NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS Subject code-NEC-301 Unit -1 and 2 Slides (Session 2014-15) BY Mr. Rakesh Kumar & Mr. Abhay Goyal ECE Department ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad,u.p Introduction – It is concerned with determining the response, given the excitation and the network. Network Synthesis – In this, the problem is to design the network given the excitation and the desired response. Network Analysis SIGNAL ANALYSIS Excitation and response are given in terms of voltage and current Signal can be described well in terms of spectral or frequency information Time and frequency translation can be done by Fourier series ,fourier integral and the Laplace transform. Consider the sinusoidal signal Representation of signal in time domain Representation of signal amplitude & phase against frequency Consider the signal having 2n+1 sinusoidal components Then , Discrete amplitude and phase spectrum will be given as Consider the case having infinite spectral lines. Then, Then Amplitude and phase spectrum will be continuous Inference For a real periodic signal, magnitude plot is always an even function of frequency and phase plot is always an odd function of frequency. The spectrum of continuous time period signal is discrete and a periodic in nature. Complex frequency Where real part describe growth and decay of the amplitudes of signals While imaginary part describe the angular frequency Consider the case when the velocity is inclined at any arbitrary angle. Rotating phasor with exponentially decreasing amplitude Rotating phasor with exponentially increasing amplitude Therefore, generalized cisoidal signal Describe the growth & decay of the amplitudes in addition to angular frequency in the usual sense. Conclusion when ,Sinusoid is undamped When jw = 0,signal is an exponential signal. When then the signal is a constant. Network Analysis This part consist of characterizing the network itself in terms of time & frequency and determining how the network behaves as a signal processor. Basic Definitions I. a) b) Linear A linear system holds Principal of superposition Principal of proportionality 2) Passive A linear network is passive if a) Energy delivered to the network is non negative for any arbitrary excitation. b) If no voltage or current appear between any two terminals before an excitation is applied. 3) Reciprocal A network is said to be reciprocal if when the point of excitation and measurement of response are interchanged. 4) Causal or Non- Causal A system is said to be causal if the output at any time depends only on present and past values of input otherwise the system is Non-causal. 5) Time Invariant A system is said to be time invariant if time shift in input signal results in an identical time shift in the output signal. Ideal models 1) Amplifier An amplifier scales up the magnitude of the input. 2) Differentiator The input signal is differentiated and possibly scaled up or down. 3) Integrator The output signal is the integral of the input. 4) Time delayer The output is delayed by an amount T, but retains the same wave shape as input. Consider triangular pulse as the input signal, the different output signal from amplifier, differentiator, integrator and delayed output are given as Ideal elements Current voltage relationship as function of time Expressing the previous function as complex frequency variable,s we have Conclusion In time domain, voltage-current relationship are given in terms of differential equations while in complex frequency domain, the voltage- current relationship are expressed in algebraic equations. Thus algebraic equations are more easily solved than differential equations. Network synthesis In this, the problem is to design the network given the excitation and the desired response. Driving point impedance is given as Signals and waveforms General Characteristics of signals 1)Periodic or aperiodic Periodic signal repeats itself with minimum fundamental period,T. Where,T is the period of the Signal In Aperiodic Signal, Pulse pattern do not repeat after a certain finite interval,T. 2) Even or odd An even function obeys the relation s(t) = s(-t) An odd function obeys the relation s(t) = -s(-t) General Descriptions of signals 1)Time constant It determines how quickly a waveform decays. 2) RMS value Root mean square value of a periodic waveform e(t) is 3) DC value Dc value of a waveform has meaning only when the waveform is periodic. 4) Duty cycle it is defined as the ratio of the time duration of the positive cycle to of a periodic waveform to the period,T. 5) Crest factor It is defined as the ratio of peak voltage of a periodic waveform to the rms value with dc component removed Step function and associated waveforms The unit step function u(t) is defined as Sgn function It is defined as Ramp function It is shown as The unit impulse The unit impulse function has zero width, infinite height and an integral (area) of one. Kirchhoff’s current law At any node (junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node Here, i2+i3=i1+i4 Kirchhoff’s voltage law The directed sum of the electrical potential differences (voltage) around any closed network is zero, Here,v1+v2+v3-v4=0 Superposition theorem In any linear bilateral circuit having more than one source, the response in any one of the branches is equal to algebraic sum of the responses caused by individual sources while rest of the sources are replaced by their internal resistances. Consider the linear network with n voltage and m current sources Figure-Superposition in linear circuits Thus by superposition principal, the total current is due to all of the sources is equal to the algebraic sum. Network elements 1) Resistor It defines linear proportionality relationship between v(t) and i(t) V(t)= R i(t) i(t)= G v(t) Where R is in ohms and G in mho G = 1/R 2) Capacitor V-I relationship are given as 3) Inductor The V-I relationship between current and voltage are given as Initial and final conditions 1)Initial conditions for a capacitor The voltage-current relationship at t = 0+ is If i(t) does not contain impulses or derivatives of impulses. then, Vc(0+) = Vc(0-) If q is the charge on the capacitor at t = 0-,the initial voltage is When there is no initial charge on capacitor then Vc(0+) = 0 2)Initial conditions for an inductor The voltage-current relationship at t = 0+ is If v(t) does not contain impulses. then, iL(0+) = iL(0-) When there is no initial current current then iL(0+) = 0 which corresponds to an open circuit at t = 0+ Final conditions for sinusoidal excitations Step and impulse response Solution of network equations In this section we will apply our knowledge of differential equations to the analysis of linear networks. Two important points in network analysis are I. The writing of network equations II. The solution of these same equations Network equations can be written on a mesh, node or mixed basis depending upon the unknown quantities. THE END