august/september 2016 | volume 11 | issue 3 Features WORLD-READINESS STANDARDS FOR LEARNING LANGUAGES Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions. STANDARDS Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics. COMMUNICATION 12 1,000 Currently Certified ACTFL OPI Testers . . . and Counting FOCUS TOPIC Empowering Educators UPCOMING FOCUS TOPIC • Teachers in the Driver’s Seat • Empowering Leadership Effective Curriculum and Unit Design • Empowered Curriculum Development • Collaborating Across Oceans and Hallways Submit by Oct 1 for the January/February 2017 issue! • Collaborative Conversations • Addressing Resistance • Teachers Teaching Teachers Andrew Amadei 17 ON THE COVER: The Certification Experience: Becoming an ACTFL OPI Tester and Its Impact A charming moment during the ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative trip to Cuba for educators. Learn more on p. 22. Angela Gardner VOLUME 11 | ISSUE 3 Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers. Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes STANDARDS School and Global Communities: COMMUNITIES Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement. Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world. Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language Learners use the language to investigate, explain, to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature and reflect on the concept of language through of culture through comparisons of the language comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. studied and their own. The National Standards Collaborative Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: CULTURES Interact with cultural competence and understanding communities at home and around the world STANDARDS Language Comparisons: STANDARDS Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual COMPARISONS Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence GOA Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied. CONNECTIONS Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career-related situations L AREAS STANDARDS Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively. Board: © Standards WORLD-READINESS STANDARDS FOR LEARNING LANGUAGES Find your complimentary classroom poster in this issue! AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 President’s Message ACTFL President Pete Swanson 7 Breaking News 8 22 28 Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity: The ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative Trip to Cuba Interview with 2016 ACTFL Convention Keynote Speaker Mike Walsh BriefBits10 Inside ACTFL 18 So You Say 56 30 Introduction: EMPOWERING EDUCATORS 44 Targeted Talk About Teaching in the Target Language Tech Watch 59 Leah McKeeman Upcoming Events Calendar 62 Lea Graner Kennedy and Brandon Locke Advertiser Index 63 Announcements63 Look for this symbol in this printed edition of The Language Educator. It alerts you to enhanced content available in TLE Online, the interactive version of the magazine available at 4 34 Creative Ways to Empower and Engage Language Teachers Through Professional Development Eva Szabo 38 The Four-State Area Leadership Initiative for Language Learning: Empowering Educators for Leadership Grant Moss 41 Collaborating Across Oceans to Foster Connections Across Hallways Lori Langer de Ramirez and Emily McCarren Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures. American Association of Teachers of Arabic, American Association of Teachers Collaborative Board 2015 of French, American Association of American Association of Teachers of Teachers of German, American Association Modern Greek, American Association of Teachers of Italian, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary of Teachers of Japanese, American American Classical League, American Association of Teachers of Korean, Schools, Chinese Language Teachers Council of Teachers of Russian, American Association, Modern Language Association, Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, American Sign Language National Council of Less Commonly Teachers Association, Taught Languages, and National Standards Task Force for Hindi Learn more on p. 9. Departments Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. 47 The Proficiency Cohort: Empowering Teachers Through Curriculum Development Catherine Ritz 50 Effectively Addressing Forces that Resist Positive Changes to Improve Language Learning Claudia Fernández 53 Let’s Learn Together: Putting Teachers in the Driver’s Seat of Their Professional Growth Thomas Sauer