Hagerstown Community College

Hagerstown Community College
 Use the following template to create your syllabus. Please use Times New Roman 12 for
your font and keep the margins as they are on the template. You will need to provide
your division office associate with an e-file of your syllabus as a Word document by the
first day of class. All categories must be included in all syllabi.
 For multiple section courses, content must be the same under the categories marked with
an asterisk.
COURSE:* EGR 208 Systems and Circuits
INSTRUCTOR: Charles E. Sigler
SEMESTER/YEAR: Spring 2013
COURSE DESCRIPTION:* This course introduces basic circuit theory including Kirchoff's
Laws, node and mesh analysis in the time domain, and solution of circuit differential equations.
Also treated are linear, nonlinear, and time-varying elements of systems and circuits, zero input,
zero state and complete response, coupled elements, ideal transformers, and controlled sources.
Corequisite: MAT 206. Three hours lecture, 1 hour recitation, 2 hours laboratory each week.
Semester offered: Spring. 4 credits
TEXTBOOK:* Mayergoyz and Lawson, Basic Electric Circuit Theory (a one semester course), 1997
(Academic Press). Lab Manual: TBN
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES:* At the end of this course the student will:
A. Identify common circuit components: resistors, inductors, capacitors, independent sources, diodes,
transistors, and op-amps; understand the terminal relations and models that are used to describe the
operating characteristics of these components.
B. Systematically apply basic circuit laws governing voltages and currents (Kirchhoff's Laws).
C. Analyze linear AC/DC steady-state circuits using basic circuit techniques (i.e., Nodal analysis,
superposition, parallel and series combinations, equivalent transformations, Thevenin and Norton
equivalents) to analyze and design linear circuits.
D. Analyze circuit transients and calculate responses for 1st and 2nd order circuits.
E. Apply elementary concepts of electronic circuits such as operational amplifiers and their circuit
F. Analyze and design multiple op-amp circuits.
G. Use basic test and measurement equipment necessary to evaluate the performance of simple electric
and electronic circuits
H. Determine basic limitations, inaccuracies, and tolerances of the test equipment, components, and
I. Design circuits with efficient reliability, and cheaply achieve the desired results
J. Draw circuits and wiring diagrams, breadboarding circuits, and trouble shoot circuits
K. Use simulation tools to design circuits and analyze performance
L. Work cooperatively with others in the lab to maximize results
EGR 208
Total Hours of Coursework:
To earn one academic credit at HCC, students are required to complete a minimum of 37.5
clock hours (45 fifty-minute “academic” hours) of coursework per semester. Those hours of
coursework may be completed through a combination of hours within the classroom and
hours outside the classroom. Certain courses may require more than the 37.5 minimum hours
of coursework per credit.
For most classes, students should expect to do at least 2 hours of coursework outside of class
for each hour of in-class coursework.
COURSE CONTENT OBJECTIVES: The following content will be covered during lecture
and laboratory sessions.
Basic Circuit Variables and Electric / Electronic Components, Sources and Models
Kirchoff's Laws and time-domain formulation of circuit problems
AC Steady State formulation of circuit problems
Equivalent Transformations of Electric Circuits
Superposition, Nodal Analysis and other analysis techniques
Thevenin's and Norton's theorems and applications
First and Second Order Transient Analysis
Frequency Response and Filters
Modern Circuit Applications
Laboratory implementation of circuit designs
ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: Specifics for each component of the course assessment is
provided on the separate Course Guidelines document.
Homework: (10%): Homework problems will be assigned for each class meeting.
Laboratory: (25%): Lab reports and lab exams will be used to assess laboratory course
Lecture Exams (45%): There will be 3 lecture exams worth 15% each.
 Material from all reading assignments may be covered on the exams whether or not the
material was covered in lecture. Material from all lectures may be covered on the exams
whether or not the material is contained in the reading assignments.
4. Final Exam (20%): There will be a comprehensive final exam.
 The final exam must be taken when scheduled. There are no makeup final exams.
COURSE POLICIES: See Course Guidelines
CONTACT INFORMATION: See Course Guidelines
Services for Students with Special Needs: Students who have special needs are encouraged to
identify themselves to the Coordinator of Disability Services as early as possible. Reasonable
accommodations based on current documentation are provided to qualified students.
EGR 208
Course Coverage of ABET/EE Outcomes:
ABET (a): Ability to apply knowledge of math, science, & engineering
ABET (b): Ability to design/conduct expt. & analyze/interpret data
ABET (c): Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet needs
ABET (d): Ability to function on a multi-disciplinary team
ABET (e): Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
ABET (f): Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities
ABET (g): Ability to communicate effectively
ABET (h): Broad education necessary to understand impact of eng. solution
ABET (i): Recognition of need for and ability to engage in life-long learning
ABET (j): Knowledge of contemporary issues
ABET (k): Techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for pract.
EE (l): Disciplinary Foundation
EGR 208