IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. MTT-30, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 155 1982 Theory and Design of Low-Insertion Fin-Line Filters FRITZ ARNDT, JENS BORNEMANN, DIETRICH GRAUERHOLZ, Abstract —A design theory is deseribed for low-insertion loss fin-line filters that includes both higher order mode propagation and finite thickness of the dielectric substrate and the metallic fins. Design data for three-resonator type fin-line filters with several substrate thicknesses are given for midband frequencies of about 15,34, and 66 GHz. The measured insertion losses in the passband are 0.25, 0.5, and 1.3 dB, respectively, for these three frequencies. I. NTEGRATED I for FIN-LINE is a very attractive applications vantages of these circuits include tion loss designs, (Fig. 1) are taken into account three-dimensional data and [1]-[ 11]. the potential if extremely design theory for such fin-line experimental high gap widths 1 l--- filters. structures, so far, theories ([2]–[7]) Wall Metal Fms spectral domain solution only are technique A com- accompanied are calculated under the assumption that the thickness of the substrate is very small in comparison with the waveguide width. The influence of the finite thickness of the dielectric as well as of the copper cladding, neglected, since it plays a significant loss, stopband however, cannot be role concerning mid- attenuation, g.b J_ 1. Fin-line grounded configuration. (a) General cross section with bilateraf fins. (b) Low insertion loss fin-line filter structure. is a gradual change of of propagation. In cross section L~=” Substrate Fig. by a is used in [4], but this theory modes of the fin-line Oieleti Ptetal Fins , / on the low loss mode coupling is discontinuities. only valid as long as there is simply line discontinuities in the direction insertion Metal a------+ / first-order of the coupled-mode band (a) ad- a in the analysis of fin-line the hybrid Substrate of low-inserg/b= fin-line bination [5]-[7], VAHLDIECK medium The [2]. This paper introduces available with considerable restrictions design. In [2] and [3], the higher order neglected AND RUDIGER INTRODUCTION millimeter-wave For Loss and midband finite thickness of the substrate and metallic fins, and the sudden changes in the gapwidths. The theory is verified by measurements. The measured frequency response of the fin-line filters that have been designed and operated at about 15, 34, and 66 GHz shows good agreement between theory and practical results. The high-Q design leads to passband insertion losses of typically only 0.25, 0.5, and 1.3 dB, respectively, frequencies. at these three frequency. Fin-line width g/b filter cross sections = 1 (Fig. l(b)) with extremely do not require like in [8]-[ 11]. For the field theory fin-line treatment high solutions given in this paper, the high-Q fin-line filter (Fig. l(b)) is regarded as consisting of alternating waveguide structures: a waveguide with a dielectric slab and three parallel waveguides, the middle of which is filled with dielectric (Fig. 2(a)). The method of orthogonal expansion into suitable eigenmodes [12] is used together with the field matching at the steps investigated. mode This allows consideration excitation up to a desired of the higher number A. Scattering Matrix Finite within Length the of Bre- 0018-9480/82/0200-0155 THEORY of the Three- Waveguide a Waoeguide Structure of , For each subregionl v = I, II, III, IV (Fig. 2(b)) the fields are derived from the x-component of the vector potential Q which is assumed to be a sum of suitable eigenmodes Q;= order of modes, Manuscript received July 7, 198 I; revised September 3, 1981. The authors are with the Microwave Department, University men, Kufsteiner Str., NW 1, D-2800 Bremen, 33, West Germany. II. gap (p’, f*, and kj~ i ~=] z4jsin () !& are explained 1The analysis is given for the general metrically in the E-plane of rectangular applications of the dielectric $00.75 01982 IEEE .e-Mn~ in . the Appendix.) (1) The case of structures placed unsymwave-guides to include possible slab structure as phase shifters. 156 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE Wawguide Wifh a Dielectric Slab I l;, I AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. MTT-30, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1982 etc. / / J,,,..,,.,.,.>,,. I I I .G e I 1 ‘a) Three Parallel Wavquides THEORY XxXx 1 ;1 Ire, W,,,,< ~z.,.,. A/2 (b) ‘- ~ <+-S= :;L-l _(. three- wa v@desstructure r ,.? ~124 (c) (d) Fig, 2. Configuration for the field-theory treatment. (a) Alternating waveguide structures. (b) Transition to three parallel waveguides. (c) Wave amplitude vectors of the structures of finite length. (d) Transition to dielectric slab structure. coefficients A% are normalized P:= The components lated by / F“ to the E X H*dF= related lW. of the electromagnetic and Z=12 power (2) field (x, y)EFI’ (x, y) EF’ll are calcu- (x, y)GF”v (x, y) G F“I’ (x, y) GF1va (x, y),GF’I (.x, y)c (x, y)GF’v (3) where k“== a2pOcv Cv=co. cr(u). By matching the field components at the corresponding interfaces F Pof the adjacent subregions (Fig. 2(b)) at z = O F1lI (4) the coefficients xl; in (1) can be determined after multiDlication with the appropriate orthogonal function related to each subregion. This leads to the coupling integrals elucidated in the Appendix. If the forward and backward waves at the two steps (Fig. ARNDT et al. : LOW-INSERTION 2(c)) of the structure together, LOSS FIN-LINE of finite then ( l)–(4) 157 FILTERS length 1 ~ are suitably can be written related dielectric as the desired scatter- slab ~jI = ~111 EII=EIV ing matrix H,ll = H:v (%)=(::; ::~l::;) “) with @l= .=. +; &m y ‘d-;” is obtained ‘8) “’ y a system With (7(a-d)), of linear equations where the determinant is required to be zero. This leads to (s,,) =(s22)=(w)-'{[( u)+(E)] -l(v) [(v)+ (E)]-'(v) -[(v) +( E)]-l[(u)-(E)]} (S,,) =( S,l)=(W)-l{[(U) The abbreviations B. Scattering Finite Length are explained Matrix within (V)-[(U)+(E)]-l in the Appendix. of the Dielectric-Slab Structure of 2(c), (d)) the waves in regions2 I, II, 111, and IV are expanded (V)[(U)+(E)]-l[( a transcendental a Waveguide For this structure.(Figs. E:= +( E)]-' U)-(E)]}. equation (6) for the propagation factor k,~ which is solved numerically ~.tan(k&(d k~~ -c-e))+-& Xm into the eigenmodes – UP ~ k~mA~sin ~=] TX. . tan e–Jkimz (( k~~ a—d+; )) + *ta@”(c+i)) xm cm ~=1 (7b) ~=1 (7C) where the relation E~v= H~v= – Up ~ kzmA~vsin(k~~.x). ~=1 – j ~ ~=1 kZ~k~~A~vcos k;; (k~. k~:z x). e-JkZ.’ k:;z [1[] HIV= x ~ (k1v2 – k~~2)A~sin(k~~.x). ~=1 The common propagation and IV is determined 2Seefootnote 1. factor by the boundary holds e-jk,.’ e-Jk’mz. kzm in regions conditions k;. c, = k; k;= –k;M, ti2pOc0. (lo) k; (7d) II, 111, The scattering matrix (Fig. 2(c)) is given by S of the structure of finite length 11 along the ([:;) =(!:! !2;)(:::) ’11) 158 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. MTT-30, NO, 2, FEBRUARY 1982 TABLE I COMPUTER OPTIMIZED DESIGN DATA FOR LOW-INSERTION Loss FIN-LINE FILTERS (DIELECTRIC MATERIAL: RT/DUROID 5880 c, =2,22; COPPER CLADDING THICKNESS e = 17.5 pm (INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATIONS)) L--- Fin–1ine a .—--+ Substrate th, ck”ess t Filter 12=18 11=19 mm mm mm mm 15 . . f 27.079 2.178 8.390 E. ’lka 8.400 15.19 560 0 .01,, 27.565 2.075 8.400 7.760 8.4D0 15.285 601 D.02’I 20.127 1.976 B.350 7.372 8.350 15. ?52 560 ‘1/32$t 13.706 1.860 8.300 6.984 8.300 19.207 557 1/16,! 15.660 1.500 8.000 5.840 8.000 15.190 52b Ka-bsnd 0 .005,, 19.5575 0.715 3.740 4.115 3.7L5 3b.02 620 a.7. l12mm b=3.556mm 0 .01,$ 19.928 0.660 3.740 3.800 3.745 33.989 698 0 .02,, 20.580 0.550 3.630 3.420 3.640 33.9a2 675 1/32,, 21.260 0.480 3.525 2.970 3.530 33.99 635 U-band 0.0D5,9 14.770 0.347 1.895 2.D38 1.900 66.09 1055 a.3.76mm b.1.88mm 0.01,, lb .824 0.353 1.855 2.038 1.860 65.940 1080 3dB limits a = 15.799 mm, b =7.899 @(Q2,) (S,2)=(M=(Q,2)( ~)(W(Q2J. (12) The abbreviations are explained in the Appendix. The scattering matrix of the total fin-line filter structure is obtained by suitably combining the transitions, the length 2(b)) being reduced tures A and B (or inverse) are joined to zero if struc- together directly. For the computer calculation the expansion into twenty eigenmodes in every region has turned out to be sufficient. III. filters MHz 0 .005,, (&,)= (&)=(Q,,)+ (Q,,)(@(FV)(Q,,)( I (Fig. Af*) a=15.799mm b. 7.899mm with of waveguide Bandwidth o GHz Ku-band “) Fin-line 14=16 13=17 DESIGN of the three-resonator type (that means mm), and WR 15 (V-band, RT/duroid 5880 (c, = 2.22) has turned relatively electrical varies thickness are WR 62 (Ku-band, out mm, to be a material with “sufficiently good chosen substrate thicknesses t have also been investigated for substrate materials showing similar results. The design process is started with filter dimensions given in [5], [6] for the narrow slot filter (g< b, Fig. 1), which exhibits a relatively poor measured insertion loss (e.g., about 2 dB for a midband frequency of about 15 GHz.) An optimizing computer program is used [13] and [14], which corresponding housings cheap substrate properties; the a =7.112 a =3.76 commercially available are 0.005 in, 0.01 in, 0.02 in, 1/32 in, 1/16 in Rexolite (c, = 2.54), and Polyguide (c, = 2.32) with four metal inserts) for midband frequencies of about 15, 34, and 66 GHz are chosen for design examples. The waveguide mm), WR 28 (Ku-band, mm, b =3.556 b = 1.88 mm). the parameters lZ to 15 (Table of the dielectric I) and of the copper for the given cladding, as ARNDT et a[. : LOW-INSERTION LOSS FIN-LINE FILTERS well as for the roughly bandwidth, until yields a minimum mum. (11 =/9 the dielectric evolution fixed midband frequency and 3-dB the insertion loss within the passband and the stopband attenuation an opti- is determined substrate strategy by the chosen total due to the measuring [13], [14] was applied instance, the Fletcher–Powell method, entiation step in the optimizing length housing.) instead of The of, -50- 1- -LO F&4 for because no differ- -30- – process is necessary, which reduces the involved computing time. This was further reduced by including some physical considerations into the optimization process: the dimensions 13= IT and 15 of the resonator sections determine essentially the midband frequency &, the widths of the metal fin bridges determine essentially the ripple of the passband cause the midband critical, frequency insertion was assumed loss. Be- to be not -20 I – -10 — + measured so S21m,n=-0,25dB merely coarse steps were foreseen for the resonator sections. The total computing time for the optimization 01 tations. Table 16 14 process of one set of filter parameters was about 20-30 min. A SIEMENS-7880 computer was used for the compu- 18 flGHz — (a) I shows low-insertion the computed loss fin-line data filters. of the optimized For the Ku-band design all commercially available substrate thicknesses for RT/duroid 5880 material were considered. For the Kaband and the V-band design the thicker substrates not taken into account. This is because the related band attenuation thicker than important is reduced considerably about amount one quarter-wavelength, of power were stop- if the substrate allowing to be propagated an the influence thickness chosen substrate, commercially of etching should be as thin however, available. substrates filters errors, the copper the designed filter substrate lengths the already low matching will insertion for both examples, measured 16 v+ include 18 flGHz — section begins and ends with with the metallized practical advantage inserts. of stan- this choice, in addition, reduces IU3SULTS Fig. 3 shows the calculated and measured insertion-loss (scattering coefficient S21) in decibels as a function of frequency for three-resonator Ku-band fin-line filters with substrate thicknesses of 0.01 in and 1/16 in. The calculated losses for both + or of 17.5 pm was investigations loss. IV. minimum S21mln=-0.6dB For the with about 5-~m gold cladding. the dielectric slab and not Besides the above mentioned dardized + measwed -10- Since its fundamental mode differs scarcely from the fundamental TE ,O-waveguide mode the low-insertion loss filter requires no tapered transitions to the waveguide. Further, -20- the error as possible. only a thickness Further Y \ -30 directly is also included midband frequency (e.g., for the Ku-band would be about 400 MHz). To reduce I !g40 is in the computations. The neglect of the metallization influence would mainly lead to incorrect calculations of the cladding -s0 + across the dielectric slab. The finite thickness of the metallization Quartz k losses in the passband which substrate values are about indicates are about 0.1 dB the very low matching thicknesses. The corresponding 0.25 and 0.6 dB, respectively. (b) Fig. 3 Calculated and measured insertion loss of Ka-band fin-line filters (Table 1). (a) Thickness of the dielectric substrate: 0.01 in. (b) Thickness of the dielectric substrate: I/16 in These insertion The results compare well loss of the inductive comparison shows tliat attenuation,3 also higher the wider included in with the low strip bandpass of the two filter experimental filter responses [15]. of Fig. 3 the thicker substrate ~rovides better stopband but the measured passband insertion loss is because of the higher amount of energy within lossy dielectric. The dielectric losses are not the computations. 3This is because the reduction of the space between the metallic inserts and the waveguide sidewafls increases the cutoff frequency of the first higher order filter mode. On the other hand this allows increased power propagation directly across the dielectric slab. Therefore, the upper limit are substrate thicknesses of about one quarter-wavelength. 160 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL.MTT-30,NO.2, FEBRUARY 1982 -50” I &l dB -40- -30 -20 -J--kI 1 S21m“ o 32 -30 34 36 38 /., (a) Fig. 5. # \ I I 60 70 65 75 Mil-lz — Calculated and measured insertion-loss of a V-band fin-line (Table I). Thickness of the dielectric substrate: 0.005 in. + -50- 55 50 40 flGHz — filter 1 I I -40- -3- -20Fig. 6. V-band fin-line structure (66.8 GHz), stopband behavior is obtained. Fig. 5 shows the calculated and measured -10- o-r 30 Photoetched / 32 for a designed V-band tric The calculated substrate). fin-line filter minimum about 0.1 dB (versus the measured 34 36 38 miz 40 — The photoetched fin-line (0.005-in insertion thick loss dielec- insertion loss is value of about 1.3 dB). structure (V-band) is shown in Fig. 6. (b) Fig. 4. Calculated and measured insertion loss of Ku-band fin-line filters (Table I). (a) Thickness of the dielectric substrate: 0.01 in. (b) Thickness of the dielectric substrate: 1/32 in. The frequency displacement between the calculated and measured curves is caused by etching errors and production tolerances of the available material: copper cladding thickness about a 2.5 pm, substrate thickness about Y 20 pm. This has been checked by using the measured try of the etched filters in the theory. occur higher statistically, the displacements and lower frequencies. geome- Since the latter errors are towards both For the thicker substrate, again, better CONCLUSION A design theory has been described fin-line filters, consisting for low-insertion of alternating metallic loss bridges and gaps on a dielectric slab mounted between the broad walls of a rectangular waveguide. This theory includes higher order mode propagation, as well as the finite thicknesses of the dielectric slab and the metallic fins. Three-resonator The low-insertion insertion midband tively. The corresponding insertion losses of Ka-band fin-line filters with substrate thicknesses of 0.01 in and 1/32 in are given in Fig. 4. The calculated minimum insertion losses are about 0.3 dB, the measured values about 0.5 and 0.8 dB, respectively. V. are chosen for design examples. loss design leads to measured filters passband losses of about 0.25, 0.5, and 1.3 dB for the frequencies of about 15, 34, and 66 GHz, respec- More resonators yield higher stopband attenuations and steeper characteristics but the insertion loss in passband is also higher (e.g., for a five-resonator filter by about 1.4 dB in Ku-band). The low-insertion loss values result from the considerably higher unloaded Q of this filter resonators in compari- 161 ARNDT et d. : LOW-1NSERTION LOSS FIN-LINE FILTERS son with the common that no tapered structure are required. neutralized if small-gap the g/b small gap design and from transitions from = 1 structure. loss of constructed applications and therefore But however, may suitable long exponential is necessitate transitions since the additional 20-mm the fact to the fin-line The second advantage, solid-state integration waveguide ent substrate of the characteristics thicknesses vide better stopband amount of energy passband shows that thicker attenuation, because of its is suitable lower Lower losses also result porting dielectrics. (u)= the dielectric, RT/duroid matrix pro- ; [2( L)”(((E)-(R)”(R) ”)-’((N)”)-’} ~nll -( L)”((N)”)-’] (V)= with differ- substrates =unit (E)) -’(v) ((u)+ (E)) -’(T”) (R)’ j [2( L)7(E)-(R)V(R)V) v=II =diagonal matrix with finite -’(R) P((N)V)-’)] of the three-waveguides structure length lZ the 5880 is To reduce losses and etching errors, fused silica (quartz) tions within is also higher. material. (E) but because of the higher propagated insertion-loss used for substrate of filters (l’v)=(E)-((u)+ transi- tions (g/b = 1 to g/b =0.2 and back to g/b= 1) for the complete Ku-band was only typically about 0.5 dB, the low-loss fin-line filter design may still compare favorable with the small-gap design also for these applications. A comparison in (5) to insertion double Abbreviations loss from and for further investiga- surface roughness. a complete absence of sup- (N)”: (N)ll=(DHmn)-’( DHnn) APPENDIX (N)lll=(DHmk)-’( Abbreviations DHkk) in (1) (N)*V=(DHWZ,)-’(DHH) f’ f with the matrix x coefficients D Hnn H d–c–e = d–;–x f f D Hkk a—x IV = x and coupling P1 a P1l d–c–e integrals — — P P 111 IV a— () n e .. 111 k;:zAII 2 d+; H~[= 1 ‘–”2 ~=o ~_; L sin~xsin~(x)dx, a C—E 2 (~)”:(~)ll=(~~mm)-’( DEmn) m7r (–) 2 (L)lll=(DEmm)-’( DEmk) (L)lv=(DEmm)-’( DEm/) a mn 2 with the matrix coefficients (-)P1l m7r 2 (-)P 111 m77 (-)P IV 2 DEmm = ;k:~A: a– d – 1 2 /@J12#II IEEE TBANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vOL. MTT-30, NO. 2> FEBRUARY 1982 162 and coupling H.n =~~-C~,, H~~= Hlm a / x=d+ = sin ~ _n~_, (d – ~ – x) sin ~xdx k~ “ (a–x)sin~xdx ‘lna–&+ [8] [9] application,” Arch. Elek. Ubertragung, vol. 31, pp. 40–44, A, Beyer, “Analysis of the characteristics of an earthed [3] [4] e/2 ‘-’/2 sin mv x sin — xdx . a 1~ ~=o J P, J. Meier, “Integrated fin-line millimeter components,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theoiy Tech,, vol. MT1-22, pp. 1209-1216, Dec. 1974, P. J. Meier, “Millimeter integrated circuits suspended in the E-plane of rectangular waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-26, pp. 726–732, oct. 1978. D. Mirshekar-Syahkal and J. B. Davies, “Accurate analysis of tapered planar transmission lines for microwave integrated circuits,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theoiy Tech., vol. MTT-29, pp. 123-128, Feb. 1981. A. M. K. Saad and K. Schtinemann, “A simple method for analyzing fin-line structures,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theoty Tech., vol. MTT26, pp. 1002-1007, Dec. 1978. A. M. K. Saad and K. Schiinemann, “Design and performance of fin-line bandpass filters,” in Proc. 10th European Microwave Conf., (Warsaw), Sept. 1980 pp. 397-401. H. E. Hennawy and K. Schiinemann, “Anafysis of fin-line discontinuities,” in Proc. 9th European Microwaoe Conf., (Brighton), Sept. 1979, pp. 448-452, H. Hofmann, “Dispersion of planar wavegtrides for millimeter-wave [2] integrals ~—c [5] 2 [6] Abbreviations in (11) (W)=((E)-(Q22)( R)(Q22)(R))-1 R mm Scattering coefficients = [7] e–Jk~J1, of the single step IEEE (Q,,) =2(%I-’(LJ(J4)-(E) [10] (Qn)=2(~) (Q,2)=Z(%-’(LY)( M)(DE)-’(%) (Q22)=Z(Jf)(%-’( [11] LE)-(E) (W=((%-’(%)+(%) -’(%))-’ [12] D ~~~ = ;k;~A; [13] D ~~~ = :k::A; . [14] The coefficients of the matrices (;J and ( L~) are given by kzk(A~lI:k + B;lI~; + A;l(– T1kI~; +1;[)+ A~vI~v~) [15] Trans. Microwave Theoy Tech., vol. MTT-29, 1971. fin-line,” pp. 676-680, July 1981. A. Beyer and I. Wolff, “A solution of the earthed fin-line with finite metallization thickness,” in 1980 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Sywyr. Dig. (Washington, DC) pp. 258-260. L. P. Schmidt, T. Itoh, and H. Hofrnann, “Characteristics of unilateral fin-line structures with arbitrarily located slots,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theoty Tech., vol. MTT29, pp. 352-355, Apr. 1981. F. Arndt and U. Paul, “The reflection definition of the characteristic impedance of microstrips,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-27, pp. 724-731, Aug. 1979. A. Hock and J. Rinderle, “Zur Anwendung der Evolutionsstrategie auf Schaftungen der Nachrichtentechnik,” Frequenz, 208-214, 1980. H. Schmiedel, “Anwendung der Evolutionsoptimierung wellenschaltungen,” Frequenz, vol. 35, 1981. vol. 34, pp. bei mikro- Y. Konishi and K. Uenakada, “The design of a bandpass filter with inductive strip-planar circuit mounted in waveguide,” IEEE Tram Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MT1-22, pp. 869-873, Oct. 1974, * = L~~~ with the abbreviations T1k=tan(k~~. Coupling a). couplers and microstrip techniques at the Techticaf University of Darmstadt. Since 1972 he has been a Professor of Microwave Engineering at the University of Bremen, Germany. His research activities are at rxesent in the area of the solution of field problems of waveguide and fin-~ine structures, of antenna design, and of microwave holography, Dr. Amdt is member of the VDE and NTG (Germany). In 1970 received the NTG award, integrals I;~k = d – e/2 J cos(kj-x)sin(~x)dx ~=c+e/2 w = J:;::,2sin I:; = ~:;[= “ / ~Id~e/z sin ( %X cos ( k~~x ) sin a Jx=d+ I~vk = (w sin ( k~~x ) sin e/2 c – e/z sin ( k:~x ) sin () () ) dx m77 7X dx * dx ~X a mv ‘X J~ =0 () dx. REFEREFJCES [1] P. J, Meier, “Equivalent of integrated fin-line,” Apr. 1~73. Fritz Arndt was born in Konstanz, Germany, on April 30, 1938, He received the Dipl.-Ing., the Dr.-Ing., and the Habilitation degrees from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, in 1963, 1968, and 1972, respectively. From 1963 to 1972 he worked on directional relative permittivity and unloaded Electron. Lett,, vol. 9, no. 7, VD. L. Q-factor 162– 163. Jens Bornemann was born in Hamburg, West Germany, on May 26, 1952. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering in 1980 from the University of Bremen, West Germany. Since 1980 he has been with the Microwave Department of the University of Bremen. His topics of interest include waveguide structures, discontinuity problems, and numerical techniques in electromagnet tic theory. 163 IEEETRANSACTIONS ONMICROWAVE THEORY ANDTECHNIQUES, VOL.MTT-30,NO.2, FEBRUARY 1982 Riidlger Vahfdieck was born in Heiligenhafen, Germany, on July 8, 1951. He received his Dipl.Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Bremen, West Germany, in 1980. His present research activities are in the field Dietrich Grauerholz was born in Krems II, Germany, on September 22, 1945. He received the Dipl.-Ing. in 1971. From 1971 to 1973 he worked in the HighFrequency Laboratory of Elektro-Spezial (Philips). In 1973 he joined the Microwave De- of microwave integrated circuits and in solving electromagnetic field problems for severaf waveguide discontinuities. Since 1980 he has been with the Microwave Department of the University of Bremen. partment of the University of Bremen, where he has been engaged in the research and development of microstnp circuits, fin-line structures, and microwave measurements. Radial-Symmetric N-Way TEM-Line IMPATT Diode Power Combining Arrays DEAN A bsfract —Ckcuit class of IMPA’fT radial-symmetric circuit N-way ered. circuits to perfo~ combiners and resistively 10-dB predicts examples frequencies IMPATT X-band and provide properties Theoretical X-band design and stability diode an optimaf stabilized this A 1OO-W resistively a 150-MHz locking function. N-way combining Predictions a l-dB integration adding which make use of reatistic indicate are developed These combiners the power of properties. combiner gain. criteria diode power combiners. for of device and Both combiners a 30-W stabilized 1O-GHZ Iossless are considare given experimentally bandwidtb for a new make use of technique locking bandwidth, F. PETERSON, ten-diode Iossless of 300 MHz ten-diode also at 10-dB locking at determined and combiner gain. MEMBER, IEEE cylindrical T he purpose TMO~O cavities of the nonresonant Wilkinson hybrid of Harp N-way et al. [3]–[6]. combiner include [7] and the five-way combiner of this paper is to present a new approach to circuit-level power combining of negativeresistance devices in general and IMPATT diodes in partic- of Rucker Each of these power combining circuits has its associated performance limitations, design criteria, and problems. Corporate or serial combiners have the advantage of isolation between and provide devices to eliminate broadband of often deleterious performance, substantial circuit require stabilization resistors among devices and undesired interactions but have the disadand combining [1], often at high power levels. Resonant INTRODUCTION Examples the nonplanar [8]. vantage I., ‘ to N-way suppress oscillation losses combiners interactions modes in a high-Q ular. In a recent review article, the present state of microwave power combining techniques was effectively summarized by Russell [1], to which the reader is referred for an in-depth discussion of various combiner types and their cavity, leading to narrow-band although high-efficiency combining. Nonresonant N-way stWctures usually provide larger bandwidths with a corresponding increase in the mode suppression problem. Rucker’s techqique [8] analyzed by Kurokawa [9] has been successful, as has apparently performance. been a conical line technique be classified the outputs Basically, roughly from into level, combiners two categories: all devices are combined and corporate (hybrid) levels at the circuit are successively N-way, in which in a single step, or serial, in which increasing combined. N-way can power combiners are often additionally separated into resonant and nonresonant structures. Examples of the former are the waveguide combiner of Kurokawa and Megalhaes [2] and the circular spaced TEM tor power combining The combining haps be classified networks. July 2, 1981; revised August 31, 1981. This work Air Force AvioNcs Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Contract F3361 5-77-C-1132. the Electron Physics Laboratory, Department of Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, arrays of equally for transis- [1 1]. circuits treated in this paper could peras N-way nonresonant ‘transmission-line opposed however, the “circuit” intertwined such that dently. Manuscript received was supported by the Air Force Base, under The author is with Electncaf and Computer MI 48109. As [ 10]. Radial lines have been used successfully to other networks and “device” each cannot Hence the combiner of this type, properties are closely be specified indepen- represents, in some sense, an optimal integration of device and circuit to perform the power adding function. Both lossless and resistively stabilized symmetrical combining circuits are considered and each can provide the desired suppression of the unwanted non-power-producing modes while affording design flexi- 0018-9480/82/0200-0163$00.75 ,01982 IEEE