ASTROPHYSICS APPLYING THE “REVERSE ENGINEERING” METHOD IN CERTAIN COSMOLOGIES WITH SCALAR FIELD VALENTIN BORDEA, GABRIEL CHEVA, DUMITRU N. VULCANOV1 The West University of Timişoara, Theoretical and Applied Physics Department, B-dul V. Pârvan no. 4, 300223 Timişoara, România 1 E-mail: Received February 23, 2009 The method of “reverse engineering” for designing potentials in cosmologies with massless scalar field and tachyonic scalar field minimally coupled with gravity is used for certain types of cosmologies having the time behavior of the scale factor as R(t) = R0 tan(ωt). The study is done using special Maple libraries designed for cosmological purposes previously published [13]. Key words: cosmology, scalar fields. PACS: 98.80.-k; 04.25.Dm. 1. INTRODUCTION Modern cosmology is in search for a solution to explain the recent discovered “cosmic-acceleration” effect [1], [2] i.e. the actual universe is in an accelerated inflation period. One of the solutions to this problem is to trigger this acceleration through one or more scalar fields minimally coupled to gravity (“quintessence”). Usually one solves the Friedmann equations (the Einstein equations for cosmological environment – see [3], [4]) for a certain type of potential prescribed within a theoretical background and then one obtains the time behavior of the Universe (the scale factor function R(t)) to be compared with the experimental data. Recently a different method was proposed ([5]–[7]) called today the “reverse engineering” method (REM). Here one starts with a certain type of the scale factor R(t) designed to be as close possible with the experimental data. Then, solving the Einstein-Friedmann equations one obtains the shape of the potential for the scalar field. Different versions of the theory were proposed ([6],[7]) with various final potentials bringing new physical interpretation of the theory. In a recent article [13] was done a systematic use of this method for as many possible examples of initial scale factor functions including also a generalization of REM Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol. 55, Nos. 1–2, P. 227–237, Bucharest, 2010 228 Valentin Bordea, Gabriel Cheva, Dumitru N. Vulcanov 2 for universes with matter (other than the scalar field) and for tachyonic scalar fields. A special Maple library designed for analytical calculations in cosmology was used, described previously in [8]. In this view, our article is a natural continuation of [13] applying the REM to two new examples, one for a simple scalar field, the other for a tachyonic massles field, both examples starting with a scale factor being a time function as R(t) = R0 tan(ωt). This time the REM was processed using a slightly different method mainly based on graphical methods using Maple platform, as no simple analytical solution was possible to obtain. We intensively used algebraic programming methods and graphical facilities of Maple platform, using the cosmology dedicated library (described in details in [8] and [13]). The article is organized as follows: next section no. 2 briefly describe the method of “reverse engineering” (REM) as it was proposed by Ellis and Madsen in their article [5]. Section no. 3 is doing the same but for tachyonic scalar field as described in [13]. Section no. 4 is dedicated to our results obtained for a pure scalar field and Section no. 5 describe our results for the tachyonic scalar field. The article ends with a section dedicated to the main conclusions and possible further developments of the method. 2. THE “REVERSE ENGINEERING” METHOD The starting point of the theory are the Einstein equations: 1 8π G Rµν − g µν R = 4 Tµν (1) 2 c We will use here and furthermore the geometrical units, so G = c = 1. The Greek indices will run between 0 and 3, Rµν is the Ricci tensor and gµν the metric tensor. The stress-energy tensor for the massless scalar field (as the only matter minimally coupled with gravity) will be: 1 Tµν = φ, µφ,ν − g µν (φ ,α φ,α + V (φ ) ) (2) 2 where V(φ) is the potential. Next we have to consider the Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric as 2 2 dr + r 2 ( dθ 2 + sin 2 θ dφ 2 ) ds 2 = −c 2 dt 2 + R ( t ) (3) 2 1 − kr where R(t) is called “scale factor” and it is only time depending as being spatially homogeneous. Same is valid from now one for the scalar field φ = φ(t). Thus, the Einstein equations above and the Klein-Gordon equation for the scalar field, are called Friedmann equations: 2 3H ( t ) + 3K ( t ) = 4π V + φ2 (4) ( ) 3 “Reverse engineering” method in certain cosmologies ( 3H ( t ) + 3H ( t ) = 4π V − 2φ2 2 ) 229 (5) 1 ∂V =0 (6) 2 ∂φ Here the Hubble function H(t) and the purely spatial part of the scalar curvature are defined as, respectively: R ( t ) k H (t ) = ; K (t ) = 2 (7) R (t ) R φ + 3φH ( t ) + and we have denoted the time derivatives with an over-dot. In their 1991 paper, Ellis and Madsen [5], followed by other authors (see [6],[7]) proposed a simple method for reconstructing a scalar field potential given a particular form of evolution of the scale factor R(t). This method (called later “reverse engineering” by Ellis) starts by solving eqs. no. (4) and (5) and we have: 1 2 (8) V (t ) = H ( t ) + 3H ( t ) + 2 K ( t ) 4π 1 − H ( t ) + K ( t ) φ2 = (9) 4π The next step is to integrate the above eq. (9) for a certain case, prescribing first the time behavior of the scale factor R(t) and expressing then all quantities in terms of the φ–φ0. The examples initially processed by Ellis and Madsen in [5] and other examples (see [7] and [13]) are summarized in the Table 1 (actually reproducing the Table 1 from [13]). 2.1. REM FOR TACHYONIC POTENTIALS Recently it has been suggested that the evolution of a tachyonic condensate in a class of string theories can have a cosmological significance ([9]–[12]). Table 1 Ellis-Madsen potentials – Here we denoted with R0 the scale factor at the actual cosmic time t0 and φ (t) – φ0 with α 230 Valentin Bordea, Gabriel Cheva, Dumitru N. Vulcanov 4 This theory can be described by an effective scalar field with a lagrangian of the form L = −V (φ ) 1 + ∂ iφ∂ iφ where the tachyonic potential V(φ) has a positive maximum at the origin (i.e. V(φ) = V0 at φ = 0) and has a vanishing minimum where the potential vanishes (i.e. V(φ) = 0 φ → +∞ ) . Since the lagrangian has a potential, it seems to be reasonable to expect to apply successfully the method of “reverse engineering” for this type of potentials. As it was shown in [9] and [13] when we deal with spatially homogeneous geometry cosmology described with the FRW metric (3) and φ = φ (t) we can follow the same steps as in Section 2 and we have finally: 2 K ( t ) − H ( t ) (10) φ2 = 3 K ( t ) + H ( t )2 V (t ) = 3 8π H (t ) + 2 2 2 H (t ) + K (t ) H (t ) + K (t ) 3 (11) restricting for the moment to the pure scalar field case. With these results in hand we can proceed now in processing different types of scale factor behavior, as for the pure scalar field potential examples. The results we obtained in [13] are summarized in the next Table 2 (reproduced from the Table 2 in [13]). 3. REM FOR A PURE SCALAR FIELD WITH R(t) = R0 tan(ωt) In this section we will process the REM for a universe having the time evolution of the scale factor as (12) R(t) = R0 tan(ωt) Table 2 Tachyonic potentials: here we denoted with R0 the initial scale factor and with α = φ(t) – φ0 5 231 “Reverse engineering” method in certain cosmologies showing off an expansion behavior as it can be seen from the graphs plotted in the next Figure 1 for the time evolution of the scale factor (in the left panel) and of the deceleration factor (right panel) defined as usual: q (t ) = − ( t ) R R (t ) H 2 (t ) = 1 − tan (ωt ) ( 2 tan (ωt ) 1 + tan (ωt ) 2 ) It can be observed a fast decreasing of the deceleration factor to zero, a more detailed analysis of it showing that at certain time the deceleration goes to negative values, i.e. to accelerated expansion. This justifies why we choose this type of model for describing the late accelerated expansion of the universe. Fig. 1 – Time behavior of the scale factor (left panel) and deceleration factor (right panel) for ω = 1. Replacing now (12) in (8) and (9) we finally obtain, after some manipulations certain simple expressions for the potential and first derivative of the scalar field, namely: 2 V (t ) = ( ω 2 + k + sin (ωt ) ω 2 − 2k + k sin (ωt ) 2π cos (ωt ) cos (ωt ) 2 φ ( t ) = 2 k + ω 2 − ω 2 tan (ωt ) 2 π tan (ωt ) 2 ) (13) 2 (14) In the next series of Figures 2 and 3 we plotted the time evolution of the potential for two different geometries – namely for closed (k=1) and open (k=–1) universes for a certain value of the parameter ω (left panel) and for different values of the ω in 3D representation (right panels). Now integrating the expression of φ ( t ) from equation (14) above we get a rather complicated expression for the scalar field, namely: 232 Valentin Bordea, Gabriel Cheva, Dumitru N. Vulcanov 6 Fig. 2 – Time evolution of the potential for ω = 1 (left) and for a range of ω between 0.1 and 1 for closed universes – k=1. Fig. 3 – Time evolution of the potential for ω = 1 (left) and for a range of ω between 0.1 and 1 for open universes – k= –1. φ ( t ) = φ0 + 1 4ω π ( k + ω 2 ) − k ln ( 2 ) − 4 − k ln k + ω 2 + k + ω 2 k + ω 2 − ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) ) + 2k ln ( tan (ωt ) ) − 4 −ω 2 ln ( 2 ) − ω 2 ln k + ω 2 + k + ω 2 k + ω 2 − ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) ) + 2 ω ( tan (ωt ) ) 2 +2ω ln ( tan (ωt ) ) − arctan 4 k + ω 2 − ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) ) ( ω k + ω 2 + + k k + ω 2 ln ( 2 ) + k k + ω 2 ln k + ω 2 + ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) ) + 2 ( ) 4 2 + k k + ω 2 − ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) ) − k k + ω 2 ln 1 + ( tan (ωt ) ) (15) 7 233 “Reverse engineering” method in certain cosmologies Graphically the behavior of the scalar field in time is showed off in the next Figure 4 for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 1 (left panel) and in a 3D image for a range of values of ω = 0.1 – 1 for a closed universe (k=1) and for Phi0 = 0. Fig. 4 – Time evolution of the scalar field for ω = 1 (left) and for a range of ω between 0.1 and 1 for closed universes – k=1. Now theoretically we need to eliminate the time between the two equations, one for the potential (13) and the above one for the scalar field (15). This was done (see [5] and [13]) solving (15) for the time and replacing it in Fig. 5 – Scalar field shape in terms of the potential for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 1 (left) and for a range of values for ω = 0.1 – 0.5 (right) for closed (k=1) and open (k= –1) universes – solution with + for tan(ωt). the potential to obtain the potential in terms of the scalar field. The shape of the scalar field in (15) kills any hope to do in this manner. Thus we proceeded in a different way, actually solving the potential expression in (13) for the time, more precisely for one of the trigonometric functions appearing there. We done this for tan ω t and we had, after some straightforward calculation in Maple: 2k + 2V ( t ) π − ω 2 ± ω 4 − 12V ( t ) πω 2 + 4V ( t ) π 2 − 8ω 2 k 2 tan (ω t ) = ω 2 + 2V ( t ) π + ω 4 − 12V ( t ) πω 2 + 4V ( t ) π 2 − 8ω 2 k 2 234 Valentin Bordea, Gabriel Cheva, Dumitru N. Vulcanov 8 The only thing we need to do from now one is to replace this in the scalar field expression (15). We obtained a very long and complicated analytic expression for both solutions above. To save some space we do not show here the complete expression, the only important conclusion we can have is that there it exist an analytic solution and this can be graphically analyzed, which we actually done, in the next two Figures 5 and 6. 4. REM FOR A TACHYONIC SCALAR FIELD WITH R(T) = R0 tan(ωt) In this case, replacing directly (12) in (11) and (10) we get, after some manipulations Fig. 6 – Scalar field shape in terms of the potential for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 1 (left) and for a range of values for ω = 0.1 – 0:5 (right) for closed (k=1) and open (k= –1) universes – solution with – for tan(ω t). 2 2 3 k ( cos (ωt ) ) + 5ω − 4ω ( cos (ωt ) ) 4 V (t ) = φ ( t ) = π ( sin ( 2ωt ) ) k + ω 2 − ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) ) 2 ω 2 + k ( cos (ωt ) ) 4 2 4 (16) 6 3 ω 2 + 2ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) )2 + ω 2 ( tan (ωt ) )4 + k We can graphically study this potential, restricting ourselves to the at case (k=0) which will be the case we worked mainly. The results for ω = 1 and for a range of values of ω = [0.01..2] are plotted in the Figure 7. Proceeding now further with the REM method, we need to integrate the above expression for φ ( t ) and thus we have 2 1 − tan (ωt ) 6 φ (t ) = tan (ωt ) + 2 3ω (17) 1 tan ω t + ( ) + EllipticF ( tan (ωt ) , i ) − EllipticE ( tan (ωt ) , i ) 9 “Reverse engineering” method in certain cosmologies 235 In spite of the elliptic functions in the expression we get for the scalar field, this is still possible to represent graphically as we done in the next Figure 8, where we have the tachyonic scalar field behavior in time for a flat universe (k=0). This opens the hope for further processing of the REM in this case. Of course again we cannot use the direct method, thus as we done in the previous Fig. 7 – The potential for a tachyonic scalar field versus time for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 1 (left) and for a range of values for ω = 0.1 – 2(right) for at (k=0). Fig. 8 – The tachyonic scalar field versus time for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 1 (left) and for a range of values for ω = 0.1 – 2(right) for at (k=0). Fig. 9 – The tachyonic scalar field versus the potential for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 0.1 (left) and for a range of values for ω = 0.1 – 1(right) for at (k=0). section we solve the potential equation (16) above for tan(ω t) to have: 236 Valentin Bordea, Gabriel Cheva, Dumitru N. Vulcanov tan (ω t ) = 4 1 3ω 2 V ( t ) π + 3ω 2 10 (18) To obtain this simple expression we done some approximations taking the equation (16) expanded in series around t = 0 and keeping only the first terms. We think that there is still possible to have an exact solution but for our graphical purposes this is enough for the moment as we restrict ourselves for short period of times after t = 0 considered as the actual moment in the universe development. Of course again we have a huge complicated expression for the scalar field in terms of the potential, but again we can have its graphical shape, which we output in the next Figure 9. This last one contains the graph of the φ (t) in terms of the potential again for a fixed value of the parameter ω = 0.1 (left panel) and for a range of values of ω = 0.1 – 1. 5. CONCLUSIONS. FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS The method of “reverse engineering” was described and used in order to design potentials in cosmologies with a real scalar field (“quintessence”) or a tachyonic scalar field for the case of a universe having the scale factor as R(t) = R0 tan(ω t). We investigated both cases in a different way as was done in ([5]) and ([13]) by obtaining the shape of the scalar field in terms of his potential, eliminating the time between the time expressions of the potential and the scalar field. 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