ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Phone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium Phone: +32 (2) 722.17.11 Printed in USA ©2014. ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved All information contained herein, including illustrations, specifications and dimensions, is believed to be reliable as of the date of this publication, but is subject to change without notice. Current sales drawings and specifications are available upon request. ADB reserves the right to make changes and improvements to its products and assumes no responsibility for these modifications on any equipment previously sold. 2014-15 Airfield Lighting Product Solutions Catalog Trusted at more than 2000 airports in 175 countries providing world leading airfield technology for end-to-end, integrated and sustainable solutions for visual guidance. Airfield Lighting Product Solutions Catalog TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Our complete product line is available online ( in the Product Center. Web summary pages indicate products that are only shown on our website. FAA Specification Table iv Sales Map: Canada vi Sales Map: U.S., Oceania, International U.S. Military vii Sales Map: Latin America viii Runway Lighting Page No. DRC/DTZ LED In-pavement Runway Centerline and Touchdown Zone Light A-1 IRCL-L LED In-pavement Runway Centerline Light A-4 RCL Incandescent In-pavement Runway Centerline Light - RWSL THL A-7 RCL-IR Incandescent In-pavement Runway Centerline Light - Infrared A-8 TDZL-L LED Runway Touchdown Zone Light A-9 TDZ Incandescent Runway Touchdown Zone Light A-11 IREL-L / IRTE-L LED In-pavement Runway Edge and Runway Threshold/End Light A-12 IREL-L 60 m LED In-pavement Runway Edge Light, ICAO 60 m A-15 IREL Incandescent In-pavement Runway Edge Light A-17 IRTE Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light - FAA A-18 IRTM Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light - Military A-20 IRTA Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/Military Approach Light A-22 LAHSO Incandescent In-pavement Land and Hold Short Light A-24 Benefits Sheet I LED Elevated Fixtures A-25 EMIL-L LED Elevated Runway Edge Light A-26 ERE-CB Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light A-28 ERE-PT Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light A-30 ERTE Incandescent Elevated Runway Threshold/End Light A-32 ERE-L LED Elevated Runway Edge Light A-33 ERET-CB Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold End Light A-36 ERET-PT Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold End Light A-38 Taxiway Lighting Page No. Web Summary Page: Taxiway Lighting B-1 DTS/DTC LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline, Stop Bar Light B-2 ITCF-L Enhanced LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light B-6 TCL-DL Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light B-9 TCL-SL Incandescent In-pavement, Taxiway Centerline Light B-11 SCDL Incandescent and LED In-pavement Simulated Carrier Deck Light B-12 ITIL Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Intersection Light B-14 IRGL-L LED In-pavement Runway Guard Light B-15 IRGL Incandescent In-pavement Runway Guard Light B-17 IRGL-STB Incandescent In-pavement Stop Bar and Runway Guard Light B-18 ISTB-L LED In-pavement Stop Bar and Runway Entrance Light (REL) B-19 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Taxiway Lighting (Continued) Page No. ISTB Incandescent In-pavement Stop Bar and Runway Entrance Light (REL) B-21 ITEL-L LED In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light B-22 Benefits Sheet I LED elevated fixtures B-24 ERGL-L LED Elevated Runway Guard Light B-25 ERGL Incandescent Elevated Runway Guard Light B-27 ETES-L LED Elevated Taxiway Edge Light B-29 ETE-CB Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light B-31 ETE-PT Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light B-33 ESTB Incandescent Elevated Stop Bar B-34 RTEM Retroreflective Taxiway Edge Markers B-35 Low Voltage ALSF/MALSR Approach Lighting System C-1 Approach Lighting ALSF/MALSR Page No. ALSF High-Intensity Approach Lighting System C-7 MALSR Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System C-11 PAR-56 Steady-Burning Approach Elevated Light C-15 UEL Steady-Burning and Flashing Approach Elevated Light C-17 IAML Incandescent In-pavement ALSF and MALSR Approach Light C-20 REIL-L LED Runway End Identification Light C-22 PAPI-L LED Precision Approach Path Indicator C-24 PAPI-SC Precision Approach Path Indicator C-29 PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator C-32 AGSF-L LED Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA D-1 AGSB-L LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 D-5 AGSF Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA D-11 Benefits Sheet I Incandescent Signs D-16 Guidance Signs Page No. Control and Monitoring Page No. Executive Summary I ALCMS, PLCs, Navigator E-1 ALCMS Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System E-4 ALCMS-PLC Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System - Centralized E-8 IRMS Insulation Resistance Monitoring System E-10 BRITE Individual Lamp Control and Monitoring System (III) E-11 ADB Navigator Airport Lighting Control System E-13 ALCP Airport Lighting Control Panel E-15 ACE Advanced Control Equipment E-16 RCE Digital Radio Control E-19 Power Equipment Page No. APS Advanced Power Supply System F-1 CSF Constant Current Regulator - Ferroresonant F-7 CHF Constant Current Regulator - 50-70 kW F-10 CCT Constant Current Regulator - Thyristor F-13 Benefits Sheet I SwitchGear Regulator System F-16 SGRS SwitchGear Regulator System F-18 SCO Series Circuit Cutout F-20 CSS Circuit Selector Switch F-22 CCR Stacking Kit F-24 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Obstruction and Beacons Page No. SBOL-L LED Steady Burning Obstruction Light G-1 SBOL Incandescent Steady Burning Obstruction Light G-3 RBMI Airport Rotating Beacon G-5 RBHM/RBHH Heliport Rotating Beacon G-6 RBHI Airport Rotating Beacon G-7 RB36 36” Refurbished G-9 RBML Military Airport Rotating Beacon G-11 Wind Cones Page No. WC806 LED and Incandescent Supplemental Wind Cone H-1 WC807 LED and Incandescent Primary Wind Cone H-4 Heliports Page No. Heliport Summary Page I-1 IUL-L LED In-pavement Utility and Heliport Perimeter Light I-2 EHPL-L LED Elevated Heliport Perimeter Light I-4 Transformers & Cables Page No. Cord Sets J-1 Heat Shrink J-4 IXT-A Series Circuit Isolation Transformers J-6 IXT Series Circuit Isolation Transformers J-8 IXT-1500 1500 W, 20 A/20 A Isolation Transformer J-10 PA-2 / PA-4 Power Adapters J-11 FLA Field Lightning Arrestor J-13 Installation & Mounting Page No. Web Summary Page K-1 Light Bases K-2 Couplings K-7 Tools & Spares Page No. Airfield Lighting Tools L-1 Spare Lamps L-5 Photoelectric Control L-10 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. iii FAA SPECIFICATION TABLE FAA Specification Table FAA Specification Product Description Page No. L-801A RBMI I Airport Rotating Beacon G-5 L-801H, L-802H RBHM / RBHH I Heliport Rotating Beacon G-6 L-802A RBHI I Airport Rotating Beacon G-7 L-802M RBML I Military Airport Rotating Beacon G-11 L-804(L) ERGL-L I LED Elevated Runway Guard Light B-25 L-804 ERGL I Incandescent Elevated Runway Guard Light B-27 L-806/L-806(L) WC806 I LED and Incandescent Supplemental Wind Cone H-1 L-807/L-807(L) WC807 I LED and Incandescent Primary Wind Cone H-4 L-810(L) SBOL-L I LED Steady Burning Obstruction Light G-1 L-810 SBOL I Incandescent Steady Burning Obstruction Light G-3 L-821 ADB Navigator I Airport Lighting Control System E-13 L-821 ALCP I Airport Lighting Control Panel E-15 L-823 Cord Sets and Connector Kits J-1 L-827 ACE I Advanced Control Equipment E-16 L-828/L-829 CSF I Constant Current Regulator - Ferroresonant F-7 L-828/L-829 CHF I Constant Current Regulator - 50-70 kW F-10 L-828/L-829 CCT I Constant Current Regulator - Thyristor F-13 L-828/L-829 SGRS I SwitchGear Regulator System F-18 L-830 IXT-A I Series Circuit Isolation Transformers J-6 L-830/831 IXT I Series Circuit Isolation Transformers J-8 L-847 CSS I Circuit Selector Switch F-22 L-849(L) REIL-L I LED Runway End Identification Light C-22 A-1 L-850A(L)/L-850B(L) DRC/DTZ I LED In-pavement Runway Centerline and Touchdown Zone Light L-850A LED IRCL-L I LED In-pavement Runway Centerline Light A-4 L-850A RCL I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Centerline Light - RWSL THL A-7 L-850A RCL-IR I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Centerline Light - Infrared A-8 L-850B(L) TDZL-L I LED Runway Touchdown Zone Light A-9 L-850B TDZ I Incandescent Runway Touchdown Zone Light A-11 L-850C(L)/L-850D(L) IREL-L / IRTE-L I LED In-pavement Runway Edge and Runway Threshold/End Light A-12 L-850C IREL I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Edge Light A-18 L-850D IRTE I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light - FAA A-19 L-850D IRTM I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light - Military A-21 L-850E IRTA I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/Military Approach Light A-23 L-850F LASHO I Incandescent In-pavement Land and Hold Short Light A-25 L-852A-D/J-K(L) & L-852S(L) DTS/DTC I LED Taxiway Centerline, Stop Bar and Holding Position In-pavement Light B-2 L-852A-D/J-K(L) ITCF-L Enhanced I LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light B-6 L-852A-D TCL-DL I Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light B-9 L-852A/L-852C TCL-SL I Incandescent In-pavement, Taxiway Centerline Light B-11 iv FAA SPECIFICATION TABLE FAA Specification Product Description Page No. L-852N L-852N I Navy Fixture B-12 L-852E/L-852F ITIL I Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Intersection Light B-14 L-852G(L) IRGL-L I LED In-pavement Runway Guard Light B-15 L-852G IRGL I Incandescent In-pavement Runway Guard Light B-17 L-852G/S IRGL-STB I Incandescent In-pavement Stop Bar and Runway Guard Light B-18 L-852S(L) ISTB-L I LED In-pavement Stop Bar and Runway Entrance Light (REL) B-19 L-852S ISTB I Incandescent In-pavement Stop Bar and Runway Entrance Light (REL) B-21 L-852T(L) ITEL-L I LED In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light B-22 L-853 RTEM I Retroreflective Taxiway Edge Markers B-35 L-854 RCE I Digital Radio Control E-19 L-858 AGSF-L I LED Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA D-1 L-858 AGSB-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 D-5 L-858 AGSF I Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA D-10 L-861/L-861E EMIL-L I LED Elevated Runway Edge Light A-27 L-861/E ERE-CB I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light A-29 L-861/E ERE-PT I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light A-31 L-861SE ERTE I Incandescent Elevated Runway Threshold/End Light A-33 L-861T(L) ETES-L I LED Elevated Taxiway Edge Light B-29 L-861T ETE-CB I Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light B-31 L-861T ETE-PT I Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light B-33 L-862(L) ERE-L I LED Elevated Runway Edge Light A-34 L-862/E ERET-CB I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold End Light A-37 L-862/E ERET-PT I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold End Light A-39 L-862S ESTB I Incandescent Elevated Stop Bar B-34 L-867/L-868 Light Bases K-2 L-880(L)/L-881(L) PAPI-L I LED Precision Approach Path Indicator C-24 L-880/L-881 PAPI-SC I Precision Approach Path Indicator C-29 L-880/L-881 PAPI I Precision Approach Path Indicator C-32 L-890 ALCMS I Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System E-4 L-890 ALCMS-PLC I Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System - Centralized E-8 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. v RUNWAY LIGHTING DRC-LP/DTZ-LP LED Runway Centerline and Touchdown Zone In-pavement Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY 8” Fixture Compliance with Standards ICAO: FAA: T/C: NATO: Runway Centerline: Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, par. 5.3.12 and Appendix 2, Figure A2-7. Touchdown Zone: Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, par. 5.3.13 and Appendix 2, Figure A2-5. L-850A(L) & L-850B(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certification Pending. Runway Centerline: Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.13. Touchdown Zone: Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.14. STANAG 3316 8” Fixture with Snow Plow Ring Features (Continued) • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • When turned on, light rise time is low. The light is perfectly adapted for any incursion protection system. ICAO & T/C • Runway Centerline Light in CAT I, II and III • Touchdown Zone Light in CAT II and III • Optional monitoring function of the individual light source. In case of a defect, the fixture automatically disconnects from the secondary side of the isolation transformer, resulting in an open circuit condition. FAA L-850A(L) • Runway centerline on CAT I, II, and III runways • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy top, intermediate and bottom covers FAA L-850B(L) • Touchdown zone lighting on CAT II and III runways Uses • Corrosion-resistant stainless steel hardware. Use of Torx screws ensures ease of maintenance. • For FAA applications, includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Features • The evolution of the most successful LED lights in the world, fully adapted to the characteristics of LED lighting sources • Very low energy consumption (typically 18.9 VA per side compared to 48 W for tungsten halogen lights) DRC-LP/DTC-LP lights are part of a complete range of LED in-pavement lights, featuring innovative characteristics, as a leverage for: Reliability • Greatly reduced maintenance: calculated MTBF of 56,000 hours at 6.6 A • Additional watertightness barriers, protecting both the electronics and the LEDs in case of accidental water ingress, along the prism or the gaskets as well as along the cables • Style 3—Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch (6.3 mm) reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing fixture life. • Prisms of small dimensions installed in a deep optical channel with no negative window slope: optimal protection against rubber deposit, scratches and shocks • Increased traffic efficiency and availability of the runways due to the reduction in maintenance Maintenance Friendliness • Optimum and homogenous light distribution along the lights installed on the same runway • Maintenance-friendly: components subject to wear or damage like prisms and cables can easily be replaced. Neither sealing compounds nor resin are required • High discrimination between functions due to the saturated colors, crisp white light, their stability at the different brightness steps and under all viewing angles • Very low working temperature, ensuring longer component life • Full compatibility with conventional airfield lighting series circuits. No need to replace the CCRs, series transformers or cables on existing circuits. • Substantial investment reduction for new installations using smaller CCR size and series transformers, resulting from a lower installed load • Installation on the same bases as 8- or 12-inch tungsten-halogen lights for a straightforward replacement. Optional snow plow rings are available. • Fully dimmable lights, respecting the response curve of traditional halogen lights. Operates on the full range of 2.8 A to 6.6 A. • Innovative design of the cable entry, permitting replacement without the need to open the light. This eliminates the risk of water leakage due to a pinched cable. • Reduced number of components for maintenance simplicity • Pressure-release plug for water-tightness testing of fixture after overhaul Low protrusion without negative slope • Limited height above pavement of 6.3 mm (0.25 in) reduces the risk of damage during winter operations or by towbarless tugs • Despite the low protrusion, no part of the prism is below ground level, avoiding loss of photometry during rainfall and sedimentation on the bottom of the prism 3061 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0465 A-1 RUNWAY LIGHTING Ordering Code DRC-LP/DTZ-LP I LED In-pavement Runway Centerline and TDZ D 0 0 Features (Continued) AD-light Optional scratch-resistant prisms Application RC = Runway centerline TZ = Touchdown zone • Optionally, a higher hardness protective layer can be applied to the prism, making it much more resistant against scratches and sand-blasting Cord Set Style and Length A = Standard version (style 6 plugs), 10” long1 G = German Style 1 (2-pin), 10” long1 F = French Style (3-pin), 10” long1 J = Style 1 (2-pin) SO Jacketed cable, 18” long (FAA standard)2 L = Style 6 (2-pin), 18” long (FAA standard)2 Toe-in Color Coding Cable and Connector 2 = 1 plug (2-pin) 3 = 2 plugs (2-pin) 4 = 1 plug (3-pin) 5 = 2 plugs (3-pin) LED Color 1 - Left W = White R = Red3 N = Obscure/Blank (no light)3 LED Color 2 - Right W = White3 R = Red3 N = Obscure/Blank (no light) Toe-in 0 = No toe-in 4 = Left toe-in4 5 = Right toe-in4 Design Dimensions B = 8” diameter, 1/4” protrusion D = 12” diameter, 1/4” protrusion Power Supply and Monitoring S = Current Driven, 50/60Hz, without monitoring option M = Current Driven, 50/60Hz, with monitoring option Specification 0 = ICAO, TP 312 and FAA Winter Options 0 = None 1 = Arctic kit 2 = Heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating5 3 = Arctic kit and heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating5 Bolt Holes/Fixation Options 0 = Standard (6 bolts for 12” fixture; 2 bolts/2 fixing pins for 8” fixture) 1 = 4 bolts (8” fixture) Ground Lug Options 0 = Without ground lug U = With UL 467 ground lug (FAA standard) A-2 3061 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0465 Ordering Code Notes 1 8” fixtures with 10” cord sets are for installation on shallow bases and are supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 2 Fixtures with 18” cord sets are for installation on deep base cans and are not supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 3 Used on runway centerline applications only. 4 Used on touchdown zone applications only. 5 Typically used for intensive winter service where sand is applied to runways and rotating brushes are used. RUNWAY LIGHTING DRC-LP/DTZ-LP I LED In-pavement Runway Centerline and TDZ Installation Electrical Supply 1) On a shallow base (Fig. 5). The 8” dia. base is secured in the pavement by means of resin. Correct positioning and leveling are obtained with a jig with sighting telescope. Wires between the light and the series transformer are installed either in saw cuts in the pavement filled with resin or in pipes in the lower concrete layers. Mounting on existing or new, larger diameter bases, is made possible by means of dedicated adapter rings. 6.6 A through one or two series transformer(s) (data sheet A.06.110 or 3033). DRC-LP/DTC-LP lights have been designed to work with any IEC- or FAA-compliant isolation transformer up to 200 W without affecting the performance or the lifetime of the light or the transformer. However, use of a non-matched transformer will reduce its efficiency. 2) On a FAA L-868B size B steel base (Fig. 6). The 8” dia. light is mounted in an 8” to 12” dia. snow plow or adapter ring bolted onto the base. The 12” fixture is directly mounted without a separate ring. The bases are interconnected by means of conduits protecting the cables. See FAA AC 150/534030 for additional design guidance on deep base cans. The series transformer is installed under the light or in a separate pit. See data sheet A.05.120 or 2012 for more information on base cans. Dimensions 12” Fixture Outside diameter: 303.3 mm (11.94 in) Bolt-circle diameter: 285.8 mm (11.25 in) Overall height: 78.4 mm (3.1 in) 8” Fixture Outside diameter: 202 mm (7.97 in) Bolt-circle diameter: 184 mm (7.24 in) Overall height: 78.4 mm (3.1 in) 8” Shallow Base Outside diameter: 230 mm (9.06 in) Depth: 150 mm (5.91 in) Packaging 12” Fixture In cardboard box: 177.8 x 330 x 330 mm (7 x 13 x 13 in) Weight with packing: 5.65 kg (12.45 lb) Weight without packing: 5.1 kg (11.25 lb) Fig. 5: Installation on 8” shallow base 8” Fixture In cardboard box: 177.8 x 330 x 330 mm (7 x 13 x 13 in) Weight with packing: 3.8 kg (8.45 lb) Weight without packing: 3.3 kg (7.25 lb) 8” Fixture with Snow Plow Ring In cardboard box: 177.8 x 330 x 330 mm (7 x 13 x 13 in) Weight with packing: 18.35 kg (40.45 lb) Weight without packing: 17.8 kg (39.25 lb) 8” Shallow Base Weight with packing: 2.8 kg (6.17 lb) Weight without packing: 2.6 kg (5.73 lb) Fig. 6: Installation on FAA L-868 base ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3061 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0465 A-3 RUNWAY LIGHTING IRCL-L LED In-Pavement Runway Centerline Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: T/C: CE: L-850A(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, par. 5.3.12 and Appendix 2, Figure A2-7 Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.13 Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Uses FAA L-850A(L) ICAO & T/C • Runway centerline on category I, II, and III runway Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • For white runway centerline applications, use of LED light source eliminates color shifts at lower CCR step settings. For red runway centerline applications, use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings. • FAA Style 3—Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. A-4 3004 Rev. T I Manual No. 96A0403 Ordering Code IRCL- LED Colors 1 = White/White 2 = White/Red 3 = Red/Red 4 = White/Obscure 5 = Red/Obscure 7 = Yellow/Obscure Monitoring 1 = No monitoring Frequency 1 = 60 Hz 2 = 50 Hz1 Cord Set 1 = One1 2 = Two2 Arctic Kit 1 = No1 2 = Yes Specification 0 = FAA1 1 = ICAO1 3 = FAA with heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating3,4 4 = ICAO with heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating3,4 Notes 1 L-850A(L) LED 50 Hz without heater using a single cord set carries the CE Mark 2 See Dimensions section for 2 cord set specs 3 Typically used for intensive winter service where sand is applied to runways and rotating brushes are used. 4 Not ETL Certified. Features (Continued) • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware RUNWAY LIGHTING IRCL-L I LED In-Pavement Runway Centerline Light Operating Conditions Spare Components Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Description Part No. Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Cable clamp Cord set, dual Cord set, L-823, single Cord set grommet, single Cord set terminal, female, single LED light engine, L-850A(L), red (FAA & ICAO) LED light engine, L-850A(L), white (FAA & ICAO) LED PCB, single cord set, white/white LED PCB, single cord set, white/red and white/obscure LED PCB, single cord set, red/red LED PCB, single cord set, red/obscure LED PCB, dual cord set O-ring, bottom cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism gasket sleeve Prism clamp Prism flat seal Prism keeper plate 4071.50.090 4072.24.950 73A0136-31 63A1014 70A0329 48A0419-RED 48A0419-WHT 44A7257-5 44A7257-4 Relative Humidity: Up to 100% Electrical Supply It is recommended that the L-850A(L) LED fixture be powered from a dedicated CCR and that separate remote controls are available. IRCL LED lights have been designed to work with any IEC- or FAAcompliant transformer up to 200 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers (XF) specified below. L-850A(L) Fixture Load Isol. XF Isol. XF Load CCR Load Without Heater Unidirectional 15 VA 20/25 W 6 VA 21 VA Bidirectional1 29 VA 30/45 W 6 VA 35 VA Bidirectional 25 VA per side 20/25 W 7.5 VA (50 VA total) per side per XF 32.5 VA per side (65 VA total) Unidirectional 30 VA 30/45 W 6 VA 36 VA Bidirectional 59 VA 65 W 74 VA Bidirectional2 41 VA per side 30/45 W 9 VA (82 VA total) per side per XF 2 44A7257-1 44A7257-2 44A7228-00200 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A1119-1 61A0444 60A4046 63A1120 60A4047 With Heater 1 1 2 13 VA 50 VA per side (100 VA total) One cord set One cord set per side (2 total) Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 17 lb (7.71 kg) Weight without packing: 13.75 lb (6.24 kg) Dimensions: Single Cord Set / FAA Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): Bottom cover depth: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) 3.88 in (9.9 cm) Dimensions: Two Cord Set / FAA, ICAO, & TP 312 Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: 9.94 in (25.25 cm) Bottom Cover Depth: 3.8 in (9.65 cm)* * If used in conjunction with an L-868B Top Section, the overall height of the Top Section must be 4 in (10.16 cm) minimum. 3004 Rev. T I Manual No. 96A0403 A-5 RUNWAY LIGHTING IRCL-L I LED In-Pavement Runway Centerline Light FAA Photometric Data Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A-6 3004 Rev. T I Manual No. 96A0403 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING RCL Incandescent In-Pavement Runway Centerline Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-850A AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. L-850T - Complies with Takeoff Hold Light (THL) requirements in FAA AC 150/5340-30 Appendix 7 and FAA Runway Status Lights System Engineering Brief No. 64. Uses FAA L-850A FAA L-850T • Runway centerline on category I, II, and III runway • Land and Hold Short Operations • Runway Status Light (RWSL) THL applications Ordering Code 44A4817- 1 Filter Colors 1 = White/White 2 = White/Red 3 = Red/Red 4 = White/Obscured 5 = Red/Obscured Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Features Base Mounting 1 = Two L-823 cord sets for standard base 3 = One L-823 cord set for standard base • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind Lamp 1 = 48 W/6.6 A lamp(s) • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output Note: Bi-directional fixture uses two lamps and unidirectional fixture uses one lamp. • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 48 W with a rated life of 1,500 hours at 6.6 A and in excess of 6,000 hours in practical use • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixtures uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire RWSL L-850T THL Fixture Ordering Code 116A0092-5231 Used in FAA Runway Status Light THL applications. Fixture is unidirectional traffic signal red with a 105 W/6.6 A lamp. Fixture, supplied with one L-823 cord set, is used on a standard 12-inch base can and does not use a film disc cutout. Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Spare Components Description Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Filter, red Filter retainer spring Filter spring clip Lamp assembly, 48 W Lamp assembly, 105 W (for L-850T THL) Lamp holder assembly O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 63A0968 4071.58.510 4071.50.160 48A0420 2990.40.900 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2001 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0220I A-7 RUNWAY LIGHTING RCL-IR Incandescent In-Pavement Runway Centerline Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY, INFRARED Compliance with Standards FAA: The IR fixture meets all applicable L-850A requirements in AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) except photometry. Infrared output ETL tested. Military: UFC 3-535-01 Uses FAA L-850A INFRARED • Covert Landing Zone • AMP 1 and 3 Configurations (Per Air Force Engineering Technical Letter 07-XX: C-130 and C-17 Landing Zone Dimensional, Marking, and Lighting Criteria) Features • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 48 W with a rated life of 1,500 hours at 6.6 A and in excess of 6,000 hours in practical use • Fixtures uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A-8 2097 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0391 Ordering Code 44A6659- 1 Filter Colors 1 = Infrared, bidirectional 2 = Infrared, unidirectional Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Base Mounting 1 = Two L-823 cord sets for standard base 3 = One L-823 cord set for standard base Lamp 1 = 1 lamp, 48 W/6.6 A for unidirectional application or 2 lamps, 48 W/6.6 A for bidirectional application Spare Components Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Filter, infrared IR filter gasket IR filter keeper plate Lamp assembly, 48 W Lamp holder assembly O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 63A1092 63A1093 61A0416 48A0420 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING TDZL-L LED Runway Touchdown Zone Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: T/C: CE: L-850B(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, par. 5.3.13 and Appendix 2, Figure A2-5. Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.14. Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. Uses FAA L-850B(L) ICAO & T/C • Touchdown zone lighting on category II and III runways Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Use of LED light source eliminates color shifts at lower CCR step settings • FAA Style 3—Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size Ordering Code TDZL- Light Beam 1 = Straight 2 = Toe-in Right 3 = Toe-in Left Monitoring 1 = No monitoring Frequency 1 = 60 Hz 2 = 50 Hz1 Arctic Kit 1 = No1 2 = Yes Specification 0 = FAA Configuration 12 2 = ICAO Configuration 23 3 = FAA with heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating4,5 4 = ICAO with heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating4,5 Notes 1 L-850B(L) LED 50 Hz without heater carries the CE Mark 2 Comes with smaller bottom cover and standard 2-pin FAA L-823 connector 3 Comes with intermediate size bottom cover and 2-pin FAA L-823 connector. Cord set can be easily replaced without opening fixture. 4 Typically used for intensive winter service where sand is applied to runways and rotating brushes are used. 5 Not ETL Certified. Touchdown Zone Toe-in Coding • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. 3005 Rev. S I Manual No. 96A0403 A-9 RUNWAY LIGHTING TDZL-L I LED Runway Touchdown Zone Light Features (Continued) Spare Components • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female LED light engine, L-850B(L), white (FAA & ICAO) LED PCB, white O-ring, bottom cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism gasket sleeve Prism clamp Prism flat seal Prism keeper plate 4071.50.090 73A0136-31 63A1014 70A0329 48A0419-WHT 44A7257-3 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A1119-1 61A0444 60A4046 63A1120 60A4047 • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware Electrical Supply It is recommended that the L-850B(L) LED fixture be powered from a dedicated CCR and that separate remote controls are available. TDZL LED lights have been designed to work with any IEC- or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. L-850B(L) Fixture Load Isolation Transformer Isol. XF Load CCR Load W/out heater 15 VA 20/25 W 6 VA 21 VA W/out heater 15 VA 30/45 W 9 VA 24 VA With heater 30 VA 30/45 W 6 VA 36 VA Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 16.5 lb (7.48 kg) Weight without packing: 13.25 lb (6 kg) Dimensions: FAA / ICAO - Configuration 1 Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: Bottom Cover Depth: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) 6.25 in (15.88 cm) 3.88 in (9.9 cm) Dimensions: ICAO - Configuration 2 Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: - 9.94 in (25.20 cm) down to depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) - 8.69 in (25.20 cm) from depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) to 3.88 in (9.86 cm) Bottom Cover Depth: 3.88 in (9.9 cm) FAA Photometric Data Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 10 3005 Rev. S I Manual No. 96A0403 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING TDZ Incandescent Runway Touchdown Zone Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-850B AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-850B • Touchdown zone lighting on category II and III runways 44A4763- Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included1 2 = Not Included Features Light Beam 1 = Straight 2 = Toe-in Right 3 = Toe-in Left • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind Base Mounting 1 = L-823 cord set for standard base • Light channel in front of prism window protects the prism from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output Note 1 Not ETL Certified. • For touchdown zone applications, the low-energy/long-life halogen lamp is 48 W with a rated life of 1,500 hours at 6.6 A and in excess of 6,000 hours in practical use • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Touchdown Zone Toe-in Coding Spare Components Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Lamp assembly, 6.6 A, 48 W Lamp holder assembly O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 2990.40.827 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 Packaging ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2000 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0220 A - 11 RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL-L/IRTE-L LED Runway Edge & Runway Threshold/End Light STYLE 2, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards L-850C(L) and L-850D(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. ICAO: Runway Edge: Annex 14, Vol. I, par. and; Fig. A2-9 for 45 m runways. Runway End: Annex 14, Vol. I, par. 5.3.11; Fig. A2-8. (Unidirectional red only). T/C: Runway Edge: Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.10 and Appendix B, Figure B-10 for 45 m runways. Runway End: Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.12. and Appendix B, Fig. B.1.9. (Unidirectional red only). Military: Runway Edge: Photometry complies with UFC 3-535-01 Fig. 4-2 for runways less than 200 feet (60 m) wide. IREL-L IRTE-L FAA: Uses FAA L-850C(L) FAA L-850D(L) ICAO & T/C • Runway edge on category I, II, and III runways • Military runway edge applications less than 200 feet (60 m) wide • Runway displaced threshold light (unidirectional green) • Runway threshold/end (FAA bidirectional red/green) • Runway edge applications less than 60 m (200 feet) wide • Runway end (Unidirectional red only) Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • For L-850C white runway edge applications, use of LED light source eliminates color shifts at lower CCR step settings. For red, yellow or green runway applications, use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings. • FAA Style 2—Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.50 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both light fixture and landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size A - 12 3035 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0439 Ordering Code IREL- 0 LED Colors - Side 1 0 = Obscured 3 = White Left Toed (L-850C only) 4 = Red Straight (L-850D only)2 6 = Red Left Toed (L-850C only) 9 = Yellow Left Toed (L-850C only) C = Green Left Toed1 LED Colors - Side 2 0 = Obscured 2 = White Right Toed (L-850C only) 4 = Red Straight (L-850D only)2 5 = Red Right Toed (L-850C only) 8 = Yellow Right Toed (L-850C only) B = Green Right Toed1 Power 1 = 50 Hz 2 = 60 Hz 0 Number of Cord Sets 1 = One 2 = Two Arctic Kit 1 = No 2 = Yes Cord Set Style and Length 0 = Style 6 (2-pin), 18” long (FAA standard)3 1 = Style 1 (2-pin) SO jacketed cable, 18” long (FAA)3 2 = Style 6 (2-pin), 10” long4 3 = Style 6 (3-pin), 10” long4 4 = German Style 1 (2-pin), 10” long4 5 = German Style 1 (3-pin) 10” long4 6 = French Style (3-pin), 10” long4 Application Leave blank for FAA, Military or 45 m applications 3 = FAA, Military or 45 m with heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating5,6 Notes • ETL Certified for the following L-850D configurations: IRELC4X0XX0, IREL-4BX0XX0, IREL-C0X0XX0, IREL-40X0XX0, IREL0BX0XX0, and IREL-44X0XX0. 1 Green complies with only FAA photometric requirements. 2 Red runway end complies with FAA/ICAO/TP312 photometric requirements. 3 Fixtures with 18” cord sets are for installation on deep base cans and are not supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 4 Fixtures with 10” cord sets are for installation on shallow bases and are supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 5 Typically used for intensive winter service where sand is applied to runways and rotating brushes are used. 6 Not ETL Certified. RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL-L/IRTE-L I LED In-pave Runway Edge & Threshold/End Lt. Features (Continued) Spare Components • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. Description Part No. Cable Clamp Cord set, L-823, Style 6, 2-pin, 18” (FAA) Cord set, L-823, Style 6, 2-pin, 10” (ICAO) LED light engine, L-850C(L), white LED light engine, L-850C(L) and L-850D(L), red LED light engine, L-850C(L), yellow LED light engine, L-850C(L) and L-850D(L), green LED PCB assembly, dual driver LED PCB assembly, single driver Lens Lens retainer plate Lens seal Lens retainer seal O-Ring, pressure release screw O-Ring, top cover O-Ring, top cover to shallow base Pressure release screw 4072.42.380 4072.42.351 4072.24.950 48A0431-WHT1 48A0431-RED1 48A0431-YEL1 48A0431-GRN1 44A7228-00201 44A7228-00101 4072.18.336 4072.18.350 4072.18.362 4072.18.380 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 7080.90.650 60A2602 • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. Must replace both light engines on the same side at the same time. (Qty. 2 needed) 1 • Unique double-barrier cord set design eliminates risk for water incursion in case the cord set becomes damaged. Cord set can also be easily replaced without opening fixture. • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 Volts and a peak current of 5,000 Amps Toe-in Coding Electrical Supply It is recommended that the L-850C(L) LED fixture be powered from a dedicated CCR and that separate remote controls are available. IREL LED lights have been designed to work with any IEC- or FAA-compliant transformer up to 200 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers (XF) specified below. L-850C(L) & L-850D(L) Fixture Load Isolation XF Isol. XF Load CCR Load Unidirectional 21 VA 30/45 W 8 VA 29 VA Bidirectional 36 VA 65 W 17 VA 53 VA 21 VA/side (42 VA total) 30/45 W per side 8 VA/ XF 29 VA/side (58 VA total) Unidirectional 49 VA 65 W 15 VA 64 VA Bidirectional1 64 VA 65 W 13 VA 77 VA Bidirectional 49 VA/side (98 VA total) 65 W per side 15 VA per XF 64 VA /side (128 VA total) Without Heater 1 Bidirectional2 With Heater 1 2 2 One cord set One cord set per side Optional Snow Plow Ring Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact ADB Sales Department for additional details. Note: Triangle embossed on the top cover should point toward the centerline to ensure correct toe-in position. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Relative Humidity: Up to 100% 3035 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0439 A - 13 RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL-L/IRTE-L I LED In-pave Runway Edge & Threshold/End Lt. Photometric Data: IREL-L / L-850C(L) Packaging Dimensions Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) In cardboard box: Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Weight with packing: 18.5 lb (8.4 kg) Weight without packing: 15.5 lb (7 kg) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: - 9.92 in (25.20 cm) down to depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) - 8.69 in (22.07 cm) from depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) to 3.88 in (9.86 cm) Compatible with L-868B Top Sections where the overall height of the Top Section is less than 4 in (10.16 cm). Bottom Cover Depth: 3.88 in (9.9 cm) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 14 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) 3035 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0439 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL-L LED Runway Edge Light ICAO 60M, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards ICAO: Runway Edge: Annex 14, Vol. I, par. and; Fig. A2-10 for 60 m runways. T/C: Runway Edge: Transport Canada TP 312 par. and and Appendix B, Fig. B.1.11 for 60 m runways. Military: Runway Edge: Photometry complies with UFC 3-535-01 Fig. 4-2.B for runways 60 m (200 feet) or more wide. Uses ICAO, T/C & U.S. Military • Runway edge on category I, II, and III runways • Runway edge applications 60 m (200 feet) or more wide Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • For white runway edge applications, use of LED light source eliminates color shifts at lower CCR step settings. For red or yellow runway applications, use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings. • Low protrusion above ground of ≤12 mm reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both light fixture and landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. Ordering Code IREL- 0 1 LED Colors - Side 1 0 = Obscured 3 = White Left Toed 6 = Red Left Toed 9 = Yellow Left Toed LED Colors - Side 2 0 = Obscured 2 = White Right Toed 5 = Red Right Toed 8 = Yellow Right Toed Power 1 = 50 Hz 2 = 60 Hz 0 Number of Cord Se ts 1 = One 2 = Two Arctic Kit 1 = No 2 = Yes Cord Set Style and Length 0 = Style 6 (2-pin), 18” long (FAA standard)1 1 = Style 1 SO Jacketed cable, 2-pin, 18” long (FAA standard)1 2 = Style 6 (2-pin), 10” long2 3 = Style 6 (3-pin), 10” long2 4 = German Style 1 (2-pin), 10” long2 5 = German Style 1 (3-pin) 10” long2 6 = French Style (3-pin), 10” long2 Type 1 = ICAO 60 m 4 = ICAO 60 m with heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating3,4 Notes 1 Fixtures with 18” cord sets are for installation on deep base cans and therefore are not supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 2 Fixtures with 10” cord sets are for installation on shallow bases and are supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 3 Typically used for intensive winter service where sand is applied to runways and rotating brushes are used. 4 Not ETL Certified. 3059 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0463 A - 15 RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL-L I LED In-pavement Runway Edge Features (Continued) Electrical Supply • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below 320 °F (160 °C). It is recommended that the IREL-L LED fixture be powered from a dedicated CCR and that separate remote controls are available. IREL-L lights have been designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 200 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 Volts and a peak current of 5,000 Amps • Unique double-barrier cord set design eliminates risk for water incursion in case the cord set becomes damaged. Cord set can also be easily replaced without opening fixture. • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Relative Humidity: Up to 100% Toe-in Coding IREL-L Fixture Load Isolation XF Isol. XF Load CCR Load Unidirectional 21 VA 30/45 W 8 VA 29 VA Bidirectional 36 VA 65 W 17 VA 53 VA Bidirectional2 21 VA/side (42 VA total) 30/45 W per side 8 VA/XF 29 VA/side (58 VA total) Unidirectional 49 VA 65 W 15 VA 64 VA Bidirectional1 64 VA 65 W 13 VA 77 VA Bidirectional 49 VA/side (98 VA total) 65 W per side 15 VA per XF 64 VA /side (128 VA total) Without Heater 1 With Heater 2 1 2 One cord set One cord set per side Photometric Data: IREL-L 60 m White Note: Triangle embossed on the top cover should point toward the centerline to ensure correct toe-in position. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 16 3059 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0463 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL-L I LED In-pavement Runway Edge Optional Snow Plow Ring Spare Components Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional details. Description Part No. Cable Clamp Cord set, L-823, Style 6, 2-pin, 18” (FAA) Cord set, L-823, Style 6, 2-pin, 10” (ICAO) LED light engine, white LED light engine, red LED light engine, yellow LED PCB assembly, dual driver LED PCB assembly, single driver Lens Lens retainer plate Lens seal Lens retainer seal O-Ring, pressure release screw O-Ring, top cover O-Ring, top cover to shallow base Pressure release screw 4072.42.380 4072.42.351 4072.24.950 48A0450-WHT21 48A0450-RED1 48A0450-YEL1 44A7228-00201 44A7228-00101 4072.18.336 4072.18.350 4072.18.362 4072.18.380 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 7080.90.650 60A2602 Dimensions Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: - 9.92 in (25.20 cm) down to depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) - 8.69 in (22.07 cm) from depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) to 3.88 in (9.86 cm) Compatible with L-868B Top Sections where the overall height of the Top Section is less than 4 in (10.16 cm). Bottom Cover Depth: 3.88 in (9.9 cm) 1 Packaging In cardboard box: Must replace both light engines on the same side at the same time. (Qty. 2 needed) 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 18.5 lb (8.4 kg) Weight without packing: 15.5 lb (7 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3059 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0463 A - 17 RUNWAY LIGHTING IREL In-pavement Runway Edge Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-850C AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Military: Photometry complies with UFC 3-535-01 Fig. 4-2. Uses Ordering Code FAA L-850C • Runway edge on category I, II, and III rwys • Military runway edge applications less than 200 feet wide Features • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105 W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly Spare Components Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Filter, red Filter, yellow Filter retainer spring Filter spring clip Lamp, 105 W Lamp holder assembly O-Ring, pressure release screw O-Ring, top cover Pressure release fitting Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 63A0968 63A0964 4071.58.510 4071.50.160 2990.40.900 1411.22.001 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 4070.77.140 60A2602 63A0993-3 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 2036 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0285 Right Filter Colors2 0 = White (No Filter) 1 = Yellow 2 = Red 3 = Obscured Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Cord Sets 1 = One L-823 Cord Set 2 = Two L-823 Cord Sets Toe-in Coding Description A - 18 Left Filter Colors 0 = White (No Filter) 1 = Yellow 2 = Red 3 = Obscured Notes Bidirectional fixture uses two 105W lamps and unidirectional uses one 105W lamp. 1, 2 See filter location diagram below • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 44A6009- 1 Note: Triangle embossed on the top cover should point toward the centerline to ensure correct toe-in position. Dimensions Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: 9.94 in (25.25 cm) Bottom Cover Depth: 3.8 in (9.65 cm)* * If used in conjunction with an L-868B Top Section, the overall height of the Top Section must be 4 in (10.16 cm) minimum. Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight - with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) w/out: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING IRTE Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light FAA, STYLE 2, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: Runway Threshold Light Runway Threshold/End Light L-850D AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. FAA Ordering Code Uses FAA L-850D • Runway displaced threshold light (unidirectional green, one 62 W lamp) • Runway threshold/end (bidirectional red/ green: one 62 W lamp, green; two 62 W lamps, red) Features • FAA Style 2—Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.50 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both light fixture and landing gear, increasing lamp life • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 62 W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Toe-in Coding Threshold Only • Toe-in direction for green side is from the pilot’s perspective on approach. Opposite side (runway end/red side) is straight. • Position the fixtures on either side of the runway so that the fixture toe-in points to the runway centerline 44A6656- Threshold Beam 0 = Obscured 1 = Green Straight3 2 = Green Right Toed 3 = Green Left Toed Runway End Beam 0 = Obscured 1 = Red Straight 2 = Red Right Toed3 3 = Red Left Toed3 4 = White Right Toed1, 2 5 = White Left Toed1, 2 6 = Yellow Right Toed1, 2 7 = Yellow Left Toed1, 2 8 = Yellow Straight2 9 = White Straight2 Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Base Mounting 1 = One Cord Set 2 = Two Cord Sets Notes • Fixtures manufactured after September 5, 2006, use one green 62 W lamp and two red 62W lamps. For fixtures that use two green 105 W lamps and one red 105 W lamp, see catalog sheet 2055. • External fixture-to-base can o-ring, Part No. 7080.90.650, is ordered separately if needed for installation. For FAA installations, this o-ring is normally included with the flange ring. 1 3° toe-in for displaced threshold/runway edge applications 2 Color not recognized by the FAA 3 Not submitted for ETL Certification Toe-in Coding (Continued) • In a displaced threshold/runway edge application, the toe-in is always towards the runway centerline. When ordering always choose the same toe-in direction as the threshold beam. For example, if the threshold beam is toed right, the runway edge light is toed right. Optional Snow Plow Ring Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional details. 2085 Rev. G I Manual No. 96A0308 A - 19 RUNWAY LIGHTING IRTE I Incand. In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light - FAA Inside View Runway End (Fig. 1) Inside View Threshold/End (Fig. 2) 1. High tensile strength screw with washer 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring 4. Prism with retainer and gaskets 5. Cold mirror prefocus halogen lamp 105 W - 6.6 A 6. Optical assembly 7. Film disc cutout (optional) 8. Terminal block 9. Die cast aluminum inner cover 10. O-ring seal (Ordered separately. See Ordering Code notes.) 11. Wire clamp with grommets 12. FAA L-823 two-pole plug molded on heat-resistant wires 13. Pressure relief and test plug 1. High tensile strength screw with washer 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring seal 4. Prism with retainer and gaskets 5. Cold mirror prefocus halogen lamp 105 W - 6.6 A 6. Optical assembly 7. Film disc cutout (optional) 8. Terminal block 9. Die cast aluminum inner cover 10. O-ring seal (Ordered separately. See Ordering Code notes.) 11. Wire clamp with grommets 12. FAA L-823 two-pole plug molded on heat-resistant wires 13. Pressure relief and test plug 14. Heat-resistant wire Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Spare Components Description Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper, threshold only Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Lamp assembly, 62 W/MR 16 Lamp holder assembly O-ring, pressure release screw O-Ring, top cover Pressure release fitting Pressure release screw Prism, green (ETL Certified) Prism, red (ETL Certified) Prism, yellow Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 48A0386 1411.22.002 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 4070.77.140 60A2602 1428.00.280 1428.00.270 1428.00.290 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 20 2085 Rev. G I Manual No. 96A0308 Dimensions Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: 9.94 in (25.25 cm) Bottom Cover Depth: 3.8 in (9.65 cm)* * If used in conjunction with an L-868B Top Section, the overall height of the Top Section must be 4 in (10.16 cm) minimum. Packaging Runway End Threshold/End In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (18 x 33 x 33 cm) 7 x 13 x 13 in (18 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) 18.5 lb (8.4 kg) Weight w/out packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) 15.5 lb (7 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING IRTM Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Light MILITARY & ICAO STYLE 2, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards Military: ICAO: Designed according to L-850D AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and photometry tested to UFC 3-535-01 Fig 4-5 (green) and Fig 4-10 (red). Annex 14, Vol. 1, par (Runway Threshold) and par 5.3.11 (Runway End). Uses ICAO and U.S. Military • Runway end light (unidirectional red, one 105 W lamp) • Runway threshold light (unidirectional green, two 105 W lamps) • Runway threshold/end (bidirectional red/ green: one 105 W lamp, red; two 105 W lamps, green) Features • FAA Style 2–Low protrusion above ground of ≤ 0.50 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Runway End Runway Threshold/End Military Ordering Code 44A6247- Threshold Beam 0 = Obscured 1 = Green Straight 2 = Green Right Toed 3 = Green Left Toed 4 = Red Straight 5 = Red Right Toed 6 = Red Left Toed Runway End Beam 0 = Obscured 1 = Red Straight 2 = Red Right Toed 3 = Red Left Toed 4 = White Right Toed1 5 = White Left Toed1 6 = Yellow Right Toed1 7 = Yellow Left Toed1 8 = Yellow Straight 9 = White Straight Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Base Mounting 1 = One Cord Set 2 = Two Cord Sets Note • External fixture-to-base can o-ring, Part No. 7080.90.650, is ordered separately if needed for installation. For FAA installations, this o-ring is normally included with the flange ring. 1 3° toe-in for high-intensity displaced threshold/runway edge applications Toe-in Coding (Continued) Toe-in Coding Threshold/End Only • Toe-in direction for green side is from the pilot’s perspective on approach. Opposite side (runway end/red side) is straight. • Position the fixtures on either side of the runway so that the fixture toe-in points to the runway centerline • In a displaced threshold/runway edge application, the toe-in is always towards the runway centerline. When ordering always choose the same toe-in direction as the threshold beam. For example, if the threshold beam is toed right, the runway edge light is toed right. 2055 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0308 A - 21 RUNWAY LIGHTING IRTM I Incand. In-pavement Runway Threshold/End Lt.-Military Inside View Runway End (Fig. 1) Inside View Threshold/End (Fig. 2) 1. High tensile strength screw with washer 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring 4. Prism with retainer and gaskets 5. Cold mirror prefocus halogen lamp 105 W - 6.6 A 6. Optical assembly 7. Film disc cutout (optional) 8. Terminal block 9. Die cast aluminum inner cover 10. O-ring seal (Ordered separately. See Ordering Code notes.) 11. Wire clamp with grommets 12. FAA L-823 two-pole plug molded on heat-resistant wires 13. Pressure relief and test plug 1. High tensile strength screw with washer 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring seal 4. Prism with retainer and gaskets 5. Cold mirror prefocus halogen lamp 105 W - 6.6 A 6. Optical assembly 7. Film disc cutout (optional) 8. Terminal block 9. Die cast aluminum inner cover 10. O-ring seal (Ordered separately. See Ordering Code notes.) 11. Wire clamp with grommets 12. FAA L-823 two-pole plug molded on heat-resistant wires 13. Pressure relief and test plug 14. Heat-resistant wire Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Spare Components Description Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper, threshold only Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Lamp assembly, 105 W Lamp holder assembly O-ring, pressure release screw O-Ring, top cover Pressure release fitting Pressure release screw Prism, green Prism, red Prism, yellow Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 2990.40.900 1411.22.002 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 4070.77.140 60A2602 1428.00.280 1428.00.270 1428.00.290 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 22 2055 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0308 Packaging Runway End Threshold/End In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (18 x 33 x 33 cm) 7 x 13 x 13 in (18 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) 18.5 lb (8.4 kg) Weight w/out packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) 15.5 lb (7 kg) Optional Snow Plow Ring Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional details. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING IRTA Incandescent In-pavement Runway Threshold/Military Approach Light STYLE 2, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: Military: L-850E AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Photometry complies with UFC 3-535-01 Fig 3-2.B (Approach White & Red) and Fig 4-5 (Threshold Green). Uses FAA L-850E • Threshold lighting system, L-850E (2 green, 105 W lamps) U.S. Military • Military approach lighting system (2 white or 2 red, 105 W lamps) • Military threshold system (2 green, 105 W lamps) Features • FAA Style 2–Low protrusion above ground of ≤ 0.50 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105 W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A Ordering Code 44A6248- 0 Color 1 = Green (ETL Certified) 2 = Military White 3 = Military Red 4 = Military Green Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not included Light Beam 1 = Straight1 2 = Right Toed 3 = Left Toed Note • External fixture-to-base can o-ring, Part No. 7080.90.650, is ordered separately if needed for installation. For FAA installations, this o-ring is normally included with the flange ring. 1 Normally used on military applications Toe-in Coding • Toe-in direction is from the pilot’s perspective (the approach end of the runway) • For more information about FAA-E-2968 Steady Burning, SemiFlush, Approach Light for MALSR, Style II, unidirectional, green applications, see catalog sheet 2029. • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Dimensions Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: 9.94 in (25.25 cm) Bottom Cover Depth: 3.8 in (9.65 cm)* * If used in conjunction with an L-868B Top Section, the overall height of the Top Section must be 4 in (10.16 cm) minimum. 2028 Rev. R I Manual No. 96A0308 A - 23 RUNWAY LIGHTING IRTA I Incand. In-pavement Runway Threshold/Military Approach Inside View Spare Components 1. High tensile strength screw with washer 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring seal 4. Prism with retainer and gaskets 5. Cold mirror prefocus halogen lamp 105 W - 6.6 A 6. Optical assembly 7. Film disc cutout (optional) 8. Terminal block 9. Die cast aluminum inner cover 10. O-ring seal (Ordered separately. See Ordering Code notes.) 11. Wire clamp with grommets 12. FAA L-823 two-pole plug molded on heat-resistant wires 13. Pressure relief and test plug 14. Heat-resistant wire Description Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Lamp assembly, 105 W Lamp holder assembly O-ring, pressure release screw O-Ring, top cover Pressure release fitting Pressure release screw Prism, green Prism, red Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 2990.40.900 1411.22.002 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 4070.77.140 60A2602 1428.00.280 1428.00.270 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 18.5 lb (8.4 kg) Weight without packing: 15.5 lb (7 kg) Optional Snow Plow Ring Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional details. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 24 2028 Rev. R I Manual No. 96A0308 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING LAHSO Incandescent In-pavement Land & Hold Short Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-850F AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-850F Used in lieu of an L-850A when redundant lamp option is desired during Land and Hold Short Operations per AC 150/5345-54. Used with L-884 LAHSO power and control unit to provide automatic lamp change over and flashing signal. Features • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 48 W with a rated life of 1,500 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below the FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire 44A5950-0 Film Disc Cutout 2 = Not Included1 Base Mounting 1 = Two L-823 cord sets for standard base Lamp 1 = Two 48 W, 6.6 A Notes • If redundancy is not required for LAHSO lights, use ADB L-850A instead. See ADB catalog sheet 2001. 1 When used with an ADB Airfield Solutions L-884 PCU, film disc cutout is not used. Spare Components Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Lamp assembly, 48 W Lamp holder assembly O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-31 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 48A0420 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6000 44A6000-1S Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) Typical L-850F Configuration ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2037 Rev. J I Manual No. 96A0220 A - 25 RUNWAY LIGHTING Common Features and Benefits of Elevated LED Fixtures • Arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. Heater is available on both glass and poylcarbonate options. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • For 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit applications, “smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LEDbased technology. • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Direct replacement for existing fixture using existing frangible coupling and base plate, reducing installation time • Robust, solid-state device withstands damage if fixture is knocked over. Internal electronics ruggedly mounted inside fixture housing. • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts common with incandescent fixtures when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • LED module is an integral component of above-ground fixture, so electronics are not subject to water or deicing agents and abuse present in L-867 base cans • Fixtures use aluminum casting, stainless steel hardware, and are protected with aviation yellow powder coat finish • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Outer colored glass option ensures high daytime visibility • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Offers longer intervals between maintenance, resulting in lower life cycle costs • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Designed to meet FCC Title 47, SubPart B, Section 15 regulations concerning the emission of electronic noise • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 26 3043 Rev. B ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING EMIL-L LED Elevated Runway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: T/C: CE: L-861(L) and L-861E(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. I, par. to Transport Canada TP 312 Par. to Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. Uses FAA L-861(L) • Runway edge • Visual runways or non-precision IFR runways FAA L-861E(L) • Runway threshold/end • Visual runways or non-precision IFR runways ICAO & T/C • Runway edge • Runway threshold/end Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Single-latch, stainless steel clamp allows easy removal and replacement of top cover and lens • A gasket is used between the lens and the top cover and also between the top and bottom fixture head assemblies to form a watertight seal • EMIL with arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Fixture comes standard with a 1.5-inch coupling, but is available with a 2-inch coupling and in alternative thread patterns • Sealed entry at cord set to optical assembly interface prevents insect entry • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40°F to +131°F (-40°C to +55°C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) L-861(L)/L-861E(L) Leveling Device Ordering Code 44A7061 For accurate aiming and leveling it is recommneded to have one leveling device per airfield. Ordering Code EMIL- LED Color 1 = Omnidirectional White (L-861) 2 = Omnidirectional Yellow (L-861) 3 = Bidirectional White/Yellow (L-861) 4 = Bidirectional White/Red (L-861) 5 = Bidirectional Yellow/Red (L-861) 9 = Unidirectional Green/Obscure (L-861E)1 B = Unidirectional Yellow/Obscure (L-861)1 C = Unidirectional White/Obscure (L-861) E = Bidirectional Red/Green (L-861E)6 F = Bidirectional Red/Red (L-861E)6 G = Bidirectional Red/Obscure (L-861E)6 Fixture Height 1 = 14-inch OAH 2 = 24-inch OAH 3 = 30-inch OAH 4 = 14-inch OAH 5 = 24-inch OAH 6 = 30-inch OAH 7 = 14-inch OAH 8 = 24-inch OAH 9 = 30-inch OAH A = 14-inch OAH B = 20-inch OAH C = 18-inch OAH D = 18-inch OAH E = 18-inch OAH F = 18-inch OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 without coupling2,4 with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 without coupling2,4 Power 1 = Current Driven, 60 Hz 2 = Current Driven, 50 Hz5 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Cord Set 0 = Standard Configuration E = External Notes 1 For the yellow/green fixture on a threshold bar in displaced threshold applications, use one green/obscure L-861E(L) and one yellow/obscure L-861(L). Requires a 2-hub base plate Part No. 2835-2 (for 1.5” coupling) or 2832-2 (for 2” coupling) mounted on an L-867D base can. 2 Not submitted for ETL testing 3 Normally used in metric applications 4 Configuration sold with no column and no coupling 5 All 50 Hz EMIL fixtures carry the CE mark 6 Optics for red side enhanced to provide a beam much wider than FAA requirements. 3022 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0415 A - 27 RUNWAY LIGHTING EMIL-L I LED Elevated Runway Edge Light Electrical Supply, Current Driven Spare Components 6.6 A through an L-830-1 (for 60 Hz) or L-831-1 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. EMIL LED lights have been designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 30/45 W without affecting performance or lifetime of the light or the transformer. See catalog sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. Description Part No. Column for 14” OAH Column for 18” OAH Column for 20” OAH Column for 24” OAH Column for 30” OAH Cord set assembly for 14” OAH Cord set assembly for 18” OAH Cord set assembly for 20” OAH Cord set assembly for 24” OAH Cord set assembly for 30” OAH Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 14” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI, 14” and 18” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI, 14” and 18” OAH Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 24” and 30” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI, 24” and 30” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI, 24” and 30” OAH Gasket, lens protection Lens, white (L-861) Lens, yellow (L-861) Lens, white/yellow (L-861) Lens, white/red (L-861) Lens, white/obscure (L-861) Lens, yellow/red (L-861) Lens, yellow/obscure (L-861) Lens, red/green (L-861E) Lens, red/red (L-861E) Lens, red/obscure (L-861E) Lens, green/obscure (L-861E) Seal, lens Seal, top to bottom cover 62A0007-7 62A0007-11 62A0007-13 62A0007-17 62A0007-23 44A7028-14 44A7028-18 44A7028-20 44A7028-24 44A7028-30 62B0073 61A0281 Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load EMIL L-861(L) W/out heater 19.6 VA 20/25 W 7.6 VA 27.2 VA 42 VA 30/45 W 12 VA 54 VA 11.8 VA 10/15 W 6.2 VA 18 VA 33 VA 30/45 W 14 VA 47 VA With heater EMIL L-861E(L) - Bidirectional W/out heater With heater EMIL L-861E(L) - Unidirectional W/out heater With heater 9.9 VA 10/15 W 6.1 VA 16 VA 31 VA 30/45 W 14 VA 45 VA Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons in (cm) Individual 9 Per Box Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg 61A0350 60A4247-1 60A4247-2 60A4247-3 4071.76.060 63A1128-00 63A1128-11 63A1128-01 63A1128-05 63A1128-09 63A1128-15 63A1128-19 63A1128-23 63A1128-22 63A1128-29 63A1128-39 4071.76.041 63A1137 Photometric Data Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 28 3022 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0415 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING ERE-CB Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY, CLAMP BAND Compliance with Standards FAA: L-861 & L-861E AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Uses FAA L-861 • Runway edge • Non-precision IFR runways FAA L-861E • Runway threshold/end • Non-precision IFR runways • Stopways Features • Multiple lamp wattages and types (6.6 A quartz or 6.6 A incandescent) available • Single-latch, stainless steel clamping band allows easy removal of lens for lamp changes • Lamp Life: Rated at 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • A gasket is used between the lens and the head assembly to form a tight seal • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Fixture comes standard with a 1.5-inch coupling, but is available with a 2-inch coupling and in alternative thread patterns • Fixture uses aluminum head assembly, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow enamel paint Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Ordering Code 44C1081- Lamp 1 = 30 W/6.6 A Incandescent3 2 = 45 W/6.6 A Incandescent (ETL Certified) 3 = 25 W/120 VAC, Incandescent3 5 = 30 W/6.6 A Quartz3 6 = 45 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified) 7 = No Lamp, Incandescent Socket 8 = No Lamp, Quartz Socket Lens Color 0 = No Lens1 1 = Omnidirectional White (ETL Certified)4,5 2 = Bidirectional White/Yellow (ETL Certified)4,5 3 = Bidirectional White/Red (ETL Certified)5 4 = Bidirectional White/Green2 6 = Bidirectional Red/Green (ETL Certified)5 7 = Bidirectional Red/Red (ETL Certified)5 8 = Omnidirectional Green2 9 = Omnidirectional Yellow (ETL Certified)4,5 B = Unidirectional Green/Obscure (ETL Certified)5 C = Bidirectional Green/Yellow (ETL Certified)5 D = Bidirectional Red/Yellow (ETL Certified)5 E = Unidirectional Red/Obscure (ETL Certified)5 Fixture Height 11 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 22 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 33 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 44 = 20 in (50.8 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 1A = 4 in (35.6 cm) with 2” coupling, 11 TPI6 Notes 1 No lens option normally used as spare part. Specify and order lens separately. 2 Color and/or color configuration not recognized by the FAA 3 Lamp not certified 4 45 W Incandescent 5 45 W Quartz 6 Normally used in metric applications 1030 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0097 A - 29 RUNWAY LIGHTING ERE-CB I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light Spare Components Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons in (cm) Individual 9 Per Box Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg Lens Colors and Lamp Wattages Direction Color Wattage ETL Certification Omni White 45 W - I ; 45 W - Q Yes Omni Yellow 45 W - I ; 45 W - Q Yes Bi White/Yellow 45 W - I ; 45 W - Q Yes Bi White/Red 45 W - Q Yes Bi Red/Yellow 45 W - Q Yes Bi Green/Yellow 45 W - Q Yes Red/Green 45 W - Q Yes L-861 L-861E Bi Bi Red/Red 45 W - Q Yes Uni Green 45 W - Q Yes Uni Red 45 W - Q Yes Note: Under wattage, I stands for incandescent and Q stands for quartz. Description Part No. Column, (steel) 6” (15.24 cm) for 14” OAH Column, (steel) 16” (40.64 cm) for 24” OAH Column, (steel) 22” (55.88 cm) for 30” OAH Cord set, quartz Cord set, incandescent Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot1 Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI2 Gasket Head assembly with phenolic socket Head assembly with quartz socket Lamp, 25 W/120 VAC Lamp, prefocus, 30 W/6.6 A Lamp, prefocus, 45 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp, quartz, 30 W/6.6 A Lamp, quartz, 45 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp socket, phenolic for incandescent Lamp socket, quartz Lamp base Lamp bracket (quartz lamp socket) Lens, white Lens, white/yellow Lens, white/red Lens, white/green Lens, red/green Lens, red Lens, red/obscure Lens, red/yellow Lens, omnidirectional green Lens, green/obscure Lens, green/yellow Lens, yellow Lens clamp assembly 62A0007-6 62A0007-16 62A0007-22 44A1701 44A1707 62B0073 62B0461 61A0281 61A0350 63B0015 44B1079-1X 44B1484-1X 48A0008 48A0006 48A0007 48A0085 48A0083 49A0002 49A0032 62A2150 60C1169 63A0141 63A0142 63A0144 63A0146 63A0148 63A0149 63A0145 63A0156 63A0150 63A0147 63A0152 63A0143 44B0023 1 Inside View Gasket 2 Socket Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling Normally used in metric applications Lens Steel Column L-823 Cord Set Single-Latch Clamp Band Head Assembly Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 30 1030 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0097 Lamp (Incandescent Shown) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING ERE-PT Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY, POP TOP Compliance with Standards FAA: L-861 AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Uses FAA L-861 • Runway edge • Non-precision IFR runways FAA L-861E • Runway threshold/end • Non-precision IFR runways Features • Unique design permits rapid lamp changes • Integral snow flag holder • Unique low-profile design reduces damage due to jet blast • A ball joint in the base of the fixture allows easy and accurate elevation and azimuth positioning after installation • Designed for mounting on a 30-inch galvanized steel stake or on a base plate for a 12- or 16-inch L-867 base • Multiple lamp wattages available • Lamp Life: Rated at 1,000 hours at 45 W/6.6 A • Fixture uses aluminum castings, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow enamel paint Operating Conditions Ordering Code 44C1752- Lamp 1 = 30 W/6.6 A Quartz 2 = 45 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified) Lens Cap Color 2 = Omnidirectional White (ETL Certified)1 3 = Bidirectional White/Yellow (ETL Certified)1 4 = Bidirectional Red/Green 5 = Bidirectional Red/Yellow (ETL Certified)1 6 = Unidirectional Green3 7 = Bidirectional Green/Yellow2 8 = Bidirectional Red/Red (ETL Certified)1 0 = Omnidirectional Yellow (ETL Certified)1 A = Bidirectional Green/Green3 B = Bidirectional White/Red (ETL Certified)1 Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI Notes Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for optional color configurations. 1 45 W only 2 ETL Certification is pending for Green/Yellow application 3 Color not recognized by FAA Inside View Frangible Coupling Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Column L-823 Cord Set Lens Cap Head Lamp Wing Screw Lamp 1011 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0117 A - 31 RUNWAY LIGHTING ERE-PT I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge Light Packaging Spare Components Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons in (cm) Individual 9 Per Box Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg Lens Colors and Lamp Wattages Direction Color Wattage ETL Certification Omni White 45 W Yes Omni Yellow 45 W Yes Bi White/Yellow 45 W Yes Bi White/Red 45 W Yes Bi Yellow/Red 45 W Yes Bi Green/Yellow 45 W Pending Red/Green 45 W No L-861 L-861E Bi Bi Red/Red 45 W Yes Uni Green 45 W No Bi Green/Green 45 W No 1 1 Color and/or color configuration not recognized by the FAA Description Part No. Ball Clamp Column 8.6” (21.9 cm) for 14” OAH Column, 18.6” (47.3 cm) for 24” OAH Column, 24.6” (62.48 cm) for 30” OAH Cord set Elevated SS thumb screw kit Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot1 Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Head assembly with cord set for 14” OAH Head assembly with cord set for 24” OAH Head assembly with cord set for 30” OAH Lamp, 45 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp, 30 W/6.6 A Lamp socket Lamp base Lens cap assembly, white Lens cap assembly, white/yellow Lens cap assembly, red/green Lens cap assembly, red/red Lens cap assembly, green/obscure Lens cap assembly, green/yellow Lens cap assembly, red/yellow Lens cap assembly, yellow Lens cap assembly, green/green Lens cap assembly, white/red Lens cap without lens Lens, white Lens, white/yellow Lens, red/green Lens, red/red Lens, green/obscure Lens, yellow Lens, green/green Lens, white/red Lens sealant 62A0527 62B0472 62A0007-9 62A0007-19 62A0007-25 44A1701 94A0592 62B0073 62B0461 61A0281 44C1774-1 44C1774-2 44C1774-3 48A0083 48A0085 49A0063 62C0532 44A1773-2 44A1773-3 44A1773-4 44A1773-5 44A1773-6 44A1773-7 44A1773-8 44A1773-0 44A1773-A 44A1773-C 62C0531 63B0378-2 63B0378-3 63B0378-4 63B0378-5 63B0378-6 63B0378-7 63B0378-8 63B0378-11 67A0006-3 1 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 32 1011 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0117 Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING ERTE Incandescent Elevated Runway Threshold/End Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY, CLAMP BAND Compliance with Standards FAA: L-861SE AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-861SE 44A2090- Lamp 1 = 120 W/6.6 A Quartz • Runway threshold/end • Non-precision IFR runways Features • Top casting holds the outer globe, which is indexed to the fixture and held in place by a continuous clamping band. Two prismatic inner lens segments are mounted inside on the socket mounting plate assembly. • Light fixture is designed to withstand jet blast • Lamp Life: Rated at 500 hours at 6.6 A • Four screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Fixture uses aluminum castings, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow gloss enamel paint Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Spare Components Description Part No. Column 1”, 7.25” (18.42 cm) for 14” OAH Column 1”, 17.25” (43.82 cm) for 24” OAH Column 1”, 23.25” (59.06 cm) for 30” OAH Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot* Clamp band assembly Gasket Head assembly w/clamp band, gasket, socket, mounting plate, and 14-in cord set Head assembly w/clamp band, gasket, socket, mounting plate, and 24-in cord set Head assembly w/clamp band, gasket, socket, mounting plate, and 30-in cord set Inner lens clip Inner lens, bracket Inner lens, spring clip Lamp, 120 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lens, inner - 180° segment, white 62A0007-7 62A0007-17 62A0007-23 62B0073 62B0461 44A2060 63A0640 44A2080-1 44A2080-2 44A2080-3 60C2041 61A0146 65A0163 48A0069 63B0415-1 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Inner Lens Color 3 = White/Red1 4 = White/Green1 6 = Red/Green2 7 = Red/Red1 8 = Green/Green2 9 = Green/Yellow1 Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI Outer Lens 1 = Not Obscured 2 = Obscured Notes 1 Color and/or color configuration not recognized by FAA 2 Configurations 44A2090-16X1 Red/Green and 44A2090-18X2 Unidirectional Green are ETL Certified Spare Components (Continued) Lens, inner - 180° segment, yellow Lens, inner - 180° segment, red Lens, inner - 180° segment, green Outer lens, white bidirectional Socket mounting plate assembly (includes socket, mounting plate and inner lens clip) 63B0415-2 63B0415-3 63B0415-4 63B0480 44A2089 * Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons in (cm) Individual 9 Per Box Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2056 Rev. I I Manual No. 96A0193 A - 33 RUNWAY LIGHTING EREL/ERES LED Elevated Runway Edge, Threshold and Runway End Light HIGH-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards ICAO: FAA: T/C: NATO: Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3.9, 5.3.10 and 5.3.11 for Precision Approach Runways. L-862(L) and L-862E(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Transport Canada TP 312, para. 5.3.10, 5.3.11 and 5.3.11 STANAG 3316 • Upper body can be replaced without realignment of the fixture. • Sealed entry at cord set to optical assembly interface prevents insect entry • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043 Uses ICAO & T/C • High-intensity edge lighting for runways up to 45 m wide (CAT I, CAT II and CAT III) • High intensity runway end lighting (CAT I, CAT II and CAT III) • High-intensity threshold lighting (CAT I, CAT II and CAT III) FAA L-862(L) • Runway edge • Precision approach runways FAA L-862E(L) • Runway threshold/end • Visual runways or non-precision IFR runways Features • Average MTBF of 56,000 hours at full-intensity and more than 200,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Low-profile and small in size to withstand heaviest jet blast, even when installed at threshold/runway end. • Uses less than 33W (bidirectional lights) or 23W (unidirectional lights), with a Power Factor of 0.95, compared to incandescent fixtures that require 120W, 150W or 200W lamps. • Options for either glass or UV-resistant polycarbonate outer lens • Installation on same mounting device as most elevated halogen lights, for a straightforward replacement. • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Rugged lightning protection that complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defi ned as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size. • Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings. • Fully dimmable lights, respecting the response curve of traditional halogen lights. A - 34 Features (Continued) 3025 Rev. I I Manual No. AM.03.120 Electrical Supply, Current Driven 2.8-6.6 A through an L-830 (for 60 Hz) or L-831 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. EREL/ERES LED lights have been designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 150 W without affecting performance or lifetime of the light or the transformer. However, using a non-matched transformer will reduce its efficiency. See data sheet A.06.112 or 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers. Fixture Type Fixture Load Isolation Transformer Isol. XF Load CCR Load 34.7 VA 30/45 W or 45 W 8.1 VA 40.1 VA 20/25 W 7.5 VA 31.7 VA Bidirectional EREL/ERES Unidirectional EREL/ERES 24.2 VA Toe-in Color Coding For toeing, the part number scheme assumes the observer is facing both the light and the runway centerline. For example, toeing option 3 means that both the left and right side are toed in the direction of the centerline. If the equipment (A) has a toe-in (D), the toe-in is 4.5 degrees. The indication left (L) and right (R) always refers from the equipment to the centerline (C) of the runway (B). RUNWAY LIGHTING Ordering Code EREL/ERES I LED Elevated Runway Edge/End Light ERE Application RE = Runway Edge, Threshold and End Lens Type L = UV-resistant polycarbonate S = Glass Cable and Connector 2 = 1 plug (2-pin) 6 = 1 plug (2-pin) and separate earth ground wire1 8 = 1 plug (2-pin), externally connected1,6 000 Dimensions and Weight Diameter and height: 166 x 233 mm (6.54 x 9.17 in) Without mounting interface Weight: 3.36 kg (7.41 lb) Exploded View Color - Left Side W = White R = Red G = Green3,4 Y = Yellow N = None (Obscured) Color - Right Side W = White R = Red G = Green3,4 Y = Yellow N = None (Obscured) Toe-in2 0 = Straight/Straight 1 = Left toed/Straight 2 = Straight/Right toed 3 = Left toed/Right toed Overall Fixture Height/Coupling 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 20 in (50.8 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 4 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 5 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 2” coupling, 11.5 TPI 6 = 20 in (50.8 cm) with 2” coupling, 11.5 TPI 7 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 2” coupling, 11.5 TPI 8 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 2” coupling, 11.5 TPI 9 = Frangible stem with 2-inch, 11 TPI1,7 A = 14” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI1,7 B = 24” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI1,7 C = 30” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI1,7 Power Supply & Monitoring S = Current Driven, 50/60 Hz w/out monitoring M = Current Driven, 50/60 Hz with monitoring ICAO/FAA Photometrics 0 = ICAO- and FAA-compliant5 F = FAA only (threshold green only)3 I = ICAO only (for threshold application)4 Options 0 = No option 1 = With bracket for snow rod Fixed Digits 00 Version 0 = Original version Constuction 1. Upper body including main electronic board and retaining clip 2. Gasket 3. Lower body support, including cable lead with molded FAA L-823 style 6 plug 4. Levelling screws (x3) 5. Frangible stem / Frangible coupling 6. Optical assembly, including LEDs 7. Optical cover gasket 8. Optical cover 9. Optical cover clip Ordering Code Notes • White and yellow beams are for runway edge application and are always with toe-in • Red beam may be with toe-in for runway edge application (e.g. displaced threshold) or without toe-in for runway end application • Green beam may be with or without toe-in depending on the position of the light (without toe-in for a light positioned on the runway centerline) 1 Not defined by FAA, therefore not ETL Certified 2 See Toe-in Coding diagram for more information 3 For FAA applications, if either color is green, use F 4 ICAO/TP 312 threshold is unidirectional only, and always without toe-in. Code for an ICAO threshold light is ERExxGN0xxIxxxx, where “x” must be selected according to the table. 5 All lights without green beam are compliant to ICAO and FAA. Use 0 for any application (FAA, ICAO, TP 312) that does not use green 6 Cord set connected external to column 7 Normally used in metric applications 3025 Rev. I I Manual No. AM.03.120 A - 35 RUNWAY LIGHTING EREL/ERES I LED Elevated Runway Edge/End Light FAA Photometric Curves ICAO Photometric Performances Application Main beam aperture Color Average intensity (typical value) (cd) 11592 Horiz. (°) Vert. (°) Runway Edge -2 to +9 0 to 7 White Runway Edge -2 to +9 0 to 7 Yellow 6667 Runway Edge -2 to +9 0 to 7 Red 5003 Runway End -6 to +6 0.25 to 4.75 Red 4980 Threshold -5.5 to +5.5 1 to 10 Green 11155 Additional photometric curves can be found in the Product Center on our website ( under the Photometric Data tab or by contacting your local ADB representative. ICAO Photometric Curves Photometry - FAA L-862 white Photometry - runway edge 45 m (white) Photometry - FAA L-862E red Installation On conduit elbow TC3, tripod, mounting plate T300/3 (see data sheet A.05.111) or on L-867 steel base (see data sheet A.05.120 or 2012). Photometry - runway end (red) The stability has to be ensured through appropriate means (e.g. concrete). Leveling and aiming in azimuth of the light are easily performed with the dedicated aiming device. Accessories and Options Description Part No. Aiming Device 1408.35.130 Spare Components See manual for spare parts. Photometry - threshold (green) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 36 3025 Rev. I I Manual No. AM.03.120 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING ERET-CB Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/ Threshold Light HIGH-INTENSITY, CLAMP BAND Compliance with Standards FAA: L-862 and L-862E AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. • Runway edge • Precision approach runways FAA L-862E • Runway threshold/end • Precision approach runways Features • Light fixture is designed to withstand jet blast • Lamp Life: Rated at 500 hours at 6.6 A • Top casting holds the outer globe, which is indexed to the fixture and held in place by a continuous clamping band. Two prismatic inner lens segments are mounted inside on the socket mounting plate. • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Fixture uses aluminum castings, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow gloss enamel paint L-862E Ordering Code 44A2071- Lamp 1 = 120 W/6.6 A Quartz 4 = 200 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified) Inner Lens Color 1 = White/White Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 4 = 14 in (35.66 cm) with 2” column/coupling, 11.5 TPI1 5 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 2” column/coupling, 11.5 TPI1 6 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 2” column/coupling, 11.5 TPI1 7 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1” column/2” coupling, 11.5 TPI Outer Lens 4 = Red/Green Right Hand (ETL Certified) 5 = Red/Green Left Hand (ETL Certified) 6 = Red/Red (ETL Certified) 7 = Green/Obscured Right Hand (ETL Certified) 8 = Green/Obscured Left Hand (ETL Certified) 9 = Red/Obscured Right Hand (ETL Certified) 0 = Red/Obscured Left Hand (ETL Certified) 44A2071- Lamp 0 = None 1 = 120 W/6.6 A Quartz5 2 = 150 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified)5 4 = 200 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified)4 5 = 100 W/6.6 A, PK30d5 Uses FAA L-862 L-862 Ordering Code 1 Inner Lens Color 0 = None 1 = Birectional White/White (ETL Certified) 2 = Birectional White/Yellow (ETL Certified)3 3 = Red/Red2 4 = Yellow/Yellow2 5 = Green/Green2 7 = Birectional Red/Yellow (ETL Certified)3 8 = Birectional Yellow/Green3 A = Birectional White/Red (ETL Certified)3 Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 4 = 14 in (35.66 cm) with 2” swivel head, 11.5 TPI1 5 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 2” swivel head, 11.5 TPI1 6 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 2” swivel head, 11.5 TPI1 7 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 2” coupling, 11.5 TPI Outer Lens 1 = White/White (ETL Certified) 9 = Red/Obscured Right Hand (ETL Certified) 0 = Red/Obscured Left Hand (ETL Certified) A = Red/White Right Hand (ETL Certified) B = Red/White Left Hand (ETL Certified) C = Green/Yellow Right Hand (ETL Certified) D = Green/Yellow Left Hand (ETL Certified) E = Red/Yellow Right Hand (ETL Certified) F = Red/Yellow Left Hand (ETL Certified) Notes for L-862 and L-862E See Ordering Code for ETL Certification 1 This option is for a fixture with 2-inch column where robust applications are required. 2 Color and/or color configuration not recognized by the FAA 3 When ordering fixtures with two different inner lens colors, indicate the number of fixtures to be toed left and the number to be toed right. Unless specified, order will be filled with half right toed and half left toed fixtures. 4 For 200 W lamps, inner lenses must be white or white/yellow. 5 For 100 W, 120 W and 150 W lamps, outer lenses must be white. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) 1201 Rev. R I Manual No. 96A195 A - 37 RUNWAY LIGHTING ERET-CB I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold Light Installation of L-862 to Runway Centerline Left Toe-in Spare Components Right Toe-in Notes • L-862 is toed on two sides • Position the fixtures on either side of the runway so that the arrow embossed on the top of the outer glassware points to the runway centerline • Fixtures can also be supplied with one side obscured • Unless otherwise specified, bicolored fixtures will be provided with half of the number ordered for right side of runway and the other half for the left side. For odd quantities please specify colored lens side as right or left as viewed from runway centerline. Installation of L-862E to Runway Centerline Description Part No. Column 1”, 7.25” (18.42 cm) for 14” OAH Column 1”, 17.25” (43.82 cm) for 24” OAH Column 1”, 23.25” (59.06 cm) for 30” OAH Column 2”, 7.25” (18.42 cm) for 14” OAH1 Column 2”, 17.25” (43.82 cm) for 24” OAH1 Column 2”, 23.25” (59.06 cm) for 30” OAH1 Filter clip Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot4 Frangible coupling, 2 inch, 11.5 TPI Clamp band assembly Gasket Head assembly Lamp, 100 W/6.6 A, PK30d Lamp, 120 W/6.6 A Lamp, 150 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp, 200 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp socket Lens, inner - 180° segment, white3 Lens, inner - 180° segment, yellow3 Lens, inner - 180° segment, red3 Lens, inner - 180° segment, green3 Lens, inner - 180° segment, obscured2 Lens, inner bracket Lens, inner spring clip Outer lens, clear bidirectional (L-862)3 Outer lens, red-green, left hand (L-862E)3 Outer lens, red-green, right hand (L-862E)3 Socket mounting plate assembly Wire grommet 62A0007-7 62A0007-17 62A0007-23 44A0907-3 44A0907-4 44A0907-5 60C2041 62B0073 62B0461 62B0605 44A2060 63A0640 44A2066-X 48A0380 48A0069 48A0044 48A0145 49A0032 63B0415-1 63B0415-2 63B0415-3 63B0415-4 63B0415-6 61A0146 65A0163 63B0416 63A0602 63A0601 44A2089 63A0042-4 1 2 3 4 Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for additional details on this application Color and/or color configuration not recognized by the FAA See Ordering Code for ETL Certification Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling Packaging Assembled Fixtures* Left Toe-in Right Toe-in Notes Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 38 1201 Rev. R I Manual No. 96A195 Individual 9 Per Box Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg • L-862E is toed on one side only • Position the fixtures on either side of the runway so that the arrow embossed on the top of the outer glassware points to the runway centerline Dimensions of Cartons in (cm) * If the two-inch coupling is used instead of the one-and-halfinch coupling, the couplings are packed separately and not pre-assembled on the fixture. Box size depends on quantity. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING ERET-PT Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/ Threshold Light HIGH-INTENSITY, POP TOP Compliance with Standards FAA: L-862 AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-862 • Runway edge • Precision approach runways FAA L-862E • Runway threshold/end • Precision approach runways Features • Unique design integrates the clear outer lens and the two inner lenses into a single upper assembly, permitting rapid lamp changes • Lens cap overhangs the base and is fastened to the base by two wing screws, providing a moisture-resistant seal that is impervious to water and eliminates the use and replacement of clamp bands and gaskets • 180° inner lens segments are available in clear and yellow • Lamp Life: Rated at 500 hours at 6.6 A • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • A ball joint in the base of the fixture allows easy and accurate elevation and azimuth positioning after installation • Fixture uses aluminum castings, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow gloss enamel paint Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Inside View Lens Cap Assembly Inner Lens Bracket Lamp 44C1201- Lamp 1 = 120 W/6.6 A Quartz 2 = 150 W/6.6 A Quartz3 (ETL Certified) 4 = 200 W/6.6 A Quartz3,4 Wing Nut Screw Inner Lens Color 1 = Bidirectional 2 = Bidirectional 3 = Red 5 = Green1 7 = Bidirectional 8 = Bidirectional White/White (ETL Certified)3 White/Yellow (ETL Certified) Red/Yellow Green/Yellow Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI Outer Lens Option 1 = White Toed2 2 = Obscured – Left Toed 3 = Obscured – Right Toed 4 = Red/Green – Right Toed3 5 = Red/Green – Left Toed3 6 = Green/Obscured – Right Toed1 7 = Green/Obscured – Left Toed1 8 = Red 9 = Red/Obscured – Left Toed4 0 = Red/Obscured – Right Toed4 A = Yellow/Green – Right Toed B = Yellow/Green – Left Toed Notes 1 Green inner lens in combination with green/obscure outer lens used on L-862E unidirectional green applications. 2 When ordering fixtures with white/white or white/yellow inner lens colors, indicate the number of fixtures to be toed left and the number to be toed right. Unless specified, order will be filled with half right toed and half left toed fixtures. 3 For red/green applications, inner lens must be white/white and outer lens must be red/green 4 For 200 W lamps, inner lens must be either white or yellow. Packaging Assembled Fixtures Frangible Coupling Steel Column Socket Plate Inner Lens L-823 Cord Set Inner lens spring clip Lens Clip Dimensions of Cartons in (cm) Individual 9 Per Box Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg 1012 Rev. W I Manual No. 96A0045 A - 39 RUNWAY LIGHTING ERET-PT I Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold Light Installation of L-862 to Runway Centerline Spare Components Description Part No. Ball joint Column, 6.5 in (16.51 cm) for 14-in OAH Column, 16.5 in (41.91 cm) for 24-in OAH Column, 22.5 in (57.15 cm) for 30-in OAH Elevated SS thumb screw kit Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot1 Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Head assembly with cord set for 14-in OAH Head assembly with cord set for 24-in OAH Head assembly with cord set for 30-in OAH Lamp, 120 W/6.6 A Lamp, 150 W/6.6 A2 (ETL Certified) Lamp, 200 W/6.6 A2,3 Lamp socket Lamp base Lens, outer white, not obscured Lens, outer white left hand, obscured Lens, outer white right hand, obscured Lens, outer red/green, right hand2 Lens, outer red/green, left hand2 Lens, inner white (ETL Certified) Lens, inner yellow (ETL Certified) Lens, inner red Lens, inner green Lens, inner bracket Lens, inner retainer Lens, inner spring clip Lens cap Lens cap assembly, inner and outer lens, white (ETL Certified) Lens cap assembly, inner lens white/yellow, outer lens white (ETL Certified) Lens cap assembly, inner lens white/red, outer lens white Lens cap assembly, inner lens red/green, outer lens white (used on 120 W only) Lens cap assembly, inner lens white, outer lens red/green, right hand2 Lens cap assembly inner lens white, outer lens red/green, left hand2 Lens cap assembly, inner lens white, outer lens yellow/green, right hand Lens cap assembly inner lens white, outer lens yellow/green, left hand Outer lens cap only Lens clip Strain relief Wing screw 62A0527 62A0007-8 62A0007-18 62A0007-24 94A0592 62B0073 62B0461 61A0281 44C1203-1 44C1203-2 44C1203-3 48A0069 48A0044 48A0145 49A0063 62C0485 63B0416 63B0545-1 63B0545-2 63A0601 63A0602 63B0415-1 63B0415-2 63B0415-3 63B0415-4 61A0146 61B0147 65A0163 62C0486 44C1202-1 1 2 3 Left Toe-in Right Toe-in Notes for Edge Applications • L-862 is toed on two sides • Position the fixtures on either side of the runway so that the arrow embossed on the top of the outer glassware points to the runway centerline • Fixtures can also be supplied with one side obscured • Unless otherwise specified, L-862 white/white or white/yellow fixtures will be provided with half of the number ordered for right side of runway and the other half for the left side. For odd quantities please specify colored lens side as right or left as viewed from runway centerline. Installation of L-862E to Runway Centerline 44C1202-2 44C1202-3 44C1202-6 44C1202-17 44C1202-18 44C1202-25 44C1202-26 44B1411-1 60A1430 63A0042-5 64A0229-16 Left Toe-in Right Toe-in Notes • L-862E is toed on one side only • Position the fixtures on either side of the runway so that the arrow embossed on the top of the outer glassware points to the runway centerline Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling For red/green applications, inner lens must be white/white and outer lens must be red/green For 200 W lamps, inner lens must be either white or yellow Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 40 1012 Rev. W I Manual No. 96A0045 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING IMIL-L LED Elevated Runway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-861/E/T(L) (L-867 Mounting) Designed according to L-861(L), L-861E(L) and L-861T(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-861(L) • Runway edge • General Aviation airports only FAA L-861E(L) • Runway threshold/end • General Aviation airports only FAA L-861T(L) • Taxiway edge • General Aviation airports only Features • Innovative fixture design provides for compliance with L-861(L), L-861E(L) and L-861T(L) photometric requirements at the lowest possible height • Low overall height of <1.5” minimizes risk for damage during lawn mowing operation • L-861E(L) available for mounting on either an L-867 or L-868 base can • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Improves safety due to elimination of airplane to fixture contact during a rollover event versus traditional elevated fixtures • L-861(L), L-861E(L) and L-861T(L) (L-867 mounting) robust optical glass and mounting plate design exceed L-867 base plate static compressive load requirements defined in FAA AC 150/ 5345-46 (Current Edition) par. L-861E(L) (L-868 mounting) complies with same load bearing requirements of standard in-pavement runway and taxiway fixtures. • Slots on L-861(L), L-861E(L) or L-861T(L) fixture mounting plate provide for proper orientation of the fixture when mounted on FAA L-867 base cans. Mounting plate design allows a continuous overall azimuth adjustment of 35 degrees. • An optional bevel for L-867B 12-inch base cans is available to provide up to 4° adjustment to level the fixture • Also available for use on DC PWM Advanced Power Supply system applications. See catalog sheet 3010 for more details on this system. • A gasket is used between the lens and the top cover and also between the top and bottom fixture cover to form a watertight seal • Direct replacement for existing elevated L-861/L-861E/L-861T fixtures using existing base can, reducing installation time IMIL- 0 LED Color 1 = Omnidirectional White (L-861) 2 = Omnidirectional Yellow (L-861) 3 = Bidirectional White/Yellow (L-861) 4 = Bidirectional White/Red (L-861) 5 = Bidirectional Yellow/Red (L-861) 7 = Bidirectional Red/Green, L-867 mounting (L-861E) 8 = Bidirectional Red/Red, L-867 mounting (L-861E) 9 = Unidirectional Green, L-867 mounting (L-861E) A = Bidirectional Red/Green, L-868 mounting (L-861E) B = Bidirectional Red/Red, L-868 mounting (L-861E) C = Unidirectional Green, L-868 mounting (L-861E) D = Omnidirectional Blue, L-867 mounting (L-861T)6 Power 1 = Current Driven, 2.8 A to 6.6 A, 60 Hz 2 = Current Driven, 2.8 A to 6.6 A, 50 Hz A = DC PWM (APS) using L-823 Style 2 and 9 cord with ridge2,4 B = DC PWM (APS) using L-823 Style 6 cord3,4 C = DC PWM (APS) using L-823 Style 6 Teflon® cord3,4,5 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option1 Notes Contact the ADB Sales Department for green/yellow applications 1 For use on 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit applications only 2 For Style 2 and 9 cord set, contact ADB Sales 3 Fixture has one 2-pin connector. Used on APS applications that include a Bypass Device. See catalog sheet 3010 for more information. 4 Configuration not recognized by the FAA 5 Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont 6 Use of this fixture should be limited to where elevated lights may be damaged by jet blast or where they interfere with aircraft operations. Features (Continued) • Sealed entry at cord set to optical assembly interface prevents insect entry • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 350 mph (560 kph) 3024 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0414 A - 41 RUNWAY LIGHTING IMIL-L I LED Elevated Runway Edge Light Optional Bevel Spacer Ring Ordering Code 60A4237- Spare Components - T-MIN XXX = Minimum thickness (inches) T-MAX XXXX = Maximum thickness (inches) Notes For L-861(L), L-861E(L) or L-861T(L) applications mounted on an L-867 base can, bevel provides up to 4° adjustment to level fixture (if required). Measure “T-MIN” and “T-MAX” at opposing bolt holes. Minimum T-MIN is 0.250 inches and maximum T-MAX is 1.250 inches. For example, if T-MIN is 0.250 inches and T-MAX is 0.669 inches, the ordering code is 60A4237-250-0669. Contact the ADB Sales Department if additional guidance is needed. Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823, 2-pin, Style 6 Cord set grommet Gasket, lens protection Lens, white (L-861) Lens, yellow (L-861) Lens, white/yellow (L-861) Lens, white/red (L-861) Lens, red/yellow (L-861) Lens, red/green (L-861E) Lens, red/red (L-861E) Lens, green/obscure (L-861E) Seal, lens 4071.50.090 73A0136-31 63A1014 4071.76.060 63A1128-00 63A1128-11 63A1128-01 63A1128-05 63A1128-15 63A1128-23 63A1128-22 63A1128-39 4071.76.041 Electrical Supply, Current Driven 6.6 A through an L-830-1 (for 60 Hz) or L-831-1 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. IMIL lights have been designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 30/45 W without affecting performance or lifetime of the light or the transformer. See catalog sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load 19.6 VA 20/25 W 7.6 VA 27.2 VA 42 VA 30/45 W 12 VA 54 VA 11.8 VA 10/15 W 6.2 VA 18 VA 33 VA 30/45 W 14 VA 47 VA 9.9 VA 10/15 W 6.1 VA 16 VA 31 VA 30/45 W 14 VA 45 VA W/out heater 12 VA 10/15 W 3 VA 15 VA W/out heater 12 VA 30/45 W 8.4 VA 20.4 VA With heater off 12 VA 20/25 W 7.5 VA 19.5 VA With heater off 12 VA 30/45 W 8.4 VA 20.4 VA With heater on 25 VA 20/25 W 7.5 VA 32.5 VA With heater on 25 VA 30/45 W 9 VA 34 VA IMIL L-861(L) W/out heater With heater IMIL L-861E(L) - Bidirectional W/out heater With heater IMIL L-861E(L) - Unidirectional W/out heater With heater IMIL L-861T(L) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. A - 42 3024 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0414 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved RUNWAY LIGHTING This page left blank intentionally A - 43 TAXIWAY LIGHTING Taxiway Lighting Fixtures on the Web Our complete line of taxiway lighting products, including those listed below, is available in the Product Center on our website: The products listed here have been removed from the printed catalog as part of our green initiative. Benefits Sheet: Incandescent In-pavement F-Range, Low Profile In-pavement Fixtures Benefit Sheet and In-pavement Fixture Use and Specifications Table. See data sheet 2044. ITEL I Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light The ITEL incandescent fixture can used for taxiway edges and helipads. Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind, the fixture’s low protrusion above ground of ≤ 0.5 inch reduces vibration in both the light fixture and landing gear, increasing lamp life. The L-852T uses 45 W lowenergy/ long-life halogen lamps with a rated life of more than 1,000 hours at full intensity and in excess of 3,000 hours in practical use. See data sheet 2042. THL - RIL I LED RWSL Take-Off Hold Light and Runway Intersection Light The ETL Certified fixture is used in FAA Runway Status Light THL applications. The fixture is unidirectional traffic signal red. The fixture has an average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses. The LED fixture’s very low power rating contributes to a lower life cycle cost, and limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to a strict minimum. See data sheet 3027. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3041 Rev. A B-1 TAXIWAY LIGHTING DTS-LP/DTC-LP LED Taxiway Centerline, Stop Bar and Holding Position In-pavement Light STYLE 3, HIGH-INTENSITY 8” Curved Fixture Compliance with Standards ICAO: FAA: T/C: NATO: Annex 14, Vol. 1 (Current Edition) L-852(L) Series AC 150/5345-46 and FAA Engineering Brief No. 67 (Current Edition). ETL Certification Pending. Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.3.16, 5.3.18 and 5.3.19 STANAG 3316 8” Straight Fixture Features (Continued) • Installation on the same bases as 8- or 12-inch tungsten-halogen lights for a straightforward replacement. Optional snow plow rings are available. • Substantial investment reduction for new installations, resulting from a lower installed load Uses ICAO DTS/DTC taxiway lights are used in category I, II & III as: • Taxiway centerline on straight and curved section and on rapid exit taxiways • Stop bar • Intermediate holding position lights • De-/anti-icing facility exit lights • Apron lead-in lights FAA L-852C(L) FAA L-852D(L) FAA L-852K(L) • Taxiway centerline on straight section and clearance bar in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR • White/white or white/yellow used on MIRL runway edge for intersections where runway edge spacing >400 ft (122 m) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR Features • The evolution of the most successful LED lights in the world, fully adapted to the characteristics of an LED lighting source • Very low energy consumption (typically 12 W per side, compared to 30 to 60 W for tungsten halogen lights) • Very low working temperature, ensuring longer component life • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • When turned on, light rise time is low. The light is perfectly adapted for any incursion protection system. • Optional monitoring function of the individual light source. In case of a defect, the LED light automatically disconnects from the secondary side of the isolation transformer, resulting in an open circuit condition. • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminium alloy top, intermediate and bottom covers • Corrosion-resistant stainless steel hardware. Use of Torx screws ensures ease of maintenance. • For FAA applications, includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire DTS-LP/DTC-LP lights are part of a complete range of LED in-pavement lights, featuring innovative characteristics, as a leverage for: Reliability • Greatly reduced maintenance: calculated MTBF of 56,000 hours at 6.6A • Additional watertightness barriers, protecting both the electronics and the LEDs in case of accidental water ingress, along the prism or the gaskets as well as along the cables • Style 3—Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch (6.35 mm) reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing fixture life • Prisms of small dimensions installed in a deep optical channel with no negative window slope: optimal protection against rubber deposit, scratches and shocks • Increased traffic efficiency and availability of the taxiways thanks to the reduction of maintenance Modularity • Optimum and homogenous light distribution along the lights installed on the same taxiway • High commonality of components between the various models. Stock management is easier • High discrimination between functions thanks to the saturated colors, their stability at the different brightness steps and under all viewing angles • Field customization according to the application is straightforward: a light can be transformed into another model by swapping components • Full compatibility with existing airfield lighting series circuits. No need to replace the CCRs, series transformers, or cables • Same tools and same procedures to maintain the whole range, reducing the risk of mistakes and time loss • Fully dimmable lights, respecting the response curve of traditional halogen lights. Operates on the full range of 2.8 A to 6.6 A. B-2 3056 Rev. A I Manual No. AM.04.520e TAXIWAY LIGHTING DTS-LP/DTC-LP I LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline & Stop Bar Photometric Performance Application DTS DTC Straight Section Curved Section Main beam aperature Horiz (°) Vert (°) -10 to +10 1 to 8 -3.5 to +35 1 to 10 Features (Continued) Color Average Intensity (typical value) (cd) Figure Clear 321 3.1 Yellow 340 - Red 411 3.2 Green 195 3.3 Yellow 230 3.4 Red 267 - Photometric Curves - ICAO Maintenance Friendliness • Maintenance-friendly: components subject to wear or damage like prisms and cables can easily be replaced. Neither sealing compounds nor resin are required • Innovative design of the cable entry, permitting replacement without the need to open the light. This eliminates the risk of water leakage due to a pinched cable. • Reduced number of components for maintenance simplicity • Pressure-release plug for water-tightness testing of fixture after overhaul Fig. 3.1: DTS - Taxiway straight - green light Low protrusion without negative slope • Limited height above pavement of 6.3 mm (0.25 in) reduces the risk of damage during winter operations or by towbarless tugs • Despite the low protrusion, no part of the prism is below ground level, avoiding loss of photometry during rainfall and sedimentation on the bottom of the prism Optional scratch-resistant prisms • Optionally, a higher hardness protective layer can be applied to the prism, making it much more resistant against scratches and sand-blasting Fig. 3.2: DTS - Stop Bar straight - red light Electrical Supply 6.6 A through one or two series transformer(s) (data sheet A.06.110 or 3033). DTS-LP/DTC-LP lights have been designed to work with any IEC- or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting the performance or the lifetime of the light or transformer. However, use of a non-matched transofrmer will reduce its efficiency. Fig. 3.3: DTC - Taxiway curved - green light Fig. 3.4: DTC - Taxiway curved - yellow light 3056 Rev. A I Manual No. AM.04.520e B-3 TAXIWAY LIGHTING Ordering Code DTS-LP/DTC-LP I LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline & Stop Bar D 0 0 Toe-in Color Coding AD-light Application TS = Taxiway or stop bar straight section TC = Taxiway or stop bar curved section 2C = FAA L-852C 2D = FAA L-852D 2K = FAA L-852K Cord Set Style and Length A = Standard version (Style 6 plugs), 10” long1 G = German Style 1 (2-pin), 10” long1 F = French Style (3-pin), 10” long1 J = Style 1 SO Jacketed cable, 2-pin, 18” long (FAA)2 L = Style 6 (2-pin), 18” long (FAA)2 Cable and Connector 2 = 1 plug (2-pin) 3 = 2 plugs (2-pin) 4 = 1 plug (3-pin) 5 = 2 plugs (3-pin) LED Color 1 - Left R = Red G = Green W = White3 Y = Yellow N = Obscure/Blank (no light) LED Color 2 - Right R = Red G = Green W = White3 Y = Yellow N = Obscure/Blank (no light) Toe-in 0 = No toe-in for DTS and FAA L-852C/D 3 = Toe-in on both sides for DTC and FAA L-852K Dimensions B = 8” diameter, 1/4” protrusion D = 12” diameter, 1/4” protrusion Power Supply and Monitoring S = 6.6A, 50/60Hz, w/out monitoring option M = 6.6A, 50/60Hz, with monitoring option Design A B C D E F H I K Aluminum alloy upper cover Labyrinth gasket (for 8” shallow base installations) Prism gasket (1 or 2) Prism (1 or 2) Prism protection plate Prism bracket Optical assembly, including LEDs O-ring gaskets Aluminum alloy inner cover assy, with transformer(s) and printed circuit board L Inner cover assembly screw N Replaceable cable lead with molded FAA L-823 style 6 plug (1 or 2). Other types of cable leads are also available. O Retaining bracket Specification4 0 = ICAO and TP 312 F = FAA L-852 K = Australian (color compliant to MOS 139) Winter Options 0 = None 1 = Arctic kit 2 = Heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating5 3 = Arctic kit & heavy-duty abrasion-resistant lens coating5 Bolt Holes/Fixation Options 0 = Standard (6 bolts for 12” fixture; 2 bolts/2 fixing pins for 8” fixture) 1 = 4 bolts (8” fixture) Ground Lug Options 0 = Without ground lug U = With UL 467 ground lug (FAA standard) B-4 3056 Rev. A I Manual No. AM.04.520e Ordering Code Notes 1 8” fixtures with 10” cord sets are for installation on shallow bases and are supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 2 Fixtures with 18” cord sets are for installation on deep base cans and are not supplied with an external o-ring gasket. 3 Use L-852D for FAA medium-intensity runway edge applications. 4 DTX is only 0 or K, D2X is only F. 5 Typically used for intensive winter service where sand is applied to runways and rotating brushes are used. TAXIWAY LIGHTING DTS-LP/DTC-LP I LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline & Stop Bar Installation 1) On a shallow base (Fig. 6). The 8” dia. base is secured in the pavement by means of resin. Correct positioning and leveling are obtained with a jig with sighting telescope. Wires between the light and the series transformer are installed either in saw cuts in the pavement filled with resin or in pipes in the lower concrete layers. Mounting on existing or new, larger diameter bases is made possible by means of dedicated adapter rings. 2) On a FAA L-868B size B steel base (Fig. 7). The 8” dia. light is mounted in an 8” to 12” dia. snow plow or adapter ring bolted onto the base. The 12” fixture is directly mounted without a separate ring. The bases are interconnected by means of conduits protecting the cables. See FAA AC 150/534030 for additional design guidance on deep base cans. The series transformer is installed under the light or in a separate pit. See data sheet A.05.120 or 2012 for more information on base cans. Dimensions 12” Fixture Outside diameter: 303.3 mm (11.94 in) Bolt-circle diameter: 285.8 mm (11.25 in) Overall height: 78.4 mm (3.1 in) 8” Fixture Outside diameter: 202 mm (7.97 in) Bolt-circle diameter: 184 mm (7.24 in) Overall height: 78.4 mm (3.1 in) 8” Shallow Base Outside diameter: 230 mm (9.06 in) Depth: 150 mm (5.91 in) Packaging 12” Fixture In cardboard box: 177.8 x 330 x 330 mm (7 x 13 x 13 in) Weight with packing: 5.9 kg (13.15 lb) Weight without packing: 5.4 kg (11.95 lb) 8” Fixture Fig. 6: Installation on 8” shallow base In cardboard box: 177.8 x 330 x 330 mm (7 x 13 x 13 in) Weight with packing: 4.4 kg (9.8 lb) Weight without packing: 3.9 kg (8.6 lb) 8” Fixture with Snow Plow Ring In cardboard box: 177.8 x 330 x 330 mm (7 x 13 x 13 in) Weight with packing: 19 kg (42 lb) Weight without packing: 18.5 kg (40.8 lb) 8” Shallow Base Weight with packing: 2.8 kg (6.17 lb) Weight without packing: 2.6 kg (5.73 lb) Fig. 7: Installation on FAA L-868 base ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3056 Rev. A I Manual No. AM.04.520e B-5 TAXIWAY LIGHTING Enhanced ITCF-L LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: Designed according to L-852(L) Series AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. L-852A-D L-852J/K Features (Continued) • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. Uses FAA L-852A(L) • Taxiway centerline on straight sections and clearance bar in category I and II applications, >1,200 ft RVR FAA L-852B(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category I and II applications, >1,200 ft RVR FAA L-852C(L) • Taxiway centerline on straight section and clearance bar in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR FAA L-852D(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR • White/white or white/yellow used on MIRL runway edge for intersections where runway edge spacing >400 ft (122 m) FAA L-852J(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category I and II applications, >1,200 ft RVR FAA L-852K(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR Use of two LED modules allows the option of separate control of each module in bi-directional applications. Features • Incorporates enhanced electronics. Enhanced electronics ensure that the power supply PCB does not need to change in case the LED becomes obsolete. • Use of L-852K(L) fixture allows fixtures to be reduced by half for curved centerlines where the radius is 75 ft (23 m) to 399 ft (121 m) • L-852A/B/C(L) use a single LED per side. L-852D/J/K(L) use two LEDs per side. Average LED life of 100,000 hours for L-852A/B/ C(L) and 56,000 hours for L-852D/J/K(L) under high-intensity conditions. LED life of more than 200,000 hours for L-852A/ B/C(L) and more than 150,000 hours for L-852D/J/K(L) under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses. • FAA Style 3–Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware • Galvanic isolation from the series circuit transformer, protecting the LED module against over voltage. • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Operating Conditions • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements Relative Humidity: Up to 100% B-6 3062 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0460 Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) TAXIWAY LIGHTING Ordering Code Enhanced ITCF-L I LED In-pavementTaxiway Centerline Light ITCF- 0 Series A = L-852A(L) B = L-852B(L) C = L-852C(L) D = L-852D(L) J = L-852J(L) K = L-852K(L) LED Color 1 = Yellow/Yellow 2 = Green/Green 3 = Yellow/Green2 5 = Green/Obscure 6 = Yellow/Obscure 8 = Red/Green1,2 0 = White/White (L-852D only) A = Green Left/Yellow Right (J/K only)1,3 B = Yellow Left/Green Right (J/K only)1,3 C = Green Left/Obscured Right (J/K only)3 D = Obscured Left/Green Right (J/K only)3 E = Yellow Left/Obscured Right (J/K only)3 F = Obscured Left/Yellow Right (J/K only)3 G = White/Yellow (L-852D only) H = Green/White1,2 I = Red/White1,2 J = Red/Yellow1,2 0 Mounting and Cord Set 1 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868B (12”) standard base6 3 = One L-823 cord set, L-868B (12”) standard base 5 = One L-823 cord set, L-868A (10”)4,5 6 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868A (10”)4,5 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Power 2 = 60 Hz 3 = 50 Hz5 Notes 1 Color or color options not recognized by the FAA. 2 Color options not available for L-852B(L), L-852D(L), L-852J(L) and L-852K(L). 3 See graphic below for L-852J/K(L) color selection guidelines. 4 Refers to older style 10-inch L-868A base can compliant to AC 150/5345-42C. 10-inch base cans are no longer specified in the current FAA Advisory Circular. 5 Not ETL Certified. 6 ETL Certification Pending. Two-piece fixture with snow-plow ring and 4 bolts Two-Piece Ordering Code1,4 ITCF- 0 Series A = L-852A(L) B = L-852B(L) C = L-852C(L) D = L-852D(L) LED Color 1 = Yellow/Yellow 2 = Green/Green 3 = Yellow/Green2 5 = Green/Obscure 6 = Yellow/Obscure 8 = Red/Green2 0 = White/White G = White/Yellow H = Green/White I = Red/White2 0 Mounting and Cord Set 7 = One L-823 cord set, L-868B (12”) standard base with 4 bolts3 8 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868B (12”) standard base with 4 bolts3 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Power 2 = 60 Hz 3 = 50 Hz Notes Not available for L-852J(L) and L-852K(L). 2 Color or color options not recognized by the FAA. 3 Fixture with snowplow ring is shipped with 4 bolts and 2 optional pin inserts, allowing a field modification to a 2-bolt/2-pin configuration. 4 Not ETL Certified. 1 Color selection guidelines for L-852J/K(L) fixtures 3062 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0460 B-7 TAXIWAY LIGHTING Enhanced ITCF-L I LED In-pavementTaxiway Centerline Light Electrical Supply Spare Components ITCF LED F-Range fixture is designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. Description Part No. 4071.50.090 73A0136-23 63A1014 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0979-1 63A0993-2 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 Unidirectional w/out heater 21 VA 20/25 W Bidirectional w/out heater1 27 VA 30/45 W Bidirectional w/out heater2 25 VA per side (50 VA total) 20/25 W per side Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism, L-852A/B/J(L) Prism, L852C/D/K(L) Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Unidirectional with heater 56 VA 65 W Packaging Bidirectional with heater 58 VA 65 W 45 VA (90 VA total) 30/45 W per side Unidirectional w/out heater 14 VA 10/15 W Bidirectional w/out heater1 17 VA 20/25 W Bidirectional w/out heater 14 VA per side (28 VA total) 10/15 W per side Unidirectional with heater 46 VA 30/45 W Bidirectional with heater1 56 VA 65 W Bidirectional with heater 34 VA (68 VA total) 30/45 W per side Unidirectional w/out heater 12 VA 10/15 W Bidirectional w/out heater1 16 VA 10/15 W Unidirectional with heater 42 VA 30/45 W Bidirectional with heater1 46 VA 30/45 W Fixture Load3 ITCF Fixture Isolation Transformer L-852D(L), L-852K(L) 1 Bidirectional with heater2 In cardboard box: L-852C(L), L-852J(L) 2 2 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) L-852A(L), L-852B(L) 1 2 3 One cord set One cord set per side (2 total) Fixture load does not include isolation transformer load Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B-8 3062 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0460 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING TCL-DL Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY, DUAL-LAMP Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852 series AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Uses FAA L-852A • Taxiway centerline on straight sections and clearance bar in category I and II applications FAA L-852B • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category I and II applications FAA L-852C • Taxiway centerline on straight section and clearance bar in category III applications FAA L-852D • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications • White/white or white/yellow used on MIRL runway edge for intersections where runway edge spacing >400 ft (122 m) Use of two lamps allows the option of separate control of each lamp. Features • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 30 W with a rated life of 1,500 hours at 6.6 A and in excess of 6,000 hours in practical use • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Ordering Code 44A476 - Series 4 = L-852A1 & L-852C 5 = L-852B1 & L-852D Filter Colors 1 = Yellow/Yellow (ETL Certified) 2 = Green/Green (ETL Certified) 3 = Yellow/Green (ETL Certified) 4 = Red/Red2 5 = Green/Obscured (ETL Certified) 6 = Yellow/Obscured (ETL Certified) 7 = Red/Obscured2 8 = Green/Red2 9 = Yellow/Red2 0 = White/White (ETL Certified) A = White/Yellow (ETL Certified) B = White/Green2,3 C = White/Red2,3 Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Base Mounting 1 = Two L-823 cord sets for L-868 Size B standard base 3 = One L-823 cord set for L-868 Size B standard base 5 = One L-823 cord set for 10-inch diameter base1 6 = Two L-823 cord sets for 10-inch diameter base1 7 = One cord set, two piece, for L-868 Size B standard base3 Lamp 2 = 1 lamp, 30 W/6.6 A for unidirectional application or 2 lamps, 30 W/6.6 A for bidirectional application Notes 1 Not ETL Certified 2 Color configuration not recognized by the FAA 3 Only available on L-852B and L-852D fixtures. Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) 2002 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0220 B-9 TAXIWAY LIGHTING TCL-DL I Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light Inside View Spare Components Inner Cover Grommet Lamp Optical Assembly Filter Prism Keeper Plate & Seal Prism & Gasket Sleeve Top Cover Prism Clamp O-Ring L-823 Cord Set Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 10 2002 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0220 Description Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Filter, green, wide beam, L-852B/D Filter, yellow, wide beam, L-852B/D Filter, green, wide beam, L-852A/C Filter, yellow, wide beam, L-852A/C Filter retainer spring Filter spring clip Lamp assembly, 30 W, L-852B/D Lamp assembly, 30 W, L-852A/C Lamp assembly, 48 W (for existing applications only) Lamp holder assembly O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism, L-852A/C Prism, L-852B/D Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-23 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 63A0963 63A0964 63A0963-2 63A0964-1 4071.58.510 4071.50.160 44A5911 48A0421 48A0420 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 1428.00.230 63A0979 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING TCL-SL Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY, SINGLE-LAMP Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852A & C AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-852A Taxiway centerline on straight sections and clearance bar in category I and II applications FAA L-852C Taxiway centerline on straight section and clearance bar in category III applications Use of a single lamp minimizes load on constant current regulator. See ADB catalog sheet 2002 if individual control of each lamp is required. Features • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 45 W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A and in excess of 4,000 hours in practical use • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind Spare Components Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Filter, green Filter, red Filter, yellow Filter retainer Filter spring clip Lamp assembly, 45 W/PK30d, 6.6 A Lamp spring O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism, L-852A Prism, L-852C Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Reflector/lamp support Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-23 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 63A0985 63A1059 63A1058 4071.57.160 4071.50.160 2990.48.360 4071.50.581 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 1428.00.180 1428.00.170 4071.50.430 4071.50.450 4071.50.481 4071.50.440 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 44A4827- 1 Base Mounting 1 = L-852A, L-823 cord set for standard base1 3 = L-852C, L-823 cord set for standard base Filter Colors 1 = Yellow/Yellow (ETL Certified) 2 = Green/Green (ETL Certified) 3 = Yellow/Green 4 = Red/Red2 5 = Green/Obscured (ETL Certified) 6 = Yellow/Obscured (ETL Certified) 7 = Red/Obscured2 8 = Green/Red2 9 = Yellow/Red2 Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Lamp 1 = 45 W, 6.6 A Note 1 Not ETL Certified 2 Color configuration not recognized by the FAA Features (Continued) • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320°F (160°C). • Aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2009 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0234 B - 11 TAXIWAY LIGHTING SCDL Incandescent and LED In-pavement Simulated Carrier Deck Light NAVY TYPE VII AND VIII 10-inch variant shown Compliance with Standards FAA: Manufactured to applicable requirements in AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition), and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. US Navy: NAVAIR 5150AAA-2, WP 006-04 UFC: 3-535-01 Uses FAA L-852N • Provides visual guidance for simulated carrier deck landings and manufactured to resist damage from aircraft tail hooks. • For runways that have a large percentage of the landings by aircraft equipped with arresting hooks, the runway centerline fixtures — available in uni- and bidirectional configurations — are resistant to arresting hook damage. Features • Incandescent or LED version available. • Low LED wattage: Single 3 W LED with only 18 VA maximum fixture load for unidirectional applications, making L-852N LED fixtures more than twice as efficient as traditional 45 W unidirectional fixtures. • Narrow light channel and hardened stainless steel top cover to resist tail hook damage. Stainless steel for the top cover conforms to ASTM A747 with a Rockwell Hardness of C40 ± 5. • Low protrusion above ground (≤ 0.375 inch) reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear. Protrusion is 25% lower than traditional L-852N (0.5 inch) fixtures. • Smooth outer surface of light cover and low protrusion height prevent tire damage and minimize risk of snowplow damage • Average LED life of uni- and bidirectional fixtures is 100,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 200,000 hours under actual operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA requirements • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. B - 12 2080 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0426 Ordering Code 44A6777- Lamp and Monitoring 1 = 30 W incandescent without monitoring 2 = 6.6 A 60 Hz, LED without monitoring 3 = 6.6 A 60 Hz, LED with monitoring 4 = 6.6 A 50 Hz, LED without monitoring 5 = 6.6 A 50 Hz, LED with monitoring Color 1 = Unidirectional White 2 = Bidirectional White/Red 3 = Unidirectional Red 4 = Bidirectional White/White Size and Cord Set 1 = Unidirectional 10-inch, 1 cord set 2 = Bidirectional 10-inch, 1 cord set 3 = Bidirectional 10-inch, 2 cord sets 4 = Unidirectional 12-inch, 1 cord set 5 = Bidirectional 12-inch, 1 cord set 6 = Bidirectional 12-inch, 2 cord sets Film Disc 1 = With film disc cutout1 2 = Without film disc cutout Note 1 Film disc cutout is only used on incandescent option Features (Continued) • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. • Many components are common to all F-Range lights, which reduces spare parts stock • Field Replaceable Cord Set–L-823 cord sets are mechanically clamped to the bottom cover and provide a water-tight seal without the use of sealing compounds or resins • Outer prisms are mechanically clamped to light cover. Prism replacement by airport maintenance personnel is fast, easy, and does not require any sealing compound, resin, or setting jigs. • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind TAXIWAY LIGHTING SCDL I In-pavement Simulated Carrier Deck Light Features (Continued) Spare Components • No optical adjustment required after replacement of any optical components Description Part No. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Cable clamp Cord set without monitoring Cord set with monitoring Cord sets, without monitoring, two Cord sets, with monitoring, two Inner cover, L-852N Lamp assembly, 30 W Narrow beam LED lamp assembly, white O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism, narrow beam Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Top cover, unidirectional, 10-inch Top cover, bidirectional, 10-inch Top cover, unidirectional, 12-inch Top cover, bidirectional, 12-inch 4071.50.090 60A3339-1 60A3339-2 60A3339-3 60A3339-4 62A2168-2 44A5911 48A0400-WHT 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 62A2181-1 62A2181-2 62A2182-1 62A2182-2 Environmental Operating Conditions Installation Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) The light assembly is designed for connection to a 6.6 A series lighting circuit via an L-830 (60 Hz) or L-831 (50 Hz) isolation transformer. When required, multiple fixtures can be connected in series using an appropriately-sized isolation transformer. • Plug for pressure-testing of fixture after maintenance • Sturdy, low-energy light fixture resists corrosion without the use of environmentally damaging coatings • Narrow light channel in front of prism window protects the prism from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Designed to exceed lightning protection requirements of ANSI/ IEEE C62.41-1991 Category C1 • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains well below the FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3,050 m) LED Electrical Supply L-852N LED fixture is designed to work with any FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. L-852N LED Fixture Isolation Transformer Fixture Load Unidirectional Bidirectional1 Bidirectional2 1 One cord set 2 One cord set per 20/25 W 20/25 W 20/25 W per side 18 VA 24 VA 18 VA per side (36VA total) side (2 total) L-852N fixtures can be installed on 10- or 12-inch diameter deep base cans. Dimensions 10-inch fixture Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter (L-868A*): 9.98 in (25.35 cm) 9.25 in (23.5 cm) 12-inch fixture Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) * Refers to older style 10-inch L-868A base can compliant to AC 150/5345-42C. 10-inch base cans are no longer specified in the current FAA Advisory Circular. Packaging In cardboard box: 13 x 13 x 7 in (33 x 33 x 17.8 cm) Net weight: 10-inch fixture 18.5 lb (8.4 kg) 12-inch fixture 28.5 lb (12.9 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2080 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0426I B - 13 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ITIL Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Intersection Light STYLE 1, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852E AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-852E (≥1200 RVR); Category I & II taxiway intersections FAA L-852F (<1200 RVR); Category III taxiway intersections Heliport Heliport perimeter light Features • Durable high tensile strength ductile iron fixture resists corrosion without the use of environmentally damaging coatings • Designed to withstand the high-impact and rollover loads imposed by present-day aircraft • L-852E lamps are 45 W/6.6 A quartz rated for 1,000 hours • L-852F lamps are 120 W/6.6 A or 150 W/6.6 A quartz rated for 500 hours • Maximum protection against water invasion Spare Components Description Part No. Cord set, L-823 Cord set terminal, female Contact assembly Cover assembly, bottom Cover assembly, bottom, 120 VAC Cutout clip Film disc cutout Filter, blue Filter, yellow Lamp, 40 W, 120 VAC Lamp, 150 W, 6.6 A EWR Lamp, quartz, 30 W, 6.6 A EXL Lamp, quartz, 120 W, 6.6 A EVV Lamp, quartz, 45 W, 6.6 A EXM Lamp socket, 120 VAC Lamp socket, 6.6 A Lens, clear Lens, gasket O-Ring, top cover to bottom cover seal Reflector Spring Washer, insulating 73A0009-31 70A0057 44B1100 44A2076 44A2076-1 60B0240 47A0023 63A0470-3 63A0470-2 48A0126 48A0044 48A0085 48A0069 48A0083 49A0137 49A0063 63C0467 63B0468 63B0267-244 61B0156 65A0168 63A0387 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 14 1038 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0088 44D144 - Beam 2 = L-852E/Cat. I & II (ETL Certified) 3 = L-852F/Cat. III1 Base Mounting 2 = L-823 cord set for an L-868B base 4 = L-867B base 10.25-in bolt circle w/cord set1 Lamp Wattage 1 = L-852E supplied with 45 W (ETL Certified) or L-852F supplied with 150 W1 2 = L-852E or F supplied with 120 W1 3 = L-852E supplied with 30 W1 4 = L-852E supplied with 40 W/120 VAC1 Filter Color 1 = Green2 2 = Yellow (ETL Certified) 3 = Blue2 Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Notes 1 Not submitted for ETL Certification 2 Color not recognized by the FAA Features (Continued) • The film disc cutout option provides an electrical bypass in case of lamp failure on series circuit applications. • Optical assembly is housed inside aluminum inner cover and ductile-iron top cover casting with an o-ring seal • Adapts to various new and existing installation styles: - Mounts on shallow base, 12-inch diameter L-868B base, or optional 12-inch diameter L-867 - Bolt circle diameter of fixture is 11.25 inch (28.6 cm) standard with an optional 10.25 inch (26 cm) for L-867 bases • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (3,050 m) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING IRGL-L LED In-pavement Runway Guard Light STYLE 2 & 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: CE: T/C: L-852G(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. Meets the requirements of LowVisibility Taxiway Lighting Systems as specified by FAA AC 150/5340-30. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, Appendix 1, par. 2.1.1 and Fig. A2-20 Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Transport Canada AC 302-005 par. 4.1.4 and Fig. 9 Uses FAA L-852G(L), ICAO & T/C • Runway guard light • Runway incursion prevention Features • FAA Style 3 (≤0.25 inch) provides a low protrusion above ground, which reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life. • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Can be retrofit on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits using existing CCRs and Local Control Devices. Requires the addition of a Y-Harness adapter. Adapter connects isolation transformer to both the input of the Local Control Device and the fixture. In electronically monitored applications, fixture opens existing Local Control Device output connection, providing an alarm signal in case of fixture failure. • An autonomous version is available for applications where fixture failures are not electronically monitored. Synchronization circuitry is contained within each fixture, eliminating the need for any synchronizing Local Control Devices. Fixture connects directly into isolation transformer. A simple, separate Remote Control Device is used to set the fixture to Initial ON or Initial OFF. The Remote Control Device can also be optionally used to program variable start up delays (for an entire RGL bar). This effectively reduces the load variation on a CCR that powers multiple RGL bars. • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output Ordering Code IRGL- 1 Power/Control 1 = New/Existing Local Control Device1 2 = Autonomous, Initial Flash ON2 3 = Autonomous, Initial Flash OFF2 Frequency 1 = 60 Hz 2 = 50 Hz Arctic Option3 1 = No 2 = Yes Style4 1 = FAA Style 35 Optical Configuration 1 = Two window version6 Notes 1 Used on electronically monitored applications. Can be used with the existing Local Control Device on new or retrofit applications. For details on ADB BRITE Remote, see data sheet 2092. Contact the ADB Sales Department for use with other manufacturers’ Local Control Devices. Requires use of Y-Harness Adapter. 2 Used on non-electronically monitored application. Fixture connected directly to L-830/L-831 isolation transformer. 3 Style 2 fixture complies with arctic kit requirements in FAA Engineering Brief No.67 without the need to use a separate heater. Style 3 is available with or without heater. Style 2 fixure complies with CE requirements. 4 Contact ADB Sales Dept. for availability of FAA Style 2 (≤0.5 inch) fixtures, Part No. IRGL-XXX00 (ETL Certified). 5 Compatible with L-868B Top Sections where the overall height of the Top Section is less than 4 in (10.16 cm). 6 Two-window Style 3 fixture complies with FAA, ICAO and Transport Canada specification requirements. Y-Harness Adapter 70A0761 Note: Required to use Runway Guard Light fixture with new or existing Local Control Device Remote Control Device 61A0458 Note: Required on autonomous fixtures to modify initial flash ON or OFF or to adjust CCR loading. One device required per installation. • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. 3003 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0401 B - 15 TAXIWAY LIGHTING IRGL-L I LED In-pavement Runway Guard Light Features (Continued) Spare Components • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly Description Part No. Cable clamp, Style 2 fixture Cable clamp, Style 3 fixture Cord set, L-823, Style 2 fixture Cord set, L-823, Style 3 fixture Cord set grommet LED light engine, L-852G(L), Style 3, yellow LED light engine, L-852G(L), Style 2, yellow O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate 4071.50.090 4072.42.380 73A0136-23 4072.42.351 63A1014 48A0415-TYLW 48A0404-YLW 7080.90.710 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Electrical Supply 6.6 A through an L-830 (for 60 Hz) or L-831 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. Application1 Fixture Load3 Isol. XF Size Isolation XF Load3 CCR Load3 L-852G without heater (Style 3, 2 window) Unmonitored 39 VA 65 W 14 VA 53 VA Monitored2 64 VA 100 W 18 VA 82 VA Dimensions L-852G with heater (Style 3, 2 window) 1 2 3 Unmonitored 88 VA 100 W 16 VA 104 VA Monitored 109 VA 150 W 22 VA 131 VA 2 Data is for a ferroresonant CCR only. Contact the ADB Sales Department for thyristor/SCR CCR data. Fixture load includes Local Control Device load. All load data is average load per fixture for applications where the entire load alternately flashes. Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: - 9.92 in (25.20 cm) down to depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) - 8.69 in (22.07 cm) from depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) to 3.88 in (9.86 cm) Compatible with L-868B Top Sections where the overall height of the Top Section is less than 4 in (10.16 cm). Bottom Cover Depth: 3.88 in (9.9 cm) Packaging Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 16 3003 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0401 In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 20.55 lb (9.32 kg) Weight without packing: 17.55 lb (7.96 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING IRGL Incandescent In-pavement Runway Guard Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852G AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Meets the requirements of Low-Visibility Taxiway Lighting Systems as specified by FAA AC 150/5340-30 44A5875-2 1 Base Mounting 1 = L-823 cord set for standard base Uses FAA L-852G Ordering Code Lamp 1 = 105 W, 6.6 A • Runway guard light • Runway incursion prevention Note: Runway Guard Lights should be powered with ferroresonant type CCRs. RGLs using incandescent lamps should not be powered with thyristor type CCRs. Features • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105 W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Control and Monitoring For control and monitoring applications per AC 120-57 (Current Edition) and AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition), see the following ADB data sheets: • BRITE - Individual lamp control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 2092 • ALCMS - Airport lighting control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 1041 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Spare Components Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Filter, traffic signal yellow Filter retainer spring Filter spring clip Lamp, 6.6 A, 105 W Lamp holder assembly O-Ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-23 63A1014 6111.87.140 63A0957 4071.58.510 4071.50.160 2990.40.900 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0979-1T 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2023 Rev. J I Manual No. 96A0220 B - 17 TAXIWAY LIGHTING IRGL-STB Incandescent In-pavement Stop Bar & Runway Guard Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852 series AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Meets the requirements for LowVisibility Taxiway Lighting Systems as specified by FAA AC 150/5340-30. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-852G/S 44A5988-12 • Stop Bar, controlled and uncontrolled steady burning • In-pavement Runway Guard Light - flashing • Runway incursion prevention Lamp 1 = Two 105 W, 6.6 A Note: Runway Guard Lights should be powered with ferroresonant type CCRs. RGLs using incandescent lamps should not be powered with thyristor type CCRs. Spare Components Features • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below the FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Control and Monitoring For control and monitoring applications per AC 120-57 (Current Edition) and AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition), see the following ADB data sheets: Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Filter, traffic signal red Filter, traffic signal yellow Filter retainer spring Filter spring clip Lamp, 6.6 A, 105 W Lamp holder assembly O-Ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-23 63A1014 6111.87.140 63A0962 63A0957 4071.58.510 4071.50.160 2990.40.900 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0979-1T 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6000 44A6000-1S • BRITE - Individual lamp control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 2092 Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) • ALCMS - Airport lighting control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 1041 Weight with packing: 15.6 lb (7.08 kg) Weight without packing: 12.6 lb (5.72 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 18 2032 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0220 1 Base Mounting 1 = Two L-823 cord sets for standard base ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ISTB-L LED In-pavement Stop Bar & Runway Entrance Light (REL) STYLE 3 Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852S(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Complies with FAA Runway Status Light System Runway Entrance Light (REL) requirements in FAA AC 150/5340-30 Appendix 7 and FAA Engineering Brief No. 64. Uses FAA L-852S(L) • Stop Bar, controlled and uncontrolled RWSL REL • Runway Status Light (RWSL) REL applications Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • When compared to incandescent equivalent, use of LED provides for fast on-off switching times in all CCR steps • FAA Style 3–Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life Ordering Code REL- Frequency 1 = 60 Hz 2 = 50 Hz Arctic Kit 1 = No 2 = Yes Monitoring 0 = FAA RWSL applications 1 = Controlled applications1 2 = Uncontrolled applications2 Notes 1 Controlled applications must use ADB’s BRITE III Remote. Fixture includes monitoring circuit that opens fixture input if fixture fails. When connected to ADB BRITE Remote, provides capability to determine failed fixture location. Fixture has two cord sets and requires the addition of a Y-Harness adapter. Adapter connects isolation transformer to both the input of the BRITE III Remote and the fixture. Fixture includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire. 2 For uncontrolled applications, a CCR is used to turn the fixture on or off and to set the intensity level. Fixture has only one cord set that plugs directly into the isolation transformer. Fixture includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire. • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer Y-Harness Adapter1 • Operates on 5-step ferroresonant CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA requirements Note 1 For controlled applications, the adapter is required to use a fixture with ADB’s BRITE III Remote. • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware 70A0761 Features (Continued) • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains well below the FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Includes provision for grounding fixture Control and Monitoring For stop bar control and monitoring applications per AC 120-57 (Current Edition) and AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition), see the following ADB catalog sheets: • BRITE - Individual lamp control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 2092 • ALCMS - Airport lighting control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 1041 3026 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0418 B - 19 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ISTB-L I LED In-pavement Stop Bar & Runway Entrance Light Operating Conditions Spare Components Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Description Part No. Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female LED light engine, red LED PCB O-ring, bottom cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism gasket sleeve Prism clamp Prism flat seal Prism keeper plate 4071.50.090 73A0136-23 63A1014 70A0329 48A0415-RED 44A7044 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A1119-1 61A0444 60A4046 63A1120 60A4047 Relative Humidity: Up to 100% Electrical Supply It is recommended that the L-852S(L) LED fixture be powered from a dedicated CCR and that separate remote controls are available. L-852S(L) LED lights have been designed to work with any FAAcompliant transformer up to 150 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. L-852S(L)/ RWSL LED Fixture Load* Isolation Transformer Isol. XF Load CCR Load Without Heater 65 VA 65 W 10 VA 75 VA With Heater 107 VA 100 W 13 VA 120 VA Without Heater 45 VA 30/45 W 9 VA 54 VA With Heater 87 VA 100 W 15 VA 102 VA Controlled* Prism Kit Uncontrolled * Load includes ADB BRITE III Remote device. L-852S(L) LED / RWSL REL Prism Kit 94A0559 Prism kit contains an LED light engine, prism, gasket sleeve, screws, seal, prism keeper plate, prism clamp and o-ring. Dimensions Top cover outside diameter: Top cover bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): Bottom cover outside diameter (max.): Depth*: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) 9.94 in (25.25 cm) 4 in (10.16 cm) * From the bottom of the top cover to the bottom of fixture Packaging Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 20 3026 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0418 In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 22 lb (9.98 kg) Weight without packing: 17.75 lb (8.05 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ISTB Incandescent In-pavement Stop Bar & Runway Entrance Light (REL) STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-852S AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Complies with FAA Runway Status Light System Runway Entrance Light (REL) requirements in FAA AC 150/5340-30 Appendix 7 and FAA Engineering Brief No. 64. Uses Ordering Code 44A5924- 1 Film Disc Cutout* 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Base Mounting 1 = L-823 cord set for standard base FAA L-852S • Stop Bar, controlled and uncontrolled RWSL REL • Runway Status Light (RWSL) REL applications Lamp 1 = 105 W, 6.6 A Notes For RWSL REL applicatons, use 44A5924-211. * Film Disc Cutout should only be used on uncontrolled stop bars Features • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105 W with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below the FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Control and Monitoring For control and monitoring applications per AC 120-57 (Current Edition) and AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition), see the following ADB data sheets: • BRITE - Individual lamp control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 2092 • ALCMS - Airport lighting control and monitoring system, ADB data sheet 1041 Spare Components Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Filter, traffic signal red Filter retainer spring Filter spring clip Lamp assembly, 105 W Lamp holder assembly O-Ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-23 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 63A0962 4071.58.510 4071.50.160 2990.40.900 1411.22.001 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0979-1T 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 14.8 lb (6.71 kg) Weight without packing: 11.8 lb (5.35 kg) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2025 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0220 B - 21 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ITEL-L LED In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: CE: L-852T(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. I, Ed. 6, para. 5.3.18. Complies with the requirement of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. Uses FAA L-852T(L) • Taxiway edge • Heliports Features • Low wattage: Single LED with only 19.5 VA fixture load on a 30/45 W isolation transformer on highest step, making the L-852T(L) LED more than twice as efficient as traditional 45 W fixtures • Average LED life of 100,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 200,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • FAA Style 3–Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Thermostatically controlled heater (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle costs B - 22 2060 Rev. AA I Manual No. 96A0338 Ordering Code ITEL- LED Color 8 = Yellow 9 = White A = Green B = Red C = L-852T(L) Aviation Blue1 Mounting 1 = 12-inch fixture for standard L-868B light base1 2 = 12-inch fixture for standard L-867B light base1 3 = 8-inch fixture for ICAO light base 4 = 8-inch fixture with L-868B adapter ring 6 = 8-inch fixture with L-867B adapter ring, bottom mounted 7 = 8-inch fixture with L868B snow plow ring 8 = 8-inch fixture with 11-inch adapter ring Power 1 = 60 Hz1 2 = 50 Hz2 3 = 60 Hz with monitoring 4 = 50 Hz with monitoring2 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Notes 1 ETL Certified 2 Any 50 Hz option carries the CE Mark Features (Continued) • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Fixture is available in five formats: - 8-inch fixture with an L-868B adapter ring or snow plow ring for an 11.25-inch bolt circle - 8-inch fixture with an L-867B adapter ring for a 10.25-inch bolt circle, bottom mounted - 12-inch fixture for 11.25-inch L-868B bolt circle - 12-inch fixture for 10.25-inch L-867B bolt circle - 8-inch fixture with an 11-inch adapter ring and an 8.875-inch bolt circle • Monitoring option is available that provides a contact closure via a separate cable in case of LED or internal PCB failure. This allows external monitoring equipment to report the status and failure location of each fixture. • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover, inner cover, and optical assembly, stainless steel hardware, and a hardened optical glass lens TAXIWAY LIGHTING ITEL-L I LED In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light Features (Continued) Spare Components • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). Description Part No. Cable clamp, inner cover Cable clamp, with monitoring Cord set, L-823 Cord set, 4-pin, monitoring Grommet, cord set (2) LED light engine, L-852T(L), blue, w/out arctic kit* LED light engine, L-852T(L), blue, with arctic kit* LED PCB, blue, 50 Hz, with monitoring LED PCB, blue, 50 Hz, without monitoring LED PCB, blue, 60 Hz, with monitoring LED PCB, blue, 60 Hz, without monitoring Lens Lens, support plate Lens gasket, flat protection Lens gasket, molded O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw 4071.50.090 62A2169 73A0136-23 73A0139 63A1014 44A7177-10 44A7177-11 44A7197-50-1 44A7197-50-0 44A7197-60-1 44A7197-60-0 63A1071 4071.76.020 4071.76.060 4071.76.041 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Relative Humidity: Up to 100% Electrical Supply 6.6 A through an L-830-1 (for 60 Hz) or L-831-1 (for 50 Hz) 30/45 W isolation transformer or an L-830-17 20/25 W isolation transformer. The ITEL fixture is designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. The total CCR load shown in the following table represents the total VA load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and transformer load. * When replacing blue LED light engines in fixtures shipped before June 2012, please consult the manual or call the ADB Sales Department. Dimensions Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): Bolt-circle diameter (L-867B): Bottom cover depth: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) 10.25 in (26.04 cm) 2.36 in (5.99 cm) ITEL Fixture Fixture Load Isolation Transformer Heater On/Off Transformer Load Total CCR Load Note: Use caution during snowplow conditions. A rubber tipped blade is recommended. With arctic option 19.5 VA 44 VA 30/45 W 30/45 W Off On 6 VA 9 VA 25.5 VA 53 VA Packaging Without arctic option 19.5 VA 20/25 W N/A 5 VA ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 24.5 VA In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2060 Rev. AA I Manual No. 96A0338 B - 23 TAXIWAY LIGHTING Common Features & Benefits of Elevated LED Fixtures • Arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. Heater is available on both glass and poylcarbonate options. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • For 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit applications, “smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LEDbased technology. • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Direct replacement for existing fixture using existing frangible coupling and base plate, reducing installation time • Robust, solid-state device withstands damage if fixture is knocked over. Internal electronics ruggedly mounted inside fixture housing. • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts common with incandescent fixtures when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • LED module is an integral component of above-ground fixture, so electronics are not subject to water or deicing agents and abuse present in L-867 base cans • Fixtures use aluminum casting, stainless steel hardware, and are protected with aviation yellow powder coat finish • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Outer colored glass option ensures high daytime visibility • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Offers longer intervals between maintenance, resulting in lower life cycle costs • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Designed to meet FCC Title 47, SubPart B, Section 15 regulations concerning the emission of electronic noise • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 24 3043 Rev. B ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ERGL-L LED Elevated Runway Guard Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: CE: L-804(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. Meets the requirements of Low-Visibility Taxiway Lighting Systems as specified by FAA AC 150/5340-30. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. I, Para 5.3.22 & Appendix 2 Fig. A2-25 Complies with Directives: 2004/108/EC (EMC) and 2006/95/EC (LV). (See note 6) Uses FAA L-804(L) & ICAO • Runway guard light • Runway incursion prevention The L-804(L) Runway Guard Light is an elevated unidirectional flashing yellow light fixture that provides a distinctive warning to pilots that they are approaching a runway holding position and are about to enter an active runway. The L-804(L) is typically installed in pairs, one on either side of the taxiway holding position. The Elevated RGL can also be used in combination with L-852G (Inpavement RGL), L-852S (In-pavement Stop Bar Light), and L-862S (Elevated Stop Bar Light) to provide additional safety under lowvisibility conditions on the airfield. Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Greatly reduces the load on the CCR • LED RGLs can be powered with any CCR architecture type • Light output mimics on/off curve of an incandescent lamp. Can be field modified for instant on/off modification, increasing conspicuity. • Adjustable Light Beam: 0° to 20° vertically; ±20° horizontally • Flash Rate: Alternating flashes, 45-50 per minute • Input: - FAA Mode 1: 6.6 A Current-Driven — powered by series lighting circuit; intensity varies with current supplied to the fixture by the series circuit - FAA Mode 2: Voltage-Driven — powered from a 120 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz or 240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz parallel lighting circuit and equipped with photocell to control intensity. Photocell energizes LEDs at full intensity during high light levels and then reduces intensity to 30% during low ambient light conditions. • Fixture is fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, and all exterior surfaces are painted aviation yellow for added protection and visibility • The two RGL light sources are surrounded by a black face plate and independent visors to reduce the amount of incident sunlight, thereby maximizing the contrast during the ON/OFF cycle • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043. Ordering Code3,4 ERGL- Power 1 = Current-Driven, 60 Hz 2 = ICAO Voltage-Driven, 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz6 3 = Current-Driven, 50 Hz6 4 = ICAO Voltage-Driven, 240 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz6 5 = FAA Voltage-Driven, 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz 6 = FAA Voltage-Driven, 240 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz Monitoring 1 = No Monitoring (2-pin cord set) 2 = Monitoring Option 17 3 = Monitoring Option 28 LED Color 1 = FAA Traffic Signal Yellow9 2 = Traffic Signal Red2,5,9 3 = ICAO Aviation Yellow1,5,6 Photocell Feature 1 = Without photocell, current-driven only 2 = With photocell, voltage-driven only Incoming Power On/Off Switch 0 = No switch 1 = With on/off switch Notes 1 Complies with color and illumination of ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1, 6th edition specifications for Runway Guard Lights. Color only valid with Power options 1-4. 2 Color not recognized by the FAA. 3 1832RGL base plate is ordered and shipped separately. See data sheet 2012 for details. 4 Shipped from factory preset for incandescent on/off curve light output. Can be field modified for instant on/off operation. It is recommended that instant on/off be implemented only on dedicated 5-step CCR circuits. 5 Not ETL Certified. 6 The L-804(L) LED part numbers that carry the CE Mark include: ERGL-21320, ERGL-31310, ERGL-41320 7 Monitoring Option 1 provides a fault alarm. A dry contact closure is externally connected via a 5-pin plug (supplied) to indicate alarm status. Alarm status can be communicated using a BRITE II Remote (Part No. 44A6829). 8 Monitoring Option 2 provides a fault alarm for BRITE III applications. A dry contact closure is externally connected to a BRITE III Remote via a cord set adapter (Part No. 44A7024 purchased separately). 9 Color only valid with Power Options 1, 3, 5 and 6. Features (Continued) • High-strength 1832RGL base plate is mandatory for FAA applications and should be used for ICAO applications. For more details see data sheet 2012. • Includes frangible column and tether 2087 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0376 B - 25 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ERGL-L I LED Elevated Runway Guard Light Operating Conditions Spare Components Temperature: -40 ºF to +131 ºF (-40 °C to +55 ºC) Description Part No. Humidity: 0 to 100% Base plate, L-867B heavy-duty Canopy (FAA) Canopy (ICAO) Canopy brackets Frangible column, 2 - 11.5 TPI (Used with 1832RGL) Frangible coupling, 11 TPI threaded (Normally used in metric applications. Not for use with 1832RGL base plate) Fuse, 1.5A (voltage-driven, mounted on PCB) Gasket, EMI, enclosure Gasket, lens Gasket, mounting ring Lens, clear On/Off switch, current-driven On/Off switch, voltage-driven Photocell, 120 VAC Photocell, 240 VAC Photocell socket Power supply ass’y, 16 or 24 LED light engine, current-driven, 60 Hz, FAA* Power supply ass’y, 16 or 24 LED light engine, current-driven, 50 Hz, FAA* Power supply ass’y, 16 LED light engine, voltage-driven, 50/60 Hz, FAA* Power supply ass’y, 24 LED light engine, voltage-driven, 50/60 Hz, FAA* Power supply ass’y, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, ICAO* Power supply ass’y, current driven, 50 Hz, ICAO* Power supply ass’y, current driven, 60 Hz, ICAO* 1832RGL 60A2408 60A2408-1S 60A2410 60A2398 60A2398-1 Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Electrical Supply - FAA Current-Driven 6.6 A through a 6.6 A/6.6 A or 20 A/6.6 A isolation transformer. Unmonitored Transformer Fixture Load (Max) Size Load CCR Load Mimics Incand. Curve 46 VA 45 W 13 VA 59 VA Instant On/Off 68 VA 65 W 15 VA 83 VA Mode Monitored Transformer Fixture Load (Max) Size Load CCR Load Mimics Incand. Curve 66 VA 65 W 13 VA 79 VA Instant On/Off 87 VA 100 W 16 VA 103 VA Mode Voltage-Driven Input Voltage 120 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz, 58 VA* 240 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz, 77 VA* * Maximum for either mimics incandescent curve or instant on/ off operation. Electrical Supply - ICAO 47A0179-5 63A1116 63A1094 63A1095 63B0022 45A0456-1 45A0474 48A0089 48A0089-240 49A0095 44A6683-1 44A6683-3 44A6683-13 44A6683-2 44A6683/10 44A6683/11 44A6683/12 * Includes power supply PC board, heatsink, and mounting bracket Monitored RGL Applications Current-Driven 6.6 A through a 6.6 A/6.6 A or 20 A/6.6 A isolation transformer. Unmonitored Transformer Fixture Load (Max) Size Load CCR Load Mimics Incand. Curve 85 VA 100 W 15 VA 100 VA Instant On/Off 92 VA 100 W 18 VA 110 VA Fixture Load (Max) Size Load CCR Load Mimics Incand. Curve 105 VA 100 W 21 VA 126VA Instant On/Off 112 VA 100 W 24 VA 136 VA Mode Monitored Mode Transformer For monitored runway guard light applications, use a BRITE Remote for connection to the fixture. Contact the ADB Sales Department for BRITE Remote part number. Voltage-Driven Input Voltage: 120 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz, 67 VA* 240 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz, 86 VA* * Maximum for either mimics incandescent curve or instant on/ off operation. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 26 2087 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0376 Packaging In cardboard box: 30 x 22 x 17 in (37.5 x 27.5 x 21.25 cm) Net weight: 37 lb (16.8 kg)* * Estimated weight ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ERGL Incandescent Elevated Runway Guard Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: CE: L-804 AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Meets the requirements of Low-Visibility Taxiway Lighting Systems as specified by FAA AC 150/5340-30. Annex 14, Vol. I, Para 5.3.22 & Appendix 2 Fig. A2-25 Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Uses FAA L-804 & ICAO • Runway guard light • Runway incursion prevention The L-804 Runway Guard Light is an elevated unidirectional flashing yellow light fixture that provides a distinctive warning to pilots that they are approaching a runway holding position and are about to enter an active runway. The RGL is also used in combination with L-852G (In-pavement Runway Guard Light), L-852S (In-pavement Stop Bar Light), and L-862S (Elevated Stop Bar Light) to provide additional safety under low-visibility conditions on the airfield. Features • Input: 2.8 A to 6.6 A, 50/60 Hz Current-Driven/FAA Mode 1; 120 VAC or 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Voltage-Driven/FAA Mode 2. - Mode 1: Current-Driven–powered by series lighting circuit; lamp intensity varies with current supplied to the fixture by the series circuit - Mode 2: Voltage-Driven–powered from either 120 VAC or 220240 VAC parallel lighting circuit and equipped with photocell to control lamp intensity. Photocell energizes lamps at full intensity during high light levels and then reduces intensity to 30% during low ambient light conditions. • Lamps: FAA - Two, type PK30d, 100 W/6.6 A Quartz ICAO - Two, type PK30d, 150 W/6.6 A Quartz Ordering Code1,4 44A4744- Power 1 = Mode 1, Current-Driven (ETL Certified)6 2 = Mode 2, Voltage-Driven, 120 VAC (ETL Certified) 3 = Mode 2, Voltage-Driven, 220-240 VAC (ETL Certified) 4 = Direct Lamp Access, Current-Driven Remote Monitor Feature 1 = Non-monitored (ETL Certified) 2 = Monitored (ETL Certified)5 Lens 1 = Traffic Signal Yellow (ETL Certified) 2 = Traffic Signal Red3 3 = ICAO Yellow2 4 = Red/Green3 Photocell Feature 1 = Without photocell, Mode 1 only (ETL Certified) 2 = With photocell, Mode 2 only (ETL Certified) Notes 1 Runway Guard Lights should only be powered with ferroresonant type CCRs and not with thyristor type CCRs 2 Complies with color and illumination of ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1, 6th edition specifications for Runway Guard Lights. ICAO L-804 uses 150 W, 6.6 A lamps. 3 Color not recognized by the FAA 4 1832RGL base plate is ordered and shipped separately. See data sheet 2012 for more details. 5 Not available in direct lamp access version. Monitoring, if needed, is provided by externally connected equipment. 6 The L-804 halogen, current powered, 50 Hz, non-monitored, ICAO yellow fixture (Part No. 44A4744-1131) carries the CE Mark. • Lamp Life: Rated at 1,000 hours at 6.6 A Features (Continued) • Flash Rate: Alternating flashes, 45-50 per minute • Access to the electronic control device is achieved through a hinged waterproof lid that permits easy replacement of the controller if needed • Adjustable Light Beam: 0° to 20° vertically; ±20° horizontally • Includes lamps, frangible column, and tether • The RGL can be aimed both vertically and horizontally and is typically installed in pairs, one on either side of the taxiway holding position • The two RGL light sources are surrounded by a black face plate and independent visors to reduce the amount of incident sunlight, thereby maximizing the contrast during the lamp ON/ OFF cycle • Lamp replacement is achieved without tools to minimize downtime • Fixture is fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, and all exterior surfaces are painted aviation yellow for added protection and visibility • High-strength 1832RGL base plate is mandatory for FAA applications and should be used for ICAO applications. See data sheet 2012 for details. • Remote monitoring option using a multiple-pin plug is available for the Mode 1, Current-Driven system • Direct Lamp Access Option–No internal control PCB is present in RGL assembly. Fixture is controlled (flash rate) and monitored from an intelligent lighting control system module, such as ADB’s BRITETM System. 1023 Rev. T I Manual No. 96A0218 B - 27 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ERGL I Incandescent Elevated Runway Guard Light Operating Conditions Spare Components Temperature: -40 ºF to +131 ºF (-40 °C to +55 ºC) Description Part No. Humidity: 0 to 100% Base plate, L-867B heavy-duty Canopy, FAA Canopy, ICAO Canopy brackets Frangible column, 2 - 11.5 TPI (Used with 1832RGL) Frangible coupling, 11 TPI threaded (Normally used in metric applications. Not for use with 1832RGL base plate) Gasket, lens Lamp, 100 W/6.6 A, Pk30d (FAA) Lamp, 150 W/6.6 A, Pk30d (ICAO) Lens, ICAO yellow Lens, traffic signal red Lens, traffic signal yellow PCB, current-driven PCB, voltage-driven Photocell Photocell socket Retrofit kit (to replace 44A4771 PCB with 44A6122-C) 1832RGL 60A2408 60A2408-1S 60A2410 60A2398 60A2398-1 Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Electrical Supply FAA Mode 1 - 115 VA load (requires 100 W isolation transformer) ICAO Mode 1 - 165 VA load (requires a 150 W or 200 W isolation transformer) RGL KIts ON/OFF Switch Kit 94A0281 Provides ON/OFF switch on input of Runway Guard Light (current-driven only) Packaging In cardboard box: 30 x 22 x 17 in (37.5 x 27.5 x 21.25 cm) Net weight: 37 lb (16.8 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 28 1023 Rev. T I Manual No. 96A0218 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 63A1109 44B1643 48A0353 63A0930-2 63A0930-1 63A0930 44A6122-C 44A6122-V 48A0089 49A0095 94A0333 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ETES-L LED Elevated Taxiway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: CE: Designed according to L-861T(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3.17; 5.3.18 (for photometry) Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Uses FAA L-861T(L) Used to delineate the edges of airport taxiways. Features • Average LED life of 100,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 180,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • The ETES with heater fixture MTBF is at least 180,000 operating hours. • UV resistant polycarbonate outer lens option minimizes risk of lens damage if fixture is knocked over • 10/15 W and 20/25 W isolation transformers are available for use with ETES fixtures to match fixture load for optimal efficiency (see data sheet 3033). A standard 30/45 W isolation transformer may also be used. • Rugged low-profile design reduces damage due to jet blast • Provides ±4.5° vertical adjustment • Aluminum casting, stainless steel hardware, and protected with aviation yellow powder coat finish. Locking ring is protected with aviation blue powder coat finish. • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) ETES (Glass) ETES Ordering Code ETES- LED Color 1 = Blue (Glass) 2 = Red (special applications only)1 3 = White (special applications only)1 4 = Green (special applications only)1 5 = Yellow (special applications only)1 6 = Blue (UV-resistant Polycarbonate) Fixture Height 0 = 14’’ OAH without coupling3 1 = 14” OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24” OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30” OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI 4 = 14” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI 5 = 24” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI 6 = 30” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI 7 = 14” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI4 8 = 24” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI4 9 = 30” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI4 A = No column or frangible coupling, Style 6 cord B = 14” OAH with 1.5-inch slot coupling C = 24” OAH with 1.5-inch slot coupling D = 30” OAH with 1.5-inch slot coupling E = 14” OAH with 1.5” x 2” slot coupling, 11.5 TPI F = 24” OAH with 1.5” x 2” slot coupling, 11.5 TPI G = 30” OAH with 1.5” x 2” slot coupling, 11.5 TPI H = No column or frangible coupling, Style 1 cord L = 14” OAH with 2” coupling, 11.5 TPI, 22” cord set M = 18” OAH with 1.5” x 2” slot coupling, 11.5 TPI N = 18” OAH with 1.5-inch coupling P = 18” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI Q = 18” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI4 S = 20” OAH with 1.5-inch coupling T = 20” OAH with 1.5-inch slot coupling U = 20” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI4 V = 20” OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI Power 1 = Current Driven, 60 Hz 2 = Current Driven, 50 Hz5 3 = 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option2 Notes 1 Not submitted for ETL testing 2 When powered by a parallel circuit, heater is designed for use at only 120 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz 3 Configuration sold with no column and no coupling 4 Normally used in metric applications 5 Any current-driven 50 Hz option carries the CE Mark 2050 Rev. AL I Manual No. 96A0321 B - 29 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ETES-L I LED Elevated Taxiway Edge Light Electrical Supply Spare Components Current Driven Description Part No. 6.6 A through an L-830-1 (for 60 Hz) or L-831-1 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. ETES LED lights have been designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting performance or lifetime of the light or the transformer. Column for 14” OAH, 1.5-inch coupling Column for 14” OAH, 2-inch coupling Column for 24” OAH Column for 30” OAH Cord set, L-823 3-pin, male, 95-264 VAC Cord set, L-823 3-pin, female, 95-264 VAC Cord set, L-823, 2-pin, Style 6, current driven (without terminal) Cord set assembly, current driven, 14” OAH Cord set assembly, current driven, 24” OAH Cord set assembly, current driven, 30” OAH Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot* Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI Gasket, lens bearing Glassware, blue Glassware, red Glassware, yellow Glassware, green Glassware, white Glassware assembly, blue Glassware assembly, red Glassware assembly, yellow Glassware assembly, white Glassware assembly, green Lens (UV resistant polycarbonate), blue Lens assembly, blue (UV-resist. polycarbonate) Terminal, 90º, for cord set 62A0007-3 62A0007-2 62A0007-13 62A0007-19 73A0144-31 73A0145-12 73A0136-31 For new ETES without heater installations, L-830-16 (10/15 W) isolation transformers are available to match fixture load for optimal efficiency (See data sheet 3033 for more details). For new ETES with heater installations, L-830-17 (20/25 W) isolation transformers are available to match fixture load for optimal efficiency. (See data sheet 3033 for more details). ETES w/ heater Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load Off 12 VA 20/25 W 7.5 VA 19.5 VA Off 12 VA 30/45 W 8.4 VA 20.4 VA On 25 VA 20/25 W 7.5 VA 32.5 VA On 25 VA 30/45 W 9 VA 34 VA ETES w/out heater Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load Off 12 VA 10/15 W 3 VA 15 VA Off 12 VA 30/45 W 8.4 VA 20.4 VA Voltage Driven Input voltage: 95 VAC (min.) - 264 VAC (max.), 50/60 Hz Maximum input power (w/out heater): 10.2 VA Maximum input power (w/heater): 25.2 VA at 120 VAC * Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling Energy Cost Savings One (1) watt LED light source combined with efficient electronics results in significant energy cost reductions. Isolation Transformer LED Fixture Load* 44A6835-14 44A6835-24 44A6835-30 62B0073 62B0461 61A0281 61A0350 63A1048 63A1054-1 63A1054-2 63A1054-3 63A1054-5 63A1117-W 44A6334 44A6334-1 44A6334-3 44A6334-4 44A6334-10 63A1088-B 44A6334-6 70A0714 Incand./Tungsten Halogen Load Energy Savings ETES with heater on, current driven 20/25 W or 25 VA 45 W 1.8 times 30/45 W 25 VA - - ETES with heater off, current driven 20/25 W or 12 VA 45 W 3.7 times 30/45 W 12 VA - - Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons Indiv. Weight* Individual in (cm) 12/Box in (cm) 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (16.5 x 16.5 x 52) 16.5 x 21 x 20.5 (41.9 x 53.3 x 52) 2.75 lb 1.25 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (16.5 x 16.5 x 79) 16.5 x 21 x 33.5 (41.9 x 53.3 x 85) 4 lb 1.81 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (16.5 x 16.5 x 94) 16.5 x 21 x 39 (41.9 x 53.3 x 99) 4.75 lb 2.15 kg * Weight based on unpackaged ETES with arctic option. * Fixture load does not include isolation transformer load. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 30 2050 Rev. AL I Manual No. 96A0321 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ETE-CB Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY, CLAMP BAND Compliance with Standards FAA: L-861T AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-861T Used to delineate the edges of airport taxiways. Features • Multiple lamp wattages and types (6.6 A quartz or 6.6 A incandescent) available • Single-latch, stainless steel clamping band allows easy removal of lens for lamp changes • Lamp Life: Rated at 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • A gasket is used between the lens and the head assembly to form a tight seal • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Fixture comes standard with a 1.5-inch coupling, but is available with a 2-inch coupling and in alternative thread patterns • Fixture uses aluminum head assembly, stainless steel hard- ware, and is protected with aviation yellow enamel paint Operating Conditions 44C1081- Lamp 1 = 30 W/6.6 A Incandescent2 2 = 45 W/6.6 A Incandescent2 3 = 25 W/120 VAC, Incandescent2 5 = 30 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified) 6 = 45 W/6.6 A Quartz2 7 = No Lamp, Incandescent Socket 8 = No Lamp, Quartz Socket Lens Color 0 = No lens1 5 = Omnidirectional Blue (ETL Certified)3 Fixture Height 11 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 22 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 33 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 44 = 20 in (50.8 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 1A = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 2” coupling, 11 TPI4 Notes 1 No lens option normally used as spare part. Specify and order lens separately. 2 Lamp not certified 3 30 W Quartz 4 Normally used in metric applications Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) Inside View Gasket Socket Lens Steel Column L-823 Cord Set Single-Latch Clamp Band Head Lamp Assembly (Incandescent Shown) 3063 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0097 B - 31 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ETE-CB I Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light Spare Components Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons Individual in (cm) 9/Box in (cm) Indiv. Weight 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg Description Part No. Column, (steel) 6” (15.24 cm) for 14” OAH Column, (steel) 16” (40.64 cm) for 24” OAH Column, (steel) 22” (55.88 cm) for 30” OAH Cord set, quartz Cord set, incandescent Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot1 Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI2 Gasket Head assembly with phenolic socket Head assembly with quartz socket Lamp, 25 W/120 VAC Lamp, prefocus, 30 W/6.6 A Lamp, prefocus, 45 W/6.6 A Lamp, quartz, 30 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp, quartz, 45 W/6.6 A Lamp socket, phenolic for incandescent Lamp socket, quartz Lamp base Lamp bracket (quartz lamp socket) Lens, blue Lens clamp assembly 62A0007-6 62A0007-16 62A0007-22 44A1701 44A1707 62B0073 62B0461 61A0281 61A0350 63B0015 44B1079-1X 44B1484-1X 48A0008 48A0006 48A0007 48A0085 48A0083 49A0002 49A0032 62A2150 60C1169 63A0151 44B0023 1 2 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 32 3063 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0097 Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling Normally used in metric applications ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ETE-PT Incandescent Elevated Taxiway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY, POP TOP Compliance with Standards FAA: L-861T AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Ordering Code Uses FAA L-861T 44C1752- Lamp 1 = 30 W/6.6 A Quartz 2 = 45 W/6.6 A Quartz (ETL Certified) Used to delineate the edges of airport taxiways. Lens Cap Color 1 = Omnidirectional Blue (ETL Certified)1 Features Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24 in (61.0 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) with 1.5” coupling, 12 TPI • Unique design permits rapid lamp changes • Integral snow flag holder • Unique low-profile design reduces damage due to jet blast Note 1 45 W only • A ball joint in the base of the fixture allows easy and accurate elevation and azimuth positioning after installation • Designed for mounting on a 30-inch galvanized steel stake or on a base plate for a 12- or 16-inch L-867 base Spare Components • Multiple lamp wattages available Description Part No. Ball Clamp Column 8.6” (21.9 cm) for 14” OAH Column, 18.6” (47.3 cm) for 24” OAH Column, 24.6” (62.48 cm) for 30” OAH Cord set Elevated SS thumb screw kit Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI, with slot1 Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Head assembly with cord set for 14” OAH Head assembly with cord set for 24” OAH Head assembly with cord set for 30” OAH Lamp, 45 W/6.6 A (ETL Certified) Lamp, 30 W/6.6 A Lamp socket Lamp base Lens cap assembly, blue Lens cap without lens Lens, blue Lens, blue/obscure Lens sealant 62A0527 62B0472 62A0007-9 62A0007-19 62A0007-25 44A1701 94A0592 62B0073 62B0461 61A0281 44C1774-1 44C1774-2 44C1774-3 48A0083 48A0085 49A0063 62C0532 44A1773-1 62C0531 63B0378-1 63B0378-9 67A0006-3 • Lamp Life: Rated at 1,000 hours at 45 W/6.6 A • Fixture uses aluminum castings, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow enamel paint Inside View Frangible Coupling Column Head L-823 Cord Set Lens Cap Lamp Lamp Wing Screw Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons Individual in (cm) 9/Box in (cm) 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Indiv. Weight 1 Slot across threaded end allows easy replacement of broken frangible coupling Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3064 Rev. A I Manual No. 96A0117 B - 33 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ESTB Incandescent Elevated Stop Bar MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-862S AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Uses Ordering Code FAA L-862S For SMGCS operations (Cat. III) below 600 feet RVR on all lighted taxiways at runway hold lines in conjunction with L-852S in-pavement stop bar light. Features 44A5877- Fixture Height 1 = 14 in (35.6 cm) 2 = 24 in (61 cm) 3 = 30 in (76.2 cm) Spare Components • Lens is sealed with weatherproof high-temperature gasket • Adjustable horizontal and vertical angles • Easy maintenance, no special tools required for lamp changes • Lamp: One 150 W/6.6 A quartz PK30d • Lamp Life: Rated at 500 hours at 6.6 A • Includes frangible column • Designed to mount on a standard L-867B light base with 2-inch base plate Description Part No. Lens, Red Traffic Signal Lamp, 150 W PK30d 2-in Frangible Column, 14-in installation 2-in Frangible Column, 24-in installation 2-in Frangible Column, 30-in installation 63A0958-1 48A0353 60A2444-1 60A2444-2 60A2444-3 Inside View • Fixture uses aluminum castings, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow gloss enamel paint Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Exposure: Withstands windblown rain, sand, and dust particles, salt-laden atmosphere, solar radiation, and extreme thermal changes Packaging Quantity per Box Quantity per Shipment Dimensions of Cartons Gross Weight 1 Head Assembly 1 Box 14 x 14 x 13 in 6 lb 36 x 36 x 33 cm 2.72 kg 1 Head Column 1 Box 1 x 4 x 4 in 1 lb 2.5 x 10.3 x 10.3 cm 0.45 kg Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 34 2024 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0246 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Head Assembly Lens, Traffic Signal Red 2-inch Frangible Column L-823 Cord Set Flat Washer Internal Lock Washer 7. Hex Nut 8. Lamp 9. Lamp Focalizing Spacer 10. Panel Fastener 11. Access Door ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING RTEM Retroreflective Taxiway Edge Markers Compliance with Standards FAA: L-853 AC 150/5345-39 (Current Edition) Uses FAA L-853 Designed for use for edge marking of runways and taxiways. Overview All airport markers use abrasive-resistant retroreflective sheeting. The posts, which can be installed in soil, on asphalt or on concrete, are made of co-extruded polyethylene with UV inhibitors. Markers use only high strength plastic fasteners, resulting in a product that is superior in corrosion resistance and long-term performance. This, combined with the self restoring nature of the airport marker, helps keep life-cycle costs among the lowest in the industry. Features • Corrosion resistant. No above-ground metal parts of any kind, so there is nothing to corrode. • Integrated locking tabs allowing for quick post installation and replacement. • Provides 360 degree visibility with abrasive-resistant ASTM Type V wraparound reflective sheeting. • Available in surface mount and soil anchor versions. • Constructed of UV-resistant durable linear low density, coextruded polyethylene, which makes the post resistant to degradation caused by extended sun exposure. • Is warranted in accordance with FAA requirements. • Corrosion-resistant soil anchor with integrated locking tabs. • Reflective Color Choices: Blue, Red, Green, Silver • Post Color Choices: White, Light Gray, Dark Gray • Mounting Base Type: Pin Lock (SMA) or Twist Lock (SMT). • Is warranted in accordance with FAA requirements. • Manufactured in the United States by Safe-Hit®, who holds ETL Certification for the markers shown Mounting/Anchor Options • Asphalt • Concrete • Soil Surface Mount Airport Marker Ordering Code SH614SM - -12 - -12 Mounting Base Type A = Pin Lock (SMA) T = Twist Lock (SMT) Post Color W = White M = Light Gray A = Dark Gray Retro-reflective material color S = White/silver B = Blue R = Red G = Green Soil Mount Airport Marker Ordering Code SH614GP Mounting Anchor 5 = 14” Galvanized Steel Tube 3 = 18” Galvanized Steel Tube 9 = 24” Galvanized Steel Tube Post W= M= A = Color White Light Gray Dark Gray Retro-reflective material color S = White/silver B = Blue R = Red G = Green Notes • All Safe-Hit Airport Markers use polyethylene for the post material and meet ASTM D4956 Type V for the retro-reflective material. • Safe-Hit reboundable airport markers are tested and certified by ETL to the FAA’s L-853 standard and are certified by ETL to meet the specifications of the FAA Advisory Circular: 150/5345-39D. • To order an optional Anti-Perch Bird Cap, add a “C” to the end of the ordering codes listed above. Specifications Height: 14” (36 cm) Installation and Repair Advantages Base Diameter: 8” (20 cm) • Integrating locking tabs allow for quick post installation and replacement Standard Soil Anchor Length: 18” (46 cm) Retro-reflective Area: 96 sq. inches of ASTM D4956 Type V high-intensity reflective sheeting • Debris inhibiting plastic cap. 1217 Rev. K I No Manual B - 35 TAXIWAY LIGHTING RTEM I Retroreflective Taxiway Edge Markers Design Ordering Code 1. Debris Inhibiting Plastic Cap 2. Post-Integrated, Quick-Install Locking Pins 3. Abrasion Resistant ASTM D4956 Type V High-Intensity Retroreflective Sheeting 4. All Plastic Construction & Components 5. Corrosion Resistant Soil Anchor With Integrated Locking Tabs 6. Anti-Perch Bird Cap (Optional) Post Height Above Ground 18 = 18 in (45.7 cm) 24 = 24 in (60.0 cm) 30 = 30 in (76.2 cm) SH6 - -14 Mounting Method GPX = Soil-mount post with 18 in (45.7 cm) anchor1 SMA = Surface-mount base, pin lock SMT = Surface-mount base, twist lock Post Color W = White M = Light Gray A = Dark Gray Retro-reflective material color S = White/silver B = Blue Notes • All Safe-Hit Airport Markers use polyethylene for the post material and meet ASTM D4956 Type V for the retro-reflective material. • Safe-Hit reboundable airport markers are tested and certified by ETL to the FAA’s L-853 standard and are certified by ETL to meet the specifications of the FAA Advisory Circular: 150/5345-39D. • For optional colors or configurations, contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for details. • To order an optional Anti-Perch Bird Cap, add a “C” to the end of the ordering code listed above. 1 If a soil-mount post is selected, the “X” in GPX can be: 5 = 14” post, 3 = 18” post or 9 = 24” post. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 36 1217 Rev. K I No Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING Benefits Sheet F-Range, Low Profile In-pavement Fixtures Aluminum alloy top cover FAA Style 3–Low protrusion above ground (< 0.25 inch) ADVANTAGES • Lighter than ductile iron ADVANTAGES • Reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear • High density (low porosity) • Prevents tire damage BENEFITS • Eases handling in the field • Minimizes risk of snowplow damage BENEFITS • Increases fixture life L-852A-D • Reduces potential leak paths compared to traditional ductile iron fixture designs • Longer fixture life due to reduced fixture operating temperature Field replaceable prism/lens Trace of copper content in cover ADVANTAGES • Mechanically clamped to light cover for quick & easy replacement ADVANTAGES • Reduces corrosive action when attached to a galvanized surface (i.e. L-867 or L-868 base can) • No optical adjustment required after replacement BENEFITS • Longer fixture and base can life • No setting jig required • Reduces need for environmentally damaging, anticorrosive compounds BENEFITS • Labor, material, and equipment savings • Repeatable photometrics Low-energy/long-life lamps ADVANTAGES • L-850A – 75% reduction of power consumption, 3x the lamp life • L-850B – 75% reduction of power consumption, 3x the lamp life • L-852 Series – 50% increase in lamp life • ALSF – 37% reduction in power consumption, 2x the lamp life • MALSR Threshold (green) – 7% reduction in power consumption, double the lamp life • MALSR Approach (white) – 48% reduction in power consumption, double the lamp life BENEFITS • Energy, labor, and material cost savings Grommet (shock) mounted optical assembly ADVANTAGES • Absorbs high frequency vibrations BENEFITS • True lamp life achieved 100% production helium tank leak testing ADVANTAGES • Eliminates leak paths in new fixtures • No sealing compound required L-850B/MALSR Approach • Optimal photometric output Field replaceable L-823 cord sets ADVANTAGES • Mechanically clamped to bottom cover for quick & easy replacement • Provide watertight seal without sealing compounds or resins BENEFITS • Labor and material savings Parts commonality across F-Range family ADVANTAGES • Reduces spare parts inventory BENEFITS • Material cost savings Pressure test fitting ADVANTAGES • Ability for maintenance to check air tightness after relamping/ rebuilding BENEFITS • Fixture remains watertight after lamp replacement BENEFITS • No leak paths, extending fixture component life ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2044 Rev. C I No Manual B - 37 TAXIWAY LIGHTING ITEL Incandescent In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light STYLE 2, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: 12-inch Fixture L-852T AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition). Ordering Code Uses FAA L-852T 44A6099- Lamp/Lens 1 = 45 W/6.6 A Blue 2 = 45 W/6.6 A Red1 3 = 45 W/6.6 A Yellow1,2 5 = 45 W/6.6 A Green1,2 • Taxiway edge • Helipads - Yellow for military and existing civilian applications Film Disc Cutout 1 = Included 2 = Not Included Features • Hardened, colored glass lens Mounting 1 = 8-inch fixture with adapter ring for mounting on a standard L-868B light base 2 = 12-inch fixture for mounting on a standard L-868B light base 3 = 12-inch fixture for mounting on a standard L-867B light base • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 45 W with a rated life of more than 1,000 hours at full intensity and in excess of 3,000 hours in practical use Notes 1 Color not recognized by FAA 2 For helipad applications • FAA Style 2–Low protrusion above ground of ≤ 0.5 inch reduces vibration caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and landing gear, increasing lamp life • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover, inner cover, and optical assembly, and stainless steel hardware • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Electrical Supply 6.6A through an L-830 or a series isolation transformer. Two or more fittings may be series-connected and fed from an isolation transformer, making use of optional film disc or electronic cutouts. Optional Snow Plow Ring Use caution during snowplow conditions. A rubber tip blade is recommended. Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional details. Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 38 2042 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0278 Spare Components Description Part No. Cable, clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Film disc cutout Film disc spring Gasket, lens Lamp, 45 W/6.6 A Lamp retainer spring Lens, blue Lens, green Lens, red Lens, yellow Lens gasket protection O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Reflector Terminal block assembly, w/o film disc cutout Terminal block assembly, with film disc cutout 4071.50.090 73A0133-23 63A1014 6111.87.140 47A0118 4071.50.130 4071.76.041 2990.48.360 4071.50.581 1428.00.430 1428.00.390 1428.00.410 1428.00.420 4071.76.060 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 4071.76.031 44A6112-1 44A6112-2 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING THL - RIL LED RWSL Take-Off Hold Light & Runway Intersection Light STYLE 3 Compliance with Standards FAA: L-850T(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Complies with FAA Runway Status Light System Take-off Hold Light (THL) and Runway Intersection Light (RIL) requirements in FAA AC 150/5340-30 Appendix 7 and FAA Engineering Brief 64. Uses FAA L-850T(L) RWSL THL-RIL Used in FAA Runway Status Light THL applications. Fixture is unidirectional traffic signal red. Features • Average LED life of 56,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • When compared to incandescent equivalent, use of LED provides for fast on-off switching times in all CCR steps • For use with only ADB’s BRITE III Remote. Includes monitoring circuit that opens fixture input if fixture fails. When connected to ADB BRITE Remote, provides capability to determine failed fixture location. Requires the addition of a Y-Harness adapter. Adapter connects isolation transformer to both the input of the BRITE III Remote and the fixture. • FAA Style 3–Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Operates on 5-step ferroresonant CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA requirements • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. Ordering Code THL- Frequency 1 = 60 Hz 2 = 50 Hz Arctic Kit 1 = No 2 = Yes Grounding 0 = FAA RWSL Applications1 Note 1 Includes 10-32 x 1/2 hex head earth ground lug. Y-Harness Adapter1 70A0761 Note 1 For controlled applications, the adapter is required to use a fixture with ADB’s BRITE III Remote. Features (Continued) • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Includes provision for grounding fixture • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost Operating Conditions • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains well below the FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Relative Humidity: Up to 100% 3027 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0419 B - 39 TAXIWAY LIGHTING THL - RIL I RWSL Take-Off Hold & Runway Intersection Lights Electrical Supply Spare Components It is recommended that the RWSL LED fixture be powered from a dedicated CCR and that separate remote controls are available. RSWL LED lights have been designed to work with any FAA-compliant transformer up to 150 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. Description Part No. Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female LED light engine, RWSL, red LED PCB, RWSL O-ring, bottom cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism gasket sleeve Prism clamp Prism flat seal Prism keeper plate 4071.50.090 73A0136-31 63A1014 70A0329 48A0405-THL 44A7044 7080.90.710 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A1119-1 61A0444 60A4046 63A1120 60A4047 L-850T(L)/ RWSL LED Fixture Load* Isolation Transformer Isol. XF Load CCR Load Without Heater 62 VA 65 W 10 VA 72 VA With Heater 90 VA 100 W 12 VA 112 VA * Load includes ADB BRITE III Remote device. Dimensions Top cover outside diameter: Top cover bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): Bottom cover outside diameter(max.): Depth*: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) 9.94 in (25.25 cm) 4 in (10.16 cm) Prism Kit L-850T(L) LED / RWSL THL Prism Kit * From the bottom of the top cover to the bottom of the fixture. Packaging In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 22 lb (9.98 kg) Weight without packing: 17.75 lb (8.05 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 40 3027 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0419 94A0557 Prism kit contains a red RWSL LED light engine, prism clamp, prism keeper plate, prism sock seal, prism, prism seal, screws and o-ring. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING TPL-L Turning Pad Elevated Taxiway Edge Light MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards ICAO: Designed in accordance with applicable requirements in ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, para. 5.3.18. Ordering Code Uses ICAO • Elevated runway turning pads as defined in ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 3.3 • Visual runways or non-precision IFR runways • Used to delineate the edges of airport turning pads. Features • Provides constant light output with an input current range of 2.8 A - 6.6 A. Allows Turning Pad Lights to be connected to existing runway edge circuits. • Average LED life of 100,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 180,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • The TPL-L with heater fixture MTBF is 180,000 operating hours minimum. • Single-latch, stainless steel clamp allows easy removal and replacement of top cover and lens • A gasket is used between the lens and the top cover and also between the top and bottom fixture head assemblies to form a watertight seal • TPL-L with arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. • Three screws allow a 4° leveling adjustment of the fixture after installation • Fixture comes standard with a 1.5-inch coupling, but is available with a 2-inch coupling and in alternative thread patterns • Sealed entry at cord set to optical assembly interface prevents insect entry • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043. Operating Conditions TPL- LED Color 1 = Omnidirectional Blue Fixture Height 1 = 14-inch OAH 2 = 24-inch OAH 3 = 30-inch OAH 4 = 14-inch OAH 5 = 24-inch OAH 6 = 30-inch OAH 7 = 14-inch OAH 8 = 24-inch OAH 9 = 30-inch OAH A = 14-inch OAH B = 20-inch OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI1 with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI1 with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI1 without coupling2 with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI Power 1 = Current Driven, 60 Hz 2 = Current Driven, 50 Hz Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Cord Set 0 = Standard Configuration Notes 1 Normally used in metric applications 2 Configuration sold with no column and no coupling Leveling Device 44A7061 Electrical Supply, Current Driven 6.6 A through a 30/45 W L-830-1 (for 60 Hz) or L-831-1 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. To ensure proper operation, a minimum transformer size of 30 W must be used. TPL-L lights have been designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting performance or lifetime of the light or the transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. Turning Pad Light Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load W/out heater 14 VA 30/45 W 9 VA 23 VA Temperature: -40°F to +131°F (-40°C to +55°C) Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) 3057 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0458 B - 41 TAXIWAY LIGHTING TPL-L I Turning Pad Elevated Taxiway Edge Light Spare Components Packaging Assembled Fixtures Dimensions of Cartons Individual in (cm) 9/Box in (cm) 14-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 (17 x 17 x 52) 19.5 x 19.5 x 20.5 (50 x 50 x 52) 5 lb 2.3 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 (17 x 17 x 79) 19.5 x 19.5 x 31 (50 x 50 x 79) 6.25 lb 2.8 kg 30-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 37 (17 x 17 x 94) 19.5 x 19.5 x 37 (50 x 50 x 94) 7 lb 3.2 kg Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. B - 42 3057 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0458 Indiv. Weight Description Part No. Column for 14” OAH Column for 20” OAH Column for 24” OAH Column for 30” OAH Cord set assembly for 14” OAH Cord set assembly for 20” OAH Cord set assembly for 24” OAH Cord set assembly for 30” OAH Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 14” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI, 14” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI, 14” OAH Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 24” and 30” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI, 24” and 30” OAH Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11 TPI, 24” and 30” OAH Gasket, lens protection Lens, clear, L-861T(L) Seal, lens Seal, top to bottom cover 62A0007-7 62A0007-13 62A0007-17 62A0007-23 44A7028-14 44A7028-20 44A7028-24 44A7028-30 62B0073 61A0281 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 61A0350 60A4247-1 60A4247-2 60A4247-3 4071.76.060 63A1128-00 4071.76.041 63A1137 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TAXIWAY LIGHTING ITCF-L LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light STYLE 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: Designed according to L-852(L) Series AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Uses L-852A-D L-852J/K Features (Continued) • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum. FAA L-852A(L) • Taxiway centerline on straight sections and clearance bar in category I and II applications, >1,200 ft RVR • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size FAA L-852B(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category I and II applications, >1,200 ft RVR • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle cost FAA L-852C(L) • Taxiway centerline on straight section and clearance bar in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR FAA L-852D(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR • White/white or white/yellow used on MIRL runway edge for intersections where runway edge spacing >400 ft (122 m) FAA L-852J(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category I and II applications, >1,200 ft RVR FAA L-852K(L) • Taxiway centerline on curved sections in category III applications, <1,200 ft RVR Use of two LED modules allows the option of separate control of each module in bi-directional applications. Features • Use of L-852K(L) fixture allows fixtures to be reduced by half for curved centerlines where the radius is 75 ft (23 m) to 399 ft (121 m) • L-852A/B/C(L) use a single LED per side. L-852D/J/K(L) use two LEDs per side. Average LED life of 100,000 hours for L-852A/B/ C(L) and 56,000 hours for L-852D/J/K(L) under high-intensity conditions. LED life of more than 200,000 hours for L-852A/ B/C(L) and more than 150,000 hours for L-852D/J/K(L) under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses. • FAA Style 3–Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.25 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Can be installed on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with no modifications to existing CCR or isolation transformer • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • “Smart electronics” control current to LED, so light output matches existing incandescent fixtures at all brightness levels without sacrificing any light characteristics. Actual light output is determined based on a continuous light output curve. Therefore, light output truly represents input current, even if series circuit input current is not within FAA specification limits. Allows for a low cost and progressive evolution of the airfield lighting toward new LED-based technology. • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Environment-friendly, precision-cast aluminum alloy cover, optical support, and inner cover assembly with stainless steel hardware • Galvanic isolation from the series circuit transformer, protecting the LED module against over voltage. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Relative Humidity: Up to 100% • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements 2099 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0392 B - 43 TAXIWAY LIGHTING Ordering Code ITCF-L I LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light ITCF- 0 Series A = L-852A(L) B = L-852B(L) C = L-852C(L) D = L-852D(L) J = L-852J(L) K = L-852K(L) LED Color 1 = Yellow/Yellow 2 = Green/Green 3 = Yellow/Green2 5 = Green/Obscure 6 = Yellow/Obscure 8 = Red/Green1,2 0 = White/White (L-852D only) A = Green Left/Yellow Right (J/K only)1,3 B = Yellow Left/Green Right (J/K only)1,3 C = Green Left/Obscured Right (J/K only)3 D = Obscured Left/Green Right (J/K only)3 E = Yellow Left/Obscured Right (J/K only)3 F = Obscured Left/Yellow Right (J/K only)3 G = White/Yellow (L-852D only) H = Green/White1,2 I = Red/White1,2 J = Red/Yellow1,2 0 Mounting and Cord Set 1 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868B (12”) standard base 3 = One L-823 cord set, L-868B (12”) standard base 5 = One L-823 cord set, L-868A (10”)4,5 6 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868A (10”)4,5 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Power 0 = 60 Hz 1 = 50 Hz5 Notes 1 Color or color options not recognized by the FAA. 2 Color options not available for L-852B(L), L-852D(L), L-852J(L) and L-852K(L). 3 See graphic below for L-852J/K(L) color selection guidelines. 4 Refers to older style 10-inch L-868A base can compliant to AC 150/5345-42C. 10-inch base cans are no longer specified in the current FAA Advisory Circular. 5 Not ETL Certified. Color selection guidelines for L-852J/K(L) fixtures B - 44 2099 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0392 Two-piece fixture with snow-plow ring and 4 bolts Two-Piece Ordering Code1,4 ITCF- 0 Series A = L-852A(L) B = L-852B(L) C = L-852C(L) D = L-852D(L) LED Color 1 = Yellow/Yellow 2 = Green/Green 3 = Yellow/Green2 5 = Green/Obscure 6 = Yellow/Obscure 8 = Red/Green2 0 = White/White G = White/Yellow H = Green/White I = Red/White2 0 Mounting and Cord Set 7 = One L-823 cord set, L-868B (12”) standard base with 4 bolts3 8 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868B (12”) standard base with 4 bolts3 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option Power 0 = 60 Hz 1 = 50 Hz Notes 1 Not available for L-852J(L) and L-852K(L) 2 Color or color options not recognized by the FAA. 3 Fixture with snowplow ring is shipped with 4 bolts and 2 optional pin inserts, allowing a field modification to a 2-bolt/2-pin configuration. 4 Not ETL Certified. TAXIWAY LIGHTING ITCF-L I LED In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light Electrical Supply Spare Components ITCF LED F-Range fixture is designed to work with any IEC or FAA-compliant transformer up to 100 W without affecting the performance or lifetime of the light fixture or transformer. See data sheet 3033 for more details on recommended isolation transformers specified below. Description Part No. 4071.50.090 73A0136-23 63A1014 7080.90.335 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0979-1 63A0993-2 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 Unidirectional w/out heater 21 VA 20/25 W Bidirectional w/out heater1 27 VA 30/45 W Bidirectional w/out heater2 25 VA per side (50 VA total) 20/25 W per side Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism, L-852A/B/J(L) Prism, L852C/D/K(L) Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Unidirectional with heater 56 VA 65 W Packaging Bidirectional with heater 58 VA 65 W 45 VA (90 VA total) 30/45 W per side Unidirectional w/out heater 14 VA 10/15 W Bidirectional w/out heater1 17 VA 20/25 W Bidirectional w/out heater 14 VA per side (28 VA total) 10/15 W per side Unidirectional with heater 46 VA 30/45 W Bidirectional with heater1 56 VA 65 W Bidirectional with heater 34 VA (68 VA total) 30/45 W per side Unidirectional w/out heater 12 VA 10/15 W Bidirectional w/out heater1 16 VA 10/15 W Unidirectional with heater 42 VA 30/45 W Bidirectional with heater1 46 VA 30/45 W Fixture Load3 ITCF Fixture Isolation Transformer L-852D(L), L-852K(L) 1 Bidirectional with heater2 In cardboard box: L-852C(L), L-852J(L) 2 2 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) L-852A(L), L-852B(L) 1 2 3 One cord set One cord set per side (2 total) Fixture load does not include isolation transformer load ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2099 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0392 B - 45 TAXIWAY LIGHTING IRGL-L LED In-pavement Runway Guard Light STYLE 2 & 3, MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: CE: T/C: L-852G(L) AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. Meets the requirements of LowVisibility Taxiway Lighting Systems as specified by FAA AC 150/5340-30. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, Appendix 1, par. 2.1.1 and Fig. A2-20 Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Transport Canada AC 302-005 par. 4.1.4 and Fig. 9 Uses FAA L-852G(L) • Runway guard light • Runway incursion prevention Features • FAA Style 3 (≤0.25 inch) provides a low protrusion above ground, which reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life. • Operates on either 3- or 5-step ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Can be retrofit on existing 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits using existing CCRs and Local Control Devices. Requires the addition of a Y-Harness adapter. Adapter connects isolation transformer to both the input of the Local Control Device and the fixture. In electronically monitored applications, fixture opens existing Local Control Device output connection, providing an alarm signal in case of fixture failure. • An autonomous version is available for applications where fixture failures are not electronically monitored. Synchronization circuitry is contained within each fixture, eliminating the need for any synchronizing Local Control Devices. Fixture connects directly into isolation transformer. A simple, separate Remote Control Device is used to set the fixture to Initial ON or Initial OFF. The Remote Control Device can also be optionally used to program variable start up delays (for an entire RGL bar). This effectively reduces the load variation on a CCR that powers multiple RGL bars. • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Use of LED light source eliminates filter replacement and color shifts when viewed at various angles or CCR step settings • Low-temperature lights. Temperature rise at center of top cover remains below FAA-specified limit of 320 °F (160 °C). • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. B - 46 3003 Rev. P-1 I Manual No. 96A0401 Ordering Code IRGL- 1 Power/Control 1 = New/Existing Local Control Device1 2 = Autonomous, Initial Flash ON2 3 = Autonomous, Initial Flash OFF2 Frequency 1 = 60 Hz 2 = 50 Hz Arctic Option3 1 = No 2 = Yes Style4 1 = FAA Style 35 Optical Configuration 1 = Two window version6 Notes 1 Used on electronically monitored applications. Can be used with the existing Local Control Device on new or retrofit applications. For details on ADB BRITE Remote, see data sheet 2092. Contact the ADB Sales Department for use with other manufacturers’ Local Control Devices. Requires use of Y-Harness Adapter. 2 Used on non-electronically monitored application. Fixture connected directly to L-830/L-831 isolation transformer. 3 Style 2 fixture complies with arctic kit requirements in FAA Engineering Brief No.67 without the need to use a separate heater. Style 3 is available with or without heater. Style 2 fixure complies with CE requirements. 4 Contact ADB Sales Dept. for availability of FAA Style 2 (≤0.5 inch) fixtures, Part No. IRGL-XXX00 (ETL Certified). 5 Compatible with L-868B Top Sections where the overall height of the Top Section is less than 4 in (10.16 cm). 6 Two-window Style 3 fixture complies with FAA, ICAO and Transport Canada 312 specification requirements. Y-Harness Adapter 70A0761 Note: Required to use Runway Guard Light fixture with new or existing Local Control Device Remote Control Device 61A0458 Note: Required on autonomous fixtures to modify initial flash ON or OFF or to adjust CCR loading. One device required per installation. TAXIWAY LIGHTING IRGL-L I LED In-pavement Runway Guard Light Features (Continued) Spare Components • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly Description Part No. Cable clamp, Style 2 fixture Cable clamp, Style 3 fixture Cord set, L-823, Style 2 fixture Cord set, L-823, Style 3 fixture Cord set grommet LED light engine, L-852G(L), Style 3, yellow LED light engine, L-852G(L), Style 2, yellow O-ring, inner cover seal O-ring, pressure release screw Pressure release screw Prism Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate 4071.50.090 4072.42.380 73A0136-23 4072.42.351 63A1014 48A0415-TYLW 48A0404-YLW 7080.90.710 63B0267-011 60A2602 63A0993-2 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 63A0986 • Rugged lightning protection complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.411991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire Electrical Supply: Ferroresonant 6.6 A through an L-830 (for 60 Hz) or L-831 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. Application1 Fixture Load3 Isol. XF Size Isolation XF Load3 CCR Load3 L-852G without heater (Style 3, 2 window) Unmonitored 39 VA 65 W 14 VA 53 VA Monitored2 64 VA 100 W 18 VA 82 VA L-852G with heater (Style 3, 2 window) 1 2 3 Unmonitored 88 VA 100 W 16 VA 104 VA Monitored2 109 VA 150 W 22 VA 131 VA Data is for a ferroresonant CCR only. Fixture load includes Local Control Device load. All load data is average load per fixture for applications where the entire load alternately flashes. Dimensions Outside Diameter: 11.94 in (30.33 cm) Bolt Circle Diameter (L-868B): 11.25 in (28.58 cm) Max. Bottom Cover O.D.: - 9.92 in (25.20 cm) down to depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) - 8.69 in (22.07 cm) from depth of 1.63 in (4.14 cm) to 3.88 in (9.86 cm) Compatible with L-868B Top Sections where the overall height of the Top Section is less than 4 in (10.16 cm). Bottom Cover Depth: 3.88 in (9.9 cm) Electrical Supply: Thyristor Packaging 6.6 A through an L-830 (for 60 Hz) or L-831 (for 50 Hz) isolation transformer. In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 20.55 lb (9.32 kg) Weight without packing: 17.55 lb (7.96 kg) Application1 Fixture Load3 Isol. XF Size Isolation XF Load3 CCR Load3 L-852G without heater (Style 3, 2 window) Unmonitored 77 VA 100 W 29 VA 106 VA Monitored2 95 VA 100 W 32 VA 127 VA L-852G with heater (Style 3, 2 window) 1 2 3 Unmonitored 110 VA 150 W 45 VA 155 VA Monitored 128 VA 150 W 49 VA 177 VA 2 Data is for a thyristor/SCR CCR only. Fixture load includes Local Control Device load. All load data is average load per fixture for applications where the entire load alternately flashes. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3003 Rev. P-1 I Manual No. 96A0401 B - 47 TAXIWAY LIGHTING This page left blank intentionally B - 48 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF/MALSR Low-Voltage ALSF/MALSR Approach Lighting System WITH ELEVATED & IN-PAVEMENT FLASHERS Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: Military: Designed according to ALSF-1, ALSF-2, ALSF-2/SSALR: FAA-E-2628; MALSR: FAA-E-2325 Annex 14 Vol. 1, para. 5.3.4,, 5.3.7, and 5.3.8 UFC 3-535-01 – Chapter 3 for Approach Applications using sequenced flashing lights ALSF Uses ALSF-1, ALSF-2, and ALSF-2/SSALR approach lighting systems with sequenced flashing lights are used at airports and military air bases to provide landing approach guidance, such as runway alignment, height perception, horizontal reference, and roll guidance extending from the landing threshold outward (2,400-3,000 feet) into the approach zone. Note that FAA-E-2628 specifies only the sequenced flasher portion of the ALSF approach lighting system. The steadyburning portion of an ALSF system is implemented using either a 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit. ALSF-1 – The ALSF-1 approach lighting system is used on Category I Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) and includes up to 24 light stations (100-foot spacing) with up to 22 centerline bars of steadyburning lights (five lights to a bar) and up to 15 flashers. ALSF-2 – The ALSF-2 approach lighting system is used on Category II runways and includes up to 30 light stations (100-foot spacing) with 30 centerline bars of steady-burning lights (five lights to a bar) and up to 21 flashers. ALSF-2/SSALR – The SSALR approach lighting system has up to eight sequenced flashing lights and is used as part of a dual-mode approach lighting system (ALSF-2/SSALR) when Category I conditions exist on Category II designated runways. Note: For ICAO applications, the system can also be used with up to 30 flashers. MALSR Uses The MALSR approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights are used at airports and military air bases to provide landing approach guidance, such as runway alignment, height perception, horizontal reference, and roll guidance extending from the landing threshold outward (2,400-3,000 feet) into the approach zone. Note that FAA-E-2325 specifies both the sequenced flasher and steady-burning portions of a MALSR approach lighting system. Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature Range: -67 °F to +137 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (3048 m) maximum Features • MALSR sequenced flashers can be easily expanded to ALSF at a later date Features (Continued) • Flasher operating voltage is +400 VDC instead of +2000 VDC used in traditional systems, improving safety. This also allows standard 600 V cable to be used between the flasher and Individual Control Cabinet (ICC). This eliminates the need for high voltage interconnecting cable. • Lamp subassembly in elevated flash head can be quickly and easily replaced without the use of tools • In-pavement flasher has an aluminum top cover, reducing maintenance requirements and resulting in a very low weight • In-pavement flasher height above ground (without snow plow ring) is only 0.75” high. In-pavement flasher height above ground (with snow plow ring) is only 0.5” high. • Flashers can be up to 393 ft (120 m) from the ICC, allowing placement outside the obstacle free zone • ICC can be optionally supplied with one cabinet that can connect to 3 flashers, minimizing acquisition and installation cost • ICC uses a highly efficient power supply. This yields lower power consumption, elimination of peak inrush currents, and allows use of smaller gauge supply power wires compared to traditional capacitive discharge systems. • Numerous remote control/monitoring options maximize system flexibility. Remote control/monitoring can be accomplished via: - Individual 24 VDC, 48 VDC or 120 VAC hard-wired copper connections Theory of Operation ADB’s sequenced-flasher lighting systems include a master control unit, junction boxes, individual control cabinets (ICC), and either elevated or in-pavement flasher units. For MALSR systems, a 15 kVA transformer is also provided to power the steady-burning lights. In the ALSF configuration, an array of light bars are installed symmetrically around the centerline of the approach lighting system, starting at the approach threshold and extending a total distance of 2,400 feet (731.5 m) outward into the approach zone up to 3,000 feet (914 m) at facilities where high-speed military aircraft share runway usage. Up to 21 flashing lamp assemblies (30 for ICAO applications) are installed in the outer portion of the approach lighting system at regular intervals. In the MALSR configuration, an array of light bars are installed symmetrically around the centerline of the approach lighting system, starting at the approach threshold and extending a total distance of 2,400 feet (731.5 m) into the approach zone and up to 3,000 feet (914.4 m) at facilities where high-speed military aircraft share runway usage. Typically, up to 8 flashing lamp assemblies are installed in the outer portion of the approach lighting system at regular intervals. 2091 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0400 C-1 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF/MALSR I Low-Voltage Approach Lighting System Theory of Operation (Continued) The MALSR system uses white 120 VAC PAR-38 fixtures for the light bar arrays. Also, the MALSR system uses green 120 VAC PAR-56 fixtures for the threshold bar. The ALSF system uses white or red PAR-56 6.6 A or 20 A fixtures for light bar arrays and green PAR-56 6.6 A or 20 A fixtures for the threshold bar. Flashing lights are arranged and connected in such a way as to produce a sequenced flashing light signal that has the appearance of a ball of light traveling down the system from the outer end (flasher farthest from the runway threshold) to the flasher assembly closest to the runway threshold. Note: See ADB data sheet 1042 for more details on ALSF or MALSR PAR-56 fixtures. The master control cabinet contains control and monitoring PCBs, which provide the power, timing signals, misfire monitoring circuitry, and three-step intensity control signals to the sequenced flasher assemblies in remote and local mode. Surge Protection 2 = Monitored surge protection3 0 Input and Output Voltage 120/240 VAC, +10%/-15%, 50/60 Hz, three-wire, single-phase (neutral center-tapped) Time from Trigger Pulse to Trigger Pulse In ALSF mode, corresponds to one cycle of 60 Hz line, 16.67 ms. In SSALR mode, corresponds to every other cycle of the 60 Hz line or 33.3 ms. For MALSR, corresponds to every other cycle of the 60 Hz line or 33.3 ms. Enclosure NEMA 4, outdoor and ventilated (to prevent condensation) Maintenance Features on Control Cabinet - Rotary control switch for manual control of brightness level of system - Flasher ON/OFF switch to de-energize flashers (if desired) when the approach lights are energized - LED indicators for system monitoring - Service entrance switch disconnects incoming power - 100 W maintenance light - Can lock door in a 120° open position Rugged surge protection on all input and output electrical connections Voltage Dimensions Weight 120/240 VAC (standard) 37.25 x 30 x 11.38 in 94.6 x 76.2 x 28.9 cm 137 lb 62 kg Master Input Power Requirements Voltage 120/240 VAC C-2 3 5 6 8 9 12 15 18 21 Max. Power Req. ALSF Max. Power Req. MALSR 4 kVA 18 kVA 19 kVA 5 kVA 20 kVA 6 kVA 7 kVA 8 kVA 9 kVA 10 kVA 2091 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0400 Flashers XX = Maximum number of flashers Examples: 08 = 8 flashers 21 = 21 flashers 30 = 30 flashers (ICAO applications) Input Voltage 1 = 120/240 VAC (standard) Master Control Cabinet Equipment Data Max. No. of Flashers 0 System 1 = ALSF per FAA-E-2628 or ICAO 2 = MALSR per FAA-E-2325 3 = MALSR per FAA-E-2980 4 = UDAL1 5 = ALSF per 2628 Stainless Steel Monitoring2 1 = Without monitoring 2 = With monitoring Master Control Cabinet Lightning Protection Master Control Cabinet 44A6763- Remote Connection - Hardwired 0 = None 1 = +24 VDC 2 = +48 VDC 3 = 120 VAC Notes 1 A special Unidirectional Approach Lighting (UDAL) system can also configured. Contact the ADB Sales Department for details. A UDAL consists of 5 unidirectional sequenced flashers and 2 unidirectional REILs. 2 Monitoring required for ALSF systems per FAA-E-2628 3 Includes 40 kA surge protection devices in each ICC. Surge protection status monitored electronically. Flasher Elevated Flash Head Each elevated flash head assembly consists of a flashing light head, which houses a low-voltage (400 VDC) flashtube and a trigger transformer. A safety interlock switch disconnects the individual control cabinet (ICC) power when the flash head is opened. The elevated flash head is rated IP45. In-pavement Flashing Fixture Each in-pavement fixture houses a low-voltage (400 VDC) flashtube and trigger transformer. A safety interlock switch disconnects the individual control cabinet (ICC) power when the bottom cover is removed. In-pavement Fixture and Mating Female Connector APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF/MALSR I Low-Voltage Approach Lighting System In-pavement Flashing Fixture (Continued) Ordering Codes In-pavement flasher height is 0.75 inch without the snow plow ring and fits on a standard FAA 12-inch base can. Fixture height is 0.5 inch with the snow plow ring. The ring adapts from 12 inches to 16 inches and is mounted on an FAA L-868C base can. Elevated Flash Head Mounting Adapter1 In-pavement Fixture with Snow Plow Ring Flasher Fixture Equipment Data Input Voltage +400 VDC Lamp Xenon flashtube Lamp Life Average 500 hours on high-intensity step Intensity Decrease 30% or less over minimum rated lamp life 1UE9C2Y00000 4762 Notes Flash head includes lamp. 1 If mounting to an LIR mast or 2-inch EMT adapter Part No. 4762 must be used. In-pavement Flashing Fixture Mating Female Connector (59” long) Snow Plow Ring Lifting Device FFL9C000-00001 4072.03.960 MARE40000003 1420.55.6002 Notes 1 Includes 5 conductor cable with 12” long male plug 2 Lifting Device allows in-pavement flashing fixture to be quickly and easily removed from its mounting system during maintenance activities Flash Skipping Less than 1% with no consecutive skipping Individual Control Cabinet (ICC) Elevated Light Beam Axis Adjustable vertically from the horizontal to 25° above the horizontal Vibration Withstands vibration in frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz in accordance with NEMA Standard FA1-3.01 Elevated Mounting On a 2-inch (5.08 cm) frangible coupling or 2-inch EMT conduit, or 1.5-inch (3.81 cm) OD tube or 1.5-inch schedule 40 pipe. Mounting can be on a 1-inch (2.54 cm) pipe (used on an aluminum tower) using Mounting Adapter. Installation Distance A maximum of 393 ft (120 m) from ICC Each flasher fixture is controlled by an individual control cabinet, which houses triggering circuits, terminal blocks, and lightning arrestors. A safety interlock switch is incorporated into the enclosure to discharge the flash lamp power circuitry when the cabinet door is opened. The ICC can connect to one flasher or optionally, 3 flashers. ICC includes anti-condensation heaters, which are active when power is applied. Elevated Dimensions 10.6 x 5.75 x 6.7 in - H x W x D (27 x 14.6 x 17 cm) ICC Equipment Data In-pavement mensions Fits on standard 12-inch base can. Overall Diheight is 6 inches. Enclosure Outdoor, door handle can be padlocked Input Voltage 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Elevated Wt. 4 lb (1.8 kg) Input Current 2 A in high intensity (average) 16.5 lb (7.5 kg) Flash Lamp Output Voltage +400 VDC Intensity Step Change Component Life 150,000 operations minimum Protection Rugged surge protection on all external wiring connections Mounting Two 2-inch (5.08 cm) threaded fittings are provided on bottom of cabinet for mounting. Mounting lugs are also provided on back of the cabinet. Installation Distance ICC can be installed a maximum of 393 ft (120 m) from flasher In-pavement Weight Photometric Data Intensity Setting Maximum Effective Intensity Minimum Effective Intensity Beam Spread Horiz. Vertical +15° +10° Elevated Fixture High 20,000 cd 8,000 cd Medium 2,000 cd 800 cd Low 450 cd 150 cd In-pavement Fixture Dimensions HxWxD High 20,000 cd 5,000 cd 1-in-1 ICC 20 x 16.5 x 9.25 in (50.8 x 41.9 x 23.5 cm) Medium 2,000 cd 500 cd 3-in-1 ICC 25.6 x 31.1 x 15 in (65 x 79 x 38 cm) Low 600 cd 150 cd Weight 1-in-1 ICC 3-in-1 ICC 40.8 lb (18.5 kg) 103.6 lb (47 kg) +15° +2 to +12° 2091 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0400 C-3 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF/MALSR I Low-Voltage Approach Lighting System ICC 44A6764- 0 System 1 = ALSF per FAA-E-2628/ICAO Annex 14 2 = MALSR per FAA-E-2325 3 = MALSR per FAA-E-2690 4 = UDAL Flasher Quantity 1 = One Flasher Unit 3 = Three Flasher Unit Surge Protection 2 = 80 kA Surge Protection Notes • For ICC to Flash Head line lengths up to 131 ft (40 m) maximum, use ADB Part No. 89A0290-5. - Wire is 5/C, 14 AWG, 600 V, shielded - Cable is Alpha Part No. 65405CY-SL - Cable comes in standard rolls of 100, 500, or 1,000 feet. Specify length and number of spools required when ordering. • For line lengths up to 213 ft (65 m), use 12 AWG. For line lengths up to 328 ft (100 m), use 10 AWG. For Line lengths up to 383 ft (120 m), use 8 AWG. • Serial communication wiring between Master and each ICC must be Manhattan Wire Part No. M8628010, 18 AWG, Triad, shielded, 600 V cable or ADB-approved equivalent. Aiming Devices Elevated FAA Steady-Burning Lamps Aiming devices can be used on either ground mounted lights or when the lights are mounted on low impact resistant structures conforming to FAA-E-2604 or FAA-E-2702. The aiming device is used to adjust the vertical elevation angle of PAR-38 and PAR-56 steady-burning lamp holders. The aiming device permits aiming of the lamp axis perpendicular to the plane of the cover glass at any angle from 0° to +25° above the horizontal. The aiming angle can be calibrated in 1° intervals, and the actual aiming angle of the lamp holder with the aiming device attached is accurate to within ±0.5°. Note: For ICAO elevated steady-burning fixture applications, refer to ADB data sheet 3031. Elevated Flashing Fixtures This aiming device is used to adjust the vertical elevation of the elevated flash head. For elevated flashing flixture, the aiming device is available either as an electronic or as a simple mechanical (bubble level) based unit. Both aiming devices are accurate to within ±0.5°. C-4 2091 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0400 Elevated Steady Burning Aiming Device Ordering Code 44D1654- Lamp Application 1 = For PAR-56 Lamp Only 2 = For PAR-56 and PAR-38 Lamps Elevated Flasher Aiming Device Ordering Codes Electronic Aiming Device1 Bubble Level Aiming Device2 1570.05.400 1570.05.410 Notes For inaccessible fixture mounting heights up to 33 ft (10 m). 2 For fixture mounting heights accessible from the ground, a ladder or a bucket truck. 1 Flasher Tester Flasher Tester functionality is accomplished using software (supplied on a CD with the system) that provides advanced monitoring and on-site configuration capabilities. The software may be loaded either on a customer supplied laptop or (optionally) on a laptop provided with the system. The laptop is connected to either the Master or any ICC using a communication dongle. The software provides user-adjustable parameter setting and configuration functions and detailed individual status monitoring screens. Flasher Tester Communication Dongle Ordering Code 1444.00.010 Notes • Dongle is supplied with software contained on a CD that can be loaded on any WindowsTM-based laptop • To order a laptop computer, use part number 44A6002/012. Junction Box Junction boxes are used to distribute power and control signals to the ICCs. One junction box is required for each sequenced flasher in the system. Each junction box has two terminal strips to accommodate all wires used for the flasher unit. Junction Box Equipment Data Quantity One for each flasher unit Conduit Hub Two 2-inch hubs in the bottom of the box Dimensions 14 x 14 x 6 in (35.56 x 35.56 x 15.24 cm) Weight 15 lb (6.8 kg) Junction Box Ordering Code 44A6765 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF/MALSR I Low-Voltage Approach Lighting System Spare Parts Trunk FAA MALSR 15 kVA Power Transformer Spare Parts Trunk includes Master and ICC PCBs. The 15 kVA, 50/60 Hz power transformer powers the steady-burning PAR-56 and PAR-38 lights. Taps on the transformer are switched electronically by the master control cabinet to provide power at any one of three voltage levels to the steady-burning lights. Taps provided on the primary of the transformer permit secondary voltage adjustment to within 2.5% of the required secondary output assuming the primary voltage is between 210 V and 252 VAC. The transformer is housed in an outdoor, rain-tight enclosure with lugs provided on the back of the enclosure for mounting the cabinet in a vertical position. Two lightning arrestors are provided for input and output lightning protection. Spare Parts Trunk Ordering Code 44A6767-0 0 Remote Connection - Hardwired 0 = None 1 = +24 VDC 2 = +48 VDC 3 = 120 VAC Flashers 0 = Elevated and In-pavement Flashers 1 = Elevated Flashers Only 2 = In-pavement Flashers Only Power Transformer Equipment Data FAA MALSR Steady-Burning Light Components FAA MALSR Lamp Holders PAR-38 Lamp Holder There are 45 clear PAR-38 lamp holders mounted five to a light bar in the runway approach. Each lamp holder is designed to accommodate 150 W, 120 VAC PAR-38 lamps. An adjustable base on the lamp holder permits vertical adjustment from the horizontal to 25° above the horizontal. Also, the mounting hardware permits horizontal alignment of the light beam axis to any horizontal angle within +1°. The lamp holder has a mounting base that mounts on the open top of a frangible coupling, on a light bar with an adapter sleeve, or to a 2-inch (EMT) conduit. Quantity One Rating 15 kVA Input 210-252 VAC, 50/60 Hz Taps Provided on primary to permit adjustment of secondary voltages Output Voltage (when connected to 240V AC primary input) Intensity Step Low Medium High Secondary Output 50/100 VAC ±0.5% 75/150 VAC ±0.5% 120/240 VAC ±0.5% Dimensions 13.25 x 12 x 18 in (33.7 x 30.5 x 45.7 cm) Weight 262 lb (119 kg) 15 kVA Power Transformer Ordering Code 44D1685-1 PAR-38 Equipment Data Quantity 45 total FAA ALSF Ordering Information Installation Five PAR-38 lamp holders are installed on a light bar (Nine light bars in system) The following equipment is supplied for the ALSF-1, ALSF-2, and ALSF-2/SSALR approach lighting systems per FAA-E-2628: Dimensions 9 x 3 x 3 in (22.9 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm) Quantity PAR-38 Ordering Code 1 Up to 21 Up to 21 Up to 21 1 1 1 1 44C1683 Note: 120 W, 150 VAC PAR-38 lamps are sold separately. Use part number 48A0447. PAR-56 Lamp Holder Eighteen PAR-56 lamp holders are installed on the runway threshold. The lamp holder has mounting clips to hold the green filter and is designed to accommodate a 300 W, 120 VAC PAR-56 lamp. Each lamp holder has an adjustable base for vertical adjustment and mounts to a 2-inch EMT conduit or on top of a frangible coupling. PAR-56 lamp holders are ordered separately. See ADB data sheet 1042 for ordering information. Description Master Control Cabinet Flashing Light Heads Individual Control Cabinets Junction Boxes Steady-Burning Aiming Device Elevated Flasher Aiming Device Flasher Tester Equipment Instruction Manual Additional equipment may be required, but must be ordered separately: • • • • • • PAR-56 Lamp Holder Assemblies PAR-56 Lamps Frangible Couplings Low Impact-Resistant Structures Spare Parts Trunk L-830/L-831 Isolation Transformer or 1500 W, 20 A/20 A, Isolation Transformer • For in-pavement FAA-E-2952 (Replacement for 2491) ALSF high-intensity system applications, see ADB data sheet 2029 for details. 2091 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0400 C-5 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF/MALSR I Low-Voltage Approach Lighting System FAA MALSR Ordering Information Spare Components The following equipment is supplied for the MALSR approach lighting systems per FAA-E-2325: Description Part No. Elevated flasher fixture optical cartridge assembly (w/out flashtube assembly)1 Elevated flasher gasket Elevated flasher flashtube and PCB 1503 assembly2 In-pavement flasher lamp/reflector PCB In-pavement flasher trigger/external connections PCB In-pavement flasher lamp, 400 VDC3 In-pavement flasher prism In-pavement flasher sleeve gasket for prism In-pavement flasher flat gasket for prism Individual Control Cabinet FCU board (FAA), PCB 1487 Local Master Controller board (FAA), PCB 1485 Multi-Wire board, 48 VDC, PCB 1486 Multi-Wire board, 24 VDC, PCB 14864 Local Bus connection board, PCB 1498 O-Ring between light fitting and base O-Ring gasket between cover and inner cover 4072.00.980 Quantity 1 3 to 8 3 to 8 3 to 8 1 45 18 1 1 1 1 1 Description Master Control Cabinet Sequence Flasher Heads Individual Control Cabinets Junction Boxes 15 kVA Power Transformer PAR-38 Lamp Holders PAR-56 Lamp Holders Flasher Tester Equipment Steady-Burning Aiming Device (PAR-38/-56) Elevated Flasher Aiming Device Spare Parts Trunk Instruction Manual Additional equipment may be required, but must be ordered separately: • PAR-38, 150 W, 120 VAC lamps • PAR-56, 300 W, 120 VAC lamps • Frangible couplings 1 • Low impact-resistant structures 2 • For in-pavement FAA-E-2968 MALSR medium-intensity system, Style I, unidirectional white applications, use part number 44A6440-2000. This fixture uses one 105W lamp and is photometrically equivalent to the older style 200W L-850B fixtures that were used in this application. See catalog sheet 2029 for more details. • For in-pavement FAA-E-2968 MALSR medium-intensity system, Style II, unidirectional green applications, use part number 44A6440-1000. This fixture uses three 62 W lamps and is photometrically equivalent to the older style 200 W L-850E fixtures that were used in this application. See data sheet 2029 for more details. 3 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C-6 2091 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0400 2990.82.673 4072.01.520 4072.02.030 4072.02.060 1590.03.466F 1593.13.412F 1593.13.520 1593.13.510 1590.03.480 7080.90.650 7080.90.710 Exploded Views (Continued) 1. High tensile screws 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring gasket between cover and inner cover 4. Prism sleeve gasket 5. Prism 6. Flat gasket 7. Prism clamp 8. Flashing lamp 9. Lamp/reflector PCB 10. Trigger External Connections PCB 11. Aluminum alloy inner cover 12. O-ring gasket between light fitting and base 13. Cable assembly with molded 5-pole plug 14. Pressure release screw Exploded Views Lens/reflector seal Elevated Lights Lens Reflector Removable front housing, containing all optical components Gasket Low voltage flash lamp with trigger transformer Main housing with slip fitter, UV resistant plastic, containing trigger control circuit Elevation adjustment screws Bracing clamp with screw 4072.02.181 4072.20.810 Consists of items 1-4 under elevated lights exploded view Consists of only item 6 under elevated lights exploded view The previous version of this lamp with a connector on the trigger wire is 2990.82.671 Used in the Master Control Cabinet on both 24 VDC and 120 VAC remote control applications • Encapsulated (FAA Style) isolation transformers are available for voltage-driven, medium-intensity approach lighting applications. For 105 W, 240 VAC to 15.9 VAC applications, use part number 35C0095. For three 62 W lamp applications, a 186 W, 240 VAC to 28.2 VAC transformer is used (Part No. 35C0096). 1. 2. 3. 4. 4071.95.953 4071.99.540 In-pavement Flashing Lights ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF High-Intensity Approach Lighting System WITH ELEVATED SEQUENCED FLASHERS Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: Military: Designed according to ALSF-1, ALSF-2, ALSF-2/SSALR FAA-E-2628; FAA-E-2325 (Sequenced Flashing Components) Annex 14 para.,,,, and AFMAN(I) 32-1187/TM 811-5 (UFC 3-535-01) Approach Applications Uses ALSF-1, ALSF-2, and ALSF-2/SSALR approach lighting systems with elevated sequenced flashing lights are used at airports and military air bases to provide landing approach guidance, such as runway alignment, height perception, horizontal reference, and roll guidance extending from the landing threshold outward (2,400-3,000 feet) into the approach zone. ALSF-1 The ALSF-1 approach lighting system is used on Category I Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) and includes up to 24 light stations (100-foot spacing) with up to 22 centerline bars of steady-burning lights (five lights to a bar) and up to 15 flashers. ALSF-2 The ALSF-2 approach lighting system is used on Category II runways and includes up to 30 light stations (100-foot spacing) with 30 centerline bars of steady-burning lights (five lights to a bar) and up to 21 flashers. ALSF-2/SSALR The SSALR approach lighting system has up to eight sequenced flashing lights and is used as part of a dual-mode approach lighting system (ALSF-2/SSALR) when Category I conditions exist on Category II designated runways. Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature Range: -67 °F to +137 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (3048 m) maximum Master Control Cabinet 44D1650- 1 Flashers 1 = 8 flashers (maximum) 2 = 15 flashers (maximum) 3 = 21 flashers (maximum) Monitoring 1 = Without monitoring 2 = With monitoring (standard) Voltage 1 = 120/240 VAC (standard) 2 = 480 VAC Theory of Operation (Continued) military aircraft share runway usage. Up to 21 flashing lamp assemblies are installed in the outer portion of the approach lighting system at regular intervals. Flashing lights are arranged and connected in such a way as to produce a sequenced flashing light signal that has the appearance of a ball of light traveling down the system from the outer end (flasher farthest from the runway threshold) to the flasher assembly closest to the runway threshold. Note: Steady-burning portion of ALSF system is ordered separately. See ADB PAR-56 data sheet 1042 for more details Master Control Cabinet The master control cabinet contains control circuitry and monitoring PCBs, which provide the power, timing signals, misfire monitoring circuitry, and three-step intensity control signals to the sequenced flasher assemblies in remote (120 VAC or +48 VDC control) and local mode. The master cabinet can control up to 21 sequenced flasher assemblies, providing power and trigger signals to produce a sequenced flashing light signal having the appearance of a ball of light traveling down the approach zone. Master Control Cabinet Theory of Operation ADB’s sequenced-flasher lighting systems include a master control unit, junction boxes, individual control cabinets (ICC), and elevated flasher units. In the ALSF configuration, an array of light bars are installed symmetrically around the centerline of the approach lighting system, starting at the approach threshold and extending a total distance of 2,400 feet (731.5 m) outward into the approach zone up to 3,000 feet (914 m) at facilities where high-speed 1037 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0106 C-7 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF I High-Intensity Approach Lighting System Master Control Cabinet Equipment Data Flasher Input and Output Voltage 120/240 VAC, +10%, 60 Hz, three-wire, single-phase (neutral center-tapped). Optional input: 480 VAC, +10%, 60 Hz, two-wire, single-phase. Elevated Flash Head Output Trigger Pulses Time-synchronized with the 60 Hz line Time from Trigger Pulse to Trigger Pulse In ALSF mode, corresponds to one cycle of 60 Hz line, 16.67 ms. In SSALR mode, corresponds to every other cycle of the 60 Hz line or 33.3 ms. Modes of Operation Manual (local) control and remote control (+48 VDC or 120 VAC) Enclosure NEMA 4, outdoor and ventilated (to prevent condensation) Maintenance Features on Control Cabinet - Rotary control switch for manual control of brightness level of system - Flasher ON/OFF switch to de-energize flashers (if desired) when the approach lights are energized - LED indicators on control panel for system monitoring - Service entrance switch disconnects incoming power to the control unit - 100 W maintenance light - Door can be locked in a 120° open position Lightning Protection Each elevated flash head assembly consists of a flashing light head, which houses a PAR-56 flashtube and a trigger transformer. A safety interlock switch is incorporated in the flash head. It works in conjunction with the individual control cabinet (ICC) interlock switch to discharge the voltage across the flash lamp when either the ICC door is opened or the flash-tube is removed. Elevated Flash Head Equipment Data Input Voltage +2,000 VDC Lamp PAR-56 xenon flashtube Lamp Life Average 1,000 hours on high-intensity step Intensity Decrease 30% or less over minimum rated lamp life Flash Duration 40-100 microseconds Flash Skipping Less than 1% with no consecutive skipping Light Beam Axis Adjustable vertically from the horizontal to 25° above the horizontal Vibration Withstands vibration in frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz in accordance with NEMA Standard FA1-3.01 Rugged surge protection on all input and output electrical connections Enclosure Rain tight Dimensions Gross Weight Mounting 120/240 VAC (standard) 37.25 x 30 x 11.38 in 94.6 x 76.2 x 28.9 cm 137 lb 62 kg 480 VAC 48 x 36 x 16.38 in 125.1 x 91.4 x 41.6 cm 279 lb 126.6 kg On a 2-in (5.08 cm) frangible coupling or 2-in EMT conduit, or 1.5-inch (3.81 cm) OD tube or 1.5-inch schedule 40 pipe. Mounting can be on a 1-in (2.54 cm) pipe (used on an aluminum tower) using adapter sleeve. Installation Distance A maximum of 60 ft (18.3 m) from ICC Dimensions 13.33 x 6.25 x 8.31 in (33.86 x 15.88 x 21.11 cm) Weight 4 lb (1.8 kg) Master Input Power Requirement Maximum Number of Flashers Voltage 120/240 VAC 480 VAC Maximum Power Requirements 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 4 kVA 5 kVA 6 kVA 7 kVA 8 kVA 9 kVA 10 kVA 12 21 7.5 kVA 11 kVA 44D1677- Slip Fit 1 = Slip fitting for 2-inch EMT, 1.5-inch tube and tower 2 = Slip fitting for 1.5-inch Schedule 40 pipe and 62B0064 Frangible Coupling only Note: Flash head includes lamp. Elevated Photometric Data High-Voltage Wire Used to interconnect elevated flash head and individual control cabinet. Wire is supplied in 500-foot spools only. Please specify total length (in feet) of wire required when ordering. High-Voltage Wire Ordering Code 12 AWG, 3 kV Flash Head Ordering Code 89A0110-1 Intensity Setting Flashtube Intensity Max. Effective Intensity Min. Effective Intensity High 20,000 cd 8,000 cd Medium 2,000 cd 800 cd Low 450 cd 150 cd In-pavement Flasher In-pavement flashers are not available with this system. If inpavement flashers are required, see data sheet 2091. C-8 1037 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0106 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF I High-Intensity Approach Lighting System Individual Control Cabinet (ICC) Aiming Device Each flasher unit is controlled by an individual control cabinet, which houses triggering circuits, terminal blocks, and lightning arrestors. A safety interlock switch is incorporated into the enclosure to discharge the high-voltage circuitry when the cabinet door is opened. The aiming device is used to adjust and measure the vertical elevation angle of PAR-38 and PAR-56 steadyAiming Device burning or flashing lamp holders. The aiming device permits aiming of the lamp axis perpendicular to the plane of the cover glass at any angle from 0° to +25° above the horizontal, even when mounted on low impact-resistant structures conforming to FAA-E-2604 or FAA-E-2702. The aiming angle is indicated on a scale calibrated in 1° intervals, and the actual aiming angle of the lamp holder with the aiming device attached is accurate to within ±0.5°. Individual Control Cabinet Equipment Data Equipment Data Quantity One for each flash unit Enclosure Outdoor, door handle can be padlocked Quantity One Input Voltage 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz, three-wire, (neutral center-tapped) Aiming Flash lamp axis can be aimed from 0° to 25° above the horizontal Input Current 1 A in high intensity (average) Scale Calibrated in 1° increments Flash Lamp Output Voltage +2,000 VDC Accuracy ±0.5° Dimensions Maximum Power Consumption 250 W or less 7 dia. x 10 H in (17.78 dia. x 25.4 H cm) Intensity Step Change Component Life 150,000 operations minimum Protection Rugged surge protection on all external wiring connections Mounting Two 2-inch (5.08 cm) threaded fittings are provided on bottom of cabinet for mounting. Mounting lugs are also provided on the back of the cabinet. Aiming Device Ordering Code Installation Distance ICC can be installed a maximum of 3,000 ft (914 m) from master control cabinet Dimensions 20 x 16 x 8 in (50.8 x 40.64 x 20.3 cm) Weight 57 lb (25.85 kg) ICC Ordering Code 44D1651- 44D1654- Lamp Application 1 = For PAR-56 Lamp Only 2 = For PAR-56 and PAR-38 Lamps Flasher Tester The portable flasher tester is equipped with a test cable and plug, which connect to a socket in the ICC to monitor the operation of the flasher light unit. The flasher tester is capable of testing the power circuits and control signals from the master control unit to the ICC, and from the ICC to the flash head. Flasher Type 1 = Elevated Flasher 3 = Elevated Flasher Panel Only Flasher Tester Equipment Data Contains Voltmeter, pulse detector, test-signal switch, and intensity- and trigger-control switches Test Cable Plugs into socket in the ICC Dimensions 9 x 17 x 10 in (22.9 x 43.2 x 25.4 cm) Weight 3.5 lb (1.59 kg) Flasher Tester Ordering Code 44D1686-1 1037 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0106 C-9 APPROACH LIGHTING ALSF I High-Intensity Approach Lighting System Junction Box Ordering Information Junction boxes are used to distribute power and control signals to the ICCs. One junction box is required for each sequenced flasher in the system. Each junction box has two terminal strips to accommodate the incoming and outgoing power, control circuit, and monitoring wire for the flasher unit. The following equipment is supplied for the ALSF-1, ALSF-2, and ALSF-2/SSALR approach lighting systems per FAA-E-2628: Quantity 1 Up to 21 Up to 21 Up to 21 1 1 1 Junction Box Description Master Control Cabinet Flashing Light Heads Individual Control Cabinets Junction Boxes Aiming Device Flasher Tester Instruction Manual Equipment Data Additional equipment may be required, but must be ordered separately: Quantity One for each flasher unit • PAR-56 Lamp Holder Assemblies Conduit Hub Two 2-inch hubs in the bottom of the box Dimensions 14 x 14 x 6 in (35.56 x 35.56 x 15.24 cm) • PAR-56 Lamps Weight 15 lb (6.8 kg) • Frangible Couplings • Low Impact-Resistant Structures Junction Box Ordering Code 44D1653 • High-Voltage Interconnection Wire • Spare Parts Trunk Spare Parts Trunk • L-830 Isolation Transformer Spare Parts Trunk includes I/O interface, Control PCB, ICC Flasher PCB, Bleeder, and Monitoring PCBs. • 1,500 W, 20 A/20 A, Isolation Transformer • For in-pavement FAA-E-2952 (Replacement for 2491) ALSF highintensity system applications, see data sheet 2029 for details. Spare Parts Trunk Spare Parts Trunk Ordering Code 44D1652- 1 0 Monitoring 1 = Flasher With Monitoring (Standard) 2 = Flasher Without Monitoring Frequency 1 = 60 Hz Flashers 1 = 8 Flashers (Maximum) System 2 = 15 Flashers (Maximum) System 3 = 21 Flashers (Maximum) System Notes • The spare parts trunk must be ordered separately for FAA-E-2628 applications • Sequenced flashing components (Part No. 44A1788) are ETL Certified according to FAA-E-2325 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C - 10 1037 Rev. M I Manual No. 96A0106 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING MALSR Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System WITH ELEVATED SEQUENCED FLASHERS AND STEADY BURNING LIGHTS Compliance with Standards FAA: Designed according to MALSR FAA-E-2325 Uses The MALSR approach lighting system with elevated sequenced flashing lights are used at airports and military air bases to provide landing approach guidance, such as runway alignment, height perception, horizontal reference, and roll guidance extending from the landing threshold outward (2,400-3,000 feet) into the approach zone. Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature Range: -67 °F to +158 °F (-55 °C to +70 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100%, condensing Altitude: 0 to 10,000 feet (3,048 m) maximum Theory of Operation ADB’s sequenced-flasher lighting system includes a master control unit, junction boxes, individual control cabinets, a 15 kVA steadyburning light transformer, and elevated flasher units. In the MALSR configuration, an array of light bars are installed symmetrically around the centerline of the approach lighting system, starting at the approach threshold and extending a total distance of 2,400 feet (731.5 m) into the approach zone and up to 3,000 feet (914.4 m) at facilities where high-speed military aircraft share runway usage. Up to 11 flashing lamp assemblies are installed in the outer portion of the approach lighting system at regular intervals. Flashing lights are arranged and connected to produce a sequenced flashing light signal that has the appearance of a ball of light traveling down the system from the outer end (flasher farthest from the runway threshold) to the flasher assembly closest to the runway threshold. Master Control Cabinet Ordering Code 44D1655Flashers 1 = 5 flashers (maximum) 2 = 8 flashers (maximum) 3 = 11 flashers (maximum) Monitoring 1 = With monitoring 2 = Without monitoring (standard) Equipment Data Input and Output Voltage 120/240 VAC, +10%, 60 Hz, three-wire, single-phase (neutral center-tapped) Output Trigger Pulses Time-synchronized with the 60 Hz line Time from Trigger 33.3 milliseconds Pulse to Trigger Pulse Modes of Operation Manual (local) control and remote control (+48 VDC or 120 VAC) Enclosure NEMA 4, outdoor and ventilated (to prevent condensation) Maintenance Features on Control Cabinet - Rotary control switch for manual control of brightness level of system - Flasher ON/OFF switch to de-energize flashers (if desired) when the approach lights are energized - LED indicators on control panel for system monitoring - Service entrance switch disconnects incoming power to the control unit - 100 W maintenance light - Door can be locked in a 120° open position Dimensions 37.25 x 30 x 11.38 in 94.6 x 76.2 x 28.9 cm Weight 137 lb (62 kg) Master Control Cabinet The master control cabinet contains control circuitry and monitoring PCBs, which provide the power, timing signals, misfire monitoring circuitry, and three-step intensity control signals to the sequenced flasher assemblies in remote (120 VAC or +48 VDC control) and local mode. The master cabinet can control up to 21 sequenced flasher assemblies, providing power and trigger signals to produce a sequenced flashing light signal having the appearance of a ball of light traveling down the approach zone. 11 High-Voltage Wire Used to interconnect elevated flash head and individual control cabinet. Wire is supplied in 500-foot spools only. Please specify total length (in feet) of wire required when ordering. Master Input Power Requirements Max. No. of Flashers Max. Power Requirements 3 18 kVA 5 19 kVA 8 20 kVA High-Voltage Wire Ordering Code 89A0110-1 1039 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0106 C - 11 APPROACH LIGHTING MALSR I Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System Flasher In-pavement Flasher Elevated Flash Head In-pavement flashers are not available with this system. If inpavement flashers are required, see catalog sheet 2091. Each elevated flash head assembly consists of a flashing light head, which houses a PAR-56 flashtube and a trigger transformer. A safety interlock switch is incorporated in the flash head. It works in conjunction with the individual control cabinet (ICC) interlock switch to discharge the voltage across the flash lamp when either the ICC door is opened or the flashtube is removed. Lamp Holders PAR-38 Lamp Holder Elevated Flash Head Unit Equipment Data There are 45 clear PAR-38 lamp holders mounted five to a light bar in the runway approach. Each lamp holder is designed to accommodate 150 W, 120 VAC PAR-38 spot lamps. An adjustable base on the lamp holder permits vertical adjustment from the horizontal to 25° above the horizontal. Also, the mounting hardware permits horizontal alignment of the light beam axis to any horizontal angle within +1°. The lamp holder has a mounting base that mounts on the open top of a frangible coupling, on a light bar with an adapter sleeve, or to a 2-inch (EMT) conduit. Input Voltage +2,000 VDC Lamp PAR-56 xenon flashtube Equipment Data Lamp Life Average 1,000 hours on high-intensity step Quantity 45 total Intensity Decrease 30% or less over minimum rated lamp life Installation Five PAR-38 lamp holders are installed on a light bar (Nine light bars in system) Flash Duration 0-100 microseconds Dimensions 9 x 3 x 3 in (22.9 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm) Flash Skipping Less than 1% with no consecutive skipping Light Beam Axis Adjustable vertically from the horizontal to 25° above the horizontal Vibration Withstands vibration in frequency range of 10 to 2,000 Hz in accordance with NEMA Standard FA1-3.01 Enclosure Rain tight Mounting On a 2-inch (5.08 cm) frangible coupling or 2-inch EMT conduit, or 1.5-inch (3.81 cm) OD tube or 1.5-inch schedule 40 pipe. Mounting can be on a 1-inch (2.54 cm) pipe (used on an aluminum tower) using adapter sleeve. Installation Distance A maximum of 60 ft (18.3 m) from ICC Dimensions 13.33 x 6.25 x 8.31 in (33.86 x 15.88 x 21.11 cm) Weight 4 lb (1.8 kg) PAR-38 Ordering Code 44C1683 Note: 150 W, 120 VAC PAR-38 lamps are sold separately. Use part number 48A0447. PAR-56 Lamp Holder Eighteen PAR-56 lamp holders are installed on the runway threshold. The lamp holder has mounting clips to hold the green filter and is designed to accommodate a 300 W, 120 VAC PAR-56 lamp. Each lamp holder has an adjustable base for vertical adjustment and mounts to a 2-inch EMT conduit or on top of a frangible coupling. PAR-56 lamp holders are ordered separately. See data sheet 1042 for PAR-56 Lamp Holder ordering information. 15 kVA Power Transformer Flash Head Ordering Code 44D1677- Slip Fit 1 = Slip fitting for 2-inch EMT, 1.5-inch tube and tower 2 = Slip fitting for 1.5-inch Schedule 40 pipe and 62B0064 Frangible Coupling only Note: Flash head includes lamp. Elevated Photometric Data Intensity Setting Flashtube Intensity Max. Effective Intensity Min. Effective Intensity High 20,000 cd 8,000 cd Medium 2,000 cd 800 cd Low 450 cd 150 cd C - 12 1039 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0106 The 15 kVA, 60 Hz power transformer powers the steady-burning PAR-56 and PAR-38 lights. Taps on the transformer are switched by contactors in the master control cabinet to provide power at any one of three voltage levels to the steady-burning lights. Taps provided on the primary of the transformer permit secondary voltage adjustment to within 2.5% of the required secondary output assuming the primary voltage is between 210 V and 252 VAC. The transformer is housed in an outdoor, rain-tight enclosure with lugs provided on the back of the enclosure for mounting the cabinet in a vertical position. Two external lightning arrestors are Power Transformer provided for input and output lightning protection. APPROACH LIGHTING MALSR I Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System 15 kVA Power Transformer (Continued) Equipment Data Quantity ICC Ordering Code Flasher Type 1 = Elevated Flasher 3 = Elevated Flasher Panel Only One Rating 15 kVA Input 210-252 VAC, 60 Hz Taps Provided on primary to permit adjustment of secondary voltages Output Voltage (when connected to 240 VAC primary input) Intensity Step Low Medium High Secondary Output 50/100 VAC ±0.5% 75/150 VAC ±0.5% 120/240 VAC ±0.5% Dimensions 13.25 x 12 x 18 in (33.7 x 30.48 x 45.7 cm) Weight 262 lb (119 kg) 15 kVA Power Transformer Ordering Code 44D1685-1 Individual Control Cabinet (ICC) Each flasher unit is controlled by an individual control cabinet, which houses triggering circuits, terminal blocks, and lightning arrestors. A safety interlock switch is incorporated into the enclosure to discharge the high-voltage circuitry when the cabinet door is opened. Aiming Device The aiming device is used to adjust and measure the vertical elevation angle of PAR-38 and PAR-56 steady-burning or flashing lamp holders. The aiming device permits aiming of the lamp axis perpendicular to the plane of the cover glass at any angle from 0° to +25° above the Aiming Device horizontal, even when mounted on low impact-resistant structures conforming to FAA-E-2604 or FAA-E-2702. The aiming angle is indicated on a scale calibrated in 1° intervals, and the actual aiming angle of the lamp holder with the aiming device attached is accurate to within ±0.5°. Equipment Data Quantity One for each system Aiming Flash lamp axis can be aimed from 0° to 25° above the horizontal Scale Calibrated in 1° increments Accuracy Dimensions ±0.5° 7 dia. x 10 H in (17.78 dia. x 25.4 H cm) Aiming Device Ordering Code Individual Control Cabinet Equipment Data Quantity One for each flash unit Enclosure Outdoor, door handle can be padlocked Input Voltage 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz, three-wire, (neutral center-tapped) Input Current 1 A in high intensity (average) Maximum Power Consumption 250 W or less Intensity Step Change Component Life 150,000 operations minimum Protection All components are protected from highvoltage transients Mounting Two 2-inch (5.08 cm) threaded fittings are provided on bottom of cabinet for mounting. Mounting lugs are also provided on back of the cabinet. Installation Distance 44D1651- ICC can be installed a maximum of 3,000 ft (914.4 m) from master control cabinet Dimensions 20 x 16 x 8 in (50.8 x 40.64 x 20.3 cm) Weight 57 lb (25.85 kg) 44D1654- Lamp Application 1 = For PAR-56 Lamp Only 2 = For PAR-56 and PAR-38 Lamps Junction Box Junction boxes are used to distribute power and control signals to the ICCs. One junction box is required for each sequenced flasher in the system. Each junction box has two terminal strips to accommodate the incoming and outgoing power, control circuit, and monitoring wire for the flasher unit. Junction Box Equipment Data Quantity One for each flasher unit Conduit Hub Two 2-inch hubs in the bottom of the box Dimensions 14 x 14 x 6 in (35.56 x 35.56 x 15.24 cm) Weight 15 lb (6.8 kg) Junction Box Ordering Code 44D1653 1039 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0106 C - 13 APPROACH LIGHTING MALSR I Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System Flasher Tester Ordering Information The portable flasher tester is equipped with a test cable and plug, which connect to a socket in the ICC to monitor the operation of the flasher light unit. The flasher tester is capable of testing the power circuits and control signals from the master control unit to the ICC, and from the ICC to the flash head. The following equipment is supplied for the MALSR approach lighting systems per FAA-E-2325: Quantity 1 3 to 11 3 to 11 3 to 11 1 2 45 18 1 A/R Flasher Tester 1 1 2 Equipment Data Contains Voltmeter, pulse detector, test-signal switch, and intensity- and trigger-control switches Test Cable Plugs into socket in the ICC Dimensions 9 x 17 x 10 in (22.9 x 43.2 x 25.4 cm) Weight 3.5 lb (1.59 kg) Description Master Control Cabinet Sequence Flasher Heads Individual Control Cabinets Junction Boxes 15 kVA Power Transformer Lightning Arrestors PAR-38 Lamp Holders PAR-56 Lamp Holders Flasher Tester High-Voltage Interconnecting Wire (flash head to ICC) Aiming Device (PAR-38/-56) Spare Parts Trunk Instruction Manual Note: Sequenced flashing components (Part No. 44A1788) are ETL Certified according to FAA-E-2325 Additional equipment may be required, but must be ordered separately: • PAR-38, 150 W, 120 VAC spot lamps Flasher Tester Ordering Code 44D1686-1 • PAR-56, 300 W, 120 VAC spot lamps • Frangible couplings Spare Parts Trunk • Low impact-resistant structures Spare Parts Trunk includes I/O interface, Control PCB, ICC Flasher PCB, Bleeder, and Monitoring PCBs. • For in-pavement FAA-E-2968 MALSR medium-intensity system, Style I, unidirectional white applications, use part number 44A6440-2000. This fixture uses one 105W lamp and is photometrically equivalent to the older style 200W L-850B fixtures that were used in this application. See data sheet 2029 for more details. Spare Parts Trunk Spare Parts Trunk Ordering Code 44D1652- Monitoring 1 = Flasher With Monitoring (Standard) 2 = Flasher Without Monitoring Frequency 1 = 60Hz 1 0 • Encapsulated (FAA Style) isolation transformers are available for voltage-driven, medium-intensity approach lighting applications. For 105 W, 240 VAC to 15.9 VAC applications, use transformer use Part No. 35C0095. • For in-pavement FAA-E-2968 MALSR medium-intensity system, Style II, unidirectional green applications, use part number 44A6440-1000. This fixture uses three 62 W lamps and is photometrically equivalent to the older style 200 W L-850E fixtures that were used in this application. See data sheet 2029 for more details. Flashers 1 = 8 Flashers (Maximum) System 4 = 5 Flashers (Maximum) System 5 = 11 Flashers (Maximum) System Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C - 14 1039 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0106 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING PAR-56 Steady-Burning Approach Elevated Light Compliance with Standards FAA: Military: FAA-E-982, FAA-E-2325, FAA-E-2628 UFC 3-535-01, NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 Uses PAR-56 Ordering Code The high light output and wide beam coverage make these lights particularly well suited for Category III conditions with less than 1,200 RVR. Features • Mounted on the ground or on various towers • Lens is sealed with weatherproof high-temperature gaskets • Adjustable angles • The mechanical structure of the steady-burning light fixture is identical to the ADB PAR-56 flash head, minimizing spare parts Environmental Conditions Temperature: -67 °F to +158 °F (-55 °C to +70 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Exposure: Windblown rain, sand and dust particles, salt-laden atmosphere, solar radiation, and extreme thermal changes Equipment Data • Suitable for replacement of military specification fixtures, per UFC 3-535-01/02 and NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 • FAA-E-982 lampholders use standard PAR 56 lamps to meet FAA photometric requirements. No cord set is usually required. Filters are clear (no filter), red, or green. • Filter clips are supplied when a green, yellow, red, or blue filter is requested • Input: 6.6 A, 20 A, or 120 VAC depending on lamp used in fixture. See Optional PAR-56 Lamps Ordering Code. Construction The PAR-56 Steady-Burning Approach Light Fixture consists of an aluminum die-cast housing with mounting slip fitter, high-temperature gasket, and lamp-clip assembly. Optional items include lamps, color filters, shorting device, L-823 cord set, and aiming device. 44D1661- Shorting Device 0 = Includes Shorting Device for 6.6 A Lamps* 1 = Includes Shorting Device for 20 A Lamps 2 = Without Shorting Device Filters 1 = Clear (no filter) 2 = Green Filter 3 = Yellow Filter 4 = Red Filter 5 = Blue Filter (special order only) Cord Set 1 = With L-823 Cord Set (used with shorting device) 2 = Without L-823 Cord Set 3 = With L-823 Cord Set (used without shorting device) Slip Fit 1 = Slip fitter for 2-in EMT, 1.5-in Tube & Tower 2 = Slip fitter for 1.5-in Schedule 40 Pipe and Frangible Coupling (62B0064) Notes Lamps and optional accessories must be ordered separately. See following page for details. * For 200 W lamps only Aiming Device Ordering Code 44D1654- Lamp Application 1 = PAR-56 use only 2 = PAR-56 and PAR-38* Notes • Aiming device must be purchased separately. It is used to aim the ADB PAR-56 and PAR-38 lamp holders and is accurate to ±0.5°. * PAR-38 lamp holders are normally used on a MALSR system. PAR-56 Packaging Quantity per Box: 36 Gross Weight: 125 lb (56.7 kg) Dimensions of Carton: 26 x 39 x 27 in (66 x 99.1 x 68.6 cm) Optional Shorting Device Integrity of the series circuit is maintained on the secondary side of the transformer in case of lamp failure by an optional shorting device mounted in the housing. The shorting device loads the circuit to a maximum of 3 VA during normal operation of the lamp. The shorting device automatically resets when a lamp is replaced. No manual reset is required. 1042 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0119 C - 15 APPROACH LIGHTING PAR-56 I Steady-Burning Approach Elevated Light Optional Accessories Inside View Frangible Coupling, 2-inch slip (EMT) coupling 44B0180 Frangible Coupling, 2-inch threaded coupling 62B0064 200 W, 6.6/6.6 A Transformer 35C0082 200 W, 20/6.6 A Transformer 35C0083 300 W, 6.6/20 A Transformer 35C0084 300 W, 20/20 A Transformer 35C0085 300 W, 6.6/6.6 A Transformer 35C0086 300 W, 20/6.6 A Transformer 35C0087 500 W, 6.6/20 A Transformer 35C0088 500 W, 20/20 A Transformer 35C0089 500 W, 6.6/6.6 A Transformer 35A0224 500 W, 20/6.6 A Transformer 35A0228 35A0675 1500 W, 20/6.6 A Transformer 35D0326 4 6 8.38 in 10.2 in For additional transformers, see data sheet 1215. For information on connector kits, see data sheet 1031. 7 Elevated PAR-56 Lamps 8 3.35 in 4.48 in Application Spec Lamp Part No. White, centerline & cross bar FAA ALSF 300 W - 20 A1 Q20/PAR56 48A0091 ICAO, UFC 200 W - 6.6 A Q6.6A/PAR56/4 48A0395 NAVAIR 300 W - 20 A2 Q20/PAR56 48A0091 FAA ALSF 500 W - 20 A1 Q20A/PAR56/1 48A0092 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ICAO, UFC 200 W - 6.6 A Q6.6A/PAR56/4 48A0395 Spare Components NAVAIR 500 W - 20 A2 Q20A/PAR56/1 48A0092 FAA ALSF 500 W - 20 A1 Q20A/PAR56/1 48A0092 FAA MALSR 300 W - 120 V3 48A0118 ICAO, UFC 200 W - 6.6 A Q6.6A/PAR56/4 48A0395 NAVAIR 500 W - 20 A2 Q20A/PAR56/1 48A0092 Red, side row Green, runway threshold & wing bar 1 2 3 Lamp wattage/current as specified in FAA Facility Standards drawings Lamp specified in NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 Lamp wattage/voltage as specified in FAA Facility Standards drawings Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C - 16 1042 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0119 5 1500 W, 20/20 A Transformer 3 2 62B0107-2 Floor Flange 1 44B1092 Part No. Stake Assembly Item 4.05 in Filter (optional) Lamp Clip High-temperature Gasket Lamp (separate purchaseitem) PAR-56 Lamp Holder Shorting Device (optional) Slip Fitter Filter Clip (supplied with optional filter) Description Part No. Clip, color filter Cord set, L-823 Filter, green Filter, red Gasket, lamp Head, PAR-56 flashing Heat shield Shorting device, 20 A Shorting device, 6.6 A (200 W max) Slip fitter for EMT 1 1/2-inch tube Slip fitter for 1 1/2-inch sch. 40 pipe Socket, lamp 60B0896 73A0057-84 63B0023 63A0542 63C0532 62D0518 60B0924 44B2340-01 44B2340-02 62D0524-1 62D0524-2 49A0124 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING UEL Steady-Burning and Flashing Elevated Approach Light Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: IEC: NATO: T/C: AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and FAA-E-982 for mechanical and environmental properties. Annex 14, Volume I, para. 5.3.4,, 5.3.7, 5.3.8, 5.3.10, 5.3.11, and IEC 61827 STANAG 3316 Transport Canada TP 312 Uses • Precision approach lighting Cat. I, II and III, white and red • Threshold and threshold wing bar lighting Cat. I, II and III • Runway end lighting Cat. I, II and III • Supplementary ICAO stop bar lights Cat. I, II and III • Flashing light head, in conjunction with a FCU cabinet Features • Low weight (3.75 lb/1.7 kg, including lamp) construction due to the use of synthetic material for rear housing that is resistant to UV and high temperatures. • Fixture is also available with an aluminum rear housing. • Reduced dimensions for improved frangibility characteristics and resistance against jet blast and wind load. • Easy lamp changing without tools due to a hinged, removable front cartridge. • Low power and long life lamps: 1000 hours, 150 W only for approach, threshold and threshold wing bar, 100 W for runway end and 45 W for ICAO stop bar. • Cable mechanically protected inside the fixture; built-in stress relief. • Front glasses, clear or colored, optimized for the different functions. No separate color filters. • Mounts straight onto standard 2” EMT (60 mm O.D.), breakable coupling or frangible mast head. • Stable elevation adjustment achieved by readily accessible, lockable adjustment screws. • Easy aiming, even on top of a mast, by means of dedicated setting devices available either in an electronic or in a simplified, bubble level version. • Maintenance-free construction and design. • Also available with an additional medium intensity – low intensity omnidirectional approach light on top Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (3,000 m) Wind: Velocities up to 302 knots (560 km/hr) With aluminum rear housing With synthetic rear housing Ordering Code UEL1- - - Lamp Power 120 = 120 W (flashing light) 045 = 45 W (ICAO stop bar) 100 = 100 W (runway end) 150 = 150 W (other applications)1 Beam Color C = White G = Green R = Red For Mounting On 0 = Ground (with secondary cable) 2 = Pole or mast (no cable) Finish (Aluminum) Y = Aviation yellow Low Intensity Top Light 0 = Without 1 = With Special requirements to be specified in full text Notes • Extension cables, conduits, connector kits, breakable couplings, and frangible masts, need to be ordered separately. For assistance, please contact ADB. • For Canadian applications with metal rear housing and external cord set, see ordering code on page 2. • If mounting to an LIR mast or 2-inch EMT adapter Part No. 4762 must be used. 1 Other applications include: approach, threshold and threshold wing bar Elevated Flasher Aiming Device This aiming device is used to adjust the vertical elevation of the elevated flash head. For elevated flashing fixture, the aiming device is available either as an electronic or as a simple mechanical (bubble level) based unit. Both aiming devices are accurate to within ±0.5°. Elevated Flasher Aiming Device Ordering Codes Remote Digital Aiming Device1 Bubble Level Aiming Device2 1570.05.400 1570.05.410 Notes 1 For inaccessible fixture mounting heights up to 33 ft (10 m). 2 For fixture mounting heights accessible from the ground, a ladder or a bucket truck. 3031 Rev. E I Call for Manual C - 17 APPROACH LIGHTING Ordering Code UEL I Steady-Burning & Flashing Elevated Approach Light UEL -1- - - Finish • Front cartridge: painted aviation yellow Fixture Type = (blank) non-metallic fixture body C = Cast aluminum fixture body • Main body: black, temperature and UV-resistant synthetic material. Cast aluminum option available. • Stainless steel hardware Lamp Power 100 = 100 W (runway end) 150 = 150 W (other applications)1 Fig. 1 • Temperature resistant wiring, gasket and front glass Lens color C = White (high-intensity approach) G = Green (threshold, wingbar) R = Red (elevated stopbar, runway end, approach siderow) Special Options = (blank) none E = External cable LL = 1M secondary cable length NC = No secondary cable Characteristics • UV-resistance: Synthetic main body tested in a Weather-O-Meter per ASTM 23 & 26 for more than 2000 hours • Degree of protection: IP 43 Fig. 2 Installation Notes • Extension cables, conduits, connector kits, breakable couplings, and frangible masts, need to be ordered separately. For assistance, please contact ADB. • To order a Standard Digital Aiming Device for use on readily accessible fixture mounting heights, use Part No. 080604. 1 Other applications include: approach, threshold and threshold wing bar Electrical Supply From a 2.8 to 6.6 A series circuit, through a suitably rated isolation transformer. Use a 2-core 2.5 mm2 (AWG 12) silicon rubber insulated cable between the transformer and the light. For flashing system, see catalog sheet 2091. • At ground level on 2.36 in (60 mm) O.D. breakable coupling (See Fig. 1) • On a 2.36 in (60 mm) O.D. aluminum conduit up to 6.56 feet (2 m) high with breakable coupling 44B0180 (See Fig. 2 and/or catalog sheet 2093) • On top of any safety approach mast having a 2.36 in (60 mm) O.D. mounting interface (See Fig. 2) Fig. 3 • On top of fiberglass LIR mast, use 2.36 in (60 mm) to FAA LIR lamp support adapter Part No. 4762. (See Fig. 3). Dimensions Construction Ø 5.71” (145 mm) 10.63” (270 mm) 6 8 1 2 Exploded View 3 4 5 7 9 10 1. 2. 3. 4. Front glass/reflector seal Front glass Reflector Removable front cartridge, aluminum alloy, containing the lamp and all optical components 5. Optical cartridge gasket 6. Prefocus halogen lamp 7. Cable stress reliever 8. Main (rear) housing with slip fitter 9. Elevation adjustment screws 10. Bracing clamp with screw C - 18 3031 Rev. E I Call for Manual 6.69” (170 mm) Packing Data UEL-1-150 Net weight*: 3.75 lb (1.7 kg) In cardboard box: 11.81 x 8.27 x 8.66 in (30 x 21 x 22 cm) Gross weight: 4.41 lb (2.0 kg) * Complete with glassware, without lamp, cable or breakable coupling APPROACH LIGHTING UEL I Steady-Burning & Flashing Elevated Approach Light Photometric Data Fig. 7 - Threshold Wing Bar Lamp specification: prefocus halogen - PK 30d - 6.6 A - 1000 hours rated life at full intensity. Max. power rating: 150 W Lamp (W) Color Curve Avg. Int. (cd) Beam Spread 150 White Fig. 4 22,108 150 Red Fig. 5 6,921 -5 to +9 3 to 13 150 Green Fig. 6 19,075 -2 to +9 2 to 11 150 Green Fig. 7 17,929 -5 to +9 2 to 13 100 Red Fig. 8 5,322 -6 to +6 0.2 to 4.5 45 Red Fig. 9 309 -10 to +10 (rectangle) 1 to 8 (rectangle) Horz. -10 to +10 Vert. 2 to 13 Fig. 8 - Runway End Fig. 4 - Approach Centerline Fig. 9 - Supplementary Stop Bar Fig. 5 - Approach Side Row Spare Components Fig. 6 - Threshold Description Part No. Optical assembly*, clear Optical assembly*, red Optical assembly*, green Lens gasket Lens only, clear Lens only, red Lens only, green Reflector PK30D Lamp, 45 W, 6.6 A Lamp, 100 W, 6.6 A Lamp, 150 W, 6.6 A 4072.00.920 4072.00.950 4072.00.970 4071.95.941 1408.20.201 1408.20.211 1408.20.220 4071.99.450 2990.48.330 2990.48.325 2990.48.340 * Includes gasket, reflector, and lens ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3031 Rev. E I Call for Manual C - 19 APPROACH LIGHTING IAML Incandescent In-pavement ALSF and MALSR Approach Light STYLE 2 HIGH-INTENSITY/MEDIUM-INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ALSF ETL Verified to FAA-E-2952 (Detail Specification for Approach Light, Chemical Resistant, High Intensity, Semi-flush Steady Burning) MALSR ETL Verified to FAA-E-2968 (Detail Specification for Semi-flush Approach Light Units for Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights) Uses • ALSF high-intensity approach centerline, crossbar, and side row barrettes in white, green, and red • MALSR medium-intensity approach in white and threshold in green ALSF Ordering Code 44A6148- 000 Color 1 = White (Style A) 2 = Green (Style B) 3 = Red (Style C) Notes • A Shorting Device is also available. If any lamp opens, the shorting device places a short on the secondary of the isolation transformer. This allows certain monitoring systems to detect a lamp out. The shorting device ordering code is 44A6143. • To retrofit into older FAA-E-2491 applications, a flange ring is required. The flange ring ordering code is 128A145-SS-G. Features • FAA Style 2–Low protrusion above ground of ≤0.50 inch reduces vibrations caused by aircraft landing gear in both the light fixture and the landing gear, increasing lamp life • Provides numerous advantages–including lower weight, easier maintenance, and lower life cycle cost–than older style fixtures • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Light channel in front of prism windows protects prisms from damage and prevents rubber buildup thereby maintaining optimal light output • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 105 W (3 per fixture) with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A for ALSF applications. For MALSR green threshold applications, the 62 W lamp (3 per fixture) has a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A. • For MALSR white approach applications, the 105 W lamp (1 per fixture) has a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A. This fixture meets the photometric requirements per FAA-E-2968 that previoulsy used an L-850B 200 W fixture. Provides a 48% reduction in power consumption and double the lamp life. • Uses latest state-of-the-art in-pavement fixture technology in order to retrofit older FAA-E-2491, 20 A, 500 W ALSF fixtures. Provides a 37% reduction in power consumption and double the lamp life. • Fixture uses aluminum alloy cover and inner cover, stainless steel hardware, and aluminum alloy and stainless steel optical assembly • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 6 earth ground wire C - 20 2029 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0293 MALSR Green Ordering Code 44A6440-1000 Notes • For FAA-E-2968 MALSR system, Style II, unidirectional green applications, this fixture uses three 62 W lamps and is photometrically equivalent to the older style 200 W L-850E fixtures that were used in this application. FAA-E-2968 MALSR applications are not toed. • Encapsulated (FAA Style) isolation transformers are available for voltage-driven, medium-intensity approach lighting applications. For three 62 W lamp applications, a 186 W, 240 VAC to 28.2 VAC transformer is used (Part No. 35C0096). MALSR White Ordering Code 44A6440-2000 Notes • For FAA-E-2968 MALSR medium-intensity system, Style I, unidirectional white applications, this fixture uses one 105 W lamp and is photometrically equivalent to the older style 200 W L-850B fixtures that were used in this application. FAA-E-2968 MALSR applications are not toed. • Encapsulated (FAA Style) isolation transformers are available for voltage-driven, medium-intensity approach lighting applications. For 105 W, 240 VAC to 15.9 VAC applications, use transformer Part No. 35C0095. Optional Snow Plow Ring Depending on installation method and snow plowing technique used, a snow plow ring may be necessary. Snow plow rings are available for either standard or stainless steel adjustable Size B L-868 cans. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional details. APPROACH LIGHTING IAML I In-pavement ALSF & MALSR Approach Light Inside View Spare Components 1. High tensile strength screw with washer 2. Aluminum alloy cover 3. O-ring seal 4. Prism with retainer and gaskets 5. Cold mirror prefocus halogen lamp 105W - 6.6A 6. Optical assembly 7. Terminal block 8. Die cast aluminum inner cover 9. Wire clamp with grommets 10. FAA L-823 two-pole plug molded on heat-resistant wires 11. Pressure relief and test plug 12. Heat-resistant wire Description Part No. Cable assembly, series jumper Cable clamp Cord set, L-823 Cord set grommet Cord set terminal, female Filter spring clip Lamp retainer spring O-ring, pressure release screw O-ring, top cover Pressure release screw Prism clamp Prism gasket sleeve Prism keeper plate Seal, prism keeper plate Terminal block assembly w/o film disc cutout 44A5955 4071.50.090 73A0133-35 63A1014 6111.87.140 4071.50.160 4071.58.510 63B0267-011 7080.90.710 60A2602 4071.50.360 4071.50.030 4071.50.052 4071.50.041 44A6112-1 ALSF Only Spare Components Description Part No. Lamp, 105 W, 6.6 A Lamp holder assembly Lamp holder, left Lamp holder, right Prism Prism, green Prism, red 2990.40.900 1411.22.002 44A6192-1 44A6192-2 1428.00.300 1428.00.280 1428.00.270 MALSR Only Spare Components Description Part No. Filter, MALSR green Lamp, 62 W, 6.6 A Lamp, 105 W, 6.6 A Lamp holder assembly Prism 63A0963-1 48A0386 2990.40.900 1411.22.001 63A0993-3 Packaging ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 20 lb (9.07 kg) Weight without packing: 17 lb (7.71 kg) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2029 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0293 C - 21 APPROACH LIGHTING REIL-L LED Runway End Identification Light Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-849(L) Style A, C or E AC 150/5345-51 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3.8 Ordering Code Uses LED REIL provides a visual indication to pilots of the runway threshold during an approach. L-849V – Powered by a voltage source L-849I – Powered by a constant current regulator Style A – High-Intensity/Single-Step Style C – Low-Intensity/Single-Step Style E – High-, Medium-, and Low-Intensity/Three-Step The L-849(L) Style C is recommended when there are lower levels of background illumination in the surrounding area. Features • Long LED life • Improved safety – Very low voltage internal to LED REIL vs. 2000 VDC in traditional xenon flash lamp units • Elimination of expensive xenon flash lamp replacement • Energy savings of up to 33% for L-849A(L)/L-849E(L) voltagedriven, up to 78% for L-849C(L) voltage-driven, and up to 96% for any series circuit application with power adapters. The LED REIL can be driven directly from series circuit via an isolation transformer, no power adapter is required. • Elimination of ozone, generated by xenon flash lamps, an oxidant that degrades internal component life • Includes external alarm indication in case of system fault. System fault indication for: - Loss of input power - > 25% LEDs failed - Number of misfires exceeded (switch selectable from 0-7) • For current sensing applications, the L-849I REIL does not need a separate current sensing isolation transformer • Due to robust primary to secondary flasher unit trigger signal design, a shielded trigger signal cable is not required • Easier to install due to reduced size and weight • Easier to service due to much simpler design • NEMA 4 rated enclosure • Field tested Optional Features • On/Off Maintenance Switch for current-driven only is available. Use Part No. 94A0609. C - 22 FAA Style A/E 2086 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0361 (Style C) 96A0461 (Style A/E) FAA Style C REIL- 0 Style A = High-intensity, one brightness step C = Low-intensity, one brightness step E = Three brightness steps Power 1 = L-849I, current-driven 2 = L-849V, voltage-driven Current Sensing Option1 0 = Without current sensing 1 = With current sensing Flash Head Mounting 0 = Integrated with enclosure (Style A, C, or E) 1 = Separate mounting on a 2” EMT (Style C only) Enclosure Mounting 1 = Single leg 2 = Two legs 0 Enclosure Type 1 = Steel (Painted Aviation Orange) 2 = Stainless Steel (Not ETL Certified) LED Configuration 0 = Style C 1 = Style A/E (48 LEDs) Note 1 The current sensing option provides ON/OFF control (L-849(L) Style A/Style C) or 3-step intensity control (L-849(L) Style E) of the REIL system depending on the current level in the series lighting circuit. The L-849I (powered by a CCR) doesn’t require a separate isolation transformer – The input current from the isolation transformer that powers the Primary cabinet is also used for current sensing control. The current sensing input of a L-849V (voltage-powered) can be connected to 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with an appropriate 6.6/6.6 A or 20/6.6 A isolation transformer. Optional Features (Continued) • The L-849 using a single leg enclosure is normally installed onto a threaded coupling which is attached to the end of a conduit elbow. Alternatively, a 6.25-inch (15.88 cm) O.D. floor flange can be bolted over any conduit elbow flush with the top of the pad. Use ADB Part No. 62B0107-3. • Baffle: If 15° beam axis is operationally objectionable on the L-849 REIL, an optional baffle kit is available. If used, REILs are set at +3° vertical and +10° horizontal. ADB Kit Numbers: - Style C: 94A0198-LED - Style A/E: 94A0658-1 and 94A0658-2 APPROACH LIGHTING REIL-L I LED Runway End Indentification Light Equipment Data Control Spare Components Remote, local, or automatic (when current sensing used) Flash Rate 120 flashes per minute. Both optical assemblies flash simultaneously with less than a 10-millisecond separation. Light Beam Adjustable vertically from 0° to 15° and horizontally 15° each side of the zero reference point. The horizontal scale is in 1° increments and the vertical scale is in 0.5° increments. Nominal setting is +10° vertical and +15° horizontal. Light Source Locking A positive locking device prevents accidental movement of LED light assembly after aiming Mounting Each REIL cabinet with frangible coupling (supplied) can be mounted on a concrete pad with a 2-inch NPT pipe or with an optional floor flange Enclosure The cabinets can be padlocked and include an interlock switch to disconnect input power when the cabinet door is open Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% (including conditions where condensation takes place in the form of water or frost) Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (3,000 m) Wind: Velocities up to 150 knots Exposure: Withstands windblown rain, sand, dust particles,and a salt-laden atmosphere Part No. Fuse, Control Board, F1, 1 A, SB Fuse, Flasher Power Supply Board, F1, 2 A, SB Fuse, Panel, F4, 1 A, SB LED Flasher Power Supply Assembly Lightning Arrestor, 275 VAC Interlock Switch, Door, SPST, 10 A 47A0017 47A0215 47A0017 44A6545-55 32A0032 45A0269 Spare Components (Voltage Only) Description Part No. Control Board Assembly Fuse, Panel, F1 and F2, 4 A, SB Fuse, Panel, F3, 2 A, SB Solid-State Relay, 24-250 VAC, 5-24 VDC 44A7338-VD 47A0078 47A0004 53A0429 Spare Components (Current Only) Description Part No. Control Board Assembly Fuse, Panel, F1 and F2, 10 A, SB Fuse, Panel, F3, 2 A, SB Power Supply Assembly, PS5 Solid-state Relay, 50-400 VDC, 5-24VDC 44A7338-CD 47A0026 47A0049 44A7107-1 53A0457 Photometric Data Electrical The REIL system operates from a 240 VAC (2-wire) or 120/240 VAC (3-wire), ±10%, 50/60 Hz power supply. The REIL system can also operate from a series lighting circuit using a 6.6 A/6.6 A or 20 A/ 6.6 A L-830/L-831 isolation transformer at each unit. Maximum Power Requirements Style Description High Intensity (cd) Medium Intensity (cd) Low Intensity (cd) L-849(L) Style A 15,000 N/A N/A L-849(L) Style C N/A N/A 700 L-849(L) Style E 15,000 1,500 300 Style Note: Candelas above are within a beam pattern of 10° vertical by 30° horizontal for each flasher. Tolerance of 50% in effective intensity. Packaging Each Unit Total A/E 171 VA 342 VA Weight 46 lb (20.9 kg) each assembly C 45 VA 90 VA REIL Enclosure Dimensions (H x W x D) 16 x 20 x 9 in (40.6 x 50.8 x 22.9 cm) 108 VA3 216 VA6 Packaging Dimensions C1 53 VA4 106 VA6 31 x 31 x 35 in (78.74 x 78.74 x 88.9 cm) C2 86 VA5 172 VA6 L-849(L) Type V L-849 Style A/E L-849(L) Type I A/E 1 2 3 4 5 6 L-849 Style C Without current sensing With current sensing Use 200 W isolation transformer each unit Use 30/45 W isolation transformer each unit Use 100 W isolation transformer each unit This is total CCR load and includes isolation transformer losses ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Weight 40 lb (18.1 kg) each assembly REIL Enclosure Dimensions (H x W x D) 16 x 16 x 9 in (40.6 x 40.6 x 22.9 cm) Packaging Dimensions 31 x 31 x 35 in (78.74 x 78.74 x 88.9 cm) Note: Packaging is for information purposes only and is based on one palletized box containing one primary and one secondary cabinet © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2086 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0361 (Style C) 96A0461 (Style A/E) C - 23 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-L LED Precision Approach Path Indicator Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: T/C: CE: L-880(L) & L-881(L) AC 150/5345-28 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. to Transport Canada TP 312 par. and Appendix B, section B.3.1. Complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Uses The PAPI system uses a single LED light channel on each light unit to provide the pilot precise visual information, enabling the approach procedure to be performed with the utmost accuracy and safety. The FAA Type L-880 PAPI system consists of four light units located at the side of the runway adjacent to the origin of the glide path. The nominal glide slope angle is midway between the angular settings of the central pair of the four units. If an aircraft is on the correct approach path, the pilot will see two red and two white light indicators. If the aircraft approach is too high, an increased number of white light indicators will be seen. If the approach is too low, the pilot will note an increased number of red light indicators. The FAA Type L-881 PAPI system is identical to the L-880, except only two light units (instead of four) are used. The nominal glide slope is midway between the angular settings of the two units, and when the pilot is on or close to the correct approach path, the unit nearest the runway will be seen as red and the other unit as white. The FAA Style A system is for use with an AC voltage input. The FAA Style B system is for use on 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits. An electronic inclinometer assembly, which is a mercury-free product, is provided on each FAA PAPI unit to de-energize all light units if the optical pattern of any light unit is raised between 0.5° and 1.0° or lowered between 0.25° and 0.5° with respect to the setting angle of the light unit. Features • Use of LEDs greatly increases light source life and significantly reduces ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses • Each PAPI light unit uses a maximum of only 120 W when the heater is active. • Unique, sealed optical chamber designed to prevent dew/frost on LED optical elements. Also includes a digitally controlled heated outer glass that is designed to ensure that the outer glass is clear of frost/dew within: - 3 minutes over a temperature range of -21 °C to +55 °C (-6 °F to +131 °F) - 4 minutes over a temperature range of -39 °C to -22 °C (-38 °F to -8 °F) - 5 minutes over a temperature range of -55 °C to -40 °C (-67 °F to -40 °F ) C - 24 3058 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0446 Ordering Code LPL - 00 Specification F = FAA I = ICAO/TP 3121 Power A = PAPI A, 215 to 265 VAC, 50/60 Hz (voltage)2 B = PAPI B, 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz (current) Type 2 = 2 Light Units (FAA L-881) 4 = 4 Light Units (FAA L-880) Housing 0 = Aluminum (Standard) 1 = 316 Stainless Steel Operation/Control Mode3 0 = Style B (Current) Operation 1 = Style A (Voltage) Operation, Day/Night Control Mode 2 = Style A (Voltage) Operation, Current Sensing Control Mode 3 = Style A (Voltage) Operation, External On/Off Control Mode Notes • Contact the ADB Sales Department for information on baffles. 1 ICAO and TP 312 PAPI units are normally provided without a tilt switch function. 2 All PAPI A units are factory preset to operate from a voltage range of 215 to 265 VAC. The system can be easily modified in the field for 108 to 132 VAC (120 VAC nominal operation). 3 See Operation/Control Mode table for details. Contractor Kit 94A0670- Power A = Voltage Driven (PAPI A) B = Current Driven (PAPI B) Type 2 = 2 Light Units (FAA L-881) 4 = 4 Light Units (FAA L-880) Note: Kit provides materials, such as 2” EMT, for contractors installing eqiupment outside the United States. Features (Continued) • Depending on operating mode, light unit uses 62% to 80% less energy than traditional light units that use three 105 W lamps, two 200 W lamps or three 200 W lamps. • Average LED life of 60,000 hours under high-intensity conditions and more than 150,000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction or even elimination of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic re-lamping expenses. APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-L I LED Precision Approach Path Indicator Features (Continued) Features (Continued) • Very low power rating of LED light units contributes to a lower life cycle cost. Limits cost for supporting equipment, such as CCRs, to strict minimum. • Light units may be aimed at any vertical angle up to 10° • Use of LED light source improves safety and pilot recognition by eliminating color shifts typical of incandescent light sources at lower intensity settings. • Rugged lightning protection that complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 V and a peak current of 5,000 A. • For Style A (Voltage Powered) FAA systems, a separate Master Control Cabinet is not used. Master functionality is incorporated into the Primary Light Unit. This minimizes installation costs and provides for compliance with FAA Safety Management System requirements to clear the Runway Safety Areas (RSA) and Runway Obstacle Free Areas (ROFA) of all unnecessary obstacles. Distance from the voltage power supply is limited only by the incoming power wire size used. Operates on a wide input voltage range of 215 VAC to 265 VAC, 50/60 Hz and can be field re-configured to operate on a voltage range of 108 VAC to 132 VAC, 50/60 Hz. • Outer optical lens protected from sandblast by a hardened front glass shield • For Style A (Voltage Powered) systems, a photoelectric control on the primary light unit automatically provides full intensity during the day and a reduced intensity (5% or 20% of full intensity) at night. A circuit breaker is provided to permit the input power to be de-energized for field maintenance. • Includes an integral deflection plate on the top front edge of the light unit cover. This prevents the pilot from seeing light reflected from the back of the light unit. • For Style B (Series Circuit Powered) systems, operates on either 3- or 5-step CCRs that are designed in compliance with IEC or FAA requirements • Light unit body is painted anti-reflective black. Top cover is painted aviation orange for FAA applications and aviation yellow for ICAO/TP 312 applications. • A unique digital display indicating the vertical angle can be read from outside the light unit. This eliminates the need to manually use an aiming device during initial installation and for routine verification of vertical angle setting, minimizing maintenance time. • A set of connectorized water proof cables and connector boxes are provided to allow for a fast and reliable installation of each PAPI unit. • In case a light unit tilts, the display locally indicates which light unit has tilted. Light unit status indicators, including horizontal angle, can also be read from outside the PAPI unit without removing the top cover. This also allows quick troubleshooting, minimizing the maintenance effort needed to determine which light unit is tilted. • Meets both FAA Class I and II temperature ranges: - Class I: -31 °F to +131 °F (-35 °C to +55 °C) - Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Operation/Control Mode Multiple remote control options are available that maximize operational flexibility and minimize energy usage Option Operation/Control Mode Description 0 Style B (Current) Operation Powered from a 3-step CCR (4.8 A to 6.6 A, 50/60 Hz) or a 5-step CCR (2.8 A to 6.6 A, 50/60 Hz). Light unit intensity is controlled by CCR setting. Optionally can be configured for no light output on steps B1 and B2 of a 5-step CCR, but with the heated defroster on the front glass active to keep it clear of dew/frost. Operating range is field programmable. The heater is activated at turn-on in any step; light output is activated after initial heating period is complete (up to 3 minutes for Temperature Class I and 5 minutes for Temperature Class II) or instantly for FAA applications. 1 Style A (Voltage) Operation, Day/Night Control Mode Powered from a continuous 50/60 Hz AC voltage source. Provides On/Off control through current sensing of the runway series circuit during nighttime operations. During daytime, light units are activated at the 100% step via control from the photocell (current sensing input is not used). Nighttime intensity is automatically set to 5% or 20% (field selectable). 2 Style A (Voltage) Operation, Current Sensing Control Mode Powered from a continuous 50/60 Hz AC voltage source. Provides On/Off control through current sensing of the runway series circuit. Turns on the light units anytime (Day or Night) when current greater than 2.8 A is present in the associated series circuit. When On, light units are activated at the 100% step via control from the photocell during daytime. Nighttime intensity is automatically set to 5% or 20% (field selectable). 3 Style A (Voltage) Operation, External On/Off Control Mode Powered from a continuous 50/60 Hz AC voltage source. Provides On/Off control through an external contact closure connected to Primary Light Unit. When On, light units are activated at the 100% step via control from the photocell during daytime. Nighttime intensity is automatically set to 5% or 20% (field selectable). 3058 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0446 C - 25 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-L I LED Precision Approach Path Indicator Exploded View Refer to numbers listed in Spare Components Current Driven (FAA Style B) Only Spare Components Description Part No. Description Part No. (1) Mounting Flange (2) Frangible Coupling (3) LED Light Engine Replacement Kit (5) LED PAPI Light Unit Assembly (6) Heated Front Glass Replacement Kit (8) Inclinometer (Insulated) (NS) Desiccant Package 62B0107-2 44B0180 94A0665 44A7343-XXXXXXX 94A0674 44A7290 61A0505-S (4) Control Board Replacement Kit (7) Input Power Board (NS) External Cable Junction Box 94A0666-30 44A7392-3 73A0179-C Voltage Driven (FAA Style A) Only Description Part No. (4) Control Board Replacement Kit (Primary) (4) Control Board Replacement Kit (Secondary) (7) Input Power Board (Primary) (7) Input Power Board (Secondary) (9) Photocell (24 VAC/VDC) (10) Photocell Receptacle (NS) External Cable Junction Box Fuses (NS) F3, F4 Fuse 250V SLO-BLO 3AG 0.5 A (NS) F1, F2 Fuse 250V SLO-BLO 5x20 mm 3 A 94A0666-10 94A0666-20 44A7392-1 44A7392-2 48A0089-24 44A7397 73A0179-A 47A0233 47A0234 Note: NS = Not Shown Electrical Supply Each Style A (Voltage) PAPI system is powered from the Primary Light Unit. Each Style B (Current) PAPI light unit is powered with 6.6 A maximum via a 6.6A/6.6 A or 20 A/6.6 A 200 W isolation transformer. Style A (Voltage Driven)1 Input Voltage: L-880 (4-box): Input Voltage: L-881 (2-box): L-880 (4-box) – Total CCR Load: L-881 (2-box) – Total CCR Load: 2 3 3058 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0446 215 to 265 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 108 to 132 VAC, 50/60 Hz 264 VA max.3 Style B (Current-Driven)2 1 C - 26 215 to 265 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 108 to 132 VAC, 50/60 Hz 528 VA max.3 630 VA max. 330 VA max. As seen at input of PAPI Primary Light Unit Includes PAPI light units and isolation transformers Source of primary light source power can be a minimum of 305 m (1000 ft) away using 6 mm2 (AWG 10) wire. APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-L I LED Precision Approach Path Indicator Installation Dimensions It is recommended that each light unit is installed on a solid wellleveled concrete foundation. Special care should be taken if the subsoil is known to be unstable. The PAPI units are installed on three height adjustable frangible mounting legs with bottom flanges secured on the concrete foundation. A 12.7 mm (½ inch) hole is provided on the bottom of each light unit near the wire entrance holes. This hole provides a place to anchor a pull cable that links the light unit to frangible connectors at the light unit foundation. This is used to guarantee breakaway of the connector before the external wiring is pulled out in case of a light unit knock over. PAPI A Primary Installation (Style A only) Packaging 2 Box System = 1 package 4 Box System = 2 packages Weight per package: 200 lb (91kg) Package Dimensions: 48 x 40 x 30 in (122 x 102 x 76 cm) PAPI B Typical or PAPI A Secondary Installation 3058 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0446 C - 27 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-L I LED Precision Approach Path Indicator Photometric Curve Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C - 28 3058 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0446 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-SC Precision Approach Path Indicator SINGLE CHANNEL Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-880 & L-881 AC 150/5345-28 (Current Edition) ETL Certified Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. to Uses The PAPI system uses a one light channel unit to provide the pilot precise visual information, enabling the approach procedure to be performed with the utmost accuracy and safety. The Type L-880 PAPI system consists of four light units located at the side of the runway adjacent to the origin of the glide path. The nominal glide slope angle is midway between the angular settings of the central pair of the four units. If an aircraft is on the correct approach path, the pilot will see two red and two white light indicators. If the aircraft approach is too high, an increased number of white light indicators will be seen. If the approach is too low, the pilot will note an increased number of red light indicators. The Type L-881 PAPI system is identical to the L-880, except only two light units (instead of four) are used. The nominal glide slope is midway between the angular settings of the two units, and when the pilot is on or close to the correct approach path, the unit nearest the runway will be seen as red and the other unit as white. The Style A system is for use with an AC voltage input. The Style B system is for use on 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits. An electronic inclinometer assembly, which is a mercury-free product, is provided on each PAPI unit to de-energize all light units if the optical pattern of any light unit is raised between 0.5° and 1.0° or lowered between 0.25° and 0.5° with respect to the setting angle of the light unit. Features • Each PAPI light unit uses only three 105 W, 6.6 A lamps. These are the same lamps as used in F-Range in-pavement lights, decreasing spare parts requirements • Lamp wattage is 315 W total, 21% less than traditional light units that use two 200 W lamps and 48% less than traditional light units that use three 200 W lamps. • Very low wind resistance in the landing direction due to the light unit’s very small shape • One optical channel consisting of only 2 lenses and 1 filter provides a very sharp transition from red to white never exceeding three minutes of arc over the full beam width • A unique digital display indicating the vertical angle is included in each unit. It eliminates the need to manually use an aiming device for routine verification of vertical angle setting, minimizing maintenance time. It also eliminates the need to use a separate aiming device during initial installation. • Lenses protected from sandblast by a hardened front glass shield • Long focal length makes adjustment in elevation easy, accurate and stable Ordering Code PAP - 0 Power A = PAPI A (voltage)1 B = PAPI B (current) Style 2 = L-881 (2 Box) 4 = L-880 (4 Box) Housing 0 = Aluminum Light Units (Standard) 1 = 316 Stainless Steel3 Interlock (PAPI A Only)2 0 = Without 1 = With Notes 1 L-881 input voltage is 208/220/240 VAC. L-880 input voltage is 240 VAC only. 2 Interlock Relay Option provides ON/OFF control through current sensing of the runway series circuit during nighttime operations. During daytime, the PAPI is activated at the 100% step. 3 For both the Style A and Style B PAPI, the light unit housing is stainless steel. For the Style A PAPI, the master control box housing is also stainless steel. • Reference FAA Cert Alert No. 02-08 dated Dec. 12, 2002 regarding prevention of the possibility of dew or frost forming on the light unit optics: At airports where PAPI units are activated when needed and thus are not operated continuously, change airport lighting circuitry to ensure PAPIs are preset to operate continuously on a low power setting, either 5 percent or 20 percent of full intensity as necessary for local site conditions. • If aiming angle is greater than 5.1º, order an Elevation Extension Kit (Part No. 94A0496) for each light unit. • For non-FAA applications that do not require a tilt switch, use Part No. 44A6853-C. 2-inch EMT Kit 94A0616- Type 2 = 2 Light Units (FAA L-881) 4 = 4 Light Units (FAA L-880) Features (Continued) • A tilt indicator and lamp failed indicators can be read from outside the PAPI unit without removing the top cover. This also allows quick troubleshooting, minimizing the maintenance effort needed to determine which light unit is tilted. The horizontal angle can also be displayed. • Stable mounting on just 2 mounting legs reduces installation cost and is much easier to level compared to 3 or 4 leg light units 2082 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0379 C - 29 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-SC I Precision Approach Path Indicator Features (Continued) Single Channel PAPI Baffle • Reduced maintenance. The unit is fully sealed and remains clean inside. Lamp, front glass, and red filter replacement does not require any tools. Light Box 2 = Two box Single Channel PAPI 4 = Four box Single Channel PAPI • Colorimetric conformity maintained over the whole width of the red beam Cut-off Angle (Primary) 1 = 0 to 3.3 degrees 2 = 3.1 to 6.4 degrees 3 = 6.3 to 10 degrees • No water can accumulate on the cover, so reflections that could constitute a false optical signal are eliminated • Use of only aluminum, stainless steel hardware and optical glass provide a high degree of corrosion resistance. For extreme environmental conditions, an optional stainless steel housing is available. • For Style A systems, a photoelectric control on the Master control cabinet automatically provides full intensity during the day and a reduced intensity (5% or 20% of full intensity) at night. Both the full and reduced intensity light level can be field adjusted. A circuit breaker is provided to permit the input power to be de-energized for field maintenance. • Only one PAPI light unit assembly is used on either a Style A or Style B system, minimizing spare part requirements 94A0570- Cut-off Angle (Secondary) 1 = 0 to 3.3 degrees 2 = 3.1 to 6.4 degrees 3 = 6.3 to 10 degrees Note The SC PAPI Baffle allows airports to modify the horizontal light beam coverage of the PAPI unit for obstacle avoidance in the approach area. See Service Bulletin ALN152 for field installation details. Exploded View • Fixture uses a black light box with an international orange cover and stainless steel hardware. • Meets both Class I and II temperature ranges: - Class I: -31 °F to +131 °F (-35 °C to +55 °C) - Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Adjustment of the beam elevation The beam setting is quickly achieved in a most user friendly way by means of an internal controller board, allowing for very precise and stable elevation adjustment. No separate aiming device is needed. Electrical Supply Each Type A PAPI system is powered from a Master Control box. Each Type B PAPI light unit is powered with 6.6 A maximum via a 6.6A/6.6 A or 20 A/6.6 A 300 W isolation transformer. A field splice kit is supplied with each light unit to provide for external electrical connections between PAPI system components. Style A1 Input Voltage: 240 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz L-880 (4-box) 3-lamps/light unit 1,700 VA max.3 Input Voltage: 208/220/240 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz L-881 (2-box) 3-lamps/light unit 1,612 VA max.4 Style B 2 Three Lamps – 6.6 A through one 300 W isolation transformer (each light unit) L-880 (4-Box) – Total CCR Load: 1,448 VA max. L-881 (2-Box) – Total CCR Load: 724 VA max. 1 2 3 4 As seen at input of PAPI Master Includes PAPI light units and isolation transformers Limit on distance from Master to first light unit is 30 ft (9.1 m) Limit on distance from Master to first light unit is 150 ft (45.7 m) C - 30 2082 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0379 Construction 1. Aluminum alloy cover (standard) 2. Front glass 3. Front glass gasket 4. Outer lens 5. Inner lens 6. Red filter 7. Filter retainer 8. Lamp holding bracket 9. Prefocus tungsten-halogen MR-16 lamp 10. Cover gasket 11. Lockable latch 12. Aluminium alloy housing (standard) 13. Leveling plate 14. Lower flange 15. Mounting leg, 2-inch EMT (Supplied by others) 16. Frangible adapter 17. Ground mounting flange 18. Anchor bolts (4) (Supplied by others) APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI-SC I Precision Approach Path Indicator Fig. 2 Installation of PAPI A Light Unit Fig. 3 Typical Installation of a PAPI A Light Unit Fig. 4 Installation of PAPI B Light Unit Fig. 5 Light Unit Dimensions Master Spare Components Light Unit Spare Components Description Part No. Description Part No. CCT Control Board Frangible Coupling, Master Fuse, 1 A, SB (F4) Fuse, 2 A, SB (F1, F2) Fuse, 0.5 A, SB (F3) Photocell SCR Snubber, SCR Varistor, 575 VAC, Input Varistor, 750 VAC, Output 44A6546-3 62B0064 47A0017 47A0049 47A0119 48A0089 28A0011 28A0027 32A0028 32A0025 Baffle, 0 to 3.3 degrees Baffle, 3.1 to 6.4 degrees Baffle, 6.3 to 10 degrees Frangible Coupling, 2-inch EMT Inclinometer Mount Assembly Lamp, 105 W, 6.6 A Red Filter SC PAPI Control Board SC PAPI Control Board, Tilt Switch Disabled SC PAPI Optical Box SC PAPI Optical Box, Stainless Steel SC PAPI Optical Box, Tilt Switch Disabled 60B1673-1 60B1673-2 60B1673-3 44B0180 44A6813/INSL1 48A0425 1438.12.220 44A71221 44A7122-11 44A6853 44A6853-1 44A6853-C Installation 1 It is recommended that each light unit is installed on a solid wellleveled concrete foundation. Special care should be taken if the subsoil is known to be unstable. The PAPI units are installed on height adjustable frangible mounting legs with bottom flanges secured on the concrete foundation. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Upon initial replacement of either of the older SC PAPI Control Boards (44A6674 or 44A6674-1) or the Inclinoneter Mount Assembly (44A6813), you must replace both items. Packaging Net Weight: 44lb (20kg) Gross Weight: 46lb (21kg) In cardboard box: 25.6 x 13 x 40.2 in (65 x 33 x 102 cm) © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2082 Rev. Q I Manual No. 96A0379 C - 31 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-880 & L-881 AC 150/5345-28 (Current Edition) ETL Certified Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. to Ordering Code Style A Uses A PAPI system uses either 2-light channel or 3-light channel units, which offer the pilot information to carry out the approach procedure with the utmost accuracy and safety. The L-880 PAPI system consists of four light units located at the side of the runway adjacent to the origin of the glide path. The nominal glide slope angle is midway between the angular settings of the central pair of the four units. If an aircraft is on the correct approach path, the pilot will see two red and two white light indicators. If the aircraft approach is too high, an increased number of white light indicators will be seen. If the approach is too low, the pilot will note an increased number of red light indicators. The L-881 PAPI system is identical to the L-880, except only two light units (instead of four) are used. The nominal glide slope is midway between the angular settings of the two units, and when the pilot is on or close to the correct approach path, the unit nearest the runway will be seen as red and the other unit as white. The Style A system is for use with either a 220 or 240 VAC input voltage. The Style B system is for use on 6.6 or 20 A series circuits. A tilt switch assembly is provided on each PAPI unit to de-energize the system in the case that the optical pattern of any light unit is raised between 0.5° and 1.0° or lowered between 0.25° and 0.5° with respect to the setting angle of the unit. Features • The use of two lenses in tandem in each light channel makes a sharp transition from white to red (never exceeding three minutes of arc over the full beam width) • ICAO chromaticity conformity is maintained over the whole width of the red beam • For FAA Style A systems, a photoelectric control on the master control cabinet automatically provides full intensity during the day and a reduced intensity (5% or 20% of full intensity) at night. A circuit breaker is provided to permit de-energization of the input power for field maintenance. • Available in 2-lamp or 3-lamp configurations • Easy to use digital aiming device • Lenses protected from sandblast by a hardened front glass shield • Long-life tungsten halogen lamps are 200 W PK30d with a rated life of 1,000 hours at 6.6 A • Interlock Relay Option available for Style A • Only one PAPI box assembly is used on either a Style A or Style B system, minimizing spare part requirements C - 32 1020 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0209 (Style A) 96A0236 (Style B) 44A4733- Style 1 = L-880 (4 Box) 2 = L-881 (2 Box) Interlock Options 1 = With Interlock Relay 2 = Without Interlock Relay Lamp 1 = 3-Lamp Optical Box 2 = 2-Lamp Optical Box (ETL Certified) Legs 1 = Three Legs 2 = Four Legs Ordering Code Style B 44A5860-2 Power 2 = Style B (Current Powered) Style 1 = L-880 (4 Box) 2 = L-881 (2 Box) Lamp 1 = 2-Lamp Optical Box (ETL Certified) 2 = 3-Lamp Optical Box Legs 1 = Three Legs 2 = Four Legs Notes Each PAPI system requires a digital aiming device kit, which is ordered separately. • Interlock Relay Option provides ON/OFF control through current sensing of the runway series circuit during nighttime operations. During daytime, the PAPI is activated at the 100% step. • Reference NTSB Cert Alert No. 02-08 dated Dec. 12, 2002, regarding prevention of the possibility of dew or frost forming on the light unit optics: At airports where PAPI units are activated when needed and thus are not operated continuously, change airport lighting circuitry to ensure PAPIs are preset to operate continuously on a low power setting, either 5 percent or 20 percent of full intensity as necessary for local site conditions. Digital Aiming Device Kit 44A6031 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI I Precision Approach Path Indicator Features (Continued) Electrical Supply • Available in 3-leg or 4-leg configuration Style A1 • A unique PC board inside the PAPI box indicates if it is tilted or not, minimizing troubleshooting time Input Voltage: 220-240 VAC ±10% (VA max.)2 • Reduced cabling between PAPI boxes L-880 (4-box) 2-lamps/optical box 1,800 L-880 (4-box) 3-lamps/optical box 2,700 • Reduced maintenance. The unit is fully gasketed and remains clean inside. Lamp and filter replacement does not require any tools. L-881 (2-box) 2-lamps/optical box 1,650 L-881 (2-box) 3-lamps/optical box 1,650 • Condensation water is drained away through wire gauze covered drain holes Style B • No water can accumulate on the cover, so reflections that could constitute a false optical signal are eliminated L-880 (4-Box) – Total CCR Load3: 1960 VA maximum L-881 (2-Box) – Total CCR Load : 980 VA maximum • Corrosion-resistant aluminum, stainless steel hardware, and optical glass are used in the assembly Three Lamp – 6.6 A through one 500 W and one 200 W isolation transformer • Fixture uses a black light box with an international orange cover and stainless steel hardware L-880 (4-Box) – Total CCR Load3: 3,160 VA maximum L-881 (2-Box) – Total CCR Load3: 1,580 VA maximum • Meets both Class I and II temperature ranges: - Class I system operates down to -35 °C (-31 °F) - Class II system operates down to -55 °C (-67 °F) Two Lamp – 6.6 A through one 500 W isolation transformer 3 1 2 3 Limit on distance from Master to first light unit is 100 ft (30.5 m) As seen at input of PAPI Master Includes PAPI light units and isolation transformers PAPI A or PAPI B Overview Field Splice Kits* Field Splice Kits* (Continued) Part No. 94A0235-3 Part No. 94A0235-4 Style A – 4-box w/out interlock option 2 or 3 lamp Style A – 2-box w/out interlock option 2 or 3 lamp Qty. 4 6 4 15 30 Description Frangible coupling 6-pin female plug 1-inch (2.54 cm) cable clamp Field splice heat shrink kit 6 inches (15.2 cm) long Butt splices for wire Qty. 2 4 2 6 12 Description Frangible coupling 6-pin female plug 1-inch (2.54 cm) cable clamp Field splice heat shrink kit 6 inches (15.2 cm) long Butt splices for wire 1020 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0209 (Style A) 96A0236 (Style B) C - 33 APPROACH LIGHTING PAPI I Precision Approach Path Indicator Field Splice Kits* (Continued) Spare Components Part No. 94A0235-1 Description Part No. Style A – 4-box with interlock option 2 or 3 lamp Qty. 4 6 4 15 1 30 Description Frangible coupling 6-pin female plug 1-inch (2.54 cm) cable clamp Field splice heat shrink kit 6 inches (15.2 cm) long Connector secondary plug kit Butt splices for wire Filter, Red, 2-lamp Filter, Red, 3-lamp Frangible Coupling 2” EMT Frangible Coupling 2” Threaded One End Gasket, Optical Assembly (2-lamp unit) Gasket, Optical Assembly (3-lamp unit) Glass, Protective Shield (2-lamp unit) Glass, Protective Shield (3-lamp unit) Inductor 33 μH, PAPI B Only Lamp, 200 W, 6.6 A, with female leads Lamp driver/tilt sensing PCB (2-lamp and 3-lamp) LC Control Board, PAPI A Only 2 Leg Assembly Master Box, 240 V, 4 Box, PAPI A Only Master Box, 240 V, 2 Box, PAPI A Only Optical Box, 2-Lamp (ETL Certified) Optical Box, 3-Lamp SCR Block, 95 A, PAPI A Only Shorting Device PCB, 6.6 A Spare Lamp Kit1 Tilt Switch Assembly, PAPI A Only (w/o heater) Tilt Switch Assembly, PAPI A Only (with heater) Tilt Switch Assembly, PAPI B Only 63A1019 1438.12.220 44B0180 62A0711 63A0672 4071.41.550 63A0984 63A0671-1 33A0144 48A0077-1 44A5857 44A6546-3 44C2362S 44A4734-1210 44A4734-2210 44A5861-1 44A5861-2 28A0011 44D4538 94A0337 44A5863-2 44A5863-1 44A5863 Part No. 94A0235-2 Style A – 2-box with interlock option 2 or 3 lamp Qty. 2 4 2 6 1 12 Description Frangible coupling 6-pin female plug 1-inch (2.54 cm) cable clamp Field splice heat shrink kit 6 inches (15.2 cm) long Connector secondary plug kit Butt splices for wire Part No. 94A0255-1 Style B – 2 lamp, 2- or 4-box Qty. 1 1 1 2 1 Description Frangible coupling Cable clamp Wire harness, 44A5913-1 Butt splices Heat shrink tubes Part No. 94A0255-2 Style B – 3 lamp, 2- or 4-box Qty. 1 1 1 2 1 Description Frangible coupling Cable clamp Wire harness, 44A5913-2 Butt splices Heat shrink tubes 1 2 For installations before May 2002. Spare Lamp Kit includes lamp and disconnects to convert power leads so lamp 48A0077-1 can be installed. For PAPI As ordered before Fall 2007, the LC Control Board may have part no. 44D1475/3. This part is now obsolete. To order a retrofit kit, use part no. 94A0549 for both L-880 and L-881. An L-880 unit also requires part no. 94A0548 to replace the T1 transformer. Precision Approach Path Indicators installed prior to June 1998 have some different spare parts and optional features. Please contact the ADB Sales Department for this information. Part No. 94A0255-4 Style B – 3 lamp, 2- or 4-box, ICAO Qty. 1 1 1 2 1 Description Frangible coupling Cable clamp Wire harness, 44A5913-4 Butt splices Heat shrink tubes Part No. 94A0255-5 Packaging Net weight: In cardboard box: Gross weight: L-880 Master Box: Style B – 1 lamp, 2- or 4-box Gross weight: Qty. 1 1 1 2 1 Description Frangible coupling Cable clamp Wire harness, 44A5913-5 Butt splices Heat shrink tubes L-881 Master Box: Gross weight: 2-Lamp 3-Lamp 44 lb (20 kg) 25.6 x 13 x 40.2 in 65 x 33 x 102 cm 46 lb (21 kg) 90 lb (41 kg) 35.8 x 15.6 x 39.8 in 91 x 39 x 101 cm 103 lb (47 kg) 20 x 24 x 8 in 50.8 x 61 x 20.3 cm 65 lb (29.5 kg) 20 x 24 x 8 in 50.8 x 61 x 20.3 cm 65 lb (29.5 kg) 20 x 24 x 8 in 50.8 x 61 x 20.3 cm 25 lb (11.3 kg) 20 x 24 x 8 in 50.8 x 61 x 20.3 cm 25 lb (11.3 kg) Note: Quantity of anchoring legs or adjustable frangible legs affects packaging data. * One for each optical assembly. Included with PAPI System. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C - 34 1020 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0209, 96A0236 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING RCM Runway Closure Marker Compliance with Standards FAA: L-893 FAA AC 150/5345-55 (Current Edition). Complies with applicable requirements in FAA AC 150/5370-2 and NTSB Safety Recommendation A-03-05. Applications The Runway Closure Marker is an effective method to warn pilots of closed runways and taxiways. Features • Easily set up by one person in 2-3 minutes, without tools • 3 year/3,000 hour engine warranty • Four folding arms open to 14-foot length • 20 PAR lamps deliver over 170,000 candelas at beam center • Visible 10-25 miles from runway under VFR conditions RCM-D Ordering Codes To order a runway closure marker, request the following part numbers: • RCM-Diesel: Runway Closure Marker, 6 kW Diesel Generator • RCM-Cover: RCM Cover • RCM-Rear Hitch: RCM-D Rear Hitch Option Light Assembly Specifications (Continued) • Solid-state flasher, no mechanical contacts • Photocell automatically reduces intensity at night • 2-year warranty on light assembly, excluding lamps • Selectable brightness levels to suit environmental conditions Trailer Specifications • Photocell dimming for night operation • 2,200-pound axle • Four rear-mounted white lamps allow visual monitoring from rear side • 2-inch ball or optional pintle hitch, safety chains • Powered by a three-cylinder, liquid cooled Mitsubishi diesel engine and Marathon brushless generator • Operates 140 hours between fuel fills • Highway towable with a standard 2-inch hitch coupler • 2,200-pound, DOT-compliant trailer • Three swivel leveling jacks, one tongue jack • Adjustable light beam angle • Optional rear hitch, allows tandem towing of 2 units • Optional cover • Three 2000-lb leveling jacks. Side jacks are on extendable 38inch outriggers • DOT-compliant tail and marker lights • Tires - ST175/80 D13, highway-rated • All steel tubing construction • Width: 67 inches • Length: 105 inches • Height: 64 inches • Total wet weight: 1600 lb • Made in the USA and ETL certified by Hali-Brite, Inc., Crosby, MN Engine and Generator Specifications Light Assembly Specifications • Engine: Mitsubishi L3E Diesel, 12.7 hp, 3-cylinder, liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, 1800 RPM, electric start • Arm length: 14 feet when operating • Hinged to generator housing, swings upright for use, swings to horizontal position when stowed • Engine Warranty: 2 years/2,000 hours on entire engine, 3 years/3,000 hours on major components • Glow plugs and elapsed hour meter • Assembly arms fold to a 5’ x 5’ square for transport and storage • Low oil/high temperature auto-shutdown • Arms constructed of 4” x 4” extruded aluminum, with yellow epoxy powder-coat paint. • Generator: Marathon Electric, 6.0 kW, 120 VAC, 4-pole, brushless • Twenty 90-watt halogen lamps mounted in front, plus 4 monitor lamps in rear, 24 total • Fuel tank capacity: 57 gallon, consumption 0.4 gph, 140 hour runtime • PAR 38 halogen lamp, 25 degree beam width, rated life 4,200 hours • Lamps flash 2.5 seconds on, 2.5 seconds off 3051 Rev. B I Call for manual C - 35 APPROACH LIGHTING RCM I Runway Closure Marker Set Up Procedure (2-3 minutes) 1. Level as necessary using 3 leveling jacks 3. Tilt the light to the upright position. 2. Extend the 4 light assembly arms. 4. Start the generator and activate the lights. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. C - 36 3051 Rev. B I Call for manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved APPROACH LIGHTING REIL Runway End Identification Light Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-849 Type V and I Style A, C and E AC 150/5345-51 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3.8 REIL Ordering Code Uses Provides a visual indication to pilots of the runway threshold during an approach. L-849V – Voltage-powered REIL (ETL Certified) L-849I – Current-powered REIL Style A – High-Intensity/Single-Step Style C – Low-Intensity/Single-Step Style E – High-, Medium-, and Low-Intensity/Three-Step The L-849 Style C is recommended when maximum single-step flashtube lamp life is desired. The L-849 Style E is recommended for intermittent use, such as when activated by radio control. Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% (including conditions where condensation takes place in the form of water or frost) Altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (3,000 m) Wind: Velocities up to 150 knots Exposure: Withstands windblown rain, sand, dust particles, and a salt-laden atmosphere Theory of Operation The L-849 REIL system consists of a primary control cabinet with strobe head and a secondary cabinet with strobe head. The secondary unit is identical to the primary except that it does not have a master oscillator PCB. The strobe heads consist of a sealed PAR-56 xenon flashtube and trigger transformer. An input voltage of 120/240 VAC is input into the input module on both primary and secondary units. The input module provides power to the high-voltage power supply, which generates +2,000 VDC to charge up one or more capacitors. The REIL system uses a high-voltage ferroresonant transformer and rectifier circuit to provide a constant charging current to the flash capacitors, thereby reducing power consumption and providing an output voltage not subject to fluctuations in input power. The master oscillator PCB in the primary cabinet generates lowvoltage trigger pulses twice per second, which is output to the trigger interface PCB in both primary and secondary cabinets. The trigger interface PCB converts the low-voltage trigger commands to a high-voltage trigger pulse on the primary of the trigger transformer to discharge one or more capacitors (as determined by the selected intensity) through both strobe heads. Immediately after the flashtubes are fired, the lamps have a high resistance to current flow (since the triggering voltage is not present), causing the flash capacitors to charge up again to repeat the firing sequence. 44A1161- Current Sensing Option (Type V or I) 1 = Style A without current sensing1 2 = Style C without current sensing1 3 = Style E without current sensing1 4 = Style A with one-step current sensing1 5 = Style C with one-step current sensing1 6 = Style E with one-step current sensing1 7 = Style E with three-step current sensing1 Hourmeter/Power Adapter Option 1 = L-849 Type V, Style A1, C1 or E1 w/out hourmeter 2 = L-849 Type V, Style A1, C1 or E1 with hourmeter 3 = L-849 Type I, Style A or C w/out hourmeter2 4 = L-849 Type I, Style A or C with hourmeter2 5 = L-849 Type I, Style E w/out hourmeter2 6 = L-849 Type I, Style E with hourmeter2 Notes • Current sensing for runway interlock ON/OFF or intensity change can be used on 6.6 A or 20 A series circuits with appropriate 6.6/6.6 A or 20/6.6 A isolation transformers. 1 Voltage-powered REILs are ETL Certified. 2 If the REIL system is powered from a 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit, Type I REILs require a PA-4 power adapter. Power adapter is ordered separately. See ADB catalog sheet 1035 for additional details. It is recommended that the L-849 REIL system with power adapter be powered with ferroresonant type CCRs. The thyristor type CCR should not be used to power an L-849 REIL system unless the CCR is at least half loaded with steady burning lights. Do not route output cable in the vicinity of other wiring sensitive to electromagnetic interference or radio frequency interference. Optional Features • Resettable Elapsed-Time Meter: Indicates the number of hours ON for L-849 Style A/C and the number of hours of lamp operation in high-intensity for L-849 Style E applications • One- or three-step current sensing for automatic control of the flashing light system. This option requires a separate isolation transformer or requires an isolation transformer option on the ADB PA-4 power adapter. The one-step current sensor option provides ON/OFF control of the REIL system depending on the current level in the runway lighting circuit. The three-step option, available only for the L-849 Style E system, provides three brightness control levels. The current sensor monitors the current level of the runway edge lighting circuit and automatically turns the L-849 Style E system either OFF or to low, 1029 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0008 C - 37 APPROACH LIGHTING REIL I Runway End Identification Light Optional Features (Continued) Photometric Data medium, or high intensity. The preset current levels for turning on the REIL can be easily changed by adjusting the potentiometer settings on the current sensor printed circuit board. • Baffle: If 15° beam axis is operationally objectionable, an optional baffle is available. If used, REILs are set at +3° vertical and +10° horizontal. ADB Ordering Code: 44D2408-1 for Left Hand Baffle and 44D2408-2 for Right Hand Baffle • Enclosure/Flash Head Mounting–The standard mounting supplied with the L-849 is with one leg that has a 2-inch threaded frangible coupling. Several other enclosure and flash head mounting options are available. If two legs are desired, use ADB ordering code 94A0205. • The L-849 is normally installed onto a threaded coupling onto the end of a conduit elbow. Alternatively, a 6.25-inch (15.88 cm) O.D. floor flange can be bolted over any conduit elbow flush with the top of the pad. Use ADB ordering code 62B0107-3. • The flash head can be mounted on top of the enclosure or on a separate extension (not ETL Certified). Contact the ADB Sales Department for details. Electrical The REIL system operates from a 120/240 VAC, ±10%, 60 Hz power supply. The 120/240 VAC supply is a three-wire input with the center wire being neutral. The REIL system can also operate from a 6.6 A and 20 A series lighting circuit with a separately purchased PA-4 power adapter unit. The PA-4 is available in 60 Hz. See ADB catalog sheet 1035 for power adapter CCR loading data. Equipment Data Maximum Power Requirements L-849 Style A, 600 VA L-849 Style C, 400 VA L-849 Style E, 600 VA Control Remote, local, or automatic (when current sensing used) Flashtube Life 1,000 hours at high intensity mode Flash Rate 120 flashes per minute with less than 1% misfiring (no consecutive skips) over average life. Both optical assemblies flash simultaneously with less than a 10-millisecond separation. Light Beam Adjustable vertically from 0° to 15° and horizontally 20° each side of the zero reference point. All scales are in 1° increments. Nominal setting is +10° vertical and +15° horizontal. Lighting Head A positive locking device prevents accidental movement of head after aiming Mounting Each REIL cabinet with frangible coupling (supplied) can be mounted on a concrete pad with a 2-inch NPT pipe or with an optional floor flange. Enclosure The cabinets can be padlocked and include an interlock switch to disconnect input power when either the flash head or the cabinet door is open. C - 38 1029 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0008 Style High Intensity (cd) Medium Intensity (cd) Low Intensity (cd) L-849 Style A 15,000 N/A N/A L-849 Style C N/A N/A 700 L-849 Style E 15,000 1,500 300 Note: Candelas above are within a beam pattern of 10° vertical by 30° horizontal for each flasher. Tolerance of 50% in effective intensity. Spare Components Description Part No. Current sensing assembly, one-step Current sensing assembly, three-step Fuse, 4 A, slow blow, 125 V Fuse, 1.5 A, slow blow, 250 V High-voltage diode assembly Lamp gasket Lighting arrestor, 150 VAC Master oscillator PCB ass’y, L-849 Style E Master oscillator PCB ass’y, L-849 Style A/C PAR-56 xenon flash lamp Relay, intensity switching, DPDT, 120 VAC, without power adapter Relay, intensity switching, DPDT, 110 VDC with power adapter Relay, input power switching, DPDT, 120 VAC without power adapter Relay, input power switching, DPDT, 110 VDC with power adapter Resistor mounting block assembly Trigger transformer assembly Trigger interface PCB 44D1988-1100 44D1988-2100 47A0078 47A0030 44B1164 63C0532 32A0011 44B1157 44B1156 48B0022 53A0182 1 See note1 53A0260 53A0261 44B1165 44B1780-4 44B1105 To replace obsolete relay Part No. 53A0257, order DC Relay Kit Part No. 94A0602. This kit includes two 53A0182 relays to replace the 53A0257 relays and a new 44A7196 PCB to replace the existing 44B1781 PCB. Both old relays and the existing 44B1781 PCB must be replaced at the same time. The relays and PCB are direct replacements; no wiring changes are needed. Packaging Gross Weight 210 lb (95 kg) REIL Box Dimensions 24 x 20 x 8 in (60.96 x 50.8 x 20.32 cm) Packaging Dimensions 31 x 31 x 35 in (78.74 x 78.74 x 88.9 cm) Packaging is for information purposes only and is based on one palletized box containing one primary and one secondary cabinet. APPROACH LIGHTING REIL I Runway End Identification Light Inside View Outside View 10 11 12 13 3 23 14 1 15 22 2 17 6 4 21 5 20 16 19 Secondary View Identification 1. Flashtube 2. Flash Head Assembly (Trigger Transformer and Safety Switch located on inside) 3. Air Vents 4. Primary or Secondary Cabinet 5. Mounting Hub 6. Angle Indicator 7. Master Oscillator PCB 8. Local/Remote Switch 9. Optional Current Sensor PCB 10. Mounting Lug 11. Input Module 12. ON/OFF Switch 13. Fuses 14. ON/OFF Switching Relay 15. Ground Lug 16. Interlock Switch 17. Lightning Arrestor 18. Current Sensing Input Terminal Block 19. Input/Output Power and Control Terminal Block 20. Trigger Interface PCB 21. Flash Head Connections Terminal Block 22. High-Voltage Power Supply Transformer 23. Flash Capacitor ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 7 9 10 8 11 12 13 14 23 15 22 18 21 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved 16 5 20 19 Primary Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1029 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0008 C - 39 APPROACH LIGHTING This page left blank intentionally C - 40 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF-L LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign FAA Compliance with Standards FAA: L-858Y(L), L-858R(L), L-858L(L) and L-858B(L) AC 150/5345-44 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Features (Continued) Uses • Direct replacement for existing sign FAA L-858Y(L) Direction, Destination, and Boundary (Informational Sign) • Creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows FAA L-858R(L) Mandatory Sign FAA L-858L(L) Runway/Taxiway Location Sign: These signs are designed to guide pilots to a particular point on the field, identify holding positions, identify taxiway and runway intersections, and prohibit aircraft entry into designated areas. • Operates on ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA or IEC requirements FAA L-858B(L) Runway Distance Remaining Sign: The L-858B is used at 1,000-foot intervals adjacent to the runway edge in order to provide runway distance remaining information to pilots during takeoff and landing operations. Sign Legends Type Purpose Legend Color Background Color L-858Y Direction, Destination & Boundary Black Yellow L-858R Mandatory Sign White with Black Outline Red L-858L Runway/Taxiway Location Yellow Black L-858B Runway Distance Remaining White Black Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) • Operates on all steps of a 3-step or 5-step CCR and on a 5.5 A CCR. • Eliminates re-lamping expenses and reduces on-going maintenance costs • Improved safety — low, regulated DC voltage inside sign • Rugged lightning protection that complies with ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 Location Category C2 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Category C2 is defined as a 1.2/50μS – 8/20 μS combination wave, with a peak voltage of 10,000 Volts and a peak current of 5,000 Amps. Dimensions Sign Heights Sign Size No. Sign Face Height in (cm) Legend Height in (cm) Sign Style No. Sign Class No. Overall Mounting Height in (cm) L-858Y/R/L 1 1 18 (45.7) 12 (30.5) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 29.7 (75.5) L-858Y/R/L 2 2 24 (61) 15 (38.1) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 35.7 (90.8) L-858Y/R/L 3 3 30 (76.2) 18 (45.7) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 41.7 (106) L-858B 4 4 48 (122) 40 (101.6) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 58.2 (147.8) L-858B 5 5 30 (76.2) 25 (63.5) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 41.7 (106) Type Humidity: 0 to 100% Wind: - ADB Mode 2 signs withstand wind velocities up to 225 mph - ADB Mode 3 signs withstand wind velocities up to 327 mph Features • Unique LED Light Bar design maximizes energy efficiency • Available Battery Tester provides for quick and easy testing of individual LED Light Bars • Electrical design uses a minimal number of components which maximizes sign MTBF and greatly simplifies troubleshooting efforts. • Virtually eliminates runway and taxiway shutdowns due to longlasting LED light source Sign Lengths Inches (Centimeters) Size No. 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 1 29.4 (75) 58.6 (149) 87.9 (223) 117.2 (298) 2 35.9 (91) 71.6 (182) 107.4 (273) 143.2 (364) 3 42.4 (108) 84.6 (215) 126.9 (323) 169.2 (430) 4 47.9 (122) N/A N/A N/A 5 42.4 (108) N/A N/A N/A Notes • Sign depth is 9.39 in (23.85 cm). • See our website for additional dimension and installation information. 3006 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0402, 96A0455 D-1 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA Construction Sign Load & Transformer Requirements Corrosion-resistant sign construction requires minimal maintenance. In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the transformer. • Aluminum housing • Acrylic sign legend panels • Stainless steel hardware • Retroreflective sheeting • Translucent plastic panel dividers used between multi-module legend panels Installation Each sign is furnished complete with mounting flanges for installation on a concrete pad, which is the recommended method of installation. Refer to ADB sign manual for typical sign installations. Contact ADB Sales Department for more information on sign installation hardware. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L-823 Cord Set Cable Clamp Floor Flange 2-inch Conduit Elbow (contractor supplied) L-867 Blank Cover Plate with Gasket L-823 Extension Cord (purchased separately) L-867 Base (purchased separately) L-867 Base Plate (special - purchased separately) Remote Mounting (Recommended) Sign Size No. of Modules Transformer Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load Style 2, 3-Step LED Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 65 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.83 0.83 0.88 0.91 85 95 95 95 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 65 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.88 0.88 0.91 0.91 90 95 100 100 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 100 W 100 W 100 W 150 W 0.83 0.91 0.91 0.88 95 95 100 115 4 1 100 W 0.84 95 5 1 100 W 0.83 95 Style 3, 5-Step LED Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 100 W 150 W 150 W 150 W 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.90 75 95 95 100 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 150 W 150 W 150 W 150 W 0.88 0.90 0.83 0.85 90 95 100 100 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 150 W 150 W 150 W 200 W 0.88 0.90 0.83 0.85 95 100 100 115 4 1 150 W 0.88 95 5 1 150 W 0.83 95 Style 5, Single-Step LED Signs (5.5 A) Direct Mounting 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 65 W 65 W 100 W 100 W 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.88 75 85 85 95 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 65 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.92 0.89 0.90 0.90 75 85 100 100 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 65 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.84 0.88 0.92 0.92 85 95 100 110 4 1 65 W 0.83 85 5 1 65 W 0.92 85 Electrical Supply Signs are internally lighted. The signs are connected to a series circuit using the appropriately-sized 50 or 60 Hz L-830/L-831 isolation transformer(s). D-2 3006 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0402, 96A0455 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA L-858 Sign LED Retrofit Kits for ADB Signs Spare Components Application Description Part No. A retrofit kit is available to convert any existing ADB Airfield Solutions tungsten-halogen or fluorescent sign to an LED light source. Note that the same retrofit kit can be used to convert signs using LED light tubes (Part No. 48A0408 and 48A0409) to the new LED light bar design. The kit is available for all FAA Types: L-858Y, L-858R, L-858L and L-858B; all Sizes: Size 1 through 5; and all module lengths: up to 4 modules. Retrofitting a sign is fast and easy. It typically takes 20 minutes to retrofit a 2-module sign. The retrofit process converts the sign to the same type as an existing ADB ETL-Certified sign. Floor flange (2-bolt) Floor flange, high wind speed (4-bolt) Frangible coupling, size 1 Frangible coupling, size 2 Frangible coupling, size 3 or 5 Frangible coupling, size 4 Tether LED light engine (tube), Size 1, 2, 3, and 5 LED light engine (tube), Size 4 LED light engine (bar), Size 1 and 4 LED light engine (bar), Size 2 LED light engine (bar), Size 3 and 5 LED sign power supply lead assy LED sign lead terminator assy LED sign lead jumper assy 18” LED sign On/Off switch retrofit kit LED sign power supply ass’y, single (tube) LED sign power supply ass’y, dual (tube) LED sign power supply assembly (bar) 62A2142 62A2146 60A2678-10 60A2678-20 60A2678-30 60A2678-40 94A0054 48A04082 48A04093 48A0442-16 48A0442-24 48A0442-32 44A6920 44A6921 44A6922-18 94A0632 44A7086-LT2 44A7088-101,2 44A7260-010 Reduced Maintenance costs An LED sign virtually eliminates runway and taxiway shutdowns due to the long life LED light source. It eliminates re-lamping expenses and reduces on-going maintenance costs. The LED optical design also creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows. Also, the sign provides for improved safety because there is only a low, regulated DC voltage inside sign. Use a dual LED sign power supply assembly for sign sizes 2 and 3 that are 3 and 4 modules. For all other configurations, use a single power supply assembly. For all signs shipped before January 1, 2013, use these spare parts. Use LED Retrofit Kit 94A0628 for replacement purposes. 1 Energy savings An LED sign provides greatly reduced energy consumption compared to existing types of signs. See chart below for more information. 2 3 The LED sign operates on ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA requirements. The sign electronics are designed to operate on 3-step, 5-step and 5.5 A dedicated series circuits. See chart on previous page for sign loading and optimum sign transformer size. Note that the existing larger size transformer, if present, can be reused. Ask for Service Bulletin ALN158 for details on how to retrofit the sign. LED Retrofit Kit for ADB Signs Ordering Code Size 1 = Size 2 = Size 3 = Size 4 = Size 5 = Size 94A0628- 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of Modules 1 = 1 module 2 = 2 modules 3 = 3 modules 4 = 4 modules Packaging Data Signs are shipped with L-823 cord set(s), frangible couplings, and floor flanges–ready for installation. Gross Weight1 Description Carton Dimensions (lb) (kg) Size Size Size Size 1, 1, 1, 1, Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 46 78 115 169 21 35 52 77 34 34 34 34 x x x x 34 x 13 63 x 13 92 x 13 121 x 13 87 87 87 87 Size Size Size Size 2, 2, 2, 2, Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 71 104 153 2202 32 47 70 1002 40 40 40 40 x x x x 40 x 13 76 x 13 112 x 13 147 x 13 102 102 102 102 x x x x 102 193 285 374 x x x x 33 33 33 33 Size Size Size Size 3, 3, 3, 3, Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 81 131 199 252 37 60 90 114 46 46 46 46 x x x x 46 x 13 89 x 13 131 x 13 173 x 13 117 117 117 117 x x x x 117 226 333 440 x x x x 33 33 33 33 Size 4, Module 1 122 56 62 x 52 x 13 158 x 132 x 33 Size 5, Module 1 81 37 46 x 46 x 13 117 x 117 x 33 1 2 (in) (cm) x x x x 86.4 x 33 160 x 33 234 x 33 307 x 33 Estimated weight Weights listed are for halogen signs. Contact ADB for high wind speed sign weights. LED and Halogen Sign Comparison Table Sign Size Style No. of Modules Isolation Transformer Size Required 2,3 Style 2 (3-step) 3 500 W for T-H 100 W for LED 1 Style 3 (5-step) 4 500 W for T-H 150 W for LED LED Max. CCR VA Load* Tungsten Halogen Max CCR VA Load* Energy Savings 100 340 71% 100 233 57% * CCR Load includes both sign and isolation transformer load. 3006 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0402, 96A0455 D-3 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA Ordering Codes Legend Panel Replacement Size 1 = Size 2 = Size 3 = Size 4 = Size Ordering Code 44A6084- 1 2 3 and 5 4 Sign Type 0 = Standard 1 = High Wind Face 1 = Single 2 = Double Size 1 = Size 1 2 = Size 2 3 = Size 3 and 5 Total Number of Panels X = To be determined by ADB Sales Department based on legend and module configurations. Paint Coverage A = Solid (black only)1 C = Clear (paint top only) 3 Power 1 = Power through leg without ON/OFF switch 2 = Power through leg with ON/OFF switch 3 = Power through side without ON/OFF switch3 4 = Power through side with ON/OFF switch3 5 = Customer-provided entry without ON/OFF switch2,3 6 = Customer-provided entry with ON/OFF switch2,3 9 = Power through bottom without ON/OFF switch3 A = Power through bottom with ON/OFF switch3 Paint Color R = Red Y = Yellow B = Black1 Note: 1 For option A (solid), customer must select option B (black). Option C (clear) can be paired with either red or yellow. 44A7264-1 Battery-powered tester is used during maintenance activities to separately test a single LED light bar. Uses four size D batteries and outputs 350 mA. Output is activated using a momentary switch. Note: Tester can also be used on all ADB SB-type LED signs. 94A0649 Kit contains a weatherproof cover, template and hardware to put a cover over the ON/OFF switch. D-4 3006 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0402, 96A0455 0 Style 7 = LED Style 2, Style 3, and Style 5 Legend Panel Divider Assembly 44A6173- Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3 Module 1 = 1 Module 2 = 2 Modules 3 = 3 Modules 4 = 4 Modules Panel Type 1 = With legend (retroreflective) 2 = Black ON/OFF Switch Cover Kit -7 Sign Size 1 = Size 1 2 = Size 2 3 = Size 3 4 = Size 4 5 = Size 5 Number of Modules 1 = 1 module 2 = 2 modules LED Light Engine Tester S Lamp Type R = LED S = LED High Wind1 Tether 0 = No tether3 1 = One tether on one end of sign 2 = Two tethers, one on each end 3 = One tether per leg Notes • Customer to provide legend information and power connection side. It is important to match power cord exit location with legend side. 1 Use high wind signs in locations where actual wind speed exceeds FAA specifications (Mode 3). High wind signs are tested to a minimum wind load of 327 mph as recommended by FAA technical paper DOT/FAA/AR-TN00/32: Evaluation of WindLoading on Airport Signs. High wind signs require four anchor bolts per floor flange except Size 1, which uses the standard 2-bolt foot. 2 Cord set coiled up inside. Customer provides entry hole. 3 Not ETL Certified ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSB-L LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign ICAO/TP 312 Compliance with Standards ICAO: T/C: Annex 14, Volume I, para 5.4 and Appendix 4 Transport Canada TP 312 TP 312 LED Sign ICAO LED Sign Uses Features (Continued) On Civil Airfields: • Mandatory instruction signs • Creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows • Information signs • Operates on ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA or IEC requirements • VOR check-point sign On Military Airbases: • Mandatory instruction signs • Information signs • Operates on all steps of a 3-step or 5-step CCR and on a 5.5 A CCR. • Improved safety — low, regulated DC voltage inside sign • VOR check-point sign • Eliminates re-lamping expenses and reduces on-going maintenance costs • Runway distance-to-go signs • Exceeds latest ICAO and TP 312 requirements for colorimetry. • Arrester barrier signs Mandatory signs – are used to identify a location beyond which an authorization from the tower is required to proceed. They include road-, taxi- and Cat I, II and III holding position signs, runway designation signs and “NO ENTRY” signs. They have white legends on red background. Information signs – are all the other signs (except runway distance signs) providing information on routing (direction or destination) and on location. Information signs have black lettering on yellow background, except location signs. Location signs have a yellow legend on a black background. The message on stand-alone location signs is surrounded by a yellow border. Operating Conditions The taxiway and runway signs are designed for continuous outdoor use under the conditions presented below for operating temperature range, humidity, and wind. Temperature: -55 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Wind: ADB standard signs withstand a wind loading of 320 km/h (200 mph) and break before the wind loading reaches 480 km/h (300 mph). Features • Modular construction: commonality of mechanical and electrical components throughout entire sign range. • Low mass, frangible yet rigid construction based on aluminum extrusions and panels. Installation Remote Mounting Each sign is furnished complete with (Recommended) mounting flanges for installation on a level concrete pad, which is the recommended method of installation. Refer to ADB sign manual for typical sign installations. Other mounting options such as steel transition plates are available. Contact ADB Sales Department for more information on sign installation hardware. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Unique LED Light Bar design maximizes energy efficiency • Available Battery Tester provides for quick and easy testing of individual LED Light Bars • Electrical design uses a minimal number of components which maximizes sign MTBF and greatly simplifies troubleshooting efforts. 6. 7. 8. L-823 Cord Set Direct Mounting Cable Clamp Floor Flange 2-inch Conduit Elbow (contractor supplied) L-867 Blank Cover Plate with Gasket L-823 Extension Cord (purchased separately) L-867 Base (purchased separately) L-867 Base Plate (special - purchased separately) • Virtually eliminates runway and taxiway shutdowns due to longlasting LED light source 3060 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0467 D-5 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSB-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Sign Dimensions 1 section, 2 legs Standard mounting height shown. 3 sections, 4 legs 2 sections, 3 legs 600 mm and 800 mm Height Sign Dimensions (mm/inches) Sign Type Illuminated Face Length B C D E NA NA 1 Section, 2 Legs SBXA 700 mm 655.3 (25.90) 759.7 (29.92) SBXB 900 mm 855.5 (33.68) 959.9 (37.79) NA NA SBXC 1100 mm 1055.4 (41.55) 1159.8 (45.66) NA NA SBXD 1300 mm 1255.3 (49.42) 1359.7 (53.53) NA NA SBXE 1500 mm 1455.4 (57.30) 1559.8 (61.41) NA NA SBXF 1700 mm NA 1759.7 (69.28) SBXG 1900 mm NA 1959.7 (77.16) 927.7 (36.53) NA SBXH 2100 mm NA 2159.7 (85.03) 1027.7 (40.26) NA 2 Section, 3 Legs 827.7 (32.59) NA SBXJ 2300 mm NA 2359.7 (92.90) 1127.7 (44.40) NA SBXK 2500 mm NA 2559.7 (100.78) 1227.7 (48.34) NA SBXL 2700 mm NA 2759.7 (108.65) 1327.7 (52.27) NA SBXM 2900 mm NA 2959.7 (116.53) 1427.7 (56.21) NA SBXN 3300 mm NA 3359.7 (132.27) 1077.7 (42.43) 1100.0 (43.31) SBXP 3700 mm NA 3636.5 (143.17) 1277.7 (50.30) 1100.0 (43.31) 3 Section, 4 Legs Electrical Supply Sign Load & Transformer Requirements Signs are internally lighted. The signs are connected to a series circuit using the appropriately-sized 50 or 60 Hz L-830/ L-831 isolation transformer. Contact the ADB Sales Department for sign load information. D-6 3060 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0467 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSB-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Packaging Data (600 mm Signs) Gross Assembled Weight1 Sign Type SB6A STD Height SBDX 1219 mm (48”) SBEX2 1524 mm (60”) Carton Dimensions (h x w x d2) SBFX2 1829 mm (72’) (lb) (kg) (lb) (kg) (lb) (kg) (lb) (kg) 64 29.0 69 31.3 75 34.0 79 35.8 Standard Height (in) (mm) 36 x 37 x 13 914 x 950 x 330 SB6B 72 32.6 77 34.9 83 37.6 87 39.5 36 x 45 x 13 914 x 1150 x 330 SB6C 80 36.3 85 38.5 91 41.3 95 43.1 36 x 53 x 13 914 x 1350 x 330 SB6D 88 39.9 93 42.2 99 44.9 103 46.7 36 x 61 x 13 914 x 1550 x 330 SB6E 97 44.0 102 46.3 108 49.0 112 50.8 36 x 70 x 13 914 x 1750 x 330 SB6F 122 55.3 130 59.0 138 62.6 145 65.8 36 x 77 x 13 914 x 1950 x 330 SB6G 130 59.0 138 62.6 146 66.2 153 69.4 36 x 85 x 13 914 x 2150 x 330 SB6H 138 62.6 146 66.2 154 69.8 161 73.0 36 x 93 x 13 914 x 2350 x 330 SB6J 146 66.2 152 68.9 162 73.5 169 76.6 3.6 x 100 x 13 914 x 2550 x 330 SB6K 153 69.4 161 73.0 169 76.6 176 79.8 36 x 108 x 13 914 x 2750 x 330 SB6L 161 73.0 169 76.6 177 80.3 184 83.5 36 x 116 x 13 914 x 2950 x 330 SB6M 169 76.6 177 80.3 185 83.9 192 87.1 36 x 124 x 13 914 x 3150 x 330 SB6N 203 92.1 213 96.6 225 102.0 233 101.1 36 x 140 x 13 914 x 3550 x 330 SB6P 220 99.8 230 104.3 242 109.8 250 113.4 36 x 156 x 13 914 x 3950 x 330 Notes ● 1219 mm (48”) signs ship 1295 mm (51”) high. 1524 mm (60”) and 1829 mm (72”) signs ship at standard height. 1 Weights listed are for standard LED signs. 2 Shipped as standard height with legs enclosed separately; requires assembly. Packaging Data (800 mm Signs) Signs are shipped with L-823 cord set(s), frangible couplings, and floor flanges – ready for installation. Sign Type Gross Weight1 (lb) (kg) Carton Dimensions (h x w x d) (in) (mm) SB8A 72 32.6 43.5 x 37 x 13 1105 x 950 x 330 SB8B 82 37.0 43.5 x 45 x 13 1105 x 1150 x 330 SB8C 94 42.6 43.5 x 53 x 13 1105 x 1350 x 330 SB8D 104 47.0 43.5 x 61 x 13 1105 x 1550 x 330 SB8E 114 51.7 43.5 x 70 x 13 1105 x 1750 x 330 SB8F 136 61.7 43.5 x 77 x 13 1105 x 1950 x 330 SB8G 149 67.6 43.5 x 85 x 13 1105 x 2150 x 330 SB8H 161 73.0 43.5 x 93 x 13 1105 x 2350 x 330 SB8J 173 78.5 43.5 x 100 x 13 1105 x 2550 x 330 SB8K 182 82.5 43.5 x 108 x 13 1105 x 2750 x 330 SB8L 193 87.5 43.5 x 116 x 13 1105 x 2950 x 330 SB8M 205 93.0 43.5 x 124 x 13 1105 x 3150 x 330 SB8N 242 110.0 43.5 x 140 x 13 1105 x 3550 x 330 SB8P 265 120.2 43.5 x 156 x 13 1105 x 3950 x 330 1 Weights listed are for standard LED signs. Construction Corrosion-resistant sign construction requires minimal maintenance. The sign uses aluminum housing, acrylic sign legend panels, stainless steel hardware, and translucent sheeting. Legend Panel Replacement Ordering Code 44A7 - 0 Panel Color 157 = Black 433 = All other colors Visible Face Height 6 = 600 mm 8 = 800 mm Visible Panel Width 07 = 700 mm 09 = 900 mm 11 = 1100 mm 13 = 1300 mm 15 = 1500 mm 17 = 1700 mm 19 = 1900 mm 21 = 2100 mm 23 = 2300 mm 25 = 2500 mm 27 = 2700 mm 29 = 2900 mm 33 = 3300 mm 37 = 3700 mm Panel Type 1 = With legend 2 = Black Wind Rating 0 = Standard Note: Customer to specify character height and legend information. 3060 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0467 D-7 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSB-L I LED Light Bar Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Ordering Code S - 6 Type B = ICAO/TP 312 LED Light Bar Viewing Window 0 = Without LED viewing window 1 = With LED viewing window2 Sign Height1 6 = 600 mm standard height 8 = 800 mm standard height D = 600 mm 48” (1219 mm) OAH2 E = 600 mm 60” (1524 mm) OAH2 F = 600 mm 72” (1829 mm) OAH2 G = 800 mm 48” (1219 mm) OAH2 H = 800 mm 60” (1524 mm) OAH2 J = 800 mm 72” (1829 mm) OAH2 Tether 0 = No tether 1 = One tether on one end of sign 2 = Two tethers, one on each end 3 = One tether per leg Power 1 = Power through leg without ON/OFF switch 2 = Power through leg with ON/OFF switch 3 = Power through side without ON/OFF switch 4 = Power through side with ON/OFF switch 5 = Customer-provided entry without ON/OFF switch4 6 = Customer-provided entry with ON/OFF switch4 7 = Power through bottom without ON/OFF switch 8 = Power through bottom with ON/OFF switch Illuminated Face Length A = 700 mm B = 900 mm C = 1100 mm D = 1300 mm E = 1500 mm F = 1700 mm G = 1900 mm H = 2100 mm J = 2300 mm K = 2500 mm L = 2700 mm M = 2900 mm N = 3300 mm P = 3700 mm 6 Wind Rating S = Standard (320 km/h, 200 mph) Notes • Left-Right designation determined when viewing secondary side of the sign • Customer to provide legend information and power connection side. It is important to match power cord exit location with legend side. 1 Standard character height for 600 mm sign is 400 mm. Standard character height for 800 mm sign is 600 mm. Customer to advise if different character height is needed. 2 TP 312 standard configuration 3 Operates on 3-step, 5-step and 5.5 A dedicated series circuits. 4 Cord set coiled up inside. Customer provides entry hole. Illumination 7 = Constant illumination from 2.8 to 6.6 A3 Face 1 = Single 2 = Double Spare Components Description Part No. For frangible couplings, see drawing 117A00691 Cord set, L-823 Cord set, TP 312, 12/2 SO cord, 2.5 m Floor flange (2-bolt)2 Floor flange (4-bolt)2 LED Light Bar, 16” LED Light Bar, 24” LED Light Bar, 32” LED Strip Field Replacement Kit, 800 mm Tether 73A0107-72 73A0155-2.5 62A2142 62A2146 48A0442-16 48A0442-24 48A0442-32 94A0627-8 94A0054 1 2 LED Light Engine Tester 44A7264-1 Battery-powered tester is used during maintenance activities to separately test a single LED light bar. Uses four size D batteries and outputs 350 mA. Output is activated using a momentary switch. Note: Tester can also be used on all ADB SR- or SS-type LED signs. This installation drawing is available on the ADB website or you can request a copy from your sales representative. Refer to installation drawing 117A0069 to determine which floor flange is needed. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. D-8 3060 Rev. B I Manual No. 96A0467 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign FAA Compliance with Standards FAA: L-858Y, L-858R, L-858L, and L-858B AC 150/5345-44 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Uses Features (Continued) FAA L-858Y(L) Direction, Destination, and Boundary (Informational Sign) • One of the lowest installation costs in the industry. Reduced number of legs and two-hole flanges minimize installation labor. FAA L-858R(L) Mandatory Sign FAA L-858L(L) Runway/Taxiway Location Sign: These signs are designed to guide pilots to a particular point on the field, identify holding positions, identify taxiway and runway intersections, and prohibit aircraft entry into designated areas. • Thinnest sign width of all the major sign manufacturers (9.39 inches) minimizes size of concrete pad required. FAA L-858B(L) Runway Distance Remaining Sign: The L-858B is used at 1,000-foot intervals adjacent to the runway edge in order to provide runway distance remaining information to pilots during takeoff and landing operations. • Sign is shipped pre-assembled with mounting hardware and tethers (when supplied) and is ready for installation upon arrival. • No need to open sign for common maintenance activities. Lamps can be replaced from the top without tools. • Unique low volt/amp, high power factor active ballast for outstanding energy-efficient operation on tungsten-halogen Style 2 and 3 signs. Same electronics used for both Style 2 and 3 signs. • Sign color legible at night from more than 800 feet Sign Legends • Distortion-free flat legend panels Type Purpose Legend Color Background Color L-858Y Direction, Destination & Boundary Black Yellow L-858R Mandatory Sign White with Black Outline Red L-858L Runway/Taxiway Location Yellow Black • Panel dividers not required for contiguous messages. Panel dividers normally used only on sign message arrays. L-858B Runway Distance Remaining White Black • Bolted structure allows easy field repairs and refurbishing, reducing repair costs for damaged and aging signs • Retroreflective sheeting is used on all legend panels to increase visibility. Aircraft lights will illuminate sign face if lamp out occurs. • Modular construction allows for easy panel replacement Features • Multi-length continuous legend panels available • Corrosion-resistant sign construction requires minimal maintenance (aluminum housing and stainless steel hardware) • Unique illumination system creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows, resulting in a much more readable sign and improved visibility, leading to safer runways and taxiways • Legend and blank acrylic sign panels are easily removable and interchangeable • Unlike conventional signs, ADB guidance signs are more uniformly illuminated and brighter, providing optimal pilot visibility under all weather conditions regardless of the type of aircraft being operated • Optional lamps-out indicator is visible even if power is off • Low-energy/long-life halogen lamps are 48 W with a rated lamp life of 1,500 hours and an actual lamp life in excess of 6,000 hours, leading to a reduction of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic relamping expenses • Backup lamp option available; lamps switch on automatically (Style 2 & 3 signs) • Optional high-wind speed sign is available for those locations where wind speed is higher than FAA specification value. Any sign can be converted to a high-wind speed version • An optional fluorescent sign is available. These signs use 18 W lamps with a rated lamp life of 10,000 hours. • Lamps are the same as used on F-Range in-pavement lights, minimizing spare parts needs • Uses fewer legs than conventional signs and 50% fewer anchor bolts per leg. Number of legs = N + 1, with N being the number of modules. 2040 Rev. Y I Manual No. 96A0286 D-9 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF I Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA Sign Load & Transformer Requirements Sign Load & Transformer Requirements In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the L-830 transformer. In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the L-830 transformer. Low VA Halogen Lamps Fluorescent Lamps Sign Size No. of Modules Transformer No. of Lamps Sign Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load 48 Watt Lamps—Style 2, 3-Step Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A) 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 2 3 4 100 W 200 W 300 W 300 W 1 2 3 4 0.98 0.99 0.98 0.99 106 155 202 250 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 200 W 300 W 500 W 300 W (2) 2 4 6 8 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.97 155 250 340 450 4 1 300 W 4 0.99 250 5 1 200 W 2 0.99 155 Transformer No. of Lamps Sign Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 1 2 3 4 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.93 68 88 106 127 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 200 W 200 W 300 W 300 W 2 4 6 8 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.93 88 127 172 203 4 1 200 W 4 0.93 127 5 1 200 W 2 0.95 88 18 Watt Lamps—Style 3, 5-Step Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 200 W 300 W 500 W 500 W 1 2 3 4 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.98 105 145 190 233 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 300 W 500 W 500 & 300 W 500 W (2) 2 4 6 8 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.97 145 233 350 440 4 1 500 W 4 0.98 233 5 1 300 W 2 0.98 145 48 Watt Lamps—Style 5 Signs (5.5 A 2, 2, 2, 2, No. of Modules 18 Watt Lamps—Style 2, 3-Step Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A) 1 1 1 1 48 Watt Lamps—Style 3, 5-Step Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) 2, 2, 2, 2, Sign Size 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 200 W 200 W 200 W 300 W 1 2 3 4 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.93 68 88 106 127 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 200 W 300 W 500 W 500 W 2 4 6 8 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.89 88 127 172 199 4 1 300 W 4 0.93 127 5 1 200 W 2 0.95 88 18 Watt Lamps—Style 5 Signs (5.5 A) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 45 W* 100W 200 W 200 W 1 2 3 4 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 48 96 144 192 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 100 W 200 W 300 W 500 W 2 4 6 8 0.99 0.99 1.00 0.98 96 192 288 384 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 100 W 100 W 100 W 200 W 1 2 3 4 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.93 57 77 96 116 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 100 W 200 W 200 W 300 W 2 4 6 8 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.93 77 116 158 192 4 1 200 W 4 0.99 192 4 1 200 W 4 0.93 116 5 1 100 W 2 0.99 96 5 1 100 W 2 0.95 77 * Substitute 65 W transformer when implementing an LED retrofit kit. Electrical Supply Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Range Class 1 2 Wind2 Humidity Velocities 1 -4 °F to +131 °F (-20 °C to +55 °C) 0 to 100% 225 mph 21 -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) 0 to 100% 225 mph All halogen signs are Class II. ADB Mode 2 signs withstand wind velocities up to 225 mph. ADB Mode 3 (high wind) signs withstand wind velocities up to 327 mph. D - 10 2040 Rev. Y I Manual No. 96A0286 Informational, mandatory and location signs are available in three sizes. The runway distance remaining signs are available in two sizes. The signs are connected to a series circuit using the appropriately-sized 50 or 60 Hz L-830 isolation transformer(s). Sign Size No. 1 2 3 4 5 Quartz Halogen, 6.6 A, 48 W Lamps Required Fluorescent, 6.6 A 18 W Lamps Required 1 2 2 4 2 1 per Module 2 per Module 2 per Module 4 only 2 only per Module per Module per Module only only GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF I Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA Installation L-858 Sign LED Retrofit Kits for ADB Signs Each sign is furnished complete with mounting flanges for installation on a concrete pad, which is the recommended method of installation. Stake mounting option is available. Refer to ADB sign instruction manual for typical sign installations. Contact the ADB Sales Department for more information on sign installation hardware. Application 1. L-823 Cord Set 2. Cable Clamp A retrofit kit is available to convert any existing ADB Airfield Solutions FAA incandescent tungsten-halogen or fluorescent sign to an LED light source. The kit is available for all FAA Types: L-858Y, L-858R, L-858L and L-858B; all Sizes: Size 1 through 5; and all module lengths: up to 4 modules. Retrofitting a sign is fast and easy. It typically takes 20 minutes to retrofit a 2-module sign. The retrofit process converts the sign to the same type as an existing ADB ETL-Certified sign. 3. Floor Flange 4. 2-inch Conduit Elbow (contractor supplied) Reduced Maintenance Costs 5. L-867 Blank Cover Plate with Gasket An LED sign virtually eliminates runway shutdowns due to the long life LED light source. It eliminates re-lamping expenses and reduces on-going maintenance costs. The LED optical design also creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows. Also, the sign provides for improved safety because there is only a low, regulated DC voltage inside sign. 6. L-823 Extension Cord (purchased separately) 7. L-867 Base (purchased separately) 8. L-867 Base Plate (special - purchased separately) Remote Mounting (Recommended) Energy Savings An LED sign provides greatly reduced energy consumption compared to existing types of signs. See chart below for more information. The LED sign operates on ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA requirements. The sign electronics are designed to operate on all steps of a 3-step or 5-step CCR and on a 5.5 A CCR. See LED sign load chart on data sheet 3006 - AGSF-L for sign loading and optimum sign transformer size. Note that the existing larger size transformer, if present, can be reused. Ask for Service Bulletin ALN158 for details on how to retrofit the sign. Direct Mounting LED Retrofit Kit for ADB Signs Ordering Code Size 1 = Size 2 = Size 3 = Size 4 = Size 5 = Size 94A0628- 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of Modules 1 = 1 module 2 = 2 modules 3 = 3 modules 4 = 4 modules LED and Halogen Sign Comparison Table Sign Size Style No. of Modules Isolation Transformer Size Required LED Max. CCR VA Load* Tungsten Halogen Max CCR VA Load* Energy Savings 2,3 Style 2 (3-step) 3 500 W for T-H 100 W for LED 100 340 71% 1 Style 3 (5-step) 4 500 W for T-H 150 W for LED 100 233 57% * CCR Load includes both sign and isolation transformer load. 2040 Rev. Y I Manual No. 96A0286 D - 11 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF I Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA Ordering Code Dimensions Sign Heights Sign Size No. Sign Face Legend Height Height in (cm) in (cm) Sign Style No. Sign Class No. Overall Mounting Height in (cm) L-858Y/R/L 1 1 18 (45.7) 12 (30.5) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 29.7 (75.5) L-858Y/R/L 2 2 24 (61) 15 (38.1) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 35.7 (90.8) L-858Y/R/L 3 3 30 (76.2) 18 (45.7) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 41.7 (106) L-858B 4 4 48 (122) 40 (101.6) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 58.2 (147.8) L-858B 5 5 30 (76.2) 25 (63.5) 2,3,5 2,3,5 1,2 1,2 41.7 (106) Type Size No. 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 1 29.4 (75) 58.6 (149) 87.9 (223) 117.2 (298) 2 35.9 (91) 71.6 (182) 107.4 (273) 143.2 (364) 3 42.4 (108) 84.6 (215) 126.9 (323) 169.2 (430) 4 47.9 (122) N/A N/A N/A 5 42.4 (108) N/A N/A N/A Signs are shipped with L-823 cord set(s), frangible couplings, and floor flanges–ready for installation. Carton Dimensions (kg) (in) (cm) x x x x Size Size Size Size 1, 1, 1, 1, Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 46 78 115 169 21 35 52 77 34 34 34 34 x x x x 34 x 13 63 x 13 92 x 13 121 x 13 87 87 87 87 86.4 x 33 160 x 33 234 x 33 307 x 33 Size Size Size Size 2, 2, 2, 2, Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 71 104 153 2202 32 47 70 1002 40 40 40 40 x x x x 40 x 13 76 x 13 112 x 13 147 x 13 102 102 102 102 x x x x 102 193 285 374 x x x x 33 33 33 33 Size Size Size Size 3, 3, 3, 3, Module Module Module Module 1 2 3 4 81 131 199 252 37 60 90 114 46 46 46 46 x x x x 46 x 13 89 x 13 131 x 13 173 x 13 117 117 117 117 x x x x 117 226 333 440 x x x x 33 33 33 33 Size 4, Module 1 122 56 62 x 52 x 13 158 x 132 x 33 Size 5, Module 1 81 37 46 x 46 x 13 117 x 117 x 33 Notes 1 Weights listed are for halogen signs. Contact ADB for high wind speed sign weights. 2 Estimated weight D - 12 2040 Rev. Y I Manual No. 96A0286 (1 (2 (2 (4 (2 lamp per module) lamps per module) lamps per module) lamps only) lamps only) Style 1 = Low VA Halogen Style 2 & 3 (3- & 5-Step) 2 = Low VA Halogen Style 5 (5.5 A) 3 = Fluorescent Style 2 (3-Step), Style 3 (5-Step) & Style 5 (5.5 A)3,4 Face 1 = Single 2 = Double Backup Lamps 0 = 18 W fluorescent without backup lamps4 1 = 48 W halogen without backup lamps 2 = 48 W halogen with backup lamps Packaging Data (lb) Sign Size 1 = Size 1 2 = Size 2 3 = Size 3 4 = Size 4 5 = Size 5 Total Number of Panels X = To be determined by ADB Sales Department based on legend and module configurations. Notes • Sign depth is 9.39 in (23.85 cm). • See our website for additional dimension and installation information. Description - Module 1 = 1 Module 2 = 2 Module 3 = 3 Module 4 = 4 Module Sign Lengths - Inches (Centimeters) Gross Weight1 S Lamp Type H = Halogen W = High Wind/Halogen1 F = Fluorescent4 N = High Wind/Fluorescent1,4 Power 1 = Power through leg without ON/OFF switch 2 = Power through leg with ON/OFF switch 3 = Power through side without ON/OFF switch4 4 = Power through side with ON/OFF switch4 5 = Customer-provided entry without ON/OFF switch2,4 6 = Customer-provided entry with ON/OFF switch2,4 9 = Power through bottom without ON/OFF switch4 A = Power through bottom with ON/OFF switch4 Tether 0 = No tether4 1 = One tether on one end of sign 2 = Two tethers, one on each end 3 = One tether per leg Lamps Out Indicator (Halogen Only) 0 = Without 1 = With Sign Ordering Code Notes • Customer to provide legend information and power connection side. It is important to match power cord exit location with legend side. 1 Use high wind signs in those locations where actual wind speed exceeds FAA specifications (Mode 3). High wind signs tested to a minimum wind load of 327 mph as recommended by FAA technical paper DOT/FAA/AR-TN00/32: Evaluation of WindLoading on Airport Signs. High wind signs require four anchor bolts per floor flange except Size 1, which uses the standard 2-bolt foot. 2 Cord set coiled up inside side. Customer provides entry hole. 3 Backup lamps and lamps out features are not available. 4 Not ETL Certified GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSF I Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign - FAA Spare Components Ordering Codes Legend Panel Replacement Size 1 = Size 2 = Size 3 = Size 4 = Size 44A6084- 1 2 3 and 5 4 Number of Modules 1 = 1 module 2 = 2 modules Panel Type 1 = With legend (retroreflective) 2 = Black Part No. Cover Kit, On/Off Switch1 Mounting flange (2-bolt) Mounting flange, high wind speed (4-bolt) Optical bracket assembly, without optional lamp Optical bracket assembly, with optional lamp Optional On/Off Switch Panel support assembly, Size 1 Panel support assembly, Size 2 Panel support assembly, Size 3 and 5 Panel support assembly, Size 4 Tether 94A0649 62A2142 62A2146 44A6527-1 44A6527-2 45A0456 44A6172-1 44A6172-2 44A6172-3 44A6172-4 94A0054 Notes 1 Contains a weatherproof cover, template and hardware to put a cover over the On/Off switch. Sign Type 0 = Standard 1 = Hi-Wind Legend Panel Divider Assembly Description Halogen Spare Components 44A6173- Size 1 = Size 1 2 = Size 2 3 = Size 3 and 5 Paint Coverage A = Solid (black only)1 C = Clear (paint top only) Paint Color R = Red Y = Yellow B = Black1 Notes 1 For option A (solid), customer must select option B (black). Option C (clear) can be paired with either red or yellow. Optional Lamps-Out Indicator Kit Part Number _____________________________ 94A0373 Note: Used to add lamps-out indicator on existing tungstenhalogen signs. Construction Corrosion-resistant sign construction requires minimal maintenance. • Aluminum housing • Acrylic sign legend panels • Stainless steel hardware • Retroreflective sheeting • Translucent plastic panel dividers used between multi-module legend panels Description Part No. Capacitor, 5-step, std. VA sign (1 and 2 lamps)1 Capacitor, 5-step, std. VA sign (4, 6, or 8 lamps)1 Cord set, L-823 Frangible coupling, size 1 Frangible coupling, size 2 Frangible coupling, size 3 or 5 Frangible coupling, size 4 Halogen sign power supply assembly2 Lamp, 48 W, 6.6 A, halogen Sign active ballast assembly, low VA signs (8 lamps)3 Sign active ballast assembly, low VA signs (4 lamps)3 Sign rectifier assembly, Size 1, 2, 3, and 53 Sign rectifier assembly, Size 43 Transformer, 5.5-6.2 A (Style 5 Signs) Transformer, 3-step, standard VA signs (all lamps) Transformer, 5-step, standard VA signs (1 & 2 lamps) Transformer, 5-step, standard VA signs (4, 6, or 8 lamps) 20A0036 20A0035 73A0107-72 60A2678-10 60A2678-20 60A2678-30 60A2678-40 44A7156-200 2990.40.827 44A6225 44A6225-4 44A6251-1 44A6251-2 35A0455 35A0635 35A0644 35A0642 Notes 1 No capacitor needed for 3-step signs. 2 Does not include PCB drip shield cover. 3 For all signs shipped before May 2013, use these spare parts. Fluorescent Spare Components Description Part No. Fluorescent sign ballast, one-lamp1 Fluorescent sign ballast, two-lamp1 Fluorescent sign optical bracket Fluorescent sign power supply Fluorescent sign, diffuser, panel retainer Fluorescent sign, Size 1-3, diffuser panel Fluorescent sign, Size 1-3, bottom diffuser panel Lamp, 18 W, fluorescent 35A0687-1 35A0687-2 60A2953 44A6631 63A1039 63A1042-X 63A1056-XX 48A0376 Notes 1 If you need to replace a fluorescent sign ballast, please refer to Manual 96A0286 before placing an order. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2040 Rev. Y I Manual No. 96A0286 D - 13 GUIDANCE SIGNS Benefits Sheet: AGSF Incandescent Airfield Guidance Sign FAA, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED Unique Illumination System ADVANTAGES • Creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows Thinnest sign width in the industry BENEFITS ADVANTAGES • Much more readable sign and improved visibility, resulting in safer runways and taxiways • Smallest sign footprint in industry minimizes size of concrete mounting pad BENEFITS Low-energy/long-life 48 W/6.6 A quartz halogen lamps • One of the lowest installation costs in the industry ADVANTAGES • Rated lamp life of 1,500 hours and an actual lamp life in excess of 6,000 hours • Installation, labor and material cost saving BENEFITS Easy to maintain • Reduction of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic relamping expenses ADVANTAGES Energy-efficient, high power factor • Bolted structure allows easy field repairs and refurbishing ADVANTAGES • Unique low volt/amp, high power factor active ballast for outstanding energy-efficient operation on tungsten-halogen Style 2 & 3 signs. Same electronics used for both Style 2 & 3 signs. • No need to open sign for common maintenance activities — lamps can be replaced from the top without tools • Modular construction allows for easy panel replacement • Legend and blank acrylic sign panels are easily removable and interchangeable • Corrosion-resistant sign construction requires minimal maintenance (aluminum housing and stainless steel hardware) BENEFITS • Energy savings • Any sign can be converted to a high-wind speed version Uses fewer legs than conventional signs and 50% fewer anchor bolts per leg ADVANTAGES BENEFITS • Reduces maintenance labor costs • Faster and easier to install • Reduces repair costs for damaged and aging signs BENEFITS Shipped pre-assembled with mounting hardware • One of the lowest installation costs in the industry ADVANTAGES • Installation, labor and material cost savings • No preparation required, sign is ready for installation upon arrival Retroreflective, distortion-free, flat legend panels BENEFITS ADVANTAGES • One of the lowest installation costs in the industry • Retroreflective sheeting is used on all FAA legend panels to increase visibility. Aircraft lights will illuminate sign face if lamp out occurs. • Multi-length continuous legend panels available • Panel dividers not required for contiguous messages. Dividers normally used only on sign message arrays • Installation and labor cost savings Optional features reduce maintenance costs • Backup lamps switch on automatically (Style 2 & 3 signs) • Lamps-out indicator — visible even if power is off • Translucent plastic panel dividers used between multimodule legend panels High Wind Sign Option BENEFITS • Optional high-wind speed sign is available for those locations where wind speed is higher than FAA specification value • Increased message legibility and sign visibility Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. D - 14 2058 Rev. G ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSI-L LED Airfield Guidance Sign ICAO/TP 312 Compliance with Standards ICAO: T/C: TP 312 LED Sign ICAO LED Sign Annex 14, Volume I, para 5.4 and Appendix 4 Transport Canada TP 312 Uses On Civil Airfields: • Mandatory instruction signs • Information signs • VOR check-point sign On Military Airbases: • Mandatory instruction signs Features (Continued) • Eliminates re-lamping expenses and reduces on-going maintenance costs • Exceeds latest ICAO and TP 312 requirements for luminance and colorimetry. • Modular construction: commonality of mechanical and electrical components throughout entire sign range. • Low mass, frangible yet rigid construction based on aluminum extrusions. • Information signs • VOR check-point sign Electrical Supply • Runway distance-to-go signs Signs are internally lighted. The signs are connected to a series circuit using the appropriately-sized 50 or 60 Hz L-830/ L-831 isolation transformer(s). • Arrester barrier signs Mandatory signs – are used to identify a location beyond which an authorization from the tower is required to proceed. They include road-, taxi- and Cat I, II and III holding position signs, runway designation signs and “NO ENTRY” signs. They have white legends on red background. Information signs – are all the other signs (except runway distance signs) providing information on routing (direction or destination) and on location. Information signs have black lettering on yellow background, except location signs. Location signs have a yellow legend on a black background. The message on stand-alone location signs is surrounded by a yellow border. Operating Conditions The taxiway and runway signs are designed for continuous outdoor use under the conditions presented below for operating temperature range, humidity, and wind. Temperature: -55 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Wind: ADB standard signs withstand a wind loading of 320 km/h (200 mph) and break before the wind loading reaches 480 km/h (300 mph). Features • Virtually eliminates runway shutdowns due to long-lasting LED light source • Creates a highly uniform distribution of light, eliminating hot spots and shadows • Operates on ferroresonant or thyristor CCRs that are designed in compliance with FAA or IEC requirements • Operates on all steps of a 3-step or 5-step CCR and on a 5.5 A CCR. • Improved safety — low, regulated DC voltage inside sign Construction Corrosion-resistant sign construction requires minimal maintenance. The sign uses aluminum housing, impact-resistant acrylic sign legend panels, stainless steel hardware, and translucent sheeting. Installation Each sign is furnished complete with mounting flanges for installation on a level concrete pad, which is the recommended method of installation. Refer to ADB sign manual for typical sign installations. Other mounting Remote Mounting options such as (Recommended) steel transition plates are available. Contact ADB Sales Department for more information on sign installation hardware. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L-823 Cord Set Cable Clamp Direct Mounting Floor Flange 2-inch Conduit Elbow (contractor supplied) L-867 Blank Cover Plate with Gasket. L-823 Extension Cord (purchased separately) L-867 Base (purchased separately) L-867 Base Plate (special - purchased separately) 3032 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0436 D - 15 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSI-L I LED Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Sign Load & Transformer Requirements Sign Load & Transformer Requirements In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the transformer. In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the transformer. 600 mm Single Face Sign* 600 mm Double Face Sign* Sign Type No. of Modules Sign Length (mm) Transformer Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load 3-Step LED Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A Sign Type No. of Modules Sign Length (mm) Transformer Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load 3-Step LED Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A) SI6A SI6B SI6C SI6D SI6E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 84 84 84 84 84 SI6A SI6B SI6C SI6D SI6E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.88 84 84 86 86 120 SI6F SI6G SI6H SI6J SI6K SI6L SI6M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.88 0.88 84 86 86 86 86 120 120 SI6F SI6G SI6H SI6J SI6K SI6L SI6M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 120 146 146 206 206 234 234 SI6N SI6P 3 3 3300 3700 200 W 200 W 0.88 0.88 118 146 SI6N SI6P 3 3 3300 3700 200 W 300 W 0.87 0.87 234 249 5-Step LED Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) 5-Step LED Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) SI6A SI6B SI6C SI6D SI6E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 84 84 84 84 84 SI6A SI6B SI6C SI6D SI6E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.88 84 84 86 86 120 SI6F SI6G SI6H SI6J SI6K SI6L SI6M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.88 0.88 84 86 86 86 86 120 120 SI6F SI6G SI6H SI6J SI6K SI6L SI6M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 120 146 146 206 206 234 234 SI6N SI6P 3 3 3300 3700 200 W 300 W 0.88 0.88 118 146 SI6N SI6P 3 3 3300 3700 500 W 500 W 0.87 0.87 234 249 Single-Step LED Signs (5.5 A) Single-Step LED Signs (5.5 A) SI6A SI6B SI6C SI6D SI6E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 84 84 84 84 84 SI6A SI6B SI6C SI6D SI6E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.88 84 84 84 84 120 SI6F SI6G SI6H SI6J SI6K SI6L SI6M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.82 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.88 0.88 84 86 86 86 86 120 120 SI6F SI6G SI6H SI6J SI6K SI6L SI6M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 100 W 150 W 150 W 150 W 150 W 150 W 150 W 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 120 146 146 206 206 234 234 SI6N SI6P 3 3 3300 3700 100 W 150 W 0.88 0.88 118 146 SI6N SI6P 3 3 3300 3700 200 W 200 W 0.87 0.87 234 249 * Load data listed above are estimates for worst case scenario D - 16 3032 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0436 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSI-L I LED Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Sign Load & Transformer Requirements Sign Load & Transformer Requirements In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the transformer. In the table below, the number for the total VA load imposed on the CCR represents the actual load imposed on the regulator and accounts for power factor and load imposed by the transformer. 800 mm Single Face Sign* 800 mm Double Face Sign* Sign Type No. of Modules Sign Length (mm) Transformer Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load 3-Step LED Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A) Sign Type No. of Modules Sign Length (mm) Transformer Power Factor Volt Amp VA Load 3-Step LED Signs (4.8 - 6.6 A) SI8A SI8B SI8C SI8D SI8E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 84 84 84 84 84 SI8A SI8B SI8C SI8D SI8E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 86 118 118 118 118 SI8F SI8G SI8H SI8J SI8K SI8L SI8M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 86 86 86 118 118 118 118 SI8F SI8G SI8H SI8J SI8K SI8L SI8M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 0.88 0.85 0.85 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 146 206 206 234 234 234 234 SI8N SI8P 3 3 3300 3700 200 W 200 W 0.88 0.85 146 206 SI8N SI8P 3 3 3300 3700 500 W 500 W 0.88 0.88 262 262 5-Step LED Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) 5-Step LED Signs (2.8 - 6.6 A) SI8A SI8B SI8C SI8D SI8E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 84 84 84 84 84 SI8A SI8B SI8C SI8D SI8E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 86 118 118 118 118 SI8F SI8G SI8H SI8J SI8K SI8L SI8M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 86 86 86 118 118 118 118 SI8F SI8G SI8H SI8J SI8K SI8L SI8M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 300 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 500 W 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 146 206 206 234 234 234 234 SI8N SI8P 3 3 3300 3700 300 W 300 W 0.88 0.85 146 206 SI8N SI8P 3 3 3300 3700 500 W 500 W 0.88 0.88 262 262 Single-Step LED Signs (5.5 A) Single-Step LED Signs (5.5 A) SI8A SI8B SI8C SI8D SI8E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 84 84 84 84 84 SI8A SI8B SI8C SI8D SI8E 1 1 1 1 1 700 900 1100 1300 1500 100 W 200 W 200 W 200 W 300 W 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 86 118 118 118 118 SI8F SI8G SI8H SI8J SI8K SI8L SI8M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 100 W 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 86 86 86 118 118 118 118 SI8F SI8G SI8H SI8J SI8K SI8L SI8M 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 300 W 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 146 206 206 234 234 234 234 SI8N SI8P 3 3 3300 3700 150 W 150 W 0.88 0.85 146 206 SI8N SI8P 3 3 3300 3700 300 W 300 W 0.90 0.90 262 262 * Load data listed above are estimates for worst case scenario 3032 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0436 D - 17 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSI-L I LED Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Sign Dimensions 1 section, 2 legs Standard mounting height shown. 3 sections, 4 legs 2 sections, 3 legs 600 mm and 800 mm Height Sign Dimensions (mm/inches) Sign Type Illuminated Face Length B C D E NA NA 1 Section, 2 Legs SIXA 700 mm 655.3 (25.90) 759.7 (29.92) SIXB 900 mm 855.5 (33.68) 959.9 (37.79) NA NA SIXC 1100 mm 1055.4 (41.55) 1159.8 (45.66) NA NA SIXD 1300 mm 1255.3 (49.42) 1359.7 (53.53) NA NA SIXE 1500 mm 1455.4 (57.30) 1559.8 (61.41) NA NA 1700 mm NA 1759.7 (69.28) 2 Section, 3 Legs SIXF 827.7 (32.59) NA SIXG 1900 mm NA 1959.7 (77.16) 927.7 (36.53) NA SIXH 2100 mm NA 2159.7 (85.03) 1027.7 (40.26) NA SIXJ 2300 mm NA 2359.7 (92.90) 1127.7 (44.40) NA SIXK 2500 mm NA 2559.7 (100.78) 1227.7 (48.34) NA SIXL 2700 mm NA 2759.7 (108.65) 1327.7 (52.27) NA SIXM 2900 mm NA 2959.7 (116.53) 1427.7 (56.21) NA SIXN 3300 mm NA 3359.7 (132.27) 1077.7 (42.43) 1100.0 (43.31) SIXP 3700 mm NA 3636.5 (143.17) 1277.7 (50.30) 1100.0 (43.31) 3 Section, 4 Legs D - 18 3032 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0436 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSI-L I LED Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Packaging Data (600 mm Signs) Gross Assembled Weight1 Sign Type SI6A STD Height SIDX 1219 mm (48”) SIEX2 1524 mm (60”) Carton Dimensions (h x w x d2) SIFX2 1829 mm (72’) (lb) (kg) (lb) (kg) (lb) (kg) (lb) (kg) 64 29.0 69 31.3 75 34.0 79 35.8 Standard Height (in) 36 x 37 x 13 (mm) 914 x 950 x 330 SI6B 72 32.6 77 34.9 83 37.6 87 39.5 36 x 45 x 13 914 x 1150 x 330 SI6C 80 36.3 85 38.5 91 41.3 95 43.1 36 x 53 x 13 914 x 1350 x 330 SI6D 88 39.9 93 42.2 99 44.9 103 46.7 36 x 61 x 13 914 x 1550 x 330 SI6E 97 44.0 102 46.3 108 49.0 112 50.8 36 x 70 x 13 914 x 1750 x 330 SI6F 122 55.3 130 59.0 138 62.6 145 65.8 36 x 77 x 13 914 x 1950 x 330 SI6G 130 59.0 138 62.6 146 66.2 153 69.4 36 x 85 x 13 914 x 2150 x 330 SI6H 138 62.6 146 66.2 154 69.8 161 73.0 36 x 93 x 13 914 x 2350 x 330 SI6J 146 66.2 152 68.9 162 73.5 169 76.6 3.6 x 100 x 13 914 x 2550 x 330 SI6K 153 69.4 161 73.0 169 76.6 176 79.8 36 x 108 x 13 914 x 2750 x 330 SI6L 161 73.0 169 76.6 177 80.3 184 83.5 36 x 116 x 13 914 x 2950 x 330 SI6M 169 76.6 177 80.3 185 83.9 192 87.1 36 x 124 x 13 914 x 3150 x 330 SI6N 203 92.1 213 96.6 225 102.0 233 101.1 36 x 140 x 13 914 x 3550 x 330 SI6P 220 99.8 230 104.3 242 109.8 250 113.4 36 x 156 x 13 914 x 3950 x 330 Notes 1219 mm (48”) signs ship 1295 mm (51”) high. 1524 mm (60”) and 1829 mm (72”) signs ship at standard height. 1 Weights listed are for standard LED signs. 2 Shipped as standard height with legs enclosed separately; requires assembly. ● Packaging Data (800 mm Signs) Signs are shipped with L-823 cord set(s), frangible couplings, and floor flanges – ready for installation. Sign Type Gross Weight1 (lb) (kg) Carton Dimensions (h x w x d) (in) (mm) SI8A 72 32.6 43.5 x 37 x 13 1105 x 950 x 330 SI8B 82 37.0 43.5 x 45 x 13 1105 x 1150 x 330 SI8C 94 42.6 43.5 x 53 x 13 1105 x 1350 x 330 SI8D 104 47.0 43.5 x 61 x 13 1105 x 1550 x 330 SI8E 114 51.7 43.5 x 70 x 13 1105 x 1750 x 330 SI8F 136 61.7 43.5 x 77 x 13 1105 x 1950 x 330 SI8G 149 67.6 43.5 x 85 x 13 1105 x 2150 x 330 SI8H 161 73.0 43.5 x 93 x 13 1105 x 2350 x 330 SI8J 173 78.5 43.5 x 100 x 13 1105 x 2550 x 330 SI8K 182 82.5 43.5 x 108 x 13 1105 x 2750 x 330 SI8L 193 87.5 43.5 x 116 x 13 1105 x 2950 x 330 SI8M 205 93.0 43.5 x 124 x 13 1105 x 3150 x 330 SI8N 242 110.0 43.5 x 140 x 13 1105 x 3550 x 330 SI8P 265 120.2 43.5 x 156 x 13 1105 x 3950 x 330 1 Weights listed are for standard LED signs. Legend Panel Replacement Ordering Code 44A7157- 0 Visible Face Height 6 = 600 mm 8 = 800 mm Visible Panel Width 07 = 700 mm 09 = 900 mm 11 = 1100 mm 13 = 1300 mm 15 = 1500 mm 17 = 1700 mm 19 = 1900 mm 21 = 2100 mm 23 = 2300 mm 25 = 2500 mm 27 = 2700 mm 29 = 2900 mm 33 = 3300 mm 37 = 3700 mm Panel Type 1 = With legend 2 = Black Wind Rating 0 = Standard Notes Customer to specify character height and legend information 3032 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0436 D - 19 GUIDANCE SIGNS AGSI-L I LED Airfield Guidance Sign - ICAO/TP 312 Ordering Code S - Type I = ICAO/TP 312 LED Sign Height1 6 = 600 mm 8 = 800 mm D = 600 mm E = 600 mm F = 600 mm G = 800 mm H = 800 mm J = 800 mm Viewing Window 0 = Without LED viewing window 1 = With LED viewing window2 standard height standard height 48” (1219 mm) OAH2 60” (1524 mm) OAH2 72” (1829 mm) OAH2 48” (1219 mm) OAH2 60” (1524 mm) OAH2 72” (1829 mm) OAH2 Tether 0 = No tether 1 = One tether on one end of sign 2 = Two tethers, one on each end 3 = One tether per leg Power 1 = Power through leg without ON/OFF switch 2 = Power through leg with ON/OFF switch 3 = Power through side without ON/OFF switch 4 = Power through side with ON/OFF switch 5 = Customer-provided entry without ON/OFF switch4 6 = Customer-provided entry with ON/OFF switch4 7 = Power through bottom without ON/OFF switch 8 = Power through bottom with ON/OFF switch Illuminated Face Length A = 700 mm B = 900 mm C = 1100 mm D = 1300 mm E = 1500 mm F = 1700 mm G = 1900 mm H = 2100 mm J = 2300 mm K = 2500 mm L = 2700 mm M = 2900 mm N = 3300 mm P = 3700 mm Secondary Side Illumination 0 = No sections illuminated (single face design) 1 = Left section illuminated 2 = Right section illuminated 3 = Center section illuminated 4 = Left and center sections illuminated 5 = Right and center section illuminated 6 = Entire face illuminated Illumination 7 = Constant illumination from 2.8 to 6.6 A3 Wind Rating S = Standard (320 km/h, 200 mph) Face 1 = Single (only primary side illuminated) 2 = Double Spare Components Description For frangible couplings, see drawing 117A0069 Cord set, L-823 Cord set, TP 312, 12/2 SO cord, 2.5 m Floor flange (2-bolt)2 Floor flange (4-bolt)2 LED Strip Field Replacement Kit, 600 mm LED Strip Field Replacement Kit, 800 mm Power supply ass’y, 600 mm sign Power supply ass’y (single), 800 mm sign3 Tether 1 2 3 Part No. 1 73A0107-72 73A0155-2.5 62A2142 62A2146 94A0627-6 94A0627-8 44A7156-100 44A7086-ICAO 94A0054 Notes • Left-Right designation determined when viewing secondary side of the sign • Customer to provide legend information and power connection side. It is important to match power cord exit location with legend side. 1 Standard character height for 600 mm sign is 400 mm. Standard character height for 800 mm sign is 600 mm. Customer to advise if different character height is needed. 2 TP 312 standard configuration 3 Operates on 3-step, 5-step and 5.5 A dedicated series circuits. 4 Cord set coiled up inside. Customer provides entry hole. This drawing is available on the ADB website or you can request a copy from your sales representative. Refer to drawing 117A0069 to determine which floor flange is needed. For double-sided signs, contact ADB Sales to determine if a dual power supply assembly is required. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. D - 20 3032 Rev. E I Manual No. 96A0436 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved CONTROL & MONITORING How to Select the Control and Monitoring System That Is Best for Your Airport In the early 1990s, computerized control systems first started seeing wide use in airfield lighting control and monitoring systems. Prior to that time, FAA L-821 control panels were typically used to interface with Air Traffic Controllers (ATC). The L-821 typically consisted of an array of ON/OFF switches, rotary switches and pushbuttons. The L-821 was hardwired to the various airfield lightng devices using customized relay or contactor configurations. Most major airports today use some sort of computerized control system to interface with airfield lighting equipment using fiber optic, hardwired (copper cables), or wireless communication links. Touchscreens are commonly used as the Human Machine Interface (HMI) for ATC. In addition, the use of computers for airfield monitoring has allowed the development of many sophisticated software tools for airfield maintenance troubleshooting. This includes automated series circuit insulation resistance measurement systems, detailed Constant Current Regulator (CCR) input and output monitoring, and sophisticated graphical user interfaces (GUI) – allowing detailed event/alarm data to be graphically displayed in an easy-to-read format. A committee of industry experts was formed in 2003 to develop an FAA Advisory Circular (AC) for these systems. The resulting Advisory Circular, 150/5345-56, is titled “Specification for L-890 Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS)” and was first issued September 30, 2004. This AC allows either PC (Personal Computer) or PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) based systems to be used. Questions often come up about which system should be used for a particular situation. This article aims to answer many of those questions. In general terms, choice of a particular L-890 architecture depends on what you need to accomplish. This can be a complex decision based on multiple factors or a relatively easy one depending on your airport’s specific requirements. Airfield lighting control and monitoring systems can be generally placed into four categories: • PC-based architecture (with distributed control) • PLC-based architecture (with centralized control) • PLC-based architecture (with distributed control) • L-821 Lighting Control using PLC architecture What applications are better suited to a PC-based architecture with distributed control? In general, a PC-based control system is ideal for medium to large applications that require full FAA L-827/L-829 CCR monitoring or that have Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS) – monitored Runway Guard Lights or Stop Bars as part of the requirements. High level ALCMS applications require additional data manipulation, storage and reporting characteristics that are difficult to implement in a standard PLC. PC-based ALCMS architectures often maximize reliability. Modern systems typically use industrialgrade computers and redundant hardware and communication links. The use of solid state flash drives eliminates rotating disk drive storage, the most common point of system failure. PCs have standard development platforms, available high-end application software, well-known programming languages and familiar graphical interfaces (Windows®). Also, megging systems can be merged into a fully redundant control and monitoring architecture. This provides detailed megging data, which can be viewed at any node in the system. 3046 Rev. A I No manual E-1 CONTROL & MONITORING Executive Summary I ALCMS, PLCs, Navigator What applications are better suited to a PLC-based system with centralized control? In general, PLC systems with centralized control are ideal for small to medium ALCMS applications where basic monitoring, such as CCR status and ON/OFF monitoring, is needed, but more advanced monitoring is not required. PLCs are well known for being robust and reliable. And, a PLC system uses various modules that are easy to integrate and easy to replace. A PLC architecture is optimized to run sequential processes, increasing reliability. What applications are better suited to a PLC-based system with distributed control? It is also possible to scale up the functional capabilities of a PLC-based system. Distributed L-827/L-829 monitors, for example, can be connected to the PLC to provide overall fault monitoring. A fully redundant PLC configuration allows for redundant controllers, network interfaces, power supplies and other components. A open system architecture allows for easy upgrade and expansion of the system to meet the needs of any size airfield now, and in the future. E-2 3046 Rev. A I No manual CONTROL & MONITORING Executive Summary I ALCMS, PLCs, Navigator Can I use an L-821 Lighting Control using PLC architecture to provide basic airfield lighting control? For smaller applications, an integrated Touchscreen/PC can be used to operate Touchscreen graphics and can also connect to a standard PLC for remote control and simple contact monitoring. This type of system is designed to implement the functionality of an FAA L-821 Lighting Control Panel with a PLC and Touchscreen. The FAA revised AC 150/5345-3 Specification for L-821, Panels for the Control of Airport Lighting in September, 2010 to allow this type of control configuration. This is exactly what we implement in our Navigator™ system, which is intended for smaller applications with up to 18 controllable items. Only ADB Airfield Solutions provides you with various configuration solutions to provide you with the flexibility to design an ALCMS that will truly meet the needs of our operation. Following are a series of questions to help you decide which system is right for your airport: • What are my operations going to be? • Is latching remote control required? • What does the airport currently use for control and/ or what are their control expectations? • What are the future applications? • Can circuit status monitoring be reported manually or are frequent updates needed? • Is a series circuit Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) required? • Do you want to minimize installation cost/time at a larger airport? • What is the project budget? • Which system is easier to maintain? ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3046 Rev. A I No manualI E-3 CONTROL & MONITORING ALCMS Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: Military: L-890 AC 150/5345-56 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3 and 8.3 and Aerodrome Design Manual part 5, para. 3.4 and 3.7. UFC 3-353-01 par. 15-3. System Overview ADB’s Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS) provides state-of-the-art programmable intelligence for control and monitoring of airfield lighting circuits to meet FAA Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System L-890XY. The ALCMS can automatically control and monitor stop bars or runway guard lights as part of a surface movement guidance and control system (SMGCS). In addition, the system can control and monitor Land and Hold Short systems (LAHSO) and can be customized to interface with constant current regulators (CCRs), generators, approach lighting, or other devices requiring remote control and/or monitoring. The system can also be used in remote deicing stations and remote air terminal applications. ADB’s ALCMS is unmatched in performance, longterm reliability, and flexibility with many standard features and a wide range of innovative, cost-effective options. Features • Real-time status of the airfield lighting system • Distributed control and monitoring PC-based design or centralized PLC control and monitoring • Realistic airfield graphic displays provide detailed information to air traffic controllers and maintenance personnel • Touchscreen Creations software, developed specifically for airfield lighting applications, provides a powerful and flexible means for airport personnel to make modifications to the lighting system after initial installation TM Ordering Code ALCMS- Monitoring Options A = Control Only B = Basic Monitoring C = Advanced Monitoring D = SMGCS Ready Fail-safe Options A = Preset B = Last State Note Call ADB Sales Department for complete description of configurations. Applications (Continued) Such systems include: • ADB’s BRITETM Systems (power-line carrier technology) – Offer individual lamp control/monitoring, sign monitoring, stop bar, in-pavement or elevated runway guard light control/monitoring, and taxiway routing • PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) – A centralized I/O based control and monitoring system utilizing off-the-shelf PLC components and programming intelligence. • Surface Movement Surveillance Systems – Provide an integrated workstation that allows lighting control, aircraft tracking, aircraft tagging, and ground movement conflict detection (i.e. runway incursion detection) • Time-saving diagnostics and monitoring from remote locations • Deicing Stations – Advanced routing control and lamps-out monitoring of aircraft deicing station lights • Redundant network configurations are available using any combination of Ethernet, fiber optics, hard-wire, and wireless • Approach Systems – Advanced control and monitoring of the approach system steady burning lights and the strobe system • Easily integrated into existing airport Ethernet networks • Remote Air Terminals – Using ADB’s surface guidance system, remote air terminal personnel can control and monitor taxi lanes/ apron areas between the main airport surface movement area and a remotely-owned/operated air terminal Open-architecture design offers easy integration of the latest technology. (Examples: LAHSO, in-pavement and elevated Runway Guard Light systems, Stop Bars, etc.) Applications ADB’s ALCMS offers a modular design that gives airports the flexibility to easily expand their system as their requirements change and as new FAA regulations require additional capabilities. The open architecture of the ALCMS allows the system to be integrated with any of the latest advanced technologies in airport systems. E-4 1041 Rev. I I Call for manual • Land and Hold Short Systems – Indicate the location of holdshort points on runways approved for land and hold short operations CONTROL & MONITORING ALCMS I Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System ACE™ (Advanced Control Equipment) Alarm Reporting ADB’s ALCMS design uses the ACE system to provide distributed control rather than a centralized system of discrete I/O modules. This dramatically simplifies computer system wiring to the airport’s CCRs. With the ACE system, all control and monitoring signals are transferred through a pair of redundant high-speed data buses, eliminating the hundreds of discrete wire connections found in traditional installations. The use of quick disconnects and standard 18-20 gauge shielded, twisted-pair cabling for the data buses greatly simplifies installation and maintenance. An unlimited number of CCRs can be accommodated by simply adding additional data buses as required. Data bus redundancy ensures continuous operation in the event one of the buses fails. • Extensive searching and reporting capabilities The ACE module consists of an integrated control unit that is interfaced to each CCR either internally or within a small external enclosure. Optional packages can be added depending on system requirements. The ACE module features very quick control response, unparalleled monitoring performance (current/voltage is sampled 50,000 times/sec), and built-in programmable fail-safe modes. Configuration and calibration of the ACE system is performed directly through the ALCMS user interface, eliminating the need for dedicated programming devices or laptop computers. For stand-alone ACE applications, configuration is easily performed using buttons on the front of the ACE display. See ADB data sheet 2084 for additional information on this product. Touchscreen • Alarming capabilities to meet the requirements of each airport • Alarming tolerances are configurable to adjust sensitivity • Alarm and event filtering provides the flexibility to control messages to the airport traffic control tower and maintenance • Search filters can sort based on date, range of dates, circuit, regulator, reported location and type of alarm • Report hard-copy printing and exporting to electronic file Multiple touchscreen control stations (TCS) can be integrated within an ALCMS. Each TCS may share control of an airfield or have a specific area of control. Each TCS operates independently of one another and provides complete redundancy for airfield lighting control and monitoring. Features • High-definition airfield graphic representation • High-contrast, anti-glare monitors • CRT or LCD flat screen displays Control • Programmable preset lighting controls automate common procedures • Touchscreen – Single or multiple touchscreen control stations can be integrated within the ALCMS with built-in transfer procedures • L-821 – Systems will support new or existing L-821 control panels with the addition of PLC components • Intuitive user interface provides ‘pop-up’ buttons that lead the air traffic controllers through lighting control tasks • Highly flexible preset or selective airfield lighting control • Programmable event and alarm filters reduce information overload for air traffic controllers • Easily integrated with SMGCS operation requirements (i.e. stop bar control/monitoring and taxiway routing) • Provisions for air-to-ground radio control of the airport lighting • Soft-start control feature provides programmable delays between intensity step switching • Programmable smart failsafe provides mechanically latching or preset fail-safe design to meet the airport requirements • Maintenance lock-out feature allows circuit maintenance, graphical maintenance indication and circuit control protection Monitoring • Real-time monitoring functions • Capable of monitoring constant current regulators, circuit selectors and any non-regulated circuit • Custom monitoring options provide the flexibility to configure for full L-827 monitoring or simple current sensing relay monitoring • Remote dial-up access – password-protected access allows for remote service and diagnostic by airport personnel or ADB Airfield Solutions service representative • Roaming Maintenance Center – Mobile maintenance computer linked to the ALCMS via a cellular modem or other wireless technology to provide real-time control, monitoring and diagnostics of the system 1041 Rev. I I Call for manual E-5 CONTROL & MONITORING ALCMS I Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System Maintenance Center System Options The Maintenance Center provides the airport with convenient ALCMS status monitoring from any remote location, on or off the airfield. In addition to the distributed control system, ADB Airfield Solutions continues to offer traditional control systems with any or all of the following features. The maintenance computer(s) provides real-time and historical information regarding the status of the airfield lighting as well as any other device that is being controlled and/or monitored by the ALCMS. • L-821 Airfield Lighting Control Panel • Support to existing L-827 stand-alone airport monitoring or L-829 Scanning Monitor Ready CCRs • Industrial style I/O system Graphics The detailed graphical displays provide quick status of the airfield lighting systems. High-resolution graphics are fully scalable and allow for detailed zooms of any portion of the airfield. BRITETM The ADB Airfield Solutions BRITE System is an integral component in Surface Movement Guidance Control Systems (SMGCS). It is used to precisely control and monitor a single light or groups of lights on the airport runway/taxiway series circuit. Computerized Taxiway Stop Bar Several stop bars may be connected to the same series circuit loop while still allowing selective switching and individual monitoring of each stop bar. When a red stop bar is switched ON, a number of green taxiway centerline lights beyond the stop bar are switched OFF. When the aircraft receives clearance and when the red stop bar lights are extinguished by the air traffic controller, the green centerline lights are illuminated to indicate the aircraft is cleared to proceed. Incorporating a microwave sensor with the BRITE will allow automatic relighting of the stop bar and extinguishing of the green centerline lights in anticipation of the next aircraft. Power-line Communication Technology The Maintenance Center provides valuable maintenance tools that allow quick diagnosis and maintenance of the system. Some of the tools available are as follows: • Remote Lighting Control – A password-protected window allows airport personnel control of the airfield lighting from locations other than the tower, such as the maintenance center, computer operations center, and other lighting vaults Controlling and monitoring the stop bar lights, taxiway entry lights, and presence detectors are accomplished by using ADB’s BRITE Remote control devices. Each device on the airfield that requires individual control and monitoring is interfaced to one of the Remotes. All communication data is superimposed onto the airfield series circuit cabling (power-line) and is received by the BRITE Remotes. BRITE Remotes can also transmit a variety of monitoring data back to a BRITE Master. See data sheet 2092 for more information on ADB’s BRITE System. • Report Printing – Flexible report printing capabilities allow specific data to be printed out Please contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for more information on ADB’s advanced technology products. Features • On-line Documentation – Manuals and wiring diagrams are available on-line and provide easy access to important information • Remote Dial-up Access – Password-protected access allows ADB Airfield Solutions as well as airport personnel to dial into the maintenance computer to determine ALCMS status • Roaming Maintenance Vehicle Laptop – Remote laptop mounted in maintenance vehicle allows full control and monitoring capabilities via wireless radio link E-6 1041 Rev. I I Call for manual CONTROL & MONITORING ALCMS I Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System General Application ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1041 Rev. I I Call for manual E-7 CONTROL & MONITORING ALCMS-PLC Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER WITH CENTRALIZED CONTROL Compliance with Standards FAA: Designed in compliance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345-56 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3 and 8.3 and Aerodrome Design Manual part 5, para. 3.4 and 3.7. UFC 3-353-01 par. 15-3. ICAO: Military: System Overview ADB’s Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS) is based on centralized Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) architecture and is typically used in small- to medium-sized airfield lighting applications to meet FAA Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System specification L-890-XY. A PLC is a small industrial computer used to automate control and monitoring of airfield lighting equipment. L-890 PLCs are also typically interfaced to one or more touchscreen panels, which provides a graphical user interface to the air traffic controller and maintenance personnel. ADB’s PLCbased ALCMS is unmatched in performance, long-term reliability, and flexibility with many standard features and a wide range of innovative, cost-effective options. Features • Real-time status of the airfield lighting system • Centralized PLC I/O-based control and monitoring utilizing commercially available, highly reliable, cost-effective Siemens PLCs • Realistic airfield graphic displays provide detailed information to air traffic controllers and maintenance personnel • Time-saving diagnostics and monitoring from remote locations • Multiple redundant network configurations are available using any combination of fiber optic, hard-wire, and wireless networks Ordering Code ALCMS- Monitoring Options A = Control Only B = Basic Monitoring Fail-safe Options A = Preset B = Last State - Latching Features (Continued) Monitoring • Real-time monitoring functions • Capable of monitoring constant current regulators, circuit selectors, emergency generators, automatic transfer switches and any non-regulated circuit • Custom monitoring options provide the flexibility to configure for full L-827 monitoring or simple current sensing relay monitoring • Remote dial-up access – password-protected access allows for remote service and diagnostic by airport personnel or ADB Airfield Solutions service representative • Roaming Maintenance Center – Mobile maintenance computer linked to the ALCMS via a cellular modem or other wireless technology to provide real-time control, monitoring and diagnostics of the system Alarm Reporting • Extensive searching and reporting capabilities • Alarming capabilities to meet the requirements of your airport • Alarming tolerances are configurative to adjust sensitivity Control • Programmable preset lighting controls automate common procedures • Alarm and event filtering provides the flexibility to control messages to the airport traffic control tower and maintenance • Touchscreen – Single or multiple touchscreen control stations can be integrated within the ALCMS with built-in transfer procedures • Search filters can sort based on date, range of dates, circuit, regulator, reported location and type of alarm • L-821 – Systems will support new or existing L-821 control panels with the addition of PLC components • L-854 – Provisions for air-to-ground radio control of the airport lighting when tower is not staffed • Soft-start control feature provides programmable delays between intensity step switching • Programmable fail safe provides mechanically latching or preset fail-safe design to meet the airport requirements E-8 2076 Rev. D I Call for manual • Report hard-copy printing and exporting to electronic file CONTROL & MONITORING ALCMS-PLC I Centralized Control Touchscreen • Multiple touchscreen control stations can be integrated within an ALCMS • Each touchscreen control station may share control of an airfield or have a specific area of control Each touchscreen control station operates independently of one another and provides complete redundancy for airfield lighting control and monitoring Touchscreen Features • High-definition airfield graphic representation • High-contrast, anti-glare monitors, with multiple installation options • LCD flat screen displays, with various sizes available • Intuitive user interface provides ‘pop-up’ buttons that lead the air traffic controllers through lighting control tasks. Each action must be “confirmed” before execution. • Highly flexible preset or selective airfield lighting control, easily configured • Programmable event and alarm filters reduce information overload for air traffic controllers PLC Cabinet Environmental Protection PLC Cabinet: NEMA 12 (IP 40) Environmental Operating Conditions Touchscreen/Panel PC Operating Temperature 0 °C (+32 °F) to +40 °C (+104 °F) Relative Humidity: 10-95% at 40 °C (non-condensing) PLC Cabinet Operating Temperature: -25 °C (-13 °F) to +50 °C (+122 °F) Relative Humidity: Up to 95% Electrical Supply Touchscreen/Panel PC Input power: Single phase, 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz PLC Cabinet Input power: Single phase, 100-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz Please contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for more information on ADB’s advanced technology products. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2076 Rev. D I Call for manual E-9 CONTROL & MONITORING IRMS Insulation Resistance Monitoring System Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: AC 150/5340-26 chapter 3, section 2, para. 27. Annex 14 para. 8.3. and Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5, para. 3.7.11. Electrical Specification System Overview The IRMS provides state-of-the-art configurable insulation resistance measurements on airfield series circuits. Unique IRMS architecture allows up to 256 constant current regulators (CCRs) to be connected to a single IRMS communication server. The system can be provided either as a stand-alone system or as an integral part of an Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS). See ADB data sheet 1041 for more information. Uses The IRMS performs scheduled cable insulation resistance measurements and can also perform manually requested measurements, allowing maintenance personnel to monitor the long-term degradation of airfield series circuit cabling. This data can be presented in text or graphical format. When integrated with an ALCMS, an ACETM Unit, which interfaces with IRMS, is installed at each CCR. See ADB data sheet 2084 for more information. An Insulation Resistance Monitoring Module (IRMM) is installed at each constant current regulator or circuit selector. 6.6 A RMS and 20 A RMS 50, 500, 1,000 VDC 20 kΩ to 2,000 MΩ (2 GΩ) Two models available: Specifications: An automatic self-calibration test is conducted prior to each circuit measurement. The IRMS can be programmed to automatically test energized or de-energized circuits on a regular basis. Product Configuration • Aids airport in monthly circuit monitoring for cable degradation as recommended in AC 150/5340-30 The IRMS is designed to airport specifications. Please contact the ADB Sales and provide the following information: • Provides tool to assist maintenance in troubleshooting series circuit failures • Number of vaults • Number of constant current regulators in each vault • Number of L-847 Circuit Selector Switches for each CCR Features • CCR output current type (6.6 A or 20 A) • Provides a wide range of resistance measurements from less than 20 kΩ up to 2,000 MΩ (2 GΩ) • Maximum distance between CCRs • Uses user selectable circuit charge voltages of 50, 500, or 1,000 VDC to provide accurate resistance measurement for varying circuit conditions • Fiber optic interface insures isolation from high-voltage series circuit, providing the highest level of safety • Automatic self-calibration checks the hardware to verify proper operation prior to taking measurements • Can be used on energized or de-energized circuits • User can easily add new circuits and change circuit names • Resistance measurement data can be printed in graphical trend plots or in tabular format • Data is automatically logged after each measurement for future analysis and can be easily backed up • Programmable warning and alarm set points • Data can be exported to allow for data manipulation by the user • Compatible with CCRs made by all manufacturers Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. E - 10 1218 Rev. G I Call for Manual Programmable Features The IRMS will operate while the circuit is energized or de-energized and allows for automatic or manual readings during either condition. The IRMS is user programmable and allows for all of the following variables to be programmed by the user at the IRMS computer: • Start Time 1 – This represents the first time of the day in which the IRMS is to take the first automatic reading of the series circuit • Start Time 2 – This represents the second time of the day in which the IRMS is to take an additional automatic reading of the series circuit • Period – This specifies how often the circuit is measured (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) • Warning Limit – This is a limit value, in ohms, at which point a resistance warning will be generated • Alarm Limit – This is a limit value, in ohms, at which point a resistance alarm will be generated ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved CONTROL & MONITORING BRITE™ Individual Lamp Control & Monitoring System (III) BRITE III Master Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: Approved for use with SMGCS systems. This includes both Stop Bar and Runway Guard Light control/monitoring according to AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition); manufactured to AC 120-57 (Current Edition). Complies with CAT I/II/III ICAO lamp supervision requirements. Supports A-SMGCS for enhanced aircraft guidance in all weather conditions to prevent aircraft collisions and runway incursions. Introduction The BRITE III is a key subsystem in various Airfield Ground Lighting Automation Systems. ADB’s BRITE III system is the latest stateof-the art individual airfield light control and monitoring system. BRITE III provides a radical leap in performance over prior airfield power line carrier systems. This system is designed to communicate on the existing airfield series circuit power line without requiring separate dedicated cabling. This system has patents pending in many countries around the world. Uses • BRITE III provides distributed intelligence in the airfield to control and monitor a variety of airfield lighting devices. It can be used in the following applications: - Stop bar control and monitoring - Elevated and in-pavement Runway Guard Light (RGL) control and monitoring BRITE III Remote Customer Benefits (Continued) • Precise control of each airfield lighting segment. • For Stop Bar or RGL applications, adjacent lamp failure or total lamp failure within a bar exceeded is automatically reported. • Most economic solution for modernization projects through power line communication on existing circuits. Eliminates high cost of a separately cabled system. • Future upgrades are quickly and easily added, allowing a phased migration strategy to be implemented. • Optimized planning of runway and taxiway maintenance downtimes. BRITE III Technology • Communicates using a high frequency signal imposed on the high-voltage airfield series circuit cable - no separate communication cable needed. • Communication quality is automatically optimized for each series circuit. • New communication principle together with Forward Error Correction drastically reduces signal disturbance caused by impulse and narrow band interference. - Interface with aircraft/vehicle presence sensors (option) - FAA Runway Status Light (RWSL) systems Features - As a key component in a Surface Movement Guidance Control System (SMGCS) • Most cost-effective and proven solution for existing ground lighting systems. - Failed-lamp detection and location identification - Selective control and monitoring of various airfield lighting devices • BRITE III provides relevant information concerning the status of various airfield lighting devices to both maintenance and airport control tower personnel. • The BRITE III can also be used to: - Support optimization of traffic volume, flexibility, and air side safety. • User friendly Human Machine Interface allows easy operation and system status recognition. • Up to 8 different frequency bands can be used in parallel, and 8 different time slots which allow an increase in the number of independent communication channels up to 64. This results in greatly improved communication rates. • Fast and predictable switching times through the use of reliable communication methods. - Ensure reliable Stop Bar guidance for aircraft on the ground during CAT III conditions, increasing safety and reducing the risk of runway incursions. • Advanced Network Management system includes an automatic network configuration function. This outstanding functionality provides for dynamic communication adaptation in all environmental conditions (such as humidity variation). The system dynamically optimizes communication, even when any Remote in the communication path has failed. - Automatically detects and reports lamp failure location, decreasing downtime and maintenance costs. • No manual configuration is necessary to implement communication settings. - Meet stringent command timing requirements while ensuring elimination of interference on FAA RWSL applications Customer Benefits • Firmware and application software can be downloaded into either the Master or Remotes. • Faster, more robust power line carrier communication method ensures highest reliability even for long airfield circuits that contain large number of lamps. • Less crosstalk due to symmetrical design of coupling components (transmit and receive path) and lower transmission power compared to similar systems in the market. 2092 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0429 (Remote) 96A0428 (Master) 96A0430 (Software) E - 11 CONTROL & MONITORING BRITE I Individual Lamp Control & Monitoring System III Features (Continued) BRITE III Master • Each Remote can be a part of many different groups (blocks), allowing a group of Remotes to be controlled using only one command. This unique feature ensures fast response for complex applications. For use on up to 30 kW CCR, 19-inch Rack Mount • Can be used as a stand-alone monitoring system or integrated with an L-890 ALCMS (Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System). Configuration 1100 = Single Channel, no Runway Guard Light 1160 = Single Channel with RGL, Initial Flash OFF 1161 = Single Channel with RGL, Initial Flash ON 1210 = Dual Channel, no Runway Guard Light 1241 = Dual Channel with Elevated RGL 1270 = Dual Channel with RGL, Initial Flash ON 1271 = Dual Channel with RGL, Initial Flash OFF • BRITE III Remotes can be added on separate series circuits even if BRITE II Remotes are present on the airfield. • Runway Guard Light Remotes can be used to automatically implement pulsing functionality- no Master is needed. • Fast commissioning. The network management system organizes the communication by itself. 44A6898 BRITE III Remote 44A6899- Dimensions • State-of-the-art diagnostic tools provide a quick overview of communication behavior. Master (H x W x D) • Special heat dissipating, Remote housing ensures environmental resistance under all operating conditions. Remote (H x W x D) 6.98 x 17.15 x 16.59 in • Remotes can be used on 2.8 A to 6.6 A series circuits. 3.07 x 8.18 x 5.59 in (178 x 436 x 422 mm) (78 x 208 x 142 mm) • Both single and dual Remote versions are available, reducing acquisition costs for some applications. System Specifications • Actual status of all lights-returned after issuing block command. BRITE Master Input Voltage: 110-230 VAC, 50/60 Hz (±15 %) BRITE Master Power Consumption: Max. 15 W • Status poll provides detailed Remote and lamp parameters. Environmental Conditions Series circuit operating voltage: Max. 5000 VAC (Master) Series circuit peak voltage: Max. 15 kV (Master) Transmit Frequency: Operating Temperature: -Remote: -40 °F to +149 °F (-40 °C to +65 °C) -Master: +32 °F to +131 °F (0 °C to +55 °C) 8 different frequency bands between 20 kHz and 150 kHz Maximum switching power: 6.6 A/360 W for each remote Storage Temperature: -Remote: -40 °F to +167 °F (-40 °C to +75 °C) -Master: -67 °F to +185 °F (-55 °C to +85 °C) Power line current: 1.9 up to 6.93 A RMS LAN connection to redundant network interface: IEEE 802.3 100 BaseT Altitude: 0 - 6,600 feet above sea level Humidity: -Remote: 0 - 100% -Master: 0 - 90% (non-condensing) Enclosure Protection Level: -Remote: IP 68 (NEMA 6P) -Master: IP 20 (NEMA 1) Fail-Safe Mode: On; Off; Flashing, Maintained (last commanded state) Data transmission rate power line: -Remote: Up to 40 kB/s -Master: Up to 40 kB/s Lightning Protection: BRITE III system is designed to exceed the lightning test requirements defined in FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). Specification: 10 by 20 microsecond current surge of 15 kA with the subsequent power-follow current and a voltage surge of 10 kV per microsecond. BRITE Remote Power Consumption: Max. 15 W Maximum roundtrip series circuit length: Up to 9.3 miles (15 km) Lamp failure reaction: Short is placed across isolation transformer as soon as lamp filament failure detected Operation State after Power-Off: Remote does not reset and remains in operation, if circuit power loss <1.5 sec. Mean-Time-Between Failure: Weight 49.16 lb (22.3 kg) Remote: 4.8 lb (2.2 kg) - Single 5.07 lb (2.3 kg) - Dual Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. E - 12 On; Off; Flashing; Maintained (last commanded state) Number of controlled and monitored lamps per unit: -Remote: 1 or 2 -Master: Up to 300 Remotes depending on circuit design EMC (CE Approved): -Compliant to EN-61000-6-4 (EMC emission standard) -Compliant to EN-61000-6-2 (EMC immunity standard) -Compliant to 60950 (IT equipment standard) Master: Power Up Mode: 2092 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0429, 96A0428, 96A0430 -Master: 100,000 hours -Remote: 150,000 hours ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved CONTROL & MONITORING ADB NavigatorTM Airport Lighting Control System Compliance with Standards FAA: L-821 AC 150/5345-3 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. ICAO: Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3 and 8.3 and Aerodrome Design Manual part 5, para. 3.4 and 3.7. Military: UFC 3-535-01 par. 15-3. System Overview The ADB Navigator Airport Lighting System represents the next generation of lighting control systems specifically designed for airports that seek a cost-effective control and monitoring solution, such as general aviation airports or military bases. Typically, this system can be used to replace hard-wired control desks and mimic panels (L-821/L-841 type) providing basic control and monitoring of airfield ground lighting functions. Ordering Code 44A6579- Touchscreen 1 = 12-inch all-in-one touchscreen computer assembly with flush mount or desktop stand 2 = 15-inch all-in-one touchscreen computer assembly with flush mount or desktop stand Standard System Features Communications Package 1 = No communication extension1 2 = Short-haul modem communication extension2 3 = Multi-mode serial fiber optic communication extension3 4 = Single-mode serial fiber optic communication extension3 5 = 2.4 GHz serial radio communication extension • Commissioning can be performed by the airport’s technical staff (“out-of-the-box”), simplifying system delivery and setup on site. ADB support available if needed. UPS 1 = No UPS backup of PLC cabinet 2 = External UPS with 15-minute backup6 • The lighting control system is built around an integrated Touchscreen/Panel PC, requiring only minimal installation space in the ATC tower. It incorporates a Human Machine Interface (HMI) with control functionalities for approach, runway, taxiway and apron visual aids. Alarm Package 1 = Embedded audible alarm at touchscreen station 3 = External speakers at touchscreen station The standard ADB Navigator system consists of one Touchscreen/ Panel PC and one PLC cabinet. It controls up to 18 airfield devices, such as CCRs, beacons, REILs, PAPIs, and floodlights. In addition, the Navigator has dedicated contact points to monitor if utility and/or generator is available or on-line. If the airfield device is a CCR, there can be up to six 5-step and twelve 3-step CCRs. • High-contrast, anti-glare resistive 12-inch LCD Touchscreen. Standard Touchscreen can be either pedestal or flush mount. • Intuitive user interface provides buttons that lead air traffic controllers through lighting control tasks • The ADB Navigator can be remotely controlled using an L-854 Radio Control, photocell or phone dial-in device • A static airfield touchscreen graphic (.png file) can be added • Provides visual alarm indications for all monitored points • Soft-start CCR control provides programmable delays between intensity step switching • Based on Windows™ Embedded Standard 2009 • Entire system uses only off-the-shelf components • Highly reliable and effective PLC-based control and monitoring of CCRs and auxiliary circuits • Panel touchscreen has embedded PC with flash memory – no hard drive, fans or moving parts – limiting the need for maintenance and providing a highly reliable control system -000 CCR Control 1 = No B1 or B10 control provided4 2 = Separate B1 or B10 control provided5 Remote Dial-In 1 = No remote dial-in diagnostic 2 = Remote dial-in diagnostic included Notes Part number for a standard (out-of-the-box) system is 44A6579-111111-000. 1 PLC cabinet must be within 9 ft of Touchscreen/PC 2 PLC cabinet can be 4,000 ft away from Touchscreen/PC. Belden 9842 communication cable supplied by others. 3 Fiber optic cable supplied by others, multi-mode wavelength 1300 nm, single-mode 1310 nm 4 Use this option if all CCRs present do not require B1 (5-Step) or B10 (3-Step) to activate the low-intensity step 5 Use this option if any CCRs are present that require both B1 (5-Step) or B10 (3-Step) and CC to activate the low-intensity step 6 For use with 120 VAC 60 Hz operation only. 2077 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0363 E - 13 CONTROL & MONITORING ADB NAVIGATOR I Airport Lighting Control System Standard System Features (Continued) • If the controllable item is a CCR, each CCR can have up to 3 dedicated feedback contact points (Primary Power; Remote/ Local status; CCR Output Current Sensing) or may have a single General Fault feedback point. A General Fault feedback point is used, for example, to tie an FAA L-827/L-829 Fault indication into the system. • PLC enclosure can be installed in either the tower (if space is available) or an electrical vault (standard 9 feet/3 m, or optionally, up to 4,000 feet/1,219 m away) using EIA-485 communication • Fail-safe – Fail-safe provides preset relays to meet airport operational requirements. Fail-safe is manually wired to select a dedicated CCR step. Fail-safe can be manually overridden for maintenance troubleshooting purposes. Hardware Options Typical Preset Lighting Page (Shown with optional static graphic) • Second Touchscreen for tower or vault • 15-inch Touchscreen display • Audible alarm speakers • EIA-485 short haul modem that allows the PLC cabinet to be installed in an electrical vault up to 4,000 feet (1.2 km) away. Communication cable supplied by others. • Alternate communication methods: Fiber optic or wireless radio communication link • CCR Monitoring Kit: Primary Power; Remote/Local and CCR ON Current Sensor • UPS with UL1449 surge protection • Remote dial-in capability (modem and software) for remote service and maintenance. A dedicated telephone line (customer supplied) is connected to a modem that is added to the panel PC. • L-854 radio remote control (see ADB data sheet 3002) Typical Runway Lighting Page (Shown with “pop up” button configuration option) • Phone dial-in device for password-protected lighting control • Photocell (day vs. night input) Electrical Supply Touchscreen/Panel PC Environmental Operating Conditions Input power: Touchscreen/Panel PC Operating Temperature: 0 °C (+32 °F) to +45 °C (+113 °F) Relative Humidity: 10-95% at 40 °C (non-condensing) Single phase, 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz PLC Cabinet Input power: PLC Cabinet Operating Temperature: -25 °C (-13 °F) to +50 °C (+122 °F) Relative Humidity: Up to 95% Single phase, 100-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz Dimensions 12” Touchscreen/Panel PC with Stand (H x W x D) 10.6 x 13.41 x 2.78 – in (26.9 x 34.06 x 7.06 – cm) Environmental Protection Stainless Steel Enclosure (H x W x D)º Touchscreen Front Panel: NEMA 4 (IP 65) 41.75 x 35.75 x 10.75 – in (106.0 x 90.8 x 27.3 – cm) PLC Cabinet: NEMA 12 (IP 40) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. E - 14 2077 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0363 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved CONTROL & MONITORING ALCP Airport Lighting Control Panel Compliance with Standards FAA: MIL: ICAO: L-821 AC 150/5345-3 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. MIL-P-8944A. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 5.3 and 8.3 and Aerodrome Design Manual part 5, para. 3.4 and 3.7. Uses FAA L-821 & ICAO Airport Lighting Panels are designed for remote control of airport lighting and auxiliary aids. Overview The configuration of the control panel is custom-designed and built to accommodate the lighting control features and functions required at each specific airport. Toggle, rotary, or push-button switches can be installed on the panel to manually turn on and off airport lighting equipment requiring remote control. The L-821 can be used in conjunction with a computerized control and monitoring system to increase functionality and reduce cabling costs. Custom Product L-821 ADB Airfield Solutions manufactures custom L-821 panels for remote control of airfield lighting. All types, classes, styles and modes specified in AC 150/5345-3 (Current Edition) are available. The following ADB L-821 configurations are ETL Certified: Type: I, Conventional Panels Class: F, Flush Mount S, Surface Mount W, Wall Mount Style: 1, Unlighted Mode: 1, Generic Panel Please contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for information regarding custom L-821 Panels configured for your airfield’s requirements. Features • An electronic L-821 is available. See data sheet 2077 for more details about ADB’s Navigator System. • Panel layouts are custom-designed and built according to enduser requirements • Standard L-821 control panels are cost-efficient and readily available with options (Contact the ADB Sales Department for details) • Rotary switches have a minimum angular throw of 30° and three to six positions • Toggle switches have either two or three positions • All illuminated push-button switches are softly backlighted in the OFF position and illuminate brighter when engaged • The color and gloss of the case and panel plate conforms to Federal Standard 595, Color 30372, brown • A grounding lug is supplied in each panel box or case and is capable of handling 12 AWG wire ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Touchscreen Touchscreen control panels are available in conjunction with computerized control systems. Refer to ADB data sheets 1041 and 2076 for details. The touchscreen control panels comply with all applicable requirements of AC 150/5345-3 (Current Edition). Theory of Operation For installation purposes, the L-821 control panels are available in a flush (Class F), surface (Class S), or wall (Class W) mountable enclosure. The Class F control panels are intended for mounting to a console or cabinet, while Class S control panels may be secured to a table top or other suitable surface. The top plate of Class F and S panels is attached to the case by means of a continuous hinge along the top edges of the case. A latch is mounted inside the case to support the panel plate at a near vertical position when open. Class W control panels use a commercial outlet, utility, or pull box designed for mounting on a wall. The wall-mounted panel is used primarily at an airport requiring minimal lighting control. © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1032 Rev. J I Manual No. 96A0087 E - 15 CONTROL & MONITORING ACE Advanced Control Equipment Compliance with Standards FAA: Monitoring: Certified to AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Insulation Resistance: AC 150/5340-26 Chapter 3, Section 2, para. 27. ACE2 Wall Mount Assembly Overview The ACE2 can operate either as the remote interface between the L-890 ALCMS and any controlled element in the airfield lighting vault or as the stand-alone constant current regulator (CCR) monitor, performing all L-827/L-829 functions in accordance with FAA AC 150 /5345-10. The ACE2 is a universal device that can be used to control any type of CCR and/or controlled element regardless of the manufacturer. The ACE2 can be packaged as a remote mount, wall mount, CCR internal mount, or Combo Box. A remote mount is typically placed on top of the CCR. The wall mount is typically bolted to a wall or can be mounted on the front of a CCR. The internal mount is mounted inside a ADB L-828 CCR (Also called a L-829 CCR). The Combo Box Assembly is a wall-mount version, which houses the ACE controller board. The Combo Box Assembly also houses the IRMS board and the CVM, which are normally mounted inside a ADB L-829 CCR. Each CCR and controllable item is connected to an ACE2. The ACE2 is a microprocessor-based module that includes all of the communication, control commands, input/output inter-face, and fail-safe functionality for the controlled element. Note: For those applications that require: • Connection with up to a four-circuit L-847 • Up to eight discrete input or outputs Use ADB’s first generation ACE system. Request data sheet 2016 for more information. Theory of Operation The Advanced Control Equipment (ACE2™) represents the heart of ADB’s airfield lighting distributed control system. Distributed control technology has many advantages over traditional central control, including but not limited to: cost-effectiveness, system expandability, ease of maintenance, ease of installation, interchangeable parts, and ease of troubleshooting. In a distributed control scenario, each ACE2 unit is locally installed at or near a controllable item (CCR, Generator, ATS, etc.). Each ACE2 would, in turn, talk with the airfield lighting control network and execute remote lighting commands. Multiple ACE2 units can be daisychained together, making system expansion very easy. The ACE2 is a universal device that can be used to control any type of CCR and/or controlled element regardless of the manufacturer. The printed circuit boards are mounted inside a small and rugged environmental enclosure that can be mounted on top of the CCR, wall mounted or directly attached to the door of an ADB Airfield Solutions L-828 CCR. E - 16 2084 Rev. G I Manual No. 96A0357 Combo Box Assembly 44A6602- 0 CCR Output Current 1 = 6.6 A 2 = 20 A IRMS Monitoring 0 = Without IRMS 1 = With IRMS Current Voltage Monitoring 0 = Without CVM 1 = With CVM Lamps-Out Monitoring 0 = Without lamps-out monitoring 1 = 1 channel lamps-out monitoring 2 = 2 channel lamps-out monitoring 3 = 3 channel lamps-out monitoring Display 2 = LCD display Remote Mount Assembly 44A6505- 0 Lamps-Out Monitoring 0 = Without lamps-out monitoring 1 = With lamps-out monitoring Wall Mount Assembly 44A6507- 0 Mounting 2 = Wall mount Display 1 = LCD display Lamps-Out Monitoring 0 = Without lamps-out monitoring 1 = 1 channel lamps-out monitoring 2 = 2 channel lamps-out monitoring Theory of Operation (Continued) The ACE2 consists of a microprocessor-based module(s) that includes all of the communication, control commands, input/output interface, and fail-safe functionality for the controlled element. The ACE2 is ADB Airfield Solutions’ second generation distributed control/monitor system. ACE2 network communications are compatible with ADB Airfield Solutions’ first generation system simply called ACE. Thus ACE and ACE2 units can be connected on the same distributed network. CONTROL & MONITORING CVM/IRM Enclosure* ACE I Advanced Control Equipment 44A6415- 0 Theory of Operation (Continued) Current Voltage Module Monitoring Options 0 = IRMS only (no CVM) 1 = 6.6 A (requires 1 fiber optic cable assembly, see 44A6006-XXXX below) 2 = 20 A (requires 1 fiber optic cable assembly, see 44A6006-XXXX below) closure. Some examples include generator monitoring, monitoring of Automatic Transfer Switch position, and control of Circuit Selector Switch loops. In addition, the ACE2 can be optionally expanded to perform CCR input voltage and current monitoring as well as airfield circuit cable Insulation Resistance Monitoring. IRMS Option 0 = Without IRMS 1 = With IRMS (requires 2 fiber optic cable assemblies, see 44A6006-XXXX below) Fail-safe Functionality Note * For use with Remote Mount or Wall Mount Assembly Fiber Optic Cable Assembly 44A6006- Fiber optic cable length in feet (5-foot increments only)* Note * Not to exceed 25 feet. For applications greater than 25 feet, contact the ADB Sales Department. Theory of Operation (Continued) Communication Each of the ACE2 units connected to a CCR or other controllable device will have a unique factory set number and a field programmable communication address. This address is used by the ADB Airfield Solutions L-890 ALCMS to direct lighting commands to the corresponding ACE2, which in turn executes the commands and returns the operational status of the element back to the ALCMS. Each ACE2 is connected to redundant communication networks via two RS-422 serial communication ports located on the main printed circuit board. The ACE network is comprised of a communications server and all the daisy-chained ACE2 and ACE (if present) units in the lighting vault. Both the ACE2 and ACE devices can be connected to the same network. The communications server stays in constant communication with all the ACE2 and ACE units in both of the networks while at the same time staying in constant contact with the main ALCMS network. This communications protocol dictates that the local ACE2 store all data and parameters specific to the controlled element. This characteristic frees up the ALCMS computers from having to store the parameters for each of the controlled elements. The result of this is real-time communication between all of the ACE2 and ACE units and the rest of the ADB L-890 ALCMS, even if a network connection fails in one of the ACE2 or ACE units. Input/output interface The ACE2 incorporates an input/output interface that supports full FAA L-827/L-829 CCR control monitoring capabilities. The pluggable terminal blocks provide an easy-to-service point of connection. The latching output relays can be configured to control CCR brightness steps or simple ON/OFF control as required by the controlled element. The input lines can be configured to monitor any external event that is determined by a discrete dry contact Each ACE2 unit provides a self-contained fail-safe feature. This feature insures default airfield lighting operation in the event of an L-890 ALCMS component failure or even a complete ALCMS failure. In addition, each ACE2 can monitor its output and verify that the proper command is executed. The fail-safe system also permits maintenance of portions of the control system without changing the operational status of the lighting system. The fail-safe system is by definition only used in the ALCMS modes, and must be set up by a qualified ADB Airfield Solutions technician. The fail-safe mode of each ACE2 unit is defined per requirements of the airport/owner. The fail-safe modes are as follows: Latching Fail-safe mode: This mode is executed as follows: • If the CCR was switched ON before the failure, it will remain ON at the same brightness level. • If the CCR was switched OFF before the failure, it will remain OFF. Simple Fail-safe mode: This mode is executed as follows: • After a failure occurs, the CCR will switch ON to a predetermined brightness level without regard to the current step. Smart Fail-safe mode: This mode is executed as follows: • If the CCR was switched ON before the failure, it will remain ON at the same brightness level. • If the CCR was switched OFF before the failure, it will switch ON to a predetermined brightness level. Graphics User Interface (GUI) The ACE2 graphic user interface (GUI) consists of the 128 x 64 pixel monochrome LCD display and four momentary switch buttons. In typical modes of operation, the upper half of the LCD displays a monitored parameter or in the stand-alone mode a configuration menu. The first string of the LCD lower half is reserved for warning and alarm messages in “reverse color”. Reverse color means that the background is white and the text is blue. The second string is split to indicate several fields and displays: • Brightness step. Reverse color means protective shutdown, blank – OFF. • Remote (“Rmt”)/Local (“Lcl” reverse color) • Primary power present (“PP”) / loss of power (“LoP” reverse color) • RS422 channel A message received (‘A’) • RS422 channel B message received (‘B’) • IRMS response received (small ‘W’), megging has been reported (large ‘W’) 2084 Rev. G I Manual No. 96A0357 E - 17 CONTROL & MONITORING ACE I Advanced Control Equipment Specifications Spare Components Input Voltage: 85 to 256 VAC, 12 VA, 50/60 Hz Description Part No. Input Power: 12VA maximum Operating Conditions: -10 to +55 °C (+14 to +131 °F) Altitude: Sea Level to 10,000 feet PCB assembly, lamps-out monitoring PCB assembly, main LCD display 44A4802-1 44A6377 44A6494 Dimensions: Remote Mount: Wall Mount: Internal Mount: Combo Box: 13.3 x 10.4 x 3.9 in 13.2 x 11.3 x 4.2 in 13.2 x 10.3 x 2.7 in 20.0 X 20.0 X 8.7 in (33.8 x 26.4 x 9.9 cm) (33.5 x 28.7 x 10.7 cm) (33.5 x 26.2 x 6.9 cm) (50.8 x 50.8 x 22.1 cm) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. E - 18 2084 Rev. G I Manual No. 96A0357 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved CONTROL & MONITORING RCE Digital Radio Control AIR-TO-GROUND (TYPE I) RADIO CONTROL Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: FCC: T/C: L-854 AC 150/5345-49 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5 para. 3.4.6. 47 CFR, Part 15:2007 (Class A). Transpoort Canada TP 312 - Aerodromes Standards and Recommended Practices. Uses FAA L-854, ICAO, FCC & TP 312 Provides air-to-ground (Type I) radio control of airport lighting systems. Features • Unattended all-weather operation • Simple installation, low cost • Input power – 120 or 240 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz or 12 or 48 VDC, +20% • Output – 3 A relay contact rating, optional 40 A rating available • Operating temperature: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) • Frequency – 118.0 to 136.0 MHz VHF. Digital control electronics allow operating frequency to be easily reprogrammed by the user. This eliminates the need — required by older analog units — to return the L-854 to the factory for operating frequency changes. Ordering Code RCE- Power Input 1 = 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz 2 = 240 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz 3 = 12 VDC ±20% 4 = 48 VDC ±20% Antenna 1 = Top Mount 2 = Remote Antenna (with standard antenna)1,2 3 = Remote Antenna (with heavy duty antenna)2 4 = Remote Mount (without antenna and coax)3 Enclosure Type 1 = NEMA 4 (indoor/outdoor) Output 1 = 0 to 2 = 3 to 3 = 0 to 4 = 3 to 3 amps 40 amps (single step) 3 amps with RMM Option 40 amps (single step) with RMM Option Notes 1 The remote antenna is an omnidirectional ground-plane antenna with an additional 50 feet of cable for remote mounting. 2 For use in locations with high wind or ice. 3 For use in locations with an existing antenna and coax. • Antenna – whip (standard) or remote • Built-in speaker with volume control • Optional Remote Maintenance Module (RMM) available to interface to FAA equipment • For Canadian applications, the L-854 is configurable as a Type J or Type K ARCAL unit via DIP switch selection Application The primary function of the L-854 Radio Controller is to allow maximum utilization of airport runway lighting systems during times when the airport is unattended. Runway or approach lighting systems may be activated and intensity controlled remotely by using the L-854 Radio Controller. This is accomplished by the simple process of keying the microphone button of the regular VHF communication transmitter in the approaching aircraft. No special airborne equipment or adapters are required. Two independent sets of output relays can be programmed for either individual or incremental operation. Application (Continued) Selectable decoder enable/disable prevents multiple relay operation during the daytime when ATC normally controls the lights. Runway edge lighting, MALSR, or REILs are prime candidates for radio control operation. In Canada, ARCAL systems are generally available in two forms. Type J allows connected systems to be activated at a single intensity. Type K allows three selections of connected systems and are generally used to scale the light intensity selection on connected high and medium intensity lights. Environmental Operating Conditions Tempature: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 6,600 ft (2,000 m) The lights are activated remotely from the air and remain on for a period of 15 minutes and turn off automatically thereafter. Additional timer settings of 1, 30, 45 and 60 minutes are available. Selectable re-command enable/disable prevents setting outputs to a different state until the L-854 has timed out. 3002 Rev. J I Manual No. 96A0390 E - 19 CONTROL & MONITORING RCE I Digital Radio Control Electrical Spare Components The Receiver is a single-conversion superheterodyne design operating at a nominal radio frequency within the VHF band 118 to 136 MHz. The sensitivity is adjustable from 1 to 30 microvolts as desired by the user, permitting a control range of 1 to 20 miles. The receiver may be programmed to operate on any frequency in the specified VHF range. The Unicom channel, 122.8 MHz, is a frequent choice. Decoding is accomplished by solid-state digital circuitry, which is designed to sense the presence of three, five, or seven pulses within a five-second time period. The digital circuitry determines if any of these conditions exist and affect proper output relay closures. The L-854 Radio Control Equipment complies with FCC Part 15 rules and regulations. Description Part No. Display Assembly Relay Assembly Control Assembly Fuse, 0.5 A, 5mm x 20mm, SLO BLO Fuse, 5 A, 5mm x 20mm, SLO BLO Power Supply Assembly Remote Antenna (Rami AV-5) Remote Antenna, Heavy Duty (Rami AV-1) Remote Antenna Cable (50 ft/15.2 m) Remote Antenna Cable (100 ft/30.5 m) Remote Maintenance Module (RMM) Whip Antenna Internal Antenna Mounting Kit (with cable) 44A6746 44A6747 44A6748 47A0213 47A0214 44A6749 61A0448 61A0470 61A0447 61A0447-100 44A6770 61A0430 61A0429-01 Input Power Requirements 1 2 Voltage Maximum VA 12 VDC 48 VDC 120 VAC 240 VAC 112 13 151 181 Packaging The optional 40 A relay will add 10 VA when energized Typical standby power is 4 VA at 12 VDC for calculating solar power autonomy Weight: 21 lb (9.5 kg) Size: 12 x 10 x 8 in (30.48 x 25.4 x 20.32 cm) Theory of Operation (Continued) Theory of Operation The system is activated upon receiving a series of pulses of radio frequency energy within a five-second period. There are two independent sets of relays that can be programmed for individual or incremental operation. In incremental operation at the third pulse, the first relay closes, at the fifth pulse, the second relay closes, at the seventh pulse, the third relay closes. In individual operation only the relay for the selected step is closed at any time. An ideal application for series constant-current lighting systems is that of operating at a low power setting, using the L-854 controller to bring the lighting to full brilliancy, and if desired, simultaneously energizing the REILs. Maximum life and utility are thus achieved for both systems. Runway lighting and REIL/xenon flash lamp life is greatly increased. Since the L-854 controller is designed for outdoor, unattended, and continuous operation, it eliminates costly trenching and installation of control lines to remote facilities. At any time in the sequence, the pilot has the option of sending three, five, or seven pulses to command the system to the desired intensity level. The system will remain at the intensity level of the last command received. The solid-state timer will continue to operate for 15-60 minutes (selectable) after which it will cause the system to revert to the original “off” condition. The timer is reset by the receipt of any command at any time, unless re-command is set to disable, which requires the L-854 controller to time out before a new command is accepted. In the event of a power interruption while the relays are energized, the controller and associated relays will resume operation for the remainder of the period at the previously selected brightness setting. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. E - 20 3002 Rev. J I Manual No. 96A0390 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved CONTROL & MONITORING BRITETM Individual Lamp Control & Monitoring System (II) Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: Approved for use with SMGCS systems. This includes both Stop Bar and Runway Guard Light control/monitoring according to AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition); manufactured to AC 120-57 (Current Edition). Compliance with recommendations for European Manual on A-SMGCS. Overview The BRITETM system is the second generation of ADB Airfield Solutions’ successful individual lamp control and monitoring system. It combines modern microprocessor technology with ADB’s expertise in airfield lighting. ADB Airfield Solutions has the largest number of operational individual lamp control and monitoring systems in the world. The BRITE system is patented under U.S. patent numbers 5,926,115 and 5,969,642. Uses ADB’s BRITE system provides distributed intelligence in the airfield to control and monitor a variety of airfield lighting devices. It can be used in the following applications: BRITE Master BRITE Remote Features (Continued) • Each Remote can be a part of 20 different groups, allowing a group of Remotes to be controlled using only one command. This unique feature insures fast lighting commands at complex taxiway intersections. • Predefined power-on and fail-safe settings (ON/OFF/Flashing) • Monitoring of current for lamps-out detection • When connected to aircraft movement sensors, a BRITE Remote transmits aircraft presence and progression to the control system • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error checking insures a high degree of data integrity and reliable performance • Remote units are waterproof and are manufactured according to NEMA 6P (IP 68) • Stop bar and Runway Status Light control and monitoring • The BRITE system is designed to exceed the lightning test requirements defined in FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition) • Elevated and in-pavement Runway Guard Light (RGL) control and monitoring. For unmonitored RGL applications, only BRITE Remotes are needed. No separate control wires or timing control boxes are needed. System Description • Interface with aircraft/vehicle presence sensors (including microwave and inductive loop sensors) • Surface Movement Guidance Control System (SMGCS) • Failed-lamp detection and location identification • Selective control and monitoring of any airfield lighting device Features • Provides bidirectional communication between the BRITE Master and the Remotes • BRITE Remotes are connected on the low-voltage, secondary side of the airfield isolation transformer • High data transmission rate (9600 Baud) insures time-critical performance • The BRITE Remote is impervious to all deicing fluids • When a lamp fails, a short is placed across the secondary side of the isolation transformer, reducing the load on the constant current regulator (CCR) The BRITE system has an open architecture and modular design, allowing simple upgrades and integration with other airfield lighting systems. A typical BRITE system has the following components: • BRITE Master • BRITE Remotes • Vault Computer The BRITE system is normally used in conjunction with an Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS). It provides relevant information concerning the status of various airfield lighting devices to both maintenance and airport control tower personnel. See data sheet 1041 for more information on ALCMS components. BRITE System On the airfield side, the BRITE Master interfaces to the BRITE Remotes and can be either wall-mounted or 19-inch rack-mounted. Communications methodology is power line carrier. The BRITE Master is connected to the high-voltage airfield lighting circuit on the output of the CCR and acts as a high-voltage modem. • Lamp control functions: ON/OFF and flashing lamp ON and OFF • Both single and dual lamp Remotes are available • Any BRITE Remote can be configured as a communication signal amplifier 1227 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0199, 96A0200 E - 21 CONTROL & MONITORING BRITE I Individual Lamp Control & Monitoring System II BRITE Remote Aircraft/Vehicle Movement Detectors The BRITE Remote is a sealed microprocessor-based local control and monitoring device. It interfaces to the secondary, low-voltage side of the isolation transformer. Microwave and inductive loop presence sensors may be interfaced to a BRITE Sensor Remote, allowing automatic control and monitoring of taxiway Stop Bars and taxiway centerline lights, which can be incorporated into an ALCMS. See ALCMS catalog sheet 1041 for more information. Contact the ADB Sales Department for BRITE equipment needed for inductive loop applications. Remote Features • Performs automatic self-test and diagnostics • Easily configured via software. Default state (address, channel number...) is stored in nonvolatile memory • Internal watchdog timer provides reliable fail-safe operation • Command to a group of lamps is accomplished using a predefined “block” command, which greatly improves response time • Any Remote can be configured as a communication signal amplifier. This provides additional communication integrity in case of noise or degraded series circuits. There is no physical difference between a Remote configured as an amplifier and a standard Remote. • An optional increased corrosion-resistant version that meets military specifications is available. The Remote enclosure is double impregnated per MIL-I-17563B. The enclosure is also anodized per MIL-A-8625F, Type II, Class 2, olive drab. This version is normally used where a highly corrosive or salty environment may be present (for example, at an airport by the sea). • Remote replacement is easily done without the need for separate programming devices Typical devices to be controlled and monitored by the BRITE Remote are airfield lighting lamps and sensor/detection devices. The Remote can: • Switch ON/OFF or flash a lamp or a group of lamps up to 500 W ADB Microwave Sensor The ADB Model 385 Outdoor Microwave Sensor (Fig. 3) is a transceiver that provides reliable, three-dimensional detection in outdoor environments. It is primarily used for aircraft or vehicle detection on Stop Bars. Both the transmitter and receiver are combined into one unit. Sensitive, field-adjustable detection circuitry is capable of detecting an object at a distance up to 400 feet (122 m) from the transceiver. A patented Range Cutoff (RCO) Circuit positively rejects all microwave targets beyond a pre-selected range. This unique capability makes the Model 385 immune to alarms from any object outside the RCO distance, even very large microwave targets such as vehicles or other aircraft. Operating at K-band, which is much less crowded than X-band, the Model 385 is inherently less susceptible to outside interference from airport landing systems, aircraft radar, and other microwave intrusion systems. The ADB Model 385 is also equipped with a patented Zero-Range Suppression (ZRS) Circuit that reduces the amplitude of any microwave target in close proximity to the transceiver. This circuit dramatically reduces nuisance alarms from rain, vibration, birds, and windblown objects. Neither the RCO nor the ZRS circuit affects the detection pattern. Microwave Transceiver 3-in Pipe Column • Determine the status of a lamp, such as ON, OFF, or OPEN • Determine status of a sensor/detection device • Be configured for use in unmonitored Runway Guard Light (RGL) applications–No BRITE Master or vault PC is used. The BRITE Remote is configured for both a power-ON and fail-safe mode of flashing. RGLs then stay synchronized using a circuit that requires no external timing inputs. RGLs meet all timing requirements of AC 150/5340-28. Frangible Coupling Pipe Coupling Frangible Coupling Base Plate Base Plate w/Gasket L-867B Base Can L-823 Connector Field Circuit DC Power Supply A dedicated field circuit DC power supply is available, which can be used to power a variety of airfield devices, including aircraft and vehicle movement detectors. These devices are connected into the series circuit (2.8 A-6.6 A) and provide a regulated 24 VDC at 1.5 A. These DC supplies are physically similar to a BRITE Remote and meet the same environmental parameters. Field Circuit Power Supply Electrical • Output: 24 VDC at 1.5 A • Connects to series circuit via 300 W isolation transformer • 3-step thyristor (SCR type) CCRs must be loaded to at least 25% of rated or tapped load • 5-step thyristor (SCR type) CCRs must be loaded to at least 50% of rated or tapped load • Can be used with any load on ADB ferroresonant-type CCR E - 22 1227 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0199, 96A0200 Fig. 3 Microwave Sensor Installation Microwave Features • Pattern: Maximum range of 400 feet (122 m) and a maximum width of 20 feet (6 m). Adjustment can reduce the pattern to about 100 feet (30 m) in length by 3 feet (0.9 m) in width. Horizontal and vertical antenna beam width is about 3.8 degrees. These distances are for a mounting height of 3-4 feet (0.9-1.2 m). • Self-supervision: 1) Antenna blockage causes constant alarm 2) Computer checks for proper sensor operation CONTROL & MONITORING BRITE I Individual Lamp Control & Monitoring System II Microwave Features (Continued) Environmental Conditions (Continued) • Radiated output: 32 milliwatts peak at 24.13 GHz. Spurious emissions conform to FCC Regulation Part 15. EMC (CE Approved): -Compliant to EN 50081-2 (EMC emission standard) -Compliant to EN 50082-2 (EMC immunity standard) -Compliant to 60950 (IT equipment standard) • DC input: 11 to 14.5 VDC, 160 mA nominal Uses a 65 W isolation transformer. 60 VA load on CCR as seen at input of isolation transformer. • Alarm relay contacts: SPDT-Form C, 2 A at 28 VDC • Remote monitor: External connector for connection of test meter provides quick setup Lightning Protection: BRITE system is designed to exceed the lightning test requirements defined in FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition) Dimensions BRITE Configuration Master Wall Mount Only ADB uses fully automated AutoConfig™ software to configure Remotes. This unique software optimizes overall communication performance and minimizes installation time. Overall Height 26.5 in (67.3 cm) Overall Width 20 in (50.8 cm) Overall Depth 9.3 in (23.7 cm) Electrical Mounting Height 25.3 in (64.2 cm) Nominal Input Range -Remote: 2.72-6.7 A, 50/60 Hz -Master: 85-265 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.5 A at 120 VAC Mounting Width 14 in (35.6 cm) Master Rack Mount 8.7 in (22.2 cm) Minimum input current (Remote): 2.2 A RMS, Crest Factor 2.8 Minimum peak current, any 1/2 AC cycle (Remote): 3.1 A Maximum series circuit operating voltage: 5,000 VAC Maximum series circuit current (Remote): 7 A RMS; 20 A peak (any 1/2 AC cycle) Dielectric strength -Master: 15 kVDC -Remote: Recommended series circuit minimum of 100 kΩ Overall Height Overall Width 19 in (48.3 cm) Depth (front handle to rear of enclosure) 19.2 in (48.7 cm) 5.1 in (12.9 cm) Remote Control Device Overall Height: Box Width Only: 6.6 in (16.8 cm) Overall Width (includes Lead Length): 19 in (48.3 cm) Overall Depth 2.7 in (6.7 cm) Lead Length 19 in (48.3 cm) Remote self-check time, after power-ON: < 2 seconds Weight 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) Wiring Interface -Remote: Series circuit connection via an FAA L-823 connector -Master: Series circuit - FAA L-823 Input Voltage - IEC Power Receptacle Communication Link - 14 pin circular connector (AMP 208487-1) Microwave Sensor Power-ON Time (Remote): 0.72 seconds. This is time from initial presence of power until Remote is in power-ON state Diameter 10.6 in (27 cm) Overall Height 10.13 in (25.7 cm) Transceiver Weight 10 lb (4.5 kg) 9.5 in (24.1 cm) Field Circuit DC Power Supply Overall Height Environmental Conditions Box Width Only 6.75 in (17.2 cm) Operating Temperature -Remote: -67 °F to +149 °F (-55 °C to +65 °C) -Master: +32 °F to +131 °F (0 °C to +55 °C ) -Microwave Sensor: -30 °F to +150 °F (-35 °C to +66 °C) Overall Width (includes Lead Length): 26.75 in (68 cm) Storage Temperature: -Remote: -67 °F to +185 °F (-55 °C to +85 °C) -Master: -67 °F to +185 °F (-55 °C to +85 °C) Humidity: -Remote and Microwave Sensor: 0 - 100% -Master: 10-90% (non-condensing) Altitude: -Remote: 6,600 feet (0-2000 m) -Master: 6,600 feet (0-2000 m) Enclosure Protection Level: -Remote: IP68 (NEMA 6P) -Master: NEMA 1 Overall Depth 3.25 in (8.3 cm) Lead Length 20 in (50.8 cm) Spare Components (Master) Description Part No. DC Power supply Fan 51A0031 Fuse, 2.5 A Lightning arrestor, series circuit (VR1-6) Lightning protection, RS422 PCB, Master assembly PCB, high-voltage interface Wall-mounted Master Component Panel (Enclosure Not Included)* Wall-mounted Master (Enclosure Included)* 97A0018 47A0170 44A6053 105A0064 44D2643 44D4662 44A6116-10 44A6124-10 * For replacement purposes only 1227 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0199, 96A0200 E - 23 CONTROL & MONITORING BRITE Master1 Wall-Mount BRITE I Individual Lamp Control & Monitoring System II 44A6230- 00 Communication Style 1 = Networked Communication2 2 = Standard3 44A6829 Note This remote is for use with monitoring an ADB L-804 LED fixture (Part No. ERGL-X2XXX). See data sheet 2087 for more information. Lightning Protection 0 = Local Installation5 1 = Airfield Installation4 19-Inch Rack-Mount6 Single-Channel ERGL LED Remote Single-Channel BRITE Remote Configuration 0 = Standard Remote Configuration1 1 = In-pavement RGL Configuration Initial Flash On (Flash Rate of 31 for 60 Hz FAA Applications)2 2 = In-pavement RGL Configuration Initial Flash Off (Flash Rate of 31 for 60 Hz FAA Applications)2 44A6117- Communication Style 10 = Standard3 11 = Networked Communication2 Notes 1 Suitable for all series circuit current ratings 2 Used in applications where multiple Masters are networked together via RS-422 3 Used in stand-alone applications where Master is directly connected to the BRITE PC 4 Master installed remotely on airfield. Lightning protection installed on both input and output series circuit connections. No primary cord sets supplied. 5 Master installed close to CCR output, typically in the vault. Lightning protection installed only on output series circuit connections. 6 To mount the BRITE Master on top of the CCR, use Master Mounting Stand Part No. 94A0315-2 BRITE Sensor 44A6062-11 44A594 6 = Microwave Sensor Assembly (Includes microwave sensor, mounting pole and mounting base. Base can must be ordered separately) Cord Set 1 = With FAA Style 8 (with ball) Lamp Cord Set Dual-Channel BRITE Remote 44A6062-12 Configuration 0 = Standard Remote Configuration1 1 = In-pavement RGL Configured CH A Flash On (Flash Rate of 31/lamp for 60 Hz FAA Applications), CH B Off3 2 = In-pavement RGL Configured CH A Flash Off (Flash Rate of 31/lamp for 60 Hz FAA Applications), CH B Off3 3 = In-pavement RGL Configured CH A Flash On, CH B Flash Off, Both Channels. (Flash Rate of 31/lamp for 60 Hz FAA Applications)4 4 = Elevated RGL Configured CH A Flash On, CH B Flash Off, (Flash Rate of 20/lamp for 60 Hz FAA Applications)5 Cord Set 1 = With FAA Style 8 (with ball) Lamp Cord Set Note Inductive loop sensor also avilable. Contact the ADB Sales Department for additional information. BRITE Dedicated Power Supply, +12 VDC 44A6551 Note Contact the ADB Sales Department if other DC voltage levels are desired. Notes (for Single- and Dual-Channel Remotes) For unmonitored RGL applications, any quantity of BRITE Remotes can be used up to the full load on the CCR. For monitored RGL applications, contact the ADB Sales Department for the maximum recommended number of Remotes per circuit. 1 2 3 4 5 Can be used with any application including Runway Status Lights Used on in-pavement RGL applications with one Remote per lamp. Alternate initial Flash ON and initial Flash OFF Remotes for in-pavement RGL applications in which the lights alternately flash. Used on L-852G/S applications. Channel A is connected to RGL lamp. Channel B is connected to Stop Bar lamp. Used on in-pavement RGL applications to reduce overall cost. Channel A is connected to RGL lamp and Channel B is connected to the next physically adjacent RGL lamp. Used on elevated RGL applications. Channel A is connected to one lamp and channel B is connected to the other lamp. Contact the ADB Sales Department if a separate communi-cation link or 50 Hz Runway Guard Light applications are required. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. E - 24 1227 Rev. U I Manual No. 96A0199, 96A0200 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved POWER EQUIPMENT APS Advanced Power Supply System Compliance with Standards APS: Power supply designed in accordance with applicable requirements in L-828/L-829 AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). Fixtures: APS LED fixtures designed in accordance with applicable requirements in AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETES fixtures meet ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1 par. and Fig. A1-1 for photometry. See Ordering Code for details. CE: Complies with Directives: 2004/108/EC (EMC) and 2006/95/EC (LV). Uses Existing LED airfield lighting fixtures require an internal power supply to convert AC current in the range of 2.8 A to 6.6 A to a form usable by the LED source, which results in less than optimal L-828/L-829 constant current regulator (CCR) and fixture electrical efficiency. The Advanced Power Supply System (APSS) maximizes power supply efficiency, eliminates the fixture’s internal power supply, and allows the airport to reuse its existing series circuit infrastructure. The APSS architecture is based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), greatly reducing airfield lighting system electrical power requirements. Advanced Power Supply System Overview The Advanced Power Supply System is designed to maximize energy efficiency and minimize LED fixture complexity when compared to traditional incandescent or LED 6.6 A (or 20 A) systems. The APSS allows the existing airfield lighting infrastructure, including existing L-824 wire/L-823 primary connectors, to be reused. An electrical diagram of the APSS is shown in Figure 1. A traditional series circuit using an L-828/L-829 CCR can typically be converted to the APSS architecture quickly by simply: • Substituting the CCR with the Advanced Power Supply (APS) unit • Removing the existing lighting fixture and substituting the APSS fixture components. Existing isolation transformers can be reused. However, substituting smaller appropriately-size isolation transformers further reduces overall system energy use. For new installations, standard 600 V or 1,000 V cable can be used, if desired, assuming the cable is not physically in the same conduit/base cans as traditional 5,000 V series circuits. Fig. 1. PWM Series Circuit LED Power System 3010 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0406 F-1 POWER EQUIPMENT APS I Advanced Power Supply System APS Unit APSS Fixture The Advanced Power Supply (APS) is housed in a compact, 19-inch rack mountable enclosure, and multiple APS units can be installed in a vertical cabinet. See Figure 2. The APS is rated either 1 kW or 2 kW and outputs an alternating Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) current of 2 A maximum. See Figure 3. The output current alternates from +2 A to - 2 A in order to pass the current through the fixture ratio transformer. The maximum output voltage for the 1 kW APS is 500 V and for the 2 kW APS is 1000 V. Pulse Width Modulation is characterized by a signal that turns ON and OFF at a predetermined frequency. The APS varies the width of the ON time to effect a change in the LED fixture’s light output. Because intensity information is present in the PWM signal, no active elements are needed in the LED fixture other than the LED(s). Use of PWM also ensures that the fixture LED turns fully on even in the lower intensity steps. The APSS elevated and in-pavement fixtures use the same mechanical housing and optical elements (LED/lens/prisms) as traditional 6.6 A-based LED fixtures. Therefore, the photometric output meets all applicable regulatory specification requirements. The number of components in the fixture, however, is radically reduced. See Figure 3. The APS has a front-mounted LCD display to indicate output step setting, Remote/Local control status, and alarm indication. The APS monitors the following faults: • Open-circuit • Remote/Local If any fault occurs, a dry contact relay alarm closure is activated. Remote control is accomplished with 120 VAC or 48 VDC signals using the same method as standard FAA or ICAO CCRs. Both the remote control and alarm contact signals are accessible via a terminal strip on the inside of the APS enclosure. A front panelmounted circuit breaker protects the APS input. Fig. 3. APSS In-pavement Fixture with Minimum Internal Components. Alternating PWM current enters the fixture via a compact ratio transformer (step-down). The ratio transformer converts the input current to the nominal current needed by the LED(s) in a particular fixture. This allows one type of APS with a maximum current of 2 A alternating PWM to be used in any airfield application, regardless of the number of fixtures LEDs or nominal current needed by a specific LED type. The alternating PWM current then enters a full-wave bridge rectifier and is then connected to the LED(s), effectively doubling the frequency of the PWM current to the LED. Use of a full-wave bridge rectifier also ensures that LED current of the proper polarity is always present, regardless of the circuit polarity or the orientation of the connections made on the primary series circuit. Rugged surge protection is present on both the fixture input and across the LED itself. The ETL-certified LED fixtures that have been converted to an APSS architecture are: • L-861T(L) Elevated Taxiway Edge Light • L-852C(L)/L-852D(L) In-pavement Taxiway Centerline Light • L-852T(L) In-pavement Taxiway Edge Light • L-861(L)/L-861E(L) Medium-Intensity Elevated Runway Edge Light • L-858(L) Signs • L-804(L) Runway Guard Light APSS Shorting Device Fig. 2. Four APS units are installed in a vertical cabinet. F-2 3010 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0406 The shorting device is a compact waterproof device that, when used with an isolation transformer, bypasses the PWM current in case an elevated fixture is knocked over and prevents opening the circuit at the fixture’s frangible coupling. See Figure 4. POWER EQUIPMENT APS I Advanced Power Supply System Fig. 4. APSS Shorting Device Features Features (Continued) • The Advanced Power Supply (APS), designed to increase the efficiency of LED lighting circuits, uses an alternating Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) power supply to reduce energy costs • If APS input power loss occurs, operation will resume in less than five seconds after restoration of input power • When compared to traditional (6.6 A) LED technology fixtures, a simplified LED fixture further reduces maintenance time and cost • Due to the reduction in overall system complexity, system MTBF is greatly increased. An LED fixture uses very few parts, providing even greater reliability than present-day 6.6 A LED fixtures have already proven to have. • APS includes both input and output lightning protection • All fixtures use the same high-quality mechanical construction as traditional ADB fixtures. APS Electrical Supply Input Voltage: 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Maximum Input Current: 5 A (1 kW) or 9.5 A (2 kW) • A better way to capitalize on LED technology — By using a series circuit, the APS, and APSS-specific LED fixtures, airports can reduce maintenance costs, increase savings on energy costs, and lower operating voltages Power Factor*: 0.99 Efficiency*: 90% minimum Remote Control: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz • Allows airports to reuse the existing series circuit * Using 100% resistive load according to FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). • Maintenance staff is familiar with series circuits • Increased safety and longer series circuit wiring component life because the maximum APS output voltage is less than 500 V for the 1 kW APS or 1,000 V for the 2 kW APS • The APS regulates LED intensity using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), ensuring consistent light output at all intensity steps. The width of the PWM ON time at the output of the APS is preprogrammed to comply with the LED dimming curve requirement in FAA Engineering Brief 67. This eliminates the need for more complex electronics inside the fixture. Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Humidity: 10 to 95% Altitude: 0 to 6,600 ft (2,000 m) • APS is available in either 3 or 5 Brightness Steps • The physical size of the APS is greatly reduced, minimizing vault space required compared to traditional CCRs • A simple pull-and-replace process for installing LED fixtures allows for a rapid change-over. Existing L-824 wire/L-823 connectors can be reused. 3010 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0406 F-3 POWER EQUIPMENT APS I Advanced Power Supply System Packaging APS Enclosure Dimensions (H x W x D, excluding handles): 9.06 in (23.0 cm) x 19 in (48.3 cm) x 20.10 in (51.1 cm) Weight: 1 kW = 49 lb (22.2 kg) 2 kW = 70 lb (31.75 kg) APS Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D): 62.35 in (158.4 cm) x 23.95 (60.8 cm) x 31.02 in (78.8 cm) APSS Shorting Device Device Dimensions (H x W x D, maximum): 1.25 in (3.18 cm) x 2.25 in (5.7 cm) x 4.45 in (11.3 cm) Lead Length: Primary Connections: 24 in (60.96 cm) Secondary: 12 in (30.48 cm) Cord Set Options APS Ordering Code APS- 0 Power 10 = 1,000 W1 20 = 2,000 W2 Input Voltage 3 = 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Intensity 3 = 3-Step 5 = 5-Step Remote Control Voltage 0 = 120 VAC 1 = 48 VDC Notes 1 The 1 kW APS carries the CE Mark 2 CE certification pending for the 2 kW APS APS Cabinet 56A0617 Isolation Transformer Ordering Codes Elevated/in-pavement fixtures, 20/25 W 1 module sign, 65 W 2 module sign, 100 W 3 or 4 module sign, 200 W Shorting Device Ordering Code 1ST020666010 1ST065666010 1ST100666010 1ST200666010 44A7092- 0 Type E = Elevated fixtures I = In-pavement fixtures A = 1 module sign B = 2 module sign C = 3 module sign D = 4 module sign APSS LED Fixtures L-861(L)/L-861E(L) Ordering Code1 Note 1 Each cord set is used to supply power to one side of the bidirectional fixture 2 Style 6 is used when shorting device is required 3 Style 2 and 9 cord sets are not normally used in new applications. If interested, contact ADB Sales. IMIL- 00 LED Color 1 = Omnidirectional White (L-861) 2 = Omnidirectional Yellow (L-861) 3 = Bidirectional White/Yellow (L-861) 4 = Bidirectional White/Red (L-861) 5 = Bidirectional Yellow/Red (L-861) 7 = Bidirectional Red/Green, L-867 mounting (L-861E) 8 = Bidirectional Red/Red, L-867 mounting (L-861E) 9 = Unidirectional Green, L-867 mounting (L-861E) A = Bidirectional Red/Green, L-868 mounting (L-861E) B = Bidirectional Red/Red, L-868 mounting (L-861E) C = Unidirectional Green, L-868 mounting (L-861E) D = Omnidirectional Blue, L-867 mounting (L-861T)4 Power A = APS with L-823 Style 2 and 9 Cord with Connector Ridge2 B = APS with L-823 Style 6 Cord C = APS with L-823 Style 6 Teflon® Cord3 Notes 1 Low-profile elevated L-861(L) and L-861E(L) 2 For Style 2 and 9 cord set, contact ADB Sales 3 Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont 4 Use of this fixture should be limited to where elevated lights may be damaged by jet blast or where they interfere with aircraft operations. F-4 3010 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0406 POWER EQUIPMENT APS I Advanced Power Supply System APSS LED Fixtures (Continued) APSS LED Fixtures (Continued) L-852C(L)/L-852D(L) Ordering Code ITCF- 0 0 Series C = L-852C(L) (narrow beam) D = L-852D(L) (wide beam) LED Color 1 = Yellow/Yellow 2 = Green/Green 3 = Yellow/Green1 5 = Green/Obscure 6 = Yellow/Obscure 8 = Red/Green1 0 Mounting and Cord Set 1 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868B (12”) standard base 3 = One L-823 cord set, L-868B (12”) standard base 5 = One L-823 cord set, L-868A (10”)2 6 = Two L-823 cord sets, L-868A (10”)2 0 Power B = APS with enhanced LED and L-823 Style 6 cord set3 Notes 1 Color configuration not recognized by the FAA 2 Refers to older style 10-inch L-868A base can compliant to AC 150/5345-42C. 10-inch base cans are no longer specified in the current FAA Advisory Circular. 3 For Style 2 and 9 cord set, contact ADB Sales. L-804(L) Ordering Code ERGL- Power A = APS Monitoring 1 = No Monitoring (2-pin cord set) LED Color 1 = FAA Traffic Signal Yellow 3 = ICAO Aviation Yellow Photocell Feature 1 = Without photocell (series circuit powered applications only) Incoming Power On/Off Switch 0 = No switch L-861T(L) Ordering Code ETES- 0 LED Color 1 = Blue (Glass)1 2 = Red (special applications only) 3 = White (special applications only) 4 = Green (special applications only) 5 = Yellow (special applications only) 6 = Blue (UV-resistant Polycarbonate) Column Height 0 = 14-inch OAH 1 = 14-inch OAH 2 = 24-inch OAH 3 = 30-inch OAH 4 = 14-inch OAH 5 = 24-inch OAH 6 = 30-inch OAH 7 = 14-inch OAH 8 = 24-inch OAH 9 = 30-inch OAH without coupling2 with 1.5-inch coupling with 1.5-inch coupling with 1.5-inch coupling with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 Power A = APS Notes 1 Fixture meets FAA AC 150/5345-46 and ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. for photometry. 2 Configuration sold with no column and no coupling 3 Normally used in metric applications L-852T(L) Ordering Code ITEL- 0 Lens 7 = Blue 8 = Yellow 9 = White A = Green B = Red Mounting 1 = 12-inch fixture for standard L-868B light base 2 = 12-inch fixture for standard L-867B light base 3 = 8-inch fixture for ICAO light base 4 = 8-inch fixture with L-868B adapter ring 6 = 8-inch fixture with L-867B adapter ring, bottom mounted Power B = APS with L-823 Style 6 Teflon® cord set1,2 C = APS with L-823 Style 6 cord set Notes 1 For Style 2 and 9 cord set, contact ADB Sales. 2 Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont. 3010 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0406 F-5 r POWER EQUIPMENT APS I Advanced Power Supply System APSS LED Light Bar FAA Sign Ordering Code S 3 APSS LED Fixtures (Continued) L-861(L)/L-861E(L) Ordering Code EMIL- 00 LED Color 1 = Omnidirectional White (L-861) 2 = Omnidirectional Yellow (L-861) 3 = Bidirectional White/Yellow (L-861) 4 = Bidirectional White/Red (L-861) 5 = Bidirectional Yellow/Red (L-861) 6 = Bidirectional Green/Yellow (L-861) 7 = Bidirectional Red/Green (L-861E) 8 = Bidirectional Red/Red (L-861E) 9 = Unidirectional Green/Obscure (L-861E)1 B = Unidirectional Yellow/Obscure (L-861)1 C = Unidirectional White/Obscure (L-861) E = Bidirectional Red/Green (L-861E)6 F = Bidirectional Red/Red (L-861E)5 G = Bidirectional Red/Obscure (L-861E)5 FAA Sign Size 1 = Size 1 2 = Size 2 3 = Size 3 4 = Size 4 5 = Size 5 Module 1 = 1 Module 2 = 2 Modules 3 = 3 Modules 4 = 4 Modules Style A = APS Column Height 1 = 14-inch OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI 2 = 24-inch OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI 3 = 30-inch OAH with 1.5-inch coupling, 12 TPI 4 = 14-inch OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI 5 = 24-inch OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI 6 = 30-inch OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11.5 TPI 7 = 14-inch OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 8 = 24-inch OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 9 = 30-inch OAH with 2-inch coupling, 11 TPI3 A = 14-inch OAH without coupling2,4 Face 1 = Single 2 = Double Total Number of Panels X = To be determined by ADB Sales Department based on legend and module configurations. 3 Power A = APS Notes 1 For the yellow/green fixture on a threshold bar in displaced threshold applications, use one green/obscure L-861E(L) and one yellow/obscure L-861(L). Requires a 2-hub base plate Part No. 2835-2 (for 1.5” coupling) or 2832-2 (for 2” coupling) mounted on an L-867D base can. 2 Not submitted for ETL testing 3 Normally used in metric applications 4 Configuration sold with no column and no coupling 5 Optics for red side enhanced to provide a beam much wider than FAA requirements. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. F-6 3010 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0406 0 Lamp Type R = LED S = LED High Wind1 Power 1 = Power through leg without ON/OFF switch 2 = Power through leg with ON/OFF switch 3 = Power through side without ON/OFF switch3 4 = Power through side with ON/OFF switch3 5 = Customer-provided entry without ON/OFF switch2 6 = Customer-provided entry with ON/OFF switch2 Tether 0 = No tether3 1 = One tether on one end of sign 2 = Two tethers, one on each end 3 = One tether per leg Notes • Customer to provide legend information and power connection side. It is important to match power cord exit location with legend side. 1 Use high wind signs in locations where actual wind speed exceeds FAA specifications (Mode 3). High wind signs are tested to a minimum wind load of 327 mph as recommended by FAA technical paper DOT/FAA/AR-TN00/32: Evaluation of WindLoading on Airport Signs. High wind signs require four anchor bolts per floor flange except Size 1, which uses the standard 2-bolt foot. 2 Cord set coiled up inside. Customer provides entry hole. 3 Non-standard FAA configuration ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved POWER EQUIPMENT CSF Constant Current Regulator FERRORESONANT, AIR-COOLED Compliance with Standards FAA: L-828/L-829 AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. ICAO: Aerodrome Design Manual Part 5, para. to Military: UFC 3-535-01; NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 Uses FAA L-828/ L-829 & ICAO Supplies three or five precision output levels to power series lighting circuits on airport runways and taxiways. ACETM Unit The optional ACE unit provides L-829 monitoring and optional megging or CCR input monitoring capability. Each unit is installed locally at each CCR that requires remote control and/or monitoring within the airfield lighting electrical vault. Optional CCR input monitoring monitors the following: • CCR input current Features • CCR input voltage • Advanced CCR architecture produces minimal EMI, high efficiency, and near unity power factor for AC 150/5345-10 test conditions, exceeding FAA and military requirements for power factor and efficiency. Advanced architecture has excellent input power factor and efficiency at all intensity steps and lower loads. • CCR input volt-amps (VA) • Does not exceed the conducted power line emission limits given in Table 4 of AC 150/5345-10 with testing as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 47, Subpart B, Section 15.107b. Does not exceed the radiated emission limits given in Table 5 of AC 150/ 5345-10 with testing as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 47, Subpart B, Section 15.109b. • Optional integrated ACETM unit provides state-of-the-art remote control and L-829 monitoring capability. Unique “cycle” mode allows output True-RMS current and voltage, VA, watts, lampsout, and series circuit insulation resistance value to be alternately displayed. A visual indication is also provided for all other FAA-monitored parameters, including open circuit, overcurrent, loss of input power, loss of input voltage, low VA (drop in load VA of 10%), Remote/Local status, and incorrect output current. • No input turn on in-rush current surge • Comes standard with interlock switch, which cuts power to the contactor when door is opened. • CCR input power (watts) • CCR input power factor • CCR % efficiency • CCR run-time by step • CCR cycle count The ACE unit is also a component of ADB’s distributed control and monitoring system. Each unit can be easily connected to an Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System (ALCMS) by simply adding redundant communication wires. See ADB ACE data sheet 2084 for additional information. Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Humidity: 10 to 95% Altitude: 0 to 6,600 ft (2,000 m) Weights and Dimensions CCR Size • Available in two classes and styles: Class 1 = 6.6 A maximum output current (2.5-30 kW only) Class 2 = 20 A maximum output current (15-30 kW only) Style 1 = 3 Brightness Steps Style 2 = 5 Brightness Steps 2.5 kW 4 kW • If input power loss occurs, operation will resume within five seconds after restoration of input power • Number of Brightness Steps can be changed in the field (between 3 and 5 Steps). New label required. Theory of Operation 1 2 Shipping Weight lb (kg) 277 (125.65) 311 (141.07) 443 (200.94) 483 (219.09) 505 (229.06) 545 (247.21) 7.5 kW 597 (270.79) 631 (286.22) 10 kW 663 (300.73) 703 (318.88) 1 20 kW • Input lightning protection & output lightning protection included CCR Weight lb (kg) 5 kW1 15 kW • Field upgradable from L-828 to L-829 with ACE unit Ferroresonant circuitry and a solid-state control system accurately regulate the output current to within the FAA-allowable range from no load to full load and with input voltage variations of -5% to +10% of nominal. 1 755 (342.46) 795 (360.61) 1048 (475.36) 1088 (493.51) 25 kW1 1201 (544.76) 1241 (562.91) 30 kW 1355 (614.62) 1395 (632.76) CCR Size H x W x D - inches H x W x D - mm All 442 x 31.5 x 31.5 in 1,1182 x 800 x 800 mm Estimated weight Height includes CCR feet. 3055 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0451 F-7 POWER EQUIPMENT Ordering Code CSF I Constant Current Regulator - Ferroresonant CSF - Amperage 66 = 6.6 A output 20 = 20 A output Size 02 = 2.5 kW, 6.6 A only 04 = 4 kW, 6.6 A only 05 = 5 kW, 6.6 A only 07 = 7.5 kW, 6.6 A only 10 = 10 kW, 6.6 A only 15 = 15 kW 20 = 20 kW 25 = 25 kW 30 = 30 kW Output Range 3 = 3-step without Series Cutout1 4 = 3-step with Series Cutout1 5 = 5-step without Series Cutout 6 = 5-step with Series Cutout Input Voltage 1 = 208, 60 Hz 2 = 240, 60 Hz 3 = 480, 60 Hz 4 = 347, 60 Hz 5 = 220, 60 Hz 6 = 400, 50 Hz 8 = 220, 50 Hz 9 = 230, 50 Hz A = 240, 50 Hz B = 380, 60 Hz C = 380, 50 Hz D = 600, 60 Hz Monitoring Options (See Application Notes) 0 = None (Standard L-828) 3 = L-829 Monitoring (ACE) 4 = Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) Ready 5 = L-829 Monitoring (ACE) and IRMS 6 = L-828 with Digital Power Meter CCR Input/Output Monitoring 0 = No optional CCR input or output circuit monitoring2 A = With L-829 or IRMS monitoring; without optional input CCR monitoring3 G = With L-829 or IRMS monitoring; with optional input CCR monitoring3 Notes • A ferroresonant CCR is preferred for airports that require low output harmonic content (EMI) or that have varying loads, such as Runway Guard Lights using incandescent (tungsten-halogen) lamps, L-849 REILs using xenon flash lamps, or Runway Status Lights (RWSL) • Runway Guard Lights using incandescent (tungsten-halogen) lamps should be powered with ferroresonant type CCRs and not with thyristor type CCRs • Refer to data sheet 3013 for 20 A 50 and 70 kW CCRs. 1 3-step, 20 A is not standard FAA operation. ADB can offer a non-ETL Certified Style 1, Class 2 CCR for dedicated 5.5 A sign circuits or other needs. Please contact the Sales Department for more details. 2 Used only with Monitoring Options 0 and 6. 3 Used only with Monitoring Options 3 and 5. F-8 3055 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0451 Spare Components Description Part No. Control PCB assembly Dual SCR Block (2.5-10 kW) Dual SCR Block (15 kW) Dual SCR Block (20 kW) Dual SCR Block (25, 30 kW) Fuse 25 A 250 V Time Delay Fuse 45 A 250 V Fuse 60 A 250 V Fuse 125 A 250 V Fuse 90 A 250 V Fuse 30 A 600 V Fuse 40 A 600 V Fuse 60 A 600 V Fuse 50 A 600 V Fuse 12 A 600 V Fuse 25 A 600 V Fuse 30 A 250 V Fuse 50 A 250 V Fuse 70 A 250 V Fuse 80 A 250 V Fuse 90 A, 600 V Fuse 110 A 250 V Fuse 175 A 250 V Fuse 200 A 250 V Fuse 125 A, 600 V Fuse 15 A, 250 V Fuse 17 A, 600 V Fuse 20 A, 600 V Fuse 35 A, 600 V Fuse 80 A, 600 V Fuse 6 A, 600 V Fuse 10 A, 600 V Fuse 45 A, 600 V Fuse 70 A, 600 V Fuse 8 A, 600 V Fuse 100 A, 600 V Fuse 20 A, 250 V Fuse 35 A, 250 V Fuse 150 A, 250 V For Input Fuses F1, F2 please see table on pg. B-9 Fuse 2 A 250 V (4-10 kW 208-347 V) (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 1 A 500 V (4-10 kW 480 V) (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 3 A 500 V (15-70 kW) (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 0.5 A 250 V (Fuses F5) Fuse 1 A 250 V (Control Board) Input Lightning Arrestor Output Lightning Arrestor (2.5-10kW 6.6A, 15-20kW 20A) Output Lightning Arrestor (15-30kW 6.6A, 30kW 20A) 44A7293-00 28A0056 28A0057 28A0055 28A0054 47A0069 47A0070 47A0071 47A0072 47A0083 47A0085 47A0086 47A0087 47A0088 47A0090 47A0091 47A0092 47A0093 47A0094 47A0096 47A0097 47A0099 47A0101 47A0102 47A0106 47A0175 47A0190 47A0191 47A0193 47A0217 47A0222 47A0223 47A0224 47A0225 47A0226 47A0227 47A0228 47A0229 47A0230 47A0113 47A0108 47A0187 47A0119 47A0017 32A0028 32A0115 32A0114 Note: For additional spare parts refer to manual 96A0451. Electrical Supply Power Input: 50/60 Hz, single-phase, available in multiple voltages Power Factor: 0.99 or more for 2.5 to 30 kW Efficiency: 90% minimum for 2.5 to 25 kW 92% minimum for 30 kW Remote Control: 120 VAC or +48 VDC, ±10% POWER EQUIPMENT CSF I Constant Current Regulator - Ferroresonant Application Notes Monitoring Option Description Application 0 None Standard L-828 supplied with analog ammeter 3 L-829 Monitoring (ACETM) Includes FAA L-829 monitoring equipment. • If application is for connection to ADB L-890 ALCMS: Add a “/A” to end of Ordering Code. The ACE unit will then be programmed to provide monitoring data via dualredundant communication links. • If application is for a stand-alone L-829 CCR: Ordering Code is not changed. The ACE unit is programmed to deactivate a dry contact closure if a fault is present. The fault alarm can then be connected to any external monitoring system. 4 Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) Ready This option adds an IRMS board in the CCR. Application: connection to externally mounted ADB ACE unit. 5 L-829 Monitoring (ACE) and IRMS Includes FAA L-829 and IRMS equipment. • If application is for connection to ADB L-890 ALCMS: Add a “/A” to end of Ordering Code. The ACE unit will then be programmed to provide monitoring data via dual redundant communication links. • If application is for a stand-alone L-829 CCR with Insulation Resistance Monitoring: Ordering Code is not changed. The ACE unit is programmed to deactivate a dry contact closure if a fault is present. The fault alarm can then be connected to any external monitoring system. 6 L-828 with Digital Power Meter This option replaces the analog ammeter with a Digital Power Meter. The Digital Power Meter is used on L-828 CCRs to indicate True RMS output current, voltage, VA, and watts. It can also be set to activate an alarm if there is a 10% or 15% drop in the load (Low VA). Input Fuses F1, F2 Size 208 V 220 V 230 V 240 V 2.5 kW 47A0228 47A0228 4 kW 47A0092 47A0092 5 kW 47A0229 7.5 kW 47A0093 10 kW 47A0094 47A0094 15 kW 47A0099 20 kW 47A0230 25 kW 47A0101 47A0101 30 kW 47A0102 47A0102 347 V 380-400 V 480 V 600 V 47A0175 47A0223 47A0223 47A0226 47A0222 47A0069 47A0069 47A0191 47A0191 47A0090 47A0223 47A0229 47A0092 47A0191 47A0191 47A0090 47A0090 47A0093 47A0070 47A0193 47A0085 47A0091 47A0191 47A0071 47A0071 47A0086 47A0086 47A0085 47A0091 47A0099 47A0096 47A0083 47A0087 47A0087 47A0088 47A0086 47A0072 47A0072 47A0072 47A0097 47A0217 47A0087 47A0224 47A0230 47A0227 47A0097 47A0217 47A0087 47A0101 47A0101 47A0106 47A0106 47A0097 47A0225 CCR Kits Various kits are available to customize CCRs for specific application requirements. Current Sensing Relay Kit 94A0343 Provides a dedicated contact closure if CCR output current is present. Elapsed Time Meter Kit Provides CCR run-time information on L-828 CCRs. 94A0263 Auxiliary ACE Monitoring 94A0512 Provides CCR Run Time, which displays total hours in each CCR step setting, and CCR Cycle Count, which displays the total number of times the CCR has been turned on/off. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 CCR Output Analog Voltmeter Kit Part No. 7.5 kW, 6.6 A; 20 kW, 20 A 10-15 kW, 6.6 A; 30 kW, 20 A 20-30 kW, 6.6 A 94A0128 94A0129 94A0130 Door Documentation Pocket Kit 94A0654 Provides a pocket for CCR documentation on the inside of the front door. Stacking Kit 94A0655 ADB CSF regulators can be stacked to minimize the floor space required in a vault. Kit allows two 800 mm x 800 mm regulators to be stacked together. Regulators can only be stacked two high. © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3055 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0451 F-9 POWER EQUIPMENT CHF Constant Current Regulator FERRORESONANT, AIR-COOLED, 50/70 KW Compliance with Standards FAA: L-828/L-829 AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. UFC 3-535-01; NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 Military: Uses FAA L-828/ L-829 Supplies three or five precision output levels to power series lighting circuits on airport runways and taxiways. Features Electrical Supply Power Input: 60 Hz, single-phase, available in 480 VAC Power Factor: 0.95 or more for 50 and 70 kW Efficiency: 93% minimum for 50 kW 94% minimum for 70 kW Remote Control: 120 VAC, 60 Hz or +48 VDC, ±10% • Advanced CCR architecture produces minimal EMI, high efficiency, and near unity power factor for AC 150/5345-10 test conditions, exceeding FAA and military requirements for power factor and efficiency. Advanced architecture has excellent input power factor and efficiency at all intensity steps and lower loads. Theory of Operation • Does not exceed the conducted power line emission limits given in Table 4 of AC 150/5345-10 with testing as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 47, Subpart B, Section 15.107b. Does not exceed the radiated emission limits given in Table 5 of AC 150/ 5345-10 with testing as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 47, Subpart B, Section 15.109b. ACETM Unit • Optional integrated ACETM unit provides state-of-the-art remote control and L-829 monitoring capability. Unique “cycle” mode allows output True-RMS current and voltage, VA, watts, lamps-out, and series circuit insulation resistance value to be alternately displayed. A visual indication is also provided for all other FAA-monitored parameters, including open circuit, overcurrent, loss of input power, loss of input voltage, low VA (drop in load VA of 10%), Remote/Local status, and incorrect output current. • No input turn on in-rush current surge • Available in one class and two styles: Class 2 = 20 A maximum output current (50-70 kW only) Style 2 = 5 Brightness Steps • If input power loss occurs, operation will resume within five seconds after restoration of input power • Field upgradable from L-828 to L-829 with ACE unit • Industrial powder coat finish • Input lightning protection and output lightning protection included Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Humidity: 10 to 95% Altitude: 0 to 6,600 ft (2,000 m) F - 10 3013 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0408 Ferroresonant circuitry and a solid-state control system accurately regulate the output current to within the FAA-allowable range from no load to full load and with input voltage variations of -5% to +10% of nominal. The optional ACE unit provides L-829 monitoring and optional megging or CCR input monitoring capability. Each unit is installed locally at each CCR that requires remote control and/or monitoring within the airfield lighting electrical vault. Optional CCR input monitoring monitors the following: • CCR input current • CCR input voltage • CCR input volt-amps (VA) • CCR input power (watts) • CCR input power factor • CCR % efficiency • CCR run-time by step • CCR cycle count The ACE unit is also a component of ADB’s distributed control and monitoring system. Each unit can be easily connected to an Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System (ALCMS) by simply adding redundant communication wires. See ADB ACE data sheet 2084 for additional information. POWER EQUIPMENT Ordering Code CHF I Constant Current Regulator - Ferro 50-70 kW CHF Spare Components - Amperage 20 = 20 A output Size1 50 = 50 kW, 20 A only 70 = 70 kW, 20 A only Output Range 5 = 5-step without Series Cutout2 6 = 5-step with Series Cutout2 Input Voltage 3 = 480 Description Part No. Control PCB assembly Dual SCR Block (50, 70 kW) Fuse 125 A, 600 V, 480 V input, 50 kW (Fuses F1, F2) Fuse 200 A, 600 V, 480 V input, 70 kW (Fuses F1, F2) Fuse 3 A 500 V (50-70 kW) (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 0.5 A 250 V (Fuses F5, F6, F7) Input Lightning Arrestor Output Lightning Arrestor (50-70kW 20A) 44A7075-1 28A0037 47A0106 47A0141 47A0187 47A0119 32A0028 32A0114 Note: For additional spare parts refer to manual 96A0408. Monitoring Options (See Application Notes) 0 = None (Standard L-828) 1 = ALCMS Scanning Monitor Interface 2 = ALCMS Scanning Monitor Ready 3 = L-829 Monitoring (ACE) 4 = Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) Ready 5 = L-829 Monitoring (ACE) and IRMS 6 = L-828 with Digital Power Meter CCR Input/Output Monitoring 0 = No optional CCR input or output circuit monitoring3 A = With L-829 or IRMS monitoring; without optional input CCR monitoring4 G = With L-829 or IRMS monitoring; with optional input CCR monitoring4 Notes 1 For CHF sizes 4-30 kW, contact the ADB Sales Department. 2 3-step, 20 A is not standard FAA operation. ADB Airfield Solutions can offer a non-ETL Certified Style 1, Class 2 CCR for dedicated 5.5 A sign circuits or other needs. Please contact the ADB Sales Department for more details. 3 Used only with Monitoring Options 0, 1, 2, and 6. 4 Used only with Monitoring Options 3 and 5. Input Fuses F1, F2 Size 208 V 220 V 240 V 347 V 480 V 50 kW N/A N/A N/A N/A 47A0106 70 kW N/A N/A N/A N/A 47A0141 Dimensions CCR Size Dimensions (H x W x D)1 Weight - lb (kg) 50 kW 2 70 x 33 x 34 - in 2150 (975.2)2 70 kW 2 177.8 x 83.8 x 86.4 - cm 2400 (1088.6)2 1 2 Based on Input Voltage 50 kW and 70 kW CCRs are only available on 480 V input CCR Kits Various kits are available to customize CCRs for specific application requirements. Current Sensing Relay Kit 94A0343 Provides a dedicated contact closure if CCR output current is present. Elapsed Time Meter Kit Provides CCR run-time information on L-828 CCRs. 94A0263 Input Lightning Protection Kit, 208-480V AC 94B0011 Provides input lightning protection for older CCRs. Input lightning protection is included and required for CCRs certified to FAA AC 150/ 5345-10F or later. Auxiliary ACE Monitoring 94A0512 Provides CCR Run Time, which displays total hours in each CCR step setting, and CCR Cycle Count, which displays the total number of times the CCR has been turned on/off. 3013 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0408 F - 11 POWER EQUIPMENT CHF I Constant Current Regulator - Ferro 50-70 kW Application Notes Monitoring Option Description Application 0 None Standard L-828 supplied with analog ammeter 1 ALCMS Scanning Monitor Interface (SMI) The SMI option adds Primary Power and Remote/Local monitoring relays. Dry relay contacts are connected to a dedicated terminal block for each monitored point. Typical application: connecting ADB L-828 CCR to ALCMS or L-827 that is manufactured by others. Note that this option does not provide dedicated output current or voltage transformers. 2 ALCMS Scanning Monitor Ready (SMR) The SMR option adds several monitoring relays (including Primary Power and Remote/ Local) and also CCR output current and voltage transformers. All monitored signals are connected to a dedicated terminal block. Application only for connecting ADB L-828 CCR to ADB Gen I/II ALCMS scanning monitoring system. 3 L-829 Monitoring (ACETM) Includes FAA L-829 monitoring equipment. • If application is for connection to ADB L-890 ALCMS: Add a “/A” to end of Ordering Code. The ACE unit will then be programmed to provide monitoring data via dualredundant communication links. • If application is for a stand-alone L-829 CCR: Ordering Code is not changed. The ACE unit is programmed to deactivate a dry contact closure if a fault is present. The fault alarm can then be connected to any external monitoring system. 4 Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) Ready This option adds an IRMS board in the CCR. Application: connection to externally mounted ADB ACE unit. 5 L-829 Monitoring (ACE) and IRMS Includes FAA L-829 and IRMS equipment. • If application is for connection to ADB L-890 ALCMS: Add a “/A” to end of Ordering Code. The ACE unit will then be programmed to provide monitoring data via dual redundant communication links. • If application is for a stand-alone L-829 CCR with Insulation Resistance Monitoring: Ordering Code is not changed. The ACE unit is programmed to deactivate a dry contact closure if a fault is present. The fault alarm can then be connected to any external monitoring system. 6 L-828 with Digital Power Meter This option replaces the analog ammeter with a Digital Power Meter. The Digital Power Meter is used on L-828 CCRs to indicate True RMS output current, voltage, VA, and watts. It can also be set to activate an alarm if there is a 10% or 15% drop in the load (Low VA). Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. F - 12 3013 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0408 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved POWER EQUIPMENT CCT Constant Current Regulator THYRISTOR, AIR-COOLED Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: Military: L-828/L-829 AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Aerodrome Design Manual Part 5, para. to UFC 3-353-01; NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 Uses FAA L-828/ L-829 & ICAO Supplies three or five precision output levels to power series lighting circuits on airport runways and taxiways. Features • Solid-state operation with no relays eliminates mechanical failures • Optional integrated ACETM unit provides state-of-the-art remote control and L-829 monitoring capability. Unique “cycle” mode allows output True-RMS current and voltage, VA, watts, lampsout, and series circuit insulation resistance value to be alternately displayed. A visual indication is also provided for all other FAAmonitored parameters, including open circuit, overcurrent, loss of input power, loss of input voltage, low VA (drop in load VA of 10%), Remote/Local status, and incorrect output current. • No input turn on in-rush current surge • To minimize the floor space required in a vault, ADB 4-30 kW regulators can be stacked using a stacking kit. See Kits section for details. • Available in two classes and styles: Class 1 = 6.6 A maximum output current Class 2 = 20 A maximum output current (15-30 kW only) Style 1 = 3 Brightness Steps Style 2 = 5 Brightness Steps • Power taps on output winding of main transformer provide efficient (high primary power factor) operation at all load levels: 10% taps from 10% to 100% on all CCR sizes • If input power loss occurs, operation will resume within five seconds after restoration of input power • Number of Brightness Steps can be changed in the field (between 3 and 5 Steps). New label required. • Field upgradable from L-828 to L-829 with ACE unit • Industrial powder coat finish • Input lightning protection and output lightning protection included Environmental Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Humidity: 10 to 95% Altitude 0 to 6,600 ft (2,000 m) Shown with optional ACE2 Ordering Code CCT - Amperage 66 = 6.6 A output 20 = 20 A output Size 04 = 4 kW, 6.6 A only 05 = 5 kW, 6.6 A only 07 = 7.5 kW, 6.6 A only 10 = 10 kW, 6.6 A only 15 = 15 kW 20 = 20 kW 25 = 25 kW 30 = 30 kW Output Range 3 = 3-step without Series Cutout1 4 = 3-step with Series Cutout1 5 = 5-step without Series Cutout 6 = 5-step with Series Cutout Input Voltage 1 = 208, 60 Hz 2 = 240, 60 Hz 3 = 480, 60 Hz 4 = 347, 60 Hz 5 = 220, 60 Hz 6 = 400, 50 Hz, 6.6 A only (Not 7 = 208, 50 Hz, 6.6 A only (Not 8 = 220, 50 Hz, 6.6 A only (Not 9 = 230, 50 Hz, 6.6 A only (Not A = 240, 50 Hz, 6.6 A only (Not B = 380, 50/60 Hz, 6.6 A only ETL Certified) ETL Certified) ETL Certified) ETL Certified) ETL Certified) Monitoring Options (See Application Notes) 0 = None (Standard L-828) 1 = ALCMS Scanning Monitor Interface 2 = ALCMS Scanning Monitor Ready 3 = L-829 Monitoring (ACE) 4 = Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) Ready 5 = L-829 Monitoring (ACE) and IRMS Ready 6 = L-828 with Digital Power Meter CCR Input/Output Monitoring 0 = No optional CCR input or output circuit monitoring2 A = With L-829 or IRMS monitoring; without optional input CCR monitoring3 G = With L-829 or IRMS monitoring; with optional input CCR monitoring3 Notes 1 3-step, 20 A is not standard FAA operation. ADB Airfield Solutions can offer a non-ETL Certified Style 1, Class 2 CCR for dedicated 5.5 A sign circuits or other needs. 2 Used only with Monitoring Options 0, 1, 2, and 6. 3 Used only with Monitoring Options 3 and 5. 2052 Rev. W I Manual No. 96A0296 F - 13 POWER EQUIPMENT CCT I Constant Current Regulator - Thyristor Application Theory of Operation The CCT-Type CCR should not be used to power an L-849 REIL system using xenon flash lamps unless the CCR is at least half loaded with steady burning lights. The CCT-Type CCR should not be used to power Runway Guard Lights using incandescent (tungsten-halogen) lamps regardless of load. Do not route output cable in the vicinity of other wiring sensitive to electromagnetic interference or radio frequency interference. See CSF regulator data sheet 3055 for these applications. Solid-state control and monitoring feedback circuitry is used for output current regulation of ±3% and input voltage variation of -5% to +10% of nominal. If the load on the regulator varies, a gating signal controlled by feedback circuitry changes the control circuit conduction angle in order to ontrol the power to the main transformer. This maintains the transformer’s output current at the preset brightness level. Dimensions ACETM Unit The optional ACE unit provides L-829 monitoring and optional megging or CCR input monitoring capability. Each unit is installed locally at each CCR that requires remote control and/or monitoring within the airfield lighting electrical vault. Optional CCR input monitoring monitors the following: CCR Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight lb (kg) 4, 7.5 & 10 kW 33 x 24 x 25 – in 83.8 x 61 x 63.5 – cm 4 kW: 215 (91.5) 7.5 kW: 265 (120.2) 10 kW: 302 (137) 15, 20 & 30 kW 36 x 29 x 30 – in 91.4 x 73.7 x 76.2 – cm 15 kW: 470 (213.5) 20 kW: 553 (250.9) 30 kW: 705 (320) • CCR input current • CCR input voltage • CCR input volt-amps (VA) Spare Components • CCR input power (watts) Description Part No. • CCR input power factor CCT Control PCB, 50/60 Hz CCT 3-step Switch PCB CCT 5-step Switch PCB Digital Power Meter Dual SCR Block (4 kW) Dual SCR Block (7.5 kW) Dual SCR Block (10 kW) Dual SCR Block (15 kW) Dual SCR Block (20-30 kW) For Input Fuses F1, F2 please see table below Fuse 1 A 500 V (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 2 A 250 V (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 3 A 500 V (Fuses F3, F4) Fuse 0.5 A 250 V (Fuses F5, F6) Input Lightning/Surge Arrestor Kit Output Lightning/Surge Arrestor Kit (4-10 kW 6.6 A) Output Lightning/Surge Arrestor, 15-30 kW, 6.6 A Output Lightning/Surge Arrestor, 20 A 44A65461 44D1476-1 44D1476-2 44A6528 28A0045 28A0039 28A0038 28A0034 28A0041 • CCR input % efficiency The ACE unit is also a component of ADB’s distributed control and monitoring system. Each unit can be easily connected to an Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System (ALCMS) by simply adding redundant communication wires. See ADB ACE data sheet 2084 for additional information. Electrical Supply Power Input: 60 Hz, single-phase available in 208, 220, 240, 347, 380 and 480 VAC 50 Hz, single-phase available in 208, 220, 230, 240, 380 and 400 VAC2 Power Factor1: 0.90 minimum for 4 kW to 10 kW 0.95 minimum for 15 kW to 30 kW Efficiency1: 90% minimum for 4 kW to 20 kW 92% minimum for 30 kW Remote Control: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz or +48 VDC, ±10% 1 2 1 Tested with 100% resistive load according to FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). Not ETL Certified 47A0108 47A0113 47A0187 47A0119 94B0011 94A0576 32A0114 32A0115 For CCTs ordered before Fall 2007, the LC Control Board may have part no. 44D1475. This part is now obsolete. To order a retrofit kit containing a 44A6546 board, use part no. 44A6546/KIT. Spare Components (Input Fuses F1, F2 Table) Size 208 V 220 V 240 V 347 V 380/400 V 480 V 4 kW 47A0092 47A0069 47A0069 47A0191 47A0191 47A0090 7.5 kW 47A0093 47A0093 47A0070 47A0193 47A0193 47A0091 10 kW 47A0094 47A0071 47A0071 47A0088 47A0086 47A0085 15 kW 47A0099 47A0096 47A0096 47A0217 47A0087 47A0088 20 kW 47A0072 47A0072 47A0099 47A0097 47A0217 47A0087 30 kW 47A0102 47A0101 47A0101 47A0106 47A0217 47A0097 F - 14 2052 Rev. W I Manual No. 96A0296 POWER EQUIPMENT CCT I Constant Current Regulator - Thyristor Application Notes Monitoring Option Description Application 0 None Standard L-828 supplied with analog ammeter 1 ALCMS Scanning Monitor Interface (SMI) The SMI option adds Primary Power and Remote/Local monitoring relays. Dry relay contacts are connected to a dedicated terminal block for each monitored point. Typical application: connecting ADB L-828 CCR to ALCMS or L-827 that is manufactured by others. Note that this option does not provide dedicated output current or voltage transformers. 2 ALCMS Scanning Monitor Ready (SMR) The SMR option adds several monitoring relays (including Primary Power and Remote/ Local) and also CCR output current and voltage transformers. All monitored signals are connected to a dedicated terminal block. Application only for connecting ADB L-828 CCR to ADB Gen I/II ALCMS scanning monitoring system. 3 L-829 Monitoring (ACETM) Includes FAA L-829 monitoring equipment. • If application is for connection to ADB L-890 ALCMS: Add a “/A” to end of Ordering Code. The ACE unit will then be programmed to provide monitoring data via dualredundant communication links. • If application is for a stand-alone L-829 CCR: Ordering Code is not changed. The ACE unit is programmed to deactivate a dry contact closure if a fault is present. The fault alarm can then be connected to any external monitoring system. 4 Insulation Resistance Monitoring System (IRMS) Ready This option adds an IRMS board in the CCR. Application: connection to externally mounted ADB ACE unit. 5 L-829 Monitoring (ACE) and IRMS Includes FAA L-829 and IRMS equipment. • If application is for connection to ADB L-890 ALCMS: Add a “/A” to end of Ordering Code. The ACE unit will then be programmed to provide monitoring data via dual redundant communication links. • If application is for a stand-alone L-829 CCR with Insulation Resistance Monitoring: Ordering Code is not changed. The ACE unit is programmed to deactivate a dry contact closure if a fault is present. The fault alarm can then be connected to any external monitoring system. 6 L-828 with Digital Power Meter This option replaces the analog ammeter with a Digital Power Meter. The Digital Power Meter is used on L-828 CCRs to indicate True RMS output current, voltage, VA, and watts. It can also be set to activate an alarm if there is a 10% or 15% drop in the load (Low VA). CCR Kits Kits (Continued) Various kits are available to customize CCRs for specific application requirements. Current Sensing Relay Kit 94A0343 Provides a dedicated contact closure if CCR output current is present Input Lightning Protection Kit, 208-480 VAC 94B0011 Provides input lightning protection for older CCRs. Input lightning protection is included and required for CCRs certified according to FAA AC 150/5345-10F or later. CCR Output Analog Voltmeter Kit Part No. Elapsed Time Meter Kit Provides CCR run-time information on L-828 CCRs 7.5 kW, 6.6 A; 20 kW, 20 A 10-15 kW, 6.6 A; 30 kW, 20 A 20-30 kW, 6.6 A 94A0128 94A0129 94A0130 94A0290 Stacking Kit 94A0475-XX Provides ability to stack 4 to 30 kW CCRs. The first X is for the bottom CCR and the second X is for the top CCR. The frame sizes are L, M, and S. There are six allowable combinations: LL, LM, LS, MM, MS, and SS. When stacking ADB regulators, the upper regulator must be the same frame size or smaller than the bottom regulator. Request catalog sheet 2096 for more details or download it from our web site. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Auxiliary ACE Monitoring 94A0512 Provides CCR Run Time, which displays total hours in each CCR step setting, and CCR Cycle Count, which displays the total number of times the CCR has been turned on/off. © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2052 Rev. W I Manual No. 96A0296 F - 15 POWER EQUIPMENT Benefits Sheet: SGRS Ferroresonant SwitchGear Regulator Systems Unique high- and low-voltage stab connectors ADVANTAGES • Provide easy powerpack connection to bus bar and all control and monitoring wiring • High-voltage feeds through auto-aligning stab connector located in rear of bay so there is no high-voltage on the door. Eliminates need for L-823 connectors/wiring on CCR output. • Input power/control and monitoring feeds through a low-voltage stab connector located in the rear of the bay. There is no need to manually connect power or control wiring. • Each powerpack is hot-swappable, eliminating costly shutdowns • No tools required to remove powerpack from bay (except for seismic version) • Quick electrical disconnect from bus bar allows routine maintenance to be done by one person using a battery- operated powerpack lift in about 15 minutes BENEFITS • Faster maintenance by fewer workers reduces labor costs • Significantly increases safety Removable powerpacks using battery-operated lift ADVANTAGES • Hot-swappable powerpacks reduce downtime when changing out a powerpack Space saving • 2.5-30 kW powerpacks easily slide in and out of the power bays ADVANTAGES • An SGRS system uses up to 67% less space in a vault • Battery-operated lift allows work to be done by a single maintenance person • For new construction, can build a smaller vault • One person with lift takes 15 minutes for routine maintenance vs. 3 people taking 6-8 hours to replace an individual CCR • Can use space in existing vault for other purposes, such as a maintenance shop BENEFITS • Easy to service, saves on labor costs and eliminates costly shutdowns • Can expand power distribution system without building a new vault • Only need one spare regulator on hand for 2.5-30 kW lineups, reducing material costs and inventory needs Ability to combine different powerpack sizes in a single SGRS lineup ADVANTAGES • 50 and 70 kW air-cooled ferroresonant CCRs are available in a single bay and can be combined with 2.5-30 kW CCRs in a single lineup BENEFITS • Provides increased flexibility to meet airport needs • Spare equipment is minimized because only one spare powerpack of the largest CCR size is needed for a 2.5-30 kW SGRS lineup BENEFITS • Reduces expenditures on building, maintenance and operation • Reduces the cost of new vault or the expansion of an existing power distribution system Pre-wired at factory ADVANTAGES • All the high-voltage wiring is pre-wired and in the rear of the bay • Easier for contractor to install • No expensive maze of cabling needed to connect an SGRS lineup. One cable to the input power bay is all that’s needed to connect the SGRS lineup to power. BENEFITS • Reduced installation costs • Increased safety F - 16 2059 Rev. F I No Manual I POWER EQUIPMENT BENEFITS SHEET: SGRS I SwitchGear Regulator System Optional integrated series cutout bay ADVANTAGES • Allows the series circuit to be disconnected from the regulator in a simple and safe manner during maintenance or testing, eliminating downtime • Provides the ability to isolate faulty components quickly without affecting the entire system or airport operations • Insulation resistance measurement between the series circuit and ground is possible without disconnecting the series cable • Each series cutout can be locked for security measures BENEFITS • Allows appreciable time reduction and enhanced safety for maintenance personnel, especially at airports with a large number of series circuits • Operational and material cost savings • Eliminates costly shutdowns • Increased security Rollers have safety lock ADVANTAGES • Keeps CCRs immobile in the bay or on the lift BENEFITS • Safer and easier to service compared to stacked regulators that are bolted together All-in-one enclosure that contains CCRs, control and monitoring equipment, power system, and current protection ADVANTAGES • No exposed wires or cables • No high-voltage on the door • Eliminates the need for separate input power wiring to individual CCRs • Only one connection to input power bay BENEFITS • Significant increase in safety • Significant decrease in space requirements • Easier to install Modular design ADVANTAGES • Easy to install • Easy to add bays • Easy to upgrade powerpack size • Future expansion location for IRMS in powerpack • Functionality upgrades: current, voltage, wattage, lamps-out monitoring, and IRMS BENEFITS • Flexibility to meet airport needs • Cost saving because airport can easily increase capacity without having to increase vault size or build a new building • Upgrade expenses are reduced ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2059 Rev. F I No Manual F - 17 POWER EQUIPMENT SGRS SwitchGear Regulator System Compliance with Standards FAA: L-828/L-829 AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). Monitoring according to AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). Ferroresonant powerpacks are ETL Certified. ICAO: Aerodrome Design Manual Part 5, para. to Military: UFC 3-535-01; NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2 Uses Supplies three or five precision output currents to power series lighting circuits on airport runways and taxiways. The SwitchGear Regulator System is available in a ferroresonant design, which is optimized for lowest EMI and best power factor. Ordering Information To order a SwitchGear Regulator System, contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department. Protection L-828 SGRS CCRs have the following protection devices: • Output overcurrent • Output open-circuit Features • Lightning and transient protection on output terminals • Integrated Advanced Control Equipment (ACETM) system provides full control and L-827/L-829 capabilities. See data sheet 2084 for additional information. • Fuse protection: Remote control supply voltage (+48 VDC or 120 VAC) and power supply for control board • Uses up to 67% less space in the airfield vault • All wiring goes into an incoming power bay and is transferred via bus bars to the powerpacks, eliminating the need for separate input power wiring to individual Constant Current Regulators (CCRs) • Front doors have a two-point latching system for smooth operation and positive seal • Built-in True-RMS reading ammeter • Available in two classes and styles: Class 1 = 6.6 A max. output current from 2.5 kW to 30 kW Class 2 = 20 A max. output current from 15 kW to 70 kW Style 1 = 3 Brightness Step CCR (6.6 A only) Style 2 = 5 Brightness Step CCR (6.6 A or 20 A) • Air-cooled to allow more efficient transfer of heat from the power core and eliminate the need for oil containment reservoirs in the vault • Accurately regulates the output current to within ±3% of the adjustable nominal level from no load to full load and with an input voltage variation of -5% to +10% • Input breaker for supply voltage • Input lightning protection Control L-828 SGRS CCRs have the following controls: • Local operation using a front panel rotary switch • Remote operation using either +48 VDC or 120 VAC signals • Optional remote operation via an Airport Lighting Control & Monitoring System (ALCMS) using ADB’s integrated ACE system Theory of Operation Ferroresonant The regulator consists of a ferroresonant transformer, capacitors, and control circuitry. Output current regulation is accomplished by adjusting the ferroresonance in the capacitor bank using an electronic feedback network. Environmental Operating Conditions • Nominal output current levels are maintained even when 30% of the isolation transformers have open secondaries Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 10 to 95% • If input power loss occurs, operation will resume within five seconds after restoration of input power Altitude: 0 to 6,600 ft (2,000 m) • A gray polyester paint is electrostatically applied over a zinc undercoat to the NEMA 12-rated enclosure. F - 18 2021 Rev. R I Call for manual POWER EQUIPMENT SGRS I SwitchGear Regulator System SGRS Electrical Supply SGRS CCR Dimensions/Weight Power Input: 480 VAC, 60 Hz, three-phase Each individual CCR is powered by 480 VAC, 60 Hz, single-phase Ferroresonant H x W x D PSF Power Factor*: 0.99 or more for 2.5 to 30 kW 0.95 or more for 50 and 70 kW Cutout Bay 102 x 38.5 x 48 in (259 x 97.79 x 121.92 cm) PSF Efficiency*: 90% minimum for 2.5 to 25 kW 92% minimum for 30 kW 93% minimum for 50 kW 94% minimum for 70 kW Power Bay 102 x 24 x 48 in (259 x 61 x 121.92 cm) Powerpack Bay 102 x 38.5 x 48 in (259 x 97.79 x 121.92 cm) * Tested with 100% resistive load according to FAA AC 150/5345-10 (Current Edition). Options Interface Bay 102 x 24 x 48 in (259 x 61 x 121.92 cm) Maximum Weight - 30kW Powerpack 1300 lb (590 kg) Notes • Built-in LED True-RMS output current digital meter can optionally display output True-RMS voltage and VA • Custom fault current ratings available, 65K AIR standard • Ferroresonant SGRS is certified under part number PSFXXXX-XXX for 2.5 to 30 kW powerpacks and PHFXXXX-XXX for 50 to 70 kW powerpacks. • Seismic ferroresonant SGRS is certified under part number PSSFXXXX-XXXX for 2.5 to 30 kW powerpacks and PHSFXXXXXXXX for 50 to 70 kW powerpacks, and is verified to 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC)/2001 California Building Code (CBC) Earthquake Simulation Test. • Temperature alarm • Double bus for large systems • Fan ON indicator • Seismic zone 4 rated systems • Door interlock LED indicates door not properly closed • Airfield insulation resistance measurement system (see ADB data sheet 1218 for details) Optional Equipment Description Part No. Ferroresonant SGRS Lift, Battery Operated (Requires 11 feet of space in front of lineup) 44A7027 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2021 Rev. R I Call for manual F - 19 POWER EQUIPMENT SCO Series Circuit Cutout Compliance with Standards FAA: AC 150/5340-30 (Current Edition) Uses A series cutout (SCO) isolates the series circuit from the constant current regulator (CCR) during maintenance or testing operations. It allows periodic insulation resistance measurement of the series circuit to ground without disconnecting the series cable. ADB’s SCO is patented under U.S. patent number 5952737. Ordering Code 1475.92.030 Note: For unique key option, use part number 1475.92.030-1 Performance Withstands: Permanent 5 kV circuit voltage and currents up to 20 A Ambient temperature: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Features • Speeds up routine maintenance operations – no need to disconnect any cable • Three positions —“operation”, “maintenance” and “test”—can be used by rotating the plug-in cover 90° in either direction • “Normal” and “maintenance” positions can be locked with a key for enhanced safety • Reliable operation, even in moist environments, due to its unique body shape and the improved separators that increase the arcing distances • Prevents arcing thus ensuring the long life of the contacts. The built-in microswitch energizes the regulator after the contacts are engaged (or de-energizes the regulator before the contacts are totally opened). Microswitch rated: 2 A, 440 VAC Construction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cover Body Insulation measurement socket. Locking key Microswitch Body fastening holes Series cable stress relief and grounding clamps. Grounding clamps for use only on shielded series circuit cable. 8. Grounding terminals Construction 1 • Provision for grounding of the series circuit cable shield (if used) • High mechanical resistance – the special epoxy resin is more shock-resistant than porcelain • Integral handle provides positive grip to assist extraction and insertion efforts • 20 A current carrying capacity, 5 kV working voltage • Compatible with all types of L-828/L-829 CCRs and L-847 circuit selectors 8 2 3 7 4 6 8 • Heavy brass terminals for easy and reliable connection of series cables • Dependable insulation under all conditions due to the use of flame retardant epoxy resin • Permits undisturbed operation of the remote control circuits during maintenance or repair of field circuits • Body fastening holes reinforced with metal inserts • The SCO has a red color-saturated epoxy resin finish • Unique Key Option: Standard units come keyed alike. For units with unique keys, use part number 1475.92.030-1. Fig. 1 SCO Grounding Cover A technique used during series circuit maintenance and troubleshooting procedures is to connect one of the constant current regulator output terminals to earth ground. SCO Grounding Covers are available to allow this to be quickly and easily accomplished. Two different Grounding Covers are used. Substituting the graycolored SCO top cover (in the “Operation” position) grounds one side of the CCR output. Substituting the black-colored SCO top cover grounds the other side of the CCR output. SCO Grounding Cover Ordering Code Packaging Net weight 6 lb (2.7 kg) Packing specifications Variable with quantity F - 20 5 2003 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0294 Gray SCO Grounding Cover Part No. 63A1090/1 Black SCO Grounding Cover Part No. 63A1090/2 POWER EQUIPMENT Outline Dimensions Working Diagrams 5.1 in (130 cm) Three positions are provided (see Fig. 4 & 5): • “Operation” position – the regulator is connected to the series circuit and the microswitch is activated. • “Maintenance” position – the regulator and the series circuit are both shorted and grounded and the microswitch is not activated. 2.4 in (6.0 cm) 0.43 in (1.1 cm) • “Test and measure” position – the regulator is shorted and grounded; the series circuit is shorted and connected to the measurement socket; and the microswitch is activated. In this position, the insulation resistance of the series circuit can be measured. The regulator operation can be tested under shortcircuited output conditions. 8.7 in (22.0 cm) 1.8 in (4.6 cm) SCO I Series Circuit Cutout 0.63 in (1.6 cm) 5.5 in (14.0 cm) An activated microswitch means that the normally open contact is closed and that the normally closed contact is open. For interlocking with the CCR, only the normally open contact is used. When the cover is removed, the microswitch is not activated. Fig. 2 Working Diagrams Installation The SCO is installed in the vault, for example, on the output side of the regulator and wired between the series loop on one side and the constant current regulator output terminals on the other side. The CCR and load sides of the cutout are clearly marked and must not be reversed (Fig. 5). Microswitch NO NC Series Circuit Regulator “OPERATION” In case L-847 circuit selectors are used, the cutouts may be used on either side (input or output) of the selectors, but most often on the output side (one cutout for each series circuit). Ground Microswitch Note: Grounding terminal (Fig. 1, Item 8) must be grounded for safe operation. Grounding clamp (Fig. 1, Item 7) must not be present for unshielded L-824 applications. NO NC Series Circuit Regulator “MAINTENANCE” Installation Ground Microswitch Series Circuit Regulator “TEST AND MEASURE” NO NC Ground Measurement Socket Fig. 4 Fig. 3 CCR Load Spare Component Description Part No. SCO Lock and Key Assembly 85A0105 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Fig. 5 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2003 Rev. L I Manual No. 96A0294 F - 21 POWER EQUIPMENT CSS Circuit Selector Switch Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-847 AC 150/5345-5 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. In compliance with ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5, para. UsesFAA L-847 ICAO To switch the output of a constant current regulator (CCR) to one or more series lighting loops. 44D4520- Circuit Control 1 = One Circuit 2 = Two Circuit 3 = Three Circuit 4 = Four Circuit Interlock Switch 0 = Without Interlock Switch 1 = With Interlock Switch1 Features • Easy installation and operation • All solid-state-type switching control to activate reliable output vacuum relays • Operated from remote or local control • Up to four circuit selector switches available in a single unit • Rated for 5,000 V at 6.6 A or 20 A Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Altitude: 0 to 10,000 feet (3,000 m) Theory of Operation The L-847 circuit selector switch is designed to switch the output of a 6.6 A or 20 A CCR to one, two, three, or four series lighting loops using remote or local control. Turning off the L-847 from remote or local mode short-circuits the CCR output and disconnects all series lighting loops from the CCR output. All ADB L-847 Circuit Selector Switch enclosures meet both Class A (indoor use) and Class B (outdoor use) requirements. They are suitable for Rating 1 (6.6 A, 5,000 V) and Rating 2 (20 A, 5,000 V) use. The optional fiberglass NEMA 4X enclosure is suitable for outdoor applications, and includes an internal anti-condensation heater. Each L-847 series lighting circuit control is identical and consists essentially of a low-voltage, solid-state time-delay relay PCB controlled by remote or by local. The solid-state PCB controls a set of high-voltage vacuum relays. One of the high-voltage vacuum relays (KV2, KV4, KV6, or KV8) actually breaks/makes the series circuit lighting loop current. The other high-voltage vacuum relays (KV1, KV3, KV5, or KV7) switch the series lighting loop when appropriate. The power supply provides a regulated +24 VDC to the coils of the high-voltage vacuum relays and time-delay PCB. The L-847 is controlled remotely via dry relay contacts that are connected to the L-847 remote control terminal block. F - 22 Ordering Code 1001 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0204 Monitor and Current Sensor 0 = Without Monitor and Current Sensor 1 = With Remote/Local Monitor and Current Sensor2 Type 0 = Standard L-847 R = Reverse L-8474 Enclosure 0 = Standard NEMA 4 Enclosure3 1 = Stainless Steel NEMA 4 Enclosure4 2 = Fiberglass NEMA 4X Enclosure with Heater3,4 Notes 1 Used to switch CCR off when L-847 door is opened 2 Remote/Local Monitor provides separate dry contact closures to indicate Remote or Local control status. Current sensor provides separate 120 VAC outputs indicating current is present on one of the L-847 outputs. 3 Enclosure painted aviation orange 4 Not ETL Certified Reversed L-847 A special “reversed” L-847 is also available. This L-847 allows a single load to be individually powered from multiple CCRs. A typical application would be to have a primary and a backup CCR connected to a single load. In case of primary CCR failure, the L-847 allows a backup CCR to be quickly manually switched into the circuit. Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for details. POWER EQUIPMENT CSS I Circuit Selector Switch Inside View Dimensions Type H x W x D in (cm) Weight lb (kg) Standard Steel Enclosure L-847-1 20 x 24 x 10 (50.8 x 61 x 25.4) 50 (22.7) L-847-2 20 x 24 x 10 (50.8 x 61 x 25.4) 54 (24.5) L-847-3 24 x 30 x 10 (61 x 76.2 x 25.4) 71 (32.2) L-847-4 24 x 30 x 10 (61 x 76.2 x 25.4) 75 (34) Stainless Steel Enclosure L-847-1 24 x 30 x 10 (61 x 76.2 x 25.4) 62.5 (28.4) L-847-2 24 x 30 x 10 (61 x 76.2 x 25.4) 66.5 (30.2) L-847-3 24 x 30 x 10 (61 x 76.2 x 25.4) 83.5 (38.0) L-847-4 24 x 30 x 10 (61 x 76.2 x 25.4) 87.5 (39.8) Fiberglass Enclosure L-847-1 20.6 x 27 x 10 (52.3 x 68.6 x 25.4) 31 (14.1) L-847-2 20.6 x 27 x 10 (52.3 x 68.6 x 25.4) 35 (15.9) L-847-3 30.7 x 39.2 x 10 (78 x 99.6 x 25.4) 70.5 (32.0) L-847-4 30.7 x 39.2 x 10 (78 x 99.6 x 25.4) 74.5 (33.9) Input Power Requirements Type Two Circuit Model Shown Circuit Overview Average Volt Amp (VA) L-847-1 40 L-847-2 65 L-847-3 85 L-847-4 110 Electrical Input voltage: 120 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz Control voltage: 120 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz Output rating: 5,000 VAC at 6.6 A or 20 A Spare Components ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Description Part No. Fuse, 1.5 A Power Supply, +24 VDC Relay, PCB, Time Delay Relay, SPST-NC, Vacuum Relay, DPDT, Vacuum Toggle Switch, DPDT, 6 A 47A0027 97A0010 44C2455 53B0165 53B0166 45A0274 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1001 Rev. O I Manual No. 96A0204 F - 23 POWER EQUIPMENT CCR Stacking Kits CCR Stacking Kits ADB 4-30 kW regulators can be stacked to minimize the floor space required in a vault. When stacking regulators, the upper regulator must be the same frame size or smaller than the bottom regulator. To stack regulators, order the appropriate ADB stacking kit. The part numbers for stacking kits are 94A0475-XX. The first X is for the bottom CCR and the second X is for the top CCR. The frame sizes are L, M, and S, and there are six allowable combinations: LL, LM, LS, MM, MS, and SS. Small (S) is for CCRs that are 33” x 24” x 25” (H x W x D). Medium (M) is for CCRs that are 36” x 29” x 30”. Large (L) is for CCRs that are 40” x 33” x 34”. The kit raises the top CCR up 13 inches to allow for proper airflow. To ensure easy access to the controls on the top regulator, the CCRs can only be stacked two high. Fig. 1 If a smaller CCR is mounted on top of a larger CCR, it is not centered above the lower CCR, but off-set to the one side or the other as shown in Figure 2. For information on CCR dimensions and weights see data sheets 3013 (ferro) and 2052 (thyristor). Fig. 2 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. F - 24 2096 Rev. D I No Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved POWER EQUIPMENT LAHSO Land and Hold Short Operations Power and Control Unit Compliance with Standards FAA: LAHSO - Power and Control Unit AC 150/5345-54 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Uses Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) include landing and holding short of an intersecting runway, taxiway, predetermined point on the runway, or an approach/departure flight path. LAHSO is used to increase airport capacity. A LAHSO system, controlled by an L-884 Power and Control Unit (PCU), consists of a row of six or seven in-pavement unidirectional pulsing white lights installed across the runway at the hold-short point. For new installations, six lights are used. Seven lights are used if five lights were installed according to AC 150/5345-54. Lights pulse simultaneously at a rate of 1.72 seconds ON, 0.46 seconds OFF. The fixture may be either clear L-850A or L-850F (incandescent fixtures only). The L-850F has two lamps, one primary and one backup. If two or more lights in the primary LAHSO bar have failed, the PCU switches from the primary to the backup lamp bar. See data sheet 2001 (L-850A) or data sheet 2037 (L-850F) for more information. Features • Graphical display provides detailed troubleshooting information • Uses dual photocells to insure accurate detection of one failing photocell • Provides optional interfaces in excess of FAA requirements: - LAHSO ON Output–Provides positive feedback to the control system that LAHSO is operating - Caution Alarm–Provides pre-alarm information - Alarm Reset Input–Allows either Caution or Fault alarm to be reset remotely - Test Backup Input–Forces PCU to switch to backup L-850F lamp bar for test purposes - Sign monitor input–Two inputs are present to monitor each LAHSO runway hold short position sign. (Requires individual dry contact feedback points from each sign, supplied by others.) Per FAA Order 7110.118, if one of the two signs is not functional or is destroyed, LAHSO may continue if LAHSO lights are operational. A feedback point from the sign activates a Caution (one sign failed) or a Fault (two signs failed). • Can be mounted either indoors or outdoors • Provides all signals needed for connection to a Mode 2 L-821 LAHSO control panel or L-890 Touchscreen, including ON/OFF, Fault, and Field/Tower. Ordering Code1,2 44A601 - Location 1 = Indoor LAHSO3 2 = Outdoor LAHSO Input Voltage 1 = 240 V 2 = 208 V (indoor only) 3 = 120 V (indoor only) Contact Relay 0 = Without dry contact relay (standard) 1 = With dry contact relay (optional)4 Notes 1 Current sensing relays are mounted separately. Current sensing relays are connected to the runway edge circuit associated with the LAHSO fixture. 2 To insure proper lamp-out monitoring, L-850A and L-850F fixtures must not have film disc cutouts 3 Photocells are automatically mounted on the enclosure but can be removed and mounted separately 4 Custom monitoring output points when used with non-ADB control systems. Contact the ADB Sales Department for more details. PCU Specifications Input Voltage Outdoor unit: 240 VAC, 60 Hz Indoor unit: 120 VAC, 208 VAC, 240 VAC; 60 Hz PCU maximum load Distance 1,600 VA LAHSO lights may be up to 10,000 ft (3 km) away (20,000 ft/6 km round trip) using AWG 8, L-824 wire Indoor enclosure - NEMA 1 - Style I, -40 °F to +131 °F (40 °C to +55 °C) - 63 lb (28.58 kg) - 24 x 8.63 x 24 in (61 x 22 x 61 cm) Outdoor enclosure - NEMA 4 - Style II, -67 °F to +158 °F (-55 °C to +70 °C) - 72 lb (32.66 kg) - 24 x 8 x 24 in (61 x 20.3 x 61 cm) Note: Outdoor PCU must be mounted outside airfield safety area. Mounting an outdoor PCU in the vicinity of the LAHSO fixtures is the preferred method of installation. 2007 Rev. I I Manual No. 96A0235 F - 25 POWER EQUIPMENT LASHO I Land and Hold Short Operations PCU Theory of Operation (Continued) A fault alarm is generated if one of the following conditions occurs: • Failure of the PCU electronics due to failure of the DC power supply (Time Delay = 0 sec) • Loss of input power to PCU (Time Delay = 0 sec) • Failure to pulse the lights (Time Delay = 5 sec) • Two or more lights in a bar have failed (Time Delay = 5 sec) The PCU has the following fail-safe modes: • If the photocell fails, intensity reverts to the highest step • If PCU DC power supply fails (using either L-850A or L-850F lamps), a Fault alarm is generated and LAHSO lamps go OFF • If L-850A fixtures are used or if the LAHSO PCU has switched to the backup L-850F lamps and if the number of lamps out for Fault alarm occurs, then a Fault alarm is generated and the remaining LAHSO lamps continue to pulse Theory of Operation LAHSO lights are flashing in-pavement white lights designed to pulse simultaneously so that they are distinguishable from the various runway lights. The lights pulse from one of the three steps (6.6 A, 5.2 A, or 4.1 A) for 1.72 seconds and then to 1 A for 0.46 seconds. The pulsing lights provide an effective visual cue for the pilot from short final through the landing rollout, indicating the point beyond which the landing aircraft is not authorized to proceed. Either six or seven unidirectional clear L-850A or L-850F lights (without film disc cutouts) are used. The L-884 PCU consists of a microprocessor-controlled circuit that regulates the output current in a manner similar to an L-828 constant current regulator. ON/OFF control is activated from the Air Traffic Control Tower or by a local control switch on the PCU (See Figure 1). If the PCU local control switch is in the Local position (OFF or B3/B4/B5), then the Field/Tower PCU contact will open, activating a “Field Control” light on the LAHSO panel. When the PCU local control switch is in the Remote position, the Field/Tower PCU contact will close, activating a “Tower Control” light on the LAHSO panel. Note: The PCU is not designed for use with an L-847 Circuit Selector Switch. Spare Components Description Part No. URC PCB assembly SCR/Snubber PCB assembly Fuse, 2 A, 250 V, Slo-Blow Relay SPDT, 25 A, 240 VAC, coil Varistor, V271DA40 PCB assembly, DC Power Supply PCB assembly, LAHSO control Current sensor Varistor, 575 V Photocell (outdoor) Contactor, 4 pole, 15 A, 120 V coil, 60 Hz Current sensing transformer 6.6 A to 66 mA Relay SPDT, 120 VAC plug in (dry contact option) 44A6546/LAHSO 44A6360 47A0049 53A0421 32A0032 44A5943 44A5928 35A0493 32A0028 48A0089 53A0222 35A0548 53A0422 The PCU photocell defines whether day or night conditions exist. During daytime, the intensity is always set to B5 (6.6 A) even if the runway edge lights are off. At nighttime, the PCU uses two current sensing relays (mounted separately) to monitor the intensity of the corresponding HIRL (5-step) or MIRL (3-step) runway edge lighting circuit and to automatically set the intensity step. Alternately, an L-830 transformer can be used to monitor the runway edge circuit. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. F - 26 2007 Rev. I I Manual No. 96A0235 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS SBOL-L LED Steady Burning Obstruction Light Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-810(L) AC 150/5345-43 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 6.3, Type A & B Single L-810(L) Dual L-810(L) Uses FAA L-810(L) ICAO Steady-burning red light fixture marking all fixed obstructions to eliminate air navigational hazards. Features • Average individual LED life of 100,000 hours • Very low power rating for LED lights contributes to a lower life cycle cost • SBOL with arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Offers longer intervals between maintenance, resulting in lower life cycle costs • Direct replacement for existing incandescent fixture • All parts are corrosion-resistant • Mounting Hub – Standard bottom port ready to receive a 1-inch to 11.5 TPI NPT • Gasket seal between lens cap and fixture base prevents moisture penetration • Rugged surge protection – Designed to comply with lightning protection requirements per Category C1 of ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 • Fixture uses aluminum casting and stainless steel hardware and is protected with aviation yellow powder coat finish. The locking ring is protected with aviation red powder coat. • Separate earth ground wire, connected to body, provided on all fixtures Ordering Code SBOL- Color 1 = Obstruction Light Red, FAA 2 = Obstruction Light Red, ICAO, Type A & B3 Mounting 1 = Single, bottom mount 1 inch-11.5 inch NPT 2 = Single, side mount 1 inch-11.5 inch NPT 3 = Dual, bottom mount 1 inch-11.5 inch NPT 5 = Dual, side mount 1 inch-11.5 inch NPT 7 = Single, 1-inch EMT column mount3 Power 2 = 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz1 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option2,3 Notes • Contact the Sales Department if a DC-powered obstruction light is needed. 1 Fixture (without heater) is designed to operate from 95 VAC (min.) to 264 VAC (max.), 50/60 Hz. 2 When powered by a parallel circuit, heater is designed for use at only 120 VAC, +10%, 50/60 Hz. 3 Not ETL Certified. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Wind speeds: Up to 150 mph (240 kph) Electrical Supply Single, with heater: 120 VAC, 22 W (29 VA) Single, without heater: 95-264 VAC, 7 W (14 VA) Energy Cost Savings SBOL fixture results in a significant reduction in energy costs. Electrical Variant LED Fixture Load Incand./Tungsten Halogen Load Energy Savings 95-264 VAC 14 VA 116 VA, 120 VAC 8 times 2063 Rev. V I Manual No. 96A0328 G-1 OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS SBOL-L I LED Steady Burning Obstruction Light Packaging Spare Components Single Description Part No. Actual fixture 3.69 in diameter x 10.8 in height (9.37 cm dia. x 27.43 cm height) In cardboard box 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 in (16.5 x 16.5 x 52 cm) Net weight 2.4 lb (1.09 kg) Glassware, clear, ICAO Glassware, red, FAA Lens attaching ring, red SBOL glassware assembly, clear, ICAO SBOL glassware assembly, red, FAA Seal, side emitting lens Thread locking ring, red 63A1081 63A1054-2 60A2975-1 44A6334-2 44A6334-1 63A1048 62A2155-1 Dual Actual fixture 3.69 in diameter per fixture x 14.4 in overall width (9.37 cm dia. per fixture x 36.58 cm overall width) In cardboard box 13 x 15 x 25 in (33 x 38.1 x 63.5 cm Net weight 7.9 lb (3.6 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. G-2 2063 Rev. V I Manual No. 96A0328 Note • See manual 96A0328 for LED assembly and PCB assembly spare part information. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS SBOL Incandescent Steady Burning Obstruction Light Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-810 AC 150/5345-43 (Current Edition). ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 6.3.11 for use as low-intensity obstacle light. Uses FAA L-810 ICAO Steady-burning red light fixture marking all fixed obstructions to eliminate air navigational hazards. Features • All parts are corrosion-resistant • Optional lamp-out relay switches power to backup lamp if the normally operating lamp fails. Available only on dual 120 VAC fixtures. L-810 Single Light Ordering Codes L-810 Single/Dual Fixture Without Lamp-Out Relay • Mounting Hub – Three optional mounting ports are available for the dual L-810 with the lamp-out relay option: Lamp Wattage 1 = 120 VAC Fixture With 69 W Lamp 3 = 130 VAC Fixture With 116 W Lamp - side port (0.75-inch, 14 TPI, NPT) • Units without lamp-out relay option: - standard bottom port (1-inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT) • Optional Lamps: - 45 W/6.6 A - 69 W/120 VAC - 116 W/120 VAC - 116 W/130 VAC • Lamp Life: 120 VAC lamps rated at 8,000 hours, 6.6 A lamps rated at 1,000 hours • Gasket seal between lens cap and fixture base prevents moisture penetration • Two spring latches allow fast removal of the red lens cap from the base of the fixture for replacing lamps and lenses, providing easy maintenance • A safety cable attached to the lens cap permits hands-free, rapid lamp and lens replacement - Lamp Wattage 1 = 120 VAC Fixture With 69 W Lamp* 2 = 6.6 A Fixture With 45 W Lamp 3 = 120 VAC Fixture Only (No Lamps) 4 = 6.6 A Fixture Only (No Lamps) 7 = 130 VAC Fixture With 116 W Lamp L-810 Dual Light Fixture With Lamp-Out Relay - side port (1-inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT) 44C100 Fixture 5 = Single Light Fixture* 7 = Dual Light Fixture* • Units with lamp-out relay have an alarm terminal that can activate an alarm (user-supplied) in case of lamp failure - standard bottom port (1-inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT) L-810 Dual Light 44C1532- 1 Include Lamp 0 = Fixture Without Lamps 1 = Fixture With Lamps 1 Port Size/Location 1 = 1-inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT Bottom Port (Standard) 2 = 1-inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT Side Port (Special Order) 3 = 0.75-inch, 14 TPI, NPT Side Port (Special Order) Note * ETL Certified Lamp-Out Relay Operation 120 VAC input power to the dual L-810 fixture energizes a relay and the normally operating lamp #1. If lamp #1 fails, the relay is de-energized causing the 120 VAC to be switched to the backup lamp #2. At the same time, 120 VAC power is also switched to the alarm terminal, which can be used to activate a user-supplied alarm. • Both single and dual units are available for use with either 120 VAC parallel or 6.6 A series lighting circuits Environmental Conditions Temperature: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Wind speeds: Up to 150 mph (240 kph) 1013 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0006 G-3 OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS SBOL I Incandescent Obstruction Light Construction Spare Components Description Part No. Gasket Lamp, 45 W/6.6 A Lamp, 69 W/120 V (ETL Certified) Lamp, 116 W/130 VAC1 Lamp-out relay Lens clamp (clamp lever) Lens, collar (2 required per lens) Lens, red Socket, 45 W/6.6 A Socket, 69 W, 116 W/120-130 VAC 63B0015-1 48A0007 48A0009 48A0010 53A0232 61A0130 62B0457S 63A0149 49A0002 49A0014 1 Packaging Single Actual fixture 5.63 dia. x 8.09 H - in 14.30 dia. x 20.55 H - cm In cardboard box 6 H x 6 W x 8.5 D - in 15.24 H x 15.24 W x 21.59 D - cm Net weight 4 lb (1.81 kg) Lamp shown is a replacement for older 116 W/120 VAC lamp. Use 48A0010 as replacement for older 116 W/130 VAC lamp (PN 48A0169). Dual Actual fixture 5.63 dia. x 8.06 H x 12.25 W - in 14.30 dia. x 20.47 H x 31.12 W - cm In cardboard box 12 H x 9 W x 9.5 D - in 30.48 H x 22.86 W x 24.13 D - cm Net weight 8 lb (3.63 kg) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. G-4 1013 Rev. K I Manual No. 96A0006 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RBMI Airport Rotating Beacon MEDIUM INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-801 AC 150/5345-12 (Current Edition) Annex 14, para. 5.3.3 Uses Ordering Code L-801 beacons are designed primarily for night operation as identification and location markers for airports. 44A4837- 1 Type 0 = Airport Style 1 = Standard Base, Belt-Driven Features • Patented belt-drive system eliminates the lubrication required by conventional gear-drive beacons. (U.S. Patent No. 5,339,224) • Patented liquid-filled lamp connector eliminates the slip rings and brushes found on conventional beacons (U.S. Patent No. 5,816,678) • Two 13,000 lumen, 150-watt pulse-start metal-halide lamps Power 0 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 1 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, without heater, Class I 2 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II 3 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, with heater, Class II 4 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 5 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II • One clear lens and one aviation green lens Relay 0 = No Relay 1 = Lamp Monitor/Tell-Tale Relay • No maintenance except lamp replacement Note: 220-240 VAC must be single wire with neutral. • 12,000 hour typical lamp life (3 years) • All moving parts are permanently lubricated Spare Components • Impedance-protected motor eliminates burn outs • 12 rpm rotation, 24 flashes per minute • Lamps preset at 5° above horizontal, adjustable • Weatherproof steel cabinet with powder-coated international orange finish • Optional photocell and/or tell-tale relay • Mountable on a Hali-Brite Tipdown Pole. See catalog sheet 2035 for photo and details. • Electrical Power – The beacon operates on 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz • Power Consumption–Class I: 395W; Class II: 795W Description Part No. Ballast Assembly 50 Hz Ballast Assembly 60 Hz Belt Fuse, motor, 0.5 A Fuse, lamp, 6.25 A Lamp, 150 W pulse-start metal-halide Lens, amber Lens, clear Lens, green Lens clip 0200-0024 0200-0023 0600-0003 2300-0002 2300-0010 3400-0125 2800-0025 2800-0006 2800-0043 1500-0011 Optional Mounting • Made in the USA and ETL certified by Hali-Brite, Inc., Crosby, MN Operating Conditions Tower Mounting Kit 4200-0000 REA Pole Mounting Kit 4200-0002 Temperature: Class I: -22 °F to +131 °F (-30 °C to +55 °C) Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Packaging Wind: Velocities up to 100 mph (161 kph) Cube Shipping Volume: 48 x 25 x 25 in (122 x 63.5 x 63.5 cm) Weight: 110 lb (49.9 kg) - shipping 75 lb (34 kg) - unpackaged ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2004 Rev. H I Call for beacon manual G-5 OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RBHM/RBHH Heliport Rotating Beacon Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-801H & L-802H AC 150/5345-12 (Current Edition) Annex 14, para. 5.3.3 Uses Ordering Code L-801H/L-802H beacons are designed primarily for night operation as identification and location markers for heliports. Type 2 = Civilian Heliport 4 = Civilian Hospital Heliport Features Style 1 = Standard Base, Belt-Driven • Patented belt-drive system eliminates the lubrication required by conventional gear-drive beacons. (U.S. Patent No. 5,339,224) • Patented liquid-filled lamp connector eliminates the slip rings and brushes found on conventional beacons (U.S. Patent No. 5,816,678) • Three 13,000 lumen, 150-watt metal-halide lamps • 12,000 hour typical lamp life (3 years) 44A4838- 1 Power 0 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 1 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, without heater, Class I 2 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II 3 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, with heater, Class II 4 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 5 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II Relay 0 = No Relay 1 = Lamp Monitor/Tell-Tale Relay • One clear, one aviation green, and one yellow lens • Available in Hospital Heliport version (not FAA certifiable) Note: 220-240 VAC must be single wire with neutral. • No maintenance except lamp replacement • All moving parts are permanently lubricated Spare Components • Impedance-protected motor eliminates burn outs Description Part No. • Lamps preset 5° above horizontal, adjustable Ballast, 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz Belt Fuse, motor, 0.5 A Fuse, lamp, 8 A Lamp, 150 W metal-halide Lens, amber Lens, clear Lens, green Lens, red Lens clip 0200-0007 0600-0003 2300-0002 2300-0012 3400-0125B 2800-0025 2800-0006 2800-0043 2800-0010 1500-0011 • 12 rpm rotation, 36 flashes per minute • Weatherproof steel cabinet with powder-coated international orange finish • Optional photocell and/or tell-tale relay • Mountable on a Hali-Brite Tipdown Pole. See catalog sheet 2035 for photo and details. • Military version available • Electrical Power – The beacon operates on 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 220240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Optional Mounting • Power Consumption – Class I: 595 W; Class II: 955 W Tower Mounting Kit 4200-0000 REA Pole Mounting Kit 4200-0002 • Made in the USA and ETL certified by Hali-Brite, Inc., Crosby, MN Operating Conditions Packaging Temperature: Cube Shipping Volume: 48 x 28 x 25 in (122 x 71.1 x 63.5 cm) Shipping Weight: 124 lb (56 kg) Wind: Class I: -22 °F to +131 °F (-30 °C to +55 °C) Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Velocities up to 100 mph (161 kph) Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. G-6 2005 Rev. I I Call for beacon manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RBHI Airport Rotating Beacon HIGH INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: L-802A AC 150/5345-12 (Current Edition) Annex 14, para. 5.3.3 Uses Ordering Code L-802A Rotating Beacons are designed primarily for night operation as identification and location markers for airports. Style 3 = Two 400W pulse-start metal-halide lamps Features • Patented belt-drive system eliminates the lubrication required by conventional gear-drive beacons. (U.S. Patent No. 5,339,224) • Patented liquid-filled lamp connector eliminates the slip rings and brushes found on conventional beacons (U.S. Patent No. 5,816,678) • Two 40,000 lumen, 400-watt pulse-start metal-halide lamps • Pulse-start lamps fully bright in 3-5 minutes 44A6008-0 Power 0 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 1 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, without heater, Class I 2 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II 3 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, with heater, Class II 4 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 5 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II Relay 0 = No Relay 1 = Lamp Monitor/Tell-Tale Relay Note: 220-240 VAC must be single wire with neutral. • 26,000 hour typical lamp life (6 years) • One clear lens and one aviation green lens • No maintenance except lamp replacement • All moving parts are permanently lubricated • Thermally-protected motor eliminates burn outs • 12 rpm rotation, 24 flashes per minute • Lamps preset at 5° above horizontal, adjustable • Weatherproof steel cabinet with powder-coated international orange finish • Optional photocell and/or tell-tale relay • Mountable on a Hali-Brite Tipdown Pole • Electrical Power – The beacon operates on 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz • Power Consumption – Class I: 965 W; Class II: 1365 W Spare Components Description Part No. Ballast, 50 Hz, 400 W pulse-start Ballast, 60 Hz, 400 W pulse-start Belt Fuse, motor, 0.5 A Fuse, lamp, 10 A Lamp, metal-halide, 400W pulse-start Lens, green Lens, clear Lens clip 0200-0016 0200-0013 0600-0003 2300-0002 2300-0003 3400-0400-H75-PS 2800-0044 2800-0035 0100-3825 Optional Mounting Tower Mounting Kit 4200-0000 REA Pole Mounting Kit 4200-0002 • Made in the USA and ETL certified by Hali-Brite, Inc., Crosby, MN Packaging Operating Conditions Cube Shipping Volume: 48 x 42 x 32 in (122 x 107 x 81 cm) Temperature: Class I: 22 °F to +131 °F (-30 °C to +55 °C) Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Weight: 150 lb (68 kg) - unpackaged 250 lb (113.4 kg) - shipping Wind: Velocities up to 100 mph (161 kph) 2035 Rev. H I Call for beacon manual G-7 OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RBHI I Airport Rotating Beacon Dimensions Hali-Brite Tipdown Pole The Tipdown Pole makes it easy to change lamps and perform routine maintenance. • Increases safety–no risk of falling or hazard of working on a platform • Easy to operate–Can be quickly lowered and raised by one person without special equipment. Uses a hand-operated winch system • Can be installed in locations inaccessible to bucket trucks • Not designed for DCB-36 or DCB-224 beacons • Greatly reduces maintenance costs and downtime For more information, contact the ADB Sales Department. All dimensions in inches Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. G-8 2035 Rev. H I Call for beacon manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RB36 Refurbished & Retrofitted Rotating Airport Beacon 36” Uses Beacons are designed primarily for night operation as identification and location markers for airports. Features Ordering Code • Patented belt-drive system eliminates the lubrication required by conventional gear-drive beacons. (U.S. Patent No. 5,339,224) Refurbished Condition 3 = 400 W without exchange of core 4 = 400 W with exchange of core • Available for exchange or direct purchase • One 36,000 lumen, 400 watt metal-halide lamp • 20,000 hour typical lamp life (3-4 years) • One clear lens and one aviation green lens • Thermally-protected motor eliminates burn outs • 12 rpm rotation, 24 flashes per minute • All new stainless steel fasteners • Plated steel parts 44A4839- Drive and Base 1 = Belt-Driven, Std. Base 3 = Belt-Driven, Triangle Base Power 0 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 2 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II Options 0 = No Relay 1 = Lamp Monitoring/Tell-Tale Relay Note: 220-240 VAC available. Contact ADB Sales Dept. • All new Teflon-coated wire • Lamps preset at 5° above horizontal, adjustable Operating Conditions • Weatherproof aluminum housing with powder-coated international orange finish Temperature: Class I: -22 °F to +131 °F (-30 °C to +55 °C Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) • Winterization option available for cold climates Wind: Velocities up to 100 mph (161 kph) • Optional photocell and/or tell-tale relay • Warranty–Two years on parts and one year on labor (excludes lamps) Packaging Cube Shipping Volume: 48 x 48 x 77 in (122 x 122 x 196 cm) • Electrical Power – The beacon operates on 120 VAC, 60 Hz. Contact ADB Sales Department for 220-240 VAC options. Weight: 450 lb (204.12 kg) - unpackaged 950 lb (431 kg) - shipping • Power Consumption–Class I: 635 W; Class II: 1035 W with winterization option • Refurbished and retrofitted in the USA by Hali-Brite, Inc., Crosby, MN 2006 Rev. G I Call for beacons manual G-9 OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS Dimensions Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. G - 10 2006 Rev. G I Call for beacons manual RB36 I Refurb. & Retrofit Rotating Airport Beacon Spare Components Description Part No. Ballast, 60 Hz, 400 W Belt Fuse, 10 A Lamp, metal-halide, 400 W Lens, inner, green Lens, inner, clear Lens, left outer sector Lens, outer bull’s-eye Lens, right outer sector 0200-0005 0600-0001 2300-0005 3400-0400U 2800-0011 2800-0033 2800-0001 2800-0003 2800-0002 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RBML Military Airport Rotating Beacon HIGH INTENSITY Compliance with Standards FAA: L-802M A/C 150/5345-12 (Current Edition) Uses L-802M Rotating Beacons are designed for operation as identification and location markers for military airports. Features • Patented belt-drive system eliminates the lubrication required by conventional gear-drive beacons. (U.S. Patent No. 5,339,224) • Patented liquid-filled lamp connector eliminates the slip rings and brushes found on conventional beacons (U.S. Patent No. 5,816,678) • Two 33,000 lumen, 320 watt pulse-start metal-halide lamps • Pulse-start lamps are fully bright in 3-5 minutes • 20,000+ hour typical lamp life (4-5 years) • One white dual beam lens, one aviation green lens • No maintenance except lamp replacement • All moving parts are permanently lubricated • Thermally-protected motor eliminates burnouts • Lamps preset 5° above horizontal, adjustable 2-10° • 6 RPM rotation, 18 flashes/minute • Weatherproof steel cabinet, powder-coated international orange • Optional photocell and/or tell-tale relay • Mountable on a Hali-Brite Tipdown Pole • Electrical Power – The beacon operates on 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz • Power Consumption – Class I: 793 W; Class II: 1193 W Ordering Code 44A4841- Power 1 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 2 = 120 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II 3 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, without heater, Class I 4 = 220-240 VAC, 60 Hz, with heater, Class II 5 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, without heater, Class I 6 = 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, with heater, Class II Relay 0 = No Relay 1 = Lamp Monitor/Tell-Tale Relay Note: 220-240 VAC must be single wire with neutral Spare Components Description Part No. Ballast Assembly, 60Hz Ballast Assembly, 50Hz Belt Fuse, motor, 0.5A Fuse, lamp, 10A Lamp, 320W pulse-start Lens, aviation green Lens, aviation white Lens clip 0200-0027 0200-0029 0600-0004 2300-0002 2300-0003 3400-0136 2800-0057 2800-0056 0100-3825 Packaging Cube Shipping Volume: 48 x 42 x 32 in (122 x 107 x 81 cm) Weight: 155 lb (70.3 kg) - unpackaged 250 lb (113.4 kg) - shipping • Made in the USA and ETL certified by Hali-Brite, Inc., Crosby, MN Operating Conditions Temperature: Class I: -22 °F to +131 °F (-30 °C to +55 °C) Class II: -67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to +55 °C) Wind: Velocities up to 100 mph (161 kph) Optional Mounting Tower Mounting Kit 4200-0000 REA Pole Mounting Kit 4200-0002 3000 Rev. C I Call for beacon manual G - 11 OBSTRUCTION & BEACONS RBML I Military Airport Rotating Beacon Dimensions Hali-Brite Tipdown Pole The Tipdown Pole makes it easy to change lamps and perform routine maintenance. • Increases safety–no risk of falling or hazard of working on a platform • Easy to operate–Can be quickly lowered and raised by one person without special equipment. Uses a hand-operated winch system • Can be installed in locations inaccessible to bucket trucks • Not designed for DCB-36 or DCB-224 beacons • Greatly reduces maintenance costs and downtime For more information, contact the ADB Sales Department. All dimensions in inches Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. G - 12 3000 Rev. C I Call for beacon manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved WIND CONES WC806 LED & Incandescent Supplemental Wind Cone FRANGIBLE Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: T/C: L-806 and L-806(L) AC 150/5345-27 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, par and Transport Canada TP 312 Para. 5.1 Uses FAA L-806, L-806(L), ICAO & T/C Provides visual surface wind direction and velocity information to pilots in flight or on the ground at airports and heliports Features • The L-806 wind cone is a low-mass, frangible-designed wind cone available in two styles, lighted or unlighted, with an eightfoot wind sock • The LED lighted wind cone assemblies may be powered directly from a 2.8-6.6 A or 8.5-20 A series circuit using only an isolation transformer. No power adapter is needed, significantly reducing CCR load. It may also be powered from a direct 95-264 VAC source. LED light output stays constant regardless of input current range (for series powered) or input voltage level (for voltage powered) wind cones. • Any AC voltage-powered incandescent wind cone may be powered by a 60 Hz only 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit using an ADB power adapter or from a direct 120 VAC source • Sealed bearings allow precision vaning for true wind direction in all types of weather and wind conditions • Bearing covers are provided for additional bearing protection against dirt and moisture • Easy installation and maintenance • The nylon fabric sock is treated for water repellency and resistance to rot and mildew • The sock is available for FAA/ICAO applications in orange and ICAO applications in orange/white or red/white banded. The colorfastness exceeds Method 5671 of Federal Standard 191. Other colors are available as a special order. • An optional L-810(L) red LED obstruction light is available (see catalog sheet 2063). For wind cone configurations available with an LED L-810(L), see ordering code. Lighting Assembly - Incandescent The lighting assembly consists of: Lighting Assembly - LED • The internally lighted wind cone provides an average illumination on the top and lateral surface of a fully extended windsock of 10- to 30-ft lamberts. The internally lighted 8-foot wind cone uses one LED optical assembly. • The externally lighted wind cone provides a minimum illumination of 2 foot-candles on the upper surface of the fully extended windsock. The externally lighted 8-foot wind cone uses two LED optical assemblies. • Solid orange colored wind socks are illuminated with orange LEDs. Color-banded socks are illuminated with only white LEDs. Electrical Supply, LED Current Driven For 6.6 A or 20 A, 60 Hz circuits, a 150 W or 200 W L-830 transformer with appropriate primary input (i.e. 6.6 or 20 A) must be selected. Use 150 W or 200 W L-831 series for 50 Hz circuits. L-806(L) LED Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load Internally Lit W/out LED L-810(L) 79 VA 150 W 18 VA 97 VA With LED L-810(L) 87 VA 150 W 20 VA 107 VA W/out LED L-810(L) 87 VA 200 W 26 VA 113 VA With LED L-810(L) 102 VA 200 W 27 VA 129 VA Externally Lit Electrical Supply, LED Voltage Driven Input voltage: 95 VAC (min.) to 264 VAC (max.), 50/60 Hz Maximum Input Power Internally Lit Externally Lit Without LED L-810(L) 69 VA 80 VA With LED L-810(L) 75 VA 87 VA Operation The operation of the wind cone is entirely dependent on the direction and relative velocity of the surface wind. Movement of the wind through the open throat of the cage and into the sock causes the tail to inflate. The tail of the inflated sock indicates true wind direction for velocities as low as three knots through a 360° circle about the vertical shaft. • Two 100 W/120 VAC reflectorized lamps that illuminate the interior of the wind cone (internally lighted). FAA Wind Cone Classifications • The incandescent wind cone can be used on any solid-colored or color-banded wind sock. Style I-A: Externally Lighted Size 1: 8 foot Style I-B: Internally Lighted Style II: Unlighted 3012 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0352 H-1 WIND CONES WC806 I LED & Incandescent Supplemental Wind Cone Dimensions LED Internally Lighted Wind Cone Assembly Internally Lighted Wind Cone Type Overall Height in (cm) Height 1 in (cm) Height 2 in (cm) Incandescent 112.75 (286.4) 40.75 (103.5) 72 (182.9) LED 127.6 (324.1) 55.6 (141.2) 72 (182.9) Height 1 Externally Lighted Wind Cone Type Overall Height in (cm) Height 1 in (cm) Height 2 in (cm) LED 127.6 (324.1) 55.6 (141.2) 72 (182.9) Overall Height 116.3 Inches Height 2 Spare Components (Incandescent) Description Part No. Cage assembly, 8 ft Cage bearings Cage bearing (weather) shields Glassware, red, incandescent, L-810 Glassware assembly, red, LED Lamp, bi-pin, 100 W, 120 VAC (Internal) L-810 incandescent obstruction light (69 W, 120 VAC) and mounting assembly L-810 incandescent lamp, 69 W, 120 VAC Pole assembly, 8 ft Rope cleat Sock, orange, nylon, 8 ft, FAA/ICAO Sock, orange/white, nylon, 8 ft Sock, red/white, nylon, 8 ft 44A6454-8 75A0027 63A0332-1 63A0149 44A6334-1S 48A0375 44B0936S LED Externally Lighted Wind Cone Assembly 48A0009 44A6457-8 62B0319S 77C0061-1 77C0061-4 77C0061-5 Height 1 Spare Components (LED) Description Part No. LED (700 mA) and mount assembly, obstruction light Surge protection assembly (voltage) Surge protection assembly (current) L-810(L) replacement kit (voltage) - FAA wind cone L-810(L) replacement kit (voltage) - ICAO wind cone wind cone Light engine assembly, orange (700 mA) Light engine assembly, white (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, current-driven, 8-ft internally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, current-driven, 8-ft externally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, voltage-driven, 8-ft internally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, voltage-driven, 8-ft externally lit (700 mA) 44A73951 44A6815-VD 44A6815-CD 94A0646-1 94A0646-2 Overall Height 119.6 inches 44A7237 44A7237-1 44A6683-16 44A6683-15 Incandescent Internally Lighted Wind Cone Assembly 44A6683-17 Incandescent L-810 44A6683-17 Notes • To replace the entire LED obstruction light on voltage-powered wind cones shipped prior to January 2013, order replacement kit 94A0646. • For wind cones shipped prior to January 2013, see the instruction manual for LED and PCB part replacement guidance. 1 Use 44A7395 as a direct substitute for older 44A7163-020W part number. Height 1 3012 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0352 Rotating Power Overall Height Wind Cone Cage Height 2 H-2 Height 2 Internal Lighted Assembly Assembly WIND CONES WC806 I LED & Incandescent Supplemental Wind Cone Ordering Codes Ordering Codes L-806(L) LED Wind Cone Internally Lit Retrofit Kit 94A0500- L-806 & L806(L) Size and Switch Option 1 = 8-foot cage 2 = 8-foot cage with ON/OFF switch Power1 5 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 6 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 7 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs 8 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs Style 0 = Unlit cage2 7 = Internally lit incandescent, 120 VAC1 B = Internally lit LED, 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)1,6 C = Externally lit LED, 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)6 D = Internally lit LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)1,6 E = Externally lit LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)6 Obstruction Light 0 = Without L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 1 = With FAA L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 2 = With ICAO L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light Cage Type2 2 = Retrofit to bolted cage, 8-foot3 4 = Retrofit to welded cage, 8-foot4 Notes This kit may be used to retrofit existing ADB incandescent wind cones. 1 Orange LED for use only with solid orange colored wind socks. White LED for use only with white/color-banded wind socks. 2 Internally lit 8-foot wind cone uses one LED optical assembly. See drawings on page 2. 3 Bolted cage, ADB PN 44A6454 4 Welded cage, ADB PN 44D0923S Power1 5 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 6 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 7 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs 8 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs Obstruction Light 0 = Without L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 1 = With FAA L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 2 = With ICAO L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light Cage Type2 4 = Retrofit to bolted cage, 8-foot3 6 = Retrofit to welded cage, 8-foot4 Notes This kit may be used to retrofit existing ADB incandescent wind cones. 1 Orange LED for use only with solid orange colored wind socks. White LED for use only with white/color-banded wind socks. 2 Externally lit 8-foot wind cone uses two LED optical assemblies. See drawings on page 2. 3 Bolted cage, ADB PN 44A6454 4 Welded cage, ADB PN 44D0923S ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 Obstruction Light 0 = No obstruction light 1 = FAA L-810(L) LED READY3 2 = Integrated ICAO/TP 312 LED 3 = FAA L-810(L) LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz4 4 = ICAO/TP 312 LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz9 9 = FAA incandescent L-810, 120 VAC Special Applications 0 = With solid orange wind sock7 1 = No wind sock5 5 = Orange/white 12-ft. sock, ICAO8 6 = Red/white 12-ft. sock, ICAO8 Notes 1 ETL Certification Pending. 2 Unlit cage can be used with no obstruction light or obstruction light options 3, 4 and 9. 3 Used only on internally or externally lit FAA LED wind cones (Style options B through E). To obtain an FAA LED L-810, order kit 94A0635. 4 Available only on unlit or internally lit incandescent wind cones (Style options 0 or 7). 5 For applications where wind socks other than orange, orange/ white or red/white are used. Special wind sock colors supplied separately. 6 LED internally or externally lit configurations are available only with obstruction light options 0, 1 and 2. 7 Uses orange LEDs to illuminate wind cone cage. 8 Uses white LEDs to illuminate wind cone cage. 9 Available with options 0 and 7 only. L-806(L) LED Wind Cone Externally Lit Retrofit Kit 94A0531- ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium WC806- Packaging Description Box Type Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight L-806 8-ft. Wind Cone Pole 72 x 4 x 4 in 182.9 x 10.2 x 10.2 cm 135 lb 61.2 kg Hardware 30 x 14 x 7 in 76.2 x 35.6 x 17.8 cm 47 lb 21.3 kg Basket 20 x 20 x 2 in 50.8 x 50.8 x 5.1 cm 42 lb 19.1 kg © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3012 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0352 H-3 WIND CONES WC807 LED & Incandescent Primary Wind Cone NON-FRANGIBLE Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: T/C: L-807 & L-807(L) AC 150/5345-27 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified. Annex 14, Vol. 1, Ed. 6, par. 5.1.1 Transport Canada TP 312 par. 5.1 Uses Externally Lit LED Wind Cone Lighting Assembly - Incandescent FAA L-807, L-807(L), ICAO & T/C Provides visual surface wind direction and velocity information to pilots in flight or on the ground at airports and heliports Features • The L-807 wind cone is a non-frangible designed wind cone available in three styles, lighted (internal or external) or unlighted, and in two sizes, eight- or twelve-foot wind socks. • Pole is available with either a center hinge or bottom hinge. Center hinge allows easier pole lowering. Bottom hinge includes a swing-out support leg that allows the mast to be lowered to a convenient servicing height for light source replacement. • The LED lighted wind cone assemblies may be powered directly from a 2.8-6.6 A or 8.5-20 A series circuit using only an isolation transformer. No power adapter is needed, significantly reducing CCR load. It may also be powered from a direct 95-264 VAC source. LED light output stays constant regardless of input current range (for series powered) or input voltage level (for voltage powered) wind cones. • Any AC voltage-powered incandescent wind cone may be powered from a 60 Hz (only) 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit using an ADB power adapter or from a direct 120 VAC source • Sealed bearings allow precision vaning for true wind direction in all types of weather and wind conditions • Bearing covers are provided for additional bearing protection against dirt and moisture • The nylon fabric sock is treated for water repellency and resistance to rot and mildew • The internally lighted wind cone consists of two 100 W/120 VAC lamps for an 8-foot wind cone or three 100 W/120 VAC lamps for a 12-foot wind cone • An incandescent lighted wind cone cage may be provided with an optional L-810(L) LED red obstruction light. • The incandescent wind cone can be used on any solid-colored or color-banded wind sock. Lighting Assembly - LED • The internally lighted wind cone provides an average illumination on the top and lateral surface of a fully extended windsock of 10- to 30-ft lamberts. The internally lighted 8-foot wind cone uses one LED optical assembly and the 12-ft uses three LED optical assemblies. • The externally lighted wind cone provides a minimum illumination of 2 foot candles on the upper surface of the fully extended windsock. The externally lighted 8- and 12-foot wind cones use two LED optical assemblies. • Solid orange colored wind socks are illuminated with orange LEDs. Color-banded socks are illuminated with only white LEDs. Operation The operation of the wind cone is entirely dependent on the direction and relative velocity of the surface wind. Movement of the wind through the open throat of the cage and into the sock causes the tail to inflate. The tail of the inflated sock indicates true wind direction for velocities as low as three knots through a 360° circle about the vertical shaft. • Standard colors are orange, orange/white banded, and red/ white banded. The colorfastness exceeds Method 5671 of Federal Standard 191. A TP 312 orange/white banded sock is also available that complies with Canadian specification K305-5. Other colors are available as a special order. FAA Wind Cone Classifications • An optional L-810(L) red LED obstruction light is available (see catalog sheet 2063). For wind cone configurations available with an LED L-810(L), see ordering code. Style I-B: Internally Lighted Style II: Unlighted H-4 Internally Lit LED Wind Cone 3011 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0345 Size 1: 8 foot Size 2: 12 foot Style I-A: Externally Lighted WIND CONES WC807 I LED & Incandescent Primary Wind Cone LED Externally Lighted Wind Cone Assembly LED Internally Lighted Wind Cone Assembly 8-foot internally lit wind cone has one LED assembly 12-foot internally lit wind cone has three LED assemblies 8- and 12-foot externally lit wind cones have two LED assemblies Packaging Description 8-ft. Wind Cone, Lighted 8-ft. Wind Cone, Unlighted 12-ft. Wind Cone, Lighted 12-ft. Wind Cone, Unlighted Quantity Per Box Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight 1 Pole 199.2 x 10 x 10 in 506 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm 150 lb 68 kg 1 Basket 20 x 20 x 15 in 50.8 x 50.8 x 38.1 cm 47 lb 21.3 kg 1 Pole 199.2 x 10 x 10 in 506 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm 135 lb 61.2 kg 1 Basket 20 x 20 x 15 in 50.8 x 50.8 x 38.1 cm 42 lb 19.1 kg 1 Pole 199.2 x 10 x 10 in 506 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm 150 lb 68 kg 1 Basket 45 x 42 x 6 in 114.3 x 106.7 x 15.2 cm 42 lb 19.1 kg Hardware 20 x 20 x 15 in 50.8 x 50.8 x 38.1 cm 45 lb 20.4 kg 1 Pole 199.2 x 10 x 10 in 506 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm 135 lb 61.2 kg 1 Basket 45 x 42 x 6 in 114.3 x 106.7 x 15.2 cm 42 lb 19.1 kg Hardware 20 x 20 x 15 in 50.8 x 50.8 x 38.1 cm 45 lb 20.4 kg Externally Lit Orange/White Wind Sock 3011 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0345 H-5 WIND CONES WC807 I LED & Incandescent Primary Wind Cone Electrical Supply, LED Current Driven Spare Components (Incandescent) For 6.6 A or 20 A, 60 Hz circuits, a 150 W or 200 W L-830 transformer with appropriate primary input (i.e. 6.6 or 20 A) must be selected. Use 150 W or 200 W L-831 series for 50 Hz circuits. Description Part No. Cage assembly, 8 ft Cage assembly, 12 ft Cage bearings Cage bearing (weather) shields Glassware, red, incandescent, L-810 Glassware assembly, red, LED Lamp, bi-pin, 100 W, 120 VAC (Internal) L-810 incandescent obstruction light (69 W, 120 VAC) and mounting assembly L-810 incandescent lamp, 69W, 120 VAC Pole assembly, bottom hinge, 8 ft Pole assembly, bottom hinge, 12 ft Rope cleat Sock, orange, nylon, 8 ft, FAA/ICAO Sock, orange, nylon, 12 ft, FAA/ICAO Sock, orange/white, nylon, 8 ft Sock, orange/white, nylon, 12 ft per K305-5 Sock, orange/white, nylon, 12 ft, FAA/ICAO Sock, red/white, nylon, 8 ft Sock, red/white, nylon, 12 ft Center-hinged pole assembly, L-807 internally/ externally lit with or w/out SBOL 44A6454-8 44A6454-12 75A0027 63A0332-1 63A0149 44A6334-1S 48A0375 44B0936S Fixture Load Isolation Transfmr. Isol. XF Load CCR Load W/out LED L-810(L) 79 VA 150 W 18 VA 97 VA With LED L-810(L) 87 VA 150 W 20 VA 107 VA W/out LED L-810(L) 87 VA 200 W 26 VA 113 VA With LED L-810(L) 102 VA 200 W 27 VA 129 VA W/out LED L-810(L) 96 VA 200 VA 25 VA 121 VA With LED L-810(L) 110 VA 200 VA 23 VA 133 VA L-807(L) LED Internally Lit, 8-ft Externally Lit, 8-ft Internally Lit, 12-ft Externally Lit, 12-ft W/out LED L-810(L) 87 VA 200 VA 26 VA 113 VA With LED L-810(L) 102 VA 200 VA 27 VA 129 VA Electrical Supply, LED Voltage Driven Input voltage: 95 VAC (min.) to 264 VAC (max.), 50/60 Hz Spare Components (LED) 8-ft Description Internally Lit Externally Lit Maximum Input Power Without LED L-810(L) 69 VA 80 VA With LED L-810(L) 75 VA 87 VA 12-ft Internally Lit Externally Lit Without LED L-810(L) 95 VA 80 VA With LED L-810(L) 109 VA 87 VA Maximum input power H-6 3011 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0345 48A0009 44A6457-8 44A6457-12 62B0319S 77C0061-1 77C0062-1 77C0061-4 61A0510-10 77C0062-4 77C0061-5 77C0062-5 44A6878-1 Part No. LED (700 mA) and mount assembly, obstruction light 44A7395 Surge protection assembly (voltage) 44A6815-VD Surge protection assembly (current) 44A6815-CD L-810(L) replacement kit (voltage) for FAA 94A0646-1 wind cone L-810(L) replacement kit (voltage) for ICAO 94A0646-2 wind cone Light engine assembly, orange (700 mA) 44A7237 Light engine assembly, white (700 mA) 44A7237-1 Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-16 current-driven, 8-ft internally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-14 current-driven, 12-ft internally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-17 voltage-driven, 8-ft internally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-18 voltage-driven, 12-ft internally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-15 current-driven, 8-ft externally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-15 current-driven, 12-ft externally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-17 voltage-driven, 8-ft externally lit (700 mA) Power supply PCB/mounting assembly, 44A6683-17 voltage-driven, 12-ft externally lit (700 mA) Hinged pole assembly, L-807 internally/externally 44A6878-1 lit with or w/out SBOL Notes • To replace the entire LED obstruction light on voltage-powered wind cones shipped prior to January 2013, order replacement kit 94A0646. • For wind cones shipped prior to January 2013, see the instruction manual for LED and PCB part replacement guidance. 1 Use 44A7395 as a direct substitute for older 44A7163-020W part number. WIND CONES WC807 I LED & Incandescent Primary Wind Cone Ordering Codes Ordering Codes L-807(L) LED Wind Cone Internally Lit Retrofit Kit 94A0500- L-807 & L-807(L) Size 1 = 8-foot cage 2 = 12-foot cage Power1 5 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 6 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 7 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs 8 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs Hinge and ON/OFF Switch Option 1 = Bottom-hinged pole 2 = Center-hinged pole 3 = Bottom-hinged w/switch 4 = Center-hinged w/switch Obstruction Light 0 = Without L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 1 = With FAA L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 2 = With ICAO L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light Cage Type2 1 = Retrofit to 2 = Retrofit to 3 = Retrofit to 4 = Retrofit to Style 0 = Unlit cage1 7 = Internally lit incandescent, 120 VAC B = Internally lit LED, 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)5 C = Externally lit LED, 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)5 D = Internally lit LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)5 E = Externally lit LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz (700 mA)5 bolted cage, 12-foot3, 5 bolted cage, 8-foot2, 4 welded cage, 12-foot3, 4 welded cage, 8-foot2, 4 Notes This kit may be used to retrofit existing ADB incandescent wind cones. 1 Orange LED for use only with solid orange colored wind socks. White LED for use only with white/color-banded wind socks. 2 Internally lit 8-foot wind cone uses one LED optical assembly. See drawings on page 2. 3 Internally lit 12-foot wind cone uses three LED optical assemblies. See drawings on page 2. 4 Bolted cage, ADB PN 44A6454 5 Welded cage, ADB PN 44D0919S (12-ft)/44D0923S (8-ft) L-807(L) LED Wind Cone Externally Lit Retrofit Kit 94A0531Power1 5 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 6 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, orange LEDs 7 = Current-driven 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs 8 = Voltage-driven 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz, white LEDs Obstruction Light 0 = Without L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 1 = With FAA L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light 2 = With ICAO L-810(L) LED Obstruction Light Cage Type2 3 = Retrofit to 4 = Retrofit to 5 = Retrofit to 6 = Retrofit to bolted cage, 12-foot3 bolted cage, 8-foot3 welded cage, 12-foot4 welded cage, 8-foot4 Notes This kit may be used to retrofit existing ADB incandescent wind cones. 1 Orange LED for use only with solid orange colored wind socks. White LED for use only with white/color-banded wind socks. 2 Externally lit 8- and 12-foot wind cones use two LED optical assemblies. See drawings on page 2. 3 Bolted cage, ADB PN 44A6454 4 Welded cage, ADB PN 44D0919S (12-ft) / 44D0923S (8-ft) ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 WC807- Obstruction Light 0 = No obstruction light 1 = FAA L-810(L) LED READY2 2 = Integrated ICAO/TP 312 LED 3 = FAA L-810(L) LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz3 4 = ICAO/TP 312 LED, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz9 9 = FAA incandescent L-810, 120 VAC Applications 0 = With solid orange wind sock6 1 = No wind sock4 4 = Orange/white 12-ft. sock, TP 3127,8 5 = Orange/white 12-ft. sock, ICAO7 6 = Red/white 12-ft. sock, ICAO7 Notes 1 Unlit cage can be used with no obstruction light or obstruction light options 3, 4 and 9. 2 Used only on internally or externally lit FAA LED wind cones (Style options B through E). To obtain an FAA LED L-810, order kit 94A0635. 3 Available only on unlit or internally lit incandescent wind cones (Style options 0 or 7) 4 For applications where wind socks other than orange, orange/ white or red/white are used. Special wind sock colors supplied separately. 5 LED internally or externally lit configurations are available only with obstruction light options 0, 1 and 2. LED wind sock light source is orange and is for use with only solid-colored wind socks. 6 Uses only orange LEDs to illuminate wind cone cage. 7 Uses only white LEDs to illuminate wind cone cage. 8 Wind sock complies with Transport Canada specification K305-5. Available only with 12-foot cage. 9 Available with options 0 and 7 only. © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3011 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0345 H-7 WIND CONES This page left blank intentionally H-8 HELIPORTS Heliport Summary Page In addition to the heliport products included in this section, the following products can also be used in heliport lighting systems. For more detail on the products listed below, please see the product section and catalog sheet number listed at the end of the description. SBOL-L - LED Obstruction Light The SBOL-L LED obstruction light is a corrosion-resistant steady-burning red light fixture marking all fixed obstructions to eliminate air navigational hazards. The fixture uses a single LED with an average individual LED life of 100,000 hours. An SBOL-L with arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. The heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption. The SBOL-L’s very low power rating for LED lights and longer intervals between maintenance also contribute to a lower life cycle cost. See Obstruction & Beacons, data sheet 2063. WC806 - Incandescent and LED Wind Cones The WC806 wind cone, available as an incandescent (internally lit) or LED fixture, provides visual surface wind direction and velocity information to pilots in flight or on the ground at airports and heliports. The wind cone is a low-mass, frangible-designed wind cone available in two styles, lighted or unlighted, with an eight-foot wind sock. The sock is available for FAA/ICAO applications in orange and ICAO applications in orange/white or red/white banded. The colorfastness exceeds Method 5671 of Federal Standard 191. Other colors are available as a special order. The nylon fabric sock is treated for water repellency and resistance to rot and mildew. See Wind Cones section, data sheet 3012. WC807 - Incandescent and LED Wind Cones The WC807 wind cone, available as an incandescent (internally lit) or LED fixture, provides visual surface wind direction and velocity information to pilots in flight or on the ground at airports and heliports. The wind cone is a non-frangible designed wind cone available in three styles, lighted (internal or external) or unlighted, and in two sizes, eight- or twelve-foot wind socks. Its pole is available with either a center hinge or bottom hinge. A center hinge allows easier pole lowering, while a bottom hinge includes a swing-out support leg that allows the mast to be lowered to a convenient servicing height. An optional L-810(L) red LED obstruction light is available. See Wind Cones section, data sheet 3011. RCE - Radio Controller The primary function of the L-854 Radio Controller is to allow maximum use of airport runway lighting systems during times when the airport is unattended. Runway or approach lighting systems may be activated and intensity controlled remotely by using the L-854 Radio Controller. This is accomplished by the simple process of keying the microphone button of the regular VHF communication transmitter in the approaching aircraft. No special airborne equipment or adapters are required. Two independent sets of output relays can be programmed for either individual or incremental operation. See Control & Monitoring, data sheet 3002. Heliport Beacons L-801H/L-802H beacons are designed primarily for night operation as identification and location markers for heliports. The heliport beacon uses three 13,000 lumen, 150-watt metal-halide lamps, which have a typical lamp life of 12,000 hours (3 years). The beacon has one clear, one aviation green, and one yellow lens. Its patented belt-drive system eliminates the lubrication required by conventional gear-drive beacons while its patented liquid-filled lamp connector eliminates the slip rings and brushes found on conventional beacons. See Obstruction Lighting & Beacons, data sheet 2005. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3067 Rev. A I-1 HELIPORTS IUL-L LED In-pavement Utility & Heliport Perimeter Light Compliance with Standards FAA: Manufactured to applicable L-852T(L) requirements in FAA AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. 8-inch Ordering Code Uses • Heliports with constant voltage sources - Yellow for military and existing civilian applications - Green for new civilian applications - Used as boundary marking of final approach and takeoff (FATO) areas, touchdown and lift-off (TLOF) areas, and aprons - Also used for taxiway edges and aiming points • Gate security • Under vehicle inspection illumination • Used for a variety of special applications where a balance of vertical and horizontal light output is required • Provides essential lighting for the protection of fixed installations and other potential targets • Used in high security areas to assist detection of bombs and smuggling, in maintenance facilities to spot vehicle damage, and to protect entrances to security areas • Fixture layout/quantity can be designed for individual and/or pattern control to enable use of alternate traffic patterns 12-inch IUL- LED Color 1 = White 2 = Yellow 3 = Green 4 = Blue 5 = Red Mounting 1 = 12-inch fixture for L-868 light base 2 = 12-inch fixture for L-867 light base 3 = 8-inch fixture for 8-inch light base Light Beam Direction 1 = Upward light pattern 2 = Omnidirectional light pattern1 Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option2 Notes Fixture supplied with only L-823 style male connector. To ensure wire entry is waterproof, a secondary connector kit (Part No. 70A0046) is required for installation. 1 Heliport light pattern 2 When powered by a parallel circuit, heater is designed for use at only 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz Features • Operates over a wide input voltage range of 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz Features (Continued) • Light output stays constant regardless of input voltage level • LED photometric performance will be maintained longer due to a cleaner lens. The lower temperature of the lens prevents the “baking effect” that causes contaminants to stick to the surface of the lens. • Average LED life of 100,000 hours • Low profile – < 0.25 inch above ground, which reduces vibrations caused by vehicles, increasing fixture life • IUL with arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. • No batteries to replace – Constant, dependable level of light at all times, comparable to FAA-specified medium intensity light levels • Integral third-wire grounding for fixture and installation base cans • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • Standard FAA-Style L-823 connectors provide a complete environmental seal, eliminating fluid “siphoning” up wiring to fixture interior • High strength – Rugged, proven design - fixture originally designed to withstand the rollover weight of large aircraft in airport movement areas • Equivalent mechanical and electrical design has been field tested in thousands of airfield installations • Offers longer maintenance intervals and requires fewer spare parts, resulting in lower life cycle costs • Designed and built with simplicity and ease of maintenance in mind • Can be provided with a shallow mounting base designed for inpavement installation I-2 2073 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0364 • Aluminum alloy cover, inner cover, and optical assembly, stainless steel hardware, and a hardened optical glass lens • Fixture is also available for series circuits. Contact the ADB Sales Department or see ADB catalog sheet 2060. HELIPORTS IUL-L I LED In-pavement Utility & Heliport Perimeter Light Operating Conditions Spare Components Temperature: -40 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to +131 °F) Description Part No. Altitude: Sea level to 10,000 feet (3000 m) Cord set Inner pan assembly, 95-264 V, yellow Inner pan assembly, 95-264 V, blue Inner pan assembly, 95-264 V, green, white LED optical assembly, white, omnidirectional light pattern, w/out heater LED optical assembly, white, omnidirectional light pattern, with heater LED optical assembly, yellow, omnidirectional light pattern, w/out heater LED optical assembly, yellow, omnidirectional light pattern, with heater LED optical assembly, green, omnidirectional light pattern, w/out heater LED optical assembly, green, omnidirectional light pattern, with heater LED optical assembly, blue, omnidirectional light pattern, w/out heater LED optical assembly, blue, omnidirectional light pattern, with heater LED optical assembly, red, omnidirectional light pattern, w/out heater LED optical assembly, red, omnidirectional light pattern, with heater LED optical assembly, white, upward light light pattern, w/out heater LED optical assembly, white, upward light pattern, with heater Lens gasket, molded O-ring, inner cover seal Prism lens Secondary female connector kit Top cover, 8-inch Top cover, 12-inch, L-868 11.25” bolt circle Top cover, 12-inch, L-867 10.25” bolt circle 73A0136-23 44A6354-10 44A6354-20 44A6354-30 44A7217-10 Relative Humidity: Up to 100% 8-inch Load Bearing Base Can Part Number 88ICC05Y Electrical Supply Input voltage W/out Heater With Heater 95 VAC (min.) - 264 VAC (max.), 50/60 Hz 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz Maximum Input Power W/out Heater With Heater Yellow 10.2 VA 33.2 VA Green 14.3 VA 37.3 VA Blue 13.5 VA 36.5 VA White 14.3 VA 37.3 VA Red 14.3 VA 37.3 VA Energy Cost Savings LED Fixture Load Incan./Tungsten Halogen Load Energy Savings Yellow, Voltage Driven, Without/Inactive Heater 10.2 VA 40/54 VA 3.9/5.3 times Yellow, Voltage Driven, without Heater Active 33.2 VA 1 40/54 VA 1.2/1.6 times 44A7217-11 44A7217-20 44A7217-21 44A7217-30 44A7217-31 44A7217-40 44A7217-41 44A7217-50 44A7217-51 44A7217-60 44A7217-61 4071.76.041 7080.90.335 63A1071 70A0046 4071.76.002 62A2157-1 62A2157-2 Either a 40 W (VA) or 54 W (VA) lamp is in typical equivalent fixtures Packaging Dimensions 8-inch Fixture 8-inch Fixture Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter: 8.43 in (21.4 cm) 7.32 in (18.6 cm) In cardboard box: 6 x 10 x 10 in (15.24 x 25.4 x 25.4 cm) Weight with packing: 7.65 lb (3.47 kg) Weight without packing: 5.65 lb (2.56 kg) 12-inch Fixture 8-inch Base Can Outside diameter: Bolt-circle diameter (L-868B): Bolt-circle diameter (L-867B): 11.94 in (30.33 cm) 11.25 in (28.58 cm) 10.25 in (26.04 cm) Solar Lighting System Design Weight: 3.95 lb (1.79 kg) 12-inch Fixture In cardboard box: 7 x 13 x 13 in (17.8 x 33 x 33 cm) Weight with packing: 15.3 lb (6.94 kg) Weight without packing: 12.3 lb (5.58 kg) ADB can design a complete solar-powered heliport package for interested customers to include solar equipment, elevated and in-pavement fixtures, obstruction lights, wind cone, and control equipment. Call 614-573-8232 for more information. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2073 Rev. P I Manual No. 96A0364 I-3 HELIPORTS EHP-L LED Elevated Heliport Perimeter Light Compliance with Standards FAA: Designed according to AC 150/5390-2 Heliport Design. L-861T AC 150/5345-46 (Current Edition) and the FAA Engineering Brief No. 67. ETL Certified (L-861T). Ordering Code Uses EHP is intended for use as a heliport perimeter light. The green and yellow omnidirectional light is used to define the perimeter of the area the helicopter requires for touchdown and lift-off (TLOF). • Yellow EHPs are typically used on military applications • Green EHPs are typically used for new civil applications • Blue EHPs can be used for lead-in taxiway applications Features • Overall height installed is less than 8 inches, complying with AC 150/5390-2C requirements for raised perimeter lights • Average individual LED life of 50,000 hours (minimum) • 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz power supply minimizes installation costs by reducing required cable run wire size. Light output stays constant regardless of input voltage range. • EHP with arctic option (U.S. Patent 7192155 B2) uses a thermostatically controlled heater to prevent ice and snow buildup from obscuring light output. Melts ice similar to traditional incandescent fixtures. • Thermostatically controlled heater cycles on and off when temperature drops below freezing, reducing overall energy consumption • For voltage-driven applications, the EHP with a thermostatically controlled arctic option is 2.6 times more efficient in warm weather operations and 1.5 times more efficient than a typical 54 W(VA) fixture in cold weather operations • More than 500,000 ADB elevated LED fixtures are in use around the USA • Direct replacement for incandescent fixtures • Fixture uses aluminum casting, stainless steel hardware, and is protected with aviation yellow powder coat finish • All parts are corrosion-resistant • Rugged, low-profile design reduces the potential for damage in the FATO perimeter • For additional features common to all of ADB’s elevated LED fixtures, see data sheet 3043. Operating Conditions Temperature: -40 °F to +131 °F (-40 °C to +55 °C) Humidity: 0 to 100% Wind: Withstands wind velocities up to 300 mph (480 kph) I-4 3009 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0407 EHP- 0 LED Color G = Green1 Y = Yellow1 B = Blue Power 1 = Voltage Driven, 95-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz1 2 = 60 Hz, Current Driven, 2.8-6.6 A 3 = 50 Hz, Current Driven, 2.8-6.6 A Overall Height 1 = 8 inches with junction box, no coupling1 2 = 16 inches with junction box, 1.5-inch coupling1 3 = 24 inches with junction box, 1.5-inch coupling1 4 = 8 inches w/out j-box, with 1.5-inch coupling 5 = 8 inches w/out j-box, with 2-inch coupling 6 = 16 inches w/out j-box, with 1.5-inch coupling 7 = 24 inches w/out j-box, with 1.5-inch coupling 8 = 16 inches w/out j-box, with 2-inch coupling 9 = 24 inches w/out j-box, with 2-inch coupling A = 12 inch OAH w/out j-box, with 1.5-inch coupling B = 12 inch OAH w/out j-box, with 2-inch coupling Arctic Option 0 = Without arctic option 1 = With arctic option2 Notes 1 Not ETL Certified 2 When powered by a parallel circuit, heater is designed for use at only 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz. Electrical Supply Current Driven W/out Heater With Heater 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, 12 VA max. 2.8-6.6 A, 50/60 Hz, 27 VA max. Voltage Driven W/out Heater With Heater 95 VAC (min.) - 264 VAC (max.), 50/60 Hz, 10 W (21 VA) max. 120 VAC, ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 25 W (36 VA) max. HELIPORTS EHP-L I LED Elevated Heliport Perimeter Light Installation Options Spare Components Stake mounting Description Part No. A 2 x 2 x 30 inch (5.08 x 5.08 x 76.2 cm) galvanized steel angle stake assembly is sold separately (Part No. 44B0348). The EHP frangible coupling screws directly into a 1.5-inch threaded hub assembly making the fixture mechanically and electrically frangible. Enclosure bottom Enclosure gasket Frangible coupling, 1.5 inch, 12 TPI Frangible reducer coupling, 2-1 inch, 11.5 TPI Gasket, universal round Glassware, blue Glassware, green Glassware, yellow Junction box, round Junction box lid Junction box lid, round w/0.5-inch hub Lens attaching ring Seal, side-emitting LED lens 62A2177 63A1097 62B0073 61A0281 77A0216 63A1054-1 63A1054-5 63A1054-3 77A0213 62A2178 77A0214 60A2975-2 63A1048 Base plate A 12-inch base plate with a 1.5-inch threaded hub assembly is sold separately (Part No. 1935). A plastic base plate with 2-inch hub is also available. The base plate mounts on a 12-inch L-867 base can (Also sold separately. Call ADB for details). Conduit elbow A conduit elbow with a 2-inch hub assembly is pre-cast or poured in the excavation, ready to receive the fixture at ground level. (Part No. 1409.00.020). Junction box A junction box ready for direct mounting or burial in concrete can be provided. Contact ADB for details. Packaging Carton Dimensions Assembled Fixtures Individual 12 Per Box Indiv. Weight* 8-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 in 16.5 x 21 x 20.5 in 2.75 lb 16.5 x 16.5 x 52 cm 41.9 x 53.3 x 52 cm 1.25 kg 16-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 20.5 in 16.5 x 21 x 20.5 in 2.75 lb 16.5 x 16.5 x 52 cm 41.9 x 53.3 x 52 cm 1.25 kg 24-inch OAH 6.5 x 6.5 x 31 in 16.5 x 21 x 33.5 in 4 lb 16.5 x 16.5 x 79 cm 41.9 x 53.3 x 85 cm 1.81 kg * Weight based on unpacked EHP with arctic option Stake Mount Energy Cost Savings Base Plate LED Fixture Load Incan./Tungsten Halogen Load Energy Savings Current Driven, Without/Inactive Heater1 12 VA 54 VA 4.5 times Current Driven, without Heater Active1 27 VA 54 VA 2.2 times Voltage Driven, Without/Inactive Heater1 21 VA 54 VA 2.6 times Voltage Driven, without Heater Active 36 VA 1 Conduit Elbow 54 VA 1.5 times Fixture load does not include isolation transformer load Conduit Elbow ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3009 Rev. F I Manual No. 96A0407 I-5 HELIPORTS This page left blank intentionally I-6 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES Cord Sets L-823 Airfield Runway Lighting Cord Set and Connector Kits Compliance with Standards FAA: L-823 Plug w/Cord Set L-823 AC 150/5345-26 (Current Edition) Uses L-823 plugs and receptacles (cable connectors) are used for underground cable connections, isolation transformer leads, and airport light fixture leads. Features • The voltage drop across the contacts of a connected plug and receptacle does not exceed 7.5 millivolts for primary connectors nor 6.0 millivolts for secondary connectors • Sockets are slotted and spring-loaded to ensure good electrical contact • Pins and sockets are made of both copper and brass and are tinplated for corrosion resistance Primary Connector Kit (Continued) Each receptacle is equipped with a disposable sleeve fitted into the receptacle’s water seal to catch surplus silicone compound during assembly. Each socket is equipped with a disposable pin fitted tightly into the pin end of the socket to prevent entry of silicone compound during assembly and provide a visual indication of proper socket position after assembly. An adequate amount of silicone insulating compound is furnished with each connector to insure all internal voids are filled during connector assembly. L-823 Plug, Style 3 and Pin • Field-attached connector kits are resistant to direct sunlight and ozone • Sockets are an annealed sleeve-type spring, which protects the socket slots from filling with insulation compound during molding • Pins and sockets designed for field assembly connectors have provisions for crimping to the cable conductors at the job site L-823 Receptacle, Style 10 and Socket • Manufactured by various ETL-Certified sources Operating Conditions Temperature Range: -67 °F to +149 °F (-55 °C to +65 °C) Secondary Connector Kit Resistant to: Deicing fluids, jet fuel, rain, snow, ice, and standing water and can be buried in the earth Connector assemblies are composed of two parts: an insert assembly and a housing. When plug and receptacle assemblies are assembled, they provide a water-resistant seal to prevent moisture from entering the housing. L-823 Cord Set L-823 cord sets are used for secondary cable extensions and transformer interconnection cable assemblies. The standard cord set consists of the L-823 plug (Style 1) with molded-on 2C/AWG 16 wire (31-inches long from interface of plug to end of wire). Other lengths and AWGs are available by special order. Primary Connector Kit The primary cable connector kit is designed to provide a separable connection between: 1) a non-screened primary airfield cable (5 kV or less) and an FAA L-830 isolation transformer or 2) in a non-screened primary series circuit cable. One kit is required for each cable splice or transformer installation. Each kit conforms to FAA L-823 Style 3 plug and Style 10 receptacle with crimp-on pin and socket contacts. The Style 4 plug connector kit is designed to terminate individual secondary wires. The Style 5 kit is designed to terminate nonshielded secondary cables. The plug connector kit contains a plug housing with a crimp-on plug insert that mates to a Style 7, 8, 11, or 12 receptacle. The Style 11 receptacle connector kit is designed to terminate individual secondary wires. The Style 12 kit is designed to terminate non-shielded secondary cables. The receptacle connector kit contains a receptacle housing and crimp-on receptacle insert that mate with a Style 1, 4, 5, or 6 plug connector. 1031 Rev. R I No Manual J-1 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES CORD SETS I L-823 Cord Set and Connector Kits Ordering Codes: Cord Sets Ordering Codes: Secondary Connector Kits Description Wire Size Part No. Style 1 plug, 16 AWG 31-inch (78.74 cm) without terminals 73A0009-31 31 inches from interface of L-823 plug to end of wire. Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for other lengths and wire sizes available by special order. 31-inch with fork terminal - #6 stud size Specify length when ordering. 44A1707 31-inch with female disconnect Specify length when ordering. 44A1701 Cable Diameter (Insulation OD) in (mm) Concentric Stranded AWG Solid AWG Part No.* US/Canada Style 4 plug for terminating two individual conductors 0.120-0.160 (3.1-4.1) 0.155-0.205 (3.9-5.2) 0.195-0.260 (4.9-6.6) 10-12 10-12 10-12 8-10 8-10 8-10 70A0055/90P-S6 70A0045/90P-A6 70A0044/90P-B6 Style 11 receptacle for terminating two individual conductors Ordering Codes: Canadian Style Cord Sets 0.155-0.205 (3.9-5.2) 0.195-0.260 (4.9-6.6) 0.155-0.205 (3.9-5.2) Description Style 5 plug for terminating two conductors in a cable Part No. Style 1 plug, 16 AWG 18-inch (450 mm) with 2/C Cable and Fork Terminals for Prefocus Socket 91MPC-.46-M Style 1 plug, 16 AWG 18-inch (450 mm) with 2/C Cable and Female Spade Term. for PK30d Lamps 91MPC-.46-H 91MPC-.75-M Style 1 plug, 16 AWG 29.5-inch (750 mm) with with 2/C Cable and Fork Terminals for Prefocus Socket 0.420-0.585 (10.7-14.9) 0.420-0.585 (10.7-14.9) 0.575-0.785 (14.6-19.9) 10-12 10-12 14-16 14-16 10-12 10-12 8-10 8-10 12-14 12-14 8-10 8-10 70A0046/90R-A6 70A0041/90R-B6 70A0049/90R-A8 70A0040/91P-E8 70A0047/91P-E6 70A0239/91P-F6 Style 12 receptacle for terminating two conductors in a cable 0.420-0.585 (10.7-14.9) 0.420-0.585 (10.7-14.9) 0.575-0.785 (14.6-19.9) 14-16 10-12 10-12 12-14 8-10 8-10 70A0048/91R-E8 70A0263/91R-E6 70A0238/91R-F6 * Part numbers are listed as US / Canadian part number. Style 1 plug, 16 AWG 39-inch (1000 mm) with with 2/C Cable and No Terminals 91MPC-1.0 Ordering Codes: Primary Connector Kits Wire Size Concentric Stranded AWG Cable Diameter (Insulation OD) in (mm) Part No. Plug Insert and Housing Housing and Receptacle Insert Includes both Style 3 plug and Style 10 receptacle 0.320-0.430 0.320-0.430 0.320-0.430 0.320-0.430 0.320-0.430 0.320-0.430 0.420-0.585 0.575-0.785 (8.1-10.9) (8.1-10.9) (8.1-10.9) (8.1-10.9) (8.1-10.9) (8.1-10.9) (10.7-14.9) (14.6-19.9) 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 6 70A0012 70A0012-1 70A0012-CK 70A0014 70A0014-1 70A0014-CK 70A0017 70A0019 Supplier Part No. Reference Table Part No. Amerace 70A0012 Integro 11174-01 70A0012/AMERACE 54D4D4 70A0012-1 54Super D4-D4 70A0012-CK NA 11805-01 70A0014 54D3D3 11174-04 70A0014-1 54Super D3-D3 NA 70A0014-CK NA 11805-04 70A0017 54E4E4 11174-05 70A0019 54F3F3 11174-06 J-2 1031 Rev. R I No Manual NA Ordering Codes: Cord/Extenstion Cord Sets Description Part No. 16/2 Cord with one Plug, Type II, Class A, Style 1, 37-inch length (93.98 cm) 73A0107-48 16/2 Cord with one Plug, Type II, Class A, Style 1, 6-foot length (182.88 cm) 73A0107-72 16/2 Cord, one Receptacle, Type II, Class A, Style 8, one Plug, Type II, Class A, Style 1, 8-foot length (243.84 cm) Receptacle to be connected to Plug on standard 31-inch (78.74 cm) L-823 cord set. 73A0109-8 16/2 Cord, one Receptacle, Type II, Class A, Style 8, one Plug, Type II, Class A, Style 1, 6-foot length (182.88 cm) Receptacle to be connected to Plug on standard 31-inch (78.74 cm) L-823 cord set. 73A0109-6 16/2 Cord, one Receptacle, Type II, Class A, Style 7, one Plug, Type II, Class A, Style 1, 8-foot length (243.84 cm) Receptacle may be connected to Plug on 73A0107-X or 73A0109-8 cord set. 73A0108-8 16/2 Cord, one Receptacle, Type II, Class A, Style 7, one Plug, Type II, Class A, Style 1, 6-foot length (182.88 cm) Receptacle may be connected to Plug on 73A0107-X or 73A0109-8 cord set. 73A0108-6 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES CORD SETS I L-823 Cord Set and Connector Kits The 54 Super Series Primary Connector Kits are the easiest, quickest and most effective connections for unscreened primary cable. Manufactured using one-piece molded housings with a customized EPDM rubber formulation, the 54 Super Kit features an exclusive cold-shrink sealing system that continuously applies a compression force on the cable. No heat shrink is required for these connections. Electrical L-823 Cord Set Insulation Rating: Primary Kits – 5 kV Secondary Kits – 600 V Electrical Connector Rating: Primary Kits – 25 A Secondary Kits – 20 A Secondary Secondary Receptacle Secondary Plug Packaging Description Primary Weight Primary Connector Kit 0.46 lb 0.209 kg Secondary Connector Kit 0.12 lb 0.054 kg L-823 Cord Set 0.18 lb 0.082 kg Primary Field Cable Isolation Transformer Primary Connector Kit Installation Installation instructions are furnished with each field-attachable plug and receptacle. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1031 Rev. R I No Manual J-3 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES Heat Shrink Uses Provides environmental sealing protection for the FAA L-823 style primary plug and receptacle connector used in the wiring of airfield lighting circuits. Features • Mechanical Protection – The high impact and abrasion resistance of ADB’s Airfield Lighting Kit Heat Shrink provides excellent mechanical protection • Environmental Seal – ADB’s Airfield Lighting Kits (with sealant) are coated internally with a dual-purpose thermo-plastic liner. When heated, the liner will encapsulate the connector/cable termination, providing the mechanical strength of a superior adhesive with the environmental sealing capability and corrosion protection of a high-quality mastic. • Easy Installation – When heated above 248 ºF (120 ºC), the Airfield Lighting Kit Heat Shrink shrinks rapidly to seal and encapsulate electrical connections, providing a fast, simple and clean insulation system that can also be removed. • Permanent Environmental Seal – Provides protection against water intrusion, abrasion damage, and accidental disconnection and added strain relief for the connector/cable assembly. The kit installs in minutes, providing a permanent environmental seal. • Easily Removed Waterproof Seal – ADB’s sealant-coated, 16-inch long heat shrink tubing has sealant coating the entire length of the tube (Part No. 71A0088-U). Heat shrink tubing can also be supplied with three inches of sealant applied internally on each end of the sleeve (Part No. 71A0052 or APL-L823A). This allows for easy removal in the event of connector maintenance while providing a seal between cable and sleeve. Installation - Full 16-Inch Length (Continued) For any type of heat shrink where the full 16-inch length is applied. Apply Heat Shrinkable Sleeve 1. Preheat cable jacket. 2. Center sleeve over primary series circuit connector. 3. Begin shrinking at center, working toward both ends. A heat gun is the preferred heating method. If a torch is used (not preferred), a torch that produces a long, broad flame must be used to blanket the sleeve with heat. Use a broad colorless or yellow flame (Do not use a concentrated blue flame). It is important that the heat shrink not be burned by the flame. The minimum shrink temperature is 248 ºF (120 ºC). Use a back-and-forth motion with the heating device (Figure 1). 4. Continue heating until shrinking is complete. Visually inspect the heat shrink to ensure there is a smooth, tight fit, uniform wall thickness, and melted adhesive/sealant is squeezed from the ends (Figure 2). 5. To prevent the glued interface from detaching, allow the heat shrink to cool completely before moving it. Main Illustration Installation - Full 16-Inch Length For any type of heat shrink where the full 16-inch length is applied. Prepare Cable 1. Thoroughly clean all dirt and debris from the cable and connector for the entire length of the sleeve. Use an appropriate solvent to clean cable. Be sure to follow the solvent manufacturer’s instructions. Failure to follow these instructions could lead to product failure. Some newer solvents do not evaporate quickly and need to be removed with a clean, lint-free cloth. Failure to do so could change the volume resistivity of the substrate, or leave a residue on the surface. 2. Slide sleeve over cable before making electrical connection. 3. Mate connector sections per manufacturer’s instructions. J-4 1225 Rev. K I No Manual Figure 1 Figure 2 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES HEAT SHRINK Ordering Code Airfield Lighting Kit Part No. Expanded Internal Diameter (Min.) in (mm) Reovered Internal Diameter (Max.) in (mm) Recovered Wall Thickness (Nominal) in (mm) Approximate Sleeve Length in (mm) Sealant Length In Tubing 71A0052 1.3 (33) 0.315 (8) 0.126 (3.2) 16 (406.4) Three inches APL-L823A* 1.5 (38.1) 0.375 (9.5) 0.08 (2.03) 16 (406.4) Three inches 71A0088-U 1.3 (33) 0.43 (10.9) 0.10 (2.5) 16 (406.4) Entire length Note: Custom-sized kits are available from the factory upon request. * This larger diameter heat shrink is typically used if heat shrink is applied to an Amerace Superkit. Installation - Heat Shrink Cut in Half Only for applications where the heat shrink is cut in half. Note: It is recommended that this method only be used with sealant coating the entire length of the tube (Part No. 71A0088-U). Figure 3 Prepare Cable 1. Thoroughly clean all dirt and debris from the cable and connector for the entire length of the sleeve. Use an appropriate solvent to clean cable. Be sure to follow the solvent manufacturer’s instructions. Failure to follow these instructions could lead to product failure. Some newer solvents do not evaporate quickly and need to be removed with a clean, lint-free cloth. Failure to do so could change the volume resistivity of the substrate, or leave a residue on the surface. 2. Cut the 71A0088-U heat shrink in half with a clean, straight cut. 3. Slide sleeve over cable before making electrical connection. 4. Mate connector sections per manufacturer’s instructions. Figure 4 Figure 5 Tape Connection Joint 1. Wrap with at least one layer of Scotch® 23 (or equivalent) rubber splicing tape, half lapped, followed by one layer of Scotch® 33 (or equivalent) electrical tape, half-lapped across connector joint. Tape must extend 1.5 in (38.1 mm) on either side of the connector joint (Figure 3). Figure 6 Apply Heat Shrinkable Sleeve 1. Preheat cable jacket. 2. Center sleeve over wire-to-connector kit entry point (Figure 4). 3. Begin shrinking at center, working toward both ends. A heat gun is the preferred heating method. If a torch is used (not preferred), a torch that produces a long, broad flame must be used to blanket the sleeve with heat. Use a broad colorless or yellow flame (Do not use a concentrated blue flame). It is important that the heat shrink not be burned by the flame. The minimum shrink temperature is 248 ºF (120 ºC). Use a back-and-forth motion with the heating device (Figure 5). 4. Continue heating until shrinking is complete. Visually inspect the heat shrink to ensure there is a smooth, tight fit, uniform wall thickness, and melted adhesive/sealant is squeezed from the ends (see Figure 6). 5. To prevent the glued interface from detaching, allow the heat shrink to cool completely before moving it. 6. Repeat the process for the other primary connection using the other half of the heat shrink. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1225 Rev. K I No Manual J-5 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES IXT-A Series Circuit Isolation Transformer Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: MIL: L-830 and L-831 AC 150/5345-47 (Current Edition) ETL Certified. Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5 para. MIL-T-27535A Uses FAA L-830/ L-831 & ICAO Designed for use in airfield lighting systems to isolate low-voltage lamps from the high operating voltages present on airfield series lighting circuits. Features • Quick and easy connection by means of factory-molded L-823 plugs and receptacles. • Two single-conductor primary cables (8 AWG, 5,000 V) with a molded Style 2 plug on one lead and a molded Style 9 receptacle on the other lead; one two-conductor secondary cable (12 AWG, 600 V) with Style 8 two-pin receptacle • Complete water tightness–Cables are an integral part of the transformer and their sheath is molded in the transformer body • May be buried directly in the ground, exposed to the sun, immersed in water, and exposed to other weather elements • The outer molded jacket is acid-, alkali-, and oil-resistant and also resists deicing fluids, ozone, and UV radiation • Ambient temperature: -67 °F to +149 °F (-55 °C to +65 °C) Electrical Supply • Operates at 60 Hz (L-830) on series circuits rated up to 5,000 VAC The primary windings of the transformer are connected in a 6.6 A series circuit supplied by a constant current regulator. The continuity of the series lighting loop is maintained even if one or more lamps supplied by individual isolation transformer secondaries are open-circuited due to lamp failures. In addition, there is a complete separation of the high-voltage primary and low-voltage secondary windings. Note Series circuit components and connectors must be installed per the recommendations shown in FAA AC 150/5340-30 (latest revision). There are many installation variables outside the control of ADB that may affect the overall circuit insulation resistance. ADB Airfield Solutions is not responsible for series circuit insulation resistance requirements above the limits defined in FAA AC 150/5340-30 or AC 150/5340-26 (latest revisions). J-6 3033 Rev. D I Manual No. 96A0438 Ordering Code 1ST 10 Power Range 010 = 10/15 W (L-830-16) 020 = 20/25 W (L-830-17) 045 = 30/45 W (L-830-1) 065 = 65 W (L-830-3) 100 = 100 W (L-830-4) 150 = 150 W (L-830-18) 200 = 200 W (L-830-6) 300 = 300 W (L-830-10) Primary Current 6 = 6.6 A Secondary Current 6 = 6.6 A Frequency 6 = 60 Hz Grounding Connection 0 = Without ground Note: ADB isolation transformers are manufactured in Columbus, Ohio. TRANSFORMERS & CABLES IXT-A I Series Circuit Isolation Transformer Packaging Style Part No. L-830-16 1ST010666010 Avg. Weight - lb (kg) 2.6 (1.2) L-830-17 1ST020666010 2.8 (1.3) L-830-1 1ST045666010 3.0 (1.4) L-830-3 1ST065666010 4.8 (2.2) L-830-4 1ST100666010 5.9 (2.7) L-830-18 1ST150666010 7.4 (3.4) L-830-6 1ST200666010 9.5 (4.3) L-830-10 1ST300666010 11.8 (5.4) Deep Base Application Stake Mount Application ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3033 Rev. D I Manual No. 96A0438 J-7 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES ITX Series Circuit Isolation Transformers Compliance with Standards FAA: ICAO: MIL: CSA: L-830 and L-831 AC 150/5345-47 (Current Edition) Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 5 para. MIL-T-27535A C 22.2 No. 180 Ordering Codes Style Rated Watts Hz Prim. Amps L-830-16 10/15 60 6.6 6.6 70% 35A0578 L-830-17 20/25 60 6.6 6.6 70% 35A0617 L-830-1 L-830-2 30/45 30/45 60 60 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 80% 80% 35C0077 35C0078 • Quick and easy connection by means of factory-molded L-823 plugs and receptacles. Canadian transformers are designed to also accept Amerace 54Super type primary kits. L-830-3 65 60 6.6 6.6 80% 35C0092 L-830-4 L-830-5 100 100 60 60 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 85% 85% 35C0080 35C0081 • Two single-conductor primary cables (8 AWG, 5,000 V) with a molded Style 2 plug on one lead and a molded Style 9 receptacle on the other lead; one two-conductor secondary cable (12 AWG 600 V) with Style 8 two-pin receptacle L-830-18 L-830-19 150 150 60 60 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 85% 85% 35A0650 35A0651 L-830-6 L-830-7 200 200 60 60 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 90% 90% 35C0082 35C0083 L-830-8 L-830-9 L-830-10 L-830-11 300 300 300 300 60 60 60 60 6.6 20 6.6 20 20 20 6.6 6.6 90% 90% 90% 90% 35C0084 35C0085 35C0086 35C0087 L-830-12 L-830-13 L-830-14 L-830-15 500 500 500 500 60 60 60 60 6.6 20 6.6 20 20 20 6.6 6.6 90% 90% 90% 90% 35C0088 35C0089 35A0224 35A0228 L-831-16 10/15 50 6.6 6.6 70% 35A0667 L-831-17 20/25 50 6.6 6.6 70% 35A0668 L-831-1 L-831-2 30/45 30/45 50 50 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 80% 80% 35C0077-1 35C0078-1 L-831-3 65 50 6.6 6.6 80% 35C0079-1 L-831-4 L-831-5 100 100 50 50 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 85% 85% 35C0080-1 35C0081-1 L-831-18 L-831-19 150 150 50 50 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 85% 85% 35A0652 35A0653 L-831-6 L-831-7 200 200 50 50 6.6 20 6.6 6.6 90% 90% 35C0082-1 35C0083-1 ADB Airfield Solutions is an approved OEM supplier of Amerace and Integro Isolation Transformers. If you would like information on transformers not described in this catalog sheet, please contact the ADB Sales Department. L-831-8 L-831-9 L-831-10 L-831-11 300 300 300 300 50 50 50 50 6.6 20 6.6 20 20 20 6.6 6.6 90% 90% 90% 90% 35C0084-1 35C0085-1 35C0086-1 35C0087-1 Note L-831-12 L-831-14 500 500 50 50 6.6 6.6 20 6.6 90% 90% 35C0088 35A0224-1 Uses Designed for use in airfield lighting systems to isolate low-voltage lamps from the high operating voltages present on airfield series lighting circuits. Features • Complete water tightness – Cables are an integral part of the transformer and their sheath is molded in the transformer body • May be buried directly in the ground, exposed to the sun, immersed in water, and exposed to other weather elements • The outer molded jacket is acid-, alkali-, and oil-resistant and also resists deicing fluids, ozone, and UV radiation Electrical Supply • Operates at 60 Hz (L-830) or 50 Hz (L-831) on series circuits rated up to 5,000 VAC The primary windings of the transformer are connected in a 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit supplied by a constant current regulator. The continuity of the series lighting loop is maintained even if one or more lamps supplied by individual isolation transformer secondaries are open-circuited due to lamp failures. In addition, there is a complete separation of the high-voltage primary and low-voltage secondary windings. Additional Isolation Transformers Series circuit components and connectors must be installed per the recommendations shown in FAA AC 150/5340-30 (latest revision). There are many installation variables outside the control of ADB that may affect the overall circuit insulation resistance. ADB Airfield Solutions is not responsible for series circuit insulation resistance requirements above the limits defined in FAA AC 150/5340-30 or AC 150/5340-26 (latest revisions). J-8 1215 Rev. Q I No Manual Sec. Eff. Min. Amps at 20°C Part No. Notes • All FAA-recognized L-830 and L-831 isolation transformers listed are ETL Certified. TRANSFORMERS & CABLES IXT I Series Circuit Isolation Transformers Canadian Ordering Code Packaging Certification Rated Watts Hz Prim. Amps Sec. Amps Part No. CSA 10/15 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG010666-011 Style Part No. Avg. Weight lb (kg) CSA 25 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG025666-011 CSA 30/45 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG045666-01 L-830-16 L-831-16 35A0578 35A0667 4.8 (2.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) 45 60 6.6 6.6 STAG045666-011,2 L-830-17 L-831-17 35A0617 35A0668 4.8 (2.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) CSA 65 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG065666-01 CSA 100 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG100666-01 L-830-1 L-831-1 35C0077 35C0077-1 7.0 (3.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) 100 60 6.6 6.6 STAG100666-011,2 CSA 150 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG150666-01 L-830-2 L-831-2 35C0078 35C0078-1 7.0 (3.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) CSA 200 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG200666-01 L-830-3 L-831-3 35C0092 35C0079-1 10.0 (4.6) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) CSA 250 60 6.6 20 CTAG250626-01 CSA 300 60 6.6 6.6 CTAG300666-011 L-830-4 L-831-4 35C0080 35C0080-1 11.5 (5.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) 500 60 6.6 6.6 TAG500666-01CS0581 L-830-5 L-831-5 35C0081 35C0081-1 11.5 (5.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-18 L-831-18 35A0650 35A0652 13.5 (5.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-19 L-831-19 35A0651 35A0653 13.5 (5.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-6 L-831-6 35C0082 35C0082-1 13.5 (6.1) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-7 L-831-7 35C0083 35C0083-1 13.5 (6.1) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-8 L-831-8 35C0084 35C0084-1 23.5 (10.7) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-9 L-831-9 35C0085 35C0085-1 23.5 (10.7) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-10 L-831-10 35C0086 35C0086-1 23.5 (10.7) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-11 L-831-11 35C0087 35C0087-1 23.5 (10.7) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-12 L-831-12 35C0088 35C0088-1 28.0 (12.7) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-13 35C0089 28.0 (12.7) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-14 L-831-14 35A0224 35A0224-1 18.0 (8.2) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) L-830-15 35A0228 18.0 (8.4) 12 x 10 x 10 (30.5 x 25.4 x 25.4) Notes 1 With CSA type ground 2 Saturation-type isolating transformers Deep Base Application Package Size in (cm) Note: Actual shipping weight may vary by specific manufacturer’s transformer. Some orders are bulk shipped in a single container. Stake Mount Application ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 1215 Rev. Q I No Manual J-9 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES ITX-1500 1500 W, 20 A/20 A Isolation Transformer Compliance with Standards FAA: Designed according to FAA-E-2690a Uses Designed for use in airfield lighting systems to isolate lower voltage lamps from the high operating voltages present on airfield series lighting circuits. ADB Ordering Code 35A0675 FAA NSN 8200-00-003-0041-1 Electrical Performance Features • Advanced core/coil construction designed to have a low impedance to higher frequency communication signals. Performance verified when connected to the NBP ALSF-2 lamps-out powerline carrier monitoring system. Capacity: 1800 W Primary Current: 20 A Power Factor: ≥ 0.90 • Meets FAA-E-2690a performance requirements with up to a 1800 W load to allow for power consumed by monitoring devices and/or external secondary wiring Efficiency: ≥ 0.95% Frequency: 60 Hz Secondary full load current: 19.8-20.2 A • Exceeds 15 kVDC insulation resistance requirements of FAA-E2690a Secondary short-circuited current: 20-22 A • Quick and easy connection by means of factory-molded L-823 plugs and receptacles Maximum secondary open-circuit voltage: 848.5 V peak-peak Voltage rating: Primary 5,000 V RMS Secondary 600 V RMS Weight: 62 lbs (28 kg) • Two single-conductor primary cables (9 AWG, 5,000 V) with a molded Style 2 plug on one lead and a molded Style 9 receptacle on the other lead; one two-conductor secondary cable (12 AWG 600 V) with Style 8 two-pin receptacle • Includes an attached lifting handle Mechanical Transformer Body Dimensions (Excluding Leads and Handle) • Operating temperature: -67 °F (-55 °C) to +158 °F (+70 °C) Width: 8.00 inches Depth: 8.75 inches Electrical Supply Height: 8.75 inches • Operates only at 60 Hz on series circuits rated up to 5,000 VAC Diagonal (max): 11.25 inches The primary windings of the transformer are connected in a 20 A series circuit supplied by a constant current regulator. The continuity of the series lighting loop is maintained even if one or more lamps supplied by individual isolation transformer secondaries are open-circuited due to lamp failures. In addition, there is a complete separation of the high-voltage primary and low-voltage secondary windings. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. J - 10 2094 Rev. D I No Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TRANSFORMERS & CABLES PA-2 / PA-4 Power Adapters Uses • PA-2 power adapters provide maintenance-free power for equipment requiring a regulated voltage source of 120 VAC, 60 Hz • PA-4 power adapters provide regulated 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz for: Ordering Codes 44B1544 PA-2 - L-849 REIL systems (Xenon) - L-806 or L-807 lighted wind cones (Incandescent) PA-4 Features PA-2 Power Adapters • Provide regulated 120 VAC at 150 VA when connected to a 3-step, 6.6 A series circuit • Resin-filled • Self-protected against an output short circuit • Watertight construction and maintenance-free operation allows direct earth burial, installation on the surface of the ground, or in a 16-inch diameter by 24-inch deep L-867D base PA-4 Power Adapters • Provide regulated 120 VAC or 120/240 VAC at 670 VA, when connected to a 3- or 5-step 6.6 A or 5-step 20 A series circuit • Current sensing option eliminates the need for a separate L-830 isolation transformer when using ADB’s L-849 REIL system. An extra lead is provided for the current sensing connection. • An internal tap on the PA-4 reduces the loading on a 3-step CCR by 15% • Watertight construction and maintenance-free operation allows direct earth burial, installation on the surface of the ground, or in a 16-inch diameter by 24-inch deep L-867D base. The installation of the power adapter must be upright. • Oil-filled for better heat distribution • Top easily removed to replace internal fuses if necessary Approximate CCR Load For Fully Loaded Power Adapters PA-2 595 VA PA-4 2,995 VA 44D2004- Input Series Circuit 1 = 6.6 A 2 = 20 A Style 1 = 3-Step (6.6 A only) 2 = 5-Step Current Sensing 1 = With1 2 = Without2 Output Voltage 1 = Single phase, 60 Hz, 120 VAC 3 = Military style PA-4 Notes • Substitute the PA-4 for applications that previously required the 300 W, 5-step PA-3 1 For xenon lamp-based REILS with ADB current sensing (includes a built-in L-830 transformer); no separate L-830 isolation transformer required 2 For REILS without current sensing or wind cones (does not include a built-in isolation transformer) Proper Use PA-2 Power Adapter Power adapters should not be used on “SCR” type CCRs if the resistive (lamp) load is less than 50% of the rated output for the CCRs. Care should also be exercised to ensure that the use of power adapters does not exceed the VA rating of the CCR. No more than 50% of a CCR’s load should be power adapter load. ADB power adapters have been designed and tested to operate with ADB equipment (i.e. ADB CCRs). ADB power adapters are not guaranteed to work with other manufacturers’ equipment. Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for additional details. PA-4 Power Adapter The PA-4 is only guaranteed for use on ADB L-828 CCRs and for powering ADB L-849 xenon lamp-based Runway End Identification Lights or any steady burning load, such as incandescent wind cones. Contact the ADB Sales Department if it is desired to connect other types of loads or other manufacturers’ products. 1035 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0096 J - 11 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES PA-2 / PA-4 I Power Adapters Packaging Proper Use (Continued) Power adapters should not be used on “SCR” type CCRs if the resistive (lamp) load is less than 50% of the rated output for the CCRs. Care should also be exercised to ensure that the use of power adapters does not exceed the VA rating of the CCR. No more than 50% of a CCR’s load should be power adapter load. It is not recommended to connect more than two PA-4s on a single CCR. ADB power adapters have been designed and tested to operate with ADB equipment (i.e. ADB CCRs, L-849s, Wind Cones). ADB power adapters are not guaranteed to work with other manufacturers’ equipment. Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for additional details. PA-2 Actual: 7.38 H x 10.75 Dia. in (18.75 x 27.31 cm) Boxed: 12 x 14 x 14 in (30.5 x 35.6 x 35.6 cm) Net weight: 50 lb (22.7 kg) PA-4 Actual: 22 H x 11.5 Dia. in (55.88 x 29.21 cm) Palletized: 26 x 14 x 14 in (66 x 35.6 x 35.6 cm) Net weight: 157 lb (71.2 kg) Installation Spare Components PA-2: The primary leads on the power adapters connect directly into the 6.6 A series circuit. Contact the ADB Airfield Solutions Sales Department for details. Description Part No. Fuse 6.25 A 250 V Heat shrink ½ inch clear (6”) 47A0082 71A0076 PA-4: The primary leads of the power adapter connect directly into the 6.6 A or 20 A series circuit, and each 120 VAC output lead is internally fused. The power adapter is inherently self-protecting in that the output voltage will drop if a fault occurs. Electrical Supply Power Adapter Maximum Load Load Regulation Input Current Output Voltage Single Phase 60Hz2 Leads3 2 primary leads 1 secondary lead PA-2 150 VA +10%/-5%1 4.66-6.70 A 120 VAC PA-4 (6.6 A) 670 VA ±3%1 2.72-6.70 A 120/240 VAC 2 primary leads 3 secondary leads PA-4 (6.6 A) 670 VA ±3%1 2.72-6.70 A 120 VAC 2 primary leads 3 secondary leads PA-4 (20 A) 670 VA ±3%1 8.24-20.30 A 120/240 VAC 2 primary leads 3 secondary leads PA-4 (20 A) 670 VA ±3%1 8.24-20.30 A 120 VAC 2 primary leads 3 secondary leads 1 2 3 Valid for 3-step CCR over 4.7A to 6.7 A PA-2 and PA-4 power adapters are not designed for operation on 50 Hz Primary leads are 30 inches (76.2 cm) long. Secondary leads are 49 inches (124.5 cm) long Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. J - 12 1035 Rev. N I Manual No. 96A0096 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TRANSFORMERS & CABLES FLA Field Lightning Arrestor Overview • For use on airfield series circuits to further reduce the risk of lightning damage on the series circuit • Can be inserted at various points in the 5 kV airfield primary series circuit to provide additional lightning protection. Ordering Code • Can be used on any airfield circuit (6.6 A from 4 kW to 30 kW and 20 A from 15 kW to 70 kW) Troubleshooting • Rated for 25,000 A peak (8/20 microsecond discharge) • Assembly rated NEMA 6P • Insulation resistance is 2 GΩ (minimum) • Includes a UL 467 rated ground lug, which accepts an AWG 4 to AWG 14 earth ground wire • Operating temperature: -55 ºC to +55 ºC (-67 ºF to +131 ºF) Installation It is recommended that the field lighting arrestor be installed a maximum of about every 2,000 feet around the series circuit, starting at the first base can closest to the vault on each leg of the series circuit. Simply disconnect (unplug) the L-823 connectors at the designated point and plug in the field lighting arrestor. Connect a known good earth ground (25 Ω or less) to the earth ground lug of the field lighting arrestor using at least an AWG 6 wire. The field lightning arrestor can be installed in a base can (preferred) or direct earth buried. Heat shrink each L-823 connector interface using an airport approved method. The field lighting arrestor body is waterproof (rated NEMA 6P) and is fully resistant to deicing fluids. 44A6102 The field lighting arrestor contains Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) components similar to the type used on the output of Constant Current Regulators. A degraded or failed field lightning arrestor is typically evidenced by a rapid drop in the overall series circuit insulation resistance. Troubleshoot using same techniques used to find failed isolation transformers. One or more shorted field lighting arrestors may cause a section of lights to be dim or out. If it is suspected that the field lighting arrestor has internally shorted, measure between the male L-823 and the arrestor earth ground lug using an ohmmeter. The meter should read a very high resistance. A failed unit will read a very low resistance or zero ohms. After isolating a probable failed field lightning arrestor, make a visual inspection of the cord set and arrestor body for charring or a bulged arrestor body (caused when surge currents in excess of the MOV rating passes through the field lightning arrestor). If damage is suspected, replace the field lightning arrestor with a new one. If it is suspected that the internal MOVs have degraded due to excessive surge current, causing a drop in insulation resistance to earth ground, test as follows: • Place the field lightning arrestor in a bucket of water • Attach the red (+) lead of a megger to the male L-823 pin • Connect the black (-) lead of the megger to the arrestor earth ground lug • Meg the field lightning arrestor at 1000 VDC for one minute • Replace the field lightning arrestor if resistance is less than 2 GΩ Maintenance There are no internal repairable parts since the field lighting arrestor is completely sealed. If the field lighting arrestor fails, replace it with a new one. Note that the heat sink on a field lighting arrestor is colored red in order to differentiate it from the ADB BRITE Remote. An ADB BRITE Remote has a silver colored heat sink. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 3038 Rev. B I No Manual J - 13 TRANSFORMERS & CABLES This page left blank intentionally J - 14 INSTALLATION & MOUNTING Installation & Mounting on the Web Our complete line of airfield lighting accessories, including those listed below, is available in the FAA Product Center on our website: The products listed here have been removed from the printed catalog as part of our green initiative. Echo Advisory® Airfield Mat System The Echo Advisory Airfield Mat System controls vegetation around airport post lighting, directional signs, wind socks, fences and buildings. It also reduces damage caused by mowing equipment to airfield lighting signs and other objects. The 6 mm-thick mat is made from recycled rubber with polyurethane binders and is anchored to the ground with galvanized steel anchors. The mats are a cost-effective solution that controls vegetation in hard to reach areas without requiring extra labor to trim it or the use of environmentally damaging chemicals or poisons, protecting ground water, wildlife, and airfield crew from exposure. See data sheet 2083. SFP Pullpit The 25000 series round and rectangular junction boxes are manufactured from a high strength, structural foam plastic to provide a rigid, non-deforming pullpit suitable for cable splicing and isolating transformer housings. The round tapered design is compliant with Transport Canada specification K-303 and is H20 load rated, when used with the steel cover. The rigid design of these units minimizes any deformation of the pullpit during back filling and tamping operations, allowing for easy final installation of the cover. See data sheet C1008. CPL Pullpit The CPL series round conical pullpits are manufactured from a high strength polyethylene compound to provide a rigid, non-brittle pullpit suitable for cable splicing and isolating transformer housings. The round tapered design is compliant with Transport Canada specification K-303 and is H20 load rated, when used with the steel cover. The reinforced conical design provides for a rigid stable installation and the polyethylene material minimizes any cracking during handling or backfilling of the pullpit. See data sheet C1020. 3040 Rev. A K-1 INSTALLATION & MOUNTING Light Bases Compliance with Standards FAA: L-867 & L-868 AC 150/5345-42 (Current Edition) Optional Replaceable Threaded Inserts (Continued) Uses FAA L-867 FAA L-868 Applications subject to occasional light vehicular loads but no aircraft or other heavy vehicular loads. Some product applications are: • Elevated Lights • Navaids such as Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI), Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL), and ALSF/MALSR Approach Systems • Signs • Junction/Splice Box Applications subject to aircraft and other heavy vehicular loads. Some product applications are: • Runway In-pavement Lights • Taxiway In-pavement Lights • Junction/Splice Box • Kit part numbers to add RTI to L-867/L-868 bases: - L-867 Base – L867RTI06 (set of six inserts) - L-868 Base – L868RTI12 (set of twelve inserts) L-867 Light Base Notes • Tapped holes in top flange rings are located on centerline of couplings. Tolerance: ±0.1875 inch (0.47 cm). • Light bases available with either 2-inch (5.08 cm) NPT hub or 2-inch (5.08 cm) grommet openings. Couplings located 180° apart. Tolerance: ±1°. • Threads inside couplings are protected with L.D.P.E. plugs • All light bases provided with an Exterior Grade CC plywood shipping cover that is 0.5-inch (1.27 cm) thick grade CC with 0.4375-inch (1.11 cm) diameter bolt holes Features • One- and two-piece configurations • Extensions and spacers available • Manufactured in the USA by ETL-Certified suppliers • Supplied with 2-2” grommeted or threaded hub openings at 0-180° (standard). Optional locations and sizes available. • All bases provided with an internal and external ground strap • One copper ground lug kit provided with each base (standard). A second ground lug kit can be provided as an option. • Optional drain hole or hub in user-specified sizes • Standard bases provided as Class IA, galvanized steel unless otherwise specified • Optional Class IB available in stainless steel or internal epoxy coating. See ordering code for options. Optional Replaceable Threaded Inserts Optional RTI (replaceable threaded insert) system facilitates: • Six 3/8-inch-16 x 1-inch stainless steel machine screws secure the plywood shipping cover to the light base • Optional second ground lug kit for grounding provision and/or drain coupling or weep hole must be specified when ordering • Finish is hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123/A123M-02 and A153 or material is 304 stainless steel • Standard lengths for the 12-inch (30.48 cm) diameter light base are 20 inches (50.8 cm) and 24 inches (60.96 cm) with a tolerance of ±0.25 inch. Standard lengths for the 16-inch (40.64 cm) diameter light base are 20 inches (50.80 cm) and 24 inches (60.96 cm) with a tolerance of ±0.25 inch. Standard lengths for the 24-inch (60.96 cm) diameter light base are 20 inches (50.80 cm) and 24 inches (60.96 cm) with a tolerance of ±0.25 inch. Custom heights available. • Adjustable L-867 telescoping bases available. Please contact the ADB Sales Department for details. Dimensions - L-867 • Replacement of failed threaded fixture-mounting bolt holes Inches • Replacement of stripped, sheared, cross-threaded, frozen fixturemounting bolts Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” 12.0 13.500 10.250 12.250 9.250 16.0 17.375 14.250 16.250 12.375 24.0 24.000 21.500 22.500 20.000 Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “D” 30.5 34.290 26.035 31.115 23.495 40.6 44.133 36.195 41.275 31.433 61.0 60.960 54.610 57.150 50.800 • Does not require changing the azimuth location of the base bolt circle • Accommodates standard, non proprietary spacer rings and flange rings (with/without dam rings) K-2 2012 Rev. L I No Manual “D” Centimeters L-868 Replaceable Insert INSTALLATION & MOUNTING LIGHT BASES L-868 Light Base Notes • Light bases available with either 2-inch (5.08 cm) NPT hub or 2-inch (5.08 cm) grommeted openings. Couplings or grommeted openings located 180° apart. Tolerance: ±1° • Threads inside hubs are protected with L.D.P.E. plugs • All light bases are provided with a nylon (standard) or plywood (optional) shipping cover: 8-in (20.3 cm) Nom. O.D.: 8.5-in dia. x 0.750-in thick (21.590 cm x 1.905 cm) 12-in (30.5 cm) Nom. O.D.: 12.5-in dia. x 0.750-in thick (31.75 cm x 1.905 cm) 15-in (38.1 cm) Nom. O.D.: 17.750-in dia. x 1.25-in thick (45.085 cm x 3.175 cm) • Six 3/8-inch -16 x 1-inch stainless steel machine screws secure the plywood shipping cover to the light base • Finish is hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123/A123M-02 and A153 or material is 304 stainless steel • Optional Equipment – Second ground lug kit for grounding provision, drain coupling or opening. Anti-rotation bars must be specified when ordering. Dimensions - L-868 Inches Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “E” “F” 8.0 8.5000 7.250 6.500 9.000 10.000 12.0 12.500 11.25 10.000 13.000 14.000 15.0 15.500 14.25 13.000 16.000 17.000 Typical L-867D - All dimensions shown in inches Centimeters Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “E” “F” 25.4 21.590 18.415 16.510 22.860 25.400 30.5 31.750 28.575 25.400 33.020 35.560 38.1 39.370 36.195 33.020 40.640 43.180 Base Options Description Part No. (4) side-mounted, anti-rotation fins in 90° pattern. ANTI-FIN Typically used with L-868 load bearing bases. (6) bottom-mounted, anti-rotation hooks/bars in 60° pattern. Typically used with shallow L-868 load bearing bases. ANTI-HOOK Copper Ground Lug Kit. (Each base supplied w/one). 0919 Typical L-868 - All dimensions shown in inches 2012 Rev. L I No Manual K-3 INSTALLATION & MOUNTING LIGHT BASES Ordering Code L-867 Base Plate and Gasket FAA Type & Size 867B = 12” diameter 867BT = Telescoping, 12” diameter 867D = 16” diameter 867DT = Telescoping, 16” diameter 867DD = 16” diameter with 0.5” dam 867E = 24” diameter 868A = 8” diameter 868AB = Bottom section, 8” diameter 868B = 12” diameter 868BB = Bottom section, 12” diameter 868C = 15” diameter 868CB = Bottom section, 15” diameter Notes • Gasket suitable for locations where heat is not present, such as elevated edge lights, edge light extensions, transformer boxes, or junction boxes Height 20 = 20 inches overall height 24 = 24 inches overall height XX = Customer specified in inches Dimensions - Base Plate Type of Opening B = Mixed type and/or size1 C = 2-inch Coupling F = 2-inch Flex (Grommet) G = 3-inch Flex H = 3-inch Coupling S = 0.75-inch Coupling T = 0.75-inch Flex Opening Quantity & Location 1 = One opening at 0°3 2 = Two openings at 0°, 180° 3 = Three openings at 0°, 90°, 180° 4 = Four openings at 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° 5 = Five openings at 0°, 0°, 90°, 180°, 180° 6 = Six openings - customer specified 9 = Two openings at 0°, 90°3 A = Three 2” flex at 0°, 90°, 180°, one 2” coupling at 270°2 B = One 2” flex at 0°; one 3” flex at 180°2 C = One 2” coupling at 0°; one 3” coupling at 180°2 Drain Type C = Coupling F = Flex (Grommet) H = Hole N = None • Base plate finish is oxide primer and aviation yellow enamel • Base plate individually packed with neoprene gasket, steel cable clamp and screws for securing L-823 connector, and assembly instructions • High-strength 1832RGL base plate is mandatory for FAA L-804 applications and should be used for ICAO applications. Inches Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “D” 12 12.000 10.250 7.875 0.625 16 16.000 14.250 11.125 0.750 Centimeters Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “D” 30.5 30.48 26.035 20.002 1.588 40.7 40.65 36.195 28.258 1.905 L-867 Base Plate Ordering Code Base Plate 19 = 12 in, L-867B 29 = 16 in, L-867D Thread Size 32 = 2 in TPI 35 = 1.5 in - 12 TPI Material n/a = None G = With ground lug Note: L-867 Base Plate includes gasket. See bullet 3 above. Drain Size 0 = None 1 = 1 inch 2 = 2 inch 3 = 0.75 inch 4 = 0.5 inch 5 = 0.5 inch offset, 3.5 inches from center 6 = 0.75 inch offset, 3.5 inches from center 7 = 1 inch offset, 3.5 inches from center Class IB or RWSL Options SS = Stainless steel PA = Potassium acetate resistant (PAR), internal coating; external is galvanized 01 = With 48” 1/0 bare copper earth ground wire Z0 = RWSL copper clamp (PN AGNDSSASSY0_3125) w/out earth ground wire Z1 = RWSL copper clamp with externally attached 48” 1/0 bare copper earth ground wire Notes Only use with options A, B or C under Opening Qty & Location 2 Only use with option B under Type of Opening 1 K-4 2012 Rev. L I No Manual L-867 Base Plate - All dimensions shown in inches Notes (Continued) 3 Base must have opening at 0° and 180° to allow for draining of the galvanizing materials. A solid grommet will be installed at 180°. INSTALLATION & MOUNTING LIGHT BASES L-867 Base Plate and Gasket (Continued) Dimensions - L-867 / L-868 Blank Steel Cover Inches Dia. Base 12 L-867 16 L-867 24 L-867 8 L-868 12 L-868 15 L-868 “X” O.D. 13.500 17.375 24.000 8.000 12.000 15.000 “Y” O.D. 10.250 14.250 21.500 7.250 11.250 14.250 0.375 0.500 0.750 0.750 1.250 “T” (Typ.) 0.375 Dimensions – Centimeters 1832RGL Base Plate - All dimensions shown in inches Dimensions - Neoprene Gasket Dia. Base 30.5 L-867 40.6 L-867 61 L-867 20.3 L-868 30.5 L-868 38.1 L-868 “X” O.D. 34.290 44.133 60.960 20.320 30.480 38.100 “Y” O.D. 26.035 36.195 54.610 18.415 28.575 36.195 0.953 0.953 1.905 1.905 3.175 “T” (Typ.) 0.953 Inches Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” Steel Cover Ordering Code 12 11.938 10.250 9.312 16 15.938 14.250 12.438 24 23.750 21.500 20.000 Diameter 1 = 13-1/2 in, L-867B 2 = 17-3/8 in, L-867D 4 = 12 in, L-868B 5 = 15 in, L-868C 7 = 24 in, L-867E 8 = 8 in, L-868A Centimeters Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” 30.5 30.232 26.035 23.652 40.7 40.483 36.195 31.593 60.96 60.325 54.610 50.800 Neoprene Gasket Ordering Code 52 Base Plate 20 = 12 in, L-867B 60 = 16 in, L-867D 70 = 24 in, L-867E 000- - Thickness 4 = 1/4 in (L-867B only) 6 = 3/8 in 8 = 1/2 in 10 = 5/8 in 12 = 3/4 in 14 = 7/8 in 16 = 1 in 18 = 1-1/8 in 20 = 1-1/4 in Material (n/a) = Galvanized SS = Sta inless Steel PA = PAR Coated (Class 1B option) Neoprene Gasket - All dimensions shown in inches L-867 / L-868 Blank Steel Cover Notes • “T” = thickness in sixteenths of an inch. Specify thickness when ordering. • 7 /16-inch (1.113 cm) diameter bolt holes have 1-1/8-inch (2.858 cm) diameter counter bore when cover thickness is 0.50 inch (1.27 cm) or greater • Finish is hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123/A123M-02 and A153 • Blank steel covers do not include bolts or gaskets Blank Steel Cover - All dimensions shown in inches 2012 Rev. L I No Manual K- 5 INSTALLATION & MOUNTING LIGHT BASES L-868 Flange Ring with Pavement Ring Notes • “T” = thickness in sixteenths of an inch. Minimum thickness is 0.375 inch (0.953 cm) and maximum thickness is 0.75 inch (1.905 cm). Specify when ordering. • Finish is hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123/A123M-02 and A153 for flange ring • Six 3/8-16-inch x “T”-inch + 11/4-inch long stainless steel bolts. 3 /8-inch locking washers and O-ring gasket shipped with flange ring. If flange ring is to be stacked over spacer ring, please consult ADB Airfield Solutions for a bolt chart to obtain the appropriate bolt length and ordering information. Dimensions - Flange Ring with Pavement Ring Inches Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “H” 8” 8.160 7.250 6.500 6.645 12” 12.160 11.250 10.000 10.145 15” 15.160 14.250 13.000 13.145 Centimeters Nom. Dia. “A” “B” “C” “H” 20.3 20.726 18.415 16.510 16.878 30.5 30.798 28.575 25.400 25.768 38.1 38.506 36.195 33.020 3 .388 Flange Ring Ordering Code 02- Flange Ring with Pavement Ring All dimensions shown in inches L-867 1.5-inch Nylon Composite Base Plate Y- Diameter 08 = 8 in 54 = 12 in 55 = 15 in Thickness 4 = 1/4 in 6 = 3/8 in 8 = 1/2 in 12 = 3/4 in Material (n/a) = Galvanized SS = Stainless Steel PA = PAR Coated (Class 1B option) Notes • Nylon composite base plate designed for use in highly corrosive environments, such as coastal areas with high salt concentrations • UV protectant and color are an integral part of nylon composite • Base plate has a 12-inch diameter with six 7/16” diameter holes equally spaced on 10.25” bolt circle • Base plate individually packed with: - Neoprene gasket - (6) 3/8” stainless steel washers - One copper ground lug - Steel cable clamp and screws for securing L-823 connector - Assembly instructions • Aluminum center hub and aluminum inserts in bolt holes Ordering Code Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. K-6 2012 Rev. L I No Manual 127B015P ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved INSTALLATION & MOUNTING Couplings Frangible (breakaway) couplings have a calculated yield point designed for specific applications. For this reason the coupling used must match the application for which it was designed. Use of couplings in applications outside of the intended design may result in premature or catastrophic failure. Most couplings, in combination with a clamping device or mechanism, provide both mechanical and electrical frangibility. This combination of protection minimizes potential damage to the unit itself and the object that strikes it. Note: Couplings and mounting flanges are not shown to scale. Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 1.187” (1 3/16”) Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 1.187” (1 3/16”) Outside Diameter (top):1.563” (1 9/16”) Outside Diameter (top): 1.563” (1 9/16”) Outside Top Thread: NA Outside Top Thread: NA 2.8” (2 13/16”) 2.8” (2 13/16”) Outside Bottom Thread: 1.5” - 12 TPI Outside Bottom Thread: 1.5” - 12 TPI Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.055” (1 1/16”) Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.055” (1 1/16”) L-861/L-862 Runway/Taxiway Edge Part #: 62B0073 L-861/L-862 Runway/Taxiway Edge Part #: 62B0461 Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 1.89” (1 7/8”) Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 1.187” (1 3/16”) Outside Diameter (top): 2.38” (2 3/8”) Outside Diameter (top): 1.688” (1 11/16”) Outside Top Thread: NA Outside Top Thread: NA 3.68” (3 11/16”) 3.22” (3 7/32”) Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPS Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.89” (1 7/8”) L-861/L-862 Runway/Taxiway Edge Part #: 61A0281 Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.63” (1 5/8”) L-862 Runway Edge (2-inch Column) Inside Thread (top): 1.5” - 11.5 NPT Inside Diameter (top): 1.75” (1 3/4”) Nominal Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 1.875” (1 7/8”) Outside Diameter (top): 2.375” (2 3/8”) Outside Top Thread: NA 3.68” (3 11/16”) Part #: 62B0605 Outside Diameter (top): 2.375” (2 3/8”) Outside Top Thread: NA 3.68” (3 11/16”) Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.625” (1 5/8”) Inside Diameter (bottom): 2.090” (2 3/32”) L-880/L-881 PAPI Part #: 62A0711 L-849 REIL Part #: 62B0064 2093 Rev. D I No Manual K-7 INSTALLATION & MOUNTING COUPLINGS Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter: 1.94” (1 15/16”) Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 1.875” (1 7/8”) 3.68” (3 11/16”) Outside Diameter (top): 2.313” (2 5/16”) Outside Diameter: 2.375” (2 3/8”) Outside Top Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Outside Top Thread: NA 8.375” (8 3/8”) Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPS Inside Diameter: 2.08” (2 1/16”) Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.625” (1 5/8”) L-806 Wind Cone Part #: 62B0286 L-804 Elevated RGL (FAA) Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 2.41” (2 7/16”) Top Fitting: 2-inch EMT compression Inside Diameter (top): 2.188” (2 3/16”) Outside Diameter (top): 2.875” (2 7/8”) Across Flats (of nut): 2.71” (2 23/32”) Ordering Code X = 10 for Size 1 sign X = 20 for Size 2 sign X = 21 for Size 2 high wind X = 30 for Size 3 & 5 sign and Size 1 high wind X = 31 for Size 3 & 5 high wind X = 40 for Size 4 sign X = 41 for Size 4 high wind Outside Top Thread: NA 6.35” (6 3/8”) 5.375” (5 3/8”) Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Outside Bottom Thread: 2.5” - 8 NPT Inside Diameter (bottom): 2.323” (2 21/64”) Inside Diameter (bottom): 1.875” (1 7/8”) PAPI, REIL, MALSR L-858 Signature Series Sign Part #: 44B0180 5-inch Diameter Bolt Circle 2” - 11.5 NPT (tapered) Flange Thickness: 3/8” Overall Dia.: 6 1/4” Inside Thread: NA Inside Diameter (top): 2.067” (2 1/16”) Nominal Outside Diameter (top): 2.38” (2 3/8”) Ordering Code X = 1 for Size 1 sign X = 2 for Size 2 sign X = 3 for Size 3 & 5 signs X = 4 for Size 4 sign 6.13” (6 1/8”) Part #: 60A2398 Part #: 60A2678-X 8-inch Diameter Bolt Circle 2.5” - 8 NPT (tapered) Flange Thickness: 0.40” (13/32”) Dimensions: 7 3/4” x 7 3/4” Flange: Sign, PAPI, REIL Part #: 62B0107-2 6-inch Diameter Bolt Circle 2.5” - 8 NPT (tapered) Flange Thickness: 7/16” Length: 7 1/2” Width: 5 1/16” Outside Bottom Thread: 2” - 11.5 NPT Flange: Sig. Series Sign, Hi Wind Part #: 62A2146 Inside Diameter (bottom): 2.120” (2 1/8”) L-858 (Triangle Shaped) Sign Part #: 62B0580-X Flange: Sig. Series Sign Part #: 62A2142 Note: Couplings and mounting flanges are not shown to scale. Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. K-8 2093 Rev. D I No Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved INSTALLATION & MOUNTING Airfield Mat Uses • Controls vegetation around airport post lighting, directional signs, wind socks, fences and buildings • Reduces damage caused by mowing equipment to airfield lighting signs and other objects Ordering Codes Part Number Description Features FM-1-8 • The 6-mm (0.24”) thick mat is made from a dense compound of recycled rubbers with polyurethane binders and is anchored to the ground with a proprietary anchoring system Football Mat, 8 anchors for Base Can Mount FM-1-8wi Football Mat, 8 anchors with 12” Insert for Stake Mount FM-1-8wi-18* Football Mat, 8 anchors with 18” Insert for Either Mount Special Order Smaller Round and Custom Mats SM-1** Strip Mat, 30 ft, 15 Anchors • Patented product designed to protect airfield lighting signs and other objects from impact damage caused by large, imprecise mowing equipment • Lawn mower equipment can pass over the mat, cutting all the grass without the use of line trimmers while still staying a safe distance from lights or posts • The airfield mat provides a wider contingency space for mowers to cruise past each light or post • Cost-effective solution that controls vegetation in hard to reach areas without requiring extra labor to trim it or the use of environmentally damaging chemicals or poisons, protecting ground water, wildlife, and airfield crew from exposure • Prevents erosion around the base of light or sign fixtures, which can cause water to pool under the fixture SM-2** Strip Mat, 60 ft, 30 Anchors IN-12 Extra Insert 12-inch Diameter IN-18 Extra Insert 18-inch Diameter A-15 Extra Set of 10 Anchors Notes * Universal configuration: 18” insert for stake mounted lights or main mat fits around base can lid. Covering an lid with insert is optional. ** For strip matting, measure perimeter extending 2 feet from base of sign or object to be protected. • Eliminates extra labor and maintenance • The Airfield Mat System qualifies for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funding when bid as part of lighting, sign and fencing projects • The mat is available in two styles: round and “football”. The football mat is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long and uses 8 anchors to secure it in place. • Patented anchoring system and “football” shape are designed to allow maintenance crews with larger mowers to mow in a line, from light to light, making only one pass on each side of the light. Mowers can move in a more natural mowing arc around airfield lights, expediting the mowing process even further. • The airfield mats are large enough to prevent lights from disappearing in tall grass, which enables the mowing crew to see the lights better, preventing accidental breakage. Other smaller mats do not accomplish this same efficiency and often still require line-trimming to complete the job. • The anchoring system, which uses heavy duty ground anchors, ensures that the mats to not dislodge due to jet blast or high winds. The anchors also prevent the edge of the mats from being sucked into the mowing machinery. Strip matting around a directional sign. Customer Benefits • Saves money • Protects airfield lights • Saves labor time • Reduces health risks • Environmentally friendly • Installs quickly and easily • Long-lasting durability 2083 Rev. H I No Manual K-9 INSTALLATION & MOUNTING AIRFIELD MAT Installation The Airfield Mat can be used with either can-mounted or stakemounted light fixtures. • Base can-mounted (Fig. 1) – The mat has a 12-inch center hole that snugly fits the rim of the base can, allowing direct access into the base can. • Stake-mounted (Fig. 2) – The mat has a smaller 8-inch inner circle with a 12-inch collar insert (or two) that snugly wrap around the light post. The Echo Advisory Mats are large enough for mowers to overlap the anchored mat, cutting all the grass and eliminating the need for line trimmers or costly herbicides. Twelve-inch center hole (shown left) fits snugly against the light base in can-mounted installation. Dimensions Width Length Center Hole* Football (anchors included) 48” 84” 12” Football w/insert (anchors included) Insert: 48” 84” 8” Football Universal (anchors included) Insert: 48” Fig. 1 Standard Mats 12” diameter 2” 84” 12” 18” diameter 2” Smaller Round and Custom Mats Available by special order Strip Mats 30 ft (15 anchors) 30” cut during installation 60 ft (30 anchors) 30” cut during installation * Center hole can be custom ordered. Fig. 2 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. K - 10 2083 Rev. H I No Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TOOLS & SPARES Airfield Lighting Tools In-pavement Pressure Test Assembly Part No. 44A6104 • Allows pressurization of in-pavement fixture underwater. Leaks can then be detected and specifically located by looking for escaping air bubbles. • Allows checking for non-watertight condition after maintenance and before returning to service; thus eliminating recurring maintenance and additional downtime. • The assembly simply screws into the pressure release port on the underside of the inner pan • Accepts a standard industrial air hose fitting • 40 psi pressure relief valve is built-in so over-pressurization of fixture is avoided. Pressure test is performed at 20 psi. In-pavement Pressure Test Application In-pavement Fixture Bolt Kit Part No. 94A06449 • Contains six pre-assembled ceramic coated bolts mated with an anti-vibration washer. • Anti-vibration washer is bonded to underside of bolt head, insuring that bolt replacement is done correctly and easily. • Each ceramic coated bolt is 3/8 in. dia. x 2.0 in. long and is the type recommended by FAA Engineering Brief 83. ADB Braided Ground Strap Part Number 89A0292-XXX • Used to connect in-pavement fixtures, elevated fixture base plates and cover plates to earth ground. • The other end of the ground strap is typically connected to the earth ground lug in a base can. • The current carrying capacity of the braided ground strap is equivalent to AWG 6 wire. • See ordering code below. Ground Strap Ordering Code1 89A0292- Tab Options 1 = Ferrule/Tab ends1 2 = Tabs on both ends2 Strap Length XX = Length in inches Example: 72 = 72 inches overall length Notes 1 Comes with Ferrule on one end and tab on the other end (Figure 1). This strap must with used on ADB in-pavement fixtures with UL 467 ground lugs. 2 Comes with tab on both ends (Figure 2). Use the end with the 0.343-inch diameter hole to connect to FAA base can ground strap. Figure 1 Dimensions shown in inches Figure 2 2039 Rev. N I No Manual L-1 TOOLS & SPARES AIRFIELD LIGHTING TOOLS Desktop 6.6A Power Supply Part Number: CFB-0210 • Desktop 200 VA CCR for bench testing of airfield fixtures • Ferroresonant architecture provides for attachment to either incandescent or LED fixtures • Manual control for 5-step (2.8 A – 6.6A ), 60 Hz operation • Integrated touchscreen provides additional functionality including: - Display of output current and voltage - Manual control of output current settings - Mode controls to provide for automatic cycling through all step settings • Automatic shutdown if output is open-circuited • Input Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz at 2 A • Dimensions (including carrying handle): 5.25 in H x 21.125 in D x 19 in W 133.4 mm H x 536.6 mm D x 482.6 mm W • Weight: 39 lb (17.7 kg) Cable End Stripper/Penciller Part Nos. WS 49, WS 49H, CB 6667, CB 94 • Used to both remove and pencil the jacket on L-824 airfield primary series circuit wire • Eliminates nicks and cuts on the wire and minimizes the risk of corona to extend the life of the airfield series circuit wiring • WS 49 used to end strip 0.75 inch (1.9 cm) and then pencil 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) 8 AWG, 5 kV L-824 Type C airport lighting cable. Other diameters (0.395 inch, 0.420 inch, 0.445 inch, 0.490 inch) compensate for variation in cable diameter using included bushings. WS 49 • WS 49H available for #4 and #6 airport lighting cable • Long-lasting, guarded cutting blades • CB 6667, end strip replacement blade* • CB 94, pencil replacement blade* Note: * Used on both WS 49 and WS 49H Primary Connector Crimping Tool Part No. TBM45S • Used to properly crimp the contacts on L-823 airfield primary series circuit connector kits • Shure Stake® mechanism ensures a proper crimp reducing failures, broken wires, or hot spots over the life of the crimped connector • Requires the lowest handle force of any tool in its class • Wide installing range of AWG 8 – AWG 2 copper and AWG 10 – AWG 6 aluminum lugs and splices • Creates diamond-style crimp with die-code embossing for quick verification of proper crimp Secondary Connector Crimping Tool U.S. Part No. 909MOD Canada Part No. CHANNEL909 • Used to properly crimp the contacts on L-823 secondary field-installed connector kits • Ensures that there are no failures, broken wires, or hot spots over the life of the crimped connector L-2 2039 Rev. N I No Manual CB 94 CB 6667 TOOLS & SPARES AIRFIELD LIGHTING TOOLS Elevated Light Level Part No. 44B1067 – L-861 Level Part No. 44C1598 – L-862 Level • Used to level elevated light heads in the field • Level for L-861 incandescent elevated lights works with clamp band (Part No. 44C1081-XXXX) and pop top (Part No. 44C1752-X1XX - L-861T only) type fixtures • Level for L-862 and L-862E incandescent elevated lights works with clamp band (Part No. 44A2071-X1XX) and pop top (44C1201-XXXX) type fixtures • For ADB Canada’s high-intensity elevated edge lights (Part No. 5NQ3850CU) and medium-intensity edge lights (Part No. L-861U), use Part No. 060406. L-861 Level L-862 Level 700-40 Plug Insertion Tool Part No. 44C2069 • Specially designed to facilitate insertion of runway fixture L-823 plugs into secondary leads of transformers • Made of cast aluminum for lightweight durability • Inside diameter of tool is tapered to conform to outside of L-823 plug • Positions and inserts the plug with the breakable coupling screwed into place • Provides added force necessary to ensure a good connection between plug and receptacle • 700-40 is designed for use with tapered plugs only. For non-tapered plugs, contact the ADB Sales Department. Base Plate Tap Part No. AW7015 for 1.5”-12 AW7020 for 2” NPS Plug Insertion Tool Tapered Plug 1.5-inch tap • For the restoration of damaged threads in either 1.5-inch or 2-inch tapped base plates • Taps have recess on the bottom that allows for re-tapping without removal of L-823 secondary connector • Each tap includes 15-inch torque bar 2-inch tap Breakable Coupling Socket Wrench Canada Part No. 921028-W • For the installation and removal of ADB’s 2” Transport Canada Style hex head frangible couplings. • Fabricated from high strength steel to provide durable construction with a long service life. Frangible Coupling Wrench Part No. AW7010 (metric), AW7011 (NPS) • For the installation and removal of frangible couplings • Fits both 1.5 inch and 2-inch frangible couplings (NPS) or 61 mm and 63 mm frangible couplings (metric) • Wrench is angled 14° to provide clearance from the tarmac, preventing knuckle abrasion • Made of 6061-T6 high strength aluminum alloy, anodized finish • Weight: 1.5 lb (0.68 kg) 2039 Rev. N I No Manual L-3 TOOLS & SPARES AIRFIELD LIGHTING TOOLS Light Base Setting Fixture - 3-Point Leveling Part No. SF3P • Supports L-867/L-868 base cans to insure the proper azimuth and to set fixtures at the proper height • Welded steel angle frame shipped with bolt pattern plate installed • Alignment pointers, three top-wind trailer jack adjustment legs, jack bolts, and plates shipped separately for field installation • Oxide primer finish • Approximate shipping weight: 170 lb Light Base Setting Fixture - 4-Point Leveling Part No. SF4P-4 • Universal frame can be positioned either with angle pointing up or down • Alignment notches in angle iron help in locating light base during construction • Bulls-eye in bolt pattern plate also helps in locating light base • Replaceable setting plate pointer that can also be resharpened • Optional Jack Pads allow the anchoring of the setting fixture into base material. Must specify when ordering. Touch-up Paint (Cannot be air shipped) • Orange touch-up paint, 12 oz. can Part No. 95A0008 • Gray CCR touch-up paint, 12 oz. can Part No. 95A0009 • Yellow touch-up paint, 12 oz. can Part No. 95A0011 • Black touch-up paint, 12 oz. can Part No. 95A0012 • Blue touch-up paint, 12 oz. can Part No. 95A0013 Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. L-4 2039 Rev. N I No Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved TOOLS & SPARES Spare Lamps This is a list of lamps for current ADB Airfield Solutions products as shown in our catalog and on our website ( For additional lamps, please contact your customer service representative. All lamps are shown on a 1-inch square grid for sizing purposes. Lamp Wattage: 48 W Lamp Description: 48 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen, MR 16 FAA Designation/ Application: • • • • ADB Part Number: 2990.40.827 Lamp Wattage: 105 W Lamp Description: 105 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen, MR 16 FAA Designation/ Application: • L-850C — Runway edge • L-850D — Runway end and runway threshold/end (Military) • L-850E — Threshold lighting system, military approach lighting system, and military threshold system • ALSF — FAA-E-2952 ALSF high-intensity (unidirectional white/red/green) in-pavement runway approach • L-852G — In-pavement runway guard light • L-852S — In-pavement stop bar • L-852G/S — In-pavement stop bar and runway guard light L-850A — Runway centerline and LAHSO L-850B — Touchdown zone L-850F — LAHSO (redundant lamp option) L-858Y/R/L/B — Signature Series guidance signs ADB Part Number: 2990.40.900 Lamp Wattage: 62 W Lamp Description: 62 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen, MR 16 FAA Designation/ Application: • MALSR Style I — FAA-E-2968 MALSR Style I (unidirectional white) approach • MALSR Style II — FAA-E-2968 MALSR Style II (unidirectional green) threshold • L-850D — Runway threshold and runway end (FAA) ADB Part Number: 48A0386 Lamp Wattage: 30 W Lamp Description: 30 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen, MR 16 FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852A-D — Taxiway centerline (using two lamps) ADB Part Number: 44A5911 Lamp Wattage: 45 W Lamp Description: 45 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen, PK30d FAA Designation/ Application: • • • • ADB Part Number: 2990.48.360 Lamp Wattage: 45 W Lamp Description: 45 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen EXM FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852E — In-pavement taxiway intersections (Cat I/II) and heliport boundary lights • L-861/E/T— Medium-intensity elevated runway and taxiway edge and threshold/end ADB Part Number: 48A0083 L-852A — Taxiway centerline (single lamp) on straight sections for Cat I/II L-852C — Taxiway centerline (single lamp) on straight sections for Cat III Clearance Bar — For Cat I/II/III clearance bars L-852T — Taxiway edge 2078 Rev. H I No Manual L-5 TOOLS & SPARES L-6 SPARE LAMPS Lamp Wattage: 45 W Lamp Description: 45 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen EXM FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852E — In-pavement taxiway intersections (Cat I/II) and heliport boundary lights • L-861/E/T— Medium-intensity elevated runway and taxiway edge and threshold/end ADB Part Number: 48A0083 Lamp Wattage: 30 W Lamp Description: 30 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen EXL FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852E — In-pavement taxiway intersections (Cat I/II) and heliport boundary lights • L-861/T— Medium-intensity elevated runway and taxiway edge ADB Part Number: 48A0085 Lamp Wattage: 120 W Lamp Description: 120 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen EVV FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852E/F — In-pavement taxiway intersections (Cat I/II/III) and heliport boundary lights • L-861SE — Medium-intensity elevated runway threshold/end • L-862 — High-intensity elevated runway edge • L-862E — Runway threshold/end ADB Part Number: 48A0069 Lamp Wattage: 150 W Lamp Description: 150 W/6.6 A/T5Q tungsten-halogen EWR FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852F — In-pavement taxiway intersections (Cat III) and heliport boundary lights • L-862 — High-intensity elevated runway edge ADB Part Number: 48A0044 Lamp Wattage: 40 W Lamp Description: 40 W/120 VAC incandescent S-11 bulb FAA Designation/ Application: • L-852E — In-pavement taxiway intersections (Cat I/II) and heliport boundary lights ADB Part Number: 48A0126 Lamp Wattage: 100 W Lamp Description: 100 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen PK30d with male leads FAA Designation/ Application: • L-804 — Elevated runway guard light ADB Part Number: 44B1643 Lamp Wattage: 54 W Lamp Description: 54 W/120 VAC incandescent A21 MED FAA Designation/ Application: • L-860 — Low-intensity runway edge, VFR runway • L-860E — Low-intensity runway threshold/end, VFR runway ADB Part Number: 48A0347 2078 Rev. H I No Manual TOOLS & SPARES SPARE LAMPS Lamp Wattage: 15 W Lamp Description: 15 W/120 VAC incandescent 15A15CL FAA Designation/ Application: • L-860 — Low-intensity runway edge, VFR runway • L-860E — Low-intensity runway threshold/end, VFR runway ADB Part Number: 48A0024 Lamp Wattage: 25 W Lamp Description: 25 W/120 VAC incandescent 25A/CL FAA Designation/ Application: • L-860 — Low-intensity runway edge, VFR runway • L-860E — Low-intensity runway threshold/end, VFR runway ADB Part Number: 48A0008 Lamp Wattage: 30 W Lamp Description: 30 W/6.6 A T10/P incandescent FAA Designation/ Application: • L-861/T — Medium-intensity runway and taxiway edge ADB Part Number: 48A0006 Lamp Wattage: 45 W Lamp Description: 45 W/6.6 A T10/P incandescent FAA Designation/ Application: • L-861/E/T — Medium-intensity runway and taxiway edge and threshold/end • L-810 — Obstruction light ADB Part Number: 48A0007 Lamp Wattage: 200 W Lamp Description: 200 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen EZL FAA Designation/ Application: • L-862 — High-intensity elevated runway edge • L-862E — Runway threshold/end ADB Part Number: 48A0145 Lamp Wattage: 150 W Lamp Description: 150 W/6.6 A tungsten-halogen, PK30d with male leads FAA Designation/ Application: • L-862S — Elevated stop bar light ADB Part Number: 48A0353 2078 Rev. H I No Manual L-7 TOOLS & SPARES L-8 SPARE LAMPS Lamp Wattage: 18 W Lamp Description: 18 W/31-830 SP fluorescent FAA Designation/ Application: • L-858 — Signature Series fluorescent signs ADB Part Number: 48A0376 Lamp Wattage: 300 W Lamp Description: 300 W/120 VAC PAR56/NSP FAA Designation/ Application: • PAR-56 — Steady burning threshold light (green) for MALSR ADB Part Number: 48A0118 Lamp Wattage: 200 W Lamp Description: 200 W/6.6 A PAR56/4 FAA Designation/ Application: • Military UFC-3-535-01 — Military steady burning approach light, white or red ADB Part Number: 48A0395 Lamp Wattage: 300 W Lamp Description: 300 W/20 A tungsten-halogen, PAR56/C FAA Designation/ Application: PAR-56 — Steady burning approach light, white approach bars for ALSF ADB Part Number: 48A0091 Lamp Wattage: 500 W Lamp Description: 500 W/20 A tungsten-halogen, PAR56/1C FAA Designation/ Application: • PAR-56 — Steady burning approach light, red approach bars or green threshold for ALSF ADB Part Number: 48A0092 Lamp Wattage: 150 W Lamp Description: 150 W/120 VAC tungsten-halogen FAA Designation/ Application: • PAR-38 — Steady burning approach light (white) for MALSR ADB Part Number: 48A0447 Lamp Wattage: N/A Lamp Description: Flashtube FT-34HP, xenon PAR-56 FAA Designation/ Application: • L-849A, L-849C, L-849E — Runway End Identification Light (REIL) provides a visual indication to pilots of the runway threshold during an approach • ALSF/MALSR — Sequenced Flasher for ALSF/MALSR approach systems ADB Part Number: 48B0022 2078 Rev. H I No Manual TOOLS & SPARES SPARE LAMPS Lamp Wattage: 200 W Lamp Description: 200 W/6.6 A PK30d with female leads, tungsten-halogen FAA Designation/ Application: • L-880/L-881 — Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) ADB Part Number: 48A0077-1 Note: For installations before May 2002, use spare lamp kit 94A0337. Kit includes lamp and disconnects to convert power leads, so lamp 48A0077-1 can be installed. Lamp Wattage: 100 W Lamp Description: 100 W/120 VAC bi-pin FAA Designation/ Application: • L-806/L-807 — Internally lighted wind cone ADB Part Number: 48A0375 Lamp Wattage: 69 W Lamp Description: 69 W/120 VAC incandescent 69A21/TS FAA Designation/ Application: • L-810 — Obstruction light ADB Part Number: 48A0009 Lamp Wattage: 116 W Lamp Description: 116 W/130 VAC incandescent 116A21/TS1 FAA Designation/ Application: • L-810 — Obstruction light ADB Part Number: 48A0010 Note 1 Use 48A0010 as a replacement for older 48A0169 116 W/130 VAC lamp. ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. 2078 Rev. H I No Manual L-9 TOOLS & SPARES Photoelectric Control 102FAA Application The ADB 102FAA Photoelectric Control is used for the control of different airport lighting systems such as airport beacons, edge lighting, obstruction lighting and floodlighting. The 102FAA photoelectric control conforms to FAA requirements for airway obstruction lighting, ie. 35 foot-candles turn-on and above 58 foot-candles turnoff. The 102FAA has a built-in time delay that prevents false cycling caused by lightning flashes or stray light sources. Specifications - 102FAA Photoelectric Control UV-stabilized high-impact polypropylene Photocell: 1/2-inch cadmium sulfide light sensitive element Time Delay: Minimum 15 seconds Switch Type: Single-pole, single-throw thermal switch. Contact position normally closed. Temp. Range: -40 °F to 170 °F (-40 °C to 76.7 °C) Rated Life: 102FAA Socket w/Mounting Bracket M2A 5,000 operations minimum at rated load Receptacles for photo control designed specifically for outdoor lighting. Conforms to ANSI/NEMA standards. Locking-type receptacle with aluminum angle bracket for wood pole, cross arm or wall mounting. All-weather locking type receptacle and Lexan housing. With 14-inch 14 AWG color-coded wire as follows: line-black, neutral-white, load red. Threaded stem fits through a 0.5-inch (12.7 mm) knockout. Dimensions Receptacle: 2.625 in (66.675 mm) diameter (socket), 2.625 in high (including 0.5-inch stem). Surge Protection: 320 joule MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) Dimensions: Photoelectric Control Only Accessories - M2A Receptacle Input voltage is 120 VAC and load switching capability is 1800 VA. Housing: Ordering Codes 3.07” (78 mm) diameter x 2.15” (55 mm) high Bracket: 4.5 in (114.3 mm) high, 2.75 in (69.85 mm) deep. Note: Receptacle has a load rating of 15 amps at 120 volts. M2A Socket and Mounting Bracket Product specifications may be subject to change, and specifications listed here are not binding. Confirm current specifications at time of order. L - 10 3039 Rev. A I Call to Request Manual ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Telephone: +32 (0)2 722.17.11 Telephone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 © ADB Airfield Solutions All rights reserved ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 USA Phone: +1 614.861.1304 +1 800.545.4157 ADB Airfield Solutions Leuvensesteenweg 585 B-1930 Zaventem Belgium Phone: +32 (2) 722.17.11 Printed in USA ©2014. ADB Airfield Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved All information contained herein, including illustrations, specifications and dimensions, is believed to be reliable as of the date of this publication, but is subject to change without notice. Current sales drawings and specifications are available upon request. ADB reserves the right to make changes and improvements to its products and assumes no responsibility for these modifications on any equipment previously sold. 2014-15 Airfield Lighting Product Solutions Catalog Trusted at more than 2000 airports in 175 countries providing world leading airfield technology for end-to-end, integrated and sustainable solutions for visual guidance. Airfield Lighting Product Solutions Catalog