EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 1 CONDUCTORS AND MAGNETIC FIELDS This handout covers: • • • • The Biot-Savart Law for d B due to a current element Force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field Torque on a current loop and the magnetic dipole Ampere's Law Magnetic field due to a current-carrying wire: the Biot–Savart Law Recall: B at a point P due to a point charge, Q, moving with velocity v, is given by Q ∧ µoQ B = v × r 4πr 2 r ∧ v P B (outwards) r Let a thin wire carry a current I. Let a short length d L contain charge dQ moving with velocity v I r r The contribution of d L to the magnetic field at P is dB = But ∧ µ o dQ v r × 2 4πr dQ dL I = and v = dt dt P ∧ dL ⇒ dB = µ oI 4πr 2 ∧ d L r × The Biot-Savart Law To find the total field at P, we must integrate this expression along the whole length of the wire. EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 2 Special case: Magnetic field due to a straight conductor θ2 What is B at a point P which is at a perpendicular distance R from a straight wire? Consider a small element d L I θ = angle between the wire and the line joining d L and P R P r = distance from d L to P Its contribution to B at P is µ oI 4πr 2 dB = θ ∧ L r d × dL θ1 dL ∧ ∧ θ r d L × r = dL sin θ From the right hand rule, the direction of d B is into the page. The magnitude of dB is But R = rsinθ and dLsinθ = rdθ R So r = sin θ Therefore ⇒ dB = dB = µ oI 4πr 2 [dL sin θ] dθ R r and θ dL = Rdθ dL dLsinθ = r dθ θ sin 2 θ µ oI sin 2 θ Rdθ dB = sin θ 4π R 2 sin 2 θ µ oI sin θ 4πR Contribution of element dL to the field at P EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 3 To find the total field, we INTEGRATE from one end of the wire to the other – i.e., from θ1 to θ2. Example: An infinitely long wire: dB = µ oI 4πR π ∫ sin θdθ = θ1 = 0 and θ2 = 180o. µ oI [− cos θ]0π = 4πR µ oI [− 1 − 1] 4πR 0 ⇒ B = µ oI . 2πR Magnetic field pattern of a straight current-carrying wire: As we have seen before, the field lines are circular loops. Are the lines of B clockwise or anticlockwise? To decide, we can use another form of the right hand rule: B • Let the thumb point in the direction of the current • The fingers will then curl in the direction of B . I outwards EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 4 The force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field In a current carrying wire, charges are moving. Therefore, if the wire is in a magnetic field, a force will be exerted on the moving charges and hence on the wire. This is the principle of the electric motor. Consider a section of straight wire carrying current I in a magnetic field B . Let d L contain charge dQ moving with velocity v. I dL The force on d L is θ d F = dQ(v × B ) But I = dQ dt Therefore and v = dL dt d F = I(d L × B ) The magnitude of d F is B THE MOTOR EQUATION dF = BIdLsinθ Force between two parallel wires Consider two parallel wires, separation R, carrying currents I1 and I2. Let B1 = field at wire 2 due to wire 1 B2 = field at wire 1 due to wire 2 Consider an element d L in wire 2 By the right hand rule: dF2 B1 (in) dL2 B1 is into the paper at wire 2 I1 Wire 1 R I2 Wire 2 EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 5 d F2 = I(d L2 × B1 ) Force on dL2, d F2 is Direction: Towards wire 1 Magnitude:dF2 = B1I2dL2 Recall, at perpendicular distance R from a straight wire, B = Therefore, ⇒ dF2 = µ oI1I2 dL 2 2πR Force per unit length is If I1 = I2 = I, then µ oI 2πR . µ II dF2 = o12 dL 2 2πR dF2 I2 = (2 x 10 -7 ) dL 2 R N m-1 SI definition of the Ampere: 1 Ampere is the current which, when flowing in two long straight parallel wires separated by 1 m, produces a force per unit length between them of 2 x 10-7 N m-1. EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 6 Torque on a current loop: The magnetic dipole Z Consider a rectangular loop carrying current I in a uniform magnetic field B . B (i) Plane of the loop perpendicular to B: F2 X F1 TOP VIEW . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b . . . . . . . . . . a b Z B (out of page) . . . . . I X Note that the current is always perpendicular to B . . . . . . Y I Let the loop be in the X-Y plane with B in the Z direction. SIDE VIEW B a Y Y F2 F1 b Note how all the forces cancel out in this situation – they just tend to stretch the loop. X (ii) Plane of the loop at an angle to B: F1 F2 . . . . . . . . . . bcosθ . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F1 X Z B (out of page) . . . . . . . . . . F2 a Y F2 bsinθ B θ Y θ bcosθ F2 EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields F1 = BI(bcosθ) 7 F2 = BIa (sides a are still perpendicular to B ) Forces F1 cancel out. But forces F2 don't cancel. Although they are still equal and opposite, they no longer act along the same line, so they form a TORQUE. Torque = (Force)(Perpendicular distance) τ = (BIa)(bsinθ) = µBsinθ where µ = Iab This looks like the magnitude of a vector cross product, which is exactly what it is: τ = µ×B µ is the MAGNETIC DIPOLE MOMENT VECTOR Magnitude of µ : µ = Iab = (Current)(Area) or µ = NIab = (Number of turns)(Current)(Area) if the loop has N turns of wire. Direction of µ : This is given by the right hand rule: Let the fingers curl in the direction of current flow. The thumb then points along µ . EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 8 Ampere's Law Recall: Gauss's Law relates E to the charge distribution that produces it. Likewise, Ampere's Law relates B to the current distribution that produces it. Recall: The magnetic field at perpendicular distance R from a long straight wire is µ oI B = 2πR View along the axis (with the current coming out of the page). Consider an arbitrary closed path around the wire: What is the line integral around this closed path? dL I (out) 2 ∫ B ⋅ dL B R For a typical small element d L , B ⋅ d L = BdL' = BRdθ = µ oI [Rdθ] 2πR dL dL' B So ⇒ ∫ µ I µI B ⋅ d L = o dθ = o 2π 2π ∫ ∫ B ⋅ dL = µ I o 2π ∫ 0 dθ = µ oI 2π 2π This is AMPERE's LAW. dθ EMF 2005 Note: Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 9 1. We carry out the integral along a some path around the conductor, NOT along the conductor and not necessarily along the field line. 2. Ampere's law holds for ANY closed path and ANY dis tribution of current. 3. The currrent, I, is the total current enclosed by the path, i.e., flowing through the area bounded by the path or I is the current flowing through any "bag-like" surface whose edge is defined by the path. Ienclosed B B dL dL dL dL B dL Usually, we will write 4. ∫ B ⋅ dL = µ I o enclosed Ampere's law ⇒ B is NOT conservative. ∫ E ⋅ dL = 0 5. B but ∫ B ⋅ dL ≠ 0 Ampere's Law in words: The lineintegral of the magnetic field around a closed path is equal to µo multiplied by the current enclosed by the path. EMF 2005 Handout 8: Conductors and Magnetic Fields 10 Procedure for using Ampere's Law When to use it: When you want to find the magnetic field produced by some given distribution of current. 1. Draw a diagram showing the current distribution and the magnetic field that it produces. View along the axis of the current so that current is coming out of the page. This means that B will be in the plane of the page. 2. Decide on the best CLOSED path for the line integral. Choose one that makes the integral easy ⇒ make B either parallel or perpendicular to dL In problems that we shall do, the path will always be either circular or rectangular. ∫ B ⋅ dL 3. Work out the line integral 4. Decide how much current flows THROUGH the area defined by the path. 5. Put ∫ B ⋅ dL = µ I o enclosed and rearrange the equation to find B as a function of position. Examples: 1. 2. 3. See lecture notes. B due to a long straight wire. B due to a conducting cylinder B due to a long solenoid