Andres La Rosa Portland State University Lecture Notes PH-212 ELECTRIC FIELD P qo If an electrical charge qo located at a position P experiences a force, we say that there exist an electric field in a region around P. The electric field is produced by the system of charges. The electric field characterizes the system of charges. system of charges Operational procedure to calculate the ELECTRIC FIELD produced a given system of charges at the point P i) Place a test charge qo at the point P. ii) Find the electrical force F that such system of charges exerts on qo. iii) The ELECTRIC FIELD at P will be given by P qo E P The ELECTRIC FIELD is a vector =E First, some basic concepts about vectors Next, we show that the electric field produced by a positive charge Q is independent of the sign of the test charge used to evaluate it. Positive test charge qo P E qo (+) Q Q Negative test charge q1 q1 (-) F Q E Force Q Now we show that the electric field produced by a negative charge q is independent of the sign of the test charge used to evaluate it. P Positive test P q3 (+) charge q3 q Negative test charge q4 E F q Force P F q4 (-) E q q Q E E q Example. Indicate the electric filed at the point P established by the two positive charges shown in the figure Notice, there is no charge at P P First, let's place a positive test charge qo at the position indicated by P, and evaluate the total electric force acting on that charge. F qoP Next, we simply calculate the ratio Notice, there is no charge at P Force vector F E qo P ( Since qo is positive, then E and F will be oriented in the same direction) E Electric field vector Had we have chosen a negative test charge qo, we would have obtained the following Force vector F qo ( Since qo is negative, then E and F will be oriented in the opposite direction) P E System of charges Conclusion E does not depend on the "test" charge qo. Exercise. Find the electric field at point P(0,4) and at the point T(0,-2) q1 = 10 μC Y (cm) q2 = - 10 μC q1 q2 X (cm) System of charges Solution E01 = 9x109 (10x10-6) / (5x10-2)2 = 3.6 x 107 N/C Unit vector u1 = (3/5, 4/5) = ( COS 530, SIN 530 ) E02 = 3.6 x 107 N/C Unit vector u2 = (3/5, - 4/5) E (at P) = 2 x 3.6 x 107 N/C x (3/5, -0 ) = (4.32 x 107 N/C , 0 ) Does the electric field exist at only one point? Does the electric field depend on the magnitude or sign of the test charge qo? How can we mathematically verify that the electric field of a system of charges is independent of the test charge qo alluded in the experimental check procedure given at the beginning of this chapter? System of charges (Charges on a stick bar) Summary P E System of charges E E If a charge q (positive or negative) were placed at the position P shown in the figure above (and provided that such charge does not disturb the position of the system of charges) then q will experience a force given by, F = q E ELECTRIC FIELD (Continuation and Review) +q electric field +q E How to calculate the electric field E at a point P located a distance "r" from a positive point-charge of magnitude e ? E E (at P) = +e Units e: How to calculate the electric field E at a point S located a distance "r " from a negative point-charge of magnitude e ? E (at S) = -e rr E S Example: Electric field produced by a positive point-charge q Example: Electric filed produced by a negative point-charge Q - What is a DIPOLE ? Definition of the electric dipole moment: is a vector that point from the negative charge towards the positive charge Microscopic description of non-conductivity, in terms of the electricdipole concept -+ Charge-neutral molecule Charge induction inside the molecule results in the creation of a dipole. The dipole orients in response to the external electric field -Q non-conducting material The dielectric breakdown There exists a maximum value for the external electric field beyond which the atoms inside the material become ionized. The dislodged electrons (now free) give rise to a high current, which heats up, and eventually destroy, the material. This phenomenom is called dielctric breakdown. Dielectric breakdown occurs in air at E = 3x 106 N/C . The water molecule H Oxygen H Negative side Positive side Accordingly, the molecule of water can be treated as an electric dipole p = 6.2 x 10-30 Cm For a neutral water molecule in its vapor state Real structure 10 protons (+) 10 electrons (-) Simplified model p = Qd d = 6.2 x 10-30 Cm = (10e) dd d= d = 0.04 Angstroms Electric field established by a dipole P E +Q T E -Q E S Electric field at different locations (P, T , S) produced by the charges +Q and - Q P T W S Charges inside an electric field Charge moving inside a uniform electric field Y X E Negative charge of mass m E = 1.4 x 106 N/C Question: What would be trajectory followed by the charged particle? Does the acceleration of the particle change during its the motion inside the field? Calculate: i) The acceleration of the particle ii) How much does the particle deflects (vertically) when it travels a horizontal distance of 1.6 cm from the instant it enters the region of the electric field? Electric-dipole inside an electric field Order of magnitude of the electric force Repulsive force between 2 protons inside a nucleus Attractive force between a proton in the nucleus of an atom and an electron flying around the nucleus Electric field established by a proton at a distance 1 Angstrom far away Electrical Ground: A very large conductor able to supply an unlimited amount of charge Review on Dielectric Breakdown Exploiting symmetry (of the charge distribution in a system of charges) to calculate electric fields Example 1. Electric field established by a uniformly charged circular line. P A total amount of positive charge Q is UNIFORMLY distributed along a plastic ring of radius R Question: What is the direction of the electric field at point P? Solution First Second Third: Apply symmetry For each small segment containing a charge dq1, there exists another segment symmetrically located containing a charge dq2 (with dq2=dq1)such that the HORIZONTAL components of the electric field cancel out. That is,only the VERTICAL components make a net contribution to the TOTAL FIELD. Thus, based on the grounds of symmetry, we calculate the VERTICAL component of the electric field produced by a charge dq contained in a segment of length ds, and then ADD UP all those vertical components correspondent to each charge on the circular line Example 2. Electric field established by a uniformly charged disk. P A=πR2 Question: What is the direction of the electric field at point P? Ring of radius r and thickness dr How much charge (dq) does this ring contains? dA = 2πr dr σ E(z) = -2 -2 R2 z R