Mobility and Impedance Methods Professor Mike Brennan Vibration control Vibration Problem Understand problem Solve Problem Modelling (Mobility and Impedance Methods) Measurement Mobility and Impedance • The response of a structure to a harmonic force can be expressed in terms of its mobility or impedance At frequency the velocity can be written in complex notation v(t) = Vejt F V General linear system The mobility is defined as Mobility V j F j V is the complex amplitude. Similarly for the force f(t) = Fejt The impedance is defined as Impedance F j V j • If the force and velocity are at the same point this is a ‘point’ mobility • If they are at different points it is a ‘transfer’ mobility Note that both mobility and impedance are frequency domain quantities Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) Acceleration Accelerance = Force Force Apparent Mass = Acceleration Velocity Mobility = Force Force Impedance = Velocity Receptance = Displacement Force Dynamic Stiffness = Force Displacement Mobility and Impedance Methods • The total response of a set of coupled components can be expressed in terms of the mobility of the individual components • In the simplest case each component has two inputs (one at each end) which permit coupling F1 F2 General linear system V1 V2 • The two parameters at each input point are force, F, and velocity, V. Simple Idealised Elements • Spring k f1 x1 f2 x x2 f1 k x1 x2 f2 k x2 x1 f1 f2 • no mass • force passes through it unattenuated Assume f Fe jt and x Xe jt Also, block one end so that x2 0 k F So F kX KV V then F j j So the impedance of a spring is given by Because X Zk F k V j Note that the force is in quadrature with the velocity. Thus a spring is a reactive element that does not dissipate energy Simple Idealised Elements • Viscous damper c f1 v1 c F f2 v2 f1 c v1 v 2 f2 c v 2 v1 f1 f2 • no mass or elasticity • force passes through it unattenuated Assume f Fe jt and v Ve jt Also, block one end so that v 2 0 V So F cV So the impedance of a damper is given by Zc F c V Note that the force is in phase with the velocity. Thus a damper is a resistive element that dissipates energy Simple Idealised Elements • Mass f1 f2 m x f1 f2 mx f2 mx f1 • rigid • force does not pass through it unattenuated Assume f Fe jt and x Xe jt Also, set one end to be free so that f2 0 F m X So F mX Because X jV then F jmV So the impedance of a mass is given by F Zm j m V Note that the force is in quadrature with the velocity. Thus a mass is a reactive element that does not dissipate energy Impedances of Simple Elements - Summary k jk • Spring Zk j • Damper Zc c • Mass Zm jm Zm Zk Zc Re Log |impedance| Im Zm Zc Zk Log frequency Mobilities of Simple Elements - Summary 1 j 1 Y • Damper Yc • Mass m jm m c j • Spring Yk k Yk Ym Yc Re Log |mobility| Im Yk Yc |Ym| Log frequency Examples of impedance / mobility mass F mX Z mass j m jk spring F kX Z spring damper F cX Z damper c j Ymass m j Y spring k 1 Y damper c infinite beam Z beam 21 ( )j (1/)(2 EI) 1/ 4 A infinite plate Z plate 8h 2 E 121 ( 2) 3/ 4 2.3c L h 2 Area A, second moment of area I, thickness h, Young’s modulus E, density , Poisson’s ratio c L E / 1 ( )2 11 Notes on impedance / mobility • Real part of point impedance (or mobility) is always positive (dissipation). Imaginary part can be positive (mass-like) or negative (spring-like). • Infinite plate impedance is real and independent of frequency (equivalent to a damper). • Beam impedance has a damper part and a mass part, both frequency dependent. • Impedance/mobility of a finite structure tends to that of the equivalent infinite structure at high frequency and/or high damping. 12 Connecting Simple Elements • Adding Elements in Parallel Mass-less Rigid link k F V c • Same velocity F1 Z1V • Shared force F F1 F2 F Z1 Z2 V N Ztotal Z j j 1 F2 Z2V Connecting Simple Elements • Adding Elements in Series F k c V1 V2 V • Same force • Shared velocity V1 Y1F V2 Y2F V V1 V2 V Y1 Y2 F N Ytotal Y j j 1 Connecting Simple Elements • Adding Elements in Parallel • Impedances • Mobilities N 1 1 Ytotal j 1 Y j N Ztotal Z j j 1 • Example - SDOF System F m k V F Mass-less Rigid link V c Note that this representation indicates that one end of the mass is connected to an inertial reference point (F=0) m k c Connecting Simple Elements • Adding Elements in Parallel F Fm Fk Fc F V Fm m Fk k Fc c At low frequency stiffness dominates At resonance damping dominates At high frequency mass dominates • Point Impedance k Z11 jm c j • Point Mobility 1 Y11 k jm c j j k 2 m j c Frequency Response Functions F m Fk k c • Point Impedance Log |impedance| 0.01 Fc Log |mobility| Fm V • Point Mobility Stiffness line 0.1 Mass line Log frequency Stiffness line Mass line 0.1 0.01 Log frequency Connecting Simple Elements • Adding Elements in Series • Impedances 1 Ztotal • Mobilities N N 1 j 1 Z j • Example Ytotal Y j j 1 k F V • Point Mobility j 1 1 Y11 k c jm c m • Point Impedance 1 Z11 j 1 1 k c jm Connecting Simple Elements • Adding Elements in Series k c F • Point mobility At low frequency mass dominates Log |mobility| V m Mass j line1 1 Y11 k c jm At resonance damping dominates At high frequency stiffness dominates 1 c Log frequency Stiffness line Adding a Combination of Parallel and Series Elements • Example - SDOF System m k c m k V V F 1 1 1 Z Z Z c m k Log |impedance| F Ztotal c stiffness line Damping line Log frequency mass line E.L.Hixson, Chapter 10 in Shock and Vibration Handbook Coupling Together Complex Arbitrary Systems F1 F2 General linear system V1 V2 • An arbitrary system having only two inputs can be represented using the sign convention shown in the figure above (F1 and F2 both act on the element). • When the system is not a simple mass, spring or damper it is necessary to assign both point and transfer mobilities to a system to define completely the inter-relationship between both inputs. Mobility Method F1 F2 General linear system V1 V2 • The equations describing the system are given by V1 Y11F1 Y12F2 V2 Y21F1 Y22F2 which can be written in matrix form as V1 Y11 Y12 F1 V2 Y21 Y22 F2 Mobility matrix or v Yf Mobility Method V1 Y11 Y12 F1 V2 Y21 Y22 F2 V1 Y11 F1 F 0 2 Force applied at point 1 Point 2 Is free Y11 and Y22 are point mobilities, which relate the velocity at the point of excitation to the force applied. They are defined as V2 Y22 F2 Force applied at point 2 F1 0 Point 1 Is free Y12 and Y21 are transfer mobilities, which relate the velocity at the point of some remote point to the force applied. They are defined as V1 Y12 F2 F1 0 V2 Y21 F1 F2 0 Mobility Method Notes • For a linear system Y12 Y21 because of reciprocity • If the system is symmetric then Y11 Y22 • These mobilities are found by allowing one input to be free • The mobility formulation is most useful in experimental work as the point and transfer mobilities are easily measured • Re{Y11} and Re{Y22} must be positive Impedance Method F1 F2 General linear system V1 V2 • The equations describing the system are given by F1 Z11V1 Z12V2 F2 Z21V1 Z22V2 which can be written in matrix form as F1 Z11 Z12 V1 F2 Z21 Z22 V2 Impedance matrix or f Zv Impedance Method F1 Z11 Z12 V1 F2 Z21 Z22 V2 F1 Z11 V1 V 0 2 Force applied at point 1 Point 2 Is fixed Z11 and Z22 are point impedances, which relate the velocity at the point of excitation to the force applied. They are defined as Z22 F2 V2 V 0 1 Force applied at point 2 Point 1 Is fixed Z12 and Z21 are transfer impedances, which relate the velocity at the point of some remote point to the force applied. They are defined as F1 Z12 V2 V 0 1 F2 Z21 V1 V 0 2 Impedance Method Notes • For a linear system Z12 Z21 because of reciprocity • If the system is symmetric then Z11 Z22 • These impedances are found by fixing all points except one • The impedance formulation is most useful for theoretical formulation and when experimentally working on light structures when blocking is possible • Re{Z11} and Re{Z22} must be positive Impedance and Mobility matrices for simple elements Spring k 1 1 Zk j 1 1 Yk is not defined as the element is massless, and the mobilities are infinite if one input is free Damper 1 1 Zc c 1 1 Yc is not defined as the element is massless, and the mobilities are infinite if one input is free Mass j Ym m 1 1 1 1 Z m is not defined as a blocked output would prevent motion Coupling together complex arbitrary systems F1 F2 F3 II I V1 V2 System I V1 Y11F1 Y12F2 V2 Y21F1 Y22F2 V3 System II V3 Y33F3 Coupling together complex arbitrary systems - series connection Rigid link F1 F2 F3 II I V1 V2 When rigidly connected System I V1 Y11F1 Y12F2 V2 Y21F1 Y22F2 V3 F3 F2 (equilibrium of forces) V3 V2 (continuity of motion) System II V3 Y33F3 Coupling together complex arbitrary systems - series connection Rigid link F1 F2 F3 II I V1 V2 V3 Combining system equations gives the point and transfer mobilities of the coupled system V1 (Y21 )2 Y11 Point F1 Y22 Y33 Transfer Y12Y33 V2 F1 Y22 Y33 The natural frequencies of the coupled system occur when ImY22 Y33 0 The imaginary components embody the reactive elements which can equal zero Coupling together complex arbitrary systems - parallel coupled system For the uncoupled systems F1 I F V1 II V2 F2 Z22V2 When the systems are joined by a rigid link F2 V F1 Z11V1 F F1 F2 V V1 V2 F so Z11 Z22 V The point mobility of the coupled system is given by V 1 1 F Z11 Z22 1 Y11 1 Y22 Vibration source characterisation Thévenin equivalent system • A vibration source connected to a load can be represented by a blocked force Fb in parallel with an internal impedance Zi connected to a load impedance Zl. Fb Fl Load Zl Source 1 Fl Fb Zi 1 Zl Zi Vl Fb Vl Zi Zl Blocked force is the force generated by the source when it is connected to rigid load Vibration source characterisation Norton equivalent system • A vibration source connected to a load can be represented by the free velocity of the source Vf in series with an internal impedance Zi connected to a load impedance Zl. Fl Source Zi Vf 1 Vl Vf Zl 1 Zi Load Zl Vl Zl Fl Vf Zl 1 Zi Free velocity is the velocity of the source when the load is disconnected Vibration source characterisation • Relationship between blocked force, free velocity and internal impedance of the source Thévenin equivalent system Norton equivalent system Fb Vl Zi Zl Vl Fb Zi Vf Zi Zl Vf Fb = Zi Vf b Zi Zi Fl • Zl Fb Zi Zl Similar equations involving mobilities. Fl Zi Zl Vf Zi Zl b Reduction of a system to Thévenin and Norton equivalent systems – example F c2 c1 k2 k1 m1 m3 Z1 Zm1 Zk 1 Zc1 Z2 Zk 2 Zc 2 Z3 Zm3 F F Z2 b b Z1 Z3 Z2 Fb b Z1 Blocked Force Z2 Fb F Z1 Z2 Z3 is not included because its ends are attached to two rigid walls Reduction of a system to Thévenin and Norton equivalent systems – example F c2 c1 k2 k1 F F Z2 b Z1 b m1 Z1 Z3 m3 Z2 Fb b Free velocity Z2 Z1 Fb Vf Zs Source impedance at connection point b Z3 Internal impedance 1 Z s Z3 1/ Z1 1/ Z2 Reduction of a system to Thévenin and Norton equivalent systems – example F c2 c1 Fb Blocked Force b k2 k1 b Z2 Fb F Z1 Z2 Zs m1 m3 Z1 Zm1 Zk 1 Zc1 Vf Zs b Fb Vf Zs Z2 Zk 2 Zc 2 Z3 Zm3 Free velocity Internal impedance 1 Z s Z3 1/ Z1 1/ Z2 Summary • Introduction to mobility and impedance approach • Lumped parameter systems • Arbitrary systems • Coupling of systems • Source characterisation References • E.L. Hixson, 1997. Shock and Vibration Handbook (Chapter 10), edited by C.M. Harris, Third Edition, McGraw Hill. Mechanical Impedance. • R.E.D. Bishop and D.C. Johnson, 1960. The Mechanics of Vibration, Cambridge University Press. • L. Cremer, M. Heckl and E.E. Ungar, 1990, Structure-Borne Sound, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York. • L.L. Beranek and I.L. Ver, 1992. Noise and Vibration Control Engineering, John Wiley and Sons. • F.J. Fahy and J.G. Walker, 2004, Advanced Applications in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration, Spon Press (chapter 9 Mobility and impedance methods in structural dynamics by P. Gardonio and M.J. Brennan).