025676 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK \. Agenda ror the Meeting or September 1, 1994 Greenyale Center··8:00 p.m. I. DETERMINAnON OF A QUORUM AND CALL TO ORDER II. APPROV AL OF MINUTES August 25. 1994 III. COMMUNICATIONS IV. ITEMS FOR ACTION A. Facilities B. Finance I. Approyal Qf Blanket Purchase Aarecmeot (BPA) The Board is asked to approve the award of the rollowin~ blanket purchase agreement to the lowest responsible bidder meeting spcclficalions. as recommended in the attached blanket purchac;e agreement resume repon: Nil. Period 9419S-038 Commercial An. Printing & Offset Supplies Amount 9/'1J949/1195 521.000 2. Rejection of Blanket Pun:hns A&n:cmcot The Board is asked to approve the rejection of the following blanket purchase agreement. as recommended in the attached blanket purchase agreement rejection repon: , lin. Descriptjon 93/94-082 Communications Systems Maintenance 3. Authgri1iUion for AddjtignaJ Expenditures and ExtensjgD gf Dates from an Existini Blanket Purchase Al:reemeot <BPA) o .. • In accordance with the attached correspondence. the Board is asked to authorize the additional expenditures and extension of dates from an existing blanket purchase agreement as indicated below: I • .. & Description 91/92-045 Moving Services. Extension #3 Period Amount 9/1W94919195 $31.000 ''-. 5 o Agenda--September 1. 1994 4. Bud2et Adjustments--Prlor Approyal (oyer $50.000> In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments." the Board is asked to approve the attached budget adjusunent request: Nn. Bud&et Description 94/95-02 Business Services Increase in revenue and related expenditufC5 of $153.072 due to increased district participation in transportation services. S. AUlhorillJtion for New Peuy Cash Fund In accordance with the attached memorandum. the Board is asked to authorize a new petty cash fund for the Instructional Programs and Services Division's Teenage Pregnancy Program. 6. AccegWlCe of Ireasurer's Regoa The Board is asked to accept the attached Treasurer's Repon for the month of June 1994. C. Personnel I. Personnel Actioos Repoa The Bonnl is asked to approve the resignations. appointments. tenure appointments, and re..'icission as detailed in the attached Personnel Actions Report. D. Other 1. Approval of AI:NcmcnlS The Board i~ asked to authorize the President to sign the following agreements. all of which have been approved by Counsel: a. An agreement with the Town of Hempstead under which 28 JTPA students from the Career Development Center and Alternative Learning Program will receive a summer employment opportunity in conjunction with academic instruction. and 126 ITPA students from the Rosemary Kennedy School. Center for Community Adjuslrnen~ Hcaring and Vision Services and the Cannan Road School will receive summer vocational assessment and training services. Under the tenns of the agreement. which runs from July 1. 1994 through August 31. 1994. BOCES will receive the sum of $22.194.20. • l b. An agreement with The Rehabilitation Institute (TRI) under which the Division of Special Education offers vocational assessments to disabled young adults who are receiving their educational programs within their local school districts. For services received. BOCES will pay 1RI the sum of $136.604.52 during the period September 1. 1994 through June 30, 1995. a o Agenda--September 1, 1994 3025678 c. A five-year agreement with the New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD) under which BOCES provides transportation for graduates of special education programs, and for aging-out special education students who are involved in supported work activities. The agreement runs from July 1, 1994 through December 31, 1998. For services provided for the period July 1, 1994 through December 31, 1994, BOCES will receive the sum of $13,500. with the amounts for the remaining years to be determined later. d. A renewal agreement with Long Beach Memorial Nursing Home and Hospital under which certain students from BOCES Center for Community Adjustment will gain valuable supervised work experiences in a natural work environment for the academic year September 1994 through August 1995. e. A revised extension agreement with Brunswick Hospital. under which the hospital provides clinical work stations for BOCES students in licensed practical nursing. V. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION A. Facilities B. Finance 1. Schedule of Bills l The Schedule of Bills for the month or June 1994 is attached ror the Board's infonnation. C. Personnel D. Othct VI. SUPERINTENDENTS INFORMATION REPORT (None) VII. EDUCATIONAL PROORAM The meeting will include a tour of the Greenvale Center. lCD' 1 4 VIII. REPORT OF COUNSEL IX. AUDIENCE TO VISITORS CLIMITED TO 1 HOUR) X. OLD BUSINESS I ) Agenda-September 1, 1994 XI. NEW BUSINESS XII. ADJOURNMENT DS:tfo Attachments 25Xlo r. BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT RESUME REPORT TITLE: #94/95-038 Commercial Art, printing DATE: May 20, 1994 - 2:00 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: Supplies to be used by the students attending the Occupational Education Division's Commercial Printing-offset Course , the Graphics Occupation Course at the Tech Center in Westbury for the period 9/2/94 thru 9/1/95. & Offset Supplies Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who SUbmitted bids: BIDDER 20 10 NO. OF ITEMS AMOUNT 41 34 68 27 58 51 158 28 101 $ 1,450 AFM printing Equipment , Suppli•• American Printing Equip. , supply Co. Dick Blick East JM Graphics Hahalick Corp. New England School Supply Orange Front Paint supply, Inc. Route 23 Artist Supply Topps Artist Materials VIP Offset Supplies, Inc. ...ll 1,200 2,400 1,000 2,050 1,850 5,650 1,000 3,600 800 TOTALS: .9.i S21.QQg RECOMMENDATION: 676 items were included in the bid specifications. It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the 589 items be awarded to the lowest and/or sole responsible biddors meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $21,000 as indicated above. 150 of such items are recommended to sole bidders. Attached is a listing which includes a summary of sole bidders. See attached memorandum. ~ticipated date of award: Provision in 1994/95 budget: 1995/96 budget: Accounts to be charged: Fund: September 1, 1994 Yes Planned 112-3414-300, 117-3411-300 General gp 9/1/94 M. mtg. , 6 p:: " Page 1.a of '- i}~OOBl BPA #94/95-038 commercial Art. printing , Offset Supplies *** * *** * * * * * SUMMARy OF SOLE BIDDERS BIDDER NO. OF ITEMS AMOUNT AFM Printinq Equipment & Supplies American Printing Equip. , supply Co. Dick Blick East JM Graphics Mahalick Corp. New England School Supply Orange Front Paint Supply, Inc. Route 23 Artist supply Toppa Artist Material. VIP Off.et Supplie., Inc. -11. 650 500 675 75 100 925 75 175 1,525 650 rOTALS: ail $5,350 18 14 19 2 $ 3 26 2 5 43 ) WPR 9/1/94 bel. mtg. $ I) r) :...;'~" r:: 'i, ,;/ r Page lb of 1 025582 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY \ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM August 22, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: BPA #94/95-038 commercial Art, printing , Offset Supplies J t. t~ Of the 589 itema bid upon, 150 ara baing recommended to aole bidders. Many of these items are 80 specialized that few vendors routinely stock them. considering the BOCES modest needa for theae items, it is uneconomical for other vendor. to spacial order theae itams at a competitive price. Accordingly, it is believed that a rebid at this tim. would not result in a significant coat savings. , the 676 items listed in this bid, 87 were not bid upon. It is not anticipated that annual requirements in this category will exceed an additional $10,000. Of Therefore, as approved by Counsel, theae requirements will be procured authorized by General Municipal Law and Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 3310 "purchasing--General" (competitive quotations will be obtained where appropriate}_ WPR:qp 9/1/94 bd. mtg. 8S -- - ----_._----- ---~- ----- ". p~~ 1 of 1 0",.;683 ~ BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY £3~ BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT REJECTION REPORT TITLE: #93/94-082 Communications Systems Maintenance DATE: July 8, 1994 - 2:30 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide BOCES with telephone , communications systems maintenance services. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number ot vendors who submitted bids: RECOMMENDATION: Anticipated date ot rejection: 10 2 It 1. recommended that thi. blanket purchase aqreement be rejected and reissued with revised specifications to more closely align themselves to current industry standards in order to generate additional competition and to achieve a greater degree of economy. ) september 1, 1994 WPR:gp 9/1/94 bel. mtg • . .-.- o -. ')1 r:,:, t,~.,.,. '"..,.;4 " BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY IHTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Auqust 22, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditures and Extension of dates from an Existing BPA #91/92-045 Moving services, Extension #3 vJ~t~) It is recommended, aa approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the September 1, 1994 Board Meeting--authorize additional expenditure•••timated at $31,000 for BOCES and extenaion at date. to provide moving .ervice. for the period 9/10/94 thru 9/9/95. ) yandor Virqilio Trailer Company WPR:qp 9/1/94 bet. mtg. j Amount $31,000 BOARD OP COOPBRATXVE EDUCATIONAL SSaVXCBS OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM september 1, 1994 r:r7 _ TO: Dr. Ira J. singer FROM: Willialll P. Rafter SUBJECT: Additional Action Items for the Board Meeting of September 1, 1994 07- The Board is asked to approve the attached authorization for additional expenditures and extension of dates from existing Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs), as follows: B. Finance 1. Authorization tor Additional Expenditures and Extension of Dates trom Existing Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) In accordance with the attached correspondence, the Board is asked to Authorize the additional expenditures and extension of dates from existing Blanket Purchase Agreements as indicated below: SPA Number Description Period 92/93-031 Licensed Uniformed Guard Services (cooperative BPA) , Extension #2 Asphaltic & Portland cement Concrete Paving, storm Drainage & Associated Sitework, (Cooperative BPA) , Extension #1 9/10/949/9/95 93/94-043 $100,000* 9/10/949/9/95 §OO,QQO** TOTAL: *$500 for BOCES **$110,000 for BOCES WPR:dm Attachments as >4 5 AmQunt o S700,QQO ) - ._--- Page 1 of 2 02~'fi86 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM August 31, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Ratter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditures and Extension of dates from an EXisting BPA #92/93-031 Licensed Uniformed Guard Service (Cooperative BPA), Extension #2 ~ \;J(? -- It is recommended, as approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the September 1, 1994 Board Meeting--authorize additional expenditures of $100,000 ($500 for BOCES) and extension of dates to provide licensed uniformed guard service for BOCES and 5 component school distriots for the period 9/10/94 thru 9/9/95. '- Vendor Amount RSM Security Inc. $500 WPR:gp 9/1/94 bel. mtg. *?3 o . says . Tn p Y CJI Page 2 of 2 " 02[;687 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM August 31, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization tor Additional Expenditures and Extension of Dates from an Existing BPA #93/94-043 Asphaltic & Portland Cement Concrete Paving, Storm Drainage & Associated Sitework (Cooperative BPA), Extension #1 ~~ ~ It is recommended, as approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the September 1, 1994 Board Meetinq--authorize additional expenditures of $600,000 ($110,000 for BOCES) and ftxtension ot dates to provide asphaltic & portland cement concrete paving, storm drainage & associated sitework for BOCES and 6 component school districts for the period 9/10/94 thru 9/9/95. Vendor ) Amount Dumor Construction $110,000 WPR:qp 9/1/94 bd. mtg. I ::;;---_.5 . , :=ws= o . tS; • : I d >? J o ,. . " 025588 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) FISCal Year Original Budget or 94/95 BAR' CoSer No.Jntl9:> 0 5 & 614/TRANSPORTATION SERVICES explanation Reauested Budget Adjustment ApprOY9d Adjustod Increase Adjustad Budget Decrease BudgoC REVENUE SCHOOL DISTRtCTS Other BOCES 0Msi0ns OthGt Funding Cross Contracts 2,107,135 550,161 359,250 28,425 1) 153,072 13.044-*~1 153.072 2,260,207 550,161 359,250 28,425 OthOt TOTAL REVENUE EXPEN omJ RES STAFF COSTS: SAlARIES: AOO'l PROVISIONS TOTAL SAl.AfUES FRINGE BENERTS TOTAl SAlARJES I BENEFITS 622,752 2) I~ 19,776 l()R .n4~ _83 522 ~'t C;"" 2) 19,776 5,537 25,313 726,050 172,601 ACJ8,651 lOUIPMENT 69,364 3) 35,598 104,962 SUPPlJES 89,175 f4) 10,900 100,075 AUOCATIONS & 1Nn:RDCV's!ONS 49,463 49,463 UTlLmES 29,767 29,767 ~) ~,803,254 81,261 130,610 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 130,610 tl.044 ,9:[1 It lc)R. n4 ~ 153.072 APPROVALS: Originator Treasurer Bd. Mtg. 9/1/94 Ass't Supt. for B~n~~~~~~~~~-L~~~__~~~__ District Sup't p- J . • 3 tJ 9 2) INCREASED SALARY & FRINGE FOR ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE TO PROVIDE REQUESTED SERVICES ADDITIONAL VAN , RADIO NEED~O TO HAINTAIN BUS FLEET OPERATIONS WITH ADDED WORK 3) 4) ADDITIONAL REPAIRS TO BOCES VEt( I CLES ~,884,515 PAYMENTS TO OntER BOCESI SCHOOl DISTRICTS INSURANCE 1) INCREASED REVENUE 142,172 FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT (FREEPORT) FOR ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES REQUESTED FOR OCC. ED. PROGRAM 10,900 FROM SUMMER PROGRAM 642,528 706,274 167,064 873,338 PROGRAM 94/95-02 ; I • o 5) PROGAAH INCREASE REPRESENTING OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR COSTS TO COVER ADDITIONAL SERVICES REQUESTED 025689 :J1C B:r , I " BOARD OP COOPBRATIVB EDUCATIONAL SERVICBS OF NASSAU COUNTY INTBROPPICE MEMORANDUM August 22, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for New Petty Cash Fund ~ It is recommended that the Board, at the September 1st Board Meeting, authorize the establishment of a new petty cash fund for the Division of Instructional Programs and services: Fund CUstodian Program Rose Galla, Assistant principal Teenage Pregnancy Program (TAP) Seaford Avenue School Amount $100 Dr. Jeremy Sykes requested that a petty cash fund be set up in order to cover minor purchases necessary to this program. WPR:dm \ • 6 >4 2 ; .i _ u25690 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT \ Jun. 1004 S/SllD4 C.,h Balanc:. per Boob 1 Add: R.cWpb (S .. attached Tot., l.tt: Ol,but .. • e, ,103,&23.1 0 pao.. 2 .nd3) 1 men'. 12,~4,210.00 (50,o01,04S.30) etSCV04 C.,h Balance pet Boob In..,lm,nt, 04eO.e11.11 1 O~atandlng Tota) C.,h - o.n.... Fund TOCAI Cuh - Sp.clal Aid 2.453,1 U.&O· 54Z.oo2.' , Special Aid Fund Trustend Agency Fund GeMralFund 4.807.027.20 S I School lunch Fund • S 2,107 ,021.03 15."1.'32.87 • 2.118.331.13 Risk Retention Fund 010.120.4& 203,703.82 2,100.13 20,0425.180.1 I (1 t ,201,"02.11) S 5,404.Z50.11 (:I,UG,ISIS' .12) • 0.1 n.3I7.20 S 2.057.701.04 3.071.00 • 1 2~ot1.0I'.O! 212.442." 0IZ.835.sa (10,130.10) • 8e~.ot'.41 '--~zt...ttt..Il.. 411.148.U (30,270.18) 1..-J.IM.tal.n • 0,"...1II und C.,h Oalanu p_ Boob .. OtlQi04 of n.W.1N.eOit calh (vtUU' aectuaJ) b ..... WMft m&IOf ltftl. b ..ow at, co",I4I_N. b"'M. on an UCfuAI 0". $0.00 •• toanr.: baa., btco,"" _ .... : MCOUne. Rtcemtllft 1 Ou. "am Olh.. fluf\d' - ncho~ Lunch OUI "am Olh. 'unda - Sptclal Net L,,,· 8Offowtngl 1111., ... (R~"u. o 'O.204.ICIe." 4a'oUl.J7 t.U?,.'''.40 A.nticipauGn NOC", (' ,OOO.OOO,OGt (:11.600.00) llablilly Due to N..", YOlk Slale ft .....m .... (~.07:1,OOO.OCII Srt1em •• lICe. DUI 10 OthM Fundt: (202,,",51) Capital Fund ~kR".nUon Special AId Trult & AgfftCy (Retilemalllinuntive) (1.155.0S7 .Oet Du. to V.ndora for Equipmant, Supplila. "c. Du. to School Di.tI~t. (0.112,a~.02) (107.201.50) (2'"0.127.17) O/~Q(" j 0 • 4 Pg £J£ 0 'J -- ~~ r .. ~"'''t'. " I "~ Page 201 .. 025591 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICBS OF NASSAU COUNTY RECBIPTS June1tM Q~'und: • P.ymenb tom Cllenta lot SWe... eto. PtOVkltld Money Matte.. RedHm.d lnves1menb IntMfund Tt.n.... CD M..ured & Int".at 1/14104 Stat. Nd Due to Dlattlct MOther Int. . ., Income. Net - May a June 10t4 2.•n.51t.:n 8.007 .17S.00 '.021.0'7.30 "',131." 42,OO7.~S Total Tra",". tom CIeMf.. Fund: 'aytOl I • UMld 8hue - HMih lMurance July 1...UMld 8hu. - 900'" 9.clI"~ June , ... UMld 8hu. - HMlh lMurano. June , • • Int-'md Trans.. to R....m..,. Inc. . . Plan-CD .......... R_em"" Inc.nttv-e Plan. Int..... Nil - May I ... RabfemtfIC Inc.new. Ptan.I.......... Nfl - June ,,,. Int ..... Incom •• Nfl - May '"4 Int.. Inc om •• Nfl - Jun. 1004 Compenwed AbltltC .. R....ve. " ... - Int ...... Nil - May,"" Comptnwed Abltnc .. R....ve.' .... - Int ...... Net - June '114 CompaNaItld Ablanc .. R....ve. Ch4tmkaJ - I". ....,. Nee - May '11M ComplftUhd Ablenc.. R. . .ve. ChtmIc.a - Int...... Nil - June , ... leymow W"nw 8cho&lulhlip "und lncom •• Nfl - Way '804 lIeymow Wtinw 8cholulhlip !lund 'nt..... lncom •• Nit - JUM 11M Compffttaltld Ablanc .. A....ve. , .... Compffttaltld Ablenc .. A....ve. CtMmkaJ H' 11 ••3.523,18 '.841."1.7' '70.171." 141,101.70 U.al.40 1.......100 2.127.40 3."'.01 '.In.o, 1.4Ot.08 111.08 1.IOUa 172.'1 "1.07 10.• lI.at 'nt..... 3.057. IO&.OO 100.000.00 Total • S.. ' ••• 30,4 24.27'.3•. 41 11.003.344.00 a 11.11 1.1.&11. J - - 025692 Page3of4 NASSAU B.O.C.E.S. SCHEDULE OF TIME DEPOsrTS JUNE30.11JSM IBYII &AQEH9Y FUNQ IN I EREST PRINCIPAl. RATE BALANCE FORWARDED-TIME DEP08ft INTEREIT EAANED(1003-04) ANTICIPATED DATE I88UED MATURITY DATE INTEREIT EAB MAY 18, , ... JUNE 20, '* U.020.UO 17.47'1JM EAB MAY20,1OCM JUNE 20, ' " P,97!,. "4,,.t! $121.542.13 GINEfW. fu..tm BANK DATI! t88UED MATURITY DATE PRINCIPAl. o INTEREST INTEREST EARNED S3.8CI6.oo ".1~ 17.171..00 JUNE14.'" ••000.000 ••000.000 « ANTICIPATED RATE BALANCE FORWARDED-TIME DEPOIIT INTEREST EAANED(I~) JUNE7.'", « INTER£8T ] $11.1~,00 -"- _ .. ' - ' - - Pege4dC =B....;;;.O=AR=D_O=F=--..;C=O:;..;:O=P:,..::ERA==T=I...:.,.V=E......;E=D=-U::;..;C=A=T=I:...;:O=N=AL=-=SE=R=V.:...:I::...:C=E=S~O:..=.F--=.;N=A=SS=A=U~C=O:...;:UN:....:.:...=T:...=Y:..--_ u~5693 RECEIPTS (cont'd) JUM 1004 Spec.1 AId Fund: • Pt..chool OM'Infant Program LIc.ns.d Ptaetlcal Nuralftg Adull Ev.ning APEX Special Ed. Admin. L..dilUhIp Training Aud,my P.. Olant Teehnlc&l Prep .. atlon EvaJuaUon Life Manag.."."t ProOtl'" Small B~n"l Inttiluf. ARSIP Homebound Plogram Homebouftd Infant Induttty BatH Training &tended Summw Plot,.", AdUil Centw L1cen.td Pflctleal N",alno - EvenIftt Intw ... lncom •• Net - ....y '004 Intw'" IlICom •• Net - Jvne " " Emplo1ment PltpllalJon Education VAT!A Secondary OccupatfoMll!ducalion Conldum Adull Otftnltv. Dlivlng S .... UngUAl Cat'1lOfiCaI TtlecommunlcaUone OccupaUoMJ I!ducaUonat O.~m. SchGeI To Wotk - Town of 0YIIW hy USIA-.nttfMtlncotlle,N .. -Mayl .... n.Slo.oo '4,313.00 757.2C1 210.0e 10,103.13 1.110.00 U.ft2.00 41 •••. 00 4. '0:1.81 3.370.n n.n.... 5,111.00 (41&10, "und. \.... 1.078,'1I.4C1 1211,400.5' 37.,o13.n 11.711.00 7.010.00 2'0.00 SlO.OO 30.00 '0.00 I.no.oo 75.410.00 I,UO,OQ 3.751,70 71." Total • 1.lgz.Ul.g~ Rilk Rttention "und: Intw,,' lIICom., Net - ....yl". Inlw.,' IlICom., Nee - Jun. " " • Total o 1.011.15 1.020... ',===2~.1;;09===.1~3 School Lunch fund: Slat. Rlimbwllm.nt - Lunch Slat. Rlimbwllment - Bleakfalt $ 11.088.43 173.3"".21 Schoel Lunch To~ t -U J 12.208.Cll $====2~O=3=.7=03=.=R~ -. .' Pao-1ofl BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY ----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- EXTRA-CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES FUND - TREASURER'S REPORT M. CU" ..... pit Boola 1131/'. • O,U&.U Add: ......~ • L...: cu" lIaIMoe pit ISooIca j "1,*.10 l!,aa.'1) DItb"'Mm~~ . d 32,031.87 ~C¥,. • . »~MO.II, OZ5694 4» , _..... - o ~ (' o" BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATZOIIAL SD.nc&s OP DSSAD COmnY PDSOHBBL ACTXOBS Septa.ber I. 1994 Personnel Matter. - Teaching apd Maipi'tr'tiv,: I. A. , •• ign.tion(.): ~ Eff.ctive R.IH $erric. TIpurId ja,iggaept/LoC.tiog/Dlyi.iog B•• ,on Rosenthal, Barry 08/31/94 3 Years Yes Teacher • Food preparation Nassau Tech/Carle Place Occupational Educaeion To accept another position Weiss, Carol 09/01/9. 2 Years 1 !loath No Assistant Principal • To accept another position Length of Alternative Learning Program • Greenvale Special Education o Page 1 S? v l~ . G \'~ - ... r=~ J I ~,..., It o H 'l , J'j BCWtD OF COOPDAT'IVB Ja)OCAT'IODL saVlCU OF DSSAU comrrr Sapt.-Mr 1, lJ" x. f,r'OBD,l latt,r• • T.,C'h1pq apd aslrjpi'tra tiD : s. Tenure Jt:r:H/ Iff.ctlve C.rtlflcatlOD TeAu.r.a IIU pat,«,) Statu' .ilia b'oana Loas, Laura 09/01/9. Non-tenured Area Certified lilA Part-ti. Teacher (8 hours/ week) - Science - Tutorial Health/Allied Services COIMPt Replacement Cqlptp'ltion $20.00 per hour for Lorraine Bertan ol"t.J ~ W en Page 2 - t~ . G •• rtC~.J \ /" . ".-- ( BO.UtD OF COOPBRATnB DUCAnOlD.L SDVlcaB ()It DSSAU COmtrr pBIlSOIJtIL ACTIOIIS Septeab4u: 1. 1994 I. '.r.opn.l Matt.r. - Teachipg and Adefgi.tnti,., c. AppoiPtMnt ,.) - S.cogsSary ProqrM - Dly1.iOR of Occ:vpatlm . l Iduc;ati9lU Bff.ctive IIaM Dat.,.) Polizzi, Marie 09/01/9. Tenur. heal C.rtification 'fenu:rt Statu. I!Aa "oal M Ron-tenured Area Certified RIA Part-time Teacher (.7) Science - Nassau Tech/carle Place/Rassau Tecb/wastJ::NryI P.A.C.B. - Brookville (Formerly Halt-time Teacher - Csaaept CQ!!PH.atiop Rev Budgeted $20,580.00 * Position per annum Science) o * Subject to negotiations. l\) 'J1 C~ Page 3 t.rJ .,.] - , o -.... -- ., G ( ( o 8CWlD OJ' COOPDA!'I'III DUCAUOUL saanc:u OF BSSAD COGari '\ Septtaiber 1.. I. rel"ODD.l BIttel" D. Ut~ - BachlRR AD4 AdilRI,u-atID: Appoiptaent',) - plvi,lon of Speci.l lduc.tiop: ... Brookes, Brin Tenure Area/ Eff.ctive C.rtification Tenure Dat.,,) Statu. I!IH 09/01/94 Bducation of Children with Handicapping Conditians • Education of Speech/Hearing Handicapped • b'ogJ(M 02/03/97· Teacher - Speech/Hearing Handicapped CArman Road (Por.merly Teacher Speech/Hearing Handicapped) COMIDt Increased Related COIIptD,atiOJl $29,100.00 •• per annum Sc:rvicea Certified * Served four months and twenty-eight days probation prior to excessing. ** Subject to negotiations. o ~.J ';1 C? Page " e.o CD v G \'~ o r It ( I 01 8CWlD 0 .. COOPDATIVB Il'DDCAUODL BaVICU 01' .USAU t ~ :l( septeelM.r ,I comr.rr 1.. 19'. I ! I. p.r'onn.1 Matter, 1:. ~"chinq and A4e i p il tra t ivt: AppoiPtMnt e,) - Con,ultantl% CORSOL'tAlf'l'S - Coop.rative Arta proqr. . (CAP) - plyl.10A of IR.t;vqtlpaal Proqr_ apcJ Ssyiq,.: ilia .ef.ctiye pat. I" M.lcmMAt co.pg.ltloa Orr, John 07/01/94 - 09/01/94 Interdisciplinary Studiea - Objective 14 Syosset $119.45 per day 5 days $591.25 maximum Walker, Vivian 01/01/94 - 09/01/94 Interdisciplinary Studies - Objective #11 I!5anhaaset $75.00 per day Poreign Languages - Qbdective 11 - Syosset $119.45 per day 4 days $477.80 maximum Watson, Darlene 01/01/94 - 09/01/94 6 days $450.00 maximum o 'tr,J C51 C;1) Page 5 ~ to v \~_'" G c:~ ,.:.--::.-"!!#-__ . . -...J ,I I, • o "II BCWlD OJ' COOPJatATIW JmOCAnODL BaVICU or BS8m COUI'l'Y f PUSO••• I. AC'rX0IfS " I " I, I. f,rloM,l xatt,rl • f"chinq s. and A4I!ini,t:ratrn: Appoiptmept (I' - CODlultagtl: CONSULfNrl'S - Divi.ion of IOltructioMl rroqrMl 1M St"'a.: o IIH Sfflctl,. D,t,I,) MI19P"gt; COP2tA.'tiOD Adelberg, Sheila 06/30/94 • 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-On Incluaion Workabopa· - Port VashingtOD - Ccmpact ImplementatiOD Program Performance Contract Couture, Lynn 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Hands-On Inclusion Workshops - - Port washington - Compact Implementation Program Performance Contact Davant, Mary 06/30/94 • 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-On Inclusion workabcpa - - Port Washington - Compact I.mplemen~tion Program Performance Contract Geraghty, Beth 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Hands-On Inclusion Workshops - - Port washington - Compact Ialple:Dentatioo Program Performance Contract 06/30/94 • 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-On Inclusion workshops - - Port Waabington - ComDact ImplementatiOD Program Performance Contract Gewolb, Lisa $499.96 maximum $499.96 nundmnm $499.96 maximum $499.96 maximum $499.96 maximum o Page 6 ~ cJ C) I\~.G r:.J ....... \) il " ( (' o ~!1 BoaRD OP COOPJalA'1'IVB • fi mocanoor.. SdVl:C&S OP DSsatJ COUWfI Sept:tIIbtr 1, 1994 I. '.r.opn.l Matt.r. - T'Ichiaq ID4 JdIIlai.tntiD: B. Appoiptment(') - Con.ult.apt.: ilia Eff,ctiYl Dat,(., AI.iqgMAt Cqpm•• tiOQ Jones, Rosanne 06/30/94 . 09/30/94 Attendance at -HaDda-OD ZDcluaian Performance CODtract $499.96 maximum Workshops - - Port Washington - CClGll'Hlct Implementation Program Komi tee, Georgia 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-On ZDcluaion Workshops - - Port Waabington - Compact Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Implementation Program Lakretz, Beth 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Hands OIl Inclusion Workshops • Port Washington - Compact Implementation Program o Malken, Suzanne Mayer, Barbara 08/01/94 . 08/26/94 06/30/94 . 09/30/94 lnaervice COUrse • -Hiddle School Institute- • BOCES Salisbury Center • Cooperative Staff Development Attendance at -Handa-On IncluaiOD workshops - • Port Washington • Caupac:t $550.00 per day 3 days $1.650.00 maximum $200.00 per day 6 days $1,200.00 maximum Performance Contract $499.96 maximum ImplesDeDtation Progra.m o t-,~, c..a Page 7 ~ ~ " G ~I o " ~ II o l' BOARD 01' COOPBRA'1'XVB mucA'fiOKaL SDVICU or •• ssm COO"Ii!! PJal.SC*MSL AC'fi0ll8 Septellb4tr 1. 1994 I. f,r'ODDIl Hatt,r. - Ttachipq apd Aclllipi.tntiD: B. Appoiptment«.) - Cop.u1tagt.: CONSULTANTS - pivi.iop of In.t;yctioga1 rrogr•• • apd S!ryic,.: H.IH. .fflctive pat,e.) M·icmMllt CoIIpeg.atigg Newell, Colleen 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Atteadance at -Baads-On Inclusioa Workshops- - Port Wa&biagtoa - CcImoact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Ohando, Ligia 09/01/9. - 06/30/95 Home Visitor for Mother-Child HaDe Program - Freeport - Cooperative Staff Development $10.00 per hour 600 hours $6,000.00 maximum Plus expenses $500.00 maximum Pehlke, Karen 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Atten&mce at -Haada-On Inclusion Workshops- - Port Wasbiagtoa - Compact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Pozan, Jacqueline 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-On Inclusion Workshops- - Port Washington - Compact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96·maximum Raimondo, Patricia 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at. -Handa-On Inclusion Workshops - - Port Washington - Cc::apact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum o c:;, l" ,;t Page 8 ~ 1~:J v -- t\ " \'·1 . G ~ - . O..J . ,...." r- I ~ o / BO.U.D 0. COOPBRAnvB BDUC.l.T%ODL SDVZCZS 01' DSSAU eotnrrY Septelibtr 1, 199. I. P,r.opn,l Matt,r•• t,achipg and A4p'qi,tra ti. . : B. AppointMnt (.) • Con.ultaRt.: CONSULtANTS - Divi.ion of In.trvctiopal o Proar.., apd Stryig•• z b!!t. Ifflcti. . Dat.e,) AI.icnwpt C9III)1tD'ltiOD Rowe, Susan 06/24/94 - 08/24/94 Attendance at -Site-based Workshops- Compact 1mplementation Program Performance Contract $100.00 maximum Seaquist, Bileen 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-on Inclusion Workshops - - Port Washington - Caapact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Tafarella, Jane 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Hands-on Inclusion Workshops- - Port 'Washington - Compact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Thornburg, Devin G. 07/18/94 - 08/21/94 Presenter: -The Early Childhood Years: Defining the Learner- - Port Washington Compact 1mplementation Program $250.00 per day 4 days $1,000.00 maximum Tiberia, Teresa 06/30/94 - 09/30/9. Attendance at -Hands-On Inclusion Workshops - • Port Washington - Caapact Implementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Unger, 06/30/94 - 09/30/94 Attendance at -Handa-On Inclusion Workshops - - Port Washington - Caapact Iuplementation Program Performance Contract $499.96 maximum Amy ~ Page 9 ~ ~} G o r ,1, I. o r r ., DODD OJ' COOPBU.Trn DUCA'nODL SDVXC3S OJ' DSSAU COUWfI I PDSOJIIIII ACrIoaS Septuaber 1, 1994 x. f I Per'ogne1 Natter, - leachiaq apd IdeJpi'tratiyt: •• I Appointment (,) - Con,u1ttnt,: I CONSQLTANTS - Divi.iop of Sp.eia1 ldueatioa: BAH Iffeetiy9 pattl.) 1 COIPPM,ati9ll AI·i9D"gt I Composto, Christopher 08/28/94 Workshop Leader - ·Strategie8 for Criaia Intervention and. Prevention· - CPR certification - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 5 hours $200.00 maximum Fernandez, Roy 08/16/94 - 08/19/94 Workshop Leader - ·Cultural Diveraity and. Special Education- - NaaSAU County - $40.00 per hour 20 hours $800.00 maximum SBTRC Metcalfe, Linda 09/27/94 - 09/29/94 * Workshop Leader - -Implementing an Inclusive Program- - Hof8tra university SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 houra $100.00 maximum o • State funded program. o I'J Gt Page 10 ~ ~. o o G \ /'" (" o 8Q.U.D 01' COOPD.I.!'IVB mucAftODL SD.VICU OP •• SS.l.U CotJJI"n' PDSOPP&L ACTIOIIS 5ept:eeber 1, 1994 I. P,r'ann.1 Matt,r. - T"ching and Maipi.tnti": P. AppoiPtmepts - Additional AI.igpatgt.: 80ud aff,ctive AI.iqRMpt 111M ~ A!.ignatpt pe.c;riptiOQ Hoyett, Danielle 08/01/94 08/31/94 Set up district-baaed classroom - Rosemary Kennedy School Special Bducation Teacher Special Education $90.00 per day 2 days $180.00 maximum Ortiz, Meryl 08/01/94 08/31/94 Set up district-based classroom - Rosemary Kennedy School Special Bducation Teacher Special Educ:atioa $90.00 per day 2 days $180.00 maximum Robison, Nancy 07/01/94 09/07/94 CUrriculum development for environment cluster internship--vorkforce preparation component at P.A.C.E . • Occupational Bducation Teacher Occupational Education $20.00 per hour 48 hours $960.00 maximum Stichweh, Lori 08/01/94 08/31/94 Set up district-based classroom - Rosemary Kennedy School Special Bducation Teacher Special Educatioa Set up district-based classroom - Rosemary Kennedy School Special Education Teacher Special Educatioa o Wattaul, Roseanne 08/01/94 08/31/94 kg COPIp'D.atiop $90.00 per day 2 days $180.00 maximum $90.00 per day 2 days $180.00 maximum o 1:'-J ';1 ~ Page 11 "'' 1 v ~~ " o .. G - .. w=~_~ r- ,,r-" ao.aaD 0' COO,DAftW ItDUCAUODL SDVXC:U o. DSSAU COUftY PUSO". L ACrIC*S Septaber 1, 199" I. 'er.OQDtl Matter. - T1t,ch!.aq apeS AdII'pi.tntiD: G. '.l'tPurt : .rrect:l". 111M ~ TtpUn ArM Loqatiog/Divi.ioq Fletcher, Karen 11/03/9' School Social Worker Special Subject - Sebcol Social Worker BCC • - Jericho Special Bducation Schumer, Sandra 11/19/9' Teacher - Bducatioa of Hearing Impaired - Rosemary Kennedy Center Special Bducation Children with HandicappiDg Conditions - Education of Speech/Hearing Handicapped Theodorellis, Beth 11/01/9' Teacher - Bducacico of Children with Handicapping conditions - General Special Education S.A.V.B. - Caumsett Special Bducation Van Dyke, Dale 11/01/9' Psychologist Special Subject - School Hearing Impaired - Bethpage Special Bducation 1,0 School Paycbologisc o ~,.) Page 12 '·)1 ~ 0') o G r ;~ i o H 'I , BOARD OP COOPDAT%VK mUCA'rIODL SaVZ(3S OJ' DSSAD couwrr "I PDSQIIMKL ACTXOIIS SeptMber 1, I". r,E'OM!l MattIE' - IJoR-THchiaa: xx. A. Bt.qi •• iop(.): B8 IT aBSOLVED that the following penomutl act10D tak.D o. OlD July 28, 1"t 1. hereby n.ciDded: Appoiptmept. - Ad4itloptl AI.igpaapt.: loud AI.icmMP t IrM Bff.ctive ilia pat· (.) A •• igpatDt Braun, Helen 06/30/94 08/12/94 Teacher Aide - C&rIIIaD Road - Teacher Aide - Summer Program - Special Bducation Speci",l B<Nc:at.iOD D";ript1op COIIpIJJ • • tiOD $59.00 per day * 31 days $1,829.00 mAXimum o • See page 18 for corrected ~tiOID. ~ ~,j C;1 Page 13 ~ .. .J u o (9 . . ., _ II r' II' o BOARD op COO.~1'V8 Ja)UCHIODL sancu or DSSAD "*""'IIIIIV PDSOD'CL ACnOlrS II. '.E,opp.l Matt.E' - Iop-Te'chipq: B. Appoiptmlntf,) - Cl."ifi.4: Eff.ctiVl Te1W:re 111M D'a f ,) ba l!,iqpl9Rt/Loc·tiqp/Diyi.iog Taff, Michael 09/01/94 RIA Teacher Aide Baldwin Harbor Park Special Bducatioo - Salary, Cluat.:r 'Dd Rapq. $14,223.00 Cluster I Range 3 Replacement for Darrell Aiken (Ponaerly Teacher Aide) ~ o t::) ~\J '-11 ~ Page 14 CO v t~ t. G o ~ _ .. rc=~ .J 1" (" I. JI 8O.U.D OJ' COOPDATn'B mUCAnODL aanas OJ' vasSAtJ COOJI'IY i PDSODBL ACTIOU 8eptaber II. r 1, 1"" r,r.oDP.l latt.r. - lop-T'lchipq: c. I! I APPointment',) - Sub,titut. ADd part-tiM: aff.ctiw. IIIH Alpert, Helissa PItt'" AI·iqpaeptiLocttiog/Piyi.iog CqIIR.p•• tion 09/08/94 Substitute Teacher Aide .. Special Education $9.94 per hour I II r I Anderson, Cindy 09/08/94 Substitute Teacher Aide - I I! $9.06 per hour Special Educatico i I I Berchoff, Georga 09/08/94 Substitute Teacher Aide - I $9.06 per hour Special Educatica Bruno, Gina o 09/08/94 Substitute Teacher Aide $9.06 per hour Special Bducatica cartier, Alexander 09/08/94 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Chartorynsky, Jennifer 09/08/94 Substitute Teacher Aide - $9.06 per hour Special Education o 't-. J Page 15 ';1 ~~ to t~,« G -~\\ ~ o ... .-~ J r (-' I H BCWlJ) OJ' eootD.lT%'VB JmUCA'1'10111.L 8&anc:u OJ' DSS&D COUMi i 8ept.aber 1, II. ... lJ,. f.r'emu1 Matt.r. - Ion-T'lchipCl: c. ARDolDtalnt(.) - SuJ),titut. Ad ,art-tIM: stflctive pat,(.) AI·iqgllpt/Loeltiog/Diyi.iog CglDpU·atiOD Doherty, Sharon 09/08/9' Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9 .51 per hour Feinberg, Heather 09/08/9. Subatitute Teacher Aide - $9.06 per hour 'd Special Education Keitz, Jamie 09/08/9' Substitute Teacher Aide $9.06 per hour Special Bducation Margolis, Alisa o 09/08/9' Substitute Teacher Aide - $9 . Sl per hour Special Bducation McDougall, ICathryn 07/28/9' Substitute Teacher Aide - $9.06 per hour Special Education Passo, Gail 09/08/9' Substitute Teacher Aide - $9.06 per hour Special Education o !'-,J Page 16 '-'1 ... --l o \ " o (" ("" o BCWlD 01' COOPBRAT'IW KDUCAnODL SDV%c:&8 OJ! DSSAD COtD&ft P&'IlSOIIBL .a.cnOlrS .~ '.r.ogn.l Hatter. - lop-"',chlpR: II. I). Appointaentl,) - 8M,opal: Eff.ctive lAB Dat.l.) Gibbons, Ronnie 08/15/94. 09/30/94. ".iqRltat/LqcltiqgJpiyi.iOR Ccap.p.atiop $6.56 per hour 1 ! c;, ~2 (Jt Page 17 ~ o ~ o G " ~ " ~ " o /' ( 80AJlD OF COOPD.I.'!'XVK Jm1JCA'fiODL savxas 01' DSSAU CUUlU;S Septe.llber 1. 199. II. fer.opgel latter. - log-;.,ch!pq: B. AppointMpt. - .M41tl0ll11 M.i9J!MDt.: 80ud AI.i9'JlMD t Bffective ArM C9!lptD•• tiop Dm I!I.a AI.iqDPIpt Pt.c;riptiop Braun, Helen 06/30/94. 08/12/94. Teacher Aide - carman Roacl SUIIID8r Program • - Special Bducation Teacher Aide SpeCial Education $62.00 per day·· 31 days $1,922.00 maximum Mucci, william 09/01/9. - Security Aide - Adult Evening Program - Nassau Tech/westl)w:y Part-time Security Aide Occupational Education $12.00 per hour 300 hours $3,600.00 maximum Teacher Aide Occupational Bducation $14.09 per hour ••• 100 hours $1,409.00 maximum 06/30/95 - Occupational Bducation Streng, Mary Weigel, Brie 09/01/9. - Part - time Teacher Aide - Adult 06/30/95 Bvening Program - Na8sau Tech/Westbury - Occupatioaal Bducation 08/17/94. Teacher Aide/BUB Driver Drive students for RCT exams - Teacher Aide/Bus Driver Special Education CCA - Rosemary JCennedy center - $124.17 per day··· day $124.17 maximum 1 Special Bducation * State funded program. ** Includes differential for tracheotomy maintenance. *** Based on 1/200th annual salary. o 1:<') C-Jt ~ Page 18 l'~ o '..._~. _ _ 4G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""""._ _ ~ _ _ _ _ __ in.r,~713 U,cdv •. Yi, BOARD OF COOPERATIVa BDUCATIONaL SBRVICBS OF NASSAU COUNTy Statement of Internal Audit Certification I, Lewis Berkowitz, as Assistant Internal Auditor for the Board of Cooperative Educational services of Nassau County, in accordance with the resolution adopted July 1, 1994 at the Organization meeting of said board and in accordance with BOCES Policy 13410, do hereby certify that the disbursements listed on the Schedule of Bills listed below and attached hereto for the period June 1994, to the best of my knowledge are for valid claims, charges, demands and accounts on the said Board of Cooperative Educational Services and such claims have been duly audited by me and are supported with documentary evidence that indicates that all policies, laws, rules and regulations regarding the expenditure of monies have been complied with in order to justify the payment of such claims by the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County. Schedule of Bills, June 1-30,1994 Fund AmQunt of Disbursement General Trust & Agency Special Aid Risk Retention School Lunch G .. 1 $ 59,901,045.30 11,296,492.87 3,436,551.12 19,739.10 39,~79.7§ Total Disbursements § 74,693,108.15 Certified: • . • Date: • June 30, 1994