1 Electronics II Laboratory #2 Lower Cutoff Frequency of a Bypassed CommonEmitter Amplifier OBJECTIVES The purpose of this experiment is to measure the lower cutoff frequency of a commonemitter amplifier due to coupling and bypass capacitors. You will be able to demonstrate the effect of these capacitances on the lower cutoff frequency and learn how to estimate this frequency. EQUIPMENT LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 2N2222 silicone transistor 15-V DC Power Supply Signal Generator Resistors: (1) 82 kΩ, (1) 15 kΩ, (1) 6.8 kΩ, (1) 2.2 kΩ, (1) 1.5 kΩ, (1) 5.6 kΩ 5. Capacitors: (2) 100 µF, (1) 4.7 µF, (1) 0.22 µF, (1) 0.1 µF 6. Two oscilloscope probes 7. 1 Breadboard 8. Jumper Cables 9. Digital Multimeter 10. Oscilloscope DISCUSSION Since the impedance of coupling capacitors increases as frequency decreases, the voltage gain of a BJT amplifier decreases as frequency decreases. At very low frequencies, the capacitive reactance of the coupling capacitors may become large enough to drop some amount of the input or output voltage. Also, the emitter bypass capacitor may become large enough so that it no longer shorts the emitter resistor to ground decreasing the amplifier voltage gain. The following equations can be used to determine the lower cutoff frequency, where the voltage gain drops 3 dB from the midband value or 0.707 times the midband AV. f c (C1 ) = 1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ C1 ⋅ (Rs + Rin ) Rin = R1 // R2 // rπ where: fc (C1) = lower cutoff frequency due to C1 C1 = input coupling capacitance Rin = input resistance of the amplifier Rs = source resistance By: Prof. Rubén Flores Flores, Prof. Caroline González Rivera Rev: 09/16/05 2 Electronics II Laboratory #2 f c (C2 ) = 1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ C2 ⋅ (Ro + RL ) Ro = RC where fc (C2) = lower cutoff frequency due to C2 C2 = output coupling capacitance Ro = output resistance of the amplifier RL = load resistance f c (C E ) = 1 2 ⋅ π ⋅ C E ⋅ Rth r + R1 // R2 // Rs Rth = RE // π β + 1 β ⋅ VT rπ = I CQ where fc (CE) = lower cutoff frequency due to CE CE = emitter bypass capacitance Rth = Thevenin resistance parallel to the bypass capacitor RE = emitter resistance Rs = source resistance R1 and R2 = input bias resistors β = short circuit current gain of the transistor VT = thermal voltage (26 mV @ 300 K) ICQ = DC bias current of the transistor’s collector. Provided that the cutoff frequencies are not close in value, the overall lower cutoff frequency is approximately equal to the sum of the three individual cutoff frequencies. PROCEDURE 1) Using the digital multimeter, measure the β of the BJT transistor and the resistors values of the circuit resistors. Complete table 1. 2) To measure the bias current (Icq) of the amplifier, connect the following circuit. Remember this current is DC. Determine the value of the dynamic resistance of the transistor (rπ). Complete table 1. By: Prof. Rubén Flores Flores, Prof. Caroline González Rivera Rev: 09/16/05 3 Electronics II Laboratory #2 VCC 15V 82kohm R1 6.8kohm Rc 0.22uF C2 5.6kohm Rs 50mV 35.36mV_rms 10kHz 0Deg Vs + + 0.1uF C1 VL Vin 15kohm R2 - 1.5kohm Re 4.7uF Ce 2.2kohm RL - 3) Set the signal generator voltage and frequency to 50 mV peak and 10 kHz respectively. Make sure that the signal generator termination is 50 Ω. 4) To verify that the amplifier is working, measure with the oscilloscope the peak-topeak voltages of Vin , VL and Vs. These values can be used to determine the midband voltage gain AV = VL Vin and the voltage gain from load-to-source AS = VL VS . Complete table 2. 5) Now decrease the frequency of the signal generator until the peak-to-peak voltage of the load decreases to 0.707 times the value at 10 kHz. This is the overall lower cutoff frequency of the amplifier. (Table 4). 6) Return the signal generator frequency back to 10 kHz. Decrease the frequency of the generator to each frequency in Table 3 measuring values of VL at each frequency. These voltage values will be used to plot the low-frequency response of the amplifier. 7) By making two capacitors very large, the effects of those capacitors on the lower cutoff frequency can be made negligible. The cutoff due to the third capacitors can By: Prof. Rubén Flores Flores, Prof. Caroline González Rivera Rev: 09/16/05 4 Electronics II Laboratory #2 then be measured. With this in mind, change the capacitor values to measure the individual cutoff frequency of each capacitor. To measure the cutoff frequency due to the input coupling capacitor (C1) change the following capacitors values (observe polarities as shown in Figure): C1 = 0.1 µF, C2 = 100 µF, CE = 100 µF 8) Return the signal generator frequency back to 10 kHz and again start decreasing the frequency until the peak-to-peak voltage of the load decreases to 0.707 times the value at 10 kHz. This frequency is fc(C1). (Table 4) 9) To measure the cutoff frequency due to the output coupling capacitor (C2) change the following capacitors values (observe polarities as shown in Figure): C1 = 100 µF, C2 = 0.22 µF, CE = 100 µF 10) Return the signal generator frequency back to 10 kHz and again start decreasing the frequency until the peak-to-peak voltage of the load decreases to 0.707 times the value at 10 kHz. This frequency is fc(C2). (Table 4) 11) To measure the cutoff frequency due to the bypass capacitor (CE) change the following capacitors values (observe polarities as shown in Figure): C1 = 100 µF, C2 = 100 µF, CE = 4.7 µF 12) Return the signal generator frequency back to 10 kHz and again start decreasing the frequency until the peak-to-peak voltage of the load decreases to 0.707 times the value at 10 kHz. This frequency is fc(CE). (Table 4) 13) Calculate the overall cutoff frequency summing the individual cutoff frequencies from steps 8, 10 and 12. 14) Using table 3, plot the amplifier frequency response (AV (dB) vs. freq.). The voltage gain in decibels is equal to V Av (dB) = 20 ⋅ log L . Vin From the graph identify the overall cutoff frequency. Remember this happen when the gain drops 3 dB from the midband voltage gain in decibels. By: Prof. Rubén Flores Flores, Prof. Caroline González Rivera Rev: 09/16/05 5 Electronics II Laboratory #2 DATA Table 1: Steps 1 and 2 Amplifier’s Measured Parameters Values R1 R2 RS RC RE RL Β ICQ Table 2: Midband Voltage Gain (f = 10 kHz). Step 4 VL (peak-to-peak) AV = VL Vin As = VL VS Table 3: Frequency Response (Step 6) Frequency (Hz) VL (peak-to-peak) As = VL VS AV = VL Vin 10 k 8k 6k 4k 2k 1k 950 900 850 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 50 Table 4: Amplifier’s Cutoff Frequencies Lower cutoff Step Number frequency 5 (overall) 8 10 12 13 (overall) By: Prof. Rubén Flores Flores, Prof. Caroline González Rivera Rev: 09/16/05