Science Rubric – Basic Skill 038 Description: This lesson is designed to help students become familiar with Abraham Lincoln's childhood as a pioneer in Indiana between 1816 and 1830. Even though he did not have the opportunity to attend a formal school very often during this time period, he developed a strong love of reading and writing. Students will explore Lincoln's love of learning as well as his life in a pioneer community in Indiana. They will work with literature about Lincoln's childhood, read imaginary letters from Lincoln as a child, make a timeline of Lincoln's life, write their own historical fiction letters as if they were pioneer children, and explore some of Lincoln's actual writing from his adult years. Through these activities, students will discover how Lincoln's childhood in Indiana and his love of reading and writing influenced and prepared him for his later role as President of the United States. Student Name_________________________________________ 4 – Strong Understanding 3 – Basic Understanding All Historical information appeared to be accurate and appropriate. Almost all historical information appeared to be accurate and appropriate. Pioneer Point-of-view Point of view, ideas, events, and descriptions were consistently in character of pioneer child. Point of view, ideas, events, and descriptions were often in character of pioneer child. Detailed information Student included many vivid, specific details and more information than was required. Student wrote letter in correct format with all of the necessary parts of the letter (date, greeting, body, closing) Student included several specific details and all information that was required. Student wrote letter mostly in correct letter format with most of the necessary parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing) Historical Accuracy Letter Format 75% proficiency to successfully complete SLO Date____________________________________ 2 – Developing Understanding Most of the historical information appeared to be accurate and appropriate. Point of view, ideas, events, and descriptions were sometimes in character of pioneer child Student included some details and all information that was required. Student wrote letter partly in correct letter format with most of the necessary parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing) 1 – No Understanding Very little of the historical information was accurate and/or appropriate. Point of view, ideas, events, and descriptions were rarely in character of pioneer child Student included few or vague details and all information that was required. Student wrote very little of the letter in correct format without most of the necessary parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing)