Overhead Distribution Transformers 5-833 k. Single Phase 30-500 kVA Three Phase 2 1J1 .o. le All R POWER PARTNERSiNG Ropresentod by and Nareplated for ASS Inc. Il 1! 1! F" ".'i About Power Partners, Inc. Power Partners, Inc. manufactures poletvpe distribution transfor'mcr., that provide more than 3,000 utilities in North America, Central America, the Middle East and Asia with electric power for homes and businesses. Power Partners' poletype clistrihution transformers are specifically designed to serve residential overhead distribution loads. The y arc also suitable for light commercial loads, industrial lighting, and diversified power applications. Power Partners provides a complete line of overhead transformers to meet the applications of any distribution system. The company manufactures single-phase and three-phase polettipe transformers at 34.5 kV and belo in ratings from 5-833 kVA single-phase and 30-500 kVA three-phase. The Power Partners core-coil design provides optimum efficiency and excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical performance. The Power Partners operation in Athens, GA, has achieved ISO 9001: 2000 certification. The operation, which was an ABB facility until Power Partners purchased it in May 2003. has nearly 5 y ears r.)r manufacturing experience. The ABB Connection The polctvpc disti'ibuhon transformers manufactured by Power Partners are name-plated for ABB, with ABB serving as the manufacturer's representative for Power Partners. ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility : and in(IListryr customers to improve their performance, while lowering their environmental impact. Manufacturing Technology Overhead distribution transformers manufaactur'cd by Power Partners offer cost-effective solutions for power clistrib u i on. The latest manuFacturing technology is utilizedi to maintain state-of-the-art quality and productivity. Large vertical integration allows us to ship high quality : products in the shortest possible production cycle. d POWER PARTNERS The Value of Quality Power Partners is committed to achieving total customer satisfaction and industry : leadership through continuous process improvement. The company's employees are team-based and measurement focused, and their work is based on highly disciplined processes. The company is innovative, reliable and driven to provide high quaIityr and high Value, and to meet each delivery commitment. \ want Power Partners to be recognized as a company that exceeds customers expectations. An Industry Leader N orking together with ABB as the mantifacIurer's representative for Power Partners, we have alliances with major utilities and businesses around the worst[ providing products and services to meet all their needs. Together, we are a dominant force in the industry. Single Phase Overhead Distribution Transformers I'c nVc1- I'artn cl'S single p11a sC. oil-filled. 1][11 0-1111 1L11)ted dis- tributinn transformers are specifically designed for ser v icing residential overhead distlilWti[ in loads. .111 e y are also sU itablc for light commercial lc ds, inc]Lltitrial lighting and divcrsificd power applications. These transformers arc designed for the application conditions normall y cncountcrcd on electric Lltilit power distribution systems. l aser CtCIICc] :111[ 1di/ed a 1L111111111111 na incplatc \+ith bar coded serial number. 14. The paint finish process applies a C]L11aable, corrosion resistant finish t the prod Let. The finish meets or exceeds all the performance rec]L11rcnlcnts of ANSI C57.12.29. )he nuLllti- ti tep process includes an epoxy 13. p ri mer unifiIrnlly applied he cationic clectro- deposition and a Urethane top coat. The following additional featLlre. y self protected type CS P " U nits; 15. P ri mary protective link. 16. are all standard on Surge arrester. 17. Secondar y Circuit breaker. 18. Secondary breaker operating handle ith e m e rg e ncy overload reset and overload signal light. n tv Type CSP" Sr It.) 4 `5 Ratings Type S • 5-833 kVA • 65 C tcnlpcl'aitL11Y rise • 60 hertz standard, 50 hertz optional • Low voltages: 120/240, 240/480 and 277 • I Iigh voitagcs: 2400 th1-0 gh. 34,400 Volts RQ • In ulaticm lccls: Options 480-600 1.2 :0) 2160-2400 5.0 60 4160-4800 8.7 15.0 7; 7200-12470 1 r o nal / 5 k 1 1OI. 12000 e 1. 3200-14400 19920-22900 95 1I. ai u dabic 18.0 25.0 125 150 ritvr i,n/ /25 ' V lilt. 199`'0 e n1l.+ae unable -34400 34.5 200 Standard Features; ]Legs. 2. Arrester mounting pacts. 3. Cover-mounted high voltage porcelain bushings) with eyebolt ternlina] (10-100 kVA) or spade terminal. 4. Low voltage insUllators are available in fiberglass rcinforccd polyester material or porcelain (both eyebolt and spade terminals), 1. lifting 5. Low voltage neLJtral glY1L1nding strap (fU1rnished On 10-50 k\'A single HV hushing Unit s }. 6. ANSI support lugs (hanger brackets). 7. Cover has 13 mils minimum of polyester coating providing 15 kV dielectric insulation of tank ground parts from li ve parts and increased resistance to corrosion. 8. Self venting and resealing cover assembly 9. The core/coil bolt-in pads are 180 apart. 10. Embossed low voltage leads. 11. Oil filled IllLJg\^ith cover ground strap. 12. 'lank g1YaLlnd pad. I'rinl arv Termination • Cover-nloLmtcc] high voltag e porcelain bushing(s)'k+itl-I spin top terminal. • Side-wall mounted high voltage porcelain bUShing(5) with spin top terminal (Standard on all 4800 Volts an(] below ) . • Primar y current li miting backUp fLlyc. Secondar y Termination • I. ow Voltage porcelain Bushings ith NEMA spade terminals (Standard on all units 167 kVA and above). Primary Switching • Externally-operated tap changer. • Externall y-operated dual voltage switch or internal terminal board. OVC'CL11'1'Cnt I'1'I )tC41 on • Intcrnalh- mounted current limiting fuse in ,cries with protective lint . Contact the division for voltages and dimensions on 666 thn ugh 8-i kV'\. Optional Accessories 1.. 1-ligh voltage bushings are of two types and are mad e of wet 1)rocess porcelain; • Speed wrench operable c}°clxolt bushing for cover mounting. • Spin-top bushings for either cover or side-wall n1oLlnt. !. '1^ip changers compensate for small voltage variations along the dlistl - 117L1tion system. 'hue externall y tap changer is a single-phase, design for dc-energized operation. five - position -operatd POWER PARTNERS A dual oltagc itch permits use of the same transformcr on distribution s ystems with different sv°stcm • The MOV polvnncr arresters hL i ndI SL1rgcs of 65,000 ampctrs (small block) and 100,000 amperes (large block). • Secondary C1rCL11t brea kers protect against over- voltages. The CSP protection package consists of four related components that work together to provide complete self contained protection against surge . CL11 1C.nts. short CirCL11ts and ov erloads: • The protective link removes an internally-f a L1lt cd transformer from the primary line, maintaining - l oad s and external sho1 t CirCL11ts. • An optional C LJ rrcnt li miting fLJSC supp]Cmcnts the protective link when the f[L Lilt CLJ1 . 1 - Cnt cxcceds the li nk's rating. Stainless steel tanks and covers arc availLihlc. Serv ice to C thC1 • CLJSton1C1 • S On the e line not serv ed b y the faulted Unit. Overhead Distr ibution Transformers Approximate, +hr, ght5 and dime.. n5iony APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Standard Design 1 ]imcnsions and 'eights (All wcights and diiiicnsions are approximat e . Dimensions may change to meet the customer spec.) Single Phase, 60 HZ, 01SC, 65 Hiss High Voltage (Refer to Division for available tap positions and dimensions for other primary voltages.) Low Voltage 120240 or 2401480 or 277 Standard Performance level g. A E q N E ^ ^in C B 75-100 KVA IIIII IIIII - 0 Liiu q a ^^® ® 1 67 500 KVA q C B 1.5-50 KVA Overall weights and dimensions arc given in pounds, inches or gallons and arc approximatcs A = Ove ll F-Height. 13 = O v crill Width, C; = Overall t)cpth, 1) = Tank Diameter. F. = Hanger Spacing I Phase 34 I ' ' H 36 20 22 I:,. '= 13. ' 5 ] 2 375 5[l 41 44 U P H 22 ,,, 24 ,.+ 11.25 11.25 2U5 236 41 11 2 +- 12 349 3 1S; 17.5 1. 7.5 1. 1.25 11.25 11.."_'> 489 >S 5 510 6U5 29 3] i0 75 49 25 27 20 23.25 850 875 1 00 50 27 28 20 2325 923 968 167 '50 333 58 66 62 38 38 42 33 33 37 24 24 _'+ 23.25 24 24 1475 1820 2040 1542 1885 2110 78 90 82 ^r00 66 1^ +1 _- 36 2850 2950 11)9 FF 10 3 1 .5 117 22 22 25 'is 20 24 24 27 1. 3.2 13.25 1. 7.5 17.5 20 1 1 ._°5 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 !i>> 245 . ?I25 0 37.5 50 38 46 46 51 505 730 526 755 II II 29 28 41 38 75 52 25 28 20 23.25 910 936 IOU 56 2- _)s 20 23.25 98 5 10215 +6 167 'S0 333 56 68 l 38 38 42 33 33 35 24 24 24 23.25 24 24 1430 1969 1970 1495 1930 2041 70 Q1 -5 2960 3U 141 4 27 36 39 111 -Approximate Dimensions shown reference designs with +j- 2.5% 'laps POWER PARTNERS A Transformer Protection Package for Overhead Distribution Transformers - , I ticr I'artncr5 c ffcrS f( )U I I) LbSiC ti iThfo1 111C1 tv'pcs: S, SI': > CI and CS1"`. 'Together they represent a wide ningc of prutcctivc capabilities to meet ncarl every application. Fo r transfornlC.rs suppliCC] \pith OVCrCL11TC.ilt protCCtIon, the user must assure coordination with system protcc- tive devices. F ailure to do so will defeat the PLJ1T)05C of such protection. ti\c link opcl'atcs, taking; the load c)ff tll • tl-;1n^fi 1Inc_IhCforc the corc/coil is damaged. Current-Protecting "CP" Transformers with Current Limiting Fuse This t pc tl'ansformer has the Same characteristics as type "CF plus the ability to ]inhit fault cUJn-cnt to the tran s for m cr. the ® Self-Protected "CSP " Transformers I The CSI coCorclinatcd protcctic)n package is available as an option on Power I' wrtncrs overhead distribution trans- -} Type S forrnCrs for increased protection against 5LJrgC CL1rrCnts, shol't circuits, a nd overloads. tZ LQ Type CSP" S Conventional "S " Transformers Phis t pc ti n fo^rmc1 , cc:ntain5 no protection CCiuipmcnt. Therefore. lightning, fault and overload protection for thes c transfc l'mcrs must he provided by purrllascrin^tallccl. L3utiiliLir\ pre tccti c dciccS. Conventional "5" with Protective Link The protcctivc link is the ] cast cxpcnsivc device nioLinted in the transformer to protect the system if ni a dcfcctive transformer. 1k11cnever tlicre is an intc,-nL11 t'LllIU1 the resulting fault current Wi]] cause the protective link to blow. isolating the transformer fr in the priniwwry feeder. Surge-Protecting "5P" Transformers 1'hc 'SF transformers inclLLlc t1 nSfo I-11101'-111CoLinted lightning arresters and intc 1 'nall y -n1o LJ nta] high voltage protective ]inks, but omit the internally-mounted low volt age circuit brea ker, 'E1lcsc tra nsforniei's arc used in loc ations w111Y li ghtning is a problem. However, bccaLJ c the protective ]ink protects the system only from outages d Lie to internal transformer fail L re, overload protccti on, if cl ircd. mutit Inc Ilrcnidccl I c,tcrmal iLJSOS. Current-Protecting "CP" Transformers v The "CI' transformers are equipped with the intcrnallv kc1- and high voltage -nioutC1lwvagercLtI)1Y. protectiv e links, but omi[ the lightning arresters. Thcse transformers are Llscd in locations whet t lightning is not SL11 C I)1Y.)tCCt10n 1S desired. 1. I'n tcctivc I.inL a) Hcnlo v cs an internally-faUlltcC] transfbrnier from the primary line. b) Operates at to 14 tinics normal full load current. a) Both the current liliiiting fuse and the plutcctiv e link arc fuses working togcthcr to give full range transforl,lrr protection against f ault-Current. I'lIC 1)rotCCtivc li no intcry l'LO ptS an low f alUllt cL11'1'Cnt While the current limiting fuse protects ag ainst fault currents which exceed th e interrupting rating of the protective link. S Features 2. Second ar Conventional "S" with Current-Limiting Fuse and Protective Link a problem. The arrester ma y he crossarm-mc anted if 1 y P r otects Circuit Breaker against overloads and external short c1FCLlits. b) Coordinated itll protectiv e link, trips on an external short or overload before the link blows, and only if th e overload is large or continUous. c) If overload is small or temporary a load managcnlcnt light signals the need for change-out to a lal ;cr unit for more optiniiicd tlansforrncr' loading. 3. MOV Pol v nlc1 • Arrester Provides protection fi • onl lightning and switching S Ll rj?C S. 4. Optional partial-range current 1in1itin fuse (in series with protectiv e link) a) Limits the n1aximun1 current in the circuit. b) Reduces current to zero in less than one-half cvc] c. c) Minimizes th e possihility of eventful f3i11.11' , The CSP` protection package is available on Sinlc phase and three. phase ov cnc e ad distribution transformers in the following ratings: • ;inlc I'llase, LV 120..240, 10-100 kVA • Single Phase, LV 240/480, 10-167 kVA • I'llrec Phase, 30-150 kVA 'rhe breaker and protective link arc coordinate(] Such y - that an f l[ It Or short Cil ULJit on the seCondlar1 sid c of the transformer will trip the breaker before the protcc- POWER PARTNERS Class Designations 1. I'> pcC:al' . alx>c5 W. ]0-100kVA. e Class A: Two tull -i nsulated high voltage bushings, two arresters, two protective links and extcrna] breaker han- dle. Suitable for app]icatic in on either wyc or delta distriIxition systems. Single-position pole mounting in accordance with latest ANSI standards. Class B- 1:'TWo Tulle- insulated high voltage bushings, one arrester, two protective links and external breaker handle. Nornla]]v applied on solidly grounded systems. Class B-2: One full - insulated high voltage hushing, cinc arrester, one protective link and external breaker handle Suitable only for application on solidly grounded distribLition sv v stenls. Single-position pole nioLinting in accordance with latest ANSI standards. Class B-3: Same as class B-2 except with two-position mounting. 2. Type CSF' , 5 kV and below, 10-100 kVA. Similar to Type CSP' above 5 KV except: • Sidewall-mounted primary bushings. • Class B-2 and B-3 not available. y 1. 'Cypc 5, above 5 kV. 10-500 kVA. Class A: Two full - insulated Iiigh voltage bLishings, sLut- able for application on either wye or delta distribution systems. Single-position pole nloUnting in accordance with the latest ANSI standards. Class B -2: One full - insulated high voltage hushing, suitable only for application on Solidly goaLlndCd d istril7LltiOn systems. Single-position pole nic:unting in accordance +ith the latest ANSI standards. Class B-3: Same as class B-2 except with two-position niOUnting. 2. Type 5, 5 kV and below, 10-500 kVA. Similar to Type 5, above 5 k\ except: Siddewa11-n10L1ntedl primar bushings. Only Class A is available. • y F 1 CLASS DESIGNATIONS TYPE CSP HV ABOVE 5 KV 10-irxl KVA 75-100 KVA ANSITYPE'B' LUG 75-100 KVA [ANSITYPE'B'LLl • ( a +- E' =E .. 5i Imo' CLASS A CLASS B -2 <V { I TYPE 'B LUG CLASS DESIGNATIONS TYPE S. HV ABOVE 5 KV. 70-501; KVA 75-100 KVA /ANSITYPE'B' LUG CLASS A> IC KVA POWER PARTNER ii: CLASS A C,n KVA • CLASS B -2 < • CC KVA CLASS B-:r x: 75 KVA Center-Bolt Cover Design [ I1 C CXCILISiVC CCI)tCl'-I)OIt C[ AiCI C]CSI.n is titanclall.] c:n all Power Partners overhead transformers, 5-500 kVA single phase and 30-500 kVA three phase. The cover asscnibly is unique in 1)Oth operation and design. ['11C unlit offers an extraordinary high withstand capability and an extra margin of safety. ' Standard Compliance A. Pressure Venting and Resealing The self-venting cover design meets the pressurC venting and resealing myuil emcnts of ANSI C57.12.20-1997, paragraph "A cover assembly designed fir relief of excessive pressure shall remain effectivel scaled for overloads and external secondary short circuits of the magnitude and duration allowed by industr standards and loading guides, but shall relieve pressure at a minimum of S lbf/in', gage (55.2 kPa) if designee] to reseal; or at a minimum of 20 lhf/in', gage (138 kPa) if designed for pressure relief without resealing. Such OpCRitiiin shall occur before other conlponcnts of the tank are ruptLiI'C] or displaced, and the cover shall remain in position. Manual means of venting the tank before removal of cover shall be provided. No auxiliar pre sUlre relief device is required on Power Partners overhead distribution transformers. The flow rate of the center-bolt cover after venting is significantly higher than that of auxiliary pressure relief devices resulting in increased safety and higher tank withstand capability • y y y Advantages y is pressLJ1-C relief provided by L1nlgLle • Static and d namic venting and resealing capability. • Increased safety provided through higher tank withstand capabilit and auto Matic pressUrC venting c]ulirig cover removal. • No aLlxlliar pressure relief device is required. • Extra insulation provided by thick epoxy coating. • Increased resistance to corrosion provided by sloped cover and thick coating. • Increased resistance to ]eaks and breathing provided by unique gaskcting system. • Simplified maintenance provided by single cover bolt. y y y Features I. Center-bolt cover, cover beam and beam support lug system provide: a) Self- venting and resealing which meets ANSI specifications eliminating the need for an auxiliary pressure relief device. b) 'link withstand capability in excess of the rcgluirenlCnts of NEMA TR1. 2. Increased tank withstand capabilit and automatic lllr.ssurc relief during cover removal result in increased safety. 3. Electrostaticall -applied epoxy coating is a minimum of 13 mils, providing an average of 15 kV dielectric strength to provide extra insulation and protection fi-onl corrosion. 4. The 15' slope of cover prevents moisture from collecting and increases resistance to corrosion and ]caking. 5. Continuous hollow nitriIe gasket, raised and flat bushing cmbossments, undercut gasket scats on bushings, and copper-encased cover bolt gasket provide increased resistance to leaks and breathing. 6. Center cover bolt provides easy cover removal compared to chime ling design, resulting in lower maintenance cost. y y B. Tank withstand The Power Partners overhead tank and cover design provide tank withstand capability far in excess of the 1 v ciui renients of NEMA TR1-2000. Part 2, Page 6, Section Dr "'rest No. I — An Arcing Fault in an Enclosure" "l. First Fault. A sin)Lllatcd internal fault slla]I he provided. This fault shall consist of a 1-inch ale gap mi.iunted horizontally and located 1 inch above the core clamps. This gap shall he bridge(] initi,3lly by a 0.060sinch diameter or smaller copper wire. [lie gap shall Inc connected between the high-voltage terminals or from one high-voltage terminal to ground. The mounting blocks or terminals of the gap shall cc insist of copperbearing material and shall have flat surfaces from 112 to 3/4 inch in diameter or in „idth. 'These gaps shall he designee] to maintain this 1-inch are gap for the duration of the fault. The transformer coil shall not be electrically connected in this test circuit. TIC power Source shall be 7.2 kV and adiuStCC] to supply a current of 8000 rms symmetrical amperes." • POWER PARTNERS As this arcing fault wi]] not be self-clearing, hack-up protection shall be provided to clear the circuit in approximatcly 112 to 1 cycle which is a typical clearing time for an cxtc1'na] clistrllhLJtion fuse CL1toLit. A CL1toLJt \\1th up to 2. Second Fault. For the sccc and fault, the fault dcscrihcc] in item 1 shall he rcpcatccl. This overhead tank and covcr system can withstand a 20,000 Ampere one-inch arc on the specified test. a 25K fuse link Shull he used to provide hack-Lip 1p1'c.)tCCtion. A currant-limiting device, such as a fuse, cannot be includes] in the back-up protection." :ES eoa 700 400 300 200 COQ 10 20 30 zcr.^lT^r.^n:i Y^sdrn POWER PARTNERS W Low Voltage Spark Gap An internal 1(n+ +oltage spark };ap has been dc+cic )hed aO a means of protection for distribution transformers against secondare side. surges. The Electric Utility Indutitrr has been eoncerncd about transformer failures attrihUted to secondar y surges, a]though the f(;11L11 - C rate is estimated to be ]css than P5% per year. The entilr sLlbject is Very complex. bU t the phenomenon is very much related to system parameters, such as, house and pole groU nd resistance, length and type of service drrip, and transformer load. - I'he sU rgc impedance of the transformer coil is also a significant flctor. resulting in units larger than 50 kVA being t y pically imrnLinC from this type of failU re. The Power Partners spark gap will provide the same degrees of protection as any other method presently avai]ablc, and at a significantly lower cost. Apphoation The spark gap is mounted internally between the low voltage line hushing and the low voltage nCLltral and is designed to arc oVC1- (]Li ling low Voltage sakes to protect the transformer +in(Iings. Testing I',.ti li',1Listive testing has proven that (1) the internal spark g i p operates under surge conditions to protect the transformer winding, (2) the arc is extinguished Under high acailahle fhLJlt current conditions, and (3) the Operation of the internal spark gap, under maxim urn oil temperature conditions, and,+ith a wide range of oil vapor to air ratios, does not result in the development of an unsafe condition. This extensive testing proves conclusively that the internal spark gap provides the same degree of protection as that provided by interlaced secondary windings, low voltage MOV arresters, and external spark gaps. Advantage 1.',ffccti+c — prevents low-side surge failures. Cost effective — a spark gap is considerably lower in cost than the other suggested methods of prevention. Reliable — a spark gap does not degrade the overall transformer Or the s y stem reliability Easy installation — the internal spark gap can he easily retrofitted onto existing transformers. The spark gap mounted internally on the LV neutral bushirra with the electrodes connected to the X1 and X3 bushings. 10 POWER PARTNERS JUMBO "Step Down" Overhead Distribution Transformer "J LUI4'1fkJ I)1 St l'i1]Lltic 1I 1i 1111Sto1111C I'} a1'C C Icsi8nc(1 as single phase, two-winding transformers—specifically for "Step-Down" applications. T R Y ^ 0l. Pin )totvpe testing 1nsL11'Cti tIIC , ]L1111I7o design Call meet 1TIC]L15trV short CircLlit standards and prov ide reliable service. 7. Self-venting and resealing cover eliminates the need for an auxiliary pressure relief device and offers increased safety- through higher tank withstand. 8. ANSI suppc. 1 1-t lugs (hanger brackets) are rod-welded to the tank wall for added strength. 9. Anodized alL1nlinLln1 laser inscribed nameplate oilers 1 5L3L) Standard Features y 1! ii 1. Lo-Hi-Lo cc it design divides the short cil'CLllt force between two low-high spaces increasing the short circuit strength of the. coil. 2. 'Roo winding construction yields a much higher i mpedance than 15 characteristic of a n auto transformcr which helps limit the mechanical forces the. Unit 01 List Sustain dUring faLllt CdL1tV. Progressively wound coils with adhesive resins on thermally upgraded insulating paper provide increased short circuit and thermal strength. 4. Sheet con(]Llctor in IV windings enables the electrical centers in the high and low to align thcrrselv'cs n1inimizing the vertic al component of short cul - CU1t fortes. 5. Rcinfiirced core-coil assembly provides greater sho r t cin uit ithstand capability. 3. POWER PARTNERS longer term readability 10. Lifting lugs are positioned directl y opposite the cover beam Support lugs, reCdU sing the chance of the tank going out of round when lifted. 11. Cover mounted high voltage porcelain bushings with cvcuolt terminals are m[1Llntcd on flat embossments on th e cover and have Undercut gasket scats for improved scaling. 'Pie eyebolt connectors are cast bronze plated with tin, 12. Low voltage porcelain bushings with clamp-type t e rminals provide case in making secondar y terminations. 13. Arrester r e. unting pads are resistance welded to the tank wall. completely and unifi rmh filling the surfaces where p ad and tank wall join, to pride greater strength. 14. The p aint finish process applies a CILJ1 - a blc , corrosion resistant finish to the product. 'f'hc finish meets or exceeds all the perfon'mance rCL-JLJ cmcnts of ANSI C57.12.28. The multi-step process includes an epoxy y primer uniforml applied by cationic cicctrodcposition and a Urethane top coat. Ratings • 50-500 kVA • 65°C Rise • 60 Hertz standard. 50 Herb optional • I ligh voltages: 7200, 14400 and 19920 • Low voltagcs: 2400, 4800, 7200, 7620, 7970 Standard Design Dimensions and Weights JUMBO LIQUID IMMERSED OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER TYPE S. HV ABOVE 5 KV, 100 KVA ANSI TYPE '`B" LUG ANSI TYPE '`B" LUG 'A Q I I m ® m m I I A I I I I I I I I I I I I LV > 600 VOLTS 5000 VOLTS LV 5000 VOLTS A]] Approximatc 1.)imcnsions shown rcfcrcncc dcsigns with -/-2.5% Taps umhv t H -5 Not A vai]ablc 100 167 +5 58 t; 24 28 25 !U 75U 785 52 52 31 33 31 37 31 33 22 27 1095 2010 1150 2090 41 37 33 '- 23 • +U 1.i.i[l 88 85 45 45 37 39 33 36 27 27 2400 3Ub> 2500 ,1(» 120 5[1 333 5[1U 5i (9 64 : 88 Ovcntll , eights and i ncnsions are givcn in potmdti. inchcs or gallons and are approximates A = Overall 1-lcight. I3 = Overall Width. C = Ovci^ill 1)cpth, L) = 'link 1)i amctcr 12 POWER PARTNERS Three Phase Triplex Overhead Distribution Transformer die I'cn+cr Partners li'iplcx c.l\cilieacl diStl'11}Llt1[11i tCansformer can be Used to serve three phase applications through 225 kVA. 'Triplex designs consist of three scparatc single-phase core-coil assemblies in one. tank. No 11 Q 1 - 45 EA Triplex overhead distribU tion transformers are often used to serve large motor loads Hhere the motors are fi • egL1Cntl1' started. Oil field 1]Llnlping loads and sonic irrigation pLlnlping loads shoL1lrl use onl y triplex designs. Also, the 1hplcx transformer has international applications here 1)v 9 and Dv 11 phase displacement are rer]L111'cd. Ratings • 30-225 k\A • 65 > C rise • 60 Hertz standard, 50 Hertz optional • High Voltages: 13800 and below • Low Voltages: 208Y,120, 240 x 480, and 480Y,277 • 'Transformer Bll., Ratings Transformer Primary 'Transformer BIL 2400 60 kV 4160 60 kV 7200 75 kV 8320 75 kV 12000 95 kV 12470 95 kV 13200 95 kV 13800 95 kV POWER PARTNERS Advantages • liasicr, cleaner installations are provided by thvcc phase overhead transformers compared ti l thrce single-phase units. • Reduced installation costs, lower operating costs, safer operation, minirniied service disruptions, and increased tlansfbrincr life. provided by an optional CSP protection package. • The capability to serve large motor loads requiring frequent motor starting is provided by triplex designs. • The same design, nlanL1factLlring and perforniance advantages that are provided on Power Partners single phase overhead distlihution t1 ansforn c s are incorporated into the triplex design. Features ]. \d1L1nC1 core with step-lap joints for increased efficienc y and lower noise levels. 2. I'rogressiVC]V wOLlnd coils with adhesive resins on insulating paper or conductors for increased shortcircuit strength, efficiency and thermal strength. 3. CSP protection package available as an option for increased protection against surge currents. short circuits and overloads: • I'limar y protective links • SUl gC arresters • Secondar y circuit breaker • Secondary breaker operating handle with cmcrgency overload reset and overload signal light. 4. Three point core-coil bracing for increased mechanical strength. 5. Self-venting and resealing cover that eliminates the need for an auxiliary= pressure relief device and offers increased safet y through higher tank withstand. 6. The paint finish process applies a ciurable. corrosion resistant finish to the product. The finish meets or exceeds all the performance requirements of ANSI C57.12.28. The multi-step process includes an epoxy primer uniformly applied by cationic cicctrodcposition and a L11tithane top coat. 7. Cover has 13 mils minimum of polyester coating providing 15 kV dielectric insulation of tank groU nd parts from live parts and increasing resistance to corrosion. The cover is sloped 15 preventing water from collecting, thereby reducing the chances of corrosion and leaking. 8. 'Tank bottom rim is three lavers thick for increased cdurability and resistance to shipping and handling c] am age. Standard Design Dimensions and Weights (All weights and dimensions are approximate.) HV > 5000 HV < 5000 Overall weights and dimensions are given in pnun(IS, inches or gallons and are approximates A = Overall Height. I; = Overall Width, C = [hcrall 1)cpth, 1) = 'fink 1)iamctcr. E = Hanger Spacing : . 1; 14 tl ic_ dktance bet ccn the I • Liin er Iwackcts. POWER PARTNERS Three Phase "T-connected" Overhead Distribution Transformer I'll c I'cn+cr I'L1 rtncrH I'-Omncctcd. c cnccaaC1 Llistl'117L1tii ill transformer can he used to serve most three phase applications up to 500 kVA. "'1'-connected" transformers consist of two single-phase core/coil assemblies. This tYpc of connection is also re1c1'red to as a "Scott-T O connection. " '1-connected", overhead distribution tninstornicr can be used to serve most three-phase applications. However,'1'riplex designed three phase transformers are needed for sonic applications where large motors arc the lc ac] and these motors are frequently started. Oil fi eld pumping loads and some irrigation pumping loads She )ulcl use only the triplex designs. A Ratings • ;;[1-500 kVA • 65'C rise • 60 Hertz standard, 50 Hertz optional • High Voltages: 13800 and below • Low Voltages: 208'1120, 240T x 480'1; and 480 17277 • 'Transformer 1311. Ratings li-an storm cr Primary 'li-ansformcr BIL 240U'F 60 kV 4160T 60 kV 4800'1' 60 kV 7200T 75 kV 75 kV 8320T 95 kV 12000'1' 12470'1' 95 kV 95 kV 13200T 13 SOOT 95 kV Advantages • Easier, iii ore economical and cleaner installations are provided by three phase overhead transformers compared to three single-phase units. • Lighter weight Lind lower cost Mded by "T-connected" design compared to conventional three-phase design. • Elimination of overloads from s y stem unbalance by operating -- --connected transformers without I)1I'ma1'1' groLlitcis. • Avoidance of transformer neLJt1'al 1'CCquircrncnt since third harmonic currents on "'I'-ccmnected" teinsformcrs are negative s UjUicnCC not 1Y'CgL111'ing a gi - ound path. • Reduced installation costs, lower operating cost, safer operation, minimized service disruptions and increased tlansformc,- life provided by optional CSI' coordinated protection package. • The same design, manufacturing and performance advantages that arc provided on Power Partners single phase overhead distilliution transformers are incorporated into " •1'-connectcc] -• design. p1A POWER PARTNERS Features 1. We uiid core with step-lap joints for increased effcicncy and lower noise levels. 2. Progressively wound coils ++ith adhesive resins on insUllating paper or condLJCtorS for Increased shortcircuit strength and thermal strength. 3. - 11irec point core-coil bracing for increased mechanical strength. 4. CS! > protection package available as an option for increased protection against Surge CL11'1Y.nts, short circuits and overloads; • Primary° protective links • Surge arresters • Secondar y circuit breakers • Secondary breaker operating handle with emergency overload reset and overload signal light. 5. Self-venting and resealing cover that eliminates the need for an auxiliary pressure relief device and offers increased safety through higher tank withstand. 6. The paint finish process applies a durable, corrosion resistant finish to the pi - odLiCt. ' Pie finish meets or exceeds all the performance rcy . i 'cments of ANSI 057.12.29. The nlUllti-step process inclLides an epoxy y primer uniforml applied by cationic clectrodcposition and a Urethane top coat. 7. Cover has 13 mils minimum if polyester coating providing 15 KV dielectric insulation of tank ground parts from live parts and increasing resistance to corrosion. The cover is sloped 15 preventing water from collecting, thereby reducing the chances of corrosion and leaking, R. 'Sank bottom rim is three la y ers thick for increased CILlrability and resistance to shipping and hLin(11ing damage. Standard Design Dimensions and Weights (All Weights and dimensions are approximate.) A A HV 5000 HV r 5000 Overall weights and dimensions are given in pounds, inches or ga]]ons and are approximates A = Overall Hei ,ht. H = Overall Width. C = Overall Depth, 1) ='Kink 1)i;3inetcr. F = Hanger Spacing 3 Phase 7' - T Connected 1:3 ._. 26 +5 ^': 112.5 1511 225 ][3 40 2 1) 4$.4 43 2 57 57 61 64 28 28 30 30 34 22 _21 24 5 47 36 36 36 36 •i5 54 54 29 33 28 28 10 40 1 12.5 1511 62 62 61 33 40 37 30 30 34 22 22 24 69 11 36 27 80 45 42 27 725 ;[3[1 500 _. I._=. 29 33 31 40 37 41 11.2) 2 3.25 43 .25 36 36 99' ] li r. ; 1530 177(1 2215 750 3560 720 1035 1.175 1625 1. 8.40 2303 2860 3650 =, tt 5' 62 70 81 98 118 .1)1) .3- it 905 11-5 965 1225 43 50 1505 1 - 25 1565 1780 2275 59 65 84 36 2285 3 2915 3015 100 3815 3900 123 E is the distance between the hanger brackets. All Approximate Dimensions shown reference designs with +j-2.5%'hips 16 POWER PARTNERS Distribution Transformer Testing I'Ii s It ver I'titnci'S ('cnnmitmcnt to manuf;dctLll'C C]Liallt distrilxition transformers is backed by a series of transfornier tests usCC] tot enT Confitrrnancc to performancc characteristics OL1tlinCC] in the latest ix visions of ANSI C57.12.00 and ANSI 057.12.90. '171csc identified tests arc a]so part of the Quality System which is aUldited semi annuall y h 1)h°f N0SKP, VF' RI'1AS (1DNV) to the ISO St andarc]s. Testing Program Factory tests are performed on a transformer to confirl,1 that it is properly designed and constructed to carry rated load and that it will withstand the conditions it viii be exposed to in service. Each transformer nun LifactLired by Power Partners n1 List undergo a series of tests. I. Polarity, Phase-Relation. and Ratio 2. Applied Voltage Test of the HV 3. Applied Voltage Test of the LV 4. InC]L!CCC] Vo]tagC'lest 5. No-Load (Excitation) Loss and Excitation Current 6. Circuit Breaker Tcst (for CSP transformers only) 7. Impedance Voltage and Load Loss 8. hill \X! e Impulse 9. ContinL11tV wreck Test Facilities • lllc multi-station, automated test facilities are operated by process control Con1pLltera. ECClL11i'C(] interaction with test floor personnel is minimal with the ConlpLlters initiating and monitoring each test, and then analyzing the test rYsL11ts feedback. The computers are programmed to condUCt tests according to ANSI standards, and according to the ratings of each transformer style, the test floor computer initiate appropriate test sctUllls, compare results with established ANSI standard limits, and determine acceptance for each tested unit. Will • 1110 test 1'CSLllts for each Unit are recorded and Stored on cornpi.ltcr files for acces and analysis. Polarity, Phase-Relation, and Ratio Tests • Ilicse tests verify proper phase-relation (t111Y.e phase), ratio, and polarit y (single ph as c) of the transformer L1nClCr test. To pass, unit nUSt demonstrate the proper polaris or phase-relation and have a tLii-ns ratio within one-half of one percent if the nominal vi iltage ratio. L3 Applied Voltage Test of the HV I I is test checks the dielectric integrity of insulation stl'LiCtL11Y.s between the high voltage and low Voltage, and between the high voltage and ground. A pass/fail decision is ma(]c b y nlonitoi ing the test current intensit y. If the resulting current is larger than specified normal leakage and capacitive currents, the Unit is rejected. This test is omitted for transformers vOth a llcrnlaincntlygroundcd high voltage winding. POWER PARTNERS Applied Voltage Test of LV Phis dielectric test is similar to the Applied Voltage test of the high voltage circuitry except that the integrity of insU lation structures between the low voltage and the high voltage, and between the low voltage and ground is checked. A pass-fail decision is made by monitoring the test current intensity. If the resulting current is larger than specified normal leakage and capacitive current, the Unit is rejected. Induced Voltage Test file I u pose of this test is to verify the dielectric strength of turn to turn, layer to layer, phase to phase, and other insulation structures within the transformer windings b y i nducing an overvoltage condition (at higher than nctrm:31 frC(]LienCV to avoid saturation of the core). The test CLJ1'1'C'tlt monitored, and if it exceeds limits specified for each transformer, the unit is rejected. 15 No-Load Loss and Excitation Current This test measures the no-loaf] tcxcitation) loss and tl-c transformer exciting current with rated voltage applied. If the exciting current and/or the no-load loss exceed the li mits specified, the transformer is rejected. Circuit Breaker Test (for C$P transformers only) Phis test veiifies the 1)n )per c peration of the low voltage circuit breaker under fault conditions. The breaker is require(] to operate within a specified time Under a sitni.ilatc(] fa3Lllt. Impedance Voltage and Load Loss This test measures the load loss and the impedance voltage at rated Current. The load loss and the impedance voltage 1)1utit be vtitl in specified limits. Full Wave Impulse The impulse test is one of several tests designee] to verify the dielectric strength of the man y insulation structures ,, ithin the distribution transformer against line voltage surges. It is performed to comply with ANSI standards and fOr quality assurance. The change in the ANSI standard in 1993 required all manufacturers t0 install fault detection sensitive enough to detect a single turn short. Continui ty Check This test is perti irnied on all transformer' to verify transformer C1rCL11t and component integrit y . This test is performed with an c ihmmeter to verify that the internal wiring is correct. The transformer's nameplate is compared to manufacturing information for sty]c, serial number, kVA, HV rating, LV rating. tap voltages, impedance, con LiCtor materials and coil 131L rating. The bushings, electrical accessories, and Fuses are verified. dl A. Magnitu dC Special Tests Sc I1 tests arc performcd at the option of the customer Sound 'Vesting ANSI standa1Y1S define the WLluircd SOLInd 1CVCls for transformer bLlt SOniC CLJStOr11C'S Specif y reduced SoUln(1 ]cvcls. The Sound generated by a transformer is affected by the core geometry, flux density, tank design, and the. quality of assernbl\ : of all the transformer components i i t a completed unit. tic )u rid tests arc made with the unit powered at 100% and 1.10° of rated voltage undclno-load conditions. Temperature Tests C losses and coil IIlyses arc the plltllar y sOL11 - CCS Of heating within the transformer. Our transforrnci's arc guaranteed to have an average coil inding t(niperaturc of no more than 65' C rise over ambient air tcrn1cratL11 -C when operated at rated voltage and ]oad conditions. 'ncc temperature test is performed to dctcrlllinC the thcrrna] characteristics of tllc transformer and to Vcrifv that tllc~G= arc within design limits. Calibration k t C(JL11p11iCllt is calibrated on a SChC(1111C(1 basis by trainee] technicians. Calibration rccolYls arc maintained in accordance with the Quality System procedures. 'These arc audited SCnl1 annuall y by 17NV in accordance with ISO. Short Circuit Withstand Capabilities 1 )i tl'117Lltio ll ti i fi rincrS arI LJ hjCCtC(1 to 1 external short Circuits on the sccondar y side.. SUCK external faults can develop on the service Zinc, in the house wiring or - in connected loads due to tnLlnieroUS environnictltal 1 - casons. These faults can he line-to-groU1nd. CIOUNc ]1 nC-tog1YlLlndj 111' line-to-line. To meet these operating conditions, the American National Standard 1tlmtitutC (ANSI) has sct standards conccrning short circuit \tithstand capability These standard n 1'CClUil - c that di tr ibL1tion transfori-ners shal] be designed and Constructed to withstand th mechanical and thermal Stl - CSSC5 pod Uced by these eternal short Cil- CL11t5. I'hc current standards 1l • lating to short circuit strength arc ANSI C57. 12.00 hich sets the short circuit withstand requirements for distrilbutlon transformers and ANSI C7.12.90 which provides procedures for short citruit testing. For distribution transformers, the magnitude of the short cir - cuit Current, th i1L1nlhers of Shot - t-circuit tests and the duration of each short circuit test are defined bV ANSI 5tandaids its follows. 37.5-100 1.6 -500 112.5-300 500 750-2500 11G1,„ base Current (Symmetrical} per unit tor- all clistribution tlansf(rmch with sccondari • rated (50(1 V and belt w. The shun circuit current will be Iimitecl b y the transfurmelimhec[ancc . nly. B. Number of'lcsts Each phase of the transformer shall he subjected to a total of six tCSts, foul - with s y mmetrical fault currents and two with asvninlctrlcal faLllt currents. C. Duration of Short Circuit '[csts WIIell Sho1 - t C11'CLlit tests are pC 1'f[ 11'n1CC1 tIIC Cl umtion of each test shall he (1.2 s except that one test satisf ying the symmetrical current rccluil-cnlcnt shall be made for a longer (lunation on distrihutii n transformers. The duration of the long test in each cLisc shall he as follows: Category 1: T=12501I' li r e T i the CiUI]'ation in seconds, And 1=1,I1 R =svrnnlctrica] short circuit current, in 1,1ultiplcs of normal base cur r ilt CXCCpt I Shall not exceed the maxinlLllll SVn1nletrcal CL11'lcnt nlaf.41lItL1C1C5li tcd in A. \Vli r-e 1,.=1 h .%=symmetrical short circuit current. in rills amperes I k =rated cur - rent on the given tap connection, in rnls amperes Z T =tlainsfornlcr impedance on the given tap connection in pd- Unit on the same apparent power base as 1R Catcgor-y 11: T=1.0 second Criteria of Satisfactor y Pc1-fornlance According to ANSI Standards a Unit is considered to have passed the test if it passes a 1 • isUJ l inspection and cliC]Cctric tests. Rcconlnlcndcd adcliti[ )Il;1l checks include examination of wave shape of terminal voltage and current, leakage impedance nicasurcnlcnt and excitation current test. (I:cfcr to ANSI 057.12.90.) The standart allows the following variations in the lcakage impedance: Z T (Per Units) 0.0299 or less 0.0300 or more Percentage Variation 22.5-5UU (T) 7.5 Z T =per Unit impedance of the transformcr' POWER PARTNERS Paint Finish Process I'll I'aI'tncrH fact O r •, utili/,c y a paint finish process called "2CEC' . a ti idcmal'I, for a two-coat cathodic C]Cctrodeprsition i int pre ce55. ' ['1115 new ad anced coating technique maintains the structural integrity of transfornlcrs that arc subjected to the long-term corrosive cnvironmcnts of coastal areas and 1n(]Lltit1'1al contanlinants. Paint Process Cathc dic cicctrodcposition of paint occurs when direct current is applied to positively charged resin micelles dispersed in water. The resin micelles migrate toward the cathode [transformer tank) and are deposited in a proccss known as electrophoresis. As the process continues, the thickness of the deposit builds, resistance increases, a n(] the film reaches a thickness limit. The most acccssihlc area,, are coated first, but as the resistance increases. less accessible areas coat. producing a highly uniform fil m hU11ld. Two -coat cathodic c]Cctrodeposition is the application of two coats of paint (epoxy primcl'lacrvlic L11'('tll',3i1C t[ pcc it). Iii or to welding to the tank shc]l stamped external hardWare SLJch as Banger brackets and lifting lugs air vih1'atorV f1nishcc] to renmove bLlrrs and inSLJre. a smooth rad1L15 edge to a]]ow consistent edge coating. An eight-stage dip process provides two cleaning steps to Conip]CtClV 1'CnioVC ILlhrlcants and soils. A zinc phosphate coating is applied to enhance corrosion prntcction by providing tighter, more consistent coating than the. tvpical]V L1 y cd iron phosphate. The use of (]Cionizcd water in the final rinse stages insures that the surface is free of salts and ions that caul(] bate]- provide sites for corrosion initiation. All pretreatment stages arc immcrsion stages, which assLlres complete and total coverage. The cicctrodcposition process assures complete and consistent coverage of the entire tank including complex shapes such as fins, hanger brackets, and lifting lugs. is "2CEC" proccss allows us to optimiic the performancc of the Ilrimcr and topcoat indepcndentl to maximize corrosion protection and LlltraViolCt li.,ht resistancc while maintaining superior mechanical properties. Faint process conSiStCncV is assured through aLltonlated paint feed and monitoring of a real tinlc basis. Paint s y stcnl operators monitor and audit the proccss. Advantages of the Process - 111 coo er'agc of complex shapes, f? edges and corners, hanger brackets, ground pads, and tank bottoms. 2. Access into partially closed areas, such as inside the hanger brackets. 3. High solids film eliminates sagging problems. 4. Minimal orgLinic solvcnt content. 1 11ClLICIin POWER PARTNERS ANSI Standal'd C57.12.28 served as the benchmimrk for perfornlance on the tests ]istcd below. The test results clearly indicate the two-coat cathodic clectrodcpositic.ln to be a leader in corrosion resistance, while maintaining excellent performance in all areas of the ANSI stan(]amd. "2Cf?C" passed 'Lill the tests listed here. Salt Spray Test Panels are scribal to bare metal and tested for 1000 hours in a 5% salt spray per ASTM 8117-85E1 and cvaluatcd per ASl'M D1654-79A. Loss of adhesion fn.)m bare metal niLltit not exceed amore than 1;S" from the scribe. Undcrfilnl corrosion must not exceed more than 1/16" fR)nl the scribe. Crosshatch Adhesion Test Panels arc scribed to bare metal with a crosshatch pattern and tested per ASTM 1)3359-83. '1'llcrc m utit Inc. 100% adhesion to the bare nieta] and between lavers. Humidity Test Paint Pretreatment 1. Cc )I nlllctc and L1111fo1 ANSI C57.12.28 Performance Requirements Pancl y must be tested for 1000 hours in accordance with ASTM 1)2247-86A. 'There m Llst be no blisters. Impact Test 'Petit panels wcrc impact((] per ASTM 172794-84 at 160 in.]b. c )f i mpact. 'Thee( must be not chipping of the paint on the_ impact side of the test panel. Oil Resistance Test Oil resistancc testing, is condUctcc] at both 100C and ambient for 72 hoots.'1'llcrc mutt Ibc no apparent changes, such as color shift, blisters, loss of hardness, or streaking. Ultra violet Accelerated Wca thering Test ) 'lhst panels I1lLust be cxposcc] fell' 5l l ( Il(1L11S in accordance with ASTM 153-84. Loss of gloss must not exceed 50% of the original gloss as described in ASTM 1)523-85E1. Abrasion Resistance—Taber Abraser Test - .I'hc total coating system 111L15t 13C tCtitcd using a CS-10 wheel, 1000-g1'.lnl weight, in accordance with ASTM 1)4060-84. The numhcr of abrasion 1 —. quired to wear the coating through to thc substnitc nLJst be at lcast 3000 cycles. The ANSI C57.120.28 test resLllts clearl y indicate the twocoat cathodic C]Cctrodcposition is a leader in corrosion resistance while maintaining cxce]]ent performance in all areas of the ANSI standard. The two-coat cathodic elcctrodcposition maintains consistent, L1nifo1'nl paint coveragc over the entire product, with nc) 1'Llns or sags, and offering a sLJperior coating on dist1-ibution transformers.