LOSSY TRANSMISSION LINE MODELING AND SIMULATION USING SPECIAL FUNCTIONS by Bing Zhong ______________________ A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 2006 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA GRADUATE COLLEGE As members of the Dissertation Committee, we certify that we have read the dissertation prepared by Bing Zhong entitled Lossy Transmission Line Modeling and Simulation Using Special Functions and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy _______________________________________________________________________Date: 05/02/2006 Steven L. Dvorak, Ph.D. _______________________________________________________________________Date: 05/02/2006 Kathleen Melde, Ph.D. _______________________________________________________________________Date: 05/02/2006 Olgierd A. Palusinski, Ph.D. Final approval and acceptance of this dissertation is contingent upon the candidate’s submission of the final copies of the dissertation to the Graduate College. I hereby certify that I have read this dissertation prepared under my direction and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement. ________________________________________________ Date: 05/02/2006 Dissertation Director: Steven L. Dvorak, Ph.D. 3 STATEMENT BY AUTHOR This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree at The University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this dissertation are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the Graduate College when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author. Bing Zhong 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisors, Dr. Steven Dvorak and Dr. John Prince, for their guidance and support in my work. I would like also to thank my committee members, Dr. Kathleen Melde, and Dr. Olgierd A. Palusinski for reviewing my dissertation. I am very grateful to Dr. Tingdong Zhou, Dr. Zhaohui Zhu, and Dr. Mehdi M. Mechaik for their previous work on this research. I am indebted to the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) who provided the funding for this project. I would like to thank all members of Center for Electronic Packaging Research. They are Betsey Lyons, Xing Wang, Dr. Yi Cao, Dawei Fu, Zhen Zhou, Guang Chen, and Lin Zhu. Best wishes to Dawei Fu on recovery! Finally, I appreciate support from my wife and my daughter. 5 To my family & In memory of Dr. John L. Prince 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... 11 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND...................................................................................... 24 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 24 2.2 TEM Assumption .................................................................................................. 24 2.3 Interconnect Models.............................................................................................. 25 2.3.1 Lumped Element Model ................................................................................ 25 2.3.2 Distributed Element Model ........................................................................... 26 2.4 Telegrapher’s Equation ........................................................................................ 27 2.5 Interconnect Properties Characterized by Distributed Elements .................... 34 2.5.1 Frequency Dependent Resistance and Inductance Parameters................. 35 2.5.2 Frequency Dependent Capacitance and Conductance Parameters .......... 39 2.5.3 Examples of The Frequency Dependent Line Parameters ......................... 40 2.6 Propagation functions for typical lines ............................................................... 44 2.7 The Internal Relationships Between the Distributed Elements ........................ 45 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL ALGORITHMS FOR LOSSY INTERCONNECT MODELING AND SIMULATION ............................................................................... 47 3.1 General Transmission Line Macromodeling Techniques ................................. 48 3.1.1 Direct Discretization of Transmission Lines................................................ 48 3.1.2 Convolution of the Impulse Response .......................................................... 50 3.1.3 Recursive Convolution Method .................................................................... 55 Pade Approximations of the Characteristic Admittance and Propagation Function................................................................................................................. 56 The Recursive Convolution Scheme ......................................................... 58 Properties of Recursive Convolution Methods ......................................... 60 3.1.4 Method of Characteristics ............................................................................. 61 Brainin’s Method and Chang’s Method .................................................... 62 W-Element ................................................................................................ 64 3.1.5 Spectral Methods............................................................................................ 66 3.1.6 Least-Square Approximation........................................................................ 67 Standard Least-Square Algorithms ........................................................... 68 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued The Vector Fitting Algorithm ................................................................... 71 3.2 Model Order Reduction Algorithms Based on Moment Matching .................. 73 3.2.1 Single Moment Matching .............................................................................. 76 Direct Single Moment Matching............................................................... 76 Matrix Rational Approximation................................................................ 77 3.2.2 Multiple Moment Matching .......................................................................... 78 CHAPTER 4 SIMULATION OF LOSSY TRANSMISSION LINES WITH FREQUENCY INDEPENDENT LINE PARAMETERS USING SPECIAL FUNCTIONS……. .......................................................................................................... 81 4.1 Frequency-Domain Expressions for the Responses of Lossy Transmission Lines with FILP........................................................................................................... 83 4.2 Time-Domain Expressions for the Far-End Voltage Responses of Lossy Transmission Lines with FILP................................................................................... 84 4.2.1 The Unit-Step Voltage Response................................................................... 84 4.2.2 The Exponentially Decaying Signal Voltage Response............................... 86 4.2.3 Ramp Signal Voltage Response..................................................................... 87 4.3 Solutions for the Three Key Integrals for the Voltage Responses .................... 88 4.4 Time-Domain Expressions for the Near-End Current Responses of Lossy Transmission Lines with FILP................................................................................... 94 4.4.1 Unit-Step Signal Current Response.............................................................. 94 4.4.2 The Exponentially Decaying Signal Current Response .............................. 95 4.4.3 The Ramp Signal Current Response ............................................................ 96 4.4.4 Solutions for the Key Integrals for the Current Responses ....................... 96 4.5 Numerical Validations of the Voltage and Current Responses....................... 100 4.5.1 Definitions for the Source Signals............................................................... 101 4.5.2 Validation of the Voltage Responses .......................................................... 103 4.5.3 Validation of the Current Responses.......................................................... 109 CHAPTER 5 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF LOSSY TRANSMISSION LINES WITH FREQUENCY DEPENDENT LINE PARAMETERS USING DISPERSIVE HYBRID PHASE-POLE MACROMODELS ................................... 114 5.1 Analysis of the Properties of Lossy Transmission Lines with FDLP ............. 116 5.2 Development of a Frequency-Domain DHPPM for Frequency-Dependent Lossy Interconnects................................................................................................... 122 5.3 Validation of the Frequency-Domain DHPPM ................................................ 126 5.4 Development of a Time-Domain DHPPM for Frequency-Dependent Lossy Interconnects.............................................................................................................. 141 5.4.1 Expression for the Triangular Impulse Response..................................... 142 5.4.2 Expression for the Trapezoidal Response.................................................. 144 5.5 The Time-Domain DHPPM for Coupled Lines................................................ 145 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued 5.6 Application of the Closed-Form Results to the Simulation of Transmission Lines with FDLP........................................................................................................ 149 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ............................................ 161 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS.................................................................... 164 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 165 9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Pin count and off-chip frequencies over the next decade ................................ 15 Figure 1.2 Diagram of a node-to-node bus ....................................................................... 17 Figure 1.3 Equivalent circuit of the node-to-node bus...................................................... 17 Figure 2.1 Some typical interconnection structures: a) microstrip, b) stripline, c) coplanar line............................................................................................................................. 26 Figure 2.2 The lumped element model for the interconnection. ....................................... 26 Figure 2.3 The simplified distributed element model for the interconnection.................. 27 Figure 2.4 The field lines on a coaxial TEM transmission line ........................................ 28 Figure 2.5 The equivalent circuit for a short section of a short section of an interconnection. ......................................................................................................... 31 Figure 2.6 The relationship between the frequency and the skin depth for a copper conductor................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 2.7 A comparison of the per unit length resistance R, inductance L, conductance G, and capacitance C for some common interconnect structures .................................. 43 Figure 2.8 A Comparison of absolute values of the propagation functions for three different types of interconnect lines. ......................................................................... 44 Figure 3.1 The direct discretization of a single lossy transmission line ........................... 49 Figure 3.2 Method of Characteristics (MC) equivalent circuit. ........................................ 63 Figure 3.3. A simple interconnect model. ......................................................................... 75 Figure 3.4 The single Moment Matching Techniques (MMT) case ................................. 79 Figure 3.5 The multiple Moment Matching Techniques (MMT) case ............................. 80 Figure 4.1 The cross-section of a microstrip line with W=5µm, t=2µm, T=10µm, l=5cm, and εr=4.4. ............................................................................................................... 101 Figure 4.2 Time-domain triangle input ........................................................................... 101 Figure 4.3 Time-domain trapezoidal input...................................................................... 102 Figure 4.4The SPICE simulation scheme for the transmission line with FILP .............. 106 Figure 4.5 Comparison of the unit-step responses of the FILP between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results. ........................................................................................ 106 Figure 4.6 Comparison of the TIR of the FILP lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results ......................................................................................... 107 Figure 4.7 Comparison of the exponential decaying response of the frequencyindependent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results........... 107 Figure 4.8 Comparison of the exponential decaying sine response of the frequencyindependent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results........... 108 Figure 4.9 An enlarged part of Figure 4.7 showing the numerical issues in the HSPICE results ...................................................................................................................... 108 Figure 4.10 Comparison of the unit-step signal current response of the frequencyindependent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results........... 110 Figure 4.11 Comparison of ramp signal current response of the frequency-independent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results ............................... 110 10 LIST OF FIGURES - Continued Figure 4.12 Comparison of the exponential decaying signal current responses of the frequency-independent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results for three cases.......................................................................................................... 112 Figure 5.1 The time-domain output waveforms obtained for a MCM line for a 10ps triangle impulse input.............................................................................................. 119 Figure 5.2 The frequency-dependent behaviors of the (a) R and (b) L parameters for a typical on-chip, MCM, and PCB lossy line. ........................................................... 128 Figure 5.3 The magnitudes and phases of in the propagation function, the residue series data of HPPM and DHPPM for the on-chip lossy interconnect.............................. 131 Figure 5.4 A comparison between the propagation function for an on-chip interconnect modeled by different macromodels in terms of (a) magnitude, (b) phase, and (c) absolute error........................................................................................................... 137 Figure 5.5 A comparison between the propagation function for an on-chip interconnect modeled by different macromodels in terms of (a) magnitude, and (b)absolute error ................................................................................................................................. 138 Figure 5.6 A comparison between the propagation function for an MCM interconnect modeled by different macromodels in terms of (a) magnitude, (b) phase, and (c) absolute error........................................................................................................... 141 Figure 5.7 The general DHPPM algorithm flow chart for the simulation of lossy transmission line with FDLP................................................................................... 149 Figure 5.8 The time-domain output waveforms obtained from different models for a 10ps trapezoidal inputs .................................................................................................... 154 Figure 5.9 The time-domain output waveforms obtained from different models for a 100ps trapezoidal input ........................................................................................... 155 Figure 5.10 The comparison of the DHPPM results, HSPICE results, and IFFT results for a 10ps triangle impulse input .................................................................................. 156 Figure 5.11 The comparison of the DHPPM results, IFFT results, and HSPICE results for a 10ps triangle impulse input .................................................................................. 157 Figure 5.12 The comparison of two HSPICE results, IFFT results, and DHPPM with 10 poles results ............................................................................................................. 158 Figure 5.13 The Far End Active (FEA) line voltage comparisons of the DHPPM results and the IFFT results for a 20ps triangle impulse on a coupled line ........................ 159 Figure 5.14 The Far End Passive (FEP) line voltage comparison of the DHPPM results and the IFFT results for a 20ps triangle impulse on a coupled line ........................ 160 11 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Experimental data of relative dielectric permittivity εr and loss tangent for FR-4. ................................................................................................................................... 40 Table 5.1 The RMS errors of different macromodels for on-chip and MCM cases ....... 134 Table 5.2 Frequency-dependent R and L parameters for a microstrip line calculated using UAPDSE [30] where W=5µm, t=2µm, T=10µm, l=5cm, and εr=4.4..................... 153 Table 5.3 Frequency-dependent line parameters for the MCM coupled transmission lines as listed in [29]. ....................................................................................................... 153 12 ABSTRACT A new algorithm for modeling and simulation of lossy interconnect structures modeled by transmission lines with Frequency Independent Line Parameters (FILP) or Frequency Dependent Line Parameters (FDLP) is developed in this research. Since frequency-dependent RLGC parameters must be employed to correctly model skin effects and dielectric losses for high-performance interconnects, we first study the behaviors of various lossy interconnects that are characterized by FILP and FDLP. Current general macromodeling methods and Model Order Reduction (MOR) algorithms are discussed. Next, some canonical integrals that are associated with transient responses of lossy transmission lines with FILP are presented. By using contour integration techniques, these integrals can be represented as closed-form expressions involving special functions, i.e., Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (ILHIs) and Complementary Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (CILHIs). Various input signals, such as ramp signals and the exponentially decaying sine signals, are used to test the expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs. Excellent agreements are observed between the closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs and simulation results from commercial simulation tools. We then developed a frequency-domain Dispersive Hybrid Phase-Pole Macromodel (DHPPM) for lossy transmission lines with FDLP, which consists of a constant RLGC propagation function multiplied by a residue series. The basic idea is to first extract the dominant physical phenomenology by using a propagation function in the frequency domain that is modeled by FILP. A rational function approximation is then used to 13 account for the remaining effects of FDLP lines. By using a partial fraction expansion and analytically evaluating the required inverse Fourier transform integrals, the timedomain DHPPM can be decomposed as a sum of canonical transient responses for lines with FILP for various excitations (e.g., trapezoidal and unit-step). These canonical transient responses are then expressed analytically as closed-form expressions involving ILHIs, CILHIs, and Bessel functions. The DHPPM simulator can simulate transient results for various input waveforms on both single and coupled interconnect structures. Comparisons between the DHPPM results and the results produced by commercial simulation tools like HSPICE and a numerical Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) show that the DHPPM results are very accurate. 14 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The rapid developments that are taking place in the modern electronic industry has brought about an era where system level integration, such as System-On-Chip (SOC) and System-On-Package (SOP) is possible. In such SOC and SOP systems, different modules like RF modules, Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) units, and Central Processing Units (CPU) are integrated into a single chip or package. On the other hand, the advancements in design and manufacturing capabilities for each module results in more challenges for researchers in this field. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS) [1], the off-chip frequencies for high performance semiconductor products over the next decade should reach as high as 2 GHz, while the total number of pins will be tens of thousands (Figure 1.1). What’s more, CPU frequencies can be much higher than this. For example, the development of CPUs is guided by the empirical Moore’s Law, which states that the performance of CPUs will double, while the feature size will shrink to another generation every 18 months. Current popular CPU products have operating frequencies over 3GHz and feature sizes that are less than 90nm. The increases in the operating frequency have made the lengths of many interconnects comparable to the wavelength of propagating signals. Likewise, the decreases in the feature sizes have increased the coupling and crosstalk. Therefore, complicated Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electromagnetic Inference (EMI) problems arise because of these trends. 15 Highperformance pin count (Pins) Highperformance offchip frequency (Hz) 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1998 year 2003 2008 2013 2018 Figure 1.1 Pin count and off-chip frequencies over the next decade The rapid developments that have taken place are backed by the rapid evolutions in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. Electronic packaging design and signal integrity analysis have become indispensable steps in the electronic system design cycle. EDA tools that incorporate the capabilities of electronic packaging design and signal integrity analysis have made chip package co-design a feasible solution to the EMC and EMI problems. In such design environments, it is desirable for design engineers to be able to evaluate the signal propagation quality of the system without physically manufacturing the chip and performing measurement. Such a design philosophy heavily relies on robust, accurate models of the interconnect system, seamless incorporations of such models into current modeling and simulation tools, and swift implementation of such modeling and simulation algorithms in current EDA tools. Numerous algorithms have been implemented in interconnect 16 system modeling and simulation tools. According to [2,3], these methods can be placed in two main categories. The first methods are based on full-wave analysis of interconnect systems given the geometry, material properties, and operation frequency. Another category is based on transmission line modeling of the interconnect system. The transmission line models can be generated from either the full-wave analysis of the interconnect system or the measurements [4] from a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). The full-wave analysis tools, e.g., Finite Element Method (FEM), FiniteDifference-Time-Domain (FDTD) method, Method of Moments (MoM), Boundary Element Method (BEM), feature the meshing of the interconnect system and analysis of the electromagnetic field using Maxwell Equations. The resulting models usually have either a large number of unknowns or very complicated expressions that prohibited them from being easy adopted into current state-of-the-art simulation tools. Although numerous attempts have been reported for incorporating the full-wave analysis algorithms into current simulation tools such as Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE), e.g., Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC), the scale of the problems that such tools can solve is still limited. Another simplified model that is useful for the analysis of the interconnect systems is the transmission line model. The transmission line model is based on the Transverse Electromagnetic Mode (TEM) assumption. Under this assumption, the interconnect system is modeled by transmission lines with per-unit-length RLGC parameters, i.e., resistance, inductance, conductance, and capacitance. These RLGC parameters serve as bridges between complicated electromagnetic fields and circuit 17 simulation tools, thereby enabling the simulation of interconnect systems in SPICE environments. An example of such a model for a node-to-node bus is shown in [5]. The equivalent circuit model is shown in Figure 1.3. 200mm PCB line Socket Strait Socket 200mm PCB line MCM single line MCM single line 1mm short-line 1mm short-line Driver Load Figure 1.2 Diagram of a node-to-node bus R1 R2 L1 L2 R3 30 3.78 0.138 0.138 3.78 C2 LUMPED C1 0.215 V1 PCB_line GC_single _trace 40 LUMPED GC_bottom_via 2.6 LUMPED 0.1 80 R7 LUMPED C10 1.3 GC_top_via 2.6 C4 1.3 L4 0.0125 L3 0.9 0.9 R6 R5 1G 1G PCB_line R4 0.0125 200 LUMPED C3 0.5 R9 L5 0.0125 L6 0.9 R11 1G 1G R15 R16 140 0.0125 200 PCB_line LUMPED 2.6 GC_top_via LUMPED C5 0.1 C9 Vdd 140 0.9 R10 R12 0.5 C7 1.5 C8 1.5 R14 L8 L7 3.78 0.138 0.138 R13 GC_bottom_via 3.78 2.6 GC_single _trace LUMPED C6 0.215 Figure 1.3 Equivalent circuit of the node-to-node bus 40 LUMPED 18 The net consists of a driver, a receiver, 2 chip to multi-chip module (MCM) lines, 2 MCM lines, 2 printed circuit board (PCB) lines, 2 sockets, and a strait between these two sockets. The chip to MCM lines are modeled with lumped elements, and each MCM line is modeled with lossy transmission lines with FILP and are named as GC_top_via, GC_single_trace, and GC_bottom_via. Each printed circuit board line is modeled with a lossy transmission line with FDLP named as PCB_line. The socket is modeled with lumped elements, and the strait is modeled with lumped elements and a 8cm PCB_line. It can be seen from Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3 that different types of models are used to model modern interconnect systems. First, the on-chip interconnect systems are often modeled by lumped elements as shown in Figure 1.3. For the off-chip interconnects that are modeled by transmission lines, the type of transmission line model that is used depends on the dimensions of the interconnect. The first stage is a lossless transmission line model consisting of per-unit-length inductance and capacitance parameters. As the cross sectional dimensions decrease, the conductive losses on the interconnect can no longer be ignored and a resistance R has to be incorporated in the transmission line model. Since the resistance R corresponds to an electrical field in the direction of propagation, the quasi-TEM assumption, instead of the TEM mode, has to be taken. With ever-increasing operating frequencies and ever-shrinking interconnect sizes, high-frequency effects, such as skin, edge, and proximity effects, and dielectric loss become more and more important in transient simulations of interconnect systems. Many signal integrity problems or phenomena such as crosstalk, Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN), line impedance mismatch, timing analysis, and Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), 19 are related to the accurate RLGC modeling of lossy transmission lines. FrequencyDependent Line Parameters (FDLP) have to be employed to properly model these effects. However, these FDLP model lossy interconnect in the frequency domain and there are no closed-form time-domain counter parts for these FDLP models. Since active devices such as Field Effect Transistors (FET) in electronic systems are typically modeled in the timedomain due to their non-linear behavior, it is hard to incorporate lossy transmission lines into a time-domain simulator. Two different approaches are taken to better model large interconnect network represented by lossy transmission lines. The Model Order Reduction (MOR) algorithms are employed to reduce the large model orders of large networks of interconnect structures into small order models by extracting the major propagation effects and excluding the minor propagation effects. Such algorithms include, but are not limited to the Krylov-subspace formulation, Pade via Lanczos [6] [7], Passive Reduced-Order Interconnect Macromodeling Algorithm (PRIMA) [8], Integrated Congruent Transformation [9], Split Congruent Transform[10], and Arnoldi [11]. The second types of approach, the macromodeling techniques, are widely applied to solve the problem of directly modeling lossy transmission lines with FDLP by using simplified models such as sums of pole and residue pairs. Examples of such techniques include the direct discretization of transmission lines, numerical convolution of transfer functions [12,13], Method of Characteristics (MoC) [14-18], basis function macromodels [19,20], compact finite-difference-based approximations[21], and integrated congruence transform[9]. 20 However, classical macromodels, e.g., least-square approximation or Pade approximation methods, still suffer from large numbers of poles and residues, i.e., high model orders. The Method of Characteristics (MoC) suggests a pre-extraction of the propagation delay term from the propagation function before the numerical approximations such as least-square approximation are employed. It has been shown that the pre-extraction of the propagation delay will significantly reduce the macromodel order for electrically long lines [17,22]. Furthermore, the pre-extraction of the propagation delay also guarantees the causality of the macromodel, which means the signal response won’t appear on the far-end of the transmission line before the time-offlight in MoC-based methods. The MoC method can also lead to equivalent circuits that are easy to incorporate in SPICE environments. Due to these features, MoC methods are successfully employed in commercial simulation tools such as HSPICE. When the system operation frequency increases up to several GHz, the frequencydependent effects of the line parameters cause severe changes in the propagation function and leads to large numbers of poles and residues in MoC-based macromodels. Furthermore, recent studies indicate close inter-relationships between the FDLP. It turns out that the frequency-dependent R and L, as well as G and C, are related through a Hilbert Transform. A macromodel that doesn’t take these inter-dependent effects into account may lead to non-causal simulation results. In order to overcome the difficulties associated with modern transmission line modeling and simulation, a new modeling and simulation algorithm is developed in this dissertation. We first develop a new method for the simulation of lossy transmission lines 21 with FILP. We start with the frequency-domain Telegrapher’s Equation and solve Telegrapher’s Equation in the frequency domain to obtain a closed-form expression for the response of lossy transmission lines with FILP. Previous researchers have successfully derived the impulse response and a special case of the unit-step response for the lossy transmission lines with FILP. The time-domain response involves Bessel functions of zeroth and first orders. In this research, we introduce integrals of Bessel function called Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (ILHIs) and Complementary Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (CILHIs). Therefore, various input response of the lossy transmission line with FILP can be represented in closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs. Examples are given to show the unit-step response, the ramp response, and the exponentially decaying signal responses can all be expressed as close-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs. These closed-form results are then compared with commercial simulation tools such as the HSPICE W-element model for lossy transmission lines with FILP and excellent agreement is observed between the two methods. Furthermore, both the voltage and current responses are derived for the simulation of lossy transmissions lines with FILP under excitation of various complex source waveforms such as triangle impulse and exponentially decaying sine signals. Next, a Dispersive Hybrid Phase Pole Macromodel (DHPPM) is developed for the modeling and simulation of lossy transmission lines with FDLP. Given tabular data for the frequency-dependent RLGC parameters, we first take the resistance and conductance at DC and the inductance and capacitance at the highest frequency point to form a consistent RLGC line model. Then, a propagation function with frequency-independent 22 RLGC parameters is extracted from the propagation function for the lossy transmission line with FDLP and the remaining effects are modeled by a residue series that is approximated by a robust Vector Fitting algorithm. It has been shown that the resistance and conductance at DC and the inductance and capacitance at highest frequency point form a self-consistent causal model, because the extraction of the inductance and capacitance from the propagation function ensures that proper propagation delay is realized during the transient simulations. What’s more, the inclusion of the resistance at DC accounts for part of the dispersion on high-lossy line. Practical results show that the DHPPM yields well-behaved residue series that can be easily approximated by rational functions using far-fewer terms than for the cases of classical macromodels and MoCbased macromodels. The DHPPM algorithms can be successfully applied to on-chip interconnects modeled by lossy transmission lines with FDLP. However, for the off-chip interconnect structures, the large cross sections of the interconnects and low loss of the lines lead to DHPPM model orders that approach those of MoC-based macromodels. However, much advantage is still observed when comparing the DHPPM with classical macromodel for off-chip lines. In our DHPPM-based simulator, transient simulations for both single and coupled lossy transmission lines with FDLP are realized. The organization of this dissertation is as follows. In Chapter 2, we discuss the background knowledge that is required for this research. In Chapter 3, a general discussion of the macromodeling and MOR algorithms is given. In Chapter 4, we develop the transient response formulas for the simulation of lossy transmission lines with FILP. 23 ILHIs and CILHIs are introduced to form the closed-form expressions for lossy transmission lines with FILP for various input excitations, such as the unit-step signal, the ramp signal, and the exponentially decaying signal. In Chapter 5, we develop the DHPPM for the modeling and simulation of lossy transmission lines with FDLP. Examples are then given to show the capabilities of the DHPPM. Finally, in Chapter 6, conclusions are made about our algorithm and the future work is discussed. 24 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Introduction In the last chapter, the significance of interconnect modeling in the design cycle was outlined. In this chapter, we now discuss several types of interconnect models of various complexities, i.e., lumped-element and distributed-element models. In the distributed element category, we will address lossless-line models, lossy-line models with Frequency-Independent Line Parameters (FILP), and lossy-line models with FrequencyDependent Line Parameters (FDLP). Then the relationship between the lumped element models and the distributed element models is discussed. The properties of lossy line models for real interconnect structures like on-chip lossy lines, Multiple Chip Module (MCM) lines, and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) lines are then discussed. Finally the internal relationships between the RLGC parameters for lossy interconnects are addressed. 2.2 TEM Assumption In this dissertation, TEM wave or quasi-TEM wave propagation is assumed for all the interconnection models. The term TEM stands for Transverse Electro-Magnetic wave, which means that the electric and magnetic fields are both perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation. Two requirements must be met to make TEM waves possible: I) There must be two or more conductors forming the cross section of the line. 25 II) The material surrounding the conductors must be homogenous. Signals on typical interconnects are not purely TEM waves because of nonhomogenous dielectrics and conductor losses. However, for frequencies below a few GHz, the waves that propagate are nearly TEM in nature. So they are called quasi-TEM waves and treated like TEM waves. Quasi-TEM wave propagation assumes that the transverse field values are much larger than the longitudinal field values. In the following chapter, all the propagating waves are assumed to be TEM. 2.3 Interconnect Models 2.3.1 Lumped Element Model The term interconnection in the modern electronics industry refers to “the conductive path required to achieve connection from a circuit element to the rest of the circuit” [23]. Interconnections can be divided into several categories according to the application, i.e., on-chip interconnections, off-chip interconnections, and board-level interconnections. As stated in the definition, the interconnections primarily serve as connections between the circuits and are often considered as perfect conductors that reside in perfect dielectrics, i.e., no loss or distortion of signals should exist on the interconnections. Some typical interconnection structures [24] in electronic systems are shown in Figure 2.1: the microstrip, the stripline, and the coplanar line. 26 a) b) c) Figure 2.1 Some typical interconnection structures: a) microstrip, b) stripline, c) coplanar line. Figure 2.2 The lumped element model for the interconnection. Most interconnections are made from conductors like Al or Cu. They are buried in or attached to materials like SiO2, Si, Duroid, Telflon, or FR-4. The finite conductivity of the conductors, the self and mutual inductances of the conductors, the capacitance formed between the conductors, and the dielectric loss will all cause signal distortion. At low frequencies, or for short lines, this distortion can be modeled by a R-L-C network. The lumped element model is then used to model the interconnections as shown in Figure 2.2. 2.3.2 Distributed Element Model The selection of the lumped element model or the distributed element model is decided by the signal propagation delay and the signal rise time [24]. The general rule of thumb for the microstrip case is that the distributed element model is needed if the rise 27 time of the signal ( t r ) finishes before reflections from the far end of the line return back to the source. Let’s define the time of flight as Td = l / v0 , (2.1) where l is the length of the interconnection, and v0 is the propagation speed of the signal on the interconnection. The distributed element model should be applied if tr < 2Td . (2.2) The simplified distributed model of the interconnection is made up of a series of unit sections. Each unit section has an inductance and capacitance. The simplified distributed element model is shown in Figure 2.3. 2.4 Telegrapher’s Equation The detailed distributed model of the interconnection not only has L and C parameters, but also includes R and G parameters. The definitions for these parameters are as follows [25]: R – series resistance per unit length. L – series inductance per unit length. Figure 2.3 The simplified distributed element model for the interconnection. 28 C – shunt capacitance per unit length. G – shunt conductance per unit length. In this model, the R parameter represents the conductive loss of the interconnection, the L parameter stands for the inductance of the interconnection, the C parameter represents the capacitance between the interconnection and the ground, and the G parameter stands for the dielectric loss in the material surrounding the interconnections. The physical definitions of the transmission line parameters are shown by an example. Suppose a uniform transmission line of unit length with fields E and H is shown in Figure 2.4, where the cross-sectional surface area of the line is S, the voltage between the conductors is V0 e ± jβ z and the current on one of the conductors is I 0 e ± jβ z . C2 C1 E H S Figure 2.4 The field lines on a coaxial TEM transmission line 29 The time-average stored magnetic energy for this section of line is given as [25] µ Wm = * H ⋅ H ds. ∫ 4 S (2.3) Since circuit theory states that Wm = L I 0 / 4 , we can identify the self-inductance per 2 unit length as L= µ 2 I0 ∫ S * H ⋅ H ds, (2.4) where µ is the permeability of the material between the two conductors. Likewise, the time-average stored electric energy per unit length can be found as * E ⋅ E ds. ε 4 ∫S We = (2.5) Since circuit theory states that We = C V0 / 4 , the capacitance per unit length can be 2 represented as C= ε V0 2 ∫ S * E ⋅ E ds, (2.6) where ε is the permittivity of the material between the two conductors. The power loss per unit length due to the finite conductivity of the metallic conductors can be approximated by Pc = Rs 2 ∫ C1 + C2 * H ⋅ H dl , (2.7) 30 where Rs = 1/ σδ s is the surface resistance of the conductors, and C1 + C2 is the integration paths over the conductor boundaries. Then circuit theory gives Pc = R I 0 / 2 . 2 The series resistance R per unit length of the line is Rs R= I0 2 ∫ C1 + C2 * H ⋅ H dl. (2.8) The time-averaged power dissipated per unit length in a lossy dielectric is Pd = ωε " * ∫ 2 S E ⋅ E ds, (2.9) where ε " is the imaginary part the complex permittivity as ε = ε '− jε " = ε '(1 − j tan δ ). (2.10) Since circuit theory gives Pd = G V0 / 2 , the shunt conductance per unit length can be 2 written as G= ωε " * V0 2 ∫ S E ⋅ E ds. (2.11) Once the static electric and magnetic fields are known, then (2.4), (2.6), (2.8), and (2.11) can be used to find the desired per unit length RLGC parameters. The equivalent circuit for an electrically short section of an interconnection is shown in Figure 2.5. 31 i(z,t) + v(z,t) _ z ∆z i(z + ∆ z, t) i(z,t) R∆ z + + L∆ z v(z,t) C∆ z G∆ z v(z + ∆ z, t) _ _ ∆z Figure 2.5 The equivalent circuit for a short section of a short section of an interconnection. Kirchhoff’s voltage law can be applied to the equivalent circuit for the interconnection in the time domain, i.e., v( z , t ) − v( z + ∆z , t ) = R∆z ii ( z , t ) + L∆z i ∂i ( z , t ) ∂t (2.12) Likewise, Kirchhoff’s current law can also be applied to the equivalent circuit: i ( z , t ) − i ( z + ∆z , t ) = G∆z iv( z , t ) + C ∆z i ∂v( z , t ) ∂t (2.13) Dividing (2.12) and (2.13) by ∆z and taking the limit as ∆z → 0 will lead to the Partial Differential Equations (PDE): 32 ∂v( z , t ) ∂i ( z , t ) = − Ri ( z , t ) − L ∂z ∂t (2.14) ∂i ( z , t ) ∂v( z , t ) = −Gv( z , t ) − C ∂z ∂t (2.15) These are the time-domain Telegrapher’s equations or the transmission line equations. Applying a Fourier Transform on both sides of (2.14) and (2.15) will generate the frequency-domain Telegrapher’s equations: dV ( z ) = − RI ( z ) − jω LI ( z ) dz (2.16) dI ( z ) = −GV ( z ) − jωCV ( z ) dz (2.17) These two equations can be solved together to give Helmholtz Equations for V(z) and I(z): d 2V ( z ) − γ 2V ( z ) = 0 , dz 2 (2.18) d 2 I ( z) − γ 2 I ( z ) = 0, 2 dz (2.19) γ = α + j β = ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) (2.20) where is the complex propagation constant, which is a function of frequency. For lossless transmission lines, R=G=0, thus, α =0, (2.21) 33 γ = j β = jω LC . (2.22) If the transmission line is lossy, the attenuation factor is no longer zero. Instead, it can be calculated by matching the real and imaginary parts of (2.20) α= ( RG − ω 2 LC ) + ( RG − ω 2 LC )2 + ω 2 ( RC + GL)2 . 2 (2.23) Also the phase constant is β= −( RG − ω 2 LC ) + ( RG − ω 2 LC ) 2 + ω 2 ( RC + GL) 2 . 2 (2.24) A quick check of letting R=0 and G=0 will reduce (2.23) and (2.24) to (2.21) and (2.22). These are the expressions for a single lossy line. For multiple coupled transmission lines, the R, L, G, C parameters must be expressed as matrices. Therefore, the expression for the attenuation constant and the phase constant will be more complex. From (2.18) and (2.19), we can solve the travelling wave solutions as V ( z ) = V0+ e −γ z + V0− eγ z , (2.25) I ( z ) = I 0+ e−γ z + I 0− eγ z , (2.26) where the e−γ z term represents the wave propagation in the +z direction, and the eγ z term represents the wave propagation in the -z direction. By applying (2.25) into (2.16), we can find the I-V relationship on a transmission line I ( z) = γ V0+ e −γ z − V0− eγ z . R + jω L The characteristic impedance of a transmission line, Z0 , is defined as (2.27) 34 Z0 = R + jω L γ = R + jω L . G + jωC (2.28) Since a lossless transmission line has R=0, G=0, the characteristic impedance is simplified as Z0 = L . C (2.29) 2.5 Interconnect Properties Characterized by Distributed Elements Telegrapher’s Equations in (2.16) and (2.17) are derived for the lossy transmission line with Frequency-Independent Line Parameter (FILP). However, as electronic system clock frequencies approach multiple GHz, with rise and fall times shrinking to less than 0.1ns, harmonic components with frequencies up to 100GHz need to be taken into account in a signal integrity analysis. At high frequencies, the RLGC parameters defined from (2.3) to (2.9) become frequency-dependent variables. Telegrapher’s Equations in (2.16) and (2.17) still hold for lossy transmission lines with Frequency-Dependent Lossy Parameters (FDLP) as long as the quasi-TEM assumption is still valid in the frequency range, i.e., the transverse electric and magnetic field components are still much larger than the electric and magnetic field components in the propagation direction. 35 In the case of the multiple transmission lines, the RLGC parameters have to be expressed in matrix forms, representing the self and mutual components respectively. Thus, Telegrapher’s Equations have to be rewritten as dV ( z ) = − R(ω ) I ( z ) − jω L(ω ) I ( z ), dz (2.30) dI ( z ) = −G (ω )V ( z ) − jωC (ω )V ( z ), dz (2.31) where the RLGC parameters represented by the bold fonts represent the matrix form for multiple transmission line components. The frequency-dependent behaviors of the RLGC parameters have great impacts on the modeling and simulation of interconnect systems. A detailed discussion about the behaviors of the frequency-dependent RLGC parameter is given here to address the situation. 2.5.1 Frequency Dependent Resistance and Inductance Parameters In ideal interconnect systems with Perfect Electrical Conductors (PEC), the direct current (DC) can exist at any location in the cross-section of a PEC, while the highfrequency time-varying electrical currents exist only within an infinitively thin surface of the conductor. In practical interconnect systems with good conductors like copper, aluminum, or poly-silicon, the DC generates voltage drop between two ends of a good conductor due to the resistance of a conductor. The DC resistance of a conductor is defined as 36 RDC = ρ l l = , S σS (2.32) where ρ is the resistivity of a conductor, σ is the conductivity of a conductor, l is the length of a conductor, and S is the cross-section area of a conductor. In a good conductor, the high-frequency time-varying electrical currents exist within a finite thin surface of the conductor, which is like a skin. The time-varying electrical currents decay exponentially from the surface of a good conductor to the inner center of the conductor. The distribution of the electrical current in a good conductor is also related to the frequency. As the frequency increases from low to high, the electrical currents crowd toward the surface of a good conductor. This effect is called the skin effect. The distribution that the time-varying electrical currents exist on the surface of a good conductor is described by the skin depth. The skin depth of a good conductor can be derived from the propagation function. The electromagnetic wave that propagates inside a good conductor must satisfy the Helmholtz Equation for electrical field as [25] σ E = 0, ∇ 2 E + σω 2 µε 1 − j ωε (2.33) where E is the electrical field density. The propagation function is then defined as γ = α + j β = jω µε 1 − j σ . ωε (2.34) The conductivity of a good conductor σ is much larger than ωε in the square root term. Thus the propagation function can be written as 37 σ ωµσ = (1 + j ) . jωε 2 γ = α + j β ≈ jω µε (2.35) The skin depth is then defined as δs = 1 α = 2 ωµσ . (2.36) The skin depth is defined as the depth where the field decays by an amount of 1/e or 36.8%. The relationship between the skin depth and the frequency is plotted in Figure 2.6 for a copper conductor with conductivity of 3.087e7 S/m, which is widely used in onchip, Multi-Chip Module (MCM), and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) lines. It can be seen in Figure 2.6 that the skin depth is near 1 µ m at 10GHz, which is approximately equal to the cross-sectional dimensions for a typical on-chip interconnect structure. As the frequency increases beyond 10GHz, the skin depth will be even smaller than the width or depth of the on-chip interconnects. Physically, this means that the electrical currents are not distributed evenly inside the interconnect beyond 10GHz and the V-I relationship cannot be modeled by a constant R parameter. This situation becomes even more serious when the frequency increases up to 46GHz. Thus a constant RLGC parameter model will result in inaccurate simulation results for the high-frequency, on-chip interconnect designs. For the MCM and PCB lines with much larger cross-sections [26], the skin depth approaches the cross-section dimensions of conductors at much lower frequencies. Correspondingly, lossy transmission lines with FDLP models have to be adopted in a circuit simulator environment at much lower frequencies in the MCM and PCB cases than in the on-chip case. 38 The relationship between the frequency and the resistance and inductance per unit length parameters R and L are described by the internal impedance concept [27]. The internal impedance is defined as Z i (ω ) = R(ω ) + jω Li (ω ) = A + B jω = RDC f (1 + j ) , f > f0 , f0 (2.37) where R(ω ) and Li (ω ) are the conductor resistance and internal inductance, ω = 2π f is the angular frequency, and f 0 is the turning frequency where the R parameter starts to Figure 2.6 The relationship between the frequency and the skin depth for a copper conductor 39 increase as the result of the skin effect. By matching the real and imaginary parts of (2.37), one can find the expressions for A, B, R(ω ) and Li (ω ) as A = RDC , RDC , π f0 B= Li (ω ) = RDC 2π f0 f (2.38) , R(ω ) = RDC + RDC (2.39) f . f0 The expressions in (2.39) shows that the resistance parameter R(ω ) increases at the rate of f as the frequency increases, while the internal inductance Li (ω ) decreases at the rate of 1/ f as the frequency increases. Note that the total inductance of a good conductor is made up of the internal inductance Li (ω ) and the external inductance Le (ω ) as L(ω ) = Li (ω ) + Le , (2.40) where the external inductance Le is constant with respect to frequencies. Thus the inductance L(ω ) will drop to the external inductance Le as the frequency increases. 2.5.2 Frequency Dependent Capacitance and Conductance Parameters The frequency dependent capacitance and conductance parameters are closely related to the complex permittivity. Studies [28] show that both the real and imaginary parts of the complex permittivity are frequency-dependent. The loss tangent of a material is not a constant with respect to the frequency, either. For example, the dielectric constant 40 of the FR-4 material has been listed as Table 2.1 with respect to frequencies [28]. It is observed that from 100Hz to 10 GHz, the relative dielectric constant ε r reduces from 4.8 to 4.4, while the loss tangent increases from 0.009 to 0.025. As can be seen from (2.6) and (2.11), the conductance and capacitance values of a transmission line is directly proportional to the real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant. Thus, frequency-dependent conductance and capacitance values are need in the correct modeling and simulation of lossy interconnects especially at high frequencies. f (Hz) 100 1000 10000 100000 1MHz 10MHz 100MHz 1000MHz 10000MHz εr 4.80 4.75 4.70 4.65 4.60 4.55 4.50 4.45 4.40 tanδ 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.025 0.025 Table 2.1 Experimental data of relative dielectric permittivity εr and loss tangent for FR-4. 2.5.3 Examples of The Frequency Dependent Line Parameters Examples are given here to show the impacts of the frequency-dependent losses on different types of interconnects. Figure 2.7 shows the frequency-dependent R, L, G, C parameters of a typical on-chip microstrip line with a 1.83 µ m by 1.23 µ m cross section [26], a Multi-Chip-Module (MCM) line [29], and a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) line [29]. The frequency-dependent RLGC parameters of the on-chip interconnect are calculated using an integral equation method described in [30], while those of the MCM and PCB lines are listed in [29]. 41 Due to the small cross section dimensions of the on-chip interconnect, the skin depth is larger than the height or width of the interconnect. For this case, it is safe to assume that the currents are distributed evenly inside the interconnect, thereby allowing a frequency-independent, lossy transmission line model with constant RLGC parameters to be used up to a few GHz. However, it is observed in Figure 2.7 that the R and L parameters of the on-chip line change for frequencies above 10 GHz. These changes impact the modeling of the interconnect. In the cases of the other two lines, the effects of the frequency-dependent losses on the interconnect can be summarized as follows. The increasing R parameter, which is proportional to the square root of frequency at high frequencies, is related to the skin effects that result from the eddy currents flowing in the conductor (see Figure 2.7(a)). Note that the R and L parameters are related by the Hilbert transform in a causal system. Therefore, the changes in the R parameter dictate changes in the L parameters. To reflect the changes in the R parameters, it is observed that the L parameters of the MCM and PCB lines decrease and settle at finite values as the frequency increases in Figure 2.7. The changes in the G parameters are associated with the dielectric losses resulting from imperfect dielectrics and rotating dipoles. Note that the G and C parameters are also linked by the Hilbert transform in a causal system. But the small changes in the G parameters are usually neglected and set to zero in the on-chip and MCM interconnects. However, the dielectric losses in a PCB line are too large to be ignored. Thus, the G parameter of the PCB line cannot be neglected and this parameter increases as the 42 frequency increases. Correspondingly, an increase in the G parameter reflects a decrease in the C parameter of the PCB line, as shown in Figure 2.7(c). (a) (b) 43 (c) (d) G_MCM=0, G_On_Chip=0 Figure 2.7 A comparison of the per unit length resistance R, inductance L, conductance G, and capacitance C for some common interconnect structures 44 2.6 Propagation functions for typical lines To evaluate the impact of the frequency-dependent interconnect losses on signal integrity, we first define the propagation function in the frequency domain as { exp [ −lγ ( s) ] = exp −l [ R(s ) + sL( s)][G( s) + sC ( s)]} , (2.41) where s = jω is the complex Laplace frequency, and l is the line length. We plot the magnitudes of the propagation functions for the aforementioned on-chip, MCM, and PCB lines in Figure 2.8. It is observed in Figure 2.8 that the relatively long frequency- Figure 2.8 A Comparison of absolute values of the propagation functions for three different types of interconnect lines. 45 dependent PCB line exhibits the maximum attenuation effect for signals propagating on the interconnect. This can also be interpreted as the frequency-dependent, lossy PCB line has the smallest Band Width (BW) for signal propagation, while the on-chip line provides the largest BW for signal propagation. In addition to the BW limitation, the PCB line with frequency-dependent losses also yields the most dispersion for propagating signals. The dispersion effects are best illustrated in the time domain. 2.7 The Internal Relationships Between the Distributed Elements Although the frequency-dependent RLGC parameters in Fig 2.7 vary significantly with respect to frequency, they are inter-related with each other. As stated in [31], for a causal real system, if we define the parallel admittance and the series impedance matrices of the frequency-dependent lossy interconnect as Y ( s ) = G ( s ) + sC ( s ), (2.42) Z ( s ) = R( s ) + sL( s ), then the real and imaginary parts of Y ( s ) and Z ( s ) should satisfy the Kramer-Kronig conditions through the Hilbert Transform, i.e., X (ω ) = jω L(ω ) = H ( R(ω ) ) = 1 π∫ ∞ 0 dR(ω ') ω '+ ω ln d ω ', ω '− ω dω ' (2.43) where the scalar R(ω ) is an element of the matrix R( s ) , s = jω , H represents the Hilbert Transform[31]. However, in practical implementations of (2.43), numerical differentiation has to be applied for the derivative and numerical integration has to be 46 applied to the integral in (2.43). In [32], a combined numerical differentiation and numerical integration algorithm is developed, i.e., X (ωm ) = 1 dR(ω ') (k ) F (ω 'k −1 , ω 'k , ωm ), dω ' k =1 N ∑ π F (ω 'k −1 , ω 'k , ωm ) = (ω 'k + ωm ) ln ω 'k + ωm − (ω 'k − ωm ) ln ω 'k − ωm − (ω 'k + ωm ) ln ω 'k −1 + ωm + (ω 'k −1 − ωm ) ln ω 'k −1 − ωm , R(ωk ') − R(ωk −1 ') dR(ω ') , ≈ d ω ' ωk ωk − ωk −1 (2.44) (2.45) (2.46) where k is the frequency sampling point. A similar expression can also be used to relate G (ω ) and C (ω ) . The above method provides an algorithm to check the immittance consistency in the sampled frequency-dependent RLGC parameters. 47 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL ALGORITHMS FOR LOSSY INTERCONNECT MODELING AND SIMULATION In Chapter 2, the challenges of the interconnect modeling and simulation research are outlined. In order to overcome these challenges, numerous techniques are adopted in current state-of-the-art simulators. In [2], these techniques are generally divided into two categories. The first category contains the methods that are based on macromodeling each individual transmission line set. The second category represents the methods that are based on model-order reduction of the entire linear sub-network containing lumped as well as distributed sub-networks. In this chapter, the macromodeling techniques for general lossy interconnect modeling and simulations are first discussed [2]. Then, some model-order-reduction based techniques are reviewed. Specifically, explicit and implicit moment matching based methods are introduced. Comparisons are made between several typical macromodeling methods in terms of model order number and efficiency. In particular, standard macromodeling methods based on moment matching and the Method of Characteristics (MoC) are compared and contrasted with the explicit moment matching method in terms of stability, passivity, and causality. In both model-order reduction and macromodeling techniques that are applied to lossy transmission lines with Frequency Dependent Line Parameters (FDLP), an important issue is the maximum frequency. In high-speed digital designs, the extent of 48 the frequency spectrum is determined by the rise and fall times of the signal propagating on the interconnects. A conservative criteria for the desired maximum frequency is f max ≈ 0.35 / tr , (3.1) where f max is the maximum frequency of interest in the simulation, and tr is the rise time of the signal. By this criteria, if a trapezoidal signal with a rise time of 0.01ns propagates on a transmission line, then the maximum frequency of interest is 35GHz. However, this criteria will not produce accurate results for high-speed, high-frequency interconnect designs. Thus, a stricter criteria is suggested as f max ≈ 1/ tr . (3.2) In this dissertation, the maximum frequency is chosen according (3.2) if not specified. 3.1 General Transmission Line Macromodeling Techniques Macromodeling techniques can be sub-divided into several methods or algorithms as shown in [2]. These techniques include but are not limited to the direct discretization of transmission lines, numerical convolution of transfer functions [12,13], Method of Characteristics (MoC) [14-18], basis function macromodels [19,20], compact finitedifference-based approximations[21], and the integrated congruence transform[9]. 3.1.1 Direct Discretization of Transmission Lines Telegrapher’s Equations in Chapter 2 have been established as a good model for lossy transmission lines. Note that Telegrapher’s Equation can be applied to both transmission lines with Frequency Independent Lossy Parameters (FILP), as well as transmission lines with Frequency Dependent Lossy Parameters (FDLP). 49 R∆z L∆z C ∆z R∆z G ∆z... L∆z R∆z C ∆z G ∆z L∆ z C ∆z G ∆z Figure 3.1 The direct discretization of a single lossy transmission line In the direct discretization method, the transmission lines are represented by a series of lumped element sections as shown in Figure 3.1, where ∆z is a small fraction of the wavelength λ , i.e., ∆z λ. (3.3) This method can be easily implemented in current circuit simulators like SPICE since all the elements in the model are already defined in SPICE. In fact, this model is still widely used in commercial simulation tools like HSPICE as the U-element. However, the direct discretization method suffers from several drawbacks. First, as indicated in Figure 3.1, the number of sections of a transmission line is directly proportional to the length of the line. Therefore, the direct discretization method is very inefficient for modeling long lines with large numbers of sections. Secondly, the increasing operation frequency in digital systems makes the minimum wavelength of the signal smaller and smaller. Therefore, in order to satisfy (3.3), ∆z also has to be scaled down. Thus, the number of sections used to model a lossy transmission line keeps increasing and the simulation requirements become severe. Another problem is that the lumped RLGC element in the direct discretization model introduces poles to the model. 50 Sometimes oscillations are observed in the transient simulation results from the direct discretization method when the number of sections becomes large, as reported in [33]. 3.1.2 Convolution of the Impulse Response The signal response for a linear system can be expressed using the convolution operation, t f (t ) = v(t )* h(t ) = ∫ v(τ )h(t − τ )dτ , (3.4) 0 where v(t ) is the input signal, such as trapezoidal, unit-step, or sine signal, f (t ) is the signal response, and h(t ) is the impulse response of the system (e.g. a lossy transmission line with FILP). A method that employs the convolution of the impulse response for the simulation of lossy transmission lines with FILP was suggested in [12]. This method starts with a single uniform lossy transmission line with FILP. Here we consider a single uniform lossy transmission line with FILP with the following initial condition as v(0, t ) = v1 (t ), v(l , t ) = v2 (t ), i (0, t ) = i1 (t ), i (l , t ) = −i2 (t ), (3.5) v( x, 0) = v0 ( x), i ( x, 0) = i0 ( x), where l is the length of the line and x is any location on the line, i.e., 0 ≤ x ≤ l . This transmission line structure should satisfy the time-domain Telegrapher’s Equations in (2.16) and (2.17). The classical solutions to Telegrapher’s Equations are adopted to solve the second order Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) as given in (2.18) and (2.19). 51 The time-domain convolution equations (constitutive relationships) obtained for lossy transmission lines with FILP are v1 (t )* hY (t ) − i1 (t ) = v2 (t )* hγ Y (t ) + i2 (t )* hγ (t ), (3.6) v2 (t ) * hY (t ) − i2 (t ) = v1 (t ) * hγ Y (t ) + i1 (t )* hγ (t ), (3.7) where * denotes the convolution operation defined in (3.4), and hY (t ) , hγ Y (t ) , and hγ (t ) are the three impulse-responses associated with a lossy transmission line with FILP. First, we define some parameters as L , C (3.8) T = l LC , (3.9) Y0 = 1 R G β = + . 2 L C (3.10) Then, hY (t ) , hγ Y (t ) , and hγ (t ) , which are the inverse Laplace Transforms of H Y ( s ) , H γ Y ( s ) , and H γ ( s ) , can be expressed as -1 hY (t ) = L -1 ∞ 1 Y 0 0 [ H Y ( s)] = ∫ G + sC st e ds, R + sL (3.11) ∞ hγ (t ) = L H γ ( s ) = ∫ exp − x ( R + sL)(G + sC ) e st ds, (3.12) 0 ∞ 1 hγ Y (t ) = L H γ ( s ) H Y ( s ) = ∫ Y -1 0 0 G + sC exp − x sC ( R + sL) e st ds, R + sL (3.13) 52 where L-1 is the inverse Laplace Transform operator and s = jω is the complex frequency. The expressions in (3.11), (3.12), and (3.13) also have physical significance. For example, the expression in (3.11) is proportional to the time-domain characteristic admittance, the expression in (3.12) models the time-domain propagation function, and the expression in (3.13) models the current response of a lossy transmission line with FILP. As described in [13], the time-domain expressions for (3.11), (3.12) and (3.13) can be written as [34,35] hY (t ) = Y0 e − β t β ( I1 ( β t ) − I 0 ( β t ) ) + δ (t ) , (3.14) βt hγ (t ) = e − β t u (t − T ) I1 ( β t 2 − T 2 ) + δ (t − T ) , t2 − T 2 (3.15) t hγ Y (t ) = Y0 e− β t u (t − T ) β I1 ( β t 2 − T 2 ) − I 0 ( β t 2 − T 2 ) + δ (t − T ) , 2 2 t −T (3.16) where I 0 and I1 are modified Bessel functions of zeroth and first orders, and δ (t ) and u (t ) are delta and unit-step functions, respectively. In computer simulation programs like SPICE, the expressions in (3.6), (3.7), (3.14), (3.15), (3.16), and the source waveforms v1 (t ) are first discretized in the time domain. Then numerical convolutions are carried out to obtain the unknown variables v2 (t ) , i1 (t ) , and i2 (t ) at each simulation step. It is observed that at each simulation step, the numerical convolution operation requires all the information for the source signal and 53 the propagation function at all previous simulation steps. Thus, if the simulation step number is n, then the total simulation has a computation complexity of order of n 2 , which is written as O(n2 ) . The research in [12,13] successfully derived the impulse response or impulse characteristics of lossy transmission lines with FILP. Then, the unit-step response or the transient characteristics were derived in [15]. In [15], the transient characteristics of the propagation function and the characteristic admittance are written as t I (b t 2 − T 2 ) pγ (t ) = e−α + a ∫ e − β t 1 dt u (t − T ), 2 2 t T − T (3.17) t −βt G − βτ pY (t ) = Y0 e I 0 (bt ) + ∫ e I 0 (bτ )dτ , C0 (3.18) where β is defined in (3.10) and 1G + RY0 l , 2 Y0 (3.19) 1 G − RY0 , 2 Y0 (3.20) 1 R G − . 2 L C (3.21) α= a= b= A close examination of (3.17) reveals that the transient characteristics of the propagation function are made up of two parts. The first part is an exponentially decaying function e−α , while the second part is an integral involving the modified Bessel function of first order. This result is also validated in [26] (see Equation (5)). 54 Many practical interconnects often have a zero conductance parameter as G = 0 . Furthermore, an approximation based on using the asymptotic expansion of the modified Bessel function can be employed in (3.17) and (3.18) [15]. Thus, simplified expressions can be derived for (3.17) and (3.18) when G = 0 and the asymptotic expansion to the Bessel function is adopted, i.e., 2a pγ (t ) ≈ 1 − u (t − T ), 2π b(t + d ) (3.22) pY (t ) = Y0 e− β t I 0 ( β t ), (3.23) where d= 4a 2 . 2π b(1 − e− a ) 2 (3.24) The approximation in (3.22) is reported to have an accuracy of within 1% over the full time range [15]. The expressions in (3.17) and (3.18) show that the unit-step response of a lossy transmission line with FILP involves with an integral of the modified Bessel function of the first order when the conductance per-unit-length parameter is not set to zero. This integral has only been previously solved by numerical method like numerical integration. As will be shown in Chapter 4, the integrals in (3.17) and (3.18) can be represented in terms of Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (ILHI). In practical simulations, the source signal is typically represented as a complicated function of time, e.g. sinusoidal or trapezoidal waveforms. Since it is 55 difficult to obtain the transient responses of many different source signals separately, the source signal is often discretized as a piece-wise linear function of time, i.e., between each time step, the source signal is expressed as a linear function of time. Therefore, in order to speed up the simulation procedure and avoid the use of numerical convolution, it is desirable to have the ramp response of a lossy transmission line with FILP. The method of convolution with the impulse response so far can only be applied to lossy transmission lines with FILP. For lossy transmission lines with FDLP, the RLGC parameters become frequency-dependent and the closed-form representations of the characteristic admittance (3.14), the propagation function (3.15), and the current response (3.16) are no longer valid. Therefore, advanced macromodeling methods have to be adopted to handle lossy transmission lines with FDLP. 3.1.3 Recursive Convolution Method The convolution method suffer from a common drawback that the convolution operation needs to extend over the entire past history. In order to improve the efficiency of the regular convolution procedure suggested in (3.6) and (3.7), a recursive convolution technique is suggested in [36]. It was shown from the previous section that the key variables in the convolution method are the characteristics admittance Y in (3.11), the propagation function e− lγ in (3.12), and their products or the current response. The recursive convolution method first approximates these key variables with rational functions through a Pade approximation method. Then a recursive relationship is developed between the present-time-step impulse response and the previous-time-step 56 impulse response by utilizing the time-domain Pade approximation results. A detailed explanation is given here based on a single lossy transmission line with FILP. Pade Approximations of the Characteristic Admittance and Propagation Function As indicated in [37], the high frequency components of the propagation function and the characteristic admittance decide the early-time response of a lossy transmission line with FILP, while the low-frequency components control the late-time response. In order to obtain accurate early-time responses that are crucial to the convolution operation over a small time interval, an expansion of 1/s instead of s is used to rewrite the characteristic admittance as G 1+ y G + sC C C , Y (s) = = R + sL L 1+ R y L (3.25) where y = 1/ s . Y ( s ) is the expanded into a Maclaurin series in y about y=0 or s = ∞ as Y (s) ≈ C C Yp ( s ) = 1 + m1 y + m2 y 2 + ... + mn y n ) , ( L L (3.26) where the nth moment is defined as G R d N 1 + y / 1 + y 1 C L . mN = N! dy N (3.27) A symbolic differentiation is adopted here to calculate the derivative in (3.27). Then a Pade approximation is introduced to approximate the characteristic admittance Y ( s ) as 57 Y (s) = G + sC C aN s N + aN −1 y N −1 + ... + a1 y + 1 , ≈ R + sL L bN s N + bN −1 y N −1 + ... + b1 y + 1 (3.28) where a1 to aN and b1 to bN are unknown coefficients of the Pade Approximation. The expression in (3.26) should be equal to equation (3.28) for the first 2 N − 1 terms. Therefore, a matrix relationship can be found by comparing the two equations: aN 1 − b N m1 ... mN −1 m1 m2 ... mN mN −1 ... mn ... ... ... m2 N − 2 ... bN b N -1 = ... b1 mN m - N +1 , ... m2 N −1 (3.29) and a1 1 a m 2 = 1 ... ... aN −1 mN − 2 0 1 ... mN −3 ... 0 ... 0 ... ... ... 1 b1 m1 b m 2 + 2 . ... ... bN −1 mN −1 (3.30) Equation (3.29) and equation (3.30) give rises to an approximated model for the characteristic admittance. If we rewrite (3.28) as C a N s N + aN −1 y N −1 + ... + a1 y + 1 C s N + a1s N −1 + ... + aN , Y (s) ≈ = L bN s N + bN −1 y N −1 + ... + b1 y + 1 L s N + b1s N −1 + ... + bN (3.31) and define P( s ) = s N + b1s N −1 + ... + bN , Q( s ) = s N + a1s N −1 + ... + aN , then the Heaviside theorem can be applied to Y ( s ) as (3.32) 58 Y (s) ≈ n qi C Q( s) C 1 = + ∑ L P( s) L 1 s − pi , (3.33) where pi are the roots to the polynomial equation P ( s ) = 0 and qi = Q( pi ) − P( pi ) , P ( pi ) (3.34) where P ( pi ) is the derivative of P ( s ) at s = pi . Similarly, the propagation constant can also be expanded as γ (s) = ( sL + R )( sC + G ) = s G LC + s LC 1 + C R y 1 + L ∞ m = s LC + s LC 1 + ∑ ii − 1 , i =1 s G R d N 1 + y 1 + y 1 C L . mN = N! dy N y − 1 (3.35) (3.36) Then Pade Approximation is applied to the propagation function as H γ ( s ) = e −γ ( s )l ≈ e − s LCl − m1 LCl e n qi 1 + ∑ . 1 s − pi (3.37) Note that the macromodel order n is different from the model order for the characteristic admittance. The Recursive Convolution Scheme The frequency-domain expressions in (3.33) and (3.37) can be easily converted into time-domain expressions as a Dirac function δ (t ) plus the sum of n exponential decaying functions of t as 59 n hγ (t ) ≈ ∑ qi e pi (t −T ) + δ (t − T ), (3.38) i =1 where T is the propagation delay caused by the first term in (3.37). Recursive convolution is used to reduce the computational complexity from O(n2 ) in the conventional convolution case to O(n) by utilizing the exponential properties in the macromodel of (3.33) and (3.37). For example, if a transmission line with FILP is matched at both the source and load ends, then the transfer function h(t ) can be simplified as a time-domain propagation function hγ (t ) . As defined in (3.4), the convolution operations between the current at the far-end of the line i2 (t ) and the propagation function hγ (t ) in (3.6) at time t = tn +1 can be written as f (tn +1 ) = i2 (t ) * hγ (t ) |t =t n +1 = tn +1 ∫ 0 n i2 (τ ) ∑ qi e pi (tn+1 −T −τ ) + δ (tn +1 − T − τ ) dτ i =1 tn n 0 i =1 = ∫ i2 (τ )∑ qi e pi (tn +1 −T −τ ) dτ + tn +1 ∫ tn n i2 (τ )∑ qi e pi ( tn +1 −T −τ ) dτ + i2 (tn +1 − T ) (3.39) i =1 p ( t −t ) n tn +1 pi ( tn −T −τ ) pi ( tn +1 −T −τ ) i n +1 n = ∑ e ( ) d τ i ( τ ) q e d τ + i q e τ ∑ ∫ 2 i ∫0 2 i i =1 i = 1 t n +i2 (tn +1 − T ), tn n Now a trapezoidal approximation is applied to the second term in (3.39) as tn +1 ∫ i (τ )q e 2 tn i pi ( tn +1 −T −τ ) dτ = hn qi i2 (tn − T )e pi hn + i2 (tn +1 − T ) , 2 (3.40) where hn is the simulation step, which is defined as hn = tn +1 − tn . Thus, the final solution for the convolution operation can be written as 60 tn n i2 (t ) * hγ (t ) |t =t n +1 = ∑ e pi (tn +1 −tn ) ∫ i2 (τ )qi e pi (tn −T −τ ) dτ i =1 0 n h + ∑ n qi i2 (tn )e pi hn + i2 (tn +1 ) + i2 (tn +1 − T ). i =1 2 tn Note that only the convolution operation ∫ i (τ )q e 2 i pi ( tn −T −τ ) (3.41) dτ is unknown in (3.41). At 0 time t = tn +1 , expression (3.41) states that the current convolution operation can be obtained from the convolution operation at the previous simulation step result at time t = tn . This forms the recursive convolution relationship between the current time step and the previous time step so that the convolution integration does not need to be expanded over all the past time history. Properties of Recursive Convolution Methods It is observed in the previous section that at each simulation time step, only the simulation result of the last simulation time step is needed to obtain the current step result. Thus, for the nth simulation time step, it is necessary to perform the calculation n times to complete the simulation, i.e., the computational complexity is O(n) . Another important feature in the recursive convolution method is the extraction of the propagation delay factor e− sl LC from the propagation function before the Pade Approximation. It will be seen later that this is one of the key steps in the Method of Characteristics (MoC). It is fair to categorize the recursive convolution method as one of the generalized MoC method. 61 The recursive convolution methods successfully reduced the computation complexity from O(n2 ) to O(n) . However, several aspects of this method still need to be improved. First, the Pade Approximation method outlined in this chapter doesn’t guarantee stable poles and residues. It was observed in [36] that sometime poles on the right hand sided of the Laplace transform plane are generated in (3.33) and (3.37), i.e., the poles in (3.33) and (3.37) may have positive real parts, which may produce exponentially-increasing results in the time domain. Also, the Pade Approximation cannot guarantee the passivity of the poles and residues. Non-passive but stable poles still have negative real parts, but may lead to oscillating time-domain results when the macromodel is connected with other circuits. Finally, although it is theoretically possible to apply the recursive convolution method to lossy transmission lines with FDLP, recursive convolution for lossy transmission lines with FDLP has not been realized so far. 3.1.4 Method of Characteristics The Method of Characteristics (MoC) was first developed in [14] to model lossless transmission lines where only frequency-independent L and C parameters exists. Later, the work in [38] extended the MoC to lossy transmission with FILP. Then, the Welement model [15] was introduced to successfully model lossy transmission lines with FDLP. Similar work is also reported in [16]. In [32], a network synthesis approach is taken to generate circuit models for lossy transmission lines with FDLP. In [5,39], the impulse response is approximated by a sharp Triangle Impulse Response (TIR) and an convolution operation based on TIR and MoC relationships is established to obtain transient results of lossy transmission lines with FDLP. 62 The input to the MoC method is usually tabulated frequency-domain RLGC parameters. However, MoC models can also be obtained from the time-domain results for different types of interconnects like in the case of the Hybrid Phase-Pole Macromodel (HPPM) [17]. By expressing the TIR of complicated interconnect structures in terms of pole-residue pairs, the generated HPPM can be used to efficiently simulate the system for various input waveforms. In this section, the basic of the MoC method is first discussed. Then, one typical MoC model, the W-element, is explored in more detail. Brainin’s Method and Chang’s Method From the frequency-domain Telegrapher’s Equation, the I-V characteristics for a single lossy transmission line with FILP can be represented as 1 + e −2γ ( s )l −2e− γ ( s )l V1 I1 1 = , −2 γ ( s ) l ) −2e −γ ( s )l 1 + e−2γ ( s )l V2 I 2 Z 0 (1 − e (3.42) where I1 and V1 are the frequency-domain near-end current and voltage, I 2 and V2 are the far-end current and voltage as defined in (3.5), Z 0 is the characteristic impedance which is the inverse of the characteristic admittance defined in (3.28), and γ ( s ) is defined in (3.35). The expression in (3.42) can be rewritten as V1 = Z 0 I1 + e−γ ( s )l 2V2 − e− γ ( s )l ( Z 0 I1 + V1 ) , V2 = Z 0 I 2 + e −γ ( s )l 2V1 − e −γ ( s )l ( Z 0 I 2 + V2 ) . (3.43) 63 i1 (t) I1 i 2 (t) Z0 Z0 + v 1 (t) V1 v 2 (t) + W1 W2 _ x=0 I2 V2 _ x=d Figure 3.2 Method of Characteristics (MC) equivalent circuit. Based on these results, two equivalent Voltage Controlled Voltage Sources (VCVS) W1 and W2 can be created where W1 = e −γ l 2V2 − e −γ l ( Z 0 I1 + V1 ) (3.44) W2 = e −γ l 2V1 − e −γ l ( Z 0 I 2 + V2 ) (3.45) If we define the voltage at the two ports as V1 = W1 + Z 0 I1 , V2 = W2 + Z 0 I 2 , (3.46) then the transmission line can be replaced by a model as shown in Figure 3.2. Combining the equations (3.46) and (3.43) yields a recursive relations for W1 and W2 as W1 = e −γ d [ 2V2 − W2 ] , W2 = e −γ d [ 2V1 − W1 ]. (3.47) When the transmission line is lossless and its propagation constant γ ( s ) is pure imaginary, the inverse Laplace Transform can be applied to the equations in (3.47), thereby yielding 64 w1 (t + τ ) = 2v2 (t ) − w2 (t ) (3.48) w2 (t + τ ) = 2v1 (t ) − w1 (t ) (3.49) Equations (3.43), (3.48), and (3.49) forms a transient simulation scheme for lossless transmission lines as defined in [14]. For lossy transmission line simulations, the propagation constant γ ( s ) is not purely imaginary anymore. In [40], a Pade synthesis of the characteristic impedance and the complex propagation function was adopted and this approach leads to a recursive convolution method, with the exception of the recursive convolution operation. W-Element Another application of the Method of Characteristics is the W-element in HSPICE [15]. The basic algorithms in the W-element are the same as those in the MoC technique that was described in the previous section except that the Voltage Controlled Voltage Sources W1 and W2 are replaced by Current Controlled Current Sources WIf and WIb . However, the major differences between the MoC and the W-element method are the application of the interpolation-based complex rational approximation method, the difference approximation to the characteristic admittance and the propagation function, and the indirect numerical integration that were employed in the W-element method. Given samples of complex open-loop transfer function H ( jω ) for a lossy transmission line (i.e., the propagation function) at the set of frequency points {0, ω1 , ω2 ,… ωK }, an interpolation-based complex rational approximation method can be employed to approximate H ( jω ) as 65 M am a ω = H ∞ + ∑ m cm , m =1 1 + jω / ωcm m = 0 ωcm + jω M H ( jω ) ≈ H ( jω ) = H ∞ + ∑ (3.50) where am and ωcm are the pole and residue pairs. The interpolation-based complex rational approximation method guarantees that the poles have negative real parts and H ( jω ) matches H ( jω ) at the set of frequency points {0, ω1 , ω2 ,… ωK }. Note that the propagation delays are extracted from the propagation function before the approximation. The next step is the introduction of the state-space model to the approximated transfer function for the step invariance case as M y (tn ) = H ∞ x(tn ) + ∑ zm (tn ), m =0 z (t ) = a (1 − e−ωcmTn ) x(t ) + e −ωcmTn z (t ), m n −1 m n −1 m n (3.51) where Tn = tn − tn −1 is the simulation step size, x, y and zm are the excitation, response, and state variables. At each simulation step tn , x(tn ) , zm (tn −1 ) , am , ωcm , and H ∞ are known variables, so the transient simulator needs to update zm (tn ) and y (tn ) step by step. A companion model is built from (3.51) to make transmission line models compatible with SPICE. The W-element method employs the interpolation-based complex rational approximation method to find stable and well-behaved pole and residues pair for the system transfer function. The state-variable model is employed to make the transient simulation well-controlled and compatible with SPICE. The pre-extraction of the propagation delay from the transfer function reduces the macromodel order. What’s 66 more, the generalized state-variable model is applicable to lossy transmission lines with both FILP and FDLP. However, it will be observed later that the interpolation-based complex rational approximation method may result in late-time oscillations for transient simulations of lossy interconnects with FDLP up to a hundred GHz. Like other MoC methods, the interpolation-based complex rational approximation method cannot be proven to be a passive operation. 3.1.5 Spectral Methods Another important method for modeling transmission line is the spectral method or the basis function expansion method. The basis functions can be Chebyshev polynomials [19] [20] or wavelets [41,42]. The basic idea of the basis function expansion is to expand the port voltage and current variables in the Telegraphers’ Equations using basis function, e.g., Chebyshev polynomials [43] M v( x, t ) = ∑ pm (t )Tm ( x), m=0 M (3.52) i ( x, t ) = ∑ qm (t )Tm ( x), m=0 where Tm ( x) is a Chebyshev polynomial of mth degree, and pm (t ) and qm (t ) are the unknown variables. The derivatives of the port voltages and currents with respect to location in the Telegraphers’ Equations can also be expanded in the form of Chebyshev polynomials as 67 M ∂ v( x, t ) = ∑ p m (t )Tm ( x), ∂x m=0 M ∂ i ( x, t ) = ∑ qm (t )Tm ( x), ∂x m =0 (3.53) where p m (t ) , and qm (t ) are unknown expansion coefficients. One important property of the Chebyshev polynomials is that the unknown variables pm (t ) , qm (t ) , p m (t ) , and qm (t ) have the following interdependencies 1 ( p m−1 (t ) − p m+1 (t ) ) , 2m 1 qm (t ) = ( qm−1 (t ) − qm+1 (t ) ) . 2m pm (t ) = (3.54) By making use of the orthogonality properties of the Chebyshev polynomials, the Telegraphers’ Equations can be expressed as Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) that can be solved in the time-domain. The spectral method separates the port voltage and currents into products of the unknown time-domain coefficients and spatial Chebyshev polynomial expressions. It is therefore possible to model transmission lines with spatial variations, e.g., an IC packaging pin that shrinks from a large cross section to a small cross section. However, as pointed out in [2], the Chebyshev polynomial expansion cannot guarantee the passivity of the generated model. 3.1.6 Least-Square Approximation An efficient numerical approximation of frequency-domain data by using rational function expansions in terms of pole-residue pairs has been a long-term goal in the field 68 of modeling and simulation [44-46][63,64] . Usually the frequency-domain data is given at a set of sampling points {0, ω1 , ω2 ,… ωK }. The macromodel model order may be smaller than the number of sampling points K so that there are more equations than unknowns. Therefore, it is impossible to find a solution to exactly satisfy all the constraints. However, it is possible to obtain a solution that has a minimum deviation from the given data, which is a typical least-square problem. One of the reasons for such research is that the pole-residue pairs can be easily converted into the time domain as a sum of exponential decaying functions, or they can be easily synthesized as lumped elements in parallel networks. The rational approximation is usually applied to the transfer function as in (3.50). Note that rational functions here can be in the forms of either real poles or complex conjugate poles. The least-squares based method is a numerical approximation that cannot be proven to be passive. However, the poles can be forced to have negative real parts or reside in the Left Hand Side (LHS) of the complex plane to make the macromodel stable. Two least-square based algorithms are discussed here. The first algorithm is the standard least-square algorithms [44-46]. Another least-square algorithms is the Vector Fitting (VectFit) algorithm developed in [47,63,64]. Standard Least-Square Algorithms The first step in the standard Least-Square approximation method is to approximate the real part of the transfer function as [43] 69 M P(s ) Re [ H ( s )] ≈ Re H ( s ) = = Q( s) ∑ p (ω m =0 M i ∑ q (ω m =1 i 2 m ) , (3.55) 2 m ) where s = jω , pi and qi are the unknown coefficients. Since (3.55) should be satisfied at all frequency sampling points, a matrix relationship can be established 1 0 2 1 ω1 1 ω 2 K ... 0 ... ω12 M ... ... ωK2 M p0 Re H (0) −ω12 Re H (ω1 ) ... −ω12 M Re H (ω1 ) pM Re H (ω1 ) . q = ... 1 2 2 M −ωK Re H (ωK ) ... −ωK Re H (ωK ) Re H (ωK ) qM (3.56) 0 ... 0 Note here that the order number M is smaller than the number of sampling points K. Once the coefficients pi and qi are obtained, then solving the equation Q( s ) = 0 will result in the poles of the macromodel. During this step, all Right Hand Side (RHS) or pure imaginary poles are removed to ensure the stability of the macromodel. In order to obtain the residues, the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function are matched with the macromodel as 70 1 1 ωc1 1/ ωc1 2 1 1 + (ω1 / ωc1 ) 1/ ωc1 1 1+ ω / ω 2 ( K c1 ) ω1 / ωc1 0 2 1 + (ω1 / ωc1 ) ωK / ωc1 0 2 1 + (ωK / ωc1 ) ... ... ... ... ... ωcM 1/ ωcM Re H (0) 2 1 + ( ω1 / ωcM ) Re H (ω1 ) H ∞ 1/ ωcM a1ωc1 = Re H (ωK ) . 2 1 + (ωK / ωcM ) aM ωcM Im H (ω1 ) ω1 / ωcM 2 1 + ( ω1 / ωcM ) Im H (ω K ) ωK / ωcM 2 1 + (ωK / ωcM ) 1 (3.57) The classical Least-Square method provides a good approximation of the transfer function when the number of frequency sampling points is small. However, when the frequency increases to the GHz range and the number of sampling points becomes large, the accuracy of this method is severely degraded. What’s more, the classical LeastSquare method suffers from poor convergence in terms of the macromodel order number. A higher macromodel order number may not lead to better approximation accuracy. As we will show later, an improved Vector Fitting algorithm [47] provides a better solution to the rational function approximation problem. Another important issue with the direct Least-Square approximation method is the large number of pole-residue pairs when the interconnect structure is long. In fact, the number of pole-residue pairs is directly proportional to the length of the interconnect structure. 71 The Vector Fitting Algorithm In [47,63,64], an improved least-square approximation algorithm is proposed with a passivity checking routine. The Vector Fitting algorithm starts with the pole identification stage. A set of starting poles an and an unknown rational function σ ( s ) are introduced to form an matrix relationship as N cn + d + sh ∑ σ ( s ) f ( s ) n =1 s − an , ≈ N cn σ ( s) +1 ∑ n =1 s − an (3.58) where cn , cn , d , and h are unknown variables. Note that h can be set to zero. By substituting the expressions for σ ( s ) in the expressions for σ ( s ) f ( s ) in (3.58), we obtain the relationship N cn cn d sh + + − + 1 f ( s ) ≈ f ( s ). ∑ ∑ n =1 s − an n =1 s − an N (3.59) Matrix operation in the form of Ax = B can then be formed from (3.59) where the kth row vectors are 1 Ak = sk − a1 ... 1 sk − aN x = [ c1 ... cN 1 sk d − f (s k ) − f (s k ) ... , sk − a1 sk − a N h c1 ... cN ] , Bk = f ( sk ) , T (3.60) (3.61) (3.62) 72 and k corresponds to the sampling point. By solving the linear equations Ax = B using the least-square method, we can obtain all the coefficients. Next, the sum form of the approximation functions are expressed as product forms, i.e., N c σ (s) = ∑ n + 1 = n =1 s − an N ∏ ( s − z ) n n =1 N ∏(s − a ) n =1 , (3.63) n N +1 ∏ c σ ( s ) f ( s) = ∑ n + d + sh = h nN=1 n =1 s − an N ( s − zn ) ∏(s − a ) n =1 , (3.64) n where zn and zn are the zeros of σ ( s ) and σ ( s ) f ( s ) that can be calculated from cn , cn , d , and h . In order to obtain zn and zn , the standard linear solution forms a matrix as H = A − IcT , (3.65) where A is the diagonal matrix containing the starting poles, I is a column vector of ones, and cT is a row vector containing the residues of σ ( s ) . In standard linear solutions, the zeros of σ ( s ) f ( s ) and σ ( s ) are the eigen values of the matrix in (3.65). By finding the eigen values of (3.65), we can obtain the residues zn and zn for σ ( s ) f ( s ) and σ ( s ) respectively. Since the expressions in (3.63) and (3.64) have the same poles, we can divide (3.64) by (3.63) and obtain 73 N +1 f ( s) = h ∏(s − z ) n n =1 N ∏ ( s − z ) n =1 . (3.66) n Note that the poles of f ( s ) are the zeros of σ ( s ) , i.e., zn . Once the poles of f ( s ) are obtained, then the zeros of f ( s ) can be calculated from the poles using linear algebra. Therefore, the Vector Fitting algorithm delicately converts the non-linear polesearching problem into a linear zero calculation problem. Efficient approximations are obtained using a reasonable number of pole and residue pairs. Furthermore, the convergence of the Vector Fitting algorithm has proved to very good, i.e., high-order macromodels have better accuracy than low-order macromodels. 3.2 Model Order Reduction Algorithms Based on Moment Matching In addition to the macromodeling techniques that were discussed in the previous section, there is another category of modeling and simulation methods called the model order reduction algorithms. The model order reduction algorithms are based on Moment Matching Techniques (MMT). MMT use a reduced-order function to approximate the transfer function H(s). Many algorithms can be used in MMT and they can be classified into two types: I) Approaches based on explicitly matching the moments to a reduced-order model. 74 II) Approaches based on implicitly matching the moments to a reduced order model. In the first type of approach, there are single moment matching algorithm like the Asympotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE) method [48] and the multiple moment matching methods like Complex Frequency Hopping (CFH) [2,49], matrix rational approximation [2], and Truncated Balance Realization (TBR) [50]. In the second type of approach, indirect moment matching methods are adopted. These algorithms are based on Krylov-subspace formulations and Congruent Transformations. These methods includes but are not limited to the Krylov-subspace formulation, Pade via Lanczos [6] [7], Passive Reduced-Order Interconnect Macromodeling Algorithm (PRIMA) [8], Integrated Congruent Transformation [9], Split Congruent Transform [10], and Arnoldi [11]. The basic ideas of the MMT are explained here. The response of a system for a specified signal can be expressed in the time domain as a sum of exponentially decaying waves p f (t ) = f p (t ) + f np (t ) ≈ ∑ Rα exp( sα t )u (t ) + f np (t ), (3.67) α =1 while in the frequency domain, we have p Rα + Fnp ( s ), α =1 s − sα F ( s ) = Fp ( s ) + Fnp ( s ) = ∑ (3.68) where fnp(t) and Fnp(s) are the non-pole components in the time and frequency domains, respectively. The u(t) term denotes a unit-step function. The specified signal can be an 75 impulse signal, a step signal or some other type of input signals. These approximations are called fitting models. The time-domain fitting model involves a superposition of a series of decaying exponential waves which all turn on at zero time. For interconnects with finite lengths, all the terms must sum to zero on the far end of the interconnect at early times to satisfy causality since every wave propagates at a finite velocity. This can lead to a large number of terms in the macromodel for long interconnects. The accuracy of the fitting model depends on how many poles are used in (3.68) and whether the set of poles used in the approximation includes the so-called “dominant poles”. Zs + Zl Vs - Figure 3.3. A simple interconnect model. A simple interconnect model consists of a transmission line that is driven by a voltage source with a source impedance, and is terminated in a load (Figure 3.3). Standard macromodeling techniques sample the circuit response (e.g., admittance matrix parameters) at a sufficient number of frequency points to properly characterize the frequency response of the interconnect over the bandwidth of the input waveform. From these data, we can extract poles and calculate the corresponding residues in order to express the response in the form of (3.67) and (3.68). 76 3.2.1 Single Moment Matching Single Moment Matching The large number of pole and residue pairs associated with standard macromodeling techniques will make the simulation very time-intensive. A close exploration of the poles reveals that although there are large numbers of poles spread over a broad range of frequencies, only a few of the major poles will dominate in determining the output waveform. Researchers have proposed that extraction of the dominant poles and elimination of the excess poles will effectively improve the simulation efficiency. The Moment Matching Techniques (MMT) begins with the system transfer function H(s). H(s) is defined as a ratio of two rational functions: H ( s) = P( s) , Q( s ) (3.69) where P(s) and Q(s) are rational functions of s. Partial fraction operations can be applied to (3.69) to obtain a new form of H(s): N rα , α =1 s − sα H ( s ) = hnp + ∑ (3.70) where rα and sα are the α th pole-residue pair, N is the total number of poles, and h np is the direct coupling between the input and output signals. The time-domain result is obtained by applying the inverse Laplace Transform to (3.70), thereby expressing it as N h(t ) = hnpδ (t ) + ∑ rα e sα t . α =1 (3.71) 77 Comparing (3.70) with (3.71), we see that MMTs use a sum of exponential functions to construct the waveform in the time domain. This is one of the reasons why a large number of poles are needed to properly model even a simple interconnect. Next, numerical approximation methods are employed to determine the coefficients rα and sα . The Asympotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE) method employs a Pade Approximation at s=0 to model the transfer function [48]. Note that a Pade Approximation can only approximate a transfer functions with less than 10th order macromodels. What’s more, as discussed in the previous section, the Pade Approximation method cannot ensure the stability and passivity of the macromodel. Matrix Rational Approximation A Matrix Rational Approximation (MRA) method is introduced in [51]. This method first converts the Telegraphers’ Equations in the matrix-exponential form as V (ω , l ) z V (ω , 0) I (ω , l ) = e I (ω , 0) , (3.72) − R(ω ) − L(ω ) 0 0 z = A + jω B = l + jω l. 0 0 −G (ω ) −C (ω ) (3.73) For the exponential matrix term e z , a closed-form Pade rational function is employed as ez ≈ QN , M ( z ) PN , M ( z ) , (3.74) where QN , M ( z ) and PN , M ( z ) are polynomial matrices expressed in terms of closed-form Pade rational functions defined as 78 ( M + N − j )! N ! (− z ) j , j = 0 ( M + N )! j !( N − j )! (3.75) ( M + N − j )! M ! (− z ) j . j = 0 ( M + N )! j !( M − j )! (3.76) N PN , M ( z ) = ∑ M QN , M ( z ) = ∑ In order to preserve the passivity of the generated macromodel, M has to be chosen as the same order as N. By doing so, the exponential matrix in (3.72) can be written as PN ( z )e A+ sB ≈ QN ( z ), (3.77) where N PN ( z ) = ∑ pi s i , (3.78) i =0 N QN ( z ) = ∑ qi s i . (3.79) i =0 The MRA method ensures the procedure to obtain the coefficients pi and qi is a passive operation. Once the coefficients in (3.78) and (3.79) are calculated, (3.72) can be translated into an ODE and embedded in a circuit simulator with other non-linear elements. 3.2.2 Multiple Moment Matching The algorithms of multiple moment matching involve the projection of the system variables into the Krylov sub-space. Due to page limits, the detailed operation will not be addressed here. However, a simplified example is given here to compare the Multiple Moment Matching and Single Moment Matching [50]. 79 For example, the Pade Approximation is usually adopted in single Moment Matching Techniques. The Pade Approximation expands the original function in terms of a Taylor series or Maclaurin series up to the Mth order as discussed in Section Obviously, the error bound between the original function and the approximated model is the next higher order term above the Mth order. Thus, at high frequency points that are far away from the expansion point, the approximation error is severe, which is illustrated in Figure 3.4. The solid line in Figure 3.4 shows the original function, while the dashed line shows the approximation result from the single MMT. The concentric circles show several approximation model terms with increasing order numbers. Because of the approximation error of the Taylor series as compared to the original function, the approximation result deviates from the original function severe after several terms. f(s) x 0 Figure 3.4 The single Moment Matching Techniques (MMT) case s 80 f(s) x x x 0 s Figure 3.5 The multiple Moment Matching Techniques (MMT) case The Multiple Moment Matching Techniques approximates the original function at multiple frequency points as shown in Figure 3.5. Since multiple expansion points are employed in the approximation, it is possible to control the behavior of the approximation model so that the model matches with original function over the entire frequency range. 81 CHAPTER 4 SIMULATION OF LOSSY TRANSMISSION LINES WITH FREQUENCY INDEPENDENT LINE PARAMETERS USING SPECIAL FUNCTIONS In Chapter 3, various techniques for modeling and simulation of transmission lines were outlined. As discussed in Chapter 3, one important method for transmission line simulation involves the convolution of the impulse response with the source signal. In previous work [12,13,15], the authors have derived both the impulse response and a special case of the unit-step response (i.e., for zero conductance G=0) of lossy transmission lines with Frequency Independent Line Parameters (FILP). They demonstrated that these time-domain responses involve Bessel functions of zeroth and first orders. In this chapter, we demonstrate that both the impulse response and unit-step response for lossy transmission lines with FILP can be expressed in terms of Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (ILHIs). Furthermore, the time-domain responses for the propagation of complicated signal waveforms (e.g., ramp, exponentially decaying, and exponentially decaying sine signals) on transmission lines with FILP are derived in terms of ILHIs. Once these responses are obtained, then the time-intensive convolution operations that are required for the transient simulation of lossy transmission lines can be replaced by linear combinations of these various signal responses. In addition, it is no longer necessary to approximate the propagation function and characteristic admittance 82 using numerical methods such as Pade Approximation or Least-Square approximation for the simulation of lossy transmission lines with FILP. In this chapter, we first derive the frequency-domain expressions for lossy transmission lines with FILP. Then we define the ILHIs and convert the frequencydomain expressions into time-domain expressions involving ILHIs. The expressions include the far-end voltage and near-end current responses of a single lossy transmission line with FILP with unit-step signal, ramp signal, and exponential decaying signal inputs. These expressions are also employed in the next chapter to constitute the time-domain representations of the transient responses of lossy transmission lines with Frequency Dependent Line Parameters (FDLP) for various source signal inputs. The closed form ILHIs expressions are validated by comparing with simulation results from commercial tools like HSPICE. It is observed that the two types of results have excellent agreement with each other. Since the closed-form results with ILHIs only involve rapidly computable special functions, the proposed method is free from numerical effects like step size control and aliasing. The organization of this chapter is as follows. First we develop the frequencydomain expressions for the transient simulation of lossy transmission lines with FILP. Then the ILHIs are introduced and the calculations of the ILHIs are briefly discussed. Next, the time-domain expressions for lossy transmission lines responses with various signal source inputs are derived in detail. Finally, comparisons are made between the results from these closed-forms expressions and commercial simulators like HSPICE. 83 4.1 Frequency-Domain Expressions for the Responses of Lossy Transmission Lines with FILP It was shown that for the direct convolution of impulse response method as well as the recursive convolution methods and the Method of Characteristics (MoC), the key components for the transient simulation of lossy transmission lines with FILP are the propagation functions and characteristic impedance. This can be verified by a simple case of a single lossy transmission line with FILP as shown in Figure 3.3. If a single lossy transmission line is matched at both the source and the load (i.e., the near- and far-ends), then there are only two unknown variables i.e., the far-end voltage and the near-end current. The far-end current and near-end voltage can be derived from the far-end voltage and near-end current through the V-I characteristics of the source and load impedance. For a well-terminated transmission line with FILP, the voltage and current on the line at the location x can be expressed in the frequency domain as 1 E (ω ) exp(−γ x), 2 I ( x , ω ) = V ( x, ω ) / Z 0 , V ( x, ω ) = (4.1) where γ = ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) , Z 0 = ( R + jω L) /(G + jωC ) , (4.2) and E (ω ) is the source signal. It is seen from (4.1) that the voltage on the line involves a positive propagating wave and that the current is related to the voltage by the complex characteristic impedance. For cases when the transmission line is not well matched, the 84 expressions involving the direct convolution of the impulse response (3.6) and (3.7) are employed and the results involve both forward and backward propagating waves. The time-domain solutions for (4.1) can be obtained through the use of Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) techniques or the methods discussed in Chapter 2, i.e., numerical convolution, recursive convolution, and various macromodeling methods. Here a new analytical inverse Fourier Transform method is developed for cases where the source signal is a unit-step signal, a ramp signal, or an exponential decaying signal. 4.2 Time-Domain Expressions for the Far-End Voltage Responses of Lossy Transmission Lines with FILP First, the time-domain expressions for the voltage responses of lossy transmission lines with FILP are derived. Here we look at three different source excitations. 4.2.1 The Unit-Step Voltage Response If the source signal is a unit-step signal defined as 0, e(t ) = u (t ) = 1, t<0 , t≥0 (4.3) then the frequency-domain expression for the source signal is given as E (ω ) = 1 1 = . s jω (4.4) Therefore, based on the definition of the inverse Fourier transform, the time-domain expression for the voltage at the far-end in (4.1) can be written as 85 v1 (l , t ) = 1 4π ∫ ∞ exp −l ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) + jωt jω −∞ dω. (4.5) In order to carry out the integral in (4.5), the propagation constant is rewritten as LG + RC LG − RC γ (ω ) = ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) = j LC ω − j + , 2 LC 2 LC 2 2 (4.6) so that (4.5) can be represented as ( ) 2 exp j ω t − jd ω − ω p2 1 t v1 (l , t ) = exp − u (t − d ) ∫ dω , −∞ ω − jα1 j 4π 2τ ∞ (4.7) where the variables and their properties are defined as d = l LC , τ= LC , LG + RC ωc = ω p = ωc2 − d ∈ℜ, RG , LC τ ∈ℜ, (4.9) ωc ∈ℜ, (4.10) 1 j LG − RC , = 2 4τ 2 LC α1 = − LG + RC 1 =− , 2τ 2 LC ω =ω− j , 2τ (4.8) ω p ∈ », Re(ω p ) = 0, α1 ∈ℜ, ω ∈ . (4.11) (4.12) (4.13) As will be shown later, the properties of these variables will help to determine the proper closed integration contour. 86 4.2.2 The Exponentially Decaying Signal Voltage Response An exponential decaying signal is defined as 0, e(t ) = ep(t ) = exp(− s0t ), t<0 t≥0 (4.14) , where s0 is a positive real value. The frequency-domain expression for the exponential decaying signal is E (ω ) = EP(ω ) = 1 −j = . s + s0 ω − js0 (4.15) Another form of the exponentially decaying function is the exponentially decaying sine or cosine function that can be expressed in the frequency domain as the sum of a pair of complex conjugate poles and residues, i.e., E (ω ) = EP(ω ) = u + jv u − jv + , s + ( s0 + jy ) s + ( s0 − jy ) s0 , y, u , v ∈ ℜ, s0 > 0 (4.16) In the time domain, ep (t ) can be represented as ep(t ) = (u + jv) exp [ −( s0 + jy )t ] + (u − jv) exp [ −( s0 − jy )t ] , t ≥ 0. (4.17) Then e(t ) can be expressed as 0, e(t ) = ep(t ) = 2exp(− s0t )sin( yt + θ ), t<0 t≥0 , (4.18) where u θ = arctan , 0 ≤ θ < π . v (4.19) 87 The far-end voltage of the transmission line with FILP for the exponentially decaying signal input can be represented as v2 (l , t ) = 1 j 4π ∫ ∞ −∞ e−l ( R + jω L )( G + jωC ) ω − js0 e jωt dω ( ) exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 1 t = exp − u (t − d ) ∫ dω, −∞ ω − jα 2 j 4π 2τ ∞ (4.20) where all variables are defined in the same way as in (4.7) to (4.13) except that α 2 is defined as α2 = − 1 + s0 . 2τ (4.21) 4.2.3 Ramp Signal Voltage Response The source signal can also be defined as a ramp signal 0, t < 0 e(t ) = r (t ) = 1 , ∆t t , t ≥ 0 (4.22) where ∆t is the rise time. Then the frequency-domain expression for the source signal is given as E (ω ) = 1 1 =− . 2 ∆ts ∆tω 2 (4.23) The transient response at the far-end of a lossy transmission line with FILP can then be represented as 88 ( ) 1 ∞ exp −l ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) jωt e dω 4π∆t ∫−∞ ω2 exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 ∞ 1 t =− exp − u (t − d ) ∫ e jωt dω. 2 −∞ ω 4π∆t 2τ v3 (l , t ) = − ( ) (4.24) 4.3 Solutions for the Three Key Integrals for the Voltage Responses The integrals in (4.7), (4.20), and (4.24) are key integrals for the solutions of transient responses for lossy transmission lines with FILP. In order to solve these integrals, we first have to define the Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (ILHIs) of the first kind [52] as ζ Je0 (a, ζ ) = ∫ exp(− ax) J 0 ( x)dx, 0 (4.25) where J 0 ( x) is a Bessel function of the first kind. It has been shown [53] that Je0 (a, ζ ) can be expressed in integral form as e − aζ euζ Je0 (a, ζ ) = du. 2π j ∫Γu ( u − a ) u 2 + 1 (4.26) In order for the integral representation in (4.26) to hold, the inversion contour, Γu , must satisfy the conditions that Re (u ± j )e j arg(ζ ) > 0 and Re (u − a )e j arg(ζ ) > 0 . The ILHIs can be efficiently calculated using algorithms developed in [52] and [53], where two factorial-Neumann series expansions are derived for the ILHIs and are used together with a Neumann series expansion in an algorithm that efficiently computes the ILHI Je0 (a, ζ ) 89 to a user defined number of significant digits. Thus, one can use ILHIs in the same way as other special functions like the exponential function e− s0t or Bessel functions in a programming environment. Comparing (4.26) with (4.7), (4.20), and (4.24), we find that the integrals in (4.7), (4.20), and (4.24) look very similar to the expressions in (4.26). In fact, once the ILHI is defined, then the integrals in (4.7), (4.20), and (4.24) can be represented in terms of ILHIs by using two methods. In [54], a contour integration method is employed to express the integral in (4.20) in terms of ILHIs and solve for the transient field distribution in a rectangular waveguide. In [55], a differential equation method is adopted to represent the integral in (4.20) in terms of ILHIs and solve the problem of an ultrawide-band electromagnetic pulse propagating through a dispersive media. These two applications are different from each other in terms of the source waveforms, boundary conditions, and initial conditions, however, both formulations yield similar results. In this dissertation, we employ the method and results from [55]. Using the results in [55] (see (38)), we can express the exponentially decaying signal response v2 (l , t ) as v2 (l , t ) = exp(− { t 1 )u (t − d ) e −α 2t cosh(d α 22 + ω p2 ) + 2τ 2ω p t 2 − d 2 } (α d − t α 2 + ω 2 )e a+ζ Je (a , ζ ) + (α d + t α 2 + ω 2 )e a−ζ Je (a , ζ ) , p p 2 0 2 2 0 + − 2 where (4.27) 90 a± = −α 2t ± td α 22 + ω p2 ω p t 2 − td 2 j G R − 2 C L ζ = ωp t2 − d 2 = , t2 − d 2 , α2 = − a± ∈ », (4.28) ζ ∈ », Re(ζ ) = 0, (4.29) 1 + s0 . 2τ (4.30) It is observed that the exponentially decaying signal response v2 (l , t ) in (4.20) is very similar to the expression for the unit-step response v1 (l , t ) in (4.7). Actually, the unit-step response is a special case of the exponentially decaying signal response where the decaying factor vanishes as ω0 = 0 , i.e., v1 (l , t ) = exp(− { t 1 )u (t − d ) e−α1t cosh(d α12 + ω p2 ) + 2τ 2ω p t 2 − d 2 (α d − t α + ω )e 1 2 1 2 p a+ ζ Je0 (a+ , ζ ) + (α1d + t α + ω )e 2 1 α1 = − 2 p 1 . 2τ a− ζ } (4.31) Je0 (a− , ζ ) , (4.32) The expression in (4.27) involves a hyperbolic function cosh(d α 22 + ω p2 ) . In cases where s0 is a large value, d α 22 + ω p2 may be so large that the hyperbolic function cosh(d α 22 + ω p2 ) results in numerical overflow errors even though ω p2 is a negative value as defined in (4.11). In order to avoid these overflow errors, the Complementary Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (CILHIs) are introduced as ζ Je0 (a, δ , ζ ) = ∫ exp(− ax)J 0 ( x)dx, δ (4.33) 91 where ∞; Re(a ) ≥ 0 . −∞; Re(a) < 0 δ = (4.34) CILHIs and ILHIs are related by the identity [52] Je0 (a, ζ ) = − Je0 (a, δ , 0) + Je0 (a, δ , ζ ), (4.35) where Je0 (a, δ , 0) is a special case of CILHI in [56] (see (6.611.1)). When Re(a ) ≥ 0 and a ≠ ± j , then 0 Je0 (a, ∞, 0) = ∫ e − at J 0 (t )dt = −∞ −1 a2 + 1 , (4.36) . (4.37) and when Re(a ) < 0 , ∞ Je0 (a, −∞, 0) = ∫ e − at J 0 (t )dt = 0 1 a2 + 1 After substituting (4.36) and (4.37) into (4.35) and multiplying both sides by an exponential term, we find that ea±ζ Je0 (a± , ζ ) = e a± ζ a +1 2 ± + e a±ζ Je0 (a± , δ , ζ ). (4.38) Next, (4.38) is substituted into (4.27) and the hyperbolic function is expanded in exponential form to yield 92 ) ( t 1 )u (t − d ) exp −α 2t + d α 22 + ω p2 + 2τ 2 1 1 exp −α 2t − d α 22 + ω p2 + 2 2ω p t 2 − d 2 v2 (l , t ) = exp(− ) ( α 2 d − t α 22 + ω p2 ( ( + α 2d + t α + ω 2 2 ) 2 p e a+ζ + e a+ζ Je0 (a+ , ∞, ζ ) 2 a+ + 1 ) (4.39) ea−ζ a−ζ + e Je0 (a− , −∞, ζ ) . a2 + 1 − Note that the following identity is valid: a +1 = 2 ± −α 2 d ± t α 22 + ω p2 ωp t2 − d 2 (4.40) . After (4.40) is substituted into (4.39), we obtain the following expression for v2 (l , t ) t v2 (l , t ) = − exp − 2τ ( 1 u (t − d ) {u ( −a+ζ ) exp(a+ζ ) + 2ω p t 2 − d 2 ) ( ) } × α 2 d − t α 22 + ω p2 e a+ζ J e0 (a+ , δ + , ζ ) + α 2 d + t α 22 + ω p2 ea−ζ Je0 (a− , δ − , ζ ) , (4.41) where u ( −a+ζ ) is a unit-step function with a value of 1 when −a+ζ is positive real and a value of 0.5 when −a+ζ =0. Thus, the term that leads to the overflow error is absorbed by the CILHIs and the expression for v2 (l , t ) is well behaved. The expression in (4.41) is made up of two parts. The first part is an exponentially decaying term, and the second part is an ILHI involving the Bessel function of the first kind. Note that this result agrees with equation (5) in [26] except that equation (5) in [26] 93 still has an integral over the Bessel functions. By using (4.27) and (4.41), numerical integrations are no longer necessary in order to obtain an accurate transient response of lossy transmission lines with FILP. Next, the ramp response (4.24) has to be carried out in terms of ILHIs. Comparing (4.24) with the exponential decaying signal response in (4.20), it is observed that the integral part in (4.24) can be derived from the integral in (4.20) as shown in [29], i.e., ( ) ) ( 2 2 exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 ∂ ∞ exp jωt − jd ω − ω p dω = lim dω , (4.42) ∫−∞ s0 → 0 ∂s ∫−∞ ω2 ω − jα 2 0 ∞ where α 2 = −1/ 2τ + s0 . Note that the integral within the limit on the Right Hand Side (RHS) has been obtained as shown in (4.27). In [29], the derivative and limit operations are performed on the exponential responses of (4.27) to obtain the ramp response v3 (l , t ) = − ( e − t 2τ − u (t − d ) d e 2τ − − + ω ω t cosh( d ) sinh( d ) c c 2 2τωc 2ζ t −d a′ a ζ − tωc ) +2 + + ( a+ + 1 2τ d −d a′ a ζ a′ ζ d a′ ζ + tωc ) −2 − J 0 (ζ ) + ( + tωc ) 2+ + ( − tωc ) 2− J1 (ζ ) + 2τ a− + 1 a+ + 1 2τ a− + 1 2τ a′ a −d t d − tωc )a+′ ζ + ( + tωc ) 2+ + ea+ζ Je0 (a+ , ζ ) + )+( (d + a+ + 1 2τωc 2τ 2τ −d t d a′ a + tωc )a+′ ζ + ( − tωc ) 2− − e a−ζ Je0 (a− , ζ ) , )+( (d − 2τωc 2τ 2τ a− + 1 where J 0 (ζ ) and J1 (ζ ) are Bessel functions of zeroth and first orders. (4.43) 94 4.4 Time-Domain Expressions for the Near-End Current Responses of Lossy Transmission Lines with FILP The frequency-domain current responses of lossy transmission lines with FILP at any location x are given in (4.1) and can be expressed as I ( x , ω ) = V ( x, ω ) / Z 0 = E (ω ) exp(−γ x) . 2Z 0 (4.44) As previously discussed in Chapter 3, the far-end voltage and near-end current are the two independent variables for solving the lossy transmission line problem. The near-end current can be approximated by taking the limit of x → 0 in (4.44). Here the three types of source waveforms that were used for the far-end voltage response calculations are again used here, i.e., the unit-step signal, the exponential decaying signal, and the ramp signal. 4.4.1 Unit-Step Signal Current Response When the unit-step signal is applied to a lossy transmission line with FILP, the time-domain current response can be derived from (4.44) and (4.4) as i1 ( x, t ) = 1 4π = G 4π + C 4π ∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ −∞ −∞ ∫ ∞ −∞ ( exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) jω ( R + jω L) /(G + jωC ) ( exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) jω ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) ( )e )e exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) jωt dω jωt dω )e jωt d ω. (4.45) 95 By following a similar procedure as we did in the voltage case, i1 ( x, t ) is divided into two terms and (4.45) can be written as i1 ( x, t ) = i1_1 ( x, t ) + i1_ 2 ( x, t ), i1_1 ( x, t ) = G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) i1_ 2 ( x, t ) = j 4π LC (4.46) ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 ∫−∞ (ω − jα ) ω 2 − ω 2 dω , p 1 ∞ C exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) j 4π L ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 dω , ∫−∞ 2 ω − ωp2 ∞ (4.47) (4.48) where all variables are defined in the voltage v1 (l , t ) expression from (4.8) to (4.13). 4.4.2 The Exponentially Decaying Signal Current Response When the exponential decaying signal is applied to the lossy transmission line with FILP, the time-domain current response can be derived from (4.44) and (4.15) as i2 ( x, t ) = 1 4π ( exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) ∞ ∫ ( jω + s ) −∞ 0 )e jωt ( R + jω L) /(G + jωC ) d ω. (4.49) Similarly, i2 ( x, t ) can be represented as a sum of two terms by using partial fractions i2 ( x, t ) = i2 _1 ( x, t ) + i2 _ 2 ( x, t ), i2 _1 ( x, t ) = i2 _ 2 ( x, t ) = C 4π ∫ ∞ ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) −∞ ( G − s0C ) 4π ( exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) ∞ ( (4.50) )e jω t exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) ∫ ( jω + s ) −∞ 0 dω , )e ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) jωt (4.51) d ω. (4.52) 96 Then, the two integrals in (4.51) and (4.52) can be simplified as i2 _1 ( x, t ) = i2 _ 2 G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) j 4π LC ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 ∫−∞ (ω − jα ) ω 2 − ω 2 dω, p 2 ∞ ( G − s0C ) exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) ( x, t ) = j 4π LC (4.53) ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 d ω. (4.54) ∫−∞ 2 2 ω −ωp ∞ 4.4.3 The Ramp Signal Current Response In cases where the source signal is a ramp signal as defined in (4.22) and (4.23), the time-domain current response at the location x can be represented as i3 ( x, t ) = − =− ( ) 1 ∞ exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) + jωt dω 4π∆t ∫−∞ ω 2 ( R + jω L) /(G + jωC ) 1 ∞ 4π∆t ∫−∞ ( exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) + jωt ω 2 ) (4.55) G + jωC dω. R + jω L As will be shown in the next section, the integral in (4.55) can be expressed as a closedform representation in terms of ILHIs. 4.4.4 Solutions for the Key Integrals for the Current Responses The integrals in (4.47), (4.48), (4.53), (4.54), and (4.55) are the keys to the solutions of current responses for lossy transmission lines with FILP. Fortunately, these integrals are either solved in [34], or can be expressed in closed-form ILHIs as in [55]. The first integral to be discussed is [34] 97 ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 d ω = 2π jJ 0 ω p t 2 − d 2 u (t − d ), ∫−∞ 2 2 ω − ωp ∞ ) ( (4.56) where u (t ) is defined as 0, t < 0 u (t ) = 0.5, t = 0 . 1, t>0 (4.57) Thus, (4.48) and (4.54) can be expressed as i1_ 2 ( x, t ) = = = i2 _ 2 ( x, t ) = = = C exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) j 4π L C exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) j 4π L ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 dω ∫−∞ 2 2 ω − ωp ∞ ( ) 2π jJ 0 ω p t 2 − d 2 u (t − d ) (4.58) ) ( C exp ( −t / 2τ ) J 0 ω p t 2 − d 2 u (t − d ), 2 L ( G − s0C ) exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) j 4π LC ( G − s0C ) exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) 2π jJ ω 0( p j 4π LC ( G − s0C ) exp 2 LC ( −t / 2τ ) J 0 (ω p ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 dω ∫−∞ 2 2 ω − ωp ∞ ) t 2 − d 2 u (t − d ) ) t 2 − d 2 u (t − d ). Next, the following integral expression was derived in [55] (4.59) 98 ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 u (t − d ) −α t 2 2 ∫−∞ (ω − jα ) ω 2 − ω 2 dω = 2π α 2 + ω 2 e 2 sinh(d α1 + ω p ) + 1 1 p p ∞ { 1 2ω p (α d − t α 2 + ω 2 )e a+ζ Je (a , ζ ) + 1 1 0 p t −d 2 2 (4.60) } + (α1d + t α12 + ω p2 )e a−ζ Je0 (a− , ζ ) . By substituting (4.60) into (4.47), we obtain i1_1 ( x, t ) = = G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) j 4π LC ) ( exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 ∫−∞ (ω − jα ) ω 2 − ω 2 dω 1 p ∞ G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) 2π j 4π LC α +ω 2 1 2 p {e −α1t sinh(d α12 + ω p2 ) + 1 2ω p (α d − t α 2 + ω 2 )e a+ζ Je (a , ζ ) + p 1 1 0 + t −d 2 2 } (α1d + t α12 + ω 2p )ea−ζ Je0 (a− , ζ ) u (t − d ) G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) −α1t e sinh(d α12 + ω p2 ) + = 2 2 2 LC −α1 − ω p (4.61) { 1 2ω p (α d − t α 2 + ω 2 )e a+ζ Je (a , ζ ) + p + 1 1 0 t −d 2 2 } (α1d + t α12 + ω p2 )ea−ζ Je0 (a− , ζ ) . The expression for i2 _1 ( x, t ) is more complicated than i1_1 ( x, t ) because the definition for α 2 in (4.54) is α 2 = −1/ 2τ + s0 while α1 = −1/ 2τ . Note that s0 can be a large real or complex value. When s0 is a small real value, i2 _1 ( x, t ) can be expressed as 99 i2 _1 ( x, t ) = G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) 2 LC −α − ω 2 2 2 p {e −α 2 t sinh(d α 22 + ω p2 ) + 1 2ω p (α d − t α 2 + ω 2 )e a+ζ Je (a , ζ ) + + 2 2 0 p t −d 2 (4.62) 2 } (α 2 d + t α 22 + ω p2 )e a−ζ Je0 (a− , ζ ) . However, when s0 is large, the hyperbolic function sinh(d α 22 + ω p2 ) will result in numerical overflow errors. Therefore, just like the case for the exponentially decaying voltage signal response, CILHIs have to be introduced to absorb the exponentially growing terms in the hyperbolic function. Following similar procedure as were employed in the voltage response case, the current response can be expressed as i2 _1 ( x, t ) = G exp ( −t / 2τ ) u (t − d ) 2 LC −α 22 − ω p2 ( {u ( −a ζ ) exp(a ζ ) + + + ) 1 2ω p t 2 − d 2 × α 2 d − t α 22 + ω p2 e a+ζ J e0 (a+ , δ + , ζ ) + (α d + t 2 ) (4.63) } α 22 + ω 2p e a ζ Je0 (a− , δ − , ζ ) . − Finally, the integral in (4.55) has to be calculated. It is observed that the derivative relation in (4.42) also holds for the current response, i.e., ( ) ( ) 2 2 exp jωt − jd ω 2 − ω p 2 ∂ ∞ exp jωt − jd ω − ω p dω = lim dω , (4.64) ∫−∞ s0 → 0 ∂s ∫−∞ ω 2 ω 2 − ωp2 0 (ω − jα 2 ) ω 2 − ω p 2 ∞ where α 2 = −1/ 2τ + s0 . By taking the derivative and limit operations on s0 in (4.62), we obtain the expressions for the ramp signal current response as [29] 100 i3 ( x, t ) = − =− ( 1 ∞ exp − x ( R + jω L)(G + jωC ) + jωt 4π∆t ∫−∞ ω2 ) G + jωC dω R + jω L u (t − d ) 2 C / L G 2Gt − 3 + ) sinh(d ωc ) + ( 4∆t ωc τωc LC ωc LC − d Gd Ge 2τ a+′ a+ζ cosh( d ω ) + ( + t ω ) c c 2 a+2 + 1 τωc LC ωcω p LC (t 2 − d 2 ) 2τ t +( d −d a′ a ζ a′ ζ d + tωc ) −2 − J 0 (ζ ) − ( + tωc ) 2+ − ( − tωc ) 2τ a− + 1 a+ + 1 2τ 2τ −G a−′ ζ ( ) J ζ + 1 2 a− + 1 ωcω p LC +( −d t )+( − tωc )a+′ ζ (d + 2τωc 2τ d a′ a C/L d G d ( + tωc ) + ( ) ω + tωc ) 2+ + − + t c 2τ a+ + 1 ωcω p 2τ 2τωc3ω p LC 2τ G t (d − )+ e a+ζ Je0 (a+ , ζ ) + 2 2 ω ω LC 2 τω t −d c c p e ( − 2tτ −d d a′ a C/L d + tωc )a−′ ζ + ( − tωc ) 2− − + ( − tωc ) − 2τ 2τ a− + 1 ωcω p 2τ G 2τωc3ω p (4.65) e− 2tτ d ( − tωc ) e a−ζ Je0 (a− , ζ ) , t2 − d 2 LC 2τ where all variables are defined in (4.8) to (4.13). 4.5 Numerical Validations of the Voltage and Current Responses The complicated expressions in sections 4.1 to 4.4 can be validated by some examples for given RLGC parameters and the input waveforms. 101 W t εr=4.4 T Figure 4.1 The cross-section of a microstrip line with W=5µm, t=2µm, T=10µm, l=5cm, and εr=4.4. Here an example is given to model the transient response of a line with FILP for various source waveforms. We define a 5cm lossy microstrip line with the dimensions shown in Figure 4.1 and employ the FILP R = 1720.3Ω / m , L = 485.37 nH / m , C = 107.13 pF / m , and G = 0 . 4.5.1 Definitions for the Source Signals Next, we define some source waveforms, i.e., a triangle source signal and a trapezoidal source signal. The triangle source signal waveform is shown in Figure 4.2. v in (t ) 1 0 ∆t 2 ∆t t Figure 4.2 Time-domain triangle input 102 v in (t ) 1 ∆t 0 T + ∆t T + 2∆t t Figure 4.3 Time-domain trapezoidal input The time- and frequency-domain expressions for the triangle source signal can be represented as vin (t ) = Vin (ω ) = − 1 2 1 t − (t − ∆t ) + (t − 2∆t ), ∆t ∆t ∆t 1 2 1 + exp(− jω∆t ) − exp(−2 jω∆t ). 2 2 ∆tω ∆tω ∆tω 2 (4.66) (4.67) The trapezoidal source signal waveform is shown in Figure 4.3. The time-domain and frequency-domain expressions for the trapezoidal input have the forms vin (t ) = Vin (ω ) = − 1 1 1 1 t − (t − ∆t ) − (t − ∆t − T ) + (t − 2∆t − T ), ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t (4.68) 1 exp(− jω∆t ) exp(− jω∆t − jωT ) exp(−2 jω∆t − jωT ) + + − . (4.69) 2 ∆tω ∆tω 2 ∆tω 2 ∆tω 2 Note that in the time domain, the triangle and trapezoidal inputs are linear combinations of ramp signals with various time delays. Since a lossy interconnect is a Time Invariant (TI) system, the triangle and trapezoidal responses are linear combinations of ramp responses. Fortunately, the ramp response of a lossy interconnect has been previously represented in terms of (4.27) and (4.41). Therefore, by using the 103 expressions in (4.27) and (4.41), it is then straightforward to obtain the time-domain triangle and trapezoidal responses. 4.5.2 Validation of the Voltage Responses We first calculate the transient responses of the line using (4.27), (4.31), and (4.43). Note that the results in (4.31) model the unit-step signal voltage response of the line, the results in (4.43) model the ramp signal voltage response of the line, and the results in (4.27) model the exponentially decaying signal response of the line. These responses are also simulated using HSPICE where the W-element constant RLGC lossy transmission line model, as discussed in Chapter 3, is employed. In order to make the two results comparable, we configure the SPICE simulation scheme as shown in Figure 4.4. In order to reduce the effects of the mismatch at the far end of the line in the HSPICE simulations, we attach a very long transmission line T8 (i.e. 1m) with the same line parameters to the line under test T7. We also only check the transient result at the far end of the 5cm line prior to the moment when the wave bounces back from the long 1m line. A short triangle pulse with a rise time of 10ps is input into the above transmission line with matched loads of R1=R2=70 Ω at both ends. The voltage at the far end of line T7, i.e., V3, is then observed. The results of the unit-step voltage response from the closed-form model in (4.31) are displayed as the solid line and the HSPICE simulation results using the frequencyindependent lossy line model are displayed as the dotted line in Figure 4.5. Note the excellent agreement between the two results. 104 Next, the Triangle Impulse Responses (TIR) from the two methods are obtained and compared in Figure 4.6. According to the superposition principle, the TIR can be obtained through the combination of the ramp signal responses as described in (4.66) and (4.67). Here we set the slope of the ramp signal to 1/ ∆t = 1e11 . It is observed in Figure 4.6 that ILHI results agree with HSPICE W-element result fairly well. However, at the peak of the TIR, the HSPICE W-element result has a round peak while the ILHI result has a sharp peak. This is because the numerical approximation approach employed in the HSPICE W-element method causes a loss of the high frequency components. Next, the exponentially decaying signal responses of the line are calculated and compared as shown in Figure 4.7. Here we assume that the pole in (4.30) is 1e9 in the frequency domain, which corresponds to a time constant of 1ns in the time domain. Also the expressions involving CILHIs (4.41) are employed. Once again, excellent agreement is observed for the two results. Finally, the exponentially decaying sine signal voltage responses are calculated using both the closed-form CILHI expressions in (4.41) and HSPICE W-element with FILP. In the closed-form CILHI method, a pair of complex conjugate poles and residues are employed as poles = 3.456357423117727e11 ± 2.096223914009156e12, residues = 2.061598165353282e10 ± 1.267057502262814e11. By using the method described in Section 4.2.2 , the poles and residues combine in the time domain are normalized and form a decaying sine function 105 vin = 2exp ( −t 3.456357423117727e11) sin ( t 3.336243977419973e11) . The output voltage results are shown in Figure 4.8. It is observed that the two methods agree with each other very well. As has been demonstrated, the results from the two methods agree very well with each other for all four different signal inputs. Furthermore, the closed-form ILHI method is free from numerical issues like high-frequency truncation, simulation step size control in numerical integrations, or aliasing as in IFFT techniques. As an example, an enlarged part of Figure 4.7, between 0.35ns and 0.38ns, is shown in Figure 4.9. Note that the application of numerical approximations in HSPICE causes the truncation of the highfrequency components. In SPICE-type simulators, the Local Truncation Error (LTE) and Global Truncation Error (GTE) control the transient simulation in terms of step size and precision. As long as the high-frequency component truncation errors are less than a default or pre-defined LTE and GTE, the current step simulation result is accepted as a correct one. Otherwise, a smaller step size is chosen to reduce the truncation error. This effect yields the rounded results in Figure 4.9. To get better results, a smaller simulation step has to be applied in HSPICE at the cost of simulation time and memory. In contrast, the closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs don’t have any algorithms for controlling the simulation step size. However, at each simulation step, since the simulation result is expressed in closed form, the precision of the simulation is controlled totally by the calculation of ILHIs and CILHIs. The work in [52] and [53] employed contour integration techniques to derive the Bessel series expansions for the ILHIs and CILHIs. The algorithms in [52] can be used to choose the expansion that provides the 106 optimal efficiency for a user’s specified number of significant digits of accuracy. Thus, the error in the closed-form expressions is determined by the round-off error in the calculations of the ILHIs and CILHIs. It has been observed that the close-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs produce very accurate time-domain simulation results as shown in Figure 4.5 to Figure 4.9. R2 V5 Iin T7 LOSSY V3 T8 R1 LOSSY Vout LEN = 0.05 LEN = 1 Figure 4.4The SPICE simulation scheme for the transmission line with FILP Figure 4.5 Comparison of the unit-step responses of the FILP between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results. 107 Figure 4.6 Comparison of the TIR of the FILP lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results Figure 4.7 Comparison of the exponential decaying response of the frequencyindependent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results 108 Figure 4.8 Comparison of the exponential decaying sine response of the frequencyindependent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results Figure 4.9 An enlarged part of Figure 4.7 showing the numerical issues in the HSPICE results 109 4.5.3 Validation of the Current Responses The near-end current responses, as discussed in Section 4.4 , are now checked against SPICE simulation results. Given the example shown in Figure 4.1, we calculated the near-end, unit-step signal current response based on equations (4.47) (4.58), and (4.61), we also found the near-end, exponentially decaying signal current responses based on equations (4.50), (4.59), (4.62), and (4.63), and the near-end, ramp signal current responses based on (4.65). The SPICE simulation scheme in Figure 4.4 is also employed to generate comparable simulation results and the near-end current is denote as Iin in Figure 4.4. First, the near-end unit-step signal current response Iin from the closed-form ILHI expressions and HSPICE W-element are plotted in Figure 4.10. It is observed in Figure 4.10 that the two results agree with each other very well. 110 Figure 4.10 Comparison of the unit-step signal current response of the frequencyindependent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results Figure 4.11 Comparison of ramp signal current response of the frequency-independent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results 111 Next, the near-end, ramp signal current results from the closed-form ILHI expressions and HSPICE W-element are plotted in Figure 4.11. Here the slope of the ramp signal is set to 1/ ∆t = 1e11. Again, the two results agree with each other very well. Finally, the near-end exponentially decaying signal current response results from the closed-form ILHI expression and HSPICE W-element are plotted as Figure 4.12. Note that the three cases that are labeled as CASE A, CASE B, and CASE C in Figure 4.12 correspond to different poles in the exponentially decaying signal, i.e., 1e6, 1e8, and 1e9, respectively. Since all three cases are the simulation results for the near-end current response, it is hard to distinguish them from each other. Thus, CASE B and CASE C, i.e., the exponentially decaying signal with poles of 1e8 and 1e9, are artificially delayed with 1ns and 2ns, respectively, from CASE A for a better view. Since both ILHIs and CILHIs are introduced in the exponentially decaying signal response, both ILHIs and CILHIs are used in this example. In Figure 4.12, CASE A with pole of 1e6 is calculated with the ILHI expression in (4.62), while CASE B and C with poles 1e8 and 1e9 are calculated with the CILHI expression in (4.63). It is observed that for all three cases, the closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs agree very well with HSPICE simulation results. 112 Figure 4.12 Comparison of the exponential decaying signal current responses of the frequency-independent lossy line between HSPICE and the closed-form ILHI results for three cases In conclusion, we have successfully derived closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs for the transient voltage and current responses for the simulation of lossy transmission lines with FILP. Several forms of source signals, i.e., the unit-step, the ramp, and exponentially decaying signals, are used as the inputs to lossy transmission lines with FILP. These closed-form expressions are checked against the commercial simulation tool of HSPICE with the W-element model. Examples are given to show that 113 the closed-form results agree very well with the HSPICE W-element model. Furthermore, the closed-form results are free from aliasing and numerical truncations. In the next chapter, it will be demonstrated that these closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs can also be used to generate a Dispersive Hybrid Phase-Pole Macromodel (DHPPM) for the simulation of lossy transmission lines with FrequencyDependent Line Parameters (FDLP). 114 CHAPTER 5 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF LOSSY TRANSMISSION LINES WITH FREQUENCY DEPENDENT LINE PARAMETERS USING DISPERSIVE HYBRID PHASE-POLE MACROMODELS In Chapter 4, several closed-form expressions involving Incomplete LipshitzHankel Integrals (ILHIs) and Complementary Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals (CILHIs) are used in the simulation of lossy transmission lines with Frequency Independent Line Parameters (FILP). The simulation results are compared with commercial simulation tools like HSPICE. However, since frequency-dependent RLGC parameters must be employed to correctly model skin effects and dielectric losses for high-performance interconnects, the simulations of lossy transmission lines with Frequency Dependent Line Parameters (FDLP) are more desirable for electronic system designs. As discussed in Chapter 2, lossy transmission lines with FDLP have to be first properly modeled before simulation. In this chapter, we first study the behaviors of various lossy interconnects that are characterized by FDLP. We then develop a frequency-domain Dispersive Hybrid PhasePole Macromodel (DHPPM) for such lines, which consists of a constant RLGC propagation function multiplied by a residue series. The basic idea is to first extract the dominant physical phenomenology by using a propagation function in the frequency domain that is modeled by Frequency Independent Line Parameters (FILP). A rational 115 function approximation is then used to account for the remaining effects of FDLP lines. It is desired that macromodels for lossy transmission lines with FDLP not only have high accuracy and good efficiency, but also satisfy the stability, causality, and passivity requirements. Next, the properties of the DHPPM, i.e., stability, causality, and passivity, are discussed and the DHPPM method is proved to be a stable and causal macromodel. The passivity of the DHPPM can only be checked after macromodeling. By using a partial fraction expansion and analytically evaluating the required inverse Fourier transform integrals, the time-domain DHPPM can be decomposed as a sum of canonical transient responses for lines with FILP for various excitations (e.g., trapezoidal and unit step). These canonical transient responses are then expressed analytically as closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs of the first kind and Bessel functions. The closed-form expressions for these canonical responses were previously validated by comparing with simulation results from commercial tools like HSPICE in Chapter 4. Next, the DHPPM method is extended from single interconnect structures to coupled interconnect structures to perform transient simulations for various input waveforms such as trapezoidal and triangle source signals. Comparisons between the DHPPM results and the results produced by commercial simulation tools like HSPICE and a numerical Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) show that the DHPPM results are very accurate. 116 5.1 Analysis of the Properties of Lossy Transmission Lines with FDLP Modeling lossy interconnects with Frequency Dependent Line Parameters (FDLP) has become more important as electronic system clock frequencies approach multiple GHz, with rise and fall times shrinking to less than 0.1ns. For such cases, harmonic components with frequencies up to 100GHz need to be taken into account in a signal integrity analysis [26]. In a typical interconnect modeling and simulation tool, the interconnects are often modeled by transmission lines with RLGC parameters, i.e., perunit-length resistance, inductance, conductance and capacitance matrices, respectively. Note that all of these matrices can involve FDLP in high-speed interconnect applications. At frequencies above a few gigahertz, the frequency-dependent effects of the RLGC parameters are very important. For example, the resistance of on-chip, lossy interconnects can be thousands of ohms per cm due to the small cross sections of the interconnects. Another trend is the increasing lengths of the lossy interconnects for both on-chip and off-chip structures, which leads to more delay, dispersion, and decay on the interconnects. While transmission line RLGC parameters are typically characterized in the frequency domain, it has been both a desire and a challenge to properly model interconnects in the time domain for practical system designs, where a large number of interconnects are used to connect nonlinear devices like transistors. As discussed in Chapter 2, one of the reasons for the frequency-dependent behaviors of RLGC parameter is the skin effect, which dictates that the resistance of the 117 transmission line increases at the rate of the square root of the frequency at high frequencies. The skin effect results from the crowding of the electrical current at the surface of the transmission line, which also leads to a decreasing inductance of the transmission line with respect to frequency. For on-chip interconnects, the signal propagation modes on the interconnects have changed from the previous “slow wave mode” into the “quasi-TEM mode” or the “skineffect mode”[57]. Even though frequency-dependent R(f) and L(f) and constant C (i.e., R(f)L(f)C) equivalent networks have been the dominant models in recent years, substrate losses and the corresponding frequency-dependent G(f) parameters cannot be neglected in many applications [26,57,58]. For off-chip interconnects, the high-frequency properties of the lossy materials (e.g. FR-4) make the inclusion of frequency-dependent G(f) parameters an important factor in signal integrity analysis. What’s more, recent studies [32] have revealed the close inter-relationships between the RLGC parameters. It has been shown that R(f) and L(f), as well as G(f) and C(f), are related through the Hilbert Transform, and the correct relationships between these pairs of parameters is required to satisfied the causality principle. These relationships are called the KramerKronig conditions [31]. Thus, mathematical operations such as interpolation of the FDLP, may produce uncausal results if such operations cannot be shown to meet the causality requirements. Based on these constraints, one can conclude that only lossy transmission lines with FDLP in a tabular format that satisfy the causality requirements will produce accurate simulation results. 118 Numerous algorithms have been developed to model lossy transmission line structures that are characterized by FDLP [12,13,15-18,36,59-62]. In the earliest Simulation Program with Integrated Circuits Emphasis (SPICE) simulation tools, lossy transmission lines were sectioned into many pieces along the length of the interconnect and each piece was represented by a FILP model, i.e. frequency-independent RLGC circuit elements. This method obviously suffers from the large number of required circuit nodes and the correspondingly low simulation efficiency. In order to overcome these problems, the impulse response of the uniform transmission line with FILP is first represented analytically in terms of a modified Bessel function in [13]. Then a convolution algorithm is applied to find the transient response for various source waveform excitations. The convolution method doesn’t require the sub-sectioning of the transmission line and avoids introducing extra nodes in the transmission line model in a SPICE-type simulator. Unfortunately, the convolution method is time consuming because at each simulation time step, the responses at previous time steps and the source waveform have to be recalled, thereby leading to a computational complexity of O(t 2 ) , where t is the simulation time. In addition, this procedure is limited to lossy transmission lines with FILP and cannot be applied to transmission lines with FDLP because a closedform representation doesn’t exist for the impulse response for transmission lines with FDLP. Thus, macromodels are usually developed for the impulse response prior to applying convolutions [12,13,15-18,36,59-62]. As an example, two transient responses for a transmission line with FDLP are shown in Figure 5.1. A triangular source with 10ps rise and fall times is input into a 5cm 119 lossy Multiple Chip Module (MCM) line with the FDLP listed in Table 1 in [29]. An Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) method is first applied to the transmission line with the FDLP model to calculate the transient responses, i.e., the solid line in Figure 5.1. Then the R (ω ) and L (ω ) line parameters at 2GHz in Table 1 in [29] are used together with constant C and G line parameters to form a transmission line for the FILP model. The transient response of this FILP model is plotted as the dashed line in Figure 5.1. The solid line shows the response for the FDLP model shown in Table 1 in [29] and the dashed line is the response for a FILP model where the parameter at 2 GHz are employed. Since the two responses are completely different in terms of delays, dispersion, and decay, FDLP models are necessary if one desires accurate time-domain lossy transmission line simulations. Figure 5.1 The time-domain output waveforms obtained for a MCM line for a 10ps triangle impulse input. 120 The Method of Characteristics (MoC) [14], which features the extraction of linepropagation delay from the propagation function and rational function approximation of the remaining residue series, was first introduced to efficiently model lossless transmission lines where only constant LC parameters exist. Later, the MoC was successfully extended to frequency-dependent lossy line simulations [15,32,59]. In [15], a difference approximation followed by indirect numerical integration is used to generate state space models for a delayless propagation function and the characteristic impedance in order to simulate lossy transmission lines with FDLP. This method is very successful at low frequencies. However, at high frequencies, where the line parameters change a lot, numerical effects, e.g. ripples at late time, are observed in the simulation of FDLP lines. These effects are assumed to be associated with the limited capability of the approximation to model the rapidly decaying delayless propagation function at high frequencies. In [32,60], the MoC method is discussed in details and a lumped-element model involving a lossless transmission line is suggested to model transmission lines with FDLP over a wide range of frequencies. The idea of extracting the propagation delay was even adopted in the classical macromodel method, e.g., in [61]. In all MoC implementations, the extraction of line-propagation delay is the first step in the method. There are several advantages associated with extracting the propagation delay. First, the extracted frequency-domain phase delay can be easily converted to a pure delay term in the time domain. Since all electromagnetic waves propagate on interconnects at a finite speed, the time between the excitation of the signal at the source end and the appearance of the signal at the load end is called the time of 121 flight. Compared with classical macromodels, where rational function approximations are directly applied to the propagation function, MoC-based methods need far fewer poles and residues because a large number of poles and residues are used in classical macromodels to cancel each other in order to realize a zero output state at the far end of the line before the time of flight. On the other hand, in MoC-based methods, all the poles and residues are used to model the line response after the time of flight. The second advantage of the MoC method is that the causality requirement is guaranteed. Causality is realized in MoC methods by enforcing the output at the far end of the line to be zero before the time of flight. MoC-based methods work well for lossless lines and low-loss lines. However, for high-loss lines, a large number of poles and residues are still needed to model the rapid decay and dispersion of the propagation function at high frequencies. Therefore, in this dissertation, an improvement over the classical MoC is suggested for modeling propagation functions for high-loss lines more efficiently. The organization of this chapter is as follows. We first briefly discuss the propagation function for interconnects with FDLP. Next, we develop a frequency-domain Dispersive Hybrid Phase Pole Macromodel (DHPPM) for lossy lines. An inverse Fourier transform is then applied in order to find the time-domain DHPPM. Contour integration techniques are used to obtain closed-form representations for the required time-domain canonical integrals. Finally the time-domain DHPPM is used to simulate the transient responses of lossy FDLP interconnects. Different source waveforms, such as triangle and trapezoidal source, are 122 used as inputs. Moreover, the DHPPM model results are compared with those produced by commercial simulation tools such as the latest version of HSPICE. 5.2 Development of a Frequency-Domain DHPPM for Frequency-Dependent Lossy Interconnects The frequency-domain interconnect port voltages and currents should satisfy Telegrapher’s Equations, i.e., ∂V (ω , z ) = − R(ω ) I ( z ) − jω L(ω ) I ( z ), ∂z (5.1) ∂I (ω , z ) = −G (ω )V ( z ) − jωC (ω )V ( z ), ∂z (5.2) where R(ω ), L(ω ) , G (ω ) , and C (ω ) are the frequency-dependent per-unit-length resistance, inductance, conductance, and capacitance matrices, V (ω , z ) and I (ω , z ) are the voltage and current on the line at the location z , and ω is the angular frequency. At the location of the far end of the line where z = l , (5.1) and (5.2) can be rewritten in matrix-exponential form as V (ω , l ) V (ω , 0) I (ω , l ) = exp(−γ (ω )l ) I (ω , 0) , G (ω ) L(ω ) 0 0 γ (ω ) = . + jω 0 0 R(ω ) C (ω ) (5.3) We start with the single FDLP case, where γ (ω ) = α + j β = ( R(ω ) + jω L(ω ))(G (ω ) + jωC (ω )). (5.4) 123 Since the exponential term in (5.3) doesn’t have a closed-form time-domain expression even for the single FDLP line case, it is hard to find a time-domain relationship between the source and load voltages or currents, especially when the source signal V (ω , 0) or I (ω , 0) is a the complicated waveform like a trapezoidal signal. Macromodeling techniques are widely used to properly model the propagation function [12,13,15-18,36,59-62]. The general goal of macromodeling is to replace the complex electromagnetic model with a reduced-order model, while maintaining the characteristics of the system. Classical reduced-order models (e.g. UACAPRE [45,46]), can be applied to the system transfer function or admittance parameters, and are written in the form M RSclassical = ∑ α =1 Rα + Q ≈ exp [ −lγ ( jω )] jω − sα (5.5) where Q represents the non-pole components in the frequency domain, Rα and sα are the poles and residues of the system, l is the length of the line, and exp [ −lγ (ω )] is the complex propagation function defined in (5.3). In [17,22], a Hybrid Phase Pole Macromodel (HPPM) was introduced to provide a reduced order model for complex interconnect structures. The form of the HPPM is similar to the classical macromodel except that a propagation delay factor τ is included with the system poles and residues. By factoring out the propagation delay, the HPPM significantly reduces the order of the macromodel and also guarantees the causality of the 124 macromodel. In practice, the propagation delay is best captured by using a lossless line propagation factor with parameters L(∞), C (∞) , i.e. exp [ −lγ (ω ) ] ≈ exp − jlω L(∞)C (∞) RS HPPM , (5.6) where M RS HPPM = ∑ α =1 Rα + Q. jω − sα (5.7) In the above expression, the extracted propagation term models most of the effects of the propagation delay on low-loss transmission lines, so the pole and residue pairs mainly have to account for the system poles and residues. In order to better handle moderate to high-loss interconnects, we propose a DHPPM with the following expression in the frequency domain [62], exp [ −lγ (ω ) ] ≈ exp −l [ R(0) + jω L(∞)][G (0) + jωC (∞)] RS DHPPM , M RS DHPPM = ∑ α =1 Rα + Q, jω − sα (5.8) (5.9) where R (0), G (0), L(∞ ), and C (∞) are the RLGC parameters at dc and the highest frequency values, respectively. The poles and residues in the DHPPM are obtained by the Vector Fitting algorithm [47,63,64]. In the HPPM and other MoC based methods, it has been shown that extraction of a lossless propagation function can properly model the propagation delay of the signal and satisfy the causality requirements. In the DHPPM in (5.8), we also include the DC resistance and conductance in the extracted propagation 125 function so that part of the loss and dispersion in the propagation function is covered by the exponential term in (5.8). Note that R and L parameters, and G and C, represent the real and imaginary parts of the serial line impedance as Z (ω ) = R (ω ) + jω L(ω ) and the parallel line admittance as Y (ω ) = G (ω ) + jωC (ω ) , respectively. As discussed in [32], for a real causal system, the real and imaginary parts of the series impedance and parallel admittance should be related by the Kramer-Kronig conditions through the Hilbert Transform. The parameters R (0) and L(∞) , as well as G (0) and C (∞) , constitute an inherently causal model. Therefore the DHPPM in (5.8) satisfies the immittance consistency requirement. Furthermore, poles and residues are used to capture the physical phenomenology that is not accurately modeled by the constant RLGC model. The stability of a system is determined by its pole locations. A stable system only has poles that are located on the Left Hand Side (LHS) of the complex plane. In the DHPPM, the Vector Fitting algorithm is employed to approximated the residue series in (5.8). The extracted constant RLGC part of the DHPPM is a rapidly decaying and stable term. Thus, the stability of the Vector Fitting algorithm determines the stability of the DHPPM. In the realization of (5.9) in the Vector Fitting algorithm, a routine to check the properties of the poles sα has been implemented to ensure that all the poles sα are located on LHS of the complex plane. Therefore, the stability of the DHPPM is guaranteed. 126 Another important issue is the macromodel passivity. As discussed in [32], MoC based methods cannot theoretically prove passivity because the rational approximation procedure used in the DHPPM or other MoC based methods is realized by least-square based algorithms, e.g., UACAPRE [45,46] or Vector Fitting [47,63,64]. However, passivity can be checked at each frequency point after the rational approximation, e.g., the Vector Fitting algorithm as in [63]. In the DHPPM procedure, by carefully selecting the macromodel order and controlling the residue series, we didn’t encounter any passivity problems during our tests. By extracting the dominant physical phenomenology from the propagation function in (5.8), we hope to reduce the macromodel order M to a minimum level so that the simulation efficiency can be improved. As is demonstrated in the next section, the DHPPM requires fewer terms than the HPPM and other MoC based methods for lossy interconnects 5.3 Validation of the Frequency-Domain DHPPM The DHPPM offers an improvement over the HPPM and other MoC techniques because the propagation function that is extracted in the DHPPM in (5.8) and (5.9) includes the DC resistance and conductance to approximate part of the loss. Therefore, one would expect the DHPPM to work better than MoC-based techniques on lossy transmission lines. Extraction of a constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model should work very well for interconnects that exhibits cross-sectional dimensions that are approximately one skin depth or smaller in size. In such cases, it is safe to assume that the currents are 127 distributed evenly inside the interconnect, thereby allowing a frequency-independent, lossy transmission line model with constant RLGC parameters to be used up to a few GHz. The frequency-dependent behaviors of the R and L parameters for three different lines are shown in Figure 5.2 in order to show the skin effects, i.e., a typical on-chip microstrip line with a 1.84 µ m by 1.23 µ m cross section [26], a typical MCM line, and a typical PCB line [5]. It is shown in Figure 5.2(a) that the R and L parameters for the MCM and PCB lines are constant for frequencies below 0.1 GHz, while the R and L parameters for the on-chip line are constant for frequencies below 10 GHz. These changes impact the modeling of the interconnect, but can be easily captured by the residue series in the DHPPM. (a) 128 (b) Figure 5.2 The frequency-dependent behaviors of the (a) R and (b) L parameters for a typical on-chip, MCM, and PCB lossy line. To test the DHPPM, we first employed a typical on-chip microstrip interconnect with a 1.84 µ m by 1.23 µ m cross section, height of 0.76 µ m above the ground plane, length of 1cm, and a material with dielectric constant of 3.898. First, a two-dimensional Method of Moments (MoM) based modeling tool was employed to obtain the frequencydependent R and L parameters up to 100GHz as well as the constant G and C parameters [30]. The propagation function was then calculated at the sample frequency points. The residue series functions RS in (5.5), (5.7), and (5.9) are the target functions that are approximated by pole and residue pairs. It is desired that the residue series data are well-behaved from low frequency to high frequency so that the macromodels 129 accurately approximate the propagation function in terms of both the magnitude and phase at all frequency points. The magnitudes and phases of the residue series data in the two macromodels of (5.7) and (5.9) for the on-chip lossy interconnect structure are plotted in Figure 5.3 together with the magnitude and phase of the original propagation function. It is observed in Figure 5.3 that the magnitude of the original propagation function is close to one at DC and starts to decay exponentially as frequency increases, while the phase of the original propagation function starts out at zero at low frequencies and then the phase starts to vary rapidly at high frequencies as the electrical length of the interconnect increases. After extracting a pure time delay, the HPPM residues series phase exhibits much less variation than the original propagation function, especially at lower and high frequencies. The reason that the phase is close to zero at these points is because the pure time delay term correctly models the phases at these two extremes. However, the extraction of the pure time delay term in the HPPM doesn’t affect the magnitude of the residue series data so the magnitude of HPPM residue series data overlaps with the magnitude of the original propagation function. In the DHPPM, the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model is extracted from the propagation function. In Figure 5.3(b), the phase of residues series in the DHPPM has even less variation than either the original propagation function or the HPPM residue series. This is because the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) term not only models the phases at low and high frequencies correctly, but it also captures part of the dispersion effects between the low and high frequencies. Furthermore, it is observed in Figure 5.3(a) that the magnitude of the DHPPM residue series data is close to one from DC up to 10GHz. 130 This means that the extract constant RLGC propagation function closely model the original propagation function up to 10GHz. Therefore, the residue series in the DHPPM is better behaved than the original propagation function and the HPPM. The three macromodels defined in (5.5)-(5.9), with model orders of ten, were then used to model the on-chip propagation function. The results for the magnitudes and phases of the propagation function are shown in Figure 5.4(a) and (b), respectively. In order to better show the accuracies of the various macromodels, we also plot the absolute magnitude error for the different models in Figure 5.4(c). (a) 131 (b) Figure 5.3 The magnitudes and phases of in the propagation function, the residue series data of HPPM and DHPPM for the on-chip lossy interconnect For the classical macromodel, the Vector Fitting algorithm is directly employed to approximate the propagation function with poles and residues as defined in (5.5). As shown in Figure 5.4, a tenth-order classical macromodel does a reasonable job of approximating the propagation function at low frequencies, but it leads to relatively larger errors at high frequencies. Therefore, a classical macromodel requires more than 10 terms to accurately model this interconnect. It is found that when the macromodel orders are 18 or higher, the classical macromodel are comparable with the DHPPM and HPPM. The magnitude and absolute errors of the classical macromodel with 18 poles and residues pairs are compared with other macromodels and shown in Figure 5.5. 132 For the HPPM, extraction of the phase delay term is first performed as in (5.6). Then, the Vector Fitting algorithm is applied to approximate the residue series as in (5.7). Figure 5.4 shows that the HPPM with 10 terms yields approximately the same accuracy at low frequencies as the classical macromodel, but it has better accuracy at higher frequencies. For the DHPPM, a constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model is first extracted from the propagation function as in (5.8). Then, the Vector Fitting algorithm is employed to approximate the residue series as in (5.9). It is observed in Figure 5.4(c) that the DHPPM with a model order of 10 approximates the on-chip propagation function very well, i.e., it provides a 10 times and 100 times improvement in the absolute error when compared with HPPM and classical macromodels with the same orders. We also plot a DHPPM with order 2 in Figure 5.4(c) and find that this DHPPM provides approximately the same accuracy as the tenth order HPPM. The magnitude and phase of the extracted constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) propagation function is also plotted in Figure 5.4. We find that the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model approximates the propagation function so well at low frequencies that the absolute error approaches zero as shown in Figure 5.4(c). However, at frequencies above a few GHz, the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model significantly deviates from the propagation function. Comparing Figure 5.4 with Figure 5.2, one can conclude that the residue series in (5.9) compensates the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model at high frequencies in the DHPPM so that the DHPPM is well behaved at both low 133 and high frequencies. This also explains the large differences between the transient responses for the transmission lines with FDLP and FILP that are shown in Figure 5.1. The three macromodels in (5.5) to (5.9) are also applied to a MCM line as described in Table 1 of [29]. One of the notable differences between the MCM line and on-chip line is that the MCM line has a much larger conductor cross-section and length. Thus, the MCM line has a much lower resistance and the skin effects affects the wave propagation at much lower frequencies than for the on-chip line in the first test (See Figure 5.2). Furthermore, extraction of the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model from the propagation function will not reduce the DHPPM order as effectively as for the on-chip line case. The results for the MCM line case are shown in Figure 5.6. It is observed in Figure 5.6(c) that the DHPPM absolute magnitude error is once again smaller than for the HPPM or classical macromodel when a tenth order approximation is applied for all three macromodels. However, this time a DHPPM with order 2 is not as good as the HPPM with order 10. Also, the constant R (0) L(∞)G (0)C (∞) model starts to deviate from the propagation function at frequencies as low as 0.2 GHz. The Root-Mean-Square (RMS) error for the on-chip and MCM lines are listed in Table 5.1. It is observed in Table 5.1 that the DHPPM with 10 poles has the minimum RMS errors when compared with other macromodeling methods. The RMS errors for the classical macromodel are the largest when compared with DHPPM and HPPM. As the 134 cross-section dimension and length decrease from the MCM case to the on-chip case, the DHPPM shows its advantage over HPPM in terms of the RMS error. DHPPM with 10 poles DHPPM with 2 poles HPPM with 10 poles Classical Macromodel with 10 poles On-Chip Case 0.001654 0.02109 0.005565 0.03751 MCM Case 0.003106 0.03001 0.01540 0.2994 Table 5.1 The RMS errors of different macromodels for on-chip and MCM cases These tests clearly illustrate that the simulation error can be greatly reduced if one first extracts the dominant physical phenomenology from the problem. However, the physical phenomenology is different in different kinds of interconnects. In long low-loss lines, the HPPM can approximate the propagation function efficiently, while in short high-loss, on-chip lines, where the cross sectional dimension, are comparable to the skin depth, the DHPPM can significantly reduce the macromodel order. The DHPPM can also be applied to long low-loss lines. However, the DHPPM doesn’t have as much of an advantage over the HPPM in terms of reduced macromodel order as it does for on-chip lines. Furthermore, the DHPPM has a more complicated time-domain expression as illustrated in the next section. 135 (a) 136 (b) 137 (c) Figure 5.4 A comparison between the propagation function for an on-chip interconnect modeled by different macromodels in terms of (a) magnitude, (b) phase, and (c) absolute error 138 (a) (b) Figure 5.5 A comparison between the propagation function for an on-chip interconnect modeled by different macromodels in terms of (a) magnitude, and (b)absolute error 139 (a) 140 (b) 141 (c) Figure 5.6 A comparison between the propagation function for an MCM interconnect modeled by different macromodels in terms of (a) magnitude, (b) phase, and (c) absolute error 5.4 Development of a Time-Domain DHPPM for FrequencyDependent Lossy Interconnects Now that we have shown that the frequency-domain DHPPM has advantages over classical macromodels and the HPPM, we now develop an efficient time-domain 142 DHPPM. Here we use triangular impulse and trapezoidal input waveform as examples to illustrate the conversion of the frequency-domain DHPPM to a time-domain DHPPM. 5.4.1 Expression for the Triangular Impulse Response When a triangular impulse is used as the input into the lossy interconnect, the frequency-domain output is expressed as the product of the triangular waveform spectrum and the propagation function, 4 sin 2 (ω∆t / 2) Vout (ω ) = exp ( − jω∆t ) exp [ −lγ ( jω )] ω 2 ∆t exp [ −lγ ( jω ) ] =− 1 − 2 exp ( − jω∆t ) + exp ( −2 jω∆t ) . ω 2 ∆t (5.10) Here we assume that the line is terminated with a matched load, and Vout is the frequency-domain output signal response. In order to find the time-domain representation for this propagating signal, we substitute (5.8) and (5.9) into (5.10) and perform an Inverse Fourier Transform, i.e., vout (t ) = vout1 (t ) + vout 2 (t ) (5.11) [ R(0) + sL(∞)][G (0) + sC (∞)]} ∫−∞ ∑ ∆tω 2 ( jω − sα ) α =1 ×4sin 2 (ω∆t / 2) exp jω ( t − ∆t ) dω , vout1 (t ) = 1 2π ∞ M { Rα exp −l { } 1 ∞ Q exp −l [ R(0) + sL(∞) ][G (0) + sC (∞) ] 2π ∫−∞ ∆tω 2 ×4sin 2 (ω∆t / 2) exp jω ( t − ∆t ) dω. vout 2 (t ) = (5.12) (5.13) 143 According to Euler’s Theorem and the properties of the Fourier Transform, (5.12) can be simplified as vout1 (t ) = Rα M ∑ [ 2φ1 (t − ∆t ) − φ1 (t ) − φ1 (t − 2∆t )], j 2π∆t α =1 M φ1 (t ) = ∑ ∫ α =1 ∞ ( exp jωt − jtd ω 2 − jω / τ − ωc 2 −∞ ω (ω − jsα ) 2 where td = l L(∞)C (∞) represents the time delay, τ = ωc = ) dω , (5.14) (5.15) L(∞)C (∞) , and L(∞)G (0) + R(0)C (∞) R (0)G (0) . Likewise, vout 2 (t ) can be written as L(∞)C (∞) vout 2 (t ) = φ2 (t ) = ∫ Q M ∑ [ 2φ2 (t − ∆t ) − φ2 (t ) − φ2 (t − 2∆t )], 2π∆t α =1 ∞ ( exp jωt − jtd ω 2 − jω / τ − ωc 2 −∞ ω 2 ) d ω. (5.16) (5.17) The integration in (5.15) cannot be carried out unless we perform a partial fraction expansion on the denominator, 1 1 j 1 = 2 + − 2 . 2 ω (ω − jsα ) sα ω sα ω sα (ω − jsα ) 2 (5.18) By using this partial fraction expansion, we expand the integral in (5.15) into three integrals j 1 1 φ2 (t ) + 2 φ3 (t ) − 2 φ4 (t ) , sα sα α =1 sα M φ1 (t ) = ∑ (5.19) 144 φ3 (t ) = ∫ ( exp jωt − jtd ω 2 − jω / τ − ωc 2 ∞ ω −∞ φ4 (t ) = ∫ ∞ ( ) dω, exp jωt − jtd ω 2 − jω / τ − ωc 2 −∞ ω − jsα ) d ω. (5.20) (5.21) 5.4.2 Expression for the Trapezoidal Response The time-domain and frequency-domain expressions for the trapezoidal input have the forms as defined in Chapter 4, i.e., vin (t ) = Vin (ω ) = − 1 1 1 1 t − (t − ∆t ) − (t − ∆t − T ) + (t − 2∆t − T ), ∆t ∆t ∆t ∆t (5.22) 1 exp(− jω∆t ) exp(− jω∆t − jωT ) exp(−2 jω∆t − jωT ) + + − . (5.23) 2 ∆tω ∆tω 2 ∆tω 2 ∆tω 2 Note that in the time domain, the trapezoidal input is a linear combination of ramp signals with various time delays. Since a lossy interconnect is a Time Invariant (TI) system, the trapezoidal response is a linear combination of ramp responses. Fortunately, the ramp response of a lossy interconnect has been previously represented in terms of φ1 (t ) and φ2 (t ) in (5.15) and (5.17). Therefore, by solving the conical integrals in (5.15) and (5.17), it is then straightforward to obtain the time-domain trapezoidal response. The integrals for φ2 (t ) , φ3 (t ) , and φ4 (t ) in (5.17), (5.20), and (5.21) have been thoroughly studied in Chapter 4. For example, φ2 (t ) models the transient response of a ramp signal for a lossy transmission line with FILP and is given in (4.43). Likewise, φ3 (t ) models the unit-step response of a lossy transmission line with FILP and is given in 145 (4.31). Finally, φ4 (t ) models the exponentially decaying signal response for a lossy transmission line with FILP and is given in (4.27) and (4.41). By combining the above results, one can obtain closed-form expressions for the transient response of lossy transmission lines with FDLP. 5.5 The Time-Domain DHPPM for Coupled Lines For coupled lines, a modal analysis has to be adopted to analyze the wave propagation on the lines. It is well known that there are two propagation modes on a coupled line system, i.e., an even mode and an odd mode. First, let us suppose that the [ R ] , [ L ] , [G ] , and [C ] matrices for a two-line system are expressed as R [ R ] = R11 21 G [G ] = G11 21 R12 , R22 G12 , G22 L L12 , 21 L22 −C C [C ] = −C11 C 12 , 22 21 [ L ] = L11 (5.24) where we assume that every element in the matrices are frequency dependent. Then, the even- and odd-mode propagation constants are defined as γ 1 = ( R11 + R12 + jω ( L11 + L12 ))(G11 + G12 + jω (C11 − C12 )), γ 2 = ( R11 − R12 + jω ( L11 − L12 ))(G11 − G12 + jω (C11 + C12 )), (5.25) and the even- and odd-mode impedances Z1 and Z 2 are defined as Z1 = ( R11 + R12 + jω ( L11 + L12 )) /(G11 + G12 + jω (C11 − C12 )), Z 2 = ( R11 − R12 + jω ( L11 − L12 )) /(G11 − G12 + jω (C11 + C12 )). (5.26) 146 The characteristic impedance matrix of this two-line system is [ ZC ] = 1 Z1 + Z 2 2 Z1 − Z 2 Z1 − Z 2 . Z1 + Z 2 (5.27) The port voltages and currents are given as the summation of these two modes. Using the modal analysis technique, the incident and reflected amplitudes of the two modes, i.e., A, B, C, and D should satisfy the following equations ΨX = Φ, (5.28) where Z Z Z Z 1 + G1 1 + G1 1 − G1 1 − G1 Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 ZG 2 ZG 2 ZG 2 ZG 2 1+ −1 − 1− −1 + Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 , Ψ= Z L1 Z L1 Z L1 Z L1 ) exp(−γ 1l ) (1 − ) exp(−γ 2l ) (1 + ) exp(γ 1l ) (1 + ) exp(γ 2l ) (1 − Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 Z L2 Z Z Z ) exp(−γ 1l ) (−1 + L 2 ) exp(−γ 2l ) (1 + L 2 ) exp(γ 1l ) (−1 − L 2 ) exp(γ 2l ) (1 − Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 A VIN B 0 , Φ = , X= C 0 D 0 (5.29) VIN is the source signal that is applied on the active port and ZGi and Z Li represent the generator and load impedances on the two lines (i=1,2). The far-end active line voltage is V1 (l ) = A exp(−γ 1l ) + B exp(−γ 2l ) + C exp(γ 1l ) + D exp(γ 2l ), and the far-end passive line voltage is (5.30) 147 V2 (l ) = A exp(−γ 1l ) − B exp(−γ 2l ) + C exp(γ 1l ) − D exp(γ 2l ). (5.31) If we let ZGi = Z Li = ( Z12 + Z 22 ) / 2 and assume that there are no reflections from either end, then the far-end voltages on the active and passive lines satisfy V1,2 (l , ω ) E1 (ω ) where p1 = 1/(1 + = 1 1 1 exp(−γ 1l ) ± exp(−γ 2l ) , 2 p1 p2 (5.32) ZG Z ) and p2 = 1/(1 + G ) . The “+” sign is for the active line voltage Z1 Z2 V1 (l , ω ) and the “-” sign is for the passive line voltage V2 (l , ω ) . The near-end voltage on the passive line satisfies V2 (0, ω ) 1 1 1 1 1 = − 1 − exp(−2γ 1l ) + exp(−2γ 2l ) . E1 (ω ) 2 p1 p2 p1 p2 (5.33) The DHPPM in (5.8) and (5.9) will be used to model the propagation function exp [ −lγ ( s )] . Note that the even and odd mode impedances in (5.26) are also frequencydependent. In order to address the frequency-dependent impedance, it is necessary to modify the DHPPM as ZG 1 + exp(−γ 1,2l ) ≈ exp −l Z1,2 [ R(0) + sL(∞)][G (0) + sC (∞)] RSDHPPM , (5.34) M Rα + Q. α =1 s − sα RS DHPPM = ∑ (5.35) Then, by following a similar procedure as in the single line case in the previous section, the time-domain expression for the coupled line signal response can also be obtained. 148 As a summary, the general algorithm flow chart for the simulation of lossy transmission line with FDLP is shown in Figure 5.7. The operation of the DHPPM simulator is made up of two parts, i.e., the frequency-domain operation and the time-domain operation. In the frequency domain, tabular RLGC data are first input into the transient simulator. Then, a constant RLGC parameter is extracted from the propagation function. Next, the Vector Fitting algorithm is employed to approximate the resulting residue series in terms of pole and residue pair. The number of pole and residue pairs is gradually increased until the approximation deviation reaches a pre-defined accuracy. In the time domain, the expressions involving the constant RLGC term and the poles are expressed in terms of ILHIs and Bessel function. Then, the residues series are summed up to obtain a timedomain result at each time step. In the next section, the DHPPM closed-form results are compared with commercial simulation tools for validation purposes. 149 Start Read Tabular RLGC Data Simulation Finished? Vector Fitting Algorithm Increase Model Order No Pole and Residue Extraction Converged? Time Domain End Yes Frequency Domain Sum Residue Series Yes No Increase Simulation Time Calculate ILHIs for Pole/Residue Pairs Figure 5.7 The general DHPPM algorithm flow chart for the simulation of lossy transmission line with FDLP. 5.6 Application of the Closed-Form Results to the Simulation of Transmission Lines with FDLP Two examples are now given to demonstrate the capabilities of the DHPPM simulator. First, a microstrip line over a substrate with frequency-dependent R and L parameters, as listed in Table 5.2, is shown as an example. The substrate has a dielectric constant of 4.4. This line also has a frequency-independent capacitance C=107.13pF/m and no conductance G=0. A trapezoidal input with 10ps rise and fall times, and 0.1ns duration is input into a 5cm long line. First an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) method is used to calculate the output waveform at the far end of the line, which is shown 150 as the dash-dotted line in Figure 5.8. Then a HSPICE W-element model with frequencydependent tabular RLGC parameters is used to model this interconnect and the result is shown as the dashed line in Figure 5.8. Finally, the DHPPM simulator is used to calculate the far-end voltage of the lossy line and the result is shown as the solid line in Figure 5.8. It is observed that the three results agree fairly well with each other in Figure 5.8. However, the HSPICE results differ slightly from those produced by the other methods. All three methods have captured the frequency-dependent losses, the dispersion effects, and the propagation delay on the line fairly accurately. However, the simulation efficiencies of the three methods are different. In the IFFT method, the simulation time is 545.60s, while the simulation time for HSPICE is 0.972s. For the DHPPM method, the simulation time is 0.93s. The effects of the rise time of the trapezoidal input are also studied. A trapezoidal input with a 100ps rise time and 1ns duration time is applied to the FDLP line. All three methods are employed to solve the transient simulation problem and the results are shown in Figure 5.9. The longer rise time has effectively reduced the bandwidth of the signal. Therefore, fewer numerical artifacts are observed in the IFFT and HSPICE simulation results and the three methods are in excellent agreement as shown in Figure 5.9. This time the simulation time in the DHPPM method is 0.69s, while the simulation times in the HSPICE and IFFT methods are 0.98s and 560.24s, respectively. Next, a triangle impulse with a rise time of 10ps is input into the lossy microstrip interconnect. The far-end voltage waveforms are simulated using the DHPPM method with model orders of 3 and 4, the IFFT method with 220 and 223 sampling points and the 151 W-element frequency-dependent tabular model in HSPICE, and the five results are shown in Figure 5.10. It is shown that as the sampling points in IFFT method increases from 220 to 223 , the two IFFT results converge very well and almost overlap each other. Thus, the IFFT result can be treated as the correct result in comparisons with the other methods. Similar agreement among the three results is observed in Figure 5.10 as was seen in Figure 5.8. In order to test the convergence of the DHPPM, different macromodel orders of 3 and 4 were used to calculate the transient responses of the line. As seen in Figure 5.10, as the macromodel order increases from 3 to 4, the DHPPM method agrees with the IFFT results very well. However, HSPICE does not correctly produce the peak response. In addition, a closer look at the early- and late-time behaviors of the three results reveals that the IFFT method suffers from the Gibbs phenomenon as shown in Figure 5.11. Although the spikes due to the Gibbs phenomenon are small, it suggests the IFFT method in nature violates the transmission line causality requirements. Also, the HSPICE result has late time oscillations. On the other hand, the DHPPM method is free from these numerical artifacts. In HSPICE, the simulation step size is a key factor in determining the transient simulation accuracy and efficiency. Two different simulation steps are adopted for the on-chip lossy interconnect transient simulation case and the results are shown in Figure 5.12. In Figure 5.12, the HSPICE result 1 is obtained by using a simulation step size of 1ps, while the HSPICE result 2 is obtained by using a simulation step size of 0.2ps. These two HSPICE results are compared with the IFFT results and the DHPPM with 10 poles results from Figure 5.10. It is observed in Figure 5.12 that the HSPICE result 2 with the smaller step size agrees the best with IFFT, 152 especially at the peak value. However, the better performance in the HSPICE result is obtained at the cost of simulation time and efficiency. The simulation time for the DHPPM with 10 poles is 0.67s and the simulation time for the IFFT is 540.78s. The simulation time for the HSPICE result 1 with the 1ps step size is 0.67s, while the simulation time for the HSPICE result 2 with the 0.2ps step size is 2.34s. The second example is a MCM coupled line problem. The FDLP R11, R12, L11, and L12 are shown in Table 5.3. G11 and G12 are assumed to be zero, C11 is 50.115 pF/m, C12 is 13.664 pF/m, and the length of the transmission line is 10 cm. The input signal is a triangle impulse with 20ps rise and fall times. The Far End Active (FEA) and Far End Passive (FEP) line voltages are plotted in Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14, respectively. In order to make sure that there are a sufficient number of frequencydomain sampling points to make the IFFT method converge, two sampling schemes are applied in this example. In the IFFT result 1, 220 sampling points are used, and the simulation time is 620.11s. When the number of the sampling points in the IFFT result 2 is increased to 223 , the simulation time is 8906.29s. To obtain the DHPPM result which employs 4 poles, the simulation time is only 0.82s. Note that the three results agree with each other fairly well. However, the IFFT results do exhibit frequency-domain truncation errors and the Gibbs phenomenon in the early-time responses in Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14. Furthermore, because of the lack of the L parameters at some of the GHz frequency points, numerical interpolation has to be employed on the L parameter before the IFFT procedure. As indicated in [32], an interpolation of the L parameters may violate the Kramers-Kronig conditions between the R and L parameters. Thus, non-causal IFFT 153 results are observed in Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14. However, as can be seen in Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14, the DHPPM results are free from this problem because the causality requirement is enforced in the method. f(Hz) 1e1 1e3 1e4 1e5 1e6 1e7 1e8 4e8 1e9 2e9 4e9 5e9 7e9 1e10 R(Ω/m) 1720.3 1720.3 1720.3 1720.3 1720.3 1720.3 1720.5 1724.2 1744.5 1811.2 2017.4 2132.9 2361.3 2683.2 L(nH/m) 529.48 529.48 529.48 529.48 529.48 529.48 529.48 529.39 528.94 527.48 523.33 521.05 517.24 512.91 F(Hz) 1.4e10 2e10 3e10 4e10 5e10 6e10 8e10 1e11 2e11 5e11 1e12 2e12 5e12 1e13 R(Ω/m) 3079.9 3612.4 4342.2 4923.7 5409.7 5831.6 6545.2 7135.1 10090 15960 22560 31910 50450 71350 L(nH/m) 508.84 504.59 500.09 497.29 495.39 494.02 492.14 490.89 487.50 486.10 485.60 485.50 485.40 485.37 Table 5.2 Frequency-dependent R and L parameters for a microstrip line calculated using UAPDSE [30] where W=5µm, t=2µm, T=10µm, l=5cm, and εr=4.4. f(Hz) R11(Ω/m) 1e1 49.9 1e6 49.901 1e7 49.938 1e8 53.615 4e8 101.99 1e9 157.08 2e9 226.19 4e9 309.13 8e9 434.29 1.6e10 612.23 3.2e10 862.56 L11(nH/m) 560.91 560.91 560.83 546.17 523.14 523 522 R12(Ω/m) 1.2155e1.2152e-4 1.1859e-2 4.3366e-1 9.0e-1 2.7 3.8 5.36 7.55 10.65 15 L12(nH/m) 111.69 111.69 111.69 111.94 112.30 112.30 112.30 Table 5.3 Frequency-dependent line parameters for the MCM coupled transmission lines as listed in [29]. 154 Figure 5.8 The time-domain output waveforms obtained from different models for a 10ps trapezoidal inputs 155 Figure 5.9 The time-domain output waveforms obtained from different models for a 100ps trapezoidal input 156 Figure 5.10 The comparison of the DHPPM results, HSPICE results, and IFFT results for a 10ps triangle impulse input 157 Figure 5.11 The comparison of the DHPPM results, IFFT results, and HSPICE results for a 10ps triangle impulse input 158 Figure 5.12 The comparison of two HSPICE results, IFFT results, and DHPPM with 10 poles results 159 Figure 5.13 The Far End Active (FEA) line voltage comparisons of the DHPPM results and the IFFT results for a 20ps triangle impulse on a coupled line 160 Figure 5.14 The Far End Passive (FEP) line voltage comparison of the DHPPM results and the IFFT results for a 20ps triangle impulse on a coupled line 161 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this dissertation, a new transient simulation method for FDLP interconnects that is based on closed-form results involving ILHI and CILHI has been developed. We have successfully applied the above method to both transmission lines with FILP and FDLP. First, the behaviors of lossy interconnect modeled by transmission lines with FILP and FDLP are studied. Plots of the propagation functions for various interconnect structures, such as on-chip lines, MCM lines, and PCB lines, reveals that frequencydependent effects have to be included in the models of lossy interconnect structures for accurate time-domain simulations. The inter-dependent relationships between the FDLP are also examined. It is found that the frequency-dependent R and L, as well as G and C parameters form a Hilbert transform pair, i.e., the frequency dependent R parameters will determines the frequency dependent L parameters and vice versa. Some general modeling and simulation algorithms are overviewed for the modeling and simulation of lossy transmission lines. These methods can be divided into the Model Order Reduction (MOR) methods and macromodeling techniques. In the macromodeling methods, the Method of Characteristics (MoC) and its variations, especially the W-element in HSPICE, are discussed. It is observed that the MoC-based algorithms can efficiently reduce the macromodel order by pre-extraction of a propagation delay term from the propagation function. The macromodel employed in the 162 MoC algorithms can be proved to yield a stable and causal system. However, the passivity of the MoC-based methods cannot be proved. Then, contour integration theory is successfully applied to solve some canonical integrals associated with the time-domain propagation functions on a lossy transmission lines with FILP. By introducing the Incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel Integrals (ILHIs) and Complementary Incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel Integrals (CILHIs), the transient responses of lossy interconnects with FILP can be represented as closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs. These ILHIs and CILHIs can be calculated using pre-defined series expansions with high precision. Furthermore, the expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs are free from common numerical effects encountered in other algorithms such as aliasing, numerical truncation error, violation of causality, etc. Several source signal waveforms, such as the unit-step signal, the ramp signal, and the exponentially decaying signal are used as inputs to lossy transmission lines with FILP. Both far-end voltage and near-end current expressions are successfully derived. Finally, comparisons are made between the closed-form expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs and commercial simulation tools such HSPICE W-element. Excellent agreements are observed between the two methods. Next, it was demonstrated that the time-domain propagation function on a lossy transmission line with FDLP can be expressed as a sum of these canonical integrals. The DHPPM was also applied to coupled FDLP lines to simulate the crosstalk and coupling issues. Various source waveforms were used to test the DHPPM simulator and comparisons were made with commercial simulators like HSPICE and other numerical 163 methods like IFFT. Good agreement was observed between the three methods. It should be noted that the DHPPM method not only produces efficient simulations, but also produces results that are free from various numerical artifacts like the Gibbs phenomenon and truncation errors. The DHPPM for lossy transmission line with FDLP is an extension of the MoC. However, due to the complex time-domain expressions involving ILHIs and CILHIs, it is hard to find a recursive convolution relationship for the DHPPM for lossy transmission lines with FDLP. In regard to the future work, a recursive convolution relationship is desired to further improve the transient simulation efficiency. The current DHPPM simulation tool is based on a stand-alone code that allows for the implementation of the ILHI calculations. In order to generalize this algorithm, it is desirable to import the DHPPM and the required ILHI and CILHI into a SPICE-type simulator. 164 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS FDLP: Frequency Dependent Line Parameters FILP: Frequency Independent Line Parameters VectFit: Vector Fitting algorithm ILHI: Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals CILHI: Complementary Incomplete Lipshitz-Hankel Integrals GMoC: Generalized Method of Characteristics MOR: Model Order Reduction HPPM: Hybrid Phase-Pole Macromodel DHPPM: Dispersive Hybrid Phase-Pole Macromodel IFFT: Inverse Fast Fourier Transform RMS: Root-Mean-Square MCM: Multiple Chip Module PCB: Printed Circuit Board 165 REFERENCES [1] Semiconductor Industry Association, International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, 2001 Edition. [2] R. Achar and M. S. 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