dunfermline high school

To Parents/Carers/Pupils/Staff/Local Community
JULY 2010
As you receive this in early August I sincerely hope that you are having
a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday and that all pupils are looking
forward to returning to school on Wednesday 18th August at 8.55 a.m.
On their first day in school there will be year group assemblies during
which briefings will be given to all pupils regarding the new/
replacement school by Fife Council Property Services and the main
contractor, BAM construction Ltd. By the beginning of term the
construction site for the new school will be completely fenced off and a
new entrance for construction traffic only will have been created at the
north-west corner of Jennie’s Rennie’s Road.
Pupils will be fully briefed about all the Health and Safety aspects of continuing to work in
the current building whilst adjacent to a major construction site.
This is a very exciting time in the history of Dunfermline High School. We can trace our roots back
to the 1120s when David 1st (son of Queen Margaret and Malcolm Canmore) founded Dunfermline
Abbey and made provision for a monastic grammar school. Dunfermline Grammar School was
established in 1468 and became Dunfermline High School in 1877. We moved to the current building
in St Leonard’s Place in 1939, into a building which cost £50,000 to erect and was designed for 950
pupils and 43 staff.
Our new school, which should open in late summer 2012 will cost £40 million!! It will be “state of
the art” containing, for example, over 1200 fully wireless computers.
After decades of waiting, the new Dunfermline High School is at long last being built!
Particular thanks are due to several people for their active support of progressing the new school in
2009/2010 including Mhairi Weir and Ken Richards (Parent Council), Colin McCredie (Programme
Manager), Santosh Thota (Project Manager), Diarmid McLachlan (Lead Architect) and other members of
Fife Council’s Property Services Dept. It really has been a great team effort to progress so far in
such a short period of time!
If you have any queries or concerns regarding the new school please do not hesitate to contact either
Erica Chung (Business Manager) or myself.
Brian W Blanchflower
Exam results will drop
through your letter box on
Thursday 5th August.
Candidates who have registered with “My
SQA” can receive their results by text or e-mail
on the 4th August. If, for any reason, your results
do not arrive you can contact the school where we
will have a record of all results. Please make sure
that your postal delivery has taken place before
you contact the school.
Bright Red Publishing is the new publisher of
Official SQA Past Papers.
These can be purchased in the following ways:
By telephone: 0131 220 5804
By email:
By fax:
0131 220 6710
By post:
Book Orders
Bright Red Publishing Ltd
6 Stafford Street
Online at:
In some cases, it may be possible for the school
to enter an appeal for a candidate where he or
she has performed less well in a subject than the
school predicted. Where an appeal is being
lodged, the SQA expect that the school will
supply evidence which is “compelling, valid
and reliable” to back up that appeal. Pupils and
parents should note that a bare 50% pass in a
prelim is unlikely to be regarded as strong
There is no need to contact the school during
the holidays to discuss possible appeals. The
school will submit Stage 1 appeals (Adv.
Higher and Higher) to the SQA on the 20 th
August. Stage 2 appeals (Standard Grade and
Intermediate II/I will be submitted to the SQA
by 15th September.
All Official Past Papers and BrightRED Revision
and Results titles will also be available from
Waterstone's, Borders, Blackwells, WHSmith,
and will be available to purchase or order from
all good independent bookshops.
Complete with fully approved answer sections,
the Past Paper range covers over 70 subjects
across all levels, and will provide students with
the best possible practice for their exams. The
books are priced at £7.99.
A former pupil Katie Sneddon has managed to
put her dance leadership certificate into good
use and open her own dance school in Rosyth.
This has been successfully running now for
more than a year and she has since put on
a dance show at Queen Anne High School to
celebrate its success. Well Done Katie!
Lizzie Slack (pupil at DHS from 1998-2004)
has graduated to become a Vet.
Jonathan Slack (pupil at DHS from 2004-2007)
has graduated with a B.A. in Music.
Hannah Archibald - Honours Degree in Sociology.
Ross Findlay,- Honours Degree in History.
Alan Flower - Honours Degree in Mechanical
Charlotte Taylor - Honours Degree in Bachelor
of Laws
We wish them well in their new careers.
Katie's Class Details - Friday 7.30 - 8.30pm
It is hoped another dance leadership course will
run this year, fingers crossed the pupils will do
just as well as Katie has!
Miss Beattie
After the summer holidays pupils should continue
to travel to and from school on the same route
and bus currently allocated, as shown on MYFIFE
Pupils should note that EMA forms will not be
available until after the summer holiday. A
notice will be posted in the bulletin when forms
can be obtained.
Transportation Service will no longer write to
you during the holidays as your entitlement to
free transport is already included on your
MYFIFE card.
EMA – BONUS PAYMENTS (Message from
Fife Council)
Due to last years overspend, this years and
future budget cuts from academic year 20102011, bonus payments will no longer be part of
the programme. Also given the likelihood of
another overspend in this financial year, and the
limited scope to meet this overspend from other
resources, the EMA programme will be
reviewed in December 2010. Any awards
issued to young people for academic year 20102011 are therefore only guaranteed until from
August 2010 to December 2010.
All pupils who enrolled in Dunfermline High
School last session received ‘MYFIFE CARDS’
with their own photographs. These are used for
a variety of purposes including paying for food
and refreshments in the Dining Hall and being
used as bus passes.
Do you need help with your
Course Choices for S2>S3,
S4>S5 or S5>S6?
Are you possibly leaving
school either at Christmas 2010
on in the Summer 2011 and
need advice regarding jobs, training courses,
further education (college) courses or higher
education (university) courses etc?
Pupils must NOT dispose of their Myfife Cards
as they will continue to be used whilst they are
a pupil at Dunfermline High School.
Look after your Myfife card or you will have to
pay £5 to Fife Council for a replacement.
Pupils starting S1 in August 2010 will have
Myfife cards posted to their homes before 17th
August. Pupils from outwith our catchment
area will receive temporary Myfife cards on 18th
August in school.
Come and get first hand advice from the many
experts who will be present at our Careers
Convention on Wednesday 29th September
from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. in Dunfermline
High School.
When being used as “Bus Passes” they MUST
be shown to the bus driver on every journey.
Pupils MUST remember to bring their
Noted below is the current eligibility criteria for free school meals. The annual income thresholds
determining entitlement to free school meals will increase with effect from 6 April 2010.
HM Revenue and Customs has now advised that from 6 April the annual income threshold is
£16,190. The annual income threshold determining entitlement to maximum Child Tax Credit and
maximum Working Tax Credit will remain at £6,420.
This means that with effect from 6 April 2010, pupils are eligible for free school meals if their parents
or carers are in receipt of one of the following:
Income Support
Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit, with an income under £16,190 with effect from 6
April 2010
Both maximum Child Tax Credit and maximum Working Tax Credit with an income under £6,420
with effect from 6 April 2010
Applications are processed through the Local Area Offices.
We would like to make any course changes following the publication of the SQA results before
Senior pupils return for the start of the new session. If any Senior pupils require a change to their
choice of subjects, they should report to the School Library at the following time:
Bothwell and Canmore
Henryson and Queen Margaret
2.00-2.50pm – Monday, 16 August 2010
2.50-3.40pm – Monday, 16 August 2010
Bothwell and Canmore
Henryson and Queen Margaret
2.00-2.50pm – Tuesday, 17 August 2010
2.50-3.40pm – Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Pupils who require a change to the level of presentation of a subject should speak to their class
teacher when they return to school on Wednesday, 18 August 2010. All changes must be completed
by Friday, 20 August 2010.
This session 2010/2011 all S6 pupils with “non teaching time” (due to having a
“free column” in their course options) will be given Supervised Study periods, timetabled
into classroom Q30. Pupils are expected to take their own work with them and to use the time
appropriately, without disturbing others, to help improve their attainment levels.
Once all S6 Course Choices are completely finalised by late August, pupils will be given the
opportunity to do subject or course specific revision in a subject department but also under staff
We hope that this arrangement will help reap benefits for overall attainment levels in school.
We hope that all pupils will be proud to identify with Dunfermline High School
and expect them to co-operate fully with our school dress code.
White shirt or Blouse complete with a School Tie
Black V-necked jersey, sweatshirt or cardigan – to
ensure that the school tie is clearly visible
Black Trousers or Skirt
School Shoes – NOT trainers
(All S5/S6 Prefects MUST wear a blazer (with cord or braid as appropriate) in addition to the
above items at all times.)
There are a number of items of clothing which are regarded as unacceptable in school in all circumstances.
These include items which:(i)
Could potentially encourage factions (e.g. – football colours).
Could cause offence (e.g. – anti-religious symbolism or political
Could cause health and safety difficulties (e.g. – loose fitting clothing or
loose fitting training shoes or particular items of jewellery).
Are of flammable materials which may be a danger in certain classes
(e.g. shell suits and tracksuits).
Carry advertising for alcohol or tobacco.
Denim jackets and jeans.
The general guideline is that clothing is unacceptable is it could disrupt the normal operation of any
class within the school or could possibly cause damage or injury. The items in the “School Dress
Code” are all regarded as affordable, practical, hard-wearing and appropriate for the work to be
done in school.
The following items are available from the School Shop at the very reasonable prices indicated:S1-S4
School Tie
School Tie
School Badge (for blazer)
Black Sweatshirt (V-neck)
Girls Black Zip Cardigan
£10.00 (were £16.50)
Sean Stewart (Class 4H1) captained the East District Hockey team to victory in
the under 14 Scottish Interdistrict Cup. The team competed against other
districts from all over Scotland and at the end of the day the team were
Sean lifted the trophy in front of hundreds of spectators and players at Dundee
international Sports Centre on Sunday 23 May 2010.
“5-14” Results for June 2010
Congratulations to staff and pupils in the English and Mathematics Departments on the superb
improvements in the 5-14 results for June 2010.
(% of S2 pupils achieving Level E or above)
JUNE 2008
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2010
Demand for a place at University is ever increasing. In 2010, Universities saw a 21% increase in
applicants. This coupled with Universities cutting places, makes gaining a place at University the
most difficult it has ever been. To gain an unconditional offer in S6, most Universities will expect
pupils to have a minimum of 2 A’s and 2 B’s from their chosen Highers in 5th year. For pupils who
did not achieve these results, or did not sit 4 Highers in S5, then the University may give out
a conditional offer. This will state what subjects and grades are required in S6. Most Universities
will expect pupils to have gained at least three Highers in S5. A minimum of 2 B’s and 1 C would
be required.
With all this in mind, it is very important that our 5th year pupils achieve the best they can in S5 in
order to maximise their chances of gaining a University place.
In August 2010, the process for S6, and some S5, pupils applying to University begins. This is an
important process, and pupils must ensure that given deadlines are adhered to. Pupils are supported
through this process by their Guidance teacher. To give some extra help, the University of Strathclyde
is coming in on Thursday 26th August to speak to S6 pupils about applying to University and giving
help and advice on writing a Personal Statement. As this will also be a new process to most parents,
the University will also be offering a parental talk on the whole UCAS process. This talk will take
place on the following
Thursday 26th August, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Dunfermline High School, Assembly Hall
The process of applying to enter university in September / October 2011 will begin very shortly after
we return from the summer break in August. All applications will be made electronically, which
means that pupils will be able to work on their applications wherever they have access to the Internet.
Information on this process, known as APPLY, will be provided to pupils as part of their Social
Education programme. Pupils will attend sessions in the school’s resource centre and register their
application to the school.
1) 26.8.10
UCAS information evening 5.30 p.m.
2) 30.8.10
Information on the application process begins and other relevant documentation
is distributed to pupils in Social Education. They will also have the opportunity to
visit the school’s resource centre and work on their electronic application.
3) 15.9.10
Higher Education Convention in Glenrothes. All prospective applicants will
have the opportunity of attending this as the school arranges a morning visit.
Admissions officers from most universities attend and can provide pupils with
useful information.
4) 15.10.10
The final draft of the personal statement must be submitted to the appropriate
Guidance Teacher.
5) 15.10.10
Final deadline for the submission of applications for veterinary medicine,
medicine, dentistry and Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
6) 26.11.10
All returns of the application should be completed.
7) 13.12.10
All completed UCAS applications will be sent electronically.
Please note that although the UCAS deadline is January 9th, the school deadline is December
If pupils fail to make the deadlines above without good reason then they may be asked to apply
September 3rd
S4 Target-Setting Letter posted home
September 24th
S3 Initial Targets Letter posted home
September 3rd
S2 All Departments collate Pupil Target information for subject
classes in S2
October 28th
S1 'Settling In' Letters from Guidance/HoH posted home (if
October 11th
S5/S6 Target/Level Letters posted home
November 10th
S3 Parents Evening
November 22nd
S5/S6 Parents Evening
November 24th
S4 Preliminary Examinations start (finish December 3rd)
This was again a very successful event with over 80 individual pupils receiving awards for
academic excellence.
The guest speaker was Craig Munro (Head of Education for Southern Fife).
Following the ceremony, award recipients and their parents/carers/families, staff and guests
enjoyed a wonderful buffet and refreshments provided by our Catering Supervisor, Tracy McAlpine.
The Awards presented were as follows:
David Timmins
Business Management
Holly Watson
Bethany Coull
Chloe Williamson
(The Louise B Brannan Memorial Award)
Holly McLean
Sarah Evans
Patrick Makin
Jenny Fraser
Eve Moffat
Kathryn MacIntosh
Art and Design
Lewis Allan
Sam Brooke
Physical Education
(The Andrew Stewart Memorial Award)
Scott Murphy
Religious and Moral Education
Ysabeau Carmichael
Kirsty Bunton
(The Sam McClements Memorial Award)
(Donated by the Staff Association of DHS)
Kirsty Bunton
Anna Kennedy
(The Emma Stevenson Memorial Award)
Anna Kennedy
Modern Studies
(The A M Cruickshank Memorial Award
for Achievement in English)
Joint Heather Birrell
Emily Ostocke
Heather Birrell
Kim Brydson
Emily Ostocke
Emily Ostocke
Emily Ostocke
Craft and Design
Alison Craig
Graphic Communication
Alison Craig
Technical Studies
Ben Bradley
Duncan Kelly
Alison Bullions
Kathryn Gribbin
Vhairi Millar
Art and Design
Kirsty Lewis
Media Studies
David Smith
(The Stacey Jobbins Memorial Award)
Lauren Smith
Dale Cuthbertson
Bobbie Beveridge
Jodi Dobson
Product Design
Catherine Madden
Craig Hamilton
Physical Education
Christopher Steedman
Religious and Moral Education
Emma Hynd
(The J E Arkieson Memorial Award)
David Blair
Modern Studies
(The Kenneth L Mottram Memorial Award)
(Donated by the Staff Association of DHS)
David Blair
Alyssa Watson
Human Biology
Joint Alyssa Watson
Callum Nisbet
Callum Nisbet
Business Management
Joint Arran Anders
Amanda Richards
Amanda Richards
Amanda Richards
Kirsty Richards
(Sponsored by the University of Dundee)
Kirsty Richards
Kirsty Richards
Graphic Communication
Louise Jenkins
The Alice McKee Memorial Award for Academic
Excellence and Commitment to Sport
Lynsey Spriddle
The David Thompson Memorial Prize
for Geography (Class I)
David Buchanan
The Craig Fenwick Memorial Shield
for Commitment to and Achievement in Rugby
(Class II)
Connor Henderson
The Hutton Memorial Medal and Prize
for Excellence in Academic and
Extra-curricular Achievement
Diane Stewart
The Juliet Thorburn Memorial Prize
for Art and Design
Robbie Spriddle
The Kenneth Forbes Memorial Medal
for Creative Writing (Class II)
Maryam Abdel Razik
The Chris Drysdale Memorial Prize
for Excellence in Dance (Class I)
Kirsten McMurray
The Ivana Dunkerley Memorial Award
For Endeavour
Christopher Thompson
The Richard Abbot Memorial Award
For Endeavour
Andrew Combe
The Junior Debating Award
(Sponsored by McIlroy Hipwell, Solicitors and
Notaries Public)
Monica Dewar
The Public Speaking Gavel and Prize
(Gifted by Mrs Margaret Dean and Sponsored by
McIlroy Hipwell, Solicitors and Notaries Public)
David Blair
The Dunfermline High School Enterprise Award
Gifted by Mr Matt Stewart from Entrepreneur
Liam Miller
The Young Enterprise Award
Katharine Hitchon
The Prince’s Trust Award
Darren Toshack
The Lauder College Centenary Award
Helena Bull
The Apex Scotland Award
for Personal Development
Jordan Duncan
The Dunfermline High School Hospitality Award
Sponsored by Carnegie College
Kirsty Ellis
Work Experience in Germany
Cameron Renwick
Zoe Johnstone
Alyssa Watson
Lucy MacDonald
John Ross
Christie Wilson
Lauren Smith
The Rotary Prize for Leadership
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Dunfermline
Joint Rebecca Mann
Stuart Hamilton
The 59ers Award
Joint Rebecca Mann
Stuart Hamilton
The Marquis of Tweeddale Queen Anne Medal
for Citizenship
Claire Thompson
The Dunfermline District Council Award
for Community Involvement
Iain Drennan
The William McLaren Erskine Memorial
Medal and Prize
for Excellence in the Sciences
Alison Bullions
The John Erskine VC Memorial
Medal and Prize
for Excellence in the Arts
Diane Stewart
Helena Bull
(The L J Cranforth Memorial Prize )
Sean Jones
Fine Art
(The James Thompson Memorial Prize)
Corey Reid
(The Beth Tait Memorial Prize)
Diane Stewart
Claire Thomson
(The J E Arkieson Memorial Award)
Rebecca Jordan
Business Management
Linsay Russell
Euan Clark
Graphic Communication
(The Angus McPherson Memorial Award)
Megan Ash
Religious and Moral Education
(The Chaplain’s Medal
Donated by the Reverend A Jessamine)
Jaspreet Kandola
Modern Studies
Jaspreet Kandola
(The Black Somerville Prize)
Alison Bullions
(The P S Black Memorial Prize)
Alison Bullions
Esme Bunton
Esme Bunton
The Community Links class was short and sharp due to the nature of the timetable but we managed
to get a few good projects developed with the pupils involved. Pupils were encouraged to participate
in their own learning and deliver peer learning opportunities for others on issues that engaged them
and that they chose.
The message that you can make a difference to an issue you care about and that we are all Global
Citizens with abilities to make changes to our own and others lives was a strong one – we can
make connections if we allow our minds to open up!
This term the projects focused on the following areas:
• Helping Project Trust gap year pupils to highlight their fundraising by helping raise
awareness of and filming the Grenaid Concert. DVDs are being sold of the event and are
still available.
• Helping to secure the theme of Disability Awareness within the school’s Social Education
programme by doing a survey of pupils’ attitudes as well as a film (to be edited.)
• Continuing a link with Kids Come First and supplying this children’s outreach after
school club with well needed materials.
Mr Ward
Monday 6 September:
Parent Forum/Parent Council AGM in Main Staffroom
Monday 11 October:
Parent Council Meeting in M28
Monday 29 November:
Parent Council Meeting in M28
Monday 17 January 2011: Parent Council Meeting in M28
Monday 7 March 2011:
Parent Council Meeting in M28
Monday 25 April 2011:
Parent Council Meeting in M28
Monday 13 June 2011:
Parent Council Meeting in M28
(All meetings will commence at 6.45 p.m. and should, hopefully, finish by 8.15 p.m. at the very latest!)
Earn Extra Cash and Help the School - £8.51 per hour
Post of School Clerk for DHS Parent Council
Pay : £8.51 / hour (max 6hrs payable per meeting including all preparation time, 6 meetings per
Duties include taking and preparing minutes
Distribution of minutes via e-mail to all parent council members
Liaison with Chairperson and members regarding the above
Attending Parent Council AGM and getting contact e-mails from all new and existing members
Displaying minutes in school notice-board and filing all paperwork.
Anyone interested in the above post should contact Mhairi Weir/Chairperson in first instance for
informal chat on (m) 07759527103
The Parent Council has had a very interesting and challenging year.
The Parent Council played its part within the discussions surrounding the plans for the new school. As
part of the Local Development Group a number of discussions took place with the outcome being a
very exciting design for the new school. We also succeeded in getting an extra £10 million in the
budget for the school from Fife Council - no mean feat in these straitened times.
As a Parent Council we have asked many questions of Fife Council in relation to Education Budgets
etc but I would like to acknowledge that we are delighted that Fife Council finally granted planning
permission for the new school and construction should start by September.
The Parent Council is acutely aware of budget cuts and how they will affect our children’s education. This
is high on the list of priorities. Two members of the Parent Council are scheduled to speak with Ken
Greer, Executive Director of Education at a meeting in Duloch Primary School as this annual report
is being written.
The Parent Council has been very active in addressing the new Fife Council reprographic system Print 08
– and is awaiting a response to a hard hitting letter it sent to Fife House. The new Fife Education
Schools database system (E1) and its usefulness has also been questioned by the Parent Council. Letters
were written to Fife House on a number of topics which included the proposed Music cutbacks.
We rarely get satisfactory responses and the authorities written responses appear to be a bit of a
whitewash but we keep asking searching questions. On the subject of Music, I would like to thank the
School Orchestra, the choir and the individual performers for the most fantastic musical prowess at the
School Awards Ceremony in June. The standard of musicianship was amazing. So well done to everyone.
The regular events have kept the Parent Council busy, meeting six times a year, attending Parent’s
evenings, Parent Information Evenings for the Primary 7 parents at their individual Primary
Schools, addressing all the new parents at the open evening in June. Other areas of the school which
have been discussed include staffing and Curriculum for Excellence. The Council has addressed
School Uniform and it has looked at the current Black and Gold Club and trying to increase
membership. It has been involved in fund-raising activities with Jim Leishman persuaded to
attend a charity fund-raising day in June.
I wish to personally thank firstly the Rector for his continued support of the Parent Council. Without
that open line of communication things would be very different. I would like to thank Ken Richards
(Vice Chair) for his stalwart support at all school and Parent Council events. He has supported the
school year books (again) and many other areas with his printing and business expertise.
I would like to thank all the parents who consistently and conscientiously appear at all the meetings,
and at all the other events they are persuaded to attend.
Finally my thanks go to Sheena Currie, Parent Council Clerk who has decided to retire from the post having
given excellent service to the Parent Council and to the School Board before. We will miss you Sheena!
Dunfermline High School Parent Council is the largest in Scotland and should be proud of what it
has achieved.
I know I am very proud to have been Chairperson for another successful year, and apologise for
letting one of the meetings go past the two hour limit.
I want to thank outgoing members of the Parent Council and hope to welcome new members at the
AGM in September.
Have a great summer, you have all earned it!!
Mhairi Weir, Chairperson
16 August 2010
18 August 2010
25 August 2010
26 August 2010
31 August 2010
6 September 2010
8 September 2010
15 September 2010
16 September 2010
23 September 2010
24 September 2010
27 September 2010
29 September 2010
30 September 2010
1 October 2010
5 October 2010
7 October 2010
8 October 2010
11 October 2010
12 October 2010
15 October 2010
21 October 2010
28 October 2010
1 November 2010
Staff return to school for two In-service training days
Pupils return to school
(Year Group Assemblies)
S1 Assembly including Badging of S5/S6 Prefects, House Captains,
Head Boy and Head Girl
Period 6 – UCAS talk to S6 Pupils
5.30 p.m. – UCAS talk for parents/carers
Advanced Higher Biology Trip to Vane Farm
Parent/Forum/Parent Council AGM (6.45 p.m.)
Advanced Higher Geography Trip to Kindrogen (3days)
Pupils at French Theatre Production
Periods 1 – 4 S6 pupils at Higher Education Convention in Rothes
S1 & S3 School Photographs
S3 Fife Hockey Tournament
S4 Parents Evening details sent home
Year Group Assemblies
DHS Careers Convention (6.30p.m. – 8.30p.m.)
Pupils MUST return their UCAS
Personal Statements to Guidance staff
Final Deadline for October Newsletter
Fife Senior Pupils (S4-S6) Hockey Tournament
S2 Fife Hockey Tournament
S4 Parents Evening (5.00p.m.)
Final Deadline for UCAS forms for Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary
or Oxbridge
Local Development Group Meeting (New School) 5.30p.m.
Parent Council Meeting (6.45p.m.)
S6 Individual and Group Photographs AND S5/S6 Prefects Photograph
Finish at 3.40p.m. for October Holidays
October Newsletter posted home
S1 “Settling in” reports/letters posted home
Staff and pupils return after October holidays
Thanks to the help of lots of Drama and Home
Economics pupils we raised a staggering £178.13 in
the space of a 20 minute interval for the animal
charities The Blue Cross and Little Hen Rescue.
The Blue Cross Tea Party has now become an annual
fixture in our staff room, where the pupils have a lot
of fun shaking the staff down for cash! This year
our games were a Quick Quiz, Guess the Kitten’s
Name and a Tombola which were hosted by S3
Drama pupils. It was so busy and the pupils worked
so hard – they didn’t miss a single opportunity to
empty the teachers’ pockets!
There was a stall full of delicious goodies baked by Miss L
Whitehead and her team in Home Economics which did a
roaring trade! Teas, coffees and choccie biscuits were also
served by pupils.
The Quick Quiz questions were all based on hens/roosters this
year in support of Little Hen Rescue. This is a great little UK
Charity which rescues, cares for and rehomes battery hens.
LHR had a terrible time earlier this year, which you may have
seen on the news: returning back from a rescue one of their
trailers was involved in a crash which resulted in a hundredplus hens being killed and over 600 injured. They also lost their
trailer and 4x4. As well as the distress at the loss and injury of so
many hens, the financial impact on the charity has been
enormous with all the additional veterinary and care costs required until the wee hens are well
enough to be rehomed, not forgetting that the charity will also need to replace transport for hens
in future rescues. If you would like to help LHR visit their website at www.littlehenrescue.co.uk
Princes Trust is different from other subjects because it is relaxed and fun. We
can all be ourselves and have a laugh. We have enjoyed a lot over the two years
like the trips we have been on and raising money for charities.
Everyone has changed in the last
two years for the better. We
have learned to get along better
with each other and to deal
with problems in a positive way. The skills we
learned are to be well mannered, more polite and
how to work in a team.
Some people will be moving on to college, some are
staying on at school and the rest are going straight
into work.
As part of our course we did a residential and attended Dukeshouse
Wood (a Kingswood Residential Centre) in Hexum near Newcastle in
the Easter holidays for 3 days and 2 nights. We raised money for
this by doing different sponsors such as sponsored fast,
sponsored silence and sponsored walk over the Forth Road Bridge.
We were also trained in Heart Start Basic First Aid.
We took part in different activities which we all enjoyed. The Night
Line was all of us with blindfolds on and had to hold hands. There
was a rope going around the whole circuit of the assault course which
went up and down so we had to crawl on our knees through the mud
at times.
3G Swing consisted of a metal bar that your harness was attached to. Your fellow pupils pull you
up from a rope at the bottom. After you get to the height you want you pull a small rope to release it
and you swing back and forth but with force and feel the pull of gravity which is why they call it
3G – G for Gravity.
Jacobs ladder was a high ladder where the gaps in the logs got bigger and bigger. You have to work
as a team to get each other as high as possible. It was harder than it sounds!
We also enjoyed Lazer Quest, Aeroball, Archery, Fencing, Leap of Faith and countless other activities.
Everyone’s favourite was the 3G swing as most of us screamed like girls when we pulled the cord
to release the swing.
Thank you to Mike Crosbie (CLD) and Miss Mackie for arranging it and taking us. We all had a
fantastic time and would love to go again.
Congratulations to the S4 Princes Trust XL group who
successfully managed to achieve the Gold ASDAN
award for the full group. This is a spectacular
achievement as very few groups across the country have EVER managed this. A big well done
from Miss Mackie and Mike!
The School Wind Band participated in a regional music workshop on the 15th June 2010 at the Rothes
Halls in Glenrothes. This involved 34 pupils and 3 members of staff from Dunfermline High School who
collaborated with over 400 musicians from other Fife Schools to form a Massed Schools Wind Band
The morning session involved all school bands performing a short concert to each other with
support being provided by Fife Instrumental Instructors and the relevant music teachers. This enabled
pupils to experience various styles of wind band music featuring a mixture of ability levels.
Dunfermline High School performed three pieces exceptionally well, comprising The Muppets,
Snowdrop and Sesame Street which were all very well received by the crowd. Well done to our heroic
musicians who flew the flag so capably for Dunfermline High School, with special thanks to
Helena Bull who performed the soprano saxophone solo Snowdrop with panache.
A brief lunch was followed by an afternoon workshop involving all 435 young musicians from
across the Kingdom. The workshop was conducted by Major Andy Thornhill from the Royal Marines
Band Service who really put the massed band through its paces with two taxing works. The first
was African Spirit Dance by John O’Reilly and the second was local composer Bruce Fraser’s suite
Young Wizards. This workshop demonstrated to pupils the importance of sectional rehearsals, stand
discipline and ensemble playing which culminated in an outstanding performance that was
remarkably tight and synchronised.
All of the pupils involved worked extremely hard throughout the day and their personal discipline,
patience and exemplary behaviour was very much appreciated by all of the staff involved. You
should all feel very proud of yourselves, well done! Thank you also to Miss Miller and Mrs. Fagan
for their sterling support throughout the day.
Richard Hardy
Scott Young (12) was 1 of 100 members to be drawn to
take part in the Camp Nou FC Barcelona members
tournament 2010. He was the only one drawn from UK.
He came out the tunnel to the anthem in the background,
his name shouted over tannoy, coaching by FCB Escola
½ hour each way game of football and medal ceremony.
He also got a Barca top from FCB for the event which he
was to keep.
Another fantastic trip to the Factory Skatepark was held during activity week. A total of 24 pupils
went over the 3 days. Seven of the group went for two days while another seven went for the whole
three days.
The boys who went on the trip all behaved really well and the staff at the Factory were impressed
both by their attitude and the quality of their skills on blades, skateboards and bikes.
Everyone had a great time and are hoping to go again next year.
Mr Ramsay and Mr Clark again enjoyed the quality of food in the cafe but were a bit worried when
they heard that the cafe would be changing ownership. However we were assured that the "Big
Breakfast" will still be on the menu for next year.
I Clark
This year’s skiing trip was another successful outing and much enjoyed by all participants. Those
who took part should look out for the photo display on the wall of J – block, outside J37, after the
holidays. A big thank-you is due to all staff and pupils who contributed to making it so enjoyable.