DATE REVISED DATE REVISED DATE FILMED DATE FILMED FED.RD. DIST.NO. STATE 6 ARK. FED.AID PROJ.NO. SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS JOB NO. FLASHING BEACON DETAILS 2 DETAIL OF SIGN SUPPORT ASSEMBLY WIRING DIAGRAM 3C/14 A.W.G. 120 V.A.C. Electrical Service from local utility Y Y 3C./#14 A.W.G. Min. Size may vary with distance to Local Stainless steel at 18" Utility bands placed spacing. METAL BAND OR CLAMP FLASHING BEACON CONTROLLER 3 LB. U-CHANNEL POST NEMA 3R WEATHER TIGHT ENCLOSURE WITH 15 AMP 1"0 GALVANIZED STEEL DISCONNECT CONDUIT #8 SOLID COPPER GROUND WIRE UTILITY POLE GROUND 3C./#14 AWG signal cable BOND SAFETY GROUND TO CHASSIS NOTES: 1. All construction shall conform to Arkansas State Highway Commission Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Edition of 2003, Division 700, Traffic TYPICAL WEATHERHEAD Control Facilities. INSTALLATION 2. The flashing beacon assembly shall include lightning suppressors, Traffic Signal Cable, two 12" Traffic Signal Heads (1 Sec., 1 Way) with yellow lenses, HORIZONTAL SIGN SUPPORT Flashing Beacon Controller and a solid state calender date time clock with daylight savings time programming and 48 hour power fail 1 1/2 " CROSS CONNECTOR WITH CAP required only for school zones. Signal protection. Date time clock heads shall be wired to flash alternately. SERVICE POLE 3. SEALING CAP Any fittings, bands, ground rod or accessories necessory to mount Conduit and Flashing Beacon Controller shall Y Y be considered subsidiary to the item for Flashing Beacon Controller. CIRCUIT BREAKER IN 12" YELLOW FLASHING BEACONS WEATHERPROOF BOX 4. 10 ’ STEEL CONDUIT MIN. 1 1/2 " TEE WITH CAP couplings, tees, clamps and hardware necessary to mount signal heads shall installed. FLASHING BEACON CONTROLLER WITH TIMECLOCK AHEAD All be considered subsidiary to the item for Traffic Signal Head (1 Sec., 1 Way). Contractor shall remove signs and re-install them after flashing beacons are 1 1/2 "0 GALVANIZED SADDLE CLAMPS 5. The City or County shall a service point and be responsible for providing, through a local utility company, power to the Flashing Beacon Controller. This note applies only when used at a school 3LB. U-CHANNEL POST location. SIGN & SUPPORT BY OTHERS 1"0 GALVANIZED STEEL CONDUIT 2’0" MINIMUM 6’0" MIN. BANDED TO POST 1"0 GALVANIZED STEEL CONDUIT BANDED TO POST 5 ’ POLE BANDS, 18" SPACING POLE BANDS, 18" SPACING #8 A.W.G. Bare copper wire bonded to Ground Rod and Cabinet. 1’6" 4-10-08 stdfb2.dgn 1’6" 8’ x 5/8 " Ground Rod 2’6" MINIMUM DEPTH 1" O N.M.C. ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION 4-17-08 MINOR REVISIONS 11-3-97 ISSUED DATE REVISION FLASHING BEACON INSTALLATION FOR HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS AND SCHOOL ZONES DATE FILM