12 AND PHASORS COMPLEX NUMBERS 12-1 12-2 12-3 "12-4 "12-5 Introductionto Phasors The ComplexNumberSystem Rectangular and PolarForms MathematicalOperations TechnologyTheoryinto Practice at PSpiceTutorial http:/iwww.prenhalLcom/floyd r INTRODUCTION In this chapter,two important tools for the analysisof ac circuits are introduced. These are phasors and complex numbers.You will see how phasors are a convenient, graphic way to representsinusoidal voltages and cunents in terms of their magnitude and phase angle. In later chapters,you will see how phasorscan also representother ac circuit quantities. The complex number system is a means for expressingphasor quantities and for performing mathematical operationswith those quantities. Phasor diagrams are an abstract method of representing quantities that have both magnitude and direction. In the case of sinusoidal voltages and currents, the magnitude is the amplitude of the sine wave and the direction is its phase angle. Phasorsprovide a way to diagram sine waves and their phase relationships with other sine waves. The complex number system provides a way to mathematically expressa phasor quantity and allows phasor quantities to be added, subtracted,multiplied, or divided. Use of a calculator in complex number conversionsand arithmetic is covered thoroughly. The phaserelationship of two sine waves canbe graphically representedby phasors and it can also be measuredon an oscilloscope, as you will see in the TECH TIP in Section 12-5. r T T lr P rc trU D U B R r TECHnoloev ut Theory Into Practice r CHAPTER OBIECTIVES 0 Usea phasorto representa sine wave 0 Usecomplexnumbers to expressphasor quantities 0 Represent phasorsin two complex forms tr Do mathematicaloperationswith complex numbers both manually and with a calculator 432 T PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS 12_1 . INTRODUCTIONTO PHASORS Phasors provide a graphic meansfor representing quantities that huve both magnitude and direction (angular position). Phasors are especially useful for representing sine waves in terms of their magnitude and phase angle and also for analysis of reactive circaits studied in later chapters. After completing this section, you should be uble to I Use a phasor to represent a sine wave . Define phasor . Explain how phasorsare related to the sine wave formula . Draw a phasor diagram . Discussangularvelocity You may already be familiar with vectors. In math and science, a vector is any quantity with both magnitude and direction. Examples of vectors are force, velocity, and acceleration. The simplest way to describe a vector is to assign a magnitude and an angle to a quantity. In electronics, a phasor is similar to a vector but generally refers to quantitiesthat vary with time such as sine waves. Examples of phasors are shown in Figure 12-1. The length of the phasor "arrow" representsthe magnitude of a quantity. The angle, 0 (relative to 0'), representsthe angular position, as shown in parl (a) for a positive angle. The specific phasor example in part (b) has a magnitude of 2 and a phase angle of 45'. The phasor in part (c) has a magnitude of 3 and a phase angle of 180". The phasor in part (d) has a magnitudeof 1 and a phaseangle of -45o (or +315"). Notice that positive anglesare measuredcounterclockwise (CCW) from the reference (0") and negative angles are measured clockwise (CW) from the reference. (c.) F I G U R E1 2 - 1 Examplesof phasors. 270" 270" 270" 270" INTRODUCTION TO PHASORS. 433 PhasorRepresentation of a SineWave A full cycle of a sine wave can be representedby rotation of a phasor through 360 degrees. The instantaneous value of the sine wave at any point is equal to the vertical distance from the tip of the phasor to the horizontal axis. Figure 12-2 shows how the phasor traces out the sine wave as it goes from 0o to 360o. You can relate this concept to the rotation in an ac generator (refer to chapter I l). / rr.s" z7o"3rs. 360. 2'70" F I G U R E1 2 - 2 Sine waverepresentedby rotationalphasor motion. Notice in Figure l2-2 that the length of the phasor is equal to the peak value of the sine wave (observethe 90' and the 270' points). The angle of the phasor measuredfrom 0' is the corresponding angular point on the sine wave. Phasors and the SineWaveFormula Let's examine a phasor representationat one specific angle. Figure 12-3 shows a voltage phasor at an angular position of 45o and the correspondingpoint on the sine wave. The instantaneousvalue of the sine wave at this point is related to both the position and the length of the phasor.As previously mentioned, the veftical distance from the phasor tip down to the horizontal axis representsthe instantaneousvalue of the sine wave at that ooint. u = Vrsin 0 F I C U R E1 2 - 3 Right triangle derivation of sine waveformula, Notice that when a vertical line is drawn from the phasor tip down to the horizontal axis, a right triangle is formed, as shown shadedin Figure r2-3.Thelength of the pha_ sor is the hypotenuseofthe triangle, and the vertical projection is the opposite side. From trigonometry, The opposite side of a right triangle is equal to the hypotenuse times the sine of the angle d. 434 I PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS The length of the phasor is the peak value of the sinusoidal voltage, Vo. Thus, the site side of the triangle, which is the instantaneousvalue, can be expressedas v = Vpsin0 Recall that this formula is the one statedin Chapter 11 for calculating instantaneous soidal voltage. A similar formula applies to a sinusoidal current. i = Ipsin 0 Positiveand NegativePhasorAngles The position of a phasor at any instant can be expressedas a positive angle, as you seen, or as an equivalent negative angle. Positive angles are measured from 0o. Negative angles are measuredclockwise from 0o. For a given positive angle the correspondingnegative angle is 0 * 360", as illustrated in Figure 124(a).In part a specific example is shown. The angle of the phasor in this case can be expressed +225" or -135'. F I G U R E1 2 - 4 Positiveand negativephasor angles, 270" EXAMPLE 12-1 270" For the phasor in each part of Figure 12-5, determine the instantaneoussine value. Also express each positive angle shown as an equivalent negative angle. length of each phasor representsthe peak value of the sine wave. F I G U R E1 2 - 5 (b) (c) t0v (d) (f) INTRODUCTION TO PI-IASORSr 435 Solution (a) v = 10sin0'= 10(0)= 0 V 0=0" (b) v = l0 sin30'= 10(0.5) = 5V = = = 0 30o 0 360" 30o- 360' = -330' (c) v = 10sin90'= 10(l)= 10V 0=90"=-270o (d) v = 10 sin 135"= 10(0.707) =7.07Y 0=I35"=-225o (e) v = 10 sin270' = 10(-1)= -10 V 0 =2J0o= -90' (f) y = 10 sin330' = 10(-0.5)= -5 V 0=330'= -30o The equivalentnegativeanglesareshownin Figure 12-5. RelatedProblem If a phasoris at 45' and its lengthrepresents15 v, what is the instantaneous sinewavevalue? PhasorDiagrams A phasor diagram can be used to show the relative relationship of two or more sine waves of the same frequency.A phasor in a fxed position is used to represent a complete sine wave because once the phase angle between two or more sine waves of the same frequency or between the sine wave and a reference is established,the phase angle remains constantthroughout the cycles. For example, the two sine waves in Figure I2-6(a) can be representedby a phasor diagram, as shown in pafi (b). As you can see,sine wave B leads sine wave A by 30" and has less amplitude than sine wave A, as indicated by the lengths of the phasors. 12-6 of a phasor diagram. 270" 12-2 Use a phasor diagram to representthe sine waves in Figure l2-7. F I G U R E1 2 - 7 yv(v) (v) 436 T PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS Solution The phasor diagram representing the sine waves is shown in 12-8. The length of each phasor representsthe peak value of the sine wave. F I G U R E1 2 - B 45"a l.sv Related Problem Describe a phasor to representa 5 V peak sine wave that lags sine wave C in Figure L2-7 by 25'. AngularVelocityof a Phasor As you have seenoone cycle of a sine wave is traced out when a phasor is through 360 degrees.The faster it is rotated, the faster the sine wave cycle is traced Thus, the period and frequency are related to the velocity of rotation of the phasor. velocity of rotation is called the angular velocity and is designatedc,r(the small letter omega). When a phasor rotates through 360 degreesor 2n radians, one complete traced oul Therefore, the time required for the phasor to go through 2n radians is period of the sine wave. Becausethe phasor rotates through 2n radransin a time the period f, the angular velocity can be expressedas " f t l = - 2n T Since/= 177 a =2nf, When a phasor is rotated at an angular velocity c,r,then or is the angle which the phasor has passedat any instant. Therefore, the following relationship can stated: '1$,+,eoI., (1 Substituting 2nf for @,you get 0 = 2nft.With this relationship between angle and the equation for the instantaneousvalue of a sinusoidal voltage, y = Vrsin 0, canbe ten as i = VpsinZnfl The instantaneousvalue can be calculated at any point in time along the sine wave if the frequency and peak value are known. The unit of 2nft is the radian. T H EC O M P L E X N U M B E RS Y S T E M. EXAMPLE 12-3 437 Whatis thevalueof a sinusoidal voltageat 3 ptsfrom thepositive-going zerocrossing whenV, = 10V andf = 50 kHz? Solution v=VosinZnft = 10 sin[2n(50 kHz)13x 10 o s)] = 8.09V Related Problem What is the valueof a sinusoidalvoltageat 12 ptsfrom the positive-goingzerocrossingwhenV, = 50 V andf = 10 kHz? 12-1 1. What is a phasor? 2. Whatis theangularvelocityof a phasorrepresenting a sinewavewith a frequency of 1500Hz? 3. A cerlain phasor has an angular velocity of 628 radls. To what frequency does this correspond? 4. Sketch a phasor diagram to representthe two sine waves in Figure 12-9. Use peak values. F I G U R E1 2 - 9 v(v) 2-2T THE COMPLEXNUMBERSYSTEM Complex numhers qllow mathematical operations with phasor qaantities snd are useful in analysis of ac circuits. With the complex number system,you can add, subtract, mukiply, und divide quantities that have both magnitude and angle, such as sine waves und other uc circuit quantities that will be studied later. After completing this section, you should be able to I Use complex numbers to express phasor quantities . Describe the complex plane . Representa point on the complex plane . Discuss real and imasinarv numbers Positiveand NegativeNumbers Positive numbers can be representedby points to the right of the origin on the horizontal axis of a graph, and negative numbers can be representedby points to the left of the origin, as illustratedin Figure l2-10(a). Also, positivenumberscan be representedby points on the vertical axis above the origin, and negative numbers can be representedby points below the origin, as shown in Figure 12-10(b). 438 I PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS (a) (b) FtcuRE12-10 Graphic representation of positive and negative numbers. T h e C o mp l e xP l ane To distinguish between values on the horizontal axis and values on the vefiical axis,a complex plane is used. In the complex plane, the horizontal axis is called the real axis, and the vertical axis is called the imaginary axis, as shown in Figure l2-ll. F I G U R E1 2 - 11 The complexplane. Negative real axis Negativej axis In electrical circuit work, a t7 prefix is used to designatenumbers that lie on the imaginary axis in order to distinguish them from numbers lying on the real axis. This prefix is known as the j operator. In mathematics,an I is used instead of a j, but in electric circuits, the i can be confused with instantaneouscurrent, so I is used. AngularPositionon the ComplexPlane Angular positions can be representedon the complex plane, as shown in Frgure 12-12. The positive real axis representszero degrees.Proceeding counterclockwise, the +j axis represents90o, the negative real axis represents180', the -7 axis is the 270" point, and, after a full rotation of 360", we are back to the positive real axis. Notice that the planeis sectionedinto four quadrants. THE COMPLEXNUMBERSYSTEM f 439 2nd, quadrant//.- FIGURE 12-12 Angleson the complexplane. Representing a Pointon the ComplexPlane A point located on the complex plane can be classified as real, imaginary (t7), or a combination of the two. For example, a point located 4 units from the origin on the positive real axis is the positive real number, +4, as shown in Figure 12-13(a). A point 2 units from the origin on the negativereal axis is the negativereal number, -2, as shown in part (b). A point on the +7 axis 6 units from the origin, as in part (c), is the positive imaginary number, +76. Finally, a point 5 units along the -7 axis is the negative imaginary number, j5, as in part (d). (a) Real number, +4 (b) Real number, - 2 (c) Imaginary number, +76 (d) Imaginary number, -j5 FIGURE 12-13 Real and imaginary Q) numberson the complexplane. 440 r AND COMPLEXNUMBERS PHASORS When a point lies not on any axis but somewherein one of the four quadrants,it is a complex number and can be defined by its coordinates.For example, in Figure 12-14, the point located in the first quadrant has a real value of +4 and a7 value of +74 andis expressedas +4, +j4. The point located in the second quadrant has coordinates -3 and +j2.The point located in the third quadranthas coordinates-3 and -j5. The point located in the fourth quadrant has coordinatesof+6 and-j4. H G U R E1 2 - 1 4 Coordinatepoints on the complexplnne. 12-4 EXAMPLE (a) Locate the following points on the complex plane:7, j5;5, -j2; -3.5, jt; and -5.s,-j6.5. (b) Determine the coordinatesfor each point in Figure 12-15. +J i7,js _3;s1jl ---i-;'r t t l - l : t ,,.i,-.,t,ial i _J FtcuRE12-'t6 FtcuRE12-1s Solution (a) SeeFigure12-16. (b) l:2,j6 2:ll, jl 5: -1, -j9 6: -5, -j5 3:6, -j2 4:10, -jl0 7: -6, j5 8: -2, jll Related Problem In what quadrant is each of the following points located? (d) -11, {6.8 (a) +2.5,+jr (b) 7,-j5 (c) -10, -r5 t2 RECTANCULAR AND POLARFORMS . 441 Valueof i If we multiply the positive real value of +2 by j, the result is +72. This multiplication has effectively moved the +2 through a 90' angle to the +7 axis. Similarly, multiplying +2 by -/ rotates it -90' to the -7 axis. Thus,7 is considereda rotational operator. Mathematically, the 7 operator has a value of V-1. If +72 is multiplied by j we get izz = 1{-gf{ -UfU = eD(2)= -2 This calculation effectively places the value on the negative real axis. Therefore, multiplying a positive real number by 7' converts it to a negative real number, which, in effect, is a rotation of 180' on the complex plane. This operation is illustrated in Figure 12-17. FIGURE 12-17 Effect of thej operatoron location of a number on the complexplane. 12-2 1. Locate the following points on the complex plane: (a) +3 (b) -4 (c) +71 What is the angular difference between the following numbers: (b) {6 and -6 (a) +4 and +j4 (c) +j2 and -j2 I RECTANGULAR AND POLARFORMS The rectangular form und the polar form are two forms of complex numbers that are used to representphasor quantities. Esch hus certuin advantages when used in circuit analysis, depending on the particular application. After completing this section, you should be sble to I Represent phasors in two complex forms . Show how to representa phasor in rectangular form . Show how to representa phasor in polar form . Convert between rectangular and polar forms As you know, a phasor quantity contains both magnitude and angular position or phase. In this text, italic letters such as V and I are used to representmagnitude only, and boldface nonitalic letters such as V and I are used to represent complete phasor quantities. Other circuit quantities that can be expressedin phasor form will be studied in later chapters. 442 T PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS Form Rectangular A phasor quantity is representedin rectangular form by the algebraic sum of the real value (A) of the coordinate and the 7 value (B) of the coordinate, expressedin the following general form: A+jB An "arrow" drawn from the origin to the coordinate point in the complex plane is used to represent graphically the phasor quantity. Examples of phasor quantities arc | + j2, 5 - j3, -4 + j4, and-2 -76, which are shown on the complex plane in Figure 12-18.As you can see, the rectangular coordinates describe the phasor in terms of its values proiected onto the real axis and the I axis. FIGURE 12-18 Examplesof phasors specifi.edby rectangular coordinates. PolarForm Phasorquantities can also be expressedin polar form, which consistsof the phasormagnitude (C) and the angular position relative to the positive real axis (0), expressedin the following general form: CZ!O Examples are2145o, 52.120",4Lll0", md 82-30' . The first number is the magnitude, and the symbol lprecedes the value of the angle.Figure 12-19 showsthesephasorsonthe complex plane. The length of the phasor,of course,representsthe magnitude of the quantity. Keep in mind that for every phasor expressedin polar form, there is also an equivalent expressionin rectangularform. F I G U R E1 2 - 1 9 Examples of phasors specifiedby polar values. RECTANCULAR AND POTARFORMS . 443 Most scientific calculators have provisions for conversion between rectangular and polar forms. The basic conversionmethods are presentedfirst so that you will understand the mathematical procedure,followed by the calculator methods. Conversionfrom Rectangular to PolarForm A phasor can exist in any of the four quadrantsof the complex plane, as indicated in Figure 12-20. The phase angle 0 in each case is measuredrelative to the positive real axis (0') as shown. -NI e= 180"+0 (a) lst quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant (c) 3rd quadrant (d) 4th quadrant F I G U R E1 2 - 2 0 All possiblephasor quadrantlocations.0 is the angk of the phasor relative to the positive real axis in each case,and $ is the angle in the 2nd and 3rd quadrantsrelative to the negativereal axis. The first step to convert from rectangular form to polar form is to determine the magnitude of the phasor. A phasor can be visualized as forming a right triangle in the complex plane, as indicated in Figure 12-21, for each quadrant location. The horizontal side of the triangle is the real value, A, and the vertical side is the 7 value, B. The hypotenuseof the triangle is the length of the phasor, C, representingthe magnitude, and can be expressed,using the Pythagoreantheorem, as c=fA'+E ('t2-4) Next, the angle d indicated in parts (a) and (d) of Figure 12-21 is expressedas an inversetangentfunction. -'l tB\ d=tan-l I \ A / lst quadrant (b) 2nd quadrant 12-21 angle relationships in the complex plane. (12-s) (d) 4th quadrant 4 4 4 T P H A S O RA SN D C O M P L E X NUMBERS The angle d indicated in parts (b) and (c) of Figure 12-21 is d=+180'Td which includes both conditions as indicated by the dual signs. o = +180o + tun-'/4) \A/ (t2-6) In each case the appropriate signs must be used in the calculation. The general formula for converting from rectangular to polar is as follows: -rA ljB = C./.+0 Example l2-5 illustrates the conversionprocedure. EXAMPLE 12-5 Convert the following complex numbers from rectangular form to polar form by determining the magnitude and angle: (a) 8 +76 (b) 10 - j5 (c) -r2 * j18 (d) -7 +r10 Solution (a) The magnitude of the phasor representedby 8 + j6 is c=f*+*=f{\6r=Vloo=to Since the phasoris in the flrst quadrant,use Equation (12-5). The angle is s= tan-'(!! ) =,* '19)= ro.s' A \ / \8/ 0 is the angle relative to the positive real axis. The complete polar expressionfor this phasor is C = 10236.9' Boldface, nonitalic letters representphasor quantities. (b) The magnitude of the phasor representedby l0 -75 is c =f rd\ esf =f tzs=1L.2 Since the phasor is in the fourth quadrant, use Equation (I2-5). The angle is o = r a n' f - l \ = - 2 6 . 6 . \ 10/ 0 is the angle relative to the positive real axis. The complete polar expressionfor this phasoris C = ll.2Z-26.6 (c) The magnitudeof the phasorrepresentedby -12 - 718 is s =f en)u+ (-tlf =f +ea=21.6 Since the phasor is in the third quadrant,use Equation (12-6). The angle is d = -180'. t*-'(#) = -180o+ 56.3'= -123.7" The complete polar expressionfor this phasor is C = 21.62-123.7" RECTANCULAR AND POLARFORMS . 445 (d) The magnitude of the phasor representedby -7 + 710 is c = f ( J ) z+ t e = f u g = 1 2 . 2 Since the angle is in the secondquadrant,use Equation (12-6). The angle is d = l g o o - , u n - t ( - 1 9 ) = l g o o * 5 5 o= 1 2 5 o \ 1I The completepolar expression for this phasoris C = 72.21125" RelatedProblem Convertl8 + j23 to polar form. Conversionfrom Polarto RectangularForm The polar form gives the magnitude and angle of a phasor quantity, as indicated in Figure 1a aa F I G U R E1 2 - 2 2 Polar componentsof a phasor. I B = c s i n0 A=Ccosd To get the rectangular form, sidesA and B of the triangle must be found, using the rules from trigonometry statedbelow: A=Ccos0 (12-8) B=Csin0 (12*9) The polar-to-rectangular conversionformulais asfollows: CZ A =Ccos 0 +7C sinA = A + jB The following exampledemonstrates this conversion. E 12-6 Convert the following polar quantities to rectangular form: (a) 102.30' (b) 2002-45" (c) 42135' Solution (a) The real part of the phasor representedby 10230' is A = C c o s d = 1 0 c o s 3 0 " = 1 0 ( 0 . 8 6 6=) 8 . 6 6 The j part of this phasor is jB = jC titl I = j10 sin 30' - j10(0.5) =75 The complete rectangular expressionis A + jB = 8.66*"t5 (12-10) 446 I PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS (b) The real part of the phasor representedby 20Ol-45" is A = 200 cos(-45") = 200(0.101)= I4l The 7 part is jB = j2O0 sin(-45') = j200(-0.101) = -jr41 The complete rectangular expressionis A+jB=141 -jl4l (c) The real part of the phasor representedby 42135" is A = 4 cos 135o= 4(-0.70'7)= -2.83 The j part is jB = j4 sin 135' = 4(0.101)= 2.83 The complete rectangular expressionis A+jB=-2.83+j2.83 Related Prohlem Convert 782-26'to rectangular form. CalculatorConversionof ComplexNumbers The following discussion and examples apply to the TI-85 calculator. The procedureon other calculators may differ. Entering Complex Numbers All complex numbers must begin and end with parentheses,and each component must be separatedby either a comma for rectangular or an angle sign for polar. The angle sign is a secondary function. Complex numbers are entered on the TI-85 as follows. A number in rectangular form is entered in this format: (real,imaginary) A number in polar form is enteredin this format: (magnitudeZangle) EXAMPLE 12-7 Enter the following complex numberson your calculator: (a) 3 + j4 (b) 10 - j8 (c) 4/30" (d) 252-60' Solution (a) 3 + j4 is entered as (3,4). (b) 10 -78 is enteredas (10,-8). (c) 4130" is entered as (4130). (d) 252-60" is enteredas (24/-60). Related Problem and 130245'. Enter each of these complex numbers on your calculator: 15 + jl8 Form Conversions To convert one form of complex number to the other, you will use the MODE key on your calculator to select the form. To get into the mode sc press the @ *"y and then the fffi] key. The mode screenwill appear as shown in we 12-23. The highlighted (dark) items indicate the default selections.Of course,we RECTANCULAR AND POLARFORMS . 447 only interested in the Radian/Degree and the RectC/PolarC selections. Degree is the angular default, and PolarC is the complex form default. To choose a nonselecteditem, move 'he flashing highlight box to the desireditem using the arrow keys and pr"s M@. Press lG8iffi]to exit the mode screen. F I G U R E1 2 - 2 3 Defoult modescreen. With PolarC highlighted, you can enter a number in rectangular form and convert it to polar form. To do this, simply enter the rectangular number and press the [Sffi$] key. (real,imaginary) ENTER ---) (magnitudeZangle) To convert from polar to rectangular,use the directional arrow key and move the flashing highlight box from Normal down to RectC and press llxiEil. Exit the mode screen,enter the polar number, and press WF1 . (magnitudeZangle) ENTER ---------) (real,imaginary) (a) Convert l0 - j5 to polar form. (b) Convert l0Z3O" to rectansular form. Solution (a) Select PolarC on the mode screen, exit, enter the retangular number, and press ti. The resultis shownin Figure l2-24(a). To view rhe part of rhe number not originally displayed, press the right arrow key. (b) Select RectC on the mode screen,exit, enter the polar number, and press tENTTn The result is shown in Figure l2-24(b). Related Problem tansular form. (a) Convert 8 + j6 to polar form. (b) Convert 2002_45" to rec- The Complex (CPLX) Mode Another way of polar-to-rectangularand rectangular-topolar conversionsis the CPLX mode, which is selectedby pressing [ffiJ and @. trt this mode you will see the screen in Figure l2*25(a). Press the @ t"y and you get the screenin Figure l2-25(b). 448 T P H A S O RA SN D C O M P L E X NUMBERS (b)Press@ {a)Press Gndl rhenGNTEEI (c) Enterpolarnumber,pressGTl. Enterrectangular number,pressGl. F I G U R E1 2 - 2 5 Using the CPLX modefor conversions. To convert a polar number to rectangular form, enter the number in the properf, mat (magnitude/.angle) and press @ then t$Xffiil . To convert a rectangular number polarform, enterthe numberin the properformatandpressfffi] then ffi&ffiS] . fne are shownfor two examplenumbersin Figure 12-25(c). SECTION 12-3 REVIEW 1. Namethetwo partsof a complexnumberin rectangular form. 2. Namethetwo p*r, of a complexnumberin potarform. 3. Convert2 + j2 topolarform. In whichquuar*t i*t *t, phasorlie? 4. Convert52-45'to rectangular [orm.In whichquadrantdoesthisphasorlie? 12_4 . MATHEMATICAT OPERATIONS Complex numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided. After completing this section, you should be able to I Do mathematical operations with complex numbers . Add complex numbers . Subtract complex numbers . Multiply complex numbers . Divide complex numbers . Apply complex numbers to sine waves Addition Complex numbers must be in rectangular form in order to add them. The rule is Add the real parts of each complex number to get the real part of the sum. Then add thej parts of each complex number to get theT part of the sum. EXAMPLE 12-9 Add thefollowingsetsof complexnumbers: (a) 8 + j5 and2 + jl (b) 20 -710 and12+ j6 Solution (a) (8 +r5) + (2 + jl)= (8 + 2) +j(5 + l) = 10 +16 ( b ) ( 2 0 - 7 1 0 )+ ( r 2 + j 6 ) = ( 2 0 + 1 2 ) +j ( - 1 0 + 6 ) = 3 2 + j ( - 4 ) = 3 2 - j 4 RelatedProhlem Add 5 -j11 and-6 + j3. MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS. 449 Subtraction As in addition, the numbers must be in rectangular form to be subtracted.The rule is Subtract the real parts of the numbers to get the real part of the difference. Then subtract theT parts of the numbers to get theT part of the difference. EXAMPLE12-10 Performthe following subtracrions: (a) Subtract| + j2 from3 + j4. (b) Subtract10- j8 from 15+715. Solution (a) Q + jD - Q + j2)= (3 - 1)+ j(4 - 2) =2 + jz (b) (ls +jl5)-(10-j8)=(ls -10)+jlls -(-8)] = s + j23 RelatedProblem Subrract3.5- j4.5 from -10 - 79. Multiplication Multiplication of two complex numbers in rectangularform is accomplishedby multiplying, in turn, each term in one number by both terms in the other number and then combining the resulting real terms and the resulting/ terms (recall that j x j = -1). As an examole. r-f=l j3)(2- (5 + l u -J j4) = l0 - j20 + j6 + 12= 22 t Multiplication of two complex numbers is easier when both numbers are in polar form. The rule is Multiply the magnitudes, and add the angles algebraically. EXAMPLE 12_11 Performthe following multiplications: (a) 10/45' times5220o (b) 2260" times4l-30o Solution (a) (10245")(5220')= (r0)(5)z(45'+ 20")= 50265" (b) (2260")(42-30') = (2)(4)2160'+ (-30")l = 8230" RelatedProblem Multiply 50270' times302-60'. Division Division of two complex numbers in rectangular form is accomplished by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator and then combining terms and simplifying. The complex conjugate of a number is found by changing the sign of theT term. As an example, 10+/5 _ (r0 + js)(z- j4) _ 20- j30+ 20 _ 40- j30 (2+j4)(2-j4) 2+j4 4+16 20 450 I P H A S O RA SN D C O M P L E X NUMBERS Like multiplication, division is easier when the numbers are in polar form. The rule is Divide the magnitude of the numerator by the magnitude of the denominator to get the magnitude of the quotient. Then subtract the denominator angle from the numerator angle to get the angle of the quotient. EXAMPLE12_12 Performthe following divisions: (a) Divide 100250"by 25220'. (b) Dividel5ZlO' by 32-30'. Solution 100250'= / 100\ 20')= 4/30" ,u* \;)t(sO't 5 z t 0 "= \/;1) z5l\t }.'.( - 3 0 " 1=;5 t 4 0 " tot uas" ta) Related Problem Divide242-30"bv 6112". UsingComplexNumberswith SineWaves Since sine waves can be representedby phasors,they can be described in terms of complex numbers either in rectangularor polar form. For example, four seriessinusoidalvolt age sourcesall with the same frequency are shown in Figure 12-26. The sine wavesare graphed in Figure l2-27(a), and the phasor representationis shown in part (b). The total voltage acrossthe load in Figure 12-26 can be determined by first converting eachphasor to rectangular form and then adding as follows: Y,o,=Yr + V2 + V, + Vo = l0ll20" Y + 4230" Y + 8l-30" Y + 61-t30' Y = ( - 5 V + j 8 . 6 6 V ) + ( 3 . 4 6Y + j 2 V ) + ( 6 . 9 3v - j 4 V ) + ( - 3 . 8 6 V - j 4 . 6 0 V ) = 1 . 5 3V + j 2 . 0 6 Y = 2 . 5 72 5 3 . 4 " Y The total voltagehas a magnitudeof 2.51 V and a phaseangle of 53.4". As you have seen, sine waves can be representedin complex form and can be added, subtracted,multiplied, and divided using the rules that we have discussed.Also, as you will learn later, other electrical quantities, such as capacitive and inductive reactances, impedance, and power, can be described in complex form to ease many circuit analysis problems. F I G U R E1 2 - 2 6 Superimpos ed sinusoidalsources, r 0 t 1 2 0 "v 4130'v Y,o, 8Z 30"V 6Z-130'V 2.51253.4" V Frc ap' four Figt MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONST 451 12-27 diagram representing the out-of-phasesine waves in 12-26. (a) 10v 4V ComplexNumberOperationswith the Calculator Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of complex numbers can be easily done with the calculator.All operationsare accomplishedby simply entering the numbers in the proper format along with the arithmetic sign, just as you would for real numbers. The TI-85 is used to illustrate the procedures. Addition To add two or more complex numbers, enter the numbers with the plus sign and press format, or there can be a mixture of both formats. The form of the result is determinedby the selection on the mode screen. EXAMPLE 12-13 Add the following sets of complex numbers with the results in rectangular form: (c) 12120" and 8 + j6 (a) 8 + j5 and 2 + jI (b) 5245" and 10130" Solution For all of these additions, selectRectC on the mode screenso that the sums are in rectangular form; then exit the mode screen. The calculator screens should . appear as follows in Figure 12-28 after entering the numbers and pressing W Add 100 +750 and 15 - j45 and 35 +765. Obtain the sum in polar 452 I P H A S O RA SN D C O M P L E X NUMBERS Subtraction To subtract complex numbers, enter the numbers with the minus sign and press [EitLTTF), as illusrrared in rhe following example. EXAMPLE12_14 Subtract the following sets of complex numbers with the results in rectangular form: (a) 1 + j2 from 3 + j4 (b) 8235' from t2Zt0. (c) 22260. from 100 +750 Solution For all of these subtractions,select RectC on the mode screen so that the differences are in rectangular form; then exit the mode screen.The calculator screens rl,g!{ appear as follows in Figure 12-29 after entering the numbers and pressing {Efrf,,:'EEl. F I G U R E1 2 - 2 9 RelatedProblem subtracrl0 + j50 from 25 - 730. obtain rhe differencein polar form. Multiplication Tomultiply complex numbers, enter the numbers with the multiplication sign andpress(ffiFfr], as illustrated in the following example. EXAMPTE 12_15 Multiply the following sets of complex numbers with the results in polar form: (a) 1 + j2 and 3 + j4 (b) 8235" and t2lt0" (c) 22160" and 100 +750 Solution For all of these multiplications, select PolarC on the mode screen so that the products are in polar form; then exit the mode screen. The calculator screens +qql{ appear as follows in Figure 12-30 after entering rhe numbers and pressing GnTqil. RelatedProblem Multiply 10 +/50 and25-730. obtain the productin rectangular form. TECHNOLOCYTHEORYINTO PRACTICE. 453 Division To divide complex numbers, enter the numbers with the division sisn and press [FF-,,GFI, as illustrated in the following example. EXAMPLE 12-16 Divide the following sets of complex numbers with the results in polar form: (a) 5+j2by4+j4 (b) t6Z45"byt0Z50. ( c ) 2 5 1 5 0 "a n d 8 5 + j 5 5 Solution For all of thesedivisions, selectPolarC on the mode screenso that the quotients are in polar form; then exit the mode screen. The calculator screens should appear as follows in Figure 12-37 after entering the numbers and pressing GNTERI (b) (a) (c) RelatedProblem Divide 15 + j20 by 15 +710. obrainthe quotienrin rectangular form. 12-4 1. Add I + j2 and 3 - jl. Verify your result with a calculator. 2. Subtract12 + j18 from 15 + j25. Verify your resulrwith a calculator. I I j i 3. Muttiply 8145" times2165". Verify your resultwith a calcularor. 4. Divide 302'15" by 6260". Verify your result with a calculator. 2-5 r TECHnology TheoryInto Practice Phusors and complex numbers are mathematical concepts thst are usedfor the purpose of ac circuit analysis. Although this Tech TIP does not deul directty with phasors or complex numbers, the angular relationships thqt are meusured cun be represented by phasors. One way to measurethe phase angle between two sine waves with the same frequency is to flrst adjust the amplitude of one waveform on the scope screenso that both waveforms appearequal. Measure the time (Ar) between correspondingpoints on the waveforms and measurethe period. Then, using the relationship A,tlT = 0/360", calculate the phase angle 0 as 0 = (LtlT)360'. On most digital oscilloscopes,the cursorsmay be usedto determine L,t and T. Another way to measurethe phaseangle between two sine waves with the samefrequency is to use an analog oscilloscope and conveft the horizontal axis into angular divisions. The seconds/divisioncontrol can be switched off of the calibrated position and varied until there is exactly one half-cycle of the sine wave displayed across the screen as illustrated in Figure 12-32(a). (Generally,the time base of digital oscilloscopescannot be I il {l tl 454 T PHASORS AND COMPLEXNUMBERS (b) (a) F I G U R E1 2 - 3 2 decalibrated.)Since a half-cycle contains 180', each of the ten main horizontal divisions represents 18' and each of the small divisions represents3.6o, as indicated. A quarter cycle can be used although it is difficult to establish the exact positive peak when the waveform is spreadout. After the phase scale has been establishedusing one of the sine waves, the traces for both oscilloscope channels must be superimposedon each other and aligned along the horizontal axis to prevent any vertical offset of the waveforms. This is done by touching channel I probe to ground (0 V) or by switching the channel input coupling switch to the ground (GND) position and adjusting the vertical position to bring it to the center line on the screen,as indicated in Figure l2-32(b). This is repeatedfor the channeI 2 trace. Next the probes are connected to the two signals and each is ac coupled (channel input switch set to AC) into the scope. The scope should be triggered on the reference channel-do not use composite or vertical-mode triggering. You should set the amplitudes to an approximately equal height by taking the volts/division controls off of the calibrate position and adjusting each one. This is illustrated in Figure 12-33, The phase angle between the two waveforms can be most easily measured from the zero crossings, as shown. In this example, the angle is 36'. F I G U R E1 2 - 3 3 FORMULAS r 455 PhaseAngleMeasurement r 'toN 12-5 EW Determine the phase angle for each of the scope displays in Figure 12-34. A quarter cycle is shown in part (c). 1.. When measuringthe phaseangle between two waveforns on an oscilloscope,is the seconds/divisionsettingcritical? 2. How do you prevent vertical offset of the waveforms when measuring the phase angle? 3. What triggering methodshould be selectedfor a phaseshift measurement? SUMMARY I The angular position of a phasor representsthe angle of the sine wave with respectto a reference, and the length of a phasor representsthe amplitude. I A complex number representsa phasor quantity. I Complex numbers can be added, subtracted,multiplied, and divided. I The rectangular form of a complex number consists of a real part and aj part of the form A + jB. The polar form of a complex number consists of a magnitude and an angle of the form CZX 0. I GTOSSARY These terms are also in the end-of-book glossary. Angular velocity The rotational velocity of a phasor which is related to the frequency of the sine wave that the phasor represents. Complex plane An area consisting of four quadrantson which a quantity containing both magnitude and direction can be represented. Imaginary number A number that exists on the vertical axis of the complex plane. Phasor A representation of a sine wave in terms of its magnitude (amplitude) and direction (phase angle). Polar form One form of a complex number made up of a magnitude and an angle. Rectangular form FORMULAS One form of a complex number made up of a real part and an imaginary part. (r2-r) ot=2nf (r2-2\ (r2-3) 0=at v = Vpsin2nfl. 456 I PHASORS AND COMPLEXN U M B E R S (r2-4) C=\,EiE (r2-s) A=tar ^ -'l+B\ \ A / -, /,8 \ (12-6) d = +180"-r t a n ' l - l (r2-7) (r2-8) lA! A=Ccos0 0?-9) (12-10) B=Csin0 Cl? = Ccos d +7C sin 0 = A + jB \A/ r SEIF.TEST jB = CZ+0 l. A phasor represents (a) the magnitude of a quantity (c) the phase angle (b) the magnitude and direction of a quantity (d) the length of a quantity 2. A positive angle of 20' is equivalent to a negative angle of (a) -160' (b) -340" (c) -70" (d) -20' 3. In the complex plane, the number 3 + j4is located in the (a) flrst quadrant (b) second quadrant (c) third quadrant (d) fourth quadranr 4. In the complex plane, 12 -j6 (a) flrst quadrant is located in the (b) second quadrant (c) third quadrant (d) fourth quadrant 5. The complex number 5 +75 is equivalent to (a) 52"45" (b) 2520' (c) 1.07245' (d) 1.0'72135" 6. The complex number 35260'is equivalentto (a) 35 + j35 (b) 35 +i60 (c) 17.5+ j30.3 (d) 30.3 + i1'7.s ,f (4 + j7) + (-2 + j9) is equalto (^)2+jr6 ( b ) 1 1 + r 1 1 ( c )- 2 + j r 6 8. (16-i8) - (12+ j5) is equalto (a)28-jr3 (b)4-jt3 @ )a - f i 9. (5245")(2220")is equalto (a) 1265' (b) 10225" (c) 10265" 10. (502rc') I (25230")is equalto (a) 25240' (b) 2240' (c) 252-20" r PROBLEMS (d)2-j2 (d)-4+jt3 (d) 1225" (d) 2l-20" More dfficub problems are indicated by an asterisk (*). SECTION12-1 Introductionto Phasors t. phasordiagram to represent thesinewavesin Figure12-35withrespect to a 0oref|.f,il.i 2. Sketch the sine waves representedby the phasor diagram in Figure 72-36. The phasor lengths representpeak values. F I G U R E1 2 - 3 5 yry) I 0.5 P R O B L E M S. 457 FtcuRE12-36 3. Determine the frequency for each angular velocity: (a) 60 rad/s (b) 360 radls (c) 2 rad/s (d) 1256 radls 4. Determine the value of sine wave A in Figure 12-35 ar each of the following times, measured from the positive-going zero crossing. Assume the frequency is 5 kHz. (a) 30 ps (b) 75 ps (c) 125 ps *5. In Figure 12-35, how many microseconds after the zero crossing does sine wave A reach 0.8 V? Assume the frequencyis 5 kHz. SECTION12-2 The ComplexNumberSystem 6. Locate the following numbers on the complex plane: (a) +6 (b) -2 (c) +73 (d) -j8 7. Locate the points representedby each of the following coordinateson the complex plane: (a) 3,j5 (b) -7,j1 (c) -10, -j10 *8. Determine the coordinates of each point having the same magnitude but located 180' away from each point in Problem 7. *9. Determine the coordinates of each point having the same magnitude but located 90o away from those in Problem 7. SECTION12-3 Rectangular and PolarForms 10. Points on the complex plane are describedbelow. Express each point as a complex number in rectangular form: (a) 3 units to the right of the origin on the real axis, and up 5 units on the axis. 7 (b) 2 units to the left of the origin on the real axis, and 1.5 units up on rhej axis. (c) 10 units to the left of the origin on the real axis, and down 14 units on the -l axis. 1 1 . What is the value of the hypotenuseof a right triangle whose sides are l0 and 15? 12. Convert each of the following rectangular numbers to polar form: @) a0 - j40 (b) s0 -i200 (c) 35 - j20 (d) 98 +r45 13. Convert each of the following polar numbers to rectangular form: (a) 10002-50" (b) 15Z160' (c) 252-135" (d) 32180" 14. Express each of the following polar numbers using a negative angle to replace the positive angre: (a) l0Zl20' (b) 32285" (c) 52310" 15. Identify the quadrant in which each of the points in Problem 12 is located. 16. Identify the quadrant in which each point in Problem 14 is located. 17. Write the polar expressionsusing positive angles for each phasor inFigure 12-37. 458 r NUMBERS P H A S O RA SN D C O M P L E X SECTION12-4 MathematicalOperations 18. Add the following sets of complex numbers: (b) 3.5- j4 and2.2+ j6 ( a )9 + j 3 a n d 5 + 7 8 (d) 12145"and20Z32' (c) -18 + j23 and30 -il5 (f) 50 - j39 and60Z-30" (e\ 3.8275'and1 +/1.8 1.9. Performthe following subtractions: (b) (-4s - j23) - (36+ jr2) (a) (2.5+.ir.2) - (1.4+ j0.s) (c) (8 - j4) - 3t25' fi) 481135'-332-60' 20. Multiply the followingnumbers: (b) l20Z-220" and95Z200' (a) 4.5248" and3.2Z90' (d) 67 + j84 and 102240" (c) -3Zl5O" and4 - j3 (ft 0.8+10.5andL2 - jr.5 (e) 15-rl0 and-25 - j30 21. Performthe following divisions: 9,./5o.4 ra)ffi; 6?./-910 tntffi ., 28/30' ( c )' , * A -.l rz (d)+# 22. Pe{orm the following operations: (10021s'x8s-jl50) 2.5265"- l.8Z-23" (b) 25 + j45 t.2237" -j100) (250290" + 1752'75'\(50 . ,( d" ), { 1 . 5 ) 2 t +3t.l ;8 t , / 8 _ _ , 4 \ tct -, . , (r25+ j9o\B5z5o\ " 2) (a) *23. Three sinusoidal voltage sourcesare connectedin seriesas shown in Figure 12-38. Determine the total voltage and current expressedas polar quantities. Resistancealways has a zero phase angle as you will learn later, so Rr = 2.220' kdt. *24, What is the magnitude and phase of the voltages acrosseach resistor in Figure 12-38? F I G U R E1 2 - 3 8 1.0ko 2.520"v 4.2230" V R2 2.2ko. 5.rz-45"V R3 1.8kO I ANSWERS TO SECTION REVIEWS Section12-1 1. 2. 3. 4. of the magnitudeandangularpositionof a time-varyingquantity A graphicrepresentation 9425rails 100Hz SeeFisure12-39. F l c u R E1 2 - 3 9 r 459 ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST Section12-2 1. (a) 3 units right of the origin on real axis (c) I unit aboveorigin on 7 axis (b) 90" (c) 180' 2. (a) 90' (b) 4 units left of the origin on real axis Section12-3 1. 2. 3. 4. Realpart andj (imaginary)part Magnitudeandangle 2.828145";first 3.54-73.54, fourth Section 12-4 r . 4 +j l 2 . 3 +j 7 3. t6tlt0" 4. 5ZI5' Section12-5 1. No, the seconds/divisionsetting is not critical. 2. Superimposethe traces by adjusting the vertical deflection (position). 3. Reference channel SWERS RELATED PROBLEMS EXAMPTES lz-t 10.6v l2-2 5Vat-85" t2-i 34.2y (b) 4th 124 (a) lst (c) 3rd (d) 2nd l2-5 29.2252" t2-6 70.r - j34.2 r2-1 (16218);(13024s) -141.421356237) r2-8 (a) (r0236.86989764s8) (b) (14r.421356237, -1 -j8 r2-9 l2-r0 -r3.5 - j4.s lz-tt 15002-50. 12-12 42-42" 12-13 (221.359 436212 2t8.4349488229) r2-r4 (52.201s32s446 Z7 3.300755766) 12-1s (17s0,9s0) 12-16 (1.307 692307 69,.46I 538461538) 1. (b) ANSWERS 9 TOSELF.TEST . ( c ) 2.(b) 10.(d) 3. (a) 4.(d) 5. (c) 6.(c) 7, la) 8. (b)