CONTROL SURFACES COURSE RUD 1 SPLR 1 SPLR 2 PUSH OFF PUSH OFF PUSH OFF NAV SOURCE ALT HDG NOSE DN NAV SOURCE IAS HDG VS NAV VNAV APPR ALT BC ALT SEL STBY NOSE UP COURSE AP YD HDG HSI SEL 1 8 b 13 01 d 01/05/00 1 RUD 2 PUSH OFF Figure 12.1-7 Center Glareshield Panel Page 10 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General CENTER GLARESHIELD CALLOUTS 1. HDG SELECTION KNOB 2. COURSE SELECTION KNOB 3. NAV SOURCE SELECTION KNOB 4. RUD 1 PUSH OFF SWITCHLIGHT 5. SPLR 1 PUSH OFF SWITCHLIGHT 6. SPLR 2 PUSH OFF SWITCHLIGHT 7. RUD 2 PUSH OFF SWITCHLIGHT 8. ALT SELECTION KNOB Page 11 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 OY-KCA 1 9 11 10 Figure 12.1-8 Right Glareshield Panel Page 12 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General RIGHT GLARE SHIELD CALLOUTS 1. TERRAIN INHIBIT SWITCH 2. AP DISENGAGE LIGHT 3. PULL UP GPWS TEST LIGHT & BELOW G/S LIGHT 4. CLOCK 5. ELEVATOR TRIM PUSH OFF SWITCHLIGHT 6. STICK PUSHER OFF SWITCHLIGHT 7. ENGINE FIRE PRESS TO RESET SWITCHLIGHT 8. AEROPLANE IDENTIFIER 9. ANTI SKID SWITCH 10. WARNING PRESS TO RESET SWITCHLIGHT 11. CAUTION PRESS TO RESET SWITCHLIGHT Page 13 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General Figure 12.1-9 Instrument Panel Page 14 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General Figure 12.1-10 Forward Center Console Page 15 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General E L E V A T O R OFF OFF C O N T R O L C O N T R O L E M E R G B R A K E ND T O R A T I N G L O C K ON PARK T R I M 3 2 1 R A T I N G P O W E R MAX 1020 P L O C K P 5 0 L 10 A START & FEATHER 2 5 P 1 2 FUEL OFF MAX REV 6 7 8 LEGEND 1. Emergency Brake Lever. 2. Control Lock Lever. 3. Flap Selector Lever. 4. Elevator Trim Indicator. Figure 12.1-11 Center Console Page 16 F 0 ON FLIGHT IDLE 1 0 MIN 850 NU 4 0 9R9 0 0 O 0 0 5. #1 Power Lever. 6. #2 Power Lever. 7. #1 Condition Lever. 8. #2 Condition Lever. 15 0 35 0 S Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 2 1 3 1 4 LEGEND 1. Audio and Radio Control Display Unit (ARCDU). 2. Trim Control Panel. 3. Engine and System Integrated Displays Control Panel (ESCP). 4. Weather Radar Control Panel. Figure 12.1-12 Aft Center Console Page 17 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 1 PFD NAV SYS ENG MFD1 1 NORM ELEC SYS ENG SYS FUEL SYS DOORS SYS ALL TEST 2 ED BRT NAV SYS PFD ENG MFD2 1 NORM 2 EFIS ADC SOURCE EFIS ATT/HDG SOURCE OFF Figure 12.1-13 Aft Center Console ESCP CALLOUTS PERTAINING TO DOORS 1. DOORS SYS PUSHBUTTON (momentary action) PUSH - shows doors system page on the MFD (upper area) with MFD 1 or MFD 2 set at SYS no action with another push Page 18 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 1 2 GRD CREW FWD AFT GPWS FLAP OVERRIDE 3 STEERING RANGE FO R W A R D 5 4 LEGEND 1. Ground Crew Connection Annunciator. 2. GPWS Flap Override Switchlight. 3. Push to Talk (PTT) Switch. 4. Steering Range Label. 5. Steering Hand Control. Figure 12.1-14 Steering Handwheel Console Page 19 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 1 3 2 CIR BKR LIGHT 4 W/S WIPER PILOTS ICE DETECT FLT PNL PROP O'SPEED GOVERNOR OFF LIGHT ADC TEST 1 T/O WARN TEST OFF BRT TEST STALL WARN TEST 1 STEERING OFF TEST 2 5 OFF 6 TEST 2 7 8 LEGEND 1. Circuit Breaker Panel Lighting Control Toggle Switch. 2. Windshield Wiper Ice Detection Light Pushbutton. 3. Pilot's Side Panel Dimmer Knob. 4. Propeller Overspeed Governor Test Toggle Switch. 5. Takeoff Warning System Test Toggle Switch. 6. Air Data Computer Test Toggle Switch. 7. Stall Warning Test Toggle Switch. 8. Nosewheel Steering Toggle Switch. Figure 12.1-15 Pilot’s Side Panel Page 20 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 1 2 3 W/S WIPER ICE DETECT COPILOTS FLT PNL CIRCUIT BREAKER PNL LTG OFF OFF LIGHT INPH BRT XMIT 4 LEGEND 1. Windshield Wiper Ice Detection Light Pushbutton. 2. Copilot's Side Panel Dimmer Knob. 3. Circuit Breaker Panel Lighting Control Toggle Switch. 4. Microphone Interphone/Transmit Toggle Switch. Figure 12.1-16 Copilot’s Side Panel Page 21 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 1 4 3 2 5 6 7 LIGHTING CABIN TEMP 9 8 NVS SYSTEM °C °F CABIN OVERHD TEMP DISPLAY DIM OVERHD PSU TEST ON/OFF PAUSE NVS INOP MID CABIN TEMP WARM DISPLAY TEST CABIN SIDEWALL DIM SIDEWALL PSU ON/OFF BOARDING LAVATORY AIRSTAIR DOOR F/A CONTROL ENABLED COOL 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 LEGEND 1. Temperature display. 2. Temp. display test switch. 3. Temperature scale switch. 4. Cabin sidewall lighting switch. 5. Cabin overhead lighting switch. 6. PSU Test switch. 7. NVS Inoperative advisory light. 8. NVS On/Off switch. 9. NVS Pause switch. 10. F/A control enabled advisory light. Figure 12.1-17 Cabin (F/A) Attendant’s Panel Page 22 11. PSU Power switch. 12. Airstair steps lighting switch. 13. Lavatory lighing switch. 14. Boarding lights switch. 15. Temperature decrease switch. 16. Temperature increase switch. 17. Temperature scale. Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General Towing Switch Description. The TOW-NAV Lt Switch is a standard 2-position switch with a Guard that forces it to NORMAL (the other is TOWING). In addition there is a 7,5 Amp Circuit Breaker for the Power. Power is taken directly from the main battery at a point behind the DC CONTROL panel and feed via the TOW Circuit Breaker & Switch to a point behind the EXTERIOR LIGHTS panel. The towing personnel shall only flip the guard and place the switch in TOW. After towing is done, the guard is closed and the Switch goes to normal. Page 23 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 93ft 3in. (28.42m) 30ft 5in. (9.27m) 13ft 6in. (4.11m) 25ft 8in. (7.81m) * 12ft 10in. (3.92m) * * 38.67in. (98.22cm) DIHEDRAL 2.5 o 43.31in. (1.10m) 28ft 10in. (8.80m) NOTE 8ft 2in. (2.48m) * Dimensions with respect to ground reference line are approximate and will vary with aeroplane configuration and loading conditions. 12ft 4in. (3.76m) 36ft 10in. (11.22m) 10ft 9in. (3.28m) * 27ft 4in. (8.34m) 45.94in. (1.17m) * 48.98in. (1.24m) * GROUND REFERENCE LINE 101ft 10in. (31.04m) 60.85in. (1.55m) 107ft 9in. (32.83m) Figure 12.1-18 Aeroplane Dimensions Page 24 * 60.83in. (1.55m) * * Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 12.1.4 Description Aeroplane Dimensions The Dash 8 Q400 has a wing span of 28.42 m and a length of 32.83 m (Figure 12.1-18). The six bladed propellers are 4.12 m in diameter, and clears the fuselage by 1.1 m). The wheel track is 8.80 m and the nose wheel to main wheel distance is 13.94 m. Using a nose steering of 70° requires a minimum 25.7 m of pavement for a 180° turn (Figure 12.1-19). The height to the bullet fairing, on top of the vertical stabilizer is about 8.26 m depending on the aeroplane loading. The height to the wing tips is about 3.9 m. Structural Design The airframe structure is made from high strength aluminum alloys. The fuselage skins are chemically milled and riveted to stringers and frames. Steel structural alloy is used in the landing gear and certain airframe components. Other structural components are made from various approved aluminum, steel or titanium materials. Magnesium is used in selected interior regions of the flight deck, cabin and engine. Composite panels include the: • • • • • • • • • Radome (Fiberglass/honeycomb core) Nose Equipment Bay (Aramid fiber) Wing to Fuselage Fairings (Fiberglass) Tailcone (Aramid fiber) Tailcone with optional APU (Titanium) Bullet Fairing (Mybrid composite Glass/Aramid fiber) Dorsal Fin (Mybrid composite Glass/Aramid fiber) Stabilizer leading edge (Aramid fiber covered by rubber de-ice boots) Ice Protection Panels 12.1.5 Forward Section Nose The nose is in front of the forward pressure bulkhead. It contains the nose wheel well and an unpressurized equipment deck, and the weather radar radome. Flight Deck The flight deck extends from the forward pressure bulkhead to a fixed bulkhead aft of the flight crew seats. The windshield panels are laminated glass and the side window panels are a combination of laminated glass and plastic. Page 25 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General R-6 R-4 R-1 70 R-2 84 ft. 5 in. (25.7 m) MINIMUM PAVEMENT WIDTH FOR 180 TURN (WITHOUT BACKING UP) R-5 R-3 APPROX. 2 DUE TO TIRE SLIP ITEM R-1 INNER GEAR R-2 OUTER GEAR R-3 NOSE GEAR R-4 WING TIP R-5 NOSE R-6 ELEVATOR TIP RADIUS 4 ft. 9 in. (1.52 m) 33 ft. 10 in. (10.32 m) 50 ft. 7 in. (15.41 m) 64 ft. 9 in. (19.74 m) 54 ft. 10 in. (16.73 m) 62 ft. 9 in. (19.13 m) Figure 12.1-19 Aeroplane Turning Radius Page 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 Figure 12.1-20 Wing Detail Page 27 2 1 1. Aileron. 2. Geared Tab. 3. GND Adjustable Tab. 4. Roll Spoilers. 5. Outboard Flap. 6. Inboard Flaps. LEGEND Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 12.1.6 Wings A single, high aspect ratio, cantilevered wing is joined to the upper midsection of the fuselage (Figure 12.1-20), and includes: • • • • • Integral fuel tanks Nacelles and main gear mounting structures Ailerons Flaps Spoilers The portions of the wing outboard of the engine nacelles are tapered and have a 2.5° dihedral. Pneumatic deicer boots are installed on the leading edges of the center wing sections and outboard from the landing lights. The wing has single slotted flaps extending from the side of the fuselage to inboard of the ailerons. Conventional ailerons are installed for lateral control and work with differential lateral control spoilers on the upper wing skin. The spoilers also have a ground mode. When set the spoilers extend on landing to reduce lift. Page 28 Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 1 6 5 2 3 4 LEGEND 1. Elevators. 2. Fore Rudder. 3. Trailing Rudder. 4. Vertical Stabilizer. 5. Bullet Fairing. 6. Horizontal Stabilizer. Figure 12.1-21 Empenage Page 29 Figure 12.1-22 Fuselage Cross Section Page 30 12.4 in. (31.5 cm) 24.3 in. (61.7 cm) 56.5 in. (143.5 cm) 76.9 in. (195.3 cm) 15.8 in. (40.1 cm) 20.3 in. (50.8 cm) 80.0 in. (203.2 cm) 99.0 in. (251.4 cm) 25.9 in. (65.7 cm) 106.0 in. (269.2 cm) OVERHEAD STORAGE BINS 108.8 in. (276.3 cm) 71.8 in. (182.3 cm) Dimensions are approximate and may vary depending on aircraft configuration. NOTE Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General Dash8 - Q400 - Aeroplane General 12.1.7 Centre Section The passenger cabin has a constant cross-section and bulkheads with a slightly flattened bottom (Figure 12.1-22). 12.1.8 AFT Section The aft section is unpressurized and is swept up from the center section. It consists of the rear pressure dome and the supporting structure for the empennage. This area houses the air conditioning packs and the APU. There is access to the interior of the aft fuselage section for inspection and maintenance. Empenage The empennage has a horizontal stabilizer with separate right and left elevators, and a vertical stabilizer with fore and trailing rudders. The empennage is mounted on the aft fuselage section (Figure 12.1-21). Horizontal Stabilizer The fixed incidence horizontal stabilizer is attached to the top of the vertical stabilizer. The leading edges are made from composite material and have pneumatic deicer boots bonded to them. Elevators Both elevators normally operate together, but can function independently if the pitch disconnect system is operated. The elevators are hydraulically operated with artificial feel. Hydraulic actuators are used for trimming. Vertical Stabilizer The vertical stabilizer and rearmost portion of the fuselage are constructed as one piece. The leading edge is made from composite material and has a pneumatic deicer boot, with two chambers, bonded to it. A composite bullet fairing is installed on top of the vertical stabilizer. Rudder The rudder has a fore and trailing section. The fore rudder is hinged to the rear vertical stabilizer spar and the trailing rudder is hinged to the trailing edge of the fore rudder. The trailing rudder is geometrically arranged to give a deflection twice that of the fore rudder. Two hydraulically powered actuators operate the rudder. Page 31