IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 Overview of voltage sag mitigation techniques Ambra Sannino Department of Electrical Engineering University of Palermo, Italy Michelle Ghans Miller, Math H.J.Bollen Department of Electric Power Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 outline • need for voltage sag mitigation • mitigation through system improvement • increasing equipment immunity • installation of additional equipment • conclusions Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy 2 IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 today’s scenario the need for power quality improvement Factory sensitive equipment production lines Automated factories use sensitive equipment • power electronics (AC and DC drives) • process-control electronics (computers, PLCs) Faults in the power system can cause process interruptions with associated costs due to loss of production, damaged product and equipment, and other factors Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy 3 IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 4 different faults cause different sags 100% Voltage 80% 50% remote MV networks transmission network motor starting local MV network fuses interruptions 0% 0.1 s 1s Duration Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 5 from system faults to process interruptions Faults in the utility power system: • three-phase • single-phase-to-ground • phase-to-phase Consequences at the PCC: • voltage sags • interruptions Consequences on the process: • equipment trip • process interruption Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 improving power quality for sensitive customers system improvement mitigation equipment improvement of equipment immunity Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy 6 IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 mitigation through system improvement critical factors: improvements: • frequency of events • reducing the number of faults • sag duration • reducing the duration of faults • sag magnitude • changing power system layout Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy 7 IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 8 equipment sensitivity (1) POWER SYSTEM ~ ~ ~ SINGLE-PHASE DIODE RECTIFIER DC-DC CONVERTER DIODE RECTIFIER low-power electronics POWER SYSTEM INVERTER AC drive ~ + FIELD WINDING - DC MOTOR ARMATURE WINDING CONTROLLED RECTIFIER ~ SINGLE-PHASE DIODE RECTIFIER DC drive Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy AC MOTOR IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 9 equipment sensitivity (2) sag 70% magnitude, 100 ms duration 1 voltage [V] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 time [s] effect of a sag on a single-phase rectifier Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 equipment sensitivity (3) sag 70% magnitude, 100 ms duration on phase C 250 voltage [V] 200 150 100 50 0 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 time [s] effect of an unbalanced sag on a three-phase rectifier Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy 10 IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 11 improving equipment immunity • low-power electronics: adding capacitance, improving the dc/dc converter • AC drives : adding capacitance, reducing the setting for the dc bus protection • DC drives: implementing proper control algorithms for adjusting the firing angle of the devices according to changes in the input voltage. Adding capacitance is not a viable option Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 12 mitigation devices • motor-generator set • ferroresonance transformer • electronic tap changer • uninterruptible power supply • static transfer switch • series-connected voltage source converter • shunt-connected back-up source Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 13 different sags require different solutions 100% Voltage 80% 50% remote MV networks equipment improvement motor starting transmission network local MV network fuses system improvement interruptions 0% 0.1 s 1s Duration Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy IEEE Winter Meeting 2000, Singapore, 23-27 January 2000 14 conclusions • mitigation of voltage sags requires careful inspection of the characteristics of the process and of the nature and origin of sag events • the installation of mitigation devices (normally the only choice for the customer) can be seen as a short-term solution. The mitigation capability of these devices is mainly limited by the energy storage capacity • only improvement of system performance (for long, deep sags) and of equipment tolerance (for short, shallow sags) can solve the problem in the long term Ambra Sannino - University of Palermo, Italy